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Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz

How am I supposed to breath with no air? Oh wait...

0 · 888 views · located in Arcana Academy, California

a character in “The Arcana Academy”, as played by KittyKLL



Full Name: Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz
Nicknames: Most people call me Ben, my friends call me Benze or Hershko, but only my close friends call me Hershey.
Age: 17
Birthdate: November 15
Home Town: I was born in Warsaw, Poland and I lived there for the first three years of my life, but then I moved to Doncaster, England and stayed there until I was accepted to Noctrem.
Sexuality: Bisexual

School: Noctrem Academy
Power: What's my power, you say? Well the scientific term is Oxygen Independence, but I prefer to call it, "I don't need air suckers." I've been training my power since I discovered it in my early childhood, and I've realized that, if I'm relaxed, I can apparently go without oxygen for over 24 hours (I fell asleep after that long, and when I'm asleep I have to breath). I am also unaffected by poisonous gases and I am able to survive underwater for a period of time, but I'm not the best swimmer so I prefer not to. My power is pretty great but if I'm under stress I get a horrible migraine after only an hour and once I've passed out after two.
Likes: I really like these things:
  • Coffee
  • Cats....a lot
  • Movies, I'm a movie fanatic, especially in foreign languages.
  • Playing my guitar
  • Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream....yummy (without the chocolate though)
  • Flirting...with everyone
  • The color orange
Ugh I really dislike:
  • Reptiles
  • Chocolate..I'm allergic, and yes I know my nickname is a chocolate bar....ha.ha.ha.
  • People who show off
  • Mushrooms, Have you ever seen them?! It looks like they have hair...ew.
  • When people criticize me
  • Dogs, more like a fear
Fears: Scary movies, they seriously creep me out. I could have nightmares for weeks after watching one stupid movie. I'm also scared of dogs, but its because of one time I was at a dog show and I had a hot dog.....had. All the dogs within 50 feet jumped on me and ate my hot dog. It was a really good hot dog...stupid dogs.

Personality: You know its not a good idea to let a person talk about themselves, they can drown on for hours, but if you insist.
Some people say I'm sarcastic, I beg to differ. I call it emphasizing their stupidity. Some think that I'm a bit annoying because I talk, a lot. Since I don't need oxygen, I'm able to talk without stopping, and I talk really fast. Occasionally, I do that just to annoy people, but most of the time I don't really realize that I'm doing that. I find myself to be a bit childish and I always want to have fun. I have an enormous appetite, and if you take my food I will seriously beat the shit of you. When I was little, my mom signed me up for karate lesson so I'm pretty good at hitting people, and its also kinda fun. If your my friend, then I back you up all the way and we will for sure have fun. I'm addicted to smoking and I have a few tattoos from a few drunken nights. I really don't care for the classes or school itself but Noctrem is pretty cool, and so are the people. I will try to have fun as much as I can, but I really get angry when people try to spoil the fun. Also, I'm very competitive, but I know when to give up.
History: I was born to a Polish mother and an American father, how the hell we ended up in England, I have no idea. Due to the fact that my dad is American, I have an American accent instead of an English one and I used to always trick people to thinking I was from Texas, like my father. Although when I speak normally, I sound like someone from California. Too much TV I guess. My family is pretty cool except for the fact that my mom is insane, and I'm not joking. She's clinically insane and I usually spent my weekends visiting her in the Happy Home. The idiots, aka doctors, said that it probably had something to do with my mom's drug addiction and she took something to make her L-O-K-O. I remember her when she was was still at home, I always thought she was a bit odd, but I loved her still the same. One day she picked up me and my older sister, Cathleen, from school and we took a train to Ireland. There she took us to a beach that was completely alone, but before she could explain why we were there, my dad called me and was wondering where we where. Then my mother took the phone from me as soon as I told him where we were and then she started yelling something about training the children and unlocking their potentials. After she closed the phone, she just curled up in a ball and was mumbling to herself in polish. For five hours we were there and Cathleen was starting to cry. Finally, my father arrived and there was some more yelling in polish and in the end, dad just took us home. The next time I saw my mother, it was in the Happy Home.

Every since that day, I always wondered what my mother was talking about, but whenever I mentioned my mother near my father would flip out. I kinda blame him for making my mom crazy. He's a total smock. Always over protective and trying to keep me and my sister cooped up in the house. I think that's why Cathleen got knocked up and ran away with her boyfriend. I guess after Mom was broke, we all did. Then one day when I was 14, during gym, our lesson was in the pool and I'm not the best swimmer so I just was on the side. Everyone was swimming and having fun, but then someone pushed me in as everyone was walking to the locker rooms. I sunk to the bottom and struggled for air, but then I realized, I was drowning. For some reason, I didn't feel the need to breath and I just sat there at the bottom of the pool for about half an hour. Finally, I decided I should get out of the pool because I would miss the bus. Only when I got home it finally sank in, this is what my mother was talking about. Unlocking potentials, training, it all made sense.

After what happened during gym, I slowing tried to discover the limits and the extremes of my powers. I went and talked to my sister about my power and I was wondering if she got the same abilities as me. Apparently she didn't, but when she left had a talk with mom and discovered that our ancestors had an special ability, but it disappeared. Our mother wanted us to have the ability again so she tried all the different drugs, in hopes that something might change in the DNA. Turns out that only I had obtained the power and I was the first since the eighteen hundreds. My sister mentioned something about a school just for people like me, I thinking she was referring to the sissy school Arcana, but I decided to go to Noctrem, its more my style. Then when some asshole burned it down, I was forced to go to Arcana.
Anything else? I have a cat...but I try to keep him a secret. His name is Lucifer.

So begins...

Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Corentine Storm Quellen Character Portrait: Erin Hawthorne Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy Character Portrait: Addison Lawler Character Portrait: Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz Character Portrait: Elijah Claymore
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Spencer heard his alarm clock go off, but he paid no attention to it. It was one of those annoying bell ones that nobody could stand, but somehow Spencer was able to keep sleeping. Although for every thirty seconds that passed, the ringing got louder and louder until even Spencer couldn't sleep. Then something happened that someone from the outside would see an unusual, but anyone that knew Spencer well enough saw as normal. He took out a dark gun, but it wasn't the usual kind. You could say that Spencer, "tricked it out". It was more futuristic, but it had the same function, being a dart gun. Although it was ten times stronger than a normal one. Spencer didn't even look up from his pillow and he took the shot. The dart flew across the and hit the alarm right at the eight hour mark. The clock flew backwards and broke. It was silent for a while and Spencer once again tried to sleep. Then the alarm clock moved around as if something was inside and at last it broke apart into two pieces, with another alarm clock inside. Although this one sported mechanical legs and started to run around the room for a few minutes until it reached Spencer's bed, and finally Spencer himself. Then it spouted a hammer and started banging Spencer on the arm. This forced him to wake up and as he tried to catch it, it just jumped away. Without missing a single ring, the "alarm clock" went into hiding in Spencer's already ready suitcase.

Spencer finally gave up on the thought of sleeping. I'll just sleep on the bus he thought. He got out of him bed, fully dressed in a green t-shirt with a gaping hole on the bottom of the shirt, a torn pair of jeans, and his signature lab coat. He went to the tiny motel bathroom. There was some green slime on the bathroom mirror after he tried to create a new type of toothpaste that cleaned teeth on its own. Sadly it was unsuccessful. Then he put on his glasses and tried to settle his unruly hair, tried. Meanwhile, his alarm clack was still ringing until Spencer went to his suitcase and dismantled it. Then he took a pen from the nearby desk and took out his notepad from his pocket and mumbled to himself, Note to self: Find a better way to wake up. Or just don't wake up at all.. Spencer sighed. He liked having a room to himself, even if it was just a normal three star motel room.

Finally he decided it was time for him to get at least another ten minutes of sleep on the bus. Sparky he called to his little robot assistant. A small robot no bigger than a teacup was carrying his two big suitcases. It put them underneath the bus, where all the luggage goes then the little robot just jumped into Spencer's lab coat pocket. As he entered the bus, he saw Cor and Erin sitting next to each other. Of course, what would anyone expect anything else from them. he thought to himself. He found himself an empty spot, and the best one on the bus too. That one seat behind the back door, the one that has its own window and great leg room. Yeah, that amazing spot. Finally he could sleep, but the bus was so noisy he couldn't and that kinda pissed him off. Right as he was about to finally fall asleep, they reached Arcana. Spencer sighed once more as he got of the bus. He released Sparky once more to carry his luggage as he just started walking toward the school, mumbling to himself and taking about fifty pills that he made against headaches. He slept way to little last night. Fifteen hours just doesn't cut it. From the corner of his eye he already saw three people smoking, of course. Cain was smoking way to many, Likely due to stress Spencer thought, Addi also, but Ben was just addicted. He couldn't even go an hour without smoking and everyone at Noctrem knew that. Spencer saw Ben a drag that no right person would able to take if they needed oxygen. He then decided that its none of his business and with that thought he forgot about them all together as he mind switch to other topics. Such as, who will he room with?

As he reached the entrance of Arcana, he saw a group of students all around a list. The roommate one. Many people had dissatisfied looks on their faces while others were just neutral. Spencer scanned the list and found his name, Room Twelve with Jackson Murphy he mumbled to himself. Spencer grimiced, he wanted a room to himself, so he could experiment freely without some stupid roommate complaining. Also Jackson was notorious for his parties. Not in my room Spencer thought. He looked around the room to see if he could find Jackson, scanning the faces quickly.


Ben yawned as he opened his eyes, he was beat. Last night he went to some club in the city and got completely wasted. He was surprised that he somehow got to his motel room in one piece. He glanced at the clock. It read 4:45, way to early for Ben's liking, but since he's awake why not go for a early morning stroll. As he sat in the motels garden, he took out a cigarette and lit it up with his lighter. It had an orange paw print on it with the name Lucifer, for his very own cat. Since Lucifer was with his sister since the fire, he kinda missed the orange fur-ball. He took a long drag.....and then blew it out. This was his stress reliever and he couldn't quit even if he wanted to. Ben just sat outside until the sun came out and even a bit after. Then he decided that he should get ready.

Turns out Ben was longer than expected outside. When he came back to his room he only had about ten minutes until the bus left. Shit! Ben yelled as he pretty much threw everything he owned in the ginormous bag that he owned. He hurried up to get dressed in jeans and a white and black striped t-shirt. I woke up early and yet still i'm late, I don't even have enough time to find Eri and play some last minute pranks on those motel workers. Ben and Eriol were torturing the motel workers for the past two months, over ten workers have quit.

Ben ran as fast as he could to the bus. Man, Cain's gonna kill me Ben said out loud to himself. He threw his bag under the bus in the compartment and quickly boarded the bus, with two minutes to spare. Ben let out a sigh of relief, but then he noticed he was wearing his slippers. Not any slippers. His Winnie the Pooh ones. Oh great Ben thought to himself. Its not like the Noctrem students have never seen them, but Arcana haven't. Although after a while Ben just didn't really care anymore because what was done is done. Ben saw Bells come in late. At least I'm not last he thought. After that, they started the bus and they were on their way to Arcana.

When they reached Arcana, Ben was one of the last people to leave the bus. Lets say he's not that excited about the new arrangement. He was far more happier being where he was in the motel, even though the food tasted like shit. He always went to the nearby liquor store and bought tons of munchies. There can never be too much food. Hey he was hungry even now, but first things first. Ben took out another cigarette and started to smoke again. Who knows if his new roomie will be a bitch about it, but truthfully if he was, Ben didn't care. Although Ben doubted someone from Noctrem would care since half of them smoke. He saw he wan't the only one smoking, even Drake took one from Addie.

Finally he finished and just threw the bud on the floor. Ben started to walk towards Arcana and saw everyone huddled around something and from all the commotion, Ben could tell it wasn't good. He read the list, he was in room eight with Elijah. Oh great Ben said out loud. Then he saw who was in the next room, Cor. Now this is going to be hilarious.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Corentine Storm Quellen Character Portrait: Skylar Fiammetta Byrnes Character Portrait: Freya Mason Character Portrait: Morgan Janssen Character Portrait: Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz Character Portrait: Zac Barnes
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Ashy had been awake for some time,sitting at her window. She had seen the sun rise slowly over the splendid gardens of Arcana, the school she has she had considered safe until about a month ago; it was about the become even less safe now. Whilst she didn't doubt the staff would do everything they could to make sure the students obeyed the rules, she also knew that there were quite a lot of people who were very good at avading rules, Cor Quellen and her gang for example.

