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Mikael Välkkynen

"My father once told me that Art is the pinnacle of all knowledge..Maybe one day I'll figure that out. Not like anyone else could."

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a character in “Tale of Veral: The Dark Occult”, originally authored by Blazezon, as played by RolePlayGateway


Mikael Välkkynen

Demi-God, son of Tierothoran


Despite often being mistaken for Asexual, Mikael will go for anyone if they interest him enough.

To most people the universe is an extremely fascinating thing in one way or another, and to some that fascination presents in a need to rip the outer layers off and delve into the mechanics behind it through magic and the mind. A common trait of the children of Tierothoran specifically, their self-impressed sense of superiority to all creation due to their ability to understand the workings of it seems to drive their need to dominate all others through knowledge, but that's where Mikael differs from most of his kind. Due to a childhood of fairy tales from every corner of the world, and several dead cultures, as well as tales of his mother's sorcery-infused and embellished adventures his views are more personal.

The innate need to dissemble all the interesting bits of the universe and put them back together in some form is for sure an aspect of his father, but the burning passion he does it with hints at it being more of a true driving force behind his whole being. This is shadowed only by an insatiable need to do so personally. This has lead to an impressive level of learning, everything from astral physics, the mechanization of a human heart, to the reason glowing mushrooms glow, and back to metaphysics behind a simple fireball spell has fallen inside his scope of interest, fleeting and prone to distraction as that scope is.

In fact, the only constant within his interest is enchantment, and other, more natural devices that draw on magic. Such things always catch his eye and curiosity as soon as he notices them.

This all however is not to say everything in the universe interests him though. Plenty of things fall outside his sphere, and are quite noticeably met with open disdain.

Though most of this is natural, the degree of his curiosity was carefully fed, if not over-fed by his upbringing, the stories that filled his youth with novelty have shaped him more than anything else, and more than his mother could've imagined. Because of them, experimentation, adventure, exploration, pushing the bounds of his mind and straining the universe through his magics is more than just a calling to him, its the basest aspect of who he is. It is, in no uncertain terms, his life's passion.
You see, he does love his books, his quite study, it's only in moderation. One of his strongest values is that only so much can be learned from written word, the rest from experience. That desire, that need to experience things himself is constantly weighing on his mind, to a point where being coped up too long with nothing to do has visible effects. This trait is made all the worse by how impulsive and rash he can be, often taking to ideas as soon as they pop into his head, or abandoning previous plans due to a new, more interesting discovery.

All said, he's not completely unlike his kind. No one can dodge every aspect of their race or upbringing, hard as they may try. For starters, he's as arrogant as you can get, and quite vocal about his superiority as a Demi-God of Tierothoran to the lesser races, which do include all other Demi-Gods. Most of his lording over others is kept within his head, harsh and and uppity as it may be, what leaks through is usually merely smugness, and glib jibes at the lesser workings of most creatures minds. But when properly annoyed or amused it shines through in backhanded compliments and dry sarcasm, if not direct insults. To go with this, his pride is as A-typically large for a Tierothoran Son as possible, and any insult to it is usually met with incredibly aggressive knee-jerk reactions. Or a fair bit of snarky humour depending on severity of offense.

As for general interactions with others, his skills are lacking at best. He's not awkward in social settings, merely disinterested, often keeping himself entertained with personal monologues and the like, which leads to his less than stallar reputation when coupled with his uppity attitude. At first he comes off quite relaxed, unless enthralled with some subject of his studies. Sure, his passion for knowledge practically drips off him, right beside the arrogance, but he's generally quiet and reserved. Prone to answering questions with seemingly nonsensical statements, often referring to other works, leaving him perceived as absent minded and possibly even timid. Until someone tires to engage him in direct conversation. His lack of manners and ego tends to slip out of his mouth with ease and sour the mood quite quickly.

