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Delilah Rose Elbaum

"Oh, don't call me weak when you don't even have to try."

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a character in “The Academy for the Supernatural”, as played by Nephthys




Age: Fifteen.

Race: Witch.

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Height: 5'6.

Weight: 125lbs.


Personality: Bold and decisive, Delilah Rose is everything one might want in a leader. She knows how to make decisions and how to stand her ground, arguing her way out of any pitfalls that might come her way. She's a fierce, tiger-like character used to having to rip what she wants from the hands of those who oppose her.

The first thing one might notice about Delilah Rose, though, aside from her quick with and her loud demeanor, is the sheer ruthlessness in the girl's eyes. She isn't one to come across as evil— perhaps a bit scheming or even backstabbing, but not evil— and yet something in her eyes, gray as a roiling sky, belies bad intentions. She's neither the shyest nor the nicest of people, and she isn't afraid to show it.

Under the spitfire personality, however, Delilah really is quite lonely. She's grown up putting on the mask of a strong young woman, and now she doesn't know what to do with herself, emotionally. She's the type of person to bottle up her emotions to dissect and pick apart under a microscope later on. She's always thinking, but this can lead her to overthink things, as well. She's never been in a real relationship with anyone, be it friendship or of the more romantic sort; though she might put on the mask of the tigerlike social butterfly, she's never been close to anyone because she's too scared that they might see her weaker side.

As for weakness: weakness is the one thing Delilah Rose can't stand. Delilah's life circumstances forced her to become 'strong,' and as such, she has a fierce hatred for those who are weaker or less intelligent than herself.

Delilah harbors a fierce hatred for vampires, as she feels as though their lives are handed to them on a platter. They always seem to have second chances, especially with their ill-gotten strength, speed, and dammit— their good looks. She also dislikes Royal-Blooded witches, though this is mostly just due to her own jealousy— she doesn't have the same innate talents they do.

Talents: In terms of magical ability, Delilah Rose isn't particularly strong, as the magic in her family has been very much watered down over the centuries. Though she descends from one of the most powerful lines of witches in history, her relations are sideways and backwards, through third cousins and midnight affairs. As such, she has very little natural magical ability. This, however, hardly marks Delilah as a weak witch. Delilah studies extremely hard and gives her all at every form of magic. Her technique is impeccable, and the spells she cast rarely fail, though few are ever strong enough to accomplish much. Given more natural magical strength, it's possible she could restore her family ties to the royal-blood witches, but even though she has the skills her abilities are very impotent. Her best subjects include curses, levitation, and, of course, potions, which she excels at because it doesn't require much magic to create a powerful potion.

Aside from magic, however, Delilah has many other skills. She's a very musical young woman, with proficiency in both the piano and flute. She's been taking both since the age of five, and recently she's decided to take up the cello, as well, though she isn't particularly good at it. She has extremely keen pitch, and she can't stand when she hears music that's even slightly off-key. She spends at least an hour and a half each day practicing, collectively, and she sometimes accompanies the orchestra and the choir's soloists (and occasionally the entire choir when she's not singing).

She's also passionate about fashion, though she'd never admit to liking it. She can't draw for the life of her, but she likes to think she has an alright eye.

As she's in the choir, Delilah spends a good amount of time singing. Her voice is relatively high, and she has a good range— theoretically, she cold be a first soprano if she wanted to as well as an alto— but she falls comfortably into the second soprano range, as she doesn't mind singing harmony. She hates the first sopranos, anyway, since they're all just showoffs with too much natural talent. She thinks the altos are tone-deaf.

Likes: Music, reading, kittens, being in charge, doing her hair, runway shows, looking at art, cheesey love songs, zombie movies, classical music, terrible 70s synth-pop, white chocolate, diet soda, cute stockings, stained glass, bows, braids, buying new sheet music, drama.

