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Koharu Kusumi

"I am who I understand myself to be"

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a character in “The Blood Sisters”, as played by UtaUsagi


Koharus Basic Statistics

Name: Koharu Kusumi
Nickname: Pon or Koha-chan. An nickname given to her by the mafia was "black devil" and "black beauty"
Age: 31
Sex: Female
Blood type: B- good traits: Wild, active, doer, creative, passionate, strong
Worst traits: Selfish, unforgiving, erratic
Race: Asian-Japanese
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Current status: In a relationship(Gackt)
Police/Criminal/Legal record: Clean, but not legally.
Birth place: Tokyo
Current residence: A small-run down apartment
Occupation: Model
Hobbies/Pastimes: Shopping and looking for the latest trends in make-up, hair styles, and clothes. She also enjoys playing with her kitten(zip) and puppy(magic), as well as spending time with her boyfriend and friends. Jogging is a frequent habit and routine she does every morning, rain or shine. In those jogs, she ponders about her younger days or current problems.

Talents/Skills/Powers: she is highly skilled in combat, weaponry, piano and singing. She has good intuition and detective skills, however she's not the best with words...

Her cooking an cleaning skills are very polished due to her upbringing by her mother. However good her cooking is, it still can be hard for her. Sometimes she ends up hurting herself(mostly because she spaces out)

Koharus Past History

First Memory:
Her father and mother taking her to the park as a little girl and getting her a white balloon. It was the first gift they had given to her, and one of few.

Most important childhood event that still affects him/her:
The meeting of her adopted little sister, Bhu-Bhu.

It was the start of her regaining her affection and feelings of love. Her shield of acting tough would break and shatter. Growing up with her father and mother, she never received the attention she needed. She had grown up in a family where your birthday was not that important or used to manipulate someone else.
She was scared when she found out bhu would become a part of the family. She would be put through hell. Feeling guilty for letting her live this life, she decided she would protect her from it. Along the way, she began to adore her innocence and wanted to cherish it. She wanted to give Bhu a chance of life koharu never had had.

Other memories/events that still affects him/her and why/how:
Hours and hours of training and being beaten with a whip till a pool of blood surrounded her. She never had got to have any real fun, unless she snuck out during the night (which was a bad idea because then she didn’t have enough energy to train the next day and got beaten). Fun was a high sacrifice she was not always willing to pay for. Her body was scarred physically and she is very insecure about her naked body.

Another event was her 10th birthday, her mother actually got her a gift; a white flower clip for her hair. Her mother had never given her such a gift, it made her think, "maybe she does love me,"

Past failures s/he would be embarrassed to have people know about and why:
The biggest thing was when she was in middle school and was in a "gang" she couldn't have ppl knowing she was the leader so she had Gerard pretend to be boss while she moved in the shadows. Few of the members knew who was the real leader(Gerard, keith, and junpei all knew.) one day, a rival gang threatened them, and took junpei as hostage because he was weak and heard he was favored among the gang. Koharu ordered an operation to get him back and failed. Not only did she loose junpei, but also a few other members. She watched junpei be shot through the head right before her eyes, she still remembered the feel of his blood on her face and tears that streamed down his face. There was a big funeral held for the comrades lost. This plus deaths lost in the mafia from her father caused her to later on give up this life. She quit it in sophmore year of highschool.

Biggest role model: Earl Grey

He was like the father she never had and had raised her, as well as helping her in training and assisting her in missions. He was always calm and collected, and very patient. The opposite of her father, which she admired, as well as the fact that Grey worked well with her father and was very loyal to him, despite her fathers shitty attitude. Earl was always constant and respected everyone no matter the circumstances.

He took over her training full time once she turned 15. Which was a relief on her part since she didn't have to deal with her father as much.

Biggest disillusions from childhood:
That if she was strong other people would not die. She didn't understand that the deaths around her were not her fault.

Koharu grew up in a Mafia(yakuza) family, with a strict etiquette mother and hot-headed father. Both expected her to take on being the families next heir since they could not bare any more children, she was a single child. They were going to raise her to beat women with extreme power and prestige.
She was seen as responsible at one point in her life, but once she got into middle school she became a bit of a trouble maker and started hanging out with hooligans. She couldn’t skip school to catch up with her friends, so she struggled for 3 years. Going in and out of following her parents/school rules and being rebellious.
She was not allowed to have any fun, any pets, and any friends except those in Mafia who she could use. However, most people didn’t even want to be her friend because of her family. The only people, who could stand her, were the hooligans-the outcasts.
She became more responsible once she hit high school, only because that was when she met Bhu and had to raise her. A lot of stuff happened in the end though and they were separated. On a positive note, she was reunited with uta.
Once Koharu became an adult, she hung out with Uta very frequently- who was a friend she had met back in the old days(when they were little kids). The girl was stupid and always hung out with her despite her family lineage. She often went up to her room and talked to her through the window. She and her brother ate dinner with her family and would come play with her in her room on her days off(although rare). And No matter how mean Koharu was to her, Uta always came back. In return, even with Koharus attitude, as part of the mafia, she had a sense pride and strong urge to protect those dear to her. She had seen Uta as a little sister who stuck it out with her even through all her crap.

