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Midna Stacy

*strums her violin*

0 · 1,274 views · located in Reedria

a character in “Tamers & Myths”, as played by MegaKooala12


Full Name: Midnight Stacy
Nickname: Midna
Age: 18
Crush: She's had a crush on Alex for a reeeeallly long time, but she's afraid to tell him.
Hometown: Juneau, Alaska
Tamer Bloodline: halfblood, and proud of it!
Myth: Perytons
Myth Appearance: Image
basically they are elk with wings. They live in arctic areas, but can fly to Midna's rescue when called with her violin. They can get pretty nasty when bothered, so Midna calms them down with her soothing music.
Tamer: Good
-Acrobatic Abilities (she is not a gymnast, but she is naturally flexible and can do cartwheels, flips, handsprings, and high jumps. It helps her in combat)
-Water control (she can control water, ice, steam, and even clouds. She can also change water into its different states)
God: of course, Midna's god is poseidon. She loves to talk to him, and describes him as a very merry man.
Your route to Reendria: Midna will play four notes on her violin, (different notes for each location of Reendria) a portal will appear, and she will teleport.
Personality: Midna is a naturally sweet, smart, talented, creative, fun, brave, and an overall beautiful girl, but she has one distinctive trait: she doesn't talk. It's not that she's mute, she just doesn't talk unless she has to. She's used to being ignored in school (she isn't bullied or anything, she's just ignored) so she thinks that nobody will listen to what she has to say anyway. Being ignored has also made Midna very insecure and unconfident, although she hides what she really feels. Midna doesn't always view being alone as an all bad thing. In fact, she likes being alone so that when she's in the arctic region of Reendria she can play her violin to the Perytons without anyone seeing.
History: Midna has lived in Alaska for all her life and is used to being in the cold. Her dad was a fisherman, and her mom, a musician, was a tamer. Midna found out at a young age, and she would often times go to Reendria with her mother. Her mother then got deathly sick, and told her to look after the Perytons. Unfortunately, Midna's mom passed away, and she was devestated. Midna started to learn how to play violin on behalf of her mother's memory, and got very good at it. She hasn't gotten recognized yet though, because it's hard to make connections with the world when you live in mountainous Alaska.
Other: Midna is the champion at snowball fights. Nothing else to say here.

So begins...

Midna Stacy's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eliah Brandon Johnson Character Portrait: Ever Hadley Character Portrait: Midna Stacy Character Portrait: Magnus Thorne Character Portrait: Pippa Ray Character Portrait: Geoffrey Ambroso
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Well today wasn’t a complete disaster, Ever thought to herself as she gave Brad a small thank you smile as he started to help her. She let out a small giggle as he gave her the don’t-leave-me hanging-look. Her palm met with his in a friendly high five.

"That's confidential" Ever teased Magnus

It was weird she hadn’t had so many people in her home in a long time. The season was very slow though, she thought as she sat down. She yawned lightly she had only been here a few hours but so much had happened, something was off, and Ever could sense that though she wasn’t exactly she what. Looking back on it now her Myths had been acting strange all day, maybe it’s just because of the mating season. She finally decided that was what was wrong with everyone and everything.

“I hope the other tamers are okay, normally I’ve seen almost everyone by now.” She sighed at the thought. In fact she hadn’t seen Geoffrey, which was worrying her quite a bit. She was used to seeing him all the time. He had been one of the first Tamers she met here, he was like a brother to her.

Ever glanced to Midna “I don’t think we have all fully introduced ourselves to you.” She smiled “I’m Ever Hadley, you can call me Eve or Pony or Ever.” She said taking a sip of her water. “I’m the Unicorn, Pegasus Tamer, and kind of the doctor for Reendria.” She said with a smile. Glancing to Brad and Magnus with a your turn kind of look.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eliah Brandon Johnson Character Portrait: Ever Hadley Character Portrait: Midna Stacy Character Portrait: Magnus Thorne Character Portrait: Pippa Ray Character Portrait: Ares
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After Ares left, Poseidon said with a sigh, "Sorry about my nephew. He can get very crazy like that. He isn't called the god of war for nothing."
“Well is everyone ready for dinner?” Ever said, cheerfully.
“Come on, Poseidon your welcome to join.” she said to the tall god. He chuckled, and then looked down at Midna, who was still beside him.
"Should I?" he asked her. Midna cheerfully nodded. She never really got to hang out with poseidon besides talking to him at the river by her cottage.
"OH why not? I'll gladly join you kids!" Poseidon said happily. "Just....please don't tell Zeus. He doesn't like it very much when us Gods are around mortals."