Dislikes: Sexism, not being in charge, becoming emotional, crying, being touched, being dirty, sour foods, electronica, the color orange, cuckoo clocks, dark chocolate, large dogs, seagulls, the ocean, sand, romcoms and chick flicks, other musicians, vampires, royal-blooded witches.

Powers/Abilities: As a witch, Delilah's abilities are broad and vary greatly according to different circumstances. She's gifted with an innate ability to manipulate magic, allowing her to, by use of a wand, cast spells, charms, and curses. Curses and spells must be read aloud, and they can often be extremely long, especially as the relative strength of the spell increases. Delilah has memorized a good number of these even if she doesn't use them in day-to-day life. Spells are usually part of exams, but curses, being dangerous and malintentioned, usually aren't. Charms, on the other hand, don't necessarily need to be spoken aloud, but due to Delilah's natural weakness as a witch she's never been able to cast a charm.

Delilah Rose knows a great many number of spells, curses, and charms, and one day, she dreams of writing her own even though a non-royal witch has never accomplished such a thing before. She has a massive attention to detail and almost never fails to cast a spell correctly.

Delilah is also well-versed in the world of runes, which don't require actual magic to cast at full strength. The downside of runes, however, is that she's unable to create them— only the most powerful of witches can draw functioning runes, and because of this, they're very expensive. Delilah saved for years and just recently bought a set of thirty useful runes, and she's never without at least five on her person at all times.

Flaws: Delilah, having had to look out for herself most of her life to get where she is now, can be a very selfish person, as she's unwilling to share the benefits of her actions with others. She also has a very strong sense of pride and won't accept help until it's too late. She feels as though she constantly has to prove herself to the world because she's a weak witch; also due to this weakness, Delilah can be jealous and vindictive, especially towards those more naturally gifted than herself. She has trouble showing people she's taken a liking to how she feels, so she's a very lonely person.

Romantic Interest: None at the moment.


History: Delilah Rose was born the first daughter after four sons to upper-middle-class doctor Michael Elbaum and designer-turned-housewife Elise Elbaum. From the start, things were chaotic, always a mess of dirty laundry and transformed frogs ending up in places Delilah would never have imagined either ending up in. Delilah often had to shout to be heard over the ruckus.

Though her brothers were all kind enough, they were loud and rowdy, and Delilah often found herself having to push back when they went to far with their pranks. She herself was never terribly troublesome, but the boys were always up to something, and too often their younger sister was dragged into the mix. From spending time with them, the naturally introverted Delilah became louder and harsher and many times more unforgiving when things didn't go her way. She spent most of her early days fighting for attention.

As she grew older, however, her brothers began to drop off to attend the Academy, and things quieted down. She began to practice music and read more in her free time. With nothing better to do to fill her newfound peace and quiet, she studied more and began to hone her talents. She was never particularly good at magic, but her parents sent her to the Academy nonetheless. Two of her four brothers are currently attending; she's in her sophomore year, and the twins are seniors, though it's unsure whether they'll graduate because they're failing most of their classes. The other two are graduates, and both are currently in college.

Other: Her twin brothers might be created at a later date. Delilah's wand is short, slim, and made of extremely brittle rosewood inlaid with gold to better channel her weak magic.

- Choir (Soprano II/Accompanist)
- Swim Team
- Student Council (Treasurer)

Thoughts/Relationships to Other Characters:
    [+] Katherine Goldsworthy. Delilah sees her as the competition and can't wait to try to oust her for student council president.
    [+] Ebony Aiken. Delilah doesn't dislike her, which is a start— and she's glad to have met another witch. She doesn't yet know of her status.

So begins...

Delilah Rose Elbaum's Story

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Character Portrait: Ebony Aiken Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Elbaum Character Portrait: Katya Holly Alderglenn Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy
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Delilah Rose Elbaum


Delilah bit the inside of her cheek to keep from screaming. What she would have screamed, she didn't know, but the simple fact that she was in the presence of the disgusting creatures was enough to make her want to stand up, open a window, and jump. Ending up bruised, bloodied, and with a few broken bones here and there seemed a far more inviting fate than being consumed by her own hatred.

