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Ben Murdock

"I'm a guardian of guardians."

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a character in “Tamers & Myths”, as played by Sneakyrio




Full Name: Benjamin Murdock

Nickname: Ben, Benji

Age: 17

Crush: TBA

Hometown: San Diego, California

Tamer Bloodline: Newbie

Myth: Hydras/ Cerberus'

Myth Appearance:
This is a smaller breed of Hydra that can predominately be found on land in large caves. Like all Hydra, they exhume toxic fumes and spit acid.

This is a rare breed of Hydra with wings, nicknamed a Skydra. They often like to live in cliff caves near the sea and water. They also breathe out toxic fumes and spray acid.

Then we have your more common water Hydra. They can grow anywhere from 300ft. long to 2000ft. long. The one depicted above is a King Hydra, the largest creature in the sea. It takes a total of six hours for it self to fully come out of the water. It also breathes Toxic fumes and sprays acid.

This is a lesser Cerberus' known as an Orthrus. It only has two heads but they tend to be much faster and agile and they spit venom.

This is a basic Cerberus. Three headed giant dog with a snake for a tail. They are incredibly powerful and instill fear in both living and the dead.

This is a rare breed of Cerberus, known simply as Destroyers. Their skin is molten rock and they spew magma from their mouths. They are much bigger than any other breed and are usually found in Volcano's.

Tamer: Neutral

- Ben can Multiply himself and have full control over all of his clones while they still retain a somewhat mind of their own. He can also switch himself in between the clones to confuse enemies.
- Ben is completely immune to Hydra's Toxin and acid.

God: Hephaestus- They are more friends than anything.

Your route to Reendria: He has a key with symbols engraved on it. He can simply stick it anywhere and unlock it and a doorway could appear out of thin air. It only works for him.

Personality: Laid back would be a phrase that would describe Ben very well. He is very lazy, but not whiny. He simply has no ambition to do anything in his life. He would simply prefer to sit around, watch clouds and play his harmonica. He enjoys the simple things in life and never takes anything for granted. He cares a lot for the creatures under his care. He wants to guard them and make sure they are always happy. Though, he finds he could do his job rather easily from either Reendria or Earth. He personally feels it's worse forcing your charges to fight and make war for some lofty ideal from the past and in turn sacrificing the peace of the present. He has a general disposition that relays a feeling of peace, odd for the type of creatures he watches over. He is also very very very patient and never jumps up to do anything with haste. All in all, Ben usually has a happy disposition, smiling and laughing. He enjoys making other people laugh if not for the reason to just not have sad people around him. He can usually be found smiling and often likes to lighten the mood with a joke. He cares little for impressing people or showing off. He feels he has nothing to prove to anyone. He seems to radiate a sense of tranquility and peace. Always seeming to be at one with the world around him, regardless of what world he is in.

Though, deep down, Ben has a lot of pain and deep seated issues. He rarely touches on them and no one has ever really been able to figure it out. He has found a way to channel his pain and sorrow through music. Particularly, the blues, by playing his Harmonica.

History: Ben remembers very little about his parents besides the flowing raven hair of his mother and the firm yet warm chest of his father. They apparently left him in San Diego for reasons that Ben does not know to this day. They left him with his hypie pot head of an Uncle, Trucker. HE raised Ben from when he was about 5 until now. Trucker had never really been a father to Ben, more like a friend. While it was nice to always have a friend to talk to, he still craved guidance from a father or a mother when he was little. Ben ended up taking on his uncle's lax view on the world, but not picking up any of his habits.

Ben found many friends through his Uncle, particularly and old blues artists named Richard. When Ben found the aptitude for playing the Harmonica, Richard taught him. Most of Ben's friends were much older than him, never really connecting with anyone of his own age. Sure people were nice to him and invited him to parties and he would smile and go, he never really made a connection with any of them. Which was fine with Ben. He felt fine, except for the fact that Ben craved a purpose. He wasn't ambitious to do anything great, he just sort of wanted to do something good with his life that would make him happy. Enter the strangest day of his life.

Ben went for a walk near Cow's mountain through the forest by himself for a little alone time. When he walked in-between two trees, he felt his face smack hard against something. After rubbing his nose, he felt that there was something big and heavy in front of him, even though he couldn't see it. He pushed against it and it gave way a little. He pushed harder and it ended up swinging open revealing what looked like the inside of a Volcano. A large, scarred man was banging away at an anvil. That was Ben's first day in Reendria. Hephaestus and him became friends and he made him a key so he wouldn't have to smack into doorways to find his way back.

Other: He play's the Harmonica very well and uses it often when interacting with his charges. I'm a Tamer for life!


So begins...

Ben Murdock's Story


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Benjamin Murdock

Ben loved his job. He loved caring for creatures that were so misunderstood and that were only heard in tales as monsters to be slaughtered by loincloth wearing, club toting heroes. No one, not even his fellow Tamers, ever considered his charges to be anything more than monsters. He loved working with them and being shown compassion by creature who are such a source of fear, even in Reendria. What he loved about them most of all was their souls. They had musical souls, oh how they responded to his music. They were a perfect match for him, though few people saw that. Right at this moment though, Ben was going through one of the worst parts of being a Tamer, dealing with Gods. Hades and him always had a strict business relationship. Ben regulated and trained the Cerberus' that would guard his kingdom and Hades would stay out of his way. They rarely talked and saw each other even less. The only reason Hades would demand an appearance, was if something went wrong. And wrong something went.

"THREE!! THREE SOULS ESCAPED TARTARUS ON YOUR MUTT'S WATCH!!! WHY THE HELL DO I HAVE A DEAL WITH YOU IF YOU AREN'T GOING TO UPHOLD YOUR END OF THE BARGAIN!!!" Hades loved to yell. It was a show of his power, which he rarely got to show off, seeing as no one really 'visited' Hades. Except for of course, Ben. Hades was currently sporting one of his more devilish looks, literally. He was at least 50 feet in size and irradiating flames with at least five horns and glowing red eyes. He sure did love to show off this form when he was angry, as if the tone of his voice wouldn't convey his rage properly. Smoke was even exhuming from his mouth and nostrils. Hades was a showman, if anything. Ben simply stood there in front of his throne with a blank expression of his face, looking Hades in the eye. It had been a long time since Ben had been afraid of Hades. For all of his displays and screaming, he was all talk. He went on blathering about incompetence and dog gulag, when Ben finally raised his hand.

