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[1x1] The greatest test of them all is love, torn between love for a girlfriend and love for his new step-brother, what will the decision be....

1,563 readers have visited Tested since S1mon created it.


√ Tested βœ–

Boy 1 (RESERVED) always felt he was straight, but upon feasting his eyes on Boy 2 (TAKEN), he began to have feelings for the same sex, but upon revealing such feelings and confiding with his parents, his life automatically became a series of tests which started with his parents, as well as others learning about it at school, but despite people's worries, his eyes were only on this one boy, but he was not one to throw himself at him and due to him being below him in the school, the chances to meet were slim. However, as the years went on, it seemed fate had brought the boys together when Boy 1's mother and Boy 2's father got married and now the two boys were step-brothers. Boy 2 was on edge at first with knowing he was gay but he started warming up to him, but was it enough as he had to deal with a test of his own. He could not deny that he had feelings for Boy 1 which seemed to grow, but at the same time he had a girlfriend he could not leave, even if the old fires that flared were diminishing. Question was how the two fare in the greatest test of them all, the greatest puzzle to all, love....


Character Sheet
What I'd like to see in your character sheet are the following. You can design your character with what you like, add as many images as you want. Totally upto you.
[To note, this is a 1x1 roleplay, so not accepting apps other than the partipants involved)

Criteria are as follows:
- Basic Information (Name, Age, Sexual Orientation)
- Appearance (self-explanatory)
- Personality (Likes, Dislikes)
- History (self-explanatory)

Can make as long or as short as you like, since would all be developed in roleplay.

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Brook
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#, as written by S1mon

School was out. The bells resounded across the campus, ringing through the once empty halls that were now being invaded by the multitude of students that were piling into it, all rushing to get to their locker and out onto the once empty grounds to meet their friends before going home to meet up later. Six long hours had the students of Wileby been forced to endure long lectures, but despite how the day dragged and dragged, the most anticipated time was of course home time. The eyes all glowed with excitement as the dreary day draw to a close. Course they all knew that they had to endure these times, for it was these times that should not be taken for granted for right now, there was no responsibilities to deal with, no taxes, no work unless you had a part-time job. Sure school may be boring at times, but regardless of how the days went, they only lasted so long.

Assembling across the school grounds were little and big groups forming as the yellow and black buses waited to be boarded outside the school gates to take the younger years home. The campus at Wileby was pretty impressive compared to other campus', as it certainly saved Lucas the trouble of having to travel by train or coach to another college, so it was good that he stayed at home, pleasing infact since it meant he could still be near Chel, who was waiting for him outside with her group of girlfriends. Lucas of course had his own group of mates though today he had planned to go out with Chel who had been dating him for awhile now, his voice of comfort when mother died, before their relationship became closer and closer as her dazzling dark brown eyes met with his dark blue pair, both smiling.

Chel raced upto him as she threw her arms around his neck, stood on one leg as her other leg wrapped around her standing one as she leaned in to show her affection which Lucas returned as his hands held her waist. Course her friends were impatient for some reason as one of them called out, "We haven't got all day you know Chel". As soon as Brit had said that, Chel pulled away and stood back on her two legs as she bit her leg and smiled slightly, "Sorry...I..kinda promised the girls, that I'd..", but Lucas knew and gave a gentle smile as well as a nod, "Go on". Chel smiled again as she kissed him again, before she turned on her heel and joined the girls, clearly being the prettiest out of all of them as her straight brown hair and her navy skirt flowed down and waved at him with the slight breeze that had appeared.

Course, all this messed up Lucas' plans but he knew that if Chel made a promise, she was one to keep it, but it did mean that his schedule was now free as he sat down on one of the benches near the tree and took out his phone to see who he could call.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Brook Character Portrait: Quincy Tanner-Brook
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#, as written by Mashotu
Quincy Tanner-Brook


Quincy somehow by some miracle got roped into playing basketball with a bunch of his friends. One of their friends dropped out 'cause his grandmother had died and he had to fly all the way up to Canada for her funeral. And since they had no back up player, they pretty much just dragged Quincy over to the basketball court and was told to play since they were actually betting money on this game.

The funny part is. Quincy is actually quite good at basketball. He's a fast runner 'cause of his ADHD and he likes to believe his aim is okay. When the game ended, it turns out Quincy scored over half their points, allowing them to win the game. Once everyone split the money, Quincy decided to walk home (and take a shower) only to find Lucas chilling on the bench playing with his phone.

"Lucas~!" Quincy called happily jumping over the back of the bench and over it, overestimating his jump. This jump landed him straight on his ass. "Ow..." He mumbled before looking up at Lucas, "So whatcha up to~?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Brook Character Portrait: Quincy Tanner-Brook
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#, as written by S1mon

Lucas wholeheartfully believed that Chel was the best thing that ever happened to him. He truly felt like a part of himself had left him whenever they weren't together. Whenever they were together, he felt complete, he felt he was in the clouds that time and everything else did not matter except her as he truly appreciated her and cared for her very much. There were many guys in school that Chel could of chosen, as they had met in the times when Lucas was at his weakest, when he was at his wits end and finding the only proof that he was living was in the blood that came from the cuts he gave himself. He knew within himself that was he was doing was wrong and not right, but he didn't listen to anyone until the angelic voice of Chel arrived, a voice that warmed him and made all worries and fears run away.

However, over the last couple of months, a spanner had entered the works that had broken into his life. Such a spanner was in the form of his new brother Quincy. Chel still had the same effect on him, but when worries and fears ran away, Quincy's spanner had a boomerang effect where it kept coming back to him, which is why Lucas held Chel close to help keep himself sane, but it was times like now when Chel was not with him, that his mind begun to play around with him as the spanner was unbolting what kept him together. He wasn't entirely sure why or whose fault it was, whether it was his own or Quincy, but he tried to do his best to ignore the boomerang, determined to snap the boomerang in half so he was no longer interrupted but something was stopping him from doing that.

As he sat on the bench, he contacted a few of his mates, but as expected there was little response. He had planned to spend today with Chel so the guys had arranged plans of their own by doing something else today, which of course left Lucas with nothing. All that truly was left was homework and, "Lucas~!"....Quincy, as he turned slightly to see Quincy jump, before shutting his eyes and clenching his teeth as Quincy landed as he imagined what pain he was feeling right now, "Ow...". He truly was energetic, that it quite surprised him that he was the eldest while Lucas was the younger when it seemed to be the other way round.

