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Velera Le Strage

Known as cosplayer, fan of star wars, also interested in anime and detective???s work ??? fascinated with murderer???s mind.

0 · 1,049 views · located in Shadow's Guardian

a character in “The crowhunters”, as played by Zaria


Full Name: Velera Le Strage ā€œChainieā€
Gender: Female
Height: 5ā€™7
Weight: 134lbs
Age: 20
Race : Perceived as human.
Physical Characteristics: This lady with hour-glass body, and cross like scar on left cheek may be attractive with her scarlet eyes but donā€™t be too comfy around her, especially when drunk.

Abnormalities : Regenerative abilities - shoot her all you want...once down sheā€™ll just get up in a matter of minutes, if not seconds.

Chainie is an active person, always looking for something to do. Enjoys playing video games of any kind, and when seemingly vacant can be mistaken for normal person with a genuine smile.

Sheā€™s kinky, and ended up flirting with men too often when left alone in bar with a drink.

Sheā€™s quite resistant to pain, but electric shock and anything that will be stuck in her body will slow down regenerative ability. Sheā€™s afraid of clowns.

Pacman plushy toy or pillow is her favorite thing.

Someoneā€™s note ā€“ Seen Wolverine? Me neither, but imagine that thing being evil Wolverine without clawsā€¦cause Chainsaw took its place, let's hope it never happens, right?

Hobbies : Flirting, analyzing things, reading books, tinkering with stuff she knows and stuff she sees for the first time.

So begins...

Velera Le Strage's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akita Ardain Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage
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#, as written by Zaria
Velera chased her, until woman disappeared behind one corner, and once Velera noticed where the girl wentā€¦it was too late. - She looked around, seeing walls and trash binsā€¦empty Pepsi can lied on the ground, near the escape route of the chased one.

Frustrated she stared with glassy eyes at the entrance to sewers, place that the chased one chose to hide in, place that is far too big for a clean and simple chase.

Soā€¦annoyingā€¦ - Velera thought, and sighed.

OOC - Kay, I see, and np :)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akita Ardain Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage
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"Dammit!", Akita muttered under her breath before she jumped of the roof and safely landed next to the woman. Thank god... That's still working. , she thought, thankful for the remaining amount of energy that she had. "She got away... Crap, that's so much paperwork!", she said, the last sentence coming outvas a mumble. The demon let out a sight before turning to the woman next to her. "Thanks for the help though...". Akita ran a hand through her hair.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akita Ardain Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage
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#, as written by Zaria
Moments later barista had joined her, and thanked for help ā€“ to which she replied with shrug.

ā€œOh, dunno, felt more like a failure that hurts me too muchā€¦ā€ Velera commented, frustrated for she never lets her prey escape, or so she thought.

Then she remembered about the knife she threw and cursed under her breath.

ā€œLost a good knife as wellā€¦what a wasteā€¦anything else you need?ā€ Velera asked, staring at Akita.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akita Ardain Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage
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Akita gave her an apologetic look before fumbling with something in her pockets. She took out a small, wallet-like object and opened it, revealing a batch that was looked like a blue triangle with a crow inside. "Well, guess it's time for introducing myself. My name is special agent Ardain, I work for an underground organization called Crowhunters. We make sure that aliens and other inhuman beings live alongside humans peacefully. That 'girl' was an alien of unknown species. A illegal immigrant that caused quite some trouble here.".The demon paused for a moment, giving a sarcastic smile before she continued:" And it was my job to catch her... Ugh, this is bad... ".

She took out a small notebook and a pen before smiling lightly. "Oh well, can't be helped... And I'd need your name, if you don't mind. Paperwork and all...".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akita Ardain Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage
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#, as written by Zaria
Velera took note of the strange blue triangle with crow inside, and chuckled once she heard about Barista being a special agent.

ā€œWell, missing piece to why you chased that one now is knownā€¦ā€

As she continued to listen, she wondered why it was so bad that Barista failed to catch the illegal immigrant.

ā€œVelera Le Strage, so why is it such a hassle? I mean being unable to catch her?ā€

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akita Ardain Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage
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Akita scribbled the name down in the notebook and put it back into her pocket before rubbing the back of her neck. "Well... Not only is it a lot of paperwork but it's also rather dangerous. We don't even know what species she is and she has already committed several crimes. Usually we keep track of all registered outerworldlers, but since she is here illegally, we can't track her. She could continue to kill and we would hardly be able to stop her. ", she explained with a sigh. She hated paperwork and preferred working in the field.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akita Ardain Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage
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#, as written by Zaria
Velera nod. Whether it is human or not, killing is still considered a crime - first degree one may add, or may not depending on a small variable.

Looking at the ground with small blood marks made Velera wonder whether to check blood on the ground or not, but for now she did not.

ā€œSeems like fun, not the paperwork I mean. Anyway since thatā€™s all you needā€¦Iā€™ll be going.ā€ She said, and indeed intended to leave, if there was no reason to stay.