Hades stopped his ranting and adjusted himself in his seat. "I understand your upset, but my Cerberus' are not exactly to blame here. It's hard for even them to stop every soul that is summoned from the underworld. The Ghost Tellers have been popping up more often near the different entrances to Hades, Hel, and the Realm of Osiris. I have already spoken to him and Hella about missing spirits and have enforced them with some extra security." He stopped for a breath and took a more nonchalant pose. He knew exactly who was the cause of this, but he didn't want to name her to any of the Gods. He would take a fellow Tamer over the Gods any day. "I'm sure it's just a spark of rebellion. I already have my best hounds hunting them down. It's only a matter of time." He always had to make sure to speak straight forward and respectful to any God, they were a temperamental lot. They demanded respect, regardless of the lack of reason. Even though he didn't like them very much, he also didn't want to be a colorful piece of slag on the ground. He looked back to Hades. "If that is all, I have other matters to attend to." Hades seemed to shrink back down to his basic form, his throne shrinking with him. His mystical helmet sitting upon his head. He made a shooing motion with his hand and with that, Ben took his leave.

Ben quickly exited Charon's boat, flipping him another Drachma, the greedy bastard. "Nice doing business with ya!" The pilot of the RIver Styx called out to Ben. Ben simply raised a hand to him. When he finally reached the top of the cave, a familiar barking sound could be heard. The pitter patter of paws upon the ground hit his ears as a large two headed dog came bound out of the mist. It ran right up to Ben and started licking his face. Ben began laughing, trying to push the overgrown hound off of him. "Yes, I'm alive Lucky. The mean old God of the Underworld didn't get me." The gleeful Orthrus fell off of him and began running and circles, stopping to stare at Ben. If you looked closely, you could see that each of Lucky's heads were missing an eye. "Your right, boy, We've got work to do. But first, let's get back to the house before the Hydra get to antsy. Then I'll go pay Emma a visit." With that, Ben started to hike through the misty rocks towards his home.

It was a rather short walk from the entrance to Hades to his seaside abode. The last Hydra Tamer's house apparently had gotten eaten along with her. Ben had spent the first year in Reendria building a house in a prime location to take care of both of his very different Myths. It's pretty easy to build a house when you can make a near infinite amount of workers all with an A+ in shop class. He could hear the numerous screeches and calls of the Skydra in their nests in the caves of the cliff face. It was nearing their mating seasons and they were growing more on edge each day. Ben got up the steps and opened the door to his house, Lucky remaining outside. He quickly ran upstairs and grabbed a black bag marked "Henry's Medicine". He slung it over his shoulders and grabbed a padded folding chair and ran out the back door. Behind his house the cliff extended out another 10 yards making up his backyard. He jogged towards the edge off a cliff as Lucky came around the corner, his tongues bouncing in the wind. He set up the chair at the edge of the cliff, then opened up the bag. Ben pulled out a small kick drum and a tambourine. Suddenly an odd swooshing sound was heard and an exact copy of Ben was standing next to him. They smiled at each other, as Ben handed Ben the tambourine. The first Ben then set up the kick drum and sat down in the chair. Sitting Ben then pulled out his sterling silver Harmonica and counted down. "A one, a two, a one two three now." The two then began playing "Crossroad Blues". Ben closed his eyes the entire time and really got into the music.

Part way into the song, the water began to shift just outside of his cove. A green scaly mound then began to slowly rise out of the water. It then revealed a swirling eye and rows of razor sharp teeth. Then several other heads identical tot he first began to rise from the depths. Soon enough 7 giant heads with incredibly long necks sticking out of the water began to sway to the music. This horrifyingly gargantuan beast only showed signs of being at complete peace. In fact, all of the creatures in the cove began to sway to the music. The chatter had stopped and the only thing that could be heard was the two Ben's playing. This.....this was what made all of the crap in the world worth going through. Making a genuine connection with someone or something with a common love. The power of music...


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Character Portrait: Ben Murdock Character Portrait: Alice Bright
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Alice walked swiftly to her car after the last bell had rung, hoping to get home as soon as she could. Moving through the parking lot, she made her way to her car (which happens to be a fire bird..) and rummaged through her purse looking for her keys. After finding them, she fumbled to pick out the right one, there must've been 8 or 9 keys, and she didn't even know what they all went to. Reaching over to unlock the car, she clumsily dropped them by her feet. Groaning softly to herself, she leaned over to pick them up.

"Ally! You're such a klutz." The familiar voice she didn't want to hear or remember right now.

Standing up straight, she blankly stared at the perky blonde girl, Hannah. She'd tried leaving as fast as she could to avoid the girl, only because she was dying to go to Reendria. Though she was annoyed, she felt more relaxed, and less anxious to leave, because with Hannah there she obviously couldn't.
"I assume you'd like a ride home?" she asked her. She hoped Hannah wouldn't want to hang out. It wasn't that she disliked Hannah though, she was one of Alice's best friends, today though she was dying to get away.

"I thought you'd never ask," Hannah laughed a little, and hopped in the passenger seat. "You know, you're so lucky to have a car. And this one. It's soo pretty." Alice nodded in agreement, taking her own seat and putting the key in the ignition. Hannah kicked her feet up on the dash board, and lounged a bit, making herself comfortable.

Alice drove the car out of the parking lot, and in the direction of Hannah's house. She watched out of the corner of her eye, as Hannah pulled out a cigarette and light it. Putting it to her lips she inhaled, and sat up to blow smoke mostly out of the window. Alice sighed, "You know you really shouldn't smoke. Especially in my car."

Hannah made a face, "Okay, mom." She teased, taking a few more drags before she put it out on the dash board. Alice cringed, another mess she'd be cleaning up. She breathed deeply, trying to keep calm. She pulled into Hannah's driveway, and parked. "Well here we are." She said, trying to edge Hannah out the door with her tone.

"Alright, alright, I'm going." Hannah laughed, and took her bag. She started up her front porch's steps, when she turned back and called, "Thanks for the ride girl, love you!" and blew her a kiss.

Alice smiled, mostly happy to be going. She reversed gear, and shot out of the driveway. She somewhat sped all the way to her house, which was probably one of the biggest mansions in the outskirts of Chicago. She pulled up into her spot of the drive way, and watched the iron gates close behind her. She walked up to the side door, and pushed it open effortlessly, and threw her bag onto the table. Now the house wasn't only her small family's, it was also her extended family, cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles, even a few second cousins. There was a lot of them, and they stuck together.

Grabbing a pen and a scrap of paper, she scribbled the words 'I'm going out, I'll be back later.' and left it on the table next to her bag. She then made her way to the old furnace, and opened the small metal door. The small fire's flames licked the edges, and she focused herself. Hopping her foot into the fire, she slipped in and came tumbling out of a fireplace in her other home. It was made of stone, that way she could practice her fire skills without getting into too much trouble.

