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Sadie Davenport

"Hey there! I'm Sadie"

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a character in “The Beast and the Beauty”, as played by Lorawr




My name is Sadie, and this is me, I guess...


Full Name: Sadie Louise Davenport

Age: Eighteen

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Sometimes I wonder...what if dreams are real, and what we think of as reality, is just a dream?


Hair Color: Light brown, almost blonde
Eye Color: Dark brown
Height: 5'4
Weight: 120lbs
Description: Sadie, an otherwise average girl, has the simple beauty reminiscent of some sort of goddess. She isn't particularly tall, or particularly special, but sometimes it can seem almost as though there's a kind of warm glow to her skin that makes the people around her feel better. Her hair is somewhere between a light brown, or a sandy blonde, and hangs straight and soft to her shoulders. Her bangs can half conceal her eyes on occasion, but it's more a endearing look than anything else. Her eyes a warm brown, almost amber in color, and tend to glint with cheerful playfulness or the promise or hint of something more than there really is.

Freedom || Drawing || Her cat, Louie || Cookies || Tea || The sea || Playing piano || Dancing

Lies || Being trapped || Coffee || Her dad || Being cold || Boring people || Rules || Being told what to do

Personality: Sadie is a pretty easy going girl who loves to laugh, and makes a point of enjoying life. She adores being around the people that love her, and brightens up any room with her easy jokes. She's easy company, and easy to get along with. But she's one of those people that needs a lot of freedom in her life. She hates being told what to do, and she hates feeling as though she's under a lot of pressure. As easy going as she is, she's very relaxed, however that only means that she is prone to completely breaking down and/or becoming very angry very quickly, but this is very rare. She's a passionate person, and loves to make others feel good, and although she'll never admit it she likes when other people take time for her like she does for them.


History/Bio: Sadie's parents, Lucy and Stuart, had their first and only child on the fifth of May. Overjoyed with the little girl they wanted and dreamed of for so long, they rose her together in complete peace. For seven years, Sadie was the best thing that ever happened to them. Lucy and Stuart were completely and totally in love, but then Rosemary came along. Blonde, busty, and young, she had her eyes set on Stuart from day one. Six months later, he left.

Confused and afraid, Sadie couldn't understand why her daddy didn't love her anymore, and why he had gone. Lucy fell into a spiral of alcoholism and depression, and it wasn't for another four years that they heard from Stuart again. His precious Rosemary had left him, as apparently was her habit. Lucy, unable to turn him away, accepted her husband back into her home, but he wasn't the same man. Eleven year old Sadie was almost painfully young, and vulnerable, and it was upon finding this out that Stuart allowed little Sadie to take the force of his newfound anger. He hit her, regularly. The beatings seemed harsh at first, but it didn't take long for the little girl to realize that if it made her daddy feel better, then it couldn't be so bad. He must only do it because he loved her.

This continued for two more years, with the beatings concentrated to areas that no one would see. Her legs were constantly black or blue, and as was her torso. No one ever noticed, and Sadie never told anyone. It wasn't until, in a blind and drunk rage, her mother finally lashed out at Stuart. He confessed all, and then he left again, for what Sadie thought was the last time. Her life continued. Shocked, scared and uncertain, Sadie just let her life continue. She saw her father still, but rarely, and even then it was mostly in her nightmares. Despite the complications of her home life, Sadie refused to let it affect her personality. She forced herself to remain positive, even when the only person she could rely on was herself. And all her life, she dreamed of a man - a father, a brother, and when she was older, a lover - to sweep her off her feet and look after her, like no one ever had bothered to before.


So begins...

Sadie Davenport's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sadie Davenport Character Portrait: Leviathan Rotenburg
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lorawr
The light of the new day filtered grimly through the gap in the heavy drapes. The beam of watery post dawn light was the only source of illumination in the dim room. Within the glow, motes of dust danced lethargically on a breeze that the sleeping girl did not feel. Buried within the blankets of the lush four poster bed, Sadie snuggled deeper into the warm folds of cloth. Swathed in the quilts that kept her warm, only Sadie's brow and her lidded eyes showed. As the sun rose higher into the clear blue sky, the little chink of light moved. Briefly, it illuminated the heavy wood wardrobe, and the desk beside it. It slunk across the floor, until it lit the rug that was trapped beneath the bed in the center of the room, and then the light shifted to fall on the closed eyes of the sleeping Sadie.

Sadie felt the light on her eye lids, and mumbled incoherently, rolling over in an attempt to shield herself from the light that threatened to wake her from the deep sleep that she was currently enjoying. Moments later though, the sun won, and Sadie found herself dredged up from sleep, and dumped on the brink of consciousness. Faced with a headache and an aching body, Sadie attempted to let go, and tumble back into the warm blackness of sleep, but it wouldn't come.

Giving up, she groaned and sat up, rubbing her eyes. It took her a few moments to wake up completely, blinking dazedly. Her body felt heavy, as though her bones had been replaced with lead, and her mind felt thick as though even the simplest thought was as difficult as running through thick custard. It wasn't a pleasant feeling, but when Sadie did manage a coherent thought, her mind reeled.

Where in sane hell was she? Sadie hadn't ever seen this room before...This bed...It was unfamiliar. And so was the furniture. She had never had a desk like that, or a rug as thick and soft looking as that one did. What the hell had happened?

Her thoughts were slow still, and she felt groggy, but she forced herself to think through the events of the previous night. There was the party. It had been fun, nice. The music had been loud, and she had felt the adrenaline running through her veins. The vibrations of the massive speaker rumbled through her chest, and there was nothing except the throbbing of the music, and the rhythm of the bodies around her as everyone danced all at the same time. Everything was so close, and she felt so alive. Then...Everything was blurry for a couple of hours, and then there was this guy. Sadie had seen him around a couple of times, but never spoken to him. However, as he took her elbow and guided her from the throng of people on the dance floor, Sadie had had to admit he was very good looking. Having had a drink too much, Sadie found herself trusting him. She followed him outside and then...nothing.

Groaning again, Sadie dragged herself out of the comfortable bed, and set her bare feet on the rug. Wriggling her toes in the soft fibers, Sadie couldn't help but smile. It felt nice on her bare feet. Glancing down at herself, she saw that she still wore her outfit from the previous night. Her jeans felt like they were too close to her legs, her shirt felt like it was too big. Her hair was matted and...She stank. She stank of spilled alcohol she was sure she hadn't drunk, and the sweat from dancing the night before. Sadie knew she had more pressing issues, but right then, all she wanted was a shower.

It was then that her eyes fell on the pile of clothing on a table. The table was thick, solid wood, with a vase of pretty flowers in the center. But, just to the side, was the clothing, and atop the clothing was a note. Stumbling, her body still heavy, she went over to investigate.

The note was enclosed in a dark red envelope, and on the front, her name was written in the elegant handwriting of someone with powerful hands. Raising a brow, Sadie split the envelope with a finger nail and read the note inside.


It's a pleasure to have you here, and I hope you have had a pleasant night. I understand that you may be confused, or even afraid, but please be assured that you are safe. I wont ever let anyone hurt you. I also understand that you may desire to shower or change your clothes. Please, take these clothes, and find your en suite shower to the right.

Forever yours, Leviathan.

