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Yukito Shigura

"i dont need friends i just need to survive to make him pay for what he did "

0 · 1,528 views · located in Z-Academy Grounds

a character in “The 2nd Z-Academy”, as played by KazutoK


Name: Yukito Shigura
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Role: Student
Weapon: Two one handed swords and dual 9mm pistols
mage URL, Link, or hosted site:
Appearance: Short jet hair black with a hint of blue, he wears glasses not to see they have a special purpose he is about 5'8 he is slim yet muscular.
Personality: He is quiet he isn't rude he just doesn't talk but when he talks you can see his calm caring demeanor calculating Cole but still kind he may seem like he cares a lot about you even if he hates you but won't hesitate to kill you if you become a treat to him or his friends.
Hobby: He is a scholar he likes to read a lot his aspiration to become a doctor he likes to take the human limits to the test he exercise meditate read enough that he can anticipate reactions and actions like he slowed time for little of course while he may be able to anticipate and formulate a counter to an attack doesn't mean his body will be able to follow through with the commands his mind tells it.
Background: He was just 11 when the zombie apocalypse started he lived in a small village with his brother and mom he live quite a peaceful life he had no father that he knew of but didn't care as he had plenty of friends to make up for it. That change pretty quickly when there was a zombie raid on his village everyone was kill and his mother gave him a piece of paper before she died it was a map for the academy against zombies a project his father had been working on till he and a group of scientist unleashed the zombie apocalypse he was told to seek it out. He travel great distance with his brother in order to make it to the academy even endure zombies bandits and the wild fauna till he made it to the academy he was a bright kid he quickly made it through the academy test with flying colors, his brother was skill enough to make it to the main branch as a substitute teacher.


So begins...

Yukito Shigura's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield Character Portrait: Zeke Blecher
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#, as written by KazutoK
" great now we are just going to be shot down by Isaac " He said as he looked around trying to be quiet but he needed to find the squad again he was running back with Cathy when he smack into Carrie " ouch what the-" He said before pulling out his gun and pointing at the person he had crash with before he could focus his sight enough to see it was carrie " Shit i'm sorry I didn't mean to pull out a gun on you, has Isaac radio I doubt he didn't see what we just did...we are in so much trouble " He said as he look around " so what did Isaac say?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield Character Portrait: Zeke Blecher
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As he strolled down the stairs from his nest, Zeke kept thinking that something was amiss. He knew he felt something when he saw those bandits drop. But it wasn't compassion. There was no way. He felt nothing for potential playthings. There was something out there that he knew, something familiar. 'Fido, I think that today is gonna be a good day.' What was this feeling he kept having? He stopped suddenly, Fido bumping in to his back. 'Umph! Fido! You know better. You stay in line or I punish you. It's been this way since I adopted you from that horrible shelter with all those mutts. I could have left you there to rot! Now you watch where I'm going and pay attention.' He glanced out the window from the stairwell and noticed movement. 'Hmm? What's this now? Do we have more friends or did those pups turn around? What do you think?' Fido mumbled. 'You know, you're right. Let's get downstairs and welcome our guests!' He picked up his pace and took the steps three at a time, dragging Fido behind him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield
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Kid was sloppy. A run like that would attract all kinds of attention from all kinds of people, living and dead. Never mind his two kills that left blood everywhere. Issac was obviously not being held prisoner by these kids. But, that could only mean he was babysitting... Poor kids. Well, his perch in the large tree WAS getting uncomfortable. He grabbed his PSG-1 from the closest branch and dropped down, landing in a crouch. He was roughly halfway between Issac and the other group. He weighed his options carefully. On one hand, he had a kid with a big gun and an itchy trigger finger. On the other hand, surprising Issac didn't usually work out too well....

While he felt that the kid would be a better bet, he hadn't had a good fight in years. That, and he needed to get to the booby traps before one was accidentally set off. It would be a shame to see an old friend get vaporized because of his careless disregard for potential ordinance related injuries. Which reminded him; he should probably disarm the Nuke* that was his pack before he tried picking it up...

After he took care of the mercury trigger, he made his way toward Issac. Hopefully Itchy Finger wouldn't see him. Or, if he did, wouldn't shoot. All he'd need would be that one lucky shot to set off all of the car alarms within a five mile radius.

