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I am the Goddess of Night, Daughter of Chaos.

0 · 444 views · located in Earth

a character in “The College of the Gods”, as played by Lenyx


Black Cat

Spending time with Children


Dual Wields Daggers

Being Unloved


Nyx the Goddess of the Night and Darkness


21 | 5'6"

Prophetic Powers
Creates Darkness
Travels by Shadows and Mist
Can Hypnotize using her Voice

Nyx is very unpredictable and she tends to display an aura of tranquility and threat at the same time, she has a healthy dose of narcissism. Nyx refuses to let others push her around and can have quite a temper. She has a soft spot for children, and loves to be around them.

Born as a single child of Chaos with Erebus, Nyx is a member of the second generation of Gods known as Titans or Protogenoi, and is the personification of the Night. The twins separated later after birth and Nyx went up into the night while Erebus went down to the Underworld. After she became pregnant with help from Erebus, she gave birth to a number of gods and goddesses, including Thanatos and Nemesis.

It has been said in legends that when Apollo, God of the Sun, first saw Nyx, he fell in love with her beauty so much that it hypnotized him. He mused for a long time to find a suitable present to win her, and finally created Selene, known as the Moon by mortals, before presenting it to her. For in Selene, Nyx would enhance her beauty and be shown how much he loved her by reflecting his light into the night to become an inspiration to lovers until the ends of time.

So begins...

Nyx's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Freya Harp Character Portrait: Aphrodite Ourania Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyjarson Character Portrait: Nyx Character Portrait: Adrasteia Nicolaou Character Portrait: Dionysus
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#, as written by Zensai
Modern Earth, the age of science has replaced the age of Gods and Magic. They all have disproven everything about them. People have gone to the so called home of the Greek Gods and found… nothing… No grand palaces or anything else. The Gods places of worship have all but crumbled away. Some have been stolen from and some broken into and vandalized.

The mortals have forgotten about them and explained away everything about them.

But they have not thought of one simple possibility…Maybe the Gods have moved… or have their own dimension. The Gods have never met the other gods of a different culture, aside from the Roman and Greek, but that is because they are one and the same…Each realm feels like one would expect from each culture.

Asgard is surrounded by an impregnable wall and is one of the Nine worlds, inhabited by the Aesir, the race of Warrior Gods. It is located at the highest point of their universe and has the Rainbow Bridge connecting their world to Earth. They also have Valhalla the place were slain warriors wait for the final battle, Ragnarok. The realm of their Elves Alfheim and Svartalfheim is also there as well as Vanaheim the home of Vanir, it is a glorious if a bit cold. Also there is the realm of frost giants they are constantly battling. As well as Helheim, their underworld which Hel, Lokis’ daughter resides and is protected by Garm, Hel's enormous dog-guard, lives in the cave Gnipahellir. He is an eight-foot-tall black hound with glowing eyes. It is important not to underestimate Garm. While he may act like a big dog - vicious and dangerous or friendly depending on who you are - it's an act. There is as much intelligence in Garm as in any other of Helheim's guards. He is a Jotun who is always in dog-form, but he is no dumb beast. Garm seems to be on a general patrol around the borders of Helheim, meaning that he could be anywhere at any point.

Mount Olympus is the abode of the chief god Zeus. Also, the foremost gods of the Greek pantheon have their palaces at the summit. It is here that the gods assemble to consume nectar and ambrosia, the substances which reinforces their immortality. The top of the Olympus, which is covered in snow and hidden in the clouds, reaches all the way into the aether. It is the highest mountain of Greece and lies on the border of Macedonia and Thessaly, yet though mortals have been to the top they have never seen the realm. And why would they? The Gods have hidden it from their mortal eyes. Also of course is the Domain of Hades, which is surrounded nine times by the River Styx, where Hades resides.

Each God in each realm have seen the flow of time on Earth and seen it change, but never seeing the other realms of the other gods.

Until now.

