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Annelise Gulbrandsen

Hell. Go out with a Bang.

0 · 368 views · located in Dystopian cyberpunk future

a character in “Synth Crisis”, as played by Captain Schizo


Annelise Gulbrandsen

Da Po Po



Physical Description:
Annelise has a fit build and stands at around 5'8". Depending on if she is on the job or not she will almost always have her hair up in a ponytail or down. She bounces between her natural wavy hair and straightening it.

Her regulation gear is slightly modified with a extra protection around her abdomen to protect a previous injury. For her primary weapon she uses a KRISS Vector X-26 equipped with a hybrid sight, double drum magazine and shock rounds, originally made to be less lethal but with the growth of cyborgs they have been altered to make a great impact. They offer a devastating shock on impact that it is designed to overload and shut down systems. However, the bulkier the cybernetics, the harder it is for them to drop. Along with her Vector she has a colt for her secondary and a folding knife as her last resort.

From a severe accident she suffered years ago she now has a cybernetic stomach along with a cloudy casing covering her abdomen and the back of her side on her right. This is an older model and so replacing it is not an option for the potential risk of losing herself. For now she has normal checkups and goes on with life normally, but the hardware wasn’t made to last forever.

Annelise is easy going, never taking anything to heart. She’s quick witted in her actions, be that a quick jab or jumping rooftops in pursuit of culprit. Her daredevil nature makes choices easier, although not always being the best choice, she’s already too far in the deepside to pull back up.

Annelise was born and raised in Oslo, Norway where at the age of twelve she moved to Calgary, Canada along with her brother who was just turning sixteen. Her father had just gotten a new job and they had to relocate in order for him to keep it. She managed to pick up english rather well as well as french. In her late teens her and her brother got into a car accident which resulted in both needing serious surgeries. She had been impaled and fell into a traumatic coma for the most part of a year. It had pierced her abdomen and tore her stomach, leading to her cybernetic stomach and casing. Her brother ended up losing not only his right leg but also his left arm, a couple years later and he had outfitted himself new cybernetics.

She was on the force by twenty-one and her brother was completely out of her life. He had started hanging out with a sketchy group of other cybers until he was out of her and their families lives. She joined in the hopes of figuring out what happened to her brother but by the time she could start looking everyone with advanced cybernetics lost their mind. She was lucky that she didn’t have any more enhancements beside her stomach, but it wasn’t herself she was worried about, she wanted to know what happened to her brother and wanted to know if he was a mindless shell.

So begins...

Annelise Gulbrandsen's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Gunnerson Character Portrait: Annelise Gulbrandsen
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0.00 INK

The room smelt like rubber and disinfectant she shifted on the exam table a light crumbling noise filling the quiet room. She sighed brushing a piece of hair behind her ears. She would never come to these check ups if it wasn't for the small fact that it was either living with the check ups or being on desk duty permanently. Anna heard a light vibration come from her jacket on the chair across from her and as she was about to get it the door flew open. Only ten minutes, a new record.
“You’re good to go. No problems anywhere. If you have no questions you're free to go."
She hoped off the table putting her uniform on as well as her jacket and checked her phone, a group of rogue cyborgs were occupying a warehouse fairly close to the hospital.

She kicked it into high gear and managed to get to the scene within minutes. She threw the jacket over her bike and walked over to the control van. “What do we got?”
“Ten cyborgs, Gunnerson’s already moving in.”
“Where from?”
The man pointed back halfheartedly “Ro-.” Not being able to finish his own sentence thanks to an explosion that rang out from the roof of the warehouse. He didn’t have to finish talking to know he was going to say Slade was going in from the roof. That was classic Slade.

