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The Angel Disease

The Angel Disease


1x1 Between SleepingInTheGardens and Simple_Imperfections

13,262 readers have visited The Angel Disease since Simple_Imperfections created it.


*Don't bother this RP unless you are SleepingInTheGarden or Simple_Imperfections


Humans were never alone. Among them lived those who were to keep order and balance. The humans believed that they were creatures of the night. Vampires. Werewolves. Witches. But these weren't creatures that ventured under the moon. They didn't fight to live for they were immortal. Around for centuries living off human auras alone. They were called the Council. Gods that chose to live among the humans. To learn how to live like them. To be able to control them easier. These Gods were like the humans, but they couldn't feel. Emotions were a human creation that the Gods couldn't acquire.

As time went on the Gods were growing weak. The humans were creating idols and forgetting who put them on this earth. The prayers stopped and so the Gods started to create small disasters for prayers. All the things they have done have been documented since Noahs Arc. Plagues, Natural Disasters, and much more. Prayers were flying in, but recently humans stopped praying again. The Council didn't know what to do so they decided to create a deadly disease. This disease was called The Angels Disease. It is said that only the angels could save the people. Only the Gods had these cures.

But little did the people know, only select people were getting the The Angels Disease. People the Gods thought were worthy to be specially recognized by the heavens. Humans that were taken to a secret facility to be cured where changed into humans. The angels were there at the Gods disposal, but the leader was tired of being used. So she leads the Angel Rebellion. And the story only gets better from there.



There isn't any information documented about the Angels Disease. The humans don't know how it started, how its spreading, who can get it, and how to treat it. It seems to vary from person to person. The only people that know how to fix it is The Council. The sick are sent to The Island of Eden. A special facility to cure this disease. Only the council run the facility. There are Three Stages.

The first stage has symptoms that aren't noticeable. Fatigue, Loss of Appetite, and irritated dry skin. Nothing that some extra sleep, dieting pills, and lotion can seem to fix. That is what most people think. But that means the disease has no entered the body and is testing the waters. Second stage are flu like symptoms. Coughing, sneezing, high fever, chills, and night sweats. The disease has mutated and is attacking the immune system. People try and treat this with basic flu remedies. The third stage causes blindness first and then hearing loss. It takes so long to realize what is going on that by the time they figure out The Angel Disease got to them, they are blind and deaf.

Two Cures. Cure one is turning into an Angel and being the The Council's disposal. This only works during the first or second stage. Their angel healing abilities will take over and it will be as if they were never sick. The Council Blessing is the second cure that doesn't require becoming an angel. The Council gather around discussing the human's worth. And if they all agree the council will cure them and send them home. It has only happened twice in the decades of starting the disease.


Casteel Ambrose|| Second In Line || FC: Chris Pine || Taken by SleepingInTheGarden

Cordelia || Angel In Charge || FC: Emmy Rossum || Taken by Simple_Imperfections

Aiden Lancing || Older Brother || FC: Ian Harding || Taken by SleepingInTheGarden

Abigail Lancing || Little Sister || FC: Lucy Hale || Taken by Simple_Imperfections

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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Cordelia sat on the floor staring at the small bottle before her. This was it. Once she poisoned the God there would be no going back. It would take a giant step up to her rebellion. The other angels thought this was too much, but if the Gods started to feel some emotion that means guilt will filter in. Eventually this will lead to the end of the Angel Disease and the capture of innocent human beings. Cordelia especially didn't ask for this. When she first got her wings she tried to rip them off, but it caused to much pain. Now she was stuck with them. The angel ran her fingers through her brown hair and sighed. Her dark grey wings flutters a little, causing the bottle to tip over. The bottle rolled closer to Cordelia as it laid on its side. This was a sign. Grabbing the bottle, she stood up and saw her second in command staring at her. "What?" Her eyes searched him, but she didn't find anything out of the ordinary. "Still a chance to back out." She glared, her light brown eyes piercing into his soul. "Never" Without another word, she pushed past him and into the hallway.

The Council was at their meeting meaning that Cas' office would be open. She had a few minutes to get down their, mix the poison in his drink, and get out of their. Their meetings never lasted long considering there wasn't really anything to discuss. Using her new enhanced speed she took off trying to find the second more powerful God's room. Cordelia almost ran right by it, but she slowed down enough to hold the door. Walking inside she saw a drink that he seemed to have taken a sip from. A sip was really all she need for this to work. Moving over to the cup she poured the colorless and tasteless substance into the drink. Using the straw, she stirred the drink. Cordelia stepped back slowly to make sure that nothing was out of place. Once that check was done she ran out of the office. Luckily as a high class angel she was allowed to leave Eden whenever she felt like it. This was one of those times were leaving the Island of Eden was best. Cordelina flapped her wings and fled back to the mainland of Earth. She landed safely behind some abandoned building and joined the humans on their afternoon strolls.


Abigail was so done with her college homework. There was so much going on and it seemed like she had almost no time to do it. Her eyes flashed over to the coffee cup that was half empty. She didn't even really want it, it was just to keep from falling asleep on her history assignment. A frustrated groan escaped her lips and she roughly ran both hands through her hair. Maybe if she had eaten breakfast she wouldn't be so cranky. But she wasn't hungry. And since she wasn't hungry there was no need to eat anything. Picking up the coffee cup she sipped it slowly, trying to ease her nerves. But it wasn't working. She had class in about two hours and she was barely putting a dent in the work. "Why do I torture myself so?" she muttered before standing up. There was no point of forcing it. Her work was going to still be bad. Finishing the coffee, she walked into the kitchen and washed it. Her eyes gazed up at the clock. There was still time to do other things. If the studio was still open she could dance. That usually made her feel better.

It was decided. Abigail ran down the hall to her room and changed into dance clothes. Standing before the mirror, she adjusted her hair under the hat. Hip Hop was her favorite style of dance so that is what she would be doing. She stuffed her dance bag with water, a small towel, her wallet, and her bluetooth speaker. "Dan! I'm going to the studio. Don't wait up!" she planned to go to class right after wards. Just the way she was. Not like the class cared. She grabbed her backpack, after stuffing the contents inside, and walked out of the house. The dance studio was only a two miles walk and she liked the exercise. Plugging in her headphones she started listening to music. It was just something to have in the background. She was still very aware of everything going on around her.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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Noise. That’s all Casteel could hear as he sat in his usual seat, for the monthly meeting. He saw no point in holding a meeting. The decision would always be the same. Continue with the spreading of the angel disease, capturing the stupid humans and transforming them into equally stupid winged creatures. There was no need for these so called angels, just as there was no need to capture weak and useless humans. He was convinced that they could manage things without having to go through such lengths. His father, head of the council, however, thought otherwise. So set in his own ideals, he couldn’t step back for two seconds to listen to anyone else’s. Yet another reason why these meetings were pointless. After all was said and done, his word would always be Final. Heaven forbid it otherwise. Well Casteel had heard enough. With a slight sigh he straightened his collar and got to his feet. “Are we done here?”. The looks he received from the rest of the council would have sent anyone running but Casteel could care less. Correction, he simply couldn’t care even if he wanted to, which wasn’t the case. “Casteel, I was in the middle of a sentence, now sit down”. The look on the man’s face amused him. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say it was anger. “I apologize for my horrid manners gentlemen but I have other matters to attend. I’ll leave you to hang on my Father’s every word”. With that he turned on his heels and walked out the large wooden doors towards his office, ignoring the sea of whispers that erupted behind him.

