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What was once white has been dyed blood red, leaving darkness to reign

0 · 277 views · located in Medieval Europe.

a character in “The Chosen, Revolution”, as played by JxLucky


Theme Song: "Never Too Late"- Three Days Grace


Ericka is a very friendly girl to those she is close with but due to her clan's reputation and her status she displays a cold front in the faces of strangers. She acts with confidence in her fields of expertise and treats everyone equally. Though she may be a bandit her sense of fairness gains her a respectable view from everyone. She is very eccentric when relaxed and has a strong sense of determination for everything she does. Though sometimes she can be a bit clumsy and slow about her surroundings, she maintains a smile and a patient demeanor. However, since her childhood hardship, her trust isn't easily gain which leads to her keeping secrets and plans to her self.


Ericka usually has a min. of two daggers on her and a few throwing knives. Her main weapons are dual lightweight swords. The swords are called the Blades of the Lost God, due to their uncanny durability, and was given to her by her father.
(Imagine two of them: ... t_Gods.jpg)


Ericka was born in the outskirts Sicily to a family of three. Her father was a renown blacksmith and swordsman, while her mother was just a simple housewife. Ericka's birth can be describe to be a disappointment to both her parents as they hoped for a boy to either help out on the land or the smithy. However, their perspective of that changed as Ericka grew older. She had a tomboyish nature and learned both swordsmanship and her father's craft by the age of 8. She was the happiest girl in the small village they lived and even with her low rank she made many friends.
But everything changed that one night, the very same night the tyrant took power. Her father had once commissioned a sword for the previous ruler and was asked by soldiers to construct a new and more powerful match. At first, her father had refused to make such a dangerous weapon for such a dangerous man, but the threat of losing his friends and family left him no choice. Thus, the Blades of the Lost God was created with material found near a great crater. When the tyrant came to collect his swords he was met with resistance from the villagers who already felt the unjust rule he imposed on them. In a fury of being attacked by mere commoners, the "King" ordered every single person's execution on the spot.
Sadly among these people was Ericka's mother who even led the rally against the King. Due to this, Ericka's father refused once again to relinquish the swords to the King and was beheaded on the spot.
Now young Ericka at that time was asked by her father to go to the forest near the village with a certain package, but halfway to the forest she saw light coming from the village even though it was the middle of the night and realize her home was ablaze. Realizing her father's last words to her were to protect the items in the package and to do what she thought was right, Ericka decided to continue through the forest and into the mainland, living her home to turn to ashes.
Along the way she saw the new King's treatment to his subjects and resolve to not let another tragedy like her own to happen to another village. It was upon arriving to a small town that she faced a new problem. The hierarchy in Sicily allowed many wealthy people the power to abuse others and when she requested helped from the soldiers and protectors of the city she was meet with a kick or a swing. Realizing the corrupt nature of some people she decided to take matters into her own hands. Being small and light she sneaked into the vaults of rich merchants and stole gold to pay for her travels and others.
But being inexperience to this new trade she was caught and punished horribly with many beatings that left her to weak on the streets. By this time Ericka had lost hope in humanity and wished to just die there in the streets. It was at that time a new role model came into her left. A member of the Surlath clan. Now Ericka had heard of this clan from her father as being evil and treacherous but blinded by the fact that almost everything was now evil she chose to follow this stranger , who, brought a new goal into her life. Vengeance. So for the next 8 years Ericka trained and learn how to survive in the present cruel world, where good was now bad which also meant bad could be consider good...

So begins...