Sadie read the note once, and then again. Leviathan? The name didn't sound at all familiar, but he was right. She did have an irresistible craving for warm water and the feeling of cleanliness. Rifling through the clothes, Sadie was a little disturbed to see everything was in her size...including the small selection of feminine underwear. She blushed deeply, and selected a simple skirt and shirt, before going through the door that the note said led to a bathroom.

Inside, the bathroom was just as luxurious as her room had been. The bath was huge, and sunken into the floor. To the side was a cabinet, and a couple of hooks to hang her clothing on. There was a towel rack, stocked with soft red towels, and the room made her relax further. It felt good. It felt safe, and as far as she knew, no one could see her. Locking the bathroom door, she hung up her selected clothing, and then chose some sweet scented soap and shampoo from the cabinet after turning the water on, and waiting for the bath to fill.

Moments later, she was easing herself out of her grimy clothes from the night before, and unsure what to do with them, she folded them, and set them in the corner. Looking at herself in a mirror that was swiftly steaming up, she frowned when she saw the bruises on her pale skin. Of course, having bruises was something that she was used to, but normally she could recall from where.

Dull bruises marked the base of her neck and her wrists, but nowhere else. Shrugging, Sadie assumed it had been simple accidents from the night before, and then slipped naked into the waiting pool of warm, cleansing water.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sadie Davenport Character Portrait: Leviathan Rotenburg
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Gladis
Levi was standing in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. He was clad in his normal working clothes- a simple black suit with a white dress shirt beneath it and expensive looking black shoes. His few longer golden locks were tied back into a small ponytail and there was a small, content smile on his lips as he watched the eggs in the frying pan slowly gaining color. He would make sure to try his hardest and make a wonderful breakfast for his 'masters' lady, just has he had been 'ordered'. Now, seeing that Levi has a very talented cook, this most certainly wouldn't be too difficult.

He was distracted briefly as he heard a soft mewing sound from the entrance of the kitchen, an ugly, shaggy black cat with fur missing in several places staring at him with his leering, yellow eyes. A small, fond smile spread across Levi's lips and he tilted his head. "Well there, good morning, Madness..." the cat gave another, slightly sharper mewing sound as his name was spoken. Then he padded over to Levi and stroke himself against his legs, rubbing his thin back against his master. Laughing softly at his cats actions, Levi sauntered over to the refrigerator and took out a can with milk and then a plate, carefully filling the plate before he placed it down for the cat to drink. Happily, Madness hurried over to the plate and started to contently lap up the milk. Levi watched the cat a few seconds before he returned to his cooking.

Once the dark, wooden, Gothic style table in the dining room had been set and breakfast was ready, Levi wiped his hands on the small, white towel fastened to his black apron before taking it off, hanging it on a hook in the kitchen and then starting through the corridor, his shoes making a slight, clicking sound each time they made impact with the wooden floor.

He walked until he reached her room, hesitating briefly before knocking on the door. Levi assumed that she was awake by now, however, he did not wish to walk in on her if she was changing clothes or something. An ever so slight blush crept across his cheeks as the thought flitted through his mind and it took him a moment to remember what he was going to do there. Waiting a few more seconds for a potential reply, he decided after a while that she must have followed Leviathan's advice and taken a shower.

"My lady?" he called, waiting just a little more to be on the safe side. As there still was no reply, he took a deep breath and then opened the room door, stepping inside and glancing around. By the smell and sound of it, it did indeed seem like she was taking a bath in the other room. Without hesitation this time he knocked on the door like he had before.

"How pleasant, I see you have woken up, my lady. Breakfast is ready to be served. Once you have finished up your bath and changed into the clean clothes; please do come down to the dining hall and I shall be at your service," he said politely, calmly, a small smile playing on his lips. "Ah, and of course... if there is anything I could do for you, just ask and I shall see to it instantly. Such are my orders, after all..." with that said, he turned on his heals and started to stride out of the room, although he stopped briefly to listen, in case she would reply.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sadie Davenport Character Portrait: Leviathan Rotenburg
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lorawr
In the bath, the feel of the warm water sent Sadie into a heat induced nap. The steam rose like fog to mist the room, obscuring the mirror, and filling the bathroom with a delicious warmth that was suffocating in almost a good way. Although just a cloud, it still seemed to blanket the room in a heavy, damp heat. A light sheen of sweat covered Sadie's brow as she turned the room into a sauna, and began to relax properly. It felt good to feel the grime from the previous night coming away from her skin, and her muscles start to ease. Almost reluctantly, the tension began to drift from her, despite the alarm bells in the back of her head that told her that she was in a strange house, in a strange room, having a bath.

The thought was almost absurd, and it made her smile. Reaching over to the soap she had chosen, she began to wash herself with the bar of soft, lavender scented soap. It soaked her body, gifting her with the gentle smell that had always eased her since she had been a tiny child. It brought back memories of the lavender bush she had walked past on the way to school every day, with its strong scent hanging heavy on the air, and the bees hovering busily around it. Sighing, Sadie had to admit that she hadn't felt so content in a long time.

Lethargically, Sadie reached for the shampoo. Too sleepy to double check the scent before starting to rub it into her wet hair, Sadie simply went through the motions of cleaning herself up.

The water was almost cold by the time Sadie stepped out of the bath, and wrapped herself in one of the massive towels. Sitting on a stool, she leaned back against the wall, and thoughtlessly allowed the cool tiling to slowly chill her back. Her limbs felt heavy with the luxurious bath she had had. It was so different to how she lived at home. At home, there was no bath. There was just a single dingy shower in a corner of the house. It did the job, but the water was almost never hot. Shying away from thoughts of home, Sadie stood and started to fumble with the clothing she had selected when she heard a voice, and almost squealed with surprise.

"How pleasant, I see you have woken up, my lady. Breakfast is ready to be served. Once you have finished up your bath and changed into the clean clothes; please do come down to the dining hall and i shall be at your service. Ah, and of course... if there is anything I could do for you, just ask and I shall see to it instantly. Such are my orders, after all..."

The voice was close, right outside the door, and Sadie was suddenly very aware of her state of dress. She gasped, clutching the towel around her bare body tightly, until she heard the sound of the stranger's retreating footsteps.

'My lady'? Who did he, as it definitely was a he, think she was? She was Sadie. Just Sadie. Not some posh lady to be waited upon...And then there was the voice. It sounded so familiar, almost painfully familiar, and it evoked memories of throbbing music and crowds of dancers. Sadie shook her head uselessly, suddenly fearful. Where was she?

Grabbing the clothes, she dragged them on, trying to ignore the sudden thundering of her heart. What was she even doing, enjoying a bath in some strange house? And how did she get here? Once dressed, she caught a glance of herself in the mirror. Her eyes were bright with either fear or anticipation, and her skin had a healthy rosy glow to it. Her lips were pink and full, and her wet hair hung around her shoulders.

Frowning, Sadie went to the cabinet and retrieved a hairbrush, which she tugged relentlessly through her hair. Minutes later, it was less wet. Grabbing a hairband she had been wearing on her wrist, she tied her dark golden locks back, and then padded in her borrowed socks out into her bedroom.