Once there he walked to his window and peered out, wondering what the foolish humans were up to at this time of day. Maybe he’d go find out. He walked over to a small hidden closet within his office and pulled out his human attire. After changing into his casual dark blue jeans and leather jacket, he grabbed his nearly full cup of tea and headed out. Less than five minutes later he was there. He could have been there faster, but his body and mind seemed to be out of sync at the moment. He tossed the empty cup of tea in the trash and headed down the semi-crowded streets.


“Ah great!” Aidan peered into the can of paint, scrapping for the very last drop, but it still wouldn’t be enough. How had he used up so much paint? He set the brush down and wiped his hands. Looks like it was time for a shopping trip. Looking around he realized he had made a mess of the room again. Utensils scattered everywhere and paint splattered in every direction. He made a mental note to choose more relaxed music next time he painted. Abby won’t be happy. Speaking of Abby, he heard her voice as he headed towards the door, but didn’t quite catch what she said. He reached over and turned off the stereo. “What??” he peaked his head out just as she disappeared through the front door. “Okay then bye!” he called out even though he was sure she couldn’t hear him. He quickly slid across the wooden hallway floor and into his room. After deciding to stay in his jeans and black long sleeve shirt, he pulled on his shoes and a beanie, grabbed his keys and waltzed out the door. It was a nice day out, and the supply store wasn’t too far. Maybe a nice walk would do him some good. After nearly forgetting to lock the apartment door, he ran back up the steps, reached in for is phone and ran back out, making sure to lock up this time. He plugged his phone into his ear buds and his ear buds into his ears then set off on a quest for durable and hopefully not so expensive art supplies. Not a bad day to spend a day off.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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Cordelia ran her fingers through her brown hair, trying so hard to keep her wings from bursting out of her back. They never liked being caged up. And she would rather have them flutter free. But she had the chance to interact with normal human beings and it was nice. They kept her human. The last thing she needs is turn into one of the emotionless creatures that keep her on Eden. Her stomach growled and she walked up the stairs to her apartment complex. It was on the top floor and it came with a loft. It was cozy, comfortable, and quiet. It was somewhere to go and relax. Away from the rebellion, needy angels, and bossy gods. Pulling the key out of her pant pocket, she unlocked the door and slipped inside. The moment the door closed her wings unfurled and flapped a little. A sigh escaped her. "That feels nice." Going over to her fridge she opened it and pulled out an apple. She looked around for something for coffee, but there wasn't anything. Which means she was headed to the local coffee shop for some good caffeine.

Her dark grey wings flapped a few times and she took a bite of her apple. Opening the door once again, her wings hid away into her back. Not the most comfortable thing. She was kind of hoping to hide indoors with her wings out. Her second in command would call her when the plan was working. Locking the door, she skipped down the steps again with apple in hand. Cordelia has a habit of being deep in thought while multitasking. It was rather dangerous when she was on the mainland. People didn't move out of the way fast enough when she was walking. And today her victim was a rather cute male. He looked around her age. When she crashed into him her apple fell to the ground. Now she would have to by snack when she got to the coffee shop. "I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" she asked, her eyes taking in his features. If she hadn't just hurt him, she would have tried to flirt with him.


Abby couldn't wait to get to the dance studio. She was in the mood to dance and not think about her history homework. She would end up doing it before class anyway. And then she would go home and read her textbook like mad. She was a nerd that way. As the songs continued to play through her headphones she started to dance a little. Now she was usually shy around a bunch of strangers, but when she was dancing it was like no one else was around. It was a wonder why she didn't become a dancing major. But she would rather just teach kids for a living. At first her dance moves started out basic and unnoticeable. She would just shift a shoulder here and kick a foot out there. But the beat dropped and her moves were more prominent. It was like she was in a high school musical movie. This was big dance number. People were watching her with either awe or with annoyance. She was getting in the way and disregarding the fact that other people needed to use the sidewalk.

Then all of a sudden her text tone went off and it threw her off her groove. Her two feet collided and she tumbled to the ground. Everyone walked around her as she reached for her ankle. It wasn't in absolute pain, but it was aching. Pulling out the headphones she started rotating her feet. Abby still had little ways to go before making it to the dance studio.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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The human world was always so… eclectic. The human species fascinated Casteel, though he thought they were weak and primitive, he found them to also be very interesting. As he strolled through the sidewalks and busy streets, he found himself almost curious about their way of living. He came to visit them often, but never stayed long. He had no reason, nor did he have a place there. All of his belongings, his apartment, his so called “friends and family” were safely tucked away on Eden Island, far away from the horrors of humanity. Still, he often killed time by watching them interact with one another, and though he wasn’t the type to meddle with such a race, he did give his input from time to time. Otherwise, he kept to himself. He wasn’t being shy, just hidden. Anytime Casteel spoke, his way of doing so tended to attract attention, something his father constantly reminded him not to do. Still, under certain circumstances he just couldn’t help but to intervene. Today was one of them.

Casteel watched from a few feet away as a young and innocent looking female human danced her way down the sidewalk and collided with it not long after. He had to admit, she was talented… and very pretty. Maybe he’d have a little fun tonight. As she brought her hands to her ankle he knew it was time for him to come in. Within seconds he was in front of her, hand outstretched downwards and a faint smile on his face. “That looked rather painful, can you stand?”

As the sound flowed from his phone to his ears, Aidan attempted to make a mental note of everything he’d need from the supply store. He figured he might as well buy it all now. He knew he needed more paint and tape for sure, but paint was so expensive now a days. Perhaps he’d just make his own. Throw in some new brushes, a canvas or two, and suddenly something, someone, broke his concentration and almost quite literally broke his face. He pulled out the ear buds as his eyes spotted the attacker. She was attractive to say the least. He looked at her slightly wide eyed as she asked if he was okay, then he reached down and picked up the apple. “I’m alright, but your snack doesn’t look so well” he joked with a slight smile as he twirled the bashed apple in his fingers. He then reached over and tossed it in the trash. “I’ll pay you back for a new one, with interest”. It wasn’t entirely her fault after all, he was a bit too caught up in his mental shopping list. He gave her a quick glance after realizing that not only was she attractive, but she seemed too attractive. Not that it was a bad thing, but that usually came with a catch. Aidan was too invested in his sister’s well-being to be caught up in a catch, even if that catch was unbelievably beautiful. “Oh! Where are my manners?” he said, lightly tapping his temple. “Are you alright?”