Ericka's Story

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#, as written by JxLucky
The sunrise was just minutes away, as the streets of Rome started to bustle with activity. No one noticed a flitting figure in the shadows of buildings. Finally, dawn came to the capital of Italy and the figure stepped out of its hiding place. This person looked to be around his/her late teens, but the cloak the person wore hid their appearance and gender. From afar this person looked to be either a short-built young man or a flat-chested young women, but since these times were dark, many of the observers assumed the person was male. In this Dark Age, the delicate "ladies" were unable to be out this early without being escorted.
The young "man" looked around the mostly empty street and followed the sun's position, headed east, towards the city's plaza. Upon arriving, he immediately headed for the bulletin board located in the center of the plaza, which was filled with small jobs, requests, offers, and such. Skimming through the massive board, the young man's gaze stopped at a tiny slip of paper at the edge of the board. It read:
"2 gold pieces for a boat trip to the Naples. Find Old Billy by the Headquarters of the Holy Army of Rome."
Now, 2 gold pieces was a lot in present day since most commoners could barely manage to earn even 1 piece a year. However, the man had a purpose for coming to Rome all the way from Venice and if it meant 2 gold pieces, he would pay Old Billy the full amount. With the Vatican in the horizon, the young man quickened his pace to avoid the crowds of people that would soon be emerging for their daily bread and work.
Upon arriving at the huge cathedral that housed the largest army of Italy, the young man was impressed at the beauty of the building; he didn't realize that a young priest had come out of the church's small doors until he saw the young man approaching.
"May I ask what you need, young sir?" asked the priest uncertainly, since the mystery of the person's identity bothered him.
"Oh, Good morning Father, I was looking for a man by the name of Old Billy, do you perhaps know where I can find him?" ask the young man. The priest’s response surprised the young man: Old Billy turned out to be a homeless sailor, currently seeking shelter at the Vatican.
"Father, would you mind relaying a message to him for me?" asked the young man as he grasped onto the hope that this now known beggar may have some way of getting him to the Naples.
"Why of course, young sir, but I would need a name for reference." replied the priest in hopes of gaining a bit of knowledge on the young man.
"Thank you, Father. Please tell Old Billy that a Mis...-ter Eric has come to ask him about his boat services." replied the young man, with a slight hesitation that he hoped the priest hadn't noticed.
"Is that all? Are you going to wait here for his reply?" inquired the priest. After young Mr. Eric said he would be staying at the Golden Swan Inn on the other side of town and had dismissed himself, the young priest stood on the threshold of the cathedral and watched the small figure disappear into the morning crowd.

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Character Portrait: Sykes Character Portrait: Ericka
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Sykes was alarmed when saw the troops from Sicily the fourth time, "I thought they were just passing through?" He whispered to Kahl, while he picked up a necklace from one of the vendors.
"Apparently," Kahl explained, "There's a rumor going around that troops from the Bloodlust Clan are going to occupy towns, orders coming directly from King Coal."
Sykes shuddered, "For what purpose?!"
Kahl frowned at the group of armored knuckleheads as they passed by, "Obviously, It's another attempt to peruse his dream, control of all outposts, towns, villages, anything he can get his hands on. He want's tu build up Europe to be a giant fortress."
"I've heard he fears the unknown." Sykes pondered. "Do you think there are really other lands out across the sea, besides Europe?"
Kahl inspected Sykes, "I would think so, Look at your clothes, I've never seen any robes like that made anywhere, and you know how I get around." He winked.
"Yeah, well... I don't like it. The Empire may not be in any wars, or battles, but having troops march around town would really piss me off. The resistant villages and town will not have this." Sykes frowned.
"Hold your allies closely, Sykes," Kahl looked grim, "I smell a war."
Sykes bid farewell to Kahl, as Kahl went off to the rest of the Alpinth travelers outside of town. He thought he would go to the Tavern, and catch some rumors. But when he turner, he was interrupted by a cloaked figure, which he ran into. "Sorry!" Sykes stuttered. He would normally have ignored her, but he wanted to take note, whoever he bumped into, hd power. He could feel it. It was a neutral power that startled him, but they went there separate ways, without another word.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sykes Character Portrait: Genevieve Lamont Character Portrait: King Coal Character Portrait: Tsubasa Character Portrait: The Narrator Character Portrait: Ericka
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Be careful how close you get to the King, Markos. He has plans for everyone.

We have a traveler, that's confused about his powers, a Vigilante, bent on de-throning the King, and The leader of The Holy Roman Army/Spy - All in Rome.

We have a fortune teller in Florence, along with a young mage on her way to Florence, and King Coal, sending his troops, "In peace", to locations across Europe, for unknown reasons to most. But some know, that this is the beginning of an attempt to suppress the people.

- The Narrator

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Character Portrait: Sykes Character Portrait: Ericka
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#, as written by JxLucky
Ericka was walking towards the inn on the edge of the city when she felt a presence. It was faint, but training with the Surlath Clan had heightened her sense to an abnormal level. These pursuers were no amateurs and their movements gave away their identities to Ericka. They were her clan members, here to bring their beloved leader back to Venice.

Ericka cursed. She was so close to Naples, and closer to her target, she couldn’t be taken back now. Looking around the street, which was filled with activity, Ericka began walking in the other direction from her real destination. She weaved through crowds while still keep an "eye" on her pursers.
She was so intent on misleading them that she failed to notice a figure in front of her until they bumped into each other. "Sorry!" a male voice apologized, but Ericka saw the pursuers closing in on her from the corner of her eyes. She ignored the male she may have hurt, and continued on her path, more quickly.

