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Roy Abernathy


0 · 218 views · located in Los Angeles

a character in “The Arris”, as played by Caille


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Roy Abernathy
just paste the quote here tbh-author


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xxxxx|| Name || Roy Abernathy
xxxxx|| Nicknames || Doesn't really have any.
xxxxx|| Pronouns || He/Him/His
xxxxx|| Age || 23
xxxxx|| Sexuality || Heterosexual xx
xxxxx|| Occupation || Rental Property Manager xx
xxxxx|| Hometown || Los Angeles, California.xx
xxxxx|| Hex || #2f3d29xx


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xxxxx|| Height || 6'0"
xxxxx|| Build || Muscular
xxxxx|| Description || frankly, we use pictures, so there's no need to go too in-depth with this. tell us how your character dresses, anything really special about them, that sort of thing. feel free to alter image size to whatever suits you.

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Despite what you may think about meeting Roy Abernathy at this stage in his life, he’s actually a very respectable and charming young man. He is good at having conversations about literature, music, pop culture, and business as they were all topics that got brought up in the house a lot. Him and his sister had to be very up to date on current events and needed to have a good handle on their views towards these things and controversial events.

He was raised to be the proper gentleman, opening doors for you, picking up anything you dropped, holding your bags or books, or anything. He was very well liked growing up because he earned so much respect from his peers and mentors. They were always so fond of him and found him to be an absolute delight. He was charismatic enough to talk about anything, or to go up to people and start conversations but he was also charming enough to convince people of things he wanted.

Roy, despite seeming like such an extrovert, was never really the type. When around closest friends and family he is stoic and not that expressive with his features. He likes to sit by the window and read books or journal articles, he likes to watch the stock market and play with stocks, or he enjoys researching current events going on in the world.

He is a bit of a Brainiac and enjoys learning new things or being creative with spaces. He finds enjoyment in his own company and doesn’t really need others to live his life. He also is a big fan of travelling to different places and has often done notable charity work and he loves to be a philanthropist.

Right now he’s just been going down a bit of a rabbit hole where he thinks the constant stream of people in his place is good for him and he loves the distraction from his own thoughts. He has been a bit more aggressive lately among other things.


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Roy Abernathy was born to Seamus and Isla Abernathy. His father was the owner of many real estate buildings in LA as they were buildings that he inherited from his own father after he obtained his degree in finance. It was a tradition passed down alongside all the Abernathy children first born. Did not matter if you were a male or female, it went to whoever was born first and secured their fate in a career for them.

Roy Abernathy grew up with high expectations on his shoulders. He was told from the get go that he had to behave, earn respect, and charm others into getting what he wanted. Roy did not go to a public school because his father did not agree with the statistics of it, so Roy ended up in a private boarding school with his younger sister, Shannon.

His sister is a little shit and he will never say otherwise. She was notorious for pulling pranks on him just to see his reactions, and she would constantly need his help to bail her out of all of her problems. Roy would just always shake his head and help her anyway because that’s what brothers were for.

It was at this boarding school that Roy met the love of his life and the woman he wanted to spend his days with, Francine Porter. Francine was the kind of woman that was intelligent, witty, and adventurous. She made Roy feel alive and made him want to obtain things besides following in his father’s footsteps. He wanted to take on the world with her.

It was with her he had the great attitude that his father was so pleased with. He was gifted with part ownership of The Arris from his father for his 18th birthday and from then has been around the apartments ever since.

Him and Francine moved in, but it didn’t take long before she showed her true colours. She had taken his credit card with her as she went shopping and she went on a spree doing serious damage to the credit card his father gave him in case of emergencies. They bickered about it and how she had to pay him back, which she started to do, up until he came home early from a business trip to find Francine fucking some other dude.

He was heartbroken and devastated. He kicked Francine out and now he spends a lot of his time drinking, partying, doing drugs, hosting parties, what have you. He doesn't try to date anyone anymore and is broken. He does get quite annoyed with the childish drama going on in the building, but they make for a good time so it can’t be all bad.

Since Francine broke his heart at 19, he’s been a bit of a player since and will have multiple girls on his hook.


cs: phosphene - fc: Thomas Doherty - hex code: 2f3d29



So begins...

