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Christopher Coleson

"I may not be able to stop you.........but I know someone who can."

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a character in “The Chronicles of Atlas City”, as played by Sneakyrio


The Man

Name: Christopher Coleson

Aliases: Chris, Colman, Calsin, Calvin, Colmet

Age: 25

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 153lbs.

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Appearance: Chris is a wiry man with long limbs and a thin frame. When you think of the word intimidating, you would not in a million years think of Chris. His pale skin highlights his black hair that seeps to the right side of his face. His eyes are a very common brown color which are framed by big glasses. He always wears the same suit everyday to work with the same tie in the same fashion. It always starts out nice but always ends up looking worn out. His expression usually shows an awkward smile or a very beleaguered expression. Chris also sports many different scars on his body and a rather prominent one across his left cheek.

The God

Name: Baldur Odinson

Aliases: The Golden One, Baldur the Bright, the Bold, the Brave, the True, the Protector, the Protector of all living things

Age: He has been since the first light leaped forth from the darkness

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 720lbs.

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Blue

Appearance: Baldur is a tall hearty looking man with a muscular frame. When you think of the word intimidating, Baldur would be one of your first links to that word. He has a buzz cut which reveals multiple scars across his scalp. He seems to have several odd runic looking symbols and lines etched into the skin of his face. They seem to glow a dull blue and get brighter as Baldur becomes stronger. He wears an Asgardian suit of armor that was especially made for him. It is predominately dark teal in color and outlined with gold, runic symbols etched into the armor. It covers his entire body, leaving only his head revealed.


The Man: Chris is a very kind and caring person. He is willing to help anyone who needs. Drop your papers everywhere? Chris will be squatting down right next to you picking them up. Five dollars short for paying for your groceries? No problem, Chris has got you covered. Chris has a generally good outlook on life and humanity in general. Actually just talking to people though, that's another story. Chris is very shy and not even remotely out going. If you say hi to him, he'll say hi back to you, but he will never instigate a conversation. An odd thing about Chris is he never complains about anything. No matter what happens to him, you won't here him say boo. Even though he is shy and rather meek, Chris will always stand up for people, even if he won't stand up for himself. This led to him being bullied a lot when he was younger. He got beat up......a lot. He never let that stop him though.

The God: Baldur is openly friendly, commanding great respect and friendship. He always has a very hearty attitude and addresses everyone with the courtesy they deserve. He speaks oddly, sounding rather Shakespearean mixed with modern slang. Baldur can usually be found being serious but is always ready to laugh and have fun as well. When fighting an enemy, he always allows them an oppurtunity to seek a different path and avoid battle. The opponent usually disagrees, causing Baldur to(reluctantly) beat the crap out of them. He can be rather competitive with people of equal or greater might as him, but always in a friendly demeanor, never getting angry. Baldur also has a natural charisma that people seem attracted too. He is a natural leader and always is thinking what would be best for the people around him, not what would be best for him. He is always chivalrous and feels an unbreakable need to protect all.


Equipment -
- Chris usually has his work supplies in a brown bag slung over his shoulder.

- He has a silver metal watch that he wears on his left wrist that seems to be new.

- A Blackberry phone.

- A Black notepad with pencil in it.

Powers -
- Alter Ego: Chris has the power to transform into the once dead Norse God Baldur. He does this by activating the light on his watch and by saying "As darkness consumes the light, so shall the light consume the darkness!"

Equipment -
- Baldur's only piece of equipment is his mighty enchanted blade Hrunting. It is made of purest Uru and is completely indestructible. It absorbs magic like a sponge and can be empowered by Baldur himself with his own power. It was blessed by his father to only be used to bring out about peace and joy and can channel Baldur's light through it. The only two people in existence that can use or even pick up the blade is Chris and Baldur.

Powers -
- Asgardian: Baldur's bones, skin and muscles or three times more dense than any human could possibly have. This makes him less susceptible to harm and is able to take an incredible beating before showing signs of defeat. All Asgardians had this ability, along with several other super human attributes. He has all of these abilities due to not being human, but Asgardian.