Poseidon took a seat at the head of the table, putting his trident on the ground next to him.

Midna saw that the one guy that was being strangled before was waving at her. She smiled and waved back. It was nice that at least somebody was noticing her. He then pointed to a seat, and Midna understood the message. She nodded, and took a seat in the chair. she smiled and listened as Ever started to introduce herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eliah Brandon Johnson Character Portrait: Ever Hadley Character Portrait: Midna Stacy Character Portrait: Magnus Thorne Character Portrait: Pippa Ray Character Portrait: Poseidon
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Zues turned swiftly as he heard his brother posiden speaking. He noticed him in Mortal form. Zues allowed himself to shrink down as he walked towards his brother. "Don't tell me what?" Zues asked. He smiled and began to laugh. "Brother." He said he hugged posiden. OI haven't seen you since last solstice meeting." Zues said ending his embrace with his brother. He looked at the Tamers around. he knew all of them. Considering he pretty much made all of them. "Children." Zeus said with a smiled to them.

((sorry for shortness))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eliah Brandon Johnson Character Portrait: Ever Hadley Character Portrait: Midna Stacy Character Portrait: Magnus Thorne Character Portrait: Pippa Ray Character Portrait: Ares
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((sorry i cant post as much going to try to catch up))


Pip watched as the girl went inside and shrugged, she saw Artemis walk out and followed Ares outside, she saw the look from the goddess and knew Artemis wasn't too happy. She sighed and put her hand to her head as she felt a slight headache coming on. Sina whispered into her ear and she shook her head "na Im alright sina" she said in the fairy language. She could sorta hear Ares and Artemis outside...

"Ares! Dont call me princess! you damn fool" Artemis yelled at him and before she knew it Ares was already inside. She huffed and walked inside noticing Pippa still at the doorway, though a worried look came upon her face as she saw Pippa put her hand to her head. "You okay darling? not one of those headaches again is it" she asked Pippa.

Pip looked up to see Artemis there "i be fine yah just a small one I think" she said in a whisper as she turned around to see Magnus and Brad and Ares at it once more. She shook her head and leaned against the doorway waiting for it them to get over it. She hate fighting with a passion. She saw a few more gods come in and looked to Artemis, she always wondered if she was the only one to get a goddess. She loved Artemis and couldn't see herself with anyone else. Hearing Ever say dinner was ready she went over and grabbed a seat next to Midna she didnt say much because of her headache. Something wasn't right and she wasnt sure what it was. She looked around the table and was wondering what the other tamers where up to and wondered what Pauwau was doing. She hasnt seen her in a bit and needed to take a visit to go see her. She heard Ever start introductions and noticed no one else went so she decided she would "Im Pippa but most just call me Pip, im the tamer for the pixies and fairies so if their ever giving ye any issues just let me know, they are some pesky little creatures sometimes" she said in her irish accent in a very soft voice. When she was done she closed her eyes for just a few minutes.

Artemis watched as Ares was getting headstrong and stormed off "you idiot" she whispered under her voice as Ares stormed passed her. She then noticed Poseidon, Zeus, and Loki there and she walked over to Zeus and Poseidon "well hello haven't see y'all in awhile how ya been? Hope things are going better for you then Ares, sometimes I think he needs a good smack across the head. One of these days I will be giving it to him when he leasts expects it. Stupid boy."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eliah Brandon Johnson Character Portrait: Ever Hadley Character Portrait: Midna Stacy Character Portrait: Magnus Thorne Character Portrait: Pippa Ray Character Portrait: Ares
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#, as written by YINNY
"Eliah "Brad" Johnson"

"Brad, manticore Tamer." Brad said as he followed suit, sitting down next to Midna a smile on his face.

"hey, you wouldn't have any relatives in Sweden do you?" Brad heard Mag ask. It was in truth a good question to ask. The pair looked so much alike that one would think they were related in some way. But Brad shook his head. All the relatives he had ever known were with him on near by farms in South Africa.