Koharus Physical Characteristics:

Height: 5’4”
Weight: 110 lbs.
Posture: Perfect
Build: Toned
Skin: White and smooth
Hair: Light brown/with reddish tint but is naturally pitch black
Widow's peak? Nope
Ears: Small, cute, round
Eyes: Black/dark brown
Nose: Asian nose-it's a bit flat but sticks out a bit
Mouth: Gentle
Face shape: heart shape
Expressions: usually has a solemn or calm/spaced out expression
Describe their smile: Bright, cheerful, sincere. She usually smiles with a closed mouth.
Hands: Small
Feet: Small, 6 and a half
Tattoos/Scars? Scars from whips all over her back, no tattoos
Glasses/Contacts? No
Left/Right handed? Right handed
Distinguishing features: her smile
Who does s/he take after; mother or father? Father in personality, and mother in looks
Style (Elegant, shabby, etc): Fashionable: cozy, comfy, cute
How does s/he dress or what do they typically wear?
Whatever is the latest trend nowadays
Other outfits one might find in their wardrobe:
Shabby, baggy jeans/shorts/sweat pants and shorts on her lazy days
Jewelry: Minimal, but she has a lot of earrings
Other accessories: Sometimes necklaces
Weapons: her fists and she always keeps a knife on her, sometimes a gun
Health: Has decreased over the years, after incident at Fuji she is more susceptible to sickness
Hygiene: Good!
Physical Flaws: Her scars
Physical Qualities: Looks small but tough. She has a small mouth but big eyes and her posture is out-standing.

Koharus Characteristics

Are they generally balanced or clumsy? Balanced, unless around Gackt.

She moves confidently and always seems to have something on her mind, so she comes off as troubled.

Describe their walk:
head high with her back straight, if she has pockets her hands are always there, if not, she holds onto her purse. If no purse, her hands hang at her side. Her hips move slightly.

Describe their fighting style:
Swift and quick, more strength in her legs and unless the guys are wimps she has to hit them a couple times. To her, it’s more about quantity then quality when the guys are bigger then her.

She checks up on everyone a lot because she is worried about something happening to her friends and family. She hates it when things are crooked, it drives her insane, and is obsessed with Gackt and his safety : P

Speech Patterns:
She talks back quickly but if worried or concerned she pauses a lot in her sentences. if nervous she becomes quiet.

Unique phrases/words:

" I am who I understand myself to be"

"if we wait until we're ready, we will be waiting for the rest of our lives"

"with a butterfly kiss, and a ladybug hug... Sleep tight. Little one, like a bug in a rug"

"thank god for all I've missed because it's lead me here to this,"

"out of all the moments in my life...the ones I've spent with you are my favorite,"

Do they curse, and if so, to what extent?
Yes, when she wants someone dead or extremely flustered.

Write a piece of dialogue that this character might say (can be between someone else):
“Oh shut up already, you’re so annoying Saga!”

Rei Kugimiya, although her voice can be deeper depending on situation and also maturity

Describe their laugh: Simple and quiet

Describe their sleep patterns (light/heavy sleeper, no sleep, sleeps too often, etc):
A light sleeper unless with Gackt, she actually falls into a deep sleep because she is so happy and feels comfortable around him. Sometimes when she is at Toras house or around him, she will also sleep deeply depending on how tired she is/ her emotional state.

Describe their dwelling/house:
Her house is orderly, small and simple, not a lot of stuff. She doesn’t like it when people can hide in a lot of places in her home and she likes it not to be too small or too big so she is not trapped or surrounded.

Describe their bedroom:
Simple with a lot of color

Describe their daily rituals:
Wake up, check phone, shower, work out/jog, shower again, everything else after that depends. If she does not have work she will see Gackt, if he is busy at work, she will visit her friends or just chill at home.

Koharus Likes/Dislikes

Healthy things, Strawberries, animals, fighting, roller coasters, Gackt, friends, warm temperatures, and drinking when sad.

MELL, bugs, rivers, lakes, oceans, and cold temperature.

Color: Blue (Gackts contacts color)
Clothing: Knitted sweaters
Place: Gackts side
Room in the house and why:
her room because it's the most safe and her gun is easily accesible there.
Food/drinks: Salmon and Water
Music genre: J-ROCK, Visual kei, J-Pop, Jazz
Songs and Singers/Bands: Gackt, Alice Nine, HYDE, Vamps, larc~en~ciel, LUNA SEA, miyavi, melody, uta usagi, gazette.
Movies/TV Shows/Performances:
All her friends performances, she isn’t really up to date with TV shows. the only shows she watches are the news and things to do with fashion or if her friends are on TV

Miyavi, and all her friends

Book(s): None
Subject in school: P.E.
Animal: All animals

Least Favorite:
Clothing: itchy clothes with glitter
Place: Corner of any room
Food: Beans
Music genre: metal
Subject in school: History
Simple Pleasures:
Sweating after a work out

Greater Pleasures: Time with Gackt

Where does this character like to hang out?
Wherever Alice Nine or Gackt is

Where is this character's dream place to live?
She already has it. She doesn't know it yet but will come to realize she wants to live with Gackt.

What sorts of books are most likely to be found on their shelves?
Maps or information on locations/places

Motto/Personal quote:
(once she gets over past)
“I have come to accept the feeling of not knowing where I am going. And I have trained myself to love it. Because it is only when we are suspended in mid-air with no landing in sight, that we force our wings to unravel and alas begin our flight. And as we fly, we still may not know where we are going to. But the miracle is in the unfolding of the wings. You may not know where you're going, but you know that so long as you spread your wings, the winds will carry you.”

