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Natalia dos Santos

"Didn't they tell you that I was a savage?"

0 · 1,234 views · located in California

a character in “The Buckley School: 2016-2017”, as played by chanelindistress



β™ͺ"She wears strength and darkness equally well, the girl has always been half goddess, half hell." ~ Nikita Gill β™ͺ

Natalia Vladlena Mariya dos Santos-Dangote β—ˆ Nat, Talia, Lia, Princesa, Heiress β—ˆ November 6, 1999 β—ˆ 16 β—ˆ Scorpio β—ˆ Roman Catholic β—ˆ Angolan


"As much as other unmentionable wealthy students at the esteemed Buckley school are known for flaunting their family names and wealth as loudly as a baby wailing for milk, anything you need to know about me is literally on the internet. I didn't know this before a few months ago, but I apparently have a Wiki page dedicated to me now. They have me down as some kind of model since I got paid to do photo shoots with Galore Magazine, Modeliste, Jezebel, and a host of other magazines within the last year. I will say that I'm not making a career out of this, I don't think. I just liked having the extra money to send back to Angolan charities. So, you have somewhere to go if you want to know me. And if what is provided does not satisfy whatever nit-picky, nosy little part of you that wants the goods on my life, well then that sounds like a personal problem. Much like the case it was for my followers in Switzerland and Africa, who have far more access to social media than other countries would have you believe. I never explained why I was headed off to Twinkle Town and I'm not going to. I'm here, have been since eighth grade, and I don't regret the decision. I live with my babushka, I visit my parents every holiday at least for a few days, and anything else that you happen to learn is what I decide to give you. Now, that we've gotten that out of the way, I can actually start the introductions.

For starters, I'm Natalia dos Santos. Baba convinced my mom to add on the Dangote as a hyphenated addition out of faux respect for my Nigerian family and I love it, but my full and legal name is a mouthful that even I can't swallow sometimes. When my mom declared that she was going to keep me after her and Daddy's one night stand from hell, it was a declaration of war for names. He wanted to name me after my Γ¬yΓ‘ and his mother, Mariya. Mom was adamant that my name would either be Tatiana like my babushka, Tati, or something with Russian origins. Needless to say, things were settled once I was out of the womb. The last name is still a sore spot, so I've been reveling in keeping the dos Santos as my common surname while jet-setting across the world on a plane that has the Dangote signature and a yacht with my Dad's signature on it. See? Unlike either of my parents, who honestly should have known better than to answer their body's lustful calls if they were gonna bitch at each other for the rest of their lives, I know how to compromise. That's the thing about us Scorpios - we might have all of this emotional what-have-you underneath our thick skin, but we're level-headed under most circumstances. And when you have two families like my own ready to rip each other a new one just because one did more for me today than the other, well, someone's gotta be the logical one.

My birthday is in November and I'll be turning seventeen. Since people like to speculate, the truth of the matter is that I'm not a virgin nor am I straight. The line I walk is very curved, fluid. To put it plainly, as long as it is a someone in my bed and not a thing, I'm down. And I'd like to think that both of my exes have managed to walk away from our relationships equally satisfied, to some extent. And on the topic of relationships, despite the fact that there seems to be a stigma surrounding teens and relationships, the simple fact of the matter is that I don't have time for games. It's one of the main reasons why I don't do sex. If we're doing this, then we're doing it. I'm not saying that I enter every relationship with marriage and all that in my head as that is unrealistic, but once you're mine, you're mine. Which is why most people that know me don't come to me for that meaningless hook-up shit. I don't fuck you and let it be done. That's not how I roll. When you're in my bed, nine times out of ten, you're in MY bed and you're not going elsewhere. And I make damn sure that you feel the imprint of me so deeply within your pores that you have no choice but to come back and accept the simple truth that you're mine, and that I won't play that in-and-out-bullshit that my peers like doing. And if that's too intense for you, if the idea of me having that kind of power of you and you more than likely being given the very same privilege over me frightens you, then you can turn to all the other little fish in the sea and I'll keep on. It's not really complicated."

25% Russian, 25% Yoruba-Nigerian, 25% Ovimbundu-Angolan, 25% Portuguese β—ˆ Pansexual β—ˆ 1 Girlfriend & 1 Boyfriend β—ˆ Single

|| Height β—ˆ Weight β—ˆ Build β—ˆ Shape ||
|| 5'4 || 137 lbs. || Mesomorph || Spoon Shape ||
Naturally petite in her stature, Natalia's body can be misleading in that its diminutiveness does not at all convey the power in her lean muscles. The majority of Natalia's weight comes in the form of lean muscle mass as it is quite easy for her to gain muscle with her mesomorph build. While it is quite easy for her to maintain her admirable abdominal muscles due to a fast metabolism, Natalia can also gain fat depending on how much she slacks in her diet after a few weeks. With her spoon shaped figure, Natalia is nicely proportioned in her curvature despite her athleticism, though others might see her as slightly thicker in the thighs than others who share her height.

