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"Me and Mel are half sisters thats why I don't look like her," WIP

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a character in “The Circus”, as played by bracefacebeauty



Real Name:
Marianna Martina Martinez

Stage Name:


Stilt walker


Camila is a doll faced beauty. She's around 5'5 and is rather slim. She has a toned body that she keeps trimmed through regular exercise. Her bust is a moderate size. She has hazel eyes, shadowed by thin, long eyelashes that constantly tangle with her long lower lashes. Her lips are full and pouty. She usually wears red lipstick on them. She has tanned lightly olive skin. Her hair is long and dark with light brown lowlights. She keeps it long, letting it graze her mid back. It naturally is in a mix of lush curls and waves. She has a few parts of her hair that are straight and light brown. Due to her teenage years when she would bleach and due her hair and straighten it regularly.

Style wise, she wears alot of urban girly clothes. Her style is also very hipster. She wears heels regularly. She wears alot of topshop and urban hipster brands. She wears shirts with snarky or witty saying or phrases. She adds many floral touches in her clothes. She likes to call herself a hippy dippy urban princess. She likes to make her own trends. She often can be seen in with a flower crown in her hair or a animal eared headband. Her style may not make sense but it works for her. She doesn't try to be sexy, she's herself, whatever the hell that means.

Shimmer Ice queen:
This is her favorite costume so she wears it the most. It consist of a one piece cut out leotard with silver tassels that is chrome. She wears it with silver tassled jewelry and a feather topped headgear. Her stilts are covered in a white covering. She wears a boa attached to her hips.

Take me to Rio:
This is her festive costume. It also has a tassled leotard though this one has more tassles. Her headgear also has tassles but has multiple feather around the top. She wears glitter blue coverings on her stilts.

Cotton Candy girl:
This is her least favorite costume, which she only wears when accompanying the clowns. It looks like barbie threw up on her. She wears a corseted leotard of pastel colors. She wears an attached skirt with it. She also wears white fishnet tights and fringed gloves. She wears a pink fur puff headband and her stilts are covered by furry multi colored coverings.

Berry Blue:
This is her costume that shows the most skin. It is a bedazzled blue bustier which she wears with fingerless blue gloves and forearm cuffs with fringes attached to them. She wears a sparkled pair of shorts with fringes attached to the waistline. She wears blue and purple coverings with fringes at the top as well. She doesn't perform in this costume but this is her backup costume for when she walks around with the clowns, and usually is only worn in rehearsals.


Performing | Most of her costumes | Flirting | Working out | Writing poetry | Writing lyrics| Playing the guitar | Her sister | Photography | Being herself | Tea | Smoking | Tattoos | Art | Artistic people | Bad boys | Doing her own thing | Taking risks
Wearing alot of makeup | Having her body compared to her sisters | Goody two shoes | Sports | Animal haters | Bitches | Hopeless romantics | People who expect life to be easy for them | Cooking |
Her mom making her come home

Losing Melody (a.k.a Jeannie)

Getting Leukemia

Dying alone

Being blamed for Maggie's death.

It's hard to explain Mari. She has always been that thoughtful artistic type. She's also always had to be strong, she had no choice. She is very funny, ocasionally snarky and honest. Sometimes she is a little to honest. She tells it like it is, whether you want to hear it or not. She is very artistic and though she may not look it, randomly becomes very whimsical once she has an idea in her head. She is very stubborn, once she sets her heart on something there's no changing her mind.

Mari is really protective over Mel. After her sister Maggie died, she became very attached to her. She can't really explain it, maybe it's because she came to love with them a month after Maggie died. But suddenly it was like her whole world was revolving around Mel. She didn't need anybody else as long as she has Mel. Some say she's obsessed with her half sister, maybe she is. But would it be so wrong if she was?

She has always been very confident. She believes the key to being sexy is confident. She tends to always assume if there's a will there's a way and she's not giving up until she finds it. Some say this makes her seem arrogant or too bold but its part of who she is. She learned a long time ago that if you want something done you need to make it happen. She also knows that if you you don't stand your ground somebody's going to run you over. Many people see her and assume she's just vain and narcissistic but really she just knows what she wants and she's going for it. Some say spoiled or arrogant she says ambitious. She radiates confidence in her manner, her style, her talk,everything about her. She feels it lets people know, they can't fuck with her.

