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Maxxie Williams

"I am not fragile"

0 · 817 views · located in Chicago, IL

a character in “The Black City”, as played by Echo_Rose




Maxine Grace Williams

Maxxie, Max, Grace
Some at the agency call her Baby Williams which she doesn't really care for



F.B.I. Agent
Sister to Makenzie Williams



★Working out
★Big dogs
★Her sister
Her dog
★Theater shows
★The internet
★Her job
★Hipster clothes

✘Flashbacks of her accident
✘Her sister being over protective
✘Gangs, criminals, mobsters
✘Strip clubs
✘Animal abuse
✘Being considered fragile
✘Sitting still
✘Being confined
✘Her heart condition

∅Planes-Ever since her accident she refuses to go on a plane
∅Her heart stops working
∅Being in a place where she can not move
∅Something bad happen to her Kenzie
∅Losing Kenzie
∅Being alone for long periods of time

Ever since her fathers death Maxxie has become withdrawn and reserved, she sticks to her books and srudious ways. She is not very sociable and actually gets really nervous when it comes to going out into places where there would be big groups of people. She is quite shy and very soft spoken and blushes very easily. She hardly has a mean bone to her body and is kind to mostly anyone. She is very smart because of how much time she pours herself in studying and reading.

She looks up to her sister and always has kinda walked in Kenzie's shadow, she never has really dated before and is actually still a virgin. She is actually nervous of being in a relationship. Maxxie went into FBI work because she wanted to follow her father's footsteps. Maxxie is very clumsy and her sister has commented multiple times that Maxxie has two left feet.

Maxxie always has been known to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, she has gotten herself in some pretty sticky situations in the past. She is very much into going amd doing things when she has been told not to, especially if her sister tell her no. Ever since the accident Kenzie has been more protective over Maxxie, not letting her go too far from the apartment and only to certain places if she does go out. But Maxxie can be very stubborn and she doesn't exactly listen too well.

Maxine Grace Williams was a suprise to Travis Maxwell Williams and Brianna Makenzie Williams, all throughout the pregnancy the doctors though Maxine was a boy. So her parents were planning on naming her Maxwell after her father but low and behold she was a girl so they decided to call her Maxine. She was the baby of the family and had a sister that was four years older then her, Makenzie Dawn Williams. As she grew up Maxxie became attatched to her fathers leg when he was home from work, she was very much a daddy's girl. Her father worked as head of an FBI unit. When her father wasn't home Maxxie would then be following her sister around, wanting to do everything her sister did even if it annoyed Makenzie.

The first seven years of her life Maxxie had a great childhood, she was very much a tomboy and enjoyed getting dirty and climbing tress. One day everything changed for her family. Her mother got a call from the FBI telling her that her husband has been killed in a gang shooting. He was suppose to be just going to take down a drug trafficing ring but they didn't get all the information and found out too late that it was way bigger then what they expexted. When their mother told Kenzie and Maxxie, Maxxie lost it, she shut herself in her room for almost a week and refused to come out. That year was one of Maxxie's hardest years and thats when she started acting out and not behaving comepletely. Her mother had to get a job so thag left Kenzie to be in charge of Maxxie.

Maxxie became more withdrawn into herself and was not that haply go lucky girl anymore, she stopped gymnastics and ballet and spent most of her time in her room. This lasted for awhile, when she was in highschool she was very much a nerd and kept to her studiea and books. She was very shy and never dated or went to parties. She had a goal in life and that was to become an FBI agent like her father.

She graduated highschool a year early and continued onto college. Her sister went into the same career and she became close to Kenzie. They even were able to be in the same FBI unit. They were a great team and worked hard, Maxxie did it mostly for her father. When Maxxie was twenty-three she was assigned a case for Chicago, there was a high crime rate and also a lot of missing persons reporta. She was to go and look into it and for the first time Maxxie was going on a case without Kenzie. She was on a plane with a couple other agents, when they were almost to Chicago the planes engine blew and Maxxie's life literally flashed before her eyes.

When she woke up she was laying half way out of the plane, she couldn't move because there was part of the plane laying against her legs. She wasn't sure how long she yelled for help before she blacked out again. The next time she woke up she was in the hospital and there was a bunch of nurses and doctors around her and she started to panic. The doctors had to sedate her and then out her under for surgery. She awoke in the ICU, her sister holding her hand and sitting in a chair beside her. She was told that her injuries were pretty severe, she had a leg that was broken in many different places, a concussion, her left shoulder was dislocated, she had to have stitches in many different places, a couple of ribs were broken, and she had to have a pacemaker put in and was told she was always going to have a heart problem from then on.

She was kept in the hospital for a few weeks and also told she was going to need a few more surgeries over the year. Since Maxxie refused to go on a plane and since one of the best heart surgeons were in Chicago, Maxxie and Kenzie decided to stay in Chicago. Maxxie was made to take five months off from work so she could heal, during this time her sister got her a great dane puppy and Maxxie named her Bindi. The FBI unit gave Makenzie the case Maxxie was suppose to work on before the accident which kind of pissed her off in a way. Once the five months were up she was also able to help out with the case but her sister refused to let her get too close in the undercover work even though she was given an undercover alias as Grace Parker. Even though her sister has put some tight restrictions on her Maxxie srill down some sneqking around but she knows she has to be somewhat careful because of her heart.

Stand In The Rain|Superchick
She never slows down.
She doesn't know why but she knows that when she's all alone, feels like its all coming down
She won't turn around
The shadows are long and she fears if she cries that first tear, the tears will not stop raining down

So stand in the rain
Stand your ground
Stand up when it's all crashing down
You stand through the pain
You won't drown
And one day, whats lost can be found
You stand in the rain

She won't make a sound
Alone in this fight with herself and the fears whispering if she stands she'll fall down
She wants to be found
The only way out is through everything she's running from wants to give up and lie down.

So stand in the rain
Stand your ground
Stand up when it's all crashing down
You stand through the pain
You won't drown
And one day, whats lost can be found
You stand in the rain

So stand in the rain
Stand your ground
Stand up when it's all crashing down
Stand through the pain
You won't drown
And one day, whats lost can be found

So stand in the rain
Stand your ground
Stand up when it's all crashing down
You stand through the pain
You won't drown
And one day, whats lost can be found
You stand in the rain

So begins...

Maxxie Williams's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skye Keaton Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Lexi Belle Character Portrait: Katherine Valle Character Portrait: Maxxie Williams
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Skye Keaton

Skye smiled to Kat "my mom won't mind at all, she will just be happy to be able to cook foe another person. She loves to cook". She opened the door and took off her shoes, setting her bag down by the door. She heard noise in the kitchen "Sweetie is that you" her mother called out. "Yes Mami its me, I brought a friend over, think you could make enough for three?" she asked as she walked towards the kitchen, turning to look at Kat to make sure she was following. Her mother looked up and smiled.


"Of course, there is always room at the table for more" she wiped her hands on a towel then walked over to Kat and gave the girl a hug then stepped back. "Im Shannon, you are just liked Skye, you need more food on your bones" she shook her head slightly making a tsking sound then went back to cooking. "Why don't you girls sit in the living room, breakfast will be done soon"

Skye smiled to her mom "Mami is it okay if Kat stays here for a few days, we are actually thinking about getting an apartment together". This made Shannon look up and give her daughter a look. "Are you sure your ready for that Skye? Your only seventeen..and yes your friend can stay". Skye looked to her mom "Yes Mami I am ready" was all she said before she took Kat by the arm and brought her to the living room.

She sat down on the couch and looked to Kat "She can be a bit overprotective but in a good way" she then patted the seat for Kat to join her on the couch.

Suri Desmond

Suri finished her sandwhich before she replied to Lexi "Glad you like it, and your welcome sugar" shen then got up and out her dish in the dishwasher. "Once your finished how about you go get ready, im going to get cleaned up and changed". She then went to her room and stripped out of her clothing then went ot her closet and looked through her clothes until she found an outfit she was satisfied with.

She put the jeans and top on, leaving the leather jacket on her bed, she went to the bathroom and let down her hair. "I really need to re-dye me hair" she muttered as she put it up in a messy up do. Just as she was heading back to her bedroom her cat Faxel jumped up onto the kitchen sink and meowed. "Aww Faxel baby, I haven't give you much attention lately, have I?" She picked up her cat and held him close, giving Faxel a kiss on the nose.


She held him till she got to her bed and set him down on the bed. She then grabbed her jacket and put it on, putting her knives in her boots and a gun in the back of her jeans. "Be a good boy Faxel" she gave the cat another petting, smiling as she heard him purr. She then headed to the front of the house, grabbing her keys and bag, she waited for Lexi.

Maxxie Williams

Maxxie woke up and stretched her arms, she was dressed in just a tshirt and boy shorts. She slowly got out of bed, her body aching slightly, she let out a small groan. She decided she would get Kenz and her something for breakfast instead of making it, because she did notnfeel like cooking. She took a shower letting herself relax in the water for a little while before she got out. She looked at herself in the mirror and frowned slightly. Her body was covered with scars and she was wicked skinny, the doctors said it was probably from one of the meds she was taking, she had to constantly eat but she still had a hard time keeping on the weight. Her finger traced the scar over her heart for a few minutes before she looked away and headed back to her room. She got dressed into jeans and a big tshirt then went out to the kitchen and wrote Kenzie a note.

Hey Kenz I went to go get us some breakfast. Be back soon <3 Maxxie

She left the note on the counter then grabbed her keys, putting on a pair of sneakers she headed out the door. Maxxie knew Kenzie wouldn't be too happy with her because she didn't write where she was going but she was an adult not a child. She got into her jeep wrangler and pulled out of the driveway and onto the road.

A few roads over she drove past Buca's and noticed they had some bakery thing going on. She found a spot to turn around and then parked in Buca's parking lot. She got out of the jeep and walked to the front doors and walked in. She could smell the cooking and her stomach growled just a little. She walked up to the counter and looked over the muffins that were on display and waited for someone to come out and take her order. She knew the place was owned by the Occhetos, she also knew her sister planned on getting a job here, if her sister found out she came here without her she would probably get yelled at but the muffins looked delicious and she wanted to try them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skye Keaton Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Katherine Valle Character Portrait: Maxxie Williams Character Portrait: Makenzie Williams Character Portrait: Demitria "Dementia" Lawrence
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Katherine Valle

Despite Skye's reassurance, Kat was still nervous. After Skye opened the door and removed her shoes, she did the same out of respect. The warm smells hit her almost instantly and her stomach growled, causing her to turn pink. Kat followed Skye through the house quietly, looking around as she followed until she ended up in the kitchen. The woman standing at the stove was a very pretty woman, no doubt where Skye got her looks, she saw several similarities in the two.

Kat smiled when Shannon said there was room for her at their table, but wasn't expecting to be hugged. The hug actually made her even more nervous, she should have gone back to her room and showered after work instead of heading to the cafe. Kat prayed the smell of coffee would over-rule the smell of the club. This was not the impression she wanted to make on Skye's mother. She didnt want Shannon to doubt the person who Skye would be rooming with. After realizing it had been a moment after Shannon had introduced herself, Kat managed to get "My names Katherine, Katherine Valle, call me Kat." out with a smile. Shannon was quoting her mother as well, she wondered if every parent thought their children were to skinny. The thought made her laugh a little "You sound just like my mother."

She was about to go wander until she found the living room when Skye asked if Kat could room here for awhile and their intentions of getting their own place, when Kat saw the look that Shannon was giving Skye she bit her lip only to smile when she heard that she could. After Skye said that she was ready and yanked her into the living room she let out a breath and sat down next to Skye. "Most patents are when their kid up and tells them they wanna get their own place with a person they just met. Your moms real nice though, I was kinda nervous." Kat gave a half smile and she relaxed herself on the couch "This couch is awesome. I want nice furniture like this....everybody should have nice furniture like this." Looking at Skye she giggled a little, excited about getting an actual place instead of another run down room.

Makenzie Williams

Makenzie woke up when she heard the door to their apartment close, Maxxie left without waking her up again, causing Kenzie to groan and pull the covers over her head, after a moment she heard Maxxie's jeep start and leave. Kenzie couldn't hide in her warm fortress of nice smelling blankets forever, and to prove it she kicked them off the bed as she sat up, and slowly made her way off her bed. She pulled on some comfy pajama pants and a random shirt before making her way out of the room. There was nothing but a piece of paper on the counter, further investigation found Maxxie's handwriting:

Hey Kenz I went to go get us some breakfast. Be back soon <3 Maxxie

Kenzie took the note and stretched out on the couch, wondering if she'd gone far and hoping she didn't go to Buca's, Kenz didn't need Maxxie getting mixed up with them before she got a feel for the Occheto family. Kenzie didn't think she could handle a situation where Maxxie was compromised, and she didn't want to, but Maxxie was too headstrong for that, she just didn't understand....picking up the remote Kenzie turned on their TV, flipping through the channels she waited for her sister to return.

