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Satoshi Fujishima

"Sometimes I wonder if people care about me, or if they actually hate me instead."

0 · 1,218 views · located in Hikarishi

a character in “The City of Light”, originally authored by, as played by RolePlayGateway




↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522



⌊ Fujishima, Satoshi ⌉

⌊ Sou, Fuji ⌉

⌊ Male ⌉

⌊ Seventeen (17) ⌉

⌊ Bisexual ⌉



⌊ 155 cm. / 48 kg. ⌉

⌊ Chocolate Brown / Golden Caramel⌉

⌊ Several ⌉


⌊ Satoshi is underaverage in just about everything: height, weight, strength. Luckily, his speed makes up for it all, as does his immense temper. Satoshi has soft, fluffy chocolate brown colored hair that a lot of people tend to want to touch, though he absolutely hates it. His eyes are a slightly lighter shade of brown and are described as the color of caramel, though he himself describes them more as 'spoiled honey.'

In terms of strength, Satoshi is actually rather weak, and can be easily overpowered when caught off guard. His small size and lack of muscle made him an easy target for bullies in the past. However, Satoshi's size does in fact make him very fast, and while he may be easily dominated, not many people can outrun him (skateboard or not).

As far as wardrobe goes, Satoshi's is very plain. He doesn't usually wear a uniform during his classes because he believes comfort is more important. A majority of his clothing is cargo pants and plain t-shirts, though he does have at least one outfit somewhere in the back of his closet that could be considered formal. Satoshi's favorite article of clothing is most definitely his hat, which he almost never takes off, formal occasion or not. Most people consider his baseball bat an everyday accessory. ⌉



◇ Spirited ◇ Temperamental ◇ Sly ◇ Independent ◇ Friendly ◇
⌠ "If you don't get close to me, you'll never know the truth." ⌡

⌊ Satoshi has a fiery temper, and because of his tendency to get pissed off at the slightest aggressor most people view him as a rude and insensitive person, when in fact this is the complete opposite of how he really is. In reality, Satoshi is an awkward, antisocial, and extremely intorverted teenage boy who blushes at just about everything anyone says.

Sou is very friendly, and though he's usually not one to initiate conversation, he happens to be a rather interesting person to talk to. He feels more comfortable around other people when he has a friendly presence to back him up and doesn't hardly go anywhere with at least one of his friends by his side. Because he's so introverted, Satoshi has yet to have any kind of romantic relationship in his life, though his friends often pressure him to try.

His temper is let off as a simple part of who he is, but behind closed doors, the fuming anger that he lets out on the people around him actually has much more meaning. Satoshi's anger and fighting spirit is how he vents his frustration about various things: the most prominent being his anger about being abandoned in Hikarishi by his parents.

Deep down Satoshi realizes that fighting isn't the best way to relive stress, and though he's completely aware that his brain is constantly telling him so, he refuses to admit that he's hurt inside and so far none of his so-called friends have given him the time of day to find out this fact about him. Thus he continues getting himself into trouble. ⌉




Skateboarding ↣ He finds it to be a rather fast way of getting to his classes.
Literature ↣ Satoshi dreams of becoming a writer or possibly a journalist.
Baseball ↣ Strength or not, Sou has a good swinging arm, and utilizes it.
Music ↣ The pair of headphones constantly around his neck aren't for show.
Children ↣ Out of character or not, Sou is great with children of all ages.




Bullies ↣ He was bullied constantly as a kid and regrets not fighting back.
Romance ↣ He doesn't actually hate it, its just too embarrassing of a topic.
His Parents ↣ They abandoned him when he needed them most, simply put.
Illness ↣ Satoshi gets fevers easily and hates the effect they have on him.
Soy Sauce ↣ Despite being Japanese, the smell makes him want to vomit.




Scratching ↣ He scratches his arms red when he's nervous or under stress.
Biting ↣ Usually his nails, sometimes his lip or the inside of his mouth.
Baseball Bat ↣ Its one thing he always has with him, like his skateboard.
Headphones ↣ He rarely uses them during school but never takes them off.
Ring ↣ Sou wears a tiny silver ring on a chain around his neck at all times.


Sports ↣ His speed and swinging arm make him especially great at baseball.
Running ↣ Yet another attribute of his speed, one he likes a lot more.
Singing ↣ Though he'd never sing for another soul, he's really quite good at it.
Writing ↣ Having a dream means getting better at the skill, which he has.
Babysitting ↣ No one knows if its because he's scary or good with kids...


Drawing ↣ In essence, anything he draws looks like a blob or bad stick figure.
Allergies ↣ Satoshi has to be extremely careful about what he eats or drinks.
Bloody Noses ↣ Its not connected to fights, but his nose is constantly bleeding.
Temper ↣ His temper is something he has a very, very hard time controlling.
Embarrassment ↣ Sou blushes at almost anything even slightly embarrassing.


The Dark ↣ Surprising or not, he never got over his childhood fear of the dark.
Betrayal ↣ Being hurt by the people he cares about is inevitable but scary still.




⌊ Classical Literature | Elective | 303 | Kazuhiko-sensei | 8-8:55 AM ⌉
⌊ Biology One | Core | 503 | Nanase-sensei | 9-9:55 AM ⌉
⌊ Advanced Writing | Core | 308 | Mizuhara-sensei | 10:10:55 ⌉
⌊ Creative Writing | Elective | 309 | Aizawa-sensei | 1-1:55 AM ⌉
⌊ Basic Mathematics | Core | 317 | Inoue-sensei | 2-2:55 ⌉
⌊ Physical Education | Core | Gym | Yukimura-sensei | 3-3:55 ⌉
⌊ Asian History | Core | 114 | Nishinoya-sensei | 4-4:55 ⌉

⌊ Dormitory Apartment 305 ⌉

⌊ Satoshi's apartment is small, with one bedroom, a dining room/parlor, a small kitchen off to the side, and a decent-sized bathroom. The apartment itself is situated close to the school and therefore Satoshi doesn't have to walk very far to get to his classes. Though most of the other dormitories in his building have balconies facing the forest, Sou's doesn't, and instead only has a large window with an old (but eerily stable) fire escape that goes to the ground behind the building. He uses it as a balcony and usually just sits on the fire escape when he's reading or bored out of his mind.

The color scheme in his apartment is red and orange, with all his furniture being oddly traditional in style. He's one of those people that uses a futon instead of a bed and his friends sometimes make fun of him for it, he also has a very short dining table that doubles as a kotatsu in the cold season. Satoshi's bedroom is a constant mess despite the rest of his home being constantly clean. Rolled up papers, broken pencils, books and other writing supplies litter the floor and his desk is hell to find anything unless you know exactly where it is, though he seems to manage well in such conditions. ⌉




⌊ Sou was born to a younger couple who didn't care much for him, letting the boy do whatever he pleased, regardless of whether he would be safe doing so. They gave him no rules but grew angry when he 'disobeyed' them, confusing Satoshi greatly as a child. And then, as soon as he turned five, they sent him off to live in Hikarishi.

Satoshi had always been an extremely vulnerable child. Since he was never taught boundaries, he never knew when to stop or how to be polite, and it got him into constant trouble with his teachers and his peers. He was bullied by some of his peers because of his temper and his size, and ignored by his other peers for no practical reason at all. Slowly, he started to learn more about discernment and how to know when to leave a person alone. By the time he was in fifth grade people started liking him a bit more, though his temper still gained him hate since he couldn't control it.

After he started Junior High, Satoshi met two older boys who took him in as one of their own, claiming that he was too much fun to be left without a pack. The three still spend almost all of their time together, and though their group of friends has grown since Junior High, they keep a closer bond with each other than with the other members of their pack. Satoshi is very much attached to these two best friends of his.

It wasn't until Satoshi began Senior High that he started to get little hints that his friends might not be as true to their word about loyalty. Though he refuses to admit it, he has started noticing the little smirks they give him when he turns his head, and also noticed the fact that close to no one else in the entire school will go near the group, as if they have parasites or something. Satoshi has been ignoring these feelings, however, and isn't willing to admit or even think that his friends would be hiding anything from him at all. He gets extremely angry at any person who tries to tell him otherwise. ⌉


◇ Father ↔ Fujishima, Akio ↔ ??? ↔ Unknown ◇
◇ Mother ↔ Fujishima, Michiko ↔ ??? ↔ Unknown ◇

◇ Friend ↔ Oda, Ryousuke ↔ 18 ↔ Alive ◇
◇ Friend ↔ Kodo, Akatsuki ↔ 18 ↔ Alive ◇

◇ Classmate ↔ Kiyotaka, Hazuki ↔ 17 ↔ Alive ◇

◇ Crush ↔ Toshiage, Natsuki ↔ 18 ↔ Alive ◇

cs by © StarlightPrincess
inspired by Verix, ઽ૮૨Α, moahi
filled by StarlightPrincess

So begins...

Satoshi Fujishima's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Faylinn Lee Winston Character Portrait: Hanako Shoda Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima Character Portrait: Inari Kokonoe Character Portrait: Kazuki Shirayanagi
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#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


As the numbers on the clock changed from 6:59 to 7:00, a loud blaring cry sounded throughout the room, waking up more than just the person it was meant for. Satoshi continued snoring quietly as the blaring continued, and didn't move from under his bundle of blankets until he could hear pounding on the wall above his bed from the room next door. "Okay, okay, I'm getting up! Geez..." Reluctantly, Satoshi fumbled out of his covers and turned off the alarm, silencing the room and bringing back the sleepy calm that he knew he couldn't afford to enjoy at the moment.

Standing, he made his way to the bathroom, and thirty minutes later he was skipping out the door fully dressed and racing to catch up with his friends. Ryou and Akatsuki always managed to be up and ready before him, despite the fact they were the angriest people ever at being woken up. "Oi, noroma, hurry up or we're gonna go to breakfast without you!" Satoshi laughed and ran to walk beside them, skateboard in one hand and bat in the other.
"Aw c'mon, I'm not that slow am I?" Ryou snickered and tussled Sou's hair playfully. "Nah, we're just teasing you."

His smile didn't lie. "Hey Fuji, aren't Baseball tryouts today?" Satoshi nodded, and proceeded to chat about the tryouts. When they got to the dormitory's exit, all three boys made use of their skateboards, cruising through the crowd of students on their way to the Cafeteria.
"I win!" Sou said triumphantly as he reached the building barely ten seconds before his friends. Upon entry, they were bombarded by the rest of their group, and ate together in a swirl of random commentary, occasional insults, and otherwise average conversation. It wasn't long before the warning bell rang .

As the group dispersed, Satoshi shoved his bat in his bag as far as it would go, holding his skateboard under his arm as he walked to his first class. Classical Literature was one of his favorite classes, and though he would never admit it, part of the reason was because Natsuki sat two seats away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by chrian.

"Ah, if only I could curl up and hibernate like a polar bear for a hundred years."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

It was yet another peaceful and quiet day in Hikarishi - the so-called City of Light.

Dawn has fast approached after a long night and the sun is almost on the way to its peak. The sky was so blue and the white clouds lazily drifted like boats floated on the surface of a pool, the birds were chirping and the morning breeze was blowing gently. Without much vehicles, the city is seemingly never too crowded or noisy. It is always in a quiet, yet completely tranquil atmosphere. Everyone have already risen from their beds, doing some personal hygiene, eating away their breakfast and began a whole new energetic day with their work for now. Well, almost everyone.

A certain of energy conserver still burying himself deep in his blanket without showing any signs that he's going to get up soon. The thick, unveiled curtains over the windows of his room had blocked away all the sunbeams. He doesn't even get himself an alarm clock or something like that to remind him that it's already rise and shine. Around the room, clothes, books and some snacks scattered on the floor. It truly is a messy sight. And yes, this is the very first sight anyone can has the pleasure to see when they enter Natsuki Toshiage's room in the morning.

"Hey, sleeping bishounen. When will you going to move your ass away from that bed, huh? Should I wake you up with a kiss?" A cheeky, shrill voice of a blonde boy who's just entered his room appeared as that very boy unveiled all the curtains around the room, letting the blaring light enter the room all of the sudden which made Natsuki flinched, but he just only curled into a ball while hiding his face away from the sun.

Hazuki sighed before grinning, "Oi. You're not going to make me your alarm clock every day, aren't you?" He grabbed Natsuki's blanket and tried his best to pull it away from him. After a couple of minutes struggling, he finally managed to take hold of it, although he did accidentally made his best friend landed his head on the ground in a rather funny position.

"...Fine, I'm getting up." Natsuki said before sighing in a rather depressive way. Oh yeah, although both of them aren't couple or anything like that, they did share their apartment's spare keys with each other when Natsuki has just moved to this apartment. And ever since then, Hazuki has pretty much working as his alarm clock, knowing that if there isn't anyone to kick him out of his bed then he will just lay there and immerse in his slumber as if he's dead for the rest of the day.

"Man, I don't know whether if you could ever keep your own place tidy for at least a day." Hazuki pouted as he moved both of his hands on his waist before casting a quick glance around Natsuki's room.

"Well, you can clean it if you want. I didn't really care though. It's my room after all." Natsuki said while scratching the his messy hair. For some reason, his hair always becomes an annoying mess anytime he wakes up. Lazily gazing up at the clock above, Natsuki's brow twitched in irritation upon seeing that he's still a whole early until the first subject of the day. He frowned while throwing his kouhai a glare, but the blonde boy just throw him a shrug with a bright smile.

Sighing again, Natsuki walked out of his room and went to his bathroom to get change. While he's indeed a lazy-ass and all, for reasons that he kept for himself, the only thing he's ever got the diligence to put efforts into is his look. Of course, he never put up an appearance to himself that makes him stand out too much, but he always looks neat and tidy even in just a plain uniform. That must be the reason why even though he didn't do anything, some of the girls actually really did find his simpleness to be attractive. But anyone can obviously figure out how he will react to all the unexpected loves he received.

After about 20 minutes long, Natsuki finally stepped out of the bathroom. When he headed back to his bedroom, Hazuki has also made quite an effort himself to tidy up his senpai's room and now it looks significantly different from half an hour earlier. It isn't something to be surprised about though. Once in a while, Natsuki would help Hazuki with some of his essays, in exchange, the younger boy will help his best friend to clean up his room. Not too bad of a deal, eh?

"Much better, don't you think? Seriously, someone's gonna thought that you are a hikikomori or something the moment they see your living space." Hazuki teases while poking at Natsuki.

"Whatever, being a hikikomori is quite interesting. If I ever become one then I wouldn't mind much." Natsuki said bluntly with his usual bored expression. "Now should we go before your favorite yakisoba bread got sold out?"

"Yosh. Let's march to school and lead yet another full of energy day." Hazuki said excitedly as both of them began to make their way to Chishiki Academy. Since Natsuki's apartment is close, it only took them 5 minutes to get there. All the way from Natsuki's door to the Cafeteria, the blonde boy kept on talking and be rather hyperactive even though it's still morning, as usual, while Natsuki just replied with a series of 'uh huh', 'yeah', 'right', 'couldn't agree more', etc. Though he never admits but he enjoys life more this way. He secretly hope that nothing's going to change until the day he graduated.

After having their breakfasts at the Cafeteria, Natsuki and Hazuki parted ways to their designated classes. Natsuki got Classical Literature as the first period so he headed for the room 303. Entering the class, he passed the other desks and go to his own. On his way, he came across with Satoshi's desk which was two seats away from his. "Ohayo, Satoshi-kun." He greeted with a light pat on his kouhai's back and proceeded to sit at his desk.

And the first thing that he did is laid his face down on his arms against the desk. It's still 15 minutes away until Kazuhiko-sensei arrive though so he figure that it didn't hurt getting a quick nap, right?

*Bishounen : means 'Beautiful Young Boy'
*Hikikomori : someone who favors indoor activities


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Faylinn Lee Winston Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima Character Portrait: Inari Kokonoe
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#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


Satoshi flinched slightly when Natsuki patted his back, blushing lightly and replying with a quiet 'Ohayo'. Physical contact had never been his strong suit and to say it made him uncomfortable was a bit of an understatement, but if it was Natsuki, he didn't really mind as much. Satoshi watched his senpai for a minute or two before Kazuhiko-sensei strolled into the room and started class. After that, Satoshi's attention turned from his senpai to the class, his mind delving straight into everything his teacher said. By the time the class ended he had almost fifteen pages of notes.

Standing, Satoshi gathered his things and waved lightly to Natsuki, then making his way out the door to where his friends were waiting. "Finally, you're so slow." Ryou tussled his hair again and Sou laughed, starting up a conversation while the group walked, taking up most of the hallway.


The first half of the day passed quickly and it wasn't long before Satoshi found himself waiting in the Cafeteria for his group of friends to arrive. He sat patiently, having already finished most of his food and moved on to the Creative Writing assignment that was due at the end of the week, though he was now finishing with the 10-page story. As Sou straightened his papers and slipped them into his bag, he looked around at the other students out of boredom and wondered why his own friends were so damned late. On most days the group would be the first to rush in for food.

Satoshi was fed up with waiting, but didn't want to go search for his friends either, and so he stood grumpily to dump his tray. He finished the last of the food as he walked and dumped the remains into the trash before returning to his seat and staring back at the crowd of students around him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by chrian.

"...Too tired to say anything."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

After Natsuki had taken a nap for about 15 minutes, Kazuhiko-sensei stepped in and began the Classical Literature subject of the day. He did know that his their sensei had stepped into the room already, but still laid his face up against his desk and stayed in a half-asleep half-awaken state like that for the rest of 55 minutes long. Well, Natsuki was being called to continue on where the teacher was in the textbook for a couple of times, but as usual, he managed to pick it up. Perhaps his classmates had pretty much gotten used to it so they didn't really surprise like they were at first.

He also pays attention to his kouhai, Satoshi. Although many people would say that the other boy is quite a trouble-makers himself and keep hanging out with some shady guys around the town, Natsuki found him to be... quite interesting. And of course, despite how much he doesn't look like it, Natsuki is still an observant individual after all, so Natsuki did aware of the fact that Satoshi is quite conscious of him. He couldn't find it in his heart to fell in love or something like that any time soon, but he doesn't want to hurt Satoshi either, so the best would be to left things as the way they are.

And that ends the Classical Literature period. Though didn't really pay attention to what Kazuhiko-sensei was saying, he still managed to write out at least 8 pages full of notes of some haiku poems they've just learned. Most of the time Natsuki spent at the library isn't for show though so he didn't have to worry as much. He can wrote 10 pages long about the biography of Matsuo Basho if he has enough willingness to spend his energy on it.

So, Natsuki strolled along the hallway to another classroom where his World History period will take place. He was glad that he can sleep all the way since Hazuki shares this period with him. That's an advantage of having a best friend. Honekawa-sensei isn't the best lecturer out there either so you can get the idea. Moreover, it's not like that he's really interested in learning about World War II today so taking a nap would be the best option he could possibly think of, isn't he?

Nothing much really happened during the Advance Writing period though. Natsuki just wrote for about 10 pages and get on with his unfinished nap. Mizuhara-sensei didn't really pay attention to him like the previous teachers though and he was grateful for that. With that being said, the first half of the day of Natsuki went on peacefully, just like any other days.

After finishing the previous period, Natsuki calmly made his way towards the Cafeteria. He saw Satoshi was writing while eating up his lunch and it seems that he was quite concentrate on what he was doing so Natsuki thinks it was best not to interrupt him. He grabbed a tray, went to pick some food for himself and went to a rather hidden table in the corner and finish it up while reading a book he's just lent from the library. There's still quite some while until the piano lesson in the evening so Natsuki can take his time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


Coincidentally, it was Natsuki who caught Satoshi's gaze, and Sou stared across the Cafeteria at the boy for several minutes before Natsuki looked up and noticed. Blushing, Satoshi averted his eyes to find Ryou, Akatsuki, and a couple other members of the group walking towards him, waving. "Where were you guys? You're never late when there's food involved!" Akatsuki shrugged and a smirk crossed his face as he and the group sat down around Satoshi. "Sorry man. We got held up by a teacher, apparently kicking the ball into someone's face is against the rules of soccer." Laughter sounded around the table and conversation started, about fighting and why the person needed a soccer ball kicked into their face.

It wasn't very long before the warning bell rang and the group dispersed again. Ryou and Satoshi shared the next class - Basic Mathematics - and chatted while they walked. Somehow Natsuki popped up in the conversation. "So, Satoshi, when exactly are you going to admit that you have a crush on that guy?" Sou's face turned bright red, and he was completely at a loss for what to say.
"H-How did you...?" "How did I know? Well, you were staring at him when we walked into the cafeteria today, not to mention the fact that he's practically the only person who isn't part of our group you even consider talking to. Ever. Anyways, its pretty obvious." Ryou laughed at the shocked look on Satoshi's face.

The subtle teasing continued until they got to the classroom. Satoshi knew that Natsuki was also in this class, in fact, he sat right next to the boy. Unfortunately, Ryou sat on Satoshi's other side. There would be no escape from the teasing now that Ryou knew Satoshi's apparently-not-so-secret-secret. Taking his sear, Sou pulled out his math textbook and notes, ignoring the pencil prodding into his arm. "You should ask him out~"

"Shut up, you just wanna see me embarrass myself." The blush wasn't going away, and Satoshi knew Natsuki would probably notice. In an effort to block out Ryou Satoshi pulled his hat down over his ears and hid his head in his arms, leaning on his desk and ignoring Ryou's words. He knew his friend didn't mean anything by them, because friends didn't insult each other, but at the moment Satoshi didn't really feel like putting up with the incessant prodding. He was so engrossed in thoughts about multiple different topics - one of them being Natsuki - that he hardly noticed when said boy took his seat. Satoshi looked up when he heard the teacher walk in and finally noticed that Natsuki was sitting next to him. He also noticed that Ryou had stopped bugging him. Looking over to his friend, Ryou only winked at him. Satoshi couldn't help but groan as class started.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"This life is ever-changing, but for me, I'll add an 'n'."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Natsuki was sitting quietly and gobbled down his lunch quietly and peacefully while reading his book. Apparently it was quite gripping as he was seemingly was quite absorbed into it. But in fact, he's secretly thinking about his plans for a whole week. Though he might not look like it, he follows his schedules quite strictly. If it wasn't for his laziness then Natsuki can actually be quite responsible with his life. But what do you know, ol' habits never gonna change that easily, especially when Natsuki isn't going to have any dramatic event in his life for now.