What a pity that thing had to escape...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akita Ardain Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage
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Akita sighed and ran a hand trough her hair once more. "That'll be all, yeah. I gotta go back to the HQ anyway. Got a long night of paperwork and coffee ahead of me, so I better get going, too...", she said with a chuckle. The demon knew very well what was coming and she wasn't really looking forward to it. Sure, her colleague/partner would bring her a coffee every now and then, but paperwork like this often took the whole night. Good thing that I told Pitfield to take care of the Guardian...

Akita smiled. "Thanks again for your help, it's always a big help if someone helps."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akita Ardain Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage
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#, as written by Zaria
Now I want to laugh ā€“ Velera thought.

ā€œAll I did is chase the thing, that in the end escapedā€¦ā€

Which is not much of help when one thinks about it, but it was an entertaining time for her. Questions that are needed to be answered is stillā€¦finding a job, which means she needs to go around the town for a bit longer, never an entertaining thing, unless she gets to see some kind of a culprit.

Maybe I could just try police, studying criminology should allowā€¦

ā€œWell, see you little baristaā€¦ā€ Chuckling Velera turned around and slowly went back into the crowded area.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akita Ardain Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage
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Akita watched her leave in silence before putting a hand to her earpiece. "I'm done here, prepare me a coffee.", she said, taking her hand away.

Today was exhausting... I hope this won't become a regular thing again. , she thought with a chuckle.

Taking a deep breath, she turned around, snapping her fingers. Emptiness filled the spot where she had stood before, a cycle of blue flames left behind.

The setting changes from Tokyo's townsquare to Shadow's Guardian

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akita Ardain Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zaria
OOC - I see that this is our main stop/meeting place, also went with a bit of more about Velera - something that may be fitting considering her age...I hope, also longer than I anticipated...sorry ^^

Searching for a job was almost as fruitless as always, almost for Velera managed to talk about job inside police station ā€“ but they would rather wait until sheā€™s finished with studies, maybe then she will be taken under their wings. Sadly that meant a lot of time had to pass, while Velera had to find job as quickly as possible.

Outside, late part of day, or rather slowly reaching night. - her intention at this point was simple, walk around a bit and go to a bar or something, to kill a bit of time and then finally get some sleep.

She journeyed through the darkened streets, She continued to journey through the darkened streets, searching for possible solutions to simple job problem. Her mind drifting away, and yet she managed to play around when she saw a punk group ā€“ fun that quickly ended as they were in a hurry, off to somewhereā€¦she wondered where.

She walked, and walked, seeing all types of people ā€“ some were clenching fists, some were looking upā€¦daydreaming as it would seem, then there were some less pleasant types. Strong arm robbery happened to be in the middle of a doing, all while she went past it.

Geezā€¦ - Velera thought, and slightly annoyed stopped. She listened for a moment as the two men threatened poor old woman. She turned around partly, staring at them with one eye, she searched for a weapon of any kind ā€“ yet she found none.

This will be boringā€¦

She sighed, and went towards the three. Her appearance at first neglected, then noticed ā€“ silence for a brief moment, then a poor try of intimidation by a well-built man with crossed arms.

ā€œWhat you looking at?ā€ Man asked, trying to make her look small by using height and pressure his stance could give.

ā€œAt strong arm robbery.ā€ She replied, though she wanted to say something far more sinister ā€“ ā€œat a dead manā€ thought continued to linger nearby as she stared at him.

ā€œSo what you gonna do little slut?ā€ He asked leaning slightly, visibly wanting to laugh, all while his smaller friend chuckled underneath the hood. Thanks to how much skin she shows, both had to assume that sheā€™s at least nymphomaniac.

Velera grinned, and man felt something cold touching his neck, it was a knife ā€“ second one that she bought after losing her favorite.

ā€œProbably gut you, but we should call it slicing your throat first.ā€ Man stared at her with rather glassy eyes, as if not being able to comprehend what is unfolding in front of him. It took him a while, but his eyes widened and with fear he stepped back.

Afraid he looked at knife that now had a drop of blood, immediately he reached for throat ā€“ only to discover that his skin was slightly cut.

ā€œOhh, how I love this sightā€¦ā€ Velera began, her tongue now out as she slowly licked blood off the knife.

ā€œYou better runā€¦ā€ In a middle of these words tall man began to run, all while his friend stood frozen. Velera looked at him with crazy stare.

ā€œRun.ā€ She said, and he ran. She continued to follow them with gaze alone, until they were nowhere to be seen, when she turned to the old woman, she saw her scared.

Ah, greatā€¦forgot about that.

ā€œNo worries, itā€™s but a simple act, like in a screenplay ā€“ you see Iā€™m a psychology student, and also studied acting for a while.ā€ It surely did not calm old woman much, but she did retrieve her stolen purse, that Velera grabbed from ground.