Without another word she grabbed an earpiece and headed towards the back of the building. The back of the building was the loading docks for the trucks and a definite way of getting into the building. For some reason they didn’t think to put anyone out here, it was a major entry point and to not put anyone to guard it was just stupid. Then again when the explosion went off it probably drew their attention. “Slade it's Anna,” she said as she started her way up the stairs “You’re about to get some company. That explosion drew quite a bit of attention.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Gunnerson Character Portrait: Annelise Gulbrandsen Character Portrait: Colton Stent
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0.00 INK

#, as written by kemj25
Stent made the route in record time. As he pulled up to the lot, he could see an explosion on the roof as a cyborg was lit up like a roman candle. He stepped out of the vehicle and sighed. Gunnerson. There was a noticeable hole in the front of the warehouse where the original detonation must have occurred. Colton hurriedly walked up to a sergeant on the line and asked for a quick debrief.

"Sergeant," Colton began. "Are there any updates? Has anyone been deployed yet?"

"Oh yessir, Gunnerson reported ten cyborgs, right before taking out one! Then officer Gulbrandsen showed up on the scene and went to go cover the back because we're busting our balls, stretched thin as it is watching the front."

Colton nodded, "alright, I'll catch up with Officer Gulbrandsen then."

With extreme haste, Colton Stent rushed around to catch up with Anna. He reached up to his ear piece to contact her. "Anna? This is Agent Stent. I'm coming to back you up. Don't do anything hasty until I get there."

Stent reviewed the situation in his mind, trying to figure out what may be going on.
This is definitely a coordinated attack. One gave his life to open this warehouse, which means they knew they couldn't open it conventionally. This required planning, an intelligent direction, meaning this is no random act of violence. This means they are probably more prepared than usual. Hopefully this snatch and grab doesn't turn into a massacre.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Gunnerson Character Portrait: Annelise Gulbrandsen
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0.00 INK

Slade was now taking cover behind a pillar in the large open space of the third floor of the warehouse. two cyborgs were firing their weapons in his direction. A third cyborg was face down on the ground in a puddle of his own blood. It was pretty obvious that he was the first one to maker contact with Slade. However he did manage to graze Slade in the shoulder with a pulse round before Slade lit him up. "Slade it's Anna, You're about to get some company, That explosion drew a lot of attention" Her voice rang through his mic.

Slade swallowed the searing burning feeling from the cauterized wound on his shoulder and replied. "Yeah I kind of figured that out" He said to her with a small wince from pain. quickly thinking he fired his shotgun in their direction to supress them. There was a large bay window near him. it faced the loading area and truck bay of the building. If it came to that, he would have to use that as his exit and regroup with a new strategy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Gunnerson Character Portrait: Annelise Gulbrandsen Character Portrait: Colton Stent
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0.00 INK

Annelise had cleared the first floor and was rounding the staircase to the second when a voice came through her headset. "Anna? This is Agent Stent. I'm coming to back you up. Don't do anything hasty until I get there."

She couldn’t help but smirk as she made her way through the floor “I’m not the one you should be telling that to.” As she crept through the room all she could hear was the rain that was now at a full downpour. “I already cleared the first floor and i’m finishing the second. Hurry up here, Slade’s above me and from the sounds of it he’s got quite the fight on his hands.”

The warehouse wasn’t privately owned so the reason they had so little security was questionable, especially when they’re storing things like Kardmium. She could hear shots coming from the next floor so she sped up her pace clearing the second floor. The last thing she needed was to get up there and have a cyborg get the jump on them. Finishing up the walkthrough of the floor she started her way back across the building, why they only had one staircase was a mystery all it’s own, one she didn’t care to learn. Halfway through the room she was greeted with a piece of wood to the face. She hit the ground harder than the wood hit her. Son of a bitch. Whoever it was was extremely quiet, that or the rain was drowning out their noise.

Blinking a few she shot up just in time to dodge an incoming kick. He had cybernetic legs, anyone of his kicks is capable of breaking some bones. She quickly moved behind a crate moving low to the ground not be seen, she had him in her sights and hopefully all she needed was one shot. His legs were his main cybernetics although he also had an enhancement on his spine most likely connected to a brain implant. Taking either out would make him as good as dead. He was looking around like a madman clearly having lost sight of her, making a perfect time to spring into action. She jumped out of cover only having to fire two shots. One directly on the spine and the other on his leg.

