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Bliss Vallance

"But . . . But being cut off is the end of the world!"

0 · 1,408 views · located in Chicago, IL

a character in “The Black City”, as played by DuBois_Scarlett











Name: Bliss Louisa Vallance

Nickname: Bee

Age: 21

Role: Socialite/Runaway

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 5'6

Weight: 115lbs

Eye Color: Grey

Hair Color: Dark Brown


  • Manhattan
  • Shopping
  • Society
  • Fashion
  • Heels
  • Being in-charge
  • Her Family


  • Anything off the rack
  • People outside her usual social circle
  • Harvard
  • Tattoo's
  • Being controlled
  • Her parent deciding her future
  • People who stand up to her


  • Never figuring out what she wants to do with her life
  • Being cut off


Bliss is your typical Upper East side, Daddy's spoiled rotten Princess who always gets what she wants. Having known nothing else her whole life, the word no does not exist in her vocabulary.

The first impression she leaves on people is not often a good one. She is often hostile and rude if approached, especially by someone she considers below herself. However, once you win her friendship she is the best friend you could ever want and will go out of her way for them. But there are not many people who ever get to this stage with her or she lets that close.

Bliss is fierce and relentless if she really wants something. She really cares about little unless it is to do with fashion or socializing on the Elite Manhattan scene with her peers. One can often find Bliss ordering people around or telling someone to pick up her shopping bags and boxes.

If someone gets on her bad side, they will sorely end up regretting the day they crossed Bliss Vallance.

However, really Bliss is just a lost twenty one year old trying to figure out what to do with her life.


Bliss is the youngest of the Vallance Brood. The only sister to two older brothers. Benjamin (32) and Romeo (29). Being the youngest and only sister, she was adored by all and protected by her brothers.

And like all Vallance she was expected to fall the path of her brothers, her father and their ancestors before them.

However, there was nothing more Bliss abhorred then studying Law at Harvard. Although smart enough to get in on an unconditional offer, Bliss has utterly no interest in following the footsteps of her ancestors.

Having purposefully failed two years, so as to convince her father she was not Harvard material but her father knew his darling daughter too well and would not let her return home until she completed her studies.

Now, a little into her third year at Harvard, repeating the first year fir the third time, Bliss could not take it any longer. Thus she dropped out and went to the only person who seemed to escape their parents and grandparents plans for them . . . Romeo

So begins...

Bliss Vallance's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Bliss Vallance Character Portrait: Romeo Vallance Character Portrait: Nevaeh Kathryn Rai
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#, as written by xRoo
Nevaeh Kathryn Rai
ImageThe train ride seemed to go on forever. She couldn’t believe how many hours she spent sitting in the same position with her head propped up against the window, her back pushed into the counter and her leg crossed over the other. She knew then that she was no longer going to read for a few days, having spent an hour or so reading the same page over and over again. Nevaeh couldn’t believe how one could grow so tired of reading on a train ride. When she heard that whistle, she was up and off the train with her baggage within the next heartbeat. But her movement had stopped there. For a moment, she couldn’t quite remember why she was excited to be back home… she wasn’t really. This place held one too many bad memories and who knew what the world had in store for her there. Most of her excitement was to be off that damn train…nothing more.

Thank God for Maria and her ties with the city. If it weren’t for her, Nevaeh was sure to be jobless, homeless and lost. Perhaps her job at the Gentleman’s Club would go easier than the treacherous nightmares she had the night before. Those dreams, they tended to haunt her whenever she grew closer to the city. At least she changed from her old habits and even better, at least some people have left.

Settling in her new apartment wasn’t that hard, at least, not as hard as Nevaeh imagined. Her apartment is decently sized, living room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and a small room where she could practice her yoga and self-defense. As soon as she got home, Nevaeh tied her hair up, threw her luggage in the closet and showered. Once she was finished, she took her time changing into something refreshingly clean and suitable for her first appearance in the Gentleman’s club. A loose fitted white top and long black professional pants. She blow driedher hair, brushed it and ran her fingers loosely through the strands. She smiled.
Nevaeh looked presentable. She actually looked…elegant and well put together. Thank God for that. She finished with her makeup, threw on her heels and grabbed her cellphone. It was a quick, short and sweet text to her dear friend Maria.
Made it safely. Much thanks to you. See you soon.

And she left it at that. She slipped her phone into her back pocket and hurried down the stairs from her apartment. The old man, her ‘keeper’ as he called himself, waved her off as he finished sweeping the stoop. “Slow down!”
“But I’m ahead.” Nevaeh laughed.

Arriving at the Gentleman’s club caused her stomach to churn. She felt nervous but couldn’t quite explain why. She moved through the doors and ushered herself to one of the far walls. She ran a hand through her hair and took a deep breath. “Excuse me, I’m supposed to start working today and need to know where everything is at.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bliss Vallance
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We would so not be having this conversation if you knew who I was or if I had a fifty!” Bliss Vallance shouted petulantly at the burly bouncer guarding the entrance to The Windy City's Gentleman's Club.

She couldn't believe she wasn't being allowed in to this sleazy place! Well, she supposed, that wasn't an altogether bad thing. Obviously she was too good for a place like this! Nor was she quite sure whether the Bell Boy at her brothers Hotel – The Chicago Grand – had given her the correct information. Surely her bother didn't own such an establishment?

Bliss had arrived in Chicago hours ago after having the worst day ever in her whole entire life and just when it appeared things couldn't get worse, they got even more crappier!

As soon as she had stepped off the train she had hopped into a cab and come to the Chicago Grand, a hotel catering to the elite and where rooms started from an upward of $2000 a night and where her brother made home on the top floor penthouse suite.

Only, when she got to the check in desk to be told her brother wasn't in and then when she asked to be let up into his room to wait for him, they had the audacity to laugh and tell her they didn't believe she was his sister and that there was no way they were letting her up.

Furious but too tired to do more then threat the staff that they would regret their mocking of her Bliss had slammed her Amex Credit Card that had no limit to how much she could spend on it and ordered the most expensive suite available in the place.

“I'm sorry Miss Vallance,” The woman had grinned outrageously, as if she knew that was going to happen. “Your card has been rejected.”

“What?! That can't be right. Try it again!” Bliss demanded.

With ill patience the woman tried her card again.

“I told you it's not working.” She said in a caustic tone.

“Fine!” Bliss bristled.

She had three other cards that she forced the woman to try but they call were rejected. What was happening?! She couldn't understand. She had never had such bad luck in her life and that was when her iPhone had rang.

And that's when her father had informed her that he had cut her off. Cut off her cards, cut off her bank accounts, cut off her cell service to make outgoing calls, texts or internet services, basically cut off every means of her survival and if she wanted it back all she had to do was come back home to New York and then re-enrol at Harvard the following fall.

Bliss had cried, begged, pleaded everything that usually got her her way with her father but to her great dismay and surprise with this he was not willing to give into his darling daughters demands.

Fine! She had told him in her angered and agitated state. She didn't need his money to survive! She could make it on her own! And then cut the call before panic set in and she ended up giving into her fear and head back home.

So Bliss had hopped into another cab, using her last twenty dollar bill to get to the Windy's City, dragging along her large Louis Vuitton suit case and Duffel Bag and now this asshole was telling her no!?!

Oh! If she was in New York right now no one would be saying no to her! They would all be bending over backwards to make sure she got whatever she wanted! She hated Chicago! She hated anywhere outside New York. There was no world outside Manhattan . . . Nowhere remotely civilized at least!

“Lady.” He spoke down to her. “Get out of my line before I move you myself.”

“Fine!” She screamed, swinging her heavy Duffel to hit the Bouncer hard. “You're so going to be regretting this buddy!”

“Ouch! You crazy lady!”

Bliss stalked off. She wasn't ready to face defeat yet. She was a Vallance! Vallance's didn't give up nor did they take orders well from others!

Turning a corner a cold breeze hit her stirring her long dark locks. Bliss pulled the folds of her cropped leather jacket closer together over her gray top. She was so glad she hadn't worn a skirt today and had instead opted for her black shinny leggings and black kid leather Christian Louboutin with the red soles an silver spikes. One of her favorite pairs . . . Who was she kidding? They were all her favorites!

Stepping around another corner, she heard voices. Women shouting and talking as she got closer she noticed a scantly dressed woman having a smoke outside and open door that was emitting light out into the darkness of the alley.


The woman looked upon her with curious eyes. Bliss stared back with open disdain.

“Back doors for working girls only.” The woman stated, suddenly blocking the entrance.

A cold laugh left Bliss's beautiful lips.

“You're going to stop me?”

“You better believe it bitch!” The woman smirked.

Bliss was in no mood to be told what to do by some whore. Plus, she'd had one long hard day and she did not take well to no's, not even on good days and this whore did not know what she was messing with and Bliss knew she could take her easily.

Grabbing a hanker of the strippers hair, Bliss pulled hard. The woman went crashing to the ground and one of Bliss's heeled foot pinned one of the woman's wrists. Increasing the pressure, she sneered down at the whore.

The woman screamed in pain and a small crowd of three or four half clad women came out to watch the goings on.

“I don't take kindly to being told where I can and cannot go, especially by some two-bit skank. You better keep that in mind for next time, bitch!” She said overly sweetly with a wicked smile. “Okay?”

Turning, “Move!” Bliss commanded like a Queen.

The women in the way parted like Moses with the Red Sea at her command, not daring to test her.

Damn straight! Bliss thought in mild amusement. They should be afraid of her!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov Character Portrait: Bliss Vallance Character Portrait: Nevaeh Kathryn Rai
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#, as written by xRoo
Nevaeh wasn’t sure if it was shock or nervousness she felt when Tesla weaved her fingers with her own. She followed her toward the back room, though Nevaeh wasn’t quite sure what was in store for her. She watched as the girl let go of her hand and made her way to one of the stations. Again, she just stood there as the woman wished her luck and headed out to the stage. Bulletin board? Nevaeh ran a hand through her hair, turned and eyed the bulletin on the wall. She was studying it, memorizing it the best she can until her attention was soon interrupted by a commotion toward the back doors. What was going on?

Nevaeh hurried toward the backdoor and right then, she stopped dead in her tracks. No way in hell was that her. She recognized the girl’s fashion immediately and the voice, oh it just made it worse. She remembered her face clearly. Was it just a few hours ago? Must’ve been. It came so clearly.

She remembered their incident back at the coffee shop. Nevaeh had taken the last chocolate, mocha coffee and the two had gotten into a little spat. Okay, not a little one. It was pretty big. The two of them have argued over the coffee and with anger, Nevaeh poured the drink at the girl’s feet, muttering a “guess neither one of us gets it now, spoiled rotten child.” She figured she was never going to see the girl again. Hell no.

“Are you kidding me?” She asked, leaning against the wall. “What are you doing here?” She finally asked, her eyes locked on the girls. What had Nevaeh gotten herself into?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov
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White trash?”

Well, what do you know? Bliss mused as she sneered at the stupid cow that had stolen the last cup of mocha earlier in the day and then almost burned her feet off as she purposefully spilt it.

And she had really, really needed that damn coffee!

“Well, I'm certainly not here doing what you're doing. To be sure.” Bliss smirked, looking down her nose at the woman as she unzipped her Brown Louis Vuitton Duffel and pulled out a bottle of water, taking a sip. “But what a small world!” She added with false enthusiasm. “Wasn't it like just a few minutes ago, you had stolen my drink and almost given me a third degree burn?”

Bliss's eye narrowed, her words turning suddenly acidic. She never let a grudge go until she had the last word and revenge. And wasn't revenge a dish best served cold? Maybe it was still a little warm but it would do.

“I only think I should return the favor.” Bliss beamed and then before the woman knew what was coming, her face, hair and the front of her shirt were drenched.

The shock on her face and the sequel from her lips made Bliss's grin widen.

“There, now we're even.” She added sweetly. “Wish I could stay and chat but obviously you've got things to do and I don't associate with street trash. Ciao!”

Balancing her Duffel in between the elbow of her left hand and wheeling her huge matching suit case along, Bliss strutted away still grinning as the woman still registered what had just happened.

Call me a spoiled child?! Hope she liked those spoils! Bet she'll think twice before she messes with me again!

Making her way through the maze that was the back of the Club, bliss eventually found her way onto the floor, eliciting leering stares from perverts and working girls alike as she made her way through the room with her bags; the lighting doing strange things to her dark locks.

Slow mellow music flowed through the air, the room was dark but lit by soft lighting adding to the laid-back atmosphere as women strutted around naked or almost and men lounged in booths or heavily cushioned seats.

She had to admit fir a whore house it was a pretty swanky place, decked in luxury décor from the floors to the ceiling to the wall . . . But still surely her brother would own such an establishment . . . ?

Guess she'd find out soon enough, Bliss thought as she made her way towards the bar. Great! There wasn't a single empty seat! Sighing heavily, Bliss stopped next to a man in a cheap suit leaning across the bar.

“Hi.” She greeted him in a seductive voice and a suggestive smile.

“Hey.” He smiled back checking her out as he turned to face her.

Perverted pig! Bliss controlled the urge to role her eyes as she grasped his tie.

“Mind if I . . .” She teased wickedly as her fingers slid half way down the silken material and then her hold tightened. “Take this seat.”

Pulling on the tie, Bliss yanked him off his seat. Catching himself before he fell complete on the ground. Bliss hopped on the seat.

“Thanks.” She smiled.

“Hey! Fucking bitch! That's my seat!”

“Well, it's mine now, so get used to it.”

Unaffected, turning Bliss ignored his outraged babbling and soon enough he gave up and walked away.

“What?!” She questioned the woman who sat next to her; a pretty brunette who looked more out of place then Bliss did herself. The woman's discomfort more then palpable and a worried look marring her pretty face.

She had felt the woman's gaze upon her. Did she have something on her face or something?! Bliss was just about to ask the girl just that when a familiar face appeared at her side, looking as grave as ever.

