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Chloe White

"They told me I'd never survive, but survival's my middle name."

0 · 584 views · located in New Haven

a character in “The Blackout”, as played by desire99600


ImageFull Name:
"Chloe White? I mean, come on mom and dad." Chloe Rose White [ Pronounced Kl-Oh-EE ]

"I mean, there aren't exactly a thousand ways to shorten Chloe." Chloe doesn't really care what you call her, so long as it's not baby. Pet names piss her off. In her opinion, they're just an excuse for someone not to remember your real name. Something personal, she wont mind, because it means something specific to her, but as for Hun, Honey, Baby, Sweetie, Ect. There's no better way to get on her bad side. Her close friends and family call her Clo, but most people just call her Chloe.

"Too young to legally have fun." Eighteen years-old. She is the younger twin by 2 minutes and 31 seconds, and her sister never let's her forget it.

"I mean, unless I've got this whole thing wrong, I'm pretty sure Chloe is not a guy name." Female

"Just an innocent citizen of New Haven. Just like the rest of us." Selena Gomez

"Don't be fooled." Chloe's appearance can be misleading. Upon first seeing her, most people think she's a nice girl. The kind of girl who had it easy, and has lot's of friends, for she's very pretty and the soft, roundness of her features suggest an easy life. She has soft, naturally glowing and lightly tanned skin, light scars mar her back and abs, but some are hardly noticeable, and are often hidden under clothes. Her hands and feet are tough, calloused with work, though, unless you shake her hand, this often goes unnoticed as well. The only thing about her that suggests a hard life is her athletic body. She's slender and, even though she's small, and may not appear to be at first, very muscular. She stands no taller than five feet, five inches, with a round face, and slim neck. A single small scar marks the spot where her collarbone meets her throat. Anyone who knows her, knows not to ask about it. Unless you want to be her personal punching bag, it's just not a good idea.

Chloe has slim shoulders, though capable of carrying a full grown doe home, strapped across them. Her arms are muscular, though not in a masculine way. Her wrists, are small and delicate looking, but her hands can make fists hard as rocks. Her legs aren't long, but they can kick powerfully, and run with incredible speed and stamina. Her feet are small, perfect for flying, undetected through the trees, nimbly stepping over anything in her path.

Chloe's hair is the darkest brown possible. Typically, it just appears black, but as true black is an impossible color to get naturally, in the light, you can see that it's deep chocolate, with small lighter streaks running through it. It's soft, and lays in large waves. She's never cut it a day in her life, making it extremely long. Often, it gets in her way and, even when in a braid, it reaches the small of her back. Under delicate brown eyebrows, Chloe has a pair of dark chocolate eyes, that appear warm and inviting at first, but can easily become cold and distant at any second. Between her eyes, she has a small, button nose, and below this, is a pair of full, pink lips and softly blushing cheeks.

As for body art, Chloe has a few tattoos, all meaning something personal to her. Her first tattoo, she got when she was thirteen, it's an anchor, on the back of her neck, symbolizing stability against all outside forces. Her second tattoo, she got when she was sixteen, it's a lion, symbolizing strength and indipendence. And finally, her last tattoo, she got a year later, on her seventeenth birthday. It's a wolf on her inner left wrist, symbolizing strength, and the bond of the pack, in this case, the pack being her sisters.

Bold [bohld]

1. Not hesitating, or fearful, in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff
2. Not hesitating to break the rules of propriety
3. Necessitating courage and daring

"Compliment me one more time. I dare ya'. I mean... If you like my fist in your face, go right ahead. Otherwise, stop yourself right now." Chloe is the kind of girl who stands up for what she believes in. She doesn't let others push her around, and does what she wants, when she wants. She's headstrong, with as much willpower as an Ox has strength. Some say she was born a natural leader. That more than fate made her one of the two leaders of the Runaways. Though she disagrees.

Chloe, though headstrong, is not the kind of person who enjoys human interaction. She prefers to be left to herself, only allowing those who have taken the time to get under her skin, to get anywhere near her. She's strong and smart, capable of making decisions and carrying them out precisely, as well as backing up her choices against anyone who would dare to oppose her. She can speak to a crowd and captivate everyone's full attention, but she has a little trouble with the one-on-one interaction.

Chloe likes to seclude herself and doesn't take compliments very well. Should she do something for you, don't thank her. She'll merely say it had to be done and wave it off. She hides inside herself, preferring to be alone, than to get close to someone and get hurt. Though Chlo swears she's not afraid of the Militia, they are, unknowingly, the source of all her problems. She refuses to let herself get close to someone, because the Militia might take that away.

She's spent years building a hard-rock emotional shell for her to hide herself in, and isn't about to let anyone ruin that. She's a hard person to understand. Ninety percent of the time, her sarcastic mouth and, often hurtful, jokes are complete bullshit. She doesn't truly mean half the things she says. Though, most people don't understand this and get fed up with her instantly, seeing her as nothing more than a cocky, wanna-be badass. This means her protective walls are doing their job. It's the people who actually take the time to decipher what she's really trying to say, that she let's get to her. A good, screaming fight, might be just what she needs. Which is why, even though her and her sisters bicker often, Chloe is so unbelievably close to them.

Though Chloe seems like an impenetrable fortress, underneath all her built-up walls, there's a soft, vulnerable girl. She may not show it, but she grows easily attached to people, and it hits her hard when they leave. Yet another reason for her burrowing down inside herself. Crying, for her, is extremely out of character, even if she feels like crying all the time.

To sum her up shortly, Chloe White is a tough leader, a courageous fighter, a protective sister, but above all- a young girl who's had her entire life crushed by the Militia. Who has the same feelings as everyone. Even if she doesn't let them show.