“Mind your own business,”

Mode of transportation:
Walking or sub-way or kindness of her friends

Most prized possession:
Will be the ring Gackt gives her

Because it symbolizes marriage/love and is an important gift given to her by him

Koharus Emotional Characteristics

Describe character's sense of morals:
Courage: does what is right, even in the face of personal consequences, rejection by others, or danger.
Promises-keeps her word.
Loyalty is her biggest one.

If they could sum up the meaning of life, what would they say?:
Crap happens, but everything is connected, so be encouraged that that horrible event will lead up to something good.

What do they consider taboo (something they personally would never do):
Kindness towards MELL or ANYONE who hurt/will hurt her friends and family. Betrayel. Defy her fathers wishes.

Describe character's etiquette:
is amazing, but chooses to act normally

Describe character's sense of self-control:
Encountering uta after highschool made her self control falter. However, becoming close to Gackt has made her self-control shatter. She is often to worried about losing him that she loses herself.

Spontaneous or structured?
Leans more towards structured due to her upbringing

Instinctual or logical?
Both, but when emotions take over its all about instincts.

How does this character act in public?
Quiet, kind, and tough

How does this character act in privacy?
Loud, broken, and weak

How does this character act around strangers vs. how they act around friends?
She will be quiet or kind, trying to get to know them (unless they pose harm) sometimes she comes off as rude as because she analyzes people she first meets and tests their character.

Around friends, she tends to be nicer just because she has been around them for years and she knows them pretty well. She has gotten better at expressing her emotions because of Gackt and Uta but still has a long way to go. It's hard for her to be honest.

How does this character act around family?
Chaotic and angry in a passive agressive kind of way.

How has this character most changed from youth?
She has become more open with her feelings then in the past-she refused to even have feelings back then-and realized her faults. she is happier then she was but is sad for the same reasons-her upbringing completely affecting her life.

How have they remained the same?
Strong, bad attitude, same sadness, distant, protective, and traumas/scars.

Has this character dealt with the loss of someone they knew?
At her fathers passing, She complied to the demands of her mother of becoming the mafias heir after years of resistance...since it would be what her father wanted.

However, later on she realized her connections with them would affect the ones with her friends and loved ones. Remembering her fathers last words, she knew he would want her to be happy and live a normal life... So she cut off ties. Leaving the mafia in Lena hands.
Bhu quit right after that, and then some time later, so did Luka.

Lastly, The death of her two best friends still weighs heavily on her heart; junpei and Keith.

How does this character deal with or react to:
She will face it head on by herself so that no one else gets hurt.
Nowadays though, she's noticed all the men fighting just as hard as her to protect the ones they love and cherish. She hopes she can protect them too.

Depression; she isolates herself from others, sulks, and drinks sometimes.

She erases the fear and does something about it so that she won’t be scared (unless it’s little things, she will avoid things like water altogether). The exception applies to sexual or anything relationship wise.

Takes her a bit of getting used too but continues on.

She is used to it, but still bares sadness. She pretends like it doesn't affect her on the outside and breaks bit by bit on the inside. She often blames the loss on herself and part of her getting over the loss is realizing it wasn't her fault.

From people other then Gackt; irritation and annoyance.
From Gackt; blushes uncontrollably, is quiet, might hide face, and will sometimes be bold. Sometimes she might even walk away or jab him with words if she's reaaally embaressed.

Physical pain she can tolerate and deal with, however emotional pain is hard for her and often times she just shuts hetself down and isolates herself from the world.

Cannot sleep

Peer pressure:
No reaction, she has a strong will.

She buries it deep inside and tries to forget about it so she wont feel that way

Being wrong:
She feels ackward and becomes quiet. It's hard for her to swallow her pride and be wrong. She will... Eventually apologize.

Being criticized:
gets quiet, apologizes, or lashes out with smart remark depending on who it is.

Being insulted (superficially, name calling, etc):
Calls names back, gives a warning hit, or walks away.

Offending others:
She won’t tolerate it unless it’s someone who she also hates (MELL)

A soft smile and genuine thank you.

Being loved:
It’s hard for her to accept someone such as Gackt, whose is perfect in every way to her, and she cherishes him and loves him in return. She wants to be with him through the good, the bad, and the ugly. Sometimes she acts like an idiot but it always works out in the end.

Being hated:
Depending on who: doesn’t care. if friends: she feels like she might die.

Will act tough and pretend like it doesn’t bother her

How does this character express?
Mean words or actions such as punching or threatening to hurt someone. When angry with a friend she will often ignore them.

Depression, isolation, and music. When she is sad, it's habit for her to hold back the tears. Gackt is one of the few people she can actually cry around.

Doesn’t express it unless going heads on towards it counts as a way of expressig herself.

Smiling, agreeing, kindness, hugs, and tears. When overly happy, she cries because she is so overwhelmed with the wonderful feeling. Happiness was rare for her as a kid, so expeiancig it now she knows no other way to react. Tears were never expressed in sadness or pain in her upbringing.

With them 100% and returns actions of affection, even doing something spontaneously nice like make them dinner or clean for them or buy them a gift or just call/send a text to say how much they mean to her. Although her rak(random act of kindness) are rare.


Doesn’t express it except through music which she doesn't do much anymore. Because she doesn't express he stress and axiety she will have a bad attitude, be on edge, and suffer from lack of sleep and nightmares. Gackt and uta are one of the few koharu can openly tall to about her feelings, and bhu and Luka more of pry it put of her because they know she doesn't bring up her problems often.

Dislike (of a person, thing, or idea):
Out-right speaks her mind. If some one posses her off, she'll tell them. If someone annoys her, she will say something, and if that question, "do I look fat?" comes up, I hope you're ready for the honest answer.

