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Eric Mickens

"What exactly am I supposed to be?"

0 · 184 views · located in Boulder, CO

a character in “Taking Control”, as played by TheFlag


Name: Image
Eric Mickens



Batch Number:
Batch 12

Length at Institute:
14 Years


Eric is fairly average on physical aspects, standing at the height of 5'7" and weighing around 127lbs. No fat seems to cling to Eric's bones, as he appears relatively lean with a muscular build, which makes him look less robust but still very capable. Eric's skin tone is pale, but still has some warmth circulating and the pigmentation changes slightly depending on the temperature, but mostly it is pale and almost flawless, his skin however has a few blemishes mostly around his cheeks and shoulders, these are hardly noticeable however. Eric's hair is swooped backwards and parts down like a mop, the strands of hair are thick and vibrant, which is soft and also reflective. Eric's eyes are a light blue, they are a very distinctive part about him, as they seem almost unnatural as the iris is very circular and larger than normal.

Eric is a fairly laid back, calm individual who doesn't really let anything phase him unless it includes him directly, he keeps his head down and avoids conflict as if it was a barrage of bullets. Eric is collected and rational and leans towards reality rather than fantasy, in a sense he is realistic and doesn't sugarcoat situations. Possessing a practical and dry outlook on the world Eric sees situations with logic and reason thus he plans ahead and tends not to overestimate himself. When faced with other people he's a introverted individual, he would likely say nothing unless he was either curious or he had too. It's not that he doesn't enjoy socializing it's just he doesn't know what to say, he's sociably inept in basic terms but he tries though, he often stumbles over his words and looks awkward. Despite this Eric is quite outspoken, he seems to have a unlimited well of self-confidence stashed away and he never seems nervous just blank.

In his youth Eric appears to be apathetic, he doesn't really care for things around him and responds to usual situations with a unmotivated, calm sigh. Serving his best interests Eric is ultimately selfish, his self-serving nature puts him before others, he values his own survival beyond others and doesn't see anything wrong with that. Eric is quite judgmental also, he takes first impressions very seriously, and after he has gotten a general opinion on you it'll be hard to change it. Because of being a lab rat for most of his life Eric is quite cynical of those around him, believing like him they are only out for themselves and is cautious of those he meets. Eric is easily irritable and quite moody at times however his temper is more of an inconvenience that anything else.

In comparison to his negative traits Eric is quite warm and friendly, he doesn't single others out or insult them, he gives everybody a fair chance and isn't prejudice, he waits for people to prove themselves before making his mind up on them, then it's set in concrete. Despite being apathetic Eric is quite idealistic, he is creative and enjoys solving problems. Although Eric is selfish he is also fiercely loyal to people he calls friends and would go to a great deal to protect them.

Eric can generate and sense electricity, not in the sense of throwing bolts of lightning around but he is capable of charging his body with electricity then if touching someone electrocuting them, he'd need a conduit for the electricty, Eric also has some defense against electricity itself this ability was inherited from electric eel DNA. Eric's blood is filled with raw stem cells, allowing him to heal serve damage caused to himself, for example if his spine took damage he'd be able to heal it as well as heal any damage causes to himself. His healing rate is also 5x faster than a normal person, meaning although his healing rate is fast it's not at all instant, this ability is inherited from Starfish DNA. Finally Eric possesses extremely fast reflexes, being able to react faster than a run-of-the-mill alter, this ability was inherited from a common house cat

Eric's ability to generate electricity actually hurts him, it would never kill him due to his innate resistance but it certainly hurts him, it also leaves him tired and is a major energy drainer if used frequently. Due to Eric's fast healing rate bones can often heal awkwardly forcing them to be reset and wounds can close before being cleaned, this can lead to illness though Eric's body recovers rapidly from it. Finally due to his cat-like reflexes Eric's core body temperature is much higher than a normal human or alter, this makes it easy to detect him with heat based seeking equipment.

Born into a low income family, Eric was the Mickens first and only child. Eight months after his birth his parents had left him with a babysitter while they went out to party, they never saw him nor the babysitter again. Despite his parents protests everything was kept quiet and news of his disappearance quickly faded away. So ended his short-lived old life and he began his new one in a sterile lab. Eric was favored by most scientists due to his passive behavior, he was experimented on more than most alters and was a low-security risk. In short he was a good little soldier, only because he knew nothing of the world outside. As the years passed he began to grow more... rebellious and detached from the world as new ideas and concepts entered his head.

(Future) Hobbies:
reading, cooking, art, meditating, browsing the internet

So begins...

