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"Every soul here is a monster. This is where they come to prey upon each other for all eternity."

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a character in “Supernatural: Dark Desires”, as played by divinedarkness


"I am an Angel of the Lord."

Theme Songs

Savin’ Me ||Nickelback


I’d come for you ||Nickelback

The Basics


Full Name
Jimmy Novak

Appearance Age
Twenty-eight to thirty


Love Interest
Skylar Winchester


Outside Looking In

♘The Winchesters
♘Addie (His daughter)

♙Showing Emotions
♙Seeing those he cares about in pain
♙Following the rules

A little Deeper

Castiel is strong, determined, impulsive, competitive, ignorant and naive. Like most angels, Castiel expresses little to no emotion which creates a lot of flaws and complexities in his persona. Despite this, he does not display the blank apathy or mocking superiority complex that seem to characterize angels such as Uriel or Lucifer. His lack of emotion and understanding of human traits such as sarcasm has often led to humorous situations throughout the show and have occasionally almost got him into trouble with humans, ultimately leaving Dean or Sam to amend the situation. He does, however, become close friends with the brothers, who encourage him to be more kind, caring and more selfless.

More of his Personality

So begins...

Castiel's Story


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Character Portrait: Skylar Winchester Character Portrait: Dean Winchester Character Portrait: Castiel
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The past year and a half had been rough on Skylar. She'd lost her mother and had been forced to leave her home in search of any family that she had. She spent quite a bit of time on her own, simply following the visions that she kept receiving that revealed to her where her two half-brothers were headed. It had taken a bit to convince the two men that she was, in fact, a Winchester. Sam had been the easier one to convince. Dean, on the other hand, was a different story. As they traveled together, Skylar and Sam became rather close. It had always bothered her that the older man wanted nothing to do with her.

She knew not to push him, though. With time, she'd broken through his defenses and she was glad that he'd finally let her in. Now, the three Winchesters traveled around together. Dean wanted Skylar to have nothing to do with the family business however, Sam often enlists her help without their brother's knowledge. She loves helping out as it always makes her feel as if she's getting that much closer to the Demon that killed her mother.

All that Skylar knew was that she was back in her hometown of Marshall, Alaska. She knew all of the local stores and the people that she passed. She had no idea why she was there. She'd left that place behind. Her eyes took in everything that she saw, trying to understand what it was that she was supposed to see. She sighed softly as she continued down the main part of town. Skylar had not realized but..she missed her home. Not neccassarily the cold..but she did miss the people and places.

Suddenly, she found herself standing outside of Mr. and Mrs. Nester's home. She stood at the bottom of the steps, looking up at the house. She couldn't fathom why she would be seeing this particular place. Just as she was about to walk away, movement caught her eye. To the right of where she was standing, very close to her, a figure appeared. Skylar was surprised and nearly jumped when she realized that a little girl was watching her. She tried speaking to the child but neither could understand the other. Skylar could see the girl was trying to tell her something when all of a sudden her entire body disappeared into the house. That was when she heard screaming.

Skylar woke up screaming at the top of her lungs. In a matter of seconds Dean and Sam were bursting through her hotel door. Perfect she thought...and just after being able to have her own room. The boys rushed in as if they were all under attack by some unseen force. "Sky..what's wrong? We could hear you from our room." Sam asked, sitting down next to the small young woman. Dean was walking about the room, checking every possible place for something to be hiding. Skylar looked apologetically at her brother. "Nothing's wrong, Sam. I just had a bad dream. I'm feel terrible for waking you guys up." Sam visibly relaxed, immediately believing his sister's fib.

Dean slowly approached his younger siblings. "You had us freaked, kid. You're sure you're all right? We can all stay in here if you want. I don't think that you should be by yourself." Skylar rolled her eyes. "Deean," she whined, "It was just a bad dream. I don't need you two babysitting me. Go back to your room. I'm just going to go ahead and get ready for the day. If I need you I'll yell. Now go. Get." The two men watched their sister for a moment longer before agreeing that she would be fine by herself. Skylar watched as her brothers left her alone.

Once she was satisfied that they'd truly leave her alone, she got out of bed and made her way into the small bathroom. She stripped and then got into the shower. She spent at least a hour there before getting out and drying off. She then proceeded to get dressed and then did her hair. When she was satisfied with how she looked, she grabbed her hoodie and pulled the sleeves up enough so that her bracelets could been seen and headed out the door. She made her way over to her brothers' room and knocked.

Skylar didn't have to wait long before the door opened, allowing her entry. She quickly sat down on one of the beds, watching the two. She could tell that they were on to another case. "Don't you think that you're showing a bit too much skin for someone your age?" Dean asked her. Skylar laughed. "No. Just the perfect amount, I'd say. Besides..what does it matter? It's just us." Dean walked closer to his sister. "We're getting ready to leave and I'm just concerned that you aren't dressed properly." Skylar stood, glaring at her brother. "I look fine, so drop it. Where are we headed?"

It was then that Dean and Same explained to Skylar where and why they were going. They were going to Marshall. There was some big bad ghost that was tormenting a local family. It was then that Skylar thought about the dream that she'd had. She was heading home and though she was excited, she hoped that the trip would be rather calm compared to some that they'd been on. The Winchesters all got their things together before heading out, heading towards Alaska.

Once they had arrived, they got rooms at a small hotel. Skylar had her own room and the boys shared. The three went into their rooms, unpacking and settling in. The walls were thin..just like all the others in their previous hotels. She could hear her brother talking to Castiel. Perhaps that was why Dean was bothering her about what she was wearing? "Took you long enough. Did you find out anything about the ghost?"

Skylar had only been around Castiel a few times. She thought that he was one of the most kindest beings that she had ever met. He was always ready to help them when they needed him. There was no doubt in her mind that Cas would risk his life for them. The last time that she'd seen him, she'd not really known what to say to him. She liked him..alot. More than she had ever liked anyone before. Skylar didn't know what that meant. It confused her. She quickly made sure that she looked okay before leaving her room and entering her brothers'. Sure enough, there was Castiel. She beamed at him brightly. "Don't you know how to knock?" Dean asked, looking at her. Skylar merely nodded her head. "Where have you been, Castiel? I haven't seen you in so long! I was beginning to think that you didn't like me anymore." She pouted at him, sitting down on the bed closest to him. Her eyes never left him and she could feel her brothers' eyes on her.

She paid no attention to the others in the room. She was sure that they would have a talk with her later seeing as how she'd refused to change. She was used to the cold and she loved it. After a few long moments, Dean spoke. "As you were saying, Cas? We need to get to work. If this ghost is as bad as we've heard, we need to take care of them and quick."

Everyone is the room listened to Cas. When he was finished speaking, Dean walked closer to Castiel. "Okay, so me and Sam are going to go check out the house and pick up some are going to stay here with Skylar. I'm serious Cas. Nothing better happen to her while we're gone." Skylar watched as her brothers left, Dean turning around to make sure that Cas was going to stay, then closed the door. That, was how Skylar ended up alone with Castiel.

She sat there for a few long moments before looking at him again. "So, are we just going to sit here or do you want to watch something with me? Dean didn't say that we couldn't do that." Skylar watched the man for a long moment, smiling. "You can't watch the movie from there. Here, sit with me." she said, motioning for Castiel to join her on the small bed. As she waited for him to join her, she found a movie that they could watch. She then looked back at him, still smiling.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Winchester Character Portrait: Dean Winchester Character Portrait: Castiel Character Portrait: Addalaciea De' Leon Character Portrait: Addie De'Leon
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Addie could never sleep, it was beginning to become irritating. Not that angel’s needed sleep, but she’d been living like a human for so long, that sleep felt necessary to her and when she didn’t sleep she found she was more irritable than normal. So instead of sleeping like she wanted to she sat up in her bed, reading the completely works of Shakespeare, MacBeth was by far her favorite.

She spent the whole night reading the huge book from cover to cover and when she finally finished the last page the sun was rising. Normally she was out and about following Skylar around. She was the youngest Winchester and she could feel how strong the girl was. She was powerful and maybe that’s why Addalaceia felt the need to constantly look after her, because if she could feel Sky’s power so could other beings.

But, ever since she’d found her brother’s Lace had been protecting her less and less because she didn’t feel like Sky really needed her around much anymore. So for the past month she’d been residing in a house she bought a few years back in Marshall, which happened to be Sky’s home town. The house was too big for just her, but then again she’d gotten it for a good deal.

She made herself a cup of coffee, outside snow was loosely packed on the ground from last night’s storm, but despite last night’s storm the sun hung high in the. After she sat in silence sipping on her coffee for a long time she finally headed upstairs. She changed into her outfit slipping on her black calf high boots.

She looked herself over in the mirror. She’d gone through great lengths to avoid her father and make sure he wouldn’t recognize her. She’d dyed her natural chestnut hair, jet black, given herself bangs and cut her long, hip length hair to the middle of her back, not to mention blending in with the humans ad living like them had somehow made her appearance a little more rugged. She was still beautiful, it was just she’d lost a lot of her angelic look and had taken on a more human appearance.

She stepped outside and there was something strange in the air, she couldn’t place it but it was bothering her. The air around her was more powerful. She’d heard about a ghost, but this energy was different it wasn’t that of a ghost, she chose though to ignore it as she walked into town, she loved that her house wasn’t very far from town. She made her way to the small restaurant like she did every morning to have breakfast.

She sat down at the booth looking through the menu, despite the fact she already knew what she wanted. She did the same routine every day, as if she was really a boring human and a part of her really loved it. She glanced up only to recognize the Winchester brothers.

“Shit, what the hell are those idiots doing here.” She breathed hiding behind her menu even though she knew they wouldn’t know who she was she still felt the need to hide, if they were there it meant Sky was there.


Castiel had been following Sam on and off for the past year or so. He’d pulled Dean from hell and after that he’d become super close with the Winchester brothers. Then there was there little sister, who he’d grown quite fond of. She was brave, beautiful, and a hunter just like her brothers. Only he knew there was something special about her something that he couldn’t quite place yet.

When he wasn’t looking after the Winchester siblings or doing something Dean had ordered him to do, he was looking for his daughter Addalaceia. It’d been close to two hundred years since he’d seen her last and he was told she was still alive and if she was she was doing a damn good job at staying hidden and that killed him.

But, maybe that was why he’d grown so close to the Winchester’s because each of them reminded him a little bit of her in some way or another. Only there was a part of him the felt a little more for Skylar then he’d liked to admit, but he’d suppressed those feelings because it wasn’t right in more ways than one.

Not only was she Sam and Dean’s younger sister, but she was way too young, not to mention falling for a human was against heaven’s laws and he’d be kicked out for sure. It was bad enough he was already rebelling, to be kicked out for loving a human would be complete blasphemy on his part and he’d be damning Skylar. So ignoring his feelings for her was for the best, in everyone’s case.

He felt his cell phone ring in his pocket and Dean started spouting off his location like usual, but before he had a chance to finish Cas was already in the room standing before the two Winchester brother’s. He hung the phone up and slid it back into his pocket.

"Took you long enough. Did you find out anything about the ghost?" Dean asked.

“My apologize, but I have yet to find any information on the ghost.” He said standing fairly close to Dean. “I just got here.” He said honestly not sure why Dean seemed so upset already. He didn’t really understand human emotions, he’d gotten better at it, but it was still quite a mystery to him.

"Where have you been, Castiel? I haven't seen you in so long! I was beginning to think that you didn't like me anymore." Skylar said bursting through the door, ignoring her brother’s comment. Cas smiled at her as he hld her eyes watching her sit down on the bed.

"As you were saying, Cas? We need to get to work. If this ghost is as bad as we've heard, we need to take care of them and quick." Dean said before Cas had the chance to say anything to Sky. He flicked his eyes back to Dean and gave him a simple nod. "Okay, so me and Sam are going to go check out the house and pick up some are going to stay here with Skylar. I'm serious Cas. Nothing better happen to her while we're gone."

Castiel nodded, he knew Dean was quite fond of his younger sister, despite the fact he didn’t show it, Cas just knew and because Dean and Sam cared for her, that made him care for her that much more. It was an odd feeling, he’d always been taught to have no emotion around the Humans yet it was different with the Winchesters.