If others tell her to be nice even when she doesn't like that person, she becomes disturbingly silent.

How does this character generally express themselves?
Through music and most times her blunt actions that speak louder then words.

What does this character think/feel about?
Something she will never have and can't even imagine. She loves Gackt but has never imagined marrying him. Marriage is something she feels like is too much to ask for. She is already happy with being by his side like this.

She adores children and secretly wants one of her own(specifically with Gackt) but that's still a long way ahead and koharu doesn't believe in sec before marriage. So...she is thinking of adopting.

Family/Family Values:
Shes never had a good connection with her blood family. Her family has always been her friends. At the start of middle school and beyond, her definition of family has expanded. To her, family is the close relations she has with her friends. Uta, Ann, Alice nine, megumi and melody who are like grandmothers to her, and bhu. Although bhu was adopted into her blood family, koharu sees bhu more as a sister then anyone else.

"we are so innocent when we are young, and nowadays it's like the world is trying to snatch up that innocence. The media and magazines tell lies about what true beauty is and the Internet opens up many doors to corrupt the kids. I think the childrens innocence should be valued. Sadly though, all kids grow up and experianced that sin sooner or later.... Ah.. I think I got off track... Did I answer the question? No? Ok... My opinion on youth huh? Hmmm... So long ago"

Old age:
"when I am old, I won't be able to protect everyone like I used too. So I am a little scared to be cripple since i've always been fit or active my entire life... But.. At the same time I am looking forward to it if I can spend it with that special someone,"


"something i've finally found,"

Friendship/Other relationships:
She won't hate you for it and will just try to look pass it. But she prefers man and women together and anything beyond that manxman, womanxwoman, is just not right.

The opposite sex:
Strong but annoying

The same sex:
Relaxing but can also be annoying

Money/Material things:
"I don't really care about that....i look for the thought and heart behind something "

She believes there's a God out there

"in my younger days, I used to think I was destined to be a monster like my father. And I had thought like that for a very long time, even with uta at my side...Then I met Gackt, and my view on everything changed. He taught me that I wasn't a monster and that I could be loved."

"as for duty... I believe strongly that it is my duty to protect my friends and family. To have one another back. I love everyone to the moon and back, and will do all I can to protect them.

"there's always some truth to it. Magic isn't real though,"

Racism/Races in general:
Racism disgusts her and she treats everyone equally. Color doesn't matter, it's your heart and intentions behind what you do that matters.


"foreign.....I have no idea how to use it. "
When she was younger she knew all about it because She needed it for work, but it's been a long time since the so she's forgotten a lot.

She loves animals!!

Their past:
"it's crap... But in a way I'm happy I went through it because it lead me to... True love "

Their future:
"looks bright,"

Their role in society/job/etc:
A model. Before that she was a singer. And before that, mafia.

Drugs and alcohol:
Part of her past she regrets. She used it as a way to escape reality. Even now she will sometimes drink but she doesn't do drugs anymore.

"....please remember who you are asking this too..."

"important!! I thought it was stupid in the past but if it wasn't for school I wouldn't be the way I am. Everything I went through, stupid or fun, leads up to something better in your life.

The foreign/unknown:

How does the character view life?
She used to view it as hell, now it's heaven.

How does the character view death?
Honorable if death is for friends. She would throw her life away for them ad not even think about it. She was raised to be ready for death and has always been around it. It's a part of life.

How does the character view society?
Part of life.

How does the character imagine his/her own death?
She imagines dyeing for her friends or in worst case scenario, in her nightmares, she watches Gackt die and is forced to live till old age. She doesn't believe in suicide. She views it as cowardy.

What does the character want out of life?
Love. And she's got it.

What does this character consider "success" to be?
Success to her is having what she needs.

What would the character like to change in his/her life?
The capability to let go of her past.

What motivates this character?
Her friends and family

Because their love has helped her live on through her hell hole life/upbringing.

What discourages this character?
When the odds seem impossible to save a friend. She will still try just as hard but on the inside she is battling with herself. Gackt away from her for long periods of time gets her.

She can't live without them/him. She thinks she stands on her own but really she relies more on them then they on her.

What makes this character happy?
Being with her friends and family

"why wouldn't it?"

What makes this character sad?
"a lot of things, I'm not ever really sad. It's more like my feeling branch off into different sub catagories. Depression, guilt, regret, anger, etc."

Most of it stems from her past/ how she reacts to things now because of her past.

What makes this character angry?
Mell or people who put her friends or their own life in jeopardy.

Mell strikes a cord in her that no one else does. She has lost too many people by being cokcy or thinking the other would run away after being beaten. Mell always comes back and so koharu is always watching. The women is evil.

What humiliates this character?
her scarred body and when she is proven wrong. She is very prideful.

What most describes this character's personality?
a women still struggling with her past and very protective.

Psychoanalysis (Describe why they act the way they do):
Does it stem from childhood or an event, or chemical?

[center] Koharus Psychological/Personality Attributes and Attitudes

Intelligence Level: High

Known Languages:
English, Chinese, and Japanese

Character's long-term goals/desires in life:
To be with Gackt and her friends forever and become a big model

Character's short-term goals/desires in life:
To get rid of MELL

Secret desires:
For MELL to die and snuggle with Gackt for hours

How self-confident is the character?
Very unless she is naked or it relates to love

How do they see him/herself?
She sees herself as a horrible person and doesn’t understand how anyone could love her

How do they believe s/he is perceived by others?
She believes people see her as rude or mean, like a grumpy old lady

What is the character most proud of? Her strength

What does the character like least about themselves?
Her personality/attitude

How do they express themselves? Actions (She used to use music to cope)

Is this character generally dominant or submissive?
Dominant and is only submissive to Gackt, and a little bit submissive to Tora. Everyone else, it depends on her mood but usually she won’t listen to others unless there decision is more logical.