Closing up his phone, he sighed as he put it away, before he heard Quincy ask, "So whatcha up to~?", if it wasn't clear enough already if he was sitting alone. "Wondering how on earth we're related", he answered with a smile, the thought still being quite odd when the went through their younger years as students doing their own thing and now Quincy was the face he saw every morning, every day. "Just kidding", ending the sarcasm but his smile remained all the same, still not believing the wild things Quincy does, "Just been contacting the guys but they've all got other plans. Was hoping to go out with Chel tonight but she's with the girls instead", as a sigh followed before his eyes motioned towards his bum which had the impact of the fall before returning to look at Quincy, "You alright?", to check if he was okay, which maybe was a silly question for him.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Brook Character Portrait: Quincy Tanner-Brook
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Quincy Tanner-Brook


"Wondering how on earth we're related... Just kidding" Lucas said as he stared down at the elder boy. Eventually though, he finally did answer his question. "Just been contacting the guys but they've all got other plans. Was hoping to go out with Chel tonight but she's with the girls instead"

"You alright?" He asked before Quincy could put in a word. Quincy jumped up and patted his ass down as if making sure it was alright. "Yup~ Nothing broken." He confirmed. At most, his ass bone hurt.

"Well... Maybe you'd like to play basketball for a bit. I can always catch up with my friends who are most likely still there. They wouldn't mind letting me borrow their ball. I did just win each of them 20 bucks." Quincy offered. His bit his lip gently, secretly hoping that Lucas would say yes. They didn't even have to play a real game, they could just shoot hoops. Quincy just wanted to hang out with him... Maybe try and act like a big brother a bit... Though he knew he could never see Lucas as a brother.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Brook Character Portrait: Quincy Tanner-Brook
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0.00 INK

#, as written by S1mon

Where Quincy was concerned, such remained a mystery that it was hard to say what he was actually like. He was well aware of a Quincy Tanner being proclaimed gay across the school but the question raised was if Quincy was gay, then who was he gay with. If he had two gay parents then people could understand, but when his love for other guys was revealed yet saw no other guy, there was doubt in the words going round and believed to be a false rumour or he had an experience with a girl that told him that girls weren't for him. The reasoning as to why remained unanswered and unexplained, but the general populace accepted the fact and just carried on as normal as the only ones who it affected really was his mates who weren't bothered at all, so why should anyone else.

However, who seemed to be someone Lucas would never meet, suddenly enter his life after a blind date was set up with his father, the whole gay thing was a big issue for Lucas but he kept his distance, such a distance widened when he was expected to be in the same bed as him and silently afraid that he might try something. What Lucas thought would be a night he would dread, ended up in reality being quite the pivotal point for Lucas and Quincy's new life as brothers and that Lucas didn't have anything to fear.....except for his mixed up and what he believed were messed up feelings that he kept denying and didn't believe was true.

Nevertheless, Lucas continued as normal and despite the shaky start, he did look out for his new brother, especially when he pulls stunts like the one he performed infront of him as he stood up and tested to see if all was good, which he responded saying, "Yup~ Nothing broken", before he then suggested, "Well... Maybe you'd like to play basketball for a bit. I can always catch up with my friends who are most likely still there. They wouldn't mind letting me borrow their ball. I did just win each of them 20 bucks". Lucas thought about it, but really didn't need much time to think about it at all as it was a great idea as he smiled, "Sure! Not that I can beat the pro though, but then again, there is a chance I could show you up", to leave Quincy wondering what sort of a competitor he would be, suggesting he would either lose poorly or win tremendously, but in other words, Lucas was prepared for whatever outcome as it was just a bit of fun after school with, and practice was always good.

Eating give a day was one way to keep healthy, exercise from another and sports did wonders. With Quincy's ADHD, he was pretty quick and was not one to stand around for long, so having to compete with that would certainly be a test, though the more he thought about it, the more he realised he may not win. Ah well, it wasn't about the winning but the taking part that mattered in the end as he stood up to follow Quincy. He had nothing better to do anyway so why not.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Brook Character Portrait: Quincy Tanner-Brook
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#, as written by Mashotu
Quincy Tanner-Brook


It didn't seem as if Lucas needed to give it much time to think before he answered. "Sure! Not that I can beat the pro though, but then again, there is a chance I could show you up" He said.

At this answer, Quincy lit up in happiness. "Sweet!" He exclaimed happily, "I'll quick head up to my friends and get the ball. I'm use you know where the court is. So I'll see you there, alright?"
Quincy was finally getting Lucas to warm up to him. Lucas had seemed to want to stay away from him for the longest of times. This fact was even evident to their parents. His mother had spoken to him multiple times making sure he wasn't trying to make his new brother uncomfortable in any way. 'cause everyone knew he was an open gay. His new father did, his mother did, his friends did, the school did, and of course, so did Lucas.

Quincy ran (more like sprinted) back to his friends. Alex (the one with the ball) was actually just about to leave right when Quincy caught him. He allowed him to use the ball, tossing it at him, before hopping in his car. Within the next few minutes everybody was left leaving Quincy alone on the court with the ball. He didn't like just standing there doing nothing, so he decided to shoot some hoops. He started in the back, dashed to the basket and sprung up, tossing the ball in. He did this a few more times, getting the ball in every time.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Brook Character Portrait: Quincy Tanner-Brook
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0.00 INK

#, as written by S1mon

Change. Change was something that could be either good or bad. To describe what change is, would be something along the lines of how what was regular, what was routine, suddenly turned and became something different, deviating from what was, altering what there would of been or would have done. Some change, taking into account a common phrase, is as good as a rest, some change is for the better that it is merely a case of re-adjustment. For some it is easy but for some it is difficult, though it seemed that the journey of life itself helps build up a person's character to be able to accept change and carry on, something as little as the change in age, change in address, change in new clothes.