"So, are we just going to sit here or do you want to watch something with me? Dean didn't say that we couldn't do that." he smiled back at her debating on what they could do, he didn’t mind looking after her. "You can't watch the movie from there. Here, sit with me."

He sat down next to her, not so much awkwardly, but a little stiff. Not exactly sure how to act around her alone, he’d never actually been alone with the youngest Winchester.

“A movie sounds nice.” He said calmly watching as she searched for a movie. “Why would you think that I didn’t like you?” he asked referring to her question from earlier. “Did I do something wrong?” he said glancing to her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Winchester Character Portrait: Dean Winchester Character Portrait: Castiel Character Portrait: Addie De'Leon
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“A movie sounds nice.” Castiel said. “Why would you think that I didn’t like you? Did I do something wrong?” At hearing his questions, Skylar smiled. She should have known that he would not understand that she was joking with him. She turned her eyes to him, holding his gaze. She smiled kindly at him. "You didn't do anything wrong, you silly Angel. I was only joking with you." At last, she settled on a movie. She had no idea the name as they just missed it but she did know that it was a good movie that was about two people who eventually fell in love even though the odds were against them. Skylar turned her gaze back to Castiel for a moment. "You know, Castiel..if Dean is going to have someone stay with me..I'm glad that it's you."

She fell silent, looking away from him and tried to concentrate on what was happening on the television. She was actually surprised that Dean trusted Castiel enough to leave her with him. It was not often that he trusted anyone other than himself or Sam. This..was actually the first time she'd been allowed to stay with Castiel by herself. Suddenly, her nervousness returned. She wanted nothing more than to simply run to her room and hide. She quickly began taking a few deep breaths and it did not take her too long to calm down. There was really no reason for her to be so worked up.

Skylar had kept her talent to herself. She briefly wondered what the man beside her would think if she were to confide in him and tell him what she could see. She quickly decided against it. She didn't want him to think any different of her. As they sat there, watching the movie, she spoke again, not looking at him. "You know, before I found Sam and Dean..when I was still living here..I was picked on really badly. I used to think that if I could ever get out of Marshall that I would never come back. It's sort of funny, in a way, that I would end up back here so soon and that I'm not completely opposed to it." Her mood quickly shifted as she thought about the life that she'd had. She hoped that she wouldn't run into anyone that she'd known. She didn't want Dean or Same to find out that she could see the future.



After they had left Skylar and Cas at the small hotel, Dean and Sam made their way to the small restaurant. They'd decided to eat first, order Skylar something, check out the house, and then head back to the hotel. It didn't take them long to reach their first destination. They entered and took a seat, waiting to have their orders taken. As they sat there, waiting, they began talking about the case. "So, their has to be a reason that the ghost is tormenting the family so badly. They don't normally do that unless there is a reason." Sam said, watching his brother. He immediately noticed that Dean wasn't paying attention to him. He sighed, "Dean? to Dean?" Finally, the older man answered. "Yeah?" Same could see that he still wasn't paying attention.

Suddenly, Dean got up from his seat and made his way over to a booth, sitting down at a booth. "Hope this seat isn't taken." he said, nodding at her. He smiled and then continued. "The name's Joe Young. I couldn't help but notice you sitting over here by yourself. I just can't believe that a pretty girl like you would be by themselves. Can I get you a coffee?"

As Dean looked at the young woman, he was rather taken by her. She was beautiful. More so than any other woman he had ever seen. He normally didn't want to really get to know people that he came across but for some reason..he did want to get to know her. "So, I'm actually working on a case. The Nester family has been having some problems in their home. Would you happen to know anything about that?" he asked, watching her closely.


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Character Portrait: Skylar Winchester Character Portrait: Dean Winchester Character Portrait: Castiel Character Portrait: Addie De'Leon
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"Hope this seat isn't taken." Dean’s voice made Addie rolled her eyes, he was pulling his usual smooth guy act, she’d seen it a million times. "The name's Joe Young. I couldn't help but notice you sitting over here by yourself. I just can't believe that a pretty girl like you would be by themselves. Can I get you a coffee?" she put her menu down in front of her like she was actually falling for his act. "So, I'm actually working on a case. The Nester family has been having some problems in their home. Would you happen to know anything about that?"

“Joe young hu?” she said in a fake sweet tone. “You don’t look like a Joe.” She smirked, holding his yellow green eyes with her own brown ones.

He really was a huge idiot. Humans like Skylar made her want to try and be a better angel, then Humans like Dean made her lose all hope in humanity. Though she had to admit he was really attractive. She shook the thought almost as quickly as it had come to mind. She raised a brow looking over him as if she was ready to hope into bed with him, because she was about to rip him a new one.

“Yeah, I actually happen to know the Nesters personally, their daughter passed away a year ago and that’s when the hauntings started happening.” She shrugged like it was no big deal. “She’s a bratty little girl who won’t pass on, that’s it.” She said getting impatient wanting to get her coffee and go.

They knew Lace, well enough to know she got coffee and that’s all she order. Despite the fact she had coffee at home, she came to the cafĂ© every morning just to people watch and have another cup of coffee. Only this time she didn’t want to stay and people watch she just wanted to leave.

Finally they brought her, her coffee and she placed a few dollars in the waitresses hand. Before turning her eyes back to Dean a wicked glint in her brown eyes.

“You know Dean lying just makes me not want to trust you.” She said in a low tone “And, no you can’t buy me a coffee because I’m perfectly capable of it babe.” She winked, taking a sip of her coffee debating on whether she wanted to leave or stay for his reaction.


"You didn't do anything wrong, you silly Angel. I was only joking with you." that made him relax a bit "You know, Castiel..if Dean is going to have someone stay with me..I'm glad that it's you." he smiled at her, it was nice to know she was happy having him around.

it was quite for a long time and he focused on the tv screen, watching the movie on the screen. He kind of hated the fact that he’d never have that. He’d never be able to have a normal relationship with a human or an angel. He’d love to have those feelings, but being an angel was both a blessing and a curse.

"You know, before I found Sam and Dean..when I was still living here..I was picked on really badly. He turned his attention back to her. ”I used to think that if I could ever get out of Marshall that I would never come back. It's sort of funny, in a way, that I would end up back here so soon and that I'm not completely opposed to it."

He could tell by the shift of energy in the room that her thoughts were not good ones. He hated that she felt that way, he could feel how she was feel, it was something that came along with his powers. If he was attached to a human in anyway, he could feel their emotions. Not in as much depth, but he could still feel it.

“You humans are interesting.” He started keeping his attention on her. “Why anyone would make you feel what your feeling is beyond me.” He sighed “Dean on the other hand, I could see why people would get upset or off put by him, but not you.” He said giving her a small smile. “I wouldn’t let them bother you know Sky
your brothers love you and if I wasn’t mistaken, you have a guardian that watches over you frequently. I can sense another angel follows you, her energy is all over you.” He smiled.


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Character Portrait: Skylar Winchester Character Portrait: Dean Winchester Character Portrait: Castiel Character Portrait: Addie De'Leon
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Skylar's attention was pulled from her thoughts when Castiel spoke. “You humans are interesting. Why anyone would make you feel what your feeling is beyond me.” She heard him sigh before he continued. “Dean on the other hand, I could see why people would get upset or off put by him, but not you. I wouldn’t let them bother you know Sky
your brothers love you and if I wasn’t mistaken, you have a guardian that watches over you frequently. I can sense another angel follows you, her energy is all over you.” Skylar gently leaned into Castiel, a small smile on her face. She rested her head on his shoulder. "Not everyone can understand the unexplained. They cope with that by tormenting those that are different from them." she said, her eyes flicking up to look at Castiel.

She just couldn't tell him. The best that she could do right then was to hint at the fact that she was different from those around her. She just didn't know if Cas would pick up on it. "I have a angel that follows me around? I highly doubt that. I would have seen them by now. Anyway, thank you Cas." she said, looking away from him. Her eyes found the movie again. Skylar couldn't express to him how much she truly appreciated what he'd said. She wasn't used to having someone telling her that there was at least a few people in the world that cared for her.

As the movie continued to play, Skylar could feel her entire body just completely relax. It was rare for her to be so relaxed out of fear of having a vision. For once, she wasn't afraid of having them. "Do you think that Dean will ever let me help you guys?" she asked, once again looking up at the man. She wanted so badly to be able to help all three of them but Dean was persistent in his stance on the subject. Skylar could not even see a way to convince her oldest brother that she could help.

"I can take care of myself. I used to take karate when I was younger and there's no way anyone could touch me. I know that you don't believe me..I mean..I'm really small for my age but I promise you..I won't be in the way or anything. Sam's been coming to me for some time to help with cases..not that Dean knows about that. He'd flip." she laughed, smiling at the thought. She could already see her brother's reaction if he ever found out that Skylar was helping out without his permission.



“Yeah, I actually happen to know the Nesters personally, their daughter passed away a year ago and that’s when the hauntings started happening. She’s a bratty little girl who won’t pass on, that’s it.” the woman said. Dean thought for a short moment before replying to her. "Interesting. So according to you there is no real reason for her to be staying here.." There was a few more moments of silence as Dean thoughts about the little girl that was possibly haunting the family. Suddenly, the woman spoke again. “You know Dean lying just makes me not want to trust you. And, no you can’t buy me a coffee because I’m perfectly capable of it babe." Dean was almost speechless..almost.

He couldn't believe that this woman knew his real name. How was that possible? He immediately glared at the woman. He took hold of her wrist, his eyes never leaving her form. There was no way that she was Human..not if she knew his name. "I don't know who or what you are..but how do you know my name?" He fell silent, allowing her a chance to speak. He continued to watch her. He just couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that this woman was possibly a threat to his family.

"Answer me now." he said in a hushed tone. His face had changed from being kind and inviting to one of worry and agitation. He could feel Sam's gaze on them now. The younger man was most likely wonder what was going on. It would only be a matter of time until Sam would make his way over to his brother to see what was going on. "" he asked, his voice raising a bit. He was beginning to get angry with her. He finally released her though his eyes stayed on her beautiful form. This was just his luck. He found a pretty woman..and of course things always turned out this way.


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Character Portrait: Skylar Winchester Character Portrait: Dean Winchester Character Portrait: Castiel Character Portrait: Addalaciea De' Leon
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She could tell she’d caught him off guard, using his real name and she knew both Dean and Sam well enough from following them, that Dean was about to over react and getting a rise out of him was exactly what she wanted. She loved messing with humans like Dean she had way to much fun. He grabbed her wrists and her skin burned where his skin burned and that caught her off guard.

She flicked her eyes to his wondering if he was feeling the same sensation, but she quickly changed her expression to fear, like she was scared of him, that he’d actually caught her, it was scary how good of an actress Addie was.

"I don't know who or what you are
but how do you know my name?" it fell silent and he had given her a chance to speak only she didn’t take it, because she knew if she stayed silent it would piss him off. "Answer me now." he said in a hush tone and it was then she finally wiped the damsel in distress look of her face and smirked wickedly. "" this time he raised his voice and he finally released her wrists.

“Now that’s no way to treat a lady, is it Dean?” she pouted her bottom lip. “I’m the ghost haunting the Nester’s house.” She said sarcastically “Boo.” She said holding his eyes, like they were the only two people in the restaurant.

The truth was she knew more about Sam, Dean, and Skylar then she’d like to know. She knew Dean was a playboy, who didn’t take anything seriously. Sam was the brains, he was always the sweet caring one, then there was Sky who was more like a little sister to Addie and she honestly missed her.

“Don’t be so stupid.” She finally spat “He said your name you idiot
” she said gesturing to Sam “How else would I know it.” She rolled her eyes and shook her head. “You were more than a little obvious when you were starting at me just a few tables over.” She said harshly.

She hated the way he was so quick to judge her. He knew then that Dean would never actually let her hang around Sky if he knew what she really was and she had to admit that hurt a little. It was like a slap in the face.

“Plus I’m a friend of your sisters.” She finally said standing up “All of you Winchesters look similar and she had a brother names Dean
it’s not hard to put one and one together.” She said standing up. “Your sister’s Sky right?” she said, but answered before he had the chance “Thought so, you really should learn to think before you act
ass hole.” She said heading for the door.


He felt small sparks of electricity when she rested her head on his shoulder, but he ignored them. He felt like he should wrap his arm around her and pull her closer, because that would feel right, but he knew he couldn’t.

