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The blunt object

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a character in “The Adventure of A Lifetime”, as played by Ken Shiro



Name: Atlas

Nickname: n/a

Age: 32


Weight:345 lbs

Skills: A master swordsman, preferring a great sword over anything smaller tho dose carry an array of smaller weaponry. Skilled in hand to hand combat, leaning more towards a brawling style rather than anything with finesse, normally using his size and overpowering strength to defeat combatants. An adept survivor, able to live off the land in most all conditions and environments. His link to his deity being his greatest ability, allowing him to draw power from it to perform a small variety of god like feats.

Occupation:Bounty hunter/Mercenary

Likes: Training, silence and alcohol

Dislikes: Being restrained, busy places, disrespect or people who lack honor and any who think themselves better than others.

Personality: Honest to the point of rudeness, he speaks his mind at all times and never tells a lie. He is hard in a brutish sense but clearly lives his live by a very strict code, one that holds honor and respect in high regard. It reflects most of his personality traits and is what he judges others by.

Character Summary: His size and appearance are often enough to scare anyone away, those it didn't scare often turned to persecuting him. His entire body is covered in a thick bulging layer of muscle hidden beneath intricate black plate armor. A solitary man, spending the majority of his life living in the wilderness, always moving around and never looking to settle down and only venturing into settlements when the need arises. Despite that he keeps himself busy by hunting, often the deadliest of prey that he can find, constantly putting himself against the odds to gain honor in his own eyes. His only real for of regular social contact being a familiar Saber tooth Tiger name Zed that was born of magic in his younger years. This lifestyle has left his body littered with scars, marring any clear patch of skin left. Running from his neck to his hands and feet an intricate design of dark tattoos wound their way round his body, they were a link to his deity a symbol of his commitment to it. As one of the last of his giant race he strives to live a life that would have honored his lost ancestors.

Why do you want to join our adventure?: He has grown weary of these lands and wishes to be away from it all. Wants to offer his services so that he may travel to distant lands and perhaps find a place he could finally settle down. Plus the thought of testing himself against newer, bigger and stronger opponents is a hard offer to pass on.

So begins...

Atlas's Story

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I had made camp a small distance from the city, sleeping only a couple of hours as was the norm and rising before the sun. I rekindled the fire and opened my bag removing all my weapons, laying them all about before me. Reaching back into my pack I pulled out a small pot of a wax like substance and a ragged scrap of leather. In what had become almost a ritual for me I got to work cleaning, sharpening and just general upkeep of all my weapons. It took several hours before I had completed my task and began packing away the pot and rag, looking over at the horizon I noted the sun was still not due up for another hour, so I pulled out another pouch from my bag. It was the last of my rations, consisting of a few strips of dried meat and some now stale bread. I grimaced slightly but was distracted as I felt Zed awaken behind me, his front paws stretched out in front of him as he let out a loud growling yawn and moved to my side. I scratched the back of his neck and laid out the last of the meat for him and took the bread for myself. "Ready for another adventure boy?"

I waited for the sun to begin to rise before snuffing out the fire and equipping myself with my weapons and armor. I checked I had everything secured before throwing on my cloak and hoisting the large bag over my shoulder and setting off towards the city. As I neared the city gates and whistled loudly, calling Zed back to my side, too many would try their luck hunting down a beast such as Zed and I had no desire to see them fail in the attempt.

I pulled the hood of my cloak over my head and marched into the city, Zed keeping close to my side as we moved through the streets. We were given a wide birth by all those out this early in the day, I wasted no time and headed straight for the docks reaching it in minutes and looking on in awe at the size of the ship in port. It was most definitely the largest ship I had seen and I began to wonder just where it might be able to take us. I noticed there was minimal movement on and around the ship, I concluded that I had arrived too early and decided to wait. Moving back a few paces and leaning against a nearby wall, my eyes scanning the ship in admiration as Zed laid down at my side.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elcid Barrett Character Portrait: Sun Wukong Character Portrait: Princess Evankka Character Portrait: June Smythe Character Portrait: Amaco Hana Character Portrait: Zane Archaeus
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I remained leaning against the wall as the morning drove on, watching as people began to move aboard the ship. It seemed this trip had drawn in all kinds of people and beings, I suppose something of this magnitude is not something passed on easily. I pushed myself off the wall and stood up straight, getting a better view of the ships deck. I noted that people seemed to be gathering around the women who I saw earlier taking down notes, I rubbed Zeds head and mumbled to myself. "Must the princess." I was about to step forward but had to stop and stare as several identical figures seemed to be carrying a bed onto the ship then letting it drop once they were on deck. I raised an eyebrow and looked around seeing several more strange sights, a man moving like a monkey jump down from the rooftops and climb up the side of the ship, another figure landing a small distance from me, a women who also moved onto the ship. I looked down at Zed and sighed. "Guess this will not be the quiet trip we were hoping for. Lets go."