Once you get to know her she can be very sweet. She tends to keep to herself. The only time she really is social is if she trust you. But if she trust you she will be herself whole heartedly. Mari can be very flirty when she comes in contact with a bad boy. Those tend to be her weakness. She loves her boys with peircings, tattoos and a cool demeanor. She likes her guys as confident as her.

(at least one paragraph of life before the circus and how they joined the circus and why)

Theme Song(s):
(can be as many as you want)

(put whatever else you want here that wasn't mentioned yet here)

So begins...

Bo's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jennie Character Portrait: Amelia "Florence" Luna Greyhe Character Portrait: Damia Astre Character Portrait: Lyfe Character Portrait: Moses "Ghost" Hannibal Grant Character Portrait: Axel
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Shiloh stood up from her crisscrossed position on the floor in her tent. Everyone in the circus had their own tent where they called home. Carnies slept, dressed, and basically did everything normal people would do in there tents. They even have this strict rule that carnies cannot enter other carnies rooms without being told they may enter. This rule is so strict for the fact that tents don't lock and don't have doors to knock on. Sure, they had trailers. But the trailers were used for the show girls to do their makeup and hair. Shiloh, being a clown, had to do her makeup herself in her tent. A mater of fact, everyone else, not counting the acrobat's who also use the trailers for makeup, had to do everything themselves.

Shiloh let out a sigh, not standing in the middle of her tent as she looked around. In one corner, she had a small sleeping spot. She didn't have a bed, but just a matric on the ground with an old heavy yet thin blanket and an old pillow. She didn't mind though, it was good enough for her and this is what happens in a low budget circus. When you join the circus, it's up to you to buy everything you need with the money you make. A lot of people even have to get a second job to pay for everything. Shiloh's one of those people. But, we'll get into that later. Looking around her room/tent some more, we have a clothes rack that holds just a few hangers to Shiloh's costume. She keeps the rest of her clothes in a suitcase on the ground next to it. On the other side of the tent, opposite her bed, is a mirror on a desk with all her stage makeup laid down on it. That's all she held in her little tent, thought, it wasn't so little as it was tall enough for Shiloh to stand up straight through most of it, but, on the other hand, Shlioh is a rather short girl.

Walking over to her rack, Shiloh carefully put on her clowns costume. She didn't have a normal clowns costume that you would think about when you hear clown. No, Shiloh's costume holds mostly black and white. A black suite a size big on her, a white dress shirt a size big on her, and an over-sized white bowtie. After she had this on, she went over to the mirror and did her hair first. Putting her bleached-blonde hair up into a Mohawk-like fashion. She then continues on to do her makeup. Being a clown, she's not suppose to show any of her actual skin color. So, she puts white face paint all over her face, ears, and neck, covering up all her normal pale skin color. She then takes her eye makeup after the paint is dried and darkens it around her eyes a bit. She continues with black face paint, going over where her eyebrows would be located. She finishes up her makeup by putting on bright red lipstick. Once that is finished, she puts on bright red gloves that fit her perfectly and bright red dress shoes a size big on her.

She looked at herself in the mirror and practiced her smile. Pinning it there, she headed out of her tent and to the front gateway into the circus. The gate way was large and a rusty red color. It had ribbons coming from the bottom of either side and going out to surround the circus. Once she got to the front gate, she picked up the flyers and waited as the new comers came in, handing each of them a flyer with a small settle smile pinned on her face.


"Ba-da-da-da-da-da-ba-da-ba-da Ba-da-da-da-da-da-ba-da-ba-da ba-da-da-da ba-da-da-da ba-da-da ba-da-da ba-da-da-ba!" Ricket sing loudly in his tent to the music playing over the intercom. So what, it didn't have lyrics or any words what so ever, but he could still sing to it. Rickets tent was a mess. It had old alcohol bottles all over the place. He didn't even have a bed in there, just an old rotten recliner that he got when he joined the circus. That seems like such a long time ago. His tent was arranged in the same way Shiloh's was but with more of a messy way, and instead of having a stand with makeup he had his huge stilts with giant pants over them and giant shoes on the end. He got dressed in his outfit, putting on smaller versions of the shoes and pants on himself, then dragged them outside.