-Strength: Baldur can lift up to 30 tons.(5 more tons than Spider-Man)

-Speed: Baldur can run incredibly fast, far surpassing a normal human.(Not Speedster status by any means, like a top speed of 100mph.)

-Stamina: Baldur can do many super human deeds and battle tides of foes without tiring. He can go much farther than any human could.

-Agility: Baldur can perform many acrobatic stunts due to hundreds of years of combat experience to aid him in battle.

-Reflexes: Baldur's reflexes surpass any humans, allowing him to react to situations faster.

-Senses: All of Baldur's senses are above a normal humans.

-Swordsmanship: Baldur is a master swordsman, having hundreds of years to perfect them and hundreds of battles to hone them.

- Photokinesis: Being the Asgardian God of Light, Baldur can generate an intense beam of light that is strong and hot enough to melt Frost Giants down to size. This light usually just surrounds his body and shoots upward into the sky. He is also able to channel his light through his enchanted blade. He can also light up areas and banish any form of darkness.

- AllTongue: Having all language carved on his tongue when he was an infant, Baldur is able to speak to any human, alien, animal or creature and they will understand him in their hearts. He can't command anyone this way, like animals or anything. Just talk to them. He can also understand them.


Chris's History: Chris was born and raised in the suburbs near Atlas City. He had a fairly normal life and two very loving parents. He was a shy and meek kid, small too. He was picked on a lot when he was little, but he never said anything to anyone. His father, Alan, was diagnosed with Terminal Cancer when Chris was 8 years old. Instead of prolonging his life by spending it in a hospital bed, he decided to use the rest of his time to spend it with his son. His father taught him a lot of things, as much as he could get in. Those 10 months were the happiest in Chris's life. His father told him that you should always stand up for what you believe in and for people who don't have the power to stand up for themselves. Chris really took it to heart and he confronted the bullies who were harassing some kid he didn't know. They beat him up, but the kid thanked him and he felt good about himself. Even though he got beat up, he knew he was doing the right thing.

On the day of his fathers death, Chris was by his bed side along with the rest of his family. His father told everyone to leave because he needed to talk to Chris alone. He then asked him. "Chris.....what is the greatest day in the history of the world?" Chris didn't know what to say. He told his father he didn't know. His father simply smiled and told him. "The greatest day in the history of the Today. Today is the greatest day in the history of the world. Because you're here, and you have the power to make everyone around you see that. Will you do that for me, son? Will you live everyday like it's the greatest day in the world and strive to make other people see that as well?" Chris, crying, simply nodded and hugged his dad. The last words his father said to him was, "I believe in you, Chris." he the died right there in his arms. Chris never went back on his word.

Chris ended up graduating college and landed a job as the Editor in Chief of Rouge Magazine(An incredibly popular magazine that covers fashion, stars and superhumans) personal assistant. Her name was Victoria Rosario. She was apparently very important and never seemed to get Chris's name right. She always called him a twisted version of his name because she was apparently too busy too get it right. Chris never really minded, though. He lived his entire life to make people happy and to help anyone in need. He never went patrolling the streets like the super heroes did, but he did his part.

One day when Chris was walking back to his apartment in Atlas City, he witnessed a pair of teenage girls getting mugged at gunpoint. Without hesitating, Chris stepped in and allowed for them to escape. In the process, Chris was shot in the heart and died. He seemed to be floating through space and time, his mind racing. Eventually he heard a voice. A deep voice, yet calming at the same time. "You are pure of heart and embody the spreading of joy and light into peoples lives. Your courage knows no bounds. worthy of my power." He was suddenly surrounded by a blinding light that soon died down to reveal a white outline of a person. A sword was floating in front of him. The figure spoke again. "Take my blade, Hrunting, and reclaim your life, along with the power to save others as well." Chris, being incredibly confused and not entirely even sure what was happening, simply nodded and grabbed the sword. Blinding light shone forth again, then, it went dark.