Reason for Running away:
"I need to get away from them before they take away the last thing I have. My sisters." Chloe has a few reasons for needing to reach Utopia. Her main reason is her older sister, the Militia captured her in the midst of them planning their escape, and now they're holding her. Her only hope to get her sister back is Utopia. If the people there take sympathy on her people, they might help them take down the Militia and get her sister back. Her original reason was that they simply needed to overthrow the Militia, but weren't getting enough support from the people in the city, no matter how many protesters they asked, none of them were brave enough to actually attack the Militia so they needed to look outside. Remembering stories her grandfather used to tell her, Chloe had the idea to try and reach Utopia. The recent capture of her sister has only made her flight more urgent.

"Unlike most of this stupid city, I'm not afraid of the Militia. Why? Because I have the map to the one thing they are afraid of. Utopia. They should be afraid of me. Not the other way around." Runaway number one, "Leader" of the runaways, even if she doesn't want to be.

"What do I like? You. Out of my face."
+ Being alone +
+ Her sisters +
+ Succeeding +
+ Being listened to +
+ Respect +
+ Dogs +
+ Her dog +
+ Chocolate +
+ Hunting +
+ Her bow & Arrows +
+ Nature +
+ Quiet +
+ Beaches +
+ Warmth +
+ Campfires +
+ Feeling needed +

"What is this? Am interview?"
- Being bothered -
- Kissups -
- People who can't stand up for themselves -
- Annoying people -
- Too many compliments -
- Questions -
- People not trusting her as leader -
- Most people other than her sisters -
- Cats -
- Vegetables -
- When people ignore her -
- People disobeying -
- Backtalk -
- People who think they know everything -
- Girls, she doesn't get along with her sex very well -
- Cold -
- The Militia -
- Her parents -
- Crowds -

Weapon of choice:
"I'm more of a long distance fighter, but don't let that make you think I can't kick your ass." Chloe typically hates all Militia-made things, but the one thing she holds near and dear to her heart that has the Militia's signature, expensive look is her fathers silver bow and arrows. When she was young, her father took her out shooting, wanting to teach her to fend for herself should she need to, for hunting is how people have to get food now. The Bow he gave her has her name engraved in curly lettering on the side and she carries it everywhere. She also has exceptional fighting skills, and, due to her targeting skills from using her bow, she's also pretty good with throwing a knife. Typically, she only uses her bow, but if close combat is called for, she'll whip out her grandfather's knife, or fist fight.

"Okay now you've done it. I hope you like bloody noses." Chloe has always had a complicated relationship with her parents. She thought they were good people, and she loved them very much. They were her hero's. Her idols. What she wanted to be more than anything. In reality, they were protecting her from what they really did. To her, her parents were out, freeing the world of bad guys and evildoers, when in reality, they were high-ranking, corrupt Militia officers. Had she never found out the truth, Chloe would have been a very different girl. Probably would have even joined the Militia herself.

She was born as a twin, two minutes and thirty one second younger than Cleo White. She also had an older sister, three years Cleo and Chloe's senior. Their parents were John and Taylor White. Two, high-ranking Militia officers. Also living in their house, was Taylor's father, old and in need of care-taking. Chloe's parents babied her. They protected her from what they did, always sugar coating the truth to make sure she never knew that, in actuality, they were the personal assasians of The Militia. While they were away at work, their grandfather would tell the girls stories. Stories of how things used to be. How the world was filled with a strange light, that somehow related to lightning. How strong humans used to be.

Life was easy for her young. Seeing as her parents were Militia assasians, their family was well off. They didn't even have to hunt for themselves like the rest of the families did. When she was ten, something changed. The Purge. Random citizens were rounded up in the streets and slaughtered as a show of the Militita's authority for days. Their only crime being that they'd heard the rumors spread about Utopia. Women, children, the elderly, no one was safe from the public executions that went on for days.

One day, during the purge, the girls were feeling adventurous. They knew what was going on. They knew people were being wrongly killed. What they didn't know was that their parents were two of the killers. People in town wouldn't talk to them, and they just pushed it off as being that their parents were associated with the Militia. That didn't exactly mean they were the bad guys. Chloe had gotten curious though. So she'd asked a friend what was going on and her only response was to sneak out at noon and go to the plaza. So she convinced her sisters to do just that.

And what she saw ruined her. Her mother and father, along with other cruel-faced officers, rounding up innocent people, brutally beating them to death, executing them humiliatingly, and publicly. She was so shaken with fear, her older sister had to carry her home. When they got there, Chloe ran to her grandfather, and he told her the truth. All of it. He also handed her older sister a map. A map to the place he'd told them stories about. Utopia.

At that moment, Taylor and John White came home, walking into the room, not as Chloe's parents, but as lying, traitors. Monsters. Strangers. They'd overheard everything their grandfather had told them, and, right there in front of the children's eyes, they murdered him. He'd been proclaimed crazy, but he'd never harmed anyone, hadn't even seemed crazy, yet they killed him.

And sent the children to bed like nothing had happened.

In the dead of the night, Chloe's thirteen year-old, older sister woke her and her twin, making them get up and pack quickly. They were fleeing. Chloe packed her bow and arrows, and grabbed the map her grandfather had given them, and they were gone, never to look back.

Leaving the cozy, soft living of a Militia family and heading into the rough life of orphaned, citizens, was a tough adjustment, but Chloe's father had trained her well. Her older sister took on the role as mother to the twins, and Chloe used her bow to hunt for the family. They chose the overgrown skeleton of a building on the outskirts of New Haven, and started their new life.

"Trust me, if I don't kill you, Joe will finish you off." Her and her sisters adopted a stray, a few years back. A boxer that they named Joe Boxer. He's faithful to them, and very wary of strangers.


Dark Side - Kelly Clarkson
There's a place that I know
It's not pretty there and few have ever gone
If I show it to you now
Will it make you run away

Or will you stay
Even if it hurts
Even if I try to push you out
Will you return?
And remind me who I really am
Please remind me who I really am

Everybody's got a dark side
Do you love me?
Can you love mine?
Nobody's a picture perfect
But we're worth it
You know that we're worth it
Will you love me?
Even with my dark side?