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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Cordelia really wanted another apple and the guy before her seemed to be okay. Okay enough to offer her another one. She couldn't tell if he was flirting or just being a good person. The angel was still trying to get over how attractive he was. Adjusting her outfit and feeling a buzz in her back pocket she snapped out of it and actually heard him speak to her. His voice was just as attractive as he was. "Oh I'm fine. Just hungry." she said referring to the demolished apple. After a moment of silence and smiling between the two she rocked on her heels. "Well if your offer to pay me back is on the table. I was on my way to the cafe. You can by me a danish. And for the interest I need coffee." she said. He didn't have to pay her back, but it was an attempt to start up some kind of conversation. And she wasn't going to eat alone if she didn't have too. The guy was offering. Her phone buzzed again. Second in command was really trying to get in contact with her, but there was an attractive guy taking her attention. "No no. Take your time and think about it. I need to check my phone." she said pulling out her phone. Reading both messages she was trying to figure out if this was good or bad news. The God was on the mainland, but it didn't mean that he was after her. It could have just been coincidence. Finally she put her phone away and looked at the guy. Guy? Oh she didn't know his name. She would ask once he bought her coffee.


The aching was slowly disappearing as she continued to roll her ankle. If she twisted her ankle she doesn't know what she would do. Dancing was her life. She would have died on the spot if she hurt it. Just then she heard a deep voice in front of her and she looked up. The first thing she noticed was his piercing blue eyes. They were enchanting. Then it was his smile. The man was extremely attractive and he had to have known that. Abby was drinking in his features not realizing how weird she was being. She had yet to answer the man's question. But for a moment she forgot what he has asked her. It had to do with her ankle, that she knew. "I-I-I..." Red immediately colored her cheeks and she looked down. Way to stutter Abby.. she scolded to herself. Now the cute guy would think she was awkward and leaved her alone forever. But she didn't want to him to leave her forever. Start speaking some English she reprimanded.

Looking back up at him it took everything she had not to start staring at him like some kind of precious jewel. "Y-yes. I-I can walk." To prove her point, the brunette stood up and rested some weight on her ankle. No pain. She was alright. That was more reassurance for Abigail than it was for the man who seemed to care about her well being. Nothing was broken. Fractured. Sprained. She was good to dance. There was some silence between them and she rocked on her heels waiting for him to nod and walk away. Since the only reason he came over to her was because she fell.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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Casteel watched as the female gazed up at him in awe, or whatever it was, Casteel could never tell. If there was one thing he could never understand, it was human emotions. Nor did he want to understand. Pesky things, those emotions, he saw no use for them. Aside from that, he was used to those type of reactions from men and women alike, so he disregarded it all together. He watched as she attempted to speak and failed and couldn't help but to smile at how pure and innocent she seemed, not what he normally expected from a human. This would certaininly be fun. He studied her features as she assured him she was okay and got to her feet. She seemed uneasy for some reason. Maybe this is what they call, nervous? How ridiculous, and still….the tiniest bit charming. Something made him want to continue talking to her. Casteel remained silent for a few seconds after she spoke, his mind turning the thought over several times. Something was definitely off today. Perhaps he truly did need to have a little fun, and that's just what he'd do. It was biw decided. He had found his victim, now it was time to put her to use. "How much further are you walking? I'll escort you" he offered, flashing his usual captivating smile.

"Well if your offer to pay me back is on the table. I was on my way to the cafe. You can buy me a danish. And for the interest I need coffee." Aidan chuckled slightly as she said this, but quickly caught himself. No, this couldn't happen. He had one purpose and one purpose only and that was to look after Abby. He had promised himself to not get distracted like he had in the past, and tended to do so very often. He had to leave now, like right that secind…but this girl was so enchanting. Something about her….he really wanted to paint a picture of her all of a sudden. No, Aidan, focus! . He opened his mouth to explain to her how he was on his way to a store in search of very important supplies, but she spoke first, telling him to take his time and think about it. That's all he needed to hear. It was official, he wanted to get distracted. not only that but, just being around her inspired him. He thought it over for a few seconds and came to the conclusion that this woman, whom he knew nothing about, was his muse. As she put her phone back in her pocket he smiled once again and nodded. "Alright then, after you miss….?" He trailed off, realizing he never even asked her name. Must have been too busy admiring his new source of inspiration.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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Cordelia was happy that he agreed to buy her food. She could admire his beauty a bite more when she is sitting across from him at the cafe table. Cordelia shouldn't find him attractive. Not because she doesn't have emotions, but because she shouldn't be friendly with people on the mainland. They were all meant to become like her and used by the Council. Her thoughts were interrupted when he realized that he didn't know her name as she didn't know his. Once she told him her name they would officially be acquainted. She was crossing into dangerous territory."Cordelia." she said, finishing his sentence. The angel linked arms with him, in a friendly manner, and headed towards the cafe. "And you are?" she asked seeing the cafe a little ways ahead.


He wasn't leaving. Abigail was sure that he was going to say okay and move on with his life. Instead, he stood up straight and offered to escort her to the studio. The brunette has never had an escort before. Not that many people would want to escort her. But this man was beautiful and he was picking Abby to walk with. Maybe this was pity for the fact that she fell down in public, completely embarrassing herself in front of everyone. Now she didn't want him to walk with her. Abby didn't need a pity party. But on the other had his smile was saying something different. No no. Boys are a distraction. A horrible, beautiful, handsome, distraction. She tried to tell herself, but it didn't seem to work. Abigail was staring again. Her cheeks were redder and she looked down at the ground. "J-just another half a mile. B-but I can manage." Abigal started to walk backwards away from the handsome man. School was her number one priority right now. Next was her brother. Those two things were life and she couldn't let him get to her. Even though she really wanted to walk with him.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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”J-just another half a mile. B-but I can manage”. Casteel watched her for a few seconds as she slowly began to walk away from him. He could have let her go, he should have, but he didn’t. Why didn’t he? Instead he quickly reached out and took her hand pulling her towards him and away from the crack in the sidewalk that she was seconds away from tripping over. Normally he would have just warned her and possibly let her fall, pick herself back up and continue on her way. He wasn’t rude, he just didn’t care, nor could he care. However, this time his instincts took over, forcing him to save her from further embarrassment, according to what the humans call it. Why?... he had no answer to that, no answer what’s so ever. Not a single excuse to tell himself. So he simply went along with it. Maybe he’d figure it out by spending a bit more time with her. At the very least until the next morning. He almost smiled to himself at this thought. He truly wasn’t all that different today, just a bit distracted perhaps. His motive was the same as ever. After steadying her a little closer than necessary, he looked down at the small and captivating female. “Are you positive that you can manage? That was quite close.” He said with an amused grin, referring to her almost fall from a few seconds ago, which he guessed she as oblivious to.