I walked along the dockside and turned to head up the gangplank but clearly Zed was too excited by the new surroundings as he jumped ahead of me and bounded up onto the ships deck, letting out a loud roar of excitement and stretching out his limbs. I rolled my eyes hoping that our boarding would go largely unnoticed before walking up on deck and pulling back the hood of my cloak. It seemed pointless to try and hide my presence with Zed here, even more so considering I stood at least a head taller than any other on board. I thought it best to at least formalize my presence to the princess, best not be thought as a stowaway.

I patted my leg and Zed quickly moved to my side as I walked towards the group of people gathered near the princess. As we got near Zed stopped I lowered himself, growling quietly at the man with white hair and baring his fangs. I snapped my fingers at him, instantly making him stop the growl and move back to my side. I stopped a couple of meters away and pulled my bag off my shoulder, letting it rest on the floor. Only then did I realize how diverse our company truly would be, most of the beings here seemed to share at least some blood with an elder race. That or have over indulged in the use of magic. I waited patiently until my presence was noticed by the princess, giving a small nod of my head and speaking in my usual deep and gravely voice. "Highness."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elcid Barrett Character Portrait: Princess Evankka Character Portrait: Zane Archaeus Character Portrait: Hallie Weiss Character Portrait: Atlas Character Portrait: Carmillus Agincourt
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Hallie was slowly dragging herself with her head bent forwards. It had been years ever sinse she saw a sunrise or anything close to it, but she didn't bother to look at it. Instead, her attention was taken by the enormous ship. Her hair covered most of her face, yet a smile was visible.
"This is it..." Halinor thought and sped up towards the docks.

Soon her steps started getting slower and slower, as she was noticing barely enough of her surroundings, until she stopped near the princess. Hallie pulled her long black hair backwards, uncovering her dark blue eyes, which could be mistaken for purple due to the redness and capillaries. Her pale skin complimented the existance of her eye bags and shadows. She cleared her throat quickly and quietly.
"Good morning. I'm here for the Angelic Fall journey..." she spoke in a low, hoarse voice and yawned. "I mean... Fallen Angel. Yep, it's the Fallen Angel. That's right. Nice to meet you, my name is..."
Hallie immediately went silent, as her head quickly bent forwards. Slight snoring could be heard.
"Halinor Weiss. Call me Hallie." she snapped out of her quick slumber and went inside the ship.

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Character Portrait: Princess Evankka Character Portrait: Atlas
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I rolled my eyes as the princess gave me no notice and walked by. "Fucking royals." I mumbled not too quietly to myself as I turned and moved along the ship, Zed had picked up on my annoyance and was growling lowly, I gave a sharp whistle calling Zed to follow and made my way below deck. Climbing down several flights of stairs until I was in the ships living quarters, quickly navigating the corridors until I found my assigned room. I swung the door open and stepped inside, scanning the room and raising an eyebrow at its extravagance. "Why would one person need all this?" The entire room seemed enriched with luxuries that I had never seen before, I moved through the room lifting pieces of fabric and cloth, examining the silverware and finely carved furniture. "So this is where the wealth of the land ends up." I dropped my bag to the floor with a deep rumbling thud, throwing my cloak onto the bed and rotating my shoulders, glad to have the weight off them. Zed had jumped onto the bed and was purring contently at its apparent softness, I was tempted to leave him be but knew if anyone happened by and saw him alone in the room it would not end well. So once again I called him to my side and locked the door behind us before making my lower into the ships bowls, I soon found what I was looking for. The training area, a large open room equipped with a large collection of training apparatus and tools.

I moved to the rooms center and removed the six foot great sword from its sheathe on my back, taking up an offensive combat stance and closing my eyes. Zed noted the stance and moved to the side of the room, laying down and giving off a silent yawn as his head rested atop his crossed paws.

