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The Cousin Remake

The Cousin Remake


You and your sibling are sent off to a distant cousin. But something about him and the town he lives is really weird..

2,181 readers have visited The Cousin Remake since ceh12 created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources: my original rp which died because of a main character having to leave



" It's gonna be fun think about it a whole summer in the peace and tranquility of nature. " you mother says to you and your siblings as you enter the small town of Oakhill in southern Ohio, its an almost nothing town and those who have seen it think of it nothing more than a breeding ground of rednecks. Your mother says that her older brother has a son who is willing to take the two of you for the summer while your mom and dad go on a summerlong cruise but you don't want to leave your civilized Concord home. You have seen this cousin before whenever theres a family reunion and even then he is silent and always looking around. Hes very strange but very friendly when you talk to him. He is always seen with a pistol or a hunting knife on his belt when you see him. You start to doze off as you get closer and try to think about what your friends are doing.

In reality the town is home to more than humans. It is housed to demons and other 'monsters '. He is the keeper so to speak of these creatures and one of the few humans in the town. He is in charge of keeping them in the town and out of trouble with the other residents. He works with two assistants but they aren't human either. His job is getting harder and he fears of himself getting hurt or killed and if so he wants to train them to do the work if he gets hurt but they don't know that yet.

There are four main types of monsters they each have a type of skill and a weakness. They are powerful but still mortal. Any shot to the head will kill them instantly. Their powers will affect any normal human but it will have less to no effect on a Keeper.


Vampires are the basic monsters of the bunch. They are weak when it comes to sunlight making them slow and weak. They feed not on blood but extremly rare meat. They will kill something just for a snack but it is frowned upon to kill a fellow monster or human. They have the powers of hypnosis but it can be prevented and broken by the scent of garlic. They are prone to often challenge others when angered and will become docile if they lose.


Shapeshifters are a strange race of monster that other than their ability to change into the forms of a large animal which varies from bloodlines. They have superhuman abilities when in their animal form and can preform amazing feats. Their weakness is if they are exposed to silver or gold when in animal forms.


The succubus is a wild and seductive creature. They feed on the souls of humans and do so through seduction. Their clear difference between them and humans are the devils tail and large bat wings. They are clever and will get a human into a private place to eat their soul. They only have to eat monthly but like to eat as much as they can. Their weakness is to get a mirror infront of them while they try to seduce a human.


Goblins are extremely strange and somewhat brutish. They are spilt into two subtypes. The first and most common is a small, thin, pale creature. They are extremely smart and are the main shopkeepers in the town. The like to con people and will sell them objects or food that has gone bad unless they are confronted about it. The second type is a strong tall brutish creature capable of destroying a house with little effort. They have a bad temper and like to hurt humans ans creatures alike. The weakness for both types is a well placed bullet. They have no true weakness like humans but their skin is too hard to penetrate with a melee weapon.


Cousin - Taken

Older child -Taken

Younger child -Taken

Cousin assistant - Taken

Cousins assistant -

Towns people - (three of each)

Vampire 1 - Taken

ShapeShifter 1 - Taken
Code: Select all

[right][img]Put your image here[/img][/right]

Name - (full name please)

Age - (5-30)

Role -

Gender -

Species- (human if child everyone else must be one of the monsters above)

Weapons - (two ammunition one melee)

Appearance -(optional if you have an image)

Personality - (at least four sentences)

Bio - (at least four sentences)

Theme song - (optional)

Other-(Be creative)

Toggle Rules

If you are dense enough not to notice the gender key is

Blue = Boy

Red= Girl

Purple = Unisex

Put in other if you understood this before reading this passage a simple yes or no will do

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ash Paters Character Portrait: Lucas Arlon Character Portrait: Cylene Sare Character Portrait: Kane Durr
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Ashley glared at Lucas and ran up to his car. "Well if I'm not out of your grasps then try and grab me" She smiled and stuck out her tongue "None of you can really do anything to me. And I can do anything I want my parents will buy me out of jail if you put me in it." She spun around and got real close to Kane "I can even get away with murder." She giggled and pushed him on his chest. She made her way back to Lucas's car and looked at the vampire in the passenger seat. "And you the one who killed the incubus. Your just like me. Toke a life away and all your getting is a stern talking to from the big bad Lucas!" She pointed at Lucas but still stared at Cylene. "Your just lucky your friends with Lucas actually your lucky you have friends." She toke a step back so she could see all of them. "You are a thieving low life robber. You are a murderer that gets it easy because she has friends. And you, you just go around telling people why they are bad and threatening them! I bet you have somethings that you've done wrong too but you just hide it under your giant head." She pointed at each one as she told them off but when she was yelling at Lucas she got close and poked Lucas in the chest fairly hard. "And now you all should under stand why I'm out of all of your grasps." She stood up but stayed by the side of the car where Lucas was sitting.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ash Paters Character Portrait: Lucas Arlon Character Portrait: Cylene Sare Character Portrait: Kane Durr
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0.00 INK