Cordelia. The name seemed to fit her like a glove. He smiled the faintest bit as she walked up beside him and linked arms with him, and he quickly fell into step with her. "Aidan. At least as far as I know” he joked. He looked ahead and saw the café just down the road. It was close… too close. Maybe if he walked slower he could make the time last longer. But he quickly dismissed the thought and focused back on the woman beside him. Her brown hair seemed to fall over her shoulders perfectly, and she carried herself gracefully. He was captivated, and for the first time ever, he could only pay attention to one thing; her. He studied her features. They might be a bit hard to capture on paper, but that wouldn’t keep him from trying. Maybe he’d do it at the café, while they’re sitting face to face. He knows he should hurry before the supply store closes for lunch, but that was the least of his worries at the moment. “So miss Cordelia, do you have a habit of meeting people this way or…?”

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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Aidan. His name is Aiden. It rang in her head a few times over. The name was really perfect for him. The name was liked picked for him by the heavens. The brunette smiled at his name. She would have said aloud, but there was no reason too. Maybe later she could go around skipping and singing his name. But not now. Now she was off to get coffee. Aidan didn't seem to protest when she linked arms with him and that made her happy. She liked him already. He seems to just go with the flow. Live in the moment. Because she kind of interrupted whatever he was planning to do that day and yet he agreed to go with her to the cafe for some food. Cordelia could get used to a guy like this. The angel giggled at his question. "No actually. I usually don't meet people on the street." she said. It was true. Meeting and befriending those on the mainland wasn't safe so she didn't do it. Finally getting up to the front doors, she opened the door allowing them both to enter. "I hope you like coffee just as much as I do." she said, breathing in the coffee grinds. This was a fantastic morning.


Abigail felt her heel hit a crack and she almost fell, but the man that had yet to leave grabbed her. Pulling her close she let out a yelp. He must have noticed that she was about to fall again. And again. Abby was about to embarrass herself. She couldn't believe this. He was still with her. But it seemed that she couldn't handle the walk. And he wasn't going to leave until she allowed him to walk with her. His smile was captivating and his eyes mesmerizing. He was speaking to her on a level that she couldn't explain. The blush still threatening her face, she nodded and pulled form his arms. "O-okay." The brunette ran her fingers through her hair and turned to walk towards her dance studio. Since she was walking with him they might as well get acquainted. "A-abigail. M-my name is Abigail." She needs to stop stuttering. It was embarrassing.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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They stepped into the café and the smell of freshly made espresso all but slapped Aidan across the face. As he basked in the amazing smell, Cordilia expressed her love of coffee and he just about froze in the moment. She was perfect. She had to be! She was gorgeous, charming, kind and loved the one thing Aidan couldn’t live without. Aside from his sister that is. He looked at her in awe as they walked up to the counter. “Like it? Some might say I’m a bit obsessed” he said with a content smile. He really was obsessed. Anyone that knew him would always tell him this. To say that he liked it would have been a massive understatement. In fact, most of the workers in any of the coffee shops around knew him by name and by how many espresso shots he liked in his drink. He normally went for three, but tossed in a few extra when he had a big art project to work on. He hoped she wouldn’t find this odd. If she loved coffee as much as he did, there was no need to look any longer. She had to be his muse. He wouldn’t settle for anyone else. He saw a familiar face heading towards them. One of the workers that was normally here whenever Aidan came to pick up his usual. He instinctively took a step back and motioned for Cordilia to go ahead. “Ladies first”.

Casteel watched as the girl’s cheeks switched back and forth between pink and red, and felt something strange creeping onto his face. A smile? A real one?. He hadn’t faked one, so it had to be real. Confusion immediately filled his thoughts. How could that be? Smiles normally implied happiness, or so he had studied. Happiness was a form of emotion, something he didn’t possess. That was out of the question. Perhaps he had faked it without realizing him. Having done so time and time again, it made sense that it now came naturally. At least, that’s the only logical explanation he could find. He paused for a brief moment and the unwelcomed expression disappeared from his face, only to be replaced by a faked one when the girl agreed to let him escort her to her destination. Things were going smoothly as usual. He nodded and fell into step with her. He listened carefully as she introduced herself as Abigail. “That’s a lovely name” he said, and he meant it. He wasn’t the type to lie about simple things like that. “Casteel. They call me Cas. It’s a pleasure to meet you miss Abigail.”. Though he had a human name for legal documents of sorts, he never did see the point in using it when out in the streets. He preferred his actual name given to him by his mother instead of the one assigned by his father.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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Did Cordelia just find her best friend? He loved coffee and she loved coffee. That was all they had in common at the moment, but she already liked him. Cute. Into coffee. Offered to pay for the coffee. The angel was going to keep this human by her side for as long as she could. Hopefully the council didn't give him the disease. That would change everything. Looking around people were chatting and laughing. It was a very upbeat environment with soft jazz like music in the background. Cordelia could live here if she wanted or was allowed. It's not that she was in love with jazz music, it was just soothing. She wouldn't really be able to hear it once she starts having a conversation with her new best friend. Aidan. She really liked the name Aidan. She has yet to meet a person by this name. That is probably why she liked it so much. Then he told her that she should order first. "Don't mind if I do." Walking up to the counter, the guy waiting there gave Cordelia his undivided attention. Another good thing about being ridiculously beautiful. People looked like they wanted to listen to you. "Extra large Caramel Latte with three shots of espresso." That was going to be a lot of caffeine. "Anything else?" He asked. "And a banana nut muffin if you have it." she said with a charming smile. He nodded as he punched in her order. Cordelia looked at Aidan before taking a step back. "You're turn."


Finally the blush on Abigail's face faded away. She thought that she would be red for the rest of the day. She didn't think she would be able to handle that. Running her hands through her hair she looked at him a little when he told her his name. Casteel. The name was very unique. Different. Something she hasn't heard ever. It was nice to hear something different. Abigail wasn't very different. It was special. Thousands of other girls had the name Abigail. But he thought the name was nice so that had to mean something. She didn't know what to say to Cas. Abigail didn't have much experience talking to guys. Considering not many talk to her. Usually they were just laughing at something she did. Biting her bottom lip she was trying to think of some kind of conversation before they got up to their dance studio. "S-so umm I haven't seen you around before. Are you new to town?" Everyone knows almost everyone here. The town wasn't really all that big. Her college was bigger than the town. And it was the only thing she could think of for a conversation.

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Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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Aidan watched as Cordilia put in her order. The guy at the counter wouldn't take his eyes off her. Of course it was to be expected…she was unbelievably beautiful. That didn't stop it from bothering him a little bit. Stop it you idiot . There was still the very probably possibility that she was already in a relationship, and he was in no position to be in one himself. He still decided that she would be his muse, he just wouldn't tell her yet. He smiled at her as she stepped back, giving him the chance to order. "Alright then, I'll have the same, but toss in a couple more shots of espresso". He instructed and the guy lifted an eyebrow. "So are you working on a big project? He questioned. Aidan simply cracked a smile and nodded. "You know me so well". The man laughed and punched in his order, then gave him the total for the two drinks and the muffin. After paying he was told they'd be ready in just a few minutes. He nodded and turned back to Cordilia. "Any preference on seating?".