It worked just as she planned, hitting the main part of legs completely crippled him and the spinal column shot paralyzed his movement. It was a risky move that luckily paid off.
She dabbed her lip with her finger as she walked up to the paralyzed cyborg “You busted my lip.”

“I’ll kill you.” he said through clenched teeth.
She took her pistol and put it to his temple and pulled the trigger, there was no need to waste a shock bullet for an easy kill shot.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Gunnerson Character Portrait: Annelise Gulbrandsen Character Portrait: Colton Stent Character Portrait: The Doctor
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0.00 INK

#, as written by kemj25
Colton rushed around the corner to the back of the warehouse, but failed to see Anna. Shit. Maybe she went in after Gunnerson. He knew that Anna was capable of handling herself, and if she made it to Slade, then nothing short of an AT missile could stop them.

Stent brought up Anna on his comm, "this is Colton again. New plan: I'll stay around the back in case any manage to slip by you. Make sure Slade doesn't destroy the Kardmium with his heroics."

The young-blood drew his weapon and found some cover behind some miscellaneous crates and rubbage where he could also keep an eye out for any cyborgs exiting the warehouse. Awaiting for Officer Gulbrandsen's response, Colton keenly scanned the area. Just because the break-in was sloppy, doesn't mean that some of these guys don't have any fancy toys. The rain reached a heavy downpour but Colton Stent was used to these conditions. Ever since the Synth Crisis, the city itself seems down, almost crying for the hustle and bustle of its former life.

As he scanned the area, Stent noticed something... odd. The rain was hitting something. Something that wasn't there.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Gunnerson Character Portrait: Annelise Gulbrandsen Character Portrait: Colton Stent
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0.00 INK

Anna quickly turned out of the stairwell and fired at two cyborgs opening firing towards Slade. They didn’t notice her coming making the kill rather quick. She dragged one body away from the doorframe and took cover where he once was. Peeking around the edge she spotted the four remaining cyborgs taking cover and or firing in Slade’s direction. She spotted his head bobbing behind a pillar on the far side of the floor behind several crates. The borgs were sandwiched between the two of them and if they played it right were easy picking.

“Slade i’ve got yo-” Another explosion erupted from outside cutting her off, much louder than the small one Slade created when she first arrived. Peeking around the corner there was nothing but fire on the outside and the windows had been shattered from the blast.

“Stent what the hell is happening out there?” she said back on her comms. This better not be a goddamn setup.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Gunnerson Character Portrait: Annelise Gulbrandsen
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0.00 INK

Slade was relieved when he saw that Anna had shown up.She was one of the officers he trusted, even though she had cybernetics, she was a survivor like him and She had earned his trust by coming through for him on numerous occasions. She quickly disposed of the two cyborgs that were supressing him. And he turned his focus on the remaining four that were now sandwiched between him and her at different positions. "Welcome to the Par- " He stopped when a large explosion went off and fire blew a window near a cyborg. Was that a bomb? Slade didn't know but his reflexes kicked in. The explosion had also distracted the cyborgs who looked towards the window. Slade moved from his cover and crouched right in front of the large box that the nearest cyborg was hiding behind.

"Hey where did he go?" He heard it say. Shotgun in hand, Slade rose up and put the barrel below his chin. taking the cyborg by surprise. Pulling the trigger quickly and looking away and crouching down. A mist of blood and grey matter took place of his head for a few split seconds before the body slumped to the ground. The other cyborgs were beginning to frenzy. Which is just what he wanted, their aim became sloppy and and they began yelling. He holstered his shotgun again and pulled out his pistol. Firing it he put a round through a second cyborgs eye causing the back of it's head to blow out. 2 Left. Now that Slade had better cover he could relax a little bit. "What the hell was that? Did our guys just get hit?" He said firing at the next cyborg.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Gunnerson Character Portrait: Annelise Gulbrandsen Character Portrait: Colton Stent
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0.00 INK

Slade had managed to blow away two more cyborgs making the rest become a clumsy mess. Anna stepped out of cover and fired several rounds into the neck of one of the raving cyborgs, taking him by surprise.

"What the hell was that? Did our guys just get hit?" Slade yelled to her firing at the only cyborgs left.