“The hell are you doing here?” He questioned gruffly.

So it was true then, her brother did own this place. Would wonders ever cease?

“And it's nice to see you too, Jarvis.” Bliss smirked back in greeting.

Jarvis, Romeo's right hand man of business. She'd met him on more then a couple of occasions before when he had come to New York with her brother. She didn't know much else about Jarvis or where he originally haled from or what kind of background he came from. He was tolerable at the most.

“Romeo won't be happy.” He informed her with a deep frown.

“He won't be happy to see me?” She asked with a raised brow.

“Of course he'll be happy to see you. He won't be happy you are here.” Jarvis admitted grudgingly.

Well, she didn't particularly care at this point what Romeo would be happy or not about! She was well past caring about anything or anyone after the day she just had.

“Is he here?”


He nodded his chin in the direction. Her eyes followed then slitted. Almost jumping out of her seat Bliss headed towards the stairs that seemed to lead upstairs.

“Take care of my bags.” She ordered.

“You can't go there!” Jarvis called out after her.

The hell she couldn't! Bliss clamored internally as she headed up the stairs. She would give Romeo a piece of her mind! Let him know how despicably all his horrid staff had treated her and how Jarvis was turning into domineering annoyance.

However, as she slid the the door open and spotted her brother in the small crowd all her anger dissipated just glad to see the one person Bliss knew would understand her.

“Oh Romeo!” She cried as she ran and hugged her brother, overjoyed to see him after so long. “I'm so glad to see you! I've had the worst day ever, you have no idea what happened . . . ” She began pulling out of his comforting embrace and broke off her words as she noticed the group of people she had all but forgotten about staring her way with curious eyes and just like that her irritation towards her brother came back to life.

She'd had the worst day of her life and she couldn't even get a stupid room at his hotel to stay and all the while he was living it up having a great time with his smartly dressed but obviously common 'friends'! Argh! Is this the sort of people he was associating with now? Romeo gave up Manhattan for this?!

“No wonder I wasn't getting served downstairs.” Bliss turned, smiling wickedly at her captivated audience, taking the Champagne flute out of the hands of the blonde scantly dressed waitress who was about to offer it to one of the men. “Now, this is my kind of party.” Bliss teased devilishly as she sat down on the comfy leather couch and rested her Christian Louboutin clad feet on the clear glass coffee table; making herself at home. The spikes on the shoes scrapping against the glass.

Sipping on the cool Champagne Bliss peered passively at the group, unimpressed to say the least. She felt nothing but disdain for the tattooed up woman. Tattoo's were just so . . . common. A hobby of the peasant folk and such. But she liked the tight leather pants that were almost identical to her own.

The waitress on the other hand, Bliss had the strangest feeling she had seen her somewhere before . . . ? Impossible of course . . . But she was certain . . . It would come to her eventually. Or maybe it was the fact that she was just tired and beginning to lose her mind.

The men were all dressed just as sharply, however, not even getting a chance in her thought process as Bliss's heather gray gaze fell upon the brunette who sported the same hairstyle as Bliss herself. It wasn't the woman herself that caught Bliss's full attention but what she sported.

Lips curling wickedly up one side, “Nice dress.” Bliss commented taking another sip upon the Champagne. “Inbal Dror, 2012 Collection . . . if I'm not mistaken.”

She was never mistaken. Bliss knew designer like the back of her hand. Probably better actually.

“Or a cheap knockoff.” She felt the compulsion to add with a smirk; but she doubted it.

The white netty piece the woman wore, slitted all the way up one side was no doubt actually a Inbal Dror wedding dress. Interesting . . . Inbal Dror Haute in Chicago . . . ? Who would have thought? Being a Israeli Designer it was hard to find Inbal Dror in the states. Hell! It was a rarity and a hassle to even find it in New York . . . Maybe Chicago had more to offer then Bliss first thought.

“Well Romeo, I must say,” Bliss spoke coolly, her irritation sedate but apparent to those who knew her well, namely her brother. “you do go all out. Even dressing your whores in couture. And imported couture at that.

Looking up, she turned sparkling eyes up to meet her brothers gaze as he walked around the couch to face her. The fingers of one hand tapping a rhythm on the leather arm rest.

So, are you going to introduce me?” She grinned.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov
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“Don't worry man,” Romeo said sincerely to Cole. “We'll sort it.” After hearing what had been going down and the man's obvious agitation.

The shit was certainly piling up. A frown emboldened Romeo's striking features but it was quickly replaced by his roguish grin at Suri's words. A tease, that's what he was but if Suri wasn't a business associate he would have had her in his bed the moment he laid eyes on the fiery vixen. That and if she didn't get doped up almost everyday. He didn't believe the BS she spouted about not being an addict. That was like the first line of the book 'How to spot a Drug User'.

“You've got a nice group of women working here, keep it up.” Suri added her eyes fixed on the blonde bombshell who was serving the drinks.

Romeo couldn't blame her. He'd had his eyes on the girl since he spotted her and it pleased him no less as she kept having surreptitious glances his way. Oh yeah, she wanted him too. But he was in control of this game and she would play by his rules. Though, admittedly it was going to be a long and hard wait for him, for every time he looked at her all the blood went rushing to the wrong parts of his body. He had to use his brains now not his dick. Maybe having her serving the drinks had been a bad idea. But he couldn't have denied himself the pleasure of looking at her, Romeo thought on a smirk.

“That one's mine.” He whispered in Suri's ear with a dimpled grin before he kissed her cheek.

Martin Ross and his buddy Jude entered soon after Romeo shared pleasantries and greetings with both men. Jackson Hughes strutted in after them, grinning and looking as cocksure as ever.

“Romeo.” He nodded in greeting.

“Jackson.” Romeo nodded back as Jackson made his way over to his best friend Cole Occheto and both men began sharing playful leg-pulling.

Jackson was a bit of a loose cannon and a cocky bastard to boot, but Vallance couldn't hold that against the man seeing as it was a trait he shared in abundance. But Jackson was good at what he did and as long as he kept doing it, they would have no problems.

Though Romeo couldn't understand how Cole could be so amiable towards Jackson. If his best friend had fucked around with his sister, the man would be drinking through a straw. Though the way he understood it Maria had dumped Jackson, but still there were some boundaries you didn't cross. It was simply bad business etiquette. It wasn't like he hadn't wanted to fuck Maria Occheto. No man in his right mind wouldn't! But you don't fuck the Boss's daughter . . . or any woman related to someone you have financial or other arrangements with.

Speaking of the devil, Maria Occheto sauntered in looking like sin incarnate. Romeo cracked a knowing smile at Jackson's words as the siren strutted in hanging off that Japanese whiz kids arm.

“Good to see you,” Maria greeted him after making acquaintance with the rest of the group. “seems you've come back right on time. Everything is going to shit.”

“So I hear. That is why I have returned to set everything aright.” He smiled showing a perfect set of pearly white teeth. “That and you of course.” Vallance couldn't help but flirt as he lifted her delicate palm and place a kiss atop of it with a grin and a wink. “ You look ravishing as ever my sweet.”

"So as much as I do enjoy these pleasantries but my curiosity is getting the best of me, seems like something serious is going on for all us to be called in?" Suri chimed in.

Romeo couldn't agree more. The sooner this thing was over and done with, the sooner he could set about seducing Blondie into his bed, fulfilling all his fantasies and maybe even a few of hers, if he left the inclination to satisfy her needs, not that she would be disappointed either way. His accomplishments as an exceedingly excellent, vaunted and insatiable lover were well know far and wide.

However before anyone could reply the door to the private room was thrust open once more. Double taking, Romeo had to look twice to make sure what he was seeing was correct and in the next second Bliss had flung herself at him.

“Oh Romeo! I'm so glad to see you! I've had the worst day ever, you have no idea what happened . . . ”

Her distressing words and tones calling his brotherly feelings and instincts to the fore. Wrapping his arms around his little sister he placed a fraternal kiss on her temple. What the hell had happened? Romeo thought tense. Something must be severely wrong if Bliss had come all the way to Chicago.

“Are you alright? What happened?” Vallance questioned his sister, deep concern thickly apparent in his voice.

But her explanation trailed off as she noticed the others and pulled out of his grip. Fuck! He had forgotten all about them.

“No wonder I wasn't getting served downstairs.” Bliss remarked sultrily with a wicked smile sounding much more like her usual high handed self. “Now this is my kind of party.”

She said taking a Champagne glass from the blonde and leisurely sitting down on the couch, like she belonged there putting her dangerously high heeled shoes on the glass table before her. He could see her scrutinizing and judging all in her presence.

Romeo had to marvel at his baby sister's daring as she sat there addressing the group as if she was a Queen holding Court over peasants. Obviously things weren't as dire as he had first thought, but then she called Maria a whore though her words were more meant in an insult towards him, he knew.

The hell she was pissed off at him for?

Bliss and he had always had a close bond and he had to have done something real bad for her to be this annoyed at him.

Vallance didn't bother looking Maria's way to see how she had reacted to his sisters words. Bliss had a lethal tongue, as sharp as cut glass and it spared little to no one, especially when she was suffering one of her deadly moods as now.

“So, are you going to introduce me?” She smiled up at him all innocent sugar and spice, as he came around the couch to face her.

“No.” Romeo replied gruffly as his fingers wrapped all the way around her upper arm and yanked her to her feet causing the Champagne to slosh in the glass as he began dragging her towards the door.

Her complaints deaf to his ears. It wasn't that he wasn't happy to see her. He was more then happy but the simple fact was he didn't want his baby sister around these people. Sure, they were good enough to do business with him but he wanted them to do nothing, have no association with Bliss. Not a single one of them.

He could feel their curious stares and smirks at his back. Better they think her just another one of this legions of women then know her as his sister. Little did it matter because they would never be setting eyes on her again!

The door slid open and Jarvis stood there, a bulking suit case and and equally heavy duffel bag at his side.

“Sorry man.” He apologized trying to catch his breath. “I tried to stop her but she has a lot of crap and then I got side lined with complaints. She's only been here ten minutes,” Jarvis explained. “but she caused more then enough trouble downstairs. Pulled one of the regulars off his stool, almost chocking him by his tie so she could steal his seat. Poured a full bottle of water over one of the new waitresses and attacked one of the strippers, pulling the girl by her hair onto the ground and then apparently crushing her wrist under her shoe. It's pretty badly bruised, sprained at the least if not fractured. She sure as hell won't be able to do tricks on a pole for a while.”

Romeo stifled a groan. If it was any other day but today he may have laughed at her antics but not today. This meeting and the knowledge of what had been happening while he'd been away was all beginning to agitate him.

He turned sharply to look at his sister. Who looked back unaffected with a shrug, a grin spreading across her lips.

Trying his hardest not to rub his face with his hand, Romeo pushed Bliss towards Jarvis.

“Take her downstairs and don't let her out of your sight and don't let anyone near her.” He ordered.

He didn't want any of the sleazy bags that visited this place anywhere near his sister. She was more then beautiful and he knew the dogs in this place would be slobbering all over her as soon as they spotted her.

Jarvis nodded and began to drag a reluctant Bliss out. Romeo turned ignoring his sister for now, he would deal with her later.

“As Suri was saying, shall we get on with business?” He addressed the group hoping like hell they would let it go or even better pretended the scene had not happened.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov
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The private room, Martin had long been convinced, was like a blessing in disguise. Well, as close to a blessing as you could get in a den of sin like the Windy City. It was far enough from the other patrons that you didn't feel claustrophobic, enough comfortable seats that you didn't have to stand around awkwardly, drinks without battling your way to the bar... Yes, Martin thought as he and Jude took their seats on one of the couches, this definitely was better than sitting at one of the booths, trying to talk over the pulsating music and flashing lights. Jude reclined into his seat, arms spreading out over the back of it and looking very at home in the strip club. Martin, however, looked stiff and uncomfortable, legs crossed and waiting. Better still didn't mean it was comfortable.

Apparently, they weren't the last ones to arrive as others trailed in behind them. There was Jackson, God's apparent gift to women(or, if what Martin knew about him meant anything, maybe he wasn't God's gift at all?) making his way up the stairs with the customary swagger in his step. It was interesting, the way Cole and Jackson interacted, Martin mused idly. How they joked around, going just to the brink of too far but never quite making it over that edge. Even after everything that had happened in the past, they were still as thick as thieves(Ha. Thieves. He made a funny.)

That was when Maria arrived with Daniel and, as much as anyone would like to argue that Maria was hanging off of Daniel's arm, it was impossible for Martin to see it like that. With almost anyone she was around, Maria had the spotlight. Everyone else was like an accessory when she was all dolled up, eyes smoldering with a sort of impish delight.

He met Daniel's gaze and offered him a slightly wider smile and a wave, easily masking his disapproval of the younger man being at the meeting. It wasn't that he didn't think that Daniel was smart enough or important enough- no, he didn't want Daniel here because he knew what could and, given the company, probably would happen tonight. Just remembering how he'd broken down just a few days ago after the restaurant massacre... He let out a sigh then nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt a poke in the side.

"You could pretend that you're here of your own free will at least, Martin," Jude snorted, raising an eyebrow mockingly. "You're acting like you were brought here at gun point."

"Well, you know me. Always the life of the party," Martin replied dryly. Jude let out a little laugh before nudging him with an elbow and pointing down towards the crowd below.

"Looks like we have company." Martin stiffened at first, trying to see who Jude was talking about. Was it Vlad back to, he didn't know, harass people again? Another crime family? The police? To his relief, it was only a girl. That relief didn't last long as she promptly burst into the room, sauntering around, her judgement of them all as subpar practically etched onto her face. The phrase "diva" and "daddy's little girl" crossed his mind simultaneously, a depressingly impressive feat. He shook his head, hiding his face in his hands when she plopped down onto a couch, heels scraping painfully against the glass table. Oh, Lord, this was embarrassing to watch.