Demitria Lawrence

Demitria just layed there, listening to the buzzing of the bell that signaled it was time for the inmates to leave their cells, they were actually allowed outside today, which really meant that the employees wanted to smoke the cigarettes that they wern't allowed to touch. Torture at its finest. The loud click told her her door was now unlocked, she dressed herself in the clothes she was permitted to wear, jeans and a t-shirt, and made her way out of the room. The best part about this place was the lack of care they took with their patrons, this was not one of those fancy rehabs that people enjoyed, it was a reformed insane asylum, to Demi, it was prison.

As the other drug addicts made their way out into the common area, Dementia looked around the fence, looking for the place she had escaped last time, the small gap in the fence. The institute was too poor to fix it, and as far as Demi knew she was the only one who had used the gap to break out, so there was really no point. The institute was backed up to a small section of woods so once she was out she was gone. The pursuit of the drugs made her anxious as everyone was filed into the yard, and as soon as the guards had their backs turned, she was out.

Demitria made her way through the woods, a trail she had traveled many times before that led to the city. She had to find her fix, her body was starting to shake in anticipation. The only reason she hadn't shriveled up and died in the institute was they gave her pills to relax herself. Her guards learned the first time they couldn't just cut her cold turkey, she needed something to help her stabilize herself, and although they weren't her drug of choice, it helped.

Dealers battled in her head, who was who was starting to become impossible to decipher. She turned down another street and closed her eyes, rainbows of colors flashed behind her eyelids, then she saw hair, it was familiar, not red like her own, but white, and now black too.......then she heard something.....sounded like shhhhhhh........grrrrrrrr........shhhhhgrrrrrr.........then she opened her eyes and she heard it clearer sugar........PULSE!!! She had to find Pulse. Pulse was a dealer and an old friend. She would help her, she had before. There was a tattoo shop that she remembered Pulse running, and it was around here somewhere.

Demi kept walking, or tried to keep walking, the relaxers had stopped working completely by now and she was starting to freak out. She couldn't go much farther. Demi just had to keep going until she found the parlor, then she could stop, but she had no idea where the parlor was, and she forgot where she was......there was an entryway to something, she didn't know what it was but the place wasn't open. She would just sit there for a second to regain herself, just a second to stop the shakes. Making her way up the small stoop she crawled into the dark corner and pulled her legs close to her body. She started to rock back and forth. Just a second. Demi's whole body shook violently. Just a second. Placing her head on her knees her vibrant red hair fell over her legs, hiding her face from what ever was out there. Just.......a....... Demi closed her eyes and waited for the violent shakes to stop, but unless she got a drug soon, she knew it wouldn't.

Little did she know, Demi was curled up right outside Suri's tattoo parlor.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Maya Stillwater Character Portrait: Jackson Hughes Character Portrait: Maxxie Williams
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Jackson Hughes

He lingered for a while until the puppy love between Cole and Aurora was too much. In a bag he had lugged inside with him was a change of clothes he'd get into after showering at Cole's. There was no use in getting a hotel room if he could avoid it. He wasn't even cheap, he just didn't sleep much. For a while after getting dressed he stayed in the back yard, chain smoking and wondering if he should go get breakfast. It was a shame, being so torn. He was craving one of Maria's pastries.

As it neared 10:30AM, he finally shrugged and pulled on his jacket and a black beanie en route to his truck. He yanked his hood over his head, the weather surprisingly biting for the sun being so bright. When he was finally to Buca he hastened inside, literally ready to kill someone just for a canoli. The sweet smell of Italian bread and fruit penetrated his senses when he walked in, greeted by the sight of Maria still in the same clothes from this morning. He would have worn a grin had he not seen Maya.

Gracefully, he slightly slid over to her and said, "Well well, you put that money to good use." His eyes grazed the woman thoroughly, she still looked good enough to eat. She, like Maria, was beautiful and breath taking with or without the make up. He considered himself blessed to be in the company of so many beautiful women. He shrugged towards Maria, escorting Maya over to a table where they could leave Maria to her business and have some privacy.

"I didn't expect to see you so soon." He bit at his lip, locking eyes with her for a moment and sucking air through his teeth. "Did you get any rest?" A hand moved a chair for her to sit, then he sat across from her.

Maria Occheto
Maria had rigged a bell up on the entrance doors especially for Mondays. When it chimed, she rushed out of the kitchen, a tray of bread and cake in hand with her apron spattered by eggs and flour. She set the tray down on the display case, "Well good morning," she breathed to the rather extraordinary brunette woman. "Looks like you definitely need something to eat." Maria wore a charming smile, careful not to offend but merely joke and be hospitable.

For a moment the small Italian girl disappeared behind the counter to park her panettone and cakes on the shelves to be presented through the glass. Her phone buzzed in her pocket, which usually caused an instinct reflex of grabbing it and reading the message instantly. But while in the presence of the new woman she simply ran her manicured hands up and down her apron, anticipating the customer's next move.

But then someone else spilled through the entrance --- Maya. Tilting her head and raising a brow, Maria simpered at her friend as if giving her a sort of 'I know what you're up to' look. Then Maria was even more floored when Jackson strode in, wearing a Supreme jacket that was well, her favorite. More times than one, she would wear it despite it being a dress on her as she sat outside to endure the cold and keep Jackson company as he burned a cigarette. She fought the urge to grind her teeth at the way Jackson greeted Maya. "Hello, you two," she sighed and turned her attention back to the newcomer, wearing smile that could fool anyone. She didn't have time or patience for Jackson's games, so she wouldn't entertain them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skye Keaton Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Maya Stillwater Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi
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Cole Occheto
By the time Jackson had crept off to the shower, Cole was holding Aurora in his lap and tugging at her hair with his fingers as he kissed her. He had put away more than three large mugs of coffee and was ready for whatever else the day provided or challenged. His cobalt eyes were vital and dancing in the presence of Aurora, who he playfully tossed out of his lap with a bounce of his knee, "As much as I'd like to drag you to the bathroom with me…"

He stood, threw off his jacket then pulled his shirt over his head. With a wicked grin, he laughed, "It looks like you already got yourself dolled up for the day and I'd hate to ruin your hair and progress." When she raised a brow at him, he tried to withhold a chuckle as he grabbed his shirt and jacket. It was obvious that despite what he spoke, he was going to take her with him whether she agreed or not. He charged her suddenly, dodging under her and wrapping one arm around her waist to hoist her over his shoulder.

After the two shared a hot, protracted shower, they got dressed. Cole's body heaved and shuddered with lechery from the encounter. It wasn't often, or, well, ever that a woman intrigued and continued to deliver and surprise him the way Aurora did. Maybe what his sister said was right, their destinies were wreathed from the getgo. Since he laid eyes on her. As he looked over her in her towel, he was sure it was the case.

He dressed himself in gray dress pants and suede boots. As usual, he buttoned up a white Ralph Lauren long sleeve and messed with his hair a little. It was long after two by the time Aurora and himself ceased their play and lunch together. Soon they'd both have to be off to work. He insisted he drive her to work in the case that he drowned her in shots again.

Maria Occheto
The sun curtailed a little, the keen wind outside picking up. She couldn't rightfully decide whether she was happy or sad for that matter. Maria had planned in her mind a little dress for work that night, and regardless of the weather, she was damn sure going to wear it. The more she thought about it, the more she ached and longed to be home. Usually running the bakery on Mondays was relieving and relaxing; she just wasn't going to shake the upheaval from the illegal traffic this morning. The rain should return. It would suit her rather clandestinely tyrannized mood that Jackson and Maya's presence was not helping.

With all the Italian gourmet treats garnishing the shelves, it really was a site to see. Canolis were stuffed to the brim with a variety of fillings: strawberry cream, chocolate chip, caramel and plain. Though her mother taught her the classics, she liked to mix it up and experiment. Circular trays bore reflections of decorated cakes and loafs. Unbeknownst to Maria's father it was all priced reasonably low. She sold whole homemade cakes for just $8.98, and they were generously sized. Besides, who would he be to set the prices? She was the one who took the time to prepare it all and came up with the idea.

From the beautiful woman's mouth came a request people too often entrusted Maria with. But it was always flattering and a desire she was happy to handle. Maria opened up a brown paper bag, "You got it." Into the bag she placed carefully wrapped muffins and canolis, various slices of sweet Italian bread and cakes. Since the girl was new to town, Maria rolled up and folded the bag neatly, handing it to her, "It's on me. Welcome to Chicago." When the woman took it, Maria rejoined, "I'm Maria. My dad owns this shack." Her tone was sarcastic as she gestured around the dining room with an extended hand.

"Come back, alright? Our dinners might have the desserts beat." With a grin, Maria bade the woman farewell and began to close up the case and put the leftovers in the fridge. Time had gone extremely slow but then unexpectedly rushed past, leaving her with little time to get home. She wore fronted joviality on her sleeve as she waved to Jackson and Maya, hurrying to her car. She'd have time to handle her emotions and whatever Lance needed from her in an hour or so.

When she was just getting in the door, Cole and Aurora were on their way out. She called to them as they passed, letting them know she may be a little late. The Occheto girl dashed around her house between showering and preparing her hair and make up. Finally, after too much time being taken it seemed, she yanked a pale gray-blue dress over her body and buckled a series of rather obnoxious clasps on her shoes. Her hair was for once flat ironed and silky, her neck adorned in a gold necklace.

Upon her return to the bistro, it was already buzzing with bar clientele and the occasional Monday regulars. Many came for the fettucine special and baked lobster. Maria couldn't blame them. Her stomach ached at the realization she hadn't eaten in over a day... And at the thought of seafood. She dwelled in the daylight for a bit, remembering to check her texts. A good friend had sent a warning:
This is just a guess, but does a dark haired girl with piercings work for you? She was running her mouth by a local cafe. Just curious.

Maria huffed a little, shoving the iPhone into her bra. Skye, she thought to herself as she gritted her teeth. That would have to be taken care of promptly, but for the time being she had customers and a bar to tend do. She inhaled the last mouthfuls of sunlight and daytime air she'd get, then strode inside of Buca where she was greeted by a crowd at the bar and smiling wait staff. Running a hand through her hair, she plopped her purse behind the bar and began serving. She trained her eyes on the door, as if anticipating Martin and Daniel.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skye Keaton Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Julian Ortiz Character Portrait: Katherine Valle Character Portrait: Maxxie Williams Character Portrait: Makenzie Williams
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Katherine Valle

After breakfast was done and over with, Kat hung out with Skye for the rest of the day, watching TV and just relaxing. With a look at the time she jumped up. "Crap, forgot I got work!" She wasn't going to be late, just not as early as she would have liked to be, its easier for her to do herself up in the changing room and she liked to give herself plenty of time for it. Today she had no choice because she had yet to grab her things from that room she was renting. "Hey Skye, do ya mind if I grab a shower?" After she got permission she took a moment to understand the hot and cold functions, and hopped in for a quick wash.

After she got out she dried off, she would style her hair at Windy City so she just did a quick blow dry. After she redressed Kat emerged and returned to the living room. "I'm gonna leave my laptop here, feel free to play on it, just don't go through my pictures. If ya get bored why don't ya swing by? I'll make sure ya get treated real nice." Kat winked at her new roomie and ran out the door. Jumping in her little blue car she drove off.

Arriving at Windy City she parked in her usual spot. Entering the building she was met by loud music and the smell of booze. Kat quietly made her way to the back but her body recognized where she was, her hips swayed to the pounding bass and her strut did not go unrecognized. Kat was letting Kitten take over, and Kitten was well liked by the patrons of Windy City.

In he dressing room she found her stripping outfit, a sexy little leather number equipped with kitty ears, a collar, fingerless gloves and thigh-high stiletto boots


Both men and women alike went crazy when she put this on, and she found herself wondering what Skye would think of it. A part of her wanted her to show up tonight, watch her show. After stripping down and redressing in her leathers she sat down to do her hair and make up. After she looked purrfectly sinful she decided to wander around for a bit, see who else would be dancing tonight.