She stood up and dusted the soot off herself, and fixed her hair a bit, before changing into her clothes. She longed for her phoenix, or at least the one she loved most. Close near her house, there was a volcano, in which it lived. She ran up the path, her bare feet in rhythm as they hit the trail. Once she'd reached the top, she called to her bird, and watched as the lava stirred a little. The bird elegantly rose from it, lava dripping off of its wings, as it glided to her side. She held out her arm as a perch, and it gladly took it. She could feel its heat, but it didn't hurt like it would anyone else, it was like energy passing into her. She could feel her blood pumping, and her heart beating fast. It was her own ecstasy.

She and the bird made there way down to a cave near the middle but more to the base of the volcano. It over looked the water, and from there she could see Benjamin and his Hydra. The phoenix made an irritated caw, it obviously wasn't very fond of water. She motioned it to stay quiet, and it reluctantly did, and poked around at a few sticks on the ground. She sat on the edge watching him. Because she was more of a fire person obviously, she didn't even know how to swim. The Hydra itself looked threatening, but it seemed so much more tameable as he played a song with a harmonica. She could barely make out the tune, she was somewhat far, but noise travelled easily, and echoed a bit.

Her bird was becoming anxious, and let out a breath of fire, setting the sticks up in flames. She turned to see this, and giggled. "Patience." She said, and walked over to it.

(Sorry this was really long.. I promise not to make it too long again.)


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Character Portrait: Magnus Thorne Character Portrait: Ben Murdock Character Portrait: Emma Waldorf Character Portrait: Alice Bright
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Benjamin Murdock

The Bens finished the song and a chorus of roars could be heard. The Hydra's had apparently enjoyed their song. Since both Hydras and Cerberus' responded so positively to music, Ben had actually trained them with musical tones using his harmonica. Ben stood up and folded the chair and placed the tambourine and drum back in the bag. Henry had finally come out of the water and was now soaking up the sun. Before Ben had started playing for him, Henry refused to leave the water and had gotten rather sick from lack of Vitamin D. Now that he surfaced to hear the music, he could soak up enough rays to keep him healthy. He and his clone high fived at their good work, then noticed an odd flux at the Volcano. They both turned and looked towards it, then a deep bellow could be heard that sounded very close to the Volcano. Ben slammed his hand into his face. "Shit! I forgot about Maggie. If I don't calm her down, she'll start to piss off the Phoenixes, then I'll be in real trouble." The problem was that he needed to get over to Emma's as quickly as possible, time was of the essence. His clone walked over to him and patted him on the back. "No problem man, I'll take the stuff and Lucky and go calm down Maggie. You go deal with Emma." Ben lifted his head and smiled at his clone. "Thanks man, your the best." The clone just smiled back and said. "Thanks, I know you are." They both laughed a bit, then the clone grabbed the bag and called for Lucky and headed out towards the Volcano.

The real Ben pulled out his harmonica and hit a few ranging notes, then put it back into his jacket. A screech could be heard, and a Skydra swwoped downa nd hovered next to the cliff. She was far too large to land on the cliff. Ben smiled and jumped onto her back. "Thanks, Jade. We need to get to Emma's fast. To the Creeping Woods!" Jade's four heads roared and began beating her wings towards the woods. Now, Ben wasn't entirely sure if the actual name of the forest was the Creeping Woods, but that's just what Hephaestus called them. He said it seemed like the trees move from place to place, that they, you know, creep. He's an odd one, but still one of Ben's closest friends. It seemed that the other Gods relationship with their Tamer was like a protege and Master, he and Hephaestus were more like brothers or really close friends. They talked, they hung out, they made stuff together. He was the most human of the Gods. Of the Gods he had met, that is. Soon enough, Jade was hovering over Emma's house. The woods were to thick for her to land, so Ben sighed and put on what looked like construction gloves. He nodded to Jade, then jumped off of her back and landed on a tree. Ben then slowly slid himself down the trunk of the tree, increasing in speed at the end. He landed on the ground and struggled to keep his balance. He stumbled a bit, but regained his balance.

Ben swore he saw someone sneaking about the back of the house and he could sort of hear whispers. He had bigger fish to fry at the moment. Ben walked right up to Emma's front door and placed his key in the lock. It turned and the door opened to reveal a rather lavish ballroom. He quickly shut the door behind him. He looked out the window briefly and saw that he was somewhere in L.A., where Emma lived. He doubted this was here house, it was so......grand. Either way, Ben trudged over to the nearest door. He stuck his key in and opened the door into what seemed to be a bathroom. He was glad Emma was not in here. He closed the door, then opened it again to reveal a completely different place, he was now inside Emma's Reendria house. He walked through several of the hallways, until he saw her in the library. He entered. "Emma! What the hell did you do?! I have been spending the past few days getting the underworld Gods off of your trail! Hades just chewed me out today, and I took the fall for you, again." He quickly walked over to her, the anger resting in his shoulders. "Since you refused the help of a God, in which case you would have been protected, now I'm the one who has to protect your ass! Ben then slumped down in a chair, tired of yelling. Their relationship was.......complicated. Since Ben was the Tamer of Cerberus' the guardians of the Underworld, and Emma was the Tamer of Necromancers, ones who defile the Underworld, they sort of stood at opposite ends of the spectrum. When Emma had a good day, Ben had a bad day and vice-verse. Though, Ben stillmade sure that none of the Underworld Gods knew about her, why? Ben didn't know anymore. Ben rubbed his eyes.

"Listen, Emma. Just........tell me how to help you. What do you need me to do to help you get these guys back where they belong, or if you need them for some reason, how to cover it up. He looked over to her, his eyes genuine. "Help me, help you."

Ben 2

Ben 2 was making his way up the mountain side with Lucky to the Volcano's entrance. Since an eruption had destroyed Maggie's original lair, she had temporarily had moved in with the Phoenixes in one of their Volcano's. This was just until Hephaestus's Volcano was made suitable for the Big Destroyer. After a few minutes, Ben 2 and Lucky made it to the entrance of the Volcano, bag slung over his shoulder. He noticed Alice, the Phoenix Tamer, there with a Phoenix of hers. She was wearing the usual phoenix garb. Ben seemed to be one of the very few Tamers in Reendria to dress in normal modern day attire. He guessed it was a tradition thing from proper bloodlines or something like that. He put on a genuine smile and approached her with a wave. Her burning hair really accentuated her beauty............that dress didn't hurt either. "Hey Alice. Good to see you again, it's been awhile since Ive seen you here. Thanks again for housing Maggie, Heph's place should be ready soon. I'm just about to go calm her down for her nap."