Casteel watched the petite brunette as they made their way down the street. She was odd, in a good way that is. She appeared to be genuine, unlike most female humans he had met in the past. It was a refreshing change. But there was also something else, something he couldn't figure out. She'd been triggering odd reactions in him that he'd never experienced before. Could it be possible that she wasn't human after all? No, she was definitely human. He had no trouble sensing that. Regardless, his plan was still the same. He turned to look at her when she asked if he was new and he shrugged slightly in response. "Not exactly. I'm visiting". He said simply. No need to explain any further. With that he turned his head to look at her, eyes piercing into hers, making sure to capture her undevided attention. "I caught a glimpse of your moves earlier. You're quite the dancer"

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Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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Cordelia listened to his order and then the response of the cashier. Project? She would ask about that once they sat down. There was something else that she was supposed to ask as well, but she couldn't remember. It had to be important. Maybe. it didn't matter now. It wasn't coming back to her even if she wanted it to. She might have been an angel, but she was practically human as well. If that made any sense. Not that it needed to make sense to anyone else, but her. No one else was in her head. That she knew of anyway. It wouldn't surprise her if the council managed to find a way into the angel's head. That would be dangerous for them and for her. "Any preference on seating?" Aidan pulled her out of her thoughts. It was her thoughts that got her to meet Aidan in the first place. Always deep in though about something. Focus. Answer the question Giving a quick look around, she saw a two seated table next to the window. She loved sitting near the window. It allowed her to watch and learn about the humans on the mainland. "Always need to sit near the window." Cordelia took his hand and brought him over to the table she was talking about. Once she settled in her seat, she watched Aidan. "What did the guy mean by project? What are you working on?" she asked rather curiously. It could be private, but that didn't really matter to her.


He wasn't new. And he was just visiting. Does that mean he was going to leave? Abigail didn't want him to leave. He was the best thing she had seen pretty much all day. Just looking at him made her forget where she and what she was doing. That might have been dangerous, but that didn't stop how she felt. Maybe she could convince him in some way to stay. Not that there was anything good about this town. Not worth staying here. The only reason Aidan and Abigail were here was because of the school. Easier to commute when you live near the school. Speaking of Aidan, hopefully he wasn't just coped up in his room. Her brother needed to get away from the easel sometimes. "I caught a glimpse of your moves earlier. You're quite the dancer" Casteel saw her dancing. Her chocolate brown eyes were easily lost in his blue ones. How could anyone have a decent conversation with a man so mesmerizing. "I-I..umm.." Abby sounded like an idiot. And then of course she crashed into another person because she wasn't paying attention to where she was going. "S-sorry!" she said to the man. He mumbled some profanities before walking away. Clearing her throat, she pushed some hair behind her ears. "Uh Thanks." He has watched her crash twice and almost fall once. Abby needed to get away before she walks into the middle of the street. Finally they arrived at the dance studio and she stood outside the door. "Th-this is me." She said, gesturing to the building.

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Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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Aidan followed her to a table near the window. That was always one of his favorite places to sit. He settled down across from her, still keeping an eye out for their order. What did the guy mean by project? What are you working on?" He smiled at her question. He absolutely loved art, and loved talking about it just as much so he was always glad when people asked abut it. "Art project" he stated, leaning back in his seat. "I always get an unhealthy amount of caffeine when I'm working on one" he admitted, feeling a little ashamed of his addiction. "I was actually on my way to the art supplies shop earlier, you know, when I kind of ruined your snack". He knew it wasn't entirely his fault. By the looks of it they were both pretty deep in thought when they crashed into each other. Maybe she would want to go with him to the shop. It wasn't the most exciting pass time, but anything that made it possible for them to spend a little more time together couldn't be too bad. Just being around her was exciting. He wouldn't lose anything by asking.

Casteel watched Abigail in amusement. It was bewildering how someone so clumsy could be good at dancing. so many things about this girl didn't make any sense, but he didn't entirely mind it, as they reached her destination, he saved her from crashing into unsuspecting pedestrians a few times then stopped as she did and turned to face her. "Dance studio, of course" he said with a slight nod of the head. As she looked up at him, all he could do was wonder. What was so different about this woman, and what was she doing to him? There was the possibility of it being a trap. The angels didn't exactly like the council, and they didn't care that Casteel didn't agree with their methods, because to be honest, he didn't care enough to try to stop them. But if that was the case... if Abigail was nothing more than a set up... then they'd have to try harder. He was the second most powerful god in the council. There was no possible way one single human girl would be able to take him down. "Well then it was a pleasure to meet you miss Abigail, and do be careful going up those steps" he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pen. Then, taking one of her hands, he turned it over and scribbled something on her wrist. "I'll be staying near by, if you have any spare time..." he trailed off, leaving her to finish the sentence in her mind. With a simple smile and nod he turned and headed off in the opposite direction they came from.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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Now that he was sitting across from her, she got a better look at his face. Absolutely flawless. And that was a lot coming from the angel. Now she was around breathtakingly beautiful people all the time, but she could stare at Aidan for hours. His brown hair seemed to settle right where it needed to be while also being messy. His eyes were bright and chocolate colored. Although his eye color was rather plain, it was full of wonder. She could practically see his soul from looking at them. And his smile forced a smile on her face. So full of life. Cordelia liked him. She was listening carefully to his project. And on top of that he was an artist. That explains his go with the flow nature. She could only imagine what his work looked like. "I was actually on my way to the art supplies shop earlier, you know, when I kind of ruined your snack" Cordelia felt bad. He was on his way somewhere and she just took him away from his plans. But she didn't let her guilt show on her face. Instead she came up with a wonderful idea. "Well since you are accompanying me for coffee. I will accompany you to the art supply store." she said as if it wasn't a big deal. It was a rather big deal. Hanging out with him was going to cause him problems and get her trouble. And yet she couldn't imagine the horrible reality she will faced with when she goes back to Eden. Out of the corner of her eye, the guy behind the counter placed their order on the table. "I think our stuff is ready." she said, gesturing to the drinks and muffins.


