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Derek Escuyos

"Even if the team don't want me, they still need me."

0 · 483 views · located in California

a character in “The Buckley School: Senior Year”, as played by chanelindistress




Full Name
Derek Nicholas Escuyos

Prefers if people calls him by his first name.

Date of Birth
November 10, 1998


Star Sign

"My parents moved to America when I was two after saving enough money up for the move and securing my mom's job as a nurse, so I still call the Philippines my first home."

100% Filipino

Sexual Orientation || Sexual History || Relationship History || Relationship Status
"It's not really a secret anymore, but I am dating Rhapsody and I plan to for as long as she'll have me. And I'm not even gonna lie, unless she has a really good explanation that includes her not feeling the way that she does for me anymore, I'm not letting my girl go without a fight. All the other girls I hooked up with before were...nice. They weren't bad hook-ups, but there's a completely different experience between sleeping with people because that's what you're told you're supposed to do and being with someone you genuinely care about and love. Call me a little bitch or a wimp, but at least I'm comfortable with my girl under my arm and feeling high on life while the rest of you suckers are trying to warm your cold ass beds with girls you know you'd never feel a thing for."
Heterosexual || Very Much Active || Mostly Flings || In a relationship




"It never fails that even though she's definitely a certified and very bright nurse, my mom is determined to believe that I can't possibly weigh as much as I do. I eat a lot, but in her eyes and the eyes of my grandmother, it never really goes anywhere. I just call those blessed genes."
152 lbs

Body Type
A mix of both mesomorph and ectomorph

Body Shape
Broad-Shouldered || Even though he can sometimes look lean and lanky, there's definitely nothing skinny about Derek. He has quite the muscular build; he's just not particularly capable of bulking up the way that he wants to.

Shape of Face

Eye Color

Skin Tone
An even tan || Olive complexion

His black hair is naturally silky-soft and kept short, though over the summer - and much to the chagrin of his girlfriend and mother - Derek shaved his hair close to his head. It's growing back a lot quicker than anticipated, but it's definitely been an interesting look for him.

Distinguishing Mark(s)
Unless you count the plethora of fingernail imprints or even hickeys as distinguishing marks despite the fact that they fade away at some point, then the most distinguishing marks on Derek's body are the tattoos he technically was never supposed to have. The dragon acompanied by the words "Live" and "Love" on his abdomen had been a dare by his brother that Derek foolishly couldn't ignore and the roman numerals on his left bicep was the "apology" to his mother considering they're her birth year. The tattoo on his left arm occurred over the summer and only because he honestly found it pretty cool. He even has a feather tattooed on his right hand. He covers them all up during basketball season.

Fashion Sense
Derek is the stereotypical boy. He likes a simple and relaxed style. There are some things he isn't pressed about and fashion brands are only one of many. As long as Gio has clean threads on his skin with the occasional addition of watches , sunglasses, or snapbacks, he's good.

Overall Attractiveness
The one time that anyone can honestly say that Derek looks in any way smug or over-confident about his looks is when his girlfriend is giving him a rather hungry and definitely appreciative gaze. Honestly, if your girl's looking at you like that, you've gotta be some kind of attractive right? And with his angular jaw, narrow hazel eyes, deeply tanned skin and dark hair, not to mention impressive physique, to say that Derek isn't attractive at all is to admit that you're either a hater or you're blind because there's no way he's not. He's been called a ten, but he likes to give himself a nice eight.


Special Skills
Cooking, Bilingual {Speaks Filipino & English}, Drawing, Basketball, Baseball

While there is definitely something to be said about Derek's physical aptitude because the boy's definitely talented and has what it takes to make it professional, his greatest strength is his patience. Derek isn't what you would call an impulsive individual. Though how quickly he'll high-tail it to home base would have you believing otherwise or how swiftly he's managed to get the ball from the opposing team, Derek is a firm believer in slow and steady wins the race. The fact that he didn't rush immediately into a relationship with his current girlfriend and worked at her pace is a testament to his patience. It means that he'll take the time to think certain things through instead of rushing in like he wants to, unlike his brother. His other and most prominent strength is his sense of self. After being outcast for a bit before becoming a Drifter, Derek really came into himself and he's made it so that it is impossible to shape his opinion or actions without it being himself who is in control of said actions. Before, he allowed himself to conform to the way of the Jocks until he realized that he wanted better for himself. And now, can't nobody tell him a thing.