Chris woke up to find himself in a very dark area. He seemed to be stuck in some kind of metal box or something. He also realized he was holding the sword he had picked up. He started flailing and panicking and eventually hit his head on a apart of the metal box and it swung open. He crawled out to find himself naked, carrying a glowing magical sword in the middle of the city Morgue. The bullet wound was now a scar and he seemed to be alright. He ended up finding his belongings in a bin and he put on his clothes and glasses and got the hell out of there.

Later he found that the dead Norse God Baldur merged his spirit with his own, giving him the power to become Baldur.....well more switch places with him. They could take to each other in their head or in mirrors or other reflective surfaces. Baldur taught him how to turn the sword into another object to hide it. Chris chose a metal watch that glowed with a blue light and that had runic symbols on it. This was about 10 months ago. Now, he patrols the city streets as Baldur, depowered deity from times past. To protect the innocent with unparalleled bravery and devotion.

Baldur's History: In ancient times, Baldur Odinson was the youngest of Odin's three children. He was also the most favored among them. With his all seeing eye, Odin had predicted that the death of Baldur would lead to Ragnarok. So he had his wife, Frigga, cast a spell on him so that nothing in existence could harm him. It worked, except for one thing, Mistletoe. Frigga felt she could not demand such an oath from a plant so young and new. So years went by and Baldur did many great deeds, including defeating the Black Dragon Alduin from covering Asgard in darkness. He was a mighty warrior and a fierce friend. All loved him, save his older brother, Loki. Loki was jealous of him and wanted to see him dead. As a game at feasts, the Asgardians would throw different things at Baldur to see them break against him. So, one night, Loki gave the blind god Hoder a Mistletoe tipped arrow to shoot at Baldur. It struck Baldur in the chest and he died.

Seeing as he was the embodiment of light, joy and innocence, Baldur could not be consumed by Hellheim. At the same time, Valhalla could not accept him for Odin deemed hw ould never die, therefore they could not accept him. His spirit wandered the 9 realms, in search of a way of peace for himself. While he did this, his death triggered the events of Ragnarok, causing an apocalypse for the Asgardians, causing most of them to die out. Baldur meanwhile spent most of his time in Midgard, or Earth as they called it. He had always found Mortals to be among many of the great races of the nine realms, but he could also see how evil they could be. He watched them grow and mature into the race they are now. He watched them, knowing they had the potential to free him of his torment. Until one day when he witnessed one, a man, who spirit radiated the same light he did. He stared down certain death without flinching in order to save two mortals he did not know. This young man was dubbed worthy by Hrunting and by Baldur himself. He was then killed, so Baldur confronted him before his spirit moved on. He fused their spirits together and merged them back in the young mans body. He found that his invulnerability had been lost to him and that he was not as strong as he used to be. He was still strong enough to do what was necessary in order to protect the mortals of Midgard. They have been merged for almost a year.

So begins...

Christopher Coleson's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Coleson Character Portrait: Necrosis Character Portrait: Eric Haldane
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A wiry young man with pale skin and thick glasses was sitting at a desk in front of a computer, hard at work. The desk was situated directly in front of a very grand looking office on the top floor of one of the tallest office buildings in Atlas City. That office was the office of Victoria Rosario. Editor in Chief of Rogue Magazine. The worlds #1 most popular magazine. It covered everything that anyone would want to read. Fashion, Stars, Movies and most importantly, Supers. IT was one of the only known magazines that kept up to date on the super human community and their deeds and misdeeds. It was all due to the vision of Ms. Rosario. It was her baby.....the man in front of her office however, was her bitch. The young man was Christopher Coleson, her personal assistant. Though she never quite got his name right, even though it was on his desk, she depended on him for a lot. Even though Chris had a lot of work to do, he was about to get a lot more.

"Coleman!" The familiar voice screamed over the intercom.

"Yes, Ms. Rosario?" Chris said in a very concerned and polite way.

"Get in here, now!" She screamed once again.