|| Skin Tone β—ˆ Face Shape β—ˆ Eyes β—ˆ Distinguishing Marks ||
|| Brown || Diamond || Brown ||Piercing(s) ||
There is no denying Natalia's ethnic background as her skin is naturally dark. It is her most distinguishing feature, after all. Whether you're like a few admirers who have no problem distinguishing her as "Kit Kat legs" on most days (and she can't hear them) or even her babushka who calls her complexion ebony, Natalia's naturally smooth brown skin stands out in the California climate, darkening depending upon her exposure. Her diamond shaped face consists of high cheek bones, soulful dark eyes set beneath naturally thick eyebrows, and full, luscious lips. While Nat has yet to decide upon a tattoo, she has the standard earlobe piercing in both of her ears, a bellybutton piercing she loves showing off, and a double helix piercing in her left ear.

|| Hair Description β—ˆ Whole Body Maintenance ||
|| Black || Long & Super Curly || Private Chef || Avid Kickboxer || Exercise 3+ Per Week ||
Because there was a shortage of natural haired women in Angola due to a culture of wanting to relax black women's hair, it was up to Nat's babushka and Γ¬yΓ‘ to teach her what to do for her naturally super curly hair. Despite years of using various products and consulting curly hair lines, Natalia's favorite and most recent love is with the As I Am hair products from Dr. Syed. When she wants a bit of an extra vibrancy to her curls, Nat will wear bantu knots for a day or so before letting her hair out and she has a tendency to wear Senegalese twists or braids for a few days, though her favorite style definitely consists of having her curls loose in their thick glory, even if that means needing to use a curler to do some extra tweaking. Occasionally, she'll even straighten her hair to do something different. She does a deep conditioning for her hair every month. She primarily uses Savane Organics and Khuraira for her skincare and makeup, respectively. She also uses Ilera Apothecary for the rest of her body.

In order to keep her hourglass figure in shape and remain as fit as she does, Natalia continues to remain faithful to her love of dancing, gymnastics, and now of kickboxing. The latter was simply developed out of a need to provide her the peace that the highly popularized sport of yoga does not, but Nat still dances despite not particularly making a career out of it. She knows that she isn't the best at eating completely clean and healthy since she has a deep love for meat lover's pizza, so Nat not only has her private chef assist in providing meals that are tasty and healthy, but also cooks with her babushka instead of going out as much as others her age would. It barely stops her from ordering sushi from her favorite place, but at least she does have some kind of control.

|| Most Prominent Brands in Her Closet β—ˆ Fashion Sense ||
||Pretty Little Thing β—ˆ Hollywood Boutique β—ˆ Baddieville β—ˆ Eskado Bird β—ˆ Chloe β—ˆ Alexander Wang β—ˆ Adidas
DSquared2 β—ˆ Jewel by Lisa β—ˆ Balmain β—ˆ Nasty Gal β—ˆ Saint Laurent β—ˆ Ohema Ohene β—ˆ Gert -Johan Coetzee||

As effortless and youthful as Natalia's wardrobe may seem, the one thing she has never done is hide her curves. Even though her body isn't up to everyone else's standards, it is up to hers and so if she feels like wearing figure-hugging streetwear for the day to showcase her bust and flat tummy, then that is what she is going to do. There has always been a bit of feminine sensuality in Natalia's typically casual outfits, but there's no denying the splice of edginess added to the urban look she is known for. Natalia has always believed in the "less is more" mentality as it pertains to her makeup. Regardless, her with makeup and on her regular, is typically a 9.5/10, but without she is typically graded as an 8/10.

|| Special Skills ||
β—ˆ Ballet, Modern & Jazz Dancer β—ˆ Fluent in English, Portuguese, & Russian β—ˆ Gymnastics β—ˆCooking β—ˆ Kickboxing

|| Strengths ||
A strength worth mentioning is the fact that Natalia is one of the most trustworthy people one could ever have on their side. Regardless of how much she declares she loves hearing about other people's drama and the issues they can get themselves in to, whatever you've told her won't get out unless you told someone else who isn't Natalia. She doesn't go gossiping with the information that someone has trusted her with. Also, the fact that she's a very perceptive person is a beneficial strength to have. From a young age, particularly because of her parents and their foolishness, Nat realized that one couldn't trust everyone - not even those closest to her. She's a keen observer and has been known to read people at the drop of a dime. Combined with that is an exceptionally sharp memory. It works in her favor also that she's too sure of herself to allow superficial insults to break her heart and that she's too direct to ever let anyone presume to have power over her.

|| Weaknesses ||
Natalia is the queen of holding grudges. She never forgets a wrong. It won't be something as trivial as someone stepping on her Balenciaga on accident, but if she feels betrayed or that someone has slighted her with the most lackluster of apologies, best believe that she hasn't forgotten. And best believe that, depending on the situation, she's waiting for karma to come around - whether or not that means she needs to give an assist in that karmic retribution. Also, it's a problem that she can be an objective problem solver for those she loves, but can't extend that level of rationality towards her own issues. Lastly, while Nat's temper isn't always easy to incite, it's definitely a force to be reckoned with when released. Ask the Rosey student whose fingers she broke.