"All my relatives are South African." He said as he shrugged his shoulders.

Brad smiled as mulitple gods now started to converse with the Tamers. Mostly Greek gods were around, but the image of Loki, a Norse god was refreshing. It made Brad think why it is that he never had a god. He knew of a Tamer rejecting a god, but he himself had never even had the chance to. It was strange, but Brad tried not to let it get the best of him. It was at that moment that Ares strolled in. The first thing Brad thought of doing was apologizing to the god for his pranks, but when Ever nearly choked on her food, he knew something else was up. Brad had never seen Ever like this before and could not figure out what the problem might be. Ever merely excused her self from the table and then left. Brad furrowed his brow in confusion. Eventually he decided not to bother her about it.

"I'm sure if Ever will be fine, if she needed our help she'd ask for it." Brad said to those around the table, hoping to calm them down. Quickly Brad turned to the Tamer he sat next to. A very quiet girl that in a way reminded Brad of him self when he wasn't in the mood to talk. He nodded towards her, a smile on his face. As if to say 'and you?'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eliah Brandon Johnson Character Portrait: Ever Hadley Character Portrait: Midna Stacy Character Portrait: Magnus Thorne Character Portrait: Pippa Ray Character Portrait: Ares
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Midna smiled and nodded as each of the tamers introduced themselves. It was nice to know who was the tamer of each myth. Midna didn't even know that pixies existed in Reendria.

Just then, Ares walked in again, and spoke something in greek. Ever practically choked on her food, and excused herself. Midna only wondered what the pressing matter was.
"I'm sure if Ever will be fine, if she needed our help she'd ask for it." Brad the manticore tamer said. He turned to Midna, nodded at her, and gave her a smile which seemed to say, 'and you?'

"ummm....I'm Midna. I'm the tamer of the Perytons" she said softly and with a small smile.

"well hello haven't see y'all in awhile how ya been? Hope things are going better for you then Ares, sometimes I think he needs a good smack across the head. One of these days I will be giving it to him when he leasts expects it. Stupid boy." Artemis, who was suddenly in the room, said.

"Why hello Artemis. We've been fine. I know right, sometimes my nephew can be a.."
Suddenly, Ares walked in the room. He said something rather calmly, but the tamer girl almost choked on her food. Poseidon knew what Ares had said, but he knew that the girl would take care of it. She was a healer.

"I don't know brother. Have you been conversing with the mortals? You know the rules. A week a year is all you get. use it wisely." Poseidon nodded to Zeus as he said this.
"yes brother." he replied. After he said this, he continued eating the food that had been served. He couldn't help but think about what the tamer girl was doing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eliah Brandon Johnson Character Portrait: Ever Hadley Character Portrait: Midna Stacy Character Portrait: Magnus Thorne Character Portrait: Pippa Ray Character Portrait: Geoffrey Ambroso
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Geoffrey & Ever

"You're just bitter that last time we sparred, I knocked you flat on your ass" Jeff coughed out as Ares smirked at him. He may have said more, but at least the God was going to go get Ever. Besides, he and Ares more or less got along. Sort of.

The look he saw on Ever's face when she walked in only made his guilt all the worse. Her blue eyes were wide with worry, but she didn't say anything.

Oh shit. Jeff thought to himself. She didn't yell at me. She always tells me off when I do this. She must be really worried if she's waiting. Or really angry.

He let Lucy rest her horn against his shoulder, allowing her magic to flow through him. He could feel his insides repairing themselves, his flesh knotting together. It was a warm, itchy feeling, and left no trace of the wound that had been gouged into his stomach.

As Lucy walked off, he ran a hand along her flank, murmuring "Thanks Luce..."

It was only when Lucy had gone that Ever showed just how angry she was. Jeff was tempted for a second to call Lucy back, but didn't. Lucy deserved to rest, and besides, Ever was going to yell at him sooner or later.

She was angrier than he'd ever seen her before, but he was expecting as much. But she called him babe instead of Geoffrey, which was a good sign. Although she'd been using it so long that he didn't think anything of it, it let him know that she was glad he was alright. If he remembered correctly, it was something she had picked up from a movie she'd been obsessed with when she was a little girl, and she'd kept calling him it ever since.