Kane was about to thank Lucas. But then Ash opened her mouth. He couldn't handle it anymore- he was going to lodge a well placed bullet in her rather large head. He was about to shoot when Cylene growled at him. Okay, shooting her could wait until after this piece of dirt was done with her life lessons class. Finding that she wasn't about to shut up anytime soon, he started trying to mock her while she was talking. He stuck his butt out and put his hand on his hip, with the other one forming a duck bill that he placed by his mouth. He made low quacking sounds as Ash continued to speak about how she was apparently God. Good grief, he could never do Lucas's job!

"My goodness, do you talk to your parents with that tone of voice young lady?" he asked, exasperated by how conceited she was. "I oughta shoot your big head off since you're goin' round here tellin' people what they do wrong. Hey Lucas, show 'er a mirror so she can see how big her head is!" He started giggling obnoxiously before skipping around in circles. "I can get away with murder! Watch me eat everyone! Oh no, I'm fat now that I ate everything on the planet. Daddy!" He knew that he was probably going to get stabbed by the vampire, shot by the sheriff, and eaten by the panther, but at least he could go out fighting. And with some cash in his pocket. He liked money.

Where was he going with his death speech? Oh yeah. Kane was not about to let this little big mouth get away with it. He liked winning and was determined to tell her off. "If Cylene gets away with murder 'cause she has friends, then how do you get away with it?" He started laughing again, pulling out his revolver and prepared to fire at her whenever he got the chance. "And Lucas wouldn't have to threaten us if you would stop threatening everyone else!

"And what if I go up to your big grande house, sneak in, take what you have and get out before burning it to the ground and all of your family in it? Who's gonna protect you then princess?!" Kane was raging by now and struggling to keep himself in check. He glanced at the car where Cylene and Lucas were for their reactions. It made him sad to see that Cylene could just sit there and take that.

Cylene's mouth fell open in shock as Ash opened her mouth... and never seemed to close it. It was shocking how cruel she was, and it did hurt the vampire. She was not one for criticism or pain of any sorts. She looked at her lap and started to examine her fingernails, trying to block out this mean girl. The vampire was in no position to defend herself- she wasn't that type of person. She fought physically, not verbally or emotionally because she honestly didn't know how


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ash Paters Character Portrait: Lucas Arlon Character Portrait: Cylene Sare Character Portrait: Kane Durr
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ceh12
Lucas was at a point he rarley got it. He didn't even bother with the speach from the goblin all his rage was The insensible ramblings of the shapeshifter got under his skin. He looked her in the eye then grabbed her by the collar and stuck the magnum in her mouth and he pulled back the hammer. "No you are not out of my reach and I'm fairly certain your family can't bring you from the dead. Your just a spoiler grate with a bloodlust and you want to tell other people why they deserve to die? You and all the others like you are the reason I can pull the damn trigger. Now you get out of here and go ahead tell your daddy about what happened, tell him how I was mean, Hell even tell him to kill me, well guess what little miss I can take you and you whole clan out in less than an hour. Now get out of here and I don't want to see you pestering another person again. " he threw the girl on the ground ignoring her feelings. He glared and uncocked the hammer. "Got it? " he asked then turned to the goblin. "That goes for you as well. " he said about to shoot both of them and blame it on a fight.


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Ashley looked back and saw the goblin pull out his gun and pointed at her. She was shocked she didn't think any one would yell back at her or even point a gun at her! She looked down at Lucas expecting him to help her then he grabbed her and shoved a gun in her mouth. She didn't really care much until he pulled the hammer back then she started to tear up.

"No you are not out of my reach and I'm fairly certain your family can't bring you from the dead. Your just a spoiler grate with a bloodlust and you want to tell other people why they deserve to die? You and all the others like you are the reason I can pull the damn trigger. Now you get out of here and go ahead tell your daddy about what happened, tell him how I was mean, Hell even tell him to kill me, well guess what little miss I can take you and you whole clan out in less than an hour. Now get out of here and I don't want to see you pestering another person again. "

Ashley held back from crying she was only thinking that she was going to die. Then she realized that she was just a murder a crazed evil murder. Now she was crying she started to regret yelling at all of them she couldn't believe that this would be the end. She didn't want to die she just wanted to anger every one. This turn of events was really earth shattering she thought about if she lived that she would change her life. But then he pulled the gun out of her mouth and threw her on the ground. She hit the ground and started to nod up and down while crying. As he drove away leaving her in on the ground she looked up at the goblin. "I'm sorry to you and the others." She closed her eyes and just lied there.