Like a diamond
From black dust
It's hard to know
What can become
If you give up
So don't give up on me
Please remind me who I really am

Everybody's got a dark side
Do you love me?
Can you love mine?
Nobody's a picture perfect
But we're worth it
You know that we're worth it
Will you love me?
Even with my dark side?

Don't run away
Don't run away
Just tell me that you will stay
Promise me you will stay
Don't run away
Don't run away
Just promise me you will stay
Promise me you will stay

Will you love me? ohh

Everybody's got a dark side
Do you love me?
Can you love mine?
Nobody's a picture perfect
But we're worth it
You know that we're worth it
Will you love me?
Even with my dark side?

Don't run away
Don't run away

Don't run away
Promise you'll stay


So begins...

Chloe White's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scarlet Rivers Character Portrait: Remy Carter Character Portrait: Kyerie White Character Portrait: Chloe White Character Portrait: Vesper Norton Character Portrait: Cleo Cami White
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* | Time: 11:46 p.m | Weather: Temperate, with a slight, chilly breeze | The runaways have been together for one night, planning, and are on their second night together. Currently, they are hiding out under a tree near the east entrance of the city, awaiting a signal | *

Location: Watching the Militia guards from a tall building

The weather was perfect. Cool, but not cold. Warm, but not hot. The night sky was clouded, but not so densely you couldn't see the moon, or stars, twinkling against their velvet black background. The clouds were dark and grey, heavy with the promise of rain the next day. On the wind, a chilly breeze blew every so often, shuffling branches, shifting the shadows of the overgrown city of New Haven and its surrounding forests. Perfect for making an undetected getaway.

Chloe Rose White was standing high in the remains of an old building. One of the tall ones, that used to stretch high in the sky. Really all that was left of the building were three floors with the full package, (walls, ceiling, and floor), while the rest of the building was all crumbling, rusting framework. But, there happened to be an old staircase in the back of the third floor that, if you followed it all the way up, would eventually rise to the single remaining floor, the thirteenth.

Not many were brave enough to venture up the old staircase. Parts of it were missing, and once you got to the top, the floor had multiple holes in it, that, if you weren't walking carefully, you could easily fall through to your death. As children, the citizens of New Haven often dared each other to climb to the top in the dark. If you were brave enough, you were one of the cool kids.

But Chloe wasn't there on some silly initiation business. No. She was on a mission. She had a bag strapped tightly to her hip, a quiver of arrows resting on her back, a silver bow in one hand, and a pair of binoculars in the other. Next to her, on the floor was a bucket of gasoline she'd taken out of as many, empty, old, wheeled, machines as she could, and a pile of rolled up socks.

With the binoculars, Chloe watched the perimeter of the city for Militia. They were always on duty, making sure no one without a traveling license got in or out of the city. She bit her lip. Please let this work. She thought to herself as she watched the group of Militia guards on duty at the east entrance to the city. Her job was to distract the guards and signal a group of runaways hiding in the shadows. She checked the pocket in her bag, just to be sure her traveling license was still there. They were precious things, and nearly impossible to get. You had to take five years worth of tests to get them, and the Militia was making it especially hard now that the rumors about Utopia were spreading like weeds. But Chloe knew a guy who'd forged hers for her. Still, the guards at the gate held the right to deny you, even with a traveling license, if they thought you were suspicious, or "incapable of handling the wilderness." Something about not wanting to risk the already dwindling population, but Chloe knew better. They didn't care whether you lived or died.

Placing down her binoculars, she rubbed the back of her neck and groaned, setting about her work. Quickly and quietly, she soaked each of the sock bundles in the gasoline, then lodged them each on the tip of an arrow. Three in all. One was for the guards. The other two were to signal the group, lead by her twin, hiding under a tree just a couple hundred feet from the entrance.

Taking a deep breath, Chloe raised her silver bow and lit the socked end of the arrow so that it's flames illuminated her little watching post. Slowly, she pulled the arrow back and let out her breath a little at a time as she aimed carefully.

Then she released, sending the flaming arrow, streaking through the air. Quickly, Chloe picked up her binoculars and looked. She was supposed to distract the guards, then send a signal to the others that it was all clear. If they moved, and the guards hadn't seen her arrow, it was all over. Through the lenses, she watched as all of the guards left their post to chase after the arrow.

Once they were gone, Chloe breathed a sigh of relief, shooting two more flaming arrows. This time though, they shot through the air, piercing the bark of the tree that the runaways were under. "You better grab those arrows Cleo, or I'll kill you." She grumbled to herself as she grabbed the bucket of gasoline. Working quickly, she destroyed her evidence, and made her way carefully across the crumbling floorboards to the stairs. Moving as quickly as possible, without killing herself, Chloe took the stairs two at a time. On her way up early that morning, she'd memorized where the holes were and knew where to leap, swinging across the gap on the occasional pole, or flying through empty air, only hoping she'd land on the other side.

At the bottom, she brushed herself off and made her way to the east enterance. When she got there, the group was nowhere to be found, and the guards were back in place. She could only hope they'd gotten away safely. "Looking for something ma'am?" One of the Militia guards asked, and she whirled her head around to look at him. Shit. Maybe he'd hold her back because he thought the way she was looking around frantically was suspicious. Had she already messed things up? How long would Cleo and the others wait for her until they realized she'd failed them?

As she looked at the Militia officer, she wondered if he worked with her parents. Do they know them? She thought silently. Make jokes over lunch? Go on missions with them? "Uhm yeah." She said, pulling out her forged traveling license and handing it to him. "My name is Jessica Jones." She said with a smile. "I'm headed towards Westwood. My aunt lives there and is really sick." Her lies were smooth, but there was always the chance that he could hold her back, or notice a flaw in her forged papers. Silently, Chloe prayed that he couldn't hear her heart thudding away in her chest.