The stranger was gone, but her bedroom door was now wide open, and inviting her to explore the rest of the house. Dressed in the skirt and plain shirt, Sadie told herself she wasn't vulnerable. That she was safe. But somehow, the words rang hollow in her head. Hesitantly, she approached the door with all the caution of a nervous animal, and peeked her head out into the corridor behind. It seemed to go on endlessly, and she could see many other doors as well, though each one was resolutely closed. In the air, the scent of eggs cooked to perfection invited her out further, and with that caution still in each step, Sadie continued down the hallway.

At the top of the stairs at the end of the hall, Sadie paused, hesitant, but the rumbling of her empty stomach urged her down them. The stairs made no sound as Sadie scampered to the bottom, and then found herself in another hall, but this one was lighter, and the scent of breakfast was stronger. Following the smell, Sadie found herself in an open doorway, and when she was there, she froze.

He was there. It was him, from the night before. Sadie couldn't quite remember his name, but she knew that it was him. It had been his voice. And she blushed deeply, realizing how she must look. Her skin, rosy already from the steam became a brighter rouge, and her eyes were almost glassy with anticipation. Her face, framed by loose locks of her light, wet hair, had a somewhat comical expression on it, although it still held a kind of inner beauty.

Looking at the stranger, Sadie told herself to say something, to stop blushing, to move, to do anything. But for a moment it was as though she was glued to the spot. Her eyes were fixed on his, and she took him in in his entirety. He was as good looking as the night before, and yet he held the sort of presence in the room that suggested it was too small for him. Dragging her gaze away, Sadie took a deep breath, and then looked back, demanding control over herself.

"Umm..." Her voice was little more than a hesitant whisper, breathy and uncertain, but at least it was something, "Hi..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sadie Davenport Character Portrait: Leviathan Rotenburg
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Gladis
Humming that same tune from before, Levi placed down the last plate with food on the table. All in all, he had set four plates, one on each side of the table. Of course, he knew that only one of them were most likely to be used- that being Sadies... but it felt right to at least invite the other 'household' members, even if they weren't very likely to attend. Well, who knew? Maybe Smile would show his face... since he did like cakes a lot and Levi had been sure to include that on the breakfast table as well. Spread out across the table and between the plates, was every kind of food you could possibly imagine to exist on a breakfast table. And all of them were foods Levi knew Sadie would like for sure.

Racking his hand through his longish, curly golden hair he gazed out over the table with his uneven eyes, narrowing them slightly as she checked if there was anything he had forgotten. He didn't think so, but he still wanted to be on the sure side. After a moment he relaxed, noticing he had not forgotten anything. Just as that thought flitted through his mind, he noticed one of the roses on the vase in the middle of the table had one leaf with slightly brown edges. Frowning, he leaned over the table and carefully plucked it off, glancing around briefly as he tried to think of a place to put it... before he lazily slipped it into the pocket of his suit. He would take care of it later, he decided.

Levi glanced up as he heard the sound of light feed slapping against first the dark, wooden floor of the hallway and later the cold stone floor of the kitchen. Smiling slightly, he tilted his head at Sadie, not being able but to help the slightly amused look crossing his features when he noticed how she was trembling to speak. He arched an eyebrow and watched her intently, patiently waiting for her to finally squeeze a word out.

"Umm... Hi..."

The young blond man smiled at her pleasantly as he bowed slightly, politely as he gently grasped hold of her hand and kissed it before letting it drop back to her side again. "Good morning, miss Davenport..." he greeted her in a soft, cheerful voice as he straightened up again. "I am pleased to make your acquittance... although, of course... I already know you. I better introduce myself, though... since there is a very slim chance you actually know me. My name is Levi and I am the butler of this mansion... I do hope you will enjoy your stay here," he said with a slight nod of his head before he turned around, striding over to the table and pulling out a chair for her.

"Please, my lady... be so kind and take a seat," Levi mused softly as he motioned for her to do as he said, "the table is set, the breakfast is ready.. I do not think there is anything more we need wait for. Dig in." the young said, smiling at her kindly as he gestured to the table and all of the delicious food set on it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sadie Davenport Character Portrait: Leviathan Rotenburg
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lorawr
Sadie could only watch in surprise as the beautiful blonde haired man took a light grip upon her hand, and then kissed it. Never before had she been treated with such...reverence, and she had to admit that it wasn't an unpleasant feeling. Her eyes glinted brightly as the words of the young man, Levi, spoke to her in his smooth and reassuring tone. "Good morning, Miss Davenport...I am pleased to make your acquaintance...although, of course...I already know you. I better introduce myself, though... since there is a very slim chance you actually know me. My name is Levi and I am the butler of this mansion... I do hope you will enjoy your stay here. Please, my so kind and take a seat. The table is set, the breakfast is ready... I do not think there is anything more we need wait for. Dig in."

She looked at him in confusion for a moment as he pulled a chair out, and then she smiled gratefully, and took the offered seat. Smiling shyly, she looked up at Levi before smoothing the pleats on her skirt a little. "Um..." She paused and bashfully looked up at him, "Thank you, Levi. It's...It's really nice to meet you properly. Breakfast smells so good...You will eat with me, wont you?"

Sadie paused, waiting and hoping that he would take one of the other spaces at the table, and then reached forwards and took a selection of foods to the plate in front of her. A couple of slices of toast, as well as bacon and a sausage, an egg, and then she filled her glass with sweet, fresh, orange juice. Never in her life had Sadie been witness to such a spread of food, and never had it come at such a perfect time. She was surprisingly hungry, and set to the toast eagerly, while at the same time trying not to look greedy.

Forcing herself to eat slowly and savor the carefully prepared food, Sadie finally began to feel somewhat human again. With food in her belly, and the sweet scent of the perfumes clinging to her soft skin, Sadie felt better than she had in a very, very long time, and it was all thanks to the young man who called her 'lady'. She blushed at the thought, and finished her mouthful, before taking a drink of her juice and starting to speak slowly.

"Levi...Could you call me Sadie? Just Sadie. It's a bit weird being called 'my lady'...And thank you so much for this. Did you make it? You're an amazing cook," She paused and took another sip of the drink, enjoying the taste as it spread across her taste buds, "But, I still kind of need to know... How did I get here, Levi? I don't remember much of last night, and I don't think I drank that much...But thanks for taking care of me, if I was that drunk" Sadie grinned warmly, almost playfully.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sadie Davenport Character Portrait: Leviathan Rotenburg
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Gladis
"Thank you, Levi. It's...It's really nice to meet you properly. Breakfast smells so good...You will eat with me, wont you?"

Levi hesitated, watching her carefully for a moment before smiling at her slightly and tilting his head. "I... do not have the permission to touch the food. However, I shall keep you company if you so wish..." he said, pulling out a chair of his own, opposite of her, and sitting down. He watched her with a soft smile as she started digging in on the breakfast as he had told her, but did not take anything himself, just as he had said he wouldn't. It wasn't like he didn't like his own food or anything, but since he had already eaten he wasn't hungry and eating more would just cause him to gain weight.