The one bad thing that people can say about the Escuyos men is their pride. Just like his daddy, Derek is a very proud young man and it is not to say that he's particularly arrogant. In comparison to a lot of the guys he plays with, Derek is one of the few who is actually humble and doesn't throw his talents in anyone's face. He just doesn't like to admit his mistakes or when he's wrong. Derek knows he isn't a genius and isn't perfect, but it is something he has learned from both his grandfather and father. They were never people who stepped down easily and were quite stubborn, and it is a shared flaw between himself and his brother. Another issue is that, although it takes a lot to really grudge up his anger (though he'll go from zero to one-hundred real quick if someone messes with his girl or brother), once Derek's rage has been activated, he is nothing short of intense. His patience is forgotten and it's not to say that every person will be welcome to a punch in the face because he's just a secretly violent person, but there's no denying that Derek may or may not deliver one hell of a punch if pushed, and more if he's really mad. Only a handful of people can actually calm him down with just words.

Greatest Joys in Life
• Friends and Family • The Adrenaline That Comes With Playing Sports • Being Able To Be Himself Without the Pressure of Having to Conform

Greatest Fears
• Letting His Parents and Grandparents Down • Not Becoming Financially Secure In His Future • Getting His Father's Job • Tornadoes

• Getting Accepted At Georgetown University On An Athletic Scholarship {He Hasn't Told His Girlfriend That He Even Applied} • Win Championships • Get Enough Scholarships To Not Stress His Parents' Out

Life Philosophy
"All kids need is a little help, a little hope and somebody who believes in them."
~ Magic Johnson


Good Personality Traits
Ambitious Generous Easy-Going Compassionate Genuine Amicable Honest Independent Adventurous Cool

Bad Personality Traits
Competitive Stubborn Sarcastic Confrontational Overprotective Vindictive Calculated Blunt Bad Temper Possessive

The one thing that most people still associate with Derek, considering he spent pretty much his entire Buckley career ensconced in jock territory is arrogance. After all, despite being labeled an outcast for half of a year, Derek hadn't seen his new status as a setback for himself. He had known sports would always be a part of his life; it was just meant to be. And like it or not, the other jocks could go on and on about how he was never one of them, but as Derek pointed out, they were still going to need him more than he needed the rest of them. Especially if they wanted to keep up their winning streak. Which, well, is pretty arrogant. However, that wouldn't be the first trait one would mention when discussing Derek Escuyos and in fact, he is far more humble than he is over-confident. He's definitely sure of himself and his capabilities to the point that he will hardly allow himself to let one's negative opinions about his talents infiltrate his self-imposed self-assurance. He knows what he's good and believes that he's been made solely for athletics. No one can tell him otherwise. And if him being knowledgeable of both his worth as a human being and as an athlete - not a jock, considering one is far more suited for social purposes than actual physical aptitude - gets him called arrogant, then so be it. He's perfectly capable of proving why his confidence is mandated. At the same time, his ability to believe in himself has not gone over Derek's head. It doesn't make him pig-headed enough to sneer down at others that aren't as good and definitely not make him want to pick on anyone just to make himself feel better. It was one of the main reasons, out of many, that Derek found himself unable to mourn the loss of jock status. There's only so long one can pretend to be okay with sitting back and watching someone be an ass to another individual just because they could.