For a while I remained completely still, slowing my breathing and finding my center until my eyes shot open and my body burst into action. Swinging the sword in wide powerful arcs at devastating speeds, my body moving in fluid motions and adding kicks seamlessly into the Kata. The routine lasted several minutes of nonstop movement, ending in a final flourish, the sword stopping dead mid swing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Esmeralda Basil Character Portrait: Atlas
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Esmeralda Basil

Watching all the other beings, studying their personality and character, Esmeralda smirked lightly. She most certainly could not wait to meet everyone but it seems that the majority of everyone's focus was on the princess, no doubt. A royalty on any kind of ship was enough to cause a bit of a stir. I saw a giant with a large saber-tooth tiger walk passed me and I could easily sense his annoyance. It seems that the princess did not give him any attention. Perhaps the princess thinks the giant as a lowly crew member who handles the heavy manual labor on this ship. Heh. I suppose we have a stuck up, spoil brat that we will have to put up with on this ship." I chuckled lightly under my breath before I waited a few minutes, letting my eyes scan everyone before I descended down the stairs.

I was about to return to my room but I heard distant grunts and the familiar sound of metal cutting through the air. My curiosity got the better of me and I continued making my way down the stairs until I reached the lower part of the ship and there I saw it, a training area and the giant. I watched quietly as the giant did his routine kata and when he finished, I clapped slowly before I stepped forward, revealing myself to the giant. "As one would expect from a giant, a being created for no other purpose but war." My eyes glint slyly at the giant. "What is one like yourself doing on this ship? Trying to run and hide from the fact that you are the last of our kind? Do you not crave war and violence like those before you?" I asked, looking up at the giant that stood taller than any being I have ever seen but my eyes nor my heart showed an ounce of fear, if anything, I was excited to be standing in front of the last of an ancient race that once roamed these lands.

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Character Portrait: Esmeralda Basil Character Portrait: Atlas
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My eyes instantly shifted to the sound of slow clapping, finding its source to be a human women stepping into view. I slowly stood up straight and sheathed my sword, Zed had perked up and was making his way towards the stranger, sniffing the air and gauging her scent. I waited in silence and watched Zed, more than once he had seemingly known the disposition of a stranger. He was to a degree able to judge a person and see their worth. He moved up to the women, circling round her and sniffing her cloths and hands. His head jerked back and shook violently, pawing at his nose and sneezing before sniffing her again. It only took a few moments before he had made a decision and sat down beside her looking completely as ease.

I turned fully towards the women and studied her more closely, there was definitely something.... different about her but I had never known Zed to be wrong, so I moved towards her, stopping a few paces short and examining her a last time. She had an air of perfect confidence about her, a physical beauty that even I could appreciate. Yet women and love were something I had little care for. "The wars have long past." I moved a step closer and crouched down, rubbing Zed under his chin causing him to purr loudly. "There is nothing left in this land for me." I stood back up and looked down at her. "And you? Why are you here?"

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Character Portrait: Atlas
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Esmeralda Basil

I watched the giant then my eyes fell onto the large saber-tooth tiger that approached me and sniffed at me. My eyes glanced at the giant before me and I could see that his eyes was studying this beast. Perhaps this was a test, something to see if I am worth talking to the giant. The tiger seemed to agree with my presence as it sat next to me. I smiled lightly before I turned my attention to the giant and it seems that his eyes were judging me, something that I was completely used to then finally the giant spoke. "Ah, for a second there, I thought you have lost your tongue." I said, teasing the giant lightly before I nod my head in agree. "That you are right. Wars have long least, on the lands but within every being's heart, there is a war that is constantly being fought." I smirked lightly as I watched the giant seeing to show a softer side when interacting with his pet. A rare thing to see from a giant.

I stared at the giant as he questioned me. I thought quietly, choosing my words carefully before I spoke. "I am hoping to find a place where I can have a new beginning. A fresh, clean slate if you will." I put a hand on my hip and I looked at the giant. "It is not often one can be blessed with an opportunity to start anew. What about yourself? Why are you here? You say there is nothing left in the land for you, what do you expect to see beyond these waters?" I asked before I turned my head slightly, looking up and I mumbled lightly. "What is taking them so long?" There was a hint of impatience in my voice but before I could let myself get irritated, I looked back at the giant, my eyes showing curiosity and interest once again. "I bet your fortune would be interesting to read." I said, pointing at his hand. "You probably have an interesting story as well."