The build up to today had made Ashy nervous. She had just about learnt to tolerate most of these people and and been able to adapt to them being here. Now she had no escape from them. The people that enjoyed making her scared, making her blush and making her break rules....although sometimes that wasn't such a bad thing. Sky had shown her some pretty cool things over the past month, even if it had been to Zack's annoyance. There some people Ashy liked from Noctrem however, but most of them she stayed clear from...too much drama.

Ashy turned away from the window; she longed to be out there,feeling the cold morning breeze against her skin. Nevertheless, it was time to face the day. She had been anxious to see who she had been paired with for a while; she really hoped that she hadn't been put with any of the 'fearless five' as they had been dubbed. That just spelt trouble from the outset, and Ashy wanted to stay as far away from...drama as was humanly possible, especially when it came to those guys.

She quickly jumped in the shower, she was never one to take long showers despite her connection with water, before wrapping herself in a towel and standing in front of her wardrobe. What to wear? This debate hadn't come up for a while, not since...maybe the first day of term? Ashy was the first one to admit that she cared far too much about what people thought of both her personality and her looks. Well, when you came from a world where image is everything, who would blame you?

Finally, Ashy decided on a dress with some flesh coloured tights. It was a nice day after all. The outfit itself was just right for school Ashy decided. Maybe she'd have a little cardigan to go with it, inc case it got cold.

Finally, after having a mild debate with herself and deciding that yes, her hair looked fine up, Ashy left her bedroom. She had given a bit of a tidy up last night, mostly through lack of sleep, but the room still had the distinct 'lived in feel.' Ashy smiled to herself, she did want her new roomy to feel welcome, whoever it was.

She ambled slowly down to reception, she was quite looking forward to see who her room mate was. She hoped that they had been sensible to a degree with the rooming. Did they really expect Noctrem and Arcana student pairings to get along? She noticed, as she arrived at reception that people were crowded around one of the noticeboard. That must be the list Ashy thought to herself. She walked over to the list, making a point not to directly look at someone as passed them by. 'Room Seventeen Ashleigh Fox and Freya Mason.' The sign read. Ashy took a sigh of relief, she may be a bit of alcoholic like the rest of them, but Freya was nice enough and they some hobbies in common. They could be civil enough, Ashy decided as she looked up the list to see who her friends where with. Ben was with Elijah; that also made Ashy. They were nice enough guys after all.

Ashy took a few steps back and waited for Freya to arrive so she could show her to he- their room. This was the start of something special.



The screams of a dying man.... the blackness.... the corpse lying on the floor


Jess's alarm cut through the horrid images that had been plaguing through her mind, the images that brought her here to Noctrem, the images that taught her more about her powers.

She rolled over to face the little bedside cabinet at the motel that the students had been staying at since the fire, pressed snooze on the alarm. She was most defiantly not a morning person. Jess reached for her glasses that lying, almost perfectly next to the alarm clock. Jess was very protective of her glasses in the idea that she needed them to see, so took extra care with. She then rolled onto her back and stared at the cracked ceiling of the motel. Thank god they were leaving this place, it meant she could lie in that little bit longer before having to be at school.

Jess wasn't in the least bit apprehensive about 'moving in day' there were a few people that she didn't want to put with, but she wasn't scared...most of the people at her school thought she was freak because of her mood swings combined with her power, but life went on.

Slowly but surely, Jess got ready for school, deciding after showering that atee shirt,jeans and a pair of converse was an acceptable outfit to wear to school and it wasn't? Well she didn't really care. After quickly running a brush through her hair and brushing her teeth, she packed her the last remaining items into her case and made her way down to the coach that was to transport them to Arcana. this is where the fun begins.

On the coach, Jess kept herself to herself, everyone was far too tired or hungover to have be in any sort of happy mood. Jess plugged her iPod in and to listen to some of The Auditions in an effort to wake her up a little more. She really did hate mornings.
She saw Mr Montgomery stand up so popped one of her earphones out of her ears to listen to his 'speech.' In reality It was a few words; 'Give them hell kids, it's your school now too.' This was met with not much reaction. Oh please, they're not all that bad Jess thought to herself, rolling her eyes at no one in particular as the coach pulled up the school.

Jess was always awe struck whenever she came here at how stunning the place was, it was always absolutely immaculate you don't deserve to be here a voice in Jess's head stated. Jess choose to ignore it. Dammit, this would be a good day and nothing was going to bring her down.

Dragging her case behind her, Jess strolled in reception where a small group of people had gathered around, what Jess guessed was the rooming list. A small buzz of anticipation hit Jess as she walked towards it. Who would she be with? She was actually excited to find out. 'Room Eleven Morgan Janseen and Jessica Coleman.' Jess smiled. She liked Morgan she was bubbly and knew exactly how to have a good time, unlike some of the others. She just worried about what Morgan would have to put with now that they were constantly sharing a room...

She looked across the reception hall to see Morgan standing there waiting for her expectantly. She gave the girl a warm smile, before taking out the other headphone for of her Ipod and tucking it into her jeans pocket and walking over to her.
'Hey roomy, how's it hangin' ' She said loudly, giving Morgan a hug, 'So, wanna show me to our room?' She asked still smiling from ear to ear.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonardo Marinos Character Portrait: Drake Mauri Quellen Character Portrait: McKenna Marinos Character Portrait: Freya Mason Character Portrait: Morgan Janssen Character Portrait: Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz
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Jessica was glad that Morgan had returned the hug; they had only known each other for a month, but Morgan was friendly to her and she seemed like a good laugh, even if she was from Arcana. Jess suspected she was going to get on very well with the Noctrem lot simply because she enjoyed a good party.

She was also glad that Morgan was almost as excited as she was about them becoming room mates. She didn't seem the slightest bit nervous, which was a good thing. A pang of worry hit Jess as Morgan led them to her room What if I'm mean to her when I'm angry? Jess decided she'd try not to be, at all costs. Even if it meant going to find Drake or one of the wind merchants around here. She couldn't hurt the friends she'd made here. At least not intentionally.

Morgan's room had the distinct 'lived in' feel that made Jess smile. She was glad that Morgan wasn't an OCD type. That would have driven her insane. 'I believe we're going to get along just fine dear.' She told her new roomie, as she plonked her stuff down on th- her bed. The room itself was plain but also quite light and airy. To match the students Jess thought comically, smiling at the thought. She was awestruck by the idea she now had a double bed o herself. It was almost a god send after spending so long in that crappy motel.

She saw Morgan smile at her phone as it buzzed with a message, and send a reply back. Jess wondered briefly who it was from. A crush perhaps? But she didn't dwell on it too long. Morgan would tell her in time, she assumed as she began to unpack her things.
Her attention was immediately brought crashing back down to earth when Morgan starting asking about her crushes, and was sat there expectantly waiting for an answer, promising gossip from Ali if she told her. The look of shock that had just entered the young woman face quickly turned into a small smile of disbelief.

'Oh Mo, can I call you that?' She asked quizzically before continuing ' You're so eager for information!' She sighed in mock exasperation before smiling again. 'I wouldn't say I have crushes, just... people I'm really close to.' She smiled wickedly as she put her socks in one of the draws and looked back at Mo. She studied the girl for a second. Her smile was there and she seemed eager... but there was something in her eyes that didn't seem quite right...she didn't seem totally happy.

Mr Marino's voice came over the speakers, making Jess jump out of her skin a little. Apparently there was going to be an assembly. Well that was going to go extremely well. Jess sighed exasperately 'Marino's really does think this is going to work, huh?' She stated to her room mate whilst hanging her clothes up in the closet next to her bed, 'Silly man.' She added.

Jess's mind wandered to Mckenna, her best friend. She hadn't seen her in the reception hall on the arrival. Jess was pretty sure that she would have known about it if Mckenna was around. She'd have been defiantly wrestled to the floor by now. She quickly whipped out her phone, holding it in one hand whilst absent mindedly holiding her tooth brush in other and sent her a quick text.

Hey smellybum! Was pretty disappointed that I didn't get glomped on my way into the school! :p Hope you're okay! Assembly's at ten, I'll see you there? Jess xx

Smiling at the thought of getting a reply from her best friend; Jess headed for the bathroom to put her tooth brush down.


Ashy waited expectantly in the reception area for Freya to arrive. She didn't have anything bad to say about the pairing she decided, Freya was nice enough and Ashy could have done a whole lot worse.

Finally, Freya's blonde hair bobbed over the crowd. Ashy stood back. She decided that she would wait for Freya to come to her, so as to seem too eager to the girl from Noctrem. She saw that Freya was on her phone, Properly making arrangements Ashy thought to herself. She wasn't surprised. The Noctrem lot where known partiers and it wouldn't be a total shock if they wreaked some havoc on the first night that they stayed here.

Ashy smiled as Freya told her it was good to see her. The girl had a way with conversation, Ashy had to give her that.
'it's good to see you too fre-' She started before Scott appeared out of nowhere and kissed Freya square on the lips. Well this was awkward. Ashy scanned the room to see who else had arrived. Is he here yet? She thought to herself, thinking about Ben. The only guy in the entire world that she was happy to listen to for hours and hours on end. She enjoyed his singing and she most certainly enjoyed his quirky side. She gave a small smile at the thought.

Ashy's train of thought was quickly interrupted by Scott breaking his kiss from Freya and addressing the two of them. 'Erm... see you later Scott' She said quietly, shuffling her feet awkwardly and feeling significantly like a third wheel. Suddenly, Ashy felt arms being snaked around her and heard Zac's excited voice coming from behind her. She turned around to face him, a mock disgruntled look on her face.

'You know it's very rude to butt into a conversation' She said, smiling at him before turning back to Freya. 'Zac, you remember Freya? we're roomates now' She told one the other closest guys her life, before he quickly told her he had to go and rushed off. Leaving Ashy smiling stupidly after him, he made her laugh in a way only a few people had, it was quite refreshing.

She turned back to Freya 'Sorry about him, he's a lunatic... especially when he's with me' She said shyly, before continuing, 'So um, assembly's soon, did you want to show to your room now or later?'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bethany Phillips Character Portrait: Skylar Fiammetta Byrnes Character Portrait: Addison Lawler Character Portrait: Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz Character Portrait: Jade Locke Character Portrait: Margaret Eloise Wright
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Bells Dorson

Bells just shook heard head when she heard Sky go off about his roommate. She took another look at the roommate list. She was close to Jade and Addi’s room which made things even a bit better. She then turned around holding her suitcases knowing she should take them to her room. Looking at everyone mingling she wondered where Beth was, though she guessed she would see her later. She really needed coffee before she interacted with anyone, even her friends.

She walked a little bit away from the crowd, noticing Jade and Addi, she would get with them later and see what chaos they could start. She then heard the announcement and rolled her eyes “fuck that as if I am ever one time ” she said out loud wondering if maybe she could find Benz and figure out something to do, she didn‘t care about detention, she has had plenty of them since coming to Arcana, . Anyways Benz was like her skipping buddy, whenever she felt bored with classes she would go to him and they find something fun for the both of them to do. She decided to send him a quick text to find out where he was.

Hey Benz where you at?

She then looked up and noticed she was actually standing right next to one of the teachers, and it wasn’t just any teacher. It was Ms. Wright
.she usually didn’t get close to any teachers at all but Ms. Wright
well she was different and she also got sent to her a lot since they have come to Arcana. So what if she skipped classes or was late
she was known for it but the teachers here where a bit more stricter. Though whenever she was sent to Ms.Wright they usually just got talking. She has opened up to Ms. Wright a few times, which was surprising because usually she just keeps it all inside. She was definitely having more then just regular feelings for Ms. Wright, sometimes she even caught herself flirting
which she guessed was a big no no but who the fuck cares. She just hoped Ms.Wright didn’t hear the little comment she said after the announcement.