"Levi...Could you call me Sadie? Just Sadie. It's a bit weird being called 'my lady'...And thank you so much for this. Did you make it? You're an amazing cook,"

His soft smile widened slightly, although not too evidently so and he gave a slight nod of his head. "Very well, miss Davenport. I shall call you by your first name," he replied softly, feeling a rush of happiness welling through him as she praised his cooking. Again, he gave a slight nod of his head. "Indeed I have, I am glad you enjoy it..." he said happily, although he turned serious as she continued speaking.

"But, I still kind of need to know... How did I get here, Levi? I don't remember much of last night, and I don't think I drank that much...But thanks for taking care of me, if I was that drunk"

For a moment, he looked nervous and as though he wasn't quite sure how to reply to that. He straightened up in his chair and started speaking, although he was very quickly cut off by another, far younger and slightly eerie voice. It was soft and quiet, yet could be understood very clearly. Maybe it was the flatness in it or the lack of emotion it provided that made it eerie, or maybe it simply was the way the boy spoke... Levi wasn't sure, but he still thought it to be...well... eerie.

"... how you were brought here is very simple," the boy said as she stepped into the dining chamber, a soft light streaming through the window illuminating his ghostly pale skin. "You were drugged and carried... there is no more to it," Smile said bluntly, flatly, as he pulled out a chair and sat down. He reached for a plate with a cake.

Levi stiffed and then sighed. "Yeah... that's right," he said with a slight shake of his head, "and don't be scared or anything but you will not be leaving this mansion anytime soon... or ever at all, if my master has his way. I'm sorry... but there is nothing I can do about that," he lowered his head and stood up, bowing for her slightly, "I am but a mare servant..." he trailed off and glanced at Smile, glaring slightly. "And you watch your manners as well as tongue, boy..." he said darkly as he watched the child take a bite from the cake.

Shrugging his shoulders, Smile remained silent for a long while before he spoke again. "Should you not tell her the rules?" he asked as he glanced up at Levi, arching an eyebrow.

"The rules... right..." Levi grimaced and turned back to Sadie, smiling at her apologetically, "Also... there are three rules which are very important that you follow. One, never try leaving the mansion... it will most likely be the end of you. Two, never enter the masters bedroom... never... promise me you won't ever. And three, do not exit your room during nighttime... or at least after curfew. You would most certainly regret it... just don't, no matter what you might think you hear."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sadie Davenport Character Portrait: Leviathan Rotenburg
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lorawr
"I... do not have the permission to touch the food. However, I shall keep you company if you so wish...Very well, miss Davenport. I shall call you by your first name...Indeed I have, I am glad you enjoy it..."

Sadie smiled, taking a sip of her juice. The smile on Levi's face made her happy, and she enjoyed making him happy. Sat with him, on more or less equal terms, Levi was good company. As they talked, Sadie enjoyed his talk and his food, completely won over by the luxurious simplicity that this mansion had. It was so different from how she normally lived, and it was so comfortable. She almost didn't want to leave, but she knew that after breakfast she would need to get home. People would start to wonder about her. It was then that she asked how she got there.

" you were brought here is quite simple," The new voice made Sadie jump, even though it was soft and almost childlike, except that it lacked the musicality and joy of a child. It was decidedly creepy, and sent a shiver of apprehension down Sadie's spine, and it was only then that the wrongness of everything occurred to her. What the hell was she doing in this strange house, alone, surrounded by people she didn't know?

"You were drugged and carried... there is no more to it" The blunt reply made Sadie freeze, and her jaw dropped, as her eyes widened. Drugged? This kid couldn't be serious. She would have...She would have fought whoever it was that drugged her off. She would have at least tried. And then she remembered the bruises she had found on herself just before she had her bath, and she felt giddy. Bile rose in her throat as she went to stand, but stopped as Levi continued to talk to her.

"Yeah... that's right, and don't be scared or anything but you will not be leaving this mansion anytime soon... or ever at all, if my master has his way. I'm sorry... but there is nothing I can do about that. I am but a mere servant...And you watch your manners as well as tongue, boy..."

Sadie groaned softly, and put her head in her hands. What was going on? Her stomach felt twisted and sore, and she suddenly felt incredibly ill. Light headed and nauseous, she could only stare helplessly at the boy and the servant as she was told the rules. It was then that Sadie's brain kicked in, and she did stand.

Sadie kicked her chair back furiously as she was told what she could and could not do. Her chest heaved as she gasped for breath, and her eyes flared angrily. Her voice was high and cold as she replied to them, "You think that can drug me, and bring me here, against my will? I don't think so. You're going to take me home, right now. People will look for me. They will find me"

Scowling and looking down on the child and the boy, there was only a flicker of fear in her eyes as she strode recklessly towards the door. "I'm going to your master. If you don't take me to him, I'll just find him myself"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sadie Davenport Character Portrait: Leviathan Rotenburg
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#, as written by Gladis
Levi watched her reaction with uneven eyes, tilting his head as she jumped. Why was she so surprised? Perhaps it was normal for females to be jumpy... he knew that back in his they it had been so too. Well, especially in one case. He didn't truly wish to judge all females like that- even if they were mysterious creatures to him. Almost like dogs. Levi didn't understand much about dogs either... or horror movies, for that matter. He disliked horror movies. Then again, he disliked television over all. The moving people in the box freaked him out more than any horror story ever could.

"You think that can drug me, and bring me here, against my will? I don't think so. You're going to take me home, right now. People will look for me. They will find me."

Levi didn't like her tone but he refrained from showing it, instead giving a small, apologetic smile. "Forgive me, my lady... but I can impossibly let you leave and especially not bring you home. I may not defy my masters orders... forgive me," he said sadly, standing up and bowing for her briefly. "I truly am sorry... but there is nothing I can do. If the police do manage to track you down... I suppose it would mean you win the game. However... I believe my master predicted this and has indeed found some way to prevent it. Master has never been the one to act recklessly... please calm down," he said softly, quietly, trying to keep himself from getting more nervous than he already was.

"I'm going to your master. If you don't take me to him, I'll just find him myself"

As she went for the door, Levi tensed and grimaced. Smiles simply watched her silently, emotionless, tilting his head to the side before shrugging his shoulders and taking another bite of the cake. When the child glanced up again, Levi had moved very quickly so that he now was standing in front of Sadie, blocking her way.

"Forgive me, my lady... but I cannot let you do that either. This has nothing to do with masters orders... but with your safety. You do not wish to meet him, believe me..." he said softly, quietly, a slight look of fear reflecting in his eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sadie Davenport Character Portrait: Leviathan Rotenburg
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#, as written by Lorawr
"How dare you?" Sadie hissed furiously. How dare he think that he could trap her like this? This....boy...wasn't even head of the household, and he still dared to refuse her passage. She took a step back, anger flashing dangerously in her eyes. Frustration was all she felt except indignation and anger. But beneath that, there was fear. She couldn't be trapped here. Already she could feel the walls closing and on her, threatening to suffocate her. Nothing here was right. Sure, she'd started the morning well, but now her head was spinning and everything was wrong.

"Get out of my way," Sadie muttered, stepping around the servant and storming determinedly out of the room they were in. Her strides were long as she slammed the doors open and then chose a random direction to walk in. She had no idea where she was going, and for all she knew, she could be going in the wrong direction, and she probably was. But that didn't stop her from knocking her fist against each door, before pushing it open and looking inside in search of the so called Master.

