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Rob Slor

"Damn, looking good."

0 · 573 views · located in Chicago, IL

a character in “The Black City”, as played by Arik223


Rob Slor

|Age:: 25
|Role:: TBD ; Buca
|Sexuality:: Straight
|Personality:: Rob can be very sarcastic and flirty. He likes to hit on girls like a second job, but on the other hand he is very friendly and funny.
|History:: Rob grew up far from everything. As a child he lived an average life, he was very popular in his school and enjoyed. Rob went to school for Business and graduate college, but trying to adjust to normal life wasn't for him. He wanted to be different, do something exhiliarating, thats hwo he ended up in Buca.
|Equipment:: Rob is very handy with a knife, he is accurate at throwing it aswell as using it, he always carries either one or two knifes on him.


So begins...

Rob Slor's Story


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Character Portrait: Rob Slor
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#, as written by Arik223
Most of the day was spent idly standing, no customers came in today. Rob was board, like always. You would think that with a degree he could get a decent job, live in a decent apartment, but that wasn't the case. Not in this economy anyway. For the past few days Rob had heard about this place, Buca, lots of goings on. He also head that the salary is decent, and the job is no where ordinary. That's what he wanted. Currently he worked for a low end bar on the other side of town, not a lot of people come in, mostly business man.

Rob left early today, and took the bus ride to the complete other side of town. He dressed nice, he wanted this job. The place sure as hell looked fancy, people inside even looked fancy. Rob knew though that with his charm he might actually be able to get hired. It was worth a shot. Rob walked right in and paced right towards the bar, not minding anyone or anything in his way. "Hey, who can I talk to about a job?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Vladimir Torchev Patranko Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Aurora Ivanova Character Portrait: Jackson Hughes
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Martin couldn't help the feeling of amusement that overtook his features when Daniel jumped in surprise when he spoke. It was rather adorable, the sheepish smile that took over the younger man's features like a child caught with his hand in the cookie jar. But the feeling dissipated quickly since sharing that same face was the same multitude of bruises from the night before, a painful reminder that it wasn't just another day at the office for the two.

Perhaps a little paranoid, his eyes followed the glass of tea being set down on his desk on the small gap not covered with papers or office supplies. It wasn't that he didn't trust Daniel, it was just that he didn't trust anyone with liquid around his papers after the unfortunate incident two years ago when he'd had to redo a whole month's worth of paperwork after he'd spilled a cup of coffee on the desk. The memories were still traumatic.

"You're welcome, but you don't really have to thank me," He replied with a little, genuine smile. In his own quiet, unobtrusive way, Martin had been keeping any eye on the younger translator since the day Big Daddy carted him into the office, figuratively trembling in his boots. But he'd done it of his own volition, having seen something in the younger man that he'd seen years before- himself in the mirror before everything went straight to Hell or purgatory or wherever it was that he worked now.

At the stammered offer, Martin looked at him contemplatively, pen idly tapping against his bottom lip. Despite the stuttering, it was an honest offer, born either out of friendship or obligation.

"I'll do that, Daniel. Thank you." And he meant it, kind of, in that he meant the thank you part. He didn't know if he could bring himself to put more of a burden on Daniel's shoulders, no matter how dire the situation.

"Don't worry about mixing them up; you're right," Jude said to Aurora in confirmation. "I was born in raised on the Emerald Isle." Which was as much information as he generally spread about himself. It wasn't like he could get away from his Irish roots short of adopting a new accent. Besides, it came in handy since Americans just became so charmed the moment you started speaking with an accent from Great Britain or Ireland.
He took another bite of pasta savoring the flavors as he chewed. Maybe he'd have to drop in here more often if he was fed like this every time he showed up. And the company was certainly interesting. He didn't miss the jealousy practically radiating off Jackson when Maria had left. Not that he had anything to be jealous of- there was no chance of Jude or Maria going down that path. Not that anyone could know that except for a select few. Oh, well. May as well let the pretty-boy thug angst. It was more fun like that.

"Jude King, humble employee of the Occheto family," He introduced himself, attention once more claimed by Terron. "Lovely to meet you, Terron. By the by, humility doesn't suit you- you're a brilliant cook. You may as well own up to it." He took another bite of the dish as if proving a point, lips curling into a contented smile. But, like a particularly absent-minded child, his attention was caught by something other than the food and company.

There was a large Russian terrorizing one of Buca's hostesses. No one had gotten up to do anything about the situation, but Jude wasn't about to take the initiative. It was his night off and international problems, besides his own of course, weren't really his area. And now there was a younger man asking about a job. Never a dull moment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Aurora Ivanova Character Portrait: Jackson Hughes Character Portrait: Jude King Character Portrait: Terron Wilks
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Daniel Takahashi

A real smile crept onto his face as Martin acknowledged the offer he'd made, agreeing to let him know if there was anything he could do to help. Even though he hadn't been given any way to help the older man yet, just the acknowledgment of his offer was enough to make him feel a lot better about the one-sidedness of the relationship. "I should... I should probably get to work now," he suddenly realized after a moment of standing awkwardly in the middle of Martin's overflowing office. With his back now securely on his shoulder, Daniel gingerly grabbed the tea he'd placed on the edge of the desk- careful not to let it touch any of the man's documents- and began to back toward the door. "Thank you... again," He added with a final grin as he turned to jimmy open the door and slide through the small crack he created for himself and his bag.

Once in the hallway he turned and made his way down to the door of his office, juggling papers and glass to successfully open the door. For a moment he stood outside the converted closet and tried to figure out how best to get past the piles of paper to his desk with his hands full and the light out. Finally Daniel settled for placing the tea on the ground and using his less-hurt hand to yank the string hanging from the overhead light and to make it easier to navigate. With tea and papers in hand he slipped through the stacks of files-closing the door securely behind him- and made his way to his desk and the laptop sitting on it.

It took him mere moments to settle himself in, although his side protested at the stiffness of his seat, and in less than five minutes he was knee-deep in files sent over from some shipment office in China. Despite everything that had happened the last couple of days, it was easy for him to sink into the easy rhythms he'd appropriated for translating. All of his thoughts faded- the killings, the beating, even Maria- as he focused on changing the shipping invoices from Mandarin into English.

Terron Wilks

The chef's attention- which up until this point had been focused like a lazer on the pretty Irish man in front of him- was distracted momentarily by Jackson's voice from the man's other side. A smile cascaded across his face and he couldn't help but laugh as he leaned around the stranger's back- invading his personal space just a trifle- to give the enforcer a look. "Ah Jackson," he chuckled, "I just got here and now you're sending me back to the kitchen? Your jealousy knows no bounds." Terron held up a hand before changing into serious mode for a moment, "Just give me a moment to finish flirting with this gentleman and I'll whip you up something amazing- it's not like the kitchens in use for much else right now anyway." As he spoke his last words he gestured with his head to the nearly empty dining room which contained the foursome at the bar, a couple of waiters and the hostess, as well as a tall gentleman who had just stepped in through the front door. If he didn't miss his guess this was probably how it would be for the wrest of the night, so he might as well tell the men in the back to clean up, prep for tomorrow, and dismiss half of them for the night. Although it was boring in the back at this point, Jackson's request had given him a reason to return and do that much at least.