Bells looked to Ms.Wright, moving closer and grinning a little “Well looks like this will be a fun year
Mr.Marinos really doesn’t know what the hell he just started with bunking us with the fucking goody students
.” Bells always swore it was a habit and she did it in front of teachers, it was like part of her vocabulary “so how is Ms. Wright and what are your thoughts on this?” she leaned against the wall by Ms. Wright and put her suitcases on the floor “I know for sure I am going to have some fun messing with the angels especially the ones that cower, including my cousin” she then waited to listen to Ms. Wright knowing she needed to get coffee but she couldn’t help but talk to her favorite teacher. She also needed to find her new room and drop her stuff off and find out where Benz was but she would wait even if she would be late.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonardo Marinos Character Portrait: Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz Character Portrait: Elijah Claymore Character Portrait: Cain Montgomery Character Portrait: Landon Hirst Character Portrait: Margaret Eloise Wright
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#, as written by xKyrie

Elijah stopped walking and he looked around the school grounds. His greyish-blue eyes took in with contentment, every detail he can come across. It was still dark but he didn’t care that he actually had to squint a little in order to see things clearer. He loved taking walks every morning. He would start the trek from his room going towards the school grounds and then normally continuing the rest on the forest nearby, somewhat walking aimlessly until he get tired. Sometimes he even met with Ashy especially when he would wake later than usual.

Today was different though. Despite all his preparations the past few days, Elijah was still edgy with this particular day. Mr. Marinos had informed them beforehand that they needed to share rooms with other students. Due to a misfortunate incident where Noctrem Academy had been set to fire, Mr. Montgomery along with his students was forced to take temporary refuge in Arcana. They had been staying here for the past months; at least until their school was rebuilt again- that was what he had gathered from others, and he was still not that comfortable with the current situation. What had happened to Noctrem Academy was very saddening. Nobody knew who the perpetrator was. But according to the gossips floating around the campus it was during the middle of the night when someone had started fire on the said campus. This fire had caused the death of a teacher and two of the students. It was devastating. No matter how many disturbing things he had heard about the school’s reputation, Elijah would not dare wish ill to anyone else. He hoped that they would be able to rebuild the school and find the suspect as soon as they could.

Because of the increase in numbers, both in students and faculty members, he figured that Arcana Academy was bound to be busier. Which was why he found himself taking his routinely walk earlier than what was usual. He remembered cleaning every corners of his room until he finally decided that it was acceptable enough for the arrival of his roommate-to-be. Elijah was not a slob or anything near of sorts but he had spent the last few days cleaning his room. In between attending classes and teaching at the nearest orphanage; he had boxed some of extra stuffs, changed both the bed sheets and the curtains, and rearranged his small collections of neatly stacked books on the corner. Elijah didn’t know who his roommate would be but he actually was not that selective. Though he only figured that his roommate might not appreciate a messy room and because of this he had decided to clean the already organized room. Yes, organized because it was rare that he stay at his quarters during the day after all. He could either found at library or at the forest when he is at the school grounds and he mostly visited the nearby orphanage every chance that he could get.

He loved teaching there and having the knowledge that he was helping the children gave him great joy. Speaking of the orphanage, it had been days since he last visited and Ms. Katherine had asked him to share a lesson for the older children there. He was thinking that it was time to teach them the basics about self-defense. Elijah was not your next-guy martial arts specialist or all around buffed up man but he knew self-defense and he always tried to share his knowledge to others if he could. Sure, with today’s advanced technology and the existence of special abilities such like his, this idea would sound laughable but the Irish-bred lad didn’t really care for society’s standards. He knew that learning these things would be helpful, especially in dire cases. Not a moment later, he then thought it would be best to ask Mr. Vincent for an advice. The older man was someone he usually confided in for situations such as these and though he commonly would try to be less of a bother to others, he decided that for the sake of the next sharing he might as well ask help.

It was minutes after when the sun had fully risen that he finally noticed the time. Sparing his wristwatch a glance, he was surprised to see that it was already past 7. The list for the roommates would probably posted by this time. He might as well go now. He didn’t know where Izzy or Elle was but they were typically together during these stuffs and he planned on looking for them once he saw the list. Elijah then walked out the forest and into the familiar path towards the receptionist area. He noticed familiar faces and smiled at those who looked in his direction. He only stopped when he reached the board for the rooming list and started looking for his name. Room Eight: Elijah Claymore and Benjamin Hershkovitz

Oh, Ben.

He blankly stared at the paper in front and it took him a moment’s deliberation before he stepped out of the way and stayed on the side. He didn’t knew that Mr. Marinos would pair them with the students from Noctrem
 it was more logical to assume that they would be rooming with the Arcana ones. To be frank this would be a little awkward. He didn’t know Benjamin. He was loud and talkative that was as far as he knew and Elijah was never the one to judge that deeply. Would they get along? Thankfully, he wasn’t always around so maybe Benjamin would not be that bothered with his presence. He hoped that he wouldn’t inconvenience the boy in any other way or form. The last thing that he wanted was someone to hate him for being troublesome. Looking around, he searched for his new roommate. He already had a duplicate for the room’s key. He was planning to give it to him and show him the room.


'Goodbye, stupid motel and all the stupid people supposedly working in it!’

As he rode in a quickly moving ambulance, complete with emergency alarm blaring above, Eriol watched the scene outside the window with a faint degree of amusement. He recalled the latest and preferably the last prank he would ever do on the three-star motel that he just left. The said cheap motel had been his- along with the other students’ house for the past month ever since Noctrem Academy was burned down. Because of his utter annoyance with the poor and improper service conducted at the establishment, he and Ben had been pestering the motel personnel with several perfectly laid out pranks. Both he and his best pranking buddy had spread mayhem and mischief on the said place every chance that they possibly could.

The motel was nothing. It was a poor excuse of an area where weary and currently homeless people like him could not find any semblance of comfort. The service was cheap: some of the air conditioners and showers were broken, and even the decorations of the said place looked bleak. The personnel were all incompetent and even the manager was wimpy and undoubtedly an asshole more than anything else. It was because of his recent experiences that he found himself invariably murdering over and over in his mind whoever had schemed and unfortunately succeeded to burn Noctrem. He really wished that they would find the bastard who caused all of this sooner than they could
 Or else he might get insane with the continuing absurdity happening around him. He was not a little bit concerned with the deaths caused by the fire but he’d be damned if he would never get to know who dared to burn the only thing he could call his humble abode into ashes. If only he knew how to travel back to the past this time around, Eriol Adelart would surely do his best to discover whoever the suspect was without a heartbeat’s hesitation. As he got lost in his musings, he could not help but think of several scenarios he would do to the suspect once given the chance. The conclusion? All of which were never less pass borderline mildly sadistic in nature.

That fire had been the source of all the misery and discomfort that he was currently experiencing. If it weren’t for that bastard he would not be here, riding in this blasted ambulance making his way towards the stupid school that idiotic Marinos manages. Instead of basking himself in the privacy of his own quarters, Eriol would be forced to share with others. It was stupid and unless his roommate was Ben, he was very determined to cause havoc to the unlucky one who would dare share room with him. ‘Let them dare pair me up with that moronic Theodore and they would see how fascinating my ability matched with my personality would certainly be.’ He darkly thought, waiting with impatience as he watched out for the shadows of the familiar gates of Arcana Academy on the passing sidewalks.

Speaking of that blasted school; after fifteen minutes or so he was finally able to see it from his position at the van. Eriol focused all of his attention and willpower on concentrating hard to activate his ability until he was able to stop time-just like he planned. He watched with nonchalance as things moved in slow motion before totally stopping as he felt the full effect of his power taking over everything. During this, all existing objects were stagnant: the swaying of the leaves ceased mid-air, the wheels almost comically stopped and every movement was frozen in time much like those usual happenings at every poorly-executed and yet bizarre time travelling movies people could come across.

This was not strange for the sixteen-year old boy though. Ever since he had been enrolled to Noctrem, he had grown used to several sights that would make normal human gape and goggle-eyed. Telekinetic and air-manipulating girls? These were only several of the other abilities that could be found at the said Academy. Noctrem Academy was specially designed to teach and hone teenagers like him, in order to use their power the best that they could for the greater bad. In fact, undeniably such was also the reason for the existence of Arcana Academy. A school contrary to his Alma Mater; Leonardo Marinos had decided to teach his little angels to use their abilities for good. Imagine how boring was that? Using your space and time manipulating skills to help those other worthless humans? For what? Few alms and praises of recognition which would fall dead to the masses' ears once you so as much try to make one measly mistake? Eriol Locke was not an idiot and he would never be foolish enough to live in the same ideals Leonardo wanted to instill. It was laughable and petty. Truly idealistic and he knew full well that if he was older than he was right now, he would have demanded that phony to retire and be thrown off his office. Off with his unbecoming brigades.

After glancing at the bus on the side, he grabbed hold of his large backpack-the only thing he had, and opened the back door of the van. The ambulance had served its purpose and that was to take him to the academy. He didn’t have the enthusiasm to conduct another prank and so he decided that calling 911 and asking to be delivered in a nonexistent emergency accident was rather enough to satisfy his daily craving of sadistic/mischievous exercises.

He had actually missed the bus. He had spent most of his evenings making arrangements and several phone calls to different department stores and repair services as a gift to subtly help the three-star motel improve their business. He used the name of the owner—something that took him a day of stalking and ordered for decorations, maintenance and help to his heart’s content. He had actually been anticipating the rapidly ballooning expenses that were sure to be billed to the administration. That would be a joy! The prank was executed as his sign of vengeance for the torment he had experienced while living at the place and he slept the night excited for the day that was to come.

The next day after his thorough planning however, he regretfully woke up late—later than the allotted time which caused him to miss the bus that was supposed to take them to Arcana. Forced to commute and left with no other option to contact Cain or Ms. Wright, Eriol had then decided look for his own mode of transportation except the use of his ability. He decided that there’s no novelty in travelling the usual way he normally did. It was because of this where his ingenious idea of calling for emergency ambulance in excuse of cardiac arrest came forth. And after that the rest was history, here he was walking towards the school grounds where he noticed other students loitering around the academy from the corner of his eyes.

Everything was still suspended in space and he concentrated on keeping up with this at least until he reached the roommates listing. He had no mood for company and he would rather get settled first before functioning as he normally did: Charming and impeccable to fellow students. Arcana Academy was undeniably a new territory. While they had been studying here for the past month or so, it would be a thoughtless move for Eriol to be not wary and less calculating of his actions.

Donned in his mask of indifference, he walked passing by Sky and gaped incredulously at the list that he saw. Room Ten: Landon Hirst and Eriol Adelart Who the hell was Landon Hirst? He didn't know any Noctrem student by that name and so it was logical to think he is from Arcana. But heck, he wasn't familiar with a student by that name. Was he one of those idiots he tend to avoid? Eriol shook his head and walked several paces away from the receptionist area and stood at the first shaded tree he could come across. He let go of his control over his ability and busied himself with recalling the face associated with the name. After few minutes of futilely trying he then decided to go to the room himself. He was bound to remember the person and he would rather look less like an idiot waiting on their damned room instead of staying here acting every inch like he was lost. Which he was not apparently, mind you. Besides as he heard the recent announcement where Leo had already informed them via PA for an assembly later, he might as well make himself presentable.

'Passed the large tree and down into the rabbit hole,'

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Fiammetta Byrnes Character Portrait: Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz Character Portrait: Ashleigh Fox Character Portrait: Elijah Claymore Character Portrait: Isabella Dorson Character Portrait: Eriol Adelart
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Ben thought that maybe he should try to find Elijah, after all they were rooming together. Hopefully they could get along, even though they don't really know each other and Ben doubted a bit that they will get along. At least he wasn't rooming with someone who hated him, and he hated, like what was happening with Sky, although its funny as shit. Then he heard the annoucement, hell whoever didn't was deaf. Heh, he kinda was after some loud nights at clubs and stuff. Maybe clubbing would be a way for Elijah and him to bond, but then he remembered that Elijah didn't really like troublemakers. Well Ben sure is going to stir up some trouble, but definitely not alone. There was always his best buddy, Eriol, and of course the fabulous Bells, whom has been there on Ben's more crazier nights. Suddenly Ben got a text. Speak of the devil, he thought as he saw the name. Isabella Dorson, or as he affectionately called Bells. One time he called her Isabella and she socked him, since then they have been great friends.

Hey Benz where you at?

Quickly he replied to her, fingers pressing against his blackberry keys in a few swift movements.

On my way to get a bite to eat. Om Nom Nom. Maybe even find my roomie on the way. No way in hell we're going to that dumb assembly right?