Jude, on the other hand, was trying and ultimately failing to hide a smirk, snickering slightly under his breath. Who on Earth did she think she was? The pure and simple misplaced narcissism made this a delight to watch. Oh, didn't he just love people with overinflated egos! Not that she was the only one in the room with one, just the most... boisterous about it. No, boisterous wasn't right. Obnoxious. That was it.

That was, of course, when she called Maria a whore. Jude looked more entertained than ever and Martin finally looked up.

'Oh, she's a smart one,' he thought sarcastically, glancing towards the majority of the group. In a room with almost everyone willing to kill for the Occheto girl on command, and more than one of them without any qualms about hitting a woman, maybe calling her a whore wasn't the best idea.

To be quite frank, the best idea in this room right now came from Romeo as he ushered the woman away, not so smoothly bringing the attention back to the business at hand. With any luck they could continue on with the meeting, crazy bitch or no crazy bitch.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Bliss Vallance
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Stiffening only at Maria and Daniel's approach, Jackson turned slightly to look down at the stage where dancers were strutting back and forth, deficiently dressed yet toothsome nonetheless. His acridity had to be masked, and he knew he couldn't carry on a conversation without letting it slip; he simply averted his gaze. He felt his muscles tightening under the tension of the situation, so he ordered himself another drink.

"That is why I have returned," came Romeo's reply to Maria's unveiling. Jackson grinned, more derisive and grim than anything but obscurely handsome. Flares of radiant varicolored strobes reflected off of his pearly whites.

"I lay more trust in you than half of the idiots my father chooses to keep around," her tone was flecked with sourness, eyes focused on Romeo as he brought her hand to his lips, "At least you retain some charm whereas others…" Her voice trailed off, complimented by a sultry giggle as she batted her long, dark lashes in his direction. Maria was no stranger to in-business-trifling and allure. It was ordnance she so often used to her advantage. Cole smirked at the interaction between Romeo and Mae, farcically amused by his best friend's discomfort as he chimed in, "This is fun."

"Hah!" Jackson spat, aggressively abducting a drink from a passing waiter without so much as an inch of self-restraint. His smoky eyes narrowed as he gulped down the beverage, even contemplating chucking the glass over his shoulder and to the floor below. A brawny hand reached at his tie to yank it haphazardly.

"So as much as I do enjoy these pleasantries but my curiosity is getting the best of me, seems like something serious is going on for all us to be called in?"

Cole, just short of a brief explanation, was interrupted by a dashing dark haired piece of arm candy he certainly wouldn't have minded sporting had she not been Vallance's kid sister. "You're all grown up, Bliss," he muttered generously as he nursed his drink and watched her over the brim of the stemware. Jackson turned at the voice, his eyes shamelessly raking over baby Vallance like she was a piece of fresh, red meat. Cole knew that look all too well, and simply chuckled at the piqued examination from his friend.

Not so much as remotely riveted by the girl's antics or her fashion sense, however, was Maria. Nothing about her seemed to alter at the half-retarded stab the Vallance girl made. She didn't waver or express anything in response. Though they were analogous in nature, finances and even business ties slightly, they were certainly not the same. Sharply, yet nubilely Maria replied, "Haute Couture. Antique lace. You are not mistaken, oddly enough because…"

As if seeking validation, she looked up at Daniel whose arm she was latched to with a beddable smile. It was only after a brief visual exchange that she looked back towards the terribly ill-informed Vallance child. With camouflaged disdain hidden behind inviting, perilous jade eyes, she remarked, "You seem to be mistaken about where I come from. But to entertain your incredibly moronic theory, I have to say - I must be the only 'whore' in the room who knows how to conduct myself properly as to not disgrace my family or jeopardize their line of work. As you can imagine, I'd rather be a whore than a brain-dead Louboutin mannequin on an ego trip. If we're on the subject of misbehaving though…"

A wicked grin crossed her face as Romeo dragged her away, his presumptuous little item of ignominy. "I'd gladly beat you to death with your own shoes." The threat was too quiet for anyone to hear except for maybe Jackson, who grunted at his ex girlfriend's excruciating wit and barbarity. Hilarity crossed her face as she waved mockingly at Bliss, "Bye bye!"

"We don't get to - well, that's not fair," Jackson sighed as a waitress passed again who he basically threw the glass to, "I wanted to be introduced."
"Of course you did." Cole snickered.
"You're damn right!" Jackson countered only when Romeo was a safe distance away.
"More props to Romeo," Cole retrieved a cigarette, "For doing what I couldn't."
"What's that, princess?"
"Keeping his sister away from pigs."

Slightly wounded, Jackson uttered nothing in reply as he took a seat near Suri. Cole fetched drinks from an oncoming bar servant, handing off the beverages to his sister and pronouncing, "Don't kill her okay? We all know you can and you will - but don't." Around him, his familiar crowd erupted with knowing laughter. Their humor was ghastly to the average human being - to them it was customary and comical. Maria shrugged, took a sip of her cranberry juice and offered the glass of water to Daniel.

"Mae, can you go - " Cole was interrupted as at long last, his little sister broke away from Daniel when she spotted Jude. Sauntering over, she fell into his lap like a petite Italian doll juju. Fiercely, she kicked one leg over the other and presented her thigh to the man, "Finally, someone who would comply with my motives for murder on this - beautiful evening." Despite her munificent declaration, she subtly and politely kissed his cheek and stood before nodding to Martin, "And Martin, you clean up very nice. But you already knew that from last time."

"Mae," Cole reaffirmed, "Can you go order five coolers, a few shots - well, a lot, some screw drivers and whiskey?"
"Uh," she came back to Daniel's side, "Okay?"
"Thanks." He said, furthering his request no more.

Turning on her heel, she slid past her date, tickling his lower back and wedging her way through a slight crowd at the bar in irritation of her dismissal. With his eyes trained on his sister until he was sure she'd been out of earshot, Cole turned to his audience. The pressure of withstanding obligations and plans made him perspire. In one smooth movement, he whipped his suit jacket off and threw it carelessly onto a chair. These were not just employees, they were friends. Some of which he wished he could confess his most recent sins to… Unfortunately, that was out of the question. He'd have to treat them as business collaborators only.

"Yesterday my sister was sexually assaulted in front of me by Russian slime. A few hours later, as I'm told, one of their chiefs came over to Buca and caused a ruckus. I'm sure I don't need to express myself more where that is concerned. Someone's gonna' pay. Word on the street is they didn't make it far after the deal yesterday morning and wound up getting snagged by CPD. We can't really rely on their loyalty or lackthereof, so it's safe to say that before anything else slips up… They need to be handled…"

Sticking the cancer stick between his lips, he leaned down towards Suri, grunting, "Give me a light babe." After completion of the task, he took a long drag and made himself perpendicular. A mantle of smoke rolled treacherously from his lips as he indistinctly continued, "And I hate to say this but I've been hearing about some bullshit going on at the club… Unapproved exchanges, commerces with rivals."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Vladimir Torchev Patranko Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov
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It was a delight, as always, for Jude to see Maria in action. Her words were as sharp as they were intelligent, however wasted they may be on the girl being carted away by one of Vallance's men. And wasn't that just what he loved about Maria? How ruthless she could be, whether in actions or in words, and yet she didn't falter, didn't erupt into curses and hair pulling, she kept up an appearance of class that so eluded other women in this line of business. Yes, she was a delight.

Like almost everyone else in the room, he let out a laugh, the morbid sense of humor almost a given trait in their trade. Even Martin, who clung so desperately to his so-called 'morality'(and it was admirable, in Jude's mind, that he'd managed to keep such a steely grasp on it despite everything he'd seen, everything he'd done), had let out a little laugh, trying to hide it with his hand.

Whatever Cole had to say next, after the laughter had subsided, was cut off when Maria made her way over, collapsing into Jude's lap. His arm wrapped around her for a moment just to stabilize her. If it had been almost any other woman, he would have dumped her on the floor with a smile, but Maria was different than most other women, wasn't she? He didn't have to pretend to be able to stand her.

"Darling, who do you think I am?" He asked in mock hurt, eyebrows furrowing and lips pouting before his features dissolved into another smile. "Of course I would." He returned the kiss on her cheek, equally as chaste and polite before he let her stand back up.

"I'd return the compliment, but you always look lovely," Martin replied from next to him, a small smile twitching on his lips. Yes, Donna Maria seemed to cast a spell wherever she went, a glamor that charmed most any man or woman. Still, Martin was not very surprised that Cole sent her from the room on a drink run despite there being a waitress in the room(who he was trying not to look at because, oh God, she was the woman at Buca that night when everything had gone to shit, wasn't she?). Maybe if he'd been in the dark about the past few days happenings he might be, but, given the information, it made sense.

"Daniel," He beckoned the younger translator over so that he wasn't awkwardly standing around where Maria had been forced to abandon him. It felt bizarrely like taking pity on the new kid at high school because that was essentially what Daniel still was, business experience or no. He scooted over on the couch, closer to Jude who wasn't complaining, to make room.

Jude was surprised the instant the meeting began because, no, he'd not been informed that anything had happened to Maria like that yesterday. He cast a side glance towards Martin who kept his glance dutifully forward. So, he'd left that out-! Sneaky, sneaky. But he was drawn back into the meeting, omitted information forgotten, with the promise of things being handled. And wasn't it his lucky night? Not only did they have the Russian problem to deal with(and it would be delicious to find said Russian chief that had caused a scene at Buca) but now an internal problem as well.

Now, Jude was no stranger to internal turmoil. At thirty-five years of age he'd seen plenty of groups with people playing on the side. And, given that one of those people wasn't him, he'd taken care of almost all of them. Still, he knew it was a dangerous game that threatened more than just a few rogue members.

"So, what do you want us to do about it?" The Irishman tilted his head to one side. There was no gasping, no 'gee, sorry this is going on, boss', no requests for further information. No, what he needed was marching orders. He was a professional after all- a professional informant, a professional mobster, and, more often than not, a professional attack dog.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Bliss Vallance
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Suri Desmond

Suri quickly whipped her head in the direction of the young women that sauntered in like she owned the place. Hearing Cole call her by Bliss, she seemed to have ties to Romeo somehow. Bliss seemed to think she knew everything, talking to Maria like she was no one. Did the girl know where she was? " do go all out. Even dressing your whores in couture..." her eyes darkened standing up "listen up here barbie..." before she could even continue Maria was already giving it to Bliss before Romeo pulled the girl out of the room.

"Shes lucky I didn't take her by her hair and throw her around like a ragdoll" she muttered under her breath, crossing her legs she listened to Jackson and Cole's banter again. At Cole's last comment Jackson took a seat by her, she patted his leg "don't look so gloomy buddy, it isn't a good look for you" she squeezed his leg gently before giving her attention back to Cole. "Don't kill her okay? We all know you can and you will - but don't." Laughter escaped her throat, looking at Maria "didn"t say anything about hurting her" she muttered softly, only those closes to her would have heard.

To her Bliss really needed a swift kick in the ass, no attitude like hers would make it around these parts of Chicago. Something the girl will quickly learn if she keeps acting the way she was. Finally, someone who would comply with my motives for murder on this - beautiful evening." Maria's word made her focus come back, she saw her friend now lounged in Jude's lap "can count me in Mae" she laughed, taking out her cigarettes from her bag and lighting one up. She had a feeling the pack would be gone by the end of the night.

Cole then had Maria leave the room which made Suri look over to Cole, for some reason she didn't think she was going to like what was going to be talked about this evening. Watching Cole take off his suit jacket she couldn't help what came our of her mouth next "only girl in the room and there goes Cole taking off his clothes, if I knew it was going to be that kind of meeting I would have worn something more suitable" she laughed taking a drag from her cigarette. Cole then seemed to get serious, his words made her smirk die down to a straight face.

"Should have just let me kill the fuckin bastard Cole, they had no right putting their hands on Mae like that" shaking her head she muttered a line of obscenities under her breath. She may be the only women in the room right now but that right there said something, whatever happens she would be loyal to the Occhetos just like her father was. "What kind of handling are we talking about? Are we going for the kill?" her eyes sparkled as the thoughts of being able to take down the russian twats and get blood on her hands.

As Cole leaned in asking for a light she complied "take a breather sugar, got too much on your shoulders. Know we are here to help, don't need to do it all on your own". At the mention of bullshit going on in the club she looked to Romeo "next time dont leave for so long doll" taking a last drag from her cigarette she put it out, leaning back in the chair. "Well with that maybe we should have someone we trust get put down there in the business, have them snoop around. See who doing the exchanges, then we can take care of them." Her eyes looked around the group of men, waiting for what the others had to say.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Bliss Vallance Character Portrait: Jude King Character Portrait: Romeo Vallance
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Daniel Takahashi

Once his tentative greeting had received a much more confident response from the older translator, Daniel felt his insides relax a little; even from across the small VIP room with its clustered group of inhabitants, Martin made him feel more at ease. Something about the other man's demeanor just made it easier for Daniel to calm himself. This small measure of inward calm dissipated quickly, however, as a small brunette whirlwind launched herself into their midst. Without so much as a word of greeting this stranger took it upon herself to verbally assault Maria, her voice dripping sarcasm almost as much as pompous, self-righteousness. Before he'd even had a moment to wrap his mind around the fact that she'd just insulted Maria Occheto-before her brother and father's employee's no less- the woman in question stepped up to defend herself. Despite the rolling feeling of discomfort in his stomach at the sudden confrontation bubbling around him, when the woman looked up into his face with a kittenish smile he couldn't resist as the corners of his lips tugged into a tiny grin. As she turned back to the other woman, he hid his smile with a cough and allowed his gaze to circulate around the room.