His conversation with Jackson summarily finished, Terron once more leaned back into his seat and waited for the man beside him to finish addressing Aurora and turn back to him. As he waited, the chef listened to their exchange with a raised eyebrow, "Irish, huh? Dated British before, but never Irish... Or have I? Hmm...." Lost for a moment in his own thoughts he jumped a little when the man introduced himself finally. In addition to giving his name, Jude complemented Terron's cooking- which was a bonus to his good looks in Terron's ranking ledger. A smirk claimed his face and he shrugged, "Well, five years at culinary school will do that to you. I'd be a shit student if I couldn't do this much at least."

Terron's flirtation was stopped as he noticed a new man approach the bar and inquire to no one in particular as to a job. Within seconds he'd sized the man up and found that- while attractive- he wasn't much his style, but that of course wouldn't keep the chef from playing with him a little. So he slid off his seat and offered Jude one last smile before excusing himself, "Sorry Jude, but I have to return to the kitchen for a moment. Don't hesitate to come to the back if you need something while I'm gone." His attentions turned from the Irishman to the newcomer and he approached him on his way to the kitchen, "A job you say? Well depends- back of house or front? If you're looking for a kitchen position I'm your man, if not.... I suppose Aurora will have to see to you." With his patented grin on his face he gestured to the himself and then the woman behind the bar before starting to walk once more toward the stainless steel doors to his domain, "Make your decision and follow or stay!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vladimir Torchev Patranko Character Portrait: Aurora Ivanova Character Portrait: Terron Wilks Character Portrait: Rob Slor
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#, as written by Arik223
For quiet some time, Rob just sat there, waiting for someone to notice. Nevertheless it was his fault, he didn't phrase his question to anyone in particular, so naturally he had to wait. What did he want to do anyway? Serve drinks? Cook? none of those seemed the least bit exciting to him. One man, who seemed to be a cook approached rob. The man didn't look any different from the average man, except, he smiled a lot. "A job you say? Well depends- back of house or front? If you're looking for a kitchen position I'm your man, if not.... I suppose Aurora will have to see to you.". Rob grinned and looked up at the cook, "I can't cook for the life of me." Rob joked as the cook went back to his kitchen. "Make your decision and follow or stay!" the cook said while pointing at one of the bartenders who Rob understood to be Aurora.

There was a hell of a lot of noise, it was too late for that much noise. Rob turned and noticed a big man arguing and harassing one of the hostesses. Mind you, Rob wasn't the kind of guy who let these things go unnoticed. With a disgusted look on his face Rob got off from the stood and stuck his hand in his jacket pocket, pulling out a knife in the process. It took three seconds for the knife to his the man right in the tie, impaling it to a nearby wall, two seconds for the man to realize what had happened, and one second for Rob to be up in the man's face with a knife at his throat. "Now look, I know its none of my business and this and that, but don't you think you are just a tad too large to be harassing a young and pretty hostess as this?" Even though the man was much bigger then Rob, he could do nothing. He had a knife to his throat, he was at Rob's mercy, completely speechless. "Next time, that knife wont miss." Of-course the knife didn't miss, Rob can hit a target very accurately from that far away.

Rob released the man and walked back to the bar, this time speaking to the woman he believed to be aurora. "Now that me getting a job is completely hopeless, let me get whiskey on the rocks."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vladimir Torchev Patranko Character Portrait: Rob Slor
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Aurora had looked up when she heard someone cussing up a storm, she was about to say something until he stormed in the back. Hearing all the commotion, she watched as the man left the kitchen and started to head the other way. Her eyes had caught the shine of the knife in the lighting that was around them a worried look on her face, before she could say anything she watched as the knife went flying to the man's tie. "Эй, эй!" She cried as she stood there, and upset look on her face.

She didn't want to deal with anyone getting into a fight that night, and with out totally realizing she had slipped back into her native tongue, her brain finding it a bit easier and quicker for her to respond that way. "I am so sorry." she said to the man that had his tie impaled to the wall. She was standing up from her stool now, a worried expression still on her face. When the man came back to the table she looked at him and shook her head. "You need to be more careful around here." she scolded him as she got the glass out and started to fill it a bit with ice and then pouring the whiskey into it.

"If you are going to bring weapons into here, I would prefer you not to use them unless you truly have to. I mean he really wasn't hurting anyone and if he was there would of been people all over him and..." she trailed off and sighed a bit as she sat the drink down in front of him. "Here you are." she said softly. "What kind of job where you looking for here anyways?" Aurora questioned as she watched him carefully.

She was more awake now then she had been since things started to calm down at the restaurant.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Vladimir Torchev Patranko Character Portrait: Rob Slor
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"Успокойся! Вы чертовски итальянский укол! (Calm down! YOu fucking Italian prick!) Vlad picked up his tie from his chest and flashed it too Martin, showing him the knife mark "You see this! My day has been really fucked up thanks to you!" Vlad grabbed Martin by his shirt and pushed him inside the office, slamming the door behind him. His eyes were a flurry of rage, what could be said you wake up pissed your going to be pissed the rest of the day.

"Two days! Two days I waited for you to call you dumb motherfucker!" Vlad shoved Martin in the chest with two fingers "Let me tell you how my day started! I woke up, after a very bad shell shock headache, with Mr. Orlachev on the phone. He was pissed, AT ME, for not getting the business done soon enough. Business, I may remind you, that was YOUR job to set up!" Vlad keep pacing towards Martin, his voice rising like a tidal wave as he continued "Then! I get to your fucking restaurant and get left out in the lobby by that bitch of a hostess for fifteen goddamn minutes!" Vlad had to resist every urge in his body that was telling him to strangle the man "Then! One of your pretty boy fuck ups throws a knife at me! I was about ready to kill him where he stood, but then I thought no."

By this time Vlad had backed Martin up against his desk "Here is the new rule, if one of the people below you fucks up I'm not hurting the...I'm hurting you! And if you fuck up I'm hurting the person above you! So, start explaining to me why I shouldn't start breaking things!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Vladimir Torchev Patranko Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Aurora Ivanova Character Portrait: Lance Coyer Character Portrait: Jackson Hughes
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Daniel Takahashi

What seemed only a short while later, but it must have been an hour and a half or more at least Daniel was just beginning to type in the transcriptions of the ledger into his laptop. Every so often the young translator had to pause and reconsider how to properly express what had been written into understandable and correct English, which was quite a bit more difficult than it sounded. He was mulling over one particular expression when pounding footsteps could be heard coming up the hallway that lead to his and Martin's offices. A second later he nearly tipped over the glass full of ice from the tea Maria had supplied him when a bellowing voice shouted in Russian for none other than Martin. Clutching the nearly-empty glass in one hand he nursed his throbbing side with the other, biting back a multitude of curse words because the shock had caused him to jump so hard he'd managed to do something bad to his rib all over again.