"Not everyone can understand the unexplained. They cope with that by tormenting those that are different from them." Cas had surprisingly caught on to her hint, because he already had a feeling she was different, yet he still didn’t know what was so different. He could feel her power, but couldn’t place it. "I have a angel that follows me around? I highly doubt that. I would have seen them by now. Anyway, thank you Cas."

She may not want to believe it, but it was the truth there was another angel’s essence that surrounded her, yet there was a block on it. He couldn’t tell who it was and no one could sense her which meant she was fairly powerful and she blended with the humans, whoever she was.

"Do you think that Dean will ever let me help you guys?" she asked pulling him from his thought and he knew the answer, Dean had confided in him several times. "I can take care of myself. I used to take karate when I was younger and there's no way anyone could touch me. I know that you don't believe me..I mean..I'm really small for my age but I promise you..I won't be in the way or anything. Sam's been coming to me for some time to help with cases..not that Dean knows about that. He'd flip." Cas let out a small laugh at what the young girl had said.

“I’m sure you could take care of yourself. You are a Winchester after all.” He smiled down at her. “But it takes a little more than Karate to take down a demon.” He sighed. “Just give Dean time, eventually he’ll let you
he’s just worried, you and Sam mean a lot to him.” He said honestly. “And I’m sure Sam’s trying to convince him.” He said gently before standing up.

He actually rather liked spending time with the youngest Winchester alone, but he was drawn to her more then he should be and staying to long probably would only make him tempted and so he figured going to find Sam and Dean would be the best for now.

“We should probably find your brothers, will never find that ghost if Dean finds a place that sells pie.” He smirked down at her offering his hand to help her up.


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Character Portrait: Skylar Winchester Character Portrait: Dean Winchester Character Portrait: Castiel Character Portrait: Addie De'Leon
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"I’m sure you could take care of yourself. You are a Winchester after all. But it takes a little more than Karate to take down a demon. Just give Dean time, eventually he’ll let you
he’s just worried, you and Sam mean a lot to him..And I’m sure Sam’s trying to convince him.” Cas said. Skylar could understand what the Angel was saying but that didn't mean that she liked it. She remained silent, simply content to think over what had been said. Castiel spoke again not too long later, bringing the young girl out of her thoughts. “We should probably find your brothers, will never find that ghost if Dean finds a place that sells pie.” He smirked down at her offering his hand to help her up. She laughed, taking his offered hand and getting up. "If we are heading out, I need to change. Wait here. I'll just be a minute." She smiled at the Angel and quickly left the room and made her way into her own. She closed the door and quickly dug out a different outfit.

Skylar dressed as quickly as she could, leaving her hair the way that she'd fixed it earlier and then paused, looking at herself in the small mirror. The necklace that she always wore had been a gift from her mother for her fifteenth birthday. Though Skylar had stopped talking about her visions with most people, her mother had found the necklace and had thought that her daughter would love it. It just had seemed to scream Skylar. The young woman never went anywhere without the necklace. Dean and Sam had often asked her about it though she'd always refused to talk about it with them. She just felt as if they wouldn't understand why it meant so much to her.

She quickly grabbed her bag that contained her father's notebook, her laptop, keys, phone, pens, and her diary. Skylar exited her room and went back to the room where she'd left Castiel. She entered and smiled at him. "Are you ready to go? I'd be willing to bet that they are at the diner. You know how Dean is." she said, grabbing his arm and pulling him after her. Once they were in the hallway, she released him and took off quickly down the stairs. She bounced down the wooden planks, almost seeming like she wasn't even touching the ground. Once her feet touched the ground, she turned to make sure that the Angel was following her. Once she was satisfied, she turned and took off out of the building.

The young woman came to a stop as soon as she was outside. Though it was still early, the street was already busy and she could see several of the girls and boys that had always picked on her. She hesitated and soon felt Castiel join her. She tried to look into the future in order to see if they would cause any trouble. She was relieved to see that they would not notice her. However, just to make sure, Skylar waited until the group was farther away before she began walking.

She led the way to the diner, nearly skipping. She'd already forgotten about the group of teens. As she entered the diner, Castiel behind her, Skylar nearly ran over someone who was trying to leave the diner. As soon as Skylar realized who is was, she quickly made her way to the woman. She pulled her closest friend into a hug. "Addie! I've missed you so much!" The small teen released her friend, smiling brightly. She took a step back, smiling. Though Skylar considered Addie her best friend, she'd still not told her about the visions. She feared what she would think about her. "I'm here with my brothers..they wanted to see Marshall since this is where I grew up. Where are you headed? You were leaving.."

After a few moments, Skylar noticed her brother making his way over to them. She introduced her friend to her brother but then suddenly, her sight changed. She saw the young waiter walking by and saw that he tripped, dropping the boxed foods, their contents going all over Addie. Her vision ended and Skylar turned her gaze to Dean. [color=orange]"You need to stay with us, Sky. You promised to show us around town."
What was Dean talking about? She realized that perhaps her brother didn't want her spending time with Addie..but why? Before she was able to contemplate on that much longer, the waiter walked by. Before he tripped, Skylar moved and was able to save the two boxes from falling all over her friend. She smiled at the waiter and handed him the boxes. After he'd left, there was a moment of silence and then Dean spoke. "What the hell was that?"

She'd known that was coming. "What are you talking about?" she asked, trying to look confused. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. You knew that he was going to trip before it" Skylar just looked at Dean for a long moment. This was not how she wanted her family or Addie and Castiel to find out what she could do. She'd just not thought. She'd reacted. "Well?" Hearing her brother snapped Skylar out of her thoughts. "Dean, you have to promise that you're not going to get mad." She bit her lip, worrying about her brother's reaction. Suddenly she realized that Sam had joined them. "I can see the future. I have been able to for my entire life. I was going to te.." Dean cut her off. She could tell that he was angry. "You can see the future? So, you're some kind of freak?" The moment the words left Dean's mouth, Skylar couldn't believe what he'd said. How could he call her such a thing. Instead of saying anything, the young teen turned and pushed her way out of the diner. She quickly made her way from the building and ran.



“Plus I’m a friend of your sisters.”the woman said, “All of you Winchesters look similar and she had a brother names Dean
it’s not hard to put one and one together. Your sister’s Sky right?....Thought so, you really should learn to think before you act
ass hole.” She'd left him speechless. There was no way he was prepared to hear that the woman was friends with Sky. Perhaps he'd reacted a bit rashly. He watched as she tried to leave the diner only to have Skylar run to her. He watched them for only a second before getting up and returning to Sam. He sat back down in his seat, sighing. "I take it you didn't get her number." the younger man said, smirking. Dean glared at his brother for a second before turning his gaze over to their sister.

So the woman had been telling the truth. She did know Skylar. He felt better..slightly better about her knowing his name. He still didn't trust her and he certainly didn't want Skylar hanging around her. "Let them be, Dean. I don't know what was said between the two of you but it's obvious that Skylar trusts her." Dean sighed heavily. "Yea. I just don't like it. I told you that we shouldn't have brought her along.." Sam rolled his eyes. "Then you would have still been worrying. She can handle herself Dean. You're not giving her enough credit." Dean stared at the small group that was at the front of the diner. Perhaps Sam was right. Though Skylar was only seventeen, she always seemed a bit she knew things that she shouldn't. He didn't understand it.

Finally, Dean rose from his seat, walking over to his sister, putting a arm around her shoulders. "Well, are you going to introduce me to your friend?" he asked, looking at his sister. He could tell that she was caught off guard for a moment before she smiled and answered him. "Of course, Dean. This is Addie. She's my dearest friend. Be nice." Dean smirked, holding a hand out to Addie. "Pleasure." he said. He couldn't believe the turn of events. He'd finally learned the young woman's name. He would be able to keep a eye on the two of them much better if he knew her name.

"You need to stay with us, Sky. You promised to show us around town." he said, smiling with difficulty. He could feel Skylar's eyes on him. He only hoped that she wouldn't call him out in from of Addie. That was all that he needed. Suddenly, a server walked by them, tripping over his own feet. He'd been carrying a tray of two boxes of food. That was not what caught his attention. Skylar reacted seconds before the man even tripped, saving the food. He watched as she handed the boxes back to the young teen. He debated about whether or not he should say anything or not. "What the hell was that?" Skylar answered him. "What are you talking about?" she asked, looking a bit confused. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. You knew that he was going to trip before it" He couldn't believe she was trying to lie to him. He could see through her. "Well?" He said, becoming impatient. When she spoke, her words worried him. What was it that she'd been hiding from them. His eyes shifted to Addie. Did she have something to do with this? "Dean, you have to promise that you're not going to get mad. I can see the future. I have been able to for my entire life. I was going to te.." Dean cut her off. "You can see the future? So, you're some kind of freak?"

As soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted it. He could see the tears in his little sister's eyes..the hurt there. He couldn't stop her as she made her way out of the diner, leaving them all behind. Dean turned to Castiel. "Cas, can you follow her? Make sure that she doesn't do anything stupid. I'm going to have a little chat with her friend." He waited until it was just Addie, Sam, and him. "You're gonna start talking. Did you know about this?"


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Character Portrait: Skylar Winchester Character Portrait: Dean Winchester Character Portrait: Castiel Character Portrait: Addie De'Leon
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"Addie! I've missed you so much!" The angel heard a voice and before she could react she was being pulled into a hug and she smiled knowing just by the way Sky’s skin felt against hers who it was, she tried to ignore how pissed off she was at Dean for the moment as she focused on Skylar. "I'm here with my brothers..they wanted to see Marshall since this is where I grew up. Where are you headed? You were leaving.." Addie watched as Dean came up from behind Sky and placed an arm around her and she rolled her eyes.

"Well, are you going to introduce me to your friend?" Dean said smoothly like they hadn’t just had a confrontation seconds ago.

"Of course, Dean. This is Addie. She's my dearest friend. Be nice." Addie shook his hand only for the sake of Sky and she hated every second of it.

"Pleasure." She glared at his and she hoped Sky wouldn’t catch on. "You need to stay with us, Sky. You promised to show us around town." Dean said and she knew then he didn’t want Sky hanging out with her.

Then just as a waiter tripped behind her, Sky caught the boxes effortlessly like she knew it was coming and it hit Lacey. She could see the future, much like Sam had bad dreams about the past and it all made since. She smiled, she’d always known Skylar was different, why Sky hadn’t told her she didn’t know.

"You can see the future? So, you're some kind of freak?" Dean’s voice brought her from her thoughts and she couldn’t believe what he’d just said to his little sister. She raised a brow, but her attention was taken as she watched Sky run out the doors and it pissed her off that she could see tears in the young girls eyes caused by Dean.

She was about to take off after her until Dean spoke again. "Cas, can you follow her? Make sure that she doesn't do anything stupid. I'm going to have a little chat with her friend." he froze at the Name. Cas
like Castiel? she thought to herself. She’d been so busy with Sky and Dean that she hadn’t even noticed the other Angel’s energy. Shit. she cursed herself.
"You're gonna start talking. Did you know about this?" Dean said sternly pulling her from her thoughts and she glanced around to see that they were alone again. She glared at the hunter.

“I’m going to start talking?” she said raising her voice “What are you my father.” She spat harshly. “I don’t owe you anything
but you owe Sky an apology.” She shook her head. “And, no I didn’t know.” And with that she turned and headed after Skylar.


Castiel followed Sky as they headed out of the room, he followed her stiffly like always keeping a distance behind her as he watched her happily skip walk down the snowy sidewalks. He didn’t know what it was about her that made her so different, that made him want to be human just to be with her. He’d never been jealous of the humans, not until he met her in all honesty.

They walked into the dinner and immediately he felt the energy of another angel, he looked up to see Sky hugging a young girl who he could recognize no matter how long it had been. She’d tried to disguise herself, that much was obvious, but Castiel knew her, he’d raised her as his own daughter, he was just in complete shock that it was actually her.

His attention was pulled away from her when Sky managed to stop food from falling all over Lacey and a few words were exchanged between the Winchester’s and he was honestly surprised when Dean referred to her as a freak, he wanted to say something, but Dean ordered him to follow after Sky and she needed him at the moment so he nodded.