Grey eyes flickering from one person to the next- constantly avoiding looking in the direction of the scantily clad waitstaff- Daniel forced himself to ignore the feelings within him that he'd repressed upon Maria's flirtation with the man who'd kissed her hand. His inner voice chastised him for the hints of jealousy boiling within- it wasn't his place to feel that way no matter what this little outing might be called, not to mention the fact that by now he should be more than aware of Maria's particular manner of salutations and conversation style. A glass of water being dangled beneath his nose brought his inner musing to a sudden halt. "Ah- thank you," he murmured as he accepted the glass from the woman still attached to his arm by a light grip. He barely had time to raise the cool drink to his lips before the small flame of envy within him blossomed once more as his date released him to hurry across and into the lap of Martin's Irish friend.

Biting down on the inside of his lip, Daniel ran the hand that had just been released through the perfectly coifed hairdo which the thin, corseted stylist had arranged for him. Who was he turning into? It felt like the hundred millionth time he'd asked himself that question lately, however he never seemed to find a proper answer for it. This man standing in a gentleman's club, surrounded by members of the underbelly of Chicago, seething with jealousy over the meaningless flirtations of the criminal overlord's daughter, and wearing a suit the price of which he couldn't even begin to fathom, was not someone he knew-or had ever even dreamed of knowing. Even the reflection in the glass he held in his hand- eyes finally dragged away from where Maria sprawled in Jude's lap- seemed unfamiliar to him.

On the verge of dropping his glass on the bar and walking out, a thin, brunette draped in white lace stopped him in his tracks- her hand tracing a line across the fabric of his suit jacket. The young man's gaze flickered from the clear liquid to Maria's back as she forged a path away from him and her brother, off on some errand issued by the man sitting before him that he hadn't heard more than a word or two of. All thoughts of bolting disappeared with the lingering feeling of her fingers pressed against his back.

"Daniel." Upon hearing his name, Daniel blinked away his stupor and turned to find Martin waving him over to the sofa upon which the older translator sat. A true smile of relief twisted across his face as he hurried to comply with the man's wish. He ignored the bulky Irishman as he settled onto the cushion beside Martin, leaving a careful inch of distance between the two of them for propriety's sake. The words to thank his mentor and friend were on his lips when suddenly Cole stripped off his suit jacket and stepped into the center of the room. Silvery eyes swept from the calming face beside him to the figure of Maria's older brother as he began his monologue. The first sentence out of Cole's lips had Daniel's already pale face turning shades lighter as blood drained from it. He'd known something had happened to Maria yesterday, but he hadn't dreamed it would be this bad. Without thinking, he visually searched the crowd for the woman who had accompanied him- as if to make sure she was still whole and alright.

The rest of the diatribe as well as the response it illicited from his fellow employees was lost to Daniel's ears as he clutched at the glass in his hand. Had he not been certain of Maria's safety in the VIP section of the club, he would have left Martin's side to pursue her through the crowd. As it was, he stayed himself and sat stock-still upon the seat of the couch.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov
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Touchy, thought Bliss with a raised brow and sneered at the brunette's words.

“You're all grown up, Bliss.” Said a striking man who Bliss did not recognize but obviously he knew who she was.

Interesting . . . She mused as Romeo manhandled her out of her comfortable seat. Frowning, she turned to her brother.

“But I want to stay.” Bliss complained petulantly to which Romeo remotely ordered Jarvis to take her away and basically keep her prisoner.

"You seem to be mistaken about where I come from. But to entertain your incredibly moronic theory, I have to say – I must be the only 'whore' in the room who knows how to conduct myself properly as to not disgrace my family or jeopardize their line of work. As you can imagine, I'd rather be a whore than a brain-dead Louboutin mannequin on an ego trip. If we're on the subject of misbehaving though…" Added the brunette as Jarvis came forward to take Bliss from Romeo's grasp like some errant child. “Bye, bye.”

Bliss turned sharply to face the woman as she was being dragged towards the door.

“Oh sweetheart,” Bliss replied with a wide smile in a overly sweet tone with a healthy dose of derision. “You were right on first account. I'm never mistaken, about two things, couture and skanks and I see both in front of me right now.”

And that's when Jarvis pulled her through the door and began towards the stairs

“I wasn't finished!” She complained.

“You are now.” He replied gruffly.

Bliss pouted as she thought back to the brunette's words. Disgrace her family? Being in a whore house wasn't a disgrace on the brunette's family? Bliss could have laughed. What family did she come from? The Addams?

Of course, Bliss was here herself but what choice did she have? As if she would ever step foot in such a place of her own freewill! Plus, she knew exactly how to 'conduct' herself in society where it actually meant something. But this wasn't good society, thus she felt no need of compulsion to pretend to be amiable or remotely nice to people she did not know or care about. And what was all that about jeopardizing their line of work? What line of work?

Suddenly, an undeniable curiosity came over Bliss.

“Who were those people Jarvis?” She questioned.

“Just business acquaintances. Nobody you need to concern yourself with.” He replied a little to meticulously for Bliss's liking as they took their seats at the bar. “Scotch on the rocks,” he ordered. “What do you want Baby Bliss?”

“I'll have the same but with a twist.” She answered as she watched him with slitted eyes and a smiling pout. “And don't change the subject.”

His lips twisted up one corner as he laced his fingers together and bought them up to his lips, studying her for a time.

“What are you doing her Bliss?” He finally questioned as he drank his Scotch.

“Argh!” She groaned in response folding her arms on the bar counter and burying her face into her arms. “Don't ask me that.” She mumbled.

It felt like an even greater and more tiresome process of explaining all the wrongs that had befallen her happened to have accumulated to come together on one single day to ruin her life!

All she had ever wanted was her freedom. Was that so much to ask? To do what she wanted to do with her life, not what had been planned for her probably before she was even born?!? How could daddy do this to me? Bliss thought distressed. He had always given everything she had ever wanted and more. But then why couldn't he give her the one thing she truly wanted more then anything in the world?! To leave Harvard and do something she actually wanted to do?! What do you want to do? A voice questioned in her head. God! She didn't even know the answer to that simple question! She was so freaking lost!

“You okay?” Jarvis asked concerned, his arm coming over Bliss's back as he pulled her crosser to her in brotherly affection. “You're not worried about Maria are you?”

“Maria?” Bliss repeated in confusion as she lifted her head and rested on Jarvis's shoulder. “The brunette? No, it's not even about her. It's . . it's just complicated.” She sighed. Complicated and utterly lamentable. “She just happened to be there and my tongue has no stop button. It was Romeo actually my ire was meant for but . . . oh well. Can't take it back.”

Not that she would. Bliss only felt bad in hindsight that she had cause trouble for her brother which had not been her intention at all. At least not involving others. She just had anger management issues; when she got caught up in her irritation, it was hard for her to see anything but red until she had a timeout and time to think about what had occurred . . . time, unfortunately, when it was too late to do anything about the situation.

“So what's happening then Bliss?” Jarvis tried again. “Why have you come all the way here?”

Bliss was just about to reply with a mournful 'Nothing' when they were interrupted.

“Damn girl! Is it hot in here or is it just you?”

Bliss looked up to see an uninspiring face looking down at her with a grin. Not in the least bit impressed by the sleaze bag's cheesy pick up line, Bliss was just about to open her mouth to give him a cutting and deadly set down when Jarvis spoke in his usual low but utterly dangerous rumble of a voice, “It's just you and you're going to be more then hot in a minute.” He threatened.

“Jarvis! Dude! I'm so sorry man. D-didn't see you there man.” The man answered hastily and suddenly anxious to get away from them as quickly as possible. “Sorry man.” He said once more with a sheepish shrug and smile. “Miss.” He inclined his head her way and then stalked away quickly.

“So now you're my Keeper too.” Bliss frowned downing her Scotch in one go.

It burned her throat but it was a good burn that took her mind off all the other aches and pains that had accumulated over the long day in other parts of her body.

“Amongst other things.” He smirked.

“So who are they?” Bliss tried again.

His denial and lies just raised her curiosity to further heights. Who were these people she wasn't allowed to know about or talk to? What did they do? What did they have to do with her brother? She wanted to know! No! She needed to know, now!

“Who's who?”

“Those people. Up there with Romeo?”

“I told you, they're none of your concern. Leave it be Bliss.” He replied his sharp gaze fixed on her.

“So you're not going to tell me?”


“Fine, then maybe one of them will be happy to tell me.” She bluffed, hoping Jarvis would take the bait, though unlikely.

Grabbing her wrist, his grip like an iron maniacal yet not at all painful or discomforting.

“Let go.” She struggled pointlessly.

“Not until I can't trust you to sit still by yourself.”

“Argh! Fine!” She relented knowing her protests were going to get her nowhere from now on.

“You won't move off the seat?”

“God forbid! I won't even breath, if you prefer that!” Bliss uttered sourly.

“Good.” He grunted letting go of her wrist as his phone rang and he ordered off an endless litany of things for some poor soul to do.

Sighing, consigned to her role as prisoner Bliss swiveled around on the bar stool, elbows resting behind on the counter top, crossing one tight leather clad leg over the other she peered up and across to the second floor, the wall made of pure glass, a strapping male figure she did not recognize leaned against the window, was the only thing Bliss could make out.

Who were they . . . ?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov
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Romeo internally groaned and then swore when Cole identified Bliss without hesitation. That was just fucking great! Vallance thought bitterly. Now they would all know she was his sister! But it didn't matter for shit because he would not have his baby sister anywhere near them.

Snobby, haughty, highhanded, though she maybe; Bliss was his only sister and she was precious to him. Because Romeo knew what lay beneath her lordly exterior; a sweet girl with a generous heart and capable of more then even she knew herself to be. Though admittedly a little lost at times; Romeo always knew she would find her way eventually.

And for that, first and foremost, he had to distance her from his business and all those involved in it. He didn't want her caught up in all this shit, didn't want to happen to her what had happened to Maria only yesterday. It made his stomach churn.

Vallance may have been many things, a flirt, a tease, a womanizing philanderer but one thing he was not was a rapist! Or someone who remotely forced his will upon a lesser human being. Women were meant to be toyed with, to be seduced into one's bed but never forced against their will or beaten to be slaves to men's carnal lusts.

Yet that was a rare and unlikely circumstance concerning Bliss. Romeo's more adamant and stronger concerns lay in the light that one of Occheto's men and his own associates may take to having more then a platonic liking for his baby sister. Romeo's golden rule was to never mix business with pleasure. You don't fuck around with an associates family member. Unfortunately, not everyone in the Occheto clan agreed or lived by this rule. Not even Big Daddy himself.

However, it was something Vallance would not tolerate. Not in the least. Bliss was more then beautiful. A striking pale beauty. Not in the homely way Maria was beautiful, but more an salient effervescent untouchable beauty that had had him and his older brother Benjamin fighting randy boys off with sticks since Bliss had turned thirteen. He wasn't about to start dealing with that shit with his own men . . .

Jarvis had finally dragged her away but not before she had had the last word. Dear God! He wished there was something there could be done about that sharp tongue of hers. But then again, he thought with an inner grin, then she would be Bliss, would she?

"Don't kill her okay? We all know you can and you will - but don't." He overheard Cole say to his sister; his back to them.

And that, Vallance contented - as he turned around to see Maria lounging in Jude King's lap looking no different then any girl downstairs making her earnings - was the difference between Maria Occheto and Bliss. Bliss maybe many things; impatient, spoilt, quick to lose that infamous temper of hers but she was not a killer. For all the innocent and perfect ladylike appearance - for the most part at least - Maria portrayed herself to be, but what lay beneath was a cold-hearted, coldblooded killer. Like the rest of them, himself included at the fore. No more. No less.

And, he would cut her up into little pieces and throw them over the China Town Pier before he let her harm a single hair on Bliss's head. Eyes narrowed for no more then a millisecond, he peered at her coldly, however soon coming to his sense.

Romeo sighed, unclenching his stiff shoulders. This business with the Russians was fucking stressing him out. All the good the holiday may have done him was quickly slipping away. Vallance peered Maria's way again but this time with more forbearance as she made her way over to Daniel's side once more.

Shit, he was tripping. But it was only because he loved his sister so much. Cole would understand.

Maria had every right to be mad, even down right pissed off at Bliss and her words. He knew she could have said much more to Bliss, even maybe gotten a little physical with her but she hadn't. She understood up to a certain point. He would have to make her see the rest.

As Maria headed off to fetch the drinks Cole had ordered her to retrieve, Romeo stopped her suddenly at the door. His hand softly grasping her upper arm to stay her.

“Maria, I want to apologies for my sister.” He addressed her sincerely with endearing eyes and his usually cocky expression missing from his face. He put up a hand to halt her words when she began to reply that it wasn't something he need to apologies for. “Nonetheless,” he continued. “I'm going to.” Sighing deeply he gazed up before he peered straight into Maria's beautiful eyes. “Maria, let's talk frankly.” He said to her. “I've always felt that out of all these people, we could always talk without any games or pretenses. She's my kid sister Maria and I love her and I'll be the first to admit she has a tongue that can slice a man in half and holds little care to whom she is addressing that is in dire need of curbing. But in all honesty, I think we both know, she didn't know what she was saying. She's pissed and I know somethings not right and that somethings up with her, I just don't know what it is yet. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been so out-rightly callous. Hell!” He laughed a little. “You would have been the first and probably the only one here she may have actually talked to like a human being because of what you're wear or rather who. But like I explained, somethings seriously not right. She wouldn't have even turned up here in Chicago if it wasn't something so sever. So I'm asking you, as an associate but more so as a friend . . . Please, let it go and forgive her. Besides, she's not going to be around long enough to let that tongue of hers loose again.” He added lightly for a moment before becoming serious once more, knowing Maria was a big enough person to let such a minor slight on her person go. “As a friend, think about it.” He said lastly giving her arm a gentle squeeze before he headed towards the men convening.