Somehow, his train of thoughts reverted back to his family. It's also been quite a while since the last time he met his parents or Sorata, his oniisan. Well, aside from a phone call once every month and Sorata's text messages every week, Natsuki didn't really get in touch with them much. And he was almost certain that they'll also feel the same because they're going to think that he's capable of taking care of themselves. Well, with Natsuki, whether if he's alone or not doesn't concern him much. He just wanted to live the way he wanted and that's it. He should remember to go to the bank and get the money for the expenses this month his father sent.

Turning his eyes off his book for a moment, Natsuki gazed up at Satoshi, who was sitting a few tables away from his own. It seemed that the boy was having a rather pleasant conversation with his friends. Though whatever mischief they are planning is totally beyond him.

Still, you got to approach a person long enough to understand the truth behind their behaviors, and unlike the two shady guys, Satoshi isn't bad. At least, that is what his observing efforts told him. He doesn't have many friends though, so it's kind of a habit of him to secretly keeping an eye on them.

"Nat-su-ki-chan ~" A cheeky voice appeared from nowhere before Natsuki felt that his back was hit by a rather violent pat. Without even turning back to look, Natsuki sighed, knowing clearly that only one person would be doing that to him. As the other boy sat down next to him and clung his arm around Natsuki's neck.

"What? And stop adding "-chan" to my name." Natsuki asked coldly to the blonde boy. The latter pouted as he poked his best friend's cheek. "Stop being so meanie. You're gonna get old like a geezer soon if you keep being like that."

"Whatever. It's not like that I care much, am I not?" Natsuki turned his attention back to his book.

"Anyway, I heard that after the lunch break you're going to have Basic Math instead, and you'll have Piano the next period since Sensei is having some business. Don't go to the wrong class, kay?" Hazuki winked.

"Is that so? Thanks then." Natsuki exhaled a breath before closing his book. Showing gratitude isn't very much of his strong points though, and fact that he was brutally honest couldn't help it.

And then, the bell rage. Both Hazuki and Natsuki went to their respective classes. Natsuki entered room 317 and went to his seat which is right beside Satoshi. Giving his kouhai a quick greet, Natsuki then placed his chin on his head and gazed out of the windows, waiting for their Sensei to come.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


Ryou didn't bother Satoshi much during class, though he wasn't spared from the occasional winking and menacing smirks. Satoshi kept his mind on the class material. Math wasn't one of his favorite classes but he didn't necessarily dislike it either, and the equations distracted Satoshi from the boys sitting on either side of him. His eyes remained on the chalkboard or on his notes for a majority of the class. However, within the last twenty or so minutes of class, the teacher had to step out of the room and ordered the class to engage in a simple, quiet study hall for the rest of the period.

But, being High School students and all, that didn't happen.

The entire room erupted into chatter the second the teacher closed the door. Satoshi finished the notes he'd been writing and flinched slightly as he felt Ryou's pencil jabbing into his arm again, though harder this time. "You know I'm never going to stop until you admit this to yourself."

Sou sent a half-assed glare in Ryou's direction.
"And whose to say I haven't already admitted it to myself?" He said, his voice quiet so no one else would hear (not that there wasn't enough noise in the room). "Dude. If you'd admitted it then we wouldn't be having this conversation because you'd have already confessed to the guy." That's not the same as admitting it to yourself... "And besides, I can see it on your face. Your eyes get all twitchy when you're lying." Satoshi sighed, knowing it was true, and turned his attention to his notes with a glance at Natsuki.

The teacher returned a minute later and scolded the class for being 'loud and unproductive' before continuing the lesson. Soon after, the bell rang. "Why are you so slow at packing up your stuff?" Ryou had been impatiently nagging Satoshi for a full minute.
"Because I actually get out my notebook and take notes. You just sleep through class and copy off my homework." "Whatever, just hurry up." Satoshi shoved the last of his belongings into his bag and followed Ryou out the door, deciding against waving to Natsuki since he kew Ryou would only pester him more if he did. The rest of the group was waiting in the hall. "You two sure took your sweet time." Akatsuki laughed and rumpled Sou's hair.

Satoshi just wanted the day to be over so he could pummel his competitors at Baseball tryouts and go home to the peace and quiet of his writing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"Was it really necessary to be all over the place?"

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Sitting next to Satoshi, Natsuki sit and waited patiently for his teacher to come. Honestly, Math has never been his strong points he could almost be convinced that it is even more boring than History with the ranting of the teachers. But his whole schedules doesn't have any natural science subjects so Natsuki had to take up one, just to prevent any unnecessary complaints for the teachers. Just like with the other subjects Natsuki has had up til now today, the best thing to do is probably laying his head against his arms on his desk and enjoy his nap until the next period come.

Inoue-sensei entered the classroom and everybody stands up to greet him. As soon as he allows everyone to sit down and began his never-ending lullabies about equations and trigonometry. Natsuki could felt his eyelids heavier than truck. He almost fell asleep right away but try to refrain from doing so for at least 10 minutes for now, as the Sensei will finished with all the explaining by then. The rest of the period would be used for doing exercises and stuffs from all the things he had just taught them. And this is where Natsuki's 'special ability' to shine.

Fortunately for him, and probably the rest of the class too, Inoue-sensei got some business to take care of by the last 20 minutes and their class turned into a study hall. He let out a quiet sigh of relief and fell his head in his arms again for a long, uninterrupted nap until the Piano period.

But before that, Natsuki couldn't help but overheard the conversation between the two boys sitting next to him, which are Satoshi and what-his-name, Ryou something? And although they didn't directly state, Natsuki knows that he's a topic of their conversation. But he already said his points of view about this matter already, didn't he?

Within the last minutes of the period, the Sensei returned and nagged about how noisy the class was during his short absence. He went on teaching and the Basic Mathematics period finally ended. When half of the class poured out of the class, Natsuki woke up and stretched his arms. He shoved his belongings into his bag and walked out of the classroom, it seems that Satoshi had gone ahead of him already.

Without disdain, Natsuki quietly made his way to the music room and avoid bumping on anyone. Now all he wanted is to immerse himself in the beautiful piano music and get on with his remaining classes until 6:00 PM, then he can get back home. Quite an uneventful day, isn't it?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


The last two classes of the day - P.E. and Asian History - passed in a flash, and Satoshi found himself speeding across campus on his skateboard, heading for the Baseball fields behind the school. A large group of students had gathered and Satoshi joined the crowd just as the regular Baseball team started going through the rules of the game and how the tryouts were going to go. Satoshi could hear a group of girls cheering for someone.

When the games first started, Satoshi was stuck as umpire. He caught almost every ball that went his way in the second game, where he was posted in the outfield, and he was getting antsy by the time he finally got up to bat. Somehow he convinced the Baseball team to let him use his own bat. Stepping up to plate, everything seemed to move in slow motion: the pitcher moving, the ball flying toward him, the familiar crack of metal against it, the excitement of a home run, and the crash of glass as the ball sailed through the window of room 305.
"Well that's not good."

Satoshi sighed loudly and followed the Captain of the Baseball team as they made their way into the classroom to clean up the glass and apologize. He pretended not to notice that Natsuki was in the class and simply focused on cleaning up the broken window, ignoring the pain in his finger after he sliced it. When the glass was cleaned up, he and the Captain apologized to the class again before leaving and heading back to the Baseball field.


"Oi! We heard you broke a window!" Tryouts had just finished, and Satoshi turned to find his friends walking towards him with amused expressions.
"Yeah, I hit a home run right into the Materialist Philosophy room. I was kinda scared they'd pass me up as a possible team member but I guess not." He said, walking with them back towards their dorm. "Well, you know what they say, you can't be a real Baseball fan if you've never broken a window before!" Ryou said with a smile. Akatsuki laughed. "No one else has ever said that before."

When they got to the building the three split up to go to their respective rooms. Eyeing the door next to his, Satoshi felt as if he should apologize to Natsuki for interrupting his class, though he knew the older boy wouldn't be done with his classes for another hour or so. He shook away the thought as he stepped into his apartment. Now, Sou just wanted to sleep the rest of the evening away so he wouldn't have to deal with anything.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"Everyday is just the same. Life is good."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Upon entering the Music Room, Natsuki quickly found himself sitting at a respective piano somewhere near the corner of the room. Honestly, this is probably the only subject of the day that has the capability to keep him staying wide awake for the whole 50 minutes. Calling it the subject he's really interested in all the subjects he had taken within this year wasn't wrong after all. Even now, Natsuki doesn't even know how will his future turn out just yet, so it's better to focus on what he did the best, right?

More and more people crowded into the room and sat in their own pianos while Natsuki was taking the music sheet which Mikazuki-sensei gave them last week. Well, he's been practicing everyday when he isn't sleeping or lying on his bed to read manga. It was more relaxing and less energy-consuming than having to run around doing some silly errands or doing some sorts of sports. The sensation as ten of his fingers placing and pressed against the boards in a perfect pattern is somewhat 'heavenly', or at least for Natsuki.

The teacher went into the class as everyone standing up to greet her. "Good evening, class." She said as she walked to the big piano in the front, "So, today we're going to keep on practicing the song Inochi no Namae. I believe everyone has been practicing well at home too, so today, who can volunteer to make an example for everyone? I will give you extra marks in the upcoming test."

While everybody seemed to be hesitating, Natsuki sighed and lazily raised his arm. "I'll play it, Sensei." All the attention then turned to him and it seemed that those who knows of his apathy were quite surprised and started to whispering amongst themselves. "Yes, please come forward, Toshiage-san." The sensei said to him.

Quietly standing up and walked to the grand piano, Natsuki sat down, exhaled a soft breath and began to play the piece of music. The melody from the instrument echoed throughout them room as everyone is seemingly watching him play attentively. Although Natsuki did make some mistakes sometimes, overall, he played the piece well. As the song finished, everyone was amazed that the usual lazy-ass can play the song so well and gives quite a loud applause.

After his little performance, Natsuki then stood up and went back to his seat, totally didn't care about all the fascinated looks the other kids gave him. And with that being done, the Piano subject went on rather peacefully without anything more than a few comments. Natsuki then proceeded with Intermediate English, he isn't very confident that he's a linguist at heart, and he could never fix that 'l' and 'r' pronunciation, but he didn't have much problems with it either.

When English is also done, he's secretly relieved that only two more subjects and he'll be done for the day, though Materialist Philosophy didn't go on as quietly as the other subjects in the day.

Luckily that Hazuki also shares this same class with Natsuki so he can sleep all the way and borrow his best friend's notebook later. Kanzaki-sensei didn't pay much attention to him either so he was secretly grateful. But just as when the period had went on half-way, a nasty sound of a window shattering boomed, thus irritatingly waking him up from his slumber.

Grumpily gazing up from his desk to see whatever the sound was, he saw that it was a baseball had broken the most left window near where the teacher was standing and landed next to him. Everyone was surprised at the sudden sound as moments later, the Captain of the baseball team headed into the room. While he didn't interest Natsuki, the presence of Satoshi did. He watched as both of them apologized to the teacher while picking up the ball and cleaning up the shattered pieces of the window before leaving, but not before getting a few scold from the teacher.

"Hey. Isn't that boy the one you usually talk to? Quite a troublemaker, isn't he?" Hazuki poked him and asked with his cheeky voice.

"Well, yeah. Though he isn't that much of a troublemaker despite hanging out with those shady guys, so no worries. If that's all then I'll continue with my golden nap." Natsuki said before digging his head into his arms again. Now all he wanted is that all of his remaining classes finish quickly so that he can enjoy a nice, warm bowl of ramen on the way home and sleep his ass off until the first light of dawn.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


Not much happened after Satoshi returned to his dorm room. Ryou and Akatsuki stopped by to pester him about the broken window and Natsuki - which Sou then scolded Ryou for tattling about and promptly forced the two out of his home. Satoshi spent close to an hour finishing different school assignments and then moved on to the writing project he'd been working on for the past three months. It was supposed to be a 10-page document about the City of Light, but had definitely surpassed the original limit on how long it was meant to be. Satoshi had incorporated so much about his home into the document that it was now the length of a short novel, and there was still a heck of a lot he had to put into the storyline.

When Satoshi looked at the clock, it was almost 6:30 pm, and he knew that Natsuki would be home by now. He wanted to get to know the guy, but couldn't come up with a single solid excuse to knock on his door and was far too much of a wimp to use the real reason why.
If only this weren't so complicated... Satoshi groaned and flopped back onto the floor, staring at the ceiling and wracking his brain for the reason why he even liked the guy in the first place. He couldn't even remember when he'd started getting nervous around his attractive classmate, let alone developed his feelings.

Sitting up, Sou smacked his hand hard into the middle of his forehead in an attempt to control the thoughts in his head and the blush in his cheeks. Hearing a knock at his door, he stood and made his way out of his bedroom, opening the door to find the Student Council President standing there. "Fujishima-kun, there was a letter with your name on it left in one of your classes. The teacher asked me to bring it to you." She said, handing him a plain white envelope with nothing but the characters of his name on the front. Satoshi thanked her and bowed politely, which he returned, closing the door as she left. Opening the envelope, Sou leaned against the front door and read the contents. They didn't make much sense.

Fighting everyone who intimidates you isn't gonna get you anywhere, and it puts you on a whole lot of hate lists. Better find someone to protect you before you get beaten to a pulp, kid.

It wasn't the first time Satoshi had gotten hate mail during his time at Chishiki Academy, though it was the first time someone had made an actual threat on his bodily well-being. Most of the previous notes had just been stupid insults or hate from the groupies of people he'd beaten in fights. Ripping up the note, Satoshi tossed it into the wastebasket and sighed, returning to his bedroom with the intent of finishing a book he'd checked out.

A couple of minutes later, he came to the realization that he'd left said library book somewhere, after searching through his back and the entirety of his apartment. Thinking back, he figured he had to have left it in his mathematics class, considering it was the only time he'd taken the book out of his bag that entire day. He sighed and turned back to his writing project.
I guess I'll just have to hope its still there and go get it tomorrow morning.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"Now that everything's finished, I wanna go home."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

After the little incident caused by Satoshi and his baseball team, there didn't seem to be anymore surprising events that has happened and interrupted Natsuki from his golden nap. Well, actually, that was the first time in quite some time that he was woken up by something else rather than the teachers' endless complaints. After the Materialist Philosophy period is finished, Natsuki packed up his things again and made his way to room 302, where the last period of the day which is Advanced Geography takes place. Luckily this period isn't as entirely as bored like some of the first periods he took and it was interesting enough to keep Natsuki staying wake for a short while.

And then, another 55 minutes passed in flash. " as you all can see, The highest point in the Japanese Alps is Mount Kita at 3,193 meters. The highest point in our country is Mt. Fuji, a volcano dormant since 1707 that rises to 3,776 meters above sea level in Shizuoka Prefecture. On the Sea of Japan side are plateaus and low mountain districts, with altitudes of 500 to 1,500 meters." Ichibana-sensei explained the lesson as the school bell rang, indicates the end of the lesson. "We'll stop here for today. Please remember to revise your lesson from page 45 to page 47. Class dismissed."

After the whole class greeted the teacher, he went out of the classroom. Natsuki then yawned as he stretched his arms while put the rest of his stuffs into his bag. He's finally finished for the day. Making his way out of the classroom, he went straight to the school's entrance, where a certain of blonde boy was waiting for him.

"Yo ~ Natsuki-chan ~" Hazuki waved for his senpai as Natsuki slowly walked up to him.

"I'm here, stop making a scene like that already. You don't have to wave for me as if I've just walked out from an airport like that." Natsuki lazily scratches the back of his head while remark, "Anyway, in the mood for some ramen today? I don't feel like cooking today. My treat this time."

"Yay, you're the best, senpai ~" Hazuki cheerfully said while attempting to give Natsuki an embrace, only to be push away by the latter in a rather cold manner as both of them headed for the ramen shop they usually hang out at.

Sitting on a bench at the counter of the shop, Natsuki ordered a medium-sized bowl while Hazuki went all the way and call a large-sized bowl. When the bowls come up, both of them clasped their hands and said "Itadakimasu" before digging in themselves. While focusing on finishing their meals, they have some idle chats (though like most of the time, the one who did all the talking was Hazuki). It was truly a pleasant feeling that you're able to get something warm into your stomach after a long afternoon like that.

As promised, Natsuki paid for both his bowl and Hazuki's. They accompanied each other for a short distance before parting into different directions to their homes. Upon arriving back in his apartment, Natsuki grabbed some clothes and took a quick bath, then fell down on his own bed. Placing his arm against his forehead, he let out a sigh of relief. Since he pretty much slept all the way back at school, he didn't in the mood for another sleep so he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV to find if there's something interesting.

Though for some reasons, his thoughts suddenly turned to Satoshi again. He's said many times already, but he knows that the guy aren't nearly as bad as those guys he usually hanging out with. Though this might be just a quick assumption from what he observed, Natsuki didn't think that the shady guys did genuinely care for Satoshi. The first time he and the younger boy met is a few years ago, when Satoshi got beaten up and Natsuki was just happened to come across with the boy. And yeah, because his helpful side suddenly defeated his laziness, so he took Satoshi back and patched the boy up. And they've known each other since then, though they aren't technically really closed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


For most of the evening, Satoshi sat around trying to find something interesting to do in the confines of his little apartment. He finished another full chapter of his writing project, reread an entire series of manga he'd bought a couple weeks prior, and cooked an entire meal with the limited amount of ingredients he had in his kitchen. An hour after he'd received the note, Satoshi was staring boredly at the television while finishing his takoyaki .

His attention turned from the television to the window when it suddenly started pouring outside, a slight contrast to the brighter weather that had been evident most of the day. Moving to where his balcony was, he opened the door and stepped outside, sitting on the edge with his legs hanging through the metal bars. For some reason he'd always liked the familiar smell of rain and how it felt when his clothes were completely soaked from the water. Satoshi knew he was most likely going to get a cold if he remained out on his porch, but figured it could just be an excuse to get out of class for a day or two. After all, he was ahead in most of his classes, and it wouldn't take much effort to catch up after missing two days' classes.

Looking over to the balcony next to his, Satoshi silently wondered what Natsuki would be doing to keep busy on a rainy night. The guy didn't appear to have a whole lot of interests and Sou knew hardly anything about the guy, except that he wasn't as lazy as everyone seemed to think he was. Natsuki had helped him once when he'd been hurt, and it meant the world to Satoshi, considering no one else had shown him that level of kindness before. Even the school nurse made sure he knew she didn't like him, probably because he'd sent so many students to the infirmary.

Satoshi looked up at the grey sky and sighed, the rain only getting harder and harder as time passed. Eventually he started to shiver, yet he still didn't move, staring off into the forest that spanned out behind the building. After a while he managed to fall asleep, his head leaning against the metal railing of the balcony and his body soaked to the bone from sitting in the rain so long. In his dreams, only bright blue sky could be seen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"I'd like to say that I didn't care about anything in the least, but I don't fancy lying."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

After constantly switching between the channels by his remotes, Natsuki could only yawned and yawned every now and then in boredom since there isn't anything going on the TV rather than a couple of music shows and a few animes that are showing some new episodes, but Natsuki didn't interest in them in the least. So he turned off the TV and grabbed a novel from his bookcase and re-read once again. Honestly, he's been reading his whole bookcase for hundreds of times already, but what can a lazy-ass do to keep himself amusing?

As he was absorbed into the book, he noticed that it's starting to rain outside. Though as much as he didn't want to flinch from his bed, he didn't want to get wet by the rain that can blew in through his window so he stood up and went to close it and continued with his reading. Natsuki focused into the book so much that he didn't really know how long has it been since he started to. But the moment when he's finished is also when the rain stopped.

Sitting up and stretched his arms, Natsuki went to put the book back to where it was. Looking at the wall separate his room and Satoshi's room in front of him, he secretly wondered what would the younger boy would usually do in times like this. Even though they live next-door to each other, they didn't often get to see each other much. There were times that Natsuki did exchange a few words with Satoshi when both of them are standing outside of their balcony to get some fresh air and clearing their thoughts.

Looking at his clock, Natsuki decided that it's almost time to be lying down now, but it didn't hurt getting a nice breath of fresh air first, did it? So he made his way out to the balcony. Though what he didn't expect of what he'd found when he walked out there.

The moment he opened the door to the balcony, the fresh, clearing scent after the downpour entangles within the air, giving him a rather calm and relaxed feeling. Just as he casts his gaze to the balcony next to him, he found out that Satoshi was laying his back against the metal bars and sleeping. From the look of it, it seems that the boy had just stood under the rain and soaked himself.

Did he really want to catch a cold that bad? Natsuki asks himself. He'll totally wake the boy up if it was someone else, whether they're close or not, he still sees the younger boy as a friend, so that's not something Natsuki would do. Geez... Sometimes he did feel weird himself that his caring side can get in the way in the most unexpected of moments. But he can't denied that helping others is a pleasant thing to do.

Since the balconies are just inches separated from each other, climbing through it is something even Natsuki can do. When he's in the other boy's balcony, he gently hold the boy up onto his back and carried him to his own bed. The distance between the balcony and the bedroom didn't seem to be very far though. Laying Satoshi gently on the bed, he quietly put the blanket on top of the boy. He knows that he should help the boy to dry up first, but the last thing he wanted to right now is for him to wake up from his peaceful slumber and both of them engage in a rather awkward situation.

He then silently turned off the light and retreated back to his apartment. Does he suppose to feel happy and contented that he'd managed to overcome his apathy to help the boy next-door? Nah. All he wanted now is a nice sleep. He doesn't want to look utterly gloomy when Hazuki barged into his house first thing in the morning.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


Satoshi was mildly confused when he awoke in the familiar warmth of his own bed, having remembered falling asleep on his balcony right in the middle of a downpour. He shrugged it off as sleepwalking and looked to his blaring alarm clock, shutting it off and stumbling out of bed, taking his time in dressing for once. Satoshi grimaced at a text message from his friends saying they'd been suspended for the whole soccer-ball-face thing.