His gaze fell on Lacey once more, lingering there for a moment debating on whether or not to say something to her, but he didn’t it wasn’t the time and Cas knew that. If he wanted to talk to her he’d half to find her again or she’d half to come to him. He slipped out the door, catching up to Sky fairly quickly and sitting down next to her on the bench.

“You’re not a freak.” He said simply not exactly sure what to say to her, he wasn’t very good at giving pep talks. “if anyone is a ”freak” it’s me.” He said trying to lighten the mood. “Being able to see into the future is a gift, not a curse
gifted to you by the Lord.” He smiled “It may not seem like on all the time
but it is.” He said calmly.

“Skylar.” Addalaceia called walking towards them and Cas sighed and he watched Lace kneel down in front of her. “Sky, don’t listen to your brother, he’s just a big idiot
there’s nothing wrong with you.” Addie smiled holding the young girls eyes and she took her hands in hers gently. “Dean’s just jealous.” She shrugged giving the girl a smirk and a wink.

“Lacey.” Cas whispered as he stood up, Addie turned her attention from the youngest Winchester to her father as she released the girls hands and stood up standing before her father.

“I don’t think now is the time Castiel.” She said sharply, calling him by his. Castiel sighed he had to admit not hearing her call him dad kind of hurt, more then he’d ever thought it would. But he knew she didn’t want them knowing that she was his daughter, it didn’t seem Sky even knew she was an angel and it also didn’t seem like Lace really wanted her to know at least not yet. So instead of arguing with her he simply nodded.


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Character Portrait: Skylar Winchester Character Portrait: Dean Winchester Character Portrait: Castiel Character Portrait: Addie De'Leon
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As she ran down the street, Skylar came across a bench. Deciding that she'd gone far enough, she gently sat down, placing her face in her hands. Her shoulders heaved a few times as she cried into her hands. She should have seen Dean's reaction before it had happened. Now, she would have to deal with the odd looks and such that she would receive from all of them. Suddenly, someone sat down next to her. She pulled her hands away from her face, trying to dry her tears. She looked at Cas as he spoke to her. “You’re not a freak. If anyone is a ”freak” it’s me. Being able to see into the future is a gift, not a curse
gifted to you by the Lord.” Castiel smiled at her and Skylar tried to return it. She had no idea how he could be so positive about something that, to her family, was a curse. “It may not seem like on all the time
but it is.”

Skylar was about to say something to Cas when Addie approached them. She turned her gaze to her closest friend, watching her. “Skylar.” Addie said, kneeling down in front of her. “Sky, don’t listen to your brother, he’s just a big idiot
there’s nothing wrong with you.” Skylar's friend took hold of her hands and held her gaze. “Dean’s just jealous.” Skylar laughed, glad that her friend was one of their few people that seemed to always know just how to cheer her up.

When Castiel stood and then Addie, Skylar watched them closely. She'd not caught what Cas had said but she did hear Addie. “I don’t think now is the time Castiel.” Skylar was surprised at her friend's words. Did she know Castiel? And if so, how? It was all very confusing. She hesitated for a moment, trying to decide if she should comment or not. Skylar rose from her seat and took a step closer to the two near her. Instead of commenting on the fact that they seemed to know each other, she pulled Addie into a hug. She remained that way for a short moment, speaking softly to her friend. "Thank you,Addie. You are amazing, as always. You know just what to say to make me feel better." She released her friend, a smile on her face. She knew that she could never put into words how much she appreciated Addie's words but she hoped that her friend somehow understood.

Skylar then turned to focus upon Cas. Her smiled was slightly different than the one that she'd given Addie. It was the smile that she gave only to him. He was taller than her which forced her to tilt her head back slightly as she got closer to him. She then did something that she'd not done before. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a hug. She then pulled his head down, wrapping her arms around his neck so that she could speak to him without Addie hearing the entire conversation. "Castiel, I know that you only followed me because Dean asked you to. But, I'm glad you're here. It means the world to me that you do not think any less of me." Before she released him, Skylar placed a gentle kiss upon his cheek.

She released him then, grabbing Addie's arm and linking it with her own. She then looked back at Castiel and then to Addie. "Should we go find the guys or do you think that we should leave them be? I'm sure that Sammy has been letting Dean have it." She paused for a moment, trying to decide on which the best option would be. "Castiel, if you don't can return to my brothers to see if they need any help. I'll be fine with Addie. I haven't seen her in a year and I'd really like to spend some time with her..if that's okay with you?"

She waited for the Angel to leave before she turned to her friend. "I'm going to ask you something and I would be glad if you'd be honest with me. You and know each" She'd finally asked it. She'd not meant'd just come out. She watched her friend closely, wondering what she would say. She watched her friend, wondering briefly if she'd noticed how she'd remained close to Castiel for longer than she had Addie. And why had she kissed him? She could only imagine how disgusted he was with her.



Dean watched as everyone left save for Sam. He felt terrible about calling Sky a freak. He'd really not meant it. It was just the way that he'd been raised. He would have to find a way to make it up to the younger Winchester. Suddenly, Sam was in his face. "What the hell, Dean? Just because she can see things doesn't make her one of them. There's not a ounce of evil in her. I know that you think that anyone who has special..abilities has to be evil but that's not true. Maybe now you'll actually see Skylar better. She could help us, Dean. Depending on how advanced her sight is, she might could focus on certain things. It would make our jobs alot easier. You'd better make it up to her."

"I know, Sammy. I don't know what came over me. I'll make it up to her. Maybe once everyone calms down and we all get back to the hotel, I'll talk with her. Maybe you could speak with her..find out what all she is able to do. I doubt she'd tell me. Come on. I want to go check out the Nesters' house. The sooner we get done, the sooner we can leave this place." Dean led the way out of the diner and led the way down the opposite street.

They made their way quickly, heading towards the house that had been seeing activity. As they walked, Dean wanted to just go and find his apologize to her. However, there was a more pressing matter. Suddenly, Cas was with them. "What are you doing here,Cas? I thought I asked you to watch Skylar. What if she gets into trouble. She would have no way to protect herself. Cas..I wouldn't trust my sister with just anyone and you just left her?" As Dean spoke, his voice rose until he was near yelling at the Angel. He just couldn't believe that he would leave her like that. He stopped walking, turning to the other man. He just wanted to smack him for his stupidity. He turned his gaze to Cas, watching him closely.

Dean could feel Sam's eyes on him. He knew that his younger brother did not approve of how he was talking to their friend. Sometimes, he just could not control his temper. He had asked Castiel to do one thing. Why had he returned without Skylar?


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Character Portrait: Skylar Winchester Character Portrait: Dean Winchester Character Portrait: Castiel Character Portrait: Addie De'Leon
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Addie hadn't really heard what Sky said simply because she'd locked eyes with her father and she could see the pain in his eyes. She wonder what was wrong. Hadn't he been the one who abandoned her? Should she be the one who was hurting. Finally Addie pulled away and walked over the Cas.

Addie finally looked away because it was clear Sky was saying something she wanted to keep between them and so she granted them there privacy occupying here self as she played with the hem of her skit.

After a moment Sky came back over to Addie and she glanced back up to her, Skylar asked if Cas would grant them privacy and at first her father was hesitant and she could see it in his eyes that he wanted to talk with her alone, after a moment of silence between the three of them he nodded and disappeared and she sighed relived he hadn't said anything.

"I'm going to ask you something and I would be glad if you'd be honest with me. You and know each" Addie should have known Sky would be intent on figuring out how the two knew each other.

Did it really matter and should she still even consider him her father? She let the silence fall between them for a long moment, debating what to say. She finally sighed as she looked at her friend.

"You'll find out with time." She spoke calmly talking on a more angelic tone, one Sky had never heard from her before. "But, there is too much to explain now and I think we've had enough honesty for one day." She teased referring to the fact that Sky had told them all about her power. "But, I promise you'll learn about my and Castiel when the time comes." She smiled.

She started to walk towards the Nesters house already knowing Dean would be pissed that she was alone with Addie and that Cas had left her. Plus she wanted to get them in an out of there quick, that way she could try and get back to her boring life, though she doubted that would happen now she'd been found. She'd be summoned back to heaven.

"For now though, I can bet your idiot of a brother probably wants to apologize." She smirked as they walked "if I were you I'd make him beg." She teased.


Cas locked eyes with his daughter there were a million questions he need answers for. He couldn't understand why she ran from him and now she was acknowledging him simply as another angel. There was nothing he could do about it. She was just about the only thing short of the Winchesters he felt anything for.

He was pulled from his thoughts when Sky wrapped her arms around him. It was a bit of a shock the way her skin burned against his and the heat that passed between them it was unlike anything he'd ever felt.

"Castiel, I know that you only followed me because Dean asked you to. But, I'm glad you're here. It means the world to me that you do not think any less of me she whispered.

He was trying to focus more on here words then the feeling he was getting. Then she pressed her lips to his cheek and he had to fight bak a shiver. He shouldn't be feeling this way about her and he quickly composed himself as she walk skipped back to Addie.

Sky asked if he grant her and Addie privacy and it fell silent. He wanted answers, he also wanted to know why he was feeling the way he wa about Sky, but eventually he nodded and disappeared. He appeared Skylarless in front of Sam and Dean and within seconds Dean was fuming.

"What are you doing here,Cas? I thought I asked you to watch Skylar. What if she gets into trouble. She would have no way to protect herself. Cas..I wouldn't trust my sister with just anyone and you just left her?" Cas sighed as Dean yelled at him.

He waited until Dean was finished to take a step forward as if to tell the oldest Winchester to calm down. He held his eyes for a long moment before speaking calmly.

"She wanted a moment alone with her friend." He said simply "there is no threat here, you, Sam, and myself would all be able to sense it." He glanced to Sam and then back to Dean. "She's in good hands Dean...I can promise you that." He finished.


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Character Portrait: Skylar Winchester Character Portrait: Dean Winchester Character Portrait: Castiel Character Portrait: Addie De'Leon
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"You'll find out with time." Addie said, her voice sounding much more..angelic than she remembered. It was something that threw Skylar off. "But, there is too much to explain now and I think we've had enough honesty for one day." Skylar laughed at this but continued to listen to her friend. "But, I promise you'll learn about my and Castiel when the time comes." Skylay nodded, agreeing silently that she would not breech the subject again. The two began walking towards..the Nesters' home..if she was correct. It had been some time since she'd been in Marshall but she could never forget the streets..her home. Their population was only around five-hundred people and therefor the town was not really that big. All of the stores and shops were located at the center whereas all the homes surrounded the area.

Skylar was silent as they walked, merely happy to have found her friend. She was feeling much better now, thanks to Castiel and Addie. She couldn't thank them enough. She now had a smile on her face, the events of earlier nearly gone from her mind. Addie spoke, bringing her attention back to her friend. "For now though, I can bet your idiot of a brother probably wants to apologize. If I were you I'd make him beg." Her friend teased. Skylar laughed. "I'll keep that in mind. I mean..I know that he didn't mean it. I just caught him off guard is all. Though..I'm sure you are wondering why I didn't tell you? I swear that I wanted's just..everyone that has ever found out never would believe me. Instead, they would always treat me like a lunatic. I didn't want to have the same thing happen with you. You're my best friend..and I've no idea what would happen if you ever thought poorly of me."

They walked together and it didn't seem like very long before they reached the house that they were looking for. Somehow, they had arrived before the men. "I can't believe that they're not here yet. I was sure that they'd be here all ready. I wonder what's keeping them." Since the men weren't there, Skylar decided that it would be best to wait on them outside. As they waited, the youngest Winchester stared up at the house, looking straight at one of the windows. "I had a vision of this place before Dean and Sam told me why they wanted to come here. I saw the little girl, Jasmine, I think her name was. I saw her standing right over there.." She motioned to the spot where she'd seen the girl in her vision. "She looked lost. I wonder..she didn't come across as wanting to harm me..or anyone for that matter. Maybe there is a reason that she's causing so much trouble."

