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Surviving our way Home

Bermuda Triangle


a part of Surviving our way Home, by ScarnyLuv.


ScarnyLuv holds sovereignty over Bermuda Triangle, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Bermuda Triangle is a part of Surviving our way Home.

6 Characters Here

Scarny Pretige [9] Can't wait to take pictures of the bermuda triangle
Jason Miller [8] "Bitch please."
Jim Alba [2] Uh...hey.
Chandler Moore [2] I can't believe I'm on this stupid trip.
Lodan Maryain [1] This trip is going to be great!

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Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
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Scarny put her hand on her head. She hadn't opened her eyes yet but the sun beat down on her face. She groaned then slowly sat up. She checked herself over and saw that she didn't have any serious injuries just a lot of cuts and bruises. She slowly got up seeing her mussels were sore but still nothing serious. She opened her eyes when she was standing. She looked around and saw that there was some people around her lying on the ground. She gasped in horror and ran away. She kept running until she came upon a beach. Just as she got to the beach she saw a plane and started jumping up and down waving her arms. Then she stopped. The plane was spiraling towards the water. Suddenly memories of before the accident started flashing through her mind. The last thing she saw was her sister look at her and scream she loved her. Then the plane hit the ground with a large boom. It hit a coral reef. When it exploded she fell backwards and passed out again.

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Character Portrait: Dani Harris
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Dani woke up on the edge of the beach. The waves on her legs startled her. She sat up in a panic, looking around for her grandparents. She remembered hearing that the first plane went down and then they oxygen masks. She could see bodies everywhere. Some floating in the water and others, from the first plane all in the trees. It was a terrifying sight and all she wanted to do was find her grandparents. She noticed she had a large gash on her forearm that was bleeding quite a bit. She needed to find something to stop the bleeding. She noticed some bodies close to her. She walked over and looked down as tears came to her eyes. "I am sorry." She said to a man lying there as she ripped part of his shirt off and tied it around her arm. The bleeding started to slow. She then stood on her feet and began in the search of her grandparents and other survivors.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jim Alba Character Portrait: Chandler Moore Character Portrait: Dani Harris
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Chandler Moore

Screams. Screams were everywhere.


Her eyes fluttered open. Slowly, like a snail, her senses reentered her body. She looked around. Where was the interior of the plane that she remembered seeing a few moments ago?

"I am sorry." said someone nearby. What was going on? The girl sat up with support from an arm. She looked up an gasped from the sight that laid before her. Chandler Moore was on a beach. Not in a plane, like where she expected herself to be.

What in the hell is going on? Chandler thought. Without hesitation, she let out the most piercing scream her vocal chords could produce. Panic overtook her body. She wanted to go home. Now.

Jim Alba


Jim couldn't move. A shocking pain surrounded his shoulder. What happened? He was perfectly fine a few moments ago.

Wait a minute, he thought. He frowned, then opened his eyes. The sound of screams and waves flowed into his ears. He wasn't in the plane. He was on a beach! "What?"

Jim looked at his shoulder. He looked away almost immediately when he saw the large cut that spewed out large amounts of blood. He quickly dug around for something to cover it with. After a short moment of no success, Jim just ripped his shirt off and shoved it on the wound.

"Where are we!" he yelled.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Miller Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
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"Samuel!!! Sam!!!" Jason screamed, calling out to his brother... hoping he was still alive, but there was no sign of him anywhere... and anyone... He swore under his breath, frustration boiling in him. He couldn't be dead.... Nope. That couldn't happen. Jason touched his head, feeling a burning sensation, and a warm liquid running down his cheek. He had gotten a head injury... Jason heard other voices, and hoping that Samuel would be there with them, he made his way to them.