Jeff was grateful for the medicine Ever had mixed for him. It was a vile, bitter thing, more so than usual, but it slackened off the pain. Jeff relaxed a bit as the medicine did it's job, his muscles no longer so tensed up. He was still bloody, dirty and sore, and his clothes stung as they stuck to his cuts, but he could deal with that. More important right now was trying to soothe Ever.

He propped himself up on his elbow, looking her in the eyes. He spoke as gently and soothingly as he could. "Look, Ev..."

Ever looked at him as he started to speak, though she quickly cut him off. "Don't Ev me!" she said, raising her voice. "I'm sick of hearing all your excuses, it's bull shit!" she said as she rubbed some of the medicine over his smaller wounds. It probably burnt a lot, but at this point she figured he deserved it.

Ares went slightly wide eyed when Ever had yelled let alone cussed. "Oh kid your in trouble" he smirked.

Ever turned to Ares, giving the god a small look "Shut up, like you have any room to talk, throwing fits all over the place today, we don't need your two-cents Ares!" she rolled her eyes before looking back to Jeff.

"Damn Ever, relax. I'm out, good luck...Babe." He mocked Evers nickname as he headed up the stairs.

Ever was borderline ready to kill Ares. She took a deep breath trying to calm herself, yelling wasn't something she liked to do. "I have enough on my plate and you of all people should know that better then anyone else." she sighed

"How am I suppose to focus on any of that when I'm always worried whether or not this will be the last time I see you?" she frowned.

"I stopped asking questions a long time ago, I just don't understand why you don't trust me enough to tell me what's going on" she said looking to him.

Jeff lay back without complaint as she rubbed a salve into the cuts and scrapes along his arms. It burnt like hell, but he didn't complain, and when she'd finished his arms he took off the tattered remains of his jacket and shirt. There were a couple of larger scratches on his chest, but for the most part the cuts were the same as the ones along his arms. His back had escaped unscathed. He'd been facing his opponents when it all happened.

Jeff was ready for a lecture, but then Ever changed her tone. She stopped yelling, and sounded more... hurt. Dammit. Angry I could deal with, but this...

"Ev... look Ev, I want to tell you. I hate doing this to you, making you drop everything so that you can fix me up. I hate making you worry and wonder like this. But I know you. If I do tell you what's going on, you'll just worry even more. Either you'll try to stop me, or you'll try to get involved somehow. I won't let either of those happen."

But Jeff couldn't leave it at that. Not with the way Ever was looking at him. He needed something to reassure her, at least a little bit.

"Ev," he said hesitantly, not wanting to make the promise in case he couldn't keep it, "I can't promise you that I'll stop all together. But I promise that I won't do it again until the solstice meeting. And then I'll try to work something out with the Gods, to get some help. Is that alright? For now?"

"That's such a stupid reason Babe, honestly, if you didn't want me to get involved I wouldn't." She paused. "Okay, I would, but it's only cause I care. I would do it for anyone, you of all people should know that" she sighed.

She listened to him talk as she went to the small dresser in the room, grabbing on of his spare outfits and setting it on the bed next to him.

"No it won't do for now." She frowned "that doesn't give me any solace, but I guess I'll just have to trust you'll come back...even if it's only to say goodbye." She smiled. She knew that being any kind of tamer was dangerous, just cause you were a tamer didn't mean you were invincible.

"Now get dressed, I have guests that I have to get back to," she smirked "and you'll scar them looking like this." She laughed "and don't argue your coming to dinner." She smiled.

Ever smiled, and Jeff was off the hook. He was even getting dinner. His day had just gotten a whole lot better.

"All right, I'm coming." Groaning, he hauled himself up, and swung his legs off the side of the bed. Granted, he was still a mess, but Lucy and Ever had worked wonders on him. What the hell would I do without them? That wasn't really a thought he wanted to dwell on.

"Besides, how could I possibly refuse the chance to taste your fantastic cooking? Just try not to burn anything this time." She hit him with a friendly punch and he laughed. "Beat the cripple why don't you? I'm just going to have a quick shower, get some of this mud and blood off. Gotta be presentable for the guests."

