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"The siren waits thee, singing song for song."

0 · 1,004 views · located in Jupiter, Florida

a character in “The Cabinet of Curiosities”, as played by CaptainHooligan


{The Wind by The Fray}
"I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim."

{Trouble by Imagine Dragons}

Back to Basics
Novocaine by Fall Out Boy
"I’m just a problem that doesn’t want to be solved
So could you please hold your applause
Take this sideshow and all its freaks
And turn it into the silver screen dream"

Emma Marion Winchester

When Elsa confronted Emma and demanded her name, she simply stated, "Thalassa," deciding it would be best to keep her real name to herself. It is pronounced Thu-lassa, but a lot of the visitors call her "mermaid," "nymph," or "fish girl." She hasn't been around long enough to really get any nicknames, but most are beginning to call her T - since that's how she likes to sign her name.


November 2nd

She has more-so a miscellaneous role, she runs a concession stand, helping with food such as popcorn and cotton candy, but she's a side act if need-be. She's a "mermaid," she puts on the tail and adds a scale effect along her back and shoulders, holds her breath for an insane amount of time, flashes her sharp canines every once in awhile, and sometimes sings for the crowd.

Demisexual - She needs to develop a strong, emotional bond with someone before even looking at them romantically.

First Impressions

Five foot six inches - 5'6"
One hundred and twenty pounds - 120 lb.
Hair Color:
Dirty Blonde
Eye Color:
Pale Blue/Gray
Scars, Markings or Tattoos:
Her skin is practically untouched by scars or birthmarks, only dotted by a few freckles here and there. T isn't one to put herself into a situation to cause harm to herself, the only time she purposefully caused pain to herself was when she got the tattoo on her right forearm (A drunken mistake on her part).
How Thalassa catches most people's wandering eyes is by her soft voice. On several occasions a drunken man has pointed at her and called her a "siren," which most of the ones who have done that are beyond the point of drunk. Her hair itself looks that of a siren it's usually slicked back - normally damp, as if she's recently been in water. Her wild assets provide an easy distraction for most - her hair is straight falling just below her shoulders. Behind the hair, both ears are pierced and hold two earrings each. Usually hidden her blue eyes rarely hold direct eye contact. Her eyes aren't unique, they are a bit dull really. Except in the sunlight the silvery color is more pronounced due to the dark gray surrounding it.
Thalassa is a strange girl to behold. Her lean physical shape is soft and curved, small and fragile looking - making her appear younger than she actually is, giving her a child-like look. Her face, though, is a bit more stoic as it has a bit of an odd shape. She usually has a very judgmental look on her face. Not that she's angry, she just doesn't like showing emotions. Her brows are usually furrowed and her eyes squinted slightly. Her stoic look can be transformed with a small smile as a look of curiosity which is a valid point. Her teeth which may make you a bit apprehensive. T has a perfect set of white teeth, her canines are fairly sharp due to no reason at all. Not to mention her voice is softer that her features - it's a of a whisper, almost breathy. Her skin is slightly sun kissed, with freckles dotting the bridge of her nose and her forearms. Her looks seem to radiate her personality, she looks approachable but you may want to proceed with caution. Her appearance is almost lithe, seeing her you think she could easily be over powered which is true in most cases, but she knows more than she lets on so you may be on the receiving end of the blow.

Digging A Little Deeper


Quirks,Habits, Oddities:
|| Insomniac || Usually barefoot, she enjoys popping her toes || Hums or sings absentmindedly || Her "personal space" is considerably larger than most || Braids her hair when she has nothing else to do || Sticks out her tongue when concentrating || If she's just sitting around she has to be moving something, whether she's tapping her foot, bouncing her leg, or drumming her fingers || Can be caught dancing, usually ballet || Bilingual || Smokes when stressed || Compulsive Liar, she doesn't even realize when she stretches the truth sometimes || Doesn't make direct eye contact || Daydreams || Rubs wrist when uncomfortable || Thick Cajan/Southern Accent ||