Location: Her office at Militia HQ

The Militia had control of the best in-tact building in New Haven. It was a skyscraper with a needle that reached high above, even the tallest trees and sat directly in the center of the city. It was the only building that pierced the thick cloak of trees that hovered over New Haven. It was evident that the city had not always been overgrown. That another life had died somehow, but the Militia had long-since stopped teaching the history of The Blackout. Knowledge meant power, and the Militia wanted to be the seat of all that power. So, while they still had school, only the richest could afford it, and they didn't teach anything about the Blackout. History began, when the Militia began. Those who were lucky enough to make it into the Militia, had the privilege of learning what happened from a special training school that they had to attend for two years before being appointed full officer.

The whole of the Militia headquarters was kept in tact. Only a few, rarely used floors at the top were crumbling and Scarlet Rivers and her brother, leaders of the Militia, made sure that the building was kept in glittering condition, shining like the sun.

"M-M-M-Miss Rivers?" Scarlet heard a stutter and looked up from a file on her desk. Paper was another rarity, but The Militia had scores of it. She was a workaholic, so sitting at her desk, flipping through file after file at 12:13 in the morning, by candlelight, was not unusual for her. Candles. Another rarity that the Militia had boxes and boxes of.

"Yes Bret? Spit it out, you know I hate when you stutter." Scarlet said, leaning back in her chair to place her hazel gaze on the small man standing in her doorway. Absently, she used one hand to twirl the tip of a knife on the surface of her desk smoothly.

"There's been a um... A breakout ma'am. Runaways." He came forward cautiously and placed something on her desk before sprinting away, ducking out of the doorway just in time to miss the knife Scarlet had hurled after him, lodging itself hilt-deep, in her door. Scarlet glanced across the room to where her brother sat in his desk.

"Do you always have to be like that with him Scar? The man is just trying to bring you some news. He's afraid to even pass you in the hallway." Her brother groaned, rubbing his temples.

Scarlet shrugged. "Good." She smirked simply. "Keeping messenger boy in his place." She glanced down at her desk and grabbed what Bret had set there. It was an arrow. Scarlet's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. The end had a little sock balled up on it, and it smelled of gasoline. A flaming arrow? Why was that significant? She looked closer. Wrapped tightly around the arrow's silver shaft, was a little piece of paper. Raising one eyebrow, she looked up to see that her brother was now hovering over her shoulder, looking extremely interested.

With a sigh, she unrolled the piece of paper. On it, six simple words were scrawled. Catch me if you can, bitch. The initials, C.W at the bottom. "Fuck." She heard her brother whisper breathily behind her and she whirled in her chair, taking him by surprise as she stood quickly, advancing on him.

"Do you know something about this that I don't? Because if you value your life," she said, pushing the arrow tip against his throat. "You'll tell me now. Why the hell do you think it's okay to keep something from me?"

"Relax sis, yes I know something, I was going to tell you in the morning." He rubbed his neck. "You know that city everyone's been rumoring about?"

Scarlet eased off him and grumbled. "Don't remind me."

"Anyway, you know the officers who lost their children quite a while back? No? Maybe you were too young. Anyway, agents John and Taylor White had three missing daughters. We recovered one of them the other night, planning something against us."

Scarlet rolled her eyes. "Who gives a rats ass? Throw her in the Pits like we usually do. Honestly, you've gone soft."

Her brother just rolled his eyes at her. "God you're such an idiot sometimes." He hissed. "Anyway, I was going to throw her in the pits, when they brought in another prisoner. A protester who's brother had been planning something against us too. Seeing it as more than a coincidence, I decided to have them locked up for a few days in case something happened." He pulled the arrow out of her hand and waved it gently in front of her face. "Looks like I was right. C.W is the initials of the girl's twin sisters. One of them, John White told me, was an excellent shot with a bow. He taught her himself. Looks like we've got a pack of runaways on our hands. Headed for Utopia."

Scarlet leaned back to take in everything he was telling her for a moment before sighing. "Alright. You rally together a team to do a little hunting. I'll talk to the prisoners and get them prepped for a trip." She grinned wickedly and turned on her heel, headed towards the stairs, where she descended to the basement. In the basement, she moved down the rows of doors. There was a woman standing outside one of them, hand placed gently on it. "Taylor White?" Scarlet said, gesturing to the door. "I take it your daughter's in there?"

"Can I see her? Please? Just once?" The woman asked, brown eyes pleading.

"Alright, stop whining. You can sit in on the interrogation.

Scarlet had the guard blindfold and handcuff the girl, Kyerie White as well as the boy, Nathaniel Lochness, and lead them to the interrogation room. A blank white room with a silver table in the center, candles on either side, two chairs on one side of the table, and one on the other. The right wall was all cabinets. Once in the room, Scarlet told Taylor to stand in the corner, and whipped off the blind folds of the prisoners.

"I'm the Militia leader. Scarlet Rivers. Welcome to hell." She said with a smirk, glaring down at them with cold hazel eyes.

Scarlet's brother (NPC for now)

With a sigh, he watched Scarlet go, then went out into the hallway to Bret's desk. "Bret," he said. "Gather this list of names for me." He placed a list on the desk and went back into his office.

Once they'd all arrived, he smiled. Vesper Norton, their tacker, Remy Carter, the Militia's best female hunter, and John Doe, another hunter whom had a reputation for not stopping once placed on a trail. "We've got an assignment." He said, proceeding to tell them about the runaways. "We will be setting out as soon as Miss Rivers gets back. Go and pack anything you'll need on a hunting mission and be back here in no less than a half an hour." He turned to Bret. "Scrape up files of whomever's missing in New Haven. I want names for these runaways."

NOTE: Not going to post from Johnathon Thatcher until Fallen posts from Cleo, any runaways, I would suggest doing the same. If you have a Militia or prisoner character though, go ahead and post.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scarlet Rivers Character Portrait: Remy Carter Character Portrait: Kyerie White Character Portrait: Chloe White Character Portrait: Cleo Cami White Character Portrait: Nathaniel Des Lochness
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Ky was sitting in the corner of the cell, her head in her hands swearing to herself “why
why” she kept asking herself. Just the other day she was out during the middle of the night, she planned on getting some food for her two younger sisters but she was caught and not caught by anyone. Her mother, Taylor White, caught her and didn’t even think twice of bringing her into the Militia. She was sure she was going to the pit but no they put her in the basement in a cell where they only kept a few people.