Being a stilt walker and having the tall stilts, he couldn't get them on himself. So, off he went to go find Shiloh, his little helper. He found her already greeting Wanna-Be's into the gate and gave a big smile. "Why, hello, youngens! I'm Ricket, that there's Shiloh!" He said loudly and excitedly then glanced at Shiloh, who didn't say a word. "She's a quiet clown, so she wont talk while in costume. But, out of costume she'll talk more, don't worry!" He said, his Irish accent coming out some as he said so. "Shiloh, give a mate a hand, will you?" He said, large smile still illumining his face. Shiloh nodded and went to help her fellow carny up onto his legs.

Once Ricket was up, he nodded down at her, tipping his hat to her slightly, then waved to the Wanna-Be's. "Come on, now. You don't want to be late to the big top, now do you?" He said and lead the way to the big top. Once there, he reached over and held the tent open as he waited for everyone to go inside before stepping in himself. All about the large tent was little groups of the carnies all talking among themselves. Some had the animals by them and some just had themselves. After a moment, Rocky came up and stood beside Ricket in his little matching doggy vest. He knew while he stood there that today was going to be a fun day as they offered there home to the Wanna-Be's to join.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lyfe Character Portrait: Moses "Ghost" Hannibal Grant Character Portrait: Katrine 'Kat' Cohen Character Portrait: Bo Character Portrait: Lio
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Bo looked at her watch on the side of the table, "shit I'm late, Lyfe will not be happy." She said pulling her bra to close the clasp in the back, She didn't add the tasseled accessories so it was just the basic blue and purple outfit, it looked less ridiculous that way. The only reason she was wearing it was because it was easiest to put on. She put on some light blue and light purple makeup with faux lashes (also ridiculous ), swallowed her pride and marched over to the mirror in her room. She looked like a half naked girl walking around in a sparkly bra and matching booty shorts. She grumbled to herself as she looked around the room.

She had a blow up mattress on the side of the room covered in multi colored blankets. Alot of the carnie's called her room the gypsy room due to the colors and the fact that blankets in scarves were everywhere. Draped places, on the floor, on everything. She had pillows surrounding the whole tent, big ones, small ones, just layered over each other. She slipped out of her tent, and suddenly wished she was wearing her stilts. Maybe if she was you wouldn't see so much of her. But she pushed that thought away like a big girl and walked over to the tent.

She passed the wanna-be's and shrugged "I'm usually a stilt walker, today I'm a whore," She turned a cocked a smile "I was kidding about the last part."

She saw Ghost and Lyfe and strolled up to them "Hey," She said before kissing both of them on the cheek, which was how she and Jeannie greeted everyone. before strolling away.

She spotted Kat and Lio and rushed over to them, giving them both quick kisses on the cheek "Ok honestly do I look life a tramp? Cuz' I feel as though I look like a tramp, I just was too lazy to put on an intricate costume so early so I out on the less intricate outfit, turns out without the tassels its a stripper outfit," She groaned the last part.She chewed on her opaque white nails "Have you seen my little sister?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lyfe Character Portrait: Moses "Ghost" Hannibal Grant Character Portrait: Katrine 'Kat' Cohen Character Portrait: Bo Character Portrait: Lio
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Lyfe chuckled deeply, sliding his hand from his companion's broad shoulder. He found it utterly amusing that Ghost could be so open with him, yet shut the entire world out. He was flattered, yes, but he did want his friend to branch out and find beauty in people much like he does. However, he didn't force this wish upon Ghost, for he knew that he had to move at his own pace. "I appreciate the effort to communicate, my friend," Lyfe mused. "Although, I do believe your skill could use a bit It's still the thought that counts. Next time, hit them with a language that they can understand." It were moments like these when Lyfe thought that the strong man was absolutely adorable. He wasn't surprised when the other man began fixing his tie. It was to be expected. He knew about his mild OCD and didn't protest when he tried to fix him up. "I would have worn my gold tie, but Bear wasn't helping me much." He scowled down at the sleeping pup in his arms, shaking his head fondly. He noted the fact that Ghost was rambling, talk more and that realization bought a smile to his face as he watched the man play and comment on his hat. He placed Bear on the ground, waking the little puff ball up and letting him rest against his foot. He didn't say anything, just grinning because he didn't want to ruin Ghost's moment. He glanced at Kat, raising a brow when she told him she'd be back. He simply shrugged, knowing that he could trust her to keep her word.