Clutching the pile of notebooks to her knees as if she could hold in her emotions with a pile of paper, she sat in silence for the duration of the bus ride. Thankfully, it was short enough. Just like her skirt. Though she hadn't been sure it was possible just seconds ago, Delilah's frown deepened. The sun was shining right in her face, and she couldn't move an inch because another girl— a witch? She couldn't tell— had sat down next to her. So Delilah stayed put and fumed.

The bus lumbered to a halt once inside the school gates, and Delilah made her way to the front, desperate to just get out. She didn't particularly care how many toes she stepped on or how many sides she elbowed. She just wanted off. The vampires, the demons, the raw power— her own emotions, rife with a self-loathing dusted in a shade of jealousy she couldn't bring herself to acknowledge, were making her sick. Sucking in a few breaths of fresh air as quietly as possible, she closed her eyes and stood in the shadow of the bus for a few moments to collect herself. She couldn't show herself to the student body like this. She couldn't show herself to anyone like this. And while it wasn't technically required of her to make rounds introducing herself, she didn't like that Katherine bitch, and she wasn't giving her any leverage when funding was her responsibility.

Delilah huffed, paced, and slipped back into the crowd, where Katherine had already begun making opening announcements. She knew she was late, but it was unlikely anyone else did. She wasn't off to a bad start, per se, but... practically having a nervous breakdown to start off the year wasn't the most assuring of things.

She half-listened to what the president had to say, then set to greeting the students. I am so ousting Katherine in this year's elections, she thought to herself as she pasted a politician's grin on her face. Why, of all things, she was worrying about the end-of-year elections on the first day of school was beyond her, but it never hurt to be prepared.

Still grinning, she had already turned to the nearest student and extended her hand before realizing it was the girl she'd sat next to on the bus. "Oh," she let slip, almost losing her composure, "Nice to meet you. My name's Delilah Rose Elbaum, student council Treasurer. Lovely to meet you. And you are?" she asked, sizing the girl up.

Ugh. What she would give to not be here.

Katya Holly Elderglenn

Katya's respect for rules was all but nonexistent; with her headphones in, her own dress on, and her body splayed across one of the smaller seats towards the back of the bus, she was lost in her own world as though she wasn't being shipped off yet again to the prison of an academy she'd offloaded herself onto. She wanted freedom, not this pathetic excuse for an 'education.' What more did they want from her? She could read. She could write. She could do calculus, damn it. So why weren't they letting her go?

For the first time in her years at the Academy, Katya was was considering running away.

That consideration, however, had disappeared in a second's time as the sunlight caught her arms, sending what seemed like a thousand scintillating points of color spinning across the interior of the bus. It might have been a beautiful sight to behold had it not been shining right in her eyes.

Right, she realized, a hint of sarcasm pervading even the voice in her head. I'm a vampire, and I'd burn to a crisp if I didn't keep getting these hunks of metal refinished. Katya raised her arm and glared at the aforementioned hunks of metal, face its usual placid pool as she considered her options. She could take it off, try to make it as far as she could before the enchantments wore off. And then what? Hide in a hole?

But she was so sick of just wandering the grounds. She was bored, and her wanderlust was acting up again.

Using her fingernails, Katya pried open the back of her MP3 player and picked at its contents. She nearly fell off the seat when the bus came to a stop; though she saved herself just in time, the tiny piece of electronics wasn't so lucky, and it fell apart on the floor. Katya slipped her headphones around her neck just as they began to whine about the lack of a functioning source, and she shoved the pieces into her pocket to mess with later. The thing was surprisingly resilient, and it was likely only a flesh wound. That said, one more flesh would might have killed it— it was practically held together with duct tape.