Makenzie Williams

Afte a while of watching TV, Kenzie's phone went off, and moments later, so did Maxxie's. She walked to the counter and sighed "If your not gonna wake me up, at least take your phone you silly girl.......god forbid something happen and you be without it." Kenzie checked hers first, seeing a message from Julian, the only person wh{i]"o knew who they really were, seems they would be having dinner this evening at a discreet restaurant called La puerta. Checking Maxxie's phone she found the same message.

After Kenzie made her way back to the couch her little sister returned with a small bag. "Welcome back." The welcome held a tone of hostility to it, Maxxie knew that she should have been more careful, and the fact that she didn't specify location or take her phone had really gotten under Kenzie's skin. "Where ya been? And how come you didn't take your phone? You know this town is dangerous and your in no condition to be venturing off alone without the ability to contact authorities, help, or me if anything had happened to you." She softened her tone a bit when she spoke the real reason behind her anger "I don't know what I woulda done if you didn't come home....I can't lose you too.....and I never want to see you layin in another hospital bed again unless your gonna make me an aunt....I don't mean to sound like some wet blanket mother hen, I'm just worried about ya sis."

After having breakfast Kenzie informed Maxxie about their dinner date with the cop. [i]"Its gonna happen at 4 at a place called La puerta. Not many people go there so we can talk about the Occheto's recent activities and what we need to do to infiltrate them, hopefully I can get into Buca's but if not, we'll need a backup plan."
Kenzie and Maxxie wasted the time away just hanging around the apartment, playing around with Bindi and getting ready. When the time came, the girls grabbed their cell phone and headed to the car.

Demitria Lawrence

After Suri gave Demitria the drug she slowly began to come around. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmm thanks Pulse......fucking rehab again, dumb-asses." Sitting up she felt the crank take full effect and smiled before looking down at the plain clothing and making a face. "Look at this shit they give me to wear......and they got my fucking hoodie and my spikes. What the hell are my parents thinking?" After a moment she realized Suri's hand was over hers, this made her smile even more. Demi always had a spot for Pulse, she had a high school crush on her but never said anything, Suri was the kind of girl who could have had anyone she wanted, so Demi doubted she'd ever have a chance with the dealer.

"Your a life saver, ya know that?" She smiled [i]"I owe ya huge.......oh shit!!" at the word "owe" she remembered she had another debt to pay, and it was almost as big. Before she was forced into rehab she went on a drug binge, spent all of her money and then some. Raking her fingers through her vibrant red hair she cursed herself over and over again before explaining. "I screwed up again Pulse, big this time. Before those fuckers put me in rehab I borrowed money for some drugs. I got a big debt with a real bad guy.....what am I gonna luck they gonna kill me Pulse.......I borrowed money from Big got anything else on ya?" Panic was starting to show in her eyes. After Suri gave her another hit of the crank she was calming down again.

After a moment Demi heard a bell, judging by Suri's reaction she guessed she had a customer, Demi followed Suri out of the bathroom and watched as she did her work, contemplating getting one of her own done, but she was in debt enough as it was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosalinda Romero Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov Character Portrait: Julian Ortiz Character Portrait: Katherine Valle Character Portrait: Maxxie Williams Character Portrait: Makenzie Williams
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0.00 INK

Julian Ortiz

The good thing about being able to keep his squad car as his own when he went home, Julian was able to park wherever without consequences. However he was able to find a legal nearby parking spot to the Mexican seafood restaurant, La Puerta, where he intended to meet with with the Williams's sisters. The dynamic pair were introduced to him as undercover agents, and initially they had questioned Julian because of his family ties to the family. Now all Julian wanted was to take down Antonio.

Although Julian would fib slightly about who was at the pier, he had to tell the agents about finding out the use of the pier to the mobsters. He knew that most FBI agents were after the whole Ochetto family, in some way Julian percieved that if he interfered he'd might be able to save his cousins. If only things were that easy.

As he faced the hostess, he told her about his reservation and she escorted him to his table. Already Mackenzie and Maxxie were there, waiting for him. "Sorry for being a bit behind, the traffic was horrible." Julian took a seat, unfolding the cloth napkin into his lap. A waitress attended to their table, "Can I get a Merlot?" he immediately asked. His drink of choice was normally beer, something he watched his father drink with every dinner and a case every night as he watched his shows. However Rosalinda wasn't much of a drinker, save her taste for wine. Often she drank the sweeter, fruitier types, but with dinner she always said to drink red.

"How's the adjustment been?" he asked, eyeing the women cautiously. Both the sisters were very head strong, intelligent woman. It was easy for some men to be intimidated by these women, but Julian felt comfortable in their presence. Growing up he was mostly surrounded by women at home, and in school had many gal pals. He felt at ease around women, and had respect for the Williams's sisters.

Julian decided to wait until the right moment them to debrief them on the situation. He had rehearsed it in the mirror several times, making sure to sound believable and not say any contradictory details that might incriminate Maria or Cole. He looked over the menu, chuckling to himself as he remembered something Rosalinda had once said- "I prefer menus with pictures, makes the options more lifelike.". Unfortunately this menu had no pictures, but brief descriptions instead.

The restaurant was owned by a friend of Julian, and Julian honestly knew what he was going to order. His wine was set in front of him, and Julian smiled warmly at the waitress, mumbling a thank you as he turned back to Mackenzie. "I recommend the Camarones Picante, it's grilled shrimp in a six pepper blend and with fresh squeezed lime juice. Or if you prefer a sweeter type, coconut shrimp with the mango habanero chile. My fiancé gets it all the time when we come here, she loves it." Julian closed his menu and sipped his wine.

Tesla Marie Basov

The day at the museum had been enlightening, but unfortunately the time came to go into work. She popped a few pain killers, dulling the ache on her stitched up foot. However her casual dosage left her with a bit of a high. A slight smile permeated across her face, it didn't even falter as she walked toward Windy City for her first official day as a stripper.

She laughed to herself as this thought occurred to her. In a way she kind of wished she had told her father about where she was working. However she wanted to be able to see his reaction when she told him. She walked into the Gentleman's club with her head held high. Some men looked at her with a hunger as she walked past, one commented, "Can't wait to see you on the stage, blondie." if she hadn't been high, she wouldn't have giggled like she did, approaching a bouncer on the edges of the wall.

"Hey, I'm Tesla, the new girl. Where can I go to get ready?" she asked sweetly, resting her hand on her hip and crossing the other across her torso. He directed her to the back dressing room, wishing her good luck on her first day before returning to his posts. The dressing room was sizely, with mirrors all over and a line of stations for girls to do their hair and make up at. A strangely familiar woman wearing a corset approached her with a dark hair and dramatic red lips approached her. "Yes! Trés perfection!" she said, grabbing Tesla's hand and making her spin.

Confused, Tesla did so, dropping her bag and turning back to face the woman, who continued. "I am Madame, I make the outfits and costumes you girls wear. You are Tesla, we met on the yacht. Antonio told me he had hired you, I told him he should've hired you that first night he met you. You my dear are a money maker." Holding Tesla's hand she pulled her toward a rack of clothes. The other strippers got ready around her, Tesla couldn't help but to admire some of them. They truly all were very attractive woman, in various costumes. One of Tesla's favorites was the leather kitten blondie who had been getting ready as Tesla walked in. Madame shoving a hanger at Tesla redirected her attention to the woman as she spoke. "It's your first day so your set won't be long, your outfits will remain simple until you have longer stage time. You will be the Angel of Lust tonight, I will give you your wings before you go on stage." Madame walked away, tending to some other stripper.

Tesla eyed her "outfit", if you could even call it that. It was bra and panties and a few added things includin. It looked rather nice she thought, and it seemed the right side. At first she looked around, looking for a place to change, but it seemed like everyone was just changing where they stood. Shrugging, Tesla did the same, neatly folding her own clothes and shimming into the clothes Madame had given her.


Tesla picked up her clothes, walking to her bag and picking it up, shoving her clothes into it and walking by the stations where straightners and curling irons were plugged up at. Withdrawing her make up bag from her purse, Tesla set up near the blonde. Applying foundation, she looked over to the cat, "Hey, I love your outfit." she complimented. Before she began to apply eye liner, Tesla looked to the blonde, "I'm Tesla, it's my first day. I thought I'd be nervous but it hasn't hit me yet." 'Maybe that's because of the drugs' she thought to herself as she returned to the mirror.

Rosalinda Romero

3pm came around, making Rosalinda rush to work. Between traffic and running the rest of the way, she managed to make it into the Kinectic Playground around 3:30, out of breath and holding her bag close to her body. It was extremely more difficult to run in combat boots than she had expected. Her boss tutted her from behind the bar, "Youre lucky I like you, Rosa, otherwise you always being late would really get on my nerves." he said, shaking his head.

Rosa smiled charmingly, "Please Jimmy, you know no one makes drinks like me. You'll lose half your clientele, and the rest will form a drunken rage on the dance floor." she teased, hiding her purse and immediately prepping the bar. They opened the doors at 4pm, but some regulars were let in early by Jimmy earlier. Like now, Raphee, a Puerto Rican who worked as a line cook and had his first kid at 15 now sat at the bar, beer in hand. He nodded in agreement, winking at Rosa with a sense of camaraderie.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skye Keaton Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Julian Ortiz Character Portrait: Lexi Belle Character Portrait: Katherine Valle
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0.00 INK

Skye Keaton

For most of the day Skye just hung out with Kat, getting to know the girl that she will be rooming with. When Kat mentioned she had to work and asked to use the shower she nodded "go ahead, upstairs second door to the right". Once Kat went upstairs she thought about Bucas, she looked at the time, it was already past four and she was due at three-thirty for work. She took out her phone and saw no messages and decided to message Frank again.

Hey Frank. I am not going to work tonight so if you want to meet up somewhere just let me know the place

After she sent the text she sat there on the couch trying to decide what to do. Kat came down telling her she could use the laptop and also if she got bored to come down to Windy City. "Have a goodnight at work and I might stop by not sure". After she bid Kat goodbye she got off the couch and grabbed her jacket and purse deciding she couldn't stay inside the whole night, she would probably drive herself crazy. She got into her small extra car and drove off unsure of where she was going.

As she drove her mind went over the last three days and wondered how the hell she got herself in such a crazy mess, all because of a dare from her friend. She shook her head and sighed "now I have blood on my hands and I just don't know how I can get out of this mess" she muttered to herself. She drove to a nearby park and decided to spend some time at the riverbank and do some drawing, hoping she would hear from Frank at some point.

Getting out of the small car she took a look around noticing the park was pretty empty, she grabbed her drawing stuff and walked through the park and then down near the river where she sat down and got a pencil and her drawing pad out. She started drawing, wasn't sure of what she was drawing at first but as she stared at it she noticed she was drawing Kat.

Maxxie Williams

Maxxie took the bag from the women that introduced herself as Maria and said her father owned the place. She introduced herself as Grace Parker and said she would come back at some point to have dinner. She left the Bistro and headed home, once she got inside Kenzie went off on her and all she could do was let out a sigh. "I was just getting breakfast, I went to Bucas...I met one of the Occhetos, Maria, shes a pretty thing" she grinned and handed Kenzie the bag of food "and I didn't mean to leave my phone I forgot it, okay? You don't have to worry so much sis, I do know how to take care of myself. I have been through the same training as you." Though in the back of her head she knew that she wasn't as strong as she used to be. As she sat down on the couch Kenzie mentioned meeting with Julian at four tonight "Okay so lets just chill for the rest of the day".

That is exactly what they did, around one she fell asleep on the couch with Bindi laying on her feet. Ever since the accident she has been actually sleeping more. When it was around three she was woken up by Kenzie and she went to get ready, she took a shower and then got dressed in an orange dress with black leggings and a black coat to go over it. She put on a pair of black heels then took a look in the mirror, she knew she looked skinny but she was unsure of what to do except to eat, and she has been doing that.


Once they were both ready they headed to the cars and the resteraunt Julian told them where to meet him. Once they got there they told the waitress of the reservation and they were seated at a table and given menus. She was looking over the drinks when Julian showed up mentioning the traffic was bad and thats why he was running late. "Its okay" she said in a soft spoken voice, Kenzie was the one that did most of the talking while she was the listener, taking in everything that she was told. When the waitress came to take their drink ordered she looked over the menu then looked up to the waitress "i'll just take an iced tea", she was unable to drink anything with alcohol because of the medication she took.

When Julian asked how the adjustment was going she eyed Kenzie, she didn't feel like answering the question so she would let Kenzie answer that one. The adjustment has been pretty hard on her from the surgerys to physical therapy to having been laid up in bed for way too long. She was just starting to get around more in the past month and finally be able to get back to work even though she can't be the one going truly undercover.