Looking to the clock on his wall, there was only about twenty minutes till class, and he figured he might as well eat in his apartment to save time.

After speedily devouring a microwaveable pastry he found in the cupboard, Satoshi gathered his stuff and hopped out the door, only to come face-to-face with Natsuki. He ignored the warmth spreading to his cheeks.
"G-Good, sorry about crashing a baseball into your class yesterday, I bet it was a huge interruption..." He searched his brain for something else to say, and flinched slightly when she felt an arm slide around his shoulders from behind, turning around to find Akatsuki and Ryou standing behind him. "Noroma, you coming or what?" Satoshi said something about them being suspended and they smirked. "Aw c'mon, we're not allowed to go to class, doesn't mean we're kicked out of the city!" Sighing quietly, Satoshi waved goodbye to Natsuki and followed his friends down the hall, not noticing how they glared at Natsuki.

Satoshi engaged in regular everyday conversation with Ryou and Akatsuki as the two walked him to the school building, a teacher shooing them off as soon as they got near, and he waved to them before rushing to his class. He slipped into his seat seconds before the bell rang and let out a sigh. Pulling out his notes from the previous day, Sou glanced over at where Natsuki was sitting two seats away, slightly regretting having ran off in the middle of an almost-conversation. His attention turned to the board as the teacher walked in, the class standing to bow and the day's lesson beginning. His thoughts remained on the subject for the rest of the hour and once again he found himself with a large heap of notes in front of him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"What if one day tomorrow doesn't come?"

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Pretty much like yesterday, Natsuki will probably crawled deep into his blanket and sleep like a polar bear for the rest of his day again if he wasn't being woken up in a very irritating fashion by Hazuki again. Now lying with his head on the floor while the rest of his body still on the bed, he sighed. And like every other days, he asked himself if one day the first light of dawn didn't come, then would he be able to sleep to his heart's content? But he figured that he should be getting up, knowing that when he's already in a classroom, all he would do is to crawled his head into his arms and taking golden nap, anyway.

While he gone to the bathroom and do personal hygiene (mostly to comb his messy hair down), Hazuki was making some omelette and bacon in the kitchen. The appealing scent really did awake his senses, plus yesterday the bowl of ramen wasn't really satisfying, so he was a little bit starving by now. So he tried to do whatever he was doing faster. Upon going to the kitchen, he saw Hazuki was wearing a pink and fluffy apron while putting the food into two dishes.

"I've been wondering, where did you get that apron anyway?" Natsuki asked in a rather uninterested manner. Not that he really care but he figure he should say something to break the silence.

"Well, my sister bought it. I have to cook for her all the time, remember?" Hazuki chuckled, "If you asked, it means you must really like it, huh? Want me to play 'naked apron' tomorrow, eh?"

"I'll pass, thank you very much. I don't want to be blinded first thing in the morning." Natsuki replied bluntly before sitting himself down and begin to eat away the meal. They both exchange some pleasant conversations as the dishes were eaten away. After finishing, he took his bag and went out of his apartment first, while Hazuki washed the dishes. Though just as he got out, he met with Satoshi, who's just happened to walk out from the next-door apartment at the same time.

When the younger boy tried to say something in an apologetic manner, with his face visibly red. Though before Natsuki could respond, he saw that the two shady friends of Satoshi just appeared from behind as they gave Natsuki a rather questioning glare. Watching as the three of them went away, Natsuki sighed as he scratched the back of his head. Luckily that Satoshi didn't seem to realize that it was Natsuki who carried him into his bed last night.

"Oi, Natsuki-chan." Hazuki has just got out of the apartment when the three young boys walked away, "Ooh, I didn't realize he lives next-door to you. That must be really fate or something, right? Say, I think you and he will make quite a couple, why don't you-" Without even letting the blonde boy finishing his sentence, Natsuki knocked him hard on his head, "Ow ~ You meanie."

"Let's just go already. We're getting late." Natsuki said coldly as the two of them made their way to Chishiki Academy. Upon entering the classroom, he raised his hand to greet Satoshi before sitting at his seat. Today's lesson of waka poems aren't very interesting either, but what do you know?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


The class passed by quickly, and before long the bell was ringing, students filing into the hall in a rush to get to their classes. Satoshi didn't bother in rushing to pack his things since he knew there wouldn't be anyone waiting outside the door. Looking toward Natsuki, he took a deep breath and slung his bag over his shoulder, slowly making his way over to his upperclassman. "Um...I'm sorry I left without saying much this morning, I guess my friends didn't want me to be late for class or something...anyways, I'll see you in Advanced Writing. Bye!" Satoshi waved lightly before leaving, willing the red in his face to go away (it didn't). He made it across campus in record time and slid into his seat just as the bell rang.

During the length of his Biology class, Satoshi found himself rather bored without the charismatic company of his best friends. They always seemed to be able to chat with him throughout the class period without getting screamed at by the teacher.
Well at least I can concentrate on the actual lecture for once... By the time the bell rang, Satoshi had spent the entirety of the class taking notes and wondering what Ryou and Akatsuki would even be doing if they were suspended from campus. Packing his things, Sou hurried across the building to room 709, sitting down and realizing he hadn't even needed to rush. There were several minutes till the class started and he pulled out his personal notebook to scribble out ideas for his project, using the cursive words to distract him from the odd feeling he was suddenly starting to have while he was in Natsuki's presence.

The teacher entered the room, and Satoshi almost fell to the floor when the class stood to bow, his thoughts being rudely interrupted by a habit he'd formed over the years. He let out a sigh and ignored the people who were laughing behind him. It wasn't his fault he couldn't think straight, right?

Whether or not it was his fault was irrelevant, since his brain refused to concentrate nonetheless. Satoshi didn't realize when he'd started digging his nails into the skin on his inner arm, and his arm was bright red by the time he did notice, his scattered thoughts and lack of participation in the class making him more confused than stressed. The bell rang shortly after and he sighed loudly, releasing the hold he had on his arm and packing up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"Sometimes I wonder, what really is there to like about me?"

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Apparently today's lesson in Classical Literature isn't enough to keep Satoshi concentrated enough to listen to anything the Teacher got to lecture them about. For some reason, somehow it feels incredibly boring this morning. This might be due to the fact that Kazuhiko-sensei is probably having some problems with her love-life right now. Everyone knows all too well about it. Even some of the most attentive of students in the class have to yawn from time to time, what could possibly stopped Natsuki from falling asleep right away? Natsuki has a little bit of interest for Kakinomoto no Hitomaro's and Ono no Komachi's works for a while, but he'll probably has to rethink about that again.

But finally, the lesson finished as all the students got out of the classroom. Natsuki was awoken thanks to the bell ringing. He sat himself up straight properly before stretching and collected his stuff in a rather easy and calm manner. Before he knows it, pretty much only he and Satoshi was the ones that haven't walked out yet.

Then, Satoshi walked to Natsuki as he looked up to him, the younger boy apologized to him for just turned his back and went with his friends without saying anything much, but Natsuki just shook his head with his usual bored expression, "It's no big deal. And there's nothing to be sorry about so you don't have to." He can clearly noticed the fact that his kouhai was blushing, "You better go to your next class soon before it started. See you again in Advanced Writing then."

As Satoshi made his way out first, Natsuki let out a sigh before standing up himself and made his way towards Room 315, where his World History class will take place. Luckily Honekawa-sensei isn't as boring as Kazuhiko-sensei earlier so he could probably give it a try to actually staying awake for a whole period for once. Well, it's not like the Hundred Years War between England and French is very interesting.

And the lesson also passed in a flash. Natsuki then packed his stuffs again and moved to his next classroom. It was amazing that he could able to find it in his heart to be on the move after every period like that. Making his way to the room where Advanced Writing is taking place, Natsuki tried not to bump into anyone when walking in this crowd of students. Upon entering the class, he sat down at his seat and waited for the Sensei to come.

Natsuki couldn't possibly take a nap now since they have to compose a haiku poem based on the instructions of the Sensei. It was really no big deal with Natsuki though. While they were busying with their job, he did turn his back to look at Satoshi at times, wondering what the boy got on his mind right now. But like the first two classes, time really did fly and it's lunch break time already. As he packed up, he remembered that Satoshi's friends probably aren't here. So something came up in his mind, partly because he was a bit curious to see how the boy would react.

After packing his stuffs, Natsuki went to Satoshi's seat, "Hey, Satoshi-kun. I think your friends aren't here today so do you want to join me for lunch? I'm sure Hazuki wouldn't mind if I brought along a friend or two."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


"Hey, Satoshi-kun. I think your friends aren't here today so do you want to join me for lunch? I'm sure Hazuki wouldn't mind if I brought along a friend or two." Before he even had time to think about it, Satoshi blurted out, "Yes! I would like that..." He could feel his face growing red and hurried to finish packing his things, smiling awkwardly as he followed Natsuki. For a few minutes he couldn't decide whether to try and make conversation or not to, knowing Natsuki wasn't very talkative, but ended up chatting lightly about the two writing classes they shared.

For the first time in a long while, Satoshi found himself rambling passionately about literature, and it was to someone who could share at least a fraction of his enthusiasm for the subject. The Cafeteria was noisy as always, and crowded with people as they made their way in. On the other side of the room Satoshi noticed that a group of girls were shooting him death glares. He shrunk into himself slightly and continued his conversation.

Hazuki, whom Satoshi had seen many times but never met, what quite the interesting person. At first he was overwhelmed by how loud and charismatic the guy was, but the discomfort didn't last very long, though his face remained as red as a tomato. He was enjoying the company of his two classmates. It had been years since he'd had a nice conversation with someone from outside his group of friends, and he was slightly surprised to find that he almost preferred the presence of Natsuki and Hazuki, compared to the loud, boisterous group he'd met through Ryou and Akatsuki.

By the time the warning bell rang overhead, Satoshi didn't want to go to class. " friends won't be allowed back into the school until next week, and I was it okay if I sit with you guys again tomorrow?" He silently hoped he wasn't being too bold or anything.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"Somehow, it... feels nice this way"

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Looking at his junior's reaction to his offer, Natsuki couldn't help but feeling that it was a bit amusing, even for Satoshi. And it makes him smile, albeit only slightly, but it is rare enough to make anyone surprised at the sight. "Sure, let's go to the cafeteria then. Hazuki is probably waiting for me there. He's a rather energetic gal so it's understandable to fell a overwhelmed when you met him though." Natsuki said as they both then made their ways towards the Cafeteria. Well, it's certainly a total different feeling converse with someone else other than Hazuki.

As soon as they've reached the entrance of the canteen, Hazuki jumped out from nowhere and wrapped his arm around Natsuki's neck, "Yo ~ Natsuki-chan. Did you know that I really miss you ~" He said with his usual cheeky voice again while attempted to kiss Natsuki, but his lips were quickly blocked off by Natsuki's palm, "Seriously, how shameless could you get?" Natsuki said while sighing before throwing his face towards Satoshi, "We're having another company today so stop acting like that. I have my own dignity, you know."

"Heh heh, sorry." Hazuki smiled mischievously while knocking his head and stick his tongue out before running up to Satoshi, "Hey there, you must be Satoshi-kun, right? I couldn't really believe it when I heard that the usual boring and unsociable Natsuki-chan really did talk to someone else in this world. Anyway, nice to meet you, I'm Hazuki." The blonde boy seemed to rant almost endlessly upon meeting with Satoshi.

They all went to pick up a tray for their own and taking some of the foods of their liking from the counter before sitting down at a table nearby. As they ate away their lunch, the conversation seemed to be going on pleasantly. Most of the conversation's topics were about literature and Natsuki's become a little more enthusiast when talking over this with someone whom he's acquainted with. Maybe it's not so bad doing this once every while... He thought to himself.

And the break finished as the bell rang again. Satoshi then asked again if he could join them again tomorrow, as apparently his friends are going to be suspended for quite some while, "Well, I certainly wouldn't mind and I believe Natsuki-chan here wouldn't too, right?" Hazuki said with a bright smile as he turned to his best friend. "Yeah, of course I wouldn't. You can join me anytime you want. And you don't have to be overly formal. I wouldn't even mind if you visit my apartment sometimes."

Natsuki then stood up and made his way towards the Music Room, "I'm going first. See you guys later." He told the other two boys before headed to where his Piano lesson is going to take place. As Hazuki and Satoshi left the cafeteria, the blond boy sudden leaned his head towards Satoshi, "Say, I know that asking this was a little sudden, but you like Natsuki-chan, don't you? I can totally see it written all over your face, hehe." He said with yet another mischievous grin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


Sou waved as Natsuki left and watched him for a bit. He and Hazuki decided to leave together and dumped their trays while heading toward class.

For once in his life, Satoshi didn't get completely flustered upon realizing Hazuki had noticed his attraction to Natsuki, instead groaning loudly and smacked himself in the forehead.
"Its that obvious, huh? That probably means Natsuki-san already knows too...ugh." With a sigh, Satoshi scratched the back of his head and kept speaking. "You know, my friends keep teasing me about it, even though they know I hate it. They keep telling me to ask him out but I know its 'cause they just wanna see me suffer from rejection..." As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he stopped, wondering how such things were true. But...that's not a very friendly it? That couldn't be what was happening, right?

Satoshi stopped his thoughts in order to hear whatever Hazuki had to say. Somehow, he didn't feel as awkward in the boy's presence, despite how opposing their personalities were.
Come to think of it, with Natsuki, I don't get as awkward as I usually do either. Still can't help the blushing though... As he neared his classroom, Satoshi bid goodbye to Hazuki and politely asked him not to mention anything about his feelings to Natsuki on the off chance the guy didn't already know about them. He took his seat and pulled out his writing notebooks, jotting down ideas for his essay.

Just as the class came to an end, Satoshi felt warmth on his lip, and lifted his finger to his nose to find that it was bleeding. Again.
Shit... In seconds he managed to shove his things into his bag, and held his wrist to his nose, running off toward the Infirmary as the bell rang overhead. Stepping inside, the nurse groaned upon seeing him. "Again?!" After explaining that it wasn't from a fight the nurse eased up a bit and went through the usual drill about not remembering to take his medication. By the time she was done with him, he was already late for class. Oh well...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"Everyone has to change someday... probably."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Hazuki laughed as Satoshi groaned and slapped his forehead. He nodded to what the boy got to said, "Well, a few girls who once tried to hit on him also reacted the same too. Not that I'm comparing you to them, heh. But hey, Natsuki-chan never tell me anything whenever I asked if he got something on his mind but I've been friends with him long enough to know that he's pretty observant despite being absent-minded all the time."

The blond boy blinked a bit and then shrugged upon hearing the latter statement, "Yeah, I can see where you're going. But rest assure, despite trying to be cold alike, Natsuki-chan can actually be cute sometimes. He isn't that cold-hearted to just bluntly rejected someone who came for him." Hazuki then smiled brightly to Satoshi again, "But you really shouldn't feel so down. I think that if you're actually trying to hit on him, perhaps he'll fall for you, who knows? You're actually someone else rather than me I know that he's talking to that casually. Well, if you got anything you wanna know about him then just find me." Hazuki blinked as they parted way when Satoshi reached his class.

Meanwhile, Natsuki's Piano class as today they got to learn a new song. Well, Mikazuki-sensei really did know how to find some good pieces of music for her classes to learn. As the teacher played as example for the whole class. Playing by ear was something Natsuki was pretty good at, so he's managed to scrap most of the basic notes already. As the teacher handed the sheet for the class, Natsuki focused on nothing but practicing the song. It was quite short, actually, so there's not too much of a problem.

The class soon ended as Natsuki made his way towards his next classroom. And as always, he didn't seem to be very interested in it either. However, what was odd is that he didn't see Satoshi sitting next to him. It felt kinda empty as the two seats beside him were deserted. He secretly wondered what's happened with the younger boy, but went on with his nap, anyway.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


After his nose finally stopped bleeding, Satoshi endured another short rant about the medications and headed to class, not wanting to skip even though it was already half done. Luckily, there was another study period when he walked in, so he wasn't disturbing any lectures or whatnot. After explaining his lateness to the teacher he took his seat and sighed, pulling out his math and writing notebooks to multitask between his essay and algebra equations. Looking to his left, he smiled lightly at how predictable Natsuki was, fast asleep like always. He turned his attention to his work.

Satoshi finished up the algebra equations quickly since mathematics had always been one of his strong suits, and ended up drawing a blank on his essay, instead scribbling out random scenes with characters he made up as he wrote. It was rather boring, actually, and he grew restless not too long after he'd started writing. He didn't have any other homework to do and hadn't brought a book with him.
Oh yeah, I left my book here yesterday.

He asked the teacher if she'd found a book in the class the previous day and she handed it back to him, which he thanked her for and returned to his seat. Frankenstein. He owned the English version of the book, but had ended up needing to borrow the Japanese volume in order to compare the characters to the English words he didn't know. He opened up to a random page and started reading from there. And soon enough, class was over.

Satoshi figured that the bell would likely wake Natsuki from his slumber. Packing up his things, he was about to head out the door when he noticed Natsuki hadn't woken up, and was still fast asleep.
This guy... Satoshi made his way over to the boy and gently poked his forehead with a pencil.

"Natsuki-san, class is over. You know, Inoue-sensei's gonnna kick you out if you don't wake up, and you'll be late for your next class..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"It's never a good idea to rush things, after all."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Natsuki went on with his nap peacefully without much interruption. Well, if you didn't consider a couple of times when Inoue-sensei call him to answer a question or two, but as usual, he usually pretty much being able to answered them although he didn't pay much attention to what she was saying. The Sensei could only sighed though apparently she's pretty as surprised as the students in the class most of the time. Well, Natsuki really has some tricks up to his sleeve after all...

So, Natsuki just got on with his nap until the lesson is over. If there really is a sleeping contest, Natsuki would probably the winner already and no one could ever possibly break his record. Life is way too fast, so what else could he possibly do rather than wandering in his own dreamworld where he doesn't have to think much about anything? At least, that's always his motto for as long as he could remember now. There weren't that many subjects that really interested Natsuki anyway. If possible, he'll take only Piano in his schedule. But he still need a certificate when he graduated, so what else could he possibly do?

Luckily, the Math lesson quickly passed. Natsuki has noticed the bell ringing already, but he didn't find it in his heart to stand up at all. And it seemed he's going to stay like that for quite a while later, if Satoshi didn't poke him with a pencil while telling him to be up as the lesson is finished already. "Oh, Satoshi-kun? You weren't here earlier so I was wondering where have you been." Natsuki stretched his arms with a yawn and scratched the back of his head, "Anyway, thanks for calling me up. See you later then."

With that said, Natsuki took his bag and made his way to the next room. Sometimes he did wonder if anything interesting could really happen in these boring, monotonous day. But Natsuki couldn't care less. He sat in Room 301 and waited for Kuroha-sensei to turn up. When the class begins, Natsuki couldn't help but gazing out of the window for a couple of minutes, wondering which directions would he follow in the future. It all seems to be a bit clueless to him, although he's only a few years away from graduating. Well, he certainly not going back to the busy cities and work days and nights in a company like his brother. He's gotten used to the peaceful life here in Hikarishi and he's not going to shock himself by going back to busy cities.

And the lesson also finished as time keeps flowing restlessly. He still got two periods ahead of him but they shouldn't be too long for now if he takes another few naps. Well, he still hasn't forgotten how they were interrupted during Materialist Philosophy yesterday, but the same thing couldn't possibly happen twice in just two days, right?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by


↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


Once Natsuki was awake, Satoshi waved to him and left, his next two classes passing by in a flash. He ended up having to stop by the school's Library on his way home to return Frankenstein. As expected, Ryou and Akatsuki were waiting for him when he got off campus, several different teachers watching the three leave with unnerving stares. They chatted about multiple topics - Natsuki being one of them, again - as they made their way back to the dormitory and by the time they got to his apartment Satoshi was almost completely fed up with talking about Natsuki to the two.

Stepping into his apartment, he waved goodbye to his friends and closed the door, leaning his back against it and sighing.
What am I supposed to do about this whole thing? Earlier that day Natsuki had said it'd be alright for Satoshi to come to his apartment. Convenient, seeing as they were next-door neighbors, and it was rather tempting when Satoshi didn't have to think about how awkward he'd probably be if he went through with it.

Instead of trying to do his homework, Satoshi grabbed a knife and an apple, sitting on the edge of his balcony/fire escape again and peeling the apple intricately. It was something he found himself doing when he became so bored he couldn't think of anything else to do, except in cases when it was raining, since the rain had some sort of magical power to make him not want to do a single thing ever again. The weather was somewhat nicer than the day before, though the ground was still wet and the sky was still a light grey color. Satoshi looked over to the balcony next to his and secretly hoped Natsuki would get the same idea he had and come out, though he knew his neighbor wouldn't be done with classes for another hour.

Satoshi finished peeling the apple (which now looked more like a carved pumpkin than an apple) and ate it slowly, watching the clouds drift by with the time, after a while digging some manga out of the shelf next to the window.
Now I just need to wait for something interesting to happen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"I just don't want to get headaches from overthinking, that's all."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

And, just like the previous periods, the Materialist Philosophy seemed to pass in a flash. And as usual, Natsuki didn't find the ideals of Karl Marx or Frederick Engels to be interesting enough to keep him from yawning or almost dozing off a couple of times. Still, he did manage to scrap at least a few pages in his notebook, though whether he'll take another look into them for a second time or not is completely a different story, as homework and revision are definitely not his cup of tea.

After the lesson is over, he put all his stuffs into his bag again and began to trail his way to the next class. Sometimes he did get a little bit tired with all these repeating routines everyday without anything special. Although he'd like his life to stay uneventful as it is, having something to stir up the atmosphere wouldn't be so bad, right? Perhaps that's one of main reasons why he wanted to make at least a friend or two. Stepping into the class in the most unstandout and eluded manner he got, Natsuki tried to not gain any attention and sat himself down at a seat.