Anna slid into cover behind a close pillar “I don’t know, Stent hasn’t responded to me yet.” she quickly peeked out and unloaded on the second cyborg and a shock round must have hit a sweet spot because sparks started to fly from the cybernetics. He collapsed to the floor still flying sparks, he was clearly dead.

She let out a light sigh as the battle finally ended and left her cover making sure they all were dead. The only light source in the room was the fire that raged outside. “We need to get out there.”

Anna didn’t wait for a response from Slade as she was already hurrying down the stairs while trying to get Stent on the comms. Making her way outside the loading bay was looking much more hectic than when she originally arrived. Looking through the rain she spotted a person on the ground. It was Stent. Running over she realized he was completely dazed with his eyes glazed over. “Stent. Are you alright?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Gunnerson Character Portrait: Annelise Gulbrandsen Character Portrait: Colton Stent
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0.00 INK

Just when Verena though things could not get any worse, an explosion was perform and it wasn't hers. The Doctor was knocked to the ground forcefully causing the glass in her electronic shades to fragment into tiny piece stabbing her right eye and her radar to malfunction. She was already out in the open, however near a window that led to the inside of the warehouse; thus she crawl as quickly as Verena could smelling the aroma of the fire, blood, death. A splash of vomit oozed from her lips as the feeling of light-headedness only made matters worse. She did not stop to observe her surroundings, the Doctor weakly inched through what use to be a window. Verena took one glance out the opening to only see what hell has been unleashed.

If Verena did not lose a majority of her sanity she would probably say a smart comment like, "Someone trying to steal my show, hmm? I will give you that one, you mysterious stranger..." And continue to keep her calm, but she only held on a thin single strand of mental stability, and the last thing Verena ever be at the moment was calm. Verena was the one who now needed a doctor, the metal of her left arm blazed with flames and was now slowly melting, but was the arm hiding her non-lethal weapon, but ironically she was not planning to be merciful, not after what she had been through. Thankfully, she was smart and quick enough to preserve the bomb by covering the backpack with her stomach when crawling to the warehouse outside. Not only did Verena hold the bomb but in her leather vest jacket pocket she had was equipped with the detonator, so technically she could add her finishing touches to the hellhole if she wanted to. But all Verena wanted to do was survive, and if she couldn't then the Doctor wanted to leave out with a bang. So, yes the Doctor would do something so cruel as using the bomb as an advantage.

Walking through the warehouse she did not discovered any cops searching the first floor probably because they were already trying to chase after what maniac made it rain hell fire. So the Doctor limped to the second floor, though her radar was no at its best working abilities but it could vaguely target some kind of predator or predators above her. Was it three, or four? She could not tell but they were probably cops trying to clean up. She rather not make it up on the rooftop, instead she decided to lure them somehow. Therefore, Verena placed the bomb on the floor next to feet and began to three gunshots with a gun she picked off of a dead cop on the floor below.

"Hopefully that got their attention, if not, this bomb will!" she shouted to herself, firming grasping the detonator. What Verena was about to do was both crazy and risking, because for the first time Verena was going to negotiate with he police .

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Gunnerson Character Portrait: Annelise Gulbrandsen
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0.00 INK

#, as written by kemj25
“We need to get out there.”

And just like that, Anna sprinted down the stairs as quickly as she could. Slade was a little rattle from a shockwave that seemed to come from the structure of the warehouse. Everything seemed out of place and it wasn't that cyborg's disembodied head splattered against the floor. No, there was a sudden sense of urgency and then Slade could hear it, the faint cries from outside. Gunnerson moved up to the window and witnessed a most horrific sight.

The cops were scrambling about, completely engulfed in flames. All the patrol cars were also lit up and it seemed as though the rain was helping to spread the fire. Seeing this and a small crater where the missile impacted, Gunnerson realized he had seen something similar before and knew this had to be a chemical-based explosion. The flames danced and licked the bodies, burning brightly for all in the neighborhood to see. Slade turned away to follow Anna and help get things settled. This was a call for action.