The aforementioned of course means very little as the larger things are taken into account. For Lucas, the greatest change in his life, was no longer having his mother who he loved and cared for. He cared little if people believed he was a 'mommy's boy', because he cared for his mother more, such was hard to easily adapt too. To make matters worse to deal with his grieving, his father dates another and in a matter of months, the dating develops and a larger change comes knocking on Lucas' door to recieve two new people into his life, a mother who would never replace his and a brother who he was on edge with mentally.

There was however a quote he had read once by Viktor Frankl, that when we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. Such that Lucas embodied and such that had helped him adjust to accept him, but it didn't make it easy. "Sweet! I'll quick head up to my friends and get the ball. I'm sure you know where the court is. So I'll see you there, alright?", Quincy responded with a wide smile on his face, before he turned to run to get preparations made for them. He meant well and thinking about it all, Lucas probably has been pretty hard on him, he would of been hard on anyone who comes in to take away the life he knew. He and his father wasn't exactly close but Lucas was his only child but now his father had Quincy now who was Lucas' elder. Things certainly were different.

There was no doubt that Quincy would reach there first, so Lucas highly doubted that he'd simply be sitting around waiting for him, such that happened to be the case when he arrived at the basketball court and watching him dribbling the ball and shooting it into the hoop, each time not missing. Well, winning certainly was out the question since he certainly did not have as much energy as Quincy, nor as much practice, nor the flexibility, the height or the speed, but who cared as Lucas smiled. Quincy could of just assumed he was texting his girlfriend and gone home, or even suggested heading home, yet instead he decided to help lift his spirits by having a game so he certainly appreciated that.

Lucas couldn't change into more suitable clothing for the game, another advantage Quincy had, so he done the next best thing which was to help prevent him getting hot and bothered by taking off his grey swelter and casting on the side of the court with his bag, as well as removing his tie so he could open the top button. Once he was satisfied with himself, or at least as satisfied he would get as he was wearing shoes which was something else that was not so good with sports, he jogged up towards him, waiting for his moment to strike before rushing forwards to knock the ball out of Quincy's hands before making his appearance known, "Gotcha!", having time to watch his moves from the distance to find a weak spot to intercept.

He couldn't help but laugh after doing so before retrieving the ball and dribbling it himself from his left hand to his right hand, his eyes glancing from the ball to Quincy to the ball and back to Quincy as he headed towards the basket, using his left arm as he was taught as a barrier to dribble with his right hand, before feeling the time was right for a throw. Upon doing so, his eyes looked to the basket while his teeth clenched as the ball hit near the square and was on the edge of the basket, "Go on, go on" he rallied to himself before it fell the wrong way, "Arrgh, typical!". This was why basketball was a tall guy's game, but it was nice all the same and it wasn't like he was winning anything anyway, so despite his loss, he still had a wide smile on his face to laugh about it.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Brook Character Portrait: Quincy Tanner-Brook
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Quincy Tanner-Brook


Quincy was shocked when the ball fell out of his hands. But once he realized it as Lucas he smiled. He watched as Lucas tried to shoot a basket. He was close, but the ball had decided to defy him and fall the wrong way. He looked at Lucas' clothes and realized he had a major handicap.

Not only was Quincy faster, more flexible, and more experienced. But he also had the proper clothing. He felt bad, but decided that Lucas didn't mind since he was still there with him. Quincy smiled at the man and decided to say something. "Well. At least you were close." He said, going and picking up the ball. He placed it on one finger and spun it. It took him forever to learn this trick and was so happy when he finally did it, that he ended up letting it spin off his finger and right into his face. That hurt.

"Alright. How do you wanna play? We could just keep shootin' hoops or we could play till someone scores 20. And do you want rules or no?" Quincy wasn't sure how much Lucas knew about basketball. Quincy tried not to keep his eyes on Lucas. Only his mother would marry the guy who's son was his crush. But now he had to act like a good elder brother. And sports was always the way to go.

That. And he didn't like the sad faced Lucas had when he first popped up. He didn't like that Lucas seemed so lonely. How could his girlfriend have just abandoned him?


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Brook Character Portrait: Quincy Tanner-Brook
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0.00 INK

#, as written by S1mon

Lucas Brook

If Lucas had planned to have this time after school, he would either of arranged it on a day that he had PE so he could use his PE kit, or otherwise he would of simply brought his kit so he wasn't at a disadvantage which he clearly was. What he was wearing made every different, even the little things which don't seem so big can have quite an effect, wearing the right clothes meant the difference between winning and losing, even if it didn't seem to have much relevance at all. Nevertheless, this was not a game to be won but simply one he could have fun with. If he won, then fantastic, if he drew, pretty awesome, if he lost, the best guy won. Quincy didn't have to be here doing all this if he didn't want to so he truly appreciated that.

Infact, getting to know Quincy a bit better over the past few months, he's begun to get used having him round. Sure he cared about his mother and not so much about his father, but having a brother certainly made a difference and like kit, it seemed like something little but it meant alot. How much it meant he wasn't so sure with what's been going on in his mind, what with Quincy being with him now while Chel was not. Lucas had judged him pretty quickly when they first met with what he knew about him, but it seemed that he was pretty cool and it was pretty cool having a brother, a big brother he wasn't so sure about but he was an ideal role-model except for the whole 'gay' thing which had been infecting his own mind set. He was a good influence as well as bad influence too it seemed.

After missing the score, he turned to Quincy and saw him smile, "Well. At least you were close", before collecting the ball and spinning it with a single fingle which was awesome. He had only played this game today to fill in, but watching him a few moments ago and doing that neat trick, he felt Quincy had more to offer. "Alright. How do you wanna play? We could just keep shootin' hoops or we could play till someone scores 20. And do you want rules or no?". "You should never offer no rules or it would be snatched out of your hand", he said with a brief laughter following, before his face straightened, "I want to get that throw right first, because there is no way I'm gonna be able to beat ya if the ball doesn't even go in when I want it to", as he lifted his hands to catch the ball, doing such to trigger Quincy to throw the ball to him.