Metacreativity, a single ability at it's core, with endless forms of application. Simplistically put, it is the ability to harness energies of varying times and force them into any shape or structure with enough willpower and clear intent. This is most commonly used by the Psionic Children of Tierothoran to create mighty golems of stone, steel, and blood, mechanical war machines capable of flight, living creatures of varying powers with their own consciousnesses, bridges made from their minds, prisons of raw energy. Those however are all things done by quite accomplished Psions wielding the favours of their Father, Mikael's 'mastery' over the art is much less refined and comparatively unimpressive. As is expected of a young man without any of Tierothoran's gifts.

His talents are odd for a Psion. Sure, he can create basic golems, usually nothing more than souless husks of matter capable of minor thought and senseless aggression, summon lesser creatures from outer planes, and devise simple weapons, but he shines in creative use of environmental factors.

The Mind Of A God:
Demi-Gods often inherit many things from their divine parents, and Tierothoran's is perhaps known best by the gift he forces on all his children, an aspect of his mind. You see, Tierothoran is more or less just consciousness itself, just a form of the universe experiencing itself, and the keeper of all things it's learned. The physical body he uses to impregnate mortals is merely an aspect of his other gift, Metacreativity. Now, his children will never match his mind, such a thing wouldn't even be possible, but they are a direct link to it. Most of it is shielded, kept from them, but it wouldn't be completely wrong to claim the entire universe is indeed trapped within their heads. The way they learn, how quickly, their memories, all are his gifts and aspects of him. Genius would be putting it mildly, however this often comes with a great downsides in the form of carelessness, and arrogance, as well as how easy it is for them to merely 'forget' what is a physical reality and what isn't.

Many of his children have merely thought themselves to death.

The price of creation:
The creation of life, whether it be a thinking Golem, or otherworldly beast pulled through the cosmos, it comes with a steep price. A Psion accomplishes the task of creating a creatures mind, or pulling it with the beast's body by dragging through what they refer to as the Aetheral Font, the very essence of what other people know as consciousness. This act tears the veil between realities, and steals a bit of it's energy from it. To maintain balance, the Font would take a piece from the caster, spesifically of their mind, a horrible fate stayed only by Tierothoran himself, though it is not a selfless act.
He offers the shield of his endless knowledge in exchange for a link between his mind and the Psion's, allowing him to experience the world in a million different ways through mortal eyes. This leaves psions at their weakest when conjuring life, and if wounded to greatly in the process they run the risk of being sucked into mind of their father itself. Often depicted as Void.

This is why summonings and conjuration is usually done alone, before any combat. There is however a risk to even that.

During the time of the link with their father, Tierothoran does inhabit their very essence, bits of him slips into the Psion. It's not uncommon for a a child of his to come away with a brand new idea, or knowledge of some random tid-bit of the universe, but using this too much, too quickly opens up the link a little too far, and too much knowledge slips into the person's mind...
Some things mortals are not meant to know, and even though Demi-gods aren't strictly mortal, insanity is easy enough to incur...

A personality trait. Mikael's unending smugness and sense of superiority often leave him masking rash, unintelligent decisions based on underestimating his foes.

Tierothoran's Fragility:
In order to lavish on the mind of his children the way Tierothoran does, he must convert energy from somewhere, and not all of it his. This comes at the cost his children's bodies. Though they have no less energy when it comes to running, jumping, and magic than any other being, they do have much less muscle, and much less capability to grow any. They are more or less quite frail. They wound easier, recover slower, and are notorious for having terrible immune systems, allowing diseases and illness to ravage them much more harshly than other beings.

A boy like any other in his youth, aside from walking, talking, reading, and writing two years before his peers, Mikael loved stories more than anything. And his mother told the best ones, by far. Eliisa was unasuming by the time she had her son, but in her youth she'd been a sorceress of some renown. She knew full well what she was getting into, having a child of the god of Knowledge, and had spent long nights recording every memory she could to play it back to the boy while he was still in her womb. A task that might have done more harm than good. Mikael loved the stories more than she had anticipated, and always asked a thousand questions about a thousand things for what seemed like each sentence she spun, eyes narrow and painfully straining to focus on every detail of her face as he did. She was quite flattered, which is probably why she let him run amok as soon as he could read. Without hesitation he devoured every book of hers he could get his hands on, from fiction, romance, and in his age to spellbooks to...Darker things. Nothing worried her at first though.

