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Remus Jaeger

"Whoa, whoa, kamikaze? I'm more like a ninja."

0 · 486 views · located in Woodbury, South Carolina

a character in “The Claiming”, originally authored by Fredalice, as played by RolePlayGateway


Remus Jaeger

"For those generally interested"


Full Name: "My name is Remus James Jaeger, yeah I know my parents were dorks"

Nickname(s): "The ladies call me Remmy, they think it's cute or something, and McJaeger is mostly used as sarcasm actually, but I like the reference"

Gender: "Male because I was lucky enough to be born my gender"

Age: "Twenty-five years and still lookin' awesome"

Pureblood or Mutt?: "Mutt, bet you wouldn't have guessed that"

Sexuality: "Homosexual because the men can't keep their paws off get the pun there right?"

"Can't hide these good looks"
Appearance: "Well according to most I could be a super model, though I wouldn't want to be, I tend to agree."
Remmy has a boy-ish smile and laughing brown eyes. Though typically his dominant expression is amused and happy, he has a very expressive face that can change from one dramatic and hammy face to the next in an instant. He has brown short and messy hair, though the kind of messy that you know he used some product. His skin, though clear of blemishes, is often covered in a little bit of dirt because he avoids taking showers/baths as often as he can. His skin is calloused and well worn. Even though his skin is clear, it isn't completely unusual to see a little stubble every now and then, even a full beard wouldn't surprise some people though this is less common. He is 6' 1" and has a rather buff build and strong stance, though even with this he is mostly lounging and when he sits his feet are always up on something.

Remmy tends to wear layers of grungy clothes; typically a plaid button up shirt, a green-ish jacket, and a leather jacket (his signature piece of clothing) over it all, along with dirty and worn jeans, and hiking boots. He doesn't really have a "formal" look at all, what you see is what you get and what you get is a super model trying to pass off as a red-neck.


"Keeping it real"


Likes: beer, wine, Shakespeare, motorcycles, rock climbing, skydiving, snowboarding on uncharted areas, classical music, leather, cooking (especially gourmet food), watching movies while cuddling, the full moon, fighting (though not to the point he seeks fights out or starts them, but when he does fight it gives him a thrill) "It's called being eclectic"

Dislikes: sitting for too long, long drawn out silences, know-it-alls, too many rules (though he's learned to not show this with the Alpha), cages and the like, baths/showers, being in water in general, pop music, fish, glass items (he has a tendency of breaking accident of course), threats on his pack, tea, apples and anything flavored like them, stale food "Don't ask why, I couldn't tell ya"

Fears: Losing someone in the pack, drowning, being unable to help (this is more of a physical thing such as being tied up or too weak), being surrounded by fire (a normal sized fire or camp fire is fine, it's more being caught in a forest fire) "Hey I don't make fun of your fears, so don't tease me for mine"

Hobbies: usually anything adrenalin driven (i.e. skydiving, rock climbing, snow boarding, etc.), writing poetry though his is armature at best, working on his motorcycle or just driving it around, cooking, getting himself into trouble (though he is always careful to not get the rest of the pack involved), reading "What can I say? I'm a bit of a Renaissance man"

Personality: "Lock up your sons because we have a real winner here"
Remmy, to put it plainly, is an adrenalin junky; he loved taking risks and putting himself in danger just for the thrill and the thrill alone. He has his own motorcycle that is his baby, yes he's that kind of guy. He is your typical "tough guy"; never liking to show he has weaknesses, a bit of an arrogant little shit, and never knows when to stop, not to mention he loves doing things his own way and resents those who put rules on him. Remmy is wild and scraggly, he loves nothing more than to just run out in nature on his own and find new adventures for himself. He can't sit still for very long before getting antsy and cranky, same goes for silences; if a silence runs on too long he'll usually start to whistle or hum in order to get rid of it. They just make him uncomfortable and make him feel awkward, like he has nothing to do.

There is a flip side however, some call it his "sensitive side". He is a poet and has a journal of all his poetry, something that usually he only sees and the poems seem to be to written by a high school student instead of a grown man. He often times does read Shakespeare, not so much the lovey-dovey plays and sonnets, but he does love the comedies and dramas; his favorite being Hamlet. Remmy also has a habit of cooking gourmet food for the pack, especially on nights when he's over excited, gives him something to do while he waits. He isn't so great at showing his emotions, besides acting like an over-excited puppy all the time, but if he were to be interested in someone it would take time for him to build up to holding hands and things and come to terms with how he feels.