Geography's period didn't seem to last that long, as 55 minutes passed in a flash. Well, luckily Natsuki wasn't picked to answer questions or revise the last lessons. Finally, it's time to go home after yet another long day. Hazuki said he has some business back at his home so he's went back first, which made Natsuki all alone now. He knows that Satoshi is probably at his apartment right now. Stopping by a convenient store, Natsuki bought some quick food and made his way back to his apartment.

After taking a shower, Natsuki heated up the food and headed outside of his balcony. It's not very dark yet and he thought that it was better to take some fresh air, after taking all those naps back at school earlier. As he went outside, he saw Satoshi was sitting on the edge while reading manga. "Hi." He greeted as he dug in his food while calmly gazing at the sky as the sun was about to set into the horizon far far behind the forests.

There seemed to be a rather awkward silence between the two of them, but Natsuki wasn't really someone who'd usually strike up a conversation first.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


Satoshi jumped slightly when he heard Natsuki talking to him and almost dropped his manga off the balcony, having been so into his reading that he hadn't noticed when his neighbor came outside. "Hey." Sticking his legs through the safety bars of his balcony, Satoshi swung them back and forth while trying to come up with a good conversation starter. "Hey, Natsuki-san, what topic did you choose for the essay that we turned in yesterday? I ended up writing seven pages about American culture..." He was actually rather curious about what kinds of things Natsuki wrote about. They had two different Literature classes together, and yet he'd never been able to read anything his senpai had written before, sadly.

In his head, Satoshi was debating whether or not he should share his special writing project with his classmate. After all, Natsuki was a writer like him, and Satoshi doubted the guy would make fun of his project. It would be nice to be able to share his work. Then again, it was still unfinished...

After a small debate, he decided against it, and instead made an effort to chat with his neighbor about other literature-related topics. Shakespeare popped up a couple of times, as well as Gail Tsukiyama and a couple other famous writers. Satoshi didn't want to make it obvious how much of a nerd he was when it came to literature, but he also realized that Natsuki was most likely the only person he knew who had the same interest.

Satoshi tried not to panic so much about what to say and just said what came to his mind, silently hoping nothing weird wuld come out of him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by chrian.

"Some would say I need to find a direction for my own, but I prefer to just let it be."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Natsuki stood and gazed at the sky above him for a couple of minutes until Satoshi actually spoke up and gained his attention. He's just barely finished his dinner as he put the plate down at the chair nearby. The younger boy then asked him about his writing topic of the essay he turned in yesterday. "I wrote about Edo period. I couldn't say that it was really an interesting topic but I went through with about 8 pages or something, anyway."

And then, the conversation between them seemed to go on quite pleasantly, though most of the topics involved in all sorts of literacy works and stuffs. Not that he was bragging or something but everyone seems to acknowledge that literature was one of his natural knacks. But other than himself, he doesn't know much about others' writing styles as he didn't interact much. I wonder how would his essay turned out after he'd gone through with it. Natsuki asked himself since bringing that topic up was kind of sudden.

It's been a while since he actually had a talk with someone else other than Hazuki, but it wasn't as bad as he thought, if he had to admitted. The conversation still going around the literature topic and famous writers or things like that. Both of them must be looking like a couple of geeks conversing with each other in others' eyes, but Natsuki couldn't care less.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


Satoshi was genuinely enjoying the conversation. He quickly realized just how much Natsuki liked literature, and it almost rivaled how much he liked the topic himself. Satoshi listened intently to everything the older boy said. They talked for quite a while about literature, and he couldn't help but be excited about it, seeing as he'd never really been able to talk passionately about something without being criticized or shut down by someone.

After a while, Satoshi found himself almost wanting to hear Natsuki's opinion, and decided to show off his project after all.
"Hey, I'm gonna go get something to show you, be back in a second." Hopping through the window and back into his apartment, Satoshi raced back to his bedroom and grabbed the paper-clipped stack of papers, grinning like a child and running back to his place on the fire escape. Carefully passing the papers to his neighbor, Sou regained a comfortable seating position and laughed quietly. "I saw this really cool magazine article once, a biography about Tokyo and how it's changed since way-back-when, and I thought it would be nice to try and write one myself. So I've been working on this thing for, a year and a half, maybe? It's a lot longer than it was originally supposed to be. No one else knows I'm writing it so I haven't been able to get anyone's opinion, I don't know if it sucks or not." Somehow Satoshi felt comfortable sharing his secret with Natsuki. He doubted that Akatsuki and Ryou would be even vaguely interested in his writing, and it wasn't like he had anyone else that he trusted.

At least if it was Natsuki, Satoshi would be able to get an honest opinion from someone nice, and who actually knows what they're talking about.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"I don't want to waste much of energy on trivial things, but I guess I want to help him, somehow."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

The conversation between them seems to be going on to all sorts of subjects now. Though for now, it seems that they're mostly talking about literature since that's pretty much the only thing in common they found in common right now. But it was nice being able to talk to someone with the same interest, since Hazuki pretty much didn't enjoy literature as much as he put up himself to be.

Then, after a moment, Satoshi said that he has something that he wanted to show Natsuki, in which he nodded in reply, "Sure." The younger boy then hopped back through the window of his apartment in order to get whatever he was intended to get. Natsuki continued to gaze up on the sky. He could only wonder what his kouhai was going to show him. Maybe a piece of interesting writing or something... Perhaps Natsuki could possibly play a couple of piano songs sometimes, in return? Well, if he wasn't so lazy, of course.

A couple of moments later, Satoshi returned with a paper-clipped stack of papers and passed it to Natsuki, saying that it was a project that he had been working on for a year and a half already. It's about Tokyo and how much it has changed ever since the past. Well, normally Natsuki would probably politely deny at such a request of giving feedback which requires reading through a dreadfully long writing, for obvious reasons. But he felt that the younger boy was sincere about this, and that he really seemed to have put a lot of effort into his project. Wouldn't hurt to give it a quick glance... He thought to himself.

Quickly reading through while flipping across some of the front pages, Natsuki had grasped some main ideas of Satoshi's project. "Well, I wouldn't say that your writing is as good as a professional journalist, but if you show this to Mizuhara-sensei, I think the she'll give you at 85. I was originally from a city too so I guess know what it's like now and what it's once before. If you need any helps, feel free to ask." Natsuki gave the stack of paper back to Satoshi.

He stretched his arms with a yawn, "Say, are you interest with any instruments?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by

I hope you don't mind if this post gets a bit dramatic...I had a random idea the other night and couldn't seem to get it out of my stubborn-ass brain.



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


To say that Satoshi was happy would have been a slight understatement, and he took back his papers with a bright smile, content with the feedback he'd received. His interest was perked when Natsuki asked if he had any interest in instruments and had to think about it for a moment. "Well, I had about a week of piano lessons when I was a kid, and I can play a song or two on the cello, but that's it. I'm not that nimble when it comes to pressing certain keys or handling a bow...can't say I wouldn't like to learn though." He wondered why the question had come up.

The conversation shifted to different topics, literature having been exhausted almost completely. The conversation slowed and Satoshi soon found himself staring up at the grey clouds above, half-wishing for rain and half-wishing for sunshine. He loved the feeling of the rain, being soaked from head to toe, and the fresh feeling he got from it, but he also knew Natsuki would probably go inside if it started raining, thus ending the situation.

"You know, so many people think that you're just a boring guy who never says anything and sleeps through every class, but you're a more interesting person to talk to than all my other friends combined." Satsohi flashed a wide grin in Natsuki's direction and shifted around to sit cross-legged, carefully straightening his papers and thumbing the edges idly. "It's kinda sad, actually, that none of them ever wanna talk about stuff I'm into..." Satoshi's grin faded slightly as he spoke. As he flipped through his papers, a gust of wind blew past and one of the papers came loose. Instinctively Satoshi lunged for it, not taking note of the three-story drop, and his breath hitched as his body teetered over the railing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"There's nothing I would rather change, but people couldn't stay them same forever after all, that's what they said."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Natsuki listened to his kouhai's reply to his question. He was a bit bored, to be honest, so he was just asking that question out of the blue just to get something going on with their conversation. He nodded, "I see. Well, as you pretty much know, I play piano and that's my only hobby ever since I was a small kid. I didn't know why but it feel relaxing placing my fingers on the piano's board." He said as he scratches the back of his head, "I was wondering if you're the same."

And their conversations went on, with the topic averted from literature to some other topics, mostly about their lives and what they've been through so far in their lives. Most of the time it's not often that Natsuki was able to share his life with anyone. Even he would felt a bit strange that now he's talking so casually about his life with someone other than Hazuki. But it wouldn't feel bad in the slightest.

Satoshi then went on commenting about the fact that he was different from how he looks. "Well, that's good to hear, I guess. But you're not the first one to say so." Natsuki is still a bit hesitating on whether he should speak his concern about those 'friends' of Satoshi or not, but he figured that he should be a little bit more observant. As Satoshi reached out of the railing to grab the flying paper, Natsuki gasped a bit, "Hey, be careful." Then sighed in relief when seeing that his kouhai has gotten his balance back.

Looking up onto the sky, it was getting dark already and the clouds are already filling the sky, almost as if it was starting to rain again, "Well, it's going to rain soon. You better get in if you don't want to be soaked like yesterday." Natsuki wondered if the boy has found out that it was him who carried him back into his bed last night. But either way, he wouldn't mind much. "Well, good night then. If you need anything, feel free to ask."

With that said, Natsuki retreated back into his apartment. There's nothing much for him to do now rather than revising a little bit for Geography tomorrow.

Is it me or I find people who took part in RPs that use real-life FCs aren't that friendly as those in RPs with anime FCs? Just askin' .____.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by

Oh, I've noticed that! I think it's because people who like anime tend to be more docile and simplistic than those who don't, but I could be wrong.



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


Satoshi grabbed at the railing and gained his footing, letting out a shaky breath and smiling nervously in Natsuki's direction. "I'll be more careful, sorry." He held his papers close and listened to what Natsuki was saying, his mind going blank for a moment after the older boy disappeared inside his apartment. Soaked...last night... Satoshi felt his face grow red at the thought of Natsuki carrying his sleeping body to bed, dripping wet too. He didn't bother to say anything more and simply hopped back in through his window, shutting the window and setting his project safely onto his desk. Satsohi was actually looking forward to the rain, but would take Natsuki's advice and stay inside, if only to avoid further embarrassment.

Moving towards the kitchen, Satoshi heard the beginning of the rain outside and started up a pot of tea, jumping slightly when the doorbell rang. It was Kokonoe again, the Student Council President.
"Another note?" The older girl shook her head slightly. "More than one. Four, all of them addressed to Fujishima Satoshi. If you know who the sender is, it would be appreciated if you could find a better delivery servive." She held out the stack of letters and Satoshi nodded, feeling bad that she was forced to stop by his apartment whenever she went home, just to bring him hate mail. "A-Actually, I can just come get them myself from the Student Council room if more show up. Sorry you had to stop by on your way home." Kokonoe told him it wasn't his fault and not worry about it, then bowed politely and left. Satoshi closed the door and sighed.

He took a seat at his small dining table and opened up the letters one by one, each of them sporting some kind of random threat.
Don't these people have anything better to do? It was the last letter that caught his attention for real though, and he felt his face grow even redder as he read. This time Natsuki was mentioned, and apparently they were threatening to release the news of Satoshi's 'crush' to the entire school, which would be more embarrassing than he could imagine. I don't get why they keep making threats like this when they haven't even told me what they want from me.

Satoshi ripped up the first three letters and tossed them into the trash, tucking the one about Natsuki into his desk drawer and got to work on that day's homework. The minute he finished, he crawled into bed without bothering to eat anything or even clean up his stuff, falling asleep quickly.

By the way, if you want me to chew someone out I'd love to, just say the word~


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"Ah, there's more things to be concerned."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

A few moments later after he got inside and has just barely got his Geography notebook opened, his door was knocked. He sighed. Who could possibly find him in this time of the day anyway? That could be Satoshi but the boy's probably busying with his own business after their earlier, so that might not be his kouhai. Hazuki usually wouldn't bugged him around this time either. He can just stay silent to pretend that nobody was home. But in the end, Natsuki still managed to find it in his heart to go all the way to the front door.

As he opened the door and peaked his head outside, Natsuki saw a man who was seemingly a postman. "Yes?" He asked in a bored manner. "Are you Toshiage-san? This is for you." The postman said while pulling out a package with some postcards, "Please sign here and here." Natsuki signed the paper and took the stuffs that were sent to him. Giving the postman a quick 'thank you', he quickly retreated back inside.

It seems that the postcards were from his mother and his brother, Sorata. There were some pictures of their family hanging around together. Reading the content, they all said 'Happy Birthday' to him.

That's right, tomorrow was my birthday...

Well, every year, other than Hazuki who would bestow upon him with a lot of cheerful and happy congratulations and his family sending a gift for him, none of the others would care about that. He himself almost forgotten about it too. However, Natsuki found it to be a pain rather than something to be happy about, as congratulations and gifts and parties and birthdays are not something he'd particularly enjoy, obviously. Sometimes he did wonder why people invented birthdays in the first place.

Unpacking the package, Natsuki found a rather expensive watch inside. But he didn't really have a use for it, but it was from his family after all, so he just leave it at a high shelf on his bookcase. Thanks to the little reminder, Natsuki will remember to prepare for the overjoyful Hazuki tomorrow. He finished revising his Geography lesson, completed some of his essays and reading a few books. When it's starting to get darker, he stretched his arms and yawned, it's time for him to go to bed already. If there's a creature that he wanted to become, that probably would be a cat, since they spend three fourth of their lives sleeping.

Nah, it's fine. I'm not that annoyed :P


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


When morning came, Satoshi grumbled as his alarm continued to wake up the entire floor, as per usual. He groaned loudly and shut it off, clumsily stumbling out of bed and carrying on with his usual morning routines. Somehow he managed to trip on his way out the door, falling flat on his face and catching the attention of at least one other person in the hallway. What a great start to my day... Sitting up, Sou noticed a few drops of blood on the floor and mentally cursed himself, holding a hand up to his nose to stop the blood from getting onto his clothing. He became slightly more panicked as he dug through his bag and found that his pill bottle wasn't there, standing up carefully and rushing back into his apartment to find it.

In the end he was unsuccessful. The bleeding stopped after a minute or two, but Satoshi searched his entire apartment and found not a single sign of the medication bottle or its whereabouts, wondering where he could've misplaced it when he'd only gotten it the day before. Groaning, he washed his hands free of the blood and made his way to class, already late. Satoshi apologized to Kazuhiko-sensei before taking his seat slowly, waving to Natsuki as he passed. The sweet girl that usually sat between them was apparently absent that day and left Satoshi's vision of Natsuki uninterrupted.

Satoshi took vigorous notes as always, and about halfway through the class, the teacher told them that they were supposed to partner up and review each other's essays while he graded another class's work. Sou would usually work with the girl who sat beside him, since they were both rather shy and understood each other's awkwardness, but figured that since she was absent he might as well review his essay by himself. Sleep came instead.

He failed to notice in his deep slumber that his nose has started bleeding again, dripping unnoticed into a puddle on the floor in front of his desk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"Why do people invented such a day in the first place, anyway?"

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Just like any other mornings, dawn fast approaches and it always interrupted Natsuki in the climax of his dreams. As the curtain over the window of his room were unveiled in a rather violent fashion, the sunlight that beamed directly at his face made him winched and groaned as he crawled even deeper into his blanket. "Nghn... Getting up in another century..." He murmured to whoever was standing right next to his bed, but it seemed that they didn't listen to him.

"Just get up already, who could have possibly sleeping in such a beautiful day like this, especially since it was their birthday." A certain of blonde boy speak up with his cheeky voice as he pulled the blanket away from his best friend. A rather drowsy Natsuki was seen clinging to the pillow while trying to curl into a ball. But he figured that just like any other days, he couldn't possibly sleeping in for another minute knowing that his noisy kouhai is in the room.

"...Fine. Stop making a nooze already. Birthday or not, it's still just a day." Natsuki sighed as he lazily sitting up on his bed. "So, are you making a heart-shaped dish with my face decorated on it like last year?"

"Hehe, just get dressed and see for yourself." Hazuki replied mischievously.

Well, it certainly was a bit too much of a feast for a breakfast as there were like enough dishes on the table enough to feed him for a whole week. Twitching his eyebrows, Natsuki turned to his best friend, "Were you staying up last night to did all of these or something? Are you turning me into a pig?"

"You meanie-face, at least show some appreciation." Hazuki pouted, pretending to get mad as he averted his face away.

"Fine, I'm very grateful of your efforts. I'll be sure to eat all of them." Natsuki sighed and gave a rather half-assed thanks before digging in. It's really a mountain of food...

When he's finished, both of them headed for school like usual. Stepping into the classroom, Natsuki wondered why Satoshi hadn't showed up yet, since usually it was him who turned up before Natsuki. Maybe he's some unfinished business or something... He thought before shrugging as he got on with his usual nap.

A while later, Natsuki woke up as the Sensei called for him. Sighing, he picked up the text book and read where the last student stopped. When he sat down, he noticed the little puddle of blood on the floor almost right away where Satoshi was sitting. Instinctively, he quietly nudged Satoshi, "Hey, Satoshi-kun. Are you okay?" When the younger boy has woken up, Natsuki excused Kazuhiko-sensei as he offered to take his kouhai to the infirmary, much to the surprise of the fellow students.

It's still mid-period so there aren't any students on the hall, and Natsuki was grateful since he didn't want to attract any unnecessary attentions. As they both enter the nurse office, she sighed depressingly while groaning 'Again?!', but she still patching the boy up.

"You really should need to look after yourself sometimes." Natsuki said with his usual bored expression, but there was a slight sign of concern on his face. Of course, he was not the one to talk, but what do you know?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


When he saw the blood, Satoshi panicked slightly, and gave little protest when Natsuki offered to take him to the infirmary. He held his hand to his nose the entire way and tried not to say anything, almost embarrassed that it'd been Natsuki who had to see him like this. The nurse, as always, was rather aggravated upon seeing him, though her expression softened slightly when she noticed his worried expression. Satoshi sat down on one of the beds while the nurse looked curiously at Natsuki - as if the he didn't belong, which he almost didn't - before moving to help the bleeding boy.

"Oi, Satoshi, what happened to the medication I gave you yesterday? Didn't I tell you to actually take it so that this wouldn't happen?!" There was an audible frustration in the woman's voice.
"...i-it got lost..." Satoshi stared at the wall in front of him while the nurse went on a loud rant about his incompetence and regard for expensive medicines. She didn't stop talking to hand him two tiny white pills, which he took hesitantly.

The nurse continued her rant while verifying Sou's blood pressure, heart rate, and other such things. By the time she was finished, the bell had rung to signal the end of class, and the nurse promptly ushered both boys out of the room. Staring down at the small red stain on his sleeve, Satoshi gave no indication of wanting to speak about what had happened or why he'd been bleeding in the middle of class. The second they got to class, he got his things and darted off, without a word or even a wave to Natsuki. For the first time in a while, he almost dreaded having another class with him.

Unfortunately, Biology passed by rather quickly, and Satoshi found himself slowly making his way towards room 709. He wondered how he was going to explain if Natsuki asked what had happened. Deep down, Sou almost hoped Natsuki would ask, if only so he could confide in someone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"It's nice to change sometimes, but I'm just me no matter what I do."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Natsuki raised an eyebrow for a short moment as the nurse gave him a rather curious look, but scratched the back of his head and averted his face into a different direction. Is it really that weird that he was giving a helping hand to someone who was his friend? Well, if he thinks twice about it then it did sound a little strange somehow, since this is pretty much the first time in a while he did get out of his energy-conserving self to actually try to do something.

Natsuki had to admitted that it wasn't only him who didn't really know how to take care of himself much. But miraculously, he's never been really sick or anything like that much in his life before. And he knows when to stay out of trouble too. So he figured that the sight of him going to the nurse office is not something that would happen everyday. He looked on as the nurse patching him up, though he never really seemed to be particularly interested.

When the nurse is finished with her job, both of them made their ways back to their own classes, but not before going back to the Advance Writing's class to collect their stuffs first. That's so much for a birthday, I guess... Natsuki thought as he put his stuffs back into his bag in the middle of the amazed look from his classmates, as well as the whispering going around him. This is not the first time he become the center of attention anyway, so he'll just let it be. It's his nature to just rejecting things when he didn't care about them, after all.

His next class went on uneventfully, as Natsuki just focusing on what he did best: sleeping. He did secretly wondering what's the reason for his kouhai's state, but he supposed that perhaps he shouldn't dwell into it much. Though if it has gone on for a while now, Natsuki felt that it was rather strange that his supposed 'friends' didn't seem to care about it - as he never saw them visiting Satoshi much rather than in the mornings when they're tagging along together to go to school. Things are never what they seemed to be after all. He said to himself.

The two of them joined again, though Natsuki didn't ask anything about the incident earlier. He was never a nosy guy and he totally not going to ask someone about something they aren't comfortable in sharing with, so he supposed that letting things to be as it is was the best for now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


Taking his seat, Satoshi tried not to seem uncomfortable, as he really wasn't. He could feel stares from a couple of students who had seen the ordeal from that morning and ignored them, sighing loudly. As usual, Natsuki had arrived before he did, and Satoshi wracked his brain for something to say. He pulled out his notebook and turned turned around in his seat to face the older boy. "Um...I'm sorry for this morning. You shouldn't've had to see me like that...and thanks for walking me to the Infirmary too." Satoshi smiled and scratched the back of his head, turning to face the front again when the teacher walked in, the class rising to bow before the lesson began. Satoshi didn't have much of a chance to say any more.

When the bell rang, Satoshi packed up his things slower than usual, not wanting to trip and cause any more nosebleeds.
"See you in math!" Sou waved goodbye to Natsuki as he left, making his way next door to his Creative Writing class and sitting down, waiting patiently for time to pass.

