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Kaori Iwakami

"I'm a real life super-hero! This is awesome!"

0 · 286 views · located in Sayumi City, Japan

a character in “The Broken Ritual”, as played by Keen


Kaori Iwakami

The BasicsImage
Full Name: Kaori Iwakami
Gender: Female
Age: 16

The Body
Height and Weight: 5'8" & 132 lbs.
Build: Toned and athletic
Distinguishing Features: Kaori is a bit taller than most girls her age and she can almost always be found wearing her usual jacket any time of day and in any weather.

The Mind
Personality: Kaori is a high-energy young girl, always wearing a smile or a smirk wherever she goes. She's the type who doesn't like to sit around and is constantly moving about at a high pace from one thing to another. She's also well known around school for being the one to ask should you ever need help with anything, helping others is something Kaori takes a great measure of pride and joy in. Despite her peppy appearance Kaori gets lonely quite easily and can fall into darker moods when bored and alone. She is generally brutally honest when asked for her opinion and isn't afraid to speak her mind when presented with something she disagrees with.

- Being helpful
- Running
- Food of all kinds
- Her new powers
- Penguins
- Bullies
- Being alone
- Girly clothing
- Coffee
- Reckless
- Fears letting others down
- Can sometimes be insensitive to other's feelings
- Fears being alone

The Past
History: Kaori is the only child of her two busy parents. Her early childhood was mostly average, a quaint and happy life spent being close with both her mother and father, however as Kaori grew her parents became much more engrossed with their work. As the years went by Kaori drifted away from her parents, spending countless nights alone in their dark and quiet home. It wasn't long before she began to look outwards to fill her time and banish her loneliness from her mind, she began to take up random tasks from her neighbors or local shops before eventually scoring a few part-time jobs which she has held 'til this day. Recently however with the strange phenomenon of the beam of light has brought quite the change into her life. A few nights after the occurrence a being visited her claiming to be a "familiar" that could grant her extraordinary powers. Needless to say Kaori was ecstatic at the idea and has been spending time practicing the use of this power in the hopes of using them to become something of a local vigilante.

Your FamiliarImage
Name: Issia
Type: Air elemental
Personality: Issia puts up a cold facade, she tries to speak with grandiose words and expressions in an attempt to instill respect and awe in those who hear her. This tactic however has failed miserably against Kaori. Though Issia still tries to hide it she is quite a caring spirit, almost taking on a maternal role to Kaori thanks to her rather reckless nature.
Power: Issia's granted power allows Kaori to produce small but powerful bursts of air and wind to provide large boosts in acceleration. This allows Kaori to dash and jump with great strength and speed and can also put quite the force behind a punch or a kick. Secondarily she can transmit electric shocks via touch, but Kaori hasn't really discovered this yet.

So begins...

Kaori Iwakami's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koimi Hidoramei Character Portrait: Kaori Iwakami
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#, as written by Keen
Classes had been over for nearly an hour now, but Kaori was still there, she had made a few promises to help out after school as she did on most days, usually just minor things for various clubs or teachers but nonetheless they were all things Kaori took seriously.

With a thud she dropped a large stack of papers off at one of the teacher's desks. "Think that's the last of it then... Have a good one!" With a smile and a wave towards the gracious teacher she exited the room with a sigh of relief, going over her mental checklist of tasks for the day to double check their completion. Right! All done then... Now, what time is it? She quickly retrieved her phone from her pocket and checked the time, a sense of dread washing her over as she saw the time. Crap! I'm gonna be late for work... There's no way I could make it on foot. With a frustrated sigh she quickly collected her things and made her way out of the school.

She was just outside of the school, she knew she wouldn't make it even if she ran... But she was a super hero after all, and said super powers just might be the ticket to making it on time. "I don't think that would be a good idea Kaori." Issia's voice chimed clearly in Kaori's mind but she paid her new friend's input no mind. It'll be fine long as no one sees me do it. With a quick glance around to make sure the coast was clear Kaori knelt down and leaped, propelled by a burst of air she managed to clear a few houses before landing on a street on the other side.