Remmy is a joker as well. He can find amusement and laughter in just about anything. He could be be getting shot at with glass flying everywhere, but you could find him hiding on the ground laughing. He has this weird habit of trying to make people flustering. Even though he's gay, he'll still send a flirtatious and sly wink in a woman's direction, or a comment that will leave her blushing. This is mostly done to stroke his ego, and he knows this, but all the same he does it anyway. He likes to blast his music and sing along, his singing is quite bad however, and he'll dance like an idiot or play his leg as if it were a guitar. He's weird and he doesn't give a fuck because he's just there to have fun.

Wolf form: He's kind of known as the dark brown and scraggly wolf because when in his wolf form it honestly looks like he had just been rolling around in dirt and mud with the topping of ratty fur.


"Know what the past is?...Yesterday"


"As I've said before, this shit ain't important or relevant"




Remmy grew up in a small mountain town in Colorado; everyone knew everyone and everything about them, it was a hard place to keep secrets. his family wasn't the most stable, he never knew his real father and his step-dad was a boozer while his mom was emotionally unavailable with her family. Though he did get a high school education, that was as far as he got. Once he had that degree in his hand he skipped town on his motorcycle, that had taken him years to fix and is the one he still currently had, and road tripped around the US. He had never stayed in one place longer than about three months, taking up the odd jobs that not a lot of others would in order to get enough cash for a place to stay, food, and gas; though more than once during the warmer seasons he would sleep out under the stars. It hadn't been till he left town that he was even able to come to terms with being homosexual, throughout his years at his home town he was so far in the closet he didn't even realize it was possible for him to be gay, but the road trip helped him come to terms with it mostly because he was worrying about staying alive that he realized just how much what his sexuality was didn't matter.

In most respects he never had a family, never really had any close friends, nor romantic interests, it was just him. Living on his own like this and on the road he ran into a lot of shady people that he would have to defend himself against just to stay alive or keep the little money that he had. Though these fights were never really a problem, especially when he was able to win the fights they became more of a thrill than something to completely avoid. In his eyes he had a good life, when he was human. He had seen more of the US, possibly even more of the world, than most people. He had experienced things others wouldn't even think about on their daily basis. He gained a lot of skills along the way; poetry to keep his mind busy and have some to "talk to", cooking gourmet and mechanical skills to help get a job, fighting to protect himself and others if needed.

It was on his twenty-third birthday that it happened. Remmy was at a bar celebrating by himself, well almost. Next to him was a guy he had been chatting up for a while and technically this fine man was celebrating with him. Only the man had somewhere to be and left, while Remmy stayed till closing as he technically didn't have anywhere to go. The bartender, a beautiful woman, had walked out with him and it was while he was about to get on his motorcycle that Remmy got knocked out. When he woke up he was in a cabin, the bartender lady was there as well. She looked a little guilty as if what she had done, or was about to do, truly did make her feel remorse. It was the full moon that night and she had tied Remmy up well, so well he could barely move. She explained to him what was going to happen, though Remmy could hardly believe it, after all he wasn't just some dumb red-neck hick who knew nothing of the world, but werewolves was a bit far fetched. She then let him go. At first he didn't move at all because he wasn't sure what was going to happen, but then he got up and walked out of the cabin. In the woods he took off running, a giant stick in his hand because even if what this woman had said wasn't true she was crazy enough that he was in obvious danger, though not once did he call for help and the whole time a smile played on his lips and bits of laughter kind of sneaked out. The woman was fast and strong, Remmy could hardly believe it and then she bit him and left.

It had taken a while for Remmy to realize that she had been telling him the truth, but by that time he was completely alone once again only now he couldn't go into society anymore as he would randomly and painfully change into a wolf. There was no one. That is until he found the Dark Mountain pack, they let him in and for once in his life he actually felt apart of something, apart of a family, though he still holds some lone-wolf tendencies he isn't about to let this pack go.

"Something slip your mind?"

Other: Remmy's motorcycle
Theme Song: Eye of the Tiger
"It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight, rising up to the challenge of our rival, and the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night, and he watches us all with eye~~~~~of the tiger"

So begins...

Remus Jaeger's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorie Daniels Character Portrait: Benjamin Hall Character Portrait: Lucian Hunter Character Portrait: Jess Keegan Character Portrait: Nathan Evans Character Portrait: Dove Whitmore
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Luke sat in his office grumbling to himself, looking over paper work that needed to be finished and a list of preparation's for the full moon claiming in three day's. Shit he still needs to find a mortal too. A light growl slipped past his throat as he glared at all the work on his desk. He's be at this for almost a week now with very little sleep, so to say his mood was grumpy is an understatement for there were no words to describe how he felt. Sighing deeply he stood from his desk and stretched his stiff legs. He would give the few of the preparations that need to be made to Dove and Dean can sign some of the paper work, he has afterall helped before and pretty much has Luke's signature down pat. Luke walked out of his office and instantly bumped into a worried looking packmate.