|| Mental or Behavioral Disabilities ||
"A bit debatable, depends on who you decide to ask. A few of these uneducated bitches call me antisocial or that I might be a serial killer on the inside. Who knows? Maybe I am. Maybe I'm planning my next kill as we speak, you'll never know."
None, as far medical professionals are concerned

|| Greatest Fears ||
β—ˆ Losing either of her grandmothers any time soon β—ˆ Disappointing her family β—ˆ The End of the World

|| Priorities ||
β—ˆ Keeping up with and keeping (in general) her friends β—ˆ Her birthday plans β—ˆ Keeping up her grades

|| Life Philosophy ||
"As ridiculous as it might seem for me to take on a quote from a Disney movie as something to live by, this quote by Rafiki will always mean something for me. So many different people use the past as an excuse to be bitter, petty or even wallow in their own self-pity. Things don't work out, the people that had been in your life were probably shitty - so what? At the end of the day, I don't wanna always look at my past and make that my excuse for why I don't do the things that I want and be who I want to be. Are you shaped by your past? Yes, there are some things you can't escape from. But I don't wanna be that person whose past is so heavily entrenched in her present that her future looks as bleak as the life she's living now. Which is why I explore so much, have fun with the people who are here now, and love as deeply as I do. I'm not running from my past and being so afraid of being confronted by it that I don't learn. I know what not to do now, but I will not set myself up for displeasure in my future because of what happened back in the day."
β€œThe past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it.” ~ Rafiki, The Lion King

|| Quirks β—ˆ Habits β—ˆ Oddities ||
β—ˆ Switches between English and Russian primarily with the inclusion of Portuguese when she feels like someone might understand her.

β—ˆ Has to have a cup of YSWARA's Thousand Hills Majesty Tea first thing in the morning.

β—ˆ Is known for having a resting bitch face.

β—ˆ No matter where she goes, she always has snacks of some kind on her person.

β—ˆ Cannot sleep unless all points of entry into her room have been secured or locked.

β—ˆ Always smells like Trish McEvoy's Blackberry Vanilla Musk perfume.

β—ˆ Unless it is vodka, the majority of her drinks are consumed via a straw..

|| Good Traits ||
Amicable β—ˆ Intuitive β—ˆ Adventurous β—ˆ Astute β—ˆ Direct β—ˆ Loyal β—ˆ Self-Assured β—ˆ Phlegmatic β—ˆ Perceptive β—ˆ Resourceful β—ˆ Fearless β—ˆ Empathetic β—ˆ Indomitable β—ˆ Intelligent β—ˆ Mature β—ˆ Incisive β—ˆ Easy-Going β—ˆ Magnetic β—ˆ Seductive

|| Bad Traits ||
Sarcastic β—ˆ Remorseless β—ˆ Calculating β—ˆ Enigmatic β—ˆ Domineering β—ˆ Cutthroat β—ˆ Vindictive β—ˆ Intense β—ˆ Secretive β—ˆ Manipulative β—ˆ Mischievous β—ˆ Possessive β—ˆ Stubborn β—ˆ Evasive β—ˆ Unpredictable β—ˆ Blunt β—ˆ Competitive

|| Personality ||
There is no denying the sheer raw intensity that lay dormant in Natalia dos Santos' deceptively petite frame. In all things, she is barely restrained energy, moderating her physical, mental and emotional strength as she sees fit. There is no controlling or tempering her unless she gives you that power, which is a rarity in and of itself. Such an internal cacophonous dissonance of the soul can only be tempered by the newly dubbed Princess of Africa herself and she damn sure revels in it. It should come to no surprise, then, that peers and adults alike can find Natalia intimidating. Though packed in a small package, her very pores leak out a dangerous mix of alluring and frightening spikes of energy. On one hand, with the very fact that Nat walks with a naturally sensual yet at-ease switch to her hips and her head stagnant in its imposingly upright position, there's no denying the magnetism of this dark-complected beauty. She knows that she doesn't fit the mold of Standardized Western beauty; has known it since she was five years old. And yet, her confidence remains impenetrable and rock-solid. It's enough to have one so caught on her orbit that you hardly notice how fully ensnared you are until she flashes a brilliant smile your way or has you pinned to her California king bed. So sure of herself, Natalia's confidence can easily be interpreted as a vanity that she won't give you the satisfaction of denying. Why should she? She knows that she is gorgeous, sexy. Absolutely worthy of lust, love and admiration. Why deny the validity of her own existence for the sake of another person's delicate sensibilities? On the other hand, such carefully orchestrated control is undoubtedly frightening. Nat is one of the few people you don't want to get into a staring contest with because she will surely win - and it won't be just because she has stared at you unflinchingly as she is wont to do in the face of opposition or anyone who dares presume to have any sort of power over her. It is because of her uncanny ability to read a situation and a person down to their very seams, penetrating and so damn intent on finding out your truths that you almost want to hide. There is no secret that Natalia can't discover for she has the uncanny resourcefulness to find out whatever it is that she wants. It might not occur as quickly as the small quirk of her lips - a smug smile - would have you to believe, but trust that she is reading you and know that you have every right to be afraid. This heady mix of fearing whether or not she'll punch you, tear you a part in the bedroom, or even both is possibly one of the many actual reasons why she could never be a top tier Royal. It also is one of the many reasons that, despite not being a Lifer student at Buckley, Natalia has done nothing but earned both respect and fear from her classmates - enough so that not many doubt that she would end them if anyone came at her incorrectly for that little tidbit.