When she had told her clan members her wishes last month, they were determined not to let her go. They stalled her and reasoned with her, but Ericka knew this was a perfect chance, especially with the news of the Bloodlust clan being nearby. She was so close, yet so very far.

At last she ended up in another street in the city when she noticed the absence of the other bandits. It was then that her mind wandered back to the young man she had bumped into. In her haste she wasn’t able to think clearly then, but something about his aura bugged her. His power gave her a sense of deja'vu, but at the same time it was just as mysterious as any other stranger. He had tremendous power but no one she knew had that much, so why the sense of familiarity?
Dusk was approaching and Ericka snapped out of her train of thought when she saw street lanterns being lit. She cursed again and turned away, and almost running to the inn, hoping that Old Billy was there waiting for his money.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tsubasa Character Portrait: Ericka
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ayuta
The sun was beginning to set and evening was approaching. The marketplace was near the docks, and there was a light wind coming from the Tyrrhenian Sea. Tsubasa had been stocking up on supplies all day in the bustling market so the breeze was refreshing to her, when suddenly, Tsubasa’s fox ears picked up a voice in the wind.
Help me!
She looked around frantically. The owner of the voice was nowhere to be seen. The people around her did not seem alarmed, so the sound was probably from an animal.
…Help me!

Following the direction of the breeze, Tsubasa found herself nearing the edge of the city. As she got closer, she could hear the slight accent in the sound, realizing it was a horse. Looking around the buildings, she came up to a tavern and inn with a stable in the back. As she entered the stable, the horses stared at her and then began to clamor noisily.
Who is this girl? Is she going to hurt her too?
“Don’t worry. I’m not here to hurt anyone,” Tsubasa said gently.
What? She can understand us! The horses quieted and the stable quieted, but she could still hear whimpering in the back. As she walked to the rear, she saw a female horse slightly smaller from the rest. Her hair was white, but unlike the other stallions, she was disheveled and malnourished. The animal was fidgeting and clearly uncomfortable.
“Were you the one who called for help?”
Y-Yes…I was a free horse, but the stable owners found me one day and captured me. They don’t treat me well… The poor horse looked starved, overworked, and abused.
“Would you be willing to come with me then?” Tsubasa reached out for the horse and pet her tenderly. The horse nuzzled against her. She released the horse from her confined area and led her out the stable. The sky had darkened by now and she was just about to follow her horse through the back door when she heard light footsteps nearing the front of the stable. They were nearly inaudible, and there were no hesitations in the steps. Tsubasa knew she couldn’t get caught with the horse, but there was nowhere to hide. The stable doors opened by a crack and Tsubasa instinctively got into a defensive position, mentally preparing a magic spell.

A shadowed figure glided in silently and Tsubasa found herself staring straight into a pair of mismatched eyes: one blue, one purple, and both glaring fiercely at her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tsubasa Character Portrait: Ericka
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0.00 INK

#, as written by JxLucky
Night was here and Ericka was irritated. Upon arriving at the Golden Swan inn, she sat herself at a table facing the door, looking for a person that fits the description "Old Billy." Sadly, no one else entered the inn after her.

Ericka sighed and started to contemplate her other options of getting to Naples. Her initial plan was to have Old Billy take her there by water, but seeing that the man refused to come even for the full price, she assumed he was never coming. Her second plan was to get there by land, but walking took forever and the patrols stationed in the southern cities were bothersome to deal with.

It was during this time Ericka heard a door open, not the front but the back door, where the innkeeper and another man entered, both in deep conversation.

" horse is giving me one heck of a hard time. She's uncooperative. Maybe I'll sell her for a high price later on..."

The snippet of conversation gave Ericka new hope since it meant the inn had a stable!

A twinkle of light flashed in her eyes as she devised a new plan, a fairly simple plan: steal a horse and go by land. With a horse, Ericka could travel twice as fast AND sell it later for more money.

Her decision made, Ericka quietly slipped out the backdoor, unnoticed, and into the stable's door.

To her dismay another person, a young girl, had beaten her to the horse and was taking a defensive stance against Ericka. The young girl looked frightened by the sight of Ericka, amused at the young girl's fear.

Trying not to scare her, even more Ericka said, "Hey kid, isn't it past your bad time right now?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sykes Character Portrait: Genevieve Lamont Character Portrait: King Coal Character Portrait: Matthew Bowman (The Swordsman) Character Portrait: Tsubasa Character Portrait: The Narrator
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Currently, Markos and Matthew are traveling around, Sykes has created one more crystal, that King Coal wants Rolof to pick up. Rolof Is occupied though, with eliminating revolutionaries that think the kings forces are something to be laughed at.
Genevieve, the Fortune teller, is happily going about her business in Florence.

