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alexander Miller

Long & lose Blue Hair | Loves Music | Always Smiling | ALways wearing a Neon top | White neon skirt | Long black socks |

0 · 383 views · located in Evirx's House

a character in “The Cat World”, as played by KittyJames


Alexander Miller


Physical description:
Blue hair
Car ear HeadPhones (Covering cat Ears)(Blue Neon Colours)
Long Hair (Always lose)
White Skirt (Neon Blue lighs)
Dark black with a lightish shade of purple Socks
White bra connected to her Black top (Neon Blue Lights)
Night Blue coloured eyes

Smiling most of the time
Cat like features (Like Cat scratching Polls & Ball of Yarn)
Can wait very well
Happy like talking

Equipment & Abilities:
Neon Blue headphones
Pen & notebook
Small bag

Fast running
High jumping

Historical Background:
(Quick warning: This will be very long!)
Alexander Miller lost her mother on birth. Her mother died from to much Blood lose she went to school getting top marks in every test she did and also passed all her Exams. The only thing that stopped her having a very high sprits is her Dad abusing her due to his drunkness. But she does a lot of after school things done. She had fun with her 4 other friends doing a lot with them. When she gets to the age of 14 people find out her Dad when overboard with the abusive and people found out as she was to scared to speak of it. After that she was taken away and put into care where her future will then be decided!

Picture of Character (Big)

So begins...

alexander Miller's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ectun Bzinut Chatsjax Character Portrait: alexander Miller
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Ectun woke up on a comfy bed in a room with a white door and a window with light flooding though. He yawned and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he sat up and got out of the bed. He changes to his normal clothes before leaving the room. Some of the kids were already up and in the massive garden out the back. The way they did things around here made the day feel like a daily routine. For example, every morning, the kids would have 1 hour in the garden before gathering in the front room for breakfast.

Today, there seemed to be some commotion out in the garden as the children seemed to be gathered around something. As Ectun hadn't been adopted for 2 years, he was much taller than all of them so he saw over them to see a girl he had never seen before in the center of the group. Ectun shrugs it off and walk to the back of the garden, climbing the wall all the way to the top and sitting on the wall watching over the whole garden.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ectun Bzinut Chatsjax Character Portrait: alexander Miller
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Alex Kept her hands up near her face in a soft fist cup shape seeming to dislike all the questions getting thrown her way. She kept asking them to back up and stop asking the questions on why she is there and what happened with her home.
As the questions keep getting thrown at her she looked around for a way out of the crowd already getting scared of the mass crowd.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ectun Bzinut Chatsjax Character Portrait: Evirx Gein Sest Character Portrait: alexander Miller
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As the girl begins to seem overwhelmed, a bell rings and the children part, running and screaming inside to get to breakfast first so they can get the food they want. Adoption Centers don't have good funding; centers for abandoned cats have more funding than these places, which is stupid in Ectun's opinion. He drops off of the wall and as he walks inside, he says without looking at the girl: "You'll get used to it, trust me. You probably won't be here that long anyway."

It's true. The cute girls or the young energetic boys are always adopted quickly, leaving the old, scraggy ones for the autumn and winter months. Ectun is energetic for sure but he has been there 2 years and nobody has adopted him. The social services now let him go to school even though he's up for adoption so he doesn't fall behind on his education which means that they think he will be there until he is not eligible for adoption anymore.

