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"In a world where Darkness is judged by it's fascinating beauty...Someone have to demonstrate that even evils owns a soul."

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a character in “The Ancient Crusaders”, as played by TRUE-ASSASSIN



From the Depth of Nether,rises the lotus of death


Nicknames:Literally his name means "Son of the Dread Abyss".He is also known as "The Inexistent blade"

Age: Around the 2103

Gender: Male


-Head:As all Phase walkers The "Inexistent blade" wears a mask that allows him to distill the air of the vary dimensions
-Back:Covered by Netherstone armor.This armor is sticked to the Phase walker unless he commands to this "living armor" to separate.In that case his skin is dark
-Torso:On his breast lies the "eye of the Armor",the heart of the armor.The center of the armor is nearly indestructable,so placed on his heart said to be weakest part of the demons.
-Legs:Covered by A scaled half-cloack (see picture)
-Feet: Hidden in the half-cloack (see picture)
-Hands: Gauntleats covers his hands.On his right wrist there's the infamous Nethersoul Twisted Dark blade,once owned by his father,now by him as inheritance
-Face: The mask leaves two holes for the eyes,while the mouth has the breathing equipment.
-Hair: Not present
-Skin Color: Tends to be dark.
-Height: 2 meters
-Weight: 130 kilos
-Eye Color: Luminescent yellow


-Weapons: The "Inexistent blade" owns the second "Nethersoul twisted shadow blade",owned by his father,Nar Tharlovon.
Additionally he crafted,by himself, two Aethereal spheres,made of swords that assists him in battle.
-Inventory: The son of the Abyss owns a Netherstone Beast,used by demons as armors.
He also owns an amulet,that helps him phase in the various dimensions.


-Likes:The night,his homelands and the Crusader's acts
-Dislikes: "The demons who controls the others",slaughtering innocent demons and Dawns.
-Personality:Az'Ghardhren'Vor can be defnined as a cold assassin,for his training.In the last year he started to work in a team,know as the Sin's voice,and then isolated himself from the Demonic society. With these events it is possible to say that Az'Ghardhren'Vor is a loner,shy,but also effective at dealing his job: eliminate crusaders,and now demons.

History: As first born of the great Void Stalker Nar'Tharvolron,The "Son of the Dark Abyss" had the same gift of his father: the ability to phase from a dimension to another.
His youth was wealthy,as his father claimed Honour from various assassinations.
It was inevitavle that Az'Ghardhren'Vor would become an assassin,greater than his father.
At an adapt age Az'Ghardhren'Vor and his father started to explore the various world,hidden by the cloack of thus who phases from different dimensions.
Studying these worlds Az'Ghardhren'Vor met their natives,and spotted their habits and weaknesses.
As he grew he started to assist his father to assassinations,meeting the Order of the Ancient Crusaders.
Firstly he found in these "Crusaders" heartless creatures that slays demon just for fun,an hobby.
When he reached the mature age,he started to work for the Demonic legions,as scout and then Assassinn.
Commonly his preys were humans that,before they could spread voice of the demons too soon,randomly met a demon.
As he became alway more expert he started to take care about Crusader's knight,poisoning them dishrienting them during battles or even fixing their bodies with various slashes.
Az'Ghardhren'Vor was master at tricking those crusaders to then eliminate them brutally,thus not immortal.
Additionally,more than once,he exposed his victims on the tops of church's belltowers,impaled on the crosses,crowned with their interiors,and put their shredded armor in their empty bodies.
These assassinations were so perfect that the Crusader thought there was a traitor in their Order.
From since he earnt,from the Crusaders and his demons the title of "Inexistent blade[/i].
His father happiness could broke the gauge.
At the second Invasion,howeversomething went wrong....the Crusaders understood the gameplay of the demons...What remained of his father was his blade...The Nethersoul twisted shadow blade.
His investigations led that his father victim supposed to be Lance Volkrag Issaiah: all knew that he was immortal,unbeatable.
The "Investor" of the assassination was a certain Draggorn,rival of his father.
Draggorn was one of the Leaders of the Demons....
As he learnt this notice he started to train himself,swearing to avenge his father and thus that soffered for Draggorn.
"When that day will reach....Draggorn hope that there will be a Crowstorm upon you!" Az'Ghardhren'Vor,when he learnt about his father mission.

Class: Phase Walker

So begins...