As he aged however, everything stayed the same. Frighteningly so. He'd lock himself up in his room with books he'd send her out for, or ordered, or had a shopkeeper bring to him. He didn't eat much, never played with or even talked to the other children of the little town of Dresden. His only social interactions was when he chatted up the older residents on occasion, fishing a story or two out of them, but once they ran out he'd never speak to them again. Her greatest sorrow was finding out she was no esception, because once she ran out of stories that enraptured light in his eyes that always sprung up when she talked faded, and he ignored her too in time. Any mother would be troubled, Demi-God of a child or not. She was worried, hurt, and when he was about eight she began to force him out of the house as often as she could, even resorting to locking him out if she had to, but it didn't do much. The other children didn't want much to do with him, and he made it painfully clear he wanted absolutely nothing to do with them. Several parents had sent her very angry letters, citing how rude Mikael was and just what he'd called their children. If she hadn't been so disheartened at what she perceived as her failings as a parent, she would've chuckled and the colourful use of insults.

Throughout this, the locale school was useless, he was already be leagues above his peers and she could, with much pain, see the arrogance growing in him. When he had met the teachers he refused to even address them as such, claiming even he knew more about the workings of the universe than of them could ever even hope to achieve. Needless to say, they were asked quite polity not to return. In her desperation she attempted to teach the boy, but by about the time he was ten, she could see he was surpassing in her in some ways. That was when she turned to magic, a dangerous route but one a loving mother thought necessary in order to give her child a successful future. She was worried to death about his social skills, worried about him learning too much too fast, his sanity, him in general. And every day that worry grew more and more, as he'd sit alone in his room, a pile of books up to his eyes, or every night when he'd sneak out to 'adventure'. Every time she caught him in her lab, messing with things even she wouldn't.

A mother's love is a beautiful thing, but also a potentially destructive force. Few things can cloud judgement as heavily as desperation, and few things can full desperation like the maternal bond. No one would blame Eliisa for what she did, but choosing to delve into older magics was a risky move..

Especially since it involved the Staff of Temetaklar. An ancient bit of enchanted metal Temetaklar painfully bound his soul and spirit too in his dying hours to cheat death, making it a sort of willingly haunted object.

She presented the staff to Mikael, who was curious, but not too interest until Temetaklar's spirit casually appeared beside it, gripping it tightly with his ethereal fingers. He willingly agreed to be his mentor, to teach him all he could ever want, but to do so responsibly, and with his mothers overseeing.

Funny thing about it is...Spirits lie. Often. Tim, as Mikael took to calling him, taught him many, many things in secret, not all of them good, not all of them things meant to be known. Eliisa was unaware that Tim's consciousness took on aspects of whoever wielded his staff, which in Mikael's instance made him even more arrogant, reckless, willing to delve any aspect of any form of study. The bond Mikael has with Tim was seemingly innocent enough for years, but when he was thirteen it exploded, and began causing...Incidents..With his mother, and even the village of Dresden itself. So much so in fact, that the other residents threatened to form a mob and drive him out if she didn't do anything about his ways. This was the last straw for poor Eliisa, and the last bit of her heart left to break.

In all her pain and fury she sent him, and his staff, off to the school he now resides in, cursing his name and telling him not to return to the little town at all, let alone her home. Ever since, Mikael has been a less than interested student, spending most his time locked alone in his room.

Well, not quite alone..

So begins...

Mikael Välkkynen's Story


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Mikael Välkkynen

By the time Mikael arrived at his school it had already been a very, very long day. His usual composed, smug demeanor was in shambles, and as he shuffled by people it all to clear to see. His always pristine robes, garments of the Order of Synel, where in shambles and smelling quite vividly of smoke, burning flesh and iron. A deep scowl was practically burned onto his his lips, his fingernails had gone black and his hair was either standing on end or white as bone. He found himself unable to even look down at what the school mockingly suggested were his 'peers', each step he took was far too draining for it. All he did was groan at their general inquiries about his condition, and direct them elsewhere if they got too pushy. Even threatening to bludgeon a fellow student with his staff at one point.