"Excuse me Alpha sorry to interrupt I was just coming to give you some lunch, we've all kinda been worried about you since you've been trapped in your office for nearly a week...." the older woman, Mrs.June, stated kindly while holding out a plate with a sandwich, chips and drink. Luke smiled at the kind older woman.

"Thank you Mrs.June but I'm not hungry I'm actually going to go for a run so could you go find Dove and Beta Dean and inform them that I want Dove to finish the preparation's for the full moon and Beta Dean to sign some paper's on my desk." Luke said kindly. He didn't like when his pack worried about him, it was unneeded but just reminded him how they cared for him. It usually softened his usual hard exterior and lightened his mood a bit. Mrs.June nodded and gave him a smile before walking away. Luke walked down the stair's and to the back door. Once the cool autumn day air hit his senses he felt better then he had in days. He walked into the thick tree's and quickly undressed before shifting into his wolf form. He grabbed his clothes in his jaws then shot off. Luke didn't know how long he ran for until he stopped at the scent of human. He quickly shifted back into human form and put his clothes on before peering around a tree to see a young red haired female human. Luke was about to turn and leave when he realized he needed a human for the claiming and what better human then an un-expecting human all alone in the woods. Okay its sounds a bit creepy but still what other choice does he have really. Sighing Luke acted fast, running swiftly towards the girl, pinching a nerve in her neck that made her go unconscious then caught her before she fell. Every werewolf was taught how to do this. He then lifted her small body over his shoulder and started walking back to the Pack House. Once he reached the house Luke went up the stairs and dumped the girl on the guest room bed opposite of his room and closed the door, locking it from the outside. The room was on the third floor of the house so unless the girl was stupid she wouldn't ever consider jumping out the window, which anyway were sealed shut. Mission accomplished. Luke then left, went back downstairs to search for something to eat.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Hall Character Portrait: Lucian Hunter Character Portrait: Remus Jaeger
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Remus Jaeger

Remmy was out in the garage, had been pretty much all morning, working on his bike. Considering how old his bike was and how well used over the years it wasn't surprising that there was always something to fix. His slick motorcycle was leaning to one side as Remmy sat crossed legged next to it. His mind almost completely on the bike, almost.

When he paused every now and then, and when his thoughts weren't on "tightening this, straightening that", they were focused on the boy he claimed, or rather was going to. He was trying to figure out what to say that wouldn't end up leaving his claimed absolutely terrified, it was hard considering that he had just kidnapped him

The two had met in town a couple months ago, at first it was mostly just bumping into each other as that's hard not to do in a town that size, but then Remmy had gone to the bookstore in need of a new copy of Hamlet. Not because his old copy was getting too worn, which it was, but because he had filled in the margins so much there wasn't any room for anymore thoughts. Overall Remmy has two copies of Hamlet; the first one filled with his initial reactions and the second filled with all the literary elements contained in the story, but he now felt he needed a third one to fill out his deeper thoughts on it. When he arrived in the bookstore he finally and officially met Benjamin Hall, the boy he had been running into for about a week.

First came the, "Can you point me to your Shakespeare section?", and then the two got to talking about the story as well as other works by Shakespeare. Remmy had been impressed by Ben from that talk and after that was when he had decided to claim him. Remmy was the kind of wolf whom liked to get to know the person he was going to claim before the kidnapping; he felt that it would help soften the shock of being kidnapped, or at least easier to talk to the person after the kidnapping. Develop some trust and hopefully even a friendship to have a base to build off of.

Of course after the initial meeting, Remmy tried to get Ben out of his shell little by little, and even though they weren't the best of friends, Remmy had felt that there was possibly enough trust to start his plan.

The tools Remmy was holding had stopped there work and the scraggly wolf found himself staring off into space. With a sigh of defeat he stood up and headed towards the kitchen to wash up and do a little more thinking before heading to Ben's room, situated strategically across from his, and explaining everything. Remmy had put this part of the claiming off for as long as he could, but now he knew he was pushing his time limit.

While in the kitchen Remmy ran into his Alpha, the two weren't particularly close so there wasn't really a big need to have too much small talk. Just a "Hey, how's work?" before quietly turning to washing his hand. When he felt clean enough, mostly just his hands and face the rest of his arms and shirt were still covered in biker grease, he grabbed a beer and soda and headed to second floor and the North side where Ben's room was. He knocked on the door twice trying to give a warning to Ben if he had waken up, before entering.