The time sped by, since he was so focused on his notes and vocabulary, and it wasn't long before the bell rang once more and students began filing in and out of the classroom. Satoshi packed up his things and headed down the hall to room 317. He arrived first this time, and took his seat in between the two empty desks that belonged to Natsuki and Ryou. A minute or two later, Natsuki entered, and Satoshi waved to him with a smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by chrian.

"I haven't a clue of what would I become in the future."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Natsuki sat still in his seat, gazing out of the window with his usual bored expression. He almost could have thought that something real interesting is going to happen today since it was his birthday, after all. But apparently not. Not that he care much though, since pretty much the only people know about today are Hazuki and his family, that's all. And who'd braggad that it was their birthday? He was a bit curious on how Satoshi would react if the boy knows it.

Moments later, Satoshi arrived, though he appeared not to be uncomfortable much, Natsuki knows that there are probably many things he would want to say, but neither of them are sociable enough to just talk so casually about what has happened, after all. But in the end, the younger boy still said something to Natsuki in an apologetic manner, but Natsuki slightly shook his head, "Well, it's nothing much. You're my friend, and I'm not that heartless to just leave someone I'm acquainted with in a state like that. So, no problem." Natsuki replied.

The class then went on uneventfully, pretty much like the previous ones. The lunch break today didn't seem to have much happening either, with Hazuki still bugging around Natsuki like a seal. One thing which was weird that he didn't see Satoshi around the cafeteria, but figuring that the boy must've had some business again, so he just went on with his own pace all the way til the end of the piano class.

As he entered the Basic Math class with Hazuki, Satoshi waved to him with a smile, in which he replied with a 'hi'. Sitting as his seat, he sank his face into his arms again, continuing with his seemingly endless slumber. While he was sleeping, Hazuki threw Satoshi a piece of paper, saying 'Hey, did you know that today was Natsuki-chan's birthday? Bet you didn't, hehe.'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


Satoshi was elated that Natsuki referred to him as a friend, and that simple word made his day. When class ended, however, he decided against eating with his two new friends after Akatsuki and Ryou texted him about eating out that day. He agreed and left the building with a quick goodbye to Natsuki. The three boys ended up getting ramen at a popular shop. Satoshi tried to explain the homework they'd missed, but the two insisted on talking about other things, like what they'd been doing while they were suspended. It seemed their suspension had been shortened due to the exams that were coming up, and they'd be back in class the next day. Sou hated the fact that he now had to choose who to spend lunchtime with every day.

Racing back up the hill to campus, Satoshi slipped into Basic Mathematics just as the bell rang, sighing in relief as he took his seat. The teacher was already in the room and scolded him despite the fact he technically wasn't late, and the lesson started before he had a chance to say hello to Natsuki. Instead, he simply waved to the boy with a smile and began taking notes like usual. It wasn't long before Natsuki was fast asleep at his own desk.

A small piece of paper appeared on his desk from Hazuki, who sat behind Natsuki, and Satoshi ignored it in order to finish the line of notes he was writing. As soon as he found time he opened the note and read its contents.
It's his birthday today? Maybe I should get him something... When the teacher's back was facing the class, Satoshi turned in his chair and sent Hazuki a thumbs up as thanks for the information. He spent the rest of class pondering over what kind of gift would suit Natsuki while trying to keep up with his math notes at the same time, both excited and confused.

Class ended with a loud chime and Satoshi waved to his two friends before trudging off to his next two classes. The second his school day ended, Satoshi was out the door, skating through the crowds of students and making his was downtown. He'd spent the last three hours deep in thought and had come up with two different occasions when he'd noticed Natsuki like something: the first being the previous year when he'd witnessed a classmate give the boy a box of mochi, and the other being a moment he'd heard Natsuki listening to mozart while fast asleep in the school library.

Satoshi stopped at a few places during his trip downtown - a sweets shop, craft store, music store, as well as the bookstore to purchase a couple books (one on wrapping presents and one on English poetry he'd been meaning to buy). After gathering said items, he returned to his apartment and was grateful that Natsuki still had a half hour of class left before he'd be returning home. Satoshi had quite a lot of difficulty in wrapping the gifts, which was understandable since he'd never wrapped a gift once in his life, but it all came out looking decent in the end, fortunately for him.

In the back of his mind, Satoshi was scolding himself for how cliche he was being, but the whole ordeal wouldn't stop being cliche even if he did want it to. After the gift was wrapped Sou carefully wrote 'Happy Birthday!' on the tag, along with his name so he could claim credit for the gift.

With the possibility of rain, Satoshi knew the gift would be destroyed if he left it on Natsuki's balcony, and instead opted to simply leave it in front of the boy's door. He still wanted to avoid confrontation. He set the wrapped gift in front of his neighbors door gently and slipped back into his apartment, taking a seat at his desk and starting his homework for the day. Satoshi silently wondered if any more threatening letters would come.

Long post! I haven't done a long one in a while and it was hard to make this one short, hope you don't mind exercising your eyes a bit~


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by chrian.

"I would be lying if I say that I'm not happy with all I have right now."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Seeing that Satoshi was giving him a thumb up for the information he was given, Hazuki gave his fellow boy a wink. Well, it wouldn't be that bad if Natsuki would get a new friend or two, so Hazuki isn't hesitated when it comes to this. He knows that despite putting up a cold front all the time, his senpai is actually quite different on the inside if everyone has enough patience to dig deeper.

Natsuki slowly woke up in a drowsy state as he stretched his arms with a loud yawn as he put all his stuffs into his bag. "Hey, Natsuki-chan, I think there's going to be something surprising waiting for you when you're home this afternoon."

"What, you're feeding me like a pig again?" Natsuki replied with his usual bored expression. Of course, he was grateful of what Hazuki's putting effort into just to please him, but sometimes he got to admitted that the blonde boy can be hyperactive at times and it was a bit too fancy for a dull guy like him.

"Nah, just wait and see. I'm sure that it's going to be a pleasant surprise." Natsuki winked. Though still in doubt of what his kouhai is up to again this time, he couldn't help but feeling a little curious on what this 'surprise' would be. The two greeted Satoshi back as both of them making their ways to their classes.

Well, to say that his birthday was just a normal day isn't completely wrong, as the monotonous pace that going on and on everyday didn't seem to be interrupted. Nothing particular has been happening either. All Natsuki could possibly think up to do now is just finish up with all the classes and return home, like everyday.

And another two hours also passed in a flash as another school day soon finished for Natsuki. Walking home with Hazuki today, there isn't anything different from any other days either - Hazuki keep talking and ranting endlessly while Natsuki just replied simply with short answers, pretending that he was really interested in all sorts of stories that the younger boy could possibly brought up. Some girls who came across him today did give him a rather ambiguous look though, probably due to the incident earlier today.

As he walked up to his apartment's door, a big, carefully wrapped present box was waiting for him.

Curiously, he picked up the box and read the note that came along with it on top. It turned out that this present was from Satoshi. So Hazuki really did tell him about it, huh? He thought to himself as he carried the present along with him as he entered his apartment. Unwrapped the present, Natsuki found a box of mochi, a Mozart disc and an English poetry book. Looks like he really is more observant than he looks.

Taking a small mochi from the sweet box, Natsuki took a bite before gobbled it down. A very light smile then appeared on his face.

It's fine. I'm used to write 2000 words posts before so this isn't something bothersome LOL


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


Satoshi spent the evening searching every crevice of his apartment, still unable to find the bottle of pills he usually carried with him. He couldn't for the life of him figure out where he'd left it and his worry was growing with every minute. After almost three hours, Satoshi gave up, his apartment completely turned over. He knew that the nurse wouldn't be able to give him any more medication for almost a week and promised himself that he would refrain from getting into fights or hurting himself until he could refill his medication. Unfortunately, the promise was easier said than done.

The next morning, Satoshi left his bat and skateboard at home, opting to walk everywhere in a careful fashion. Akatsuki and Ryou were waiting for him when he stepped out of his apartment and he couldn't help but silently hope that Natsuki would come out at that exact same moment so that he could suggest they all walk to school together. That didn't happen, and instead Satoshi made his way to class with his friend group close by him.

Akastuki and Ryou teased him about Natsuki the entire walk - and ultimately, Satoshi was starting to wonder why they never stopped when he told them to. He neglected to say anything about it and simply waved them off as he stepped into room 303. Taking his seat slowly, he wondered how Natsuki had reacted to the gift from the day before. Satoshi hoped he hadn't been wrong in thinking those items were things the older boy liked. It wasn't long before Natsuki showed up to class, and Sou waved hello to him with a bright smile, pulling out his notebook and pencil. He was about the say something more when his cell phone went off, making him jump and drop the pencil he was holding. He groaned upon seeing who it was.

There were almost seventeen text messages from Akatsuki and Ryou, and apparently Satoshi hadn't noticed them until now. He didn't bother to open any of them and tucked his now-silenced cell phone into his bag as the teacher walked in. The class was extremely uneventful, as usual, with Natsuki sleeping through it and Satoshi taking notes. The bell rang and Satoshi packed his things, turning to speak to Natsuki but finding himself interrupted by the entry of his two best friends. Satoshi couldn't help but feel like the two older students didn't want him to talk to Natsuki at all.

He barely managed to wave a goodbye before he was practically dragged from the room. During Advanced Writing, Satoshi only had time to say hello and goodbye to Natsuki, the class being spent doing a vocabulary quiz and Satoshi finding himself dragged from the class once again. Lunch period passed with him being forced to retake a quiz from his Asian History class and he wasn't able to even make it to the Cafeteria. And by the time Basic Mathematics arrived, Satoshi wasn't at all excited about having to share the class with Ryou when he only wanted to chat with Natsuki.

As he took his seat, Satoshi tried hard to ignore Ryou's endless conversation, but found himself unable to pull away from it without being rude. He waved hello to Natsuki as the boy came in and was dragged by Ryou into a debate about how well the Student Council was doing their job. Ryou claimed that Satoshi's opinion was 'biased' because he was friends with the Student Council President, which simply prompted the argument more.

Satoshi groaned loudly as the bell rang once again. Ryou wasn't giving him a moment's peace and was obviously rushing him, which was starting to piss Satoshi off. In an effort to go against whatever his friends were planning, Satoshi moved to Natsuki's desk before leaving, handing the older boy a small piece of paper with only the words 'I'm sorry.' As he left, Satoshi noticed that Ryou was glaring harshly at Natsuki, and he shuddered.

Ah, such troublesome friends Satoshi has~

And this is random, but doesn't Natsuki seem like the kind of person who would be super careful unwrapping a gift, and then keep the paper?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by chrian.

"I don't care how the others would look at me, because it's who I am."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Natsuki carefully put the presents which Satoshi gave him onto a safe place up on his bookshelf after finishing gobble down all of the mochis from the sweet box. Well, if there's something that really mustered up his interest and devotion for one then it'll be mochi. The soft, fluffy coat and the sweet, tender sugary taste on the inside are really something. Even the dullest of guys in the universe got to have some liking.

Although his expressions still remained stoic, deep down inside he was feeling somewhat... happy? I wouldn't know for sure, since this is the first time ever someone else rather than his family and Hazuki would give him a gift, or a present. He knows that it was mainly due to the fact that he hardly ever tried to get acquainted with anyone else.

Whether he's misjudged or not, it doesn't really affect the fact that he still sleeps 15 hours and eats 3 meals per day. And he prefers to live that way, no matter what others said...

He had dinner by the leftover food from breakfast. Other than a couple of Math exercises, there isn't anything else for him to do so Natsuki just crawled into his bed and sleep all the way until morning when it's only 7:00 PM, just like any other days.

The next day doesn't seem to have any particular differences either, as Hazuki still follow, hugging and attempting to kiss Natsuki as always after feeding the older boy with a wholesome breakfast. Well, Natsuki really has to admitted if Hazuki wasn't around, he'd have died from starvation years ago.

It seemed that today Satoshi's friends were lifted from their suspension and the three of them are hanging around, up to some mischief again. Giving the younger boy a quick 'hello', he proceeded to sit down at his seat. He wanted to say thanks for the gift yesterday before Satoshi's phone rung. Shrugging, he dug his face into his arms and starting to sleep again. The lesson ended, but before any of them could say anything, Satoshi was taken away by his friends again.

Today's quizzes at the following classes aren't much of a trouble either. He finished them all while there's still 15 minutes left and proceeded to sleep all the way until lunch break came. At the Cafeteria, he secretly wondered why Satoshi didn't turn up, but Hazuki's presence had distracted him from thinking too much about it. Piano period passed peacefully as they all practiced another Ghibli's song again - and Natsuki did enjoy playing it more than classical pieces.

Basic Mathematics class is finally here and Natsuki didn't want to interrupt Satoshi with his so-called friends though. So as much as he wanted to say something to show his gratitude, it couldn't go well without them being interrupted. At the end of the period, while Natsuki was packing his stuffs, Satoshi gave him a quick note with a line said 'I'm sorry' in it. And not very long later, he received a rather hateful stare from one of his kouhai's fellas. His name was Ryou, if he remember correctly?

But in reply to the stare, Natsuki just stretched his arms and yawned in boredom. Why should he care about anything like if he was hated or not? He always had his ways to deal with those who bother him if he really must.

And yeah, you can say that he's really like that :)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


Once they were out of the building, Satoshi turned to Ryou and Akatsuki with a confused look, having been stuck thinking about Ryou's glare the entire walk. He still didn't understand why the two didn't like the guy. "Hey, how come you two are so Hell-bent on me staying away from Natsuki? It's not like I'm going to die if I talk to other people besides you..." Satosh couldn't tell if they were upset at the question or not when they turned to stare down at him. "You shouldn't talk to him because he's the kind of person who won't tell you if he hates you. Instead he'll pretend to be your friend, and considering your feelings for him, he'll probably break your frail little heart later on. Just forget it."

Satoshi didn't want to believe them. After all, why would Natsuki have been so nice if he hated him? It didn't make any sense. But Ryou and Akatsuki had never lied to him before either, and they did seem to be better at judging people's personalities than he was. "
Okay...fine then." Sou couldn't help but feel conflicted as the three split up to go to their respective classes. Satoshi's next class was gym, and he was distracted for the first part of the class, immersed in his thoughts about Natsuki and Hazuki and his two best friends who didn't seem quite as friendly. It was all a mess.

He perked up a bit when the group was instructed to run the mile outside. Satoshi groaned as he remembered his condition and the missing pills, knowing that he probably shouldn't be running, but he dismissed the thought in favor of trying to get his mind off everything else. He almost tripped once and nearly had a heart attack from being so caught up in his thoughts (the idea of getting his mind off of other things definitely failed). Looking up, he happened to see Natsuki in one of the second story windows, and moved his hand to wave before remembering what his friends had said. Satoshi lowered his hand reluctantly and continued with his laps, still confused at all that was going on.
This is all so damn annoying...

Sorry I didn't respond as quickly as usual, I had a bit of Writer's Block and couldn't think of what to write...

Also, I was wondering, but do you have any suggestions on how to reveal that Satoshi's friends are assholes? It's already set in stone that they're the ones sending him all the hate, but I can't figure out how to reveal it (they also stole his meds). Satoshi's afraid of the dark, do you think I should use that?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by chrian.

"Who'd bother to understand this lil' me, anyway?"

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

After finishing with Basic Mathematics, Natsuki packed his stuffs and made his way to his next class, which was Intermediate English. He wasn't entirely thrilled though, since there are still three more classes until he could finish for the day and make his way back home. Natsuki didn't really understand the reason behind the hateful stare of that Ryou boy, but would you really expect him to mind something as 'trivial' as that? As if he hasn't exerted enough energy for almost a whole year already.

As he entered the classroom and waited for the teacher to appear, he put his chin on his palm and gazed outside the window lazily. It's already mid-afternoon but it seemed that the whole horizon is still shining radiantly with sunshine everywhere. Most of people would usually feel all thrilled and energetic alike, but for Natsuki, just to enjoy moments like this when he can indulge in his own world without being interrupted is fine enough. Who cares about what others would say about you anyway? Natsuki knows that there are things that he wanted to treasure, but showing it never was something he's good at.

Moments later, Kuroha-sensei entered the classroom as everyone stood up and greeted her. "私達は受動的な声で上取得します誰も、今日は、78ページにあなたの本を回してください..." She said and began to lecture about all sorts of structure. And, as always, Natsuki just slept all the way through the class again. As the class ended quickly, he made his way to Materialist Philosophy, where he studied about the definition of matters and all sorts of basis of the world, much to his disinterest. And in Advanced Geography, things couldn't really get better with the geographical site around the Fire Rim, so he was glad that another long day has ended.

Hazuki has excused himself to go home first since he has to take his sister to the movie tonight, so Natsuki just stroll his way back to his apartment without any haste. Walking past the door of Satoshi's apartment, he secretly wondered if the younger boy is back or not, since his gang is now together again. But, they aren't that close to be caring of each other that much yet, right?

After taking a bath, Natsuki didn't feel like eating, so he just opened a can of coke and went outside to his balcony to watch the sky while gulping down the beverage. Speaking of those 'friends' of Satoshi, the reason why that boy threw him such a glare perhaps was due to the fact that he was closer to the boy than usual. Natsuki knows that he should tell his kouhai about the shady guys he hung out with sooner or later, though he hasn't a clue of how to strike a conversation, yet.

It's okay, girl. I got writer's block sometimes too LOL
Well, usually Natsuki would be quite blunt, but I think he'll just say it to Satoshi in an ambiguous way, and if he could figure it out or not depend on him :D But if you have any better ideas then I'm okay with it too :)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


By the time Physical Education was over, Satoshi had grown tired, and he ended up sleeping straight through Asian History. When the bell rang, he made his way home without stopping for anything or anyone else, Ryou and Akatsuki joining him shortly after he got out of the building. The two older boys disappeared down the hall after 'escorting' him to his apartment and Satoshi stepped inside, feeling much more exhausted than he usually did. It was Thursday, so he only had one day of class left before the weekend, and it sounded nice to have a whole two days to try and sort out everything that was going on between his friends. Satoshi didn't have much homework and decided to just go to bed instead of trying to do it.

About an hour and a half had passed by the time he woke up. The sun was just starting to set, and Satoshi figured that he might as well finish his homework now and go back to bed 'till who-knows-when. It took him a bit more time than he was used to since he couldn't seem to concentrate on the math formulas.
All of this sucks. I can't even do my homework without thinking about him... Satoshi groaned, completing the last problem and slipping the worksheets back into his bag. Now what? Satoshi looked around his apartment in an attempt to find something to pass the time.

Looking out his window, he noticed that the sky looked as if it were going to rain soon, and decided to sit outside until it did. He tried not to freak out upon seeing that Natsuki was also out on his balcony, and instead of saying anything he just stared up at the grey clouds. Satoshi had no idea what he was supposed to say and figured he'd have better luck staying quiet than if he opened his mouth and said something completely stupid.

Well, I was thinking that either the three get into a huge fight and maybe Satoshi passes out due to his condition, or something along the lines of them suddenly insulting him a bunch and locking him in an equipment closet, since he's terrified of the dark? I'm trying to think of other ways but my brain is practically dead.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"False trust is the quickest way to lead to one's downfall, after all."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Staring up to the sky as clouds started to cover again, Natsuki slightly winched as it looks like it's going to rain again. He couldn't say that he actually enjoy it if rains keep coming like this, but hey, he'll can just crawl into his sheet and take a long, long nap like usual. Still, it was nice taking a breath of fresh air everyday. No such things like factories or congestion ever happened in Hikarishi, so the air was pretty clean after all.

While still gulping down the can of coke, Natsuki noticed that the door to the balcony of the apartment next to his was swung open, and a certain of brown-haired boy walked out. Though this time, apparently the boy was clearly troubled by something as he was quieter than usual, apparently. But it's a bit too sudden and Natsuki wasn't really certain if the younger boy wanted to converse about anything right now, so he himself also stayed quiet while gazing up at the sky. The silence gap between them is turning more awkward by the minutes.

After a while or so, Natsuki knows that he should say something. "Hey, Satoshi-kun." Natsuki turned to his kouhai and said to gain his attention, "Thanks for your gift yesterday. I really appreciate it. Frankly, I was a bit surprised to see that there's actually someone else other than Hazuki to know what I usually interested in. So, I'm grateful, I mean it." He replied with a light smile.

When he's finished saying his gratitude, he knows that there are another thing in his mind that he should also speak. Usually he'd be blunt to whoever approach him, but to Satoshi, it was different. "Say, there's something I-" But on the second thought, it might not been best if he just went straight into it, knowing that the younger boy is more fragile than he looked, so he just shook his head, "No, nevermind. Just keep in mind that you can be backstabbed by anyone around you, so... be careful, okay. It's about to rain again so don't get yourself drenched. Good evening."

With that said, Natsuki retreated back to his apartment. Throwing the empty can into the waste basket, he proceeded to finish some of his homework and laid down on his bed, reading a novel he's just bought until night falls. And another long day has ended.

Well, to be honest I don't really have a clue too :p
Still, you can go any directions you wanted if you're comfortable with it. I'm fine with anything :)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


Satoshi panicked slightly when Natsuki spoke to him, but grew calmer as the older boy thanked him for the previous day's gift. Satoshi couldn't help but smile at being appreciated. Akatsuki and Ryou had neglected to tell him their birthdays and he'd never been able to get them gifts, so it was nice to be appreciated for something so simple. Sou was especially proud that he was able to get him things he liked. It seemed he was one of few.

He grew slightly curious when Natsuki stopped in the middle of a sentence. It was unlike him to refrain from his blunt nature, but Satoshi didn't ask what he wanted to say, more concerned with what his friend meant by 'backstabbed'. Natsuki told him not to stay in the rain again and then bid him goodnight. "
Ah, I won't. Good night!" Satoshi watched Natsuki leave and then ducked into his own apartment, is face pink and the confused feeling from earlier somehow both increased and decreased at the same time, because now Natsuki was being nice, but that was also what he'd been warned of. Satoshi groaned loudly and flopped onto his bed face-first, extremely annoyed and conflicted. Now I'm gonna have to choose...damn.