You see, for most students something going wrong in the mornings was a trivial affair, such as clothes being wrinkled or perhaps not as clean as desired, unruly hair, chipped nails, a blemish of the skin or some such, but for a young, arrogant Psion it was much, much more explosive. His latest brilliant idea, a gauntlet that was able to fire bolts of electricity had finally been finished the night before, and when he woke up the desire to test it was simply too much. Which roughly translated too ignoring Tim's warnings and forgoing any safeties, controlled practice, or common sense. Unfortunately for him, something had gone terribly wrong, to say the very least. Somewhere in his calculation he was off by no more than a single number, which results in crossed wires, and circular charges, so not only did the gauntlet produce a marvelous bolt of lightning that destroyed half his apartment and possibly hospitalized the little boy from the family next door, it sent one directly through him as well.

It was quite the spectacle. He flew at least eight feet and quite violently crashed into a wall, then again onto the floor which nearly broke his nose. All the while the wall the lightning had beautifully ripped through had caught on fire, which may have been a good thing since the smoke woke him. As soon as he regained consciousness he hurriedly attempted to put the fire that was quickly spreading throughout his apartment out, which entailed catching himself on fire three separate times, and poured over his designs to find the error. Needless to say, the boy was in quite the mood by the time he reached the farce his school dubbed 'homeroom'. As his hand found its way to the doorknob, which shocked him quite vigorously, he braced himself as best he could and wiped some of the fresher blood from his face. Not only would most the students probably have some kind of snarky comment or pointless question, he'd have to deal with the insipidness that was Ms. Auruna.

The two of them had a 'tense' relationship at it's best. He showed her no respect at all, often vocalizing his sense of superiority and thoroughly disrupting her class, and she could barely stomach his existence from the first moment she caught a glimpse of his smug smile, and always looked for a way to give him some sort of administrative troubles. Shaking his head and breathing deep he pushed his way into the room, offering Ms. A an extremely icy glance as soon as the door swung open. As per usual, it didn't impress her in any shape, form, or fashion.
“Mikael! Late and disruptive as ever,” she cooed, looking up from her desk with an expression something like a cat cornering its pray.
“I was wondering when exactly you'd get around to showing up, dare I ask what happ-”
He cut her off with a dismissive gesture, sighing and doing his best to hold his disinterested expression as he shuffled his way towards an open seat in the back of the 'class', clutching his staff for support.
“Someone like you wouldn't understand if you had too, and I'm far, far too tired to even attempt breaking it down to your childish level..”
His voice was hoarse and strained from the smoke, and every syllable caused him pain. He didn't even sound patronizing. The rustling of his robes as he flung different bits of fabric around provided the class with awkward noise, and once he was sure he wasn't about to sit on them, he gritted his teeth and winced as he plopped into his chair, turning into a grouchy puddle of flesh and cloth. His eyes never left Ms.A however, who was growing more visibly annoyed with each breath, but it was still impossible for him not to notice his 'peers'. The jeers and smirks, the whispered words of most the other students, all of it made his blood boil, not that it showed on his face. “Suffice it to say however, it involved lightning, and a six that should've been a seven..”

He was quite thankful when the woman merely huffed and returned to whatever it was on her desk. Figuring her for content with his current condition, he promptly folded his arms over the desk and rested his head on them, pretending his was somewhere else and going over the math behind his gauntlet once more. Just in case.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taru Katara Character Portrait: Lucas Jaygerd Character Portrait: Lachlan  Middendorf Character Portrait: Mikael Välkkynen Character Portrait: L'liya Grahath
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#, as written by Siryn

"Hu," Lucas whispered to himself after the announcement given by their teacher Ms. A, as he liked to call her. Leaning back, he looked around the room again as it seemed that everyone was there finally. Ms. A had taken her seat and just as everything was getting settled in, a girl with black hair walked in looked a little worse for wear, though not nearly as bad as the guy with the robes at the back of the class just kitty corner to Lucas.