Romeo listened, arms folded against his chest as he leaned against a pillar, all business now.

"Yesterday my sister was sexually assaulted in front of me by Russian slime. A few hours later, as I'm told, one of their chiefs came over to Buca and caused a ruckus. I'm sure I don't need to express myself more where that is concerned. Someone's gonna' pay. Word on the street is they didn't make it far after the deal yesterday morning and wound up getting snagged by CPD. We can't really rely on their loyalty or lack thereof, so it's safe to say that before anything else slips up… They need to be handled…" Cole addressed the group. "And I hate to say this but I've been hearing about some bullshit going on at the club… Unapproved exchanges, commerce’s with rivals."

Too good of a Poker player, Romeo's face showed none of the grin he was wearing internally. Unapproved exchanges, commerce’s with rivals . . . A minor infraction Romeo had been engaged in since he first arrived in Chicago and decided Big Daddy was the best man for the job of covering his ass.

“Next time don't leave for so long doll.” Suri's sweet voice lilted.

Romeo peered down at her from where he stood.

“I'll try not to leave you alone for so long again sweet.” He grinned down at her with a wink and then stood straight as he unwrapped his arms from around himself.

“I don't know about unapproved commerce's and exchanges,” Romeo lied like the pro he was. “But we can't stop rival members from coming in here, although this could very well be what's circulating these rumors. However, it can't be denied that we don't have dealings with rivals here. Your old man's in charge and in control of that. But, I admit, I've been gone for too long and standards could have . . . slipped, for a lack of a better word but I'm more then willing to rectify that now that it has been brought to my attention.” His words sincere to all those before him.

Oh and it would be rectified. Things had certainly slipped, if he'd been away for a mere three months and his business that he had kept well under wraps for over seven years was beginning to show cracks because he had decided to take a little R&R. Well, it had been good while it lasted. Onto bigger and better things he supposed and of course there would be no evidence or no one left behind to argue otherwise.

“Well with that maybe we should have someone we trust get put down there in the business, have them snoop around. See who's doing the exchanges, then we can take care of them." Suri chimed in.

“Perfect.” Romeo's lips laced into a wicked smile replying to Suri. “As for those Russian Putz,” He extended all seriousness once more. “there may have been a time they had been useful allies to use or at least remotely tolerable. However, they have become to emboldened. They're uncouth, sloppy and bringing heat down on the rest of us. I think it's time Big Daddy made an example of them for our other rivals. And before any of you argue it would seem like it's being done as a personal vendetta, the opposite could strongly be argued. As Cole just stated, they've been fucking with our business. Hell! It wasn't just some lacky that came into Buca and caused a stir up it was one of their fucking Chiefs and those guys don't just fucking show up and get their hands dirty. As far as I can see, it's quite simple. They're testing the waters. And if they find the tiniest inch they're not going to hesitate to try and take us out and take over our business. It's time to stop fucking around. I say we show them and all the others loud and clear that we're not slipping and that we're not to be fucked around with and if they still want a piece . . . Well, then come and fucking get it . . . ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Rosalinda Romero Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov
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Tesla Marie Basov

Flattered that Suri recognized her, a smile split across Tesla's face that instead of exhibiting charm it was almost childlike. "My name's Tesla," she chose not to disclose her last name, Basov, which was obviously Russian, "and I'll bring that scotch right up, babe." Tesla always applied terms of endearment to those she was talking to, a habit since she was younger. With Suri, Tesla didn't mind being a little flirtatious. Hell if things went right for Tesla she could make all her tips among all the people in the VIP room instead of on the floor where the skeevy men ogled her to the point she was almost embarrassed for them. Among these people, Tesla felt strangely a little at home. Since leaving her family and Manhattan behind, Tesla had been a member of the working class. Struggling had not suited her but Tesla somehow always managed to make ends meet.

These people didn't worry about being able to afford rent, sure their money was dirty but they were living large now..right? Who knew what the future could hold. If what happened at the bistro the other night is what they did to all newbies, it was seriously fucked up and one day someone was bound to slip up. Tesla wouldn't, and it was a little horrifying how she didn't feel as phased about killing a man as she should. Easily she had picked herself back up and carried on, and Skye - well Tesla didn't know what happened to her really. She'd have to ask Kitten when she saw her.

When it came down to it, Tesla couldn't turn away from this lifestyle. She already had a drop of it cross her lips, the intoxicating mixture of danger and passion enticing her only to further be a part of this lifestyle. What was it that Romeo had said at the bar earlier, if she was interested in a job as a sales girl that she should talk to him? Perhaps, depended on what she would be selling. Tesla was an avid pill popper, but nothing too serious. Occasionally the girl dabbled in other drugs, but most of them were elementary to her, a phase she blew through already.

It was interesting to see how everyone interacted with each other - a organized setting of self centered individuals on how to continue to run the streets of the city. Tesla felt as if she had stumbled down the rabbit hole into a whole other world.

Plus the men here were so handsome, Tesla concluded. There was Cole with rugged features and domineering mien, and despite the fact that his burly hands were the once that forced her hand to kill, Tesla found herself wondering how he touched a female. If he was surprisingly gentle, or properly rough.

Either way Tesla's train of thought about Cole was cut short of a familiar looking brunette storming up to Romeo with such lack of boundaries Tesla felt herself flinch with jealousy. The girl couldn't be much far from Tesla's own age - her flawless complexion and lively hair exhibiting youth even if she sounded like a thirty year old bitch.

Even her behavior was familiar, although Tesla didn't want to admit that maybe it was because she reminded Tesla of herself a little. Not of herself now, but when she had been Daddy's princess. But that wasn't quite it, there was something else about this girl that stood out in Tesla's mind.

The claws came out of the beautiful Maria, a much more becoming side to the girl then the last time Tesla saw her getting dragged across the floor by her hair covered in blood and brain matter. Romeo manhandled the girl out, and Tesla felt a pang of sympathy for the girl - she understood the feeling of ridicule when being thrown out of a room like a child.

A glass was thrown to her by Jackson, who complained of not being able to be introduced to the girl who Tesla picked up was Bliss, Romeo's sister. Pretending to stay busy, Tesla watched Jackson from the corner of her eye as he and Cole bantered. The man was yet another handsome part of the team, with womanizer written all over him. Birds of a feather flock together. She glanced back to Romeo, winking instinctually as they accidentally locked eyes, suggestively smirking at the aristocrat.

Gathering the remaining empty glasses, Tesla reviewed the information she had learned as she took the journey back to the bar. Bliss Vallance, even saying the name in her head it had a ring to it, as if she heard it before. Thinking back, there may have been a Vallance family in New York that occasionally her parents would see at charity events, or was it that there had been a Vallance Field House at her prep academy? Not able to put her finger on it, Tesla chose to just ignore the inkling.

"I need a scotch and a ginger ale." Tesla told Roger once she reached the bar, pushing the tray of dirty glasses to him. The scotch was for Suri, the ginger ale for herself. Roger nodded in understanding, serving the tame beverage first and pushing it toward the vixen before tending to grown folks business.

Tesla took the glass delicately, feeling knots develop in her gut, a delightful side affect from the combination of pills and the atmosphere she had wound up in. In a way it was all so overwhelming, having gone from awkward old business men or potentially physco Tycoons to a room of beautiful, dangerous people. They were all so witty and seductive, her type of crowd.

As if Tesla's thoughts had summoned the fallen angel herself, Maria appeared at the bar with a mild mannered asain. Peering inquisitively, Tesla sipped on her ginger ale, overhearing Maria's order to Roger, who then proceeded to add the drinks onto the tray set out for Tesla.

It all was so tedious, Tesla turned her back to the bar to instead enjoy the scenery and her fizzy drink. Although there was some glamour in working for the infamous Ochetto's, Tesla was still having to make a living by doing a menial job that others deemed as immoral.

"You seem love struck."

Tesla gawked at Roger who spoke from behind her, the man hadn't even been able to see her face and most likely was just trying to come up with some lame excuse to talk to her. Setting down the nearly gone beverage, Tesla pursed her lips in contemplation as she shook her head in denial of his assumption. "With Romeo? No...." A brief giggle interrupted her train of thought, "he's too much like my father."

Roger laughed, continuing to mix drinks and send orders out to the girls. "Well you got that look on your face, and having worked at this strip joint for three years I can tell you I recognize lust when I see it." his tone was matter of a fact, which although annoying was just, Tesla knew the look she had when her mind was on a set track. But for some reason Tesla didn't want to admit she was leading herself right into the trap that Romeo had laid out for her, somehow she had a feeling Roger had witnessed girls time and time again do the same thing.

"Well I work off tips, and my job is a stripper and cocktail waitress...." Tesla nullified, irked that Roger most likely knew exactly what Tesla was getting herself into, "...besides what I do in my bedroom with whomever is none of your business. I have needs, and someone has to take care of them." She stated cooly, sliding out the tray to precariously balance it on her hand above her shoulder. "Now Jackson, maybe he's more of my type. More brawn less brains." Although it was meant as a joke, Roger's eyes darted to Maria before laughing half heartedly.

Furrowing her brow, Tesla turned her back from the strange bartender to go back to the Lions den. So far Roger had been nothing but a pest, Tesla deduced, choosing to just ignore the man as much as possible from now on. She began calculating mentally how much money she would have left over for shopping after she paid her bills. Not enough Tesla thought as she returned to the VIP room, absorbing the fine details of the room and the people in it.

They were all so meticulously taken care of, dressed to the nines for a meeting at Windy City, but perhaps that's just how they dressed on the regular. Remembering her father, Tesla could hardly recall a memory where he wasn't wearing a suit. These people made her want to be a part of the life they led, even if it did leave blood stains behind.

"Your scotch on the rocks." Tesla said, handing Suri her drink when there was a pause in the conversation, a wicked grin worn on her face. As much as Tesla wanted to redirect people's attention to her, they all seemed involved in a deep conversation. Taking in tidbits of information, Tesla managed to piece together that they were on a hot button issue.

Continuing to serve the drinks, Tesla remembered something her father once told her, that she was to be seen and not heard. Being a stripper/cocktail waitress wasn't much different, in fact Tesla would say everything that happened to her life up to then had been training for this exact moment in time. These were dangerous people, who's to say they wouldn't use her to demonstrate to newbies about what happens when someone can't handle working with the Ochetto's. An involuntary shiver ran down her spine, causing Tesla to almost spill Jackson's drink on herself, barely catching her balance in the nick of time. She would've tried to play it off, however once she looked to Jackson by his expression he had witnessed the fluke.

A guilty grin replaced her expression of panic, a glint of humor in her doe like eyes. "Can't blame a girl for getting nervous." She said, batting her lashes and handing him the drink smoothly. Luckily it had been him and not Romeo she had almost spilled the drink on, otherwise Tesla would have been too mortified to be able to recover from the stumble.

Finally she had to serve Romeo his drink, taking a few breaths to steady herself before walking to where he stood against a pillar, facing the crowd. He was unpredictable, which made Tesla both nervous and curious. He kept her guessing, making Tesla experience apprehension to approach the man. Her hand reached out to touch the fine fabric of his jacket, gliding her fingers from his forearm to his bicep silkily. "For you, Romeo." His name rolled nicely off her tongue, quirking an eyebrow before winking suggestively.

Before he could suggest she get back to work or leave her jaw slacked like an idiot, Tesla let her hand fall from where it rested on his bicep. Her eyes went from his chiseled features to the skin that peeked from the collar of his shirt down to his shoes. Although undeniably handsome, Tesla wasn't sure if she wanted to play the game with such an experienced player - she was sure to come out last. Instead Tesla turned on the heel of her shoe, as if to begin collecting empty glasses and bottles. Perhaps Romeo's intention all along had been for her to work harder, and damn it all it had worked.

Rosalinda Romero

Rosalinda didn't remember her surroundings as her eyes fluttered open, once again forgetting her night. The blow to her head must've caused more damage than she remembered, Rosa was done being punching bag for Julian. Rolling her head to her side, seeing her fiancé chatting with Brenda, her memories began to tumble together for her to make sense of. Rape she was still a victim of the horrible crime, she was sure of it. Not wanting to believe such a poor fate, Rosalinda buried the truth along with the shame and pain and attempted to seem lively before Julian noticed she had awaken.

Brenda wouldn't tell him what happened, would he? There was a patient confidentiality pact and although Julian was her fiancé and a police officer, Rosa still had her privacy, right?

Noticing she had roused from sleep, Julian mumbled something to Brenda, ushering the woman away. Most likely he had assured her that he would handle Rosa, then closing the curtain around them. Rosa could feel the blood rushing to her ears, wether from fear or passion she wasn't sure. Julian stood at the foot of her bed, staring at Rosa in silence. He seemed to be taking everything in, Rosa felt as if she were under the microscope.
Instinctually, she shifted to cover the injury that might anger Julian the most - her wrist.

"I already know, Rosa." he said flatly, coming to the side of her. His intimidating stance and piercing stare penetrated within her mind, causing Rosa to inwardly shrivel. What would he do now? He had told her that if she cut again it was over, but would he let her go so easily? If only she were so lucky. "You promised me you wouldn't do it again." he didn't sound angry so much as sorrowful. His hand grabbed her arm that she tried to shield, Rosa flinched under his touch - surprised at his tenderness

It was then that Rosa knew she had her Jortiz back, the man who would kiss her pain away and drown her in affection and love. It was hard to say no when he got like this. His fingers gently ran over the bandages, "What happened?" he pleaded for her to tell him, wanting to KILL the one who hurt his fiancé this badly.

If only I knew
Rosa stared at Julian's hands, carefully watching them for any signs of hostility. She could sense him begging her to look him in his eyes, but Rosalinda was still fumbling for an answer. She couldn't tell him the truth, that much was sure. "I was mugged." Slowly she brought her eyes to his, "I think they hit me in the head...I don't remember much." It wasn't a complete lie, Rosalinda had no definite recollection of being raped, it was just unfortunate that all evidence pointed to that.