There was however something the girl had failed to consider, whether or not anyone would be where she landed. Well as it turns out, there was someone there, a boy from her class in fact. As she landed with a loud thud she turned towards him slowly, "Uh... Yo... Heh... What's uh, what's up?" She placed one hand on her hip and the other behind her neck as she chuckled nervously. Well shit... Definitely not getting there on time now...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koimi Hidoramei Character Portrait: Kaori Iwakami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Damioa
Koimi wasn't having what a normal person would call a good day. He woke up late for school and had to sneak out of his house so that his mom wouldn't find out, he had to sit through three periods of boring curriculum because the class rep had eyes on him like a hawk after he showed up, and now he woke up in class to realize that everyone was gone. "Oh good. Your finally awake. Everyone left about an hour ago." The voice of the wolf that was standing in front of him said inside his head.
Koimi looked up at the clock and said aloud, "Why didn't you wake me up? Your a bad imaginary friend, you know that?"
"I keep telling you that I'm not imaginary. I am your familiar."
"Yeah yeah." Koimi retorted as he grabbed his bag and ran out the door. He had ten minutes to get to the video store, the place where he worked, before he would be forced to clock in late. It wasn't the first time this happened. Because he always woke up cranky and asked people not to wake him up in the middle of class he could expect no less then for them not to wake him up even afterwards.

He took a short cut through a couple of alleys and walkways and he was in front of the store in practically no time. Wiping the sweat off his forehead he let out a sigh of relief as he walked towards the store. "Koimi. Stop!" Dima alertly said. The boy stopped in his tracks as a person crashed down to the ground in front of him with a loud thump. As hard as the landing was she was uninjured. 'Wait? Is that a girl from my class?' He thought to himself, surprised by what he'd seen. The girl however, turned towards him slowly and acted as if she'd been caught in the act of doing something she wasn't suppose to be and said, "Uh... Yo... Heh... What's uh, what's up?"
Koimi blinked at her a couple of times, trying to process what had just happened. "What's up?" He asked, still confused. When he got a better look at her he recognized her as Kaori Iwakami. He never really talked to her much, but she was always called next to his name in role call and homework turn in. "Kaori? What do mean what's up? You just flew down from the sky!!!" He stated. Surely this wasn't a normal everyday occurrence. Where they lived, nothing out of the norm ever happened unless you count the beam of light a few nights ago. Dima growled and glared at her staring her down. "She's just like you. I'm sure she has a familiar too." He told Koimi.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koimi Hidoramei Character Portrait: Kaori Iwakami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Keen
Kaori looked up at the sky at and let out a deep breath as her expression actually became serious for once. "Well... About that... I'd really appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about this." She looked down at Koimi with her hands on her hips. Hm. This is... Koimi right? At this point Issia chimed in, "I believe this person here has also made contact with a familiar..." Kaori blinked in surprise, "Koimi, do you... Were you visited by a strange creature too? Does that mean you've got super powers too?!" She was becoming excited again, if Koimi also had powers they could become a team or something like that, that's what super heroes do normally right? A grin soon made it's way on to her face as the possibilities raced through her mind, paying little heed to her classmate's rather confused expression.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koimi Hidoramei Character Portrait: Kaori Iwakami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Damioa
"Super powers?" Koimi asked looking at Dima. As far as he could tell Dima was an imaginary friend but Kaori's words made it seem like she too was seeing something. "I told you I wasn't imaginary boy." Dima said. If he could stand on his hind legs, he would have had his chest puffed out. "Th-This is impossible. Creatures, powers, everything, it's all like something out of a manga." Koimi was getting frantic. Sure he had meant every word he said, but he was getting at the excited at the fact that he was slowly proven wrong with each passing minute.

Dima stepped in front of him. "If you still don't believe me, then I'll show myself to this girl. Then in return, her spirit might feel comfortable enough to do the same. That should be your proof. However, in order for me to materialize, you have to take responsibility as my partner and use my power to help me." The wolf's words were strong. Koimi could feel that whatever he meant by helping him that he expected Koimi to take his part. The boy was a little frightened. To help Dima meant he had to trust him. Team up with him. This wasn't something that Koimi was used to doing. He nodded anyway. "Okay. I'll do whatever you want me to do."

