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Hanna Marie Johnson

"Please get me out..."

0 · 796 views · located in Camp LakeWood

a character in “Survive Camp LakeWood”, as played by SmilingNutella


Full Name: Hanna Marie Johnson...Don't Wear It Out
Nickname: Just Hanna
Age: 17
Sex: Female...Duh!
Siblings?: None..Thank God
Why are you here?: Because I'm a troubled teen. Isn't that what this camp is for??
Cabin Number?: 3
Pets?: I wish!!
Crushes?: Impress Me!
Gf/Bfs?: Someday
Abilities/Powers?: I'm a shape-shifter. Weird right?
Appearance?: Image
Any other things?: Nope!

FC: Ashley Benson

So begins...

Hanna Marie Johnson's Story


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I arrived at this "Camp LakeWood" or so they called it. My parents sent me here for apparently being a "troubled teen". I just don't understand them sometimes. Before the discovery I wasn't a "troubled teen". I was a normal girl.

Nobody really understands me. But I guess I'll have to stay here for a while. I finally found my cabin. It was beautiful! Better than the rest of the camp!! I went inside and called dibs on the only single bed there was. The rest were bunks. I started unpacking until I heard the cabin door open.

It was the head employee welcoming me to the camp. After he left I looked out my window. This place had amazing views but something just didn't feel right about it! But I just didn't know what. I was the first one here and it was kind of awkward but isn't life awkward?


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Character Portrait: Hanna Marie Johnson
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I walked out of the cabin to see a newcomer. She also looked not happy to be here. I passed her and forced a smile. Then headed into the woods to see the beautiful lake. The water glistened and I sat down and ran my fingers through the icy water. It made my fingers numb but I could care less.

I was only here for less than 10 minutes and I already hated this place!! God, I just want to leave! then I heard loud footsteps behind me and turned frantically to see another employee. "Get back to the campgrounds!" He demanded. He grasped my arm tightly and started dragging me back.

"LET ME GO YOU FREAK!!" I shouted at him. But still no response..


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Character Portrait: Hanna Marie Johnson
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The counselor dragged me back to the campsite and into my cabin. I saw there were new people arriving at the camp but I just ignored them. I walked into the only bathroom of the cabin. I wanted to see my arm. How badly it was bruised from the counselor. I lifted up my sleeve to only see a few red marks and 2 big bruises. I put my sleeve back down and walked out. I went back to my bed and tried to get reception on my phone. "Nothing! God! This place is horrible and boring and I hate it!!!" I fell back onto my bed and eventually drifted to sleep.


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Character Portrait: Hanna Marie Johnson
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I woke up drowsy and confused. I had forgotten where I was for a second. But why? I got off of that thought and walked outside. The air smelled of trees and new people. I saw many new people in fact. But it looked like all the guys were going to Cabin 1. One girl in Cabin 2. And Me and some other girl name Psyche I believe in Cabin 3! The place was really starting to come together, but something still was just not right about this place. I barely knew these people and one counselor already serverly bruised my arm. I sat on the steps on watched to pool flood into the camp of new people. But nobody seemed to notice me. Like I was almost invisible...


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Character Portrait: Hanna Marie Johnson
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I stood up and walked out to clearing I walked to cabins to greet everyone. Even though this place was horrid we still had to at least trust each other. I walked into Cabin 2 and greeted everyone then walked out to the next Cabin. Cabin 1. I knocked on the door like I did Cabin 2. I opened the door a crack and said "Anyone home??'


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Character Portrait: Hanna Marie Johnson Character Portrait: Kenneth Scott Mitchell
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The voice startled me but I turned to see another guy. "Oh no. I was just going to greet people. I'm in Cabin 3." She smiled at him. He was the very first person to talk to her. "But it's so nice to see another person around here except myself."


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Character Portrait: Hanna Marie Johnson Character Portrait: Jason Alan Whitaker Character Portrait: Kenneth Scott Mitchell
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It didn't take me long to spot my cabin- I remembered seeing a picture of it online when my dad was signing me up for this whole deal. It was sorta small, but it could have been worse. Once I made to the cabin, I looked at the two people standing there- a girl and a boy. I was able to catch what the girl said about being in cabin three and how it was nice to see another person.