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Alice Bright

Alice stretched her arms forward, then relaxed them at her sides, and walked over to her bird. Ignis ruffled its feathers, still slightly upset by Alice's distraction, she was easily jealous. She gently pet the bird, stroking its neck. The small fire the bird had started still sat, a few flames quivering. They grew slightly as the warm breeze came from the mouth of the cave, they sucked up the oxygen like a vacuum, but died down again once it had passed. She watched it carefully, trying to study the way the fire worked. She wondered if she made fire right as the breeze came, if she could make it larger. But, she couldn't create fire when the wind was blowing, but just before, otherwise it would go out.

She tried to focus herself, channelling her energy from her thoughts. She felt a small pressure build up in each of her hands as she formed a ball of fire in her left and right. Pushing power the tips of her fingers, she held out her hands, putting the ends of her palms together, and aiming to the already lit fire. She glanced at the bird's excitement, as it moved in a way to cheer her on. She shot the fire at the sticks, and in a sudden roar the flames ignited more, reaching up about four feet. Quickly before it settled down again, she fed logs to the fire, and it gratefully seemed to swallow them.

The smoke trailed from the cave, but they weren't very far in anyway. She stood about eight feet from the outside, and the bird sat on the ground close behind. The grey cloud continuously streamed from the mouth of the cave, in a long, but skinny puff. She concentrated, seeing if she could manipulate it in anyway. Slowly, she forced it to simmer down, to where it barely reached two feet. Ignis made a whining sound, obviously disappointed. She smiled at the bird, as it tried fanning the fire with its wing, but to no avail. She laughed a bit, and watched it give up.

Ignis itself was a complex creature. It was only the size it wanted to be, only as big as the flame of himself. He was kind of like her in a way. If his emotions were great, his power would be too. There was little base to him, nothing was too materialized, his features were almost all flames, but a bit more able to hold or touch. Ignis was an older bird, and could easily adjust its size, small or large. To be closer to Alice, it often shrunk down and sat on her shoulder, hiding in her hair, which luckily didn't burst into flames. And that's exactly what the bird did when Ben walked in, and greeted her. Perching on Alice's shoulder, it watched him.

"Hey Alice. Good to see you again, it's been awhile since Ive seen you here. Thanks again for housing Maggie, Heph's place should be ready soon. I'm just about to go calm her down for her nap." Ben said.

Alice looked up as Ben approached, but Ignis had seemed to notice him before her, the bird sat firmly on her shoulder. She offered a friendly smile, and dusted off her hands, gracefully taking a few steps closer to him. She delicately smoothed the skirt of her dress, and set her hair onto her shoulders.
"You too, and it has been awhile," she answered. It was true she hadn't had much free time recently. "I'm glad to be back though. And no problem, she's a pleasure to have." Even though Ignis didn't seem to enjoy her company as much Alice did, she dealt with it. Alice liked seeing the other tamers and their myths, it always interested her. She placed her hands gently on her hips, "So how've you been?" she asked, politely.


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Character Portrait: Magnus Thorne Character Portrait: Guy of Gisbourne III Character Portrait: Ben Murdock Character Portrait: Emma Waldorf
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Emma Waldorf

She was in the library, sitting on a big, big table with several books on her lap....She was so concentrate to find what she needed that she almost failed to realize that Benjamin Murdock was standing in the front of the door..She waved him a silent "hi", then jumped from 10 meters..When Emma was beside Ben, she tried to fake a smile..She didn't like this guy, even they were almost with the same ocupation...She wanted to ask him what he wanted when he began to yell at her:

"Emma! What the hell did you do?! I have been spending the past few days getting the underworld Gods off of your trail! Hades just chewed me out today, and I took the fall for you, again.Since you refused the help of a God, in which case you would have been protected, now I'm the one who has to protect your ass!Listen, Emma. Just........tell me how to help you. What do you need me to do to help you get these guys back where they belong, or if you need them for some reason, how to cover it up. "Help me, help you."

She couldn't believe that Hades already told Ben that the souls were missing..But it wasn't so surprising though, because Hades was his protector..Emma rolled her eyes and listened until he finished talking.This guy needed to calm, but she needed to tell him the Ruth..But if he will say about what she did, to Hades?She approached him and put one hand on his arm..Her voice was shaking but she told him:

"Look, Ben.I know we don't really like each other, but I didn't want to summon those guys, really!It was a mistake.I have ghosts that can tell you that I am no lying..But, something terrible happened, but I need to know you won't tell to anybody.Please, it's my life in the game..I...I..summoned by mistake, three souls from the Myth council, and you know what that means.If the God's won't see them in there at the council, my life is over.You have to help me..To find the three souls.Please.."

After she said that, she heard a knock at the door and without bothering to go to open it, she said silently a "dark" word and the door opened witout any noise.She still looked at Ben, but she shouted to the person who entered in the house to Come in the library.Emma didn't care if the person was a friend or an enemy.She just didn't care, she had more important things to handle right now..As she waited for Ben's reply, she realized she forgot about the date she had with Guy..They were supposed to meet at their special place, near the lake..But, Guy needed to wait a little for her, she was in trouble.But Emma was sure he would understand..Even if Guy was a good Tamer, she liked him very much.He was special...


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Character Portrait: Magnus Thorne Character Portrait: Guy of Gisbourne III Character Portrait: Ben Murdock Character Portrait: Emma Waldorf Character Portrait: Alice Bright
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Benjamin Murdock

Ben was genuinely shocked when Emma put her hand on his arm. Her face had a look of fear and desperation and her voice was shaking. This was nothing like the independent, strong and snarky Emma he knew. She seemed actually scared. He know felt kind of bad for yelling at her, kind of.

"Look, Ben.I know we don't really like each other, but I didn't want to summon those guys, really!It was a mistake.I have ghosts that can tell you that I am no lying..But, something terrible happened, but I need to know you won't tell to anybody.Please, it's my life in the game..I...I..summoned by mistake, three souls from the Myth council, and you know what that means.If the God's won't see them in there at the council, my life is over.You have to help me..To find the three souls.Please.."

Ben's jaw nearly dropped off when she said they were apart of the Myth Council. The situation was much more dire than he had first realized. He turned and looked Emma in the eyes and grabbed her hand. "Emma.....I don't care if you summoned them on purpose or accidentally, the fact of the matter is, you summoned them. I won't tell anybody, Hades can go drown in the River Styx for all I care. I'll help you. But we have to go now. I know the Myth Council doesn't meet for awhile, but the Underworld Gods are looking for them as well. They have a lot of spies, so if they link back to you.......your dead. I get that we, by nature, aren't supposed to like each other, but we're both Tamers. We need to look out for each other."