Skylar fell silent, trying to figure out why the child would be tormenting her family. She was brought out of her train of thought when she heard Dean. Skylar turned around, her eyes locking on him and then Sam. At last, her gaze fell onto Castiel. She smiled at him, hoping that he was not angry that she'd kissed him earlier. She wasn't really sure what had drove her to do had felt..right. She quickly bounced closer to her family, stopping before Dean as his eyes fell onto her. "Skylar! What were you thinking sending Cas back without you? You could have gotten into trouble. Don't ever do that again. There was a reason that I sent him to look after you......Look, Sky, I'm sorry about what I said. I'll make it up to you. Anything you want..yours." Skylar beamed despite being yelled at. "Anything? Really, Dean?" She pretended to think for a moment. "I suppose I could forgive you, if..I can stop by my old house. I still have the key and there's a few things that I really want to get. It's not dangerous..but Cas can come with me if you're worried about that. Please Dean?"

She looked at her brother, trying to convince him that she would be fine with the Angel. "Fine. But only if he goes with you. And no sending him back because you want to be alone." Skylar agreed, hugging Dean. She then looked at Cas. "You don't mind coming with me, do you Castiel?" she asked, smiling. After a few moments, Dean spoke again. "Okay. Me and Sam are going to go in and talk with the family. You three stay out here. I'm serious. Cas, you're in charge. Make sure they don't do anything stupid."

With that, the two Winchester men made their way into the home, leaving Skylar outside with her most favorite people. She sat down against a tree, merely happy to watch the house. She stole a few glances at Cas but hoped that her friend had not noticed. She just couldn't help it. She was drawn to him..unusually so. Every time they touched, she could feel a spark between them. She smiled just thinking about it. She looked between both of her friends once more. "Why don't you all join me? It's going to be a while before they come back out." She wondered if Cas would sit with her..she secretly hoped that he would though she would say nothing. It was cold outside and at least this way they would all stay fairly warm. It would just be a plus if Cas chose to sit close to her.



Dean couldn't believe that Addie was still walking around with Skylar. He'd hoped that she would simply leave after they spent a bit together. However, that did not seem to be the case. After having glared at her the entire time they'd been outside, Dean was glad that he and Sam were now inside the house. The two adults had let them in without much question, believing them to be FBI agents. Once inside, they began asking questions and looking around. From what Dean could tell, there was no reason that the ghost should be tormenting her still living family. It just made no sense. He looked to Sam but it did not appear that his brother had come across anything yet.

After some time the two men where given full reign of the home. They took their time looking about. They wanted to make sure that they didn't miss anything. "There's nothing here, Dean. From what I can tell, there's no reason at all that Jasmine should be haunting her family. I just don't get it. Maybe Sky has seen something? We could ask.." Dean quickly stopped his brother from talking. "Neither of us are going to ask her. We've been doing well without her and there's no reason to drag her into this. Put it out of your head." They both fell silent, continuing to look around for clues.


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Addie stayed back from the group a bit mostly because she was trying to avoid conversation with her father and she knew if they had a moment alone, he’d start his fatherly questions and she just wasn’t in the mood for that. She watched as Sky talked to Dean a bit before finally Dean spoke.

"Okay. Me and Sam are going to go in and talk with the family. You three stay out here. I'm serious. Cas, you're in charge. Make sure they don't do anything stupid." she scoffed, like Cas could really stop her if she wanted to do something.

When Dean passed her she felt that familiar heat between them, the same heat she’d felt in the restaurant and she fought back a shiver, what was it about him that both drove her crazy and excited her, she pretended not to acknowledge him as he passed, but that was a little hard to do. Finally the three of them were alone and she knew Sam and Dean wouldn’t get much information from the Nester’s, because they didn’t normally open up, but they loved Addie to death.

"Why don't you all join me? It's going to be a while before they come back out." Addie glanced to Sky and gave her a soft smile.

“I’d love to kid, but you know the Nester’s there not going to open up easily, Dean may not think so, but they need one of us or there not going to get anywhere.” She sighed. “I’ll go save the day, you should head home babe, you might want to spend more time there then you think.” She said softly.

“Lacey.” Cas spoke up again. “Don’t go in there, it’ll piss Dean off.” He spoke in a stern tone.

“Perfect, I’d like to see him get pissed off at me, maybe I’ll put him in his place.” She smirked as she headed towards the house.

She gave a soft knock on the door and an older women answered the door giving Addie a sadden smile. Addie didn’t hesitate as she hugged her, before the women invited her in. Taking her hand and leading her into the dining room.

“It’s so nice to see you Addalaceia, It’s been such a long time dear.” She said sadly “It’s lonely without you or Sky coming around to play with Jas.” She said with a shuddering breath. “The FBI is here, don’t you think it’s a little late?” she asked from the kitchen, before coming back into the living room handing Addie a cup of tea.

“Yeah, I’ve been busy and well you heard about Skylar’s mother.” She smiled thanking her with a nodded for the tea. “I do apologize though, I should have never stopped coming around.” She said softly. “Everyone says Jasmine’s haunting you and Mr. Nester.” Addie said holding the older women’s eyes.

“Lace.” Addie heard a little girl whisper her name causing her to look around and stumble over her breathing, she knew it was Jasmine.

“Did you hear that.” Addie said looking at Mrs. Nester.

“Hear what Dear?” she replied and Addie quickly shook off what she’d just heard as Sam and Dean came into the room.


"You don't mind coming with me, do you Castiel?" Sky asked and Cas wanted to tell her know, but he didn’t have the heart to so he simply nodded as a reply watching as Sam and Dean headed towards the house leaving the two of them alone.

"Why don't you all join me? It's going to be a while before they come back out." Sky said and Castiel thought about it for a moment, he glanced to Addie as she said she was going to go help Sam and Dean.

“Lacey.” He called after her using the nickname he’d always used “Don’t go in there, it’ll piss Dean off.” He spoke in a stern tone.

“Perfect, I’d like to see him get pissed off at me, maybe I’ll put him in his place.” Cas sighed running his fingers through his dark hair. He should have known Addie and Dean wouldn’t get along, because they were both stubborn and set in there ways.

After she disappeared into the house he glanced to Sky, being left alone with her yet again and that was beginning to become a routine today. Not one he minded, but he wasn’t so sure it was the best idea, he wasn’t honestly sure how long he could fight his feelings, he was an angel he was pretty good at it, but there was something different with Sky.

“Well then, looks like they’ll be in there a while, shall we head to your house?” he asked with a smile.


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Character Portrait: Skylar Winchester Character Portrait: Dean Winchester Character Portrait: Castiel Character Portrait: Addie De'Leon
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Skylar watched as her friend went up to the house. She had hoped that they could spend some time together but it seemed, at least to her, that Addie didn't want to be around Castiel. Something that she just couldn't understand. She decided that perhaps it was for the best. She really didn't want to see them arguing or anything like that. Suddenly, Cas spoke, a smile on his face. "Well then, looks like they’ll be in there a while, shall we head to your house?” Skylar looked up at him, returning his smile. "That sounds great! It's actually not that far from here." she said, standing up. She approached Cas and walked by him, leading the way. She practically skipped the entire way.

As they neared the home, Skylar slowed down, opting to walk near Castiel. She hadn't been back to this place since she'd left a year ago. She'd merely packed whatever she could fit in her backpack and had left. She slowly made her way up to the front door and then stopped. She opened her bag, pulling out her set of keys. Slowly, she unlocked the door and entered. As her eyes took in the small home, Skylar could see that nothing had been moved. Everything was exactly the way it had been before her mother had died. She could almost swear that she'd just been on vacation and was getting home to visit it looked so normal. The thought brought a pain to her heart.

Skylar could see all of the pictures of her, her mother, and the few of her father still sitting up all over the place. She was silent for a long moment, merely taking in everything. At last, she moved, slowly making her way through the house and up the stairs to her room. She opened the door and entered, making her way over to the bed. She took off her bad, sitting it upon the floor. She then turned to Cas. "You can sit on the bed, if you'd like..I've got to find a few things up here and then I wanted to grab a few photos...My mom fixed my room up for me as a surprise for my thirteenth birthday. It was the most perfect thing that she could of done. Now I don't even have a room of my own. It gets rather tiring moving from hotel to hotel every week or so." She fell silent, making her way over to a small chest that was at the foot of her bed. She crouched down, opened it, and then began digging through it.

As she was looking, she spoke again. "You know, I don't think that I would have wanted to bring anyone else than you here. I can't explain it but I just feel like, with you, I don't have to pretend to be something that I'm not. If I'd brought Dean or even Sam I know that I wouldn't be able to truly..act the way I would. I've not been here since I left over a year ago. I almost can't believe everything that has happened since then." She found the old stuffed puppy that she was looking for and walked over to Cas. She handed his the creature, smiling. "My dad gave me him the last time I saw him. That was the last time my mother and I saw him. It's been some time since I've seen my dad..but hopefully he's all right. I guess..really all that matters is that we are all doing well."

Skylar moved away and began going through a few other spots, pulling out a few different items and placing them all into a bag that she'd pulled out of her closet. When she was finished, she sat down on the bed with Castiel, their knees touching. "You know something Castiel..I don't think that I like being here knowing that mom's never coming home." she said, turning her gaze to him. She'd not realized how close they were but she couldn't say that she minded. She gave him a sad smile, gently leaning into him a bit for comfort. "It's just really know?" Even though she was saddened by being there, she was glad that Cas was with her. She knew that he would never let anything happen to her and that calmed her somewhat. She only wished that she understood the feelings that she had for him.



As soon as Dean saw Addie, his blood began to boil. Didn't he tell her to stay outside with Skylar and Cas? Of course, he couldn't say anything about that in front of the Nesters. "And who would this be, Mrs. Nester?" Dean asked, pretending to not have met her. He only hoped that she would play along. Sam watched the two for a long moment before speaking. "Maybe you could help us. We're trying to find anything that could be causing the haunting. You wouldn't happen to have any information..would you?" Dean was impressed with the way that Sam was picking up on the fact that he didn't want the Nesters's to know that they knew Addie.

After a few moments, Dean walked a bit closer to the two women. "Mrs. or your husband never abused Jasmine? he asked. Immediately he could see the rage and anger from the woman. She just couldn't seem to believe that he'd asked such a thing. Sam apologized, saying that Dean was just joking. He'd not been, though. "Perhaps we could see Jasmine's room now? he asked, looking at Addie. They'd not been able to check that room before they'd come back into the main part of the house. They'd seen no real reason to look in there but now, Dean was not so sure that they should have overlooked it. "Perhaps you could show it to us." he said to Addie.

He waited for her to lead the way and then followed her. He was glad that Mr. and Mrs. Nester let them be. Once they were in the room, Dean shut the door. "I thought I told you to stay outside with Skylar and Cas? I don't need you nosing around in here blowing our cover." He was angry and he was taking it out on her. Though he was trying to be quiet, it was hard. All he wanted to do was yell at her. But then..why did he feel so attracted to her? He tried to push the thought from his mind, trying to concentrate on her. "Look..I appreciate what you're trying to do but..we work alone. We don't even let Sky help. It's just the way we roll. So, no offense but..why don't you go on back outside with the others? We'll be out there in a few.." Suddenly, Sam froze.

Dean looked at his brother, trying to figure out what was going on. "Sam?..Sammy? What's wrong?" Sam turned to look at him, pointing over to a corner where the figure of a girl stood, glaring at all three people. The spirit did not speak but merely pointed to the bed..and then disappeared. Sam walked over to the bed, looking through it..finding nothing. "Wonder what that was about? She didn't seem to evil to me. What do you think?" he asked Addie. As he watched the woman, his thoughts began trailing again to his attraction to her. There was just something different about her and he wanted to know what it was.


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Character Portrait: Skylar Winchester Character Portrait: Dean Winchester Character Portrait: Castiel Character Portrait: Addie De'Leon
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Addie smirked at the look Dean had given her, She kept her eyes off Sam all though she could tell ever since he’d seen her in the cafĂ© he wanted to talk. Not only did she have to deal with her fathe, but at one point she’d have to deal with Sammy.

"Perhaps we could see Jasmine's room now? Dean asked and Addie could tell Mrs. Nester was getting irritated with Dean. "Perhaps you could show it to us."

She sighed giving the two boys she “supposedly” didn’t know a soft smile and nodded gently as she stood up heading back to Addie’s room. She was surprised Mrs. Nester hadn’t kicked Dean out yet. Once she stepped into the room Dean closed the door behind them granting all three of them privacy.