While walking, he noticed a girl with bright red hair just passed out on the ground. He walked over to her and touched her neck to see if she was alive. A pulse... that was a good thing, right? Maybe not in the situation they were in. Maybe it was better to be dead. Jason shook his head, realizing his thought were pretty negative. Jason mustered up all the strength he had and lifted the girl up and put her on his back. He continued his walk to the voices, still hoping Sam would be there.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lodan Maryain Character Portrait: Jason Miller Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
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Lodan got up quickly. He looked around but didn't see anyone. He remembered everything that happened. The piolets voice telling them they were entering the bermuda triangle. Then shortly after everyone stopped the excited chatter when the piolet told them to put their seat belts on in a panicky voice. Everyone did but they talked fast about all the things that they had heard about planes going down in the bermuda triangle. Then the plane jerked and there was screaming and crying. He even remembered seeing some of the attendants crying and praying. He didn't know what to do. He didn't have anyone to talk to. No one came on the trip with him. He started looking at his body but didn't see anything. He wanted to forget the accident and didn't think anyone else survived. He didn't see anyone anyway. So he started building in a small clearing close to wear he woke up. The surrounding area could easily be pushed down in there were survivors. So he made a small shelter and then worked on a fire. After a while he got frustrated then remembered the lighter he had hidden in his pocket. He pulled it out and lit his little pile. It only took seconds for it to start blazing. He placed on dead grass to make the smoke black.

Scarny woke up and things were moving past her. She finally drowsily came back to life completely. She realized she was on someones back and tried to see who it was. She didn't know what to say to get his attention so she attentively brought her hand foreword and tapped on his shoulder lightly. Then she saw blood. She didnt know if it was from him or her. "W-w-which one of us is bleeding?" She asked in a small mousey voice. Usually it would be full of fun and energy but she was to afraid to be anything but afraid. "I-I-Uh-I can walk now . . . I think" She told him in and even smaller voice.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Miller Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
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Jason felt a tap on his shoulder and looked to the girl who was holding, then turned back to walking. "Good to see your awake." He said in a harsh voice. Not that he meant it to be harsh... it just came out that way. He heard a small voice ask him "W-w-which one of us is bleeding?" . Jason sighed and then tried to remember if the girl was bleeding... and then he thought about himself. How much blood was he loosing? He wasn't even paying attention to his bleeding head. He might even have a concussion... He was a little lost in his train of thought, and couldn't heard what the girl had to say next. Her voice was small compared to the thoughts swirling around in his head. He snapped out of his thoughts and said, "Have you seen a blonde 14 year old kid around here?"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jim Alba Character Portrait: Chandler Moore Character Portrait: Dani Harris
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Dani heard some voices and ran over to find other survivors. Not to far from her she saw a girl walking around with dark hair. "Hey!" Dani yelled to get her attention as she ran over to her. Her arm was still bleeding badly and one of her legs was pretty hurt, but she was determined. As she got closer she called out again. "I'm Dani," She held out her hand, she knew all the survivors would have to stick together. She heard a guy yell. "Come on, we have to find the others." They found another survivor, a tall man, big build and short brown hair. "Hey you! Who are you?" She then noticed he was also wounded.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Miller Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
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Scarny shook her head at him. She figured he wasn't going to put her down so she just stayed silent looking at everything going by. She tried to remember seeing him in school but couldn't think of any time. Then again she always had her nose in a book or a drawing. She sighed and tried not to think about seeing him on the plane, but she couldn't hep it. She remembered seeing him but she also remembered her sister pointing him out and thinking he was cute. He might think she was her sister, she was always up and talking to people. She loved everyone. Suddenly thoughts of her sister flashed though her mind again. She couldn't help but let out a small scream.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Miller Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
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Jason tensed hearing the girl scream, and panicked, thinking she had seen something. "What? What's wrong?" He asked in a panicked tone. He turned his head round to look at her. "Are you alright? Did I hurt you or something?" Her scream scared the shit out of him. It was loud and loud was not Jason's thing. He preferred it quiet and serene.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Miller Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
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She covered her eyes with her hands and recoiled herself. She kept seeing the plane over and over again. "No, no! Make them stop! Please make them stop!" She started crying. THen her whole body started shaking. She couldn't control herself. she kept away from people because she would freak out about things that traumatized her. She had a few things traumatize her but this was the worst. "Zetta! Zetta!" She cried for her sister as she watched her die again.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Miller Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
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Jason didn't know what to do with the panicked girl... so he did the first thing that came to mind. Throw her into the water. That would definitely wake the girl up. He stepped into the water on the beach dropped her in the water gently. A wave came behind her and thrusted her forward. Jason caught her before she the tide would pull her out. "Hey! Hey! You were shouting in my ear." He said in a condescending tone.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jason Miller Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
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Scarny looked at him. "I'm sorry." She told him quickly looking away. She didn't like looking at people in the eye. She felt like it could let them see into her. She often believed in old native american tales. "I can walk now." She told him reaching her feet towards the ground.