Abigail felt rather awkward standing there after having embarrassing herself multiple times in front of Cas. She found him rather attractive and she couldn't keep from stuttering. The brunette wants to just disappear, curl up, and die. At this point she couldn't even find a reason for him to stick around. The whole walk up here she looked like a fool. At the same time she was glad he didn't leave. But that she kept to herself. Casteel didn't seem shocked that they were at a dance studio. The reason they even met each other was because she was dancing and fell. There was some more silence between them and she was about to just walk into the building, but he grabbed her wrist. She had to suppress a giggle. Whatever he was writing on her was causing her to laugh. That is what she gets for being ticklish. "I'll be staying near by, if you have any spare time..." That was when the handsome man finally left Abigail alone. She watched him leave for a moment, confused by that statement. When she looked at her wrist her eyes widened. He fit both a phone number and an address on her tiny wrist. How was that was possible, was beyond Abigal. But she got a phone number. Before she could pass out from confusion and excitement, she dashed into the dance studio. She dropped her back pack into the corner and pulled her phone out. She remembered the message that caused her to fall. It was from her History professor. He was canceling practicing because his daughter was ill. That just gave her a ton of free time.

Her eyes gazed back down the number on her wrist and she bit her bottom lip. Using the tiny bit of courage she had left, she pulled out a phone to text the handsome stranger from earlier.

[To: Cas]
[From: 202-526-7851]
[msg: Hi Cas. It's Abby. The girl from earlier. Umm I just wanted to take you up on your offer about hanging out in my spare time. I should be done in the studio in about an hour in a half. If you want to do something. I mean you don't have too. It's just an option]

Before she could right anything else that would jeopardize any chance she had with Cas, she sent the message and dropped her phone on her bag. Walking over to the stereo she picked a song to practice too. The moment she words hit her she was lost in her dance moves.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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"Well since you are accompanying me for coffee. I will accompany you to the art supply store."
Aidan smiled. Its as if she had read his mind. "Well if you insist" he chimes, glancing over at the counter when she informs him their order is ready. He gets to his feet and walks over to pick it up then walks back and settles back down in the comfortable café chair. He takes his own cup as he places Cordilia's in front of her, along with the muffin. It looked delicious, and he loved anything sweet, but lately his stomach had been rejecting anything he it into it other than drinks. He had no appetite what's so ever, none of his usual sugar cravings, not even coffee cravings. He was just drinking out of habit now. He took a sip of his drink and set the cup down. "Delicious as always".


Casteel had barely walked a block or so when his phone buzzed excitedly in his pocket. He pulled it out and glanced at the number. It wasn't anyone known, but he opened it nonetheless. As he read through Abby's text, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up. Looks like she had fallen for him charm, hook line and sinker. He thought for a second, not sure how to go about it. Surely he'd figure something out that they could do to pass the time, at least until night fall came.

[To Abigail (human)]
[MSG: See you in an hour and a half]

With that he closed his phone and put it back in his inner jacket pocket. He continued walking past a small café. As he did, he thought he spotted a familiar face in the window. After looking again, he decided to go inside. He stepped to the doors quietly, glancing over in her direction. Why was Cordelia here? Flirting with a human nonetheless. His eyes locked on to hers for a mere second, sending her that gaze that told her he knew she was up to something, then continued to the counter as if they had never met before.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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Cordelia was really into Aiden. So far the nicest human she has met that wasn't begging for their lives back on Eden. Every human over there was nice because they were dying. But once they were an angel, there was no reason to be nice. She watches him go over to the counter for their stuff and return. The brunette muttered a thank you grabbing her cup. So warm. She sipped it and was already beyond satisfied. "Delicious as always" Cordelia set her cup down and picked up the muffin. "You're telling me." She said pulling off a piece of her muffin to eat. That was when the second most power being on Eden decided to waltz into the coffee store. They locked eyes for a moment and panic started to fill her system. What was he even doing off of Eden? Did he drink the poisoned tea? Was he coming to kill her? Cordelia really didn't want it to be the end of her life. She just met a really cool guy. Finally the angel and god broke eye contact and her attention was on Aidan. "Let's go to the art store. These cups are portable and I can sit down for a long time." she said, taking hold on her coffee and standing up. She didn't want to be here with the God present.


Half way through Post to Be by Omarion, she started to lose focus. Her mind was wandering to the handsome man that gave her his number and address. Every time she did a different move, she would see the messy handwriting. It was completely distracting the complicated moves she was trying out. Abigail had fallen three times and messed a move almost five times. She couldn't take it anymore. The klutzy brunette sat down in the middle of the dance floor not really sure what to do with herself. Her only resolve wasn't helping. Aidan was busy with his art project and she really didn't want to bother him. All her friends had class. She was having a minor girl crisis and there was no one to call. A frustrated groan left the dancers mouth and she pushed herself off the ground. Moving over to the stereo, she turned the music off and grabbed her dancer bag. She decided to use the studio showers. Water usually helped her think.

Her shower wasn't very long, but needed. Her thoughts were cleared up the perfect man she had come across earlier. She changed into her spare clothes. She repacked her dancers bag and checked her phone. Two messages. One from her friend Natalie and the other was from Mr Perfect. His message was sent about half an hour ago. She had an hour before she could message him again. Leaving the studio she walked down the street, putting in her headphones.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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Just as Aidan had settled back into his seat, Cordilia suggested they go to the art supply store. He studied her expression as she stood and he stood as well. "Alright, it's a second date" he smiled, noticing almost immediately that she seemed tense. Whatever the reason, it probably had something to do with her wanting to leave so suddenly. He didn't think to question it, however, and grabbed his cup of coffee then headed to the door. He pulled and geld it open for her. "I should warn you, shopping for art supplies isn't as interesting as it sounds* as she walked towards him, he did a quick take of the café. There was an odd feeling now, almost... dangerous. But his eyes failed to catch anything. All he could see was the quiet couple on the opposite corner from where they were sitting and the man at the counter putting in his order. He shrugged off the feeling and turned his attention back on Cordilia. Suddenly, a small bolt of electricity escaped from the door handle, into his hand and up his arm. "ow-!" he quickly let go f it and stared at his and in confusion.

As Casteel put in his order, he watched out of the corner of his eye as Cordilia stood, urging him to go elsewhere. He couldn't hear her voice, but he could read her lips with perfect clarity. This meant that his suspicions were true, she was up to something. Either that, or she had done something and was trying to hide it. He watched as they both stood and headed to the door. This human she was with, he didn't seem to notice him. Casteel decided he'd follow them to wherever they were going next and observe her every move. After all, he still had a half hour to kill before he could reunite with his innocent little human. He simple watched unnoticed as they walked out, but not with giving Cordilia a reminder of who she was up against.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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Cordelia smile, happy that he was fine with going to the art store while they enjoyed their coffee. The presence of the god was killing her. From where he was, she couldn't tell if the poison had gotten to him. The intense look on his face was still present. It could have been a failure and now he was after her. She really didn't want to stick around to find out. "It can be fun if you are okay with touching everything in the store." By that she means mess with things, take pictures, make jokes, etc. She tried to make her life fun. At least she tried to do that while on earth. They were headed out the door and then Aidan cried out a bit in pain. They were finally out the door of the cafe. Cordelia looked over him with a bit of concern. "Are you alright?" she asked as they made their way to the art supply store.


