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Jewel Liadon

"Life would be so much easier without all this fighting...wouldn't it?"

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a character in “Take Back the World”, as played by Crystal Flamedance



Jewel is an elf with green hair with light golden eyes, with pale skin. Her hair ends just past her waist, and is fairly straight. At 6', she stands a little shorter than some of the other elves. She is also fairly slim, and prefers to wear pants along with a long sleeved shirt, both a little tight, to allow for easier movement. Both are also a darker color, as she prefers to wander at night. She about 1100 years old, fairly young for an elf.

Jewel is peaceful, like the rest of her race. She likes to take walks at night, when most others are asleep and everything is much quieter. She doesn't often talk much to strangers, though that can often depend on the situation. Sometimes it just can't be helped, after all. She is not typically easy to scare off, and likes a good adventure. Confrontation, however, she avoids actively. She doesn't fight too well, and while she's not fond of the humans, she doesn't think it's overly necessary. There are plenty of other elves that can fight, and that really isn't even her strong suit, anyway.

She likes music...listening to it, anyway. She can play the flute, but is easily embarrassed, and doesn't think she'd very good at it. She loves a good adventure, and loves to scout out the humans. Granted, her race is peaceful, so she only keeps an eye out for armies marching on her home, but it allows her to roam a little. She also prefers being out in nature than being confined in buildings. Caves are okay, but buildings and houses are not. She also likes watching and playing with animals.

She can't stand absolute silence. Even at night, she needs to hear something; an owl, a breeze, something. There has to be at least a little noise for her to be happy. She also has a great fear of being burned. As it is, even camp fires bother her, though she knows they're necessary for cooking, keeping warm, and light. She tried to keep her distance when she can. She doesn't like humans, like most of her race, despite the little curiosity she has towards them. She believes them to be violent and obnoxious. The one thing she absolutely hates, though, more than silence or fire or humans, is violence. No, humand and elves don't get along and she herself doesn't like humans, but wouldn't everything be easier if they just lived separately, in peace?

Jewel doesn't typically carry much, unless she's travelling. And even then, everything fits in a small bag. Usually, it's only necessary supplies; a little food, flint and tinder, and, usually, a map. She keeps a small knife on her at all times, though she doesn't use it often. She's much better at scouting than anything else, and she likes it that way. She thought it was much easier than learning to use a weapon properly.

Jewel grew up near the edge of the forest, but was continuously warned by her parents to never get too close to the edge, and especially not to go near the humans. She watched them, though, curious enough to try to figure out what they were up to. She learned later on, as she grew up, that the humans really were no good. She had heard about the dragons, too, but wasn't sure whether or not it was truth. After all, she had never seen them for herself. Nearly everything she knows, she learned from her parents.

Generally, her life was fairly simple, keeping to the forest and avoiding the humans. She has learned everything she needed to in order to survive in the forest; to hide from predators, forage for food, and find shelter for nights away from home. She was trained to be a survivalist more than anything, and uses that often when she goes out to scout human civilizations. She has a younger brother, and still takes advice from her parents, but otherwise she now prefers to live away from them. Mostly, she is either scouting what is believed to be a human army, or wandering through the forest, taking in the sites, or looking for a place to make camp.

So begins...

Jewel Liadon's Story


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"Wonderful! I don't mind at all at telling you what to do!" Karliah laughed, a smile on her face. "I promise it won't be anything too difficult." The female Dragon then fell silent for a moment, thinking about what Jewel had said about Rhitarion's actions the night before. "You know, I bet he had no idea why he was hugging you. In case you've not noticed, my brother does not often show such signs of affection. I think he finds it hard. More so since father died. He did seem confused, as well this morning. If you could get him to open up..I bet that would help him to see his feelings more clearly. Maybe you could ask him about father? It's not healthy that he has not spoken to anyone about his death. As far as any of us are aware..Rhitarion still loves both races but if they killed father..why would he? Unless..he knows something that we do not. Anyway, enough about that. I'm sorry for running off last night. Rhitarion was right. I should have never have brought you outside of the camp and I am sorry, my friend. It will not happen again."