Once his transition was over and he began to settle with becoming a Drifter, it was discovered that a lot of the things that people associated with Derek from before remained the same. He had never put on a show. Derek is extremely chilled and sure, is always up for fun and getting into a few shenanigans with his friends, especially his brother. He didn't get grounded for an entire month for stealing from a gas station they were never going to see again for nothing. Not to say that Derek needs to live life on the wrong side of danger to enjoy himself, though. He's perfectly fine with just hitting the movies or even staying home and hitting up Netflix. There's no doubt that he needs days where he isn't slacking off in terms of conditioning, but considering he practices every day, some TLC is kind of a generic make-up of who Derek is. He is a rather simple guy who cares deeply for his friends and family, to the point that yes, he can be overbearing. He's an older brother and has always been the son everyone looked to to help take care of things. And sure, you might say that it's an issue that he's probably ready to go from zero to one-hundred in a heart-beat over his family and friends, at least they're never able to say that he doesn't love them. Derek isn't a person who says what he doesn't mean, will be the first one to keep it real with you even if that happens to be in a blunt manner, and he's far more patient than most people that he knows, but that doesn't mean that he is without some flaws to his person.

One of the most patient teenage boys you'll ever meet he may be, but there's no mistaking when Derek's angry and him angry - and genuinely angry, at that - is hardly a sight anyone wants to see. It's probably a testament to how well he holds stuff in. Derek is far from emotionally constipated and he definitely isn't the type to hide how he feels, but there's no denying that he's a good guy. And that means that he gives way too many chances, disallowing himself to act too irrationally once someone upsets him. With a dramatic sibling already wreaking havoc at home, he's just figured that everything that happens really is infinitesimal, so much so that perhaps it would not be better to react with the emotions he's feeling then and there. Which means that, when too much builds up on him and someone really sets him off, Derek explodes. He doesn't mean to, but it happens. He's got his father's pride too and is impossibly stubborn when his mind is set on something. His rather honest nature disallows him to not run up on someone when he thinks there's a problem between them or that they're picking on someone for absolutely no reason. He's definitely not what you would call impulsive; Derek thinks things through too much to be so. But once he's made his up about how he wants to approach a person or situation, best believe that he will do so and without fear, regardless of who it is and what their so-called status is. He's more than likely want to get back at someone when he feels that he, and especially someone that he cares about, has been wronged, and he's probably not someone you want to try to tell about themselves especially when Derek wants to believe that he's not wrong, but Derek is still very much a good kid with a bright future and a stronger sense of self than he had had when he first began high school. It might have taken him getting socially outcast for it to really sink in, but they always say that it is darkest just before the dawn.


Short Term Goals
"So, I know that a lot of people think that I don't talk to a lot of the A-Listers that I originally was friends with, but I still sometimes hang out with Aaliyah after school. And back during spring of last school year, she got me started with getting my recommendation letters and everything together so that we wouldn't be doing it last minute like the majority of my classmates. That way, I was also finished with getting my college applications and test scores and all that done earlier in the semester. One of the most important things, according to her, was actually getting to enjoy senior year and also applying for scholarships. Unlike me, her mom can pay for her schooling and come on, it's Aaliyah. She has a five point zero grade point average. There's no way that she's not getting a full ride somewhere. And yeah, I want an athletics scholarship because that's what I'm good at, but I know that that doesn't always cover every single thing. So, I've been spending a lot of time finding scholarships that I'm qualified for just so that my parents don't have to worry too much. They both already plan to take out loans and I don't want that for them. I don't want to need that. So, with championships on the horizon and just the rest of my senior year to look forward to since I've worked hard enough through the years to confidently say that I'm graduating on time, I'm just trying to get as much financial assistance as I can to get through college."
• Obtain As Many Scholarships As He Possibly Can To Cover College On His Own • Enjoy His Senior Year • Win Championships