She held her breath, watching his face twist into one of comprehension. Although it was entirely believable, Julian couldn't place his finger on why it didn't seem to be quite right. Why had Cole and that other man he recognized from the peer been in the cafeteria? Why did Rosa feel the need to cut herself? How did she end up at the hospital?

He didn't realize he had he began gripping Rosa's bandaged wrist while deep in thought until the slight woman let out a squeak of discomfort. As if he had burned himself, Julian released his hold on Rosa, watching her shrivel up before him. This was not what he had wanted, a woman he had scared into staying with him. He couldn't understand why he kept hurting her, it's not like he did it intentionally. When everything went red, Julian couldn't control himself anymore. He would hurt her and most of the time immediately regret it, then showering her with gifts and presents until he thought he was forgiven.

Rosalinda wasn't sure how much more of his bullshit she could handle.

Yes she loved the man who stood next to her, but perhaps they had been rushing themselves because they believed that they were so in love. That much was true, there was no denying that she loved Jortiz in a crazy almost dependent sort of way. He was her emotional anchor, the one who managed to keep her grounded.

However did love justify abuse? Perhaps in another world, but in this one Rosa just stop thinking about how deep of a whole she dug herself in, and how she was supposed to get out. Yes she loved Julian, but perhaps they weren't meant to be - maybe they had met in this world to learn from each other and better themselves for the true love of their life.

Julian wouldn't buy any of that though - Rosa was his, and that how he planned on keeping it. She could read it in the lines of his expression. Sometimes his intensity scared her, he could see it in her eyes. However Rosa would never admit so, most likely he would complain about how she acted like such a child sometimes. The argument got old, his constant defense that maybe their age gap was a bigger deal than they thought. If Rosa didn't fear him knocking her lights out, Rosa would point out he was consistently the one who acted immature.

Finally Julian spoke, "I can't shake the feeling that you're lying to me..." Rosa opened her mouth to speak, but Julian's finger pressed against her swollen lip halted her speech, "but I can understand why you don't want to trust me right now."

Damn right she didn't want to trust him, hell she didn't want to see him either. But who else did she have? If she didn't have Jortiz, Rosa would be alone in the world except for maybe her dysfunctional sister or perverted cousin. The fear of loneliness outweighed the fear of Julian's rage. No matter how badly Rosa would want to leave Julian, she couldn't force herself to turn her back on him when he needed her most.

After Rosa remained silent for sometime, Julian spoke again, "I'm on duty in an hour, they're keeping you overnight to run some tests. By the time they release you in the morning I'll be back." He knew she couldn't leave him.

Not yet, atleast.

Nodding as if she comprehended his words, Rosa's fingers feebly reached for his before he would leave. Once again her eyes settled on the bandage on her wrist, the blood had began to seep through the gauze from the pressure Julian had applied. She had to let him think they were okay, reassure him she wasn't going anywhere. Often her stand offish attitude's could be misconstrued as disinterest - which Julian would switch into her cheating on him. His elementary love games were starting to become too much, and Rosa could recognize when God was telling her to turn away from someone. But now was not the time.

"I'll be waiting." She said, seeing a glimpse of a smile as Julian made out her words. He kissed her forehead before saying goodbye, once again assuring he'd be back in the morning. Rosa didn't doubt it for a second, Julian wanted Rosa to have as little alone time as possible right now. Alone time meant time to think, and thinking led to decisions, and if he wasn't there to influence her train of thought she might make the decision to be done with him. That was something he just couldn't have.

She watched him leave, a faint smile on her lips. Giving sometime for him to make it out to his squad car and pull off, Rosa continued to hold her composure, on the chance he would return. If he saw her a mess, Julian would refuse to leave her alone. He would have to think she was okay.

Once she was sure he wasn't coming back, Rosa leaned her head back onto the pillow. What would she do now? After they did some testing they would only confirm her suspicions, and Rosa wasn't sure if she needed that weight on her shoulders to. She closed her eyes, desperately clawing through the darkness of last night - once again straining herself to force a memory.


Frustrated, Rosa clawed at the hair at her temples, scrunching her nose like an annoyed child. How could she not remember anything whatsoever? It was such a violation of the mind, making her feel weak and helpless.

"Suga, I just want to check if that cut needs some stitches."

Rosalinda opened her eyes to see Brenda once again, a certain sort of kindness in her eyes. Biting her lip, Rosa nodded in compliance, offering her arm to Brenda. The woman was gentle, commenting on how Rosa had bled through. She was reminded of Julian gripping her wrist, turning to face away from Brenda so she wouldn't see the shame in her eyes.

"You didn't get too deep, it'll take a couple weeks too heal but no stitches needed." giving Rosa a toothy grin, it was hard for the fawn skinned femme to not grin back. "Which doesn't explain why it was bleeding so profusely...."

"Glad to hear." Rosa said with a scratchy voice, trying to appear uplifted, ignoring her mumblings. Brenda rotated Rosa's arm, carefully examining it. Her fingers gently grazed up Rosa's arm, to where only one other intentional scar marred her skin. Rosa could recognize the pity in Brenda's face, the woman had already accounted for the many scars on Rosa's legs, she was no fool and could see right through Rosa.

People who never felt the desperation of a need to inflict self harm never understood why. Hell, Rosa had once not understood why. It was a cowardly practice - for those who didn't have to balls to just kill themselves already. She had never taken pride in it, unlike other people who had put it out there plain as day as a cry for help. See the way Rosa looked at it there were the cutters who did it for attention, the ones who gave people like Rosa a chance to go by undetected. The cutters like Rosa were probably the most demented ones, the ones who truly believed that cutting alleviated some emotional trauma and thus helping them.

More often than not, it was the cutters like Rosa that ended up dead, because they never let out a plea for help - instead just trying to slice the pain away. Brenda understood this, she could see that Rosalinda had a problem that she needed to talk about. But also Rosa needed to know what was going on with herself physically first. Cleaning the wound and once again bandaging it, Brenda let silence hang between them.

Although Rosa had only been in the emergency ward for a few hours, Brenda had seen enough for herself to take a particular interest in the young woman's condition. She seemed like a very special young woman, and there was something not quite right about her fiancé. "We're going to move you to a semi-private room, now we're going to run some tests so we're going to need you to cooperate with us." throwing away the previous bandaid and her gloves, Brenda carefully watched Rosa's reaction.

Once again withdrawing into her shell, Rosa brought her arm close to herself once Brenda released it, as if she were trying to hold herself together. Believing Rosa had nothing to say, Brenda went to leave when Rosa cleared her throat. Wisdom was settled behind her hazel eyes, and a certain strength exuded from her that made Rosa envious of the chocolate skinned woman.

Fidgeting from where she lay, Rosa felt uncomfortable under the woman's all knowing stare for issues by her own insecurities. Feeling as if a child asking her teacher not to call home, Rosa spoke, "I know my fiancé is very concerned....and I love him for that, but..." With all her might, Rosa forced herself to look Brenda in the eyes, "I need to make sure my test results are told to myself only...and if possible could the fact that I don't want him to know not be expressed to him by some one who doesn't know what - " she realized her request may seem odd, but Brenda had to understand the delicacy of the situation. This was no regular domestic abuse situation, this was a domestic abuse situation with a cop.

For some reason Rosa felt as if Brenda could see right through her, only furthering causing Rosa to fumble for the right words. As her fingers played with the edges of her blanket, Rosa spoke again. "My fiancé loves me very much, but things need to be handled a specific way with him or else all hell breaks loose." She explained, attempting to be as vague as possible.

Brenda was silent for a few moments longer, allowing time for if Rosa needed to say something else. When it seemed that Rosa was done, Brenda rounded to the side of Rosa's bed, carefully clasping hands with the young lady. Her fingers were so warm against the raw palms of Rosa's, making Rosa initially flinch beneath the woman's touch. However Brenda didn't pull back, instead she leaned close and spoke in a caring whisper, "It's all good baby, Brenda will take care of you."

And with that, Rosa allowed herself to be vulnerable once more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov Character Portrait: Bliss Vallance Character Portrait: Maxxie Williams Character Portrait: Makenzie Williams
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When Tesla moved her to a chair and started giving her a lap dance Maxxie's heart sped up, she started feeling very warm but was also very nervous. As Tesla told her to relax she really tried to, watching to women in front of her made her feel something different inside her. It ended too soon for her, Tesla left to go back to serving drinks and Maxxie rushed to the bathroom. Her heart pounding as she stood in front of the sink to try to control her breathing "maybe this wasn't such a good idea" she said to herself, putting her hand over her chest as she tried to get herself together.

After a bit she finally was able to make it back out to the bar, taking a seat in the last open stool. Ordering a glass of water she took out her phone and sent a text to Kaenzie Hey can you come pick me up at Wind City, ill be out front. After sending the text she heard some commotion near her and turned to see a girl pull a guy off a stool by his tie and took the seat for herself. Well that was rude she thought to herself as she continued to stare unknowingly.

After catching herself she noticed the girl staring at her looking as she was going to say something but soon her attention was caught by someone else. Quickly she turned around, sipping the glass of water and looking out to the stage. It was soon after that she saw Maria coming down the stairs towards the bar, Maxxie couldn't help but watch the women. There must be something going on in the closed room on the second floor she thought as she stood up and tried to see if she could find Tesla before she left. She wanted to tip the girl for being so friendly to her.

Tesla came down the stairs from the second flood but immediately started chatting with the bartender, Maxxie being who she was didn't want to interrupt. She called over another bartender "I was wondering if you could give this to Tesla" she motioned to the blonde who was going up the stairs "let her know it was from Grace, tell her that I really appreciate what she did for me". The bartender gave her a strange look but took the hundred dollar bill from Maxxie's hand "sure will, ill give it to her when she comes back down".

Maxxie thanked the bartender then went outside and leaned against the building as she waited for Kenzie to show up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov
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0.00 INK

"Maria," a firm hand grasped her small-boned arm - almost like a boy grabbing a doll. Viridescent eyes flashed towards Vallance, Maria's lips pursed in a raptorial way as she looked at him. Her gaze traced upwards to meet his gunmetal eyes, her head slightly tilted but no amusement dancing on her face as usual. The little shindig and her brother's ax left her less than enthused to say the very least.

Romeo accommodated her father. That was all she had to remember as he rambled on, his contrite sentiments about his sister and the succinct conference that just occurred still weighing on her irregardless. It was all business, and the real claws didn't come out for people who weren't real threats. Before he so much as finished his speech, Maria took one last sincere glance into his eyes, polychromatic strobe lights dancing between the mere inches that separated them, and peeled his hand away from her forearm.

"As a friend." She crooned with reluctance, but not in the least bit publishing the vacillation of her 'friendly' oath. Before he scampered off to the vocation a short distance away where she was apparently not welcome, she let her manicured fingers brush against his shoulder, "In return you can do me a favor?" Throwing her head back with graceful ease, she pushed some hair from her shoulder and continued, "You'll let me know what's going on at your little 'meeting' later?" Patience was impermanent in her current state, she withdrew her hand and concluded with a sultry simper, "Great. See you then."

Cramming herself between a few people at the bar, she sighed and looked over her shoulder towards her brother who was conducting his metier bullshit that she was obviously bitter about.

ImageThe young man's overcast eyes lowered at Romeo's verifiable conjecture. Straightening his tie, inhaling tobacco, he hung his head back to peer at a slow-turning disco ball before calmly riposting, "I don't get my panties in a bunch about them coming here for a good time. We have great girls and a great place here. It's the way they're coming in, what for, and what I'm hearing. This shit with so called deals popping off - well, if it gets back to the old man, it's gonna' get ugly. We already have enough bullshit going on and the gossiping has already gotten us into a whole lot of messes."

Jackson straightened up a little to stiffen his posture, matching the grim reality of the situation. He'd seen too many females get roughed up, and that should have been enough to begin with. On top of that disservice, there were foreign alliances going awry.

Around them, the atmosphere of the strip club warped into stupefaction where the employees were concerned. Despite the quaking bass, beautiful women with no clothes on and strobe lights, they were all impressively focused on the task at hand. Of course, none of them were strangers to calamitous and parlous situations that simply couldn't be overlooked.

"Exactly," came an agreeing nod from the broad-shouldered man, a slight smirk tugging in Romeo's direction, "They're trying to see how far they can go. If they want some, let them come and get it, man." He rolled his shoulders, looking at the wily, toothsome little cocktail servant who was bustling around the rendezvous. Hypnotized by the cadence of her hips for a moment, he was brought back to present-day dealings when Cole spoke up again. And in a flash, the blond was gone.

"It's settled then." The Occheto boy raised a hand in the air, a signal to the bouncer by the door. In moments it was communicated omnipresently; but the crowd Windy City drew was oblivious. "Jude… I trust you came prepared for some sticky situations." Cole grinned. All the doors were locked.

Sensing the exciting pressing peril the night had to offer, Jackson rubbed his hands together. His evil scheming was short-lived; the blond had swiveled on back over and nearly overturned his beverage. Raising a brow, he glanced at the so called 'timid' coquette. Yeah, sure, he thought to himself as he let a slow Cheshire smile creep onto his face while he snatched the drink away from her. Purely out of curiosity he scanned the room for the Vallance girl, only letting his gaze fall on Maria who was put out and piqued by the bar.

Image"Ahh, shit," she hissed as she sucked in a breath and tried to let herself unwind. It was time that she relaxed to the music that was playing and winding up the stage girls with music-box operandi.

Currently playing.

"How about a drink, sweetheart?" Came the voice of a particularly shady bartender. Throwing a wicked stare his way, Maria narrowed her eyes, "I don't drink." Inevitably she expected him to continue to try, but he just laughed her rejection off and turned away to take inventory of his liquor cabinet like she did so many nights at the bistro. "You look like you need it," he said over his shoulder carelessly. Huffing, she pulled herself onto a bar stool by the second floor exit and peered at Daniel. Cole had snagged him right out from beneath her, and there she sat, outcasted like a brat who didn't get her way.