Karliah quickly finished her meal and then patiently waited for her friend to, as well. When they were both done, Karliah rose. "Come. We'll go ahead and head down so that we can get all of my work out of the way. Then, we can do something that you'd like to do." She led the way out of the dining hall and all the way down to the infirmary. The trip there did not take too long and it was mostly silent until they arrived there. They entered the large room and Karliah turned to her friend. "If you want, you can sit over there.." she said, pointing to a small chair that was in front of a small desk. "I need to organize a few of my things. If you could do that for me, numerically, I would be much appreciated. It's easy. The colored ink that is on the rolls of paper tell you the number range so just match up the colors since I doubt you can read our language. Just find me if you need any help." She left Jewel then, and went about seeing her patients.

Rhitarion had been busy with his mother all morning. After they'd gotten into another argument he was able to get away and was now currently looking for Jewel and Karliah. If he recalled correctly, they would be in the infirmary as his sister had a few patients to see that morning. He entered into the large room and immediately saw Jewel. He approached her from behind silently. "I see that Karliah has put you to work." he said, smiling. He turned his gaze from his friend, looking for his sister. It seemed that she was still rather busy. "If you want, I was getting ready to find something to eat for lunch as I have yet to eat anything..would you like to join me?" he asked, watching the Elf closely. He was a tad bit nervous..he was unsure of how she would react after he'd hugged her the night before. Would she even speak to him?


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Character Portrait: Jewel Liadon Character Portrait: Rhitarion
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Jewel stared at her food thoughtfully. Would that help? She could imagine it would be hard for him to talk about his father. But would trying to get him to talk about him upset him? Would he maybe get mad if she brought it up? But Karliah was right; it wasn't healthy to not talk about his father...or, rather, about how he felt about his father's death, and about his father in general. Karliah changed the subject abruptly, apologizing for putting her in danger the night before, when Tithender showed up. She gave a small smile in response.

"No; it's alright. We were both just worried, was all." She finished her food and stood to follow Karliah. It wasn't very far to the infirmary. She nodded at Karliah's instructions, then looked to the scrolls. That would be something else she should learn; reading their language. It would make everything so much easier if she was going to be staying with the dragons for a while. She looked over the scrolls briefly before sitting down to organize and put the scrolls in what she hoped was the right order. Considering this was all she had to do, she thought she might be doing the easier work. This wasn't hard at all, and Karliah was the one dealing with the patients, taking care of them. At least the task she assigned to Jewel didn't require much practice.

After a while, though, she jumped a little when she suddenly heard Rhitarion's voice. She glanced back at him with a small smile. She had just been finishing up, anyway, when he invited her to lunch. She finished up quickly, and glanced at Karliah. She seemed busy still.

"Oh, well, yeah, sure. I'd like to join you."Maybe she'd get a chance to ask about his father, while she was at it. And hopefully Karliah wouldn't mind too much.


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Character Portrait: Jewel Liadon Character Portrait: Rhitarion
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Rhitarion smiled at Jewel. He was glad that she didn't seem at all bothered by what had happened the night before. He noted her glace to his sister. "Do not worry about Karliah. She will not miss you for some time. She tends to get into in depth conversations with her patients." He fell silent for a moment, his crimson eyes regarding the female Elf near him. He turned and led the way out of the infirmary, walking slowly up the flight of stairs. As they walked together, Rhitarion spoke. "I am sorry that I was unable to escort you to breakfast. My mother wished to speak with me on a few things."

It did not take them very long to reach the dining hall and already their places were set. Rhitarion pulled out a chair for Jewel and waited for her to take her seat. He then gently pushed her closer to the table before taking his seat across from her. As if they had been expecting the Prince and his companion, the cooks brought out their food, serving the couple. The Prince thanked the two cooks that had brought them food before beginning to eat. He ate slowly, every once in a while glancing at Jewel. "Where has Belenus gotten to?" he asked, smiling once again. He had noticed that the bird had been absent for some time and he hoped that nothing terrible had happened to him.