She started to think about her family she was already late for dinner now if she comes back crying they are going to figure something out. She started to get worried her family does psychotic things even on Ashley s standards. She hopes they don't get her in trouble or get themselves in trouble.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: James Haine
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James had been listening for a while now from the spot where the incubus corpse was. He was listening to all the yelling, gunshots, crying, and laughter, and was trying his very best not to get involved. "Don't go James, just don't listen. Nothing good will come out of this, and I'm sure Luke has the entire situation under control... Right?" But James knew that the gunshots were probably from Lucas. He also was worried that all the stress that Lucas has had lately was gonna finally make him snap. But in the end, James half-believed that Lucas would keep control, and stood guard of his little, rotting friend.

Well, that's what he thought but the voices only got louder. He heard taunting and even more yelling. He eventually let out his trademark, "Sigh..." and left guard duty to see what the hell was going on. He slowly creeps into a position where he can see the commotion, keeping himself hidden. At first he couldn't believe his eyes, Lucas was pinning down the panther girl with a gun to her head! To make matters worse, some random goblin was packing heat, and seemed ready to use it, plus the vampire chick was sitting in the passenger seat of Lucas' car! "God dammit Lucas what the hell are you doing..." He quietly says to himself, still hidden. In this situation, he really didn't know who to even pull the gun on, and for once, actually wished Sumi was here to help. He decided to quietly wait, popping out of nowhere with a gun wouldn't help anything. "Looks like we're gonna need more body bags..."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: James Haine Character Portrait: Ash Paters Character Portrait: Lucas Arlon Character Portrait: Cylene Sare Character Portrait: Kane Durr
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0.00 INK

Kane froze when he saw Lucas take extreme control of the situation, reminding them all why he was boss around here. His simple speech was better than any of what the goblin had said and the pale creature turned just a bit paler as he watched Lucas let panther girl go. She was in tears now as if she'd finally gotten a reality check. The blonde doubted this woe is me attitude would last much longer though. In his mind, people didn't really change.

He lowered his gun from her and instead decided to just walk away as if nothing happened. He wanted to just get back to the store and eat some of the fresh fruits the Sare family provided. He didn't look back, only kept walking with the confidence that Ash wouldn't try and hurt him again.

Cylene could only watch in horror as one of Lucas's guns was shoved into the girl's mouth. She had to look away, horrified that she would be shot here in now and her brains would be blown out. The poor girl didn't want to see that happen. She looked briefly at the goblin who was in the same state of shock as she was before he turned and left as if it had never happened.

The blonde anxiously started twirling her hair with her fingers before noticing that James was here. She frowned and closed her eyes, wondering how she'd gotten herself into such a large conflict after just killing one incubus.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sumina "Sumi" Crest
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0.00 INK

Sumi looked out of the house, blinking a couple of times after she had told the cousins to go upstairs and unpack. Where the hell were they? They better not have done anything stupid... She thought to herself, raising her nose in the air to sniff her out, but for the twenty-eighth time, she got nothing. She was worried, even about James, and that was really saying something. Sumi gently tapped her fingers on the door frame, sniffing every so often and frowning even more every time. She bit her lip and then closed the door, locking it behind her. She began walking around, tempted to go into her wolf form as she was much stronger this way. Sumi bit her lip, white hair falling in her face.

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Oakhill, OH

Oakhill, OH by ceh12


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Character Portrait: Kendall Simmons
17 sightings Kendall Simmons played by gezzygezzy
Well, I don't see this summer being very exciting.

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lucas Arlon
Character Portrait: Sumina "Sumi" Crest
Character Portrait: Cylene Sare
Character Portrait: Owen Simmons
Character Portrait: Ash Paters
Character Portrait: Kane Durr
Character Portrait: James Haine


Character Portrait: James Haine
James Haine

"Don't look at me like that, not like I want to eat your soul..."

Character Portrait: Kane Durr
Kane Durr

"I ain't cheap- I'm smart."

Character Portrait: Ash Paters
Ash Paters

Keep your friends close and your pack closer

Character Portrait: Owen Simmons
Owen Simmons

"Umm... hello"

Character Portrait: Cylene Sare
Cylene Sare

"My money says nothing about me."