He thought about a game, but it was useless playing until he got some practice, as he dribbled the ball back to the spot where he had shot it before, where he believed the spot was anyway but it was close. Thinking aloud, Lucas dribbled the ball on the spot as he spoke looking down at the ball, "Y'know, we should probably do this more often. Maybe your skills will rub off on me", deciding to stop being such a stuck-up, ignore what was going on in his mind and accept him. If Quincy had feelings for him, he would of made a move on him already, the greatest opportunity being their moment in bed before the wedding, before they were step-brothers, but he did not take any action so he was pretty safe except for his own thoughts which he felt were pretty messed-up, but perhaps Quincy could help in that regard since it would continually tell him he was not interested and that he can just focus on Chel. Sounded like a good plan to him so his mind could rest at ease.

"You won the school match, so if you want some brotherly advice, I'd say why not join on the team on a permanent basis, you can then enter competitions then and win some bucks and it's never dull", he suggested as he turned to him with a smile, before throwing the ball towards the net only to miss it again making him laugh as he jogged to the ball, "Not all guys can shoot like you, look at me", as he dribbled back to his position and then asking, "Do you know what I'm doing wrong?", hoping for some brotherly advice in return.

Lucas enjoyed sports, who could say no to sports, but unlike Quincy, Lucas was not a pro at basketball but it was fun to play, just that he couldn't play it so well. Thinking of his suggestion to Quincy, he began to wonder if there was a sport he could do well in to compete and keep on the move, as to be honest, Lucas hadn't really thought much about what to do after college, though he had quite a few options from his dreams in his youth of being a fireman, policeman, a doctor, but as to putting such into practice, he wasn't so sure.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Brook Character Portrait: Quincy Tanner-Brook
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Quincy Tanner-Brook


"You should never offer no rules or it would be snatched out of your hand. I want to get that throw right first, because there is no way I'm gonna be able to beat ya if the ball doesn't even go in when I want it to." Lucas said. Made sense to Quincy. But he just wanted it to be fun for Lucas.

"Y'know, we should probably do this more often. Maybe your skills will rub off on me" Lucas said. This made Quincy really happy. "That'd be so cool!" Quincy announced.

"You won the school match, so if you want some brotherly advice, I'd say why not join on the team on a permanent basis, you can then enter competitions then and win some bucks and it's never dull" Lucas pointed out.
"I've actually been on the basket ball team before. But not all guys trust me... I decided to leave before half the members left instead. I may be alright. But I'm certainly not good enough to pick up for a whole team."

"Not all guys can shoot like you, look at me. Do you know what I'm doing wrong?" Lucas asked. Quincy went up to Lucas.
"It's your form. Here," He said as he moved Lucas' arms from behind him. If Quincy wanted, he could hugged the other, "Uh... Try this. And make sure your weight is centered."
Quincy couldn't help but hope Lucas didn't notice the small blush on his face.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Brook Character Portrait: Quincy Tanner-Brook
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#, as written by S1mon

Lucas Brook

When considering the relationship between brothers, there is quite a bond between the two as the elder brother watches out for the younger, but such is not always the case. If applying the yin and yang, there is good and there is bad, such is the same for relationships of this kind where the brothers stick together and look out for each other, while on the downside they are sometimes at each others' throats, competing against one another when girls are involved, especially when they are both torn between a girl or a girl is torn between them. The difference between sisters however, is that brothers don't play the silent treatment, they say exactly how they feel and if they must fight, fight with no prancing about.

Lucas and Quincy's relationship as brothers was more complicated by the mere fact that they were not exactly brothers even though they were. It was the same case with all step-brother relationships since they haven't grown in the same environment together, pretty much they have seperate lives and that now their paths cross now and then, doing the odd brotherly thing when a situation calls for it, mostly teasing was involved. As blood brothers, each knew they were related as they have endured the same things and they pretty much look similar and actually looked similar unlike the complicated relationships when it came to step-brothers where they looked like strangers, their presence in the home merely being seen as a tenant.

If relationships wasn't complicated already, the fact that they were not alike and if they got along, they had other people to consider who were not aware they were related by misjudging them as 'gay' which straight guys don't want to hear, especially when they have a girlfriend and having a nasty rumour go round. That was another thing about being at school, once something was found out that seemed 'big news', it would not take long till it was big news and people knew about it. Girls were the biggest gossips of course rather than the lads, lads would only do it if they wanted to wind someone up, as why spread rumours when they have perfectly good fists?

Anyhow, having Chel and having Quincy in his life had made Lucas feel pretty uncomfortable on both ends. He loved Chel but was worried that if he was caught being too close with Quincy, someone would attempt to ruin things between him and Chel. Afterall, Chel was beautiful, but in the end, he felt bad about having to distance himself with Quincy because of it, but times like this when they were just on their own, he believed he could make it up to him, and even if they didn't get a chance together at school, there was always time back at home. Time was the thing, seeing as he had set time aside for Chel before the plan went kaput, but now he felt that maybe he can set some time after school once a week that he and Quincy could be playing basketball together. Quincy seemed to like the idea as he thought he would, "That'd be so cool!" and it probably was about time too.

As he had told him, with all this practice, maybe his skills would rub off on him, but he wasn't really sure if basketball was his game but he'd give it a go. Quincy then told him how he played before, "but not all guys trust me... I decided to leave before half the members left instead", which was pretty sad, though thinking about it, maybe they were worried as he was when Quincy was going to share his bed with him, so he couldn't blame them in that regard. He could try and reassure them but Quincy still had the title of 'gay' in his mind, but maybe he could pick up the slack for him, maybe he could play basketball for him and share the winnings with him. He didn't know.

To be honest, he wasn't sure what to be as there was so many options open. Right now he was just doing the best as he can and aiming as high as he could in terms of grades so more doors were open, but he wasn't sure what to do when all this finished. Basketball was one thing as Quincy spoke about his form, but then his thought process about that stopped when Quincy was behind him and controlled his arms, being completely alone. The bedroom was obviously intimate but there were loads of people in the house, but here it was just the two of them with everyone leaving or just about to leave that it felt worser than that time. However, Lucas kept assuring himself that nothing would happen, they were brothers now and that Quincy was just helping him, nothing more.

It wasn't only Quincy he was concerned with but himself too, the second reason why he decided to spend more time with Quincy, so that he could confirm that Quincy was nothing more than a brother and that he was not interested in him. Lucas not only avoided him because he was gay, not only because he had entered his life and essentially took his place as the eldest, but that he had these terrible ideas in his mind that insinuated that he may have feelings for his step-brother which he kept denying and hoped to prove wrong through all this, such ideas that were now at the forefront of his mind with Quincy so close.

