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Lysander James

"Don't make me bite you."

0 · 151 views · located in Hell on Earth

a character in “Survivor Slayers”, as played by Flicker


Name: Lysander Donovan James

Alias(es): Ly, Wolf

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: Image
Slender and lanky, Ly looks a bit too skinny to be healthy at first glance. What he is though, is all muscle, and he’s deceptively strong. There is something distinctly feral about him as well, shown in the way he carries himself and the sharp canine teeth that can be seen when he grins. Several scars litter his body, both from before and after the demons came, his arms bearing the worst of it. As a dog, his coat is the same color as his hair, darkening to black down his legs and tail.
-Height: 6 feet
-Weight: 170
-Eye Color: Amber
-Hair Color: Dark brown

Clothing: Anything of neutral colors that’s easy to move in, generally jeans and jackets. They tend to be rather tattered.

-- Animal Telepathy ~ He can communicate with most animals he comes across, but it is with his dog Bo that the deeper aspect of the power is revealed. He can essentially merge his mind with any canine that he has a bond with- and as a result he took on some more animalistic characteristics himself.
-- Healing ~ Ly has the ability to heal himself, and anything that he has a bond with. While it doesn’t necessarily work on complete strangers, he nevertheless makes use of the skill for himself and Bo.
-- Shapeshifting ~ Another facet of his power unlocked by sharing a dog’s mind. Ly can change into a massive, wolf-like dog himself at will, with further enhanced speed and strength.

Personality: While he does retain several characteristics from before being gifted, his new bond with Bo has impacted him, leading towards a more feral nature than one might expect. Mistrustful at best and downright paranoid at worst, he sees life as far simpler with only Bo at his side. Though gruff, he isn’t heartless, and likely wouldn’t be able to bypass someone who needed help, even if he might grumble and complain about it. He’s a pretty down to earth and straightforward person, and it’s because of that you’ll rarely see him lying. He has a sort of pack mentality as well, and is fiercely protective of and loyal to those he considers to be ‘pack’, namely, Bo. Even in human form, he often can growl or bare his teeth to convey anger. He’s more of a ‘go in and beat ‘em all up’ type than a strategist, though he has no problems following a plan if you can convince him of its worth. He’s not book smart by any means- never having completed high school- but has a vast knowledge of anything that could help him survive. If one can manage to gain his trust though, you’re ‘pack’, and he’s a loyal friend and actually a pretty amiable person.

Bio: Lysander’s family had never been well off, just barely retaining their run-down, tiny home. As a result, Ly essentially grew up on the streets, learning to fend for himself and scrounging around for things that he could pawn off for a little money to supplement the family’s nonexistent income. Several of the scars he bears are from this time, gained from just his harsh lift or the fights he inevitably got into over territory or some particularly expensive item.
He came across a dog to hungry to move in an alley one day, and in a rare show of pity, he gave the animal some of his own food. Once recovered, the dog didn’t leave him alone, following around after him until he finally gave in and accepted the animal as a companion, naming him Bo. They were hunting around close to home when the demons fist attacked, and found himself unable to do anything as he watched his home burn to the ground with his family inside, one of the strange creatures that he later discovered were the demons shrieking outside.
He went wild with Bo at his side, living from meal to meal as he focused solely on surviving. He avoided the demons even though the act tore at him. After he received his gifts though, he explored his new bond with Bo, and the two began to do their best to tear apart any demon that crossed their paths.

So begins...

Lysander James's Story


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#, as written by Flicker
The last luster fell in a spray of blood, two sets of fangs buried deeply in its neck as it crumpled to the ground. The two attacking dogs landed lightly on either side of the demon, wasting no time before biting down again, simultaneous jerks of their heads further tearing into the already gaping wounds the demon sported. The larger, a brown and black dog, was the first to release his grip, prompting the smaller tan and cream dog to pull back as well, lips curled back in an attempt to get as much of the blood as possible out of his mouth. Demon blood was, without a doubt, one of the nastiest tasting things around, which was saying something nowadays. Shaking himself and glancing up at the bloodied sky, the larger dog’s form began to elongate and change, almost seeming to blur until a human was standing where the dog had been previously. Shaggy brown hair falling over his eyes, he wasted little time spitting several times off to the side, doing his best to get expel as much of the foul liquid as he could, uncorking a flask at his side to swish lukewarm water through his mouth before spitting again, the already somewhat brackish liquid coming out almost black.

The actual dog at his side, he headed over towards the nearest shell of a building, poking through the rubble to come up with the tattered knapsack he had previously stashed there. Rifling through it he came up with a stained and torn section of cloth. Pouring a little of the precious water on it, he knelt down as Bo approached, jaws obligingly open as the man quickly went through, wiping the blood off of his teeth as best he could, before tucking the rag back away to clean later. Neither one of them allowed the blood to remain on them for very long after a fight, unwilling to find out what would happen should they fail to clean away the liquid. There was a possibility of his healing powers dealing with that, but he wasn’t about to risk his only true companion for a theory, no matter how confident he was in it.

Slinging his knapsack across his back, he pulled out one of his switchblades and moved forward to make sure the demon was dead. It was, and the blood-tipped blade was slipped back into its hiding place. The blood would serve as a decent deterrent at the very least, if he ran into any other hostile survivors. There was something particularly intimidating about a bloodied blade in favour of a clean one, and it was a crude blade at best as well, not one he bothered to worry about cleaning and sharpening.

Straightening up, Lysander let out a short whistle, the noise bringing Bo back from where he had been nosing about in the rubble to trot at his side as he started away. The reek of the dead demon was hanging heavily in the air, and he had no wish to see what else it would attract. As if summoned, a single bloodbird landed on an outcropping of stone next to them to let out a rasp of a caw. Baring his teeth, both Ly and Bo unleashed identical snarls to scare the offending bird away, back to the flock that was beginning to gather.

Rather worse for wear sneakers silent against the rough ground he headed off, not needing to look to know that his dog was right at his side where he had been without fail for several years now. No bunch of demons was about to change that.
They walked aimlessly for a while before Ly deemed them to be far enough away from the torn body to take a break, though neither was winded. Dropping down to recline against a half-destroyed wall, he lowered a hand to rest atop Bo’s head as the wolf-like dog curled up at his side, eyes the same shade of Lysander’s own gleaming watchfully in the shadows cast by the rubble.