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Kuranai Shikato

"So, you think I'm just a kid, do you?"

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a character in “The 2nd Z-Academy”, as played by ChaoticInsanity



Name: Kuranai Shikato

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Role: Student





Kuranai is very short, standing at about 5'00" she is often mistaken as younger than her actual age. She is usually seen wearing in orange-ish dress, but also enjoys wearing hoodies that are too large for her. Kuranai refuses to wear shoes, and mostly prefers going barefoot, but she sometimes wears socks, though only of the knee-high variety. She has a scar on her left wrist of a dog bite that she got back when she was little, and keeps it wrapped in bandages because she just feels like it. Kuranai is always wearing the helmet and goggles she has in the picture, in spite of the fact that it has no sentimental value whatsoever.

Personality: Kuranai is a very ruthless person, and acts on impulse most of the time. She shows no regard for the feelings of others, and is a cold-hearted individual as well. She finds amusement in killing zombies, and can kill without having any feelings.
Furthermore, Kuranai has quite a short temper and gets frustrated over the simplest things. She's very sarcastic, and is somewhat of a smartass too, and also quite lazy. She just lets her mind wander, which results in her often getting caught up in little trances and daydreams.
At times, she also acts very childish and energetic. Additionally, she's a very curious person, and will go to great lengths to find something out.


Rank: Slayer (/>)

Unique Skills:
~Can kill without feeling. (As in mental feeling.)
~Is talented at sneaking and stealing.
~Is a very good artist.
~Keen eyesight.

Background: Before the apocalypse, Kuranai was actually homeless, but despite that she managed fairly well. She had lived in an old abandoned house, which provided a nice shelter, and was where she found her katana. And instead of begging for money, she usually just stole food as well as other necessities. For months she had lived like that, as her parents had died, and she escaped from the orphanage that was her previous home. That is until the apocalypse hit. When it did, she immediately fled and just.. Wandered. And then, she discovered the Z-Academy.

~She smokes.
~She is the cousin of Fiacre Douleur.
~She has never cried in her entire life.

So begins...

Kuranai Shikato's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kuranai Shikato Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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#, as written by Zinai
Fiacre face-palmed. This was...a disgrace. A huge hole had just popped up on the face of Sector 2's reputation.
"Enough!", shouted Fiacre. "All of you should have known, that acting before an order would bring up such a terrible fate and tragedy". Fiacre turned to Yukito, as his pupils shrunk, and narrowed down onto him.
"And stop asking me to put the blame on you. I detest such people. It hurts my ears just to hear someone ask for all the blame. If that does happen, nobody will learn, neither the one who took all blame". He flipped through his pages.
"Now...I guess I'll call it squad 30. Yeah, we don't have a squad 30 anyways". He turned to them after he scribbled through his notebook with the fountain pen, and pointed it towards the vice president.
"And you shouldn't be late. I hope your not, the next time I assess this squad".

He quickly clamped his mini notebook and slipped it into his uniform pocket. Suddenly, a gust of wind passed by them. He quickly pulled off the uniform hung on his back. Covering his face from the fast current, Fiacre pulled on sleeves into his arms, and fitted himself nicely. As he buttoned up his headmaster uniform, he looked at the squad, and noticed something.
"I can tell your missing one member...possibly another". He sighed. It was the ruthless kid they had just taken in a few days ago....Although he hasn't even seen the girl himself, he had heard that this girl was somewhat...bizarre, in a way. He yawned, and a glistening tear quickly leaked out. Rubbing it off, he ordered, "I don't want any of this to happen again. If I say it once, I expect it to be done. Disappointing overall, squad 30". Fiacre turned a 180, then sneaked a peek on the student council president.
"Show me you can control these students, Prince. Show me your actually worth being the student council president without just some skills for show". He walked away towards the exit, and paused. "Oh, yeah. Don't worry about the bodies. I'll have the trainees clean them up for experience". His boots clamped loudly, as he walked away, once again.


Fiare looked around the academy. The facility looked looked like there was no damage done. He saluted to a couple soldiers, asked them about how the students were doing, and nodded at their answers.
" students neither soldiers have been harmed, neither infected. It looks like this undead raid was utter rubbish, nothing we should really have cared about". Some flashbacks appeared before his mind. A few dead corpses. A picture of an unknown woman with blood smeared on it. Faces. Smiling faces, then faces in despair. He shook his head in disappointment.
"I wonder how the family is doing...."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kuranai Shikato Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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Once the headmaster had called on their attention, Prince stood upright and held his chin up. Squad 30, it doesn't actually have an amzing ring to it but it will have to do. He frowned a little when he said that they were missing someone. He wondered if that so call missing soldier was in hiding or just didn't bother to wake up. He has heard some rumors about her but again just rumors. Prince dropped his eyes once the headmaster addressed him. It was a hit to his ego, and felt a little smaller than before. He clenched his fist and nodded. "Yes, Sir." He said before watching the male make his leave.