With those words, Dima was covered and blue flames that seemed to parish as soon as they were formed. His body became less transparent and ghost like an his form looked like an actual living being. "Now girl," He said to Kaori, "will you show my master yours as he's allowed you to show you his?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koimi Hidoramei Character Portrait: Kaori Iwakami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Keen
Kaori's eyes widened in surprise as a wolf-like creature materialized before her. "Oh wow!" Still wearing her grin she bent down to try and pat the wolf on the head. "Well, first off my name's not girl, it's Kaori. Nice to meet you, and uh, well, I'll try to convince her to come out but no promises." She held her hand out towards Dima as if to offer a hand shake before addressing Issia. Yo! Come on out. "No. I don't think that would be wise. We don't know their intentions and I think you've revealed enough to them already." I won't take no for an answer, you don't have to stay out for long if you don't want to but I think it's only fair if you show up for a little bit. Issia's only response was an irritated sigh but just a moment later an unnatural gust of wind blew past the group and a wispy feminine form appeared behind Kaori.

"Ah, here she is. Her name's Issia." Kaori smiled and crosses her arms before giving a nod. The air elemental simply floated behind Kaori without speaking a word, apparently not very pleased at the current situation. "Well, guess she doesn't wanna say hi herself, but trust me, she's actually pretty nice." She smiled over her shoulder at Issia briefly before turning her attention back to Koimi. "So you've got a... Familiar? I think that was she called it. How cool! I didn't think anyone else had gotten one, do you know what sort of powers do ya got?" She tilted her head curiously as she spoke in a rather nonchalant fashion.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koimi Hidoramei Character Portrait: Kaori Iwakami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Damioa
'Wow.' Koimi thought as he laid eyes upon the female made out of air. He then turned his gaze towards Dima who was acting very dog like, to say the least. Wagging his tail, licking the hand in front of him, and growling softly. It seemed like he was just a regular huge dog. . . Regular? Who was he kidding there was nothing regular about this. "Dima, disappear again." He ordered. "Kaori, make yours disappear too." He shoved the girl inside the video store. "Hey boss, gotta take a five minute break in the break room thanks." He said while still pushing the girl.

Once inside the break room, he locked the door and took a long sigh. 'What was that all about?' Dima asked in his head. Koimi answered his question by talking to Kaori out loud. "Hey I don't think it's a good idea to just talk with our spirits, er, familiars hanging out in the middle of the street. Sorry for pushing you in here but if someone had seen us then things could have gotten really ugly." He pulled a chair out and sat down, laying his chin on his hands. "Oh man, this is so cool!!!" He yelled in excitement after his brief moment of silence. "I don't know what type of powers I have yet, but if you have them then I must be able to do something right?" He turned to Kaori, "If I have one and you have one, then I think its safe to say that others might have one too. If that's the case why were we chosen, huh?" He asked her thinking she might have known. She had her powers already so maybe she knew more about this 'Familiar' thing then he did.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koimi Hidoramei Character Portrait: Kaori Iwakami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Keen
Issia quickly and happily disappeared into the wind at Koimi's request before he began to usher Kaori into the shop. She let out an amused snicker and waved at "the boss" as they went by and into the break room. Kaori crossed her arms as she inspected the room, listening to Koimi's excited voice fill the small space. She remained on her feet, preferring to stand as she closed her eyes and tilted her head from side to side in thought. "No, you're right, it'd be bad if they got spotted..." She gave a sagely nod as if the idea was some great wisdom before opening her eyes and directing her gaze towards Koimi.

"Well, I'd assume you've got a power, I'm sure your puppy would know more about that though." A small smile appeared on her face as she saw Koimi's raw excitement at everything that was going on, she wasn't sure how he'd take it but he seemed to be handling it in almost the same way she had. Kaori's eyes widened a bit at his next comment, as if it was something she had never even considered. "Well I originally thought only I had powers and a familiar, but since you've got one too it really wouldn't be a surprise if there were others out there also..." Kaori glanced to the side as her eyebrows raised, an idea had hit her. "And if there's others out there too that means there could be super villains! Maybe even a whole organization or something!"