"I thought I told you to stay outside with Skylar and Cas? I don't need you nosing around in here blowing our cover."Dean went off on her and she rolled her eyes, a part of her hoped Sam would jump in, in her defense, but that was entirely too much to ask for, because then it would be giving them away. "Look..I appreciate what you're trying to do but..we work alone. We don't even let Sky help. It's just the way we roll. So, no offense but..why don't you go on back outside with the others? We'll be out there in a few.." Addie scoffed not bothering to defend herself, without her they weren’t going to get anything done, she knew the Nesters and she knew Jasmine.

Lacey watched Sam freeze and she followed his gaze instantly to the little girl who pointed at the bed, before disappearing and Addie sighed running her fingers through her dark hair, she held Sam’s eyes for a moment before forcing herself to look away. She didn’t wait around for the brother’s she dropped to her knees pulling up the blanket and looking under the bed finding a box.

“I should have known” Addie sighed pulling out an old wooden box with Latin written all over it. She handed it to Sam instead of Dean. “Mrs. Nester practices witch craft.” She explained “I can almost guarantee she wasn’t ready to lose Jas. It’s a simple spirit curse.” She shrugged “Jas wants to cross over but she can’t her mother is keeping her here.” She said talking to Sam like Dean wasn’t even in the room. She held Sam’s eyes for a moment “Destroy the box,, case solved.” She shrugged

She turned to Dean, glaring at him. “Well you wouldn’t have gotten into Jasmine’s room, nor would you have known Mrs. Nester was a Wiccan without me.” She smirked triumphantly “So your welcome.” She said opening the door and leaving the room.


Castiel smiled as she got up and the two of them headed to the girls house. It was a nice walk, the streets of Marshall quiet and calming. It was quite a peaceful place, not as peaceful as heaven, but maybe the second most peaceful place he’d ever been, he could see why humans would want to reside there.

Once they got to the house Skylar headed up the stairs unlocking the door, Cas hung back for a moment taking in the house before finally following her inside. The house was nice on the inside and seemed to be taken care of even though Sky hadn’t been there, she could guarantee that had been Addalaceia’s doing. When Addie cared for someone she was much like a human in the fact that when she loved someone or something she put her whole heart into it and in the condition the house was in, Addie had taken care of it while Sky was gone, because she knew it meant a lot to her.

He followed her around the house keeping to himself, staying quite as he followed Sky around the house until they came to a door, sky opened and went in. The room was very pink and very much a teenagers room. He couldn’t help but smile as he followed her in because it just showed how innocent she was and he loved that about her. He could suddenly see why it was so important to Dean to keep her out of the family business. Because the truth was she hadn’t seen the worst yet and once she did she’d be just as messed up as her brothers. Which made Cas want to protect her from their world that much more.

"You can sit on the bed, if you'd like..I've got to find a few things up here and then I wanted to grab a few photos...My mom fixed my room up for me as a surprise for my thirteenth birthday. It was the most perfect thing that she could of done. Now I don't even have a room of my own. It gets rather tiring moving from hotel to hotel every week or so." He nodded as he took a seat on her bed, straightening out his tan trench coat as he sat down, he watched as she started moving about the room.

"You know, I don't think that I would have wanted to bring anyone else than you here. I can't explain it but I just feel like, with you, I don't have to pretend to be something that I'm not. If I'd brought Dean or even Sam I know that I wouldn't be able to truly..act the way I would. I've not been here since I left over a year ago. I almost can't believe everything that has happened since then." Cas smiled, careful not to inturupt her because in all honesty he liked the sound of her voice. "My dad gave me him the last time I saw him. That was the last time my mother and I saw him. It's been some time since I've seen my dad..but hopefully he's all right. I guess..really all that matters is that we are all doing well." Cas nodded in agreement.

His attention though was pulled from Sky, as his gaze fell upon the door, where a beautiful young women with long brown hair stood, her eyes fixed sadly on Sky. She was an angel that much Cas could feel from her energy. But, she was on the weaker side of the spectrum and because of this only Castiel could see her.

“She’s beautiful
isn’t she.” The women spoke to Cas and he nodded with a sigh. “Tell her brother’s to take good care of her and that I love her.” She said as he eyes went back to Sky and Cas followed the angel’s gaze. Sky sat down by Cas then and the door way was empty.

“You know something Castiel..I don't think that I like being here knowing that mom's never coming home." She said causing him to fix his gaze back on her. “It's just really know?" she said leaning against him for comfort.

“Your mother’s still watching over you.” He said in a hush tone. “Whether you here or with your brother’s
she loves you.” He spoke calmly relaying the message. “But, this will probably be the last time you’ll be here
Sam and Dean don’t tend to go back to the same place and it looks like you’ll be tagging along with them for a while.” He smiled, not minding that she was leaning on him.

It was different with her, she made him relaxed and made him feel somewhat human, which was an odd feeling for him. Dean made him tense and stressed, more so then he should be. He wondered why he took orders from him, then again he’d always felt a strong bond with the eldest Winchester a different bond then he felt with Sky.

“And, for what it’s worth, I’m glad that you find comfort in my company.” He smiled, hesitating for a moment before kissing the top of her head.


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Character Portrait: Skylar Winchester Character Portrait: Dean Winchester Character Portrait: Castiel Character Portrait: Addie De'Leon
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As she leaned against Castiel, Skylar felt as if there was no other place in the world that she would rather be. “Your mother’s still watching over you. Whether you here or with your brother’s
she loves you...But, this will probably be the last time you’ll be here
Sam and Dean don’t tend to go back to the same place and it looks like you’ll be tagging along with them for a while.” Cas whispered to her. What he said comforted her greatly. He seemed fairly serious about what he'd said. It would certainly make her feel better thinking that her mother was still watching over her. A small smile crossed her face. "I'm glad. I take it that she is in a happy place, then. I was worried about her, you know. She was killed by a Demon and I feared that she'd been taken to hell. I'll definitely miss being here. But, if I stayed I'd never get to see you or the guys. I couldn't imagine never seeing you all. So, I think that I can put up with Dean and Sam's strange habits."

Castiel spoke again and Skylar closed her eyes, enjoying being so close to him. “And, for what it’s worth, I’m glad that you find comfort in my company.” She could feel him move slightly and the next thing that she knew Castiel..the Angel Castiel was placing a kiss upon the top of her head. Her eyes opened, almost not believing that he'd actually done it. She began smiling once again. She could feel butterflies in her stomach. She didn't know what to to act. Ever so slowly, she linked arms with him, keeping him close to her. She didn't want this moment to end. "You know..that means alot to me. Thank you, Castiel." she smiled, looking up at him. She'd decided that it was best to not comment on his actions. He was probably just being friendly, after all. However, she wished so badly that he did have feelings for her...something more than friends.

As she fell silent, merely staring off into her room, she couldn't help but think about everything that had happened since she'd left Marshall. The next thing that she wanted to do was to learn how to better protect herself. She'd noticed that she couldn't see Angels nor Demons. It was odd for her to not be able to see when Cas was going to show up. This also meant that she couldn't protect herself against the Demons as she did with other beings. Therefor, Skylar had decided that she needed to learn to fight. She couldn't see herself getting into any trouble anytime in the near future but she wanted to make sure that she was prepared..just in case. The future was ever changing. Nothing rarely remained the same.

She brought herself out of her thoughts, looking back up at Castiel. She hesitated, wondering how the Angel would react to the question that she wanted to ask him."Cas..can I ask you something?" She waited, letting him answer her before she continued. "What would you think about me learning to Dean and Sam? I..I can't see Demons..nor you, for that matter. I would be completely useless if I was caught by myself." She was silent as she waited for him to answer her. She hated that she couldn't see him. It was always strange for her. She wished that she understood why she couldn't see him.

Now that she was thinking about it, she'd never actually seen Addie in a vision. The one that she'd had back at the diner, she'd not actually seen the other girl. She merely knew that her friend was standing in the line of fire. What did that mean? She tried to push the thoughts from her mind. After Cas has answered her, she smiled at him, releasing. She stood from the bed and gathered the things that she'd bagged up. She turned back to him, her eyes holding his, steadily. "Come on, Cas. I need to look at a few things downstairs. Then we can head back to the hotel."

She walked out of her room and walked down the hall. Her mother's room was near the steps and she paused, looking at the closed door for a short moment. She wanted so badly to go get the blanket that her mom had made her. She'd had it in the older woman's room before the accident because they'd watched movies together the night before. Sighing softly, she quickly made her way down the steps to the main floor of the house. She made her way through the home, pulling photos out of frames. She then put the photos into a folder that she'd pulled off of the kitchen table. Once she'd gathered all of these, she put the folder in her messenger bag. Skylar then looked around the house. She couldn't believe that she'd not see this place in a very long time.

Suddenly, tears began forming in her eyes. She wasn't sure why she was so upset. In reality, she should be happy. She had two brothers that loved her more than anything, a best friend that would do anything for her, and then there was Castiel. She knew that she cared deeply for him yet had no idea his feelings for her. Regardless, she adored him and liked to think that he did care at least a little. As the tears began to slowly stream down her face, she turned to the Angel. Without saying a word, she quickly wrapped her arms around his body, keeping him close to her. Even just the small amount of contact that they had comforted her. She closed her eyes, trying to stop crying. "I'm sorry, Cas.." she said, holding him tightly. She could only imagine how disgusted he must be with her. A lowly Human crying on him. She wouldn't be surprised if he threw her from his body. The thought only caused her to cry harder.



Dean and Sam both watched as Addie moved towards the bed, and then pulled out a box. The young woman then handed the box to Sam. That small action angered Dean..though he wasn't sure why. “Mrs. Nester practices witch craft. I can almost guarantee she wasn’t ready to lose Jas. It’s a simple spirit curse. Jas wants to cross over but she can’t her mother is keeping her here. Destroy the box, case solved.” Addie said. To Dean it seemed as if she was only talking to Sam. He understood that they'd not gotten off on the right foot but was it really necessary to ignore him completely? He watched the two closely during the exchange. It seemed like Sam was trying not to look at Addie. Interesting. He would have to get Sam alone and ask him about it later when they had time.

Almost suddenly, Addie turned to Dean. “Well you wouldn’t have gotten into Jasmine’s room, nor would you have known Mrs. Nester was a Wiccan without me. So your welcome.” With that, Addie left Sam and Dean alone. "Dude, I really can't stand that chick. That's the first girl that I've met that I want nothing to do with." Sam just shook his head at the older man. "Well, she doesn't seem too fond of you either. Once we destroy this box we'll be able to leave. So you just have to put up with her for a little while longer. Now, do you have any idea how to destroy the box?"

Dean thought for a long moment before answering his brother. "Well, hex bags have to be burnt. Maybe it's the same for these boxes." Sam eyed the small box. "It's worth a try. We can't do it in here. Mrs. Nester could realize what we're doing before we can finish." Dean agreed. Sam quickly tossed the box out of one of the windows. Then, the two men walked out of the room, heading back to where Mrs. Nester was. Thank you for your time, Mrs. Nester. We weren't able to find anything but we'll be in touch."

With that, the Winchesters bid the woman a good day and then exited the house. Dean, walked away from the building as Sam sneakily made his way to where he'd tossed the box. He quickly picked it up, hiding it in his coat. He then made his way back to Dean. Together, the two men slowly began walking towards the hotel. "What about Addie? I'm sure Skylar would want to spend some time with her before we leave.." Dean rolled his eyes at his brother. "I'm not gonna babysit her. If she wants to see Sky, then she can find her. We've got other things to be worrying about, Sammy."

As they walked slowly, Dean couldn't help but wonder if the young woman would follow them. Though she drove him insane, he..did want to see her again. There was just something about her. He couldn't get her out of his mind. Any time that they were near, he just wanted to stare at imagine them together. Suddenly, Dean stopped walking and then Sam followed suit. Before Sam could ask what was wrong, Dean spoke. "We'll wait on her. It's bad enough that we'll be tearing Sky from here so soon. The least we can do is let her spend some time with her friend." They stood there, waiting for the woman to join them. Dean had no idea what had come over him. It wasn't like him to be so trusting to a person that he'd just met..and it bothered him that Addie was already getting under his skin.