Patience level:
Low with people, high with bad situations unless it goes on for long periods of time (like with MELL)

Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof?
At first, she seemed logical but once her feelings developed for Gackt she can’t control these emotions that she’s never felt before and goes haywire, relaying on them for decision making in tough situations like with MELL.

Most at ease when:
Gackt is by her side

Ill at ease when:
Gackt is far away

Describe their sense of humor:
Corny or mean Sarcasm

If granted one wish, what would it be? For MELL to disappear

Because she cannot have happiness with Gackt because of her

Character/Personality/Mental/Social Strengths: Determined

Character/Personality/Mental/Social Flaws: Hot-tempered

If they could be described with one of the seven virtues, which would it be?

If they could be described with one of the seven sins, which would it be? Anger

Biggest Vulnerability (non physical): Over-confident

Optimist or Pessimist:
She is a mixture of both, often times she will think pessimistically but act optimistically.

Greatest Fear:
That she will lose Gackt, whether it’s through death or because she makes him mad or hurts his feelings or he is fed up with her and leaves her

Other Fears/Insecurities/Phobias:
She is scared of water

Biggest regret: Not being stronger

Biggest accomplishment:
Getting Fireflys very popular

Minor accomplishments:
Got a puppy/kitten

Musical talents/instruments:
Vocals and Piano

Character's darkest/deepest secret:
She has an addiction to killing that she has managed to tame

Minor Secrets:
her and Gackts relationship

[center]Koharus Relationships with Others (Non-Married)

Relationship Skills:
Poor but she still manages to keep her friendships. Building new friendships is harder.

Loves (non sexual):
Bhu, uta, luka, Alice nine, and Lena.

She doesn't know this feeling because she is not used to the feeling, but she lusts after Gackt.

She crushed on tora and later on Gackt who shared mutual feelings and so the two started going out. She was really close to Gerard in middle school, and he crushed on her, but she never felt the same way. She saw him as only a brother and friend.

Gackt was her first real boyfriend. She dated Gerard and two other guys but it was never serious. It was only for work or in gerards case, fun.

Other lover(s): none.

Marital status: not yet but soon.

First crush: tora

Did it last?
Yes, for a couple years till she lost her memories and became closer to Gackt.

Why or why not?

Best Friends:
Uta, sunny, yumi, jyou, Luka, lena, bhu, Alice nine, and Gackt.

Megumi, melody, Hyde, miyavi, gazette, exist trace, and Ann.

Earl Grey


MELL and her daughter, shin, and pretty much all villians who have tried to ruin her life. Her mother.


Kitten(Zip) and a puppy(Magic)

What kind of person would s/he consider to be the perfect partner?
She already has him. Gackt.

Is the character judgmental of others and how so?
"of course I am, human beings are not trust worthy,"

How is s/he perceived by...

Quiet or rude or elegant.

Protective, troubled, and sweet.

A hard worker who can be cold. Serious.

She may be broken and not perfect but to Gackt, she is perfect for him. She is like him.

What happens to change this perception if at all?
When koharu is being honest or they can see she's trying hard.

Describe their sense of trust
When she Trusts someone, she doesn't doubt them for a second.

What types of individuals does s/he like or associate with?
Very artistic and musically talented.

What type of individuals doesn't s/he like associate with?
Evil and narrow minded people.

How do they treat members of the opposite sex?
Casually, might come off a bit distant if it's someone she does not know.

How do they treat members of the same sex?
Sweet but cautious. Women are tricky.

What do family/friends like most about character?

What do family/friends like least about character?
Unforgiving/overly cautious

Do they know anyone who's died, and if so who and how were they affected?
"too many, it's affected my entire life. Death has become too normal to me.

Koharus Sex/Romantic Life

What do they consider to be a romantic setting/activity/date?
"well...anything Gackt sets up as a date is romantic..."

Maybe it was a drive with just the two of them, a walk to the park, eating out together, or just holding one another.

What did they do on their first date?
Gerard was her first boyfriend and he took her to a club, where they danced together. He didn't introduce drugs as drinking to her till they started going there more often.

"I don't remember, Gackt and I hang out too much."

How does a normal date go for this character?
Gackt and her pick on one another while also chatting about life and things. A kiss and hug will often be included. gackt picks her up and drops her off every time, and he opens the door for her.

How would they like to propose or be proposed to?
"what? Propose? I don't think about that. It won't happen,"

Virgin? Yes

Describe his/her sex life:
How often does this character have sex?
... Rarely...even after marriage.

How long can he/she go without sex?
A LONG time. She doesn't really like it so she has no problem living without it.

How does this character feel emotionally, after sex?
Like she could die from happiness and pain at the same time. (only with Gackt though)

Does this character have self control around individuals of their sexual desire?

Does sex play an important role in their relationships, if so, how?
No, because she doesn’t think about such things.

Gackts kisses and when he is gentle towards her

Turn-offs: Pain or violence

Fetishes/Fantasies: Gackts voice

Sexual peculiarities:
Every small thing embarrasses her sexually

Sexual perks: Easily tuned on

Sexual flaws: Virgin and gets anxiety

Usually on the top or bottom? Bottom

Dominant or Submissive?