"Uh... Try this. And make sure your weight is centered", he explained. Lucas nodded to show he understood, unable to speak and focusing his mind on the basket and the red square above it, before letting the ball go when he was satisfied as he threw it into the air, his eyes peeled as he watched the ball and went straight through the basket. "Haha!...Get in!", he laughed as he jogged over to get the ball, before putting under his arm and jogging back over to Quincy with a wide smile now that the ball decided to behave itself, "High five!", he exclaimed before giving Quincy a high five.

Following that, he dribbled the ball, remembered the form that Quincy showed him and once again aimed and scored once again, "Brilliant! Your my lucky charm Quincy!", deciding against saying him having the magic touch, just cos, before re-collecting the ball to try again but this time he went further back and spoke as he bounced the ball up and down, his tone more serious since Quincy was the teacher again, "In some games I've watched, the guys have had to try and score from around here. Some miss, but some get it in. I can't remember if jumping is involved to help level it a bit, but can you do it? and maybe show me?", seeing as these sorts of shots were like the best kind as the opponents would all gather near the basket to stop you, so if you could score from near the middle with little to no opposition, then that's got to be cool!


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Brook Character Portrait: Quincy Tanner-Brook
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#, as written by Mashotu
Quincy Tanner-Brook


When Lucas got his first basket, Quincy happily gave him a high five. He scored a second shot and Quincy could feel how happy his brother was. He liked making Lucas this happy. He wondered if Chel made him this happy...

"In some games I've watched, the guys have had to try and score from around here. Some miss, but some get it in. I can't remember if jumping is involved to help level it a bit, but can you do it? and maybe show me?" Lucas asked. Quincy beamed as he easily stole the ball from Lucas. He stood at the free throw line and dribbled the ball. "Here, if you get the ball in, you can get three points vs the usual two. Usually, to get the ball in, you don't jump, but just give yourself a little lift." Quincy instructed as he did suck, getting the ball right in the hoop, the muscles in his arms flexing ever so slightly. "The only ways for this to happen is when you either get a free shot 'cause the other team fucked up and fouled or you successfully shoot it during the game."

He grabbed the ball and tossed it to Lucas. "Here. You try~" Quincy said happily.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Brook Character Portrait: Quincy Tanner-Brook
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#, as written by S1mon

Lucas Brook

It was not that Lucas had not played basketball before, but just that he did not have enough practice and nor did he do such regularly. The only times he truly did play was in PE when he was with the other guys. Of course even in times like that, he didn't really get much practice or much out of it in general. Afterall how could you when there was bigger and stronger guys like Quincy that was *owning* the game. Height certainly was an advantage but it was a disadvantage as well which is the way Lucas looked at it. How many of those tall guys could steal the ball from a low and well-defended dribble? it was just a case of getting out of the shadows and into the light where he could score, but with little chances at scoring since the 'big guns' took that job, Lucas wasn't so good.

This was why he appreciated the time that Quincy was giving him since he wasn't so bad afterall, but it certainly wasn't brilliant either. Everything and everyone has strengths and weaknesses but as told time and time again, if you put your mind to it, then something that could be seen as an unreachable goal can actually be possible. It was a matter of perseverence, to stick at it and work hard at it. If basketballing was Lucas' dream then he would of done extra training earlier on, but with his mind open to give him more options, spending more time in one area than the other seemed to not be equal at all, wishing to spend as equal time as he can.

Lucas was simply that sort of guy, he liked things fair. Sure the whole 'gay' thing was another one of these, but he accepted those who were 'gay' and treated them the same, only distancing himself when things got too close to comfort as they did with Quincy. Before the wedding, before Quincy and Lucas were brothers, they hardly spent any time together because there was no reason to, Quincy was with the seniors in his year while Lucas was with his guys so there really was no point. It did make him wonder if Quincy would of been so willing to play basketball with him if they were not brothers, perhaps he would of just gone home, something that Lucas would of done if no progress had been made for what he could do today.

Just like he equally shared his time with his work for each subject, he also tried to equally share his time also for after school, setting a time where he'd spend it with friends, sometimes with Chel and sometimes simply staying behind to do some work that needed doing. Today he had hoped to spend it with Chel but it seems she had other plans with her friends. Of all people, Lucas knew well the importance to keep to plans and not wishing to let people down, which is why he let her go. If Chel was happy, then he was happy. Besides, despite the plan not going as he had hoped, he was having a pretty cool time with Quincy and as he had said, he did like the idea of doing this more often. When Lucas felt comfortable enough, he could probably try playing against him. They just needed to set a time so he would actually bring the right gear, which is why he had decided to practice shots instead.

Speaking of shots, he watched Quincy as he stole the ball from his hands as he did to him earlier, dribbling the ball to the free throw line, before explaining, "Here, if you get the ball in, you can get three points vs the usual two" which was exactly what Lucas thought and why it would be pretty awesome to master the throw from there, "Usually, to get the ball in, you don't jump, but just give yourself a little lift" before showing by example and once again getting the ball into the hoop, pretty impressive! before telling him that he could do this as a free shot or during the game, though during the game they'd no doubt be opposition.

It was then that Quincy threw the ball to him, "Here. You try~", as Lucas held his hands infront of him and caught it. What could he say, he was pretty good with his hands, hence why he was pretty good in the art department with the paintbrush and with pottery, such requiring concentration, patience and dedication, all such values that Lucas held. He would say he was a 'hands on' sort of guy, but that sort of expression could relate to sports also by being in the thick of it and he could not see him being in the thick of matches, rather on the outside as support. Lucas was not exactly a leader.

"You make it sooo easy!", he sarcastically exclaimed but in a jokey way. Even if he felt he couldn't do it, he thought he'd give it a go anyhow as he dribbled the ball to the free throwline Quincy was at before. The question on his mind however was how much of a lift, Quincy suggesting a little lift but he felt he needed to do more. Either way, the aim was for the hoop so his eyes remained in the area he wanted and tried to measure up, lifting himself up a little, working out his angle before throwing the ball into his air. Out of his hands now, literally, as he got down into a squat as he watched the ball, only to bounce off the board above the basket and chuckling to himself as his head looked down as if in defeat.