Eric Mickens's Story


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#, as written by TheFlag
The birds squawked among the forest as if startled by something. Eric lay on the ground half his head submerged in water, eyes lightly shut, a peaceful almost wistful expression covered his face. Gently Eric stirred, awakened by the birds, a groan emanated from his throat and his eyes reluctantly opened, sunlight entered his eyes and he rolled himself onto his chest. A reflection stared back at him from the puddle of water his head had been laying in, his reflection to be specific. The sight of his own reflection bumped him up on the self-awareness scale, he paused recalling what had happened.

The escape he realized, he had escaped from the Institute, how? He wasn't sure, it was hazy and fuzzy he could remember it roughly but when he tried to recall the details they evaded him masterfully. He knew he had taken a vent and then he was running through this forest and then? Darkness. He had regained consciousness here, his body tucked away in the overgrowth. Shaking his head Eric rolled back onto his back and sat up, his clothes were stained and muddy their former white, sterile appearance ruined by nature. "I guess this is the outside..." He mumbled to himself, for the moment unaware of anything else.

The scenery caught his eye, he was in a clearing, a ring of trees surrounded him and a big rock was hurled to the side, in the middle was where he sat, a deep puddle at his side, the water was clear despite its environment. It was certainly a beautiful scene especially the sun which had just rose to its peak, sunlight trickling through the leaves gave the clearing a almost mystical quality. Eric found himself captured in a trance simply admiring the sheer beauty of the area he sat.

The trance Eric was in lasted for a few seconds before a rough realization struck him. He had escaped the Institute, they were probably still looking for him, Eric gulped fearfully as his eyes once again searched the clearing, not for beauty but out of caution and fear. Seeing nothing in the edges of the clearing calmed him slightly he was still aware of the danger he was possibly in and tried to keep his guard up.

Pushing himself up off the ground Eric staggered, the world swam briefly before stopping abruptly. Still a little tired... His mind wearily cautioned. "Gotta... gotta get out of here." Eric muttered, his eyes drifting towards a direction that he thought was opposite of the institute. He set off in that direction, his feet trudging warily, cautious of any dangers that lurked withing the forest.


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Character Portrait: Eric Mickens
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#, as written by TheFlag
Step after step Eric progressed deeper into the forest, the landscape looked the same it seemed almost endless. After what seemed like hours but in reality was probably mere minutes the end of the forest appeared, no other visible trees lay ahead. He found it humorous, if escaping the institute was this easy he should have done it ages ago and honestly he couldn't think of a good reason of why he hadn't; fear he supposed but never had he felt afraid of the institute, he felt irritated by the predicament they put him in but he felt like he belonged there, it was his home for most of his life after all. It was all he knew and yet here he was here outside the confines of the institute and free.

Passing the final cluster of trees Eric emerged on the left side of a road, he looked confused for a moment but adapted quickly. The road looked worn, and obviously headed in two directions, Eric looked down each path but they looked the same, he thought on it, different destinations but the same path. Did it really matter where he went? So long as it was away from the institute he thought he'd be alright. Fidgeting Eric bit his lip anxiously, he sighed and picked a direction at random and began walking his head hung low.

He had only begun walking a few seconds when he heard someone shout firmly "Stop!" Eric gulped he knew who it was, or more precisely what it was: A guard. Stopping mid-step Eric froze, his head turned slowly and his eyes met with the man, it was indeed a guard; the uniform he was wearing confirmed it. Eric's torso followed in motion with his head and turned facing the guard completely. The guard had a taser focused on him, relief swelled up inside him, tasers didn't have a strong affect on him due to his innate resistance to electricity.

The guard who was oblivious to this, had already pulled out a pair of handcuffs from his belt and approached him; taser in one hand, handcuffs in the other. Okay, think Eric! Think! You can take this guy! He tried to reassure himself but still he felt anxiety as the guard continued to approach him. Eric tried to prepare himself for the confrontation but froze in panic, the guard got into grabbing range his hand went out to grab Eric's wrist, he did so and twisted it forcing Eric onto his knees, he gasped sharply as his hand was bent behind his back, that was all the incentive Eric needed to fight.

Eric reacted so suddenly it caught the guard off guard, while on his knees his ankle shot out kicking the guard as hard as he could in his shins. The guard yelped and staggered slightly still holding Eric's wrist and forcing him back, the position it put Eric's arm in made him cry out in pain, as a result Eric felt his body light up with electricity the guard screamed and stood up straight like a lightning rod unable to let go. Eric couldn't stop either, his eyes snapped shut and his face crinkled with pain.

Finally after a few intense seconds the guard let go and fell to the floor, his body was smoking and his skin charred. Eric also fell to the floor temporarily exhausted, he took deep breathes as the pain faded from his body, he felt tired but knew he couldn't sleep now. Pushing himself up from the ground he examined the guard coldly, he was most certainly dead. Great... now you're a murderer. Congratulations. Eric thought half-heartedly still it disturbed him how easily he had killed that man. Standing there for a few seconds he shook his head and began stumbling away from the corpse and down the road.