Satoshi got little sleep that night, finding himself unable to quiet the ramblings thoughts in his head. The next morning - for the first time since he'd arrived in Hikarishi - he woke up before his alarm. Akatsuki and Ryou were waiting outside his apartment like always, though now it seemed less like a friendly favor than a protective detail. The three spewed mindless chatter as they walked to class and Satoshi grew bored of it rather quickly, actually missing the long and detailed conversations he had with Natsuki and Hazuki. Everything seemed to be changing in his world, apparently.

Arriving in Classical Literature, Satoshi bid goodbye to his friends and took his seat, now realizing that Ryou and Akatsuki weren't there to control whether or not he talked to Natsuki during class. He still couldn't decide whether to follow their advice or not, and ended up even more conflicted between his loyalty to them and the fact he so badly wanted to talk to Natsuki.
Why can't all this crap just be written out in a simple handbook?!

Hm...I particularly like the closet idea because it would prompt Natsuki to go find Satoshi. I was thinking that maybe Ryou and Akatsuki would brag to him about locking Satoshi in with his biggest fear or something similar. Aw man, these two really are going to become assholes...yeesh...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by chrian.

"It's okay to feel hesitated sometimes, but choices are inevitable."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Morning has fast approached, and another day has started. As usual, it took Hazuki quite some effort in order to kick Natsuki out of his bed. Well, what was surprising here this morning is that hazuki appeared with not only his school bag, but also a rather hug case which probably contained all sorts of his stuffs. "Hehe, you see, my parents and my sister are going to Hokkaido today to attend the wedding of a relative of mine and they wouldn't be back until next week so I guess I'm staying over, aren't you happy?" Hazuki said with a mischievous grin while scratching the back of his head.

Natsuki sighed as he sat up, he's actually lost count of how many times the younger boy suddenly carried with him his case and just telling Natsuki that he'll be staying over already, but Hazuki has pretty much considered his house to be his too, so there's no problem with it, to say the least. "Fine, just put your case into the corner already. I'm hungry." Natsuki said bluntly as he lazily made his way into the bathroom. His head is a huge mess.

After finishing with all the personal hygiene and eating breakfast, the two of them made their ways to Chishiki Academy, where another day of monotonous studying continue. Natsuki secretly wondered whether Satoshi is already at school yet or not. The boy has been acting a bit weird recently and he could only guess how the boy is feeling. Natsuki made his way to his first class, which is Classical Literature and gave the younger boy a quick greeting before sitting down at his own seat.

While listening to the lectures of the teacher, he laid his chin on his palm and lazily looking out of the window, wondering how will his life turn out from now on. Satoshi seemed quieter than usual and it could only cause him to be even more curious of what has the boy gone through. When the class is finished, Natsuki packed his stuffs and made his way to his next class.

Hazuki, on the other hand, was seemingly waiting for Satoshi at the entrance of the classroom. When his fellow classmate appeared, he asked with his usual cheeky and excited voice, "So? Have you given anything to Natsuki-chan yet? Did he appreciate them? Tell me, tell me."

Yeah, that sounds good :)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


Satoshi nodded to Natsuki as a greeting, not sure of what to say even though 'good morning' would've been easy enough. The class went by fast, and Natsuki ended up sleeping through it just like every other day, which meant Satoshi didn't have to worry much about trying to hold any type of conversation. However, Hazuki was waiting for him when he left class. "Uh, yeah, I did. He seemed to like them..." Satoshi couldn't help but blush at the memory of being complimented by the older boy. Their conversation was interrupted as Satoshi's groupmates appeared from nowhere.

Everything got loud as soon as they arrived and Satoshi waved to Hazuki with an apologetic smile before he was dragged away. Biology went by just as fast and when Sou found himself in Advanced Writing, he sighed upon seeing that the class would be doing an independent study. Most of the class was spent taking notes and trying to ignore the constant lectures from the teacher, who apparently couldn't stand to hear even the slightest bit of noise. Soon enough, it was lunchtime, and Satoshi returned to his usual table to eat among the rowdy teenagers he was so comfortable with.

He had just made it to the door of his Creative Writing class when he heard his name being shouted from across the hall, and turned just in time to see Kokonoe running towards him. "Ah, Satoshi-kun! I thought you would want to know who has been leaving the letters for you in the Student Council Room. It seems that one of the representatives saw Akatsuki leaving something in the room, and it turned out to be another letter with your name on it." She must have noticed the surprised look on Satoshi's face, as she handed him the letter and offered an awkward smile. "It does seem odd that they would leave anonymous letters when they rarely leave your side. I have to go now, good day."

Satoshi was dumbfounded, his trust in his best friends suddenly shattering as he realized it was them who had been leaving hateful messages for him, that it was them who had been threatening him for the last two weeks. Satoshi was snapped out of his thoughts when the bell rang and he slowly made his way to his seat. The entire class, he found himself unable to concentrate on his creative writing project, falling deep into thought.

He was out the door as soon as the bell rang, running to meet Akatsuki and Ryou in the specific hallway where their paths crossed. It seemed the two arrived first. "
Oi! Explain something to me." Satoshi tossed the balled up note at them and practically glared at the two older boys, watching their expressions go from confusion to cold sneers. "Ah, it seems he's figured it out. What a bummer. Guess we won't be able to get as much fun out of him now." The cold and purely horrible words the two spewed could have made anyone feel upset, but Satoshi was devastated. The three had been friends since Junior High, and never once had they given off the impression that they were this cruel. At least, not that he'd seen.

"Say, perhaps we could get one last big joke out of the shorty. Isn't he afraid of the dark still?" Before Sou could even react, his bag was being ripped off his shoulders and he found himself toppling backwards into a supply closet, landing on his back and having the wind knocked out of him. "Have fun~" Satoshi coughed and sat up, his mind panicking as the door closed on him and locked, darkness filling the tiny room. It was true that he was still afraid of the dark. He'd never been able to get over the childhood fear. Satoshi curled into a ball and tried to stop shaking.

Meanwhile, Ryou made his way to Basic Mathematics with Satoshi's bag in tow, informing the teacher that Satoshi wouldn't be arriving in class until late due to what he claimed were 'technical issues'. Ryou dropped the bag on Sou's desk and smirked threateningly in Natsuki's direction.

Another long post. I was going to do this in two posts, but I got on a roll and stuffed it all into one~ Such drama!!!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by chrian.

"Don't judge anyone just by their looks, I'm the perfect proof for it."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Hazuki couldn't help but chuckled at the sight of his fellow friend blushing upon recounting the present he gave Natsuki. "Good for you then." Though before he could say anything else, the blonde boy noticed that the two of Satoshi's friends were approaching them. His usual excited expression disappeared and a rather concerned look was on his face. "Well, I'm going to stay over Natsuki-chan's place tonight so we'll confide later, 'kay? See ya." Hazuki said with a smile before making his way into his next class.

Back to Natsuki, his Asian History class wasn't as obnoxiously boring but he still managed to sleep all the way through it. In Advanced Writing, things didn't seem to be any different. He secretly glanced at Satoshi a couple of times, the boy hasn't spoken anything since last night though and it seemed that he was so concentrated in his writings and the lectures that Natsuki didn't want to interrupt him. He clearly knows that something's troubling the boy right now so it's best that he didn't dwell into it much.

Both of them parted ways and didn't interact with each other when the lunch break came. Hazuki was bugging Natsuki as usual and of course, Natsuki was being observant as ever even though he didn't show it. He figured that he better do something about all of this before the younger boy gets hurt even more. There's definitely a reason behind this, but Natsuki isn't going to reveal it anytime soon.

When he's finished with Piano class, he made his way to Basic Mathematics and sat down at his seat. He's been thinking over it during his previous class. Perhaps it is best to tell him now. Natsuki thought. Even if the boy turned to hate him after this, it will be okay, or so he thought. Before he even knows it, he's considered Satoshi to be an important part of his life after over two years knowing each other.

However, when the boy Ryou come in with Satoshi's bag, telling that he's having some 'technical problems' and he won't be in class until later. And of course, the threatening smirk from him didn't manage to get through his eyes either. Sighing, Natsuki gazed outside of the window as the teacher began to continue with his teacher. But no one notice that he was gripping his hair over his face.

As the Math period was over, Natsuki carried his bag and made his way to the Intermediate English. Hazuki was waiting for him at the entrance. However, he didn't get in. "Hazuki, excuse Kuroha-sensei for me." Natsuki claimed, his voice remained calm as ever, but Hazuki can clearly noticed the seriousness in it - something he hasn't seen in quite a while now, "I'm dealing with them once and for all."

"Looks like someone's just dug their own graves today, messing with Natsuki-chan, huh?" Hazuki chuckled, "Deal with it quickly, okay?"

Without any sign of hesitation, Natsuki calmly passed through the crowds of students and walked through the back exit of the school. He then strolled a few meters away to a rather hidden spot behind the lumps of trees and bushes. From what he and Hazuki observed, this is the favorite hanging out spot of the two boys whenever they skipped classes. Apparently they never told Satoshi about this.

Natsuki could only wondered what kind of faces would they make the moment they saw him. And immediately, he received his answer by the surprised looks of the boys. "I figure that something ratty was going on, and it seems that I wasn't wrong at all." He said calmly as he leaned against a tree and crossed his arms, "Fighting and arguing are troublesome. I don't want to waste my precious energy on the likes of you two. So are you going to tell me whatever you've done to Satoshi or I have to force words out of your mouth?"

If there's a prize for someone in the world who can say things in a harsh manner with a rather eerie tone and an expression that totally contrasted with whatever he said, Natsuki would have won the first place already.

Yay, it's time for Natsuki to show his scary side. Don't mess with him xD


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


Akatsuki and Ryou practically scoffed at the sight of Natsuki, offering little kindness in their sneering expressions. "Hm? Ah, Satoshi? Well, we locked him in a supply closet hour and a half ago. The little shit's scared of the dark, we figured it would be interesting~" Ryou stood up from where he'd been sitting and towered over Natsuki, staring down at him. "So, we told you. What exactly are you gonna do about it? He's probably already traumatized by now so letting him out won't really help anything, and you're not exactly fit to be getting into a fist fight with two guys who are twice your size." A couple of students passing by took one glance at the murderous aura surrounding the three older students and fled with their tails between their legs, wanting no part of whatever violence was to come. "I would suggest you leave~"

Yes, I'm so excited!!! To be honest, I actually stayed up quite late waiting for your post...ehe.

(also its a really short post because I decided to write only their point of view, since I couldn't think of anything for Satoshi's, considering his whereabouts)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by chrian.

"This is such a pain in the ass."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Natsuki sighing, he should have known from the first moment that talking isn't going to make these two idiots. Well, it isn't like he never being literally being looked down by many just because of his lazy antics and the fact that he's just too scrawny or that he's too tough for grunt. But in the end, jerks are just going to get exactly just what jerks are going to get. And Natsuki won't show any mercy with those who meddled with him.

"There's nothing I would hate more than a bunch of idiots gathering around and bullying a kid. I don't want to miss my lesson and I most certainly don't want to make this a horrendously long and epic battle like those in shounen manga. Let just finish this quick, shall we?" Cracking his knuckles, Natsuki then stood up and approached the guy called Akatsuki in a calm manner, yet one can obviously tell how serious he is. And before they could even realize, he grabbed the guy's neck tape and slammed his face hard against the tree. "I suppose you guys never did learn that judging someone by their appearance is the shortest way that lead to a grave."

And before the other guy could realize, Hazuki popped out from a bush nearby, "Kyaa~" He screeched with his cheeky voice as he kicked the Ryou guy from behind, which caused him to fall back. "Man, I've always wanted to do that." Hazuki grinned as he stuck up his nose proudly.

"That was just a taste. If you know what's best for you, then stop going around and causing troubles. And I would appreciate it if you stay away us, as well as Satoshi." Natsuki coldly remarked as he pulled his phone out and showed the guys some photos which captured the scenes when the two boys going around and bullying the students, breaking school's facilities, skipping classes, etc "And before you begin to spew any other nonsense threats from your foul mouths, here are some proofs showing all of your wrongdoings around town. Remember the last time when you two almost got kicked out of school last year? That was my doing."

Looking at the faces of the two right now, Natsuki knows all too well the result of this confrontation, "You two already got one strike last year so you know what will happen if I show these to the Headmaster, right? And just in case you two want to get on with this stupid so-called fist fight, although it really is a pain in the ass, we'll take you on. The Headmaster is actually a close friend of my dad, so getting in a little fight like this wouldn't really affect anything."

Hazuki then continued with his usual cheeky voice and cheerful expression, but pretty much like Natsuki, he's serious, "Yeah. And I think you two should think twice about it. Even though Natsuki-chan looks scrawny, he's black-belt in karate and judo. I was a son of a retired judo master himself and we once took on a group of thugs before. So..." The blonde-boy entered the pose of a martial artist, "...wanna try?"

Okay, I think that we shouldn't make this fight too dramatic and all so I want to finish it quick, hope you don't mind :P
They say that those who stayed quiet and unassuming most of the times are usually the scariest ones, right? xD


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


Getting beaten up in a fight wasn't something either boy was used to, and saying they were taken by surprise would have been the understatement of the year. By now the scene had attracted the attention from several ground-floor classrooms as well as passersby, yet upon hearing the topic of conversation, no one had thought to intervene. Akatsuki and Ryou regained their footing and shot harsh glares at the 'victors', but showed no signs that they were going to fight back. After a minute or two they simply scoffed again and left, running right into Kokonoe and the Student Council.

"Natsuki-san, Hazuki-kun, if you don't mind I'd like to take over in reprimanding these two. Send me that evidence of yours when you get a chance. Thank you." And without another word, Akatsuki and Ryou were being dragged away by the members of the Student Council.

Meanwhile, Satoshi remained stuck in the supply closet, wheezing slightly and shivering from nerves. He'd tried banging on the door in an attempt to draw someone near, but that particular hallway was rarely used and he had no luck. Sou couldn't stop himself from panicking and had ended up shrinking as far into the corner and into himself as he could go, crying quietly and waiting for someone - anyone - to come along and let him out.

Nah, its perfect~


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by chrian.

"Things will have to change from now, but I'll cope with it, somehow."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Both Natsuki and Hazuki were prepared to take on the two if they were foolhardy enough to do that in this situation where they are clearly on the disadvantaged side, but it seems they have already known their places right now. So after giving their beaters a rather harsh glare, they turned their tails and left. "That so much for picking on us, only to have their asses kicked, hehe. Too bad we didn't get a chance to stretch our muscles more though, hehe." Hazuki commented as he stretched his arms. Their little 'meeting' has attracted quite some attention from everyone and even the Student Council is here.

Natsuki sighed, he knows that recently he probably had pretty much surprised everyone around school a lot already. It isn't like that he hasn't been a center of all gossips before, but he knows that sooner or later he'll have to endure a different look from others and he wasn't sure if this was good or bad. As they met up with the Council, Kokonoe asked them to send her the proofs while some others dragged the two troublemakers away.

"So, have they told you where they locked Satoshi-kun up?" Hazuki asked as Natsuki nodded, "Well, enjoy being a Prince Charming for now. I'll remember to bring your bags back for you guys." He winked mischievously, "I'm going back now or Kuroha-sensei will have my head, heh. See you back at home." Hazuki waved to Natsuki as he made his way back to class.

Natsuki has already known the most probable place where those two could have locked his kouhai up already. So he headed to a deserted hallway from the side building of the school and peaked into every door, until he found the closet where Satoshi was being locked up in.

The closet was really dark and the first thing Natsuki saw was Satoshi curling into a ball and sitting in the corner, shivering. Calmly and carefully approached the younger boy, Natsuki sat down and pat his head. Though his face remained stoic, one could tell that he was genuienly concerned. "Hey, Satoshi-kun. It's alright, there's nothing to be scared of now. It's over." He said with a light smile, Natsuki then turned his back and took Satoshi on for a piggy ride, knowing that the boy probably couldn't even stand up after all of these, "Let's get back to my apartment. Don't worry, there aren't many people around now."

And with that said, Natsuki carried Satoshi on his back all the way from school back to his apartment. True to his words, they managed to avoid most people so there isn't anything to feel awkward about, at least for Natsuki, that is. He put the younger boy down when they've reached the complex and both of them made their ways into Natsuki's apartment, "Hazuki will bring our bags back for us after school and Kokonoe-san will excused us from our classes so we can take sometime off. Do you need anything?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by


↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


Satoshi barely budged when the door opened, just barely peeking over his knees. His eyes had gotten adjusted to the dark so the sudden amount of light hurt and he flinched a bit. However, he still didn't move more than an inch, until he recognized the voice which was speaking to him. Out of everyone who could've come to help, it was Natsuki. Satoshi couldn't help but feel safe in his presence and didn't offer any protest to being picked up and carried. His face got red at the realization that he was being carried by someone he loved, and buried his face into Natsuki's shoulderblade, clutching at the fabric in an attempt to keep from crying out of sheer happiness. The walk back to their building seemed to take a lifetime - but in a good, enjoyable way - and Satoshi didn't say anything even as he found his feet back on the ground. He was starting to feel a bit light-headed now.

When they reached Natsuki's apartment, Satoshi wasn't at all surprised by what he found inside. The color of the walls and the clean environment of the place matched it's owner almost perfectly. He noticed the book and CD he'd given Natsuki sitting on the table, and smiled a bit, his attention snapping back to the older boy when he spoke and asked if he needed anything. Satoshi shook his head gently. "
Thanks for finding me...I don't think anyone else would have noticed I was in there..." He spoke quietly and almost sheepishly, suddenly feeling awkward as hell being inside Natsuki's home. Satoshi's vision went blurry for a second and he tried not to let it show, the muffled colors returning as quickly as they had gone.

Satoshi didn't know what to say. The simple 'thank you' didn't seem like it was enough to repay Natsuki for finding him, especially when he likely would've gone into hysterics had he been left in that closet a minute longer. For some reason his brain kept flashing the word 'confess' in bright red letters and Satoshi grew red at the thought. It was a horrible moment for telling someone you're in love with them, wasn't it? It probably was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"I don't want to dwell too deep in the past, but I have no clue how future would turn out."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

"Is that so." Natsuki said quietly while looking at Satoshi without saying anything more. He wasn't sure if there's anything he wanted to say right now either, since a lot of things have happened recently but he himself had tried to deny that they actually have quite an impact on his life. Sooner or later, her knows that his life will have to change. For the better or for the worse, he could only wait and see for now. "Anyway, you can stay here for as long as you want. It's not like my apartment is really interesting so just make yourself at home, or at least until Hazuki returned."

The silence seemed to be going on for the next few hours as they both exchange little to no words with each other, even though they both know that they would have a lot to say, especially since they've changed each other's lives. Natsuki has already saved Satoshi twice. But just like anyone whom he'd helped in his life, he's never asked for a repay and went on with his misjudged life like everyone said. He would always say that he's happy with his life, but he's just human, after all.

While he let Satoshi to stay inside his bedroom, he walked around the apartment, trying to find something to keep himself going. Aside from Hazuki, the younger boy is the second one he's allowed to be inside his apartment so he's a bit clueless of what to do to. After finding that there's nothing better to do, Natsuki sat down at the small piano at the corner of his apartment and played a short song.

This is getting more and more awkward by the minute...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by


↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


Satoshi couldn't do anything to stop the painfully awkward scene that remained for the next two hours. He was about to fall asleep when he heard the familiar sounds of a piano - a real piano - and his curiosity took over. Satoshi moved out of the room he was in and found himself watching Natsuki play with an awe-inspired expression showing in his eyes. As the music continued, he took a seat on the floor and drew his knees to his chest, enjoying every note of the song. Satoshi had always loved the piano but had never been able to play it himself, for many different reasons.

When the song ended, his soft smile had returned, and the shaky feeling he'd had for the last five hours was officially gone. "
Do people ever tell you that you're an amazing person?" At this point, Satoshi didn't even bother trying to be modest. "You manage to get top grades despite the fact you sleep through every class, you can play the piano like a professional, you notice when someone's upset...most people can't even do one of those things, let alone all of them. It's amazing. You're amazing..." Satoshi felt his face growing red again and he averted his eyes.

And you also didn't ask why me I'm scared of the dark, or why I was bleeding the other day, even though you probably wanna know."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by chrian.

"There are things that happened without knowing the reasons why."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Natsuki was so into the song that he could have almost forgotten about his surroundings already. Well, there are certainly a lot of things in his mind too, despite not showing it out since he's not specifically good at expressing his own thoughts by his expression. Because some would say that a best way for an artist to show his feelings and thoughts would be through their playing. And that's exactly what Natsuki was doing. The title given to this song was 'Here With You', after all. Everyone might found it a bit funny that he actually watched a slasher anime...

As the song ended, Natsuki turned his back to Satoshi who happened to sit behind him on the floor and listened to the song the whole time. He didn't know if the message he sent through his playing was received by his kouhai yet, but through the way Satoshi said, could he presumed it as a 'yes'? After all, Natsuki always like to put up a rather mysterious aura of him, not letting many people to know what's really behind his lazy antics. There's a reason behind it. There's always a reason. But would he let anyone know? Probably not.

"I see. Well, most other would say them same after I've helped them or something. Some of the girls trying to hit on me was due to my look and the way I 'act cool', but I know they wouldn't bother to see how I really was." Natsuki said while scratching the back of his head, exerting a rather calm and gentle aura, though his expressions never changed, "And, I didn't ask because I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable with my questioning. I've never been a nosy person, also. Everyone has their weaknesses and I just couldn't bring myself to shatter whatever was left of their pride, unless they force me too."

Then, suddenly, Natsuki approached Satoshi and leaned closer to the younger boy's face, so close that they could actually feel each other breathing and whispered something into the younger's ear...

After that moment, the door to his apartment was swung opened and a certain of cheeky boy walked in, "Ayo, you guys missed me? Bet you d-" Hazuki said cheerfully until he saw the scene in front of his eyes, a hint of mischief appeared in his grin, "Ooh, I've just set my eyes away from you guys for a couple of hours and you've reached this far?"

"Whatever you think." Natsuki replied bluntly, "Go and make some dinner already, I'm starving."