*OOC: Not a literal nuke. Just a way to jokingly say "big boom." Sorry if there was any confusion. Also, not trying to ignore people. I'm on a PS3. Makes it slightly difficult to respond to messages. Sorry.*

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kuranai Shikato Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield
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Isaac shook his head a little when he heard the radio . " Alright. Ask him to avoid doing to that to often." He said quietly.
" Also, go a head and move to Delta and we will link up. All others move into position" Issac said. He hated being out in the open but he had a mess to clean up.He stripped the bodies of anything useful, jackets, watches, knives, ammo, firearms, ect ect. After he drug each of the bodies over to a drainage ditch and stuffed the bodies deep into one of the pipes. "God these guys are heavy." He turned to prince and handed him one of the long guns. It was an ak74, an ak variant designed to shoot the smaller 5.45x39 caliber, one of Isaac's favorites. He also handed him 2 thirty round magazines. " Don't use it unless you have to.It's loud as hell." He said turning. "Lets move before they find the blood stains. " He said and trotted off in the direction of the parking structure where he would meet squad 30. He hoped the other squads would move in as well. He still had that feeling of being watched which bothered him immensely. He had his rifle raised and moved quickly, checking every bit of cover as he went. It was slow grueling work, but it kept them from being caught. Twice they had to turn around because of guard patrols, and once from a group of zombies that had found a way into the compound... 'How did they get in unnoticed?' He paused noticing something odd about the zombies. ' FUCK!'

The zombies were boobytraped. He could tell because of the tape wrapped around each of their hands that was slowly peeling off.
"Run." he said to prince. "RUN!" he said a little louder not taking his rifle's sight off the zombies.

( Out Of Cookies: Anyone who's looking for a place to jump in , this is it. We are about to assault a bandit compound which has a larger number of people than our's you might want to go back a page and read over the 'plan' I rambled out to get an idea of what location you wish to 'spawn' at. I hope those of you who haven't post join us. ^_^ )

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kuranai Shikato Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield
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Carrie was about to run after the two, only to be knocked to the ground by Yukito. Grumbling she held up a finger and waited for Issac's reply.

'Alright. We'll he there soon. I'll keep them in check.' She stuffed the radio into her pocket and turned angrily to Yukito and Cathy. 'What. The. Hell?' She hissed. 'Why did you two run off? Issac almost shot you!' Shaking her head she grabbed the two by their sleeves. 'Come on. We're going to the damn compound.' She let go of Cathy, 'Cathy, get the others.'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Matthew Sebastian Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kuranai Shikato Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield
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#, as written by KazutoK
" I was chasing after cathy she could have gotten herself kill I was just trying to help " He said as he followed her " I don't like the looks of this there is two unknown individuals here " He said he had notice the heat signature of the two who had made themselves know a little a while ago " one of them has another one following him " He said reloading his sniper " if they are allies then they better identify themselves soon because we are about to storm the rats nest and if anything I don't deem friendly moves it will get a bullet on the head " he said as they walk " Carrie Becareful once we storm the compound I'll stay back and provide sniper support from the roof I'll try to help but just don't do anything stupid " He said as they waited for the others.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Kuranai Shikato Character Portrait: Joey Vey
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Cathy went back and got Joey and Kuranai. Its invasion time guys, follow me. Togther they jogged towards Carrie and Yukito. But then Cathy stopped them. I have a better idea. Everyone this way. They snuck around Yukito and Carrie bolted for the compound. Once it was in sight they dropped to the ground and scanned the place for guards and traps. After spotting multiple guards a few zombies but no traps Cathy turned to the two students behind her Anyone have a idea to get passed the guards without getting ourselves killed.