With one leg crossed over the other, she examined her Lady Highness 160 mm Louboutins with unmatched affection before straightening her calves. It wasn't until that point that she accidentally bumped a man sitting nearby, probably of Japanese descent if she had to guess.

Across the room from his sister, Cole rested his back against a wall instead of sitting as he suggested, "Let's see how many Russians are here tonight, peg a few of those jackasses." Silently he scanned the club, picking out a few mentally but on the fence about some others. In all reality he had hoped to see Vladimir but was coming up short on that particular wish. Cracking his neck, he exhaled a final time, allowing smoke to billow towards the ceiling, "There's two by the stage downstairs. They were on the boat yesterday with Alexander and Kazimir. The fuck are they still doing in Chicago?"

He rubbed his chin, closely witnessing their every move up until the sound of wood splitting ripped through the air, erupting over the music. Perhaps the lower level didn't hear it, that much was evident when the girls kept dancing while a pageant of Japanese thugs busted down the second floor exit and knocked out the guard.

"Watashi no tawagoto wa doko ni aru!"

What appeared to be the commander of the pack, laughable in size, shouted towards the bartender, and that was only until he found Cole, Romeo, Jackson, Suri, Daniel, Martin and Jude so closely knit. Brandishing a silenced Five-Seven pistol like a victim of little-man-complex on steroids, the man stepped over the splintered door boards only momentarily glancing to his left before proceeding towards the group.

"Where. Is. My. Shit."

Cole tensed up, pushing off of the wall and placing a hand in his pocket as a precautionary measure. His ultramarine eyes, turned cold by the unfortunate stacking queue of horrible events, looked at the thick-accented Asian. Stifling a laugh, he looked over at Romeo then, "Point proven." The last thing the Occheto family needed was more foreign antagonists.

"Alright, look man. No one has to get hurt, we'll even get you whatever merchandise you're here for. But you gotta' stop acting like some sort of combative, douchebag hero, waving your gun around like a goddamn crazy person. Alright? Relax, put your gun away, and we'll get this all sorted out."

Impatience flickered in the small man's chestnut eyes as he inhaled deeply, wiping a sleeve from his leather jacket across his face with indignation. It was obvious to Maria, who was anxiously watching from the bar, that the CEO of the little operation wasn't quite understanding what her brother had to say. A few of his henchmen lingered by the door; danger was imminent and if everyone got stuck inside, it would be one hell of a party.

"Ima! Ima!"

Unbeknownst to any of those who had come for the get together at Windy City, the man sitting adjacent to Miss Occheto had been spying all night long. Briefly, a visual interaction occurred between him and the monarch of the group before a bit of an uproar was heard a distance away. Somehow one of the underlings had fastened their grip around Bliss, dragging her towards the bar where Maria sat. Figuring she couldn't let this madness go on much further, Maria reached just inside of the slit in her dress towards a lace garter.

"Hey!" She shouted as the man beside her clasped his hands around her wrists and yanked her right off the bar stool. Bringing a platform adorned-foot back haphazardly, she put forth a valiant effort to kick his knee out but - failed miserably. The man's hand shamelessly pervaded under her dress, retrieving her Beretta from her garter. "You won't need it," he muttered into her hair, holding an arm across her chest while the other confiscated her weapon, "I'll hold it for you." Maria cast a sideways peep at the Vallance girl who was restrained by now two men.

"Bravo. You did your research." She sneered sarcastically, attempting to get another look at the assailant who subdued her. The realization hit her tenfold. The bartenders had been saluting and receiving foreign business since Romeo went away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov
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One second Bliss had sat there at the Bar below minding her own business enjoying the only good meal she had had all day – A Scotch on the rocks with a twist – and the next second someone had punched Jarvis out cold and had practically lifted her over one solid shoulder and was carrying her up the stairs.

“Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?! I'm not one of these hoes you know!” She spat as she punched and scratched the brutes back.

The man laughed low and mirthlessly.

“Oh I know.” He said in a strong Asian American accent as he gave her backside a hard smack.

Too stunned to scream for a moment, Bliss was just about to say something cutting when she was plopped back onto her feet. Her attention diverted for a moment as that Maria woman was restrained by another brutish Asian guy just a little way from her and she looked upon the group of her brothers associates and some new men that had not been there before.

Until, Bliss felt the tight restraints of two pairs of hands clasping each of her wrists. She looked up to see two different men holding her. Not that scumbag who had slapped her ass. She struggled in their grip trying to dislodge herself.

I. Don't. Like being touched!

She said furiously when they wouldn't give an inch and before anyone saw it coming Bliss jammed the dangerously sharp spiked heel of her Louboutin into the guy on her rights shoe.

Good! She hoped she broke bone!

The razor sharp point went straight through the expensive leather and a sickening crunch of bone could be heard in the sudden silence. The man bellowed in agony as he released her hand but his punishment wasn't over as she back fisted his groin and he doubled over onto the floor, probably not being able to tell which pain he suffered from most.

To think those self defense classes her mother had dragged her too had actually come in handy! When she had told her mother they were utterly unnecessary. For God's sake! She had complained to her mother. We live in Manhattan! Not across the bridge in the filth ridden lowlands of Brooklyn or worse! Why was learning self defense necessary?

“Meinu no musuko! (Son of a Bitch!)” The man rolling on the floor cupping his abused balls cried.

Well, now she was more then glad her mother had dragged her to them in the woman’s effort to prove to everyone that her youthful beauty was all God given, when the whole of the Upper East Side knew her mother had had more plastic surgery then Heidi Montag!

Glad indeed! Bliss mused as she quickly lifted her other hand that was still captured by the other man and bit into the man's hand while he was busy staring at his cohort who was on the ground groaning.

“Argh!” The man screamed letting go of his grip for a moment. “You bit me!” He questioned her in disbelief.

“I told you, I don't like being touched.” Bliss said highhandedly as she straightened her cropped leather jacket unaffected and utterly oblivious and not really caring of the true danger she had suddenly found herself amongst.

Just as she began to move away, Bliss was yanked back by a hanker of hair.

“Ouch!” She struggled again. “Let go!” She spat as he held her in his grip more firmly this time.

“Let you go!” He sneered. “"I'm going to kill you you stupid bitch!”

“Yeah well you might want to be a little quicker because your cologne might do it first.” Bliss responded in her usual devil may care, I'm still better then you, do you know who the hell I am attitude.

As the Asian brutes buddies laughed and snickered at her words and some of her brothers associates she guessed - although she wasn't paying much attention to them - it bolstered Bliss's confidence and tongue as a smirk spread across her lips and she continued unheeded.

“You know it's the twenty first century right? There are other fragrances besides Old Spice. What did you do tip the whole bottle on yourself? I mean my God! I can smell you like a mile away, how do you get any girls-"

“Do you ever shut the fuck up?" The man interrupted, his lips pressed against her ear.

“Not Voluntarily." Bliss shrugged honestly.

"Well then let me help you." Back handing her across the face sending Bliss reeling to the floor.

For a moment she was stunned and then the flow of warm liquid dribble down her chin. Looking down she saw a large stain of crimson getting bigger with each drop and her anger ignited.

"You asshole!" She screamed. "This is Vivienne Westwood and costs more then your whole outfit put together!”

“Oh for fucks sake! Would you shut the fuck up?!” He shouted at her in exasperation.

“No!” She screamed back with fiery defiant eyes from her position on the floor. “An another thing-”

“How about know?” He asked whipping a Glock out from inside his suit jacket and pointed at her head.

Bliss gulped for the first time a little cautious of her sudden precarious situation.

“I'm willing to concede to shutting up for the time being.” She said carefully but her tone still held confidence and dignity as she met the brutes gaze with slitted eyes and a pout. “But you're still paying for this!” She pointed at the still growing bloody stain on her top.”

She wouldn't usually ask for dry cleaning but let's face it Bliss thought she was broke now, which meant she may have to wear the same clothes again even after they were out of season. The thought was more mortifying then having a gun held to her head!

“No one is to touch her.” The smooth voice of the man who had carried her up the stairs interrupted.

Bliss turned her head sharply to look up and meet his grinning countenance.

“That Yamaneko (Wildcat) is all mine.” He said, eyes fixed to Bliss.

“Over your dead body!” She answered sharply.

Whatever the hell Yamaneko meant . . .


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov
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When her drink was given to her by Tesla she couldn't help but look her over once more "thanks Sugar" she winked then went back to listening to the conversation at hand. She was quiet for the most part, letting the men talk over the situation. She already gave her opinion so she didn't think repeating herself will do any good. As she listened her eyes surveyed the club, she saw Maria at the bar and then the other girl Bliss, if she ever ran into the girl alone...well who knows what would happen. Personally she could not stand girls that think they are queen and deserve everything thrown at them, she feels that if you want something well you better find a way to earn it.

Cole then motioned to someone at the doors to lock them, Suri stood up, cracking her next and finished her scotch "so time for fun?" she mused as she looked at the men around her. When she was younger there may have been a moment when Suri would feel a bit uncomfortable in this kind of situation but now it felt right, she was pratically one of the guys and she knew Cole trusted her. Cole mentioned two russians downstairs "lovely, id like to take a hit..."

Her words were cutoff as a group of Japamese men made there way in, yelling amd pointing guns. Looking over to Colw, he saw the uy try to smooth it over but the leader of the rivals didn't understand or was just not hearing it. "Seems wherever we go shit hits the fan" she said outloud to no one in particular. Her eyes then went to Jude, he looked so happy it made her smirk. She could only guess what he was thinking, they both had a few things in common, both like to do the dirty business. Suri caught Jude's eyes for a moment before looking over to see some of the Japanese thugs holding Maria and Bliss.

Well personally she didn't care for Bliss, but she knew the night would be hell if anything happened to her. Then there was Maria, who seemed to be caught up in a bind. "What to do, what to do" she whispered, listening to Martin speak in a native tongue. Her fingers of one hand were tapping her handle of her gun while the other hand had gripped the handle of one of her knives. As she was trying to figure out what to do, there was some commotion going on over near Bliss.

"You stupid stupid girl" she said outloud as she walked slowly behind the guy that seemed to want control over Bliss. Tapping his shoulder he turned around to Suri, who was now holding a knife to the mans throat. His eyes wide muttering some words in Japanese as he stumbled back against the wall. "Sorry I don't know what your saying" she pushed the knife against his throat, looking over to Cole and Martin who seem to be trying to handle the leader. The few men holding Maria and the other guy Bliss eyed her carefully, seeing the knife at there co-workers throat they went to reach for their weapons.

Suri let out a small laugh and clucked her teeth "ah ah ah" she said as she pushed the knife harder, now drawing blood from the mans throat, taking one of her guns out from her pants and pointing it to the guy that was holding Bliss."I suggest you all to throw your weapons, or this guy here and you there" she waved the gun carelessly at the other man "will be bleeding at the feet of your friends". They all looked a bit shocked at Suri, being a female and able to hold up her own. Looking towards Bliss "I suggest you move unless you want more blood on you prescious outfit" she said sarcastically "and try not to make any other stupid dicisions will ya". She just hoped maybe Jude, Romeo, or Jackson would help out a bit, turning her head slightly she gave them all a look.

That small moment gave her target a small window of hope, one of his hands shot up to Suri's neck and started to squeeze roughly. Suri turned her head back the best she could to look at the man "so you want to play the kinky way do ya?" Her breathing was becoming a bit more ragid, she pressed the knife deeper. It must of been a sight looking at the two, Suri was having a little bit of trouble as she struggled to ger air. As the knife went deeper into the mans throat he struggled also. They were in a battle of who would last the longest and Suri didn't plan on losing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov
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0.00 INK

Everything moved in half time as Maria observed what was going on, her mind battling the sensations of the man grabbing her who she learned was, "Akihiro" shortly after the pack leader shouted some indecipherable order at him which landed Maria outside on a rickety second floor terrace of Windy City. With her hip bones forcefully pressing through the fabric of her dress against the railing, she fought to look over her shoulder, "So, Akihiro…"

"Shut the fuck up." He jousted her against the metal bar again and reminded her of the barrel's presence pressed to her perfectly curled tresses.

Inside, Cole was stepping down as Martin skillfully interceded to ease the tension of the situation. A silent breath of relief escaped his lips for a split second until he saw the apple that had fallen far from the tree, being grabbed up by some Japanese jackass. And what seemed to be even worse, Romeo's precious gem of a little sister, threshing her head and limbs as she too was dragged into view by nonnative assailants. The vibrant strobe lights cavorted over the instruments of war as they were restrained, making the entire phenomenon a little trippy. Or, perhaps, that was the alcohol preceding over Cole's blood. His azure eyes had turned glassy in the past hour. They snuck a glance at Romeo, who would more than likely be fit to crawl out of his skin at the sight of what was happening to his sibling. Maybe keeping them from danger wasn't as easy as Cole thought. Maybe he wasn't that big of a fuck up after all.

ImageIn the small amount of time it took for Cole to peer at Jackson, Mae was hauled from the club. Without a moment of hesitation, Cole withdrew his Beretta and exhaled heavily. This wasn't what it should have come down to. But what was another three, four, ten bodies, anyway?

"Alright, alright," he raised both hands in the air, one dangling the gun, "Fun's over. Bring her back in. And let the little feisty one go."

Jackson snorted, marching out from behind Cole, only pausing to exhibit his broad, intimidating stance. The muscles under his skin jerked, his jaw clenched. Cole's words sparked something within him. At this, he smirked a murderous, handsome grin and retrieved a Smith & Wesson .44 Mag Revolver. In nature, he was partially insurgent. That much showed when he cocked it back and fired in the direction of the volatile Vallance girl. In seconds, he eliminated two of the Japanese brutes that were closing in on Suri and Bliss. Of course, Suri had already taken one into her own hands - battling some crusade of her own.