OOC: Wheezy Mcgee is out of town and allowed me to post on his behalf until Monday.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Gunnerson Character Portrait: Annelise Gulbrandsen Character Portrait: Colton Stent
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0.00 INK

#, as written by kemj25
The ringing, the incessant ringing. There was nothing but the ringing, until Stent received a friendly wake up. It was Anna, gently slapping his face, helping him come to.

"Colton. Colton! Come on, Colton!" Anna shouted, volume increasing as the ringing finally began to subside.

Groggy, Stent rose to his feet with the aid of Anna. He noticed Slade step from out of the building.

Gunnerson? Good, that means they must've have dispatched with the hostiles. But that explosion wouldn't have been Slade's fault... probably. Yeah, that saboteur had bombs. But the building is still standing. So why does Officer Gulbrandsen look so concerned? And are those screams? Is that the smell of burning fle-

"Colton, what happened?" Anna asked with a strong sense of urgency.

"I... dunno," Stent began, as he clutched his side. "There was a bomber. I saw it, a cyborg, out here planting bombs."

Slade spoke up, "Well we got about a dozen or so uniforms out there doused in flames. I figure they're completely soaked in some kinda chemical."

"Wait a moment," Colton said as he began to remember a bit more. "Right before I was hit with the blast, I heard an explosion from out front. That's two explosions. And the cyborg back here seemed a bit taken back themselves. That means we could have two bombers. In all likely hood, this was a trap and either A, the explosives were setup beforehand or B, the first bomber had a clear shot to launch an explosive. Officer Gulbrandsen, call for help, but make sure HQ has some suits sweep all the vantage points the bomber could have used. Slade, go check for survivors of the blast and see if anyone escaped the inferno. I'll scope out the warehouse to see if there's any clue as to what just went down and why."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Gunnerson Character Portrait: Bernard Grant Character Portrait: Annelise Gulbrandsen Character Portrait: Colton Stent Character Portrait: The Doctor
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0.00 INK

"No shit Sherlock......" Slade muttered to himself as he heard Colton's plan. He turned and headed towards the front of the building where the carnage and away from Colton and Anna. A few seconds later the he was at the front of the building. THe air was a lot warmer and it was full of the smells of flesh and rubber, and chemicals. Most of the fire had subsided and it left in its wake a lot of dead cops. He didn't see many survivors however the few that did survive were now severely burned, and ironicly would probably need cybernetics to survive. The thought of this made Slade furious, these were good men and women, and it shouldn't have come to this. A few of the officers that survived the blast and were ok had detained a cyborg that looked to be carrying a bomb. He would deal with her later, as of right now a lot things needed to be answered.

Slade looked around to see if he could spot where this explosion came from, Out of the corner of his eye his goggles locked onto a figure jumping from a nearby taller building onto the warehouse. It couldn't be who he thought it was, Slade hadn't seen or heard from him in a while. "Gunnerson what the hell happened down there? Who did this?" Said the sarge's voice from his mic. "I don't know but I think I'm gonna find out..." He said turning off his mic as he began to run back into the warehouse to confront the stranger. More and more questions began to pile up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annelise Gulbrandsen
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0.00 INK

The fire had caused the temperature in the area to rise turning what was a cool rainstorm into a miserable muggy mess. Colton had regained his composure and immediately started barking orders left and right."Anna, get HQ on the line tell them we need rescue units."

"Already on it." She said hand on her headset. "This is Agent Gulbrandson requesting rescue units and additional support. There’s a bomber in the area.” While she was taking to the command center Slade went around front to check on survivors and what not and Colton went back in the warehouse to look for any explanation of what just happened.

“The streets are packed the fastest they’ll get there is within ten minutes. Can you guys control the situation until then?

“Yeah we’ll manage.” She ended the call and let out a heavy sigh, reiterating the ETA to the rest of the guys. Ten minutes was enough time for the culprit, or culprits, to get away. While Slade was out front and Colton heading inside she figured she would take the perimeter.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Gunnerson Character Portrait: Bernard Grant Character Portrait: Annelise Gulbrandsen Character Portrait: Colton Stent
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0.00 INK

#, as written by kemj25
After being met with some sarcasm from his fellow officers, Stent marched into the warehouse. From inside, he could see both Slade checking on the officers, some of which were negotiating with an oddly familiar cyborg.