Ben squeezed her hand in reassurance, then quickly turned around to head to the door. "Bring, you books, we may need-" He was cut off by slamming head long into someone. When he recovered himself, he found it was Guy, the Gryphon Tamer. The last time they saw each other, they were having a discussion about the fishing territories of Gryphons and Hydras. Things had worked out well. "Oh, Guy. Sorry about that. No time to talk, dead people to find, Emma's life to save and all that." He walked past him without another word and pulled out his Harmonica. He played a crescendo, then decrescendo. After a little bit, the ground started to rumble and large paw burst from the ground. Then another, then three black heads. Soon enough, a large three headed black dog, almost the size of the house, pulled itself out of the ground. "Jericho, we've got dead people to find." Ben told him, the three heads barked in unison. Ben jumped onto his back, and looked back at the three that seemed to be in Emma's. "Emma, lets go, I'm not doing this without you. Time is sort of the essence here." Ben didn't like to be kept waiting if he was waiting to put his life on the line for someone else.


Ben 2

Ben 2, sighed a heavy sigh when she asked him how he had been. "You should not have asked that." he said in a tired tone. "Some rather important souls have escaped from the Underworld. I know why and I know who did it, and my life would be a lot easier if I just told them about her......but for some reason, I don't think I could live with myself if I threw her to the wolves like that. I mean she could die, but the odd thing is.......I don't even like her. But I still want to help her." His head hung down in a very tired way. The situation had been exhausting for him, having to travel to the different Underworlds only to feel the wrath of three different Gods. All for Emma's sake, why? He quickly shook his head and looked back to Alice, realizing what he had just done.

"I'm terribly sorry. First time we've spoken in ages and all I do is complain. I'm really sorry, you don't want to hear about my problems." Ben said, apologizing and rubbing the back of his head. Lucky started to nudge him closer. Ben stumbled closer to her. He spun around. "What Lucky?" Lucky made a small yip and looked towards the cave entrance. "Oh, right." He spun around, and found he was now about two feet away from Alice. He was a bit surprised at this, but he composed himself quickly. "Sorry to have taken so much of your time. I should probably get in there before she brings down the place..........would like to come with? You can play the tambourine." he said, offering to her like it was the coolest thing ever.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ben Murdock Character Portrait: Alice Bright
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Alice Bright

Alice listened patiently to Ben share with her a problem he was having. He seemed conflicted, maybe somewhat restless. She personally didn't often share much with others about her life. It wasn't that she was very secretive, it was just no one had ever really asked. She couldn't really promise there was much to tell though. She actually liked the fact that he seemed to trust her enough to confide in her. She nodded listening to him at first, and wondered what important souls her meant, and who he was talking about. She decided against asking him, if her wanted her to know he would've told her.

She trailed off in thought, glancing around the cave once, and her gaze softening back onto Ben as he spoke. "I'm terribly sorry. First time we've spoken in ages and all I do is complain. I'm really sorry, you don't want to hear about my problems."
She smiled, dropping her hands behind her back, and clasping her fingers together behind her. "No worries, I don't mind." She replied. Lucky then pushed him forward, closer to her, which reminded Ben what he'd been doing in the first place.

He was about two feet from her, maybe less, when he said "Sorry to have taken so much of your time. I should probably get in there before she brings down the place...would like to come with? You can play the tambourine." he held it out to her, and she kept his eye contact as she accepted it, her hand brushing his for a moment, as she took it. She smiled, and bit her lower lip delicately. "Sure." She held it with both of her hands in front of her, and waited for him to lead the way. Ignis didn't seemed too pleased about all this, and nibbled gently on her ear lobe to tell her that. She hushed the bird as it made cooing sounds in her ear, and patted it gently on the head.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guy of Gisbourne III Character Portrait: Ben Murdock Character Portrait: Emma Waldorf
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Emma Waldorf

Emma knew her acting was very, very different,.but she was really scared.. And she knew Ben was shocked...She remembered how a week ago, he told her crazy bitch as she almost put a Death Messenger to kill him.Emma smiled, remembering those times but she hurried to go outside the house.

"Emma.....I don't care if you summoned them on purpose or accidentally, the fact of the matter is, you summoned them. I won't tell anybody, Hades can go drown in the River Styx for all I care. I'll help you. But we have to go now. I know the Myth Council doesn't meet for awhile, but the Underworld Gods are looking for them as well. They have a lot of spies, so if they link back to you.......your dead. I get that we, by nature, aren't supposed to like each other, but we're both Tamers. We need to look out for each other."

"Well thank you, Ben..Oh my God, I can't believe that I am saying that, but thank you..."big headed"!!"

"Big headed " .Emma called him like that to annoy him and tease him, so just a bit of irony and she felt better...She really appreciated what he was doing for her, so she didn't say anything else.When she got outside, Emma saw Guy standing on Rangok's back, and she smiled. This boy was unbelievable, he was there every time she needed.She ran to him and hugged him..Then she patted Rangok on his back and smiled.She loved Guy's animal..With his help, she was now on the big animal's back..Before they could go, she clasped her hands once to lock the doors and once again to turn the light off.She then turned to Ben and asked:

"Uh, Ben? Were are we going??And don't worry about the books, I will bring with me three ghosts, that know much more then I know."

While she waited for his response, she put her hands around Guy's body and whispered:

"You know, every girl wants a handsome protector, now and then.Thanks that you came.I can always count on you.!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guy of Gisbourne III Character Portrait: Ben Murdock Character Portrait: Emma Waldorf Character Portrait: Alice Bright
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Benjamin Murdock

Ben was once again shocked to hear actual gratitude from Emma. Don't get him wrong, she have freaking better had been grateful, bit she was the sort of person to never really admit it. He grew a small smile when she called him Big headed at the end of the thank you. "Scared me there for a second, I thought you had gone and grown a heart on me. Glad to see your back to normal..........your welcome." Ben said in a very teasing manner, though the last part he said very sincerely. He didn't despise Emma, she just seemed to be the only person who could piss him off. She was just so.........Emma. Which is why she and Guy had single handedly baffled the entire Tamer community. The two seemed to completely incompatible it was scary, not opposites, just two people who seemed like they would have nothing to do with each other. Guy was a lot like a Gryphon. He was prideful, vain, a bit arrogant, he was also a bit naive. Though, his heart always seemed to be in the right place, and he was a good Tamer, which earned him brownie points with Ben. The two together though........Ben just thought it was weird.