Skills, Talents, Abilities:
|| Own Intelligence : The lost years of learning, she has made up for in cunning abilities. She's quick witted and can get herself out of a sticky situation easily. She's is an eager learner, not voicing that aloud though. She keeps her head high with a fake image of being well-educated, as her lack of intellect is replaced by an excessive amount of street smarts and survival skills. ||
|| Keeping Calm : She's always been good about keeping herself calm in the face of danger or distress and is very used to facing impending doom and severe situations. ||
|| Smooth Talker : She can talk or sing her way out of any situation ||
|| Head Strong : Strong willed and determined. Regardless of what it is, if she puts her mind to it she can get it done. ||

Flaws, Weaknesses, Deficits:
|| Temper : the small girl has quite the short fuse and went it goes off anyone within range is in danger ||
|| Blunt : Thalassa seems to have been born without a filter. ||
|| Illiterate : She never learned to read or write ||
|| Selfish : She covets and scorns for her own needs, she's the type to point the finger at someone else ||

|| Her entire history ||
|| She's a kleptomaniac ||
|| She's slowly loosing her hearing ||
|| Has two arrest warrants out in the states of Louisiana and Texas ||

|| Water - especially rivers || Animals || Consistency || Clouds || Stars || Learning to read, write, and spell - Learning new things || Being right || Arguing || The ocean || Sweets || Heights || Going barefooted || Challenges || Relaxation || Jokes || Warm blankets || Piano || Alcohol and Cigarettes || Singing|| Money || Antiques ||

|| Loud noises || Darkness || Sour smells || Interruptions || Anxiety || Repetition || Irony || Lectures || Loosing || The feeling of being trapped || Fire || Storms || Insects || Clowns || Messes || Pain || Being touched || Being Controlled || Police || Curious People || Jealousy ||


Under My Skin

|Quiet, Observant, Skeptical, Determined, Cunning|

The one who is usually seen quietly observing in the corner, Thalassa's outer appearance shouts naive, leaving her to be a hard one to decipher. Maybe it's the fact she may appear to you as completely approachable and friendly, but usually radiates the need to be left alone. It’s still questionable as to whether she’s unsure of herself and where she in fact lies in all of this, if it’s her more definitive personality, or, what she’d like herself to be. Thalassa doesn’t keep to one standardized image and tends to vary. Usually leaning towards the quiet observer.

The girl is stubborn and biased. Not one to surrender herself in an argument and won’t bend to anyone’s will. She thinks that her opinions are always correct simply because she’s had to rely on only herself for so long. It doesn't mean she's close-minded, but she's not exactly open-minded either. She won't immediately cast aside an offering of ideas or leads but she’s one to always want and have the final say in expressing and acting upon them. This mule headed tactic is often involved in her social connections and family relations as well. She likes to keep people an arm lengths away.

The small girl has a knack for making a crude comment or sardonic joke in the midst of a tense or emotionally stressful situation. While some might contribute this to immaturity in many ways it’s a coping mechanism. The mermaid doesn’t have time or the heart to take every heavy psychological blow that’s thrown at her and instead of allowing it she’ll turn it into a joke to make it easier for herself to deal with. She's quick to smile and laugh at seemingly serious matters.

Diving Into the Past

Snap Out Of It by Arctic Monkeys


Thalassa hasn't given anyone any information about her past, the only thing known is that she's the newest addition to FrĂ€ulein’s troupe. Before the freak show found its way to Jupiter it had set up in a different town a few states from Florida. The same town Emma had just stumbled upon in her "travels." Upon hearing of the new attraction in town, Emma's curiosity got the best of her. It was a Thursday before the carnival was set to open that Emma planned her little investigation. She easily found a gap in a fence and squeezed through, once inside she used anything as a means of cover as she cased the place. There were a few items that caught her attention, her hands twitched in anticipation, but before she could steal them a woman adorned in fur began to yell at her in a thick German accent, her golden locks bouncing as she headed in Emma's direction. Emma took off towards the gap in which she had entered, not looking back - hoping the German wasn't following still.

The next day, the carnival had opened to the town, Emma sat perched on a bench near the entrance as she watched people filter in and out. Children dragging their parents by the hands, teenage couples tangled together, and a few loners who looked rather bored. Her arms were crossed tightly, a grimace on her face as she waited for an opportunity to present itself. Not fifteen minutes earlier the blonde had discovered the gap in the fence had been covered. Emma sat fuming, but not for long, there was a large group of teenagers making there way to the entrance. She easily slipped in behind the group, easily acting as if she belong to such adolescence. The wallet of one boy caught her gray eyes as they made it to the entrance, she easily slipped it out of the tall, black-headed highschooler's pocket and changed her hiding spot to one behind an old man. She glanced up at the Ferris wheel to her left as she heard someone say, "Shit, I can't find my wallet!" A grin slid across Emma's features as she slipped two twenties out of the wallet and then let it fall to the ground as she stuffed the two bills into her back pocket.