"I'll second that. Well, it's good to see people other than those weird counselors I walked by at the entrance." I gave a lopsided smile as I spoke to them. "Would somebody mind getting the door? My hands are sorta full." I motioned by head down to all the junk I was carrying.


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Character Portrait: Hanna Marie Johnson Character Portrait: Jason Alan Whitaker Character Portrait: Kenneth Scott Mitchell
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I looked at Jason happily. So far I have seen two new people here. I opened to door for Jason letting him into his Cabin. Then my sleeve quickly slid down. Showing my bruises and red marks. After Jason went inside I quickly pulled down my sleeve hoping nobody saw the bruises. (Sorry these have been so short. Can write much at times!!)


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Character Portrait: Hanna Marie Johnson Character Portrait: Jason Alan Whitaker
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Such a shame, I thought to myself, when she informed me that she is in cabin 3 and not the same cabin. Though, it's not like it wasn't expected, so it wasn't much of a disappointment. "Cabin 3, huh? That'll be your name, until I get your real name" I responded with a soft chuckle. Just as I was about to mention going inside -to put my stuff down, to then go on a man-hunt for the others- another arrived. "Well looky there, seems like we don't have to go very far, to find the others" I said, turning around to face the newcomer.

"We can't all be strangers, the name's Kenny and I gotcha bud" I said, starting to make my way around, to the door handle; to open the door, if I the girl didn't do it before I did.


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Character Portrait: Hanna Marie Johnson Character Portrait: Silverster Dvorak Character Portrait: Jason Alan Whitaker Character Portrait: Kenneth Scott Mitchell
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#, as written by Leon21
Sylvester Dvorak

Well, this sucked. Here I was, at a camp in the middle of nowhere, with nothing but a duffel bag and a pesky vulture who wouldn't stop following me, feeling similar to any normal teen who was dropped off at a summer camp they didn't want to go to. That is to say, I was annoyed. More than annoyed. Especially considering that now the vulture who was sitting next to me was beginning to peck at my duffel bag, probably looking for food.

I should probably explain about the vulture. Her name is Mortia - or, at least, that's what I call her - and she's been following me for the last year or so. I'm not quite sure why. Most animals don't like me, but, the way Mortia looks at me, I'm probably covered in rotting flesh or something. I've tried scaring her away, but she always comes back. Always.

I sling my duffel bag over my shoulder, and walk over to the camp entrance, a thin folder clutched in my hand. Apparently, this camp is for 'troubled' teens or something of the like, and I have to go here because people think I'm schizophrenic. I'm not schizophrenic, just to make that clear. It's not my fault that the ghosts are too proud to talk to other people. It's amazing how proud someone can be once they've died. Yeesh, even the suicides - which, in my opinion, is a horrible way to go, just to let you know - think that they're better than anyone who is alive. Still, most people never believe me when I say that I can speak to the spirits, and just try to feed me all sorts of pills.

The pills do sometimes work, though. Maybe I am actually insane? I just don't know anymore, and I really don't care.

I arrive at the gate, and see a person standing there, a woman who is clearly a camp worker. "I'm Sylvester Dvorak, I believe I'm supposed to be going to summer camp here?" I ask, my voice soaked in a bored drawl. Upon seeing her shocked expression, I lazily add, "I'm a guy, by the way." It was amazing, how many people thought I was female. Seriously, peeps. Long hair didn't automatically mean I was a girl. Sure, my face was a bit androgynous, but I had a deep voice, and more importantly, I had muscle. What girl had a build as muscular as mine? Apart from body-builders, that is. And, anyways, even if I didn't have muscle, I still had a chest that was flatter than a wooden board. No eighteen year old girl would have a chest as flat as mine.

The woman takes the folder I handed her, quickly looking through it with a rather shocked looking expression on her face. Was I really that scary? When she glances up on me, she looks rather terrified, but her voice doesn't betray any emotion. It is cold, clipped, and professional, just like the voice of every psychologist I've seen. "Ah, yes, Sylvester," she says quickly. "We've been expecting you." Was I the only one who was immediately reminded of just about every cliche spy movie that there is? "Come along."

I nod in response, a quick jerk of my head, and quickly follow after her form. Soon, we arrive at a large wooden cabin, one made of an orangey wood with a dark green trim. It looked rather Christmas-y, in my opinion. Of course, my opinion never mattered to anyone, so I didn't bother saying that aloud.