When Julian mentioned food she looked over the menu, biting her lip "Im not much of a seafood fan, I think ill go with one of their pastas" she said softly looking over the menu. When she finally decided on something she put down the menu and looked to Julian "what do you know of Maria? I met her today at Bucas. They have very good pastries." She was one that liked to get down to business and not dilly dally.

Suri Desmond

As Demi started going off about whats been happening with her Suri just sat and listened to her, kepping her hand on the other girl's hand. "Look Sugar, breathe, i'll be able to help you out honey. You can help me deal and just half of what you make will go to Big Daddy, alright? You can stay with me also if you have no where to stay" she thought about Lexi having the spare room "I have my king bed you can sleep in with me or the couch, whichever you prefer. Lexi is staying in the spare room". She has had Demi stay at her place in the past and she usually stayed in the spare room, thats why she had clothes in there.

She heard the sounds of a customer come in and she patted Demi's hand "got a customer to deal with, if yiu want to stick around we can catch up after". She then went out the front and greeted her customer and took them to her tattoo room. The guy wanted a tribal tattoo, so she got her supplies ready and went to work. The tattoo took about three and a half hours to complete, she was happy with it though. She took a picture of it and went out front with the guy, he paid and thank her then left the shop.


She looked over to Lexi "I have got to go take care of some other business for a bit, your welcome to stay here and work or go back to the house" she put a ten doller bill on the desk "thats for a cab if you need it, make sure to lock the doors up if you leave. My house key is under the first step of the porch". She then looked to Demi "I got to go see a pal of mine, he wanted me to bring him some stuff. Want to join me?" she asked as she grabbed her keys and bag.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov Character Portrait: Julian Ortiz Character Portrait: Lexi Belle Character Portrait: Katherine Valle Character Portrait: Maxxie Williams
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0.00 INK

Katherine Valle

As Kat got herself ready, she heard Madam's voice ring through the dressing room. Figuring it was another newbie, she thought nothing of it. When she heard Madam tell the new girl that she would be the Angel of Lust, she smiled, Madam had yet to find the girl for that outfit, and so it was what most of the girls started out in. It wasn't a bad little outfit, many of the patrons enjoyed it so she knew the new girl would have a successful first dance.

When the new girl sat in the booth next to hers, Kat looked over at her, she was a beautiful girl and the outfit really did fit her well, maybe she would find her character within it. Hearing her compliment her outfit, Kat smiled. "After you been here for a while, Madam will make you your own outfit. Your outfit reflects your stripping name and your character, most of the girls separate themselves from their stripping personality. Mine, obviously is a cat, my stripper name is Kitten." When Tesla introduced herself and told Kat it was her first day, she decided to help the girl out. Se had to learn everything the hard way and it was not a walk in the park.

"I'm Katherine, but most people call me Kat. And don't worry..." she smiled, a bit teasing this time "Your nerves will punch you in the gut before you go on. Most people are willing to just let you get up on stage and humiliate yourself as a sort of initiation process, but I think thats cruel and unusual punishment. Its not a fun process. I've learned a couple tips and tricks that will save your ass in a pinch. The first thing I'm gonna say sounds silly but will save your legs. Put deodorant on your thighs before you go on. The pole can cause nasty chafing, so if you like wearing more than just panties outside of the club, use the deodorant." Kat gave Tesla a half smile as she turned back to her station. She really hoped she could help her get the ropes of stripping. The crowd could be a horrible teacher.

Makenzie Williams

After arriving and being seated, Makenzie followed suit with her sister in scanning the menu. When Julian showed up, Maxxie surprised her by being the first to speak up, the girl was always more the listener while she was the one to get the information out, but her accident had caused her to become even quieter. Even at the hospital, Kenzie was the one to give Maxxie's doctors the information that was needed for them to help. When the waitress came to take their drink orders, Kenzie went with a strawberry lemonade, she didn't think it fair to have alcohol in front of her sister considering the medication that made her sister so skinny kept her from enjoying the relaxing effects of the drinks.

After Julian asked the girls how they were adjusting, Kenzie pondered how talkative her little sister would be this evening, she had a feeling the question made Maxxie a little uncomfortable, when she found Maxxie's eyes on her, she knew she was right. "We've gotten along quite well, granted Maxxie's accident. She's healing well though and thats all we can ask for. We have a nice little apartment close to Bucas, nothing fancy but its perfect for what we need. With any luck I'll be able to get a job there soon and start my undercover work. Hopefully it wont be much longer before Maxxie can join in." Kenzie smiled at her sister when the waitress returned with their drinks.

When Julian recommended the Camarones Picante, Kenzie smiled. Maxxie turned down his suggestion for pasta, but Kenzie knew who the sea food lover in the family was, and it was not her little sister. Taking up Julian's taste, Kenzie ordered the shrimp. She placed the menu on the table and listened as her sister asked about the Occheto daughter. One thing Maxxie could find quickly was a point, and once settled she was a bloodhound, weather Julian was ready or not, it was time for some information.

Demitria Lawrence

Demi smiled when Suri offered to help her repay her debt, Pulse was one of the biggest dealers in Chicago, under her she would get the debt payed off in no time. Having a place where she could lay low also helped her relax a little, having the option of sharing a bed with such a beautiful girl was just a bonus. "Pulse, your an angel."

Watching Pulse work again left her in amazement once again, the intricate designs that she produced out of thin air were always stunning, and always just what her customers wanted. Demi remembered the times when Pulse held the needle to her skin, giving her just what she wanted even when she had no clue, people always thought of tattoo's as a bad thing, as something you'd be ashamed of when you grew older, but the art that Pulse put on peoples skin could never be regretted.

Demi eyed the petite doll like girl who Suri had working with her. She reminded Demi of a bunny, so timid and nervous with her almost unreal looking eyes, she was a pretty girl regardless. Demi wondered how Pulse found her. Just as she was about to say something to her, Pulse said she had some business to take care of and asked her if she wanted to tag along, with a wicked smile, Demi took the offer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosalinda Romero Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov Character Portrait: Julian Ortiz Character Portrait: Katherine Valle Character Portrait: Maxxie Williams Character Portrait: Makenzie Williams
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0.00 INK

Julian Ortiz

Mackenzie answered Julian about their adjustment, and Julian nodded accordingly. When she mentioned a job, an idea popped into his mind. "Have you tried at the Windy City, I hear they're always looking for bartenders." something Rosa had told him before. Rosa never worked at the Windy City officially, instead preferring to work behind the bar at Buca, but with the other bartenders constantly rotating sometimes there were extra shifts open.

Julian was thrown off by Maxxie's blunt question about Maria, a vision of her from earlier that morning popping into mind. "I haven't seen her since her mother died, she works at Buca's now I've heard. There's been rumors but I think she stays out of the dirty business. Antonio babies her too much." he lied without hesitation, smoothing over the question. He drank some of his wine as the waitress returned to the table, going around and taking orders. Julian ordered the Camarones Picante meal, handing the woman his menu and turning back to the woman. Once the waitress left, he continued, "I've known her all her life, she's not the one you're after." he clarified, setting down his drink.

A colorful, chunk salsa was set in front of the table, along with tortilla chips. Julian dipped a tortilla chip into the salsa, munching on it with satisfaction. He hadn't eaten since Rosa cooked breakfast that morning. He crossed his arms across his chest. "What do you guys have on the Piers just west of Wacker?" Julian had never heard even a rumor about the happening on the pier, but perhaps the FBI had other intel.

Tesla Marie Basov

Tesla listened to Katherine cautiously, taking in her advice. When the girl wasn't looking Tesla eyes the slender woman's body with slight envy. Tesla had never been skinny, she felt like. Thin, yes, but she had more curves than anything. She didn't enjoy excercise so she had a tendency to juggle between an extra 5-7 pounds. Katherine looked so long and slender, like a model or the other ballerina's in Tesla's classes growing up. In he advanced class there had only been seven other girls, all flat chested.

However to Tesla ballet had always been something she did to try an impress her mother, who had taken ballet as a child. Once her mother lost interest in Tesla's activities, Tesla explored all sorts of dancing. She had taken every dance class the studio she went to provided. They saw her so much they ended up hiring her, and Tesla taught her own classes. When she first moved to the city she snagged a job as a Gogo dancer, but the advertisement job offered much better pay so she retired the Gogo boots. Stripping couldn't be much harder.

Tesla applied bright red lipstick, puckering her own lips into the mirror. Once Katherine mentioned the deodorant bit if advice, Tesla giggled girlishly, turning to Kitten. "That sounds really helpful!" she said honestly, digging through her purse for deodorant. Her shoulders slumped once she saw she must've left it at home. Meekly she looked back to Kitten, "I must've left mine at home, would it be too weird if I asked to use yours tonight?" Tesla didn't have any shame asking for the favor, already she sort of felt a camaraderie between herself and Kitten.

A man in the distance yelled about some schedule of stage times being pinned on a bulletin board, some girls meandered over to check their time. She heard one mention she was going to try and make a few hundred in lap dances before going on stage. Tesla eyed Kittens ears for a moment before speaking, recollecting her mention a stage persona. "How do we get our stage name?Do we get to pick it or is it assigned to us?" Tesla asked.

Rosalinda Romero

Jimmy stared at Rosa with amusement, watching her as she poured herself the ritualistic one shot of honey whiskey before she began to work. A habit learned while at Buca. After that Rosalinda ran through the prep work. She polished the bar until it shined and wiped down all the surfaces. Checking the supplies, she refilled lemon slices and cherries, and brought a bucket of ice from the ice machine in the back to the cooler in the front.

By the time people began filing in, Rosalinda was all caught up, delivering the drinks to the regulars first, since she knew they're order. A few new faces trickled in, college aged kids mostly, her age group. She carded them when the men ordered a draft and the one girl ordered one BlueMotherfucker, but they were each of age so she served them their drinks. Jimmy came up from behind her, resting a hand on her arm and leaning forward to speak in her ear. "I'm going to be in my office, if anyone ask for me call me first." Rosa nodded in acknowledgment, counting up the change for the group. Most of them walked off, toward the low red couches against the far wall, but one boy lingered behind, smiling at Rosa. Sam, a regular, looked over to the boy, chuckling. Rosa made eye contact with Sam, "Be nice." she said simply.

Most of the regulars at the bar had a fondness for Rosa, they knew of her situation of being parentless, and being that they mostly had estranged daughters her age, they often scared off any men who tried to flirt with her. Although she thought it was very sweet of them, but Rosa preferred to take care of herself. Rosa looked to the young man, who looked somewhat like a younger Julian. "Did you need something, boo?" she asked sweetly, smiling back at him.

He shook his head, stuttering before he spoke. "J-Just your number." He took a swing of his beer smoothly. Rosa heard Raphee swear under his breath as he handed Sam money, Sam laughing as he clapped his hands. She ignored them momentarily, focusing on the Julian-look a like. "You know, I would but I don't think my fiancé, who's a cop, would like that." she said, flashing her ring.

The young man's mouth opened in an 'oh' and he nodded in understanding. "Hey, it was worth a try, he's a very lucky man." He said, walking away. Once he was out of earshot to turned to the men who had meddled in her business. "Shame on you two! Making bets about people asking for my number." she scolded, then sticking her hand out. "Now you know the drill, you have to split the profit." Raphee had almost looked humbled for a moment, but began to cackle as he patted Sam on the back as Sam placed a $10 into Rosa's hand.

Smirking impishly, she tucked the bill into her pocket. "Thank you gentlemen." she said, returning to work.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Rosalinda Romero Character Portrait: Julian Ortiz Character Portrait: Maxxie Williams Character Portrait: Makenzie Williams
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0.00 INK

Maxxie Williams

Maxxie sat there quietly as Kenzie went on about how they have been getting along, she just listened and making mental notes about a few things. When the waitress came around she ordered the cheese raviolis, salad, and breadsticks. As the waitress left Julian went on to answer her question, there was something off about his answer though. Before her accident she was working on the case and she did remember Maria's name come up a few times. "Hmm...interesting" she said her eyes staying on Julians, either the cop was lying or he really did not know. "That is not what I have heard but please...carry on" she was not going to share the information she has gained with the cop, especially because she wasn't sure if he was being totally truthful with them and he also said he was close with the young Occheto.

As the waitress came and dropped off salsa and chips she also brought Maxxie her salad, she thanked the waitress then took her fork and started taking small bites of her salad. She looked over to Kenzie and gave her aomewhat of a knowing look hoping her older sister wouldn't share too much information with the cop. She stayed quiet for a few minutes as she continued to eat, anyone that knew Maxxie knew that she was caught up in her mind thinking about the case and how she could get involved without her sister catching on of what she was doing.