Long Term Goals
"There are a lot of jocks who are jocks now, but aren't athletes. They're in the clique for the distinction, not necessarily the passion to continue after school. I've always had that passion. It's always been a dream of mine to either play basketball professionally or baseball. I've been being scouted, according to coach, since last sophomore year and I've worked my ass off too hard not to get accepted somewhere. And I know people think that all athletes just think about the girls, the cars, and the expensive lifestyle that rarely lasts, but I do have plans. For one, I've always wanted to have the kind of family life and marriage that my parents did. Yes, it's gonna be super awesome to own an Audi. In what world would it not be great? However, I also am not pressed for the fame. I'm not doing it for all of that. I just like sports and being active and that feeling you get when you're in the middle of one hell of a game. Yeah, winning is great, but it's when you're in the zone that I really want. And the people that I love to come home to. Too many athletes that I know of just don't really have someone special to come home to or waiting for them. I don't want that life. I don't wanna be a successful bachelor. I want family. I also have plans to get into architecture and designing. It's not something I talk to everyone about, mainly Leah and Rhaps, but it's definitely my other option."
• Get Recruited Into Either The LA Clippers or Dodgers • Allow His Dad To One Day Retire • Have A Long-Lasting Marriage Like His Parents and Paternal Grandparents

"I think everyone who's not as ridiculously wealthy as other people want to be able to provide for the people that they love, especially their parents. Those people sacrifice the most for us and it's against our nature as their kids to not one day be successful enough that they no longer have to work. Which is my goal. I want my Dad to retire from being a truck driver, and my mom's not going to stop being a nurse for a long while because she loves it, but I at least want her to not have to be an AVON specialist on the side just to get extra money. I want them to be comfortable in their golden years while also being happy with whatever I'm doing."



Tagbilaran, Phillippines


Idol or Hero
Ash Ketchum


Become A Pokemon Master

The Buckley School

Socioeconomic Status
Middle Class

Childhood Residence(s)
Bool District, Tagbilaran City, Tagbilaran City, Phillippines
Current Household
Paternal Grandparents
Younger Brother


He Applied To Both Georgetown University and
University of Maryland Without Telling His Girlfriend

Summer Spent
Spending Time With His Girlfriend and Friends
Working At His Grandmother's Flower Shop
Conditioning for Sports
7-Night Western Caribbean Cruise With Family

Main Residence
7818 Comanche Avenue Winnetka, CA 91306

Modes of Transportation
2009 Jeep Wrangler


|| The Parents ||
|| Danilo Escuyos ~ Father ~ Tractor-Trailer Truck Driver for Walmart || Mahalia Escuyos (nee. Ricamora) ~ Mother ~ Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist & Part-Time AVON Representative ||
"Dad's not home often enough because he's always on the road. It's a good pay for what he does, don't get me wrong. But it's the main reason why I'm trying really hard to make it into professional sports so that I can eventually get him to quit. I don't know what he's going to do when he becomes idle, maybe take up another hobby or something, but it doesn't need to be that. It takes a lot out of him. My mom is honestly such a bad ass and a sass queen. Like, she's always got something smart to say. Most people think she's just a sweetheart and all that, and she is, but don't let the smile fool you. She's always thinking something that will either have you dying laughing or rolling your eyes, or even both. And she's super embarrassing, but I'm guessing that's where Luke gets his personality from."

|| The Grandparents ||
|| Benije Escuyos ~ Grandfather ~ Unemployed; Retired || Diwata Escuyos (nee. Mendoza) ~ Grandmother ~ Florist ||
"I kinda love both of my grandparents the same, but there's no mistaking that I'm much closer to my grandma. My granddad is just...well, he can definitely be trying. I love him to death but it's the truth. He misses the simpler life in the Philippines, which is understandable. Coming to America wasn't so much a choice as it was a necessity for him. Where his wife goes, he goes. But my grandma is my heart, or at least one half of it. Don't let my mom hear the first thing I said. She'll say I'm neglecting or something."

|| The Sibling ||
|| Lucas Escuyos ~ Brother ~ High School Sophomore (stayed back) ||
"Even though we mostly lead separate lives at school, I can honestly say that Luke and I are still really close, if not closer because he had come out to our family. Our grandparents didn't take it so well, which isn't a surprise. They're elderly and conservative, I don't know why Luke thought it was going to be otherwise. Regardless, I have and will fight for this guy. Even though he gets on my last nerve and yes, I think he does the absolute most and it's not always cute, I still love him. I still want the best for him. More than anything, though, I want him to fucking pass this year, thank you very much. I don't wanna sit through another dinner of my grandparents blaming everything on him being gay."