Katya took her time in getting off the bus, and she didn't much pay attention to Katherine's speech, either. Who the Hell had elected her to the student council, anyway? Katya'd voted for that nerdy boy.

Annoyed, she huffed and slipped her now-silent headphones back on and played with her certainly-non-uniform dress. Well, she couldn't be bothered to give a damn.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ebony Aiken Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Elbaum Character Portrait: Mamoru Hidefumi.
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#, as written by Xiiver
Ebony had returned her attention the the president. Not that she was interested in what she had to say, she just didn't want make a bad impression by leaving in the middle of the 'welcoming'.

She sighed and swayed her weight to her left hip, tilting her head, clearly stating she was getting bored. All of a sudden a boy walked up to the president, wearing the strangest set of clothes. 'Oh poor boy, I could help him with that.' Her thoughts were interrupted though.
"Nice to meet you. My name's Delilah Rose Elbaum, student council Treasurer. Lovely to meet you. And you are?" her face was expressionless. She recognized the girl. She is the witch who sat next to her on the bus, making her annoyance quite clear and now this wide smile was plastered on her face. Strange girl.
"I'm Ebony. Ebony Aiken." She wasn't sure if she was pleased to meet this girl, yet. First impression was sort of...strange.

She looked Delilah up and down. The girl was taller than her, no surprise there. She couldn't decide if she was younger, or same age. She didn't really care though.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ebony Aiken Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Elbaum Character Portrait: Katya Holly Alderglenn Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy
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Delilah Rose Elbaum

"I'm Ebony," the girl replied, her face as deadpan as her voice. "Ebony Aiken." Delilah's smile flickered a little. Honestly? She'd had to get the expressionless one. Delilah was tempted to just walk away, but years of rigid self-control hadn't left her rude. Instead, she extended a hand with a pleasant expression dusted across her features.

"Nice to meet you, Ebony," Delilah said, her voice warm but not completely devoid of its natural sharpness. Delilah was naturally the type to project herself well, and now was no exception. Her voice was firm, with the type of timbre well-suited to making speeches and giving orders. "A witch, I take it? It's always good to meet someone of our own kind."

And Delilah certainly wasn't lying. While she didn't necessarily like the girl, she harbors no particular dislike for her, either. After all, she'd met her only seconds ago. First impressions were nothing, and she wasn't going to pass up the chance to meet someone she might like. Delilah never passed up any sort of chance.

"I'm sorry our President's introduction was so brief. If you need anything or have any questions, feel free to consult me now or later." She smiled a bit with this. "So what year are you going into?" While Delilah wasn't one hundred percent sure Ebony wasn't an immortal and thus free of the years system, it was a reasonable-enough question. "I'm going into my sophomore year. You?"

Katya Holly Elderglenn

Katya hummed a gentle song under her breath, still pretending to wear her headphones over her cropped hair. She'd ignored the student council president's last few words, and she had no idea where she was headed, but she decided that she badly needed something to do. Still quietly humming, she whirled around on her heels and walked in the general direction of the library. She knew the grounds by heart, but the place was so old, vast, and magic-filled she could still pretend she was lost sometimes.

If she had been human, her heart, perhaps, would have been pounding from the run, but Katya's feet as well as her dead, still heart were silent as they crossed the soft earth. Though the laces of her boots had long since come undone, she was quick enough on her feet. As she dropped off the path and onto the wild grounds, her tights and the skirt of her dress caught on brambles, and Katya had to pause to pull herself free. In all honesty, she was glad. The few minutes of running had tired her out. She huffed, then leaned back against a tree to catch her breath.

Katya played with the pile of broken electronics in her pockets as she stood. She'd slipped the cord down through a hole in her collar to let it run parallel to her body, hidden beneath her clothes but allowing for a jack connection inside her pocket. There was no jack port to plug the headphones into, but the piece of metal stuck out inside her pocket anyway. She played with it while she hummed her small song.