Sadly, Ghost's chatter was over too soon when he placed Lyfe's top hat back on his head. Lyfe frowned a bit, already missing the talkative side of him. He sighed, "You're face lights up when you absentmindedly chatter, Ghost. It's a glorious sight. You should do it more often and not be afraid to let that side of you show. It's those talkative moments of yours that I look forward to." He gave his strong friend a reassuring smile just as Bo approached them.

"Why hello, beautiful," Lyfe greeted her as she kissed his cheeks. "You're late, but since I'm happy about the new recruits, I'll let it go, love. Don't do it again." He watched her scamper off, smiling as he did. His eyes roamed around the big top, taking in the new faces and noting the late arrivals. He pinched the bridge of his nose. "They're late..." He said with a tinge of annoyance. "The lot of them. I'll give them another ten minutes before I go yanking them out of their tents." He leaned, nonchalantly against the metal barrier, honey orbs taking inventory while his mind organized the evening and his speech. He smirked when Kat arrived with Lio in tow. Lyfe gave her a grateful thumbs up and a charming grin. "Well, there is one less arse I'll have to drag back."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lyfe Character Portrait: Moses "Ghost" Hannibal Grant Character Portrait: Bo
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Image Looking at Lyfe he noticed that he was smiling, but instead it looked like a frown had been forming without notice. "What's wrong?" He was confused with the fact the his friend was smiling like his normal self. "You're face lights up when you absentmindedly chatter, Ghost. It's a glorious sight. You should do it more often and not be afraid to let that side of you show. It's those talkative moments of yours that I look forward to." A smile of reassurance replaced the frown causing Ghost to give a weary smile himself. "I'll work on it some more for you." Looking over he noticed an approaching Bo.

Watching her pass the Wanna-Be's he could hear her loudish voice travel to his ears. "I'm usually a stilt walker, today I'm a whore," She turned with a joking smile, "I was kidding about the last part." "What a lovely introduction." Mumbling to himself as Bo made her way towards him and Lyfe. She was like most of the other carnies, they all said and did such unladylike things that he disapproved, but never commented on to them even if he wanted to. "Hey." She had said to the both of them, "Bonjour." Was his only reply to her as she kissed his cheek, something he did not want but got use to from knowing her so long. He didnt enjoy kisses or higs much, to much touching, to close as well, but he could deal more with the hugs depending on the person. It was strange still to him to recieve the soft touch of her lips on his cheek. His eyes followed Bo until she left.

Setting his eyes back on Lyfe he listened to what he had to say, "They're late..." Ghost could hear the annoyance in his voice. "The lot of them. I'll give them another ten minutes before I go yanking them out of their tents." The thought made him laugh some, "I'll help you if you need assistants." Feeling like it was his turn to be reassuring he patted him lightly on the back. Once he leaned against the metal he removed his hand. "And why should I change my language for them? If they're lucky they'll learn something from it." Grinning he looked away from Lyfe at all the people in the Big Top trying to picture who was missing, One to many. Sighing he rested his back on the barrier as well.

Thinking about Lyfe's words he squinted his eyes and turned back to face him. "And a glorious sight? Lighting up? I don't agree with your statement. To many errors of my assessment of myself. My thoughts of myself are... nowhere near bright." He had never viewed himself in the longest time ever to be bright, but he liked that Lyfe saw that in him. "I'm pleasured you like hearing me talk though," gazing into his gold flacked eyes he cocked his head to the right, [color=#C0C0C0]"if you like it I'll try to do it more." Ghost didn't like talking to much, but he enjoyed pleasing others and if it pleased his friend he'd attempt to do so. He liked to do things for Lyfe most of all because he helped him out a lot many years ago.