"Hey, wanna go check out what Ms. A was talking about?" A boy asked his friend. They were sitting behind Lucas and whispering to each other, the daring tone was in their voices, but there was also a bit of fear.

Lucas turned around to face them, "You're really going to run around at night to see what you can find?"

"Well... yeah, wouldn't you?" The boy asked, a bit of hesitance in his voice.

"Not without a couple of friends," Lucas smiled brightly. He leaned back and weaved his fingers together against the back of his head as he gazed at the two friends. Both boys looked between each other before looking at him. They leaned in real close and dropped their voices even more.

"So, who would you go with?"

"Hmm," Lucas tapped his lip gently as he uncurled his fingers and looked about the room. His eyes settled on the dark haired boy up near the front, the girl with long blue hair, the one who was leaning against the window sill and then the one in the burning robes. Lucas could tell that they were pretty strong persons, especially the one with the robes. He obviously had some kind of power to have walked in smelling like he'd just blown something up entirely.

"Well, maybe we should walk around and see if we can get acquainted with some people, shall we?" When Lucas looked back at the two boys they were looking at each other in confusion. Lucas turned around and eyed the two for a moment, "You're not coming? Fine, I'll go," Lucas got to his feet and started towards the closest one, the girl with blue hair who was rather close to the woman sitting on the windowsill.

Leaning over and putting his hands on the desk, he smiled brightly as best he could and asked his question, "So, what do you two think of coming back here tonight and getting a little adventure on?" he grinned, hoping to look as convincing as he could.


Taru watched as the few students who stumbled in took their seats and were greeted by Ms. Auruna's cold attitude. One in particular was the bickering between the student in robes, Mikeal if Taru remembered correctly who did not exactly share eye to eye views with Ms. Auruna. A bit of a smile crossed Taru's features as he watched the boy lumber passed him and take his seat at the back. Once he was there, he gave his answer as to why he was late which issued a couple of laughs from the other students, and a brighter smile from Taru, before he promptly let his head fall down onto the table to sleep.

A girl had come in as well, this one with black hair and grass sticking to her clothes. Her shoes were off her feet as she crossed the room and opened up the window at the far end. It was the end of spring which meant summer was coming, so what little cool air they could get then was a good thing. The breeze flooded the room giving a sense of relief as it had begun to get stuffy in there. As the chatter increased, one of the boys got up from his seat and approached L'liya, the disciplinary enforcer. Though Taru couldn't hear the question, he figured it was something interesting, so he leaned back, put his hand up to his lips and watched intently, wondering what it was that was going to happen next.


"Excuse me?" L'liya asked the boy who was leaning over. She lifted an eyebrow at him as she regarded him with a bit of hesitance.

"Explore. Get in on a little adventure. You know, have a bit of fun."

"You know who you're talking too, right?"

The boy grinned, "L'liya Grahath."

L'liya rolled her eyes. This boy was a smart ass as well as a rule breaker, "I'm your disciplinary officer. I enforce the rules of the school, and you just told me that you wish to break those rules," the boys lips faltered as he then glanced around, "That's right. I could turn you into Mr. Crass right now for that."

"You wouldn't," he said, throwing it out there as a bit of a challenge. L'liya frowned, yeah, she wouldn't actually take him there because he was 'planning' to do something. She had to catch them in the act of doing it. Besides, L'liya was a little bit intrigued herself about the little event that happened. For her, it was easy to be wandering around the school at night because that's what her job was. She could easily investigate on her own. However, this boy didn't seem like he was one to listen if told 'no'.

"Tell you what, IF for some reason I find you POSSIBLY wandering around campus after hours, then I MIGHT be inclined to ESCORT you out of the area... with the exception of a side trip, or two..."


"Not so loud, you oaf!!" L'liya scolded. The last thing she needed was a whole entourage of people following her around after hours. She would never hear the end of it from Mr. Crass. With her head falling into her hand, she sighed heavily and glowered up at him. The boy smiled sweetly and nodded.

"Alright alright, I'll keep it hush hush, but no promises on anyone else being there just because they want to be."