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Sirus Courtius

"Um....Hi, I guess. You can say I'm not one good with words."

0 · 155 views · located in Veral

a character in “Tale of Veral: The Dark Occult”, originally authored by CrownTheEmpire, as played by RolePlayGateway


Sirus Courtius



Clan/Old Blood/God|


Straight as a circle, but he’s shy.

Sirus is a quiet teen that cannot speak to another soul to save his life. He is awkward, always shifting or adverting his gaze, stuttering when nervous. Sirus simply never communicated with people when he was younger, so he still doesn’t really grasp the concept of sarcasm as well as other things, but he’s learning. When someone is able to get Sirus out of his shell, they might actually regret it. He is very talkative and naïve, questioning most things and he is a little childish. He has a very odd sense of humor. Sirus has many quirks and habits, and all seem odd yet fitting for such a strange young man. While he is naïve, he is very intelligent by means of study.

Sirus has control over fire. If he is around oxygen-which is always- he has the ability to coax fire out of the air, not needing anything of actual substance- i.e wood, paper, ect.- to keep the fire alive. Being a shifting pacifist, he uses it simply for entertainment. While he doesn’t like confrontations, he has learned how to use a sword for safety.

Water, being able to take away his fire abilities. Really anything else can overpower him. If one is cunning and strong, Sirus is not much of a fight. While he has books smarts, he is not witty or able to think through a fight as fast as another, mostly overcaculating things.

Sirus lived in a large house in the middle of a forest, home-schooled and secluded from the rest of the world. His family had always been odd, cast out by the world due to their religion. In Sirus’s house, his family was full time Wiccan, witch-craft. This is how Sirus was able to achieve control over fire, being one of the five elements in Wicca. When Sirus was eighteen he decided he would travel the world, finding his way to the academy. Not much else is known.[/font]

So begins...

Sirus Courtius's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taru Katara Character Portrait: Sirus Courtius Character Portrait: Lilith Rainya
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Lilith Rainya

Lilith sighed, her legs feeling like a dead weight as she trudged on towards homeroom. She would much rather sleep than come to school, but she really couldn’t complain. Lilith brushed her purple hair out of her eyes, watching as people looked at her in curiosity. A couple sat in a corner of the hall, the boy watching Lilith with interest. The girl began to nag the boy, shooting Lilith daggers.

“I hate people,” She muttered, slipping into her homeroom. Many people looked up at her and she smirked at them, slipping into a seat. She set her backpack down, rummaging through it for her notebook. When she couldn’t find it Lilith began to curse under her breath in annoyance.

Her annoyance turned into curiosity as she looked around the room. When Ms. A began to speak, she focused on the teacher.
Terrible accident, I wonder what happened. She thought as Ms. Auruna stopped speaking. As the classroom when back into a loud chatter, she sighed and laid her head on the table. Lilith really had never spoken to anyone since she moved here, due to the fact she had problems talking to guys and most girls looked at her like a disgusting piece of meat. Lilith brushed the skirt of her dark dress, trying not to catch the glares a group of girls were throwing at them.

"She’s such a scene whore, probably looking for attention.” Lilith’s head shot up, shooting the girls a withering glare. Her eyes narrowed and the girls watched her in shock.

“Please, shut up.” She said with a smile, looking at them in agitation. The girls went mute and Lilith laughed a little. She found it quite pathetic to talk behind someone’s back. If you had a problem, why not tell the person? As if Lilith would care, she wasn’t trying to impress anyone.

Sirus Courtius

Sirus swallowed as he stood at the doors of the school, his heart in his throat and any courage he had was gone. The boy fumbled with his books in his hands as he entered the school, the nagging feeling of people watching him like a thick smoke surrounding him. He readjusted his glasses, taking a deep breath and marched down the hallway. He kept his eyes trained on the ground, afraid to look up. Afraid that if people saw how he looked, they would hate him.
It’s just a school, Sirus, you can do this. He thought to himself, although the pep talk had little effect on how he was feeling. He forced a smile and lifted his head, noticing how people watched him, judged him. He frowned, looking at the ground again. This wasn’t going to work, he should have stayed home. His parents were right.