The sun was beginning to sink low as Emma was about to call it a day. It had been a full one. She was leaned up against a horse on the merry-go-round, enjoying taking in all the sights as she went round and round. That is until the same familiar golden locks caught her attention, she stood up straighter as it seemed the woman's eyes were set on her. With an unsteady breath and a quick swallow, Emma prepared to make another run for it as she hopped off the merry-go-round once on the oppose side of where the German stood. She maneuvered her way through the crowd quickly, heading toward the exit. It was in sight when she felt a cold hand wrap around her wrist.

Emma was commanded to take a seat, but not before she was demanded to give her name, as the blonde haired Cruella de Vil lead her to a tent on the edge of the carnival. "My dear, you've seem to have made quite the impression." The fur coat she was wearing drug the ground just barely as she took a seat herself, crossing her legs and looking at Emma, waiting for a response. But none came. "Do you not have a tongue, child?" The German soaked words were threw at Emma, making her flinch. "I have nothing to say."

"How about we just get straight to the point, nein?" The woman leaned forward, hoping for something from Emma but getting nothing. "I have a written down everything you have stolen tonight, you've been quite the busy girl..for someone with such stealth you should learn to keep a little quieter, I could easily follow your singing as you pranced around my carnival." A small glimmer of fear in Emma caused a wide-tooth smile to appear on the German's lips as she continued. "I could easily turn you into the police, I'm sure they've been looking for you, Thalassa." "How do you know?" Emma's voice was higher pitched now, as she gripped the side of her chair, her eyes piercing as they finally made contact with Cruella's. "Ah, I didn't, but now I do." Emma went to speak, but she was silenced with a simple wave of the German's hand. "Tut-tut. I have an offer for you. Join my Cabinet of Curiosities or I'll turn you into the police."

That's how Thalassa was swindled and tricked for the first time. A small "contract" of sorts was written up between her and Elsa. Thalassa was to work any booth that needed extra hands, or to take over at the Ferris wheel or merry-go-round when need-be, and she was to continue her habit of stealing but Elsa was to get half. As Thalassa stood to leave the tent, Elsa stopped her once again, grabbing her chin, "Let me see your teeth." Thalassa did as she was told, exposing her sharp canines which led to more questioning and an addition to the contract. Thalassa was to be a side-act when necessary, the singing siren.

"Welcome to the family, Thalassa. You're going to enjoy it, you remind me a lot" Elsa's words left a bad taste in T's mouth as she left her tent. She was to meet the rest of the cabinet that night at dinner. She was nervous, Elsa spoke of how they didn't take kindly to people who looked rather "normal."

Thalassa kept to herself mostly in the beginning, she was finally getting the hang of things when it was announced the carnival would be moving to Jupiter, Florida.



Roleplayer: CaptainHooligan, but you can call me Cap or Jess ^^
Face Claim: Gemma Ward
Dialogue Color: #18b893

So begins...

Thalassa's Story

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Character Portrait: Thalassa
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Excitement had faded to annoyance when the newest addition had hopped into the train cart Elsa had pointed to. Thalassa realized that she wasn't the only one in this cart, there were two others - neither struck her at familiar: she still hadn't met everyone. One went to introduce themselves as she took a seat on the other side, she simply nodded and added a quick, "Thalassa." Apparently, these two had heard of her and tried to non-nonchalantly slide their belongings closer to themselves. Thalassa scoffed and with a roll of her eyes began to read a book she "found" earlier that day in the light filtering in through some cracks.

The loud train whistle was something Thalassa had begun to grow tired up, each time it sounded she found herself jumping at the encompassing noise. She'd also begun to grow restless, the cart was beginning to seem very small and with that Thalassa stood quickly - too quickly - as she stumbled a bit earning her the attention of her two fellow train riders. One gave an apologetic smile, as if he knew this was her first train ride, as he went over and opened the sliding door wider to let some fresh air in. T steadied herself by putting a hand on the side of the wall, feeling the vibrations of the train as it skirted across the tracks. She closed her eyes as her other hand grasped the bridge of her nose and she began to steady her breathing. This was going to be a long ride.