What further exacerbates the intriguing mystery that is Natalia dos Santos is the myriad of facial expressions she possesses and the fact that she has remained a bit of an enigma, even to those closest to her. While there is no denying when there's a glimmer of amusement shining in Natalia's eyes or when she's point blankly judging you, there also needs to be an understanding that this sparsely satisfactory insight into her emotions is allowed, not because of your own keen observation skills, but due to Nat's own allowance of it. Nat learned at a young age how to veil her emotions - which is partly why she has no choice but to exert her energy into kickboxing, an outlet for the more violent energy she's simmering with - and it is usually of her own volition that anyone sees the full depth of her emotions. Intelligent, typically rational, and quick on her feet at every turn, Nat retains a propensity for keeping different parts of herself hidden until she wants them to be discovered, until she deems herself comfortable enough to allow you to see all the different sides of her. There's always one more thing you're discovering, like the fact that for a girl whose wealth and overall debonair disposition would have you believing otherwise, she indulges in far more television than her bookshelf would have you to believe and that she could possibly fan-girl with the best of them if given the right topic. To this day, her friends can only presume the actual relationship she has with her parents for Natalia is just that good at keeping what she wants private, private. It is why she is probably one of the best people to keep your secrets hidden with; so good is she at keeping her own secrets safe from prying minds, she holds a tight leash onto your own, enabling most people - particularly, those who are able to see past their initial intimidation - to trust her. Nat doesn't betray a confidence unless she herself has been betrayed and that is something that should not be done. Combating the I-could-hardly-be-bothered mentality is a remorseless vindictiveness that should not be taken lightly. This is what makes her her grandmother's child.

Natalia never forgets an act of kindness. Equally, she never forgets a betrayal and that is where her true cold, callous and unforgiving side comes out to play. To put it quite plainly, it's rare for Natalia to forget anything. If one was intimidated simply by her just existing on a regular day, there is no denying the actual fear of what Natalia can do. There is no rage like the one Natalia can reign down because the fear of violence is always underfoot. The underlying threat beneath her already intense stare manifests into a violent energy that she puts into either gunning for you mentally or taking the chance and coming after you physically. That keen observational skill transcribed previously turns into the exploitation of weaknesses and if there is one thing Nat is in this regard, it is exact and cutthroat. She knows how to dig deep and to truly hurt. Some might think it is Natalia's wealth that enables her to somehow aid in the removal of another student from their school, but it is the intensity of her mental manipulation that leaves one unable to remain in the same space as her knowing that you have wronged her. That's why lovers and friends usually steer clear of actually betraying her. After all, Nat warns in advance: she always gets what she wants and she takes care of what's hers. She never half-asses anything, particularly romance, which is why she doesn't frequently participate in meaningless sex. You can either love her or hate her, and that is the one thing she'll leave up to you.

Despite her rather harsher traits, Natalia is still a very likable young woman who knows how to turn the charm on. She doesn't do it all of the time simply because she does not believe in pandering or kissing anyone's ass, but her magnetism would simply cease to exist if she was just plain intimidating and mean-looking. For those who are friends or know a friendly side to her, Natalia is usually the one who is down for just about anything. Despite being known for more sophisticated acts befitting that of a Prep like playing chess with her babushka, there is nothing sophisticated about the fact that Nat has no qualms against boarding a jet just to explore some water cave somewhere in Southern Europe or ride the highest roller-coaster at the amusement park. Nat is the type to get bored quite easily depending on the activity, so she fearlessly takes on challenging tasks or adventures that others might be a bit squeamish about. She is loyalty personified and a friend you can, no doubt, trust to have your back, blindly even. She believes whole-heartedly in being faithful - whether that means to those she cares about or her own beliefs. After all, it is what she expects from others and Nat knows how to be fair. There is no expectation for others that she wouldn't bring to the table herself other than being completely open with her emotions. Blame it on the fact that she has a natural distrustful cynic inside from dealing with parents who barely put in the effort to show that they cared. Nat naturally loves with her entire being because she damn sure doesn't know any other way; she just moderates the intensity of it for fear of scaring someone off or coming off too strongly when someone involved themselves with her with no intention of being as committed as she is. Just as she makes no idle threats, the same goes for promises.

Surprisingly enough, her interpersonal skills are definitely something to be admired. Again, Nat is someone who can actually be trusted and is a good friend. She is the one anyone can trust when it comes to giving advice and being a well of wisdom as long as it doesn't force her to address her own emotions. Because she keeps such a strict control over her more volatile emotions and her own pain, Natalia is able to untangle mysteries with the tenaciousness of a blood-hound and is capable of grasping all the complexities of an issue while keeping her nose pointed towards the target. She is astute at finding solutions to problems, though it should come to no surprise that she can be blunt and occasionally a smart ass. Nat doesn't always believe in sugarcoating the issue; if her opinion was requested, then her opinion will be given and again, if she is cutthroat during her worst times, there's no denying that there is a bluntness in her everyday life as well. She just also knows when to be just a bit more delicate, occasionally to get the result she wants from a person - but more notably, a bit of a more protective side emerging in the face of those she cares about. And that's the big picture. Regardless of how cool, calm and collected she can be - no matter the intimidating energy rankling just beneath, Nat is a girl who can hate hard, but love just as intensely. She shows her affection in subtle ways - a quick squeeze of your shoulder in solidarity, making sure those around her have someone to lean on in times of stress without actually saying such, referring to loved ones with Russian terms of endearments, etc. She can be humorous and entertaining at times, especially when she's being a trolling little shit with her dry, occasionally dark humor and deadpanning, or is simply comfortable with you, and there's always so much more about her to discover. She's sexy and perhaps a tad bit vain, but there is no friend or lover quite like the one Natalia can be. Or enemy, if you really wanted to go there. She typically does not want to as that is more energy than she would like to exert on trivial matters, but she won't hesitate if it comes down to it. Whichever side of that scale you fall on revolves around you and the choices you make. She's just living her life and doing so with the ones who actually matter, not the ones who think that they do.