Lifer? Newcomer?
"The main reason we had even stayed in California was because I got accepted into Buckley on Athletics. Once Luke got accepted, even if my parents wanted to move, they couldn't."


Are You Happy?
"If you don't know, I was outcased this time last year from the Jocks. Being at Buckley for as long as I have, you kinda want to fit in. Once you get that first taste of all that being an A-Lister has to offer and the connections you can make, it's hard to not want more. And as a middle class kid, I can't lie and say that it hadn't been appealing to me. Not the being a jock part because I was always gonna be an athlete, whether or not those fuckers wanted me on the team with them or not. But I could see myself, not necessarily losing myself, but not fully being me. I don't like when jocks shove kids into lockers or trashcans, or bully people for no reason other than to make themselves feel good. I never did any of those things, but I stood by for the longest while because I liked fitting in. I was never rich like them or pretentious, but I was impressive enough to get in with the right people. And then sophomore year happened and I started to get close with Rhaps. I won't say that she's the main reason I ended up being kicked out and clique-less until almost the end of junior year, but she was a factor. They didn't like me getting close to anyone who wasn't a Lister and I eventually told them about themselves. Aaliyah still thinks that shit is hilarious. She said that she was more than willing to override and just make me one of her Royals. Even without being wealthy, to be shielded socially by the queen of everything was an honor not many of them can say that they have. But I just was done with the Listers. Eventually, I made my way into the Drifters and I'm perfectly fine with that. Hell, I feel lighter."

Would you change? To What?
Not At All

Clubs? Sport Teams?
Point Guard for Basketball Team, Pitcher for Baseball Team, and member on the Varsity Club

What are you looking forward to the most?
Graduation Day


So begins...

Derek Escuyos's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhapsody Vincent Character Portrait: Derek Escuyos
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0.00 INK

_____ T H EXA T H L E T E _____

Outfit: Link Here
Location: The Vincent Family Home
Dialogue Color ✦ #8F0000
Thought Color ✧ #3F0000

"Fuck, Rhaps," Derek swore, yanking on the first shirt of his that he saw. Considering the fact that there were a plethora of clothing items that were left in Rhapsody's room, Derek was bound to wake up and find an outfit to put together, regardless of not having packed anything the night before. Of course, if they were both in a much more jovial mood, Derek wouldn't have even needed to think about clothes in that particular moment because his mind would be focused on much more enjoyable things. However, that was not the case. While he couldn't say that everything was his girlfriend's fault because a lot of last night's occurrences were out of both of their control, at the end of the day, Derek didn't like being misled, especially when it came to his brother and those he really cared for.

It was bad enough that Rhapsody had known about the fight that had included Luke, Eliades and Mike. In a way, as Derek tried calming himself down but still on the move, Derek could understand why she hadn't told him at that particular moment what had happened. The fact that Luke had needed to leave while Mike was allowed to stay would've had Derek ready to throw hands, never mind the fact that if he had known half of the things the guy had said about and to his brother, Derek would be out for blood. Regardless of how petulantly Luke wanted people to believe that he didn't care and he was too cool, Derek knew his little brother. Luke wore his heart on his sleeve far more than he wanted people to know; there were plenty of times Derek knew that Luke's feelings were hurt and his brother tried brushing it and him off. Which was why Derek was so protective because Luke will let people say all the shit in the world about him and say, "bitch bye," but later cry to himself and actually internalize their fuckery. The most that Derek knew about the situation, though, was that Luke had been the cause of the fight and instead of reaching out to Derek, he reached out and left with Roman. The very last person Derek needed to get in his brother's head. And the fact that Rhapsody knew that much and had purposefully not told him, even when asked last night, was aggravating. No matter how good their relationship was, no love in the world was going to stop him from being upset, especially when it came to his brother.