It wasn't long til Thalassa discovered that the two companions were snorers, she threw daggers at them with her now opened eyes - envious of their ability to sleep so easily through the noise of the train. Insomnia waxes and wanes like a moon phase, cycling itself through life at the most inconvenient moments, casting its shadow and plunging her deeper into the fog. She feels like a zombie as she tries to find another comfortable position - failing to do so. Uneasiness has settled into the pit of her stomach as she feels her anxiety begin to feed on it. As inexplicably as it set in, the insomnia begins to fade. She begins sleeping, but it’s shaky, unstable - a fawn on wobbly legs. Soon the fawn falls and Thalassa has come to terms with the fact she wouldn't be getting the much needed sleep that night.

With her wide-eyes beginning to droop, the blonde watched the sun rise as the train was nearing its destination. The final whistle of the train jumps the girl awake as she squints in the now bright sun which hangs overhead. She offers to help the two companions with their belongings, which they politely declined. Thalassa shrugged, staying in the cart as they took as much as they could to the place where they would be setting up their tent. In one of the bags they left, she found an apple, quickly putting it into her bag as she heard them approaching. She acted as if she was collecting all her belongings - which wasn't much - two blue duffle bags and a shoulder bag. She hopped off the cart, stumbling a little with the weight of the bags. Waiting for her eyes to adjust to the bright sun, Thalassa scanned her surroundings the dust catching her attention. Thalassa's stature went ridged at the sight of cops, her eyes concentrated on their lips in hopes to understand what was being said. She read freaks and it hit her some way as she felt herself glaring at the officer, then she read that something was missing - with that she positioned her bags into a more comfortable spot in her hands and headed away from the scene.

She found a little spot, far enough away from the commotion of the officers, she let her bags fall to the ground as she took a seat on the bigger one of the duffles. Thalassa wasn't quite sure where Elsa would want her to stay being that she didn't have her own tent yet. Leaning down she began to rummage through her shoulder bag, grabbing the apple and taking it out of the bag. She held it in front of her face for a moment, examining the deep red color before taking the tail-end of her shirt and wiping it clean. She inspected the shininess before taking a bite of the apple. Watching as others began to put their tents up and retrieve their belongings, she didn't didn't know many of the others' names, but she knew a lot of them just by the acts they did. Curious as she was, she always found herself sneaking into acts to see what abilities each of them held. She knew she'd have to help with her tank later, but for right now she had an apple to finish - and with that she took another bite.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thalassa Character Portrait: Lottie Velkin Character Portrait: Matthaus Ivano Character Portrait: Paul Dellinger
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It wasn't the sound of Elsa's voice that awoke Lottie, but rather the sudden stop of the train that caused her to hit her head rather hard against something near the side of her trailer that she had been propped up against. She had actually been sleeping-which was odd for her. Not that she had trouble sleeping, but it was rather hard for someone of her height-seven foot two to be exact-to get comfortable in her trailer-
especially when it was moving and constantly bumping into things.

“Fucking hell.”

She slowly picked herself up once the train came to a total stop, and rubbed her head before rushing to the mirror she kept in her trailer to make sure she hadn't bruised her face-she couldn't have a bruised face so close to a performance-how unprofessional. The side of her head that got bumped however wasn't bruised-it was slightly cut. Even worse. She wiped a bit of the fresh blood from her forehead with her hankie and winced a little. Oh well, it'd heal. And once it dried up, and she put some foundation over it it would hardly be noticeable. She briefly looked back towards where she'd fallen and sighed finding the culprit of her injury.

It was the corner of her own small desk-the one where she kept her journals and ashtray. The one she tried to keep dainty and nice, a little desk full of her big dreams. She always kept the drawers locked and the key in the small compartment under her ashtray-just in case anyone ever got too curious. Not that she was insanely close with too many of her fellow performers-not enough for them to care anyways-after all she was rather intimidating and her whole life people tended to stray out of her way. She often wished they wouldn't. She hated the hopeless feeling loneliness brought out in a person.