Few moments after, he lifted himself up and jogged to fetch the ball, before slowly dribbling the ball back to the throwline to have another go. As he walked back with his back to Quincy, he then spoke up, "Still got a waaaay to go to catch up with you bro!", he exclaimed, "I certainly need more practice, but I stand by what I said before, you should totally be on the team because your totally awesome. The guys just need to grow up..." before he decided to grow up himself and end his stubbornness with him by telling him some home-truths as he looked down at the ball and revealed, "I admit I've been hard on you and I'm sorry. I've been a total jerk but your really cool....". If they was going to spend more time with each other, he would have to start by being honest, but as far as his messed up feelings go, that would remain secret because if they now acted like brothers, they had to go surely....

(OOC: Here's Quincy's chance to give Lucas a hug since he'd be able to pick him up and hold from behind since his arms are open with holding the ball. Should be strong enough to lift him since Lucas is lighter and believe Lucas would find such acceptable with the circumstances and think Quincy may want to anyway)


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Brook Character Portrait: Quincy Tanner-Brook
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Quincy Tanner-Brook


"Still got a waaaay to go to catch up with you bro! I certainly need more practice, but I stand by what I said before, you should totally be on the team because your totally awesome. The guys just need to grow up... I admit I've been hard on you and I'm sorry. I've been a total jerk but your really cool...." Lucas had said, the end of his statement sounding sincere.

Being the touchy feely person he was, Quincy smiled happily and moved over to Lucas, not really thinking. He gave Lucas as happy hug from behind. "It's alright... We were the ones that imposed ourselves on you. I'm just happy you actually like me now."

Quincy pulled away from the hug happily as he flashed the other another smile. He didn't know if Lucas would be mad or not, but it's not like he could change what he did. What if the hug made Lucas hate him all over again?


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Brook Character Portrait: Quincy Tanner-Brook
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#, as written by S1mon

Lucas Brook

This time with Quincy had certainly proven to be.....quite something. Not only had the time given Lucas a sort of one-to-one session in basketball to help him get better, but it also served as a time of reflection which proved as useful as the training session himself. When work was completed at college, the teacher usually gives the opportunity to evaluate your work, to give personal thoughts on how the assignment went, if there was anything you would change, anything you would remain the same, how and why and all that jazz. It was the same thought process that was going on and on in Lucas' mind, realising that he too seemed to be unfair towards him as the guys on the basketball team were and it wasn't fair, all because he was gay.

Afterall, he had learnt ever since the whole sleeping in the same bed thing and even here and now, that if Quincy did feel for him then he would of made a move already, especially the times their house was empty but the fact remained that they were brothers now. As far as the basketball guys go, Lucas didn't believe that Quincy has made a move on them either as why would they 'risk' him participating in their last game which essentially saved the day. In his opinion, Quincy seemed to have a talent at this sort of stuff and therefore should keep at it since he's not even missed the basket once which is really impressive, does not the Wileby Basketball Team want to reach for the stars? because if they do, they need Quincy in it.

Lucas always wondered what life would be like with a big brother but wasn't so keen on the idea and he was right to be so he felt, seeing that Quincy would no doubt get the most when father passes. He hated being so morbid but after losing his mother, he takes quite a few things in perspective like spending the time he has wisely which is another reason why he equals things out and why he wished to make amends with his brother now. Quincy didn't have to do all this as he could of just ignored him on the bench or took him home but he didn't. Just then, he then felt a tug from behind as his eyes looked down and saw Quincy's hands around him, before hearing him say, "It's alright... We were the ones that imposed ourselves on you. I'm happy you actually like me now" and he could tell from the way he sounded. All this worry for nothing when all Quincy really wanted was acceptance, to be a good brother not anything else.

As for happy you actually like me now, Lucas wasn't really sure what to say about that. This whole bonding thing he decided to do was to get things straight, literally straight, in his head so he wasn't quite sure how much he liked him. One side of him was saying how nice he is and what an awesome brother he had, while the other side was commenting on how much love he has for him to try and make him nervous again but Lucas ignored it as Quincy then pulled away and not feeling so warm anymore. Now that he did that, not that he was complaining, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to keep up with the game, afterall, Quincy had just finished a game then ran back here to play with him. He doubted Quincy would be tired out with the energy he has but he wasn't Quincy.

Putting the ball under his arm, he then turned around and walked towards Quincy as he saw him smile. "Your not supposed to agree with either should of said 'no you've been a jackass' or 'no you've not been a total jerk'....seems you need some lessons bro", he said with a cheeky smile before throwing the ball to him, "Here...think that'll do for us today, until next time", as he walked to his bag, folded his jumper and tie which he then put into his bag before putting his bag around his shoulder. Yes, there would be a nice time.

"Coming?" as he motioned his head towards the exit as he then opened the door for him and said as Quincy approached, "I meant what I said you should be on the team. I know your....." opting not to say the word, "..but you need to stand up for yourself, okay. If they ask again, don't be taken advantage of and play for them, your the one holding the cards so you should say that you'd do it if you can stay on the team. If they do not accept, then everyone can see what a bunch of losers they are", ending with a smile before walking with Quincy. Lucas may be unsure about a few things with Quincy but he was his brother. The whole job of the big brother stuff was to look after the younger but it seemed to be the other way round at the moment....not that he was complaining of course.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Brook Character Portrait: Quincy Tanner-Brook
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Quincy Tanner-Brook


"Your not supposed to agree with either should of said 'no you've been a jackass' or 'no you've not been a total jerk'....seems you need some lessons bro. Here...think that'll do for us today, until next time." Lucas said, throwing him the ball. Quincy just simply laughed. He jogged to catch up with Lucas as he continued to speak. "I meant what I said you should be on the team. I know your..." Gay, Quincy mentally filled, "....but you need to stand up for yourself, okay. If they ask again, don't be taken advantage of and play for them, your the one holding the cards so you should say that you'd do it if you can stay on the team. If they do not accept, then everyone can see what a bunch of losers they are."

Quincy smiled a shy smile. He was happy that Lucas was trying to stick up for him. "It's no fun playing with people who don't want you around. I'd rather play on a team that lost every time but still knew how to have fun an accept other rather than our school team. Plus, I think they noticed that ever since I left they started to lose more..." He said, and quickly added, "Not trying to brag or nothin'..."