She was put in the cell that night, her mother did try to talk to her. Asked about Chloe and Cleo, but Ky said nothing. She has been silent since she was placed in the cell. All that was going through her head was hope. She hoped that Chloe and Cleo would follow out the plan they have been working on the past few months. Ky trusted them and drilled them down to bone making sure they knew what to do if something happened to her. She knew today was the day they where planning to make the move.

Over the past months Ky has been watching people of New Haven, finding out who is a runaway. She has searched the city and made a list of people that she knew where runaways. She hid the list somewhere safe and told her sisters a few nights before she got caught where that list was just in case anything happened, she knew having a list was a bad idea but it was the only way to keep things in track.

Flash back

Ky was getting a back pack ready when she looked to her two sisters “Chloe and Cleo I need to show you both something so follow me".

As the three sisters went for the walk she began talking “I’ve been hiding part of the plan from you two but I feel I need to share it with you both now in case something happened to me” they walked into and old building and climbed to the third floor, going into one of the rooms then to a broken window where there was a large tree just outside of it. Ky reached out to the tree where there was a hole and in the hole was the list.

“I made a list of runaways. You know how I have gone out at night alone. Well that was when I went searching. I have found a group of runaways that I want to take with us. If anything is to happen to me I want you both to find everyone on this list and go forward with the plan. No matter what, you have to promise me you will go find the runaways. There is their names and area where they usually hide out,” she looked deep into her sisters eyes and heard them both promise her.

Ky put the list back into the tree and they went back to where they were staying that night. Two nights later Ky was caught.

Ky snapped out of her flashback when she heard her cell door unlocked by two guards. She was quickly blindfolded by the guards and handcuffed. She didn’t say one word as they walked to another room. She was put in a chair then the blindfold was taken off. It took her a few minutes for her eyes to adjust because of the whiteness of the room. Once her eyes adjusted she took a look at who else was in the room. She first say the boy next to her that she guessed was a prisoner also, she then saw her mother in the corner. She didn’t even take a second look at her mother. To Ky, her mother was no longer her mom, she was just another militia officer.

"I'm the Militia leader. Scarlet Rivers. Welcome to hell." she heard the words of the women and Ky’s head turned to look at Scarlet Rivers. She has heard of the women and already hated everything to do with the women that was looking at her with the cold hazel eyes. Ky didn’t say one word, she just glared back into the eyes of the militia leader with a look of hate and distaste.


Remy was in the training area with her crossbow. There was a few other militia officers there with her but her focus wasn’t on them. It was the target in front of her. She pulled her crossbow up and was ready to send the arrow to her target when she heard footsteps coming towards her.

“Remmington Carter, Mr. and Miss Rivers would like to see you at their office right now”. She looked to the guy, putting down her cross bow and walked over to the man. She grabbed him by his wrist and quickly pulled it behind the guy and put the guy in a headlock. Being tall was something that Remy liked about herself. She whispered into the guys ear “Never. Call. Me. Remmington. Ever. If you know what is good for you” she then quickly snapped the guys wrist and pushed him away.

She turned her back on the guy that now seemed to be in pain and grabbed her crossbow. She heard a few whistles on her way out but she didn’t think twice about them. She made her way to the office and saw Bret there. He motioned her into Mr. River’s room and she walked in. When the others arrived she looked at them once but that was all. Her eyes went right back to Mr. Rivers and listened quietly to what he had to say.

"We've got an assignment." She grinned as she heard about the assignment, she was up for some hunting and this gave her the best chance. “We will be setting out as soon as Miss Rivers gets back. Go and pack anything you'll need on a hunting mission and be back here in no less than a half an hour." Remy nodded and left the room heading to her own room.

She got dressed in black skinny jeans, boots, a long sleeve green cotton shirt and her vest. She pulled her hair back into a pony tail and also put on a pair of sunglasses. When she knew she was ready she grabbed her crossbow and headed back to the office. She stood there and waited for Scarlet to come back, her closes and only friend she has had her whole life. She spoke no words to anyone as she stood there.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carter Erin Reid Character Portrait: Kyerie White Character Portrait: Chloe White Character Portrait: Cleo Cami White Character Portrait: Marcus Jonathan Reed
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The Weather was Soothing, Cool but not cold, Warm but not hot. Through the night sky was clouded, but not to bad, of course the group of runaway's lead by a young dark haired girl that were crouching behind her, weapons at the ready, were not able to see the velvety black cloud covered night sky due the the trees they were under. The leader of the small group bit his lip as a slight breeze whipped the leaves on the tree around, she felt her body tense, ready to pounce with her sword in hand, her fingers numbly tensing around the handle. The Night was perfect, perfect with their getaway, maybe to perfect.

Cleo Cami White was crouching low behind a tree, which was only one tree away from the group of runaways that were crouching behind her, all of their weapons at the ready, ready for anything to happen. Through Cleo's eye's were fixed on the guards, her mind was on something completely different, which would be her twin, who she was hopping wouldn't miss-step and fall to her death, god that would stop their plans all together, well not completely, if her sister died she'd tell the other runaway's to return to their homes, and go get her older sister herself...... Or die trying.

Cleo tensed as she felt knots in her stomach forming, she was very carefully watching the east entrance to the city, and she was sure Chloe was doing the same thing. Chlole's job was to distract the guards and then signal Cleo a group of runaways hiding in the shadows. Cleo knew the risks, and whished that it was her up there about to shoot off firing arrows instead of her sister, but that was where the twins were different. Cleo couldn't handle not being in the battle feild, she needed to be able to bleed as much as her enemy to feel like a real warrior, but her sister was better out of the field, more open eyed, and mostly she had better aim, which helped most of the time.