Lottie dabbed the small bit of blood that had gotten on her desk from her fall with her hankie before holding it back over her cut. She started for the door of her trailer- after all she was rather excited to see their newest home-Florida was so different from the north. And all the other freaks would be around for her to talk to. Most of them had tents-and seeing as she didn't have a tent (she was far too tall for that sort of thing) she liked to make herself busy with helping the others pitch tents whenever they moved to a new town. Not to mention Lottie being her size had quite the easy time setting up tents. She was half out the door when she realized she'd stepped on (squashed would be a more accurate word) her copy of The Great Gatsby tearing the cover off and bending it.

She quickly picked the damaged book with a look of disappointment and sadness in her face-not unlike that of a child who accidentally squashed a butterfly in their recklessness. Like a gentle giant she carefully picked up the book with her free hand(she was working very hard at learning to grip things lightly enough to not destroy them, but enough so that they didn't slip through her hands) and laid it back down on her desk glumly.

“I'll fix you later.” She said softly to half to herself and half to the now half cover of her book. “I'll ask for tape before I come back I promise-you're my favorite book. Hang in there old sport.”

Lottie was always a little eccentric like that-talking to objects like they could talk back. She looked at the book for a second more before walking out of her trailer into the bright Florida sunlight.

Not surprisingly the grounds were already abuzz with activity of all sorts. Lottie admittedly enjoyed the scattered busyness of setting everything up, and she liked watching the entire show to come together.

Still holding her hankie to her cut she squinted into the sunlight observing the scene before her.

“It's a hell of a lot hotter than back home.” She said out loud-not to anyone in particular. She spotted Paul talking to Matthaus and was half tempted to walk over. Every once and a while she'd help Paul with his tent-it wasn't like he could really pitch it himself after all-and nobody really enjoyed Elsa's yelling. But she got the impression that she was too overbearing-and that he wasn't exactly keen on her doing all the work for him.

“Matthaus would most likely help him out this time anyways,” She told herself looking her eyes wandering in another direction. She was almost startled when she saw a girl almost staring straight at her just a few feet away. She was a rather pretty girl-fair haired and small(well everyone was small to Lottie, but this girl had a kinda nymph like way to her) and she was simply eating a apple and watching everyone else-sort of like Lottie who was also just standing around watching(not unlike a giraffe she thought to herself). Since she couldn't really remember seeing the girl around before she figured she had to be new(with people coming and going it was easy to forget who was who) and she brought it upon herself to greet the girl.

Lottie waved and walked over to the girl, kneeling over a little in a vain attempt to be more at the girl's level before talking to her. “Sorry I didn't see you there-in fact I don't think I've seen you at all-but it's nice to meet you now eh? Nice weather eh? Back home where I'm from-Canada-it was hardly ever this hot. It's rather nice I think. Any how...” She made a small gesture with her hand not occupied with her cut, before holding it out to shake. “I'm Charlotte Velkin-but everyone calls me Lottie-that's what I'm known as after all. So what's you're name?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Giggles the Clown Character Portrait: Thalassa Character Portrait: Augustus Tenebrae Character Portrait: Hecate Alptraum Character Portrait: Aletea Applegate Character Portrait: Lottie Velkin
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Atop a bobbing and jumping trunk sat a girl. Surely from how she sat, she couldn’t be more than five feet tall. No older than sixteen. The apples of her cheeks were an innocent flush of pink. Her eyes were dark and circular, soulful with the evercoming curiosity and mystery of a doll’s. On this particular day, the right side of her ample tresses were Prussian blue, while the other side was as dark as her gaze. Coan silk fashioned into a lavender bow was pinned slightly to the left of her head. Her small feet kicked above the floorboards of a train car that progressed on large pin wheels, adorned in matching Coan slippers. Belted, a blouse and skirt accentuated what waist she did have. If not for the slight curve of a womanly figure, she could pass for thirteen easily. A small gap in her front teeth showed behind parted lips. Her expression was nothingness.

Dusky eyelashes batted as all gravity ceased to exist, the queue of luggage and vehicles halting. The tired sound of a poorly tuned accordion drew to a close. It didn’t take much for Aletea’s small frame to go flying from the trunk - it following, and nearly crushing her. She scrabbled for a moment to evade danger, pulling herself toward the extremity of the oversized handcart. When she landed on the dry earth, Jupiter’s dust rose from the ground and enveloped her feet. She could hear Elsa’s vernacular in the distance.