Alright, time to scan for clues. Crates of kardmium were strapped with rigs for easy hauling, provided these thugs had the right equipment. This only confirmed Stent's suspicion that they were trying to steal the precious alloy. An overlooked fact by the general public is that insanity does not always equate to a complete loss of faculties, as some simply gained a screwed up moral compass or skewed sense of what's ethical. This always made it hard to deal with the cyborgs. Either they were mad or believed so strongly that they were immune.

The plasma burns and position of this husk indicates that one cyborg sacrificed himself to create this hole in the wall. A plasma core this volatile is likely a class four upgrade. Most cyborg's can't afford that. This is likely tied to activity of maybe a larger gang. Back at HQ, I'm going to need to look into gang activities. They're getting bolder no-

A gentle thud on the roof caught Colton's attention and shortly after, he noticed Slade moving back towards the warehouse. It would probably be a good idea to investigate.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annelise Gulbrandsen Character Portrait: The Doctor
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0.00 INK

The rain wasn’t letting up but at least the glowing glare of fire was finally calming down. It still had much of the street lit up and occasional would send sparks of light filling the alleyways. She had combed most of the depot for any other signs of cyborg activity but came up empty. What they wanted was in the warehouse and there was nothing out here that seemed to be of any importance. Leaning up against the wall she heard the shuffling of feet on the other side which was odd because Slade was in the streets and Colton wasn’t on this side last she checked. Which only could lead to one thing, she opened the door to that side of the warehouse and was immediately greeted with another cyborg but there was something different about this one. She wasn’t in a complete blood lust, which meant that she had to be in complete control of her actions despite the cybernetics.

“Hands. Step into the light. Slowly.” There was hardly any light in the room so she couldn’t make out what she looked like. As the women turned to her, Anna realized just how screwed she could be.As the women stepped into the light she learned two things. One,she had a bomb, not strapped to her but she held the detonator tight, thumb just above the button and Two, it was The Doctor. It had already been a long night and everything was pointing to it being even longer.

(OOC This is CaptainSchizo, this is my other account for when I forget my password.)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annelise Gulbrandsen Character Portrait: The Doctor
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0.00 INK

Being spotted was just what the Doctor wanted. When ordered to reveal herself, she did just so- keeping herself cautious and her motions steady. Though the Doctor was in a weak state physical she did not let one finger of her dominate hand stray from the detonator. Earlier, Verena crashed against her face causing her shades to partly shatter on her face, glass plunged into her right eye. The smell of burning metal wore on her presence the way a bride wore white on a wedding ceremony.

The Doctor tilted her head at the female officer expressed with a twisted toothless smile. Shaking her head at the cop as if the policewoman were a fool child, Verena spoke emotionless in an eerie and lifeless manner as if she was a ghost of a girl who died in the hellish rain, "Is that any way to greet a doctor? I assume no one taught you manners. Perhaps you weren't listening."

The Doctor stepping forward, closer to the woman, limping while she did so however waving the detonator declaring that she had the upper-hand. Watching her enemy very closely she ordered, "You better listen now, because you wouldn't want to make my day any worse. So, turn off your radio."

Nothing happened at first, thus the Doctor ordered again but sounding much more vicious and with emotion, "I said, turn off your radio. Officer, I will leave you to a damn crisp if you do not cooperate."

The cop had no choice but to obey, unless she desired to not only take her own life but the life of her other fellow cops in the building. Therefore as soon as the radio went off Verena continued, "Look, you have really one option. Either you arrest me, tell no one I gave in willingly to arrest or my finger slips on this here red button. And red buttons are usually bad news. I am not planning anything, all I want to do is get away from this piss-hole. I have a better chance in prison then I do on the streets... after what happened. But promise me officer, tell no one I gave in willingly. Besides, it will sound better on your part, like as if you took down the Doctor heroically. Do this I will surrender the bomb and of course its detonator. Break your word and I will come back to break you, what do say, officer?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annelise Gulbrandsen Character Portrait: The Doctor
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0.00 INK

The Doctor raised her voice slightly and Anna had no choice but turn off her radio. She was in no position to spew out orders, she may be fast at the trigger but not fast enough to stop her from pressing the button, even if she did have a perfect shot.

