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Pauwau Reeves

" Don't fight, if the worlds come together its because they are supposed to."

0 · 891 views · located in Reedria

a character in “Tamers & Myths”, as played by Tonks


Pauwau Reeves


Nickname: Pau or Witch
Age: 17

Crush: TBA

Hometown: A Res in near Lake Superior

Tamer Bloodline: Full blooded

Myth: Mishipeshu

Tamer: Neutral

Abilities: When Pau is with her Myth's she can bend water to her will and also she can move and control anything with copper in it.

God: Nanabozho, a hero and trickster

Your route to Reendria: Spinning around in a circle and clicking her heels three times saying " There's no place like home."

Personality: Pau is a strong woman who learned early on that it doens't matter what other think of you. She trusts in the fact that the world will balance itslef out and she doesn't need to mess with it. Being an outcast of her tribe, she spent much of her time in the forrest and can walk sliently, which mad her seem even more creepy to them. But to normal people they just think she is a ninja or something.

History:Pau was born in to a family that had been cast out of the tribe for their gift, only allowed to live because they could comunicate to the great spirit. Because of that she was homeschooled and kept far in to the woods so that she was safe. Her entire family think its all crazy and often do things to scare the rest of the tribe, for example, Pauwau means witch. The elders reaction to it taught Pau how to laugh at the stupidity of the people. As a child Pau watched the wizard of Oz, and because of it she often pretened to be Dorthy, and one time as she renacted the last scene of the movie she eneded up in Reendria.
Other: My Tamer



So begins...

Pauwau Reeves's Story


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Character Portrait: Magnus Thorne Character Portrait: Pauwau Reeves
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#, as written by Tonks
Magnus Thorne

Leaning back in his seat Magnus watched the clock, it was only minutes until he could leave this flat, dull land for the tall and frigid mountians of his home. By the time the bell rung he was already out the door and half way to his locker. As he walked to his locker Magnus heard som of the more 'popular' kids snickering about the stupid country boy, who thought he belonged here. Gritting his teeth, Magnus ran his fingers over his tattoo, he couldn't get in a fight then. Not when he was so close to leaving for his home.ย 

Walking out of the building Magnus ran in to his big brother, Thor. " Ignore them," he says softly to his brother. " Just think, we're half way home." he smiles and pulls out his knife. " I'll see you on the other side.." he says walking off in to the forest. Nodding Magnus walks down the winding road that led to the isolated village he was raised in. He used to call it home, and then he wandered in to Reedria, and his entire life changed. Running his fingers over his tattoo he mumbled "Aftur รก eldi, aftur til รs" three times.

Moments later he was in a drasitcly different place, it was freezing cold and apparently in the middle in a blizzard. But even with the drastic change in temperature, Magnus smiled and laughed his deep booming laugh. Most other tamers would be afraid of waking what slumbered and hunted in these forests and mountians, but he had nothing to fear. These creatures where his kin and friends.

Pulling a lightweight flece out of his backpack Magnus started the long treck to his home, hoping all the while to come across someone to walk and talk to.

Pauwau Reeves

Pau looked around as she walked out of her school, there wasn't a soul in sight. She sighed in relief, she didn't fancy beeing beaten up that day. Spinning around clicked her heels and muttered " There's no place like home," three times before suddenly appearing on the front porch of her Reedria home. It was right on the edge of a lake and she loved every second she spent here trying to coax out the creatures beneath the water.

Sitting on the deck she looked out at the water and wondered how long she could get away with staying here in this world where she wasn't a freak.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Magnus Thorne Character Portrait: Emma Waldorf Character Portrait: Pauwau Reeves
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#, as written by Tonks
Magnus Thorne

As he walked Magnus heard the faint beat of a dragons wings. He didn't even have to look up to know that it was an adult red dragon that he had named Artur. Smiling he walked on knowing the dragon was keeping an eye on things. Walking further towards the edge of the forest he leaves the snow behind and eventually came across another tamer's home. He hadn't come seen this house before, and he figured he could use some friends on this side, so he walked towards the door making sure he sneak up on the inhabitant.

" Hello?" He calls looking around the front of the house, " Is anyone here?" he hoped he wouldn't be talking to himself and looking like an idiot. This world haad more hidden eyes than he was really comfortable with.

Pauwau Reeves

Putting her hand in to the lake, Pau let out a low, haunting purr. She hopped that her charges were sleeping pecefully and not off causing problems. She knew they shared this lake with other creatures, she just hoped that the small number of the sacred beast didn't run across a hydra or somthing that could kill them easily. Fortunately her favorite linx mix decided to rise to the surface, bringing lots of ice and water up with her.

" Hey Bimisi." she says resting her hand on his snout. " Have you been keeping out of trouble?" The scaley linx purred a yes as it rubbed its head under her hand. " Good." she says with a smile.