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Character Portrait: Skylar Winchester Character Portrait: Dean Winchester Character Portrait: Castiel Character Portrait: Addie De'Leon
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Skylar could feel Castiel's arms around her small frame. Though she was upset, just having him to hold her comforted her more than she had thought possible. Her tears quickly ceased as they stood together. “You have nothing to apologize for. Your upset and while I may not fully understand why, it’s alright to cry
I just hope that you feel a bit better when we see your brother’s again, because I don’t want Dean thinking I’m the reason your crying.” Sky laughed, looking up at the handsome man. “Although he does tend to jump to conclusions. As much as I’ve loved spending time with you
We should probably get back soon." As much as she didn't want to leave, Cas was right. With a heavy heart, Skylar finished gathering her things and led the way back to the hotel to join the others.

It had been exactly a month since she'd seen Cas..or Addie for that matter. Skylar still couldn't believe that her friend had not stuck around long enough to at least say goodbye. It had bothered her though she supposed her friend had her own reasons. The youngest Winchester sighed heavily. She really shouldn't be worrying about Castiel or Addie. She was going out with Dean to get something to eat. Sam had disappeared on them earlier, saying he had some things that he wanted to take care of. She could hear Dean in the other room, watching some sort of television show. "Sky! Aren't you ready yet? If you don't hurry your ass up I'm going by myself!" Dean yelled. Skylar merely smiled. Just like Dean..he was most likely starving. That man could put away some food. "I'm almost done!"

She got up off the the bed where she'd been fixing her makeup. She then quickly dressed. When she was satisfied with her look she went into the bathroom and did her hair. She double checked, making sure she was happy with her look and then grabbed her messenger bag and exited the bedroom.

The place that they were currently staying at was much nicer than the places that they normally stayed at. For the past two weeks they'd been staying at a small condo which had three rooms and everything else they could possibly want. Their father had booked it and had left a voicemail on Dean's phone telling them to go there for a case and for once, the Winchesters had decided to splurge a bit. The case that they were working on had just been wrapped up but they'd decided to stick around to make sure that there would be no more problems. Skylar walked into the living room to find Dean sprawled out on the couch. Skylar smiled at her brother. "Ready! So..where are we going?" she asked, smiling. Dean got up off of the couch, grinning. "Finally! I'm starving. I saw a nice place not too far from here. They've got music, food, drink...and pie. Since Sam decided that he had so much to do, I thought that I'd take you out."

Skylar knew that Dean was still feeling bad for calling her a freak when he'd found out about her abilities. She had already forgiven him but it seemed that he'd not forgiven himself. The two Winchesters left the building and got into the car. Dean drove and they were in silence for the most part. Skylar quickly found her thoughts turning to Castiel. What had he been doing for the past month? Was he okay? She wished that he would show up again. She always enjoyed his visits..more than she should. She could recall the last time that she saw kind and understanding he'd been with her. It made her smile just thinking about it. "You seem like you're in a good mood. Is there any particular reason for it?" Dean said, bringing Skylar out of her train of thought. She blushed, looking out the car window. " reason. I'm just glad to be actually going out for once."

It wasn't more than five minutes later that they pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant. They got out and made their way into the large building. There was no wait as Dean had called ahead. They were taken to their table and the siblings sat down. They ordered their food and Skylar watched the young man walk away. As they waited, they quietly talked to one another. It had been some time since they'd spent any time together alone and it was nice.

Skylar could easily see that her brother did care for her..even though she doubted he'd ever really admit it. Before, when she first came to Sam and Dean, neither wanted anything to do with her. She smiled. They'd all come a long way. Their food was delivered and they ate. Skylar couldn't remember the last time that she'd had so much fun.

After they'd finished eating, Dean spoke. "So, did you want to do anything else before we head back?" Skylar looked at her brother, smiling. "Nope! We can head back if you want." Dean smiled back at his sister. "We just have to wait on the pie that I ordered." Skylar laughed. Dean and his pie. After they waited a few more moments, their waiter brought Deans pie and they were able to to leave.

During the drive back, Skylar was silent once again. She knew that Dean wanted to know what was up with her but he knew better than to ask. As she sat there in the car, she could see flashes of the journey back to the condo though she couldn't see anything after the would arrive. Perhaps it was because Castiel would be there. How badly she wished that to be true. She missed him terribly. Lately, she'd begun praying to him, simply telling him that she hoped he was doing well, how her and her brothers were, or simply to tell him how her powers were coming along. Now, Skylar was beginning to be able to understand better what she saw..and it thrilled her. Eventually she would be able to help her brothers better on their cases.

They arrived, at last, back at the condo. They got out and slowly made their way into the small building. Immediately, Skylar could tell someone was there. She removed her bag and coat as they walked through the hall. Her and Dean walked into the livingroom only to see Castiel. However, Skylar immediately could tell that he was not himself. She looked at him worriedly,taking a step closer to him. "Cas..where the hell have you been? We've been trying to get ahold of you for the past two weeks." he paused for a moment, letting Cas speak. At Skylar watched the suddenly hit her what was wrong. "Castiel.." she said, walking up to him. She tilted her head back so that she could see him better. "Are you drunk?" She gently took hold of one of his hands and led him to the couch, forcing him to sit. She then sat down close to him, watching him.

"What the hell? You're drunk?! Is that all that you've been doing this past month? Drinking? What the hell is wrong with you? We needed you here Cas!" Even Skylar knew better than to try to argue with Dean when he was angry. She was not so worried about him showing up after so long but was more worried about the reason behind his drinking. She gently placed a hand upon his forehead. "Are you okay, Castiel?"

Skylar could see Dean from the corner of her eyes. He was angry that she was being so kind to the Angel. She couldn't help it, though. There was just something about him. At last, Dean calmed down, sitting in one of the matching chairs. His eyes were glued to Skylar and Castiel. He was glad that she at least was friends with the man. It made things easier when the Angel was around.


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Character Portrait: Skylar Winchester Character Portrait: Dean Winchester Character Portrait: Castiel Character Portrait: Addie De'Leon
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Addie couldn’t really say no to Sam she’d never been able to say no to him. Even when they’d first meet he’d known she was an angel, he’d known she was running from something, yet he accepted her just the way she was and he loved her. The only reason they’d called it off was because Dean had come back and Sam had left with him to go find their father, of course Dean had never seen him.

They were together for a year and she was ready to get herself kicked out of heaven for him, but being with him again brought back to many broken memories, being with him again almost hurt, because as much as she didn’t want to admit it she was attracted to his brother. She missed him and she was tired of being alone, though.

say something.” He breathed, breaking through the silence and pulling her from her thoughts. What was she supposed to say? What could she say?

So instead of saying anything she kissed him again pressing her lips to his, letting him know she missed him and even if it was just for the night she wanted to remember what it was like to not be lonely all the time. She could tell just by the way he kissed her back that he was tired of being alone too.

After a long silenced moment of heated kissing Sam picked her up and she willing wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her into his room and closed the door behind them. She wondered where Sky and Dean were, but she wasn’t worried enough to ask and she trusted Sam enough that he wouldn’t have called her if they weren’t going to be gone for a while.

When Sam finally rolled of her she wasn’t sure how long they’d been in Sam’s room and she honestly didn’t care. She fought to get her breathing under control, she pulled the sheet up around her as she sat up leaving her back bare. Sam sat up and pressed his lips to her skin, tracing along her shoulder. The front door slammed shut causing her to jump.

“Shit.” She breathed and she watched as Sam slipped his jeans. There was no talking or laughing which meant it wasn’t Dean or Sky. “It’s Cas.” She whispered Sam looked at her confused.

Just as she was slipping on her bra and panties, she heard voice outside the door and she couldn’t exactly hear what they were saying but it was Dean and Sky that much she knew. She glanced to Sam and he didn’t bother putting on a shirt, her eyes focused on his anti-possession and it reminded her what he was and brought down from cloud nine ad back to reality.

“Stay here.” Sam said calmly, though they both knew she wouldn’t listen. He slipped out of the room leaving her alone.


Castiel was in Italy, somewhere, stumbling down coble stone streets. He couldn’t actually remember where the hell he was, the last place he remembered being was Italy, so he just assumed that’s where he was. There was no one on the streets, it was cold and dark and he was feeling beyond miserable. He’d managed to find a bench and he took it as the perfect opportunity to sit
er lay rather.

His phone went off in his pocket reminding him he had voicemails and text messages and as much as he didn’t want to check them because he already knew who’d they’d be from he forced himself to sit up and pull his phone out of his pocket. He listened to the voicemails. A few from Sam and the rest from Dean wondering where he was.

None from Sky, because she’d been praying. Which surprised him, he had heard every single one of her prayers and he replayed them almost nightly. It was a mix of what she said when she prayed and wondering why his daughter hated him, that had drove him to drinking every damn night.

The last message was from Sam giving him there current location or what might possibly be there current location and so he stood up and within seconds he was standing outside the apartment like complex. He managed to stumble up the stairs and find the room number Sam and given him and he let himself in, slamming the door behind him and sitting down in the seemingly empty condo.

"Cas..where the hell have you been? We've been trying to get ahold of you for the past two weeks." He heard Dean say and he glanced up seeing both Dean and Sky come through the door.

“Here, there
everywhere” He slurred a bit answering Dean’s question “You know.” He shrugged like it was no big deal.

Are you drunk?" he said focusing his attention to the best of his drunken ability on the young girl in front of him as she took his hands gently and led him to the bed.
“No.” he scoffed “Of course not
maybe a little.” He sighed

"What the hell? You're drunk?! Is that all that you've been doing this past month? Drinking? What the hell is wrong with you? We needed you here Cas!

Castiel glanced to the eldest Winchester “Has anyone ever told you how unpleasant you voice is when your angry.” He said before glancing back to Sky as she placed a hand on his forehead and he suddenly didn’t want her seeing him the way he was and wished he hadn’t drank.

"Are you okay, Castiel?" she asked in a gentle tone just as Sam came out of his room, in nothing more than his jeans.

“What’s going on?” he asked obviously having not heard the conversation. Before anyone had the chance to answer Addie came out of Sam’s room in nothing but Sam’s shirt which looked more like a dress on her small thin frame.

“Dad.” She sighed as she walked over to him acting like her and Sam hadn’t just had sex, although Cas wouldn’t have caught onto it if she acted like thy had. “You’re drunk.” She said kneeling down in front of him next to Sky. “You smell like a liquor store.” She smirked up at him.

“Sky, sweetie, mind getting me some water and a cold wash cloth?” she asked the young girl that looked worried for her father.


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Character Portrait: Skylar Winchester Character Portrait: Dean Winchester Character Portrait: Castiel Character Portrait: Addie De'Leon
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Skylar turned her head when she heard Sam. "What’s going on?" She'd been about to answer him when Addie came out of Sam's room. That was something that she'd not expected to happen. Her closest friend who had not bothered to tell her by..had, by the looks of it, slept with her brother. It didn't bother her as much as it should have. She couldn't believe how quiet it had gotten. Skylar kept her gaze on her friend, watching as the other woman walked over to them. “Dad. You’re drunk. You smell like a liquor store.”

Had she heard Addie correctly? Sky looked from Cas to her friend a few times. If Addie was really Castiel's daughter, that would mean that she was an Angel..right? That would certainly explain why should could never see her friend. She wasn't sure how she felt about this. She knew that she had feelings for the man..but if he was Addie's would she feel about the whole thing if she ever found out? Sky could only imagine. Suddenly, she didn't want to be in the room. She merely wanted to go to her current bedroom and crawl into the bed and just forget any of this had happened.

She knew that the likelihood that Cas felt anything for her was minimal. She doubted she had anything to worry about. And yet, this saddened her greatly. She looked down, concentrating on her knees. Skylar knew that she was being silly..she should really get over the Angel that sat near her. He could never see her the way that Sam or Dean saw girls. “Sky, sweetie, mind getting me some water and a cold wash cloth?” Addie asked, pulling Sky out of her thoughts. She hesitated before nodding. She got up and left the room, heading into the bathroom.

Once in there, Skylar found the things that Addie had requested. Once she'd gotten them together, she slowly made her way back towards the living room. She was worried about Cas. She'd never seen him like this before. Dean, yes..but never Castiel. She entered back into the room and approached Addie and Cas. She stopped behind her friend, handing over the wash cloth and water. She hesitated for a moment. Suddenly, Skylar picked up her coat and bag and then left the room.