Something about the tone of the man's voice didn't bode well for his coworker, and since he'd just promised to do anything to help the older man, Daniel struggled slowly out from behind his desk. With the cup of melty ice still in his hand he stepped over piles of stacked documents and maneuvered his way toward the door to the hall. Just as he was opening the solid wood paneling to lean out and see what the commotion was he heard Martin's voice addressing whomever it was that had been shouting moments before. Although it was against everything in him to poke into any business- even his own- he forced himself to at least lean out of his door way. What he saw made him instantly want to turn around and hide back in his office.

The man standing in front of Martin was obviously on some kind of war path, and Daniel could tell even from this distance that he was fuming over something. Even though his Russian was a bit rusty he could tell that the older translator was attempting to calm him down in any way possible, probably so the muscular man wouldn't deck him or something worse. For long moments he stood watching them utterly shell-shocked as the huge Russian nearly picked Martin up off the floor and raged in a mixture of two tongues. Suddenly and unexpectedly he found himself stepping forward and hurrying after them into the older translator's office. His voice squeaked a little as it came out, "Umm.... I don't know what's going on, but.... Sir... would you like me to get.... Cole or Big Daddy?" This obviously went way beyond either him or Martin's pay grade.

Terron Wilks

In the process of locating more cheese in the dry storage for the ravioli Jackson had requested, Terron was interrupted by loud shouting emanating from the kitchen on the other side of the heavy metal door. Instantly his eyebrows knitted together angrily, but he waited until he'd properly rewrapped and replaced the wheel of cheese he'd taken a square from before storming out of the pantry and back into the stark whiteness of the main kitchen area. By the time he reappeared the line chefs were alone once more, all of them staring open-mouthed at the door that still swung on its hinges. Obviously whomever had been screaming in his kitchen was now gone and therefore not his problem for the moment; so he snapped his fingers angrily and said in a strained voice, "And why is no one prepping for tomorrow.... AND INSTEAD STANDING AROUND LIKE IDIOTS?!" The last words were shouted with such malice that every single person in the kitchen jumped and sprung into action at increased speed.

Shaking his head he smacked an older man upside the head as he made his way back to the area where he'd been prepping the lobster ravioli and a special Italian-influence meat blend ravioli he'd created to take up a little more of his down time. After another couple of minutes he was satisfied with the presentation and the amount of all three plates- another made up for Aurora or the kid from before if either wanted it-; so he placed the plates once more on a single arm and headed toward the entrance to the dining area. Before he exited he gave each remaining cook a death-glare to ensure they'd keep doing what he'd told them to.

Terron emerged once more into the main room, only to stop dead and raise an eyebrow at the shouting he could hear from somewhere on the second floor. The chef ignored it pointedly and headed back over to the bar where the two men he'd left still sat, now joined by the boy from earlier who'd informed him he couldn't cook worth a shit. Jude was apparently giving some man who appeared to be reaching into his jacket- most likely for a gun- a death glare, but other than that nothing had changed. Ignoring the stare down- it was too usual for Buca for him to worry- the head chef placed the plates in a quick line next to the three from earlier along with bundles of silverware he'd picked up on the way.

Once more Terron plopped himself down next to the Irishman, this time saving the flirting for when the stare-down was over. Using a fork he dug into some of the ravioli that still remained and sat quietly as he waited for Jackson, Aurora, or the boy to dig into the food he'd brought.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Vladimir Torchev Patranko Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Aurora Ivanova Character Portrait: Lance Coyer
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Daniel Takahashi

Half-way through typing his message to Cole, which was taking twice as long as any normal message given how awkward it was to use the phone practically behind his back, Daniel was interrupted by a sudden voice from right beside him. The fright from the sudden intrusion was so much that he literally jumped and nearly dropped his phone on the floor, just managing to catch it in the nick of time. After a tense second of juggling the phone he managed to press it against his chest only in time to be shoved gracelessly out of the door by the newcomer. Daniel had just a moment to recognize the man that had been slinking around Buca for the last couple of days before he found himself plopped out into the hallway on his ass.

This time he did actually drop his phone; unable to catch it he watched it skitter down the hallway and out of reach. For the moment Daniel chose to ignore the machine- the screen was probably unusable now anyway- and just sat where he had fallen, clutching his side. He forced air in and out of his lungs as his ribs screamed in pain over the rough treatment, but other than that he didn't do anything more. Grey eyes peered around Jackson's towering form through the small gaps between him and the thresh-hold to try and make out what was going on inside the office and if Martin was still alright.

Although he really wanted to scurry back down the hallway to his office, the pain in his side as well as the worry he felt for the closest thing he had to a friend in the business kept him sitting where he was. Daniel was infinitely relieved to be out of the crazy Russian's line of site, with a large, armed man blocking him from view. No matter how many times he was met with a hostile situation in this line of work, he never got used to it, and every single time he was still scared out of his wits. However, usually when things such as this occurred there were usually more enforcers as well as Cole or Mr. Occheto to stand between him and whatever client they had angered; so he felt especially justified in being a bit more frightened than usual on this particular occasion.

Terron Wilks

With a ravioli poised half-way to his mouth, Terron watched with a quirked eyebrow as the man he'd just brought food to popped out of his seat and headed up the stairs- gun in hand. If he didn't miss his guess, something very interesting was happening on the floor above. However, it was really none of his business and as long as it had nothing to do with him or the kitchen he wasn't going to get involved. The only way in which this concerned him was that now the pasta he'd brought was getting cold. With a sigh he waved the ravioli and fork in his hand absently at the plates Jackson had just abandoned. "Sad, all my hard work. Gone to waste....," he mumbled to himself before turning the fork around and popping the piece of stuffed pasta into his mouth.

Terron chewed quietly for a moment, his blue eyes constantly switching focus between the stand-off occurring a few feet from him, the slender female bartender and her new charge, and the stairs that Jackson had just escaped up. This was why he hated staying in the kitchen all the time, you always missed the fun bits. The most exciting thing that ever happened back of house was when someone accidentally cut himself or when a waitress came in to complain about a customer.

Eating another ravioli he allowed his attention to turn to the windows as a huge gust of window shook them and caused a spatter of raindrops that sounded more like gun-fire than precipitation to cascade against the building. The chef wrinkled his nose distastefully, now he'd either have to get a ride home or wait in the restaurant until the rains had subsided; Terron hated driving in the rain more than anything else- which was why he'd spent the last week and a half in Paris where he didn't have to worry about driving at all. As much as he'd wanted to come back to Buca, he still missed the time he'd spent visiting old haunts while on his vacation. At least he hadn't returned to a boring normal day at the bistro.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vladimir Torchev Patranko Character Portrait: Aurora Ivanova Character Portrait: Jackson Hughes Character Portrait: Terron Wilks Character Portrait: Jackson William Mathis Character Portrait: Rob Slor
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#, as written by Arik223
Everything happened so fast, too fast for Rob to even realize what a stupid decision he'd man. The russian he had just assaulted was twice his size at-least, and had the face of a one not be messed with. Rob let out a slight sigh. "If you are going to bring weapons into here, I would prefer you not to use them unless you truly have to. I mean he really wasn't hurting anyone and if he was there would of been people all over him and... Here you are." "Thanks" Rob replied still a bit shaken. He took a fairly large sip and let out another prolonged sigh. "What kind of job where you looking for here anyways?" Rob looked up from his glass as he started regaining his normal self. "Considering my little stunt there didn't fuck up my chances, a bartender job would be nice... " He didn't know how to approach the question, all the things he'd heard, rumors circulating the bistro. Rob thought for a second and realized that if he wanted something more exciting, he would have to start from the bottom anyway.