"This is Cabin One, this is where you'll be staying. If you have any questions, contact one of the staff." The woman briskly walks off, as if she wants nothing more to do with me.

I walk up to the cabin, and notice that there are already a few people standing inside. A girl, and two guys. Two handsome guys, might I add. Hopefully they were to be my roommates. That would be nice. I love it when I have someone to stare at, even if that someone doesn't exactly want me to stare at them. I suppose I could be a bit of a stalker, but, hey, I never hurt anyone.

"Hey," I say lamely, walking over to the small group, not really having much more to do. "I'm Sylvester." It was a rather lame introduction, but, hey, it worked. At least they would know who I was now.


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Character Portrait: Hanna Marie Johnson Character Portrait: Kenneth Scott Mitchell
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"Oh, good he didn't see my arm." "Oh, how rude of me. I'm Hanna. But you can call me Hanna." I smiled a little bit. The counselor that dragged me away from the lake cam up to me. "You need to come with me Hanna Marie." He took my arm agained and I flinched in pain. "God, what is it this time?? I was talking to someone!!" The counselor didn't care though he just started walking with his hand grasping my arm very tightly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanna Marie Johnson Character Portrait: Andrew Dominic Collins Character Portrait: Silverster Dvorak Character Portrait: Jason Alan Whitaker Character Portrait: Kenneth Scott Mitchell
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Andrew had made quick work out of unpacking his things shoving down into the drawers without a care. He was the only person in his cabin at this time and he wondered where his roommates were and what they were like. Not really have a choice but to wait and see he decided to go to the bathroom. As he washing his hands at the sink he heard a female's voice "Anyone home??" Andrew didn't really considered this to be a home but there was someone in. Walking out of the bathroom Andrew noticed two guys who he was guessing were his new roommates along with a blonde girl "How's it going people" Andrew said addressing the group as he walked over. "Nice to meet the other "troubled" teens of this wonderful place" Andrew said sarcastically folding his arms against his chest. He noticed as another long-haired guy came to the cabin, as it was turning out cabin one was becoming quite popular. He listened as people began announcing their names he was going to speak his when one of the camp counselors showed up and started dragging Hanna away. "So are guys and girls not able to interact with each other or something because if so my summer is more screwed than I original thought."


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Character Portrait: Hanna Marie Johnson Character Portrait: Andrew Dominic Collins Character Portrait: Silverster Dvorak
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I'm thinking this one's going to be easy to get along with, she's funny. "Hmm..." I said, as if Hanna had actually given him options. "Yeah, I like that one. Hanna it is" I responded, playfully.

Another male arrived in the cabin, with an introduction. I turned my head, to make eye contact with the male "Sylvester! I thought I saw a pussy cat" I called out to him, as if I knew him and we were the best of friends.

My attention was quickly ripped from Sylvester, shifting to Hanna and the man who was abducting her from us. Hanna didn't seem very comfortable with being dragged away; then again who would? What kind of camp is this where they can manhandle us? A prison camp... Just like I suspected from the beginning. I couldn't just let Hanna get taken away though, not if she didn't want to go. "Hey! Why don't you just let her go, before somebody gets hurt" I said to the man. Immediately, I started analyzing my surroundings, putting together cause and effect; something that would hurt the man, if I had to, but not too bad.

I heard a fourth, unfamiliar, voice inside of the cabin, but I could not tend to the guys conversation. "Not the way things are looking" I quickly said, pointing at Hanna being dragged, in response to the males question.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hanna Marie Johnson Character Portrait: Andrew Dominic Collins Character Portrait: Silverster Dvorak Character Portrait: Jason Alan Whitaker Character Portrait: Kenneth Scott Mitchell
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I walked briskly into the cabin after the girl opened the door for me. My guitar case and duffel bag could be left by the door for now- I'd get to them later. The rabbit, however... I needed somewhere to stick her at. I gave the cabin a once-over, only then noticing the other guy in it who was unpacking. With a shrug, I went over to one of the beds and sat the cage down, staring down at the small animal for a couple seconds. I'd never had a rabbit before- what do you even do with them? After another second, I lifted a hand and pointed at it. "Uh... stay."