Abigail muttered the words to the song that was listening too through her headphones. She was dancing just a little, but not too much. She didn't want to fall and attract the attention of some other handsome man. She was aware of surroundings this time. Still walking down the street she was trying to figure out what to do with her life. Usually to kill time she would go get something to eat, but she honestly doesn't want to eat. Abigail hasn't eaten in a while, but she just doesn't feel the need to do so. But she started heading towards the corner store for something sweet to put in her mouth.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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Aidan nodded along with a slight smile as Cordelia spoke. He could listen to her for hours. However when the sudden shock caught him off guard, he continued to look down at his hand. where had that come from? It wasn't even winter, the heaters weren't on, it was bewildering for sure. When Cordilia asked if he was okay, he looked up with a slightly confused gaze. "Oh, yeah, yeah I'm great!" he said then glanced back in the direction of the café. "The door just... shocked me? It was a little odd" he took another sip of his coffee and immediately felt how it didn't settle well in his stomach. This was even more odd. His stomach never disagreed with him, especially when it came to coffee. His only relief was that the art store was just a block or so away. It was looking like he'd have to waste a perfectly good cup of coffee. "It's just up ahead" he assured her, and himself.


Castiel watched as the angel strolled out of the café with that human. It was beginning to look like someone needed to put her in her place. On the other hand, perhaps that same human would take care of it himself. That would save Castiel a lot of time and trouble. There was nothing he disliked more than having to keep the angels in line. He wasn't the type to keep tabs on others, mainly because he didn't like to be bothered to do so. His father however, put him in charge of his little experiments. He would much rather mess around with the humans, which in a way made him a hypocrite, which is why he decided to let Cordelia have her fun. She'd regret it sooner or later.
With his cup of coffee in hand he walked out of the café and down the street, in the direction of the meeting soot with his newly found human.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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Cordelia was way more concerned for Aidan than she should have been. All he did was shock his finger. But it wasn't the shock that made her uneasy. It was the fact he was shocked after the God walked in. That shock could mean anything, but she couldn't say anything. Aidan wouldn't believe her. For all he knows, static electricity was occurring. So instead of trying to rush him over to Eden, she smiled and followed him toward the art store. "As long as you are okay.", she added a smile at the end to make it seem like it was nothing more than some random occurrence. The farther away they got from the cafe the better she felt. Before she could forget, she pulled her phone out to quickly tell her second in command what happened. Just as she hit send, her new human friend spoke up. Cordelia pocketed her phone and nodded. "So what exactly do you need from the art store?" This was the angels attempt to make small talk. She wasn't very good at it. She was always speaking strategy and about other angels. It was nice to sound human, despite how much effort it took to do so. After a little while, they were walking into the art supply store. The bell that hung over the door, rang allowing the employees to know more customers have arrived.


Abigail made it to the corner store and pulled out her headphones. She silently walked up and down the aisles looking for something sweet. Like a honeybun or some donuts. Either of those sounded nice to the brunette. Finally she came to the hostess section of the corner store. She stood before the giant iced honeybuns and the small bag of white powdered donuts. Both were the same price. Both equally delicious. The brunette placed a hand over her eyes and started to muttered eenie minee moe. When she was done she opened her eyes to see her hand landed on the giant iced honeybun. "Good choice." She grabbed the snack and walked up the register. Waiting in line wasn't as long as it should have been. There were too many people in here for their to be a vacant line. Abigail smiled at the young man by the register. He scanned her honeybun and she pulled out five dollars. To exchange the cash, their fingers brushed each other shocking Abigail. "ow.." The confused brunette pulled her hand away from the equally confused registrar. He wasn't shocked. It was one sided. "Um. Keep the change." Abigail grabbed her honeybun and left the corner store. She started to eat it, but it didn't feel the same. In fact she was rather nauseated. The food was making her sick. Wasting a good five dollars, she trashed the sweet and kept walking. But she was still a tad nauseous.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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Aidan tried to dismiss the fact that Cordelia seemed overly concerned about his well being, as well as the fact that she was trying to hide it. He had always been good at reading people, sometimes so good it was almost scary, but perhaps she was just that type of person. Most people would have just replied with a simple "oh" and moved on. She seemed different, very kind and caring.
"So what exactly do you need from the art store?"
she asked a few seconds before they stepped into the shop. Aidan glanced around and made a small huff like noise. "More than what I can afford" he muttered and headed to where the brushes were organized by size. "Mainly paint, but I can just make that myself if I need to" he explained as he browsed through the smaller paint brushes. It was odd having someone here with him. He always made these trips alone on the count of he usually took longer than necessary to choose what he wants to buy. This time though, he wanted to take his time for a completely different reason. The longer he stayed here, the more time he could spend with Cordelia. He didn't really know what she was planning to do after this. She probably had plans of some sort. What beautiful woman like her wouldn't?

As he thoroughly examined the section, he took another sip of his coffee, only to regret it immediately. A sudden wave of nausea hit him like five tons of bricks. This was certainly strange. He made a disgusted gesture with his face and brought a hand to his stomach. He literally felt like he was going to throw up right then and there. That would be one hell of a first impression.


Castial casually made his way through the crowded city streets. Watching humans interact with one another had always amused him, as well as their idiocy. One of the few things he didn't understand. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, navigating to Abigail's first text, he read over it carefully to double check the place where they were supposed to meet. Outside the dance studio in an hour and a half is what she had specified. He exited out of the text and looked at the time. He still had about 15 minutes to go and the dance studio was only a 5 minute walk away. Regardless, he continued on his way there. He wasn't one to wait around for others, but this girl had captured his attention. Surely he could make this an exception. Within the five minutes he was waiting outside the studio. He leaned against the metal staircase railing, ignoring the stares he received from almost everyone that walked by, and pulled out his buzzing phone. He checked the caller ID once and immediately rejected the call. Unfortunately, that didn't stop his father from calling again. Will a sigh he pulled it up to his ear. "I'm busy". He didn't bother to explain with what and simply hung up again. Out of all the people he didn't want to deal with at the moment, his father was at the top of the list. Of course that could be said for every other day as well

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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Cordelia immediately scanned her surroundings as they walked around the art store. It was a habit when she was somewhere new. It wasn't safe unless the head angel deemed it safe. Luckily it was only humans inside and not the council. Her attention was brought back to Aidan as he answered her earlier question about what he needed. The first answer was vague the second one satisfied her curiosity. As he searched the shelves, Cordelia trailed behind him taking in all the things that were hear. She might have to take up art just to be able to come here more often. "How do you make paint? I mean besides in a factory. Unless you have a paint making factory in your house." she said, pulling some pretty vibrant obnoxious colors off the shelf. She wanted to know if they even gave names to colors that bright. Where a name should be, it was just a number. What would one do with these colors? Looking over to Aidan after thoroughly examining the paint, she decided to ask him something. "Could you make something with these?" she asked. The first color was something off of a neon pink that mated with a baby blue. And the second color was definitely a yucky yellow mixed with what should be purple. Again the colors weren't given names. Just numbers. "I would definitely love to see you make a masterpiece with these." she said as a semi challenge, looking back down at the colors. Placing them on the shelf and looking at her human friend she saw that he looked absolutely disgusted. "I knew the colors were bad, but I didn't know they were that bad. Are you alright?" she asked with a smile hanging off her lips.