"Crap!" Rob snapped, he didn't even introduce himself properly, alas he gave off the wrong type of vibe. "Excuse my manners, My name's Rob Slor." he smiled. He could hear commotion from upstairs, but it wasn't his problem. From how things have been going Rob knew that this wont be an empty job, he knew that working here would be the escape he needed. The chef returned to the bar, this time though with a plate of food. He sat down and started eating, clearly expecting everyone to try a bit. One of the man stood and went upstairs, something interesting was going on. "Sad, all my hard work. Gone to waste....," the chef said and Rob smiled. "Ill try some." he grabbed a fork and dug in. "Holy shit, this is amazing!" Rob said in excitement, "I hope you don't mind me trying some more?" he said now laughing and filling his stomach with the delicious ravioli.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skye Keaton Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Vladimir Torchev Patranko Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi
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"Yes, I do believe so." Vladimir said with a professional demeanor "I apologize for the mess." Vlad said in a stale and very unapologetic tone. He didn't pull his weapon when the other man came in, he needed not fear a man who brandished his pistol like some gang banger. He watched as Martin set the papers Vlad needed to sign aside and began picking up the rest of the scattered sheets of paper on the floor. Vladimir reached into his pocket to check his phone, but when his right hand dove into his pocket all he found was fabric. Odd, he tried his other pocket and was also met with the irritating feel of an empty fabric pocket. Damn it! he didn't want to miss a call from Mr. Orlachev and get his ass chewed again.

"If you excuses, I must go get something from my car." Vlad said as he turned and walked out of the room. He made his way back down to the kitchen, and marched through past employees who parted like the red sea, doing there best to stay out of his way. As Vlad entered the main lobby, his eyes slowly scanned the area for the man who had tossed a knife at him. He wasn't sure if the Italians would take kindly to him administering his own justice, but he didn't much care at this point. Very few people attacked Vlad and lived to tell about it, so this guy would get off extremely easy.

He spotted the pretty boy at the bar, dinging his disgusting American face into some type of ravioli dish. Vlad strode over, with a calmness that was almost eerie. As he approached the man, who was totally unaware of his presence as he was stuffing his face, Vlad reached out and grabbed the back of his head. Before the man could react, Vlad kicked the stool out from under him, smashing his face so hard against the bar that it echoed in the room.

Pretty boy feel to the ground with a hard thud, his nose bloodied from the hit. People in the restaurant stopped and starred in awe at the scene of the huge Russian standing over the man. Vlad looked down at the kid with disgust, then he spat right onto his shirt

"If you ever throw a knife at me again, I will cut up and fed you to seagulls." Vlad hissed as he spun straight around and walked for the door. Paying no attention to the eyes that were stuck on him, and having no idea he was walking right into the middle of a fight. As soon as he opened the door, he heard a gunshot and he charged out into the rain, his weapon at the ready.


Joe watched in shock as everything happened so fast. First that guy was pointing a gun at everybody, then somebody shot and now Maria was pointing a gun at Daddy. This was all so fucked up! Frank decided he should step in between Daddy and Maria before something happened

"Maria! What are you doing that's your dad!" Joe shouted as he ran over and placed a hand on the pistol and tried to lower it to the ground.

[I edited this post because Maria, Frank, Cole, Skye, Joe, and Big Daddy are at the coffee shop, not Buca ~~MMO]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Jackson Hughes Character Portrait: Terron Wilks Character Portrait: Rob Slor
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0.00 INK

She was laughing at the sounds that Jackson would make when she pulled at his cheeks and just shook her head. Listening to what he was saying about how she better give him a cocktail or that he would tell Cole, a small grin fall onto her face. "Really Jackson, you are going to pull that? I thought we were all just a bit more mature then resulting to telling." she said playfully as she stood there. She leaned against the bar and looked at him tilting her head to the side. "I would just start crying and he would easily take my side."Bursting into laughter she shook her head and smiled happily, giving a slight jump as she stood up straight once. "Who am I kidding, he would most likely call us both idiots and walk away." Raising an eyebrow as he talked about how she was about to make out with a light switch in her drunken state, a small blush fell onto her face. "Oh come on, that was on sexy light switch, can you blame a girl?"

She was cleaning up some of the glasses once again, and going back to ones that were already clean, just wanting to make them sparkle a bit. When Jackson got up, she looked at him and laughed as he tipped the invisible hat. "Fair well." she said mockingly as she gave a bow and watched him go. Looking to the cook as he voiced about his food going to waste, she smiled and stole a piece off the plate. "It's really yummy though!" she said happily. "I am sure that he will be back though, that boy eats like it's his last meal."

Aurora then turned her attention back to Rob, listening to what position he was trying to fill. Smiling softly she nodded her head a bit. "I think we can get you on with the bar job." she told him softly as she stood there. "Why don't you come in tomorrow and try it out. I know right now everyone has pretty much gone home but the workers. That storm out that has scared everyone off. Also you can't go around attacking the guest." she told him with a wink the smile falling onto her face as always."

The small girl always seemed to be in a happy and up beat mood, no matter what was going on around her. At least she tried to anyways. Slowly her eyes had gone back to look out the window, watching as rain drops attack the glass panes. Her eyes unfocused a bit as she slowly started to go off into la la land. It wasn't until she heard her name talk that she snapped out of her daze.

Looking to the steps she listened to Jackson's request. "Okay, I will be right there!" she called back loudly to him. Getting behind the bar, she got out a round pan and sat it up on the table. She was then dashing around, putting an array of drinks on the tray, not knowing what all the wanted. Though she made sure to give Jackson the cocktail he wanted. Once she had everything sat up, she started to take off up the steps. Balancing all the drinks as she did so. Walking to the door, she knocked on it and smiled happily. "Drinks have arrived!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skye Keaton Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Vladimir Torchev Patranko Character Portrait: Cole Occheto Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi
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0.00 INK

Maria Occheto

Weight shifted uneasily and forcefully onto her heart. Funny, she was unsure of whether the thing still actually existed. Before she let the blast of gunfire crack through the air, a bullet ricochet in Frank's skull, she muttered something almost inaudible, "I would have let you take me in willingly. I would have revered you like a hero and smothered you in kisses. I didn't --- not like this. Not like this. God damn. " A painful smile jerked at her quivering lips before she pulled the trigger. It was no time to get sentimental but in all fairness a bombshell had been dropped that night, leaving her assailable by emotions and outside forces.