|| Likes ||
❀ Anyone who can genuinely make her laugh ❀ Being in the water {Swimming, Kayaking, Snorkeling, Scuba-Diving, Jet-Skiing, & Skurfing} ❀ Muay Thai ❀ Cooking With Her Grandmother ❀ AHS, The Originals, Criminal Minds, Arrow, The Flash, Teen Wolf, HTGAWM, Scream & OITNB ❀ Africa ❀ Beaches ❀ When people put in the effort to woo/seduce her ❀ Snakes ❀ Her chocolatey complexion ❀ Traveling ❀ Pancakes ❀ Royal Mansour Spa ❀ Keeping people on their toes ❀ Seafood ❀ Getting her nails done ❀ Amusement Parks and Fairs ❀ YSWARA's Thousand Hills Majesty Tea ❀ Angolan Cuisine ❀ MCU Films ❀ Angolan & Nigerian Festivals ❀ Hookah ❀ Putinka Vodka Straight ❀ Reading ❀ Good Parties ❀ Sushi ❀ Halloween ❀ Cocktails ❀ California Weather ❀ Tumbling & Performing Cheer Stunts ❀ Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream ❀ Black Panther, Storm, The Scarlet Witch, Deadpool, & Rogue ❀ Listening to music ❀ Lazy Sundays ❀ Intense Makeout Sessions ❀ Dark Lipsticks ❀ Dancing ❀ Charles Michael Davis ❀ Lime Slices in Her Water ❀ Being Wealthy ❀ Her Grandmothers ❀ Her Hair ❀ Donut Snob ❀ Movie Nights

|| Dislikes ||
✘ Shitty Television Writers ✘ Feeling like she is not good enough ✘ When creepy guys stand along the walls/corners of a party and lurk ✘ Her Parents ✘ America's Hypocrisy ✘ Starbucks Coffee ✘ Crybabies and people who whine ✘ Getting Sick ✘ Sharing Her Food ✘ Hangovers ✘ When People Try Too Hard ✘ Coffee ✘ Unsatisfactory Sex ✘ Betrayal ✘ Her Male Friends Getting with Basic Bitches ✘ The Beyhive ✘ Being lied to ✘ Her Girl Friends Settling for Fuck Boys ✘ Lame Ass Parties ✘ Chick Flicks ✘ Misogynoir ✘ The New Fake Feminists ✘ Shows Without Diversity ✘ The Overdone Bad Boy With the Traumatic Backstory Trope (There's no excuse for his bullshit) ✘ When She Procrastinates ✘ Being Bored ✘ Long Train Rides ✘ Raisins ✘ Overly Sweet Cocktails ✘ Weekend Homework ✘ Questions About Her Family ✘ Being Sick ✘ White Chocolate ✘ Jellybeans ✘ Beer ✘ Visiting Either of Her Parents


Luanda, Angola, Africa

Mostly Raised By Grandparents
Verbally and Emotionally Abusive

Idol or Hero
Storm, AKA Ororo Munroe

Ororo or 'Ro || Female || Lavender Albino Python
T/Challa or Chachee || Male || Blue Eyed Leucistic Ball Python
Shuri || Female || Savannah Cat

Become Queen of Wakanda
Become an Olympic Gymnast
Bring Wealth to Poorer Parts of Angola

Home-schooled {0 - 6}
Le Rosey {7 - 13}
The Buckley School {14 - Current}

Socioeconomic Status
Combined Family Net Worth: $39. 3 Billion
Upper Class
Wealthiest Families in Africa

Childhood Residence(s)
Dangote Estate || Nigeria
Angolan Presidential Palace || Angola
Tatiana Kukanova Estate || Oxfordshire, England

Gulfstream G550 Jet
{ X, X, X, X, X, X }

Diamonds Are Forever
{ X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X }
Current Household
1 Grandmother
1 Teenager
4 Pets
5 Live-In Staff

Ororo or 'Ro || Female || Lavender Albino Python
T/Challa or Chachee || Male || Blue Eyed Leucistic Ball Python
Shuri || Female || Savannah Cat
Bucky || Male || Egyptian Mau Kitten

Mother Has Tried Bleaching Her Skin Twice
Got Caught for Public Indecency Over the Summer
Broke A Classmate's Fingers at Le Rosey
Mother Told Her She Should Have Been Aborted

Summer Spent
1 Week in Nigeria
1 Week in Angola
3 Weeks in Morocco
Retail Therapy Sessions Galore
1 Week Yatching
Weekend at The Blue Cave in Kastellorizo, Greece
Boating Through The Waiahuakua in Hawaii
Muay Thai Lessons at True Warrior Fitness Gym
Volunteer Swim Instructor at Hollywood Wilshire YMCA