He gave out a sigh, to be honest he hoped that he didn't have to act so up tight around his squad. He was hoping that they would just be a group of obedient soldiers, but that was all wishful thinking. He had to bring his act together. He then walked over to the front of the group and eyes each of them. He had a strong willed soldier, a girl who seemed to want to be a hero and another girl that acted on impulse and soon a ruthless girl. What a dynamic group, he thought to himself as he rolled his eyes.

He looked over at the corpses chard and burnt to a crisp. "You all heard the headmaster," Prince said looking down at each of them. "Next time shit goes down you will await orders. No one will act on impulse, understood? You're dismissed for now. Don't stick around here, it stinks and you've already caused trouble. I expect all of you in the training grounds in an hour."

He looked over at Kallin and jerked his head towards the entrance as if to signal to follow after him as he walked back into the school. "God, this is going to be a pain." He sighed as he relax his shoulders once Kallin had caught up with him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kuranai Shikato Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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#, as written by KazutoK
He followed then with a question on his mind" Sir if I may I have my affairs in order may I head to the training grounds now ?" he said his posture straight and waited for order no more doing thing the awol way " Of course if you have another task before we meet then I would like to heard it " He said hoping he was not being to formal an indirect the last thing he needed know was to make prince look even worse than he already had he look at the vice president and bow " Kallin is your name right ma'am nice to meet you looking foward to training with the both of you".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kuranai Shikato Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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#, as written by Lucky
Kal nodded to the group, letting out a breath. Her posture relaxed slightly as she watched Prince walk away."I think expending energy would do us all some good." She muttered, her previous icy personality towards them seemed to thaw a bit. Kal followed Prince. "Next time at least send me an invite to the party." Kallin sighed when she reached him. With a glance back at the squad, Kal crossed her arms as she allowed a ghost of a smirk to cross her lips. "At least we know they'll stick together. They sure did make an impression though. Don't worry, Squad 30 will learn. Perhaps even get a passing grade next time." The quirk of an eyebrow was her only hint at teasing, since her expression didn't really change from the cold face. When a guy walked up, and started talking, Kallin nodded as he addressed her.

"Seems we have one person here that respects rank... or a good liar." The last jab was a sarcastic joke, and she nudge Prince with her elbow.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kuranai Shikato Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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#, as written by KazutoK
He salute them and smile pushing up his glasses " Could be both ma'am if may can I ask you a question " he said with an eager face for the answer he had been asking the question to the rest of the squad he needed to know their drive because they could work together lot better if they knew each other dreams. He look at the vice president she was a cold girl but under there he knew there was something else as he had seen it with his brother.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kuranai Shikato Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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"Well I saved you a seat at the auditorium but you didn't come." Prince said almost childishly at the female. At least with Kallin he didn't have to be so uptight. "Well a passing grade does not go with me." He replied to the female and narrowed his eyes at her. He gave out another sigh. He wasn't going to give up on them just yet. He was determined to whip them into shape one way or another.