Then, Skye plopped beside her, blubbering apologies. With a pang of culpability, Maria glanced over the girl who was her little sister. The look in her father's eyes corroborated it. Skye drudged back to the car as Maria sat still beside the corpse. A stifled grunt escaped her throat as she forced herself to her feet, the atmospheric pressure pummeling her composure as if it weren't already fargone enough. By the time she raised her eyes to meet her father's gaze, he was inches from her. Agitated as her heart was, her mind was determined to inflict some sort of discomfort. It was only fair. With a swift yet small hand still holding the glock, she right hooked her own father in his jaw.

Though he staggered back, clenching his rearranged bone structure, he said nothing. His eyes seemed to search for words to which Maria snarled, "I knew you were a piece of shit but this," she threw Frank's gun at her father's feet. Clattering hopelessly it nicked the toe of his expensive shoes. "This really ices the cake, Antonio." Not even a recoil from a punch came, but when his daughter called him by his first name with disjointed execration, he winced and immediately drew back.

Cole Occheto

The Occheto boy raised his gun again, directed at his father, "Don't do it." More than anything he was exhausted from the theatrics, perhaps less affected than his sisters. Shock value was rarely manufactured within him due to the things he'd seen in his time of working for his father. He rolled his neck with agitation, "Mae go… Just go." The Italian woman almost scoffed, still holding her .40 and heaving with apprehension.
"Mae. Go." He reaffirmed.
"Really, Cole?" The question left her mouth in the form of a scowl.
"You said what you needed to, just go."
"I think I struck a nerve," she said as she stormed away from her father, the crime scene, and her newfound little sister, "Good."

Meteorological conditions worsened as Cole closed in on the dead body, calling Joe over. From the side of his mouth he said, "Let's get this shit cleaned up." Big Daddy however, stood amongst the two young men, peering after Maria for a moment, lost for words. Equally as misplaced, he looked at Skye. But his face was stern again, speaking no emotion as his cold gunmetal eyes shifted to and fro. He was caught and, it wasn't often that he experienced that burden. And luckily for him, his son spoke little on behalf of the circumstances as he once again prioritized doing his father's bidding. The cobalt Ford Fusion whipped out of the parking lot with a squeal.

Utilizing his usual charm Cole grabbed Frank's ankles, "It's nice to see that all the cops in Chicago don't sit around and eat doughnuts, huh?" A muffled laugh gurgled in the back of his esophagus as he began to lift with the help of Joe's strength. Just when they had it balanced, Big Daddy growled, "Qualcuno ha bisogno di pager."

"Oh, really?" Cole nearly dropped the ankles in his hands, "Someone has to pay?"
"Yes." His father stated blankly.
"Someone has to pay for your fuck ups?" The blue-eyed miscreant paused, "No. You need to take accountability where it's due whether you like it or not. You're a liar. I could give a shit less, really. None of us are saints and I can say that with confidence. A lot of us though, we're doing our jobs. I'm just doing what is expected of me here. But you, you got figured out tonight. You need to fix that. Not any of us. You. And you can't raise your hand to a woman because she hurt your feelings."

Jackson Hughes
Little did Jackson know, on the floor just below, Lance was still hanging around. Had he caught that, things would have inevitably been more shaken up than anything one Russian lummox could spawn. The looming brickhouse of a man relented a little, apologizing with a major lack of probity. Regardless, it bothered Jackson little. With a simple nod, Jackson let the guy off to go find whatever it was that he needed. Precautions should have been taken, but Jackson found his intentions wandering on the impetuous side. If the guy returned brandishing a rocket launcher, they were all fucked. Hopefully that was just an impractical figment of his imagination, though.

On the first floor, a loud crack, almost the sound of timber was heard. He didn't budge from the office as he ventured towards Martin, "He didn't give you too much trouble, right man?" Beneath his jacket, his stomach lurched with indignant hunger. A man could only be assumed as stupid if he walked away from a dish Terron made, but duty did call. Undoubtedly he'd have to fill that discrete void with alcohol which hopefully Aurora would be carting up any minute.

He strode out to the hallway where he could overlook the banister. Nearly falling in a heap over Daniel, he stopped impulsively and looked him over, "You look like hell, kid." Then he moved to the baluster and looked down to see an unidentified man slumped on the bar, probably drunk. Behind Jackson, Aurora had come happily with the drinks as he asked. "Just set em' down," he instructed. Buca's doors burst open, a girl of precisely 5'9" (only in those heels, though) rolled in from the storm, her hair and clothes soaked. Seized in her grip was the very discernible .40 he had seen her wield so many times.

It seemed she was in a daze as she stopped just beyond where the doors swung shut. Maybe she was gathering herself. Tucking away her gun, she peered upwards as if she were some sort of clairvoyant. Her green eyes burned into him. He tried to force a smile. Hell, it looked like she needed it. But he couldn't muster it as he looked at her, drained and astray.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Vladimir Torchev Patranko Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Aurora Ivanova Character Portrait: Jackson Hughes Character Portrait: Terron Wilks
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0.00 INK

Daniel Takahashi

Still on the floor holding his side, the young translator sat assessing his condition to see if it was any more damaged than before. In the midst of this self-observance, however, the massive Russian man from before stormed out of the office before him. In a flash, Daniel had swung his legs out of the way and curled up into a ball on the other side of the wall to allow the colossus room to pass. From the looks of the man he hadn't even noticed the young man sitting on the floor and probably would have kicked him if Daniel hadn't moved as fast as he could away from the middle of the aisle. All of the pain in him was forgotten momentarily as he let relief wash over him that the man who had caused such a ruckus was heading down the stairs and probably out of the door. The relief didn't last long as what seemed like seconds later a loud crack resounded from below, causing him to physically flinch. Apparently there was still something going on down there.

Daniel wasn't the only one who had thought that, apparently, as suddenly the man who'd shoved him reappeared through the doorway. This time he didn't have a chance to crawl out of the way and was instantly trampled, although it was thankfully stopped short of hurting him too badly. "You look like hell, kid." Glaring daggers at the retreating back, Daniel mumbled to himself in response, "Nah shit Sherlock... And I wonder who's fault that is...?" The second the words left his mouth he bit his lip and sat stock-still for a moment to make sure he hadn't been heard. Luckily the other man seemed to be preoccupied with something down below, presumably whatever had created the cracking sound from earlier.

Slowly and painfully, the young man extracted himself from his curled-up sitting position and yanked himself up right. A hiss of pain escaped him and he nearly fell over again, but managed to stop himself. Just as slowly as he had stood, Daniel raised up the side of his sweater and cursed once more when he saw how red his side had become. For a moment he mulled over what to do, and despite the fact that he really did not want to visit the area from whence the noise had just come, he understood that it was probably in his best interests to get ice on it as soon as possible. So, hobbling he slipped past Jackson and began his decent down the stairs.

Halfway down Daniel allowed his gaze to sweep the room and its occupants, skipping quickly over the men at the bar including the one now lying on the floor and settling suddenly on the drenched figure of a woman just tucking away a gun. It took him a moment to recognize who it was and another second to process exactly what it meant. Then as quickly as his side would allow he scuttled down the rest of the stairs and went over to her. Concern riddled his voice as he stopped just before her, "Maria? Are you alright?"