Cleo took a deep breath and tensed her legs up, she was in the springing postisten for sure. It was time, and her twin wasn't a second behind on Cleo's thoughts. Soon Flames lit up in the sky, showing, for only s split second, Chloe's face, Cleo let out a deep breath as her stomach seemed to unknot it's self like it always did before she got ready for a fight.

The flame was released, sending the flaming arrow, streaking through the air almost faster then the eye could see. Quickly, Cleo peaked out, she couldn't see the guards from where she was at, and she wouldn't tell the others to move until she got the signal, hopefully it had worked.

Something shot through the air before piercing the bark of the tree that Cleo was under. Cleo grinned and she grabbed the no longer flammed arrows and tucked waved towards the runaways, saying in a harsh tone "Move Out!" before she darted ahead of them and towards the gate, holding it open as each one of them made this way swiftly yet quietly out to their sweet, sweet freedom.

Of course things never work out it seems, because right as she saw her sister, she saw the a guard. Cleo ducked down and grimced. Things never seemed to work from them no matter how hard they tried did they? What do they do if Chloe couldn't get out? Shit shit shit.. What do I do, what should I d- . . . . oh. . . Cleo grimced but turned towards one of the runaways, a determined look set in her eyes.

"All of you, get up in those trees, Don't come down no matter what you see, hear or think you hear. If I'm not back in ten minuets, all of you stay together, and find a safe place. Carter, you're with me."Cleo's eyes had a strange glint in them as she nodded to everyone and said in what seemed to be a even sharper voice then before, "Move Out!" and without much hesitation, her and Carter darted towards the gate. Cleo refused to lose another sister, no matter the terms.



It was silent, which was normal for the dead of night, but everyone was tense, ready for anything to happen. Cool breezes would shake the leaves putting people more on edge then they already were, and the chatting guards near by didn't help in the slightest. Through it was cloudy, the moonlight was light enough for almost everyone here, through not all of them had the fighting or hunting or even sneaking experience as most the other runaways, they all still seemed to have sharp eyes, and even sharper ears.

Carter Erin Reid was crouched in front of the rest of the runaways, who were all lined up behind her, She had no idea what so ever, how she ended up behind Cleo and with all of the others behind her, but she didn't mind to much. It was a good night for a getaway, through Carter still says it would have been better when a storm came through, to give them more cover, but the twin leaders seemed in a hurry, and Carter couldn't blame them, if it were her parents and she had a chance to same them..she would be doing the same thing.

That's why Carter vowed to help the twins no matter what. She under stood what it was like to lose you're whole world, and she didn't want the same thing to happen to someone else. Thunk! Carter swiftly raised her bow, arrow at the ready. "Move Out!" Cleo's sharp harsh voice reached the runaways, and Carter swiftly dashed after Cleo, leaving the other behind in her slight moment of haste.

Soon they were all behind the gate, slightly out of breath but they were all out..well..almost all of them. Chloe, Cleo's twin and the other leader of the runaway, had yet to make her way through the gate, and through Cleo was keeping her cool, it was clear to a hunters eyes that she was tensed up with worry, through she seemed to come up with a idea, and as soon as she turned around to face them all, Carter grinned.

"All of you, get up in those trees, Don't come down no matter what you see, hear or think you hear. If I'm not back in ten minuets, all of you stay together, and find a safe place. Carter, you're with me." Cleo nodded her head towards the door, and through Carter had been ready to dash up on of the trees and find anice steady limb, she knew that the leader had other ideas. "Alrighty." Carter turned towards the oldest looking man in the group, and handed her bag to him. "Please, Please watch this while I'm gone..." Carter looked the man up and down, before frowning ever so slightly. "....And if I find anything missing, I'll hang you by you're toes." Carter flashed a grin at the Man before she dashed after Cleo, her bow in hand and her quiver on her back.

The two of them climbed up a tree the had one branch half way over the gate, Carter glanced at Cleo and said in a low voice. "What do you need me for?" Cleo flashed a smirk at Carter and nodded her head down towards the girls twin and the guard she was talking with. "See that Guard?" Cleo asked stareing intently at him. Carter shrugged and nodded, not bothering to point out the fact that she wasn't blind and could, instead see the large guard.

"Shoot him, right through the throat, on the first hit." Cleo's voice was...deadly in a way, but at the same time it made Carter grin. "No problem, as long as you're sister grabs the Arrow for me." Carter said pulling out one of her best arrows and put it in the bow, pulling back and taking aim with on eye closed. "She'll know better then to leave it behind." Cleo stated plainly as she watched Carter work her magic.

Carter took in a long, deep breath, and released. There was no sound as the arrow flew through the air, spinning round and round perfectly. She understood why she asked her to get the throat, it wouldn't kill the man right away, but he wouldn't be able to make any noise, due to the pinpoint. The Arrow longed it's self through the mans throat, and one look from Cleo told Carter what she had to do.

Carter sighed, rolled her eyes, and put her bow on her back before she jumped from the branch and landed beside the guards body with a thunk. "Son of a bitch..." she mumbled under her breath as she shook her right leg before turning towards Chloe. " Common." she mumbled grabbing the girls hand and gently pushing her towards the gate, Carter stayed behind and grabbed the body, throwing it over her shoulder before she headed out of the gate, shutting it behind her and tossing the body in the bushes before she put her bloody arrow back in her quiver.

This would be a interesting adventure.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scarlet Rivers Character Portrait: Remy Carter Character Portrait: Carter Erin Reid Character Portrait: Kyerie White Character Portrait: Chloe White Character Portrait: Vesper Norton
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Chloe watched as the guard before her was shot dead, an arrow to the throat. With a soft groan, she rolled her eyes and bent to grab her forged Traveling license just as a girl dropped out of a tree above her. "Son of a bitch..." She whispered before turning to her. "Common." The girl said, pushing her through the gate. Chloe bit her tonuge and slipped her papers away before coming to a stop under the tree Cleo was in.