Describe their first sexual experience:

Painful yet blissful. It hurt like hell, and the next morning she wanted to kill Gackt. However, she couldn’t be happier then to have given herself to the man she would spend the rest of her life with on her wedding night. Even IF she couldn’t get out of bed the next morning.

At what age? 32

Was it planned/originally intended?
In a way, yes. Koharu was trying to avoid it but she got swept up in Gackts tide.

How did they feel emotionally, afterwards?

How has this affected the character, if substantially at all?
She’s become less of a crab, even if only by a little.

Have they ever impregnated someone, or been impregnated?
Yes, She got pregnant after her first time making love with Gackt.

If so...

Was it planned?
Definitely not!

Was it a successful pregnancy (did it live)?

Did they keep, adopt, or abort the child and why?
They kept the child and later on adopted as well.

Did he/she stay with the child/family/partner, and why or why not?
Yes, because he’s the only one who understands her and who she gets along with the best. He truly loves her, and she loves him. He was always there for her, always sweet to her, always loved her through the good and bad. She couldn’t ask for anyone better.

Have they ever had intercourse or a sexual experience with the same sex?

Koharus Family (they were raised with)

Immediate family members and their ages:
Dad-machiro kusumi-55
Mother-ritsuko kusumi-50
(like a) Grandpa-Earl Grey-55
adopted little sister-bhu-27

Ethnicity and/or species of the mother:

Ethnicity and/or species of the father:

Extended family:
Cousin on mothers side-Hana-29
Grandmother(m)-yume tominaga
Grandfather(m)- yuuki tominaga
Grandmother(d)- katsuko kusumi
Grandfather(d)- ryuosuke kusumi
Uncle(d)-ikou kusumi
Uncle(d)- yuushin kusumi
Auntie(not by blood-d)-Reina kusumi

Any important/infamous/famous ancestors, and if so, who?
The first heir of the kusumi family because he started the line of mafia bussiness. He is known as nitobe kusumi and was able to turn their strength of fighting into a bussiness. He was socialable as a lad so many people were already on his side. He was also very smart and put in the highest classes when he went to school. He doesn't sell drugs but he loves to make money and covers peoples backs for money, cleans up crime scenes, etc. He obtains territory by obtaining secrets.

Third heir started and ended the sell of drugs.

The fourth heir was the youngest. (koharu went off and on of being the boss so she doesn't count. The fourth was given the rights to rule permanently.

Birthparent(s): machiro and ritsuko

Are they still alive?
Machiro is deceased

Did they raise this character?
Yes although poorly. Earl helped significally though.

If not, why not, and/or what happened?
He was strict in her and made her train day in and day out while also doing school ad etiquette training.

At what age was the character when this happened?
When her father died she was 31

What did they do for a living?
Mafia bussiness, her mother was a wife who taught her etiquette and such.

Are they still together?
No. Machiro died.

How did each parent treat the character, growing up?
Machiro-he was hard on koharu all her life ad beat on her. He rarely showed any signs of love for her till her death.

Ritsuko-out of both parents, ritsuko showed the moss affection.
"she would give me gifts sometimes.... And cut me slack although rare,"

How does each parent treat the character now?
Dad treated her well at his passing and the mother no longer wants anything to do with her.

What does each parent think of the character?
Machiro- "I've always been proud of you. I'm sorry I didn't raise you well but you will always be my little girl. You are so strong, and I want you to have happiness."

Ritsuko- "I can't ever think of her the same way after his death, because of her stubbornness to take on being heir my husband died from stress. I know it's not her faith but I can't look at her without thinking of him. They are so alike in almost every way,"

What changes their opinion of the character, if at all, and how so?
Death to close relations, because they've lost someone important to them they act differently. Explained in above quotes.

How did the character treat each of their parents growing up?
With respect

How does the character treat each of their parents now?
She treats or talks to them like they are equal to her. Except her mother who she still treats with higher respect.
"I've always been competeing with my dad and showing him I was stronger. That he didn't scare me."

Caretaker(s) (if someone other than birthparents):
Earl Grey

What is their relationship to the character?
He is like a grandpa to her

Are they still alive?

At what age did the caretakers begin to raise this character?
When she was born

Did the caretakers know the birth parents and if so, how was their relationship?
yes. He worked under her father as a dedicated subordinate.

Did the character know the birth parents?

How did the father/caretaker1 treat the character?
Like she could handle herself and needed a little bit of spoiling or encouragement here and there.

How did the character treat their father/caretaker1?
With incredible respect and honesty. She is the most honest about everythig with Earl. He knows her like the back of his hand.

Siblings (if any): bhu-bhu

Are they still alive, if not who died and when?

Describe how each one treats this character:
bhu looks up to koharu an respects her. "bhu challeneges me to a lot fights and races.... It ca be tiring, winning all the time,"

Describe how this character treats each one of his siblings:
she treats bhu like her precious little sister. Sometimes she spoils her other times bhu gets tough love. Out of all her family, she has always considered bhu her true family. Even if they are not related by blood they were raised together. Bhu taught her a lot in the past and even now.
"I am confident bhu has my back,"

Does this character still keep in contact with their siblings?
yes although their were a couple years they were seperated

How has this character's relationship changed with their siblings since childhood?
koharu doesn't have to watch out for buy 24/7. She trusts that bhu can take care of herself now, even if that's a bit hard for her to accept.