Main Residence
26880 Pacific Coast Hwy, Malibu, California, 90265

Natalia's Bedroom
{ X, X, X, X, X, X, X, X }

Modes of Transportation
2017 Bugatti Chiron
{ X }

2016 Porsche Panamera
{ X }


|| History ||
When thinking of either the Dangote or the Dos Santos families, most of the private information that belong to their families are scarcely given to the public and all most people can do is speculate. Even to some of her closest friends, Natalia only meagerly provides clues and snippets of her childhood, simple and harmless memories that most would be satisfied by or she'll make them satisfied with. To be completely honest, dissatisfaction towards what Natalia chooses to share and not share means very little to her. They might be treated to sights of her doing something one wouldn't think she would, considering the information about herself she has given, such as playing chess against herself or reading some first edition of an old novella. To be particularly honest, unlike a few of the billionaires of the world, neither of the clans are common household names that Americans or even Europeans mention. Some don't even know that they are some of the richest people in the world. Though they are both prominent and infamous names in the whole of Africa - mostly due to being the two wealthiest families on the continent - most of what is provided to internet resources and the like are speculations made by those who have no idea what has gone down behind closed doors. For instance, despite the insurmountable work Isabel has done which has allowed the accumulation of a vast amount of wealth for a woman her age, most Internet resources and raggedy gossip columns insist that her wealth was won by her father's doing as the president of Angola. Instead of allowing the woman her due, she is given (recently, they have begun to call her the Queen Bitch of Africa), quite mockingly unlike the love her eldest child has been given by taking on the moniker, the title of "The Princess of Africa," alluding to everything she had ever earned in her own right as an entrepreneur being a direct result of being a president's daughter. Even Aliko Dangote, born from a notably affluent and wealthy Muslim family, is not safe from having his success and self-acquired wealth disparaged by allegations of his having harems and a plethora of affairs, as if all of his hard work mean nothing in the face of being a man without values. Most importantly, though, is the mystery and confusion around how Aliko Dangote and Isabel dos Santos wound up having a baby all those years ago when neither of them were barely able to remain as civil as the rest of their families.

If Natalia were to actually describe her conception, despite how much tact or class her parents would prefer she used, she would classify it as bluntly as "hate-fucking." After all, that was what it was. Rankling just beneath their shared distaste of one another was an actual attraction that neither Isabel nor Aliko wish to answer about. All Natalia knows is that the two of them were attending a fashion show in South Africa, they were at the same hotel, and then things happened. Things like Natalia. Both had walked away, initially, from that night with the desire to never speak of it again. Until Isabel confessed to her mother that she was pregnant and then everything was shot to hell. JosΓ© Eduardo dos Santos and Tatiana Kukanova had long since been divorced, but concerning matters as they pertained to their daughter, the two of them could be a united force. While Isabel even fathomed the idea of an abortion, Tatiana devised that the best way to get back at whatever Isabel felt Aliko had done to her was to have the baby and hold it over his head, treat the child better than Aliko did any of his own neglected children. Of course, that wasn't exactly what happened considering how overjoyed Aliko's mother, Mariya was about the ordeal. While she lambasted her son for his infidelity against his wife (the marriage was failing, anyway), if there was one thing Mariya had been clear about, it was that there would be no child with Dangote blood in their system unattended for. So, instead of spending the next eighteen years possibly dealing with an unnecessary battle that petty Isabel would have wanted, there was actual maturity in the form of Natalia's grandparents. Maturity, but definitely not peace.

While Natalia gives one word responses, typically, when it comes to her childhood and the rest of her family, what she hasn't classified it as was horrible. It wasn't particularly abusive, though that is left to debated considering Isabel's mistreatment of her eldest child. What never needed to be explained is that when Tatiana decided to move to the states, there was no arguing with her about whether or not Natalia was coming with her. Isabel may had birthed Nat, but it was Tatiana and a live-in nurse who truly were her primary caretakers in that household. Natalia spent a lifetime being passed between Nigeria and Angola, both relatively close, but a hectic environment for any child. In one household (Isabel's), she was the eldest child and the least loved. Isabel gave Natalia whatever a child would want - pets, gymnastics and dance lessons in Europe, clothing to satisfy a village (all things, primarily, to distract Natalia enough that she was out of Isabel's sight) - but did not hesitate to exemplify her colorism against her child who came out darker than Isabel would have wanted. She even considered bleaching Nat's skin until Tatiana called a stop to it, and Nat has never forgotten the pride in her mother's eyes when her light-skinned twins were born. In the other household (Aliko's), Natalia was a middle child tolerated by her step-mother, hated by her siblings, and begrudgingly shown a smidgen of affection by a father who deemed it only necessary if there had been enough pictures in the media to suggest her and Isabel's closeness. Unless the two of them were trying to upstage one another, Natalia learned by the time she was six that she was unwanted by both parents and grudgingly kept to satisfy her grandparents. Which is why, if she does manage to share much of her childhood, it is obvious, without having to actually be outright spoken, that her most stable point was attending Le Rosey in Switzerland and staying at her babushka's estate in England.