Most importantly, two of the chosen, Tsubasa and Ericka, have came in contact, but not on the best terms. This could be a fateful interaction.

King Coals troops move to the north, and are spreading to all towns.

City of the day: Rome.
Plot of the day: Heros coming together.

The Plot Thickens -


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Character Portrait: Tsubasa Character Portrait: Ericka
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#, as written by JxLucky
Before the little girl in front of Ericka could reply, Ericka quickly swerved around looking right and left. She had just felt a shiver along with an enormous gathering of negative energy. The creepy thing was the sense of familiarity that went along with the power and the fact that it was close by, very close. But just as fast as it had appeared, the power disappeared and Ericka was left with nothing to trace it.
Looking around the stable once more, her eyes landed on the girl again who gave her a confused look.
Ericka disguised her own confusion and said, "You didn't ask my question, kid, shouldn't you be at home snug and warm instead of being in this dusty old stable?"
The little girl narrowed her eyes and spoke "Kid? You barely look older than me! Shouldn't you be at home as well?"
Ericka glared at the insult. She was a bit short at 5' 7”, only guys were taller than her... anyways Ericka noticed the girl had a slight French accent and surprisingly had a lot of gut as well as the little girl was currently giving her a cold blank stare.
"Little girl hasn't your MOMMY told you stealing was wrong?"
Waiting for a comeback, Ericka was greeted with silence and then the sound of movement as the girl's hand reached for what looks like a rapier.
Almost unnoticed, a flash of emotion appeared across the little girl's face and then she replied, "I don't have a mother. She’s long gone from this world."
Luckily the hood of the cloak still hid Ericka’s face as well as her shocked expression, followed by pity for the poor young girl.
Ericka asked, with a softer voice "Oh. Are you alone in this world?"
The little girl looked up and stated flatly, "No. I am not."
This confused Ericka even more till she saw a butterfly, not a real one, but a spirit, come fluttering out of the girl's hood.
Fascinated Ericka stared at this creature until the horse behind the little girl neighed, followed by the young girl's comforting words; "Don't worry, I will protect you."
This brought Ericka's mind back to the present and the situation she found had found the young girl in.
"Kid, I wouldn't worry about the horse too much, instead I worry more about you and what those innkeepers would do to a young thief."
The girl's head shot up to meet eye-to-eye with Ericka's and she shouted, "I am no thief! I have no intent to steal. This horse called out to me for help, and help I will give. Can't you see that she has been mistreated? She was a free horse and she was captured by the innkeepers. They have no right to abuse her after taking away her freedom."
Once again shocked Ericka felt sympathy for this righteous girl, being orphaned and caring still in this uncaring world. Having mentioned the horse's treatment, Ericka did indeed see signs of abuse on the beast and knew the girl was telling the truth. But unfortunately the kid's shouting had brought the attention of the owners who were on their way to check on these animals.
Ericka sighed. Helping this girl would ruin her plans for the night since she would have to wait in Rome till the commotion about the missing horse died down, but she just couldn't set her heart on leaving the kid alone so she said, "Follow me, kid, and bring the horse."

(written in collaboration with Tsubasa)

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Character Portrait: Tsubasa Character Portrait: Ericka
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ayuta
Tsubasa gave the hooded figure a cold stare. It was hard for her to tell whether it was male or female. At around 5’7”, the figure appeared to be either a male of roughly the same age as her, or a tall boyish female. She assumed he was a male because of his fierce demeanor and powerful strength. Tsubasa sensed a great power coming from him.
At this point, she had no other choice but to follow the teenager out of the stable. She had most likely attracted attention when she had shouted defensively, and the innkeepers would be here to investigate the commotion. Tsubasa was still stunned from the sudden mention of her mother, and she kept a light hand on the handle of her rapier in respectful remorse. Her butterfly-spirit retreated back into the hidden space in her hood.

The male figure led her towards the woods leading towards the north. It was a clear night, and the moon shone brightly without being obscured by clouds. Tsubasa deducted it was most likely past midnight already. It was better for her to travel in the dark anyway, there would be less enemies around and more shadowed spaces to hide in.
“Are you sure there’s no one that can take care of you?” he asked.
“I don’t need anyone to take care of me.” Tsubasa retorted back, “Despite your impressions, I am not a child.”
Despite the dark night, his smirk was clearly visible in the moonlight, “Where are you heading then?”
Tsubasa thought about his question carefully. She couldn’t tell him too much information since she still didn’t know enough about him yet. But for now, considering that he had helped her escape from the tavern, she decided that he was more friend than foe.
“I’m headed to Florence for personal reasons,” she answered cautiously, when suddenly her stomach grumbled loudly. She hadn’t eaten since that piece of bread in the plaza during the afternoon. Tsubasa looked down at the ground to hide her embarrassment.