She was so absorbed by humming her song that she almost didn't notice the spirit hovering over the creek ahead. Immediately, Katya froze, mood suddenly spiked with a jolt of excitement at the sight of the smokelike creature hanging over the water. She didn't dare move. Her body had gone tense at the sight.

" prix dan six-quatre temps," Katya sang to herself, her French accent questionable but her notes impeccable, "Du belle mar..." She'd skipped about half the song, but Katya, now riveted to her ghost-watching, couldn't be bothered to care. It was arguable whether or not she'd care even if she wasn't staring at ghosts.

As soon as Katha approached it, however, it turned to her, shifted, and disappeared as though it had absorbed its own form. Katya sighed. That always happened. She was bored again, now, too.

Katya turned again and continued walking. She was approaching a rather empty area of the school, one left relatively underdeveloped even though the rest of the school had bloated and grown far across the grounds over the years. Katya rather enjoyed this area even if she wasn't supposed to be there. That said, she wasn't supposed to be anywhere but the entrance or the dormitories right now, so a forbidden area would have been something hard to avoid, regardless. She didn't care much about rules; so long as she wasn't causing anything bad to happen, what good were they, anyway? Things forbidden for no reason always drew rumors and carried secrets, and the whispers were hardly worth their actual contents. As far as she knew, anyway, Katya was the only one there.

...or was she? Katya caught a shock of auburn hair peeking through the growth. At first, Katya couldn't quite make out who it was, as the figure was far away, but soon enough she realized who it was: the president of the student council. Katherine. How odd. What was she doing? Wasn't she supposed to be helping the students or something of the sort?

Well, that's why Katya hadn't voted for her. But her inadequacy as a president hardly detracted from her overall intrigue. Curiosity piqued, Katya crept closer on vampire tiptoes to get a better look at what was going on. While she hasn't intended to be hidden, Katha was fully sheltered by cool shadows.

Hm. This might prove to be interesting! She did love watching people, especially if they were up to no good.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amaterasu Aiken Character Portrait: Ebony Aiken Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Elbaum
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#, as written by Xiiver
As they shook hands, Ebony's lips turned into a small smile. "Yes, it is nice to meet one of your own kind. Especially in a place like this. My cousin is here somewhere aswell. She's a witch aswell." She let go of her hand and let her arm fall to her side. 'That reminds me, I have to go see her later, It's been a while.' Delilah was right. Ebony hadn't really thought of it because she was used to being alone, even amongst her own kin back home and it was nice to know there was someone who reminded of home and also family.
"I'm sorry our President's introduction was so brief. If you need anything or have any questions, feel free to consult me now or later." Right. Ebony had hardly listened to the president so she didn't know if it was brief in general or she just made it so by not listening. Apparantly it was brief in general.
"So what year are you going into?"
Ebony shrugged. "Well, it's my second year since my parents didn't allow me to come here before last year so, I guess itwould be sophomore? Or does it have to do with age?" She didn't know about the schoolsystem when it came to who belongs where. She just did as she was told and attended the classes on her schedule.

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Character Portrait: Ebony Aiken Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Elbaum
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Delilah Rose Elbaum

Delilah caught a small smile on Ebony's face as they shook hands. So she wasn't deadpan after all. She was starting to not-dislike this girl more by the second.

"Yes, it is nice to meet one of your own kind," she replied, "Especially in a place like this. My cousin is here somewhere as well. She's a witch as well." She paused for a beat as she let her hand return to her side. "That reminds me, I have to go see her later, It's been a while."

Mention of family almost brought a sour smile to her face. Ebony seemed to brighten, if only by a tiny bit, at the thought of family at the school, but Delilah was just glad to have an escape from the chaos at home. The boys had been home from college in the summer, and while they weren't getting drunk with the girls from their hometown they were tearing up their old rooms. Just like old times, she thought. Delilah was glad she was here, away from the noise that had hounded her throughout her younger years.