She paid no attention to the lavish decorations in the hall. The flowers in gorgeously decorated pots went unnoticed - as did the shelves of books. Sadie's worst fear had always been being trapped. Since her father had locked her in the cupboard when she was just twelve, and had kept her there for a day an a half. The dark and the cold and the gradual passage of time had stayed in her nightmares for months after. She couldn't be trapped again. Not again. The memories made tears burn her eyes as she continued her furious exploration of the mansion.

Eventually, she stopped, coming to a slow halt in a hall that looked the same as all of the others she had passed through. Sadie then realized that if she kept staggering blindly around, she'd never find an exit, or the Master. She slowed to a halt, and looked around her. There was nothing remarkable about the hall, and she wondered if the boy or the servant would come to find her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sadie Davenport Character Portrait: Leviathan Rotenburg
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#, as written by Gladis
"How dare you?"

Levi sighed at her angry expression and the tone in her voice. "I told you already, my lady... didn't I? This is for your own safety.. your ignorance is plausible, I must admit..." he said, the slightest hint of annoyance present in his voice, despite how natural he tried to keep it. Why his master had wanted this care exactly, Levi didn't quite understand. Instead of acting like a spoilt brat she should be grateful for the masters generosity, at least in Levi's opinion. He could have been treating her far worse, after all. But now, the master had decided to treat her well... to treat her like a queen- and this was how she thanked him? Levi viewed it as being plain ride. He knew, however, that the girl would get what she deserved... and she had only herself to blame.

"Get out of my way."

He let her push past him without making any attempt of stopping her any further. Instead, he watched her storm off with an only ever so slightly unsettling smile present on his lips. "I did warn you, my lady," He called after her calmly, "don't you dare claim I didn't warn you..." and as the last word escaped his lips, it was hardly more than a whisper, he faded away into nothingness. Smile remained for a few more minutes- until he too faded away, the illusion of the dining room wore off and everything was plunged into darkness- focus of the illusion being put on wherever she went instead.

"Father! Father! He's home!" a cheerful voice came from one of the rooms connected to the corridor Sadie was in. The door was opened and a boy stumbled out into the corridor, quickly starting to run towards the staircase. The boy looked like he was about eight years old and he was of pale complexion. Messy blond hair covered the top of his head and his eyes were a soft, amber color. The clothes he was wearing... were rather old fashioned and nothing you'd expect to see on a kid today- they reminded of what a kid might have been wearing during the end of the 20ties.

Following the boy was another child, a girl this time. She looked as though she was about four, with golden curls framing her face and a happy smile lighting her expression up. Her eyes were a gentle, blue color She was wearing a cute little old fashioned dress of navy blue satin, with a matching ribbon in her hair. Trapped in her tight embrace was a kitten, who struggled a little to get out from her well meaning but perhaps painful hug.

"Waaaaait!" the girl exclaimed, having trouble keeping up with the boy, "Chris! Slow down, I can't keep up!" she said, nearly stumbling over her skirt but somehow managing to regain her balance.

The boy rolled his eyes but slowed down slightly before totally stopping on top of the stairs, turning and looking at the little girl who too, quickly came to a halt. "Yeah-yeah... you're so slow, Annie... besides, let go of the poor kitten, will you? You're strangling him like that..." he said, frowning.

Annie blinked and glanced down at the kitten in her arms, a look of guilt crossing her features as she carefully placed it down. She tried patting it on the head, but it quickly dashed away. "Awww... I'm sorry, Peter..." she said quietly, sadly, "didn't mean to hurt you... I just wanted to cuddle!"

"Whatever," the boy called Chris said before grasping hold of his sisters wrist and starting to pull her with him down the staircase. "Come on! We have to greet father, he'll be here in just a moment. I saw his car from the window!" the boy said excitedly before he and the girl disappeared down the stairs.

Strangely... they had not seemed to notice Sadie at all and simply run past her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sadie Davenport Character Portrait: Leviathan Rotenburg
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#, as written by Lorawr
As though from a million miles away, the sounds of the two children reached Sadie's ears. She turned on the spot, and the moment in time felt suspended as the children ran from the room she'd just thrust open. Sadie watched them curiously, her eyes wide with confusion as first the boy ran past her. He seemed to act older than his age, profoundly confident in this place that Sadie was so lost in. His excited scampering up the stairs lifted a small smile to her lips, his gaze full of joy for the return of his father, and he was so intent on running away that he didn't even notice her stood there. Sadie moved quickly, leaning back against the wall.

Her smile split wider as the girl followed him out. Her naive innocence was so endearing, Sadie just wanted to wrap her arms around the girl and cuddle her. It was then that she realized that the girl was already holding something. The little mewling kitten was the very definition of adorable, and Sadie laughed softly at the bizarre appearance of the two children. She hadn't known there were any normal kids in the strange house, but now that she saw them, she was reassured. Neither children reacted when she laughed, and that sent a pang of ill ease to her. It didn't feel right. But she was drawn in by the boy and the girl.

Thoughtlessly, Sadie followed them, watching the kitten scamper away down the hall. She stepped quickly out of it's path, and then followed them down the stairs. It was a little dark, but she barely noticed as she followed the noises of the children, though they faded quickly into the shadows. Downstairs, there was a distinct chill, and Sadie shivered. She glanced behind her once, to check whether there was anyone following her, and then descended the last two stairs.

From the chill and the sudden stone walls, Sadie guessed that she had stumbled into a basement of sorts. Ahead, the corridor was thin and cold, and she wrapped her arms around her body to attempt to conserve body heat. Her steps on the hard ground echoed slightly, and as she hesitantly walked down the winding hall, it occurred to her that she should have heard the echoes of the children. Except, all was silent, and almost eerily so.

"Hello?" She called quietly, and the only reply she got was her own echo bounding back to her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sadie Davenport Character Portrait: Leviathan Rotenburg
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#, as written by Gladis
The Song

"Ghostly laughter climbs down your spine
Don't worry, I'm sure you will be fine
Why, you asked
Well, because you are the scariest of your kind
Take my hand so you won't forget your way
Hurry, or else we will be late
Where to, you asked
A party to celebrate this special day"

As she went further down the twisted hallway of the dungeon, the light became dimmer and dimmer until there soon was none of it left and she was plunged into total darkness. As she called out in hopes for anyone to answer, there was no reply other than her own echo. At least that remained so for quite a while... until Smile started to appear behind her. In his hand he was holding a candle that lightly illuminated the walls, which were totally covered in mirrors- making it impossible to see which one was the right direction. Smile himself was pale and his skin had a pale, almost ghostly hue to it. His amber eye glowed slightly as it reflected the light of the candle, and there was an eerie smile on his otherwise emotionless face as he sang- his voice a soft and melodic, beautiful but slightly creepy soprano.

"Don't make us wait..."

He held out his hand to her. However, as the mirrors also reflected him, it would be impossible for her to know which one of the many reflections actually was him. His smile split into an eerie grin before he totally vanished again, taking the small flicker of light there had been with him. When light reappeared, Sadie's surroundings had changed.