[b]“No one will speak to you, Sirus, you’re so shy and feeble; why, they’ll walk all over you!”[b]

He felt his already low spirits sink deeper as he entered the class room. Sirus lost his grip on his books, watching them as they tumbled to the ground. A few people looked up and snickered at him. Sirus could feel his face heat up, and he bent down, picking up his books and hiding his face from the classroom. After collecting them in his hands, he stood up and sat down in a vacant seat next to a black haired boy (Taru). He stared at his hands, a nagging feeling that people were still watching him. He sighed, listening as the teacher spoke to the class. He didn’t acknowledge the woman or anyone else for that matter, just sat quietly in his seat.He felt stupid and humiliated; people already were making fun of him, from what he could hear.

[b]“Aw, poor boy got nervous.”[b] He heard someone say mockingly to him, but he didn’t give them the satisfaction of replying.

Idiot, idiot, idiot. He thought to himself, Why do I have to be so shy? People were never his thing, he never spoke to them, having been shunned by his hometown. He never really cared though, he had his family. Now they were miles away and he didn’t know what he should do. Sirus felt lost and confused, hoping the day would go well.
He bit his bottom lip before realizing what he was doing, cursing under his breath.

Welcome to Hell.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Jaygerd Character Portrait: Lachlan  Middendorf Character Portrait: Rigel Coronis Character Portrait: L'liya Grahath Character Portrait: Darrin Wakeman Character Portrait: Sirus Courtius
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Lilith Rainya

Lilith watched as more people entered; a rather attractive boy with a bright red bird on his shoulder. Lilith watched his as he went over to a group, inquiring about whatever they were doing. She dropped her gaze, playing with the threads on her dress, seemingly occupied. She looked up again, watching the group with interest. From what she heard, they were deciding to come to the school at night.

That sounds like fun
 She thought to herself, wondering if she should go talk to them. Their group seemed large enough, and most of time she could tell her presence wasn’t wanted, so she normally wouldn’t talk to anyone.
She almost got up to walk over there, but stopped herself. It kind of annoyed her that she wasn’t going over there because of some guy. She huffed, crossing her arms and looking ahead.

I should go over there; I’ve been cooped up in a house since spring break. Maybe this will be a chance to get out and actually connect with people.

Her little pep talk caused her to stand up, brushing down her skirt and then made her way over to the group. She gave them a smile and wrung her hands, a nervous quirk of hers.

“Mind if I tag along?” Lilith asked with a small, sheepish smile, “I’m Lilith.” She said to the group, most not knowing her. She was still new to the school, and haven’t met that many. Among the group, L'liya was the only one she really knew, name wise. L’liya was the disciplinary officer, and Lilith thought maybe they could be friends, but never had attempted to greet herself.
She hoped she hadn’t made a mistake.

Sirus Courtius

Sirus kept his head down, trying to block out the sound of everyone. He didn’t want anyone to notice him; he just wanted to disappear after his entrance. He imagined from the way he looked they considered him ‘easy prey’ for being teased. Oh well, not like he would answer them.

Looking up, he saw a group around the window, most of the class tossing the others glances as more seemed to group over there. Huh, aren’t they popular.

Bored out of his little shy mind, Sirus began to idly play with fire. Tiny flames would float above his fingers as he watched them, extinguishing them when the teacher looked up. Not that he had the intention of burning anything down; he just didn’t want to get in trouble for it. A few people watched him as he made little swirls in the air, the fire slowly dwindling into nothing but smoke.

I need a better hobby. He thought to himself, Being a pyromaniac is frowned upon.
As he entertained himself, he felt someone hit him in the back of the head, telling him to stop it. The boy jumped, the impact causing his glasses to fly off and away from him. Sirus blinked, running a hand through his hair in annoyance.
Standing up, he grabbed his glasses that had skidded across the floor. Putting them back on, he sat back in his seat gruffly.
He set his head down, watching the end of his desk as he waited for his first class to start. A song had been stuck in his head all morning.

Mama, we all go to Hell. Mama, we all go to Hell.
I’m writing this letter and wish you well, Mama, we all go to Hell.

He frowned, remembering how they played this song at his grandmother’s funeral, who had been against them due to his family’s religion. Oh, well, the witch is dead.