That said, the twins were still here. Theoretically, they would graduate this year and end her sibling suffering, but she wasn't sure if either of them had touched a textbook since they'd discovered the magic shop down the road. If they'd been legendary pranksters before, as Delilah had learned last year, then she wasn't sure what to expect now that they had access to even more... things.

"So what year are you going into?"

With a shrug, Ebony said, "Well, it's my second year since my parents didn't allow me to come here before last year so, I guess it would be sophomore? Or does it have to do with age?" Her response prompted something of a knowing smile from Delilah.

"Well, you can never know here. I suppose things work a little differently when you go to school with hundred-year-old demons and vampires sitting alongside you in math class. Some don't even go through a four-year schooling. Sometimes, you have to wonder if classes are only half of what you get from coming here..." Delilah trailed off, unsure whether she was rambling too much again. The last thing she wanted to do was bore the older girl to death by running her mouth. "Though in the case of my brothers, sometimes I have to wonder if class grades are all just honorary nonsense, anyway. Really, they're seniors and they can hardly do their multiplication tables." She giggled at the thought. "Hopefully, you weren't so unlucky in terms of your family here. I keep hearing stories about how obnoxious they are— evidently, they set up a summoning enchantment on the senior fridge that spewed beer-stealing imps every time one of the students opened it up. You wouldn't believe how many cans of the stuff they found. And that's just what I saw— I'm pretty sure they drank half of it before they showed me."

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Character Portrait: Ebony Aiken Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Elbaum
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#, as written by Xiiver
Ebony was slightly taken aback by how Delilah all of a sudden started rambling on and on about her brothers but she couldn't help but giggle. The way Delilah so genuinely spoke about her brother's pranks and such was cute.
"They sound like a..energetic duo." She smiled again. "I'm an only child so I wouldn't really know what it's like to have siblings that get on your nerves. My cousin has always been close to me but we haven't seen each other much so we haven't had the time to get on each other's nerves."
Ebony noticed she started warming up to the girl which was new. She never spoke so easily to someone she had just met. Maybe it was because she was of her kind? Perhaps. Whatever it was, Ebony didn't mind it. Maybe she would actually be able to make a friend.

"So, are you in any clubs?"

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Character Portrait: Ebony Aiken Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Elbaum
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A glimpse of black hair… that was all she needed to track down her cousin. In a school filled with just about every nationality at least that’s what papa told her. Black is bound to be plentiful but her cousin’s shade was different. Amaterasu couldn’t exactly explain why she thought Ebony’s hair is different. Was it the shade of it?

She really cant say, she always liked the way it flowed like silk every time her cousin moved. Her cousin… The thought brought a sigh to her face. Ebony never liked mingling with the others how she managed to get on her good side she’ll never know. Not like she regretted it, she loved her older cousin like a younger sibling would to an older one nothing more nothing less or a friend does to a fellow friend.

The child’s eyes scanned around the others, it squinted as the pale rays of the sun blinded for a moment. She blinked, small buds of tears appeared at the corner of her eyes. The weather said it was going to be cloudy today. If she knew there was going to be sun she would have taken her sun hat with her—

The girl paused in mid thought when she caught sight of her dear cousin talking with another brunette. From the looks of things she looked like she was enjoying herself, it’s rare seeing her like that. She took a step towards them then suddenly she hesitated to take another one. It felt like she was just going to interrupt them but… she turned back to the rest of the crowd. It was better she goes there rather than stay here and look like an idiot. Taking a deep breath she hurried over to her cousin’s side. “Ebbbbyyyy!!” The girl cried out before clinging onto her cousin’s arm. “It’s been so long!” She added chirping at the end before she turned back to her cousin’s companion. “Etto… Was I disturbing something?... gomeneeee”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amaterasu Aiken Character Portrait: Ebony Aiken Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Elbaum Character Portrait: Katya Holly Alderglenn Character Portrait: Katherine Goldsworthy
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Katya picked up her speed as the other vampire did, feet dancing through the woods at a speed that pushed the limits of human capabilities. Katherine was much faster than Katya; it figured, though, since most people were. She nearly lost sight of the girl, but it wasn't long before they arrived in the clearing before a solid structure. Katya came to a stop and closed her eyes for a moment to catch her breath before standing up straighter— though, admittedly, not by much— to take in the sight before her.