As he enters the front room to see the children gathered around the table, with two seats next to each other spare. Ectun sits on one of the seats and looks around, sensing a presence that the other children seemed to have not picked up on yet. He sits up in a more straight manner for the presence he senses.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ectun Bzinut Chatsjax Character Portrait: alexander Miller
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Alex stares at him as he said the words he said. She goes to open her mouth to speak but doesn't say a word she just goes to a confused looking as they all run walking through behind him seeming to go and try to sit by herself eating the food as her notepad slips out of her pocket and lands fully into her palm lifted up and droped onto the table as she reads what is on the notepad seeming to have used over half of the pages as she flicks two more pages reading what seems the end of the notepad.
She will just eat her food and read her writing in the notepad with a smile once again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ectun Bzinut Chatsjax Character Portrait: Evirx Gein Sest Character Portrait: alexander Miller
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Ectun's suspicions were answered when the owner of the house walked in followed by a woman with black hair and black eyes, with a black dress and black boots. Ectun looks genuinely surprised when he sees the woman. The students at the school he goes to usually gossip about models and show pictures of them, and this woman is one that they showed him. Evirx, was it?

Suddenly, as usual, the other children start looking all super cute and like-able while Ectun sits there all glum because he can't do that with the age he is now. The new girl doesn't seem to have noticed that the woman or the house owner entered until the house owner cleared his throat.


The guy standing next to Evirx cleared his throat and introduced her. Evirx has planned on having children of her own someday, but given the circumstances, that wouldn't be a good idea. The world we live in now is full of people that are out to abuse the weak or the talented for their own interests. She also has her modeling career, her only source of money, in mind. Pregnancy would take her out of it for a year or so at least.

Evirx scans each child, all making cute faces which made her feel bad because she would only be taking two. She then notices a young girl with a notepad in her hands who just looked up in confusion because of all the commotion and an older boy, probably the oldest of the lot, with a glum face as if he didn't want to be there. "Those two at the back. The boy with silver hair and the girl with the notepad. They seem like a good pair." she announces to the man next to her.

Evirx then whispers to the man "I need to go now, is it ok if I come back this afternoon to pick them up so they can get packed?" The man next to her nods. Evirx thanks him before leaving and taking her car to a photo shoot nearby for her new contract.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ectun Bzinut Chatsjax Character Portrait: Evirx Gein Sest Character Portrait: alexander Miller
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As her name (In a way) was called she would snap her body looking over. Alex watches her as she wispers the words seeming to have good hearing from her cat ears and watches seeming to sigh a bit knowing she hasn't really go anything before she goes back listening to music and writing in her notepad.
She writes on and on seeming to keep her smile once more. She keeps a tap going with her song and keeps to herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ectun Bzinut Chatsjax Character Portrait: Evirx Gein Sest Character Portrait: alexander Miller
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A genuine expression of surprise plastered onto Ectun's face as she indicated towards him and the new girl that he said would not be here a while. He was right about the girl, but he never thought that he would end being adopted.
He'd accepted the fact recently when he noticed the kind of kids getting adopted quickly and comparing them to himself. This must be a joke, or some mistake right? Was Ectun dreaming? He faintly hears the woman say something about coming back in the evening to the man.

After breakfast, Ectun walked back to his room that he'd become accustomed to and began to pack everything he owned. He felt excited at the prospect of a new home and a fresh start, but he also thought about something that he couldn't think of an answer to. Why would a famous model like her adopt 2 children instead of having children of her own? "Oh who cares..." Ectun mutters. What matters is that he's leaving this house for good!


Evirx finds herself going up the drive of the adoption center for the second time that day after finishing the long, dragged-out photo shoot. She parks her car before entering the adoption center once again. Evirx find the man from that morning and tells him that she's here to pick the two children up.
The man nods before disappearing and reappearing, telling her that they will be a few minutes. The first one to arrive after 2 minutes is the girl, still engrossed in the notepad she was looking at in the morning, followed by the silver-haired boy 1 minute later holding what appeared to be a school bag.

"Ok! I guess we should be off." Evirx says happily. Evirx always liked children, and was excited by the prospect of looking after 2 children of her own. She also notices that the girl doesn't have any kind of bag with her. Evirx leads them to her car and opens the doors to let them in the back seats before getting into the drivers seat herself. She start the car up and turns the A/C on when she notices the immense heat of the car due to the dubious amount of sunlight flooding into it at all times.