He suddenly realized they were both demanding to know where they were going. "Right, we're going where Jericho here leads us. He can sniff out spirits, especially freshly escaped ones. It hasn't been that long since they escaped so their trail will still be pretty hot." Ben then reached into his bag and pulled out a gray translucent piece of cloth. "This is Grave cloth. It will get him in the right mind set for the hunt." Ben dangled the grave cloth in front of their noses and they sniffed it rapidly. HE turned to Guy. "Guy, I would be best if you kept to the ground and stuck close to me. We're going to need Emma when we find one. Also, I have a feeling that the skies are going to be watched, specifically by the Furies." Ben shivered a bit at the mention of Hades' little pets. Vicious creatures and a swarm of them could tear an adolescent Dragon to bits in under 20 seconds......he'd seen it happen. Suddenly, Jericho's eyes began to glow yellow. "He's got the scent, let's move!" Ben quickly grabbed onto the black volcanic collar around the middle head, and the Cerberus took off with great speed and started barreling through the forest, changing directions every so often. Two heads were stuck tot he ground sniffing like mad, while the middle head looked ever onward. He knew Guy could keep up. Gryphons were fastest in the sky, but they were still plenty speedy on the ground.

After awhile, they broke out of the forest and were now in a place with dark soil and bleak rocks everywhere. They seemed to be heading into some sort of quarry. They rounded some bends until they came to a large opening. It almost looked empty, but if you looked close, you could see faces and movement everywhere. It was filled with spirits, and none of them looked particularly happy. Jericho growled a the ones near them and they back away. Alive or dead, a Cerberus and mess you up. He called back to Emma. "So......any of them here? I think the overabundance of activity is throwing off his scent."


Ben 2

Ben went a bit stiff when Alice's hands brushed against his, but he kept calm. She then bit her lower lip with a cute smile. Ben's eyebrows slightly raised. This......was going to be a good day. He hoped his other self was doing ok. She agreed and Ben's smile grew even wider. "Excellent, let's go." Ben started walk towards the cave, leading her in. Though, he still hung back a bit to be sort of next to her as they moved through the cave. They came out in the heart of the Volcano, the heat was incredibly intense in here, but Ben didn't mind. Being immune to being burned or melted helped a lot with a tolerance to heat. Though he was pretty sure if he fell into the lava he would probably die. He would rather not test the theory anyway. He decided it was too hot for his jacket, he took off his jacket so he was now only wearing his black t-shirt that said in white "Harp'in Fool."

He got out his Harmonica holder and put his back up harmonica in it. He then got out his acoustic guitar. It was beaten to hell and had some chips out of it, but he loved it. Bellamy had character, as Richard used to say. He then looked to Alice, then gave her a warm smile. He walked over to her and began tapping the tambourine with a half second pause between each tap. "Just keep that rhythm through the while song. Feel free to give it your own flair and shake it how you will. Remember, it's music. It's not about memorizing notes, it's about making you feel something without words or pictures. Just play how you feel." He said very casually, and trying to reassure her that there was no wrong way to play.

He got out his pick, then looked to her. "OK, a one, a two, a one two three now." HE then began strumming on his guitar, eventually getting louder and faster. He began to play on his harmonica in a very light and happy tone. This was a song of his own creation simply called "Maggie's lullaby." About 20 seconds into the song, he could hear the lava start to shift beow. Soon, three incredibly massive dog heads were sticking out of the lava. The heads started to howl along with the song, she recognized it and welcomed it gladly. Ben just started smiling when she started to howl and looked over to Alice with a big smile and gave a quick laugh.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guy of Gisbourne III Character Portrait: Ben Murdock Character Portrait: Emma Waldorf
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Emma Waldorf

"Scared me there for a second, I thought you had gone and grown a heart on me. Glad to see your back to normal..........your welcome."

"Sweetheart, I am back! And it seems that you still tease me, huh?? Even if I am in a very big danger?Pff, where are your manners?"

After she heard what she said she laughed but didn't say nothing else, because they started flying up in the air..Emma loved to fly and Guy took her with him sometimes.It was a wonderful feeling whenever she was flying...But she did the mistake to put her hands on her hair to arrange it, while they were flying and she almost fall from Rangok. But she was fast so she quickly put her hands again around Guy's body and she closed her eyes a little bit scared.She didn't say anything, because she didn't want to appear weak in front of two boys...She reopened her eyes and after she heard Ben's question if there were the souls she waited to check...She bit her lips and shouted to him:

"Uh, I can't sense anything..But there are many souls so we should approach for me to check again.Can you do that?To fly closer?"

The last question it was addressed for Guy...Emma needed to go closer to smell the air for the souls.While she waited for the responses, she whistled to the three ghosts that came with her and begged them to search for the souls...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ben Murdock Character Portrait: Alice Bright
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Alice Bright

Alice eagerly followed him, feeling the temperature change as they got closer to the centre of the volcano. She of course didn't mind the heat, she spent most of her time there. She could feel Ignis get excited on her shoulder, and the second they could see lava the bird darted into it, and rose back out about three times the size it was before. Flapping the extremely hot goo off its wings, it flew back by her side, staying near her feet. She giggled at the bird's enthusiasm, then turned her attention back to Ben.

"Just keep that rhythm through the while song. Feel free to give it your own flair and shake it how you will. Remember, it's music. It's not about memorizing notes, it's about making you feel something without words or pictures. Just play how you feel." he said after demonstrating the rhythm she was to play. She nodded and smiled, and he got out a pick for the guitar. She held the tambourine on its side in front of her, and waited for him to start. When he gave the ready, she began hitting the tambourine with the edge of her palm on beat like he told her.

As the song progressed and got a bit faster, she shook the tambourine, and even her hips a little, and laughed at herself. She then watched as the three heads of Maggie emerged. She wondered since they all had their own brains why it didn't have three names. The whole time she had a big smile spread across her lips, she seemed to be enjoying herself. She looked at Ignis, who seemed to be enjoying himself as well. He bobbed his head every now and then to the music, cooing along sometimes to the harmonica.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guy of Gisbourne III Character Portrait: Ben Murdock Character Portrait: Emma Waldorf Character Portrait: Alice Bright
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Benjamin Murdock

Ben was afraid that Emma would say what she said. It looked like they would have to carry on and track these things on foot. Guy landed on the ground next to him, readying to disembark. This whole situation was looking bleaker and bleaker. Why the hell did he have to be such a good person. Ben reached into his bag and pulled out what looked like a very intricate bronze bracer. He hooked it onto his right arm and it locked in place with an odd sound. A handle popped out and Ben squeezed down on it hard. Then, the bracer seemed to open up a bit and three metal rods popped out and shot forward past his hands. They were blade like. He looked over to Guy. He smiled. "Hephaestus." was the only explanation that he gave for the device.