Of course, immediately texting Luke resulted in his brother flat-out ignoring his concerns and demands to know where he was in favor of sharing a little tidbit that apparently not many outside of Aaliyah's very immediate circle knew. She was in the hospital. That was what had Derek on his feet and searching for clothes. Luke wasn't going to turn his location on and while Derek probably could've figured out who had Roman's address, the fact that his brother was sassing him first thing in the morning proved that he was alright. Besides, Luke had even seemed concerned about Aaliyah and that meant if he was worried, then Derek was even more-so because unlike her relationship with the former, there was something far more lasting and genuine in Aaliyah's friendship with Derek. It had been through the grapevine, Luke had text, that Malcolm and Danielle had taken Aaliyah to the hospital. Malcolm called her brother, which prompted Genneya to text their cousin Cydnee who went on a rampage at Aaliyah's Royals for not knowing what happened to their so-called "beloved" queen. Come to find out, the girls were given date rape drugs and it was iffy on who gave whom what at the moment. All Derek knew was that Aaliyah was in the hospital, one of her girls was at home being cared for, and he was feeling anxious and really needed to see at least one of the two people being cared for. And since Luke was being the ass who declared that he would be home when he decided to go home, Derek could only actually check on one person physically.

"Did Malcolm tell you what hospital they're at yet?" Derek demanded, voice sharper than he intended as his frustration made him struggle a bit with his shoes. A moment later and he sighed, struck with a tiny bit of guilt. His anger hadn't fully dissipated, but still. "Look, babe, I'm sorry...I'm not trying to snap at you." He sighed again. Derek and Rhapsody didn't particularly argue as much and while his mom joked that it was because they were still in their honeymoon phase where everything was perfect, Derek just thought that it was how they were. They didn't have as many reasons to clash and just like his guilt dictated, he wasn't as much of a fan of raising his voice to her. That didn't stop him from still being upset because she knew how he was. Would he have overreacted and probably tried to kick Mike's ass last night? Damn skippy. But it was still his damn right to know that his brother hadn't gotten into a situation and that way Derek could have known the whole story, not woken up to a confession and having to text his brother back and forth - which wasn't easy because Luke was a right bitch first thing in the morning, but even more-so when shit like this happened - just to get answers. And then to be worried about Aaliyah too? It was a lot when he thought they were going to have a pretty smooth weekend.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhapsody Vincent Character Portrait: Derek Escuyos Character Portrait: Aaliyah Shank Character Portrait: Malcolm Vincent
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Rhapsody hated lying, not to mention she wasn’t any good at it, in general, but especially to Derek. He just had those big brown eyes that made her want to tell him everything and not telling him about Luke was starting to weight on her as she laid comfortably cuddled on Derek’s chest with their legs tangled together. She would have told him last night but after departing from the party the lovebirds had their minds on… other things. And her mind sort of went blank when they were both in that mindset. Part of her wished she would have just done it last night seeing that she now had this giant lump in her stomach that made her feel like she was going to be sick. Before she knew it, after kissing her man along his jaw several times and down his neck, nipping him a few times. She hit him with a “Mon bébé garçon, there’s something I have to tell you…” Which has led them to where they were now. She understood her boyfriend’s irritation. Watching him get out of bed and throw on a shirt, she had to face the fact that the moment was gone. She gave a soft huff as she reached for the black bonnet to reveal her perfect curls and kinks from underneath. Hey, she liked the afterglow that she had after Derek but her curls didn’t need to suffer because of it. The artist grabbed the first shirt she saw, which just so happened to be the large white tee Derek had worn the night before. “Derek, I’m sorry. I know should have told you. I just didn’t want you getting in a fight or anything.” Derek wasn’t some sort of raging jock who took pleasure in fighting people but, Rhapsody knew there were a few people in his life you didn’t mess with; her, which he has proven before when guys tried to take what was his but, more than her, you didn’t mess with his family, and you definitely didn’t mess with Luke.
Watching Derek text, who she could assume was Luke, made her anxious. She wanted to know he was okay, which by how fast the brothers were texting back. He was fine, just being… Luke. She couldn’t just watch him texting Luke, it was weird and made her feel even worst for not saying anything about it the night before. So, she tried to focus on other things, anything else like fixing herself up for the day and making sure her parents weren’t back yet. They loved Derek but, they weren’t keen on letting their daughter’s boyfriend spend the night especially when they’re not there to somewhat act like a “cock block” for the couple. After checking in on her pets and making sure her parents weren’t home. Rhapsody kept finding things to fill the time before they found out that Luke was fine. From fixing her curls and wrapping one of her several headbands around her messy ponytail with her curly bangs flowing free. To actually tossing on a pair of high rise jeans and black boots to go along with the white top she had already put on. It didn’t help. She still could feel the tense vibe in the room.
They let the annoyance be heard, talk about it, whoever was in the wrong would apologize (mostly him, but she’d never say that out loud), and before long they were back to being that cuddly couple everyone knew and loved. That’s how it always went with them. Fighting about stupid shit, bickering with each other about everything under the sun like how other couples did at their age. It just wasn’t their style. At least that how she thought it would go before he asked, no, actually yelled at her, asking if her older brother had told him what hospital they were at. Who was they? Why was he at the hospital? These were questions she would have been asking if she still wasn’t caught off guard with how Derek had asked her in the first place. She just sort of looked at him for a moment before he sighed and apologized.
“It’s fine. Do not even worry about it. I will call Malcolm.” She grabbed her phone from under her pillow and walked out of her room. It wasn’t fine. Rhapsody didn’t like when someone raised their voice at her. She wasn’t used to him being so upset with her so whoever was at this hospital with Malcolm had to be pretty important. When her older brother finally answered the phone, a weight lifted off her chest.