Ben put his phone in his back pocket in one swift movement and started to head towards the cafeteria. His stomach could be heard from miles away. I'll just grad a bunch of food and then find Elijah, no good finding someone with an empty stomach. Ben thought to himself. Maybe tonight if there isn't some rad party I'll go find Ashy, I haven't seen her in a very long time. As he entered the cafeteria, he payed no attention to whoever was in there. All he cared for was the food. Finally some food that was decent and was neither liquor store snacks or the thing they served in the motel. It wasn't even an object, it was alive. Living and breathing nasty. It should have been on that TV show, Man vs. Food. Anyways back to the food, Ben took as much food as he could carry and started to walk with the plate to the second floor, where all the rooms are. Until the lunch lady said that he couldn't take the plate with him, so Ben just asked for a doggie bag. Man was that lady surprised, but she gave it to him. Happily carring his food he went back to the main hall and there he found Elijah. Man his day was getting luckier or something, Lulu must not be around. "Elijah" He called out loud waving his hands like the idiot he was, but it seemed like he didn't hear or see him. Ben walked up to him and gave him a small slap on the back. Hey they were going to be roomies, the least he could do was act friendly to the guy. "Hey there Elijah, seems like were going to be stuck with each other. Mind showing me the best room you've got?" Ben said with a grin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonardo Marinos Character Portrait: McKenna Marinos Character Portrait: Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz Character Portrait: Eden Haven Character Portrait: Lilian Grace Elizabeth Daniels Character Portrait: Cain Montgomery
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0.00 INK

Kali Rickerson

As Kali was sitting there she ran her hands through the grass and looked at the other two girls. She was lost in thought about her past, thinking of the only two people that she considered them her parents. She then started thinking about what she could do for her next crazy stunt. Her conversation with L the other day got her thinking. They talked about climbing to the roof of the school, which may be a possibility, she definitely needed to converse with L about this, she was thinking L musta slept in or misplaced her phone somewhere because L usually was right by her side most of the time, they had been inseparable since the day the met and became very close friends.

She felt her phone buzz but then got distracted because she heard someone coming closer “Hey girls” Kali looked behind her and saw Julie and smiled “hey you whats up?” she asked the girl. The looked down to her phone remembering she got a text:

Hey Kali. Overslept lol. Nothing unusual. Mary and I are going to see the roommate list. Wonder who I'll get.... Talk to ya soon J

Kali laughed to herself and texted back to Eden:

Ok sounds good. Can you see who I got for a roommate, I have yet to check, I went for my morning run and then ran into Kenna.

After she sent the text she heard Kenna pipe up "Oh well, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Maybe they'll be out partying so much they wont' even notice who their roommates are.... Hopefully.. If anything happens though, I won't be afraid to try to talk to him..." Kali nodded in agreement “That is true, some of them aren’t as bad as lets say ‘the fearsome five’ but this is still our school
. We shouldn‘t let that change just because they will be staying here for a bit
hopefully not too long
” as she was about to continue she heard her ringtone for Eden go off “sorry its Eden
excuse me for a few minutes” she then got up and just stepped a few feet away and answered her phone.

Before she could even get a hello in she heard Eden go off "Heeeeeeey Kali. Where are you? I'm being to lazy to look around.. “Hey Eden
you should know whenever looking for me I most likely will be outside but I guess I can help you out
I am out back of the school, come find me. Oh did you get my last text? If your still near the list can you take a look at who my roommate is? I haven’t been over that way yet to take a look. Who did you get?” she was smiling as she talked to Eden, something about him always made her happy and she always enjoyed his company. She wasn’t one that had many guys that where close friends but Eden somehow made his way in to her life.

Bells Dorson

As Bells was waiting for Ms.Wright to talk she felt her phone go off, she took it out of her pocket and looked down, she noticed it was from Benz. She grinned to herself and opened the messaged though she was still focused on Ms. Wright in a way

On my way to get a bite to eat. Om Nom Nom. Maybe even find my roomie on the way. No way in hell we're going to that dumb assembly right?

Bells chuckled, she loved Benz but only in a friendly way, she couldn’t see him any other way then that, her fingers touched the buttons on her iphone, quickly typing back:

fuck the assembly. I don’t want to listen to Marinos voice if I don’t need too. I will meet you in the cafeteria, I have yet to get my morning coffee >< but I am talking to Ms.Wright at the moment. C ya soon

As she sent the text she heard Ms. Wright “I imagine most of us are thinking the exact same thing.If everything goes the way I think they will, things will turn out for the best. For their sake, I hope they accept the fact that things are going to be quite different around here from now on. Oh, and I’m assuming you’ll be passing up this charming assembly?”

Bells grinned just a little as she noticed Ms.Wright look right into her eyes near the end “Well lets just say they will have a few choices to make while we are here. One, they are going to go through hell while we are here. Or two, they will join us and know what its like to have a good time” she smirked a bit then thought for a few minutes before she continued to answer Ms.Wright’s last question.

Ever since the first time she got sent to Ms.Wright’s office she knew that she could not lie to the teacher, but for some reason she really didn’t feel the need to lie. She was not a fan of most teachers just because they really thought she was a trouble maker, that she was lazy with her school work, and she can be really cruel. But for Ms.Wright’s class she actually did pay attention and did the work, she found Ms.Wright’s class interesting “Yup I am definitely not in the mood to spend my morning listening to someone that really dislikes me. I plan on doing something fun, not sure what that will be yet. Since there is no classes today I surely am going to take that to my advantage. I am not going to change my way of things just because we are staying in this school. I will be the same Bells everyone knows and loves or to most of the angel students here, hate. And maybe if I am lucky I will get sent you but most likely be sent to Mr. M because they did mention detention. I feel like that is going to be my new home while I am here” she let out a laugh then looked down to her phone to find out what time it was, knowing she would need to go meet Benz soon.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz Character Portrait: Elijah Claymore Character Portrait: Izaiah Dorson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by xKyrie

Elijah turned around to look behind when he felt a short tap on his shoulder. He looked at Benjamin's beaming face and he could not help but smile in return. He had been so lost in his thoughts that he was not able to hear the other man call for his name. He had thought about the headmaster's announcement. Mr. Marinos had just informed them about the assembly at ten o' clock later that morning. He did not say anything about the topic but the warning that followed his words certainly gave away what the headmaster wanted to discuss. Elijah figured that there was a great chance that Mr. Marinos would tell them about the new living arrangements because of the Noctrem Academy students’ arrival at Arcana.

It was possible that not everyone would be happy with the roommates listing. He was not able to see who will be staying with Izzy but he hoped that his friend would get along with his new roommate. For Elijah, he had no problem sharing his room with Benjamin. While they were not the closest, he actually had no qualms with the boy aside from his well-known self-absorbed personality. Elijah usually failed to understand those who were narcissistic and arrogant. He could not dare imagine how a person can get so confident about his own skills and capabilities. It was natural for human beings to be imperfect after all. It was unexpected for one to become great in everything he would do. Sooner or later, other people who were far capable than he was will appear and because of that, Elijah made it a point to be never boastful of the things he could do. Instead he would strive harder to become better. He was not one of those who pushed themselves too hard to improve but he made it a point to train himself in every ways possible.

This was one reason why he was wary of Benjamin. With regards to his abilities, while most thought that Ben’s power was not interesting, Elijah's opinion was the opposite. Rather, he thought that Oxygen Independence was bound to be helpful at the very least; having ability like that could certainly be useful to others. He could only imagine how advantageous it would be if Ben was a lifeguard or a firefighter to start with. He didn't know what was the full extent of his new roommate's power but being able to breathe underwater for a prolonged period of time could undoubtedly save anyone who is drowning. He also would not need to worry about holding his breath while rushing through thick smoke if he ever needed to retrieve someone who was trapped in the middle of a burning house. It was most likely that he would not need to worry about inhaling dirty air when walking on populated streets. Benjamin’s ability was very beneficial and Elijah greatly hoped that he would use it for good.

"Hey there Elijah, seems like we’re going to be stuck with each other. Mind showing me the best room you've got?" Once he heard his statement, Elijah smiled sheepishly at Ben’s choice of words. “Hello Ben. Welcome to Arcana,” He politely nodded in greeting. He did not know if their room was the best but he knew full well that had tried his best to make everything clean and in order. With any luck, Ben would see it that way too. ”Just give me a second and I’m just going to look for the key”, he added remembering what he had prepared beforehand. He placed his hand inside the pocket of his pants and searched for the duplicate key of their room. Before he left the room earlier this morning, he had made sure to bring the said key. He didn’t know where he would find his roommate but he supposed that it was better if he would give the key as soon as he could. He knew how bothersome it could get when you do not have a key for your room. After a few moments of searching, he found it and took it out. He gave it to him and said, “Here it is, Ben. You can keep this one, I already have my copy.” He waited until his classmate took it and proceeded to look for his roommate’s luggage. “Do you need help with your things? Let’s go upstairs and I’ll show you our room.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Fiammetta Byrnes Character Portrait: McKenna Marinos Character Portrait: Freya Mason Character Portrait: Morgan Janssen Character Portrait: Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz Character Portrait: Zac Barnes
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Jess was a little in shock when her room mate told her about the loss of her mother...How the hell was she supposed to react to that? It wasn't exactly something you introduced yourself with... She stepped out of the bathroom towards the girl on the other bed, genuinely stumped for what to say. Finally, she found the power of speech.
'Well, if you need anything... just let me know, ok?' She told her room mate, awkwardly, she'd barely knew Mo a month and already she was telling Jess the deep secrets of her past? God, she'd have a field day if she knew mine Jess thought darkly, as she placed her IPod down her desk. In the young brunette's mind, this marked the room as her own.

When Mo apologised for texting whilst have a conversation with her, Jess shrugged it off. 'It's fine my dear, It's good that you have a good relationship with your dad.' She said with a smile, that didn't quite reach her eyes. She thought about her family back home, the family she'd had to flee so from because of the..incident... it was so very long ago... How she missed them so.

Mo's voice cut through her thoughts like a sword, asking if she wanted to come to the cantine or stay here and unpack. Jess nodded furiously, 'Yeah I need to eat too, plus I need to eat and meet up with the beautiful Miss Mckenna Marino's before assembly.' She said cheerfully, quickly whipping out her phone as it buzzed with the text from Mickey. She smiled at her phone as the two girls walked down the canteen and quickly hit reply.

I am from Noctrem stupid :p Psh, when have I ever been late for anything? Walking down to the canteen with Morgan now, I'll drop her off and then come find you! Muhaha! J xx

As the two girls arrived at the assembly hall, she turned to Mo 'I guess I'll see in assembly now. There's going to be a blood bath, I can just see it.' She chuckled as Mo left. She saw her head towards a table where Zac and Allie were sitting. She gave them both a little wave before heading off to the assembly hall.

Arcana was huge and extremely well kept, Jess couldn't help but be slightly in the awe at how clean and magnificent the whole place was. She had a feeling she'd be very comfortable here.
She thought about Sky, she hadn't seen him, probably causing trouble no doubt. Jess chuckled to herself at the thought.

She finally reached the assembly hall, there was no one there yet. Of course, only nerds turn up this early Jess thought to herself. She rolled her eyes, trust Mickey to make her look like a freak. Best friend's rights, she supposed. She lend herself up against a wall and waited for her best friend's arrival.


When Freya talked about going back to London to speak to her parent's lawyers, Ashy was intrigued. How does a girl at our age have anything to do to court about? It was must be quite stressful was for her Ashy decided. This thought was confirmed by the way the other girl acted after the statement she had just made. Ashy decided to not pursue the conversation any more.

She let out a sigh of relief when Freya told her that the room she had was lovely. She gave a small smile, releasing the hands from the hem of her dress. Freya did look happy to be here and it soothed Ashy somewhat to know that they were at least friends.

'Oh no, I know' She said hurriedly after Freya made the comment about her being scared, 'I've made good friends with some of the Noctrem students since you've been here.' She said, with a small smile as she thought about Ben. Damm why couldn't she get this boy off her mind... where was he? Probably hanging out with the Noctrem lot, she supposed it was hardly 'cool' to hang around with an Arcana student, she supposed... the thought hurt her a little, she missed him so.
'No, I just worry a lot...' She confided in the her blonde room mate as she sat down beside. She held up her hands and showed Freya her nails 'I guess these are proof of that' She laughed softly.