He stood up, and his leg almost buckled under his weight. He limped off into a side room, where there was a small, functional bathroom. Normally he would just warp to his own large, lavish one, but he was way too tired to be warping anywhere now. Still, the water was hot, and though his shower was quick like he promised, it was some of the most amazing three minutes he'd ever experienced. Stepping out he felt like he'd been reborn, entire worlds away from the state he'd been in when he'd warped into the room. Clean, refreshed, his pain more of a dull throb. More importantly, he was alive.

He threw on the clothes, a pair of jeans and a shirt, and stepped out of the bathroom. He'd never been a fan of the traditional clothing so many of the trainers opted for. So inconvenient when warping back and forth between Earth and Reendria.

He smiled at Ever, and followed her out of the room, closing the door behind him. She started leading the way towards the main house. Jeff thought of the guests, and forced himself to walk normally, despite the pain in his leg. Ow. Shit. Aah. Fuck. He couldn't wait to sit down and tuck into some food. He was famished, sore, and tired. But if he couldn't tell Ever where he'd been, he certainly wasn't about to tell some randoms. What could he say instead? What could he and Ever have been doing that would have left him sore and tired?

He grinned to himself mischievously, and chuckled. Nah, I'll just tell them I was putting some of the regents I had fetched for her with the rest of her collection. That would explain why I was in the barn. And, in a moment of sheer stupidity, I tried one, thinking it was mint. Knowing the kind of things Ever works with sometimes, that could easily explain just about any ailment you could think of.

She gave Lucy a small pat as they passed her in the barn. “Thank the gods, I was starting to think he was taking advantage of you down there.” Ares voice boomed through the barn startling the Unicorn a bit catching her off guard, but Ever didn't make any movements, as if she hadn’t even heard his voice. “Ahh, come on pigeon don’t act like that.” Ares rolled his eyes as he followed the two teens out of the barn.

“You know I hate when you call me that.” Ever said calmly as she led the way back into the house. She smiled as they entered the house once again, everyone seeming to look at Ever. She hadn't realized she had gotten Jeff’s blood on her own clothing, she looked down to see where everyone’s eyes were focused. “Shit.” She whispered under her breath. “I mean…” she wasn’t exactly the type to cuss in front of anyone and before Geoffrey had a chance to explain what they were doing she blurted out something that actually made more sense then she thought it would.

“I’m sorry I had to run out like that, the demons and one of my Pegasus’s were not getting along very well needless to say Ba..I mean Jeff and I had to break it up. My Pegasus got a little scraped up in the brawl.” She let out a breath of relief. “I’m just going to go change.” She smiled before quickly making her way up stairs to her bedroom.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eliah Brandon Johnson Character Portrait: Ever Hadley Character Portrait: Midna Stacy Character Portrait: Magnus Thorne Character Portrait: Pippa Ray Character Portrait: Geoffrey Ambroso
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Suddenly, Ever and another boy entered the house. Ever had blood on her clothing, while the boy seemed to be...limping......well, maybe just a little bit. Midna wondered if he was okay. She gave a look of concern as they entered the room.

Ever explained that a Pegasus and the demons (apparently the myths that the boy was tamer of) were caught in a brawl, and they had to seperate it. Ever then excused herself to go change. Once Ever left, Midna examined the tamer in front of them. He had a mysterious look to him...Midna couldn't explain it.

Out of concern Midna asked, "is everything alright? Are any of the other myths hurt as well?"
Midna said this rather softly, but that was the way she talked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eliah Brandon Johnson Character Portrait: Ever Hadley Character Portrait: Midna Stacy Character Portrait: Magnus Thorne Character Portrait: Pippa Ray Character Portrait: Geoffrey Ambroso
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Jeff still hadn't noticed the blood on Ever's shirt, so at first he wasn't sure why she needed to go get changed. When she rushed past him though, he spotted it. Fortunately her excuse not only worked, it accounted for the blood on her shirt.

Jeff groaned inwardly. When the demons hear that they copped the blame for this, I'm going to be getting an earful. Especially from Micheal. The old archangel was one of the few survivors from Jehovah's rule in Heaven. The sin of pride had been the mark of the archangel, and Micheal still bore it, though his power had long ago faded. When Jehovah, a.k.a 'God' or 'Allah', had died, the power from the prayers of his faithful had stopped transferring onto his followers, and the archangels were now more or less normal demons. His advice was invaluable, but the last thing Jeff needed was another of his lectures.