Ten Gods, including a few Goddesses, have been cast out of their realm by someone, though they do not know who. Some of the Gods and Goddesses are the righteous; some are the outcasts among the gods… They each have their weapons on them and have been assigned lodges at a college. They do not know how they have come to Earth or who these others are, though a few they recognize from their own realm. For the first time in history The Asgardians will meet the Olympians, and many other types of Gods.

Thrown into this mix are four mortals, two men and two women, who are going to the school as well. They know not who these ones are or the powers they possess, but they soon will…

The Gods have a common goal, though some are more reluctant about it than others, get back to their own realm, but to do that they need help… from the mortals. But will the mortals help? Or will they try to kill the gods, for on Earth there may be a weapon that can kill them. Though only Mortals may wield it.


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Character Portrait: Nyx
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#, as written by Lenyx
Nyx was enjoying her nightly routine with her sons Hypnos and Thanatos, together they would fly through the night sky on her two-horsed chariat and paint the night sky. It was during this time Nyx felt completely at ease, the moonlit and star-filled sky gave her such a joy that there were simply no words to describe the feeling. This was also the only time her two sons could give her quality time with her, for it is during the night when mortals sleep and when death can take them by surprise. There was also the matter of tending to her other children at home in Tartarus during the day, but the night was hers to do as she wished.

Nyx looked on lovingly at the night's sky, when suddenly the chariot angled sharply, throwing Nyx against it's edge. Nyx picked up the fallen reins as Thanatos and Hypnos flew up beside her chariot.

"I am alright my dear sons." She said smiling, gently stroking the side of their faces with her hands. "Shall we--"

Her horses reared up and raced forward through the sky, leaving her sons behind them. Nyx pulled harshly on the reins. "Stop! Stop now I say!" She screamed at the horses.

The horses whined and veered sharply to the side, the chariot tipped dangerously and Nyx put all her strength into holding on the reins while trying to maintain her balance. But it was futile, the chariot rolled to its side, dumping Nyx out of it. She let out a scream as she felt the reins cutting into her hands, she felt something warm and wet start to slide along her arms.

"What is this? Blood?" She felt her hands slipping from the reins and raised a brow, eyeing her horses. "So now you stop, what made you act in such an appalling way?"

It was then Nyx felt a change in the breeze, and in the distance she could see her runs racing towards her and her chairiot, calling out to her. "My dear sons! Something is not right! Stay back!"


She heard her sons shouting for her as if she were in danger, what danger could she possibly be in? She was immortal, daughter to Chaos. The reins slid from her grip and the strange breeze whipped around her as she plummeted towards the ground, she closed her eyes.

And opened them to find herself infront of a lavish mirror, looking up some mortal woman. "What is this trickery?" She shouted at the mirror.

She pulled at the long dark brown hair, that seemed to now be hers, and frowned at the frilly white nightgown she was wearing. "What drab and child-like clothing is this for a goddess like myself to wear?"

Looking around the room she spotted the partially open door to a closet, and storming over to it she threw it's door open, causing it to thud loudly against the wall. She pulled out the clothes by the hangers and gave a displeased face, all of them were either too plain or over-sized for her frame, then tossed them on the floor. Leaning into the closet Nyx spotted a black garment bag tucked away on the end of the closet. She grabbed it and walked over to the wall by the mirror and hung the garment bag on a wall-hook. Carefully she pulled the zipper down, and pushed the garment bag open, inside was a thin strapped, black dress with a low neck line, that shimmered like stars in the light.

"Now this, is meant for the goddess of the night." She grinned playfully as she pulled off the nightgown.

She slipped into the dress, it was mid-thigh in length and hugged her every curve and showed her bare back from the shoulders to her waist. Now that she was dressed and after she had admired herself in the mirror, she went through the rest of the room. In one of the dresser drawers she found her set of daggers, which she thought was odd, they were even in their sheath leg straps. With a shrug she tied them around calfs, and in noticing her bare feet, decided she should find a pair of boots to wear. And by the door leading out of the room is where she found a beautiful pair of designer, knee-high, leather boots. Pulling them on carefully over the sheathed daggers, she stood up and took a few steps back.