When Freya asked her to tell about herself, Ashy faced another common problem. Not knowing what to say. Where do you start when describing yourself? How did she do it without freaking the girl out? Stop worrying Ashy you're going to make yourself Ill, Ashy told her self before taking a breath.

'Well, I'm from New York originally, high end New York at that...' She said quietly, trailing off as she thought of her family. The cup of water incident, the being disowned, the ignorant sexist pig who's sperm made her...She blinked several times before continuing. 'I like to dance, that's my favourite hobby. Then there's drawing, although I'm rubbish at it.' She smiled shyly at her room mate. 'What about y-' She was about to ask before being she heard the sound of drums from next door. She giggled. 'Yeah that'll be Zac... that'll happen a lot...' She chuckled..

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonardo Marinos Character Portrait: Addison Lawler Character Portrait: Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz Character Portrait: Ashleigh Fox Character Portrait: Elijah Claymore Character Portrait: Isabella Dorson
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Ben saw Elijah turn around after he gave him a small pat on the back. Apparently Ben's smile was addictive and Elijah also gave him a smile. Maybe we will get along quite nicely thought Ben, after all he didn't really have anything against the guy. Maybe because Elijah was from Arcana Ben was a bit wary, but that's no reason to judge the poor guy before he actually got to know him. Ben, as everyone pretty much everyone knew, was one of the more pro-Noctrem, anti-Arcana students, although he did have many friends in Arcana so he tried not to judge people automatically, although most of the time he did. This wasn't any different with Elijah. Ben has him tagged as a nature-loving activist, but he thinks that something has made him that way, because from a glance Elijah looks even Noctrem material, until he starts to talk about nature and animals and stuff. Ben loves one kind of animal, cats. Hopefully he'll be able to bring Lucifer to the dorms, although he will have to ask for permission from Leo and Elijah, and of course teach him to stay hidden. After all, he didn't want him to meet Koa, Addi's cat. Ben truly hoped that they could get along, without changing the other or being a bother. In Ben's opinion that would be the best relationship they could have. If they were too good of friends and then got into a horrible fight, they still have to live with each other, and that won't be pretty.

“Hello Ben. Welcome to Arcana,” Elijah said. Ben gave him a grin. It was actually the first time someone welcomed him to Arcana and truthfully it felt pretty damn good. It weird, he's been learning here for a month and yet this was the first time they said welcome. Actually now he did feel welcome. To him, it felt like all the Noctrem students were just unwelcome guests that they have to help because if they didn't they "wouldn't be any better than they are". ”Just give me a second and I’m just going to look for the key," Elijah continued without giving Ben a chance to say anything such as, "Thanks man. while shaking his hand. Ben watched as Elijah rummaged through his pockets to find the spare key. Ben hoped that Elijah was a bit of a messy guy like him. Well not entirely messy that you could just call him a slob, just a bit disorganized. Those people that happened to be really neat were also a bit uptight. Although not always. “Here it is, Ben. You can keep this one, I already have my copy.”, Elijah told him as he handed Ben his own set of keys to the room. Ben was truly grateful for that key and it was very clear to see that, just from his reaction. There had been one too many nights were he was locked out of his room because he roommate had the key. Ben took the key and from it pocket took out one of those key covers. It was orange, of course, and the hole on the top had a chain through it. Ben quickly explained, "This is the only way I don't loose the key." Then he put the chain around his neck and gave another one of his famous grins. Do you need help with your things? Let’s go upstairs and I’ll show you our room.” Elijah said as Ben saw him glance around looking for his things. "Nope I'm fine man, Ben said as he kicked his duffel bag. Suddenly Ben recieved a text, "Sorry, just a minute he said as he took out his phone.

fuck the assembly. I don’t want to listen to Marinos voice if I don’t need too. I will meet you in the cafeteria, I have yet to get my morning coffee >< but I am talking to Ms.Wright at the moment. C ya soon

Ben quickly wrote back. After all, he didn't want Bells to get to the cafeteria and not find him there.

Bells, I met Elijah, my new roomie. I'm going to go crash in the room. get ur coffee cause u know I don't love you when ur cranky and come to my room.. room 8. :P

Ben wanted to text Ashy, but it was kinda rude to keep Elijah waiting. He'll text her when he gets to the room. Ben grabbed him bag and started off towards his room, in the opposite direction. Only after walking about ten steps did he realize that it was the wrong way. Quickly, he did a full 180 and walked towards Elijah. "You know what? Lead the way my good man" Ben said in a perfect British accent. After all it is his homeland, just because he didn't speak it daily doesn't mean that his accent wasn't perfect and from what Ben could tell, Elijah was Irish. Maybe this roommate setting wouldn't be so bad after all.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Addison Lawler Character Portrait: Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz Character Portrait: Jade Locke Character Portrait: Elijah Claymore Character Portrait: Margaret Eloise Wright Character Portrait: Isabella Dorson
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0.00 INK

Bells Dorson

Bells leaned against the wall when she heard Ms.Wright “As much as I agree with you, you are going to that assembly. Sorry to disappoint you, hon.” , she saw the look in the woman’s eyes and she knew she couldn’t argue this and that if she didn’t show up Ms. Wright would be upset with her
.and for some reason Bells just did not want that. “Aright you can expect me there
.even though I would really not want to listen to his voice” she sighed a little but then felt her phone buzz knowing its probably from Benz. Looking down at her phone she reads the text:

Bells, I met Elijah, my new roomie. I'm going to go crash in the room. get ur coffee cause u know I don't love you when ur cranky and come to my room.. room 8. :P

Bells actually felt bad for Benz, having someone like Elijah would kill her because he was just like Izzy before she could text back she heard Ms.Wright pipe up “Well, it seems like there are places for you to be, I’ll be seeing you at the assembly”. She saw the look from her teacher and nodded “ill see you there Ms.Wright” she watched the women walk off, and couldn’t help but stare. As she snapped out of it she texted Benz back while walking to the cafeteria.

Looks like skippin is out of the question. Ill explain more when I see you. And ugh Elijah
.we will have to hang in my room more the yours. C ya soon.

She finally made it into the cafeteria not paying attention to anyone around her, she was only interested in getting the coffee. She paid for it and sipped it for a few seconds before moving on. She walked up stairs and went down the rooms, she decided to first drop her bags in her room then head to find Benz.

Stopping at room three, she opened the door and looked in. Hmm not so bad she thought as she went to the bed she figured was hers because it looked untouched. Dropping her bags on her bed she wondered where Jade and Addi was and wondered if they had any plans for the day. Knowing she probably see them at the assembly she decided she would talk to them then. Leaving the room with only her coffee in hand she shut the door and walked down to room eight and knocked on the door “Benz its me open up” she stood in the hallway as she waited sipping her coffee. She wasn’t really one that is too patient so when no one answered she knocked on the door again “C’mon Benz open up” she said out loud then pulled out her phone and texted him when she didn't hear anyone.

“I am here in front of room 8 and no answer. Where are you?”

Bells sighed as she sent the text and leaned her back against the wall next to the doorway and waited very impatiently for Benz.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonardo Marinos Character Portrait: Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz Character Portrait: Elijah Claymore Character Portrait: Landon Hirst Character Portrait: Isabella Dorson Character Portrait: Eleanor Carson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by xKyrie

Elijah watched in amusement when he saw how Ben kept his copy of the key. He had attached it into a key cover and a chain, and wound the said chain around his neck. He smiled as he noticed how laid back and somewhat a little funny his roommate was. He was not the most organized person around but Elijah never had the trouble of losing his possessions such as a key or any other items that he had. It had something to do with his slightly... organized personality and so seeing his roommate's plans to keep the key had rather interested him

Maybe he did prejudged this guy more than he thought he had not. After all, while Ben seemed like those typical Noctem stereotypes, he was still accommodating and friendly to him. He was aware of how some of the students from the other academy disliked him. He didn’t know what was the reason but it was most likely was because they see him as one of those persons that would never dare hurt a fly. Not that he actually cared a lot about others opinion, but Elijah had grown used to other’s treatment of him that people like Ben would sometimes never fail to astonish him.

When he learned that Ben only had a duffle bag for his things, he was surprised. He actually expected him to have at least a suitcase for his clothes and other supplies. After all, they were supposed to stay at the school quarters for the whole semester. Aside for some odd visits outside or the usual holidays, it was most likely understandable for him to presume that others would be more 'prepared' with their stay. He could even remember his mother packing a suitable amount of clothes for him when he first got here. Though Elijah he didn’t have a truckload of belongings, ever since he started living at Arcana Academy, he had collected a few numbers of clothes and other things such as books. Most of these books were either contemporary fictions or children's books. Those that he would normally donate to the orphanage or use as story telling material for the children. He had only recently bought these books and he would sometimes read the stories to the little kids.

He wanted to ask Benjamin why he had such a few belongings but the boy had excused himself to check on his phone. Elijah nodded in understanding and waited until his new roommate had finished texting. He opted to search for his own phone when he remembered that it had been hours ago since he last checked his messages. He was still looking forward to meeting Elle and Izzy and he hoped that they would meet before going to the assembly. He took his phone out of his pocket and looked through his recent list of messages. He smiled fondly when he found one from his sister. She had asked him if he has already eaten breakfast like she did and he replied that he would take one later. Aside for another text from his mother, there was nothing else in his Inbox and he promptly locked his phone. It was the typical scenario for Elijah. He was not actually fond of mobile phones or texting. He used it as practically as he could but he was never the type who would waste a day or so, texting someone else. Those who would usually contact him were either his family, some of his classmates or someone from the orphanage. He kept his phone back and turned to Ben in confusion when noticed him do the same. He had thought he would take longer than that.

He then stood perplexed when Benjamin promptly grabbed his bag and evidently walked towards the wrong direction, opposite from their room. 'I thought he wanted to see the room?' He then almost laughed out loud when he immediately walked back soon after. "You know what? Lead the way my good man" His new roommate stated with a perfect British accent. He could actually see things getting livelier and funnier around this guy. He nodded and cast him a small smile. He walked towards the rooms and lead the way, occasionally looking around for any signs of Elle or Izzy. It might be possible that both of them had already gone to the cafeteria. It was time for breakfast and he could actually feel the hunger. It would be rude to leave his roommate alone though, and so he continued walking and accompanied Benjamin all the way to room eight. He was fine with the relative silence between them and he supposed that his companion wouldn’t be bothered with the stillness.

“Do you want to get something from the
” Elijah started asking once they passed the stairs. He trailed off once he noticed a familiar figure standing on the wall next to the door of their room. ‘Isabella Dorson. Bells as what she liked to be called’, the thought quickly crossed his mind when their eyes met. He nodded in acknowledgement, his words dying in this throat, and he abruptly stopped in his tracks. She was actually more known as Izzy’s estranged cousin. Izzy had once told something about her in passing but Elijah actually don’t know a lot about her. Aside from seeing her occasionally at the school grounds, accompanied by her group of friends, he never had the chance to talk to her. Whenever he would find himself near her presence, he would usually get stiff and somewhat conscious... Much more too conscious of his actions, in fact. He didn’t like the strange ideas floating in his mind whenever he was near her.

 Morning, Bells”, he finally uttered. He decided it would be quite rude of him to disregard her presence. No matter how conflicted he was about her, he would still try to be nice to her and to any other person around. He continued towards the door of their room and fished his own key from his pocket. He opened the lock and stepped to the side. It was during this moment that he heard Mr. Marinos’ voice announcing the start of the assembly. He looked towards Ben and Bells and in his apprehension, stupidly stated the obvious, “I think the assembly’s about to start.”


Eriol was pissed. Beyond without a doubt utterly pissed. It took him several minutes to look for their room and he was half-expecting to see his roommate on the way. He did found their room alright, located not surprisingly in between the rooms eight and twelve but there was no one around. That was just the icing on the cake though. Another thing was that he never remembered who the hell was Landon Hirst among the many students of the idiotic Arcana Academy. It was because of this that he had dared take the chance to find his said roommate in their room and look at how wasted that effort was. 'Where the heck is he?' He thought in irritation and he tried to think of possible places a male student of Arcana would stay so early in this morning. That was considering if Landon was a boy himself, Eriol thought. He was really not sure and he had not one single clue about this guy. With the way how twisted the minds of the human beings worked nowadays, he could not be sure if this Landon was a boy. 'For all I knew, maybe this Landon was a girl who got a such an unlucky manly name', Eriol thought exasperated and a little more than put out by the way he had to drag his bag all around the Academy. Well boy or not, his new roommate was currently missing in action and he was irritated beyond belief. Amidst all of this, Eriol fervently wished that he would not get more annoyed than he was right now.