As Julian mentioned the pier she looked up, her eyes meeting Julians' "ah yes the pier, I have notes about some possibilities of whats going on there" again she was being vague. She wasn't going to share information that ahe has been working on piling up with someone that was close with the Occhetos. "How do we know we can trust you Julian? If your close with the Occhetos how do we know that you are not goingnto go have a little talk with them after we are done?" she bluntly asked, leave it to Maxxie for just cutting to the chase.

She took out her phone and sent Kenzie a message Don't share too much. The message was short but to the point. She looked back up just as the waitress came by and brought out their main dishes. Her plate was put in front of her and her salad dish was taken away. She thanked the waitress and then started to eat, becoming quiet once more.

Suri Desmond

Suri was glad Demi decided to join her, she liked to have company. She walked with Demi to her corvette and got inside, once they were both settled she put a cigarette between her lips and lit it up while also putting on her sunglasses. She put the radio on just in time to hear the warning about the storm. "Go damn this fucking weather, it never gives us a break. Hopefully we will get business done and I can meet up with Maria before we head home. I need her to fix up my arm" she said without going into details about whats wrong with her arm.

She pulled out onto the streets and drove down the street, it took about ten minutes for her to get to her destination. She parked across from Kinetic playground, grabbing her pack of cigarettes and black bag, she looked to Demi "okay Sugar lets get this over with". She got out of her car and shut the door then headed across the street with Demi. She went inside and was greeted with a few whistles from men and women which she just ignored. She was hwre for business, though she might get a drink before leaving. She looked to the bar, then stopped in her tracks as she saw Rosalind behind the bar. Two times in one day after not seeing the girl in years, what a coincidence.

She pulled herself together and walked to the bard with confidence in her step "well lookie here...twice in one day, how lucky I am to run into you again Rosalind" her voice held a deep undertone, it held a bit of anger to it. The girl that stood before her used to be one of Suri's friends, one that she flirted with and actually developed feelings for. But the girl up and disappeared and Suri vowed to never think of Rosa again, but the girl just waltzed back into her life bringing up old feelings, some she wished to just bury again and just feel the anger that was fueled towards Rosa for her deciding to just up and leave.

She composed herself "Im here to see Jimmy, let him know Heartless is here" she said in a low voice then looked to Demi "after business you want to get a drink doll? This girl here sure knows how to make my drinks...maybe its time to play a little catch up with her" she said with a sarcastic tone. Taking out a cigarette she lit it up and waited for Jimmy to come out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Rosalinda Romero Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov Character Portrait: Julian Ortiz Character Portrait: Katherine Valle Character Portrait: Maxxie Williams
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Katherine Valle

Kitten smiled and tossed Tesla her a new stick of deodorant when she said she didn't have any. The fact that the girl was listening to her made her happy. Most girls would have thought that tidbit was silly or gross, leaving them to regret it later. "Its a good idea to stock up when you have the chance and keep them here, that way your always covered, and even if you decide to leave, you wont have to buy any for awhile. Another thing you'll wanna do is stay more than arms length away from the edge of the stage, people get grabby and will yank whatever they can get their greasy hands on. Unless its part of your act, you don't want to get into the crowd. Don't strip first thing either, play around, dance a little, let them imagine before you reveal. Doing everything naked can be unattractive sometimes, and it gives them what they want way too early, their desire and your tips will be minimal at the end."

When Kat heard that the times had been posted she almost got up to check, but they usually announced the girls as they went and there was already a flock of scantily clad females hovering around the board. She would check momentarily, but a quick scan of her face told her she was missing something. While she rummaged through her make up bag she heard Tesla ask her about stage names she found what she'd been missing, eyeliner. She chose to apply liquid eyeliner for the sharp clean designs she could quickly create. Answering her, she gave herself cat eyes.

"After a while you'll get the feel for how you dance, and once you think of a name for yourself, you talk to Madam. She will either accept it and take your measurements for your own personal costume, or she will send you away. It may take a few trys for her to accept it, but once she does that will be all the people here know you by, and all you will need to be known by."

With that she finished applying her eyeliner and made her way to the scheduled times. She would go on two shows after Tesla, the patrons would be well liquored by then and be throwing out their bills. Making her way back to her station she looked to her new friend. "Your fourth on tonight sweets, and I'm two after you. The times are never exact so just listen for the names. When ya go on dont just focus on the biggest tipper, work the whole crowd, and if you ever have to do a lap dance, if you get a bad feeling about someone, odds are, your right, just walk away from them." With a wink the first name was called.

Makenzie Williams

When Julian offered she try Windy City for a job, Kenzie shook her head. There was one major problem with Windy City, it was too far away, from Maxxie firstly, and the Occheto's as well. "I thought about that place as well, its just to far away for me to be comfortable. If something happens to Maxxie while I'm at Windy City, it would take far longer than if I was right down the road at Bucas, and even though Antonio owns Wndy City, he keeps office at Bucas. This way I will also be able to be around Maria as well."

Kenzie sipped her lemonade as the conversation moved forward. She wasn't entirely surprised when her sister pointed out that they had heard different. There were the subtle indicators that something was off, the way he had taken a drink from his glass just as he had finished speaking was one of them. He was good at thinking through his actions, but only a trained eye could see through, and weather he knew it or not, four were trained on him, assessing his every action to see the truth.

When Maxxie had answered the question about the pier so vaguely, she knew to sit back and keep her mouth shut, Maxxie had a bad feeling, and a bit of something was nibbling in Kenzie's gut as well. The FBI had told them they could trust the cop, but they needed truth to be able to trust. The girls would give as little information as he would give, and if he wanted to know what they did, he would have to spill first. Maxxie hit the nail right on the head when she questioned his motives, and while she was waiting for his answer, her phone vibrated. She checked it to see her sister giving her the warning she had already taken to heart

Don't share too much.

Demitria Lawrence

Demi followed Pulse to her corvette, the car referenced its owner in many ways, classy, sexy and powerful. When she got in she smelled the cigarette Suri had lit. Sometimes her addiction to drugs could be a pain, she was feeling great due to the stuff she had gotten earlier but the tobacco stick made her hunger for more. Although she tried not to, she found herself staring at it, sometimes wishing she had it on her lips, others wishing she was on Suri's.

Hardly ten minutes later the car was parked across from a place called Kinetic Playground. She smiled at Suri before exiting her car and followed her into the bar. Instantly eyes were on the two of them as they made their way towards the bar, oblivious to the wolf whistles that were being called in her direction, Suri stopped walking for a moment. Demi saw a flash of feelings dance over her face before the cool mask replaced them and she continued toward the bar, when they reached the counter, Demi heard what she had seen moments before in Suri's voice. There was something that happened between the two, she was just clueless as to what.

The next time she spoke, she gave a name that Demi assumed was their client of the evening, she also called herself Heartless, Pulse had an array of nicknames that were used in different circles, Demi just preferred calling her Pulse because it gave the feel of the woman she knew, and she prayed there was a heart to capture hidden in her tough exterior. When she asked her for a drink after business she couldn't help but smile, Alcohol was one of her favorite poisons. Listening to the woman behind the counter her smile shrunk. "Looks like things are headed that way anyway.....God its good to be out." Demitria took a bar stool for herself as she saw the anger grow on Suri's face.....she couldnt help but wonder how fun this bar was about to become.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov Character Portrait: Julian Ortiz Character Portrait: Katherine Valle Character Portrait: Maxxie Williams Character Portrait: Makenzie Williams
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0.00 INK

Julian Ortiz

The woman alluded intel about the piers, although she seemed to purposefully avoid giving away information. Julian nodded along, "I was there with my fiancé earlier for a photo shoot, she's a photographer, and we heard gun shots. I went to investigate but I saw nothing." he said, once again smoothing over his lie.
Julian knew it wouldn't be easy lying to these agents, although he saw it as avoiding the truth. As Maxxie turned the tables, questioning his credibility , Julian wasnt even surprised. He had expected as much. He put his hands up in surrender, "Look, I understand where you guys might get that idea, but all I want is to take Antonio Ochetto behind bars." Julian said, slowly lowering his hands and then pausing in thought. If he wanted them to trust him, he would have to give them a little bit. "My mother is the sister of the former wife to Antonio. Growing up I was very close to Cole and Maria. At this time Antonio wasn't even around, he was in Italy or something. When I went to pursue my future, Cole and I lost touch. The night that Tia Arabella died, I told Maria to stay away from her father. She thought I was trying to turn her against Antonio, but I just wanted to save her..." he felt strange telling these agents about his past, but maybe they could see he was telling the truth and trust that he wasn't an Ochetto informant. As he spoke again, he pulled from his pocket a letter he had read way too many times. "Arabella's death was listed off as a suicide, but my mother was convinced it was a murder. I never told Maria, she never gave me the chance. She told me she never wanted to see me again, and I haven't seen her since. My mother has mental problems, so I never took her seriously....until she showed me this." Julian placed the letter on the table. It was one Arabella had written to her sister years ago, just days prior to her death. She spoke of Antonio, and although she wasn't specific, she did mention he was involved with very bad things. Also fear that he may have her killed, since she was the only thing that stood between him and Maria.

Julian eyed his dish as it was placed in front of him. It looked delicious. Subtly watching the sisters for their reactions, he began to eat off his plate. Watching them read the letter, Julian waited until they were done to add, "I'm not asking you to trust me, I'm asking you to catch the real criminal." Julian explained, leaning back in his chair.

Tesla Marie Basov

Tesla managed to catch the deodorant Kitten had thrown to her, despite her usually horrible hand-eye coordination. Kitten mentioned just keeping a stash at the club, Tesla laughed quietly, "Thanks for the heads up, I'll do that" she said as Kitten carried on with her advice. She uncapped the deodorant, unsure how to apply it to her thighs. Awkwardly she looked around, funnily enough there was another stripper doing the same thing just a few seats down.

Tesla mirrored the other stripper's method, then returning the deodorant to Kitten as she explained how the girls get their name. Tesla nodded, immediately beginning to try and come up with her own name. She watched Katherine join the crowd around the bulletin board, applying fake eyelashes that fanned out, making her dark brown doe like eyes stand out, seemingly innocent.

Once the Kitten returned, letting Tesla know when she got on stage, finally the nerves began to settle in her stomach. She could feel her high wane a little. Without any reservation, once more she pulled out the pill bottle. Tesla poured one into her hand, glancing at Kitten. "You want a couple? I just got this batch." she offered, rattling the pills in Katherine's direction.

She tossed the pill bottle to her, "It's okay, I won't watch you take it. I'm going to go to the bar to get something to wash this down with." Tesla winked back to the beautiful girl, walking out to the floor of the bar. Men ogled her as she walked pass, waving money to get her attention, but her focus was the bar. "One gin and tonic, please." She asked, waiting for her drink. Once it was served, Tesla washed down the pill with her drink, sitting at the bar as she washed down the rest of her drink.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skye Keaton Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Rosalinda Romero Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Julian Ortiz
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0.00 INK


Suri looked up to Rosalind as she spoke "Not a good time you say?" she took the cigarette from her mouth and put both hands on the bar and leaned into Rosa. "Do you remember when you were working at Buca's and I was at the bar with a client...she told me it wasn't a good time for her to be able to pay her you remember what happened that night doll? I sure do...I remember broken glasses and blood" she sat back down on the stool and put her cigarette back in her mouth and took a puff. She wasn't feeling very leniant tonight and she was not going to let Jimmy get away with not paying.

"This is much more then an inconvience sugar, if Jimmy boy doesn't pay up he is going to having some problems" she looked to Demi and offered her a cigarette. "I have to go take care of something...why don't you sit here and let Rosa make you a drink". She looked at Rosa "I will escort myself to see Jimmy" she then got up from the stool and walked to where the office was. She was livid, she was sick of her clients not being able to pay, first Frankie and his brother now Jimmy. Her clients better start paying or she was going to have to get her hands bloody.

Surri pounded on Jimmy's office door, she has been to his office plenty of times for deals so she knew this was the right one "Jimmy you better open this fucking door right now" she yelled. She could hear noise in the office so she knew someone was in there "I am sick of being fucked with and your the second one this week. We had an appoinment and you know I Never miss one. Open the door or I am coming in" she pounded the door once more before her hand went to her gun and her other one going for the door knob.