At first, she wasn't completely sure what she was looking at. It was a small, squat structure not unlike a tiny house but infinitely more intricate. Despite its size, every inch of it was ornately decorated with flowing carvings of vines and and flowers. The tendrils snaked up from the ground as if the earth herself had built the structure from her very flesh and blood, intertwining themselves with the stone pillars that surrounded its base. A handful of steps led up to what she presumed to be the interior. Curiosity piqued for the second time that day, she took a step forward but found herself utterly repulsed by the thought of entering.

How odd. She stepped toward it again, only to feel that feeling of primal fear and nausea rear its head again. Katya stepped backwards this time and observed the structure from afar. Was it for religious use? The vines and the flowers gave it the feeling of an Arab masjid, but the panels of stained glass and the sheer intricacy of the building spoke otherwise. A synagogue, then? She knew close to nothing about religion— born into a family of vampires, she wasn't exactly able to join the townsfolk in going to church on Sundays, which had proved an odd challenge to surmount when she and her family had moved from New York to a small town in Kansas. She'd gotten the accent down flat, but their religious lifestyle was hard to escape. Luckily, the town's population of nine hundred was able to ignore the odd family— a luxury, from what she'd heard from the other vampiric families.

It wasn't long, however, before Katya caught sight of the cross over the doorway. Her stomach turned a bit at the sight of it. So it was a church. No wonder she felt sick on approaching it. Whatever the humans did to 'bless' their holy grounds, it worked to keep the vampires away. So what was up-to-no-good Katherine doing here?

Katya slipped up beside her and, with only the slightest trace of sarcasm woven into her words, whispered, "Odd. I didn't know you were one of them." By 'them,' she was referring to the religious, as she didn't know to which Katherine subscribed— for a vampire, any sort of religion was odd, as most grounds of worship allocated to the major denominations caused severe pain when entered by a vampire. The few religions she'd encountered were mostly Far Eastern or what the Europeans would have called 'pagan.' A vampire going to church was very... strange, seeing as they couldn't even set foot on consecrated ground.

Katya didn't say another word and instead continued on staring for a moment before lessening her slouch and moving to walk right up to the church's front door. She stuck to the shade, though, since the sunlight was beginning to burn— thankfully, she hadn't yet been forced to put on her uniform, so most of her skin was covered. She was sure it would be worse if she was wearing a tiny skirt and some pathetic excuse for a blazer.

With that, she started to sing again, this time just the tiniest bit too loudly. "Our lands abounds with flowers... hold them tightly in your hands; turn your heads up to the sky, and harmony we will find; underneath the watchful gaze of a sky so grand..."


"They sound like a... energetic duo." Ebony let another smile cross her lips, erasing from Delilah's mind the deadpan girl she'd been only moments ago. For someone who instantly put on a friendly face when she spoke to someone, meeting a girl who took a while to warm up to the conversation was almost refreshing. "I'm an only child, so I wouldn't really know what it's like to have siblings that get on your nerves. My cousin has always been close to me, but we haven't seen each other much, so we haven't had the time to get on each other's nerves."

And how lucky you are, thought Delilah, remembering with disdain her own summer vacation, I'm pretty sure all those boys can do is get on my nerves. She couldn't count the number of times she'd wished she was an only child. Luckily enough for her, though, the twins left her alone until they'd exhausted every other option. Luke and Casper were hardly a problem, save for the constant noise they created. Andy spent his time either tinkering with his computer or seducing women, so he was rarely home when he didn't need money, and Stephen, though doting, was intelligent enough to leave her alone.