It was like a small, underground garden. Although the location they were in was generally dark, strange mushrooms that were growing here and there on the wall and ground were glowing strongly in blue and orange, giving the room a mysterious glow. Despite them being underground, the floor was covered in soft, fresh, dark green grass. On the sides the roof seemed to be steadied by trees, who's roots spread out across the floor and branches across the roof. There were growing strange, dimly glowing but beautiful pink barriers on them. In one corner of the cave like room, there was a small pond. The water seemed to be running down along the wall, but from where exactly it came was impossible to see. In the middle of the room there was a table, set with everything needed for a tea party- beautiful china, tea (obviously) and a few different sorts of cookies, tarts and cakes.

Standing before her was Levi, though his attire was slightly more torn than before. There were several bite and scratch marks in them now. There was an obvious scratch mark on his cheek, dangerous close to his violet eye. Fresh blood was trickling down his cheek and dripping onto his tailcoat. Yet he seemed to be ignoring it, despite the actual pain it caused him. Smiling slightly at her, he gently took her hand and pulled her over to the set table before pushing her down into a sitting position.

"My lady... I did tell you to be careful now, didn't I? It seems you have upset Smile... now he wants to play..." just as he finished saying that, music started playing, reminding of the melody Smile had been humming before.

"Tula Pilatu Kah Luttata
Frightened face hidden under your mask
Tula Putapittana Tufeepah
Take it easy or we'll tie you up
Tula Littata Luppashah
Palila Tufeepah Tilatu Lakkah
Your shaking voice itches my ears
Sing me a song."

Smile appeared, singing to the melody of the music as he took his seat, holding a broken doll in his arms. Smiling slightly, though it was a dead and life less smile, he held out the doll to her, tilting his head to the side.

"You will play with us, won't you, Sadie...?" he asked and there was an almost pleading undertone in his voice.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sadie Davenport Character Portrait: Leviathan Rotenburg
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#, as written by Lorawr
The failing light frightened Sadie. She was specifically afraid of the dark, but she was afraid of becoming lost. The corridor seemed to go on forever, endlessly twisting in the dark. For what felt like an age, she ran her fingers along the wall on her left side so she wouldn't stray too far away. In this dark, would anyone be able to find her? Her footsteps echoed dully, and they were the only sound besides the noise of her frightened breathing. "Hello? ...Hello? Is anyone there?" Sadie called out often, her voice high and increasingly shrill, until she began to lose hope. It was then that she became aware of a flickering light from behind her. Sadie spun, almost stumbling, and found herself face to face with Smile. The walls, now illuminated and shown to be mirrors, reflected the light wickedly, making the boy's eyes glint with a malevolent glare.

For a moment, Sadie watched him, her lips parted in shock. That was wrong. Unnatural, and she had no idea how to react. Panic rose, and she began to gasp for air as she stared at him. The blood rushed through her body, and it was all she could hear. It pumped adrenaline through her veins and arteries. Fight or flight? The question occurred to her belatedly, and her legs tensed as though to run. She was out of her depth here. front of her was unnerving to the extreme, and it made Sadie think of all the vile things she had ever witnessed, reflected a thousand times in the endless mirrors around her. A scream built in her throat, and held.

"Don't make us wait..."

The light faded, and so did Smile. Sadie screamed, freaking out, and turned on her heel. She had no idea in which direction she ran, but she did so blindly, in the dark again. She imagined Smile chasing her, his song reverberating endlessly in her head. Hordes of spiders and rats and her father could all have been chasing her in the dark, and the horrific thoughts made tears leak from her wide eyes. She dashed them away, one hand held constantly out in front of her in an attempt to protect herself each time she crashed into the wall.

The light, as it returned, returned so slowly that at first Sadie didn't notice. But as her gaze began to glitter, the light reflecting in her tears, she rubbed her eyes and looked around.

A garden. Sadie looked around the oddly lit room, reeling at the sudden change. Flowers and trees greeted her, but they seemed as unnatural as Smile had seemed before. The colors were wrong - too bright, or a hue too dark or light. The details had been meticulously created, and yet the entire room had an overwhelming sense of superficiality. Sadie's gaze fell on the table, dressed up as though for some child's tea party. It reminded her of the scene from Alice in Wonderland, and if she had herself at all under control, she would have giggled at the comparison. Now, though, it seemed like a mockery. It was only then that Sadie saw Levi, and she exhaled her fear. She didn't trust him - not at all, but he knew this place. He could take her away. She parted her lips to beg that he rescue her, starting towards him, when she noticed that his appearance was as finely odd as Smile's had been.

The cuts and wounds on his body made Sadie tremble. Blood was something that she had never feared, but his bleeding flesh told her that there was something unmistakably dangerous here. All words vanished upon her tongue as Levi came forwards, took her hand, and led her to the table. Sadie wanted to pull away, reject the niceties, complain that she wasn't hungry...but somehow his grip felt magnetic, as though she was physically unable to pull away. She sat as he pushed her into a chair, her eyes falling to her hands. She held them folded in her lap, but they seemed odd. Lifting one, she turned it over, and blanched as she saw what was there. A couple of drops of Levi's blood stained her pale white skin, trickling effortlessly along the contours of her palm.

"My lady... I did tell you to be careful now, didn't I? It seems you have upset Smile... now he wants to play..."

"Tula Pilatu Kah Luttata
Frightened face hidden under your mask
Tula Putapittana Tufeepah
Take it easy or we'll tie you up
Tula Littata Luppashah
Palila Tufeepah Tilatu Lakkah
Your shaking voice itches my ears
Sing me a song."

Sadie looked helplessly from him to Smile, who stepped forwards. The doll he offered her scared her more than anything else had. It's expression was painted crudely on it's face, a dull smile and black staring eyes. It's head was held at an unnatural angle, and the nameless stains that marred the dolls little dress turned the warm pink a cold and faded color. Sadie wanted to scream again, but she was reluctant to break the hush of the little garden room. Her lower lip trembled as she turned to Levi and whispered.

"Take me away. Please. I'll do anything you want. Just...Just take me away," Her voice cracked and tears spilled from her eyes. The girl looked a mess. Her hair was wild and ragged, and her clothes were disheveled. Her skin was pale, and her normally warm eyes were watery and wide. Blood stained her hands, which shook, while the rest of her body was so still.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sadie Davenport Character Portrait: Leviathan Rotenburg
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Gladis
As Smile noticed her expression and reaction his expression fell and saddened. Quietly he pulled the doll to his chest again and hugged her tightly, biting his lip. "W-why doesn't she want to play with me?" he asked himself in a quiet whisper before glancing up at Levi. "Levi... why doesn't she want to play with me? Does she hate me? W-why does she hate me? W-why?" with each question he asked, he sounded more and more frantic, the look in his eye became more and more manic and sad. Tears started rolling down his cheek and his lips trembled. "Why? Why? Why? Did the she scare her? A-Annie didn't use to be like this... A-Annie used t-to be pretty..." he looked down at the ragged and deformed doll in his arms, hugging her protectively, almost actually crying. "Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?" he repeated in a strained whisper over and over again.

"Take me away. Please. I'll do anything you want. Just...Just take me away."

Levi watched the two of them helplessly for a moment, his gaze flicking between the child and young woman. There was something about about Sadie's expression that made it almost feel as though the heart in his chest was being ripped apart. She wasn't meant to cry, she wasn't meant to be frightened... she was meant to smile and laugh. That was, after all, why his master had fallen for her. So why did he punish them like this? Had his mind truly become that twisted by now?