"Alright Hot shot time to get up," Remmy said, setting down the soda on the bedside table before sitting down in a chair across from the bed and cracking open his beer, "We need to talk, but take your time and ask any questions."

He took a swig of his beer, "I brought you a soda, figured it would help calm your nerves and your stomach if it's at all upset."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Hall Character Portrait: Remus Jaeger
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Benjamin doesn't remember a thing when he wakes up. Is blissfully unaware of his surroundings as he stretches out over the bed. The second he reaches out his hands and feels the material of a heavy blanket under his fingers he instantly jumps into full awareness. This is definitley not his bedroom. In fact he has no idea where he is...well, no that isnt true. He does remember meeting Remmy earlier in the day and - oh jesus, Remmy couldn't have brought him here...right? But theres no other explanation that Benjamin can think up, and even if he could he knew there could be only one explanation.

Remmy brought him here. For what reason he didn't know, and that is what truly bothers him. Benjamin can already feel his mounting panic rising steadily. Starting as a twisting feeling in his gut and travelling upwards to his pounding head. His hands shook visibly and he clenched them tightly until his entire hand became a bloodless white color. No words escaped him as he pushed away from the bed.

When he tried the door he found it to be locked tight, and there was no way he could knock ot down. With no other way out of the room he returns to the bed, finding that sitting kept his head from swimming. A light sweat broken out over his forehead and he wondered when Remmy would be back.

"This is so messed up!" Benjamin hisses to himself, not trusting himself to speak above a whisper. He can't even understand that this is happening at all. For some strange reason all he wants to do is write this off as some sort of misunderstanding - even if he knows that it isnt, and that this is his fault to begin with.

He had thought absolutely nothing when Remmy asked Benjamin to go for a ride with him. He only though that the other man was trying to be friendly. Not kidnap him!

Just as the feeling of utter anxiety began to engulf him he heard the tell tale sound of footsteps nearby. For a split second he considered using surprise to his advantage and trying to get past Remmy. After all he had been awake for the bike ride here and knew his way back to town. But the footsteps continued closer and his nerves gave out at last, leading him to quickly turn and lay down, pretending to be asleep. Thinking that maybe if Remmy thought he was asleep he would leave him alone.

Of course he couldn't be that lucky.

"Alright Hot shot time to get up," Remmy said, setting down a soda on the table beside him, then sitting down in a chair across from him, beer in hand. "We need to talk, but take your time and ask any questions."

Remmy takes a swig of the beer, and Benjamin sort of wishes he had one of those right about now to take the edge off of all this. "I brought you a soda, figured it would help calm your nerves and your stomach if it's at all upset."

Upset. Yeah, everything about him is upset and thr feeling of wanting to cry just won't leave. His hands clench again and he looks down, unable to meet Remmy's gaze. He ignores the Soda purposefully and thinks carefully - or tries to think without letting his swell of emotions take over - of something to say that could possibly sway Remmy to let him go.

"Seriously? Who even does this!" Benjamin shouts suddenly, voice cracking as if he's going to cry. But he doesn't. "I thought we were friends man. Why am I here and what could you possibly want with me...of all the people you could have kidnapped." wow, he barely realizes that was a pretty stupid to say given the circumstances. He considers bolting again but knows Remmy would catch him instantly. Better to suck it up and find out why hes there and see if he cant find a different way to get out.

He just barely peers up at Remmy, afraid that what he sees on the other mans face might not be something he likes. Hes never really consciously thought of the possibility that he could get abducted, and he certainly had no idea what to do in this situation besides ask why and panic. Hoping that he doesnt end up like one of those victims that got broadcasted all over the news.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Benjamin Hall Character Portrait: Remus Jaeger Character Portrait: Dean Murray
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Remus Jaeger

"Seriously? Who even does this!" Benjamin shouted, "I thought we were friends man. Why am I here and what could you possibly want with me...of all the people you could have kidnapped."

Remmy rubbed the back of his neck and almost involuntarily smiled at Benji's reaction, almost he caught it just in time by biting his lip, "Actually you would be surprised at who does this kind of shit," Remmy answered thinking of his kid sister. With another swig of beer Remmy looked at Benji, trying to make eye contact, "I'm not really supposed to explain this to you yet, but I think it's better if you have time to process it on your own. Listen, this may sound completely deranged, but I assure you it's all true. I'm not what you would call 'human', I'm actually a werewolf; you know, turn into a wolf every full moon the whole shebang. This whole kidnapping thing isn't my idea, the alpha of my pack ordered it for whatever reason, but what's going to happen to you is-" He got cut off as there was a loud ruckus coming from Dove's part of the house.