He let out a sigh and walked back towards the reception. He needed the key as soon as possible. It would be a foolish move for him to go into someplace he was not sure of. Also, uptight Leo had just announced the assembly meeting later in 10. While he was not the golden model student, Eri would rather not get on the bad side of the older headmaster so early in the game. His behaved record for the past month was proof of that. Ben and he agreed, or rather he had asserted and suggested to his best buddy about how they should act like the good student for their initial stay at this academy. He was not afraid of Marinos but he figured that he was still basically a greenhorn here. Being new and all that jazz, he might as well try to create a nice image. After all, what fun would it be, if Leo and his lackeys would treat him as a troublemaker only for their first few months of stay at this shitty academy? Landing himself into a detention was not worth a while and he would rather use this time to plan for greater pranks in the nearest future.

Upon reaching the reception, he looked around and waited until one of the staff on the front desk approach him. He put on his best worried expression while he watched one of those nameless women turn to him. “Good morning! Welcome to Arcana Academy! How can I help you?” She smiled and greeted him in that customary helpful expression. Eriol nodded and looked around, as if seemingly searching for something before he warily smiled back at her. “Hello Ma’am”, he stated with his tone full of respect and kept on his troubled look.

He placed his hands above the counter and looked down. He then slightly raised his head, bit his lower lip and lowered his head back again. He let several minutes pass before he looked up and stared at her for another time. “I.. I need help.” He quietly said, lowering his head. He was certain that the woman needed to move closer in order to hear him but he didn’t care. “Yes, how may I help you?” She impatiently said and gave him a strained smile.

“It’s just that my roommate
. Landon Hirst? Do you know him? He was one of the Arcana students, and I was supposed to be his new roommate
 “ the sixteen year old boy trailed off, purposely leaving his words (and his involvement with Noctrem) hanging as he waited for the woman to ask him. The receptionist didn’t fail him and she nodded to let him continue. “This is really embarrassing but he told me that he lost his key.” He looked at her with worried eyes before adding, “He was so afraid of the consequences so he forced me to come here and get a new copy of the key for him. He wanted me to tell you that I lost the key and I had no choice. He had threatened me and since I am still new here, I decided to follow his words. I don’t want to get a blemish on my clean record you see. He was so scary and he told me that if I won’t get a copy of the key here, he would never let me get into the room.” His eyes widened and he dished out word after word. His tone was hurried as if he was uncovering a secret, and his face was a mix of innocence and weariness when he waited for the girl’s response.

He was truly emanating a terrified expression and he succeeded in appearing nervous. He didn’t know if she would believe it but it was this acting that he had used to win over his typical victims. His usual victims of those stupid and narcissistic matrons who looked at everyone down that they deemed lower than they were. The woman was immediately on alert mode and she fully faced him. “What do you mean? Is he harassing you? Do you want me to report him to the headmaster?” Eriol’s eyes widened. “Oh! Oh no! I don’t! Just getting me a key would do”, Eriol piped up, the panic and alarm could be clearly heard in his voice. “Don’t tell Mr. Marinos! I don’t want to be kicked out of my room so early!”

It took him several more minutes of explanation and he let out a relieved sigh when he finally got a copy of the key from the overreacting woman. Honestly, if he only knew how tiresome talking to her would be, he should have gone with his Plan B and stopped time to just grab a key from her drawers. ‘Oh, the things he’d suffer just to execute a prank.’ The only good thing that he got from this exercise was that he was quite sure that whatever record his roommate had, would be tainted by his recent actions. Word was bound to travel all round the campus and he was quite certain that if he could not have the room for himself, he would rather make sure to take necessary steps to drive his roommate out. This was only his first small step to freedom after all.

When he got inside Room ten, he promptly placed his bag towards the empty bed and he took his mobile phone and its charger out. He looked for an empty socket and plugged it in. Another one reason that had caused him irritation was when his phone battery died on him when he was about to make a call. It seemed that he had been too excited last night that he forgot to recharge it. He plopped on the bed and stared at the ceiling. He had to contact Yvette soon. He did not know where she was and while he normally didn’t care what she did, he figured that they should attend the assembly together. It was bound to start soon and he wanted to find her before then.

He didn’t know how long he had fallen asleep but he was awakened to the sound of the old Arcana’s headmaster's voice going over the usual announcements. He cursed, stood up and nursed his head as he tried to comprehend what the old geezer wanted to say. Apparently the assembly was starting in five minutes and they were all required to go into the hall else they risk free periods and detention. He shook his head and chase off all remnants of sleepiness. He went into the bathroom and tried to freshen up. After spending a good two minutes of prepping himself, he unplugged his cell phone and concentrated to activate his ability so that he could reach the great hall within the time allotted.

When he was done, he looked for an empty chair near the exit and opened his phone. Eriol dialed his girlfriend’s number and heard it ring. He waited until the line connected before he spoke. “Hello, Yvette. Where are you?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz Character Portrait: Elijah Claymore Character Portrait: Isabella Dorson Character Portrait: Eriol Adelart Character Portrait: Izaiah Dorson
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0.00 INK


Ben just followed Elijah after going in the completely wrong direction. He just knew that about forty percent of the time that he would be late for class would be because he got lost, the other sixty percent is because he just didn't want to enter or he had better things to do. As he walking through the hallways, Ben just thought. He thought about how he and Eri, mostly Eri since Ben was actually against the idea at first, decided that they are going to be on their best behavior, at least for the beginning. Ben kinda agreed with that, after all they were new and even though Cain was used to them, Leo wasn't. One prank that went wrong could ruin their whole school life here at Arcana. Also as he walked he wondered about his package. It was supposed to arrive yesterday. Inside was all the things his sister could replace that was burned in the fire, such as his music notebooks, clothes, and other various items. Luckily for him, his guitar was in the repair shop during the fire and will be fixed later on today. He was completely lost in thought, you could say. He didn't even notice the silence between him and Elijah. Although if he did, he most likely would have broken it.

Ben woke up from his trance when he heard Elijah start talking, although he never quite heard what he said. Ben looked at Elijah questionably and was about to ask about what he just said when Ben followed Elijah's eye path. There near the hallway, where Ben assumed was his room, was Bells. Quickly he checked his phone without letting anyone see.

Looks like skippin is out of the question. Ill explain more when I see you. And ugh Elijah
.we will have to hang in my room more the yours. C ya soon.

and then immediately after that there was another one from Bells.

I am here in front of room 8 and no answer. Where are you?

Ben was worried, it was never good to make Bells wait, ever. How could he hear the beep that told him that he received a text? Ben glanced at his phone once more and saw that it was silent. He also missed a call from his sister. "Great" Ben thought. He heard Elijah mutter something like a greeting to Bells. Ben saw that Elijah was acting a bit strange. He must be a bit scared of her due to that fact that he's Izzy's friend and probably Izzy had told him horrible stories about her. Ben didn't know why Izzy didn't like Bells, she's freaking awesome. Anyways he went up to Bells and put an arm around her shoulder in a friendly way, the same way he always did to her. "Hey Bells, sorry for making you wait. I guess you just miss me too much," Ben said jokingly. Ben then saw Elijah open the door to the room, but before he could take a peek, Leo's voice echoed through the halls. Elijah then said that the assembly was going to start soon. Ben looked at Bells. He read in the text that skipping was out of the question, so he wondered why. It was a bit unlike Bells to waste her time on a stupid assembly, but she must have her reasons so Ben didn't think about it too much. "I guess we should go," Ben said as he just kicked his duffel bag into his room. He will organize it later. Ben looked at Elijah and Bells and said quickly,"You coming or not slowpokes?".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonardo Marinos Character Portrait: Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz Character Portrait: Elijah Claymore Character Portrait: Margaret Eloise Wright Character Portrait: Isabella Dorson Character Portrait: Eleanor Carson
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Bells was leaning against the wall waiting very impatiently when finally she saw Ben and
 ugh Elijah. She saw Elijah nod to her and saw that he stopped a little ways from her. She couldn’t help but smirk, she noticed him watching her and finally the boy stammered out some words “Uh..Morning, Bells” . She stood up more straightly and walked over to him “Morning Elijah” was all she said to him then looked to Benz. “You said you would be up here and I have been waiting
.” she then saw Benz walk over to her and put his arm around her shoulder. She was annoyed a little bit but she would let it slide because she was in a good mood from being able to talk to Ms. Wright this morning.

“Hey Bells, sorry for making you wait. I guess you just miss me too much,” Bells rolled her eyes at what Benz said “your lucky I like you..or I would have left by now” she then heard the Mr.Marino’s announcement over the intercom "All students to the Great Hall please, assembly beings in five minutes. A reminder than any absentees will result in punishment." “Oh so scared a punishment
so scared” she sort of mocked the announcement then looked to Benz, she first heard Elijah say something but sort of ignored it. “I guess we should go” she nodded “yes lets go get this over with, I hope it won’t be too long” she then got lost in thoughts about her conversation with Ms. Wright earlier when she got snapped out of it from Benz say “You coming or not slowpokes” she sighed and walked up to Benz “of course I am coming, lets go” she said as she started walking off “oh the reason why we aren’t skipping is because well I got talking to Ms. Wright
and yea..” She hasn’t told anyone about her feelings for Ms. Wright and wasn’t sure if she was going to tell anyone
just yet. She especially didn’t want Amber to find out, the girl already knew one of her secrets that she really didn’t want anyone to find out so Bells made and agreement with Amber and they have been good since.

As she was walking downstairs she wasn’t even sure if Benz or Elijah was with her, she knew Benz would catch up and she really didn’t care for Elijah especially since he was best friends with Izzy, yes he might be cute but Elijah’s personality just wasn’t her type. As she did make it to the great hall, she didn’t understand why it was called a great hall. What so great about a room that is pretty much for assemblys? She walked through the doors and right off she saw Izzy and Ellie. She didn’t say anything to them, she found a seat in the back row and sat down putting her feet up on the seat in front over her and leaned her head back, maybe she could fall asleep during the assembly. She did tell Ms. Wright she be there but she didn’t say anything about being coherent.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bethany Phillips Character Portrait: Leonardo Marinos Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy Character Portrait: Drake Mauri Quellen Character Portrait: Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz Character Portrait: Ashleigh Fox
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0.00 INK


When Spencer said that he was going, Beth said something along the lines of, "Alright lets go then," and grabbed his hand. Spencer's first reaction was to pull away, but he stopped himself. Instead he blushed a bright red. He didn't say a word, for once Spencer Jerem was speechless. This was the affect that girls had on him, and that was why he tried to keep his distance. They are a fate worse to him than alcohol, because that will leave his system in a few won't. "Love, it should be named a disease. It controls your mind and twists it," Spencer thought to himself. Beth then found them some seats and they both sat down.

Spencer looked around the room, it was decently crowded. Most of the students where there, except for a certain few. He heard Leo speak. He drowned on and on about the houses and how the roommates were permanent. Spencer sighed. Jackson and his parties, were apparently here to stay. As he heard his name announced in the house he was him. Beth was with him and so was Jackson. Spencer sighed once more. Beth was a distraction, and now was in all his classes, brilliant. As he tuned in to the rest of the names, he noticed there was no one that he disliked, and likewise. Beth was house captain? Spencer didn't envy her one bit. Ashy and Beth would probably good at it, but Ben and Drake? At least everyone know who the losing houses we're going to be. Drake maybe would be decent, but Ben was just a joke.