Terron Wilks

The smile on Terron's face altered into a flirtatious smirk as the boy who turned down a kitchen interview accepted the opportunity Jackson had scorned and dug quickly into his food. As he waited for a response his azure eyes slid over to gaze at Aurora who reassured him that Jackson would most likely be back for the food at some point. A light chuckled escaped him before he responded with a head shake, "Ah, but it's not quite the same once it's been sitting... This boy here has the right idea." When he pointed to the boy to indicate whom he'd been referring to it just so happened to be at the same time as his cooking finally received the compliment he'd been expecting, as well as a request to continue eating. Shrugging, the chef replied quickly, "Well since you seem to appreciate it properly- unlike some people- I don't see why not."

No sooner had he given permission to the lad to eat his cooking than a stranger in a suit without a tie appeared hurrying down the stairs from the floor above at the same time as Aurora hurried up them. Terron quirked an eyebrow at the bald man- who was most decidedly not his style- and watched intently as he approached. The fact that this man was coming down from upstairs combined with the fact that the head chef didn't know the man meant that it had something to do with the other half of the Occheto's business. Which, of course, meant he had no interest in the non-paying customer and would have turned back to eating his pasta had not the stranger been headed their direction.

Upon arrival to the bar, the newcomer instantly proved that Terron's guess about what part of the business he was associated with had been correct. The chef watched un-blinking as the boy who'd just been enjoying his pasta had his head bashed into the counter; his only response was to release a small sigh and mumble to himself again, "Once more my hard work shall go unappreciated... Sad...." His musing were cut short by the door slamming open and then just as rapidly shutting once more. Terron shifted his gaze to the figure at the door and gasped a little, "Maria....?" The ever fashion-conscious Italian woman was standing soaked head to foot, dripping on the hard wood floors. As he hopped off the stool, the young Asian translator who always ran away from his attempts at flirtations stumbled over to the boss's daughter- obviously concerned for her. While the other man checked on her well-being, Terron hurried into the back and grabbed one of the towels that was stored there, taking the moment to check on how prep was going, and then returned to the dining area.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Vladimir Torchev Patranko Character Portrait: Aurora Ivanova Character Portrait: Lance Coyer Character Portrait: Jackson Hughes
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0.00 INK

Jude watched the movement of Lance's hand, disappearing from the hidden weapon and instead moving to a lighter. Not that the action made Jude lower his guard any- no, in this line of business, you didn't lower your guard, especially in a restaurant where half the staff had their weapons stowed away somewhere on their person.

"She's just stepped out. I'm sure she'd prefer you to stay until she returned," He said, waving off the excuse nonchalantly. The next thing the agent said perked his interest in a very good way. He didn't know who he was? Well, that was a lovely surprise; obviously he'd been doing his job right by staying under the FBI's radar.

"No thanks," He hummed to the offer of a cigar. "Can't say I've a taste for smoking. As for who I am..." He paused, emptying his glass in one fell gulp. "I'm just a man enjoying a drink after work." Which was true in that he was enjoying a drink, but he was never done working.

Jude only payed cursory attention to the action playing out around him. Yes, he'd noticed people coming and going; Jackson disappearing after the angry Russian, the young man who'd seen fit to throw a knife at said Russian joining him at the bar to enjoy Jackson's abandoned meal, Aurora disappearing to deliver drinks to the offices... It wasn't until the Russian man returned that he started paying attention to the mini dramas around him. Well, to be more accurate, he didn't start paying attention until he cracked the young man who was looking for a job's skull into the bar. Jude slid over to the next bar stool, not in fear, but to avoid the young man sliding to the floor

Not that anyone else seemed to notice; all attention was taken from the cocky, wounded boy on the floor by the arrival on Maria. He had to hand it to her; she did know how to make an entrance. Soaking from head to toe, the water cascading off her, the water leaving puddles around her much too high heels. But what no one seemed to notice was the gun clutched in her hands before she tucked it away and out of sight. Ah, so it had been one of those nights. She would be fine, as she always was, especially considering the herd of people rushing to her side or taking in her presence in shock.

He let out a little sigh, pulling out a handkerchief and sliding it over to the bleeding young man for his nose before turning back to Lance. He held his index finger to his lips and made a shushing motion as if to say 'Stay quiet. Wait to be spoken to.' He didn't much care what happened to the agent, but the less drama he had to deal with tonight was, ultimately, the better.


Martin watched Vlad leave with insincere apologies and excuses about getting something from his car, still rifling through the papers that littered his office's floor. Hopefully whatever he was getting was at least less dangerous than, say, a hammer. He didn't particularly need any more weapons waving around his audience like a flag.

"Thank you, Aurora," He said when she set down the tray of alcohol, for once meaning it. It was slightly unsettling that he'd been feeling like this for the past week- like he needed a stiff drink after work. And during work. Just almost all the time, to be honest, and he wasn't sure if that said more about him personally or the stress he was under.

He paused slightly at Jackson's question, staying silent for a moment, considering what to say.

"No. Not, it's fine," He said finally, not even sounding convincing to himself. But Jackson had more pressing matters to attend to than trying to calm down the shaken translator. When the other man left, he contemplated the papers on the ground and took a long drink from one of the glasses that Aurora had brought up. He wanted nothing more than to collapse into his chair or, better yet, collapse into a cab and be taken home, his own car and work be damned. But, instead, he knelt down again to pick up his paperwork, ignoring whatever drama was playing out downstairs.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Maya Stillwater Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Aurora Ivanova Character Portrait: Jackson Hughes Character Portrait: Jude King
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0.00 INK

Accepting veracity had never been more difficult in Maria's life as she gathered herself just inside of the castle of lies itself. Things appeared delightfully as she had left them except for a handsome young man who she didn't recognize. Her verdurous eyes somehow trailed towards the terrace to befall Jackson's gaze, which ripped through her like a tsunami. Any enterprise she could contrive wouldn't be enough, so she figured much like her father, she'd make something up to defer the true state of things. There was no one she could tell. When her sights trailed off to Jude, still parked at the bar as she had asked him to, an honest smile plucked at the corners of her mouth.

It wasn't until Daniel came to her side that she grinned and shook a little like a wet dog. She was grateful for his concern and just the sight of him. Relief dispersed under the layers of confusion. All Armani Silk had been washed away by the rain, laying bare the ugly discolored skin of her otherwise slender neck. "Me? What about you? How are you feeling?" She'd return his questions with more questions, caroming every approach. Factuality clawed at her insides, impatient. It wanted to spew from her mouth, but she instead dressed herself in knockoff contentedness aside from being damp and cold. Before she could even greet Terron, he was turning on his heel again. She creased her brow. "Did you like the tea?" Maria remembered, her eyes vacant as she asked Daniel. Speaking of tea, the stranger she picked out from her usual crowd drew closer, brandishing a cup of hot tea.