As far as he was concerned, Rhitarion figured that the small bird was simply amazed to be around so many Dragons. "I wouldn't worry too terribly..he's most likely amusing himself." he said. "I am surprised that Karliah had you working already. She normally waits a little bit before getting someone to do her work. It wasn't too bad down there, was it?" He could recall the last time he'd helped his sister. She'd been backed up and was trying to do many things at once and so he'd been down there, trying to help her with patients. It hadn't ended so well. He'd been in over his head. "I'm just glad that she had you down there..not me. I am afraid that I don't do so well helping out in the infirmary." he laughed lightly. "My mother is leaving tomorrow, I believe though she will be back for the Festival. She says that she merely wants to spend time with me and my sister however I believe she is more interested in making sure that we are taking care of things as they should. I have apparently become lazy according to her. Father would have already solved the problem..according to her.." He fell silent then, merely staring at his plate. He wanted more than anything to break the spell but the time was not right. That much was clear to him..otherwise they would already be back in Ialeos.


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Character Portrait: Jewel Liadon Character Portrait: Rhitarion
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Jewel nodded; Karliah was probably pretty busy with her patients. She got up and followed Rhitarion to the dining hall. They hadn't had breakfast, but at least they could have lunch together. Perhaps she'd ask about his father. ...Well, maybe when there was an acceptably silence...or a chance to turn the subject to his father without seeming too random about it. She didn't want to seem nosy about it, though. It wasn't like she wanted to upset him by bringing something like this up; like Karliah said, it just wasn't healthy not to talk to someone about it. She was worried. That was enough reason...right?

She sat in the chair when she realized he was waiting for her, and glanced at him as he pushed the chair in for her. This was a first, too, but at least it was a nice enough gesture. She only just noticed that he was glancing at her every now and then. It was odd, and quiet, at first. But it was kind of nice. She blinked, looking at Rhitarion when he mentioned Belenus. She glanced around briefly.

"You know...I have no idea. I haven't seen him in a while, now you mention it..." How could she have forgotten about Belenus? She had named the bird, and let herself get attached. She felt bad about forgetting the tiny bird. Rhitarion added that he was probably fine, and amusing himself. That made her feel a little better, but she still knew she shouldn't have forgotten. He had helped her find Rhitarion that first day; she should have kept better track of him. Then the subject change to Karliah having Jewel help her in the infirmary, and smiled. She had actually enjoyed it.

"The infirmary isn't so bad, really. I thought it was kind of interesting, really. Granted, a little boring, doing nothing but organizing, but still interesting." She couldn't imagine organizing it being too hard. Perhaps Karliah just had her doing something easy since she hadn't been there for long. Rhitarion had said that usually she waits before having someone help her with work. But that was fine; it just meant that Karliah trusted her to do things like that for her. It pleased her, as well. Then Rhitarion brought up his mother. She hadn't exactly disliked her, but she thought it might be for the best that she was leaving so soon. She seemed to upset Rhitarion, perhaps unintentionally, but still. And this seemed to be the main reason; breaking the spell. This probably wasn't a good time to ask about his father; not while he was already frustrated with his mother.

"...It sounds like she's just anxious to go home, just like I'm sure you and everyone else are. But she doesn't seem to understand that you're doing your best to break the spell and get everyone home. If it were possible to do it faster, you would have done it by now. It just...isn't time yet. But it will be, and then you'll be able to break the spell, no matter what your mother seems to make of the situation." She gave him a smile, hoping to bring him out of this frustration.


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Character Portrait: Jewel Liadon Character Portrait: Rhitarion
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Rhitarion's eyes were glued to Jewel as she spoke. He smiled when she finished speaking. "Yes..and I can understand that. However, her wishes are unrealistic. She is one of the oldest of our kind that are still living and so she is more impatient than most of the others. She just knows exactly how to get at me. I would do anything to allow my kind back into Ialeos. I believe that there is something that I have yet to discover..the thing that will lead to the breaking of the spell. I have a feeling..that it has something to do with the vision that I had. Perhaps something will happen during that battle." He sighed softly, falling silent once again. Thinking back, now, about the vision that he'd had..Rhitarion decided that perhaps he should have a few Dragons out near the field, watching in case the battle began. He would have to see to that later that day.