He rubbed the back of his neck as he grabbed his school bag with his clothes hanging out the sides. He felt his phone ring from inside the bag and picked it up. "Mom? What's up?" He asked. He stood there silent for a bit before he said goodbye and hung up. "Mom says that her and your dad are going out for dinner and that we'd have to either get or make dinner ourselves."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Brook Character Portrait: Quincy Tanner-Brook
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0.00 INK

#, as written by S1mon

Lucas Brook

Quincy wasn't exactly the type of guy he envisioned for an elder brother, but then again, Lucas didn't really give him much of a chance to be with him distancing himself. Just as Quincy had been teaching him moves on basketball, it seemed now that Lucas was teaching Quincy some moves on being the brother he did envision. Afterall, he had taken his time to come to him in his hour of loneliness. It was not that he hated loneliness as that sort of thinking was for babies and Lucas was old enough to be alone, it was just that he liked company now and then which is why he liked how Quincy had invited him to play some basketball and he had got better as a result, though he still had to work on some things as Quincy did.

The big brother image he imagined was not one who would agree with things he says, as such would have a choice whether to life him up with praises and make him happy, or pull him down with the 'tough guy' image. Though he chose neither this time round, he guessed that Quincy would choose the former over the later, as despite his strength, Quincy had been kind so playing the tougher guy would go against all that. Then again, everything seemed to be going backwards that it had been him who was playing the 'tough guy' image all this time with his rejections and now he had turned that around to be more of an encouraging brother, hence why he gave him brotherly advice that he should stand his ground.

Seeing Quincy smile in response made him smile too since it was clear evidence that despite how bad he had been thus far, that all had been forgiven and that he had accepting him, such an impression he got from his hug earlier too. "It's no fun playing with people who don't want you around", he replied which Lucas understood, not only in the context of basketball but also with him over the past six months since they became brothers with Lucas preferring to keep to his own, such showing how considerate Quincy was. "I'd rather play on a team that lost every time but still knew how to have fun an accept other rather than our school team. Plus, I think they noticed that ever since I left they started to lose more...Not trying to brag or nothin'...", as Lucas' smile widened and gave a chuckle, before Quincy's attention was pulled away by his phone ringing.

As Quincy pulled away to answer the phone, Lucas began to think about the basketball team, as clearly they invited him back to make sure they won the game to get their winnings which they did thanks to Quincy's help. However, despite how kind and considerate Quincy was, he did need to stand up for himself, yet all this time Lucas thought he wasn't the strong one. Mentally, yes, but physically, not so much, though he certainly wished he was though fighting is not his forte and nor does he like it in general but sometimes it was needed, especially when he wanted to protect those he loves and cares about.

"Mom? What's up?", he overheard Quincy say as he stopped walking, which Lucas did too, seeing that the phone call may relate to him also, seeing as Quincy's mom was his too, even if he wasn't used to her since he was really attached to his own. After he said goodbye, he then turned to him, "Mom says that her and your dad are going out for dinner and that we'd have to either get or make dinner ourselves". Lucas rolled his eyes thinking about it, "I wonder whose idea it is..", seeing one or both of them trying to be romantic despite their age, making Lucas wonder if he'd find himself with someone in a few years time when it came to adulthood and living together and loving each other as his dad, their parents* did. The bigger question being if Chel would be that person.

His attention then returned to Quincy, "Not that it matters though, but my dad is your dad too you know, just as your mom is my mom too, though it does take some getting used to which I understand", looking down to his arms as he remembered all the times he cut himself in his distress until Chel came due to how he missed his mom. Not wishing to dwell on for too long, he looked back up again and spoke before Quincy could say anything about his last statement, irrespective of whether he would of said anything or not, "As for dinner, I think we're quite capable of cooking ourselves. What you think?".


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Brook Character Portrait: Quincy Tanner-Brook
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Quincy Tanner-Brook


"I wonder whose idea it is. Not that it matters though, but my dad is your dad too you know, just as your mom is my mom too, though it does take some getting used to which I understand." Lucas said as he looked down at his arms. He look up and spoke again before he could say a thing. "As for dinner, I think we're quite capable of cooking ourselves. What you think?"

Quincy bit his lip. It wasn't that he didn't like Lucas' dad. It's just, he wasn't used to having one and it was weird. Plus, his father ran away from them because he was gay. "I'm kind of a terrible cook." He admitted. He could make food for himself, fine. It just, no one else really liked it. "So... Unless you can cook, or like really spicy food... It'd probably be best if we ordered something." He rubbed the back of his neck and let out a nervous laugh. Damn. And he was getting along with Lucas so well too.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Brook Character Portrait: Quincy Tanner-Brook
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0.00 INK

#, as written by S1mon

Lucas Brook

When you heard that a guy from school was gay, it didn't really affect you unless you were acquainted. Knowing Quincy was gay, it did not bother him since he was two years above him and therefore meant little contact, the actual news hitting home when Quincy came into his life at the worst possible time. Even though Lucas had distanced himself to spending more time with his mates and Chel, he could not avoid the inevitable since he and Quincy were now brothers whether he accepted such or not, though after some adjusting time had passed and after Quincy's act of kindness, Lucas accepted him for who he was and would make it up for him.

He had been unfair and had apologised for being unfair, but instead of just accepting his apology, he had hugged him and then blamed himself that they had imposed themselves on him. Love however was a mystery, if it works then it works, it was the love that had brought his father and Quincy's mother together so they certainly did not impose themselves on him, it was just the way things had worked out. It was just unfortunate that they got together so soon after his mothers' death which was quite a bit to push him off the edge if not for Chel who he developed feelings for that had helped him through this period.

Now Chel had gone with her friends and now Quincy had taken the role of helping him through. It was over for today anyway, he'd work his schedule out next week to make sure he spent some time with his brother in the basketball courts, to not do so would let Quincy down which would not do since Lucas hated letting people down. Now it seemed that he would be alone with Quincy even longer since their parents were out for dinner, yet he continually questioned himself mentally as to why he should find an excuse to leave him. They were brothers for goodness sake, something that became more real as they finally did spend time together. "I'm kind of a terrible cook...So... Unless you can cook, or like really spicy food... It'd probably be best if we ordered something", Quincy replied as he rubbed the back of his neck and laughed about it gingerly.