Maxxie listened to Julian as he explained about the pier, she gave him a questioning look. Why would he bring up the pier then say that all he heard was gunshots but then found nothing when he investigated. There must be more to the story then he was letting on. She didn't pry though, it wouldn't really get her anywhere. She continued to eat as Julian started to explain things, she did notice him juat say he wanted Antonio Occheto in bars but no one else. Instead of interrupting she let him continue on, she ate as he talked about his past.

When he gave them the letter she read it over first before passing it to Makenzie "We will have to keep that for evidence" she remarked then took another bite from her food. It was a few minutes before she spoke up again, thinking this all through. "I understand that Cole and Maria are family to you...but what we know...and what information we have on them, they are not innocent. You may just want Antonio behind bars but we, we want them all. We are not just going after one, that is why we are going under cover, ao we can get more information to bring them all down and put behind bars" she said this all with hardly any emotion, her face was blank as she spoke.

She finished the last few bites off her plate then put her silverware on the plate "that food was excellent, very good tastes I must say" she commented as she got her medication from her bag and swallowed two pills with a drink from her iced tea. She hated taking maedication but now her life relied on it. She looked to Kenzie to see if she had anything to add.


Skye tried to be patient, Frank taking his sweet ass time to just give her a name was slighrly agitating her. Her legs were bouncing a bit and her focus was right on Frank, not noticing anyone else that was in the cafe. When Frank pulled the flash drive from his pocket and explained that the little object held the information that she wanted she took a deep breath in and let it out. It took every ounce of her from yelling at the investigator to just tell her. Just as she was going to reach for the flash drive Frank closed his hand over it and said she wouldn't need that once he told her. "Then just tell me already".

And that was exactly what Frank did, he told her that Antonio Occheto was her father. Her eyes went wide and her heart started to pound faster "You mean that I...Skye the daughter of Antonio Occeto...the one known as Big Daddy?" she shook her head, she was having a hard time believing it. "That related to Maria and Cole..Fuck" she stood up pushing the chair back roughly. "They must of known! How could they not...I bet thats how I got that fucking job at Buca's" she was angry, she has never felt this angry in her life. "I bet they hored me so they just could get me in the family business..." her mind was going in circles, thinking about the last few days. Of how Cole and Maria seemed familiar in a Maria talked her in to not quitting. "This is so effed up...I need to go find them...I need to...I don't know what I need to do but I am no longer going to be in the dark".

Skye then turned towards the door and started to walk out, her jaw was clenched and her hands were in fists. How could her mother keep this from her? Her mother knew she worked at Bucas...she knew her father owned the place. In her eyes Antonio would never be her father even if they shared the same genes, she was going to confront Cole and Maria and then just keep away. She didn't want to be apart of the family business.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skye Keaton Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Rosalinda Romero Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov Character Portrait: Julian Ortiz Character Portrait: Katherine Valle
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0.00 INK


Kat smiled when Tesla tossed her the bottle, it wouldn't be the first time that she danced high, nor the last. Catching the pill bottle she twisted the cap and took one out. After Tesla left she looked at the pill curiously before slipping it into her mouth, shed taken pills dry before, when she was a teenager her mother had her on birth control, so swallowing it was no problem.

Sitting there she looked into the mirror and wondered what Skye was doing, the loud speaker introduced another stripper onto the stage and the dull roar of the crowd told her shed have to do her best when it was her turn. The stripper's stage name was Diamond, Kat knew her, her real name was Chelsea and she was on the dirtier side, she preferred the V.I.P. room to the stage and was rumored to have a few diseases because of it.

Kat was getting kind of bored and anxious while she was waiting, she wished she'd taken her laptop with her to work tonight. She could have kept up her search for an apartment for lease so she could show Skye, Kat smiled at the thought of an apartment. The motels she stayed in were so run down and lifeless, she wanted to be able to make something her own, and the fact that this would be Skye's first experience away from home she wanted to make sure it was a good one.

When she felt the pills kicking in, she got up and made her way out to see the crowd. She wasn't there to take attention away from Diamond, just get the libido of some of their less interested patrons, offering lap dances and some teasing got a couple of bills placed in her top, shorts, and even boots. The rain had brought in more people than usual meaning it would be a good night for the girls.


Kenzie listened as she ate the spicy shrimp that was placed before her, paying attention but not weighing too much on the cops words. Her mind fumbled with reasons why he wasn't being entirely truthful, and how could he be on a pier and not see anything....only hear gunshots? They were taking pictures, and he found nothing when he was investigating. As her sister took the route of silence once again, Kenzie decided to speak up "Is there any chance we can get the pictures that were taken that night? They might give us some idea of the times the deals take place, the location for a safe distance to observe without being placed in any real danger. There's also a chance that your fiance might have caught some information that could be valuable for the case."

Kenzie ate quietly as Julian told them about his past, and when she was passed the letter, she looked it over before folding it up and placing it in her purse for safe keeping. She smiled at her sister as she took charge once again and spoke her mind. This was the most shed seen out of Maxxie in a long time. Kenzie felt guilt sting at her stomach, Maxxie really did deserve to be on this case more than she did., Maxxie had studied everything the FBI had to offer about this case before she embarked on it, while Kenzie's information was extremely limited, and even though they were sisters, Maxxie was forbidden from disclosing information to her about anything until she was assigned on as well.

By the time that Maxxie had finished speaking, Kenzie had finished eating. After Maxxie had commented on dinner she took her pills with a face Kenzie had come to see far too often, disgust, and this time more than just from the medications Kenzie knew she hated. Kenzie could feel her sisters mistrust of the cop who was supposed to help them and it only deepened her own. "I couldn't agree more."


Demi gladly took the cigarette Suri had offered her and placed it between her lips, a turn and a smile got her a light from one of the patrons who was gulping down his mug of beer. She really hated the way men were sometimes. Sucking down the smoke she rolled her head back in pleasure, opening her mouth to let the remnants of the deadly smoke drift from her lungs.

When Rosa announced she would be leaving too, Demi rolled her head around and blew the remaining smoke in her direction before frowning. "Get brought here by a sexy she-devil for business to get left in the hands of Vodka's Vixen who gives me free access to her bar......hmm....." After a moment of pondering a wicked smile crawled across her face. After she left Demi found he way behind the bar as her demonic smile graced many of the patrons. "I didn't know my company was so bad to keep......but hey....." she giggled before almost pouncing on one of the people lounging on the bar.

The poor female almost fell out of her chair by Demi's sudden appearance, only encouraging Demi's giggles. Sucking down the smoke from her cigarette Demi decided to play with the alcohol a bit, she grabbed the Vodka and a glass, as well as a few more ingredients that would make you think she was about to mix a red devil. The only thing is she messed with the measuring, omitted a few ingredients and added a few extra. When she was finished she smiled again and announced the name of her new drink "Vodka's Vixen," before cackling once again.

After tasting her new drink she tossed back her head once again, assaulting the air with vibrant red locks of flame, and let out a satisfied moan of pleasure. After taking a long swig of blood red liquid she turned to her "customers" with dangerously lidded eyes. The effects of her high was mixing with the liquor making her as giddy as a school girl. "Now I don't want to be a bad host....and I wont let any of you make me one. Who wants some?" Although no one raised their hand to volunteer to drink her venom, she poured several glasses just like her own and waited for the beautiful Belladonna she had arrived with to return to her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Rosalinda Romero Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov Character Portrait: Julian Ortiz Character Portrait: Katherine Valle Character Portrait: Maxxie Williams
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0.00 INK

Julian Ortíz

The sisters were no type of force to be battling against, Julian had decided. He had heard enough, all he was after was knowing if they had enough to incriminate his cousins. Feeling a sense of obligation to his late Tia left Julian torn between doing his job and trying to save Maria. They had seen right through him, he was a fool to think they wouldn't. He said no objection to them taking the letter, passing on the flaming torch through the journey of incriminating Antonio Ochetto of the murder of Arabella Ochetto.

Makenzie mentioned confiscating pictures from Rosalinda's camera, and Julian thought back to the possible camera roll; giggling babies in sweet sailor-esque outfits. However Julian just nodded, adding in "I don't believe any of them would be pertinent to the case. It was a photoshoot for a pregnancy magazine." Later, when he would ask Rosa he would learn they had all been destroyed when Maria crushed it with her pointy heels.

Maxxie, who had remained silent when Julian spoke about his ties to the family, finally spoke up. Julian watched her as she spoke, face still and her tone very matter-of-fact. He had known they were going undercover, but he had not expected them to be employed at Buca, it was too close for comfort to Julian. If what Rosa said was still true, Maria spent most of her time at the bar within Buca. If Maxxie or Kenzie were to be employed there, who knew what they could pull on the Ochetto's?

Calmly as ever, the sisters returned to their meal, leaving Julian with more questions than answers and a loss of appetite. From within his pocket, he felt a vibration, thankfully avoiding the embarrassing custom ring tone Rosa had set for when she called. "Excuse me ladies while I take this call, it's my fiancé." there was something so satisfactory when he was able to tell someone about his fiancé, it was like he was labeling MINE straight across Rosa's left ring finger. Stepping away from the table, he placed his napkin over his plate and took a swig from his wine. With Rosa there was no way telling how the phone conversation would go. He walked toward the back of the restaurants, loitering between an

"Que pasa mamí?" he said, feeling frisky as he thought of earlier that morning, before Rosa snuck around and smoked weed on the back porch. She thought he didn't know of her recreational use of cannabis, instead Julian decided to just turn a blind eye. However once Rosa began to speak, he could hear tears being held back. Her voice was wobbly, and weak.

"Jortiz I fucked up since day one, I need to see you right now." in her voice, he could hear a blend of sadness, regret, anger and, confusion. But most of all, he heard a cry for help, and as her own personal super hero, Julian had to save the day.

Her statement was vague, and like the Williams's sisters responses left him with more questions than answers, however Julian could ask her when he saw her. "I'm just thirteen minutes from the Playground, you're there?" his previously flirtatious tone had dialed back to concerned. She verified what he said, saying she had to close down the bar. She hung up before he could let her know he was on his way, but that was only because she knew he would be. He didn't have time to lecture her on manners, though, so instead he returned to the table with his sisters.

Julian picked up his jacket and turned to the ladies. "Wish I could stay and be of more help to you ladies, but I guess there's some emergency with the cake. You know how brides can get." He said smoothly, finishing his wine before setting it back on the table. "Don't worry about the bill, this should cover it along with the tip." he said as he set a $100 bill on the table, pulling on his jacket. He began to walk away before he paused, looking back to the women. "Like I said, I wish I could be of more help. As far as I know Antonio is the one calling the shots. Their family business doesn't extend too far into the family, I'd be lucky to see Maria and not be slapped. Hopefully you two can find what your looking for." and with that he left, braving the storm that raged outside to run to Rosa's aide.

Rosalinda Romero

Suri's words were cruel and harsh, but true. It was the same thing Rosa told herself as she took her own time earlier that morning to smoke a joint on her back porch. At this point Rosa had thrown herself down a path that she would have to claw her way out of. When Rosa had found out that Julian was cousins to Maria and Cole Ochetto, she almost couldn't believe it. Julian admitted knowing somewhat about the Ochetto family business, but Rosa witnessed it first hand. Either way they were both trying to get away from the family, but still ended up colliding back with them.

As Rosa began to speak against Suri, Suri cut her short by smothering Rosa's words with a kiss. Strangely Rosa didn't fight Suri, instead returning the kiss with a combination of confusion and heat. It didn't last long, Suri patted Rosa's cheek in an almost a belittling manner. "You were a good friend Rosa, but things change." She said, walking away, leaving Rosa alone in the hall way.

She touched her own lips with her fingertips, the taste of Suri's lips still on her own. Rosa hadn't kissed anyone besides Julian since they first started dating. Her eyes adverted to the ring around her finger, guilt building in her gut. Hot tears began to surface, and Rosa could feel her walls around her mind begin to cave. Although Rosa could handle herself in a high pressure situation, when she was alone she had a tendency to fall apart.

Without her safety net, Julian, around to pick up the pieces, she found herself crumpled up on the floor, leaning against the wall behind her. Without so much as a moment of hesitation she called Julian for him to save her. She knew he would come to her rescue, no matter the type of situation he was in. When she hung up, she couldn't even remember what she said to him. Instead of getting to her feet and walking to the bar like she should've done she remained in the abandoned hall, trying to regain her composure.

Tesla Marie Basov

Her drink was gone within minutes, although Tesla wasnt much of a drinker. The pills left her spacey and giggly. Tipping the bar tender, Tesla took the liberty to walk around the floor and watch the other girls. It wasn't much after that the lights dimmed and the first act went on stage. Her name was Diamond, and although her body was a ten she seemed dirty, in a sexual sense. The men didn't seem to have much excitement for her, a lot of them looking around at the girls on the floor rather than the woman stripping on stage.