She made her way back to her bedroom and entered, locking the door. For a moment, Skylar simply leaned against the door. She had no idea what to think. How was it possible for Addie to be a Angel? She left the door and sat her things down. She then pulled out a change of clothes and quickly changed. She got her phone and diary out of her bag and then crawled into the large bed. She began writing, feeling the need to get all of her thoughts and feelings down. It always seemed to calm her when she did this. When she was finished, she placed the book under her pillow and then laid down, closing her eyes. The last thoughts she had before she drifted off to sleep was of the last few events that had just unfolded and how she wished that she wasn't the odd one out..the youngest. But then, there was nothing that she could do about that.

Skylar had woken up in the middle of the night to a nightmare. She bolted up in her bed, breathing heavily. She tried to calm herself but it wasn't working. She quickly got out of bed and made her way over to the door. She unlocked the door and headed to the kitchen. She was quiet, trying not to bother anyone. She wondered if Cas and Addie was still there. She hoped so. She felt terrible about just walking out of the room..especially since Cas hadn't looked well.

She entered the kitchen and fixed herself a hot cup of tea. When it was ready, she made her way back into the living room, sitting down in one of the chairs, curling up. She didn't want to be alone but she couldn't bother anyone. She would feel terrible if she woke them. So, she suffered silently, trying to stop the few tears that were running down her face every few seconds.



When Dean saw Addie come out of Sam's bedroom wearing only his brother's shirt, he about lost it. However, he'd managed to stay quiet as the women fussed over Cas. As soon as Skylar was out of the room, he spoke. "I'm sorry..but dad? You mean to tell me that Cas is your father? What the hell Cas? When were you going to tell us? And you! Sky obviously didn't know.." He was angry. Sky adored Castiel and she considered Addie her best friend. Finding out that Addie was a Angel had obviously bothered her.

Suddenly, the youngest Winchester reentered the room and handed over the items that Addie had asked for. Dean watched his sister closely as she seemed to be debating with herself. He then frowned as she left the room without speaking to anyone. After the young girl had left again, he spoke. "Poor kid looked liked she just lost her best friend. I hope you're happy with yourselves. I mean..really? Is it even possible for Angels to have children?"

He fell silent, listening to the others in the room. His eyes were glued to Addie. "Look, I don't even know why I care. You are all the same..always lying, staying away from the truth. Screw the both of you." With that, Dean walked off, going back outside. He got in his car and left the condo. For some time, he was merely driving around but at some point he ended up a a bar. He went in, sitting down at a table by himself. He ordered two large drinks and took his time downing them. He wanted to forget about the Angels..about Sam...about everything. He knew that he should have checked on Skylar but she would be fine. Suddenly, a woman sat down next to him. He turned his gaze to her, taking in her form. She was sitting rather close to him "You look..lonely. I can help with that..if you want." Dean looked at her, debating with himself. He still felt so attracted to Addie but she was obviously involved with Sammy. He would never touch her. He tried to push the Angel from his mind as he concentrated on the woman. He asked no questions, merely getting up and following her. The got into his car and drove to her place. Once there, they barely made it into the bedroom.


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Character Portrait: Skylar Winchester Character Portrait: Dean Winchester Character Portrait: Castiel Character Portrait: Addie De'Leon
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Castiel looked down at Addie, keeping his eyes focused on he “Why are you running.” He said and Addie hated how hurt his voice sounded, it caused he to wince, but she chose to ignore his words for the moment.

“Will talk about the when your sober alright.” She said softly reassuring him.

"I'm sorry..but dad? You mean to tell me that Cas is your father? What the hell Cas? When were you going to tell us? And you! Sky obviously didn't know.." Addie rolled her eyes, she was about to say something harsh to dean until Sky came back into the room handing her the stuff she’d asked for and she thanked her, watching the girl retreat to her room and she sighed.

"Poor kid looked like she just lost her best friend. I hope you're happy with yourselves. I mean..really? Is it even possible for Angels to have children?" Dean said harshly.

“Yeah Dean, I fucking get it.” Addie snapped standing up and glaring at the oldest Winchester brother. “I’m a screw up okay. Always have been.” She said holding his eyes for a long moment before truning her back to him and tending to her father again.

"Look, I don't even know why I care. You are all the same
always lying, staying away from the truth. Screw the both of you."Addie scoffed, not bothering to fight with him anymore and she closed her eyes and let out a frustrated sigh when he slammed the door.

“He’ll cool off
it’s Dean. He’ll come around, he has to.” Sam said simply. “Why don’t you come back to bed.” He said giving her his soft charming smile and she sighed.

“Better not Sam, I think I caused enough damage for one night.” She said blaming herself for everything. “Plus I kind of owe him.” She said gesturing to her father who had all but passed out on the couch.

Sam nodded leaving her alone and heading back into his room. She knew once everyone calmed down, her and Castiel would have a lot of explain to do. She sat by Cas’ side most the night and he didn’t wake up, he was sleeping off the liquor and she was glad she didn’t have to talk to him just yet, but a part of her couldn’t be in the room if Dean came back.

His words had hurt her more than they should have and normally she did care what anyone said about her, but she was already blaming herself for the events all night, Dean’s words had just made her feel that much worse.

She slipped out of the condo, making her way down the stairs as she headed to the nearest gas station, it was near dawn and it was freezing but she’d rather be cold, then deal with Cas when he woke up or Dean when he got back. She bought a pack of cigarettes and lit one as she started back. She hard foot steps behind her and she already knew who it was.

A second later Exodus was in front of her and she stopped looking up at him. “Eventful night hu?” he smirked wickedly and she rolled her eyes as she walked around him, he kept up with her quick pace effortlessly. “You got another one?” he gestured to her cigarette.

She stopped dead in her tracks and glared at the demon. “What is it with you. Don’t you have somewhere better to be
someone’s soul to steal or something.” She said blowing the smoke from her cigarette back into the air.

“Why that’s precisely what I’m doing my love.” He smirked “Coming between brothers, steam sex with your ex, breaking your human’s heart, and admitting you’re a screw up. You started the new year with a bang didn’t you Addalaceia.” He hissed triumphantly “If I wasn’t mistaken, I’d say you wanted a place in hell.”

“Only if it means spending an eternity kicking your ass.” She spat back, flipping him off as she continued to walk. “You know Exodus, if I wasn’t mistaken I’d say
” she trailed off realizing he’d disappeared just as she saw Dean’s car pulling into the parking lot. “Perfect.” She groaned miserably.


Castiel couldn’t really focus on many things, he knew sky was there and he knew Addie was there he could hear Dean’s voice and that was giving him a headache and then he heard Addie yell something at him and Dean was gone after that he wasn’t entirely sure what to focus on because it had gone silent and Addie helped him lay down and after that everything had went black.

Cas woke up sometime later in the dimness of the condo. It was quiet and there was no one around at least not that he could see. He didn’t really have a hangover thankfully he was just exhausted and he felt stupid for the way he’d acted in front of Sky, she’d probably hate him not to mention that he’d given away Addie being an angel and he knew that she’d been keeping that from sky simply to protect her from their world.

He stood up making his way to the kitchen and filling a glace with water, he was starving. If there was ever a time he needed Dean around it was now to take him to get food. He took a sip of water, before setting it down on the counter and heading into the living room. He was surprised to see Sky was awake and she looked miserable.

sorry.” He said debating if those were the right words to say as he sat down on the couch across from her. “I just had a lot on my mind and drinking helps get rid of it.” He tried explaining .


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Character Portrait: Skylar Winchester Character Portrait: Dean Winchester Character Portrait: Castiel Character Portrait: Addie De'Leon
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As she sat in the chair, Skylar just couldn't get calm down. The nightmare had been more terrible than the last one that she'd had. The only problem was..she had no idea what it had meant. That bothered her more than anything. Suddenly, a voice startled her. “I’m
sorry.” Skylar looked up to find Cas up and awake. He moved and sat down on the couch across from her. “I just had a lot on my mind and drinking helps get rid of it.”

Why was he sorry? For the drinking? She realized that she still had a few tears sitting under her eyes. Quickly, she rubbed them away. She then sat her tea down on the small table that was in between her chair and its mate. At last, she turned her pale colored eyes to the Angel that she cared for so deeply. "It's all right." She hesitated, fighting with wanting to join him on the couch and feeling that she would be crossing a line by doing so..or to simply leave him and go back to her room. After a few moments of silence, she gave in. Skylar rose from her seat, silently making her way over to the Angel. She then sat down next to him, their bodies touching they were so close. She pulled her legs up onto the couch, tucking them beneath her.

"I..had a nightmare." she confessed, looking up at Castiel. "But..please, I don't want to talk about it." She fell silent, staring across the room. She wanted so badly for the man next to her to just hold comfort her. However, she doubted that he would. As she sat there, she could feel their closeness. Ever so gently, Skylar leaned into the Angel, curling up into his side. She'd suddenly realized that this was the first time that Castiel had seen her without makeup on and she wanted nothing more than to run and hide. He probably thought that she looked hideous.

She couldn't even look at him now. "Are you feeling better now? You said that you had stuff on your mind. It must have been all terrible things to cause you to drink so badly." she said softly, her eyes finally turning back up at him. "You know what? I think that I want something to eat. Are you hungry? There's no way that I'm going back to sleep and I've found that food is the best way to stay up." she smiled up at him before she got off of the couch. She nearly skipped into the kitchen, not waiting on the Angel. She figured that he'd join her if he wanted to.

Once she was back in the kitchen, she began fixing sweet potato and pecan pancakes. She'd been lucky in that the place had been fully stocked with least when they'd first arrived. Dean and Sam had quickly at everything that they liked leaving the things that Skylar normally would eat. It didn't take long for her to finish making quite a few of the delicious pancakes. She separated the cakes onto two plates and then found forks. She got forks and then made her way to Castiel. She smiled at him, handing him a plate. "Here." She sat back down next to him, still quite close. "My mom taught me how to make these. If you want syrup, you'll have to get it. I can't eat it so I normally don't get near the stuff."

She laughed, smiling brightly at the man next to her. She began eating, enjoying the sweetness of the cakes. Why it was so easy for her to forget everything when she was with Castiel, Skylar doubted she would ever know. She hated that she couldn't see Castiel in her visions. Then, she could at least know if there was a small chance that he felt the same for her. There she went again. It would never happen..not now and not ever. After finishing eating, Skylar looked at Cas. "Castiel, you should really get some rest. You look exhausted." She hesitated momentarily before continuing. "You can't sleep on the couch. You'll get no rest. Come on." She stood, setting the plates on the small table.

She then took his hand in one of her own, pulling him with her. She knew that he would object. She didn't have to see the future to know that. "Don't argue with me, Castiel. The bed is huge and I doubt that I'll sleep at all. You'll thank me later." She led the way into her room and shut the door behind them. She then bounced over to the bed and moved her diary, putting it back in her bag. She then got into the bed, turning over so that her back was to the Angel. "Don't make me get back up. If you're worried about Dean, you can stop worrying. The door is locked and he won't come in." Besides, Cas could just teleport into another room without anyone being the wiser that he'd been in the bedroom.



After he'd spent plenty of time with the woman from the bar, Dean headed back towards the condo. He assumed everyone would be in bed. He just really didn't want to deal with anyone. As he was pulling into the parking lot, his eyes immediately landed on Addie. Wonderful. The last person on this earth that he wanted to see. He brought the car to a stop and got out. He slowly made his way towards the woman. He stopped near her, his eyes holding hers. "So, sticking around this time?" he asked, watching her closely. He just didn't get her. He could understand why she'd not told him about being a Angel..but Sky? "So, is there a reason you kept your true self from my sister? Aren't you supposed to be her friend? Or were you just pretending?"

He fell silent, listening to her. He didn't want to admit it, but standing there with her..the buzz he still had throbbing through his body, Dean..wanted to just kiss Addie. He had no idea where the thought had come from. He tried to push the thought from his mind, trying to concentrate on what she was saying. "Look, Addie..You'll need to talk with Sky in the morning. She was heartbroken."

He moved a bit closer to her, staring at her intently. "So, Cas is your Dad. Care to elaborate? " He waited for her to answer before he asked another question. " and Sam? how'd that come about?" He was curious about her..about who she truly was and more importantly..why'd she'd chosen Sam over him.