Az'Ghardhren'Vor's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zypher Kreios Character Portrait: Dante Edmond D'Canith Character Portrait: Anton Wardenveld Character Portrait: Az'Ghardhren'Vor
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Anton Wardenveld

Anton knew the anser.....He became Giotto,by drawing the circocentric circles and runes inside these,making a brand new type of seal.
"Hold them a few more!" Anton said looking at the Duelist jumping in the battlefield,slaughtering the beasts.
Anton noticed circles of fire coming down from the skies.He smiled:Woke up from your isolation Dragoon?
"For now I'll let you have fun....but then I have to shut the gate down"

Anton was too severe with himself: if a rune appeared too bad it was erased within the air and replaced with a new one.
And now,he reached the fifth circle of the Seal.It was a big seal,powerful and particullary complicate to draw.
When he will finish to draw the Seal he will infuse it with Light energies,and enchant it with another,smaller seal ahead the smallest circle of the Main Seal.
Here the seventh circle was nearly done,as two demons were running against him.
"Really you won't wait like the others eh?" Anton said while aiming them with "Avenger"
"Since you came from Hell for this....I'll give to you a special end...."
Anton's eye were glowing blue,classic when he was casting...Even his halberd received a blue-purple colour and aura...
Anton said something in Draenian:"Arcane wave".The Halberd released a burst of blue energy,arcane energies.
Even if it wasn't pure,because Anton wasn't focusing on the Halberd, it was enough to Burn the demons in agony.
Anton felt their dark essence dissipating,slowly....slowly....nothing remained of them....they joined the Eternal sands with their cinders.
There were alway some demonic apprentices that wanted to learn what Anton was doing...but they were refused,receiving Arcane blasts.
Now Anton was drawing the Supplement; Another seal as big as the fifth circle of the Main seal,and another seal as big as the third circle of the Main Seal.
It took an eternity for Anton to make them: He looked at his job: he obtained three circles,spinning in the air,awaiting to be used.
He touched the biggest,the Main seal,as it turned in a bright yellow colour,followed by the two.
He soon changed in a grin,as ten demons were chargin against him.
He looked at Dante....he was already in the Frenzy of war....too far...
Anton sighed: He had to eliminate them.
He now possess a really some drops of light Element.
"In battle!" Luckly he possessed an armour and an halberd.
Hecharged,tipping his Halberd with Arcane forces,breaking the bones of these Rampaging creatures.
Anton hit the first three,aiming at their legs.
The demons fell,with a loud scream of came the next four challenger.
Probably their leader,was the one to meet Sorrow....with a perfect hit he impaled the demons who were standing in the center.
It screamed as Anton lifted him and dropped him,with force,on the sands.
It started to turn to dust.
However his companion didn't exitated: The axe of a demon scarred the blue armor of the Lorekeeper as he was busy by parrying a sword.
When he pushed away the demon with the sword,Anton managed to provoke a huge scar on the demon's chest.
It wasn't deep....when the demon gained the control of his fear he lounged at Anton to meet the bitter taste of Avenger.
The demon was struck on the scar as Anton looked at it,with ferocious eyes.
He threw the corspe to his fellow swordman.
Thus fell for the huge weight of his companion.
The fourth demon was wielding a spear.
Anton and this had a skirmish,recognizing the talent of the demon.
He had to utilize some spells to disable the demon...he decided that this demon was worth enough for a quick dead.Anton swinged his halberd decapitating the chained demon.
Now the swordman....Anton took away his head using the staff ot the halberd.
The other three demons looked with a certain horror the merciless rampage of Avenger.
The Halberd's blade was bloodied,as Anton walked slowly against the remaining demons.
"Enough....what a waste of something more....greater" Anton said as the demons were proceeding backward.
He threw his halberd hitting a demon in a leg.
His companion saw no better chances to strike Anton.
They had to think twice anyway...Anton summoned a glass sword,made of arcane magic.
Inside this sword energy dwells waiting to be released.
As the first demon executed his move Anton moved aside and hitted the back of the demon with this magic sword.
Anton saw this sword break in shards,and the force inside it entering in the demon,destroying it's interiors and imploding the demon.
Horrified by the scene the demon ran away.
Before he could he saw Anton's Halberd return to the owner at an incredible speed,piercing the demon.
He fell,with a small hole on his breast.....the Halberd struck at the heart of the demon.
Anton ended the life of the last demon....saving him tormentous hours.
Anton ran searching for Dante. He saw him in the frew of battle.
Fearing that the Duelist couldn't hear him he screamed
"Dante I'm trying something new,and I don't want you to be vaporized by my experiment...Move aside!"
Meanwhile Anton triggered the Circles,that consumed all his remaining light-energies.
Anton's armor was damaged and his halberd's thirst of blood could be satied.
The "Judgement" ray was coming....