How did s/he get along with the family as a whole?
Not at all. She only tolerated everyone and put up an act.

How did s/he get along with the siblings, if any?
Perfectly. "sometimes we would fight but we alwa made up later haha we fought over the stupidest of things. We'd feel guilty without the other by our side."

Favorite parent:
Neither. She preferes Earl.

Her parents had been hard on her all her life, even now. And her fathers apology at his death bed didn't make her think he was he favorite.
"he's caused a lot if shit in my life but I know now he didn't intend for it that way. In a way, I'm glad for all the pain because it lead me to today, where I am surounded by friends and family I adore."
"Earl had always been there for me as a kid, even now he still checks up on me. He's like my grandpa, haha an old man,"

Family (that they have created, if at all)

Is this their first marriage/family? (if not, copy, paste, and answer these questions for the previous marriages/families too):
Are they legitimately married?
When did they get married?
Sometime after Defeating MELL for good. It was when koharu was 32.
How did they meet?
When their was some trouble going on with a9 and a lot of j-rock bands were being targted Gackt sent her a text saying he wanted to meet her and everyone to work out a way to protect them. She had only sort of heard of Gackt but she did NOT like him at all. She wanted to protect her family on her own, and doesn't really accept help from strangers she knows nothing about.
How did he propose, or how was she proposed to?
(possibly be filled in later so I will guess for now) he threw a big partyfot everyone to hang an proposed to her in front of them all.
Mistress(es)/Secret Lover(s)/ Lover(s) outside of marriage:
Any illegitimate children with them, and if so who?
Children and their ages:
Akio(glorious man/hero)- just born.
Eiji(eternity, peace, second son)-10, he is adopted.

Who are each of their parents (ie: from which marriage, if any other)?
Gackt and Koharu Camui

How does (each) son/daughter treat of this character?
Eiji is quiet and tends to listen to his parents. He will watch over akio when koharu and gackt are at work. Usually koharu is home though and the kids will be watched by friends or Earl. Akio is too young to tell but when he gets older he is quite a dare-devil.

How does this character treat (each) son/daughter?
she adores them both and spoils them rotten while also trying to balance teaching then lessons. It's hard when she just wants to shower them in love, since she didn't get any as a kid.

How does (each) son/daughter think of this character?
They love their mother an adore her although alio isn't too happy when he can't do what he wants or gets in trouble for pranking people. Eiji appreciates his mother for saving his life and taking him in so he is very obediant and respects her. She treats him like he's her real som by blood.

How does this character think of (each) son/daughter?
Angels but akio can be a handful.

How does this character's relationship change with their child/children as they grew older?
eijis relationship is always consant but akio goes in and out. He wants to stand on his own anddo all kinds of things. He's very sociable and has a ly f friends and is always hanging out with them once he reaches his teenage years. He still thinks his mom is cool and his dad too but he can be a hot head sometimes.

Koharus Spiritual Characteristics

Does the character believe in a god or goddess?
What are the character's spiritual beliefs?
That there is a god out there however she feels she doesn't deserve any happiness after death.

Is religion or spirituality an important part of this character's life?
No. She feels it doesn't apply to her.
If so, what role does it play?
None. If anything it just plays on her insecurities.

Chinese Zodiac: rooster (year 1981)
A Rooster is brave, funny and witty. Entertaining and performing puts them in the centre of attention, which is exactly where they enjoy being. They can be picky, vain and critical.

Roosters can be really eccentric and sometimes may seem selfish in their way of life. They are devoted to work and lifelong learning. Confident, motivated people, they may sometimes come across as pompous. While they can be brutally honest, they are also loyal and trustworthy.

Roosters are intelligent creatures that are reliable and self-efficient. They are good with money and sometimes manage other people's money better than their own. Punctual people with highly-disciplined minds, Roosters boast excellence at organizing people and things. They also love to be praised for it.

They are prone to changeable mood surges that leave them either extremely happy or very miserable. Similarly with their opinions and personal relationships, Roosters have no place for apathy in their lives. They either like or dislike intensely.

Astrological Zodiac: august 15-Leo
The Sun is your ruling planet Leo. Of course the Sun is not really a planet; it is the center of our solar system. And, as above, so below! You shine as brightly as the Golden globe because you reflect the characteristics of the heavenly body that rules your star sign!

You too are a ball of dynamic energy. You are warm, bright and self-motivated, and you want to make an impression in everything you do ― your work, your love life and your social life.

Because you are extremely generous, you expect others to be just as big-hearted. So when you see others holding back, you find it hard to not jump in and try to change that. You want to see everyone giving to the best of their ability. To other people, you can look like a bit of a tyrant, asking for more than they can give.

When you are feeling upbeat, you carry people away with your energy, and they love you for it. You love sharing your joys and successes with the people you love, and when you do, you are magnanimous ― you never give a thought to getting anything in return. There are few star signs who really understand the nature of giving, but Leo seems to have perfected the art.

You also have a great sense of timing. When you offer a friendly word or gesture of encouragement, you pick the exact moment when it will have greatest impact. You always seem to be in the right place at the right time. You’re lucky this way.

Try to remember that your strong sense of self can be misinterpreted by others ― understatement could sometimes be a more effective way for you to show your loyalty and express your generosity.
Some people think you are a show-off, but this too is a mistake. Your dramatic flair is part and parcel of your zest for life, your love of people and your optimism. For you, life is a stage on which you can perform and express your talents.