When the assembly finished Spencer looked at Beth and waited for her to say something. Truthfully he wanted to get away, but his mama taught him better. When he saw that she wasn't going to say something, Spencer decided that he should, instead of sitting there in awkward silence, say something. "Looks like we're going to be seeing lots of each other this year, and your house captain. I'm telling you now not to expect too much of me, other than sleeping," Spencer said trying to lighten the mood. He saw Beth's face when Leo said Jackson, although Beth probably didn't know it herself, it wasn't the happiest expression.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Leonardo Marinos Character Portrait: Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz Character Portrait: Elijah Claymore Character Portrait: Isabella Dorson Character Portrait: Eleanor Carson Character Portrait: Izaiah Dorson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by xKyrie

Elijah was torn between feeling wary and glad when Bells had greeted him in return. He was happy to know that she knew him. She was an interesting girl, and even if she had such kind of
 unpleasing personality, he could not help but get drawn to her. It might have been because she was cold and somewhat uncaring towards him and some of the people around her or it might also be because of her ability but Elijah really wanted to know her more. While he hated the way she treated others, disliked how much she always seemingly disregarded rules and regulations, and had the full knowledge of how she was the type of person that would find pleasure in hurting someone; all of this did not deter him. It was a bit shallow on his part, he supposed --since he technically wanted to know about her because of her pain inducement ability, but then for now, it was enough to warrant such fascination. She was like a piece of mystery. A modernistic work of art, one which he would be willing to solve (given the chance).

Elijah was certainly not a shy person. He could be quiet and reserved but he was not someone who would be hard to approach. He was open and accommodating and he could take time to listen and do nothing but simply listen to others when they share information about theirselves. He could even give some ideas and opinions if the one he was conversing with wanted some but he was content with just listening. It was because of this that it was laughable on how he could noticeably turn into a bumbling fool once he was in front of one Isabella Dorson. It seemed that whenever he was within a short distance from the girl, his brain would take an impromptu vacation and he would usually lose all the conversational phrases and words that he knew. Instead of being sociable, he would end up awkward and tense around Bells. It was pathetic and he would not be surprised if she would dislike him for acting this way in front of her.

Every now and then, he wondered. What would take him to take that courageous leap of faith and approach Bells? Just like he had always imagined in his mind. He had been trying to come up with scenarios. Those that he would do if he would meet her along the way to classes or any other place possible. Would his uncharacteristic stiffness and discomfort disappear? Or would he still stay as he had always been whenever he was in front of her presence: shy, awkward and mute-like? He walked behind them and continued to get lost in his thoughts. Though his concentration proved to be easily distracted by the brunette in front of him, not a moment later. He could not help but notice every now and then how she excluded an aura of confidence. Bells was a unique girl, someone that would never let others walk over her and he liked that about her.

The Irish lad was almost near the hall when he felt the phone in his pocket vibrate. Since he was fully aware of the time limit that Mr. Marinos had set for the start of the assembly, he decided to check on the new text message later. He entered the hall and looked around. He stopped on the side once he passed the entrance door and found the place occupied by most of the Arcana students along with some from Noctrem. Mr. Marinos was seated with Ms. Roerig in the front together with Mr. Vincent and the other teachers. He tried to smile at his favorite English teacher and walked further inside the great hall.

While he did, he took his time to study the others who have also attended this morning. Almost more than a half of the student population was present and he knew that this was because of Mr. Marino's recent announcement. He figured that they would know about their class schedules today from the way how the things were going. He found Izzy and Elle seated near the front row and approached them.

"Good morning", he greeted his closest friends as soon as he reached them. He took a seat besides Izzy and looked at the two. He cast them a beaming smile. " Did I miss a lot? Did you see the list?" He inquired, truly wanting to know more about his friends' roommates. He was distracted by Ben's arrival and because of that he did not have enough time to look for their new roommates. "My roommate is Ben Hershkovitz. How about you Elle and Izzy? I'm sorry I was unable to see the rest of the list, especially about your roommates. Excuse me for a while", he added. He remembered the text message and took out his phone. Once he saw that it was from Izzy, he thanked him and said, “Thank you for informing me about the assembly Izzy-“

He was about to add more but Mr. Marinos had already stood on the podium in front. He straightened in his seat and quietened down. He faced the stage and listened closely to the headmaster after sending a sheepish smile towards his friends.

------------~ After the assembly ~----------
When Mr. Marinos was done with the announcement, Elijah was once again conflicted with mixed feelings. To say the least, what had been tackled at the assembly, was unexpected. Aside from the strange rooming list this morning, there was another surprise after it. The headmaster had stated that there would be a housing system. Apparently, Elle and he, along with the other students like Theodore and Jess were placed in the Causton House. Not that he hated being grouped with the Noctrem students but it would be was rather odd with how they have seemingly wanted to make the students from the two schools interact. There was no school distinction of whether you were from Arcana nor Noctrem between groups and it made things interesting. He was wondering how things were going to be weeks from now.

Though It was a shame that Izzy was not sorted with them in the Causton house. It would have been more entertaining if he was with both Elle and Izzy when they try to compete during activities. Izzy was fun, he was a nice lad and his helpful acts had never failed to amaze Elijah. He was actually one of the very first people that he had grown close with on his early days here in Arcana.

Elle on the other hand, had a personality you wouldn’t expect from when you first see her. While she looked delicate and small because of her stature, Eleanor Carson was not a pushover. She was honest and open minded. Elle was caring and friendly. She would take an effort to listen to your stories and be just there whenever you needed someone to talk to. He had always seen her like those girls, that while strong, were ones that needed to be taken care off. Not in the sense that he would actually get suffocating but he had this urge to protect her away from harm even though he knew that she could take care of herself. She reminded him of his little sister and because of this, he could get protective of her sometimes. Elijah treasured his friendship with these two. He hoped that this new school system would not cause a drift between their small group. Competitions could be healthy but it could also be destructive. Izzy was and still a great friend and he wished that things would stay that way.

“Did you eat breakfast already? If you haven't, do you want to eat at the cafeteria?” He looked at them and asked. He stared at his wristwatch and noted the time. They had the day to themselves and he wanted to make the best use of it. “I was planning to ask Mr. Marinos to allow me to visit the orphanage and I wanted to invite you two.” He added and hopefully waited for their answer.

((I will post for Eriol as soon as I can))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lulu Allen Character Portrait: Corentine Storm Quellen Character Portrait: Bethany Phillips Character Portrait: Skylar Fiammetta Byrnes Character Portrait: Erin Hawthorne Character Portrait: Leonardo Marinos
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#, as written by Mela
Miss Amy Roerig

During the assembly, Amy let her eyes roam the grand hall, observing the students, trying to get an impression of the overall opinion on this entire ordeal. Leo had spent a lot of time in his office this past week, sorting everything out, which meant they hadn’t seen each other as much as she would have like, since spending several hours in your boss’ office at a time might call on some unwanted attention. She was quite aware that some already had their suspicions, which made the matter of publicity even more urgent. Better to tell people themselves, than to have rumours spreading, and considering the students they had just let in, it was probably going to happen sooner rather than later. With that thought, Amy’s gaze went from Amber, to Drake, to Theo
 people from Noctrem she could imagine finding out about her and Leo. Sure, she didn’t think Theo was a bad kid, but she dreamt about Leo a lot of the time, although she supposed the most he could grasp from that, would be her infatuation with the gorgeous headmaster. Then again, who said Theo even had an interest in watching her or anyone’s dreams?

She instantly stored away those thoughts and her gaze moved on, now resting on the house captains being announced in turn. Her heart ached for poor Ashleigh, who was going to have a very tough time being captain in her house. She could almost see the poor girl turning paler by the second. She obviously hadn’t missed the fact that she had several of the most troublesome kids to deal with; Corentine Quellen, Erin Hawthorne, and Addison Lawler. Sure, they weren’t all bad people, but they were definitely more
 wild, than average. To her knowledge, Sky and Scott weren’t the quietest of guys either, but she couldn’t recall them causing any severe troubles. However, that much could change. Then came Ben as captain of Causton , and well, Amy couldn’t really see that lasting long. He wasn’t exactly the most school-invested kind. Then came Bethany, and Amy felt a soft, unnoticeable sigh emit from her lips. That girl had to figure out herself and feel comfortable with that, able to take responsibility for her own life before she could start taking charge of anything else.

When Leo drew out Drake’s name for captain of Tyms, Amy’s eyes widened slightly, her gaze landing on said male. He looked more or less completely indifferent. Thinking about it, maybe Leo should have just decided on captains to make sure no disasters were chosen. The way it looked to her now, none of the captains were ideal. Her eyes hopped back to Leo, noticing his rigidity, the way his shoulders were shrugged back tensely, his usual smile abandoned in favour of an edgy line, his features drawn tight. Watching him, she felt glad they’d somewhat resolved their argument from earlier, because she couldn’t even imagine how he’d be feeling if he’d had problems with her to top off the day. What had she been thinking, even starting the argument this morning? She knew, yes, the dream, but she still felt like mentally kicking herself. She wondered what he was s nervous about, though. Her Leo was usually such a confident man, although she suspected a situation like this one would bring anyone to the edge.

Later, occupied by watching the throng of students and teachers leave the assembly, and especially seeing Lulu rush from the hall, Amy didn’t even notice the fact that Leo had turned towards her, or even sat beside her, so when he spoke, she almost jumped, her head snapping around, eyes wide in surprise before she registered the voice, followed by her eyes finding the most beautiful man she’d ever laid eyes on. Her lips curved into a smile filled with warmth at his question, and especially in reply to the vibrant smile he was casting her way. “Well, you definitely need to unwind some,” she said teasingly, a glint in her eye telling her precisely how she’d like to do that, before continuing, “but yes, you di-“ Before she could finish the sentence, Leo was cursing, the abrupt speed of his movements almost making her head spin. She blinked a couple of times, finally closing her mouth when he began explaining. Ah, yes, the new teacher. She remembered Leo talking a bit about a new teacher. He hadn’t told her much, and she hadn’t really asked. More pressing, Noctrem-related matters had been more important at the time.

“Ah,” she merely said in understanding before he was talking again. Leo hated being late, especially when others were depending on him, she knew that, so this wasn’t exactly helping him unwind, which she greatly disliked. Why hadn’t he told her he planned on getting Chris before the assembly? She would’ve reminded him, or at least gone to get the new teacher herself. When Leo extended a hand, inviting her to come with him, Amy bit her lip delicately, peering up at him through her dark lashes. “Yeah, sure,” she said, before eyeing his hand thoughtfully. Would it hurt her more to take it only to let it go moments later, or to not take it at all? Why did he have to do that? It’s not like she couldn’t get out of a chair herself. She sighed softly, taking his hand, feeling that same, familiar electricity, however, the sensation was brief due to the fact that Leo let go the second she was on her feet and she clenched her hand, savouring the brief contact, trying to quench the longing surging through her; the urge to hold him, kiss him, to run her hands through his hair. To see love and lust for her mixing in the gray pools that were his eyes, like last night.

When he began speed walking, Amy had to half run to keep up, but sensing his urgency, she didn’t complain like she most likely would’ve at another time. After all, it’s not like he didn’t know she had much shorter legs than he. And she did fall slightly behind, only catching up with him to hear the words, “-I’m late,” and those following. She took a deep breath to steady herself, curiously moving to the side so that she was no longer hidden behind Leo, and thereby able to see the new teacher. She took in all his features, her head cocking to the side slightly in thought. He looked familiar. Only when Leo finished speaking, did her eyes widen with realization. “Chris?” she breathed in disbelief, gaping at him. “That Chris?!” She blinked several times, then shooting an accusatory look Leo’s way, she almost squealed, “why didn’t you tell me?!” With that, a massive smile took over her features and she turned her gaze on her old friend again, the impulse to hug him causing her to rush forward and wrap her arms around him, somehow feeling like that alone would make him real.

She hadn’t seen Chris since leaving Arcana all those years ago, although they’d been pretty good friends. They just hadn’t kept in touch, truthfully, maybe because she’d, you know, gone to war and all, so she had only kept contact to her closest family. Thinking about it, their current lack of communication was probably her fault, but damn, was it good to see him again. “You look old,” she murmured playfully. She remembered teasing him about how much older than her he looked, despite the fact that she was actually the oldest of the two.

Drake Quellen

Drake almost chuckled at the blush coming onto Lulu’s cheeks, wondering in which direction her mind was taking her. Something told him it probably wasn’t entirely child-friendly, and the urge to tease her about it became nearly overwhelming. She was just so
 susceptible, not that most women weren’t, but Lulu in particular could be very fun to play with, he realized. Why hadn’t he ever thought about that before? Well, if was definitely changing now. He wanted to see that red in her cheeks a lot more and he was going to strive to get it, because what Drake wanted, he procured for himself, and if there was one thing he could do, it was charm a woman out of her panties. But did he want to do that to Lulu? He mused it over. Why the hell did he ever give a shit? Normally he wouldn’t have given it a second thought, because it would be entertaining, but now he found himself wondering if she would be hurt when he left her after sleeping with her, considering if maybe he would be going too far. After all, she was a friend, one the few he actually had. Inwardly, Drake’s mind battled itself, but outwardly he maintained is usual, easy stance. It was something he’d taught himself to do quite well.