Character Portrait: Sumina "Sumi" Crest
Sumina "Sumi" Crest

"I wish you a pleasant journey, and may you stay safe, young friend."

Character Portrait: Lucas Arlon
Lucas Arlon

" I have a job to do. What is it, well if I told you I'd have to kill you."


Character Portrait: Cylene Sare
Cylene Sare

"My money says nothing about me."

Character Portrait: Ash Paters
Ash Paters

Keep your friends close and your pack closer

Character Portrait: Sumina "Sumi" Crest
Sumina "Sumi" Crest

"I wish you a pleasant journey, and may you stay safe, young friend."

Character Portrait: Kane Durr
Kane Durr

"I ain't cheap- I'm smart."

Character Portrait: Lucas Arlon
Lucas Arlon

" I have a job to do. What is it, well if I told you I'd have to kill you."

Character Portrait: James Haine
James Haine

"Don't look at me like that, not like I want to eat your soul..."

Character Portrait: Owen Simmons
Owen Simmons

"Umm... hello"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Cylene Sare
Cylene Sare

"My money says nothing about me."

Character Portrait: James Haine
James Haine

"Don't look at me like that, not like I want to eat your soul..."

Character Portrait: Owen Simmons
Owen Simmons

"Umm... hello"

Character Portrait: Sumina "Sumi" Crest
Sumina "Sumi" Crest

"I wish you a pleasant journey, and may you stay safe, young friend."

Character Portrait: Lucas Arlon
Lucas Arlon

" I have a job to do. What is it, well if I told you I'd have to kill you."

Character Portrait: Ash Paters
Ash Paters

Keep your friends close and your pack closer

Character Portrait: Kane Durr
Kane Durr

"I ain't cheap- I'm smart."

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Re: The Cousin Remake

I'm so sad this place has gone kaput :/

Re: The Cousin Remake

Hmm... I would, but I'm already handling two characters.

Re: The Cousin Remake

I hope not. Has anyome volunteered to play Kendall?

Re: The Cousin Remake

Has this roleplay died? :o

Re: The Cousin Remake

sure go ahead and again if anyone wants Kendall pm me

Re: The Cousin Remake

Can I just make out Sumi and the cousins are back at the house though? Then we can just say the cousins are unpacking...

Re: The Cousin Remake

Okay new plan if anyone wants to play the role of Kendall tell me sorry Gezzy but I don't wont this rp to die

Re: The Cousin Remake

i was thinking just the same. I mean, if they really were running towards the house the entire time this whole thing happened, then they should have made it by now.

Re: The Cousin Remake

Can we just say the cousins and Sumi are back at the house? I responded, but the others aren't responding to it and I'm feeling the want for Sumi to walk in and just be like "I'm gone for five minutes... *sigh*"

Re: The Cousin Remake

Yeaaahh I think I'll wait for the gor to end. Senna's not exactly a 'gory' type XD.

Re: The Cousin Remake

don't worry about it heremenow. You can always start out with a solo monologue, just showing more about the character, their daily lives, and then slowly have yourself get involved with the main plot. I could do something small with you since we're both Succubi/Incubus. Although, i really suggest you don't go in now, it's pretty gory...

Re: The Cousin Remake

Sorry :( But I'm a little lost at where I can bring my character in.

Re: The Cousin Remake

Probably, i mean, i know Lucas is stressed from work n all but dang, he's gone bonkers. well to be fair, they've all gone bonkers, cept Cylene, she's just sitting there going "what the hell?"

Re: The Cousin Remake

I know this isn't real but I just feel like punching a freaking window. I'm getting pumped from wrighting that. God I must be either really open to emotion or just crazy, probably crazy.

Re: The Cousin Remake

Well, if you look at it from a realistic point of view, yes, they've probably made it to the house by now since they were running towards it before the whole incubus thing. If you look at it from a post perspective, i don't think so. I couldn't find any post about them actually making it yet, we just have to wait and see what Sumi and the kids do.

Re: The Cousin Remake

Yeah I'm kind of lost right now as well... are Owen and Kendall at the house yet?

Re: The Cousin Remake

Well, this subplot with the dead incubus (i call it the "battle of the races") is gonna go on for a while, especially if I completely troll Kane and walk in at the sound of more gunfire from our local sheriff (i probably won't, but it's becoming very hard to resist). So you'll have plenty of time to work things out gezzy, probably.

Re: The Cousin Remake

Im sorry to say that even though I have tried my best to post, I don't have time. I'm moving right now and starting at a new school so being in a roleplay this frequent and already so far behind makes it hard for me to post. Sorry

Re: The Cousin Remake

I sent in a character :3

Interesting rp