What she wouldn't give for one of Luke's brownies, though. Or his cookies. Or practically anything he cooked. If there was one thing she respected about the dunce of a brother who hated her most, it was her cooking. And the fact that he could shut everyone else up. That way, she wouldn't have to shout over all of them when she wanted to make a point.

Ebony's voice cut through Delilah's thoughts, and she realized she'd spaced out a little. "So, are you in any clubs?"

"Choir and swimming," Delilah replied. She wasn't particularly good at either of them, but it never hurt to join a few clubs. "And sometimes I drop into the musi—"

“Ebbbbyyyy!!” something shouted out, latching itself onto Ebony's arm. An expression of incredulity drifted across Delilah's face, but she quickly regained composure, doing her best not to cringe or stare for too long. “It’s been so long!” There was a brief moment of silence before the girl added, “Etto… Was I disturbing something?... gomeneeee.”

Delilah sucked in a breath and became a diplomat once again. To speak her mind— to answer, 'yes, absolutely, now please go away and stop screaming—' would be rude, so Delilah only smiled and shook her head. "No, not at all. Nice to meet you," even though it was anything but nice to have her conversation butted-in-on by some loudmouthed girl who'd latched herself onto the person she was speaking to. Looking to Ebony, she asked, "Your cousin, I take it?" A smile curled one corner of her mouth. She extended her hand to whatever it was clinging to Ebony's arm. "Well, nice to meet you. I'm Delilah Elbaum."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Amaterasu Aiken Character Portrait: Ebony Aiken Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Elbaum
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#, as written by Xiiver
Ebony was actually enjoying her conversation. This rarely happened so she was quite surprised. She watched Delilah with interest as she answered her question.
"Choir and swimming," Ebony nodded. She actually wished she could sing. Some had told her she had a pretty voice, yet they had never heard her sing. She thinks they were just sucking up and giving her meaningless compliments. She's not a strong swimmer either, she'd rather stay away from water altogether. Except for the rain, the rain would soothe her.
"And sometimes I drop into the musi—" Delilah was interrupted by a, to Ebony, familiar voice.
“Ebbbbyyyy!!” In a second, her cousin was latched to her arm with a wide smile on her face. “It’s been so long!”
Ebony was just about to answer but her cousin spoke again. “Etto… Was I disturbing something?... gomeneeee.”

Ebony's face softened as she gently stroked Ammy's head. "No, it's alright, Ammy. It's great to see you." She got free from Ammy's grip and hugged her before holding her arm out towards Delilah. "As she mentioned, this is Delilah. She is a witch aswell." She smiled apologetically towards Delilah.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ebony Aiken Character Portrait: Delilah Rose Elbaum
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Would be one heck of an understatement if Amaterasu said she didn’t feel bad right now for butting into a conversation she had no part of. Back at home with her friends she rarely did it no matter how her klutzy self would sometimes make her trip on her friends whenever she’s not paying attention to her surroundings. That’s the price she paid for having her head on the clouds.
The look the older brunette gave her almost made the young girl want to hide behind her dear cousin. But how would that look? Obviously first expressions is always important. Sucking up the uncomfortable feeling she had at the pit of her stomach, she smiled softly at her cousin who patted her head.

It’s nice to have someone she knew around.

"No, not at all. Nice to meet you,"

The girl spoke, Amaterasu smiled a shyly at the woman while she spoke she listened. Witches, the thought was still foreign to the child. She did her research all she could find was something about Wicca, she wondered if it was the same.
“Hi, Delilah-san I’m Amaterasu Aiken, i-it’s nice to meet you.” She said in a polite yet cute tone before she bowed lightly in respect. That was how she was taught to do when introducing yourself, the Japanese culture made an imprint in the child’s life. She turned back to her cousin before smiling a little nervously. “Etto…. Ebby-chan what was president-san’s announcement again?....” She asked.