"God dammit Jax!" Cole shouted angrily, yet let a smile creep on to his face. "You couldn't wait, could you!?"

Maria heard disturbance - her brother's voice. Nothing could quite mark up how badly she was missing her glock at that point in time. Sighing, she slackened her posture under the grip of of Akihiro, "All I wanted to do tonight was get fucked in my antique lace, maybe suck some fruit off of a cheap little stick and by all costs avoid the turn style bitch who invited herself into our circle." Her flirtatious and established stratagems were coming into play, she just hoped her bluff wouldn't be called.

"Well, the first half of your plans aren't completely out of the question."
His breath was hot.
"Rape isn't negotiable I guess." She shot back, now cold and immune to the ugliness of her 'trade'.
"Who said anything about rape?"
"Your English is good - I could consider it…" A smirk split across her face.
"Mmm, you're trying to play me." He pressed his body against her back.
"You're not telling me to shut the fuck up, though, are you?"
"Kind of a foul mouth for a girl all decorated in designer."

With a relenting sigh, she nibbled on her lower lip, "You're enjoying it." Akihiro grunted at her antics, the fire arm still pressed to her hair. "Besides, something tells me the way you reached into my dress was a little more than just safety protocol."

"Ha. Ha. You're… You're a treat." Akihiro countered as he began to bundle the Occheto girl down the stairs against her will.

Back inside, Cole was cognitively taking inventory of foes. Truth be told, he couldn't keep track. The newcomers had certainly come prepared and Cole was inwardly thanking himself for making sure Jude and Jackson were present. Of course, Romeo by his side was not by any means a bad addition either. In fact, he may have been the best. But it would all come to light, be proven in mere minutes by their own fucked up, little macabre circus competition.

The sunken bodies of the two Japanese adversaries caused absolute chaos. After the sound of gunfire hacking through the music, the whole club was up in tumults. Girls were scrambling off of the stage, people were trying to claw their way out of the club but only met foundering. Coincidentally, the second floor door was the only one that had yet to be replaced by stainless steel. The Asian mobsters had been coming around long enough to know that. On top of their knowledge, there were two Russians from prior exchanges on the floor below. They sat patiently as the crowd around them panicked, looking upward in the direction of the shots fired.

Cole peered over the railing, staring straight at them as if silently promising the end of their unpalatable lives.

But what could come next? What could he do? In all honesty he was nervous for once, unsure of who to take out and how. He had no idea where his sister was, and he wasn't sure anyone noticed she'd even disappeared. Jackson pushed past him, heading straight for the gang leader who looked superbly inclined. The two somehow wrestled their fire arms from each other and began fist fighting.

"Fuck," he hissed and tried to form a route towards the door but was stopped despite all the bedlam ensuing around him. "Mae!" He yelled, but was stopped short by a fist sinking into his cheek.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov
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“. . . I suggest you move unless you want more blood on you precious outfit" . . . and try not to make any other stupid decisions will ya.”

Bliss turned sharply and bestowed a venomously stare on the tattooed chick. The woman's words another pebble in the pond that was Bliss's easily aroused temper causing a small ripple as Bliss flipped the woman off.

Bitch! Who the hell did she think she was speaking to her like that?! She looked more coked up then a rock star on smack, acid and meth put together!

Her thoughts about the tattooed woman were short lived when the ringing sound of two fired shots echoed in the air. Bliss stood momentarily stunned into silence, her mouth a big 'O' as she stood motionless just registering what had happened. Then a screech to wake the dead erupted from her lips as she tried furiously to rub all the blood and brain matter off her face with the sleeve of her jacket which only aided in making things worse.

Oh my God! She breathed! A mere two or three inches and that would have been her head!

Giving up trying to cleanse her skin she turned sharply to face the culprit of the crime who to Bliss's displeasure and utter infuriation was grinning like he had just done her a favor. The fact that he might have didn't even enter Bliss's mind as she began her screaming tirade.

“What the hell is wrong with you?!” She questioned furiously. “You could have killed me! You mental whack job! This close!” She gestured with her thumb and index finger. “This close and it would have been my head! Oh! And my clothes! Look what you did? You insufferable lunatic! . . .”

She continued her enraged philippic of him not even caring whether he listened or not as she turned muttering under her breath about her ill luck and cursing this whole day as she pulled her jacket off and threw it to the floor bitterly which was soon followed by her blood soaked gray top.

The guts and the life giving liquid belonging to the deceased men at her feet making her skin crawl. The fact that she stood in nothing but her Leopard print Victoria's Secret Bra, low riding tight sparkling leather leggings and six inch Louboutin's finished nicely with a Belly ring chain in the middle of a filth infested Strip Club didn't even seem to matter any more.

It was just the perfect ending to the most perfectly crappy and hideous day of her life! That bullet might as well have pierced her skull! Because her life as she knew it was certainly over! Cut off! Bliss still couldn't believe it . . . That she stood in the middle of a war zone half naked the least of her worries.

Her meanderings were once again broken when a gun slid to her feet knocking the peep toe end of her shoe. Bliss eyed the weapon with vitriol filled gaze recognizing it as the one that almost killed her. Looking up and across, Bliss watched with a raised eyebrow as the smiler who almost shot her was sharing blows with one of the smaller but meaner looking Asian guys.

She may have considered him attractive if her temper wasn't at boiling point regarding her almost murder at his hands. Her eyes flashed beyond for a moment as the Asian that had captured Maria dragged her out of the room.

Bliss sighed as she looked down at the gun at her feet in contemplation for a small moment before she picked the weapon up. Who was she kidding?!? She was going to go after that stuck up Cow. Bliss may have been many things but she did have some morals and ethics though many would find it hard to believe. And to be completely honest she much preferred people live in fear of her. However, rape was a crime that not only fucked you up physically but mentally too. A crime, Bliss considered worse then murder. And she wouldn't wish rape even on her worst enemy. And this woman was hardly that plus all the men folk seemed busy and hadn't noticed her departure.

Making her way towards the back exit Maria and the man had headed out of Bliss detoured for a moment as she saw a opportunity she simply could not resist or let go. The guy that had shot near her and the man he had been fighting seemed to break for a moment. She watched as her brother grasped the Asian before he could go after the misguided hero again.

Bliss sank her fist into his cheek with a strong right hook without a seconds hesitation. He was obviously oblivious and stunned as he landed on his back on the floor.

The surprise of the attack, Bliss mused, otherwise he looked much too solid to be taken down so easily by a punch from a mere wisp of a girl.

That.” Bliss peered down at him from her position above in all her half naked glory. “Was for almost killing me!”

One hand resting on the curve of her waist while the other held the Revolver. “Oh and by the way, thanks for the gun.” She smirked down at him then gave him a good kick in the stomach with her foot to let out the last of her frustration with him. “Asshole!

Whipping around she headed for the exist that had been her original destination. Bliss heard parts of their conversation drift on the air as she rushed in their direction.

Mmm, you're trying to play me . . .

The pair finally came into view as the man began to drag Maria towards a rickety stairwell. Bliss wasted no time as she aimed for the back of the man's knee and fired. Again, she may have been many unbecoming things but she was not a killer. But she sure knew how to use a gun, though she wasn't a big fan of it.

The Vallance's were a very gun pro family. The right to arm yourself and blah, blah, blah . . .

The man screamed as the firearm held at Maria's pretty head dropped out of his grip and clattered down the stairs.

“She maybe playing you but I'm not.” Bliss said sweetly with an innocent smile as she aimed the gun at the man who was on his back on the floor.

“You fucking bitch!” He spat.

“I'm sorry.” Bliss replied utterly unsympathetic as she bent over to grab the gun the man had been trying to get at and any other weapon which may have been on him – of which there were none – and threw the spare gun down the stairwell. “But it would be a crime against fashion if I let your big dirty paws rip this fine gown up while you tried to grope her. And let's face it,” Bliss grinned as she kept her weapon aimed at him. “it would be even less worth it when you wouldn't be able to satisfy her, which I strongly suspect would be the case. I mean it's just not worth it! They don't make lace like that anymore. Maybe in France . . .” Bliss pouted as if she was truly considering what she was saying quite seriously. “But still it's not the same thing.” She finished with a honeyed smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov
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Romeo's eyes had to be fixed to that Vixen names Tesla. Tesla . . . Tess . . . He liked that. What he didn't like however was all the other leering eyes in her direction. As a child he had never been good with sharing. Hell! He'd never had to! And he damn well wasn't going to start now.

She was his.

The shock he felt at their contact as she slid her fingers up his arms only increased his ever present wanting of her.

“For you, Romeo.” She teased; his eyes fixed on her lips as she studied him from head to toe much as he had been doing her. Squashing the groan of desire that was stuck between his closed lips as he took the glass from her fingers.

Oh but she would be worth the wait. He had no doubt about it but she slipped away before he could grab hold of her wrist and pull her into his embrace and mark her as his in front of all present. For what was his, could be claimed by no other. Time. He soothed himself. An hour or two. Before he would be slipping between her sheets and her silken thighs, her moans of pleasure hot against his ear as she begged for more . . .

Fuck! Romeo ran a shaky hand through his dark hair. He was acting like a teenager with his first girlfriend . . . But he wanted her so bad! Shit! Pay fucking attention! He commanded himself as he turned his full attention back to the meeting.

Just when Romeo had managed to control his lust a large cracking blasting sound rang over the music as a bunch of Asian's burst through one of the doors and began shouting orders in Japaneses, or what sounded like Japaneses Romeo guessed not being familiar with the language himself.

What the fuck was going on?!

“Where. Is. My. Shit.” The leader of the small party questioned in a thick Asian accent.

“Point Proven.” Cole said turning Romeo's way. “Alright, look man. No one has to get hurt, we'll even get you whatever merchandise you're here for. But you gotta' stop acting like some sort of combative, douchebag hero, waving your gun around like a goddamn crazy person. Alright? Relax, put your gun away, and we'll get this all sorted out." Cole turned back to the pint sized Asian head honcho.

And then it all became as clear as day to Romeo. Fucking unbelievable! He thought with a disbelieving smile shaking his head in bewilderment. Some fucking cunt had been triple[i] dealing under the table while Vallance had been away. [i]Motherfucking unbelievable! What kind of slimy bastard had the guts to do business in his Club without so much as informing him or giving him a cut of the profits?!

Maybe this was a sign, Romeo considered. What with the all this shit hitting the fan as Suri had commented and Bliss suddenly showing up out of nowhere. Maybe it was time he gave all this shit up and head back home to New York living the life of a nine to five over pampered Upper East Sider chump!

All his thoughts of giving up the game instantly disintegrated as Romeo's eyes caught the figure of a struggling Bliss being manhandled by two or three bastards. His heart began to race.

Fuck! This is exactly what he had been afraid of . . . If anything happened to Bliss . . . But she was an ill tempered little termagant. Even as Vallance thought this he watched in disbelief as Bliss practically took the two guys that had restrained her out. Holy mother of God! And the idiot girl was still running her mouth.

He didn't know whether to be angry at his sisters antics or utterly proud that she could handle herself. But all this went to hell as one of the men back handed her and sent her flying to the floor.

“Bliss!” Romeo bellowed beginning to move forward but stopped as the bastard pointed a gun to her head.

His churning stomach settled when the one that had brought her up here commanded that no one was to touch her. Relief and anger surged through Romeo anew. Relief that she wouldn't be further harmed, anger because the bastard wanted to lay claim to her. Over his dead body! Romeo's thoughts echoed Bliss's words.

Suri stepped in a cleanly cutting the bastards throat. It killed Romeo that he couldn't move to protect his sister from his precarious stance as the tiny bastard held a gun aimed at them at all times. Romeo's anger bubbled.

Sudden shots were fired. Vallance turned to see the hot headed Jackson shoot clean the bastards that still restrained Bliss.

God dammit Jax!" Cole shouted angrily, yet let a smile creep on to his face. "You couldn't wait, could you!?"

Romeo's own smiled played across his lips. Jackson, always reliable with a gun but then all hell broke loose. Down below and on the second floor as Jackson threw himself at the mini dictator, striking blow for blow.

Romeo's attention was diverted to Tesla again as she backed herself into a corner. Fear plain and clear in her eyes. Vallance headed in her direction, grabbing her wrist and yanked her towards the bar.

“It's going to be alright Tesla.” He said down to her grasping her upper arms in his hand and shaking her when her eyes still remained glazed over in fright. “Hey! Look at me Tesla.” He commanded as Tesla finally seemed to see him. “It's going to be okay. I won't let anything happen to you.” He promised her, looking deep into her eyes as he captured her lips for sweet kiss before he shoved her down under the bar. “Stay there.” He order. “And don't move.”

Turning Romeo headed over to help Jackson. He grabbed the mini Asian by the shirt collar yanking him back so hard that the man hit the wall and passed out instantly. When Romeo looked towards Jackson he groaned out loud as he watched almost in slow motion as his half naked sister – what the hell was she doing with her clothes off God damn it!?! And when the hell did she get that piercing?!? – sank her fist into his jaw which the man clearly did not see coming.

What the hell was wrong with that girl? Was she intent on making an enemy out of everybody?! He knew Jackson was a good sport but the man's temper was as equal to Bliss's. He talked Maria out of killing Bliss, he wasn't sure he would be able to do that with Jackson. Maybe the man would laugh it off . . . Maybe that was wishful thinking. He began making his way over to them as she kicked the man one last time and then scampered off.

“Shit man.” Romeo said repentantly as he crouched down next to Jackson. “I'm sorry. She's . . . She's just . . . Just Bliss.

How the hell else did he explain that little fireball of crazy . . . ?