He hoped off of Jericho and stared into the canyon. He threw on his hood and signaled for Jericho to follow him slowly, he knew Guy and Emma would be right near him. Ben walked slowly through the canyon, letting Emma do her thing, he was eying each spirit they passed, most didn't make eye contact, knowing who he was by association. As they moved along, Ben couldn't but feel something wrong about this place. Oddly enough, it wasn't all the ghosts, it was the cliffs. Something felt familiar about almost sinister feel. Odd holes in the rock formations that seemed........sculpted instead of natural. Almost clawed out. A faint sound made him freeze in his tracks. IT sounded like a very high-pitched shriek. He wasn't sure if Guy or Emma had realized it yet......bu they were in an Ahool hunting ground. He slowly grabbed his pack and whistled to get Guys attention. He gave him a signal and threw him the pack. He then spoke to him in a hushed tone. "Grab a weapon, there's a good amount in there, your going to need them." Ben looked around cautiously. Rocks were shifting and clicking could be heard all around. He called back to Emma.

"Whatever your doing to find these guys, I would hurry it up if I were you. We are about to be...........................attacked by giant bat people." Ben said bluntly, deciding to not cushion the blow. Almost as if on cue, a massive screech was heard. Ben spun around as dozens of dark figures shot forth from the caves like bullets from an M-16. They flew in swirling patterns, screeching at the thought of fresh meat. Ben looked to Guy. "Cover Emma and let her do her thing!" Ben then glowed briefly, then was surrounded by over 20 of himself, all with the weapon on their arms. "We'll hold them off. His clones started to move out and the Ahool started to dive.

The blades on the gauntlets started to shoot out attached to cables. They stuck into the wings and bodies of the grotesque bat people. It only stopped a few of them. The rest began diving and clawing at each clone they could get their hands on. They managed to pick up a few. Two got ripped in half, but disappeared half way down. Ben was so consumed by the chaos, that he didn't notice the Ahool coming right for him until the last moment. He tried to dodge, but the creature caught him on the shoulder and dug it's claws in deep before moving on. His left shoulder was bleeding rather profusely. Suddenly several of his clones formed around him.


Ben 2

Alice seemed to be really letting loose. She was shaking her hips and throwing out her own flare with the instrument. Even her Phoenix was getting into it. The music built and so did their passion for it. He could hear Maggie slowly slipping back into the lava, tiring herself out and slowly falling asleep. Ben started to bob his head and get into the music more, but couldn't help but keep laughing at the silliness of his movements, and the fact that Alice was laughing at herself. Ben hadn't laughed like this in awhile. It was good to forget about the crap he had been going through lately. It was apparently not to last.

Ben suddenly felt an intense pain on his left shoulder. He cringed a bit and looked at it. Five massive claw marks had suddenly appeared there and blood was gushing from it. The pain overcame him and he dropped to the hard stone floor. "SHIT!" was all he screamed as he went down. The pain was intense and he was somewhat in shock, having no idea what was going on. He simply laid there rocking back and forth, holding his wound.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ever Hadley Character Portrait: Guy of Gisbourne III Character Portrait: Ben Murdock Character Portrait: Emma Waldorf
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Emma Waldorf

First, Guy told her that they had to go by foot if they wanted to go closer..She nodded to him and in a few moments they were in a large dark canyon...She saw many souls and the souls looked at her strangely.They knew who she was because of her smell..While she was searching the three souls, she saw Ben with a strange night weapon.She smiled.Emma saw that weapon once when she took a hunter to Hades..But, even that, it looked beautiful.Even if she was a girl, weapons were her favorite.At home, she had two rooms filled with weapons.She heard a strange noise and looked to see what it was.First, she just saw Ben handing Guy a pack of weapons then saw some giant bats in the air.She lived in Reendria since she was little, but she never saw animals like this.Her eyes were wide open and she gazed in amazement, but after she heard Ben who told her to hurry to see if the ghost were there, she ran further in the canyon knowing that Guy would cover her back.She needed to go further and farther.But at some point she stopped and looked around.Looking around she realized the monsters and the boys were far away, so she could start.She shouted some "dark" words and then on her hands appeared drawings, dark drawings.Her eyes were completely red now..She was ready.
Emma looked around and searched for the three ghosts, when one of her best friend, also a ghost came near her and said:

"Emm, one of the boy were attacked by the monsters.To help him?"

"Hm, no, stay with me. They can handle that, I hope.You have to help me, search around.We don't have much time to spend."

Even if she didn't seem worried, she was.She hopped the guys were OK and she continued searching.She was true. They had to be quick...But right now, she really needed an advice from Ever.She was the best at searching.If she would be there with here, she would.tell her how to search the ghost, even if she couldn't see them..Emma wondered where was Ever now but she continued the searching...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ben Murdock Character Portrait: Alice Bright
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Alice Bright

Feeling uplifted and joyful, she continued dancing a little, and tapping on the tambourine. She laughed along with Ben, having a good time. Maggie's heads began to slip back into the lava, and Ignis nudged at Alice's legs, pushing her over to Ben a little. She hadn't really noticed being caught up in the music. Then Ignis decided he'd had enough too, and flapped his wings elegantly, then doing somewhat of a swan dive into the lava. She smiled at his gracefulness.

Suddenly she heard a cry from Ben, quickly turning, her eyes widened, shocked by what she saw. He was on the floor of the cave opening, blood gushed from his shoulder, from five deep wounds. She screamed, scared herself, she didn't know what had happened. She dropped the tambourine, and rushed to his side, she crouched down, with her legs folded under her she placed his head in her lap, and pressed both of her hands against the gashes. She knew she had to keep pressure on it, so she tried her best.

She could feel the blood still rushing, and she took one of his own hands and placed it against a cut, she was afraid he'd go into shock because of the blood loss. She wasn't trained in this sort of event of course, so she was panicking. Quickly, she ripped a piece off the skirt of her dress, and pressed that over the wounds. She couldn't tell if she was making things better or worse, she could only hope she was helping.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guy of Gisbourne III Character Portrait: Ben Murdock Character Portrait: Emma Waldorf
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Emma Waldorf