Sighing softly, he gently placed his hand on her shoulder, smiling weakly yet handsomely. "As you wish, my lady..." he said quietly and snapped his fingers with his free hand. The garden faded away quickly, leaving the frantic child and the tea party behind. Suddenly they were back in the dining room, as though nothing had happened. However, Smile was no longer to be seen anywhere nearby, and Levi's clothes were still disheveled, not to mention that the bleeding flesh wound on his cheek was still there was well.

Blinking and as though he had just noticed it, Levi frowned and carefully touched his wounded cheek. Naturally, the blood still oozing from it smeared onto his fingers. For a brief moment, he looked as though he was in pain. Then he pulled back his hand and sighed softly, staring at the blood. "If only master would spare my face... everywhere that can be hidden my clothes would be fine," he shook his head a little as he talked to himself before glancing apologetically at Sadie.

"Forgive me for the inconvenience we have caused you, my lady," he said softly, bowing his head slightly and shame. "However... I do suggest you follow the few rules of the house hence forth- for both our sakes. Also..." he trailed off, tilting his head thoughtfully for a brief moment, "I also suggest you do not speak to Smile the rest of the day. If you ignore him, he shan't bother you... tomorrow he should be back to his normal self."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sadie Davenport Character Portrait: Leviathan Rotenburg
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#, as written by Lorawr
Sadie helplessly watched Smile begin to cry, clutching the malformed doll to his chest, feeling a pang of regret for refusing the boy. It wasn't his fault that the ugly doll had scared her. Sadie watched him descend into sadness with an undeniable melancholy of her own, and she almost felt as though she should reach forwards and wrap her arms around him and hold him tight until they could both stop the tears that threatened them. Why was she so afraid? He was just a boy and a doll. What was frightening about that?

Sadie turned to look sadly at Levi, and the cut on his cheek reminded her of the horror of this place. She flinched and lowered her eyes before uttering her request to leave. She felt, more than she heard, Levi move to place his hand on her shoulder and glanced up quickly. His heartbroken smile only served to make Sadie feel even more guilty, but she couldn't hide her relief as the dining room returned. The table was still set with breakfast, which was still warm. The pleasant aroma of coffee and scones reassured her quickly. The chair beneath her hand was solid, as was the ground beneath her. It was well lit, and the light more than anything eased her, and told her that whatever happened earlier wasn't real. Sadie reassured herself with the knowledge that it hadn't been real. Sure, that meant that she had had a very realistic dream or vision, and that was unexplained, but at least it wasn't real.

She watched as Levi touched the wicked looking gash on his face, as though just realizing that it was there. Sadie kept quiet, recollecting her thoughts. She had no idea what had happened, at all. It was all beyond her. Abruptly, she saw the blood that had dried on her hands, and flinched. It was the blood that told her that it had happened. It had been real, and Sadie felt a remnant of the fear from before threatening once again. Sadie shivered, and looked at Levi blankly when she realized she was being spoken to.

"If only master would spare my face...everywhere that can be hidden by my clothes would be fine. Forgive me for the inconvenience we have caused you, my lady. However, I do suggest you follow the few rules of the house henceforth - for both our sakes. Also... I also suggest you do not speak to Smile for the rest of the day. If you ignore him, he shan't bother you...tomorrow he should be back to his normal self"

The master had done this to him? Sadie shivered. So, the man that was now in charge of her life was capable of hurting a young man like Levi so badly just as a punishment. Sadie bit her lip nervously and looked up at the cut that marred his face. His face had been so...attractive, and it still was, though this cut was unseemly. Without thinking, Sadie lifted a hand to his face to touch the cut. She looked at it thoughtlessly, and then found herself looking into his eyes. Sadie gasped quietly, realizing how strangely she was acting, and tugged her hand back quickly.

"I...I'm sorry. I mean, it's okay...for the inconvenience. And I'll stick to the rules. I promise..." Sadie paused nervously, and blushed a little, "Levi, please call me Sadie. And...will you let me look at your cuts?" She asked him hopefully. Somehow, she knew that she was responsible for the pain that had been inflicted upon him, and she wanted to see that he was okay. Or, if not okay, that he would be. She didn't mention Smile, remembering the guilt she'd felt before, and then sighed. She just wanted to make everything okay.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sadie Davenport Character Portrait: Leviathan Rotenburg
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#, as written by Gladis
"I...I'm sorry. I mean, it's okay...for the inconvenience. And I'll stick to the rules. I promise..."

Levi smiled a little, tilting his head. "Thank you... that will make it easier for all of us. Seeing the lady get hurt is the last thing I would want, after all," he said softly, watching her carefully. As she shivered, Levi had the feeling she was thinking about 'the master' and he couldn't help but grimace slightly. He hadn't meant to talk about his master in that way, to make her think of him like that... and he knew that Leviathan would be most unpleased. However, there was nothing he could do about it right then either, so he decided just to let it go. He blinked and paused as she reached up her hand and touched his cute, feeling the pain increase slightly and a small blush spread across his cheeks.

As she looked straight into his mismatched eyes Levi felt his heart skip a beat and the blush become worse. Her eyes were one of the most beautiful things he had ever witnessed- like two golden suns staring back at him. Not able to hold her gaze any longer, he quickly turned it away from her slightly, staring at the ground as she pulled her hand back.

"Levi, please call me Sadie. And...will you let me look at your cuts?"

As she spoke again Levi carefully looked at her again, noticing she was blushing too. For a moment, he looked as though he would say no, but that hopeful look in her eyes made him reconsider. "Very well, my- Sadie... I'm fine, though. It will heal soon enough and then it will no longer be a bother. You shouldn't worry about me," he said softly, feeling slightly guilty. It was his job to serve her and nothing more. Even if he was a part of Leviathan, a side of his consciousness... he had still been created only to serve. No one had ever been meant to feel sorry for him. Leviathan had made that quite clear in the beginning of his existence.

Smiling wearily, Levi pulled out a chair next to hers and sat down, turning his head so that she could examine his wound without much trouble. "I'm sorry," he repeated softly, quietly, while keeping as still as possible. He was afraid of his master and even what Leviathan could possibly do to Sadie... after all... Leviathan was quite unpredictable. However, as long as she stuck to the rules there shouldn't be a problem.

"Perhaps... when you are done looking over my wound... is there anything specific you would like to do? I am sure the master would like nothing more than to please you." As long as she stayed in the house, that was. "Maybe I could show you around... so you won't get lost like that again?" he asked gently. Of course, since most of the house had been put under a spell, an illusion... if his master willed it so Sadie would still not be able to find her way. "There is a wonderful garden I could show you... not like the one you were in before, I assure you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sadie Davenport Character Portrait: Leviathan Rotenburg
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lorawr
"Very well, my- Sadie...I'm fine, though. It will heal soon enough and then it will no longer be a bother. You shouldn't worry about me"

Sadie blushed deeply, avoiding meeting Levi's gaze until he sat down in a chair beside her. She glanced up at him, when he was seated, and smiled slightly. She'd been caring for her own injuries since she was young. Caring for another's came easily. She turned to a pitcher of cool water that rested on the table, and poured a little into a clean glass, before taking a serviette and folding it neatly. She liked to keep her hands busy. It helped her not to think too much on the events of the day. Of course, she worried about him. It was her fault that it had happened in the first place.