Evirx then drives along the roads until she reaches the village she lives in. She parks her car in her gated-off driveway and gets out the car. The boy gets out of the car while the other girl seems to not be looking away from that notebook she has. Evirx opens the car door for her.
"We're here!" she calls to the girl. Her house is quite secluded within the village outskirts, away from any prying eyes or the paparazzi that would love to eat up this story of the two adopted children within three seconds. Evirx opens the front door and enters the house.

The setting changes from Adoption Center to Evirx's House


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ectun Bzinut Chatsjax Character Portrait: Evirx Gein Sest Character Portrait: alexander Miller
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Ectun looks at the new house he is going to be living in. He shrugs. Ectun was actually expecting something fancier from a super famous model but he didn't really want to be in a fancy house. it looked very clean from the outside, with a well-kept garden and a clear white stone path to the front door made out of unstained wood and glass that was so clear that Ectun could tell it was cleaned often. There seemed to be a balcony at the second floor with windows all over the building made out of triple-glassing. Ectun then steps through the front door into the house.


The first thing he sees is a tree place in a small central courtyard, 2 chairs and a solid black staircase going to the second floor of the building. Light flooded through the central courtyard Ectun makes a silent gasp as he takes in the new surroundings. It felt weird to not be at the adoption center right now because he had gotten used to it. Ectun walks to the back of the house.


He finds a clean, new-looking kitchen with black cupboards at the top and the bottom of the left wall along with a modern-looking oven. The tabletops were smoothly sanded marble that shined in the light and two white stools at the table in the middle of the kitchen. There were a wide variety of different plants at the windowsill at the back of the kitchen over the sink. Ectun took in everything again, still trying to make sense of the situation. He shouldered his bag and looked towards the staircase, knwoing that bedrooms are usually on the second floor of traditional houses.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ectun Bzinut Chatsjax Character Portrait: Evirx Gein Sest Character Portrait: alexander Miller
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Ectun walked up the stairs to see the lobby for the second floor. There was a white sofa with a red seat on top of a white rug. There was also a glass table and a picture of a flower on the wall. His tail finally began to relax as he nervousness from before began to drift away in the breeze coming from the open window. The lobby was no different from to rest of the house; clean, bright and comfortable. He noticed a door to the right but Evirx cuts in: "That's my room, I don't think you need to go in there.". He looks to the left to see a few doors.

Evirx had told them to look around and the girl with the notepad seemed to be walking around with the boy. Maybe she's nervous about living in a new home? She could only guess what the young girl was thinking. When they went upstairs, the boy seemed to notice her room so she assured him that they needn't go in there, since they probably wouldn't be going in there at all. She then opens one of the doors to a bedroom.


Ectun loved the room. It wasn't too small, it wasn't too big and there was a window letting light into the whole room. He didn't really care about the TV or the computer, but the chair and the desk that the computer was on would make a great place to do school work. "So, which one of you would like this room?" Evirx asked after giving them a bit to see it. Ectun turns to her. "I really like it. Is it ok if I have this room?" he says. Ectun hasn't really ever had a choice in where he spends his time.

"Ok! Then I guess that leaves you with the other one!" Evirx said happily, looking at the girl. Leaving Ectun in that room, she leads the girl to the other room she had. Evirx didn't really have a 'girly' room so to speak, but she hoped that the girl would like it anyway. Evirx opens the door to the room and let the girl see what the room was like.


On the left, there were shelves stacked with children's books, a sofa with a rug and a table in front of it. At the back wall on the left, there was a desk with a computer and a window looking out to the back of the house. There was also a barrier in between the left and the right of the room with a TV facing the left side and a shelf on the lower section. On the right, there was a bed with a picture of a starry sky on the roof for her to look up to before she sleeps and a space for a bag or shoes to go.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ectun Bzinut Chatsjax Character Portrait: Evirx Gein Sest Character Portrait: alexander Miller
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Ectun drops his bag onto the floor by the bed and begins unpacking it. He takes out his school books, a water bottle, a pencilcase and a camera. He puts the items onto the desk before sitting on the bed, staring out of the window over a great grassy field. The rest of the village lay behind the hill topped with trees, and the school he went to is miles and miles away. Ectun assumed he would be attending a new school to save the hassle of traveling.