None of this showed on his face though, as he smiled reassuringly at the tamer that had spoken to him. At least that's something I can handle. Lying. Wow, when did he become so bitter? Maybe he needed this chance to relax and hang out with friends more than he had thought.

"Don't worry, it was just a bit of a friendly scrap. A little blood, but nothing serious. Ever wanted to break it up before it got any worse. You know how over-protective she can get" Jeff said, with a smile and a laugh. He actually didn't have any idea if this girl knew how over-protective Ever could get. She was one of the few tamers that Jeff didn't know, and it would be just like Ever to invite a bunch of randoms to dinner.

He did, however, know most of the others there. He nodded towards the Gods first, showing them the respect they usually thought they were due. He had met them all, but didn't know any of them particularly well. He smiled at Pippa, and nearly did a double-take at Brad and the other male tamer. "Oh god," he groaned, "there's two of them. Wasn't one enough? What god in his right mind would make two Brads?" He feigned horror, but his eyes were smiling.

"Hey, I haven't seen you guys around before," he said to the girl that had spoken earlier and Brad-2. "Jeff, the demon tamer. And you?"

He chose the only empty seat asides from Evers, and sat down next to Zeus. It wasn't what he would have chosen, but it was the last seat left. It wasn't that he didn't like Zeus. The old god seemed amiable enough, but if he started giving one of his bullshit spiels on being the creator of man, Jeff would flip. Not only did nearly every set of gods have one that claimed to be the creator of man, but not even in Greek mythology did Zeus fill that role. Apparently, Prometheus shaped us out of mud, and Athena breathed life into us. All Zeus ever did was try to take fire from us, demand we sacrifice to him, and then give us Pandora and her box of nasties. Even if any of it was true, it just made Zeus seem like an asshole. Still, he kept any distaste he may have felt to himself. As far as any one else would see, there wasn't a worry on his mind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eliah Brandon Johnson Character Portrait: Midna Stacy Character Portrait: Magnus Thorne Character Portrait: Pippa Ray Character Portrait: Geoffrey Ambroso Character Portrait: Artemis
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Poseidon got up from his seat, and started to say, "well, that was a lovely dinner. Unfortunately, I must head off now. I'm quite busy."

He crossed over to Midna, and said, "I'll see you later...okay?" and with that, Poseidon had disappeared.


Midna hated to see Poseidon go, but she knew he was telling the truth about being busy. Controlling the tides seemed to be the most difficult part of being the god of the sea.

The boy who had just walked in revealed his name to be Jeff. He was the demon tamer. Midna wasn't sure whether or not to shudder. According to legend, demons were nasty creatures. Then again, so were perytons when they were bothered

Midna finished swallowing her food, then introduced herself.
"Midna Stacy. Perytons tamer." she said, looking down at the table. She then noticed the messy plate beside her, and she couldn't help but smile. It was an inside joke that Midna and Poseidon shared. Whenever Poseidon came over to Midna's cottage, he would always do the dishes as a way of thanking Midna for the food. However, after Poseidon gave Midna the powers to control water, he would say, "time to do the dishes Midna. Your a BIG girl now." With the power of water control, Midna was able to wash the dirty plates faster than everyone else. Midna also realized that Poseidon made her do this so he could see her progress with her water control; whether she had been practicing or not. From little inside jokes like these, Midna viewed Poseidon as being more than a guardian, but as a father figure. Sure, Midna loved her own father, but Poseidon seemed to understand her more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eliah Brandon Johnson Character Portrait: Ever Hadley Character Portrait: Midna Stacy Character Portrait: Magnus Thorne Character Portrait: Pippa Ray Character Portrait: Geoffrey Ambroso
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#, as written by YINNY
Eliah "Brad" Johnson

Brad looked up as he heard the front door open, watching as Ever arrived with a familiar face in tow. Albeit they seemed to have done more than greeted each other out side. Blood stained Ever's dress and Jeff was limping ever so slightly.

"there's two of them. Wasn't one enough? What god in his right mind would make two Brads?"