This site was truly a sight. Though the majority of its acres were dictated by dry sand and dirt, it was quite the setting. Elsa would have a field day with it. There was so much space - so much more room for isolated acts. Or would she go for that? Elsa had trouble giving anyone their own act entirely, or letting them run a tent or stand alone. Aletea glanced around. Off to one side there were woods. Cattails hemmed the edge of a sort of reservoir off to the other, whose water was miraculously blue and clear. Arums reached toward the small waves created by a gentle summery breeze. Aletea made a mental note of their location. Fancied making wild bouquets, sometimes sold them if Elsa suggested and endorsed it. After all, the cabinet could use all the revenue they could get. One way or the other.

The petite girl wasted no time after watching the performers disperse. In less than a half hour the big top was up, then Elsa’s regal and delicate tent. Soon the grand entrance was assembled and as daunting yet, inviting as ever. Aletea actually liked the idea of the entryway, masquerading as a giant devil’s head, a portal into an unknown world. She was four steps out and hanging a lantern jar when a brief siren blared, and officers of Jupiter’s quiet little town braked hard and erupted from their cars.

Instinctively Aletea backed away, elfin feet quavering. She hadn’t realized until Elsa barked somehow quietly, that she’d stumbled into the circus owner in a backward fashion. “Go back to the main grounds and press my costume, pĂŒppchen. Do whatever it is you need to, and for crying out loud, stay out of the way. Geh, jetzt!” Aletea learned a few of the German terms over time. 'Go, now. Little doll. Shut up. Get to work. This is terrible. You look terrible. Fix this. Hurry up.' The usual commands, for the most part. The girl scurried and jolted to attention, removing herself from the situation with elective haste.

But, she couldn’t help but pause on her way to Elsa’s tent when she saw a peculiar and sort of lonesome looking clown. His mouth was ragged red, perhaps painted with anxious hands. The harder she looked, the more apparent his disguise became. Though half of his face was painted, the other half was covered with a mask held by a bit of yarn. Kind of ramshackle. He wasn’t one of the performers of Elsa’s cabinet. When she was within a few yards, she realized how colossal he was in comparison to herself. Taken by curiosity the girl went a bit bowlegged. Stared her usual vacant stare, eyes gaping and full of questions her mouth would never solicit.

The wolf, seal, contortionist, pincushion and all the others bustled around. Still hard at work. It shook Aletea from her pondering. She pivoted a bit, circle skirt rising briefly as she turned to see a dwarf cross her path and snap, “What are you looking at?” Again, as almost a rehearsed reaction, Aletea stepped back. Not a friend in sight. She sighed heavily and drudged toward the queenly tent beside the big top.

A short distance away from Elsa’s territory was Paul’s. He appeared to be having some trouble with the stakes. Aletea watched him exhibit his independence as he hopped sort of rabbit-like on one of the tent struts. Briefly she spoke up, a Southern inkling in her soft voice, “Would you like a hand?” She of course wasn’t surprised when her offer was not taken happily, Matthaus coming onto the scene in his arch way. With such grace demonstrated in his walk, so soft for someone who was so strong and pliant like a rubber band. Aletea cleared her throat and tried to stifle her slight embarrassment, maybe to give the notion that when she asked if Paul needed her assistance, that she was really just, coughing, or something. Obviously she knew he didn't need her help. Or didn't prefer it.

Pressed and hangered, a grand striped getup was hung beside a massive Oak armoire. Aletea admired her work, looked up at it, ran her pygmy digits down the fabric to ensure there were no folds, no wrinkles. Perfect. She exited the tent, its coral and violet draperies falling behind her head. Squatted, a blond girl polished an apple keenly betwixt tents. Aletea had never seen this one before. But, given her most recent rejection, she wasn’t going to speak up or try to make friends with someone who more than likely saw her as Elsa’s pet, just like the rest.

In a forsaken sway she swept toward the biggest tent. It’s ‘doorway’ was pinned open, fresh painted wooden chairs lined symmetrically before the stage. Humming, Elsa’s doll padded down the center walkway, studying the props on stage and singing every now and again as she lifted them one by one. Hoops and ribbons for the contortionists. Collars and shackles for the wolf. A classic microphone for Elsa. Various magic boxes and cases. A ladder for anyone who wanted to stand at Lottie's height. A particularly concurrent doll costume...