Her mind raced with possibilities for a few moments before a mental poke from Issia pulled her back in to reality. Slightly embarrassed by her outburst she concluded, "But um... As for why?... I really don't know. The only thing I've been able to come up with is that the beam of light a little while back must have had something to do with this, sorry I can't be much more help, heh." She let out a small sigh, there was a lot to consider now, Kaori liked it better when she had just believed it was only her with these powers, but it seemed things would not be so simple.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koimi Hidoramei Character Portrait: Kaori Iwakami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Damioa
Dima's ears twitched a little at the puppy comment while Koimi seemed to giggle a little bit. The boy listened to Kaori's view on things. "I don't really think we should be hoping for villains though. People could get hurt." He said, a little worried by the thought. As soon as Issia appeared, Dima took the chance as well. "There are definitely others." He said. "Not all of us are good and polite either. That is why I've been trying to tell you to believe in me."
"Well how was I suppose to know?" Koimi retorted. "It's not everyday you start seeing monsters or spirits that no one else can see." He slightly bowed his head a little in thought. "Although, it's not like the beam of light is a natural nighttime occurrence either."

Dima sighed. "You have to find out how to use my power pretty quickly. Whoever summoned us into this world was definitely not trying to do so peace. There's also the case of the other familiars. They're are some really horrible ones out there that were also transported here and they don't care for peace either." He aggravatingly growled to himself, "I just wish I could remember what happened before I met you."

With this explanation, Koimi's excitement seemed to slowly wither away. If what Dima said was true, then he would have to fight. Not only that, but,because he couldn't remember anything from that time, the enemy was unknown. He had no choice but to try to find out how to use powers like Kaori. He turned to her and her familiar. "So," he began, "how did you find out that you had powers and how did you learn how to use them?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koimi Hidoramei Character Portrait: Kaori Iwakami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Keen
Kaori moved over to one of the walls and leaned back against, crossing her arms as she quietly listened to Koimi and Dima talk. Her expression was much more serious now, Koimi was right, if there were villains that was a bad thing despite Kaori's little super hero fantasy. Real villains meant real danger, for her and for everyone in this city, all her friends and her family. Dima seemed quite confident that there were others, and that many of them weren't going to be friendly but it didn't seem he could recall anything important regarding why they were brought here or who brought them. Kaori wasn't afraid to fight, she was just afraid of the consequences of all this, this conflict could put her all friends and her family in danger, she wanted to put an end to it quickly.

She was pulled from her thoughts as Koimi addressed her. "Well... It just sort of happened I guess? She told me she could grant me some sort of power so I just started trying stuff. Really though, I got lucky, these powers help me move quickly which is something I do quite often, so it just kinda popped up on its own while I was rushing around one day, ever since then I've just been practicing with it." She gave a little shrug before looking up to the ceiling, "Sorry I can't be more helpful... But we also need to consider how we can find these people... I'd rather just go kick their butts before they can cause any real trouble or before they decide to come after us directly..." She slipped her hands into her jacket pockets with a solemn expression as she came to realize that her fantasy was slowly becoming a harsh reality.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koimi Hidoramei Character Portrait: Kaori Iwakami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Damioa
Hearing his question couldn't be answered, Koimi turned to Dima. "Do you know how?" He asked. The wolf just shook its head. That meant that Koimi was the least protected on the team. He wanted to help them and protect them so that they would't leave him, but, he realized this was futile without powers. He looked back at Kaori as she spoke.

Dima let a light chuckle. "It's hard to spot a familiar unless it and there masters are using the power, or the master has it seeable. Even with that, we can't just rush into it and attack without knowing if their good or bad first. It wouldn't be honorable at all to hurt a random person." He explained.
"Yeah, but we can't just stand around doing nothing. We should at least...." He was going to say something else when Dima cut him off. "You still need to find out how to use my power so you shouldn't be saying anything. Think about it. If someone summoned us into this world then they'll probably want us back. That means you, the girl, and everyone else with a familiar are in danger. Remember, those who fight without knowing, are destined to lose." He scolded Koimi but didn't raise his voice above normal level. He knew the humans in this room like helping people, but he also knew that in a battle, you have to be prepared.