The Dragon finished eating and merely waited for Jewel to finish as well. As he sat there, a smile was still on his face. "I am going to be walking about camp today..just watching everyone, if you'd like to join me. I've noticed that quite a few of the other Dragons are changing. I would like your see if you notice it as well. Perhaps I am just being paranoid." When they were finished with their meal, Rhitarion rose and waited for Jewel to join him. He then led the way slowly through the hold. "You know, perhaps we will find our feathered friend while we are out. I suspect that he is having far too much fun." He laughed lightly before continuing to lead the way. "I should hopefully be free for the rest of the day. I made sure to leave my mother with Calenor..he's fairly good at keeping her reoccupied. He saves paperwork that only she wants to do and then by the time she visits here she has tons to do."

The finally reached the exit of the large building and Rhitarion led the way down the steps and then began walking towards where all of the smaller tents were. As they slowly walked amongst the other Dragons, Rhitarion spoke quietly to Jewel. "So tell you see anything different about them..compared to me or those in the hold?" The Dragons that were walking around them, many of their eyes were a duller shade of green, crimson, or silver. They also did not appear as lively as they had so long ago. As he watched them, Rhitarion could see that the younger Dragons were not..acting like Dragons. They reminded him more of Elves. He was afraid of what would happen if they did not return soon. Their race was beginning to disappear.


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Character Portrait: Jewel Liadon Character Portrait: Rhitarion
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Jewel listened intently. There wasn't much he could do if he didn't yet know what he was supposed to do. His mother was just being impatient, like Rhitarion had said. He felt that the battle played an important role in breaking the spell, though. Was he supposed to stop it? Or was something else supposed to happen at the battle? There was too much that could be done there; she just wished she knew how to help. His mother had said he mentioned thinking she was important...but how? She was just an elf. But there had to be something. She realized suddenly that Rhitarion had already finished his meal. She decided she'd better hurry and finish her meal, as well. When she had finished, she gave him a smile.

"Sure; I wouldn't mind joining you." There always was the chance that he was being paranoid, but she highly doubted it. It just didn't seem to fit, though. She stood up after he did and followed him through the hold. As she did, she glanced around. Maybe he was right, and they would find Belenus just entertaining himself. But that was hardly her main concern; she had no doubt he was just flitting around somewhere, perhaps hanging around the other dragons. What if Rhitarion was right? What if the dragons were changing? That was a very big problem.

When Rhitairn whispered, asking a question, she glanced around. Okay, so maybe Rhitarion was right. This was a big problem, then. But what exactly were they supposed to do to fix it? She already knew that one, though; they had to get back into Ialeos. She frowned before examining the dragons closely.

"...If I didn't know better...I'd say they were elves," she whispered. "They just seem...kind of...I don't want to say dull, but really, that's all that comes to mind. They lack the energy of the other dragons...the eyes are too dull..."


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Character Portrait: Jewel Liadon Character Portrait: Rhitarion
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The Dragon nodded in response to Jewel's statement. If she noticed it as well, then things were getting bad quickly. He continued walking slowly, his bright eyes taking in every being that they passed. He kept his voice low, "It seems to be affecting the younger Dragons right now. I've no doubt, however, that soon enough it will begin spreading to the others. I am..unsure of exactly what is causing it. I do know that returning to Ialeos is the only way that this will be fixed." He fell silent, trying to think of how to break the spell that prevented his kind from returning home. Over the past two-thousand years he had racked his mind for possible ways to break the spell. None of them had worked so far but perhaps it just hadn't been the time. It was all very frustrating for him.

For everything that he had ever learned throughout his life, Rhitarion was utterly lost. He had no idea what he was supposed to do. The vision that he'd had days earlier had not helped. All that he knew now was about the coming battle that would take place nearby and that he was on the right path. Other than that, he truly had no idea what he was doing. He sighed softly before turning his gaze to his friend. "My mother has informed me that it is beginning to happen with those that she is in charge of. I'm afraid that it is only a matter of time before most of my kind are like this." He led the way still, walking near his friend. He found that by being so close to her that it..calmed him. He did not understand it. Perhaps he could speak with his sister about it later..

Rhitarion slowly led Jewel a bit farther away from the tents. They'd began to receive odd looks and he didn't care for them. "I suppose I should go over all of the written histories that we have. Perhaps there is something that I missed.." Though even as he said it he knew that he'd gone over everything. He was merely trying to come up with something to do. He hated feeling so useless. Perhaps his mother had been right. He was not fairing very well ruling..something that made his mood drop considerably.