She heard Hecate in the distance. The mystic. It reminded her, before she had a chance to illicitly slip into the doll costume, that she wanted to ask something. About fortunes, futures, and bad luck. The small girl sidled toward the fluorescent haired performer and peeped, "Hecate? Could I ask you something?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thalassa Character Portrait: Iaera  Naaheed Character Portrait: Aletea Applegate Character Portrait: Lottie Velkin Character Portrait: Matthaus Ivano Character Portrait: Paul Dellinger
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0.00 INK


With each bite of the apple the blonde began to realize just how muggy Florida was. She remembered vacationing in the state with her family when she was smaller. There was two things you couldn't forget about Florida - the humidity and the ocean. A dreamy look crossed Thalassa's normally stoic facial features as she reminisced on the serene, crystal blue water that beckoned on-lookers to come nearer as if the waves themselves coaxed them closer. There was just something about water that appealed to the blonde, the divine sound of waves crashing on the shore, the lure of the sunlight as it reflected off the surface, and the enticing warmth of the salty water as it lapped over your feet-

The dreamy look disappeared as realized that in her daydream-like state she had startled the tall maiden. Thalassa's eyes quickly flickered away from the girl as she waved, avoiding all eye contact once Charlotte began to make her way over. Thalassa knew almost everyone's name, she was good at putting names to faces and Elsa had advised her to know the names of all the cabinet. She awkwardly looked toward the sky, as if checking the weather, squinting as the right side of her face scrunched up - reacting to the bright sun as her lips parted revealing her sharp canines. Her attention was back on the girl as she spoke, particularly the cut that adorned the forehead as the tall girl bent over in an attempt to attain the same eye level. "How did you get that?" Thalassa asked, ignoring how rude she came across as she seemed to have disregarded what the girl had said before Charlotte held her hand out: it took T a moment as her attention flickered to the hand presented in front of her. She barely heard what the girl asked, let alone said - catching her comment on the weather, Thalassa bit back a sardonic joke about "How's the weather up there?" - luckily she already knew the girl's name. She shook her confusion away as she apprehensively shook Lottie's hand. "Thalassa." She muttered, almost mechanically now - she had gotten so use to having to give her name. She understood why they were called the Cabinet of Curiosities. "Do you need some help with that cut?" She asked before really thinking it through, she had no idea how she could help. Suppose I could get water and help her clean it..she thought to herself as she peered up at Lottie for a moment before looking back to the apple in her hand and taking another bite.

As she waited for an answer from Lottie her eyes flickered from one person to another. Matthaus had already set up his tent which took him no-time, clearly he was a pro at setting tents - A pro that Paul seemed to had recruited to help set up his own tent. The sight of the two going to set up a tent reminded the blonde that she needed to ask Elsa where she was to set up her own tent. Elsa made it clear she wanted Thalassa away from any of the valuable acts' tents - didn't want things to end up..missing. Her gaze flickered to a the doll-like girl who had made camp near Paul. Her name was unique, one that Thalassa couldn't quite remember - she knew it started with an A or T. Her gaze studied the deep blue color of the right side of the girl's head, it reminded her of the deepest depths of the oceans as the girl disappeared into the main tent where all the acts performed. Her thought process then took a left turn as she scanned the area looking for Iaera. She was the first person Elsa introduced her to, and T developed a sort of apprentice/mentor relationship with the beige goddess who ate fire - something she would never understand as a water lover.

Thalassa's attention was back on Lottie, hoping she hadn't zoned out again. She really needed to learn how to make better first impressions. She remembered Iaera telling her that she needed to learn to smile, make guests feel more comfortable around her. So, she decided to experiment as she gave a rather lopsided grin to Lottie - more so a smirk as the right side of her mouth curved more than the left. She sighed at her failed attempt at being "friendly."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jean Rainey Character Portrait: Thalassa Character Portrait: Augustus Tenebrae Character Portrait: Iaera  Naaheed Character Portrait: Hecate Alptraum Character Portrait: Ramona Oh
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Friday, May 12th, 1952.
Jupiter, FL.