(Come on Yukito we need our nerdy,over protective, godmoding mother. It just won't be the same. I understand you wanna do other rps but that doesn't mean u have 2 leave this one.)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield
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#, as written by KazutoK
" No one they are all gone even....prince.. " He said as he looked at them from the other side his glasses broken and on the ground, he was breathing heavily, " Seems you two are all the school got left" He coughed up more blood, " You better get going the smell of all this charred corpse will attract another lot soon enough, Isaac sir please take care of them, they are not the best in keeping themselves out of harms way department." There was a faint smile on his face as he removed his glassed his hand dropped them as the pain surge he was under a pile of bodies only one arm out, he breathed in again and closed his eyes trying to hide the horrible pain he was feeling right now" I...I...I thought I was gonna make it, I was going to fulfill my promise, I guess I was as useless as I thought, Cathy, Carrie you guys thanks you made so glad to be here I finally figured out what having friends meant, I know I wasn't the most pleasant guy to be around, but Im glad I was cause I meet all of you" He said as he coughed more blood and sighted, he closed his eyes and waited to die.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield
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At the sound of Yukito's voice Carrie sat up despite the pain that flashed in her chest. '' She struggled to stand but after a few moments she managed to do so. It was a struggle to get to the younger boy but eventually Carrie dropped to her knees next to him. 'Id...idiot...' She slipped off her jacket with a hiss -she was so lucky it only had a few burns on the back- and placed it on Yukito's chest. 'I...I ain't go...gonna leave... Where h..hurt?'

Carrie turned her head to look at the two behind her. ' Cathy.... We...we can c...carry them.' There was a deep pleading in her voice as she gazed at the older man. I will not leave him to die. Not anyone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield
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#, as written by KazutoK
" d...dont be ridiculous you can't risk yourself for someone who is at deaths door step, i...i...i wont let you go im not gonna make it" he coughed and then his brething got heavier, he tried to lift his hand towards Carrie, he manage to do so he used the backside of his hand to caress from her temple down " this is not your, you have to survive for both cathy and humanity, dont worry i cant feel nothing anymore, i grown numb to the pain, if i wasnt able to see my hand i would think i didnt have a body" he said his gaze down at the bloody mess he was his legs and other arm appeared intact but they were just there like stiff stick, his chest in the other hand was a bloody mess nothing lethal but they were so many, he might just be running out of blood. He put his hand down and looked at carrie, " now go, you can barely move and even stand if you stay here any longer all of us are gonna end up dying " he patted her hand " go, now please i beg you ".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield
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" Can you shoot?" Issac asked Carrie, he re-guarded her for a moment. He was about to trust his life to a girl who hasn't even been old enough to graduate high-school, but the look in her eye told him enough for the moment. " I can't shoot straight right now with my arm being fucked up, but I can carry Yukito. Keep watch while I stop the bleeding as best I can. " He said offering the weapon to her.

He waited til she took the old Ar 15 rifle expecting her to know what to do.

Issac groaned trying to fish the medical kit off of his waist, his left arm dangled uselessly at his side while he fumbled with the contents while Yukito spoke.
" You're my responsibility, I'd sooner leave my arm in the field than you pipsqueak. Now suck it up this is gonna hurt." He warned.

He opened the coagulant power as best he could and tossed it on Yukito's wounds before he pressed a trauma-pad against them, binding it against it's self.
" Carrie, help me get his lazy butt on my shoulders. You're gonna have to figure out a way to move Cathy, help her walk if you can."
He watched the girl careful. " I know you can do this Carrie."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield
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Maybe it was adrenaline or the fact that she couldn't stand to let anyone she cared about die but all the pain that was in Carrie's chest disappeared as Issac spoke. 'Do..don't underestimate old man.' Even her voice was slowly growing back to normal. Still cracking but she was able to speak clearly. 'I am an adult.'