It was a normal morning for Az'Gahrdhren'Vor....He heard the plans of the Councils.....the first portal has been opened.
As ordered he will proceed in the first attempt of invasion.
He sharpened and tested his weapons,and healed his Netherstone this day he is going to change the course of story....He is going to join the Crusaders and this day he will demonstrate it to all,Crusaders and Demons....he is going to betray his kind,the Sin's voice and probably the intentions of his father.
He walked,when the third sun was retrating behin a mountain....he saw the Crimson portal that leads to the Human world.
In the past days he passed his time studying the Humans,to find a way to communicate with the Crusaders.
He learnt the basics of the Great language: the english.
Unlike his brothers demons he walked calmly to the portal,instead of rushing inside like a possessed.
He was the only Phase Walker in the expedition.
As he reached the portal he stepped inside,seeing that only a men was punishing the hordes of demons.
He entered in the vast,yellow desert.
It was hot....the first thing he heard were the exclamations,more insults,of the Crusader.
He waited at the portal looking at the Hordes pouring in the Deserts.
He heard that groups of scout went further north and never returned.
A "Master grade" demon decided to lead the plotoon.Az'Gahrdhren'Vor followed that vain Master Grade Demon...
His group was made by recruits,went in battle a few times.
The scarce intelligence of their Master grade Demon led them to counterless dangers....this last was also unskilled with any fights forms...
They made it various times thanks to their Polearm wielder.
It was obvious....Az'Ghardhren'Vor watched the team beign slaughtered by what seemed to be a mage.
Atleast the group was clever enough to don't pass the flames spread by an ancient creature,called dragon.
The mage looked at Az'Ghardhren'Vor,wondering....
The Phase walker was in another place,similiar to Earth,but in different colors....Not in the earth...
The mage then looked ahead proceeding to the second Crusader.
He went back from the portal and returned to the Human's realm,seeing the mage amplify his voice with his hands.
Then here he felt a wave of pure energy traveling at an impressive speed....he moved aside,awaiting for the ray.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zypher Kreios Character Portrait: Emilie Vega Character Portrait: Hayze Gorgan Character Portrait: Dante Edmond D'Canith Character Portrait: Lance Volkrag Issaiah Character Portrait: Guy Gorgon
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- Az'Ghardhren'Vor -

As the Pure energy started to decimate the demons,nearly entering in the portal the Phase walker appeared on the trajectory of the ray,raising his blade.
Beign made partially by light The Inexesting blade managed to,first parry the ray and then push it on the left.
In the meantime the demons were looking at the Phase walker,suprised.
The demons,in their home closed to portal in fear...
Again Az'Ghardhren'Vor saved his brothers by creating a distorsion in space.
Then he disappeared doing the best thing an assassin could: stalk the interested person.
He followed them in the a great building.
Currently he was in the Aethersphere of the Earth realm,seeing the Church as a blue colossus,emanating an aura made entirely of light and energy.
To avoid exposures against too much light he sheltered himself with a dark barrier....the first thing he wanted was to be noticed.
He entered following the mage.
He heard all the dialogue about the Demonic pact of the Humans.
"We are generated by them....sins...."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zypher Kreios Character Portrait: Hayze Gorgan Character Portrait: Dante Edmond D'Canith Character Portrait: Lance Volkrag Issaiah Character Portrait: Guy Gorgon Character Portrait: Anton Wardenveld
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The demon didn't Said anything: he actually allowed to the Paladin King to drag him around the castle.

"How did you in here? This place is filled with barriera of lights!Even if I Was Sorry for you father you cannot enter in this church!"