Jeff began, his usual quirky humor already in action. It was why the two got along so well. They were always laughing at the jokes the two created. Brad smiled at Jeff as he recalled the situation with his demons and Ever's pegasus, although, something was off. Brad just couldn't point it out. So he decided to just leave it.

"Its been weeks since we last saw each other and the first thing you decide to talk about is my clone. He does share a likeness no?"

Brad said as he winked at Mag and smiled at Jeff, getting up from his seat and embracing Jeff with an almost brotherly hug.

"You have to stop vanishing off the face of Reedria." Brad paused, before continuing.

"...and Earth for that matter!" Brad chuckled as he returned to his seat. It was great to see old friends and new ones all in one place. It was... nice.

Brad listened to the other Tamers as they introduced them-selves. He lifted an eye brow as the Midna, the quieter Tamer said that she was a Tamer of Perytons. The last time Brad had come into contact with one he was almost trampled to death and then the thing had followed him in the air for the next three hours. Needless to say Brad was surprised that such a quiet, timid Tamer, was a Tamer of such a beast.

"Jeff, the last time we were talking you were about to tell me of your lack of gods. If you recall I have no god at all." Brad said without much thought of the gods that were actually in the room.

Suddenly it hit him that fou- three gods were here in the room with him, the fourth being Poseidon who had just left.

"What do you guys think? Or am I just unloved?" Brad asked the gods at the table,a sinister smile directed at Jeff, no doubt Brad would be given a lecture and that would drive Jeff up the wall.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eliah Brandon Johnson Character Portrait: Ever Hadley Character Portrait: Midna Stacy Character Portrait: Magnus Thorne Character Portrait: Pippa Ray Character Portrait: Geoffrey Ambroso
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Pip sat quietly at the table her headache growing as she sat there longer, she tried to eat her food but the headache was too much. She saw Artemis give her a look of concern but Pip shook her head. She listened to the conversation as much as she could but she didn't really add anything in. She then heard the door open and saw Ever and Jeff come in. She saw Ever have blood on her and suddenly she got concerned but before she could ask she heard Ever and sighed. She smiled back to Jeff when he smiled to her then felt a slight tingle go through her body.

Suddenly Sina got ansy on her shoulder, which was never good. She suddenly stood up, looking to Artemis then looking toward the door. To everyone else it would look like a bright light exploding through an opened window but to Pippa it was a bunch of fairies and pixies flying towards her. Pippa looked alarmed and started speaking in the fairy language but also using some irish for the fairies and pixies understood it "what is going on ye dÚsachtach (crazy) for coming in like this" she said to them. She heard them whisper to her and she looked back to the others not really knowing she started to mix her english and irish together. "Sorry everyone éigeandála (emergency) with my myths...nach bhfuil rud ceart (something isnt right)".

After she said that she motioned for the fairies and pixies to go out and she let her bright bluish, green wings out from her back. She quickly ran out the door and took for the sky making her way back to the fairy meadow.

Artemis watched as Pippa flew off, she knew something was off especially since the fairies and pixies pretty much barged in. She got up looking to the other tamers "I must go make sure Pippa is okay, sorry for running out like this". Artemis left the table and wait straight outside then disappeared into the forest running to the fields. When she got there she saw Pippa kneeling in the grass, all the fairies and pixies where surrounding her. "Pippa what is going on child, what has gotten the fairies and pixies so upset".

Pippa looked back to Artemis hearing her voice "something killed a few pixies and fairies, there are also a few hurt...the fairies dont know what did it they couldnt really see it but they said it was big" she started crying slightly then looked to Artemis "bheadh ​​a dhéanann é seo! a olc, tá mé ag dul a fháil amach cé a rinne seo agus déileáil leo!" (who would do this! its evil, i am going to find out who did this and deal with them!) she yelled in irish. Getting up she brought the three pixies into her small cottage then took out a note and started writing something quickly. She looked to Sina on her shoulder and whispered to the fairy to bring it to Ever. When Sina left Pip tried to get the fairies as comfortable as they could, the only thing that truly hurt pixies or fairies was iron, and she was going to find out who. She hardly ever got upset but when someone or something hurt her myths she was upset. Artemis stayed quite the whole time knowing talking wouldn't calm Pippa in anyway but she didn't want to leave the girl. So she took a seat on the couch and waited for Sina to come back.