"So... Um," He was going to talk for Lyfe, force himself, something he had been doing throughout his years at the circus. "I can't wait for your speech, I know it'll be good like that always are." What to talk about? "I only wished they'd be another strong person, someone for me to work with," with a smirk he shuck his head, "but I already know the unlikely hood of that."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jennie Character Portrait: Amelia "Florence" Luna Greyhe Character Portrait: Axel Character Portrait: Bo
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ImageSome people laughed at the display, but she didn't mind, she was just calling attention to herself. "Yes, very good demonstration," Florence rolled her eyes at the fact Jeannie cried so much tears arose to her eyes. "You, my dear, are a very good actress. And lucky my very strong man could protect you" She scuffed at her reply, "Your strong man allowed Simon to get me!" She glared over at Axel, "I can't believe you let him get me!"

Soon Bo had made her way over to them looking extremely good. "Hey, Bo." She winking to her as she checked her out. She may not have liked that Bo's outfit was more revealing then hers, but in the long run she was nice to look at... extremely nice. As Jeannie spoke her attention turned back to her, as she spoke about her breast Florence couldn't help almost having her eyes glued on them. They were nice and large, but Florence's were a tad bit bigger. "I know the feeling of not being able to get an outfit on," As she spoke she pointed at the zipper on her leotard that she hasn't been able to zip all the way to the top showing some cleavage.

Jeannie faces Florence and stuck her bottom lip out in a cute pouting way. "Seriously do you know how long it took to put this on?" Florence shuck her head no as she smirked, "I wouldn't mind helping you take it off though." Her flirting with her was so common, usually about getting her in bed even though that never happened. Florence did a lot if flirting with the carnies to never had slept with any of them, or anyone in general. She was lots of bark with not bite. "Anyway I'm so excited for these new people." Jeannie set Moxy on down then came to Florence's aid to help her from the ground. Once she was standing Jeannie clasped both of her hands on Florence's checks. "You'll still be my favorite, of course," She couldn't help but smile being claimed as Jeannie's favorite, "You're mine-" Before she could finish Jeannie had pressed her lips up to hers. As soon as she went to kiss back Jeannie had pulled away at the barks of Moxy and picked the small fluff ball back up. Seriously? She was gifted kisses from the girl a lot, all were short and Florence never got to kiss back. Rolling her eyes she took Jeannie under the chin pulling her towards her back on to her lips. Catching Jeannie's bottom lip in between hers she pushed her tongue into her mouth before backing away. "I'm tired of all your teasing," telling her so she pulled her hair in front of her shoulders, "from now on when you kiss me I'm kissing you back." Turning attention to Axel she smiled, "And if you have any problems with you must get over it."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jennie Character Portrait: Amelia "Florence" Luna Greyhe Character Portrait: Damia Astre Character Portrait: Lyfe Character Portrait: Moses "Ghost" Hannibal Grant Character Portrait: Katrine 'Kat' Cohen
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Smiles was late. He cursed as he crashed out of his tent trying in vain to tie his shoe as he did. He gave two hops before he fell face first into the ground and groaned as he got back up and dusted himself off. Taking a deep breath he opted for tying his dress shoes before seriously damaging any body parts that he'd prefer to keep. He checked to make sure that his dark faded jeans, dark purple vest and crisp white button down shirt weren't ruined and that his fedora- which matched his vest- was still atop his head. Once that was done he speed walked down to the Big Top. He passed the gates and wondered how many new people had come for a chance at the circus life and how many would actually stay. He remembered when he'd been in their position and the many people that had come that day to join. Slowly many of those people had left or quit because they couldn't handle or didn't want to live it out as the carnies did. Smiles was glad he had a strong determination or he'd never have known the joys of being a carnie. He didn't have an act or anything of the sort. He was a simple concessionaire but he was treated pretty equally to the others and for that he was truly grateful.