You may not be a performer on the entertainment stage, but Mick Jagger, a Leo, is, and he is a very good example of the strutting, egotistical nature of Leo. Mick exudes charisma, creativity and a personal style all his own. Not only that, but he has embedded his brand name as No. 1 in the rock industry, decade after decade. On the stage of life, you too will want to be No. 1, and to present yourself as someone special, with unique talents.

Loyalty is your trademark. People know you are a genuine friend who is always ready to lend a hand. Even if you can’t help someone with their specific problem, you still manage to send out a warm and reassuring vibration that makes them feel better.

On the other hand, you also have a need to ‘one-up’ others. A little more humility wouldn’t hurt. You will get plenty of praise and recognition for your energy and your self-motivation ― you don’t need to big-note yourself. People will instantly recognize your abilities, and many will look up to you. Try not to let this go to your head; remind yourself occasionally to ‘get off your high horse’.

Leo’s totem is the lion, lord of the jungle ― full of muscularity, grace and ferocity. This means that your physical appetites and general level of energy are extraordinarily high. You need to be physically mobile and fully engaged in meaningful work and social activities to feel good.

You are a born leader: people naturally gravitate to you, and look to you for guidance and security. This is especially true if you are born in the very first part of Leo - that is you're born between 24th July and 3rd August. At times you can seem a hard taskmaster, demanding excellence from them ― this is just a reflection of your own actions, your own approach, but keep an eye out for it, and keep it under control.

For Leos born between the 4th and 14th of August, Jupiter and Sagittarius have a strong sway over your life. You are adventurous and love to travel, learn about new cultures and explores the world and people. Mostly easygoing you attract many friends and seem to be in the right place at the right time. You're one of the lucky Leos.

Are you a Leo born between the 15th and 23rd August? Then your fighting spirit is second to none! Nothing gets in the road of your ambitions so its quite clear that you will achieve what you set your heart upon. My only comment is that you should never tread on anyone's toes on the way up the ladder of success. You might just have to deal with them on the way down!

Generally you have a pioneering spirit; this is connected to your desire to be the best. So while you could be quite happy with a life where you follow other people’s rules and regulations, mostly you’ll much prefer to blaze your own trail.

This means you will carve out your own niche and make a name for yourself. You’ll shine in almost everything you do, and will without a doubt make your mark in the world ― you can reach the top of the ladder, no matter what field you choose.

August 15 -23

Impatience and a hot-headed nature are some of the problems you face being born between the 15th and the 23rd of August. Once you can bring these emotions under control you have a much better chance of not only being successful but finding happiness in your personal affairs as well. Because of the strong influence of Mars and Aries on your birthday you have a strong ego and need to understand that others may just be right sometimes. Notwithstanding these negative traits, you do have a very generous nature and are affectionate to the ones you care for.

Element: fire

Koharus: What If...

If this character were an animal, what would they be?
Black jaguar
They are sneaky and cat like, also very flexible and good hunters. Fiesty haha.

If this character were the opposite sex what would they . . .
"I'd never left the mafia,"
"don't be so pathetic. It's just a few scratches. Get up!"
"blood thirsty no doubt, and angry. All the time."

If this character were to be characterized by an object, what would it be?
they work all day and are tough and deadly.

What would/does this character do if confronted with someone identical in personality?
Gackt. She married him.

What would/does happen if this character became physically handicapped, and how would that change them?
In fear of not being able to protect anyone or even able to move around like she used too she would become fatally depressed.
"I've been able to do what I put my mind too. If I couldn't do that anymore, I'd probably just pity myself or make the handicapped worse by forcing myself to do things. The worst for me would be if my arms or legs became paralyzed."

What would/does this character do if spontaneously placed in a whole new and unfamiliar environment/country/planet/etc?
Anaylze her enviroment and find shelter.

If they don't already, what would this character do/act like if they had a child?
very mothery and gentle.

Koharu: Other...

What song best fits this character?
Everything has changed by Ed sheeran ft. Taylor swift

Smile by Madeleine peyroux

If you could compare this character to an existing character, who would s/he be and why?
Katniss everdeen. Both have experianced a rough life in childhood, care deeply about their little sister, are tough as rock yet also emotional and capable of love(but both didn't want to accept it), and both lost their fathers.

If you could choose an actor for this character, who would it be?
Angelina jolee?

If you could choose a voice actor for this character, who would it be?
Rei kugimaya

Who/what was your character inspired by?
What I would if I was tougher and not honest with my feelings at all. Strength I wished I had.

Koharu: How the Character is Involved in the Story

Character's role in the story (main character? hero? Villain? etc):
Technically main Heros lover/love interest. Everyone is a main character in their own though.

Scene where character first appears:
sometime after highschool I think, she sort of leaves the mafia and had moved back to japan.

Relationships with other characters:
she is pretty close with everyone but closest with Alice nine an the girls and gackts close friends and their family (Hyde and Miyavi)

Where, how and when did s/he first interact with other characters:
when she went to see uta after years and joined firefly.

What was this character's life like before something, if anything, happened to change it all:
"my lifes always changing. This questions invalid."

How Character is different at the end of the novel from when the novel began:
in the beginning she had a lot of emotional baggage and fears she couldn't get rid of. But with the help of her friends and most importantly, Gackt, she was able to let it go. She started a family and had kids, and now she's become a very loving, gentle, and understanding mother.

Additional Notes on This Character:
"'ve asked me every question possible. (sighs) this is My life. "

So begins...

Koharu Kusumi's Story