Koimi looked at the clock on the wall. '5:45? Crap.'He said, realizing he spending a majority of his shift in the break room. "Hey Uhh its getting sort of late. I have to really do this Job right now. Hehe. But, uh, we talk more about it tomorrow. What is tomorrow again. It's a Saturday right? Yeah tomorrow at lunch on the rooftop. That where I go to ditch class. But yeah. Hehe."
He wasn't usually acting like this but, time really does change a busy man. Especially whe it's not on your side.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koimi Hidoramei Character Portrait: Kaori Iwakami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Keen
Kaori frowned a bit as Dima spoke up. "Well of course I don't intend on just goin' after some random person..." Her gaze wandered over to Koimi, nodding in agreement with Dima's words. "He's right, I'll try and keep you safe if some bad guys show up but you really should try and figure out to use your own powers, and soon." She closed her eyes as she continued to try and process her heavy thoughts before Koimi's noting of the time brought her out of her stupor.

She chuckled a bit as Koimi seemed to vomit out his words excitedly, "It is late... Well sure, I'll see ya tomorrow at lunch on the roof then." She nodded and made her way out of the room and waved behind her at Koimi, "Stay safe." With that, she jogged out of the store and sprinted her way to her part-time job for the day. Though she worked hard as usual, she was quite distracted by the day's events. The rest of her day went as it normally did, homework, dinner, a few chapters in a book, and then bed. It all seemed a bit surreal to her now but somehow she managed to get her mind off of things and rest, she could feel like that tomorrow could be a long, long day.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koimi Hidoramei Character Portrait: Kaori Iwakami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Damioa
"Yeah you too." Koimi said in response. After Kaori left he put on his working tag and began the rest of his day. Time always went by fast as he stocked the shelves and recommended items to customers. It also helped that he was one of the only two employees at the place and got lots of attention from shoppers.

"See yah boss." He said while running out the door. His boss game him a groan of approval and nodded his head. Having to stay late for not starting on time, the boy was anxious to get home. His mother was making his favorite food for dinner tonight and he didn't want to let it get cold. As he ran through the empty streets he saw a man standing in the middle of the street. The man kept looking at him and smiling and watched as Koimi ran past him.

"Do you know that guy?" Dima asked.
"No. He must just be a creep or something."
Creep or not, the look on his face gave Dima a bad feeling. He didn't know what it was, but, something was too familiar about him.

"I love it when mom makes enough for leftovers." He sat with his back to the railing while eating some beef ramen.
"You really like it up here don't you?" Dima sat down beside him.
"Of course. You can see everything from up her. It's almost like you're attached to the sky." Koimi smiled and glanced at Dima. "Don't you ever get hungry?"
"No." The wolf shook his head. "I am a familiar. I can go long periods without eating anything. You shouldn't worry about me to much."
"If you say so." Koimi made slurping noises as he finished his food. "I wonder where Kaori is."
"She'll be here. The usual sound that plays in this building hasn't played yet. So I'm thinking she's waiting for that."
"Hehe. It's called a lunch bell. But, you're right. Guess I'll just take a nap then."
Dima let out a sigh as Koimi laid down and closed his eyes. He wanted to focus more on controlling his abilities. He knew, however, that it wasn't safe to do it on the roof of a public building. He sight and laid his head on the boys lap, deciding to get some sleep of his own.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koimi Hidoramei Character Portrait: Kaori Iwakami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Keen
The following morning went as it usually did, Kaori felt a mix of relief and apprehension. She was relieved that nothing had happened yet, but couldn't help but feel concerned by everything she had learned the day before. The first half of classes for the day went by quickly and despite her best efforts to pay attention during classes, her mind was most certainly somewhere else.