As Sina flew out the window and she made it quickly to Ever's place. Once Sina got through the window she went over to Ever and slowly let down her glamour so Ever could see her then floated close to Ever's face and used the note to poke Ever in the nose waving the note till Ever got it. What was written on the note is this:

Ever...can you send some healing stuff or anything you got for fairies and pixies back with Sina or something. I cant leave here I got a bloody mess on my hands. Any help would be great. -Pip

Sina stayed there waiting for whatever Ever was going to do before she returned to Pip.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eliah Brandon Johnson Character Portrait: Ever Hadley Character Portrait: Midna Stacy Character Portrait: Magnus Thorne Character Portrait: Pippa Ray Character Portrait: Geoffrey Ambroso
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Jeff eyebrows raised, and he nodded towards Midna, impressed. "You must be quite brave then. I saw what happened to the last tamer. But then, who am I to talk? The first demon tamer. I guess one day we might have some brave kid in your position, choosing to be the demon tamer despite all the stories about what happened to the last one!" Jeff laughed, warmly and sincerely. He had accepted the idea a while ago. It still scared him, but he could laugh about it.

When Brad started talking to the Gods, Jeff knew exactly where he was going, so he answered before one of the Gods could.

"Don't be silly Brad. The Olympians already have Medusa to deal with, why would they want your ugly mug too?" Jeff said, returning Brad's sinister smile with a wink.

Before Brad could shoot off some witty repartee, a swarm of fairies and pixies burst in. It just looked like a swarm of bright lights had burst in, but Pippa had explained to him once that that was just because the pixies and fairies hadn't chosen to reveal themselves to him. Hmm, I wonder what the difference between a pixie and a fairy is...

Pippa mumbled something that quickly resolved into Irish, and Artemis shortly followed her out. Well that was odd. I hope everything's alright. Well, I guess that's just one of the perks of the job. Always something to deal with.

To be honest, Jeff wasn't really interested in what was going on. He was wondering about what Brad had said. You have to stop vanishing off the face of Reendria... and Earth for that matter! Brad hadn't done anything to hint that it was more than just a friendly joke, but considering that Jeff had just made it back to Ever's place a few minutes ago... What was that supposed to mean Brad? How much do you know? We're going to have to have a chat sometime, when there's fewer ears to overhear.

Jeff still smiled pleasantly, his face betraying nothing. He'd perfected the art of lying and deceiving long ago. Being the tamer of the demons came with certain extra-curricular responsibilities, and those skills had been made vital. But that's not to say he was false. He was always as genuine with people as he could possibly afford to be, but there were certain things that just didn't leave that as an option.

Still, he'd talk to Brad. He trusted him, and knew that if he explained to Brad why he needed to stay out of it, he would. Unlike Ever, who would almost certainly find some way of getting herself involved. Besides, Brads little comment had made the discussion necessary. He needed to know what Brad knew.

Suddenly Jeff looked around, frowning. "Hey, where did Brad-2 go?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eliah Brandon Johnson Character Portrait: Midna Stacy Character Portrait: Magnus Thorne Character Portrait: Geoffrey Ambroso
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"You must be quite brave then. I saw what happened to the last tamer. But then, who am I to talk? The first demon tamer. I guess one day we might have some brave kid in your position, choosing to be the demon tamer despite all the stories about what happened to the last one!"

Midna laughed happily at what Jeff had said. It was nice of him to call her brave, since brave was the last thing Midna thought she was.

A little while later, many bright lights came flashing across the room, and Midna squinted just to look around her. Pippa said that the bright lights were her pixies and fairies, and she left shortly after, along with Artemis.

Midna didn't really pay attention to Jeff and Brad's conversation afterwards, but finished up her food instead. She started listening again once Magnus and Jeff got into the whole Brad-2 thing. Although Midna felt a little awkward being caught in their conversation, she could sense something in Magnus...perhaps he was worried? Midna ignored her thoughts. She started to think about when she was going to leave Ever's house. She decided that she would leave a little bit after Ever came back. Then again, did Ever need help cleaning up? If so, she would stay, but just for a little while.