Ectun picks up the camera and takes a picture of the view outside the window, since it might not be like that often. He then turns to the door and exits the room, going into the upper lobby before going down the stairs and taking a seat on the sofa to look at the tree in the central courtyard. He sighs.


"Ok. You take care, I have to go do something." Evirx tells the girl before closing the bedroom door. Waling across the lobby, she enters her room.


The room was beautiful. There was a double bed with a short sofa sitting in front of a TV, including two end tables with a chandelier above it all, creating an effect of royalty which Evirx didn't think suited her. Through all of this, the room was pretty messy due to the occupant having a somewhat child-like mentality when it came to her room. Evirx would clean the house and make sure everything was spotless, but her room was something she could never seem to clean.

There was a small stain on the short sofa's arm which she couldn't get rid of and one of the end table legs was broken, but she rotated the table to try and hide it. The curtain for the glass door and window seemed a bit too short, always letting light flood into the room. Evirx then opened the glass door behind the curtain and looked outside from the balcony, taking in the fresh air for a bit.

Evirx then returns to the upper lobby before going back downstairs to find the boy sitting and looking at the old, grey tree, with a camera in his hand. "Do you... need anything?" she asks. The boy looks up at her and shakes his head.
"Oh by the way, my name is Evirx Sest." she continues, remembering that she hadn't told them her name or learn either of their names.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ectun Bzinut Chatsjax Character Portrait: Evirx Gein Sest Character Portrait: alexander Miller
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Alexander sits on her bed staring outside remembering about her past seeming to just gaze not caring out the others doing their own thing. She decides to join them down stairs hearing the name.
"Do you know our names Miss Evirx?" She speaks in a normal soft toned voice looking up at her with a small smile.
She seems to have a lose toned looking body really unsure on what to do anymore within the house hold. She seems to have kept everything on her before she walks up towards the window and just stares out.
"Could I also ask another question Miss Evirx. What do you do as a model? Could you tell me the story behind your job? I know what one is... Just not what you do in it." She keeps a calm tone seeming to have a questioning face on as she pulls out her Notepad and Pen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ectun Bzinut Chatsjax Character Portrait: Evirx Gein Sest Character Portrait: alexander Miller
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"Ectun." he says, shaking Evirx's hand. He stands up and goes back upstairs to hear the girl call out:
"Could I also ask another question Miss Evirx. What do you do as a model? Could you tell me the story behind your job? I know what one is... Just not what you do in it."

Ectun chuckles to himself. She's what, 1 year younger than him? How does she not know what a model does? They put on clothes that their client gives to them and then they pose for photos. Or at least, that's the basic idea of a model. To be honest, there's probably more to it.


Evirx would rather not talk about her job when meeting her new children for the first time, but the girl wants to know...
"Um, I guess I pose for cameras and they take pictures of me... I have to diet to keep my body shape... and I wear clothes that designers have made? I became a model when someone contacted me and asked me to do one photo shoot for them." she tells the girl. "Oh! Do either of you want a drink?" Evirx continues.

The sun began setting on the horizon as the late evening settled in. She should probably put them to bed soon, they'll be going around looking for a school to go to after all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ectun Bzinut Chatsjax Character Portrait: Evirx Gein Sest Character Portrait: alexander Miller
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She writes it all down into her notepad making sure it looks good and makes sure that she has the details

"Thank you! This will help with learning!" A great smile appers on her face as she clothes her eyes and tilts her head to make her cute side show a bit more.

"And I will take a drink! Yessy I shall!" She speaks in her normal happy tone watching her for upon her next actions "Thank you for offering to Miss!"