Soon, Lulu was rubbing her eyes as if trying to clear them, commenting on his slightly reprimanding words. A wry smile pulled at his lips, “ yes, that much it obvious,” he said teasingly. Yep, he was back. He wasn’t really worried anymore. She’d be fine, but
 he still didn’t understand this odd need to help and take care of her. Shrugging it off, he guided the blonde on his arm out of the men’s toilets. When he noticed the three guys giving Lulu looks, he merely raised an eyebrow in their direction, as if saying, “got a problem? Take it up with me.” Drake might not be the violent type, or the kind of guy to go headfirst into trouble as such, but he wasn’t one you wanted to mess with, and his entire demeanor screamed as much when he wanted it to, which he did in this case. He relaxed a little once the guys scurried off; obviously deciding whatever they thought of Lulu wasn’t worth any actual trouble over. When Lulu spoke, Drake’s eyes found her once more and another sly smile came onto his face. “Showers, eh?” He teased, his eyes glinting with wicked thoughts. Then he just chuckled, shaking his head. “In your bathroom,” he then finally told her.

They both grew quiet then, Drake taking care to be entirely sure she wasn’t going to stumble and hit the floor with her nose while he could do anything to stop it. After all, the floors didn’t deserve that kind of violence, right? Oh, who am I kidding? He asked himself, inwardly sighing, I don’t actually want her to stumble. But again, that made him wonder why, because there was always at least slight entertainment in people falling over their own feet. And sure, he realized Lulu means something to him, but did that mean he had to go all protective super hero? Damn it, that really usually wasn’t his style. He’d begun growing irritated with himself when Lulu spoke again, and he completely disregarded earlier thought, a devious smirk curving his lips. “Help?” He murmured, his voice deep and seductive in itself as he looked down at her. “Could be arranged.” He deliberately let his eyes roam her body. How was he supposed to try and have morals when she kept tempting him like this? Women.

Her next words made him chuckle, wicked, dark brown eyes once more giving her body their undivided attention. He easily held on to her as she half stumbled, not even stopping in his track. He had a good hold on her, and she wouldn’t be hitting the floor. All she had to do was regain her balance, and as she did, her next words following, he grinned sinfully at her, his eyes intense, his entire demeanor completely in flirt-mode. Drake pulled them both to a stop only to skillfully turn them around and gently press her slight body up against the wall, both his arms winding around her waist now, so that his heat was completely enveloping her, even as his body trapped hers between it and the wall. He leaned down, his lips brushing against her ear as he murmured seductively, “now, what’s the fun in keeping our clothes on?” Of course, it wasn’t like Drake was actually going to have sex with her. Obviously, she wasn’t in a state capable of satisfying him properly anyways, but playing with her right now was extremely entertaining for some reason.

If he was going to fuck Lulu, it was going to be done right, and not in some stupid situation like this when she could barely walk by herself. Not that he was going to fuck her at all
 right? Yep. Friend. He’d sort of told himself not to fuck the few people he considered friends, but in that case, he really needed to stop befriending hot girls who wanted him, because it was making his life damned complicated. Again, it wasn’t like Drake couldn’t resist and keep his dick in his pants, but he was starting to think he’d really rather not. Hell, maybe that was just because he hadn’t had sex in a while. What had it been? Two? Three? Weeks. Keeping your sex-life alive when he were rooming with Cor in some motel, proved to be harder than you’d think. Thinking about it, he felt pretty sure last time had been with Erin, because Cor actually left when it was her. He suspected it had something to do with the fact that Cor knew what kind of role Drake played in her best friend’s life.

Maybe he should exert some kind of revenge on his sister. Manipulation was a gift of his, and he could definitely use Jay in some way, but then
 would using Jay be a bit too cruel? He and Cor didn’t really try to make each other miserable. Sure, they bickered like cat and dog, and they most definitely had a lot of differences, but they were still family and in some incredibly fucked up way, they did care about each other. Despite the fact that living with her had been hell. Good luck to Lauryn, was all he could say.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bethany Phillips Character Portrait: Leonardo Marinos Character Portrait: Drake Mauri Quellen Character Portrait: Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz Character Portrait: Zac Barnes Character Portrait: Ashleigh Fox
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Ben was pissed. Him? House Captain? Leo can go fuck himself. There was no way in hell that he would be able to do this. Ashy would be amazing at being a house captian, but with Cor in her house, Ben felt really sorry for her. People would listen to Drake, and Beth seemed completely fine with the fact. Only he was the fucked up one of the captains, of course his house was going to loose in everything. When he heard who was in his house, Ben was seriously not pleased. His best friend, Eriol wasn't there, but Eriol's girlfriend, Yvette, was. Ben pretty much hated her and it was mostly out of jelaousy. He thought that ever since she came into his buddy's life, Ben was second best. Maybe he'll use his new position to make her life hell. She wasn't fit for Eriol, no self confidence, what kind of person is like that? Eriol was going to get the best, if Ben had anything to say about it, maybe he could even sabatoge the relationship between Eriol and Yvette being the captain. On the other hand, there was no way in hell that he would be able to be responsible, hell he can't even get his own lazy ass to class let alone other people. Luckly, no one truely hated him, but niether were his good friend either.

When the assembly was over Ben rushed outside. Neither did he want to see his "house mates" nor did he want to be near people. Period. Quickly he rushed to his room, but it took him a while, after all his sense of direction isn't the best. Finally he got back to his room and opened the door with the key around his neck that Elijah had given to him earlier. On the floor next to the door, was his duffel bag, exactly were he left it. Although he did see a fairly large pakage on the empty side of the room, his side he assumed, amd thruth behold there on the mailing address was his name in his sister's cursive hand writing. Quickly he tore open the package and found a note. Inside it said,

Dear Benjamin,
I hope you are ajusting at Arcana. This is the place where I think you truly belong. I've sent you all the items that you've asked. I guess you we're pretty lucky that you were planning to visit and already sent your items beforehand. I've also brought your guitar. Tell me when I can bring up Lucifer, he misses you.
Lots of Love,
Cathleen, Jacob, and Mollie.

P.S. I've added a picture of Mollie since you haven't see her in a while and she's grown so big now.

Ben looked at the picture of his niece. Her little red riglets covered the four year old's head. She was grinning and the sun really brought out her freckles. Inside the box, was most of his things, minus a few things here and there that were lost in the fire. Next to the package was his guitar. Man how he missed her. This was what he needed right now, after hearing the terrible news at the assembly. Music was his therapy. Ben didn't even care to put his stuff away, all he did was grab his guitar and walk outside towards a clearing. There he saw Ashy and he was about to call out to her, but then he saw her with Zac. He didn't have a problem with him at all, but he was jelaous. Even though he knew that Ashy and Zac we're just good friends, but he couldn't help himself. He stated to walk away but the ripe leaves on the ground couldn't help but crunch. Ben just hoped that it wouldn't give him away. As much as he wanted to be with Ashy, there was always Zac. Ben wanted to go find a place to play his feelings out, like the teenage boy that he was.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Corentine Storm Quellen Character Portrait: Erin Hawthorne Character Portrait: Leonardo Marinos Character Portrait: Jackson Murphy Character Portrait: Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz Character Portrait: Zac Barnes
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Ashy smiled at Zac as he talked about bleeding to death 'Oh stop being so melodramatic' She told the male, rolling her eyes and swatting his arm, 'you'll be fine the cuts not that deep.' She chuckled, looking down at the males finger. She did care about Zac, a lot, but she saw the male more as a brother than anything else. Zac was one of her oldest friends, in fact the first time they'd met had been on the very first day of Arcana. Ashy had been scared to death and he'd come bounding up to her, all charm and smiles, and introduced himself to her. There friendship had stayed pretty much solid ever since.

She rolled her eyes again when Zac told her owed a memory wipe. 'You don't owe me anything, stupid. Besides, you know i'm not a fan of your.....jiggery pokery.' She said, gesturing at Zac's head and general torso area. The blonde had no problem with anybody's powers in general, she just didn't like any of them really being used on her, although she knew it was more than likely that people like Jack, who could control emotions, had used his power on her at the odd party or two, to make her a bit That man was like her own personal alochol, Ashy decided with a small smile.

Ashy gave a small giggle when Zac told her the song could be appropriate to the situation that she was currently facing. 'I don't want them dead Zac,' She chuckled, 'I just want them to disappear for a while....' She said looking down at hands which were now placed in her lap. The fear that had washed over the young blonde when she had been she was going to be 'in charge' of Cor and her chums was still there, but she was a lot more clear headed about the situation now, she didn't know whether it was being outside or with Zac but she knew exactly what she had to do. She was going to give it a try because, it was, for all intents and purposes, a great opportunity. Although she didn't really agree with the way Mr Marino's had picked the captains, she was a great believer in fate. Maybe the oppurtunity would do her some good. Besides, Arcana had become her home and she had come to trust the staff here. She was sure if she had that bad a problem, she could go and talk to one of them.

Suddenly, Ashy heard a crackling of leaves behind her. She spun round quickly to see the retreating back of another figure she recognised. Ben. Now Ben was an entirely story that made no sense whatsoever. He was from Noctrem, so the blonde had only him for little over a month. Yet, she felt like she'd knew him years. They had clicked almost instantly and there was just this... spark between them that neither of them had ever talked about but both knew existed, but why? Ashy supposed they were both to scared to ruin what they already had.

The sound of the long grass being moved draw Ashy's attention away from the confusing mess that was Ben to a girl that was striding purposely across the forest. Ashy recognised as Erin, one of the girls from her house. She looked pissed, Ashy decided now was not the best time to introduced herself as house captain.

'Jesus christ, it's like Piccadilly Cirus round here, wait here.' She told Zac, following in the direction of the retreating Ben. When she got closer, she called out the boy's name, when he didn't respond, she put herself into a jog and stopped herself her infront of him.

'Hey, what's up, huh?' She asking the Auburn headed male, placing a reassuring hand on his arm, concern etching her face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Drake Mauri Quellen Character Portrait: Benjamin Sean Hershkovitz Character Portrait: Zac Barnes Character Portrait: Ashleigh Fox
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Ashy had to blink and take a moment to comprende what Ben had just said. Damm his ability to speak for long periods without breathing. It wasn't really good for anything except making her brain work at double speed! Well yours isn't only good for refilling peoples water bottles and getting people wet Ashy thought to herself, smiling at the thought. She had come to the conclusion that she was going to win no great battles with the power that had been 'god given.' But it was a neat little party trick and something she hoped to use for the good of the world. That was, once she'd refined to do so.

'Oh i'm fine.' She told the Auburn haired male across from her, ' Well, I am now..' She added quietly, staring down at the floor. The thought was being a house captain becoming less scary, but scary all the same. She quickly reflected back on the assembly and remembered that Ben was always a house captain, at least she wouldn't be totally on her own. There was Ben and....Drake... Oh Jesus
'How are you?' She asked Ben brightly, before he could ask her any sort of question. Ashy hated questions, besides she was never going to be able to explain all the emotions running through her right now. Not in a million years.

Ashy looked back at Ben, he seemed happy to see her there was no denying that and she felt the same way. But she just...couldn't shake the feeling that he was hiding something from her. She could tell by the way the males smile didn't quite reach his eyes. Something was up, and Ashy wanted to know what.

Before she could question Ben further however, the pair were joined by the arrival of Zac. Ashy didn't know why, but she always felt it slightly awkward when the two of them collided. This was completely absurd considering that the two of them were on 'level pegging' as it were. weren't they? The confusion of Ashy's feeling for Ben threatened to cause her to go into a day dream, she pushed that issue to the back of her mind. Not here. Not now.

Ashy rolled her eyes as Zac approched them, 'What part of 'wait here' did you not understand?' She said, smiling at Zac slightly. 'I was coming back!' She said in mock exasperation, nudging the male slightly.