"Look, you have really one option. Either you arrest me, tell no one I gave in willingly to arrest or my finger slips on this here red button. And red buttons are usually bad news. I am not planning anything, all I want to do is get away from this piss-hole. I have a better chance in prison then I do on the streets... after what happened. But promise me officer, tell no one I gave in willingly. Besides, it will sound better on your part, like as if you took down the Doctor heroically. Do this I will surrender the bomb and of course its detonator. Break your word and I will come back to break you, what do say, officer?"

Anna couldn’t help but smirk at the request, she was never good at keeping her composure. “If all you want to do is leave, why didn’t you just run when the explosion happened?” Adjusting her grip on her gun she took into account the wounds that the women had. She clearly was hit with the blast which either meant it was her bomb that went off early, or she didn’t expect it, meaning there was something else going on behind the scenes. “With all the mayhem going on out there, it would have been easy to slip away unnoticed.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annelise Gulbrandsen Character Portrait: The Doctor
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“If all you want to do is leave, why didn't you just run when the explosion happened?” the officer asked Verena with a smirk.

But the problem was the Doctor couldn't just slip away, for many reasons.The rain turning from water to fire she was afraid that she would be meet an unfriendly encounter with the flames. And even if the fire was not directly on top of her, if fire is falling from any sky it is best to stay indoors, even if indoors is a cop-infested-warehouse. In other words, she had a better chance with the cops being the one determined to trigger yet another explosion if not given what she wanted. There was also the problem with leaving physically by herself and revisiting her motorcycle a couple miles away. Verena was no in the best of healthy, for goodness's sake she could only see out of one eye with a heavy light-headed feeling. The Doctor desired to see no inside of a prison cell or an interrogation room, but in a situation like such, it may be the best and craziest decision. Besides, who doesn't like a bit of adventure?

“With all the mayhem going on out there, it would have been easy to slip away unnoticed.”

"After the explosion I hit, the only 'slipping' I would do is slipping and falling. And there are... other reasons. But I give you no answers! Perhaps if you through with the arrest. This will probably be the only time in your life, officer, where a cyborg in her right mind surrenders so easily.... I mean what do you have to lose? Seriously! The only failure here.... is me," the doctor spoke her last sentence nearing close to shameful mutter.

"Do, this and you will be seen as a hero. And I ordered you turn off your radio for a reason, just so that there is not even the slightly chance that your comrades hear us negotiating."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bernard Grant Character Portrait: Annelise Gulbrandsen Character Portrait: The Doctor
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He didn't hear any shouting or exclamation after landing so for now Bernard assumed he was in the clear. Still, he wanted to be cautious. He just wanted to keep an eye on the kardmium to make sure the few remaining cops didn't load it up and ship it off to who-knows-where before he could grab some. He only needed a single box of the stuff. He could easily carry more but despite his strength he wanted at least one hand free just in case. But he was getting ahead of himself.

He made his way over to where one of the cops had gotten in. The mangled wreck of a cyborg was still laying there where it had fallen. But Bernard felt no pity. Only disdain. Such wasted potential. Down one flight of stairs and he was inside on the third floor, with more cyborg bodies laid nearby. He was going to keep heading down when he heard voices coming up from below. Even with his enhanced hearing it was somewhat hard to decipher with the rain pouring hard on the metal roof just feet above him, but it definitely sounded like two female voices. He drew his pistol, the giant .50 caliber monster that they used to use on cyborgs before pulse tech became more efficient and popular. It was the only thing left from his own days as an officer. That and a few vague, muddle memories. He continued towards the stairs leading down to the second floor, but slower, quieter.

He considered, briefly, giving up on the kardmium and just escaping, but he was already inside. It would hurt his pride to leave empty handed now.