Routinely busy pedways are barren in Jupiter, Florida. Not more than twenty hours ago, murders were confirmed in the placid pastel township. Businesses are dull, devoid of revenue and company. Managers idly kick rocks at the stoops of their establishments while a single cloud passes overhead. You wouldn’t think it was the beginning of a weekend. The air is stiff and muggy, whispers of homicide coating the silence with poisonous gossip. A word or two is spoken of the visiting Cabinet of Curiosities. The sun hoists itself up on an invisible string and cooks the world below as if it were putting the blame on Jupiter for its own tragedy.

“Did you hear about those freaks rolling in yesterday?”

“Police didn’t even think to check one of those tacky train cars for the missing children.”

“One of those weirdos could have eaten them!”

“I might buy a ticket, though.”

“God himself could not create creatures so monstrous.”

The police department finds nothing to go on, not even a hint as to whether the missing children are dead, kidnapped, or runaways. Their work is composed and tedious, even for a group of presumed hay-chewing imbeciles. Jupiter’s protective bubble disintegrates as citizens’ minds go amok with fear. Television screens flicker with washed out images and reports of no new found evidence. Ads aimed to put color into an otherwise drab world invite locals to a traveling freak show.

Two miles outside of town, the rented fairgrounds are aglow and engaged. Accordions, violins, and trumpets play a happy, upbeat tune. The hiss in between its melody gives a sinister warning to those who pay attention. Elsa Mars sways on a dirt path, smoke leaving her mouth while she gives pointers as her performers walk by. A woman that appears double her height passes. FrĂ€ulein glances up and croons, “Tonight I want you to hold my sweet Matthaus and Ramona on those strong shoulders. They will do the rest.” The amazonian beauty nods and continues toward her makeshift residence for last minute prep. In her wake comes a snarling dark haired boy, alpha aura rolling off of him like thick sweat. Elsa bats an eye at him, a carnal look of approval, but advisory on her tongue, “Keep the growling to a minimum, schönen jungen, unless you are in your cage. We cannot afford to frighten any customers away this time around. Rip your shirt off or something, the ladies will pay extra.”

While a tall, tattooed man combs his hair, a flaxen haired woman with lips as red as coral peeks around a corner. She has a pen and notepad on hand. She is quick to duck whenever Elsa looks her way. A dark haired girl walks past the wash troughs, a handful of clanking hooks held by pale fingers. An older man pushes a wheelbarrow full of other sharp, stainless steel behind her. He is quieter than the rest, with soot smearing his hands and neck. His eyes are flecked with era and knowledge, years worth of stories beyond them. He is a handyman. Behind him trots yet another part of the string of conveyance.

She is tiny and wide eyed, wrapped in periwinkle silk that matches her lipstick. Elsa snaps at her, “Don’t drag that fabric! Das ist schrecklich, Thalassa worked her hands to the bone ensuring that dress looked perfect!” Like a smaller twin or protĂ©gĂ©, a girl with tow-colored hair and a round face cracks to attention and nods. She was the seamstress of which Elsa spoke. To avoid further madness, or upsetting FrĂ€ulein, a lithe young man scoops the periwinkle doll off her feet and carries her like precious cargo. He is careful in how he touches her, cautious not to let the adored fabric get caught on his scale-like skin. He doesn’t want to hear anymore complaining from Elsa about how careless her troupe can be. But he too, is quiet.

Customers line up an hour early, easily a hundred or more of them. They’re eager to throw their money into the ticket booth. Even women holding infants smile and keenly wait their turn. Others hold the hands of whining children. Hungry looking men stare after the glimpses of a tawny skinned woman carrying fire beyond the gates. She hums quietly and gives a brief word of encouragement to a girl with orange, sunshiney hair. The show is going to begin, in spite of it being much earlier than anticipated.

I have melted somehow back into one, lumpy piece. That’s the charm of the blazing southern sun, I suppose. I avoided being digested in a twist of fortune and find myself bonding to my other circus peanut colleagues. My wildest aspiration is to continue cohering until I form myself into the biggest circus peanut known to man. Then, I too, will have a spot in FrĂ€ulein’s Cabinet of Curiosities. My dreams are dashed for the time being, as my bag, my home, is handed off to a man and his family. He clenches the plastic so tightly I fear I may suffocate. We pass under striped fabric. I pray that I am alive long enough to finally see the show for myself. Elsa greets her audience in both German and English and the applause is tremendous as the music begins.

And I know, even if I am not long for this world, I can die happy, here in the presence of performers and exquisite curiosity.