Opening the flaps of the Big Top he grinned as he spotted many of them already inside. Great going Smiles, now everyone knows you're late, he chastised himself in his head. He spotted Lyfe and gave him an apologetic look before placing both hands in a pleading position and bowed his head regretfully. He hated disappointing his boss. Actually, he hated disappointing anyone really. Looking back up he noticed the newbies and sauntered over with his usual charming smile and waved dramatically. "Hello there newcomers! I am the wonderful and magnificent Smiles," he greeted, bowing in a ridiculous but oddly charming way that only Smiles could ever pull off before continuing on, "I hope to see more of you in the coming days, yes?" He turned to Shiloh, gave her a friendly two finger wave greeting before heading to the side and sat at the stands.

Smiles was still tired oddly enough. His part time job required him to wake up at an ungodly hour in the morning but he needed all the extra money he could get. None of his fellow carnies really knew it but he worked part time for an old lady, helping her sew and mend clothes and costumes. He felt no shame in the trade and wouldn't give a flying rats arse if the others knew but since they hadn't asked he'd never said. He liked helping the sweet old lady out, and in the long run he knew how to fix any torn clothes or costumes. Very helpful if such a situation came up here at the circus. Heck, the old lady he worked for had even taught him how to make a few clothes and was still in the process of said teaching. Pretty soon he wouldn't have to go to stores to buy his clothes. He'd simply buy a bunch of fabric, needles and thread and he'd make himself a whole batch of clothing. Very useful indeed. He lets his dark brown eyes glance at everyone slowly and he smiles softly. This was his family. "And its about to get just a bit bigger..." he murmured to himself as he finally settled his sights on the newbies.

Before long, Lyfe enters center stage and Smiles listens attentively as their Ring Master gives his speech.


Tomo was currently standing at the other side of the street of the gates looking very much like a stalker. A very hot stalker, she amended in her head smirking as she looked down at her choice of clothing. She'd chosen to go with an off the shoulder skull tee, some black short shorts, awesome fishnet stockings (one of many that she owned) and black boots that reached just below her knees. She'd added small black leather bracelets here and there just so she wouldn't feel so plain but then again Tomo was one of few people who could ever really look plain even on off days. Her friend Molly had helped her fashion her hair into a mohawk style that didn't require her to cut off any of her hair whatsoever.

She smiled as she thought of her best friend. Molly was the complete opposite of her; she was shy, a bit nerdy and all around cute! Though she looked like a kid, Molly was actually two years older than Tomo and liked to remind her of it every chance she got. Tomo had been living with Molly for a little over a year ever since she'd left her parents home. Tyler, Molly's boyfriend, was also one of Tomo's closest friend and was also on the baby faced side. People still wondered why such sweet faced people would still be friends with a daredevil like Tomo. She knew they made an odd little trio but she loved them dearly because they didn't judge her and accepted her for who she was. 'Course, that didn't stop them from having their arguments now and then BUT that's what friendship was all about. Sticking together through the good and bad.

Enough with the mindless reminiscent memories. Get your ass over there, she commanded herself as she snapped back to reality. She adjusted her large spiked messenger bag on her shoulder before she strutted across the street and took a flyer from the female clown with a grateful smile. Once they'd gathered quite a few people she followed them into what they reffered to as the "Big Top". Many of the Carnies introduced themselves and Tomo couldn't help but eye them up. Attractive lot, that they were. Tomo grinned mischievously at the rated r thoughts running through her head before she shook herself free of them. Down Tomo, down. She stayed oddly silent throughout the whole thing, even when there was a commotion with the animals and Ricket, very odd behaviour for Tomo herself since half the time even her friends couldn't get her to shut up. But Tomo figured that this was a whole new world she was coming into. A whole new set of rules to take in mind. Though she was for the most part a rebellious girl Tomo still held her parents upbringing in her genes. She could be decent, even normal, if she allowed herself to be. This was one such occasion. She hungrily took in her surrounding and the people around her and wondered only for a second if she was doing the right thing. But only for a second. The way that her heart beat against her chest and the rush she was getting just standing there was all the answer she needed. As the Ring Master walked to the center of the stage Tomo stilled and listened to his speech. A thrill went down her back and she grinned.