A lot of Natalia's happier memories - and those are the ones that are wont to bring a smile upon her face, though it is very rare when she mentions them - consist of her grandparents and a little bit of Rosey. If she were honest, despite her love for her country and a desire to return, she has been her freest since arriving in the states. If she wasn't visiting art galleries and museums around the world with her Γ¬yΓ‘ Mariya on her father's dime, then it was at her mother's expense that she was exploring new restaurants, attending championship chess matches and generally traveling with her babushka, Tatiana. Her avΓ΄ JosΓ© signed her up for modeling gigs at a young age in what she called him out on as an attempt to lessen the blow of her mother's projected internal colorism, for which she has always been insurmountably grateful. There was a time that she, too, hated her own complexion for the vexation her mother seemed to possess for it and her. Her closest relationship and the only one she talks extensively about, however, is with her babushka. When Natalia's underlying energy she couldn't seem to expel into dancing or gymnastics completely manifested in the form of her finally breaking a classmate's fingers at Rosey, Tatiana signed her up for kickboxing. Isabel judged her; called her internal darkness and immediate primal reaction as a result of her darker complexion, a curse from her father's side. Tatiana was the one who surmised how much it was a result of emotions Natalia had grown exceptionally well at controlling, but never releasing. It was her babushka who taught her how calming cooking and how good focusing her energy on that could be, Tatiana who made Natalia fearless.

Which is why Natalia felt no inclination to explain to her followers why she decided to transfer to a rather basic private school in the states. A part of her reasoning might have stemmed from the fact that she had friends from Rosey who were moving to California as well, but the main one and the one she never felt the need to express was the fact that her babushka was going to be there. The only adult in her life who could be seen on her social media wanted her to come with her. Why stay in proximity to those who made it clear that she is unwanted when she can be in the continued company of one who does want her? It's the same mentality she carries for those she is friends with. Despite the distance, Natalia makes sure she visits Angola and Nigeria, not for the sake of either of her parents. Just for her Γ¬yΓ‘ and avΓ΄.

|| The Parents ||
|| Aliko Dangote ~ Father β—ˆ Isabel dos Santos ~ Mother β—ˆ Sindika Dokolo ~ Stepfather ||
"What I will say is that I respect the fact that the two of them do try to make things work between them. Obviously, things don't exactly work, but at least one can say that they're trying. And if their trying happened to include them both buying me really expensive cars this year as the first vehicles that are solely mine and not something I share with my babushka, then I guess I can reap the benefits of their petty. At the end of the day, they are both my parents and, in a way, I love them. Should we be closer, especially considering I'm the first child she ever gave birth to? Yes, but it is what is. I'm not about to spend the rest of my life wondering about the could have beens and the what-ifs. They're of inconsequential value. I will say that I like Sindika. He's a bit of a dork and I'm still trying to see how the hell that became a thing, but he's cool."

|| The Grandparents ||
|| JosΓ© Eduardo dos Santos ~ Grandfather β—ˆ Tatiana Kukanova ~ Grandmother β—ˆ Mariya Sanusi Dantata ~ Grandmother ||
"I love my Γ¬yΓ‘ Mariya. I obviously don't speak Yoruba, which is her primary language, so she always turns to English for me and is still teaching me Yoruba. Can't exactly learn six languages that fast. The point is that Γ¬yΓ‘ makes Nigeria bearable when I visit. The country is beautiful, but there's nothing like being with my Γ¬yΓ‘ and her playing in my hair. That was how we bonded - her being the main person taking care of my hair and making me fall in love with art. She's genuinely so sweet, but tougher than she looks. Literally the love of my life, as I tell everyone.

My relationship with my avΓ΄ JosΓ© is different from what I have with my babushka only because he reminds me too much of my mother...until he is out of his office and then he's not president. He's just my avΓ΄. We have debates on politics every single time we get together and like Baba, we can sit in silence just reading and still say we had a good time. He signed me up for modeling - still does - just to bring up my confidence in my skin. There are so many rumors as they pertain to the accumulation of my grandfather's wealth, to which I respond with indifference. I have had one of the best childhoods in the world because of him and I wouldn't change that. Do I think that more of his wealth could have gone to the Angolan people? Damn straight and I do my best to give back to the community. At the same time, I can give the same critique to all of the major powers in the world. The only difference between them and what has happened in Angola is that my country is still repairing itself from Portugal's colonization. A lot of the other countries were colonizers or benefited from colonization. Of course, everyone's gonna have something to say about a country filled with brown people; it's what they're good at, after all, when they no longer reap the benefits of said country.

My closest relationship out of everyone is with my Baba Tati. My Baba is literally my other half. All of my friends tease me because she's such an older version of myself with her dark complexion and sass. We talk a lot of shit in Russian when we're around people we don't like or who are annoying us, we're both pretty hard to take by surprise, we gossip over mariscos cozidos com gindungo and her favorite Russian vodka, and for her to be in her late sixties, Baba can still hand my ass to the cold hard ground in the middle of a sparring session. Baba was the one who introduced me to books and fighting and to loving the preparation of really good food. She knows me better than really anyone else in this world. My mother gets in her feelings when I say it, but the truth of the matter is that Baba is my mom. Isabel birthed me for her."

|| The Siblings ||
|| Amalia Dokolo ~ Half-Sister β—ˆ Demetrio Dokolo ~ Half-Brother β—ˆ The Dangote Clan ~ 3 Girls & 1 Boy ||
"My siblings and I aren't close. It's as simple as that. I will say that Abdul, on my Dad's side, and I get along alright considering no one wants him because he's the adopted one, but at this point, I don't see our estrangement as a cause for turmoil. They don't like me and I don't really think of them. Why put in the effort when someone else doesn't want to?"