"Oh, that's cute, thank you." Her tone was flat, non-intentional. What she meant to say was 'that's sweet' but peradventure her concentration was misconstrued and maybe irretrievable. It was truly sweet of him to come to her aide. A mighty squall of wind disconcerted Buca, the very window seals rasping at the storm's attempt of extermination. "Nasty out there," she mused as she tugged at the skirt of her dress, tempted to wring it out. Looking back to Daniel, she beamed an open-mouthed smile, "You wanna' go play in it?" Forestalling with absurdity would be her ordnance tonight.

Through the kitchen doors marched Aurora and Terron, side by side like a couple of undaunted servants. They wore towels on their arms, reminding Maria of the adorable protocol butlers used. As lost as she felt, the sight of Daniel, Aurora, Terron, and Jude felt like home. Off to the side a bit she could see Maya, acting a little beside herself. Usual customs would consist of Maria going to her friend and offering a shoulder on which Maya could lean, but tonight, Maria didn't feel too generous or humane.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Aurora Ivanova Character Portrait: Jude King Character Portrait: Terron Wilks Character Portrait: Rob Slor
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0.00 INK

Daniel Takahashi

Once more Maria was fending off questions about herself with questions about him and the tea she'd brewed him, trying valiantly to dissuade Daniel from delving further into his concern about her. However, he was not going to be so easily bought this time, no matter how much the throbbing pain in his side or the woman before him tried to distract him. In fact, his concern only doubled with her attempts at nonchalantness. His pale grey eyes searched her face for the source of her distress before slowly scanning further down and settling on her throat. What he saw made his eyes go wide and his fingers clench into tight fists. The spattering of black and purple bruises decorating her neck made it obvious that it wasn't a cold Maria had been fighting earlier in the day.

Before he could speak, Daniel was interrupted by the presence of another man- one he hadn't noticed earlier. The man offering her tea's face was splattered in blood that had obviously come from his nose; however, despite his appearance, the man was obviously trying his best to get Maria's attention. His attempt worked some-what as the woman accepted the tea before remarking, "Oh, that's cute, thank you." The words made Daniel's stomach unexplainably twist into knots and a wild desire to step in front of the man to block him from view overtook his thoughts before he swiftly forced it into submission. He quickly addressed his emotions inwardly, "What was that for? You have no right to be jealous, ok? He's just being nice!"

Daniel's inner dialogue was interrupted by Maria suddenly turning back to him, a false smile wide across her face. The expression almost made him sad rather than happy due to the way it jarred with the bruises lining her neck and the haunted look in her eyes. Suddenly his hand found its way from his side and pressed gently against her throat before he could think better of his actions. Fingertips traced over the marks on her neck as he looked directly into her eyes. Ignoring all of the people around him and her attempts at light conversation he sighed and whispered so only she could hear him, "I don't think you have a cold.... And I don't think you're alright...." As he spoke the presence of other people and their attention directed toward Maria- and inadvertently toward him- made his skin began to crawl, but he forced himself to stand his ground- his worry for the clearly hurt woman overriding the urge to run and hide somewhere else.

Terron Wilks

As he was collecting towels from the stash always located in the kitchen, Terron heard the door he'd just entered swing open behind him. When he turned and saw Aurora who told him of her plans for tea, he nodded absently and gestured to the burners that had just been cleaned by the other chefs, "Have at it!" When it came to making tea and other beverages in his domain, he didn't have too many concerns other then, "Just make sure you clean up after yourself." Even though he was sure the slender girl knew better than to leave his kitchen dirty, it was such a habit to inform others of his pet-peeves that he couldn't go without stating it. As it was, the head chef was sure the cooks would take care of it if Aurora forgot, in fear of losing their jobs if he came back to dirty dishes and a kettle still on the stove.

Just as he was about to exit the kitchen, Terron was stopped by a face sporting blood on the lower half appearing and yanking the tea unceremoniously from the bartender's grasp. Before he'd a chance to do anything other than wrinkle his nose at the mess, the boy had gone once more. "How kind of him," he drawled to Aurora as he tossed her one of the towels he'd been going to bring Maria, "To bring tea to a soaking lady he doesn't know." Casually the chef loaded a bag with ice from a bin kept chilled near the dessert table, he added, "I wonder if he hopes to get laid..." Terron winked to Aurora before twisting the clear, plastic bag shut and exiting back to the dining room.

His eyebrows shot up as he saw the shy, young translator gently caressing the Occheto girl's throat, now if that wasn't an unusual sight. Oh well, who was he to judge? So Terron tossed the towel in his grasp over Daniel's shoulder and wrapped a hand around the bloody-nosed boy's wrist to turn it over. After he'd dropped the bag of ice into the boy's hand and given him a "for your nose" he headed back to his place at the bar next to Jude.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Maya Stillwater Character Portrait: Vladimir Torchev Patranko Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Jackson Hughes
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0.00 INK

Jackson Hughes
Below him, a mass production was made of Maria being wet. Some rookie from the bar with a half-bloodied face rushed to her holding tea with an offering approach. Even though he half expected it, there was the Asian translator, glued to Maria's ass as soon as she walked in which inevitably caused a jaw ache from clenching his own teeth so forcefully. He had to look away, which was successful to say the least as he found Maya sitting alone despite all the pandemonium where poor Maria was concerned.

A hypocrite was what Jackson was and somehow he was brazen about it. He wanted to offer her a smile, to do something more, yet was angry when others beat him to it. Deep down, he knew he wasn't going to budge from the banister unless by some miraculous turn of events the windows shattered and some hefty gale threw him over the rail and landed him at Maria's petite, pedicured toes. Turning away from the galling view, he returned to Martin's office and snatched a drink.

Regardless of what many people or felt about Jackson, though occasionally dimwitted, he was inborn about their emotions. He was better at reading facial expressions than words. There was hesitance in Martin's face and he was clearly disheveled by the state of affairs. Martin lied right through his teeth, but Jackson wasn't going to pry too much about his conscience, settled or unsettled. "Who is that guy, anyway?" Jackson propped himself up against a wall, careful not to further disturb anything that had or had not been haphazard from Vlad's rampage.

The flaxen drink in his hand tinkered against the boundaries of the glass, less than half full and overpopulated by ice cubes. He didn't mind, he just usually avoided ice. It was common; most of the people he came to know within the Occheto's and their dealings had a problem with --- or just liked drinking. Coping wasn't always elementary, either. So many turned to it to ease their nerves and pooling afterthought.

Maria Occheto

Her deflection was combated with Daniel's forthright confrontation. It made her quake a little inwardly. Not wanting to talk about it was her first goal, her second was to not worry the already anxious young man that she maybe was too fond of. The way his charcoal eyes searched her made her feel like she had holes all over. He was more than likely, figuratively, seeing right through her. She picked up on his intuition early, days before where she stood now. And it could have been that particular rationale that caught her attention.