He was about to say somthing else but was cut off by Yukito. He couldn't help but laugh a little at Kallin's words. "Give him some credit, Kal." He smirked as he looked above at the raven haired student. "If you really want to go ahead with the train you'd have to bring everyone along." He said straightening his posture once more. "You will train as a group or not at all, got it Yukito?" He had to admit the kid had great potential. "What everyou decide, Kallin and I will be at the grounds." He grew silent and arched his brow at the boy and then at Kallin. He wondered what he could possibly ask.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kuranai Shikato Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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Carrie stood awkwardly while the others talked until Cathy whispered to her. She nodded and decided to spend the hour until training doing something relaxing and. Following the others she looked around for a good spot, then took a seat on the floor across the room. She sighed and took the book she was reading earlier and picked up from her last page.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kuranai Shikato Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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#, as written by KazutoK
" Scratch that ma'am I'm going to round out the squad " He salute them and bow leaving to go pick up the rest of his fellow students." Carrie hey great book, first of the trilogy " He said noting the book on her hands " One of the last great books before this happen " He said with a smile " Anyway we are due at the training ground" He said extending his hand to help her up " We should get Cathy and the new girl as well would you join me ?" He said pushing his glasses up and smiling.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kuranai Shikato Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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With a sigh Carrie nodded and slipped her book back into her back. The cover was slick and black, with red eyes that stared back at you. She was surprised her knew of the book or didn't look at her strangely for reading it. Others thought it had a strange irony due to it being about a monster. Carrie stood, popped her back and motioned for Yukito to lead on.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kuranai Shikato Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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#, as written by KazutoK
" Hey cheer up after the training tell you what, i have the other two books I'll let you borrow them" He said with a smile as he walk over to the cafeteria where they found Cathy he waited for here to finish eating " Hey Cathy we need to be at the training grounds that's down the hall way to the right we are going to get the new girl if you want to join us " He said smiling he turn back to Carrie" Let's get the new girl I heard she is an interesting character" He said as they walk over to her dorm he knocked " Hey ummm I'm yukito of squad thirty the president has called a meeting in the training grounds " He said as he waited for her to open the door. He turn to Carrie " Monster book huh lovely subject perhaps when this is over someone will write one about us " He said with a smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kuranai Shikato
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#, as written by KazutoK
Noticing Carrie looking at him he couldnt help but burn brightly with shame " C-carrie did you see the girl ? Unless she show up we can't begin training i would love to begin training but, the president say we need to all be here " He cough covering his hand and motion towards the president and vice president being hiden in the shadows as they discussed something while they waited for the squad to arrive. He pushed his glasses up and sight " Well I can go try again to see if she will come out in the mean time I suggest you gals you keep an eye for any changes I'm tired of getting yell at for doing nothing." He said with a smile.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kuranai Shikato
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Carrie grinned and stifled a chuckle with her hand. She nodded and made a large motion with her hand that said Right, I believe you Smirking she sat on the ground and brought out her blade. Reaching into her bag she brought out a piece of cloth and began to clean the weapon.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kuranai Shikato
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#, as written by KazutoK
He walked over to carrie as he made his way to the other girls dorm he smile and lean towards her and whisper " Keep an eye out for Cathy if we weren't in the school I said go nuts but rules are rules I'll keep the presidents happy and you guys too, like I said is just a matter of the situation once training is over I'll treat you guys to some Italian and maybe a book or two if you are up for it " He said with a smile and started to walk towards the other girls dorm he knocked again " Hey listen I really don't wish to disturb you but we can't start our training without you so please open the door " He said a little frustrated he knew the others were as well.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kuranai Shikato Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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#, as written by KazutoK
" Looks like we are not getting any training done today I think I must have hurt a knuckle knocking but no answer " He said as he enter the training area he look at Cathy and Carrie " Huh did I miss something " He said pushing his glasses up and then putting his hands in his pockets he leaned against the wall " So is now up to the president we are a squad but we can't all be held back by someone's lack of commitment " He said with a sigh and look over at the girls " I know you two are ready to roll so am I, so care to pass the sharing a little about ourselves I mean Cathy I would like to know where you learn to throw ans you Carrie fine aiming you have who taught you " He said as he waited for the answers he smiled and waved to the class president.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kuranai Shikato Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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Carrie turned her head surprise clear on her face. 'God! D-don't sneak up on me like that.' Sighing she stood and put her half cleaned blade back in its sheath. My aim? Why does he want to know? Perhaps Carrie was a bit to suspicious, but she was defensive of anything dealing with her weapons. Both blade and pistols were very important to her. In reply to his question she just shrugged and motioned for Cathy to answer first.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kuranai Shikato Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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#, as written by KazutoK
" I sneake up on miss quiet pants no way" He smile and look at her nodding when she shrugs " You are very good at answering questions arent you thanks your insight will forever be recorded in my mind " He chuckle and look at Cathy " If you want to be as succinct as our friend here then go ahead I don't mind " He said with a smile and pushed his glasses up waiting for a response.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kuranai Shikato Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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Kuranai sat on the outside of the training room near the back, smoking a cigarette and daydreaming. Hearing voices, she snapped out of her daydream, and peeked around the corner to see people entering the training room. As she eavesdropped, it seemed that they had been waiting on her to show up.
I guess I should just fuckin' go in there already.. She thought with an irritated sigh. Rising sluggishly, she grabbed her katana and slung it across her back, gripping the handle. Then, holding her cigarette in the side of her mouth, she began dusting off and fixing her pale orange dress, pulling up her black knee high socks as well, completely disregarding the fact that she was not in uniform.

Removing her cigarette, she exhaled the smoke and began ambling over to the entrance. Placing the smoke her mouth once again, she extended out her free hand and lazily pushed open the door.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kuranai Shikato Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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The first thing Carrie noticed was the smell. Reeling back she pinched her nose and looked around for the source. There, by the door stood a girl dressed in yellow with high knees socks. Is she...smoking? She looks younger then me!

Carrie coughed, the cigarette aroma affecting her sensitive throat. Oh god, she thought groaning slightly. Please don't be the girl we're waiting for.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kuranai Shikato Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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#, as written by KazutoK
" Thank you for joining us Kuranai I belive ? " He said with a smile " What you have there tabacco mint, at your age I just hope your lungs are train I don't care other wise " He smiled and look over at Carrie " Just breath through your mouth it becomes easier after a while " He smiled and went over to the new girl " I'm yukito I knock earlier is time we were introduced properly pleasure to meet you " He smiled extending his hand and look at the girl young too young she was no small fry though he could tell by her aura another cold hearted girl just like our lovely president fun he thought.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kuranai Shikato Character Portrait: Kallin Harper
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"Yo." She replied, holding up a hand briefly as a sort of half-assed wave, the word more of a sigh. Seeing the red-haired girl recoil at the smell of the smoke made a smirk crawl onto her face.

With a flick of her wrist, she subsequetly threw down her katana, as she was tired of holding it, the weapon landing with a sharp thud.