"A perfect fit. This is some interesting trickery magic at work." She turned around to face the door, there was a white square sticking to it.

Examining it closer it had writing on it. Pick up class schedule, buy books for classes, buy prettier clothes. At the bottom it had more. Purse with wallet, credit cards and keys are hanging on the wall to your left. Pull this post-it note off door and take with you. Address of the collage you are attending is on the back, as well as address of this building, your new home.

"My new home? Collage?" Nyx shrieked, pulling the post-it note off the door. "What about my children? My husband! I demand to know what is going on!"

There was nothing but silence. "Do you not know who I am? I am the great Nyx! Now answer me!"

Still just silence, Nyx was very annoyed, hey eyes giving an eerie glow in the dimly lit room. "Fine, I shall find the answer myself."

Grabbing the purse from the wall, she shoved the post-it note inside, and tried to push the door open and fell against it. Realizing her error, she could only imagine what the other immortals would say, 'the great Nyx does not even know how to open a simple door!'.

Her face flushed and this time she pulled the door open and walked out into an empty hallway. Muttering to herself she pulled the door closed behind her, and stormed down the hallway hoping she was going in the direction of an exit to this building.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nyx Character Portrait: Adrasteia Nicolaou Character Portrait: Dionysus Character Portrait: Amor Ourania Character Portrait: Felice Rosenthal Character Portrait: Anthony Colombo
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#, as written by Lenyx
Nyx grumbled as she walked down the hallway feeling horribly lost and confused, not that she would be one to ever admit that verbally. Turning around a corner she spotted a tall, and very handsome brown haired man, facing a white haired man, and a very 'average' mortal looking man. Oh and there is a long-haired woman, with a marking above her eyebrow... Always interesting...

"Well, well what have we here? Better to see a few stars in the night sky than none at all." She said with a frown and sigh.

"Excuse me boys!" She called to them waving her hand in the air. "May I join your group, as I have no idea what is going on, nor will anyone answer my calls."

Walking up to them, she pulled out her now crumpled list and looked at it again. "Can anyone tell me where I can retrieve a 'class schedule' and purchase the so called books I will need for these classes?" She asked them in an alluring voice while resting her hand on her hip.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nyx Character Portrait: Adrasteia Nicolaou Character Portrait: Dionysus Character Portrait: Amor Ourania Character Portrait: Anthony Colombo
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#, as written by kexia
Anthony blinked at the two newcomers. This little end of the hall was quickly becoming crowded- which was not something he overly enjoyed. And not only was it getting crowded, but half the people around him seemed confused. He'd thought he had been going to a pretty nice school, but from the looks of it, they were starting to let any old riffraff into the place. The other two guys had a strange air about them; and the one that had arrived most recently had the most annoyingly beautiful baby face. He looked like he should have been in a boy band or something. The woman that had arrived last seemed to not know what she was talking about. While positively gorgeous, she seemed a bit ditsy- the way she accented the words 'class schedule' as if she didn't even know what one was.

Anthony peered at all the new faces, a little smirk on his lips. "So… I take it none of you are from around here? And I, apparently have been assigned to show you around or something. Right awesome." He sighed as he pulled the pencil out from behind his ear and began to flip it through his fingers. "Well, kids," he said with a bit of a grin. "I'm Anthony. Welcome to school." He tilted his head a little, considering taking them outside so they could take a quicker route to the office building where everyone could get their schedules, but the thunder that cracked in the air and the sound of rain hitting the roof changed his mind. "C'mon, I'll show you around, if you want, and take you guys to get your schedules."

He turned and began to stride down the hallway, not bothering to look back to see if anyone was following him. They could all stand around with those dopey looks on their faces for the rest of the day if they wanted. But he had better things to do. Like get back to the dorm and see who he'd been roomed with. He prayed it wasn't baby face or the drunk guy. He'd probably kill them both if he was stuck around them for too long. As he walked, Anthony pointed out the different teaching sections for anyone who cared. He wasn't sure what classes they were taking or what their majors were, but he figured it couldn't help for them to have an idea of what was where. If anyone was even listening to him, that is.