The bell signifying the beginning of lunch rang, several of the students rushed out of the room and to the cafeteria but Kaori took her time to retrieve her lunch from her bag before heading up to the roof. She shielded her eyes for a few moments as the door to the roof swung open. With a quick look around the roof she spotted Koimi, apparently napping. After chuckling a bit she approached him, nudging him with her foot. "Oi, wake up. It's lunch time."

Kaori took a seat, taking out her lunch and beginning to eat. "Do you normally skip class to nap up here or what? Surprised none of the staff has found you yet." She smirked a bit as she continued to eat, "So'd ya figure anything out? About your powers or these other people who might have'em?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koimi Hidoramei Character Portrait: Kaori Iwakami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Damioa
Koimi cracked his eyelids open as Kaori shoved him. As the girl sat next to him and took out her food he adjusted himself to siting position right next to her.

"Not all the time. Maybe like once or twice a week." He said in answer to her question. "A growing man needs his naps." He stretched and yawed. "The teachers don't bother me much. It's either they figure I'm going to be snoring in class anyway or they don't know where I go to take my naps. Hehe."
Her next question made him pause. For some reason he remembered the man from the night before but he couldn't put his finger on why. "No. I didn't have time. Plus, I don't really know of a good place to try to use powers at. You know, don't want anyone seeing. Also, I did search on the internet familiars and such things, but, all I could find were books and t.v programs. We're still right back where we started." He looked down at his hands glancing about his surroundings. "Hey, I know. Why don't I try here? Since we're the only two here and all."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koimi Hidoramei Character Portrait: Kaori Iwakami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Keen
A smirk made it's way to Kaori's face as she spoke, "Heh, a naps huh? I haven't taken once since I was a little kid... You sure they're for growing men and you're not just lazy?" She continued to work at her lunch, managing to finish it with a rather impressive measure of speed, taking a few moments to think over Koimi's suggestion. "Hm... Well... Unfortunate that we haven't found anything out yet, then again it has only been a day." Kaori let out a small grunt as she hopped back up to her feet, dusting herself off and taking a look around.

"Well, there's no one around so I don't think being seen is a big deal... My only concern would be if you actually did manage to activate your power you might cause some damage to the school... Since we really have no clue what you're capable of." She began to stretch as if she were getting ready for a run, but it seemed very casual and nonchalant when she did it, as if it were perfectly normal. "These bad guys though... You think they want to keep this all a secret? If so then we should pretty safe here at school... That said they could be watching us right now even." She let out a sigh as she finished stretching. "But just waiting around really isn't something we can do, you need to figure out your powers so you can defend yourself... I haven't really seen anything suspicious lately but still... Can't hurt to be prepared."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koimi Hidoramei Character Portrait: Kaori Iwakami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Damioa
Koimi looked at Dima and Nodded. "Yeah it can't. Come on Dima." He said standing up.
"What am I supposed to do?" The blue wolf said standing on all fours.
"Try giving me your power. If you do that, then I'll concentrate and use it." The boy started running in place.
Dima looked over at Kaori puzzled, kind of hoping she would know more about it. Sighing, he walked next to Koimi.
"Okay. You ready?"
He shook his head. "Yeah. Let's do this." Koimi grinned.

Letting out a deep breath, Dima closed his eyes and the flames on his fur danced around. Koimi grabbed one hand with the other. He didn't know how to explain it, but it felt almost like he knew exactly what he was doing.
He focused on his hand and a small hint of light started to shine from it. Soon, the small light turned ocean blue and took the form of a light flame.

Koimi opened his eyes slowly and watched the flames dance over his hands. "Wow." Escaped the only words he was capable of saying. Dima opened his eyes and looked up at the boy.
"So...What does it do." He asked moving his ears back.
"Um... I don't know. I thought you would know."
"I haven't the slightest clue." Dima said. "Oh." The flames disappeared from Koimi's hands. "Well. I guess that's useful. You know.... It gets dark at night. Hehe."
"Hey, don't mock my powers. I just haven't learned how to control it yet."
"Okay. I'm just saying. We do need to figure more out about these powers."
Koimi nodded in agreement. For now, the only thing he could think about was how hungry he was. He looked at Kaori who already finished her food. "You wouldn't happen to have anymore food would you?"