A hand wrapped around her wrist and yanked on it, making her land in the lap of a large, heavyset black man. A deep laugh rumbled out of his voice as Tesla let out a peep in surprise. "You must be new, baby. Poppa Ross likes to test out the fresh meat." he said smoothly as Tesla resituated herself in his lap. It all was so new to her, being objectified so openly, but in a way she enjoyed the attention.

Giggling, Tesla looked around to 'Poppa Ross' group, winking at a rather cute one before looking back to the man who played the role of her seat. "You'll have to wait until after my first dance. I like to keep my skills a surprise." she teased, letting her finger trace along his jaw line before standing up again and walking away before they could try to continue the conversation. She saw that Katherine had moved to walking around the floor as well. The woman had such a grace to her. Instead of walking up the girl and suggest Katherine show her how to work the floor, Tesla just kept circling the floor slowly. She would occasionally flirt with a customer, but mostly she was watching the other strippers to try and learn from them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skye Keaton Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Rosalinda Romero Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov Character Portrait: Julian Ortiz
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0.00 INK

Katherine Valle

As Kitten prowled through the crowd one of Madam's lackeys found her, he had a sleek black leather coil in his hand. "Ze Madam has a new prop for ze kitten." His accent was almost unbearable but she got the point. His eyes raked over her exposed flesh with a hunger Kat would have found disgusting had she not seen it so often, she found a sense of pride in it though. It was her job to cause these kinds of reactions in people, and his hungry eyes told her she did her job well.

Taking the whip from the mans hands she heard the loud speaker announce the end of Diamonds dance, Kat looked over to see the whore luring a man into the back of the biggest tippers there tonight. She shook her head as her thoughts growled the words she couldn't say in earshot of her customers, though they probably knew how diseased she was just by her appearance. Tesla was announced as the new addition to the Windy City family. The crowd cheered as she saw Tesla scramble to the stage.

Kat sauntered over to the wall to watch Tesla dance, she was feeling great due to the pills the girl had given her. As the bass began to pulse out a sensual beat to hypnotize the audience to the Angel of Lust who was beginning her dance. Before looking to the stage though, Kats eyes roamed over the crowd to see if Skye had shown, not seeing her she bit her lip and absentmindedly played with her sexy weapon. Kat had messed around with whips before so she was no stranger to their ways, she was also careful to keep the whip away from the patrons of the bar. She quietly watched Tesla to see if she had payed attention to her instructions, but by the way it was looking, she hadn't.

Demitria Lawrence

Dementia was in the peek of her fun when she saw Pulse stride out of the hallway. A few of the braver or drunker patrons had dared to sip her toxic surprise, and this just made Demi soar higher than she already was. Suri leaned over the counter just as Demi finished her Vodka's Vixen, whispering in her ear was already a turn on, but when Pulse bit her ear she couldn't help but moan. Playing was just what Demi had in mind.

Demi slid over the counter top, leaving behind the customers who were either slumped over or on the floor, who ever was still standing wouldn't be momentarily. Demi watched Suri lead her away with starving eyes. The way Pulse walked let everyone know she meant business and that business was left unfinished. When a man entered the bar, he crossed the wrong girls path at the wrong time, and she told him so to. When Suri's fist connected with the mans jaw, Demi couldn't help but laugh. This was about to get real fun fast.

She found herself walking to a beat that had popped in her head, so she decided to sing along "Move bitch get out da way, get out da way bitch get out da way." She paused a moment to laugh again and continued on "Oh noooo, the fights out, she about to put your lights out, get the fuck back! Guard yo grill, theres somethin wrong she cant stay still!" Be it the drugs, the alcohol, or the combination of the two, Dementia found this hilarious, the only downside was she was unarmed, and she knew how Pulse worked, this was her fight, and she wouldn't interfere, just watch. When the guy grabbed Suri's bad arm she wished she could though.

When the man threw her an angered look she laughed in his face, blood was running down his chin, and even though Pulse was on the ground, this wasn't over, far from it, the thoughts of plotting his downfall excited her. Even though he had done nothing to her, he was Pulses enemy, making him hers as well. When the tender from earlier pushed her out of the way, she decided to check on Pulse, not even noticing the other man. When the man threw the girl against the glass Demi found more of a reason to hate him. Demi made her mind focus on Pulse, she extended her arm to help her up "Now we gotta get that arm fixed."

Makenzie Williams

When Julian stepped out to take the phone call she sipped her lemonade idly, re-reading the letter wondering if this was a real clue or not, the man was blatantly misleading to them. After he said goodbye and left she thought about calling the agency, telling them their ally was possibly crooked. Could their superior agent have mistaken him for a good guy when in reality he was part of the team they were supposed to bring down? It was a fatal mistake if so. Could jeopardize everything they were working for, it could get them killed.

When her sister spoke she turned her attention away from the letter. "I feel the be honest I'm not entirely sure that the letter has anything for us either. It's just one of the many things that Antonio had done. Just the tip of the iceburg. We both know the whole family needs to go down. Including the cop. I think he's dirty too. I think the agency made a mistake."

As the waitress approached Kenzie quieted herself. After she had taken the money and left Kenzie noticed how exhausted Maxxie had become. This dinner was a stressful one, and it had obviously taken its toll, not to mention Kenzie knew she wasn't sleeping well. When Maxxie mentioned Bindi needed to go out she hoped that the dog had held her bladder, they were still in the process of training the dog. She stood and grabbed her jacket and purse, placing the letter back inside. She took her sister out to the car, got into the drivers seat and drove home.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skye Keaton Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Rosalinda Romero Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov Character Portrait: Julian Ortiz
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0.00 INK

Katherine Valle

Kat watched the girl with a smile. Tesla had to have done this before, she was a natural. Kats eyes roamed over the audience, she noticed that they were captivated in the Lusty Angel's presence. Tesla was strong too, not many newbies could hang from the poll like that. Kat could see Madam watching her as well, it was written all over the womans face that she approved, Tesla was having a great first dance.

Kat smiled as the bills began to fly, they were really eating her up out there, and she was daring too, but smart about it, she kept a hand on the poll when making a questionable move. When she crawled to the edge of the stage, Kat got nervous, but the man was smart about it, he slipped the bill into Tesla cleavage without a problem. And when she started teasing the crowd.....Kat found herself almost begging for skin, she found the thoughts surprising, this girl really was good. When Kat looked back to the crowd her nerves went haywire, the man who was giving the Angel a hard time earlier was making his way up front with a determined look on his face. Rearranging herself, Kat kept an eye on the man as she watched the show.

The man pulled out more money than any of the others currently had in their hands and she saw Tesla make her way over. She was forgetting about the others and her own safety, then Kat saw it happen. Her ankles were seized and she tumbled into the mans lap, she was being held down and the man who had her in his lap was going to far. Kat looked to the bouncers, and one of the strippers was showing him a good time, he was completely unaware of what was happening!

With a crack of the whip she caught the mans attention, everyone's attention, and she was on him when the bouncer was just learning of what happened. With a line of obscenities pouring from her mouth, Kat had her whip curled tight around his neck. When he let go of Tesla to try to uncoil the whip, Kat crawled into his lap, never letting up on her whip. She was inches from his face as she purred "So, you want a pretty girl on your lap huh? ya wanna test the boundaries? Go a little farther than your willing to pay?" Kat had no idea where the words were coming from, but her purr turned into a growl "The girl was saying no.....and ya know what happens when you try to rape an angel?" Releasing the tight grip on the whip she proceeded to take the handle and smash it into the mans face, it took moments before the bouncers ripped Kat from the man but by the time they did, her victim was badly bloodied and she was fuming, still calling the man everything but his name, which she didnt even care to know at this point.

Kat was taken backstage and addressed that she would not be performing tonight, and she should go take a breather. They informed her that she wasn't fired, she just needed to go home and collect herself. Kat didn't mind this because she was in no mood to shake her hips now. She took off her little outfit and wiped the excessive makeup off her face before sitting down and counting the small amount she made tonight. $100, wasn't bad for the lap dances she did that night, wasn't what she was used to leaving with, but seeing as she didn't dance, it wasn't bad at all. Kat stayed in the back long enough to see Tesla again, she was worried about the girl and wanted to know if she was alright before she went home to see Skye.

Demitria Lawrence

After Demi helped Suri up she seemed to fade into the background again, wishing she had a smoke right now, but knowing by the time this was over Pulse would be sucking them down like air. Seeing Pulse grab the knife from her boot, Demi knew she couldn't just sit there, the bartender girl looked far too distressed to let Demi just sit there. After Suri gave the cop another swing that looked like it shattered his nose, Demi came behind Suri and wrapped her arms around the beautiful she-devil, being careful of her hurt arm and not minding the blood.

Demi pressed her lips to her neck and whispered into her ear "Not now, you beautiful she-devil." Giggling when she finally told Pulse her little nickname for her. "We'll plan it, make it look like an accident......there wont be a him that girls fight back and no one will know." Demi held her like a vice, guessing she would try to break free, it was plain to see she wanted blood and wouldn't stop till she had it and nobody needed that tonight.

While Demi was holding Suri, the cop made sure to get out of the place. When the other man told the cop exactly what everyone there was thinking, Demi smiled, and it only got bigger when the bartender didn't go with him. After the excuse for a man peeled out of the parking lot, the man embraced the shattered bartender. After Suri's breathing returned to normal, Demi let her go, giving her a half lidded smile. Demi heard the man ask if Suri was ok, the blood was pouring out of the wound in Pulses arm, but she didn't look like it bothered her too much. After a moment, Demi remembered something, something that made her smile grow. "So.....wanna go play?"

Makenzie Williams

Kenzie drove home as smoothly as possible, not to wake her sister, and when she pulled into her parking space she cooed "Were home." After getting in the door, Kenzie went into her room to change into some comfy pajamas and an over sized shirt. Coming out she sat on the couch. When Maxxie returned from taking Bindi out, her little sister copied her actions, curling up with her dog.

Kenzie laughed quietly when her sister asked her if she wanted to watch a movie only to let off a cute little snore seconds later, regardless Kenzie turned on Finding Nemo and relaxed. Since the movie had come out it became one of her favorites, whenever she wanted to relax, she watched this movie. Sadly, though, no matter how many times this movie had worked its magic before, she couldn't get her mind off of that cop and his lies.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skye Keaton Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Lexi Belle Character Portrait: Katherine Valle Character Portrait: Maxxie Williams
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0.00 INK

Skye Keaton

It was a long night for the doctors as they tried to save the young girls life, surgery took about four hours and the she was put into the ICU. That was four hours ago and the girl still has not woken up. They aren't exactly sure when she will wake up either. She was suffering from many different broken bones, they had to fix some internal bleeding and they were worried that the girl may have some damage in her brain but right now they weren't able to tell. They were still unsure of who the girl was and have notified the police.

"Has she woken up yet?"

"No not yet, still out and still have no idea who she is"

"Well hopefully we will find out soon"

The doctors kept a close eye on her and kept in contact with the police, hoping to hear something. Meanwhile at the Keaton home Skye's mother woken up to a house without her daughter and it got her worrying, she tried to call Skye last night but there was no answer. Shannon walked to her daughters room and opened the door, she sighs seeing the bed made. Shutting the door she makes her way downstairs, as she passes the living room she notices Kat laying on the couch.

She gently shakes the girls shoulder "Katherine, Kat" when she sees the girl wake up she looks down with worried eyes "have you seen Skye, she didn't come home last night and I have tried to call her but no ansaer. This has never happened, she has always come home at night. Have you seen or heard from her? I have a bad feeling.." she started pacing the living room. "Do you think you could call the police...maybe even the hospital? I think I am going to drive around town see if I spot her anywhere."

Suri Desmond

Bright lights flashed through the window waking her up she took a look around, Suri was laying on the floor naked with her arms and legs intertwined around Demi, who was also naked. She only remembered parts of last night but she didn't remember how they got on the floor. All she knows was it was a very wild night, she was so high that she didn't notice Lexi walk in on them.

She leaned over Demi "Demi wakey wakey" she whispered in her lovers ear, nibbling on the girls earlobe as she wrapped her arms around the red headed beauty. "Come on sweetie, if you want any of this you gotta wake up" she moved her hands over Demi's smooth skin "come on lets take a shower". She got up and headed to her nightstand where her phone was, she checked the messages. She read the onw from Cole and shook her head as she sent a text back.