Chris simply sighed and got up from his desk. He walked over to the double doors and opened them. He walked inside the large luxurious office. There was a small waterfall and a zen garden, along with a bonsai tree and several modern couches and coffee tables. At the center of it all was a large black desk that looked very modern with a large red chair situated behind it that almost looked futuristic. Ms. Rosario was in the corner of her office, looking down and out of the wall of windows in her office. Chris approached her. "What do you need, Ms. Rosario?" Chris asked patiently.

The woman who spun around to meet him was, to put it simply, beautiful. She had tanned skin with natural blonde hair wrapped up in a very professional bun. She wore a blue button up with a grey woman's suit jacket along with a grey work skirt. As long as Chris had known her, she had never worn pants. "Calvin, I need you to round up our on the scene team and alert the Super writers. The Abettor just flew past my office and there is smoke rising from the Atlas Central bank. It happened not 10 seconds ago. We need to be the first with this story and we have to fit it into to tomorrow's issue, understood." From the moment she had started talking, Chris had been writing down almost every word she said. He looked up at her. "On it ma'am." He the turned around and went to work on his Blackberry. He BBMed everyone she had told him to contact and explained the situation to them in under 3 minutes. He then sat back down at his desk and felt good. A voice suddenly rung in his head. "Christopher, why be you laxed? Did you not understand thy lady. Villainy is afoot! This is why I brought you back, to combat the forces of evil and to protect the innocent mortals of Midgard." Chris sighed. "Baldur, I have work to do and...." he was interrupted. "I'm surprised at you Christopher! Does not the safety of your fellow man not concern you more than this monotonous clanging of keys upon thy board. Come my friend, let us to battle!" Chris glanced at his key board, then down the hall to the stairs. "Your right. Let's go!" Baldur sounded in his head. "Verily."

Chris walked to the stair case and opened the door. He ran up them one flight to the roof of the building. He rant to the corner and looked down at the bank below. He shook his left wrist and a very strange watch came out of it. He brought the watch to his face and spoke. "As the darkness consumes the light, so does the light consume the darkness!" A huge flash of light came from Chris, turning him into a shining beacon. When the light faded, a tall armored man with glowing blue eyes and glowing blue lines on his face stood where Chris once stood. Baldur stood on the edge of the building and screamed before leaping off the edge. "For Midgard!"

Baldur landed with a very loud crash. The force of his body indenting the pavement and shattering some of the windows of the bank. He then stood up and walked into the bank. He surveyed the scene with his glowing eyes and saw many armed thugs and a man in a strange suit he had never seen before. He also noted the dead near the safe and a woman with a helmet covered in her own blood. The lines on his face glowed a bit brighter at this sight. "Thy villains would display such acts of barbarism before children!" Baldur yelled at the criminals. If they hadn't noticed him before, they sure as hell did now. One who was not 5 feet from him turned around and aimed an assault rifle at his head. Baldur did not even look at him. The thug then opened fire on Baldur, aiming for his head, the only thing that wasn't armored. The bullets flattened against Baldur's incredibly dense skin, but the force caused him to move his head a bit.

After the thug stopped firing. Baldur simply turned his head and stared at him. "You dare attack a son of Odin!" Baldur took a step towards him and flicked him in the forehead. The thug went flying back and smacked against the wall of the bank. "I will offer Amnesty once, all of you lay down your arms, or face the wrath of an Asgardian."

The setting changes from Downtown Atlas to Atlas City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Coleson Character Portrait: Necrosis Character Portrait: Eric Haldane Character Portrait: Damien Rizzoli
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"Stop playing around, Necrosis. It's getting old."

The woman opened her eyes fully, a smirk spreading across her face. She wasn't fooling Abettor, that was for sure. Ordinarily, she would have refused his hand and got to her feet by herself, but she was still feeling a little light-headed. She reached up and gripped his hand, hoisting herself up again. The room rolled, and Necrosis stumbled slightly, using the hero beside her to hold herself upright until it passed. She touched her throat gently with one bloody hand, frowning as she noted the progress of the healing. It was closed now, but only just.