She was about to say something when one of the other runaways came over. A little girl in tow. He was the first one they'd picked up. A smuggler. “You both know that there was no reason to kill him right? He might have let her go for all you know, now it’s pretty obvious which way were going. What I’m trying to tell you is that because of that little hair brain stunt you pulled you just endangered all our lives even more, including this little girl right here. Now then, what are we gonna do cause you just guaranteed they’ll be sending a squad or so after us

also little miss bow and arrow up there, if you can’t carry your gear then don’t bring it.” He said and Chloe simply reached up and ripped her arrows out of her sisters hand, slipping them back into her quiver.

"He's right." She hissed, gesturing to the girl who'd pushed her, and the dead guard in the bushes. "Do you always have to be so reckless Cleo? He might have let me through. Maybe, wait next time. The whole point of a plan is to follow it." She rolled her eyes. "How are we supposed to expect all these people to listen to us if we don't even listen to each other?" The two bickered a lot, but they were sisters. It was one of the things that made them so close. They challenged each other constantly. With a sigh, Chloe picked up the archers bags and shoved them into her hands. "Whatever. Now that you idiots have slowed us down when I could have just caught up, we've got to run like hell. Carry your own shit honey. Let's go."

Gently, she pushed past the smuggler, and made her way back to the trees that the others were all hiding in, waiting for her. "Get down." She said simply. "We're moving." And with that, she took off into the woods, nimble feet leaping over obstacles that only a hunter could see in the dark. They would run until they came to a place Chloe knew well and make camp. She shifted the weight of the bag on her shoulder and glanced behind her as she moved. She couldn't see the others, but she knew they were there, streaking their way through the night behind her.


Scarlet let a wicked grin creep onto her face as the girl just stared at her in hard defiance. She glanced behind her at Taylor. "Nervous because Mommy's in the room?." She smirked and grabbed the girls chin, pulling her close and locking eyes with her. "She misses you and your sisters, you know that?" When she got no response, she leaned back and smiled. "I guess you do. Though you don't care."

"Well, thank you for your hospitality, miss Rivers. You are very sweet to welcome us in this amazing prison of yours.I appreciate this, but I am not intending staying in here too much.And I am sure she thinks the same.." She could practically taste the sarcasm in the boys voice and she turned her eyes on him, the girl now forgotten.

"Not a problem honey." She said with a smirk, her eyes following him as she moved to her guards.

"So, these are your puppets? Oh, sorry, a few of your puppets? What did you give them to be on your side? Money? Drugs? Something else? I am really curious, because they are very loyal.. Or is just a facade?"

Scarlet leaned back and inspected her nails. "Actually, it's much simpler than all that. I gave them knowledge and a high salary, and they give me loyal service." She lifted her eyes to the boy with a smile, knowing that wasn't the answer he was expecting. "What? You've never heard the saying: Knowledge is power?"

She watched him sit down again. "What are you going to do with us?" He said after a moment of silence. "Put us in the prison? Come on, you know that if you do this, you will not stop what is coming. AND you know what is coming..You will be defeat soon, along with your puppets.. And you can't stop it..."

Angered, she leaned forward and gave him a slap so hard, she knew it would bruise. She was famous for these slaps, and she knew the guards behind her were all putting their hands to their cheeks, as they'd all been there before. She grinned, satisfied, and leaned back. "No. Actually, I'm not putting you back in the prison. Or the Pitts. I'm taking you with me." She looked at the girl. "You two are going to help us hunt down your siblings. I don't care if I have to break every bone in your bodies to get you to talk." She gestured to the guards. "Cuff the boy again." She tossed a pair of cuffs to Taylor. "Get the girl."

Scarlet stepped back and watched as Taylor handcuffed her own daughter and the guards handcuffed the boy, hands behind their backs. "Alright." She said. "To my office." And with that, she turned, Taylor, her daughter, the boy, and the guards behind her.

Once upstairs, she pushed the double doors to her office open to find that her brother had already gathered their hunters together, along with the tracker. She grinned. "Alright, well." She began, moving to stand next to her brother. "We've got a group of Runaways on our hands, so we're going on a little trip. I'll only be another minute." She said as she disappeared behind a door in the back of the room, heading into her own room.

Quickly, Scarlet peeled off her high heels and velvet dress, slipping into a black tanktop, leather jacket, dark grey pants, and combat boots. She then grabbed the bag next to her bed that always kept at the ready before heading back out into her office. "I hope everyone's ready." She said looking at them. Remy and Frankie seemed to be the only ones who'd grabbed supplies. "We wont be waiting."


John waited in the shadows with the runaways. They were to be waiting for some sort of signal. What exactly it was, he didn't know, only the leaders did, but he didn't mind. He was more than willing to lie planning in their capable hands. He'd never been the smartest guy in the world and was always happy to hand over decision making to someone more qualified.

Next to him, was his girlfriend, Evangeline. He was running away with her. The city, with all the rapes and murders, was no place for her anymore, and he just wanted her to be safe. Silently, he slipped his hand into hers and placed a small kiss on her cheek, just as a ball of flame streaked through the night towards them. He ducked, avoiding the flame as it struck the tree behind him. Then a second. That must be the signal, for the other leader Cleo, shouted for them to move.

So he did, tugging Evangeline along with him. Once in the safe cover of the forest, he turned back to Cleo, taking in her instructions. "Come one Angel." He whispered, helping Evangeline climb a nearby tree, and crawling across a low-hanging branch to sit next to her, waiting for Cleo and Chloe's return.

There was a pause, then sounds of bickering, then an order from Chloe to get down and get moving. With a sigh, he jumped down, then caught Angel gently, taking her hand and leading her off after Chloe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scarlet Rivers Character Portrait: Remy Carter Character Portrait: Carter Erin Reid Character Portrait: Kyerie White Character Portrait: Chloe White Character Portrait: Vesper Norton
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0.00 INK


As Ky was giving dagger eyes to Scarlet she heard the women begin talking "Nervous because Mommy's in the room?." she felt her chin grabbed by Scarlet’s hand pulling her closer. She looked it the militia’s eyes “shes not my mother” she said through her gritted teeth."She misses you and your sisters, you know that?"[b] She felt Scarlet let go of her and she rubbed her chin just a little [b]“I guess you do. Though you don't care." she was about to respond to that when she looked to the boy next to her, he gave her a smile then started talking to Scarlet.