As two blades were pointing at his neck he left out a grin: the first sound he produced in that day.
"You...are hopeless...there's no Way to defeat this Invasion!"
His Voice was deep with a demonic tone,amplified by his mask...meanwhile the tentacles of the Netherstone amor was Entaglaging the dagger.
Az'Ghardhrend'Vor,meanwhile had his fingers on the Crusader's sword.
"Why am I here to break the laws of my fa there's Crusader...I'm here to join you Order"
Az'Ghardhrend'Vor had his right hand on the sword of the Crusader.He Was moving it away,with a force that he neverwinter knew to on.
"Alway if you allow to,Grand Crusader...Even if you killed my Ahz' teacher..."
After he Said his words he moved backward.
"Think about it...if we Will be victorious am going to convert my self in your believes.Careless of the Price."
Then he looked at the Knight and the Berserker.
Before to completely disappear he ordered to his Netherstone armor to leave the dagger.
After that he threw,on the feet of the assassin,somewhat like a red dagger.
Then he left the chamber without making any sounds.

Anton Wardenveld.

After the words of the Paladin King Anton started to Think.
"How to detect demonologists....hmmmm..."
Meanwhile he felt a disguisting quantitΓ  of darkness behind him.
"Our strange demon friend...he is...without dark intensions...good for him.

As the Dragoon landed and introduced him self Anton didn't exitate:
"My pleasure Dragoon! Am Anton Wardenveld,lorekeeper of the group,known as the "Illuminated" due to my researches...
So you own a dragon! One day or another we should sit and have a tea...We could share our knowledge about the skies and the Ancient ones...what a villan...i forgot to Thank you about your supports."
He said,while Lance Was charging at the demon.
Anton Was impassibile,till that when the demon passed he lifted his shoulders and whispered.
"He's Alway like this...for your luck your Captured wasn't Dante".
He pointed to the duelist.
After the meeting he went to the Cathedral of Purifications to help the Apprentices with the in spells.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anton Wardenveld Character Portrait: Az'Ghardhren'Vor
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It was a clear morning: the sun was in the beginning of his cycle when the Phase walker was looking,from an oak,the Crusader's town.
He could see the vaults of the churches,roofs of tall palaces and also the towers guarding the camps.
In the East he saw a particular building,where size were comparable to the Church of Arch Angel.It was the D'Canith Manor.
He was thinking....was it a good idea leaving his fellow demons? Will he be the only demon that saw the real face of the crowns?
His breaths were deep,as he was looking toward the Archivies.
He was awaiting for Lance....the answer.

As hours passed he started to wonder if they refused his company.
He was testing his blade as a man dressed in white took the hood out.
It was the mage...Anton Wardenveld.
"Mage....what is your duty here?"
The Demon asked looking at the blue eyes of the mage.
After he answered they started a chain of discussion about demons habits: Anton's thirst for knowledge can't be quenched easily.
While Az'Ghardhrend'Vor was talking just to become friendlier,to his future allies.

Anton Wardenveld

Anton passed a frenetic morning.
He,alone,wouldn't survive if not for the wind elements that was aiding him at writing,in an unhuman way but still comprehensible.
Anton was the Lorekeeper and as Lorekeeper he had to ensure that the demon slain should enter in the Holy Archivies.
He woke up before the first light,with a candle he wrote like a possessed,wearing his eyeglasses.
After that he continues studying the proprieties of the Light,discovering that it can be shaped and maintained with a thin armor that the light creates if it lasts more than three seconds.
He started to practice such discovery when the Demon of yesterday appeared....A Phase was saying to himself while wearing his white tunic.He decided to go weaponless and bring something to the demon.
Tracking the demon wasn't so hard...the hard part was to discover what does the demons eats...he put in the basket everything: water,milk,bread,some weeds and meat.
Then he followed an invisible black link that led him out of the camp,on a hill.He found the Phase Walker under an oak.
He took off his hood

"Mage....what is your duty here?"

"Hmmmm....noone...."He answered moving his shoulders.
He gave to the demon the basket and they began to talk about Demonic politics and habits.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anton Wardenveld Character Portrait: Az'Ghardhren'Vor
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Volkrag went out, and saw two men. One was Anton, and one was Az'Ghardhren'Vor. Somehow, Volkrag had the feeling that Anton couldn't see Az'Ghardhren'Vor. Although, the armor was getting corrupted once more, making Volkrag unable to move. The corruption caught his legs, and soon, his whole body. He was the Corrupted Paladin once more. The first one he attacked was Anton. But, he got to stop his hand from stabbing Anton, and got up. Soon, Volkrag went to the deepest parts of the Corrupted Paladin's soul. He fought the Paladin, and won. But, Volkrag was left a Corrupted Paladin, but now he could control himself. He put down his sword, and stood like a statue in front of Anton.