Abigail was still a tad upset about the five dollars she threw away earlier. Honeybuns were her ultimate snack. They were good at any time of the day and extra cheap when need be. She was going to need since she would be hanging out with Mr. Perfect today. But she couldn't even eat it. A hand went to her stomach. Abby still had the nauseous feeling even though she barely took a decent bite out of the fat goody. A sigh escaped her as she started to wander back to the dance studio. They were meeting in less than ten minutes and she didn't want him to wait for her. And besides she never told him that she left the studio. Abigail was actually kind of hoping that she would just run into him in the street like she did earlier that day. But at the same time she was happy she didn't. Last thing she wants is to trip and fall before him. After a while she saw Castiel leaning against the studio wall. At first she thought she was imagining things. Then she thought that she was late. But Abby was five minutes early. Which mean he had to have beaten her here. Which also means that he was waiting. Cas was waiting for Abigail. The brunette isn't one to freak out about boys, but this handsome man was waiting for her outside of the studio and she didn't even have the decency to tell him that she left the studio about an hour ago. Hesitantly she walked up to him, thinking up her apology. When they came face to face, she was staring at his perfection again. How can someone be blessed with a face with like his? Gathering her thoughts she became red and looked down. "S-sorry. I didn't mean to keep you waiting. I should have told you that I left the studio so that we could have met up later. P-please don't me mad at me Castiel." Less stuttering, but more rambling. Abigail just wasn't meant to be with boys.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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The feeling of nausea in his stomach slowly began to diminish, but it never truly went away. He attempted to play it off but Cordelia immediately noticed the disturbance in his face. He lightly cleared his through and gave her a light smile. "I'm fine, just felt a little nauseas" he admitted, he didn't see the point in lying to her. "Probably caused by the fact that i'm drinking a ridiculous amount of caffeine on an empty stomach" he explained as he sat the cup down to grab the colors she had picked out. Thinking back on it, he hadn't been able to eat anything at all that day, or the day before. Everytime he tried, the exact same thing happened. "I haven't been able to eat much lately, but neither has my sister. My bet is on that stomach flu that's been circulating". Regardless of the fact that Aidan normally ate more than the necessary amount of food for his size, he wasn't too concerned about this issue. He turned the paint cans over a few times and a small smirk formed on his lips. "I accept your challenge. Every color has a purpose", though honestly speaking, he had no idea what purpose these particular ones served. He continued to examine them, attempting to paint a mental picture in his mind then took a picture of each one with his phone so he could mimic the colors with his own materials. "And no I don't have a paint factory, but basically any color you can think of can be made out of things from your pantry or refrigerator".


Just as Castiel was about to pulls his phone back out to ignore his father's call for the fourth time, he noticed Abigail approach him. The quickly set his cell to silent and slid it back into his pocket to let the device ring all it wanted, then looked up at her with his usual captivating smile.
"S-sorry. I didn't mean to keep you waiting. I should have told you that I left the studio so that we could have met up later. P-please don't be mad at me Castiel."
The man couldn't help but smile a little more, then a small chuckle escaped him. In all honestly, he was caught off guard but immediately chose to ignore it. This girl was just so innocent and earnest, fooling her was almost too easy. "There's no need for that" he stated, taking a few steps towards her. "I'd much rather wait for someone, then have someone wait for me". This wasn't entirely a lie. Although it was true that he arely if ever made others wait for him, he never once waited for anyone. With a few swift steps he was standing beside her, facing in the same direction she was, hand outstretched towards her as an offer to help her cross the street. "Now then, where would the lady like to go first?".

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cordelia Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
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Cordelia was way more concerned about Aidan's well being than she should have been. Especially when she saw the second most powerful God in the council. She didn't even know what to do. If something bad happened to him she couldn't really do much about it. At least not right now. Not while he has no idea what has even been done to him. The angel could just be exaggerating. He could just have had some bad coffee. So instead of freaking him out, she played it off the way he did. Aidan wasn't that concerned so Cordelia wasn't concerned. Moving on from his nausea he took the ugly colors from the brunettes hands to examine them himself. "I accept your challenge. Every color has a purpose" It was going to be interesting to see what he could come up with. To be honest, she couldn't see anything artistic coming from those too. "And no I don't have a paint factory, but basically any color you can think of can be made out of things from your pantry or refrigerator" The angel smiled a little. "You have to teach me how to make paint. That is the coolest thing to put on a resume" Cordelia giggles a little.


Abigail was extremely nervous. Being alone with boys wasn't something she did. And this wasn't just a boy. It was a man. The perfect looking man. And he wanted to spend time with her. That was almost unheard of. She should text her brother about where she was and who she was with, but Abigail was a big girl. She could take care of herself. Now they were standing next to each other and she was left with the decision on where they should go. Not that she really had a preference. "I'm not in the mood eat. So we can just walk around until something catches your eye." she suggested, pushing some hair behind her ear.

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose
Character Portrait: Cordelia
Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing
Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
Character Portrait: Leon Dallan Gail
Character Portrait: Roman Everest


Character Portrait: Roman Everest
Roman Everest

"Sorry sweethart, I was actually flirting with your brother."

Character Portrait: Leon Dallan Gail
Leon Dallan Gail

"I'm not your damn puppet..."

Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
Aidan Lancing

"A picture's worth a thousand cups of coffee"

Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing
Abigail Lancing

"Please send me home..."

Character Portrait: Cordelia

"I won't be here any longer"

Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose
Casteel Ambrose

I don't negotiate with hypocrites


Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
Aidan Lancing

"A picture's worth a thousand cups of coffee"

Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose
Casteel Ambrose

I don't negotiate with hypocrites

Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing
Abigail Lancing

"Please send me home..."

Character Portrait: Roman Everest
Roman Everest

"Sorry sweethart, I was actually flirting with your brother."

Character Portrait: Leon Dallan Gail
Leon Dallan Gail

"I'm not your damn puppet..."

Character Portrait: Cordelia

"I won't be here any longer"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Aidan Lancing
Aidan Lancing

"A picture's worth a thousand cups of coffee"

Character Portrait: Roman Everest
Roman Everest

"Sorry sweethart, I was actually flirting with your brother."

Character Portrait: Cordelia

"I won't be here any longer"

Character Portrait: Casteel Ambrose
Casteel Ambrose

I don't negotiate with hypocrites

Character Portrait: Leon Dallan Gail
Leon Dallan Gail

"I'm not your damn puppet..."

Character Portrait: Abigail Lancing
Abigail Lancing

"Please send me home..."

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