"I'm sorry"

She smiled slightly as she moved her chair closer to his, sitting so close that her leg brushed his. She folded the serviette tightly, before dipping a corner of it into the water. She glanced up at him, looking over the cut thoughtfully. She wondered what had done this to him. A knife, or glass, perhaps? Sadie bit her lip and murmured, "Hold still," softly as she pressed the damp cloth to his cheek. The touch of her fingers was soft and tender, and she knew well how a rough gesture would make it worse.

"What are you sorry for?" Sadie asked quietly curiously, in an attempt to distract him as she began to clean the wound. It was deep, and bled generously as she pressed the cloth against it. The soft white material was stained scarlet quickly, but she was patient and gentle, taking her time in attempting to alleviate the pain. As she did, she began to visibly relax. Her hands had stopped shaking, and the water cleaned the blood from her own skin. Her leg rested against his, but she barely noticed as she went about her task. Occasionally, she met his gaze, checking that she wasn't causing more pain.

It took her a few minutes to clean the cut, but even after she had done that, it still bled. Holding the wet and bloody cloth to his face, she took a clean, dry one, and then switched them. She held the new serviette against his face to stem the bleeding.

"I think I'd like to visit the garden. That sounds nice," Sadie said quietly. Though the idea of visiting another garden unnerved her, she had decided to put her trust in Levi. She didn't have many other choices.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sadie Davenport Character Portrait: Leviathan Rotenburg
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Gladis
Levi watched her work in silent fascination, looking thoughtful. The last time anyone had done it for him had been his mother, and that was when he was about six. To be honest, he could barely remember it anymore. Just so much had happened. At the time Levi had fallen and scarped open his knee while playing with the family dog Sina. However, that would also be the last time she tended to his wounds. For a moment, his expression saddened slightly and he found himself cringing. Not because of the pain caused by her dabbing, but because of the unpleasant memories filling his mind.

In order to try calming himself again he took a deep breath and shut his eyes, still keeping as still as possible. Despite that it hurt slightly as she cleaned his wound he somehow found it soothing and he couldn't help but starting to relax slightly. He smiled weakly as he felt his breathing slow down once more the unpleasant thoughts left his mind, replaced by a calmness and thoughts of how wonderful Sadie was for doing this for him. As her leg brushed against his he tensed ever so slightly first but then relaxed again, telling himself that it was nothing bad. Levi didn't usually like being touched or being particularly close to other people. Why exactly that was so he wouldn't speak about, however.

"What are you sorry for?"

"I-I can't make you happy, can I? Not truly... because that would mean to let you go. I can't do that though. It would be against my masters wishes... and I am but a mare servant. To defy him would like be defying myself," very close to the truth, "...but I want to see you smile. I think your smiles are beautiful... more so then the view of the sun rising in the morning. It could warm even the iciest of hearts..." he replied softly, remaining still all the while, glancing at her sideways. He cold feel himself smiling a little as she slowly started to relax. That was good, at least.

"Is it really that bad?" he asked wearily as she pressed the serviette against his cheek again and he watched all the blood. Although it hurt, he hadn't realized his master had punished him that badly. Not that it mattered. The next day the wound would undoubtedly be totally gone and he had nothing more to worry about.

"I think I'd like to visit the garden. That sounds nice."

Levi smiled a little, softly as he listened to Sadie's words. "Wonderful... I will show you there then, as soon as we are done..." he said gently, looking thoughtful for quite a while as he remained silent. Then he spoke again. "Sadie... may I ask a question?" he asked softly, quietly, "a personal question..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sadie Davenport Character Portrait: Leviathan Rotenburg
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#, as written by Lorawr
"I-I can't make you happy, can I? Not truly...because that would mean to let you go. I can't do that though. It would be against my master's wishes...and I am but a mere servant. To defy him would be like defying myself...but I want to see you smile. I think your smiles are beautiful...more so than the view of the sun rising in the morning. It could warm even the iciest of hearts..."

Sadie wasn't sure if he was aware of the sweetness of his words, or how her hand stilled for just a moment as she pulled it away from his face. Like the rising sun? Sadie bit her lower lip gently, and felt herself blushing again. No one had ever spoken to her like that. Never. And she wasn't really sure how to react, so she kept silent, glancing up at him through her lashes. Her touch on his face became only gentler. What did he mean by saying that? Was it anything more than just simple kindness? Sadie refused to think about it.

"Is it really that bad?"

Silently, she looked up at him and smiled a little. There wasn't a lot to say. She shook her head, and pulled away the serviette to examine the cut once more. It didn't look so bad. It had stopped bleeding, at least. It was still an ugly gash, but it didn't look so bad anymore. Something he mentioned earlier came back to her about his master only hurting the places that could be hidden under clothing, and Sadie frowned concernedly. She was about to ask him about it when he spoke.

"Wonderful...I will show you there then, as soon as we are done..."

Sadie smiled slightly and placed the second serviette on the table with the other one, before wiping her hands clean. She did so slowly, meticulously, careful not to leave a smudge upon her skin. She didn't want to be distracted by the sight of blood on her hands as she went about her day. Sadie didn't want to get Levi into any more trouble, so she silently told herself that she would keep to all of the rules that she had been given.

"Sadie...may I ask a question? A personal question..."

The question surprised her, and she turned to him with a small smile, before nodding slowly. She supposed that it was only fair, though she was curious as to what he could possibly want to know. "I guess, sure"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sadie Davenport Character Portrait: Leviathan Rotenburg
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#, as written by Gladis
Levi let her finish, keeping his eyes closed. He wasn't quite sure if her silence was a good sign or not, yet he decided not to let it bother him too much. This was probably just the way of Sadie... and perhaps there wasn't even much to say. He wasn't sure. Usually smile was the quiet one... he was his the suppressed and broken side, reflecting that period of his childhood. Levi symbolized the period before and after that, the side of him that was happy and carefree... yet as all three of them were connected, perhaps Levi wasn't that carefree at all. It was just how he had first been meant to be... or seem.

"I guess, sure"

He stared at her in silence for a while, tilting his head and studying her carefully. "The chances of you freaking out after I have asked this questions are big... there is even a chance you will hate/and/or fear me," he said softly, gazing at her carefully, "but I will ask you anyway..." he lowered his gaze and stared at his hand quietly for a while, looking hesitant to so what was truly on his mind. Then he finally opened his mouth and asked what he had longed to ask for a very long time.

"... What did you do... when your father became too much?" he asked quietly, softly, turning his head and staring at her with pained, almost pleading eyes. The look in them was similar to the look Smile had on his face earlier, as though he desperately needed her answer... as though he wouldn't be able to breath, to go on without it. There was a haunted look in his eyes, one full of agony and turmoil... and yet they showed only a little of what went on within him.

Just as he was about to say something more there was a sudden scream coming from upstairs. It belonged to a child in pain. There was no doubt about it. Levi also knew whom it belonged to... although he tensed at the sound, he made no movement to go upstairs and check what was going on. He remained sitting where he was, watching her intently.