The guy probably felt pity for her. He laughed and took out a small pouch from his bag, “Here, kid, take this—just promise you won't do something stupid like this again.”
Peeking into the bag, her eyes widened as she saw how much he was giving her. She defiantly stared back at him. Was he mocking her commoner status? Sure, she didn’t have as much money as she would have liked, but-
“Just accept it,” he insisted, shoving the pouch into her hands. “You'll be doing me a favor. You have to take care of your new friend,” he said, nodding at the horse.
“And,” he said, directed to the animal, “YOU have to take care of your new master.” She nudged him eagerly in response.

Tsubasa was touched by his words. He seemed to recognize her situation and she was glad that finally, someone understood her actions. After the loss of her mother, she had had a hard time connecting with other people despite her side-job as a healer/doctor in her clan.

Her fox ears twitched as she heard a distant shout coming from the direction of the stables. They had discovered that the horse had been stolen.
The male’s hearing must have been keen, because he heard the shouts as well despite how far away they were. “I have to go now. With this, make sure to eat properly,” he said to her, “and maybe someday I'll see you in Florence, kid.”
He turned around and headed back for the tavern, walking away with surprisingly quick steps.
"Don't call me kid!” she called out to him, “...but…thank you.”
Tsubasa led her new horse into the woods with a faint smile on her face, heading north for Florence.

And so, the two went their separate ways.

(collab with JxLucky: Ericka)

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Character Portrait: Ericka
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#, as written by JxLucky
Before Ericka knew it, morning had arrive and the events that happened a few hours ago came back to her. First, there was that strange presence she felt when talking to the girl, who she had forgotten to get a name from. Secondly, upon arriving back at the inn she was just at, the commotion with the horse delayed her journey and now her only option was to wait in Rome till it died down.
Realizing her predicament, Ericka's mind wonder back to the little girl. She had a usually aura around her, one that had a hint of nature in it, almost like she was part animal. However, that was impossible unless she was one of the Forgotten clans...
Ericka shook off that thought as the innkeeper knocked on her door to wake her up for breakfast. Seeing as she had nothing to do, Ericka decided to once again visit the plaza and the Vatican in hopes that she may find a way out of this damned city

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Character Portrait: Ericka
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#, as written by JxLucky
Perhaps Ericka had her hopes to high as she left the Vatican, after hearing the reply of the priest, telling her that Old Billy had indeed rejected her offer. While in deep thought about her next move, Ericka realized she ended up in an alley and blocking her exit, back into the streets were her fellow clan members.
"Miss Ericka, it's so good to finally see you again. After that night when you suddenly left us with not even one word, we're were scared we never hear from you again." Imagine our surprise when we find one of our spies seeing you on the road to Rome. Now that you had some time to yourself isn't it a good idea to come back to our city?" said a buff looking goon who was trying to be polite but Ericka knew deep down this guy and the rest of them despised her.
Not everyone liked her position in the clan, especially since she was brought in 8 years ago, but her skills can't be dismissed.
Ericka looked around and knew her chances of escaping them this time was hopeless, now she an only hope someone in the streets can distract them long enough for her to escape, so she had to stall for time.
"So guys, do you have any plans for leaving this city since its fortified pretty strong by the King's troops. If you leave me alone I might considered helping you guys return to Venice, but if you try to force me to leave, I'll make sure we get captured."
The guys smirked at each other and the one who spoke beforehand, spoke again "Don't worry we have people on the inside to sneak as pass the guards, Just come with us and we'll make sure you get back to your "throne" in no time"
Ericka cursed, her plans so far have been ruined and it seems like she has no other choice but to comply with them but once they were in the woods, everything would change, Ericka promised her self that as she said "Fine, lets go then"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Genevieve Lamont Character Portrait: Ericka
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#, as written by JxLucky

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Character Portrait: Ericka
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#, as written by JxLucky

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Character Portrait: Sykes Character Portrait: Ericka
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#, as written by JxLucky
Ericka had managed to convince her clan members to let her retrieve her "stuff" she had left in the inn. Upon arriving she quickly entered the building and turned back, seeing no one following her inside she headed towards the back entrance. As she slightly open the door she noticed some of her "followers" standing guard outside.
Ericka cursed and was now pacing back and forth in the inn trying to think of a way out of this mess when she felt a presence near her. When she looked up, Ericka was shocked by the color of white on top of a youthful looking face.