Roy Abernathy's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avos D'Angeli Character Portrait: Coraline Quinn Character Portrait: Roxanne Powers Character Portrait: Bluebell Ellis Character Portrait: AJ Park Character Portrait: Travis Graves
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0.00 INK


The sun had begun to set, a cool autumn crisp in the air sharpening as the shadows took over the light. City lights reflected against the glass panes along the length of the building, people peering in with no avail. Pooling around all sides were the casual paparazzi, some standing aside smoking a square as they waited for some big names to arrive.

Though the Arris had only been constructed within the last few years, it already was a hot spot. Not only was it home to some of the richest people in the world, but also many rising stars across many industries. That made guest lists for events at the rooftop bar, Mani all the more stacked. On a night like tonight it was a sure thing to get a paycheck hanging around the lot.

“Where you want this, boss?” Alex asked from the end of the bar, carrying two boxes of his wine.

Isko looked over from the station, polishing glasses. He blew his hair back from his face in thought, eyes wandering over the back of the bar seeing where they had space. They had jam packed all the extra inventory they could, utilizing every square inch of space. He set down the glass, shuffling some things around attempting to make space before huffing in defeat.

“You know what, follow me.” Isko finally gave up, gesturing for Alex to follow him. He shook his keys in his hands as he walked, his mind rotating through his list of things he needed to get in order before the party began. It always was like this leading up to an event, no matter how much they prepared. That was the one rule of the business, always prepare for it to go wrong.

Unlocking his office, he gestured for Alex to set the boxes inside before going to his computer to check his emails. Of course there were many strangers who had somehow got ahold of his email and offered monetary compensation for any tips or exclusives he could give them. The offers had been coming more and more as the Arris attracted higher profile names. He glanced at the clock, it was still another hour until other’s arrived and he hadn’t even showered.

Isko didn’t usually like to participate in the events at his club but lately he’d been trying to feel more comfortable delegating tasks. Raised to work, it was against his nature. After Ximena however, he had learned that there was no joy in that life - at least not the kind he could share with another.

Coraline's face filled his mind, Isko lingering for a moment before pushing the sentiment aside to return to his emails. If he was being honest, she was the real reason he had decided to participate in the event this year. Though the two had been living parallel to one another for some time, Isko felt like he hadn’t been able to cross that barrier to assert his intentions - always keeping something between them be it a bar or a plant. Anything to be able to detract from the way he hesitated with his words around her.

Though English wasn’t his first language, he was entirely fluent - but the way Coraline spoke, wrote, even the way she moved it was all poetry. He could listen to her talk for hours, though he often found himself getting so lost in her that he wouldn’t have much to contribute. Unlike others however she actually seemed to be the one to listen, surprising Isko with the things she remembered. It was the small things that made her keep returning to his thoughts.

He logged off his computer, locking his office behind him and spinning his key ring around his finger.Tapping at the bar to get one of the staff's attention, nodding over his shoulder towards the elevator. “I’ll be right back, I’m going to get ready. Text me any questions you have.”

They gave him a nod, Isko giving everyone a wave as he turned towards the elevator already on his phone responding to messages. Between his business and his family there were always unread and unanswered texts or emails. The elevator took him to either floor of his penthouse, his fob key allowing the doors to open right into his living room. He walked out towards the windows, looking below.

Already the cars and crowds had begun to gather, cameras flashing. Isko looked over to Arris West, many of its inhabitants invited to the party at Mani. Unless they had already ventured over earlier in the day, they would have to pass through the crowd below to enter. Though he was certain they all had planned it that way.

Though Isko didn’t usually drink on the job, intent on committing to delegating tonight he poured himself a glass of malbec. Despite his profession he rarely drank, preferring to remain clear headed. Even so, he had appreciation for fine alcohol in its many forms. It’s why he wanted to open a bar to begin with, each cocktail custom created by him and his team. Though to him nothing could compare to a quality glass of wine.

He paused, savoring the moment as he took a drink. It felt like sealing his own promise to himself with a kiss, the red wine wet on his lips. He wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand, taking the glass with him to his master suite to get ready.