"We'll cook", Lucas answered as he made his mind up without much time to think about it as he felt it wasn't necessary as the answer was clear, much like he did when Quincy asked if he wanted to play basketball with him, "We'll do it together which won't be so bad, whatever the outcome, we can be proud of it, even if it doesn't taste so hot, but you can't go wrong with Spaghetti Bolognese". When Lucas was comfortable talking to someone, he tended to answer more quickly which was pretty much the case for Quincy due to the months he had adjusted to him, as well as think aloud which he was doing now when he suggested spaghetti bolognese.

Seeing that they were not now moving thanks to the phone call, Lucas stretched out his right hand around Quincy and then began walking forwards, his hand pulling him forwards as he exclaimed, "We won't get any dinner at this rate if we're not moving". Once Quincy was moving alongside him again, Lucas removed his arm to focus on walking, walking faster if Quincy caught up with him so if Quincy aimed to walk faster than him, he could compete with that, the intention in mind to get home quicker. Not only that, but the friendly competition to get home also gave Lucas a chance to kick his thoughts away as why on earth was he thinking about Quincy when he should be a concerned boyfriend by thinking of Chel and if she was alright...maybe he should call her to see if she was okay...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Brook Character Portrait: Quincy Tanner-Brook
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mashotu
Quincy Tanner-Brook


"We'll cook. We'll do it together which won't be so bad, whatever the outcome, we can be proud of it, even if it doesn't taste so hot, but you can't go wrong with Spaghetti Bolognese." Lucas told him. Quincy nodded. He could do that. He'd had the spaghetti stuff before and it wasn't bad at all.

He felt an arm wrap around him which actually stunned the poor boy. This action also made him blush greatly. Thankfully, he could always pass it off as the blood pumping through his body from the exercise. "We won't get any dinner at this rate if we're not moving." Lucas said removing his arm, speeding up a bit. Quincy's competitive nature took over as he got ahead of Lucas, but then Lucas got father ahead. After awhile both Quincy and Lucas were at full sprint. Well, it seemed Lucas was. Quincy had a feeling he was only at about 80%. Granted, Lucas was in jeans. So he had the handicap.

Eventually they returned home with a hyper up Quincy as the winner. He smiled, but didn't gloat. He rubbed the back of his neck. "We'll have to race when you have better clothes on some day." He said happily, letting out a small laugh. He wiped some sweat off of the back of his neck and made a face. "I'm going to shower first... I can't stay gross all night." He said, walking into the house first, leaving the door open for Lucas. He shot the man a toothy smile before he moved up the stairs to the bedroom.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Brook Character Portrait: Quincy Tanner-Brook
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0.00 INK

#, as written by S1mon

Lucas Brook

With their parents out for who knows how long for their dinner, it was upto them to manage dinner for themselves. There was no way, no matter how tempting it was, to leave the cooking to a takeaway and take the easy option. Besides, cooking was nice to do as dinner tasted better homemade and even better if you cooked it yourself and Lucas was sure that they had all the ingredients for it when he was raiding the cupboards to sort breakfast in the early hours of the morning before he set off to school so it would be perfect. Like he told Quincy, you can't go wrong with Spaghetti Bolognese.

Of course it was a messy dish as well but that was more when you were a toddler, as Lucas could certainly remember making a mess of his face with bolognese but again, can't go wrong with Spaghetti Bolognese as it was both a simple dish to do as well as tasty. Seeing Quincy nod in response confirmed that it was do-able and would save them making a detour to get a pizza or chips or chinese, not that all those were awful as on the contrary they were tasty, but with how much he had distanced himself, he had already played with him so why not work on that bond by cooking together, and it was more healthier too which was better for a guy like Quincy with how sporty he was.

As soon as he started heading home, knowing how competitive Quincy was, he could of guessed that Quincy would overtake him and overtaking him he did as he then sped ahead, once again having the advantage while he was pulled down by his uniform and his shoes. Even if he was dressed more for running, he probably wouldn't be able to keep up with Quincy anyway with the amount of speed and adrenaline his step-brother had, though such would give him better chances of keeping up if he thought about it that way. "We'll have to race when you have better clothes on some day", he suggested when he arrived, certainly looking like he enjoyed himself so he was glad that Quincy felt better and that the two of them were getting along, before he then went off to have a shower as he shot upstairs.

Quincy was certainly cautious about the way he smelt for sure, but then again he had been doing far more than him as he just finished playing a game before playing around with him and then running home whereas he just paced himself and taking his time once he knew he couldn't go any faster since his aim was achieved as they had got home much quicker than they would of if they walked. With this achieved, Lucas went upstairs also to his room so that he could get out of his uniform and into his more comfortable clothing which he left hung over the bottom of his bed which consisted of a blue t-shirt and a purple striped t-shirt which he usually left unbottoned and open as it made him look cool and it felt cool as well. You're as cool as you feel afterall.

Upon getting into his casual clothes, he headed downstairs to the kitchen to wash his hands and get the ingredients ready, ready for him and Quincy to start...

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Wileby by S1mon


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Character Portrait: Lucas Brook
Character Portrait: Quincy Tanner-Brook


Character Portrait: Quincy Tanner-Brook
Quincy Tanner-Brook

"My stepfather calls me a "Hyper little fuck" quite a bit~"

Character Portrait: Lucas Brook
Lucas Brook

"How can I be gay when I have a hot chick for a girlfriend?!"


Character Portrait: Quincy Tanner-Brook
Quincy Tanner-Brook

"My stepfather calls me a "Hyper little fuck" quite a bit~"

Character Portrait: Lucas Brook
Lucas Brook

"How can I be gay when I have a hot chick for a girlfriend?!"

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Character Portrait: Quincy Tanner-Brook
Quincy Tanner-Brook

"My stepfather calls me a "Hyper little fuck" quite a bit~"

Character Portrait: Lucas Brook
Lucas Brook

"How can I be gay when I have a hot chick for a girlfriend?!"

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    by S1mon on Wed Aug 07, 2013 7:57 am
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    on Wed Aug 07, 2013 7:57 am

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