"Hehe, I know you would say so so I bought something for you two already. Satoshi-kun, why don't you join along?" Hazuki said while holding a bag full of foods up. He pretty much looked like a porter now, as he was carrying his, Natsuki's and Satoshi's bags.

Setting out the food in Natsuki's room, they all have quite an evening with all the talks and eating. For the first time in forever, Natsuki really did show some hints of interest while conversing with the younger boys. Well, looks like things are changing, indeed.

"All you need to know that... you're important to me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by


↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


Satoshi listened to what Natsuki said, grateful that this kind person was who he'd ended up befriending. After all, it seemed much harder to become friends with a nice person than with someone...well, someone like Akatsuki and Ryou. He was caught off guard when Natsuki leaned close and he felt the older boy's breath on his ear, his body stiffening a bit at the words that were spoken. Hazuki entered with impeccable timing and make a remark on how close they were to each other. "Satoshi-kun, why don't you join along?" Hazuki's bright voice was hardly an easy thing to reject.

Throughout dinner and the conversations that accompanied it, Satoshi found himself repeating one word over and over in his head. Important. He'd never really felt important to anyone else, with Akatsuki and Ryou he was more of an accessory than a valuable subject. For him, being referred to as important was the same as an invisible person being seen for the first time, and it had the same effect on his previously depressing mood. It took little time for Satoshi to return to being himself, and he ended up conversing with his newfound companions as if it were any moderately plain day.

Unfortunately, time seems to go faster when you're having fun, and soon enough the sun had gone down and the moon replacing it in the now dark sky. Satoshi paid little attention to it, however. He was having a lot of fun, and to most normal people, fun didn't involve homework or bedtimes.

Despite such thoughts, as the conversation continued, Satoshi started to slowly nod off, until he was fast asleep with his head supported by his arm.

I've gotta say, Hazuki definitely has the best timing compared to every character I know~


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by chrian.

"I guess tomorrow will be a different day."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Hazuki has bought all sorts of food from takoyaki, yakisoba, sushi, etc and some soft drinks for them three. As they went on with their small party, it seemed that none of them really did remember the time and what else they supposed to do any more. Well, who needs a whole lot of 'friends' who didn't know you existed when you've already a gal or two whom you can share anything with and converse freely? Natsuki was secretly grateful that at least he still has two of them.

They began to eat when it's only 5:30 PM and now the moon is already shining brightly on the sky. They've completely forgotten that they still had another day at school before weekend. This is pretty much the first time ever Natsuki got a chance to speak with others about different subjects rather than just literature and school work. And this is a good chance for Hazuki's talkative side to shine too, as the blonde boy kept telling all sorts of stories. Moments like these were really peaceful and they couldn't have asked for more.

When the foods are all eaten and scattering around the place where they sat are plastic covers and empty cans, Natsuki sighed as his stomach is so full that he probably couldn't eat anything else for three days. The same also goes to Hazuki as he grinned mischievously as usual. "Well, let's clean things up. You surely couldn't be that lazy not to take care of your own sleeping pace, huh?" Hazuki snickered.

"You don't have to say, I may not enjoy taking out the trashes, but I don't fancy sleeping on top of a pile of rubbish." Natsuki shrugged. As they both stood up, they noticed that Satoshi was sleeping peacefully with his head rested against his arm on the edge of the bed. Hazuki chuckled, "Looks like we're having another best friend to take care of. Usually, wouldn't you find it troublesome for someone to be reliant on you, huh?"

Natsuki gazed at the face of the sleeping boy as he smiled lightly in an ambiguous manner. Hazuki shrugged, sometimes he couldn't even understand his best friend himself. "Well, whatever. Let's just clean things up."

"Yeah yeah, don't repeat yourself." Natsuki quickly stated which made Hazuki pouted as he gently put the other younger boy onto the bed and covered him with his blanket. It's natural for a person to sleep so soundly after they've gone through all sorts of things.

Both of the boys cleaned up the mess - well, mostly Hazuki, and took the trashes to the first floor of the complex. It's certainly a lot since Natsuki hasn't cleaned his house since Monday. Then, they proceeded to finish up any homework they were given. Of course, Hazuki didn't forget to copy his homework for Satoshi too. When everything they needed to do is done, it's already past 11:00 PM.

"Wow, what a tiring day." Hazuki stretched his arms as he set out the futons for him and Natsuki, "Luckily tomorrow it's Saturday already. Don't force me have to kick you again, Natsuki-chan."

"Well, I don't want you to get all over the place and kicking me while I'm sleeping. Remember back when we went camping?" Natsuki bluntly stated as he laid himself down on the futon, "Whatever, good night." He quickly covered his whole body with his blanket and quickly fell asleep himself.

Hazuki chuckled and turned off the light before settling down himself. It certainly is a long day for all three of them and tomottow will also be a different one.

Yeah, that's what made him a cool guy xD


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by


↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


That night, Satoshi's dreams were rather stressful. In the dream, he found himself in a place he recognized but couldn't name, and whenever he tried to take a step, his vision would warp into a mess of blurred colors and shapes. The scene greatly resembled the way his vision would change when he had neglected to properly medicate himself in the past, as well as how it had turned for that split second earlier that day. When he woke up the next morning, he had an uneasy feeling in his gut, and took nearly a minute to register just where he had slept through the night: in Natsuki's house.

Sitting up, he noticed that he was the first to wake, as Hazuki and Natsuki were both sleeping peacefully on either side of him. He couldn't help but smile at the sight of their sleeping faces and instantly felt like a creepy person for staring at them while they slept. Satoshi stood and made his way out of the room as quietly as he could and looked around for a clock, realizing that he had woken up nearly three hours before he usually did, and that it was still dark outside.
What exactly am I supposed to do for three hours? With a sigh, Satoshi silently left Natsuki's apartment and entered his own. A few minutes later he had changed into a clean set of clothes and returned to where he'd spent the night, still trying to figure out a suitable pastime for however long it would be till his companions woke up. It took him nearly an entire minute to realize that his nose was bleeding again.

He quickly stepped into the bathroom and tried not to make any noise as he waited for the nosebleed to stop. By now, he was starting to panic a bit, as the few times he'd gone without medication before hadn't turned out well. Once his nose was no longer bleeding he tiptoed out of the bathroom and walked to the kitchen for water. However, the moment he stepped through the bathroom door, his vision blurred into ominous shapes and an array of mixing colors. Satoshi reached out for something to grab onto and failed, toppling unconscious to the floor with a loud and painful crash.

Oh no, more drama! I almost feel as if I'm causing poor Satoshi too much suffering ( ;´Д`)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by chrian.

"Relying on someone is not a bad thing."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

It's still so so early in the morning and it's still pitch black outside and no one could have possibly thought that there's still someone who are awake at this time. Well, if someone finds out about this from Natsuki then they would be pretty surprised though. He has a rather weird tendency to be woke up rather early in the morning from times to times and perhaps going for a short walk or just standing outside of the balcony to feel some night breeze for half an hour or something before going back to bed again. But who could have thought that this habit was useful one day?

Although it's still just about 3:00 AM, but Natsuki winched from where he slept and slowly sat up from his futon, stretching his arms. Hazuki was sleeping soundly next to him in a rather funny pose. Gazing at his bed, he noticed that Satoshi has gotten out. Probably that he's back to his apartment... He sheepishly thought before grabbing his jacket nearby. Perhaps a short walk would be nice for now.

However, just as he stepped out of the door, he heard the sound of something, or someone falling down onto the floor in a rather nasty manner coming from Satoshi's apartment. Intrigued, he knocked on the door and call for the younger boy, but there was no reply. He tried to open the door and luckily that the younger boy didn't lock it. And as he entered, the first thing he saw was an unconscious Satoshi lying on the floor.

Hastily run to the boy, Natsuki nudged and called his name, "Oi, Satoshi-kun, are you okay? Satoshi-kun." He kept calling, but from the look of it, the boy has pretty much fainted to heard anything now. Carrying Satoshi to his bed, Natsuki laid him gently down onto it. From behind, it seemed that Hazuki has just awoken too and quickly approached them both, "Natsuki-chan, what happened?" He gazed at Natsuki before gazing at the fainted Satoshi.

"I don't know, I was just getting out when I heard something was falling and when I entered, he was unconscious." He replied, concerns are clearly on his face.

Hazuki knelt down and listened to Satoshi's heartbeats and breathing for a little while, then sighed in relief. "He just fainted from anemia so you don't have to worry too much." Hazuki then pulled out from his pocket a bottle of pills, "I went to ask the nurse at our school and she said that Satoshi's suffering from quite a severe case of malnutrition and a couple of some other problems. Apparently he has to take these pills everyday but the two guys were the ones who took these from him so I think he hasn't taken them for quite a few days now. He should be okay after a couple of hours resting."

Listening that from Hazuki really did take some weights off Natsuki's shoulders, "Well at least he's fine for now, huh?"

"Should be." Hazuki shrugged before grinning mischievously, "Hey, isn't this the first time you really did worry, huh, Natsuki-chan?"

Natsuki averted his gaze to a different direction, "Whatever."

Hazuki chuckled. It's really been a while since Natsuki showed any concerns for anyone, so it was nice seeing that he did care for someone else. Natsuki wiped the blood stained on Satoshi's nostrils and put his blanket on for him. He put the bottle of pill on the bedpost along with a glass of water so that Satoshi could take his pill when he regained his consciousness. Hazuki has gotten back first, but Natsuki still stayed next to Satoshi's bed and watch over the younger boy.

And before anyone knows it, dawn was fast approaching, and Natsuki has fallen asleep on the bedside next to Satoshi that he didn't realize.

Yay, Natsuki and Hazuki saved the day again :D


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


It wasn't the first time Satoshi had passed out as an unfortunate combination of being ill and inconveniencing himself. So, like the other times, he spent the next hour or two in a blank, dreamless slumber. When he woke up again, he felt slightly nauseous and his vision was still hazy, both such symptoms serving as a reminder of what happens when he neglects to take his medication. It was the one thing the nurse lectured him for the most.

He knew better than to try and walk around, but he did manage to sit up, taking note of the tiny rays of sunlight that were starting to shine through the window. It was then that Satoshi noticed Natsuki's sleeping form next to him, as well as the fact that he was in his own bed rather than sprawled out face-first on the kitchen floor. Was there no end to his senpai's kindness? Satoshi almost felt bad for being such a constant inconvenience to the older boy, though he still remembered Natsuki's words from the night before.
If I'm important to him, than I'm not an inconvience, right...?

Satoshi sighed and held his hand in front of his face, staring at his fingers until the blur went away completely. He didn't want to wake Natsuki, and instead decided to just go back into his slumber, turning to face his sleeping friend but making sure he wasn't close enough to breath on him. In but a minute or two he was asleep again, though this time it was more restful than the dark and boring sleep from being unconscious. Satoshi had all but forgotten about Hazuki and the fact he was probably watching the it all with amusement. He seemed like the kind of person who'd take photos.

In his dreams, Satoshi found himself in the same place from his previous dream, though there were a few key changes. For example, the entire area seemed more colorful, and he could hear the familiar voices of Natsuki and Hazuki chatting somewhere in the background. Whether the dream was the happy type or not was a different matter. Satoshi slept rather soundly and ended up with his hands clutching at the fabric of Natsuki's sleeves.

Uwaaaaah, I just can't handle how cute these two are!!! Someone save me from this pit of happy despair.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"I know that my life is changing, but I don't think I hate it."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

As dawn fast approached, Natsuki didn't know that he's fallen asleep watching over his kouhai. Well, his laziness is a really hard opponent that he doesn't think that he's going to ever beat it. Old habits don't die so easily, do they? Nonetheless, Natsuki could have never imagined him being a busy bee, running around and trying to be helpful with someone else. But you could say that, people did change sometimes in their lives.

"Oi, wake up already. Are you planning to skip class today, huh?" Hazuki appeared from nowhere and poked Natsuki's cheek as the he winched and slowly opened his eyes. Stretching his arms with a sleepy yawn, Natsuki turned to Hazuki, "What time is it?"

"Sometimes I did wonder why you two haven't dated for like two years ago when you first met." Hazuki pouted and gazed at Satoshi, "Well, I suppose Satoshi-kun should take a day off today. I'll excuse the teacher for at our classes. School is starting 15 minutes from now on so just grab some yakisoba bread on our ways."

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Natsuki stood up carefully as not to created much noises, "I'll go changing."

With that said, Natsuki made his way back to his apartment to do some quick personal hygiene and changed his clothes. Hazuki smiled happily as he looked after the back of the older boy disappeared through the door. He took out a small note and a key from his pocket and put it on the bedpost.
Hey, Satoshi-kun, I think you should take a day off today. Me and Natsuki-chan will excuse the teachers for you. I've made some breakfast as well as a bento for you. Just heated them up and dig in and be sure to eat them all up. In case you're bored, here's the key to Natsuki-chan's apartment. There's a PS3, some mangas and weekly magazines in his room. We'll be back after school so stay well, okay? Don't forget to take your pills, also.

- Hazuki ^_^

Both Hazuki and Natsuki then made their ways to school and Hazuki was chirping and chatting while Natsuki just pretended to show is interest as usual. And like Natsuki would have predicted, as soon as they entered school today, people have already gossiping and chatting about the incident yesterday. Well, how is it not strange that a lazy-ass like him suddenly goes all badass alike and beat up the two troublemakers of the school, anyway?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


When Satoshi awoke for the third time that morning, he was alone, and the sun was blaring in through the window to light up the whole room. He took note of the time - about ten in the morning - and laughed to himself at the fact that he'd somehow managed to sleep through nearly three of his classes. It wasn't a problem, since he hadn't planned on attending that day anyways, but it was still amusing. Now I just have to pass the time..ugh.

Satoshi sat up and stretched, finally noticing the note from Hazuki that was taped to his bed, and smiled happily at the note's contents. He enjoyed how motherly Hazuki was. It was fitting, and didn't seem at all out of place considering Hazuki's personality. What Satoshi found most amusing was how Natsuki and Hazuki managed to be so close despite being polar opposites. Satoshi personality wasn't very similar to either of his friends. He was shy and could barely speak without stuttering, and neither of them had the slightest problem with conversation. The two were impressive.

Pushing such thoughts to the back of his brain, Satoshi got out of bed and wandered into the kitchen, savoring every bite of the breakfast Hazuki had left him.
He could become a master chef if he wanted to... It wasn't an exaggeration to say that Hazuki's food was better than any restaurant.

Satoshi grew bored almost instantly after finishing his meal. Hazuki and Natsuki wouldn't be done with classes for another six hours, which meant he had the entire rest of the day to spend alone. He probably could have gone to his remaining classes if he wanted to, but considering the words in Hazuki's note, Sou doubted that his new friends would be too happy about it. After all, he had passed out on his kitchen floor only a few hours ago.

Satoshi spent the next few hours attempting to entertain himself with various activities. By five 'o clock, he'd peeled at least three apples, added yet another chapter to his writing project, finished all his homework from the previous day, and cleaned his entire apartment. Well, at least the parts of his apartment that weren't already spotless. Satoshi suspected that Hazuki had cleaned the kitchen at some point. With a bored sigh, he situated himself on his fire escape, leaning his head in his hands and staring at the seemingly endless forest in front of him. It was almost odd how the city and school were so isolated from other places. However, he'd been living in Hikarishi nearly his entire life, and he'd grown used to being isolated.

As he sat there on the fire escape, staring at the scenery, Satoshi couldn't help it when his thoughts wandered toward the key Hazuki had left him. In a way, he was grateful for it, but he also felt as if a key to Natsuki's apartment didn't belong in his possession. He still had only known Natsuki - for real, anyways - for about a week, and having a key to his apartment seemed premature in terms of how close their friendship was. Then again, in considering what Natsuki had said the previous night, perhaps it wasn't premature at all. Satoshi got so involved in such thoughts that he neglected to notice as the hands on the clock moved closer and closer to six PM, and therefore, closer to the time when his friends would return from school.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"It feels nice, knowing that there's someone waiting for you at home."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Another school day has passed in a flash and without the presence of Satoshi nearby, Natsuki actually felt that he was missing something. Hazuki is still bugging him as ever and chattering amongst the students on how cool he actually was beating down the two troublemakers down along with Hazuki has caught his attention. Not to mention the fact that he still receives love letters every now and then. But after all, all of it was nothing more than a nuisance in his eyes.

Throughout the classes today, Natsuki still sleep away as always, but he still managed to scrap most of the lectures down so that Satoshi could lend them later. Well, he's never had troubles with his classes after all so whether he write the lectures down or not wouldn't affect much. He has a pretty good memory, also. And just like that, Natsuki went through the morning classes peacefully. Even though the gossiping still goes on and on, it looks like his classmates still didn't approach him much, something he's quite appreciative of.

Today both Hazuki and Natsuki ate lunch with Hazuki's home-made bento. The blond boy commented that it was a bit boring since Satoshi isn't around and that having lunch would be more fun if there's another one to chat with, in which Natsuki just replied shortly and bluntly. The afternoon classes were uneventful with only a surprised test in Intermediate English, much to the despair of the other students. Other than that, there were nothing particular that has happened either and the two of them were seen strolling their way back to Natsuki's apartment afterschool as usual.

Upon entering the apartment, the first place Hazuki stepped into was the kitchen. Only God could tell if he was going to make a huge feast or something... After getting dressed, Natsuki made his way to the balcony and, as he expected, Satoshi was sitting outside on the fire exit. "Yo. Did you enjoy your day off?" Natsuki raised his arm to greet the younger with another light smile, "Do you have any plans for tomorrow?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


Satoshi hadn't heard when the two had come in, and flinched a bit when Natsuki appeared. "Well, it was kind of boring by myself, to be honest. And the only thing I have planned for the weekend is Baseball practice, though I don't know if I'll be allowed to play considering what happened this morning." He was a bit bummed about not being able to play, but he also knew that taking the weekend off was probably a better idea than risking more injuries. He was also looking forward to spending the weekend with Natsuki and Hazuki, since it seemed there were here to stay. "I still don't know what kinds of things you two like, so if you guys have any suggestions for what to do, I'd like to hear them~"

Carefully, Satoshi changed his sitting position so that he was facing Natsuki, instead of the forest he'd spent half an hour staring at. For some odd reason his thoughts traveled to Natsuki's hair. "
You know, you're a lucky hair person. Your hair is always neat and it looks nice. Mine sticks out all over the place, its horrible..." Apparently he'd been born with the inability to control his hair. No matter what he did to it, it would never get any more tamed, and by the time he entered elementary school he'd given up on having nice hair completely and started covering it up with hats.

I personally think these two should just move in together because I can never tell whose apartment they're in...I'm assuming they're each in their own right now?

Also, sorry for the short post. I have really bad Writer's Block for Satoshi right now and I'm trying to figure out why its only for him...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"If my life could go on as normal like this, I wouldn't have asked for more."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Natsuki gazed at the younger boy as he replied to his question. For some reason, he felt that the boy is somewhat softer and... cuter, in contrast with the strong image he usually put up. Well, it's normal for people to rip away their facade in front of the person they trusted, aren't they? Though didn't tell, but Natsuki knows what's his feeling for his kouhai and he knows that this might be best for them all.

"Is that so? It might be best, considering your current condition right now." Natsuki brushed his hand through his hair in the back, "Me and Hazuki will just hanging around town, eating food, watching movies, walking in the park or just sitting at home and playing games all day. I'm not really a fun person so most of the time I'll just leave the decision for Hazuki, since he always know what to do."

Natsuki raised his eyebrows upon hearing what the younger boy said next about his hair then shrugged, "Well, you just have to see the huge mess on my head whenever I've just got up first thing in the morning then. It's really a huge pain because it took me at least 10 minutes just to comb it. You might want to get a haircut sometimes." He then straightened up, "Anyway, Hazuki's making dinner inside and he should be finished in half an hour or so. Come by soon/ He'll not very happy if we left his food to cool out after waiting too long." He made his way inside and took a shower.

When Hazuki's finished making the foods, he set them out on the table as the three of them dine together. They pretty much look like a small family. "Hey, Satoshi-kun." Hazuki turned to Satoshi as they ate, "Wanna go somewhere tomorrow?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


"Sure! I don't really have much else to do, so I appreciate being invited." Smiling around Hazuki and Natsuki wasn't even an awkward action anymore, and the more time he spent with them, the more he ended up having fun and needing to smile. "What did you have in mind?" Satoshi had been just about everywhere in Hikarishi, since he'd been living there since he was six, and all the different places in the little city were fun to go to. The only place he hadn't been was the cinema, and he wasn't about to admit it to anyone, seeing as it was to be the most popular place in town.

I should probably get around to seeing a film there at some point... Sou was about to suggest that they go see a movie, but he was much more interested in seeing what types of activities Hazuki would come up with for the three of them. The guy seemed to have every idea possible up his sleeve and surely wouldn't disappoint. From another point of view, Satoshi thought it would also be nice to find out what Natsuki would want to do, since he still didn't know much about his interests and hobbies and whatnot. He knew he would end up noticing if he kept spending time there.

As they were chatting, Satoshi heard someone knocking on the door. It turned out to be Kokonoe, which was a slight surprise to all three boys, as she looked rather tired. "Ah, Fujishima. I knocked at your apartment but you didn't answer, so I thought I would ask Natsuki-san where you were. I simply thought you three would want to know that Oda and Kodo were expelled earlier today. Anyhow, have a good night."

Satoshi felt relieved. "
It still surprises me that they managed to be my friends for four years and I never saw how much they hated me..."

* Oda and Kodo were the surnames I picked for Akatsuki and Ryou.

Also, do you know anyone who might be interested in a One X One? My partner bailed out on me... (◕﹏◕)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by chrian.

"There are things that I don't want to let go, even if I didn't seem like it."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Looking at the sight of the two younger boys talking and getting along well with it other really did put Natsuki at a peaceful feeling of sorts, even though he obviously didn't show it. He has lived most of his life in solitude, and he was almost convinced that he was fine with it, until he met and befriended with them. There's nothing more he would ask as long as he still got them around. However, his personality was too much of a barrier that had prevented him from showing his true thoughts for anyone, it seemed.