Seems we can't get a fuckin break huh? Ill be there ♥S

She looked over to Demi "tonight i gotta meet with Cole and them for a meeting Sugar, your welcome to stay here though. Not sure if Cole wants too many people there". She headed to her bathroom and turned on the shower, the door was open as she spoke to Demi "we got some business to attend to today, gotta meet with Jimmy boy and do a few deals". She got into the warm shower and tilted her head back as she let the water flow down on her.

Maxxie Williams

Maxxie woke up to her face being licked by Bindi, she blinked her eyes as she tried to focus. She was curled up on the couch with a blanket on her. "Damnit my medicine" she is susppose to take a pill before she went to bed but she didn't because she fell asleep on the couch. She tried to sit up but she couldn't. She looked to see that Kenzie fell asleep on the opposite side of the couch and her feet were stuck. "Kenzie wake up I forgot my meds" she wiggled until she was able to get free. She then headed to her room and got out her medication, after she took her meds she went and let Bindi out.

When she came back in she headed for the kitchen and started to scrounge for food. It was then that she heard her work phone ring, she grabbed it from the counter and answered. "Maxine Williams here...ah yes hello, yes Makenzie plans to go to Buca's today I believe...ah wow okay, we will get ready and come down to the office...okay see you soon". She hung up her phone and wento the living room.

"Kenzie we got to go to the office today, Agent Harrow said they got some information from one of their informants about the Occeto case and wants to talk to us before you go and try to get a job at Buca's. Looks like we will have to stop and dunkin donuts". Maxxie headed to her room and put on a pair of black pants and a white blouse, for shoes she chose a pair of black flats. Once she was ready she headed to the kitchen and grabbed her bag and phones and waited for Makenzie to be finished.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skye Keaton Character Portrait: Suri Desmond Character Portrait: Tesla Marie Basov Character Portrait: Katherine Valle Character Portrait: Maxxie Williams Character Portrait: Makenzie Williams
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0.00 INK

Katherine Valle

Kat perked up when Tesla said she might have met Skye, and she was about to continue the conversation when Tesla was called back to the stage. After the girl left, Katherine gathered her things and left the Windy City through the back entrance, she had a hand on her pepperspray just in case that man hadn't left like everyone thought he had, but she made it to her car safely. She slipped her "weapon into her purse and drove out of the parking lot, headed to the Keaton household, plagued the whole way there weather she would tell Skye about the man who's face she rearranged or not, but she would bring up Tesla. Both the women in her life were equally beautiful, and she felt a bond with both of them, but what she felt for each girl, she was unsure of......and she didn't know how they felt for her......but the question she was more afraid of what how they knew each other.

Pulling onto the street she turned her lights off and all but crept towards the house. It was late and she didn't want to wake anyone. Kat crossed the lawn after she parked and found the house unlocked. Weather or not that was a sign of something, she didn't know. She removed her shoes and decided it would probably be in everyones best interest if she slept on the couch. Skye needed her sleep after the last few days she had had, and Kat didn't want to wake Shannon to ask if they had a guest bedroom or not. Kat didn't realize how tired she was until she curled up on the couch, her body almost melting into the felt so good to just lay there.

It felt as if she had just closed her eyes when she felt a tense hand shaking her shoulder, then heard a panicing voice call out her name, then her nickname. Her eyes flashed open, it took some effort to sit up but she managed, looking to the worried woman she all but croaked "Shannon.....whats wrong?" Her eyes followed the nervous mother as she paced, and she shook her head when she was asked if she had seen her. A rock was forming in Kat's gut ash she listened, almost like the mothers worry was being shared with her.

When Skye's mother ask her to start calling the police and the hospitals she shook her head "Of course.....and can i get your number just in case I find her?" After she programmed Shannon's number into her phone she got on the phone with the police, Shannon had disappeared in a matter of seconds. When someone finally answered Kat let out a breath she hadnt known she had been holding, she found her voice and asked "Hello? I'm looking for someone, I don't know if you'll be able to help me, but My room mate hasn't been home in two days." She was lieing, but she knew that the police didn't care about missing persons until they've been gone for 48 hours. "She's just barely over 18, so I know she has a right to be wherever she wants to be, but usually she calls and lets me know whats going on. Can ya help me? Her mother and I are really worried."

"Well we can try sweetheart" The police officer had a heavy chicago accent which she instantly found annoying, but she was in Chicago, she wondered why she would have expected any different. The man continued on "We just need a description from ya"[/i]

Kat nodded her head even though there was no one there to see her. "Ok, her name is Skye Keaton, S-K-Y-E K-E-A-T-O-N" she spelled to the officer "She has long black hair and several piercings..."

It was here that the officer cut her off "Pretty little thing, looks like a late teen? Skinny as a rail?"

Kat bit her tongue when she went to oppose to the way the officer was talking about Skye "Yeah, thats her"

"Yeah we found 'er alright. She just showed up on the hospital floor, banged up pretty bad" He went on telling her where the hospital was located as Kat's anger mixed with gratitude for the cops rude helpfulness. She turned her words into daggers as she thanked him and was practically on the phone with Shannon before she'd hung up on the officer.

"Shannon, I found her! She's in the hospital"[i] She gave the terrified woman the directions she'd received from the officer as she sped towards the location [i]"I'm a few streets away, see ya when ya get here"

After parking she practically sprinted into the hospital and looked at the woman behind the counter. "I'm here for Skye Keaton......I'm her sister" She lied again. The woman just gave her a puzzling look "Who?" Kat rolled her eyes....there was no time for this "The cop I talked to said she showed up here on the floor. I'm her sister, is she ok?"

As she waited for the nurse to answer, Shannon joined her at the counter, Kat jumped in "This is our please can ya tell us where she is?"

Demitria Lawrence

Demi slept wonderfully, tangled up with Pulse, tangled up in Suri, her dreams replaying glimpses of passion from last night, well, the ones she remembered anyway. When Suri called to her to wake, she groaned in defiance, but when she felt teeth on her ear she hummed happily and pulled the girl back to the floor, nuzzling into her. "I don't believe you!!!" with a giggle she kissed whatever her lips pressed against first as she kept her eyes closed. If the day had come to part the women then Demi wanted the night forever, and when Suri ran her hands over her bare flesh, she thought she would agree.

After a moment though Demi felt the warm flesh she clung to like a life preserver slide beneath her fingertips until there was nothing and she groaned "You beautiful she-devil, bring your tattooed ass back here so I can cuddle some more." but she had a feeling her protests would fall on deaf ears. She heard Pulse texting for a moment before she was informed that Cole wanted to meet with her. When Pulse said she could stay at her place she smiled "Don't think I got anywhere else to be, they don't got girls like you anywhere else and if I leave ya might disappear." She meant the statement as a joke, but there was truth scattered everywhere through it, like leaves in the woods.

When she heard Suri turn the water on in the bathroom she rolled onto her stomach and groaned again into the floor, she listened as she was told that they would be dealing with Jimmy today as well as a few more deals, she smiled as she thought of all the things they could have done to the man who was unwilling to pay. Hearing the water hit something other than the bottom of the tub, she assumed that Suri had gotten in. It took he two seconds to realize she was retarded for not joining her there, and next thing she knew she had her arms around the tattoo goddess "I don't think you understand how evil you have become, leavin me there on the floor like that, you really are a Heartless bitch." Her voice dripped with sarcasm and the giggle that chased her words carried the affection she dared not speak. Semi placed a kiss on her neck, letting her lips linger on the spot a moment longer because the moment she moved them she knew the water would chase away the lovers mark. The warmth of the water was a monster all its own though, and Demi allowed that monster to swallow her and her lover whole.

Makenzie Williams

When Maxxie wiggled to get free, she accidentally kneed Kenzie in the back, she groaned "Go take em then." before she got up enough to let her sister up. After a moment Makenzie sat up and rubbed her eyes lazily, mumbling to herself as she did "Been awhile since I did that one." She hadn't slept on the couch since her old friends sweet 16. When Maxxie made her way to let Bindi out, Kenzie slipped into her room to get ready for the day.

She was dressing for an interview today, she intended to try for a job at Buca. She searched around her room until she found a nice little blue shirt that went nicely with some black dress pants. Kenzie was pulling on her heels when she heard Maxxie call for her, opening the door she was informed they were going to the office before she was to go to Buca's. When her sister mentioned Dunkin Donuts, Kenzie laughed "You'd live there if you could." Kenzie knew Maxxie loved the place, and there was a time when that was all she wanted for breakfast. They would go there for days upon days on the way into school, but Kenzie didn't mind. She loved their coffee.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skye Keaton Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Julian Ortiz Character Portrait: Katherine Valle Character Portrait: Maxxie Williams
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0.00 INK

Skye Keaton

Shannon stayed by Skye's side for most of the morning and afternoon, doctors and nurses made their ways in and out checking on Skye's progress but the young girl just layed there. Her body moved but it was unintentionally, she looked like she was just in a deep sleep but Shannon knew she could not wake up her baby girl. Around two in the afternoon one of the nurses convinced Shannon to get something to eat and take a walk. Shannon looked over to Kat "keep me company? I don't want to be alone". The blonde agreed and they both headed towards the door, she took once last look of Skye before walking down the corridor.


Shannon and Kat went down to the cafetaria and Shannon got a sandwhich and some coffee and took a seat at the table, trying to figure out what to do about Skye and how to figure out what exactly happened. A soft sigh escaped her lips and she closed her eyes, taking a sip of the warm beverage that was in her hands. Before she knew it an hour has almost passed "I need to get back to Skye" she said as she got up, taking her uneaten sandwhich with her. She took the stairs and slowly walked up them back to Skye's fllor, when she got to the glass door she saw another person at Skye's side, she has yet to tell anyone what happened and this guy looked a little too familiar.

Shannon walked through the doors like a mother bear protecting her cub "who the hell are you?" she demanded looking at the guy "I haven't told anyone what happened to my baby so you knew she was here. Was it you that did this to my little girl? Your connected to Him aren't you?" she eyed him carefully "only fammily is allowed in here so I ask that you best be leaving boy". She looked at Skye and went to the girls other side and sat down, taking her daughters small hand in her own"please wake up baby, your all I have" she whispered softly.

Maxxie Williams

Once Kenzie was ready Maxxie headed out the door and to the car, she wasn't really a fan of driving so she always let her sister drive while she played with the radio and watched things outside the window. They were both quiet on the ride, her sister stopped at dunkin donuts and they both got a bagel and a drink, hers was decaf because she didn't handle caffeinated drinks that well. Kenzie pulled back onto the road and drove towards the office, the car squealed as Kenzie stopped the car quickly. What Maxxie saw in front of her made many questions come to her mind, crouched in the firelane near the road was Maria Occhetto, the girl she met yesterday at the Bistro and also the girl whose family they were after. "Kenz thats Maria Occheto" she rolled down her window as Kenze drove by, glancing at the girl, she almost had her sister stop the car but she knew they couldn't do anything that might blow their cover.

Kenzie drove to the office and parked the car, they both got out and headed inside. Stopping to show their badges before they were let further in, they were escorted to a conference room and a few other people were in there plus the chief. "Agent Maxine Williams, Agent Makenzie Williams thank you for joining us. If you could take a seat we will get started". The girls took a seat at the round table and Maxxie took out a notebook and pen, opening to a fresh page she listened as the Chief began informing them of the information they obtained.

"Yesterday we had a young woman come in and accuse Antonio Occheto of this is not the first time this has happened, this is the seventh girl to come in and tell us Mr.Occeto raped them. They each were able to give accurate descriptions of the man and information that might help us with the overall of taking the Occetos down. Now I know Agent Makenzie Williams will be going undercover to dig more information up, Agent Maxine I think maybe you should check out Windy City as maybe a bystander, see if there is any messy business going on there. That is all for now."

Maxxie looked over to Makenzie, knowing she wouldn't like her going to Windy city but she didn't mind, that means she can do something rather then sitting home while her sister gets all the action. "Thank you Chief we will get as much information we could. One thing you may want to do is keep an eye on Officer Julian, he seems a little too close to the Occhetos." The chief eyes her but said nothing as Maxxie turned to Kenzie "your going to Bucas right? Ill walk to Windy City, I don't think its too far from here". Before her sister could argue she gave her sister a hug before walking outside and to the car, she grabbed some clothes from the trunk and went back inside and changed into a pair of jeans and a white top, with a blue jacket and scarf. Once she looked less like an agent and more just like a normal woman she brough her other clothes back to the car and then started walking down the street to Windy City.