|| Short Term Goals ||
"My short term goals are in line with my priorities, which are pretty simple. Keep up with my main crew as always, make sure my grades are on point, and make my birthday plans. The thing that I came up with for the crew is that we should create a list of things we haven't done and then cross them off every year on our birthdays or even as time goes by. And for us to all be in our teens and such, we've done a lot. Like, a lot of shit. We've eaten snails, which are disgusting and I don't care what anyone else says, I am NEVER doing that shit again. We've eaten bugs, somebody purposefully allowed themselves to get stung by a jellyfish for shits and giggles, and a bitch giggled - all the way on the other side of the room. It's usually fun and I can't wait to really make these plans. I literally have no idea what the festivities for my birthday are gonna look like or if I'm having a party at all, but I do know that this year I wanna find a tattoo that means something, not the stereotypical butterfly, heart or rose."

|| Long Term Goals ||
"Considering the fact that I haven't planned my birthday out yet should be just slightly indicative of the fact that I'm not about making plans for the future unless they're the immediate future. I'm too busy living in the moment for all of that. I don't know if college is in the cards for me. I like school, to an extent, but I'm not sure if I wanna rush into the college scene or not. I won't even say that I've been thinking about marriage and kids and a family all on my own. What I do know is that I want the now to be moments that I'll never regret and that when I get to wherever I'm gonna get, I can say that I had the time of my life. The only secure thing is that I know I'll be doing a lot of work in rebuilding less fortunate parts of Angola."

|| Aspirations ||
"Again, the most secure thing in the future for me is repairing Angola's poorer lands and the harsh class divisions. There's no place on Earth where classes aren't distinctive, but it's obvious that we need to focus on building up minimum wage and housing. So, one of my aspirations in life is to definitely help with that, maybe by building homes and complexes. My other and only definite aspiration is to be, as Beyonce herself has proclaimed, happy. I don't have time regret a thing nor spend my life feeling sorry that I'm not close with my parents, or anything else dramatic. I just want to be happy, even if my happiness means being by myself."

|| Grade ||

|| Lifer Status? ||
"It's amusing to me how much Lifer students care if you're one or them or not. Which I'm not and not pressed about. I transferred at the beginning of the last year of middle school and have remained unapologetic and un-bothered by the fact."

|| Scholarship or Not? ||
"I attended Rosey on a scholarship, not because my family couldn't foot the bill, but because my gymnastics warranted a scholarship. I had never seen it as something I had earned all on my own. Since this is a much cheaper school and I honestly hadn't known if I would continue gymnastics, I came to Buckley with no expectation that I would receive a scholarship. My family takes care of everything else, so I wasn't surprised when they footed the bill for school as well."

|| Clique? ||
"It's apparently rare for any Non-Lifer to make it so high on the social ladder, but I could honestly care less about that. I'm at the perfect position for me to be at and so I have no complaints about being a cheerleader, even when some of them make me wanna kill them. The cheerleaders are a unit, which I appreciate, but I'm also at a position where I can go off and do as I please. I made the conscious decision to not aspire to be team captain, even though I am more than qualified for the position and was asked. I just don't wanna put the energy into anything higher, despite having gained a bit of respect despite not being a Lifer. It's the same mentality I carry for the social ladder, in general. Being any higher would require too much attention to petty things like making sure my queen feels my undying loyalty or upholding the status quo, and some other inconsequential bullshit. My queen, my classmates, and any other expectations people have for me can take a nose dive off of the highest cliff for all I care."
Cheerleaders & she's really nonchalant about it

|| Sports? Clubs? ||
"As much as I have to stop myself from strangling some of these uppity bitches in their leotards, I couldn't help but audition for the cheer team. I joined because I knew without it, I wouldn't really care about continuing gymnastics and I like tumbling. And I might like these girls a little bit. The one club I joined that I love the most, which is a shock to some, is the varsity club. I like helping the little kids swim and if the other perk is seeing a few cocky little shits cry like a little bitch as soon as they leave the shallow end of the pool, well, then sue me. I'm a twisted little bitch, what can I say?"
Spirit Team & Varsity Club



|| Looking Most Forward To? ||
"I've got no shame in saying this. I always look forward to shit people find themselves in when the school year starts. It's like they go the entire summer relatively drama free and then as soon as we all return, BOOM. Something's already come up or something from last year is haunting a bitch. And I live for it, or I live for watching the shit show, at least. Just give me enough warning so I can have my caramel popcorn on deck."

|| Best Subject? Worse Subject? ||
"My best subject is a tie between art and history, maybe an amalgamation of both. I'm not bad at any one subject as my 3.81 GPA is enough to let you know that a girl ain't struggling, but either of those two are my favorite and so I put the most effort into those. History is literally a literary collection of soap operas and action novels. Art is, well, art. My worst subject, simply out of disinterest, is probably a science. Knowing how to make ice cream in a plastic baggie does nothing for me."
Best: Art or History & Worst: Sciences (She never fails though)

|| Class Schedule ||
Work in progress

|| Plotline Ideas for Natalia? ||
β€’ "Will-they-won't-they" relationship with a friend that everyone has been questioning β€’ Close friends finally seeing the interactions between Natalia and her mother (or father) β€’ Possible development of a desire to take on cheer captain despite saying she doesn't want it β€’ Grandmother gets sick

|| Timezone? ||
Eastern US

|| How often do you post? ||
For now, every day. When I land a job, it'll most likely be at least three times a week as the minimum but I might be able to bring in more posts.

So begins...

Natalia dos Santos's Story