"Well, it was rather hot recently so I was thinking that maybe we should head to the pool? After that we can go to the cinema or something. Oh, and there's a new arcade that I want to stop by sometimes..." Hazuki went on listing all sorts of things and places that they could hang out together in the following morning. When it comes to this, there's no stopping him from getting lost in his thoughts. Natsuki, on the other hand, just nodded and pretended to show interests as usual since he's all too used to the blonde's boy talkative trait.

"I don't really have any opinions though. If you two think that somewhere is fun to hang out at then I wouldn't mind to go there too. Though I'm not really a guy who enjoys crowded places." Natsuki replied to Hazuki's statement as he finished up with the rest of his food. He hasn't really explored Hikarishi a lot and the only places he would usually hang out rather than school is the some diners, the city's library and a couple of book cafes Hazuki recommended. So going for a change didn't sound bad at all.

As they're still conversing, someone was at the door. Satoshi then went to check whoever it was. It was Kokonoe and she's stopped by to inform them that the two boys were expelled from school, which was not surprising, considering what they've done. The younger boy expressed his relief and went on commenting on how he never managed to realize his former friends' intentions despite being friends for 4 years already.

"That's why shady guys like them were never a good choice to get acquainted with in the first place. I might secluded myself from everyone and all, but I trust how I judge people. You should know better that anyone could be taken advantage of the moment they're insecure. So be careful with people you hang out with from now on." Natsuki advised in an honest manner. He knows that the younger boy can be a bit naive at times, so it's better to guide him on the right direction.

The three went on talking and playing some games together until it was late. Before Satoshi made his way back to his apartment, Natsuki reminded, "Don't forget to take your medicines, kay? Have a nice rest. I'll see you tomorrow."

Looks like an eventful day has finally comes to an end.

Sorry for not being onlined recently, the site gone nuts again and exams are almost here so I'm hectic >.<
I don't know anyone interested in an 1x1, sorry :P


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


"I won't forget." Satoshi promised, bidding good night to Natsuki and Hazuki before fishing his keys from his pocket and entering his apartment.

It was once again pouring rain outside, and the sound was rather soothing to Satoshi, though it may have seemed annoying to others. As he stood in the doorway if his home, Satoshi somehow felt as if it were more empty than it had ever been, most likely due to that fact that in only a few day's time he'd gotten quite used to having Natsuki and Hazuki around. Their constant presence had quickly become something normal and...comforting.

With a sigh, Satoshi made his way into his bedroom and set the orange bottle of pills next to his futon, consuming two and looking around. He was wide awake, and there wasn't much chance of him being able to find sleep for a while. There wasn't a whole lot to do except finish homework, and he definitely wasn't in the mood for that, so instead he fished through his closet for warmer clothes and headed down the fire escape, trying hard not to alert his neighbors. He didn't want to wake anyone, especially Natsuki or Hazuki, since they'd likely scold him for going out in the pouring rain.

Once he was on the ground, Satoshi couldn't help but smile. He was already soaked, though he didn't feel at all cold, and the scene was comforting to him: the sound of the rain, the feeling of it, even the damp smell.
It sounds like I'm the female protagonist from a cheesy Western romance movie...oh well. It's not really that far from the truth. From someone else's point of view, it was probably rather easy to see that Satoshi liked his senpai, and despite the fact he didn't really want people to know, there wasn't really a whole lot that he could do about it except continue to 'hide' it.

Eventually he would have to either tell Natsuki everything or give up completely, and at the moment, neither option sounded very easy. After nearly an hour sitting at the bottom of the fire escape, he returned to his room and showered, crawling into bed and falling asleep to the sound of the rain.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by chrian.

"Looks like tomorrow is going to be quite a day ."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

After Satoshi has gotten back to his apartment, Natsuki closed the door and retreated back to his room, where Hazuki was waiting. Both of them then went on doing their homework for next week, since tomorrow they probably would be having too much fun to even remember that they still have school to go to. Well, going out and engage in outdoor activities wasn't much of his cup of tea, but he'll get by somehow, despite knowing all too well thaf he's going to be literally dragged everywhere by thr two younger boys tomorrow.

After finishing their homework, Hazuki set out the futon and prepare to sleep. As both of them laid down, they confided and chatted for a while later, with Satoshi being one of the topics, before Hazuki fallen asleep first. Laying with his arm rested against his forehead, Natsuki couldn't help but thinking about all of which that has happened the last few days. Would he be someone like this if he stays as he was like before? Sometimes he just couldn't really understand himself either. But just like he said before, he's holding everything that is dear to him in a strong grip, and certainly wouldn't let them go that easily.

Deep in his thought as he was, Natsuki has fallen asleep without even noticed. But before he knows it, dawn was fast approaching. And just as he was sleeping so soundly, he was being woken up in a rather violent manner by Hazuki, as usual. Normally he'd be able to sleep all the way until 11:00 AM on weekends and holidays, there's nothing that annoyed him more than being interrupted on these days. Which is why he gave Hazuki a rather annoyed glare as soon as he opened his eyes. But it couldn't be helped, after all.

While Hazuki was making breakfast, Natsuki did his personal hygiene. When breakfast is finished, he called Satoshi over as the three boys concluded where would they be hanging out today. Firstly, they'll go to the pool and then they can get to the cinema. Hazuki always knows just what to do for fun so not anyobe could really feel bored when he's around.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


Satoshi didn't dream at all, and when he woke up, it was barely 6 AM. Unfortunately, his attempts to fall back asleep all failed, and with a frustrated groan, he decided to simply find something to do while he waited for Natsuki and Hazuki to wake up. About half an hour passed before he grew bored of the early-morning television programs and Satoshi found himself once again sitting on the fire escape, watching the slow moving clouds.

The rain had died down since the previous night, and the entire area was still soaking wet, with puddles and mud everywhere in sight. The clouds were still a damp grey color and threatened to burst into a storm at any moment. Satoshi wouldn't mind that possibility had today not been reserved for spending time with his friends somewhere other than in the dormitory, seeing as although he would like the rain, Natsuki and Hazuki probably wouldn't have quite the same reaction to being poured on in the middle of an outing. Satoshi silently wondered what they would be doing that day.

There wasn't much to worry about in that regard, since Hazuki most likely had the entire day planned out already. He couldn't help but notice just how good of friends Hazuki and Natsuki were, and somewhere in the back of his brain, he was actually envious of his cheerful blonde classmate.

Satoshi ended up spending the next two hours sitting on the fire escape and finishing homework, though more than a few of his worksheets came out with bored doodles in the margins. At about eight he figured that his friends would be getting up, so he completed the last few problems, tucked them safely into his bag, changed into some more appropriate clothes (compared to pajamas), and returned to his position on the fire escape to wait.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.

"It's not bad getting out for change sometimes, isn't it? I'll enjoy this, probably."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

When they've finished breakfast, as well as discussing their plans for the day, they all went back to their respective places to prepare for stuffs they needed. It's actually nothing much: just money, some swimming sweatpants, some towels and a couple of other necessary things that they're going to need. It's not like that they're going camping or picnic or anything so there's no need to be over-prepared. Hazuki is an 'expert' so there's really nothing to be worry.

"So, is there any apparent reason for you to organize this 'outdoor playing' day?" Natsuki lazily asked as both of them headed out the door of Natsuki's apartment.

"Well, don't you want a little 'bonding' with our little Satoshi-kun, eh?" Hazuki poked mischievously. "Slow but steady, that's always your motto, right~?"

"Shut up." Natsuki said while looking at other way, slightly blushing.

And then, the three of them set off for their day off. As planned, they first headed to the swimming pool where Hazuki suggested. Since this was apparently the newly opened one, people hasn't know about it much so except for three of them and couple of students around their age, there aren't seem to be anyone else around. They can play in water to their hearts' content without colliding with others in a crowded pool.

Satoshi and Hazuki were playing around and it looks like they were having a lot of fun themselves, while Natsuki just stood in a corner of the pool, watching the two younger boys playing. Somehow he did feel a little weird that he did find it somewhat interesting watching them having fun like that. And Natsuki himself? He's never been the one to have fun so he always counted himself out, apparently.

A sudden splash from Hazuki made the him wet from his head down to his torso. Flinching his eyebrow in annoyance at the blonde boy's laugh, he took his revenge by making an even larger splash that soaked the younger boy even more. And that is how he joined the fun. He did pay attention to Satoshi in secret though and it seemed that the boy, too, was having fun himself. With that said, their fun at the pool passed as they all really did have a time for their life once in a while.

Next up is the cinema. It's been a while since Natsuki last been to a cinema though, but for some reasons, anytime he watched a film, he'd fell asleep right after 15 minutes or something, no matter how exciting the film was. And this time wasn't an exception, not very surprising.

Hazuki has picked a movie that is currently hot these day. Of course, it wasn't a cheesy love film but an action one with robots and mechs and stuffs. While Natsuki and Satoshi sat next to each other, as Hazuki insisted, he was seemingly in his own world as soon as the movie started, while the other boys were in their. Natsuki dozed off soon enough and unconsciously, he laid his head onto the shoulder of the one sitting next to him.

After the movie is finished, the blonde boy woke Natsuki up in the same manner as he did every morning. He's pretty much used to it now so he guessed that complaining or sulking is unnecessary now. They then stopped by a family diner to have lunch and chatting about all sorts of things like they always did during their meals. For the first time in a while, Natsuki really did show a little sign of interest in something.

And then, for almost the rest of the afternoon, they hang out in all sorts of places. From a manga café, arcade to a karaoke shop and museum. Though Natsuki still appeared to be as stoic and uncaring as ever, one could easily noticed that he was actually having fun, alongside with his two best friends, in his own way.

But more than that, he was glad that Satoshi was having fun too, and that's enough for him.

When they returned to the complex after having a large, hot bowl of ramen for dinner, it was almost 8:30 PM already. Hazuki stretched his arms tiredly, "Whew, what a fun day. It was great hanging out with you two. We should do this often." He said with a grin, "Sleep well, Satoshi-kun." Hazuki winked mischievously to his senpai before disappearing into the house.

And that left the Natsuki and Satoshi.

They stayed silent for a couple of minutes, speechless of what to say. But Natsuki approached then younger boy, "Take care of yourself, okay? Good night, Satoshi-kun." He said while caressing Satoshi's cheek with his hand before turning his back into his apartment.

For now, just let me take care of you...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


Satoshi every minute of the day. At first, he'd been somewhat skeptical about being half-naked around two people he still hardly knew, but after a bit of dramatic reassurance from Hazuki, the worry dissipated and he simply focused on having fun with his new friends. Fortunately, it was easy.

He hadn't expected Natsuki to join in on the random pool game Hazuki had made up. Satoshi had assumed the older boy would sit and observe in the way he did with everything, but when Hazuki drenched him from head to toe, Natsuki proved to be at least five times better at their game then they were, which was entertaining to say the least. Satoshi probably would have fallen asleep in the cinema if the movie hadn't been so interesting. He was so wrapped up in the film that it took him an entire ten minutes to realize that Natsuki had fallen asleep, leaning on his shoulder and snoring lightly. Satoshi's face grew pink and he looked toward Hazuki for help, only to get a mischievous smirk in return, and decided to ignore the scene.

Their day only got better from there. Satoshi had never really been to any of the places in Hikarishi other than the Library and the Museum, and it was nice to be able to visit them with the people he cared for. He also learned a lot about his friends through the different activities. He learned that Hazuki was surprisingly horrible at arcade games, and that Natsuki was surprisingly good at them. He also learned that Hazuki was the only one out of the three of them who had ever done Karaoke before, which only made it all the more hilarious as he and Natsuki tried to keep up with him.

The Museum turned out to be Satoshi's favorite stop of the day. The current exhibition was on world literature - coincidentally, or maybe not - and was focusing on famous foreign writers such as Shakespeare and Edgar Allen Poe. It was like Satoshi's own personal heaven, and although he wasn't entirely positive, he was pretty sure Natsuki was enjoying it as well. They ended up spending much more time there than they'd anticipated.

So, needless to say, by the time the three finally made it back to the dormitory, they were definitely ready for a good night's sleep. Satoshi waved to Hazuki as the blonde disappeared, and turned to Natsuki with an awkward smile, trying to think of something to say that wouldn't make him flush. However, the feeling of Natsuki's warm hand on his cheek sent chills up his spine and likely turned his face a brighter red than usual, even for him.

Satoshi stuttered in response to his friend's words and mentally cursed himself for it. "
I-I will, promise. Good night." He watched Natsuki leave, and then brought his hands to his face, hiding behind them and making his way into his own apartment. Hopefully he wouldn't have weird dreams.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by chrian.

"From now on, I guess the future will be different."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Dawn is fast approaching, and it seemed that they all has had a good sleep after such a long day having fun around the town. It was nice for most of the youngsters that despite being a rather remote city and always retaining an atmosphere that perfectly harmonizing with the nature, Hikarishi still isn't behind the time at all. There are thousands of things that people can do to keep themselves going when they have free time.

Natsuki was sleeping soundly and deeply. So when they sunshine peeking through the window of his room, he instinctively crawled deeper into his blanket, which Hazuki has to wake him up in a violent manner. Pretty much like any other days. Not being able to enjoy his golden sleep annoys him to no end, no matter how many times he had gone through it. But he could say that he's pretty much gotten used to being woken up in a rather hilarious manner everyday.

He stood up and yawned tiredly while stretching his arms to snap himself out of his half-asleep state while grumpily making his way into the bathroom, not even bother to listen to Hazuki's endless chirping with that cheeky voice of his. After some while combing his messy hair down and brushing his teeth, Natsuki made his way to the kitchen. It was at the same time that Hazuki called Satoshi over for breakfast.

Their morning conversation went on normally, as questions such as "did you have a good sleep?", "we really did have fun yesterday, didn't we?", "have you finished your homework?", etc was heard between them. It was really peaceful this way and none of them could possibly ask for anything else.

When they've finished with their meal, they all headed to school together, for the first time. Hazuki kept the others going with his talking, but walked forward for a short distance, which made it almost seemed as if Natsuki and Satoshi was walking side by side.

Natsuki stayed quiet for sometimes, then set his gaze to the younger boy next to him. "Satoshi-kun." He spoke up and gain his attention. He was opening his mouth to say something, then decided to hold back. "No, it's nothing. Just... don't worry about anything else, okay? I'll always be around."

As the three of them headed to Chishiki Academy, another peaceful day has just begun.

And so, half a year had passed quickly, as summer and fall are now far in the past.

During these days, Natsuki and Satoshi continue to live on as schoolmates and next-door neighbors. But different from how they used to be when they first met years ago, they're not strangers to each other anymore. The distance between them soon disappeared and they've hang out with each other so casually as if it has become something so familiar with them.

At first, due to their personalities, they aren't that willing to open up themselves to embrace their feelings. But, many things have happened in just six months. Times to times, Natsuki has saved Satoshi from getting into troubles and Satoshi has also helped Natsuki many times when he needed. They both have spoken up their thoughts and feelings for the first time.

As time continues to pass, they soon realize what really is the feeling that they are having for each other. They know that sooner or later, they will have to confess what was on their minds.

And before they knew it, Christmas has come as snow covered Hikarishi in a pure white color.

Sitting in his desk, Natsuki continued to finished the rest of his writings. Flows of thoughts came out in torrent as he put them into words on the papers. And after a while, he's finished his eight-page essay assignment.

Closing the notebook, he stretched his arms and yawned tiredly. And that's done with all the homework for the winter break. Wrapping his hands around the back of his head, he let out a sigh of relief. Hazuki has been going on a trip to Hokkaido with his family for just two days and Natsuki has already received a postcard and a souvenir already. He could only wondered if the younger boy would brought back mountains of goods back with him when he return...

Gazing at his watch, Natsuki raised his eyebrow. It's time. He said to himself and stood up from his chair as he put on his sweater and scarf, and headed outside.

Natsuki then made his way to the place where he told Satoshi to wait for him, because the younger boy said that he has something he wanted to tell him. As he made his way on the snow-covered street, he could feel the Christmas atmosphere in the air. Pine trees were erected everywhere and jingling tunes of the season could also be heard. Students, adults, children, the elderly, almost everyone are seemingly having a good time with their closed ones. Truly a time when people can be closer to each other.

He finally reached the arranged spot - the tallest hill which situated within the center of the city. From here, you can see the total view of Hikarishi and it was a spectacular view indeed. When he made his way up the hill, he could saw that Satoshi was there, gazing down at the city. With a gentle smile, he approached the younger boy. "Hey, Satoshi-kun. Have you just gotten here?"

Then, he stood next to the boy, "It was snowing a bit hard, huh? The Christmas really is here, don't you agree?" He said as he cast his gaze to the view underneath them. As the snow was falling, the city was covered in an untainted shade of white. They stayed silent for a while, but apparently, they both surely have things in mind that they'll soon reveal to each other.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by



↳ "Friendship isn't friendship unless the care between you is mutual." ↲

Fracture ▯ Midnight City

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◇ Yata Misaki - K Project

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇
#9D0A0F ▯ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #F16522


' It's cold. ' Satoshi rubbed his hands together and blew on them in attempt to warm up, seriously regretting his decision to not wear gloves as well as the unfortunate fact he'd chosen a jacket that didn't have pockets. He was extremely nervous too - which only added to his incessant shivering. It wasn't all bad though. The entire city of Hikarishi was covered in a white blanket, and it was still snowing, enveloping the city in a peaceful silence.

Satoshi had spent six months getting closer and closer to Natsuki. The two, along with Hazuki, had somehow become inseparable within a week. It was perfectly understandable in consideration of all the different things that had gone on in that one week, from the incident with Satoshi's 'friends' to him passing out on the floor to his apartment to the day they'd spent together doing just about everything they could think of. He was still rather surprised by how easily Natsuki and Hazuki had accepted him as a friend, and even after six months, Satoshi still learned something new about the two boys each day. It had taken those six months - along with a multitude of sleepless nights - for him to find the courage to finally share his truth.

Well, his truth about being in love with Toshiage Natsuki, anyways.

He'd left his upperclassman a text message the night before, telling him to meet up at the prettiest place Satoshi could think of. He hadn't counted on the fact that confessing to someone in the bitter cold may not have been the most romantic nicest of ideas, and was only just now realizing the fact.

Satoshi had also made the mistake of arriving at least twenty minutes early, in the hopes of making sure he himself didn't show up late and make his friend wait in the cold alone. The steady crunch of footsteps in the snow snapped Satoshi from his thoughts and he turned to smile at Natsuki as the older boy approached. "
Hey. And yeah, I just got here too." He lied, not wanting to make Natsuki feel bad for him being alone in the snow.

He nodded in agreement to his friend's comment, but wasn't really listening, his thoughts starting to swirl around and mash into each other, creating a jumbled mess that definitely wasn't helping to put his feelings into words. Satoshi sucked in a breath and turned back to the landscape, his cheeks already pink despite the fact he had yet to say anything. "
I've always thought you were kind of like snow." Satoshi paused to scold himself for making no sense, but simply decided to roll with what he'd said. "Snow is calm and peaceful, and almost everyone loves it. But if you try to get too close, and touch or hold it, it melts, and its gone forever. Ever since last year, I was always too scared to try and get close to you. I didn't want you to see me differently, I guess." Satoshi reached a hand out and gripped the cloth of Natsuki's sleeve, staring holes in the ground.

I like you. A lot. I have ever since I met you, but I've been to scared to say so. That's all, really..." Satoshi sighed, and didn't move an inch. He was still shivering, and deep down, he was still scared. But he couldn't take it back now. And surely this situation couldn't go too horribly, right?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by chrian.

"I'm happy, that's the least I could say in this moment."

[ Ambiguous | GARNiDELiA ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #43CD80 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #A8C5A8

Daisy - Stereo Dive Foundation

Natsuki still gazing attentively at the snow that's still falling down, until Satoshi spoken up and gained his attention. It was almost as if that it could cover the whole world in nothing but whiteness. A pure, untainted white that Natsuki always dreamed of. But even more so right now, he was standing next to one of his best friend - the one whom he had always looked after, the person that he could call as precious and important to him.

He listened to every word that Satoshi spoke attentively. He knows that sooner or later, one of them has to make a move, and he was a bit surprise that his senior would be that one. Natsuki just quietly listened on how the boy compared him to the white snow. It's the first time someone ever acknowledge him as such, and because of that, he's feeling kind of... happy? He wasn't sure himself, as sorting out his own emotions is something he's not very good at.

But watching Satoshi clung to the sleeve of his jacket, while saying all those words with all genuity from his heart, how longer could Natsuki lie to his heart? How could he ever denied that the image of a boy who is tough on the outside, but just a small, innocent child on the inside, has claimed his heart?

For him, this is the happiest moment ever since he arrived in this city.

Putting up the brightest smile he's ever got, Natsuki sighed while sharing his scarf with Satoshi, "How many times did I and Hazuki tell you to take care of yourself? Don't dress so thin like that if you don't want to be sick." Then, he pulled the boy closer as he gently kissed his hair.

"I like you too, Satoshi-kun. I really mean it." He said from the bottom of his heart.

Both of them burst out laughing for a moment, and then turned their heads and gaze at spectacular scenery in front of them. Finally, their hearts, their souls, are now one. They pray to all that is good in this world, to the endless snow that falling down and cover the whole city today, that no matter whatever is waiting for them ahead, they will make it through.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natsuki Toshiage Character Portrait: Satoshi Fujishima
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#, as written by chrian.


The two boys, with their hands entwined, know that a whole new chapter of their lives had just begun. But this time, they are no longer alone. Together, they know that they can overcome any obstacles that stood in their ways in the future. They know that the warmth that they're feeling in their hands and their hearts may last forever and ever more.

This is Hikarishi - the City of Light.

A city hidden away within the forests and mountains. The hideaway for those who forever look for the peace of their hearts. The place where love and compassion are above anything else in the world.

People call this city 'home', because everyday, when they stepped out of their doors, is a brand new adventure.