She took the gun and her jacket off Yukito. 'Don't you dare die.' With that she turned to Cathy. The girls wounds weren't life threatening but must hurt a lot. No way she could walk. Not really caring about keeping things private she ripped a large part of her already destroyed shirt. After that she slipped her jacket back on but it didn't do very well in blocking her front. 'Don't look.' She added teasingly behind her as she tied the strip a few inches above Cathy's wound. Once she was don't Carrie nodded. Not as good as my mom would do it but considering the circumstances I'd say not bad. She smiled at these thoughts. 'C..cathy. Give me your hand. Lean on me.'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield
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'Thanks Carrie' Cathy said as she took her hand and tried to stand. The pain jolted up her leg and threatened to knock her out again No....Can't let Carrie do all the work by herself. she grimaced and stood up ignoring the pain. She leaned on Carrie taking deep breaths. She watched Issac pick up Yukito and wish she could do something to help besides just stand there. 'Now what?' she asked to no one in particular.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield
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#, as written by KazutoK
" your left arm would of been more useful..but i guess i could use my memory and eyes to guide you guys, i remember the path well and as if it was day light " he coughed as he pointed, there was through the smoke the small stretch of forest they had been walking to get towards the bandit compound " but i cant feel anything i could of been bitten and not know it, you must not keep this away from my temple sir.." he said as he pulled the gun tha was almost melted into his hard grip on his right hand, and pointed at his hand " humanity comes first is our duty as soldiers to ensure they make it." He said as he coughed and his eyes burn with pain " cathy and carrie need more of your attention they are actually more alive than me, so have them either behind or next please....we must make haste i can already sense tiny movement on the bushes behinds us still not close but they are walking, " he said as he loaded the gun and keep it pressed against his temple.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson
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The small group hobbled to and fro towards the compound. Stress and sheer exhaustion had taken a toll on them nevermind their injuries. While it seemed like suicide to head towards the bandit headquarters while they were so weak it was the only path cleared for them. Cathy turned around and saw Issac and Yukito behind them. Even Issac the one of the most battle-tested out of all of them seemed weary and defeated. She turned to Carrie. "Thank you......for....everything" The sun overhead was setting in the northeast. Dusk was not far off and they still were a mile from the base. Cathy stumbled forward over a root and took Carrie with her. Her eyes watered with pain but she said nothing. Moments later she was laughing like a school girl. Though her leg was busted and her friends were suffering she couldn't help herself. "I can't" Tears, of joy or pain, she didn't know streamed down her face. She kept giggling as she saw Issac's face contort in confusion. She looked at Yukito, then Carrie. "I love you guys so much" Her leg ached as she tried to prop herself up. "I'm struggling to find words to express my gratitude for you......all of you. Without you, I wouldn't be who I am today." A small giggle interrupted her. She restrained herself from another laughing fit. "I don't know if you all realized this but before you...before the school, I was so lost. I was so broken. Something inside me just did not feel whole. And then I came here. It seems like I've known you for years." Cathy smiled "And now here we are....broken, split up, lost in this jungle of life. If I could do it all over again I would one hundred times over. Back at the school....I have never been as happy as I was during those moments. I just want you all to know that I'm eternally grateful for each and every one of you."

(I hope whoever if anyone is reading this, reads in between the lines. I have so much to say but I don't even know how to put it into words. If anyone is out there who contributed THANK YOU....from the bottom of my heart. You truly have made my life a million times better because of this. Whenever the world feels upside down I'll come here and reread our old posts and messages and I'll get all tingly inside, warm and happy. You don't have to would mean the world to me if you did though.... thank you)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carrie Mundain Character Portrait: Yukito Shigura Character Portrait: Catherine Darenson
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Carrie stared ahead, pure adrenaline the only thing keeping her going. Her head throbbed, her legs ached and her arms felt like they were about to fall off. If she was aline Carrie wasn't exactly sure she'd be able to go forward. Death seemed a mercy at the moment, there wasn't much more Carrie wanted to do then curl up on the ground and just sleep.

The constant pressure of Cathy at her side was the only thing keeping her going. This girl had someone wormed her way into Carries heart and put up shop. Not to mention Yukio beind them. Damn Carrie,' she thought, grunting at whatever Cathy had said. When did you get so soft hearted?

The inner debate ended abruptly when Carrie was suddenly falling. The shock and pain of everything stopped her from trying to slow her fall and her head slammed against the dirt. Carrie groaned, turning to look at Cathy. The other girl was laughing, tears running down her face. At a loss, because yes she cared about these people now but social interactions was still new, Carries just stared.

Finally, once Cathy ended her heart tugging speech did Carrie move. She leaned forward, mindful of all the injuries, and wrapped her arms around Cathy. 'I'm not so good with words,' she whispered in the girls ear, 'But I'm not gonna leave you Cathy. Not now, not ever. I promise I'll protect you, like, a big sister?'

(Awww!! I feel the same way. If you want, we could make a whole new private roleplay? Thay way we could continue in a not pretty much dead one.)