She flinched slightly as something rather large and heavy impacted on the pavement outside, peeking over Abettor's shoulder to see, lo and behold, Baldur. Norse god or not, he was walking freaking clichΓ©, in Lilith's own, haughty opinion. She would love to use her negating abilities on him, just once, to see what would happen to him. However, doing so at the moment would affect everyone, and she really didn't want the crowd see her getting shot to pieces, only for her to pull herself back together again. Another time, maybe.

"Thy villains would display such acts of barbarism before children!"
Lilith rolled her eyes behind her visor, looking up to the other hero. "Is it just me who can't take this guy seriously?" She muttered, just loud enough for Abettor to hear. At least his crassness was diverting attention away from her own set-back, and the fact she was still holding onto... She suddenly stepped away from the black-clad hero, turning pink under the helmet. When the hell did she turn into Lois freaking Lane?

Another person, a civilian by all appearances, came charging into the bank next. He went from panicking to a blind rage in seconds. "WHERE IS SHE?!"
Before anyone could stop him, he lost it, taking his rage out on one of the nearby thugs. The bullets... Necrosis frowned. He was one of them, but obviously not a vigilante. He was a threat not just to the robbers, but to the civilians and the vigilantes and maybe even himself if he did not let up.
"Fancy checking around back, big man?" She addressed the Abettor with a slight tilt of her head, quickly wiping her hands on the back of her skirt.

Walking calmly over to him, she reached out to touch his shoulder, eying the other 'villains'. They were wary of her, nervous. They'd just seen her die in front of their very eyes, yet here she was. She hoped that this man didn't try anything... He was powered-down, and she had a scalpel within easy reach. "How about you just calm down a little, mate?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Coleson Character Portrait: Necrosis Character Portrait: Eric Haldane Character Portrait: Tristan Aeol Character Portrait: Damien Rizzoli
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Tristan watched wide-eyed as, one by one, superhumans--or should he use the word the newspapers gave them?--landed, slammed, and barged into the bank. He soon realized that the young woman who had seemingly died was standing up with hardly a scratch (but plenty of blood splatter). He knew superhumans were a part of society, and there had been quite a few costumed ones in New York, but it still gave him a little bit of initial shock when he saw them. Shock that quickly turned into bitter distaste which morphed into mercilessly sarcastic inner-commentary.

There was the classic costumed hero. The Norse God who had somehow been demoted to mortal living quarters. The goth-looking heroine, too balance it out (there always had to be a female, but God forbid she be too feminine.) And the average, every-day non-hero driven mad by love.

Heroic antics were sure to follow. Much of it would appear in the papers the next day, an inspiring case of triumphant justice.

Inspiring indeed.

Most likely completely oblivious to yet another superhuman. One who had gained much of his abilities through an inspired man.

But enough of that. Tristan shook his head, ridding himself of those thoughts. Those belonged to a past Tristan. The one who was so steeped in grudges, he was too stubborn to move forward and heal. The present Tristan needed to be focused on this still dangerous situation at hand.

Although the "heroes" had arrived, Tristan was still wary of the gunman. The arrival of the last super had proved that the men weren't entirely scared into inactivity. They still had guns, and all but one was in perfect working condition.

Well, not if he could help it.

Within the next minute, he had all the firearms blocked. Should any of the men try to fire, it would either result in a jam, or even better, a backfire. There were a lot of guns, though, and spread about the room at that. He could already feel his body relaxing, and if he wasn't too careful, he'd be relaxed all over the floor. Taking a bit of a gamble--he was still new to this particular ability--he strengthened the gravity on himself so that he was effectively rooted to the ground. Hopefully it had only taken a hold on him. It wouldn't do well if the other normal civilians couldn't escape because the ground had taken a special liking to their undersides. Forcing his eyes to stay open--they had an annoying habit of closing when he wasn't completely within his body--he waited to see who would make the next move.