Satisfied, I turned and walked back to the door of the cabin, leaning on the frame. I still had a lazy smile across my face as the others introduced themselves, including the guy from inside and yet another boy who had walked up to the cabin. "I'm Jason, nice to meet'cha." I raised an eyebrow at the counselor who came up and began pulling Hanna away from the cabin.

"How do jerks like that even get hired?" I muttered, opting not to go up and knock the guy's lights out for being so disrespectful to the girl. Despite how tempting it was, it would be pretty bad if I got in trouble within the first hour of being there.


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Character Portrait: Hanna Marie Johnson Character Portrait: Andrew Dominic Collins Character Portrait: Jason Alan Whitaker Character Portrait: Kenneth Scott Mitchell
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The man heard the boys comments and eventually let me go. I fell to the ground and quickly stood back up stumbling a bit. My arm stung of pain but I tried to hide it. I couldn't let them see my pain or else I would be embarrassed. "Sorry about that. I don't understand what his problem is!" I kept constantly rubbing my arm but trying not to lift up my sleeve. "Well I better go I don't want to bother you guys anymore." I forced a smile and starting walking back to my Cabin.


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Character Portrait: Hanna Marie Johnson Character Portrait: Andrew Dominic Collins
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As the douche bag counselor let the girl go she stumbled back but picked herself up quickly walking back over to the group of guys. "Sorry about that. I don't understand what his problem is!" Andrew felt bad for the girl she had been for who knows how long and already she was getting abused by these damn counselors. "You shouldn't be the one apologizing. That guy's a dick" he said as he watched the counselor in the distance still walking away. "Well I better go I don't want to bother you guys anymore." she gave a smile that Andrew didn't buy for a second as she turned and started her walk back to her cabin. Andrew barely knew the girl but he was worried about her and not knowing how many douchey counselors were around this place he took off after her. "Well I can't speak for the other guys but to me your not a bother" he said giving a small reassuring smile "If you really must go back to cabin just to be safe I think am gonna escort you. That is if you don't mind" he said not trying to impose his company on her.


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Character Portrait: Hanna Marie Johnson Character Portrait: Andrew Dominic Collins
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Shortly after I started walking off a boy came next to me. I believe his name was Andrew. He wanted to escort me to my cabin. "Thank you. And it's not a bother. I'm Hanna by the way." A smiled at him trying not to make my arm noticeable. The pain slowed for a while so I stopped rubbing it. We finally arrived at my cabin and I thanked him. I started to walk in and sat on my bed. I lifted up my sleeve once again to see my arm black, blue and bruised. "God! Could he have squeezed me any tighter??"


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Character Portrait: Hanna Marie Johnson Character Portrait: Andrew Dominic Collins
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"Thank you. And it's not a bother. I'm Hanna by the way." Andrew just nodded "Nice to meet you Hanna" he said giving a small smile. The walk to Hanna's cabin wasn't long as none of the cabins were really all that far apart from each other. He watched her as she walked into her cabin and once she was in with his little mini mission over he decided to head back to his cabin, because if any of these counselors laid a hand on him it was not going to turn out well for them. Besides he still had to get to the know the guys he would be spending the summer with seeing as they would all be sleeping under one roof.


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Character Portrait: Hanna Marie Johnson
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A loud voice came over the speaker in the middle of camp. "EVERYONE PLEASE REPORT TO THE CAFETERIA FOR LUNCH AND AN ANNOUNCEMENT." I started to walk out of the cabin and headed toward the cafeteria. I was the first one there. I sat in the table all the way in the back so I wouldn't be seen. I didn't want that counselor to hurt me again. Then the rest of the campers came pouring in.


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Character Portrait: Hanna Marie Johnson Character Portrait: Kenneth Scott Mitchell
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I looked at Kenny who had took a seat next to me. "Hi.I can't believe they called us here for lunch at 4:50. Isn't this supposed to dinner??" I wasn't very found of people who confused lunch with dinner. The head camp counselor walked in and told us all to get our lunch from the back. He pointed towards the back of the cafeteria. It had a food cart with millions of different foods. "At least there is one good thing about this place!" He told us that after we got our food to sit back down and ready for the shocking announcement. So I stood up and started walking towards the food.