Remmy stopped talking for a while and listened to the commotion to hear for Dove's screams for help if there were going to be any. When it stopped and he didn't hear any cries for help from his kid sister he breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to Ben. "As for why you, it's because I like you man. I think of you as a friend too; you know enough about literature that you can actually hold a decent conversation and you know who you are, not many people know that about themselves especially at your age...anyway..."
He sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"I hope...I hope that eventually you can forgive me. We really could be the best of friends, but I understand that right now I'm the enemy. Just know that to me, you'll always be my friend," Remmy said, looking at Ben with his sad, puppy eyes while he fidgeted in his seat. Even though he had, no words were necessary to ask for the forgiveness he wanted as his eyes were doing most of the asking.

"Chick flick moments aside I-uh-I'll be back up to get you soon. I'm making dinner, I hope you like cheese and wine because there will be a lot of that in the food. I'm cooking a French meal tonight," Remmy said, jumping up, a dog-ish smile on his face at the thought cooking something delicious for Ben.

Just as he was about to close the door Remmy turned around, "Oh and Hot shot, I'm sorry." The awkward apology didn't last long before Remmy closed the door, locking it behind him. He walked down the hall whistling to himself, but stopped for a second. He couldn't really be sure, but he thought he heard footsteps and breathing. If he had dog ears they would be perked up right now, Remmy was listening so closely he had to close his eyes, but he didn't hear anything. He shrugged it off and continued to whistle, swinging the key to Ben's room. His feet were a little heavier than normal at having put Ben through this situation, but he knew that there wasn't any "good way" of going about this, they would always be scared, always be crying, it was the normal response to being kidnapped and no amount of explanation or promises was going to change that, but all the same he still didn't like it.

Remmy headed down to the room, beer in hand, key in his pocket. However once he arrived inside and saw Dean there he had half a mind to walk right back out. Only he needed his cookbook which was in here, so he just walked in.

"What up, ass butt?" Remmy said, not looking in Dean's direction for a second, "How's your blond doing?" Remmy knew that his comments sounded insensitive, but Dean always rubbed him the wrong way. That was about the only explanation Remmy could give about acting this way towards Dean. He continued to rummage through the bookshelf looking for his cookbook.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rorie Daniels Character Portrait: Remus Jaeger Character Portrait: Dean Murray
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With the way Dean had been pacing the floor, he was going to wear out the soles of his shoes, not to mention the hard wood floor beneath him. A million questions of his own started to race in his mind. When are we having that damn meeting? Where are the others? How is this going to play out? Will she forgive me? Will I forgive myself? And so went the vicious cycle, repeating itself endlessly in his head. This wasn't as easy as Lucian said it was.

Sighing in defeat he took a seat of the sofa. Silently he looked into the fire, watching as the flames danced back and forth. The sound of the crackling from the charred logs brought a certain peace to his mind. The warmth radiating from the hearth was also soothing, lulling him into a calm state of mind, his usually state of mind. For a while, he sat there like this. Not thinking about anything, just clearing his mind. It was almost like a meditation, and he was falling into a trance. The silence was comforting him. When his mind wasn't racing and no body was there to bother him, it set him at ease... if only it would last for more than five minutes.

He heard the footsteps then. His immediate thought was to Aurora. About to get up, he looked at the entry way and saw Remmy. Oh it's just him. "What up, ass butt?" Relaxing back into his seat, he covered his face with his hands, massaged his temples, and groaned. "That is the most ridiculous insult, I don't understand why you insist on calling me that." Taking his hands off his face he looked at Remmy who was rummaging through the shelf. He wondered how he was fairing with his human. He was just about to ask when he noticed that the footsteps hadn't stopped. That can't be Aurora, I locked the-- no I didn't.

He grabbed Remmy by the shoulder then and dragged him in tow, "come," he said simply. Hopefully the boy had enough sense to not disobey his Beta. Following the sound of the falling footsteps they made their way through the endless halls. If she was trying to be sneaky, it wasn't working. The floorboards creaked and her light tred sounded like stomping to his hypersensitive hearing. They were approaching from behind when they saw her trying to make her way down the steps. Not wanting to have to face her again, he pushed Remmy in her direction with a look in his eyes meaning, "you deal with it." He didn't want her to hate him anymore than she already did.