Emma was staying near a big box of iron.In there she put the ghost, one of the three souls that she summoned..She knew the box would be too big but, a ghost can escape from little ones.One thing Emma was worried about.How she was she, who was very thin and weak, going to carry this big thing back to the boys..??She bit her lips and closed her eyes hopping that in that in that way, she would find something.She needed a clever idea, but unfortunately, she couldn't think at anything..But, maybe the boys could help her.Hmm, but she knew that one of them was hurt and they probably wouldn't have time for thinkingStill, after analizing the options, she realized that was the only way.She had to announce them.Emma called her spirit friend and said a little bit hurried:
"Umm, you have to help me a little.Go where the boys are and tell Ben, because just he can see you, that weI have one of the souls but it is in a big, big box.Yeah?You understood?"
The ghost looked at Emma and nodded.But before she could go, she asked her:
"What if Ben is the one that is injured? Should I write on something for the other boy?"
Emma stood in there frozed for a minute.She never thought of that.But she took from her little bag, a notebook with Greek simbols, and gave it to the ghost.She smiled a little, because anyone that couldn't see her would see just a notebook flying.She knew it wasn't the perfect moment for a smile, but she couldn't hide it.
"Take this.And, you have to know,Ben is the one with swords and Guy is the other boy.My boyfriend.. And hurry up..!!
She didn't gave her a pen because she knew the ghost didn't needed one.Ghosts could write words with their mind.After she left, Emma sat on the cold ground, worrying for the boys.She hopped they were OK..
The ghost went in the place here the boys were fighting... She realized Ben was the one injured, so Sshe ran to the other one and wrote on one of the notebook's paper:" Emma caught 1 ghost, but in a big box.And she waited near them for a response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guy of Gisbourne III Character Portrait: Ben Murdock Character Portrait: Emma Waldorf
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Emma Waldorf

Emma was still on the ground with her eyes closed, when she heard some footsteps.She opened her eyes and saw a big lion standing right in front of her..She jumped in surprise on the big boxand screamed.For a second, she really thought she was gonna be attacked by the lion, but after he spoke, she realized that the huge animal was just Guy and she sighed...Then, she jumped back on the ground and approached him showing him her fists .
"Feline lover, huh? I am gonna show you how to beat one if you will scare me again.."
But she smiled and put her hands down.So, he wasn't hurt..That meant, Ben was injured...Emma looked in the lion's eyes then hugged his big neck.She needed help indeed, but shw was happy that at least they were in live.They needed to go after Ben, but first, the box.She got back to it and pointed it with one finger to Guy.
"Yeah, the ghost needed to be put in a big box like this not to escape,so I didn't have another option then to lock the ghost in one of this.You can't carry this, even in your lion form, Guy.It is too heavy..What to do?And is Ben ok?Oh, this whole situation just because of me..I am so sorry.."

Emma was a bad Tamer,she never said sorry so much in her life,she could be a bitch some times, but when the lives of the others were in danger because of her, she had to change her personality quick.She had to become sweeter and to really care about her friends.And today, Emma knew she had to be like that.To become a good girl for a short time..


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guy of Gisbourne III Character Portrait: Ben Murdock Character Portrait: Emma Waldorf Character Portrait: Alice Bright
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Benjamin Murdock

"I........fucking......hate......bats." Ben mustered to say to himself as white hot pain enveloped his body. The wound was deep, too deep for Ben's liking. Those damn Ahool's claws were big, sharp, but worst of all, they were covered in bacteria. The pain was almost too much for Ben to move, but he knew he had to act quickly. As his clones were fighting off the horde alongside Guy the Lion, Jericho, and Ragnok, Ben slowly crawled his way towards his pack. His jacket had been completely ripped off by the Alpha Ahool and only had the tattered remains of one of his favorite T-shirts. He finally reached his pack and thrust his hand deep inside of it. What he pulled out was a small white jar labeled "Blood". Gasping for air, he unscrewed the top and dipped his fingers into it. A white topical like goo came out and Ben began rubbing it into his wounds. He grinded his teeth together to stop from screaming. After a few minutes when he was finally done, he sat up. Ben ripped the remains of his shirt off and wrapped them around his wound. He then stood up and pulled out what looked like simple ancient leather armor. He quickly threw it on and buckled it up and looked back towards the battlefield.

Things looked to be wrapping up a bit, as a flock of large eagles had apparently joined the fight. He could probably thank Guy for that one. With a look that emanated battle lust, Ben was eager for pay back. He once again extended his blades and leaped into the fray.

After what seemed like almost and hour in total, the Ahool finally routed, and they had won the day. Well, Ben knew they had won the battle, but he wasn't sure if Emma had accomplished her goal. His remaining battered clones disappeared into thin air as Ben whistled through his fingers. Jericho came trotting up and Ben gave him a couple hardy pats on the neck. [b]"Good work, boy."
Ben hopped up onto his back and had him trot off to where he saw Emma go last.

Ben finally came upon them as he hopped off of Jericho, not before patting Ri's head. He walked towards them, left arm hanging almost lifelessly at his side and cuts along his body and faced. He felt like shit and was really in the mood for some good news. He called out to them. "Nice touch with the Eagles, you'll have to remind me to thank Zeus. You were great out there Guy. I guess I was a little slow." Ben said motioning to his wound. He knew there was something wrong with it, but he would deal with it later. He then turned towards Emma. [b]"Please tell me you got one." He then looked passed her and saw a rather large box. "What's that?"


Ben 2

"What.....the I doing.......out there?!" Ben mustered to say to himself as white hot pain enveloped his body. Since he had been materialized for so long, his body would mimic the host body, therefore, Ben's injuries were his injuries. He suddenly felt himself being moved and a scream. He suddenly felt more comfortable and looked up. He saw Alice's face filled with tears and fear. She was trying to put pressure on his wound, it hurt like a bitch, but he was touched by her gesture. Ben pointed to his bag, which was in reach of her but not him. After she grabbed it, he reached in and pulled out a white jar labeled "Blood". He reached in and started lather the white goo onto his wound. He couldn't hold back his cries of pain, though Alice's presence helped him get through. He then took his shirt off with one hand and wrapped the torn piece of Alice's dress around his wound. He was breathing very heavily. It was incredibly difficult for him to do, but he couldn't have asked Alice to do it. After he finished, he just laid there on her lap for a few moments.

He then looked up at her with a weak smile. Ben noticed he had gotten his blood over her dress and some on her face. He fumbled his hand around in his bag and pulled out a small black rag. He then raised it to her cheek and wiped off the blood. "There, much better." he said softly. "Thank you, Alice. I guess I offer you an explanation." He paused for a moment, catching his breath. "I don't know if you know, but I can copy myself. When a copy of myself is materialized for longer than an hour, then we share bodies, sort of. Whatever happens to one, happens to the other. I, apparently, am fighting something right now." he said rather slowly, trying to gain his strength back. He grabbed her bloody hand and squeezed it affectionately. "I'm so impossibly sorry for putting you through this, but you acted wonderfully and I'm in your debt, Alice." HE said with warmth in his eyes.

Just then, Lucky came over to Ben. Lu began sniffing Ben and lightly licking him on the face, while Key began affectionately licking Aliice's face, as if to say thank you. Ben chuckled softly at his friends actions.