[color= #629632]“Hey, Rhaps?”[/color]
“Hey, Rhaps?! You don’t come home, you don’t let me know where you are, you shun me all night, and all I get is a ‘Hey, Rhaps?’ Malcolm, are you serious?” He would have been amused by his sister’s impression of him, which was pretty spot on seeing that she completely hid her accent. But it was hard to enjoy it as his sister continued, Malcolm groaned and moved the phone away from his ear. Surprisingly, he could still hear his little sister loud and clear. And she just kept going with it. “Rhaps, I didn’t shun all night--..” Rhapsody scoffed through the phone. “Right, you just were too busy with your more… important friends.” Malcolm loved Rhapsody, he did. She was his little sister, a piece of him but, he hated when she talked down to his friends. He didn’t hang around a lot of the jocks since they thought it was a bright idea to talk shit about Derek and Rhaps with Malcolm there but the ones he did befriend, the good ones were great guys. Hell, when she made comments like she was talking down to herself as well and she knew she was. Which pissed him off. He smacked his lips. “Rhapsody, did you call me just to yell at me about that because I’m kind of busy.”
The siblings were two of a feather with both continuing to harshening their tones, not caring who heard them. “No, that is not why I called you.” Rhapsody took a deep breath. “Just--.. Just tell me where you are.” Malcolm cleared his throat. “Rhaps--..” Before he could even finish, his sister continued. “Malcolm, we know you’re in the hospital and we know you’re taking care of someone. Derek and I just want to make sure everything’s fine for ourselves.” How the hell did they know? He only told Cyndee so she wouldn’t be worried sick at where her cousin was and even if she was at the hospital, she was in good hands. “Rhapsody, don’t worry about it. Everything’s fine. Really I’ll be home soon.” Rhapsody scoffed. Don’t worry about it? Really? Don’t worry about it?” Malcolm rubbed his face, trying to think of what to say to get her to relax. “Yea, don’t worry about it. Something just happened to Aaliyah and I wanted to make sure she was okay. ” Shit. “Wait a minute. You were with--..” Malcolm looked back towards the room where Aaliyah had been all night, only to see one of the doctors that had been helping them all night about to walk into the room. “I’m at Cedars-Sinai, okay? I gotta go.” Before his sister could say anything else. He hung up his phone, putting it back in his pocket before heading back into the room to make sure everything with Leah was okay before they, hopefully, released her.