She heard the guy use sarcasm against Scarlet and go at it. Ky sat there quietly but when she heard the boy say "What are you going to do with us? Put us in the prison? Come on, you know that if you do this, you will not stop what is coming. AND you know what is coming..You will be defeat soon, along with your puppets.. And you can't stop it..." Ky couldn’t help but smile, she liked this guy already just because of what he said to Scarlet, this made her smirk towards Scarlet but then watched as she gave the guy a good smack across the face. She heard it and winced, hearing what Scarlet said next made her not so happy.

“No. Actually, I'm not putting you back in the prison. Or the Pitts. I'm taking you with me." She didn’t like the sound of this and knew it probably wasn’t going to end well "You two are going to help us hunt down your siblings. I don't care if I have to break every bone in your bodies to get you to talk." “Bullshit that will be the last thing I will be doing you crazy bitch” she yelled as she jumped from her seat and put her hands on the table “I will die before you get anything out of me” her eyes looking right back into Scarlet’s, Ky was serious and anyone looking in her eyes could tell.

Ky then felt her wrists being cuffed again and looked behind her to see it was her mother “One of these days Taylor you will die from my hands just like you did to my Grandfather” was the last thing she said before she was pushed out of the room. They followed Scarlet up to another room, where there was other Militia hunters and the brother of Scarlet. She took each of them in guessing these where the hunters that would be hunting the group. “Scarlet is crazy if she thinks she will get anything out of me.” she thought to herself as she stood there glaring.


Remy was standing there her hands behind her back, she turned her head as each of the other hunters come along. First was the hound, she has hunted with him a few times and they worked good with each other, at least she thought so. They worked in silence never saying one word but they always got the job done. She gave a slight nod to the hound then looked at the door as someone else came in. It was another man, she never hunted with him nor has she had any running in with him. She nodded quietly to the older man then another one came walking in. A bit more cheery then the other ones "How you been Remmy baby?" she heard Frankie say then saw the wink. She shook her head then looked to him “Doing well Frankie” she said in her quiet, soft, dark voice. Not many people hear her speak, she liked to keep to herself most of the time but Frankie amused her an not many people could do that.

As she went back to be silent she heard Scarlet come in with a group behind her and she nodded to the women. Scarlet pretty much is her only ‘friend’ she still owed Scarlet from the year the other girl took her to be in the Militia when she was only seven years old. Scarlet was only five years older then her but Remy always looked up to the women and would always be there for Scarlet no matter what the situation was. "Alright, well. We've got a group of Runaways on our hands, so we're going on a little trip. I'll only be another minute." she watched as Scarlet walked off to the other room. She wanted to ask them why they gave that man her full name, Scarlet and Mr.Rivers where the only one that was suppose to know her full name, she would ask them later when there wasn’t so many people around. She saw as Scarlet came back out dressed better for the hunt they where going on. “I hope everyone’s ready, we won’t be waiting.”

Remy nodded she was ready, always ready to hunt, she was about to say something when one of the men spoke up "Tracking in the dark is not possible. It would be better to start fresh in the morning." Remy couldn’t help but agree, hunting would be hard in the dark but whatever Scarlet decided she would go forth with. She didn’t say anything because she felt her opinion wasn’t needed, so she stood their quietly, her hands behind her back as she waited for the next order.


Addy was standing there quietly watching the others from the side, she saw the two arrows being shot and went into the tree near them. Addy still wasn’t sure if they where all ready for this big to do but she just went with the flow. She heard one of the twins, Cleo, say “Move out!” She stayed low and ran right through the gate quietly. As they got through the gates she heard Cleo "All of you, get up in those trees, Don't come down no matter what you see, hear or think you hear. If I'm not back in ten minuets, all of you stay together, and find a safe place. Carter, you're with me." She wasn’t one to take orders from someone else but she remember when their older sister, Kyerie, came to her and told them about their plan and how she should go with them. She was unsure about it at first but she had nothing else here for her in New Haven so she agreed to go, but since Kyerie wasn’t here any longer it was hard to go forward with the plan. She really didn’t know the twins and it made her a bit anxious going with a bunch of people she hardly knew.

As she was about to climb a tree she heard the man next to her start talking, he looked much older then her which actually made her feel a bit better they had someone older in the group. “Whatever you do, don’t go hitting anyone with that kiddo. Last thing we need is more killing tonight
..Why don’t’ you come with me real quick.” Addy gave a small smile and chuckled, she didn’t plan on using the bat on anyone. She has only killed once and that was because the guard almost forced her to go to the Militia where she be put in the pit which she would never go, she would rather die then be in the Militia’s hands.

Addy nodded to the man and put her bat in the pack she had on her back. She kept her essentials in there, nothing to heavy to slow her down. She followed the man silently as they went over to Cleo and one girl she believed her name was Carter. She stood silently as she heard the name next to her start grilling out the two girls, which in her mind she thought they deserved it. One thing she didn’t like of what he said was he called her little girl her eyes went up to him and in the quietest but sorta dark voice she whisper “I am not little” was all she said as she went back to being quiet. She may be fifteen but she had been on her own for awhile now and she hated when she was put down because of her age. “age is just a number” she thought to herself.

Then Chloe came up and started bickering with her sister. “Will you two just shut up and stop bickering, it is the last thing we need. The two leaders bickering as the militia could be coming any minute now” this was all thought in her mind, she would never speak the words but the thoughts in her mind did. She kept quiet but she was grinding her teeth. As Chloe moved past the guy, practically shoving her she huffed. She couldn’t wait till they got out and to utopia then she can go on her own not having to deal with anyone. She followed right behind Chloe quietly, she was quiet as a mouse, her long legs helped her move easier through the night. She wasn’t sure where they were going but hopefully it was a little farther away from New Haven so it wouldn’t be easy for the Militia to find them.