Came no riposte from Daniel, which reproclaimed that he was onto her and she couldn't disguise her anguish as easily with him. It was exciting and devastating all at once; bittersweet. She never underestimated his intelligence and second sight, it was that she never expected him to speak on any of it. Since --- well, Jackson, no one had peered through her. "What?" She tilted her head, curious about the expression Daniel wore as his eyes bore into her soul and even pounded on the confines of her mind. "What are you thi ---"

His hand daringly reached for her maimed throat. Blinking rapidly, her eyes attempted to follow this movement. His cool finger tips against the bruises stung and tickled at the same time, sending a potent shiver up and down her spine and chaos in her stomach. When they locked eyes, a beguiling, genuine combination of green and gray, her face slackened a little. She'd have carried herself fine but, but… There was Daniel, utilizing this emblematic key to her thoughts and torment. And when unlocked, open, she feared everything would come pouring out at once. That was the last thing the kid needed on his plate. She raised a hand to lightly grasp his wrist but recoiled when she saw that it was still tainted with Frank's blood. Free of tarnish, her right hand softly gripped Daniel's wrist, but she had no idea what to say. Her body and feelings were giving way and all of her poise was disassembled just from his touch.

"I'm fine," she finally uttered, weak and quiet, her face scrawled with shame and despondency. "I think I need a vacation," she admitted in a hushed tone, "I'm… I think I'll rent a hotel room in town tonight actually."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Jackson Hughes Character Portrait: Terron Wilks Character Portrait: Rob Slor
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0.00 INK

When the kettle had been taken from her, Aurora quickly looked to see who had done it. Noticing it was the man from the bar, a look of confusion and shock filled her face. Listening as he said that he wanted to help it took her a moment to speak. "Uh..okay..yeah sure." she said slowly, though her eyes were focused on his face as she tilted her head head to the side. "When did that happened?" she asked as she noticed the blood. Before she could even get an answer he was already rushing out to Maria's aid. Sighing softly she stood there looking a bit lost as of what to do right then.

As a towel was tossed to her, she had jumped a bit and quickly caught it, looking up at Terron she smiled cheerfully once again. Listening to the man speak, she couldn't help but laugh and nodded her head a bit. "Well he better think again. Maria doesn't look too good." she said softly as she held the towel and walked out with him. "I've known her long enough to tell that something has happened and she is upset." she said softly.

Making their way over to Maria, she watched her and Daniel, a small smile fell onto her face. Thinking that he was good for her and wandered if they planed on being a couple or anything like that. The mere thought excited the young girl. She knew Maria hasn't really seen anyone after Jackson, or at least she thought anyways. Even though she didn't truly know the young man, she could tell he was truly good-hearted. Making her way behind Maria she lightly put one of the towels around her shoulder. "You need to get warm hun, or you are going to get sick." she told her softly. Hearing her talk about needing a vacation, all Aurora could do was nod.

"I think that would be a really good idea." she said gently.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Aurora Ivanova Character Portrait: Terron Wilks Character Portrait: Jackson William Mathis Character Portrait: Rob Slor
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Arik223
"Oh, that's cute, thank you." the girl replied while taking the tea out of his hand. Rob gave her a warm smile, Rob knew people, and he knew that something happened to her and she was just trying to sugar coat it. It wasn't his problem though, he had already done enough, he might have even done too much. Rob cringed slightly at the thought of maybe losing the job he was looking forward too, but quickly brushed the look off. "Your welcome!" Rob said cheerfully. Rob didn't know the names yet, but he sort of was starting to figure it out. The woman soaked was Maria, seeing how everyone rushed to help she was important.

Rob was stuck in thought, for a little too long, he jumped when the Chef turned his hand over and put ice in his palm. "for your nose" he said, "My wha-?" Rob didn't even notice that he had blood coming out of his right nostril. That damn Russian. Rob cursed under his breath after saying thank-you to the chef. It was about time to leave, he was clearly out of place, hell he doesn't even have the job yet. Rob had a feeling he was bothering everyone tonight, he started a fight for Christs sake. Rob wasn't himself today, too much had happened and he was sure more was too come.

Maria said something about renting a hotel, though Rob didn't understand a thing, or knew anyone he knew it was time to go. Rob turned to Aurora while holding the ice to his nose, "Hey I think its about time I head out.. I've caused too much. Do you still want me to come back tomorrow try out that job?" he said smiling. He looked rather funny, with ice to his nose and a warm smile on his face. Although he didn't show it, Rob was nervous that Aurora would say no, or she would kick him out. One thing bothered him though, he was completely warm while this girl, maria, was freezing and soaking wet. He quickly took off his jacket which was just an extra layer he didn't need and handed it to Maria. "Here, try to stay warm, Ill pick it up tomorrow." he smiled once more while waiting for auroras answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Maria Mae Occheto Character Portrait: Kazuki "Daniel" Takahashi Character Portrait: Aurora Ivanova Character Portrait: Rob Slor
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Daniel Takahashi

For a moment- his fingertips pressing lightly against her throat- Daniel feared from the expression on her face that she was going to dodge his questions once more. However, as they locked eyes he slowly saw her facade melt a little and her body physically slump. It appeared as if she'd finally come to terms with the fact that he was going to worry about her and that he wasn't going to stop trying to help her whither or not she told him what was going on. Of course he was never going to force it out of her- that just wasn't something he was capable of doing- but the young man was going to keep doggedly trying to help her in any way that he could. As relieved as he was that Maria was finally accepting these facts, the look of pain and anguish in her eyes was more than enough to make his concern for her re-double in amount.

The urge to wrap her petite frame in his arms surfaced in his mind and he would have given into it had she not thankfully reached up and taken his wrist in her hand. The physical contact of Maria's hand touching his broke his concentration a little and he found his fingers curling away from her neck embarrassedly. A blush began to rise in his cheeks as Daniel began to inwardly chastise himself, "You idiot! Should have known better than to touch her! How could you be so stupid?! Now she's going to brush your hand away and tell you to get lost..." No matter how concerned he was, he thought that he shouldn't haven given into the urge to touch her neck- the physical contact was obviously unwanted. Or so he thought, until Maria spoke.

"I'm fine." Had she stopped at those words his thoughts would have stayed as they were, although now they were tinged by a bit of irritation that she was still claiming such an obvious falsehood as truth. However, the tiny Italian woman's next words showed him that his contact and concern weren't completely undesired. If Maria was willing to admit to him that she was tired enough to need a rest from everything that had happened recently, she obviously trusted him on some level; that and she hadn't pulled his hand away from her. The fact that his arm was still clutched tightly in her hand was actually the clenching factor for dissuading his ideas that she wanted him gone. Even as Aurora appeared- draping a towel around her friend's shoulder- and the boy with a bag of ice on his face offered her his jacket, Maria hadn't let go of his hand.

After he'd offered Aurora a small, shy smile over Maria's shoulder in thanks and ignored the man- aside from his jealously, he just wasn't comfortable enough with interacting with strangers-, Daniel turned back to acknowledge Maria's assertion. It was obvious that she really did need a vacation, but he wasn't sure that she should go and drive herself there in this condition. "I think that's a good idea... I can drive you there," he supplied with an encouraging little smile, before adding a more serious- quiet tone, "I don't think it's good for you to drive like this...."