Within seconds the two parted ways, woman surely had an experience of her lifetime ā€“ one that may as well be her last one.

Shouldā€™ve just kept going, acting was a bad idea as well, and that blood lickingā€¦

She winced, knowing that it wonā€™t really endanger her, but she still didnā€™t want to taste it as much as she pretended to.

I wonder whether little barista will learn of a strange person licking blood off of knife, this could be somewhat funny... - she thought and chuckled lightly.

Soon she found familiar neon sign, and soon doors were once more openā€¦she entered with an intention to get drunk if possible ā€“ kill what nagged her mind, and what nagged her mind was her stupid decision to lick that damn knife..

This time she cared little for what she would do most of the time ā€“ she did not try to flirt with any, yet.

All she wanted was a good drink, from an intriguing barista that once more stood behind the counter.

ā€œOne more of what you gave me last timeā€¦ā€ She said smiling, all while sitting down.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akita Ardain Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage
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Smiling politely, Akita turned around and started mixing a few bottles together. When she was finished, she placed the bottles back in the cabinet and spun around with the glass in hand. She placed the drink on the counter. "Here ya go!".

Akita grinned a bit, taking a sip of her coffee. She seems... Stressed?, she thought. Akita wondered for a moment, curious about the reason. The demon often offered help with the problems of her customers. For some of them, she had become something like a therapist, even though Akita didn't really like to admit it. With a small sigh, she focused back on the woman in front of her. "So, you said you where looking for a job, right? Got any luck so far?", she asked, genuinely curious.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Integra Blackheart Character Portrait: Akita Ardain Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
There was the small noise of metal on metal, sliding past each other and rasping in protest. Boot-heels clicked on uneven pavement as Integra marched through Tokyo's Meguro district. Rumor had it there was a nearby bar that was friendly to Outworlders, a place to lay low and perhaps have a bit of fun before this planet inevitably imploded in on itself. Though he hadn't been here long, it was obvious this world wouldn't last long in the grand scheme of things. This planet wasn't even ready to operate on a Galactic level let alone with everything else oozing out of the woodwork.

No matter... he thought quietly to himself as the hustle and bustle of the city made its way around him. This planet was abyssal, backwards, and way behind the times. They hadn't even learned proper space travel yet, Integra probably could've struck it rich simply selling things he managed to throw together back on his ship, but that would attract attention. I hate having to lay low like this! A flustered kick sent a can skittering down an alleyway and he marched faster, fuming about his current predicament.

The Multiversal Positioning System (MPS for short) that was built into his eye-patch seemed to suggest the bar wasn't much further ahead now. Two men ran past, one almost tripping over Integra in an effort to flee. Blackheart scoffed, pulling a flask from his inner coat pocket. "Watch where you're going pleb." He spat out a warning to the two men, who seemed to pay him no mind as they continued to run away. Shrugging it off, he took a short pull from his flask before realizing the damnable thing was almost empty.

"At least this mud-hole learned how to distill liquor..." The MPS interrupted his melancholy, zooming in on the neon sign that hung above Shadow's Guardian, and then panning over to the other sign.

'Staff Wanted'

"Bingo." The Navigation ended, as he had arrived at his destination. Mustering up all the humbleness he could manage, Integra swaggered into the bar and sat by a wild looking girl with white hair. The bartender was speaking with her, discussing exactly the reason he was here. "Yeah... about that Staff wanted sign..." He pinched the bridge of his nose with one hand, looking down. I have a headache... Little hair of the dog might help... Doing his best to be charming and with a dazzling smile he turned to the bartender "And can I get a drink while we talk it over? Something, devilishly strong perhaps."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Integra Blackheart Character Portrait: Akita Ardain Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zaria
Velera sighed, knowing that answer for baristaā€™s question is not a good one.

ā€œNot really, I got or rather in future I may work with police butā€¦that is future and Iā€™m in need of a job right now.ā€

Once more she played around with substance inside glass, watching it flow dangerously from one side to another, then she took note of the earlier sound made by opening door. New person had arrived into this small place, just when she memorized almost all the patrons.

Velera drank slowly, enjoying little drink that was given, all while listening to the new one speaking. What she heard was rather interestingā€¦

ā€œSo, you need staff forā€¦?ā€ curiosity spiked, drinking postponed a little, Velera simply sat and stared at barista.

OOC - Well, I did not expect Seppoku to join ^^, though yay!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Integra Blackheart Character Portrait: Akita Ardain Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage
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Akita gave her a small smile. "Police, huh? That's cool!". She took yet another sip from her cup, emptying it. Turning around for a moment, she placed the cup behind her.

She then turned to the newcomer, eyeing him a bit. That one seems kinda interesting... , the demon thought before speaking up: "Welcome! The one outside? You want the job?". Akita turned once more, now facing thr liquor cabinet. She took a few different bottles and a glass, mixing them together before placing the finished mixture in front of the man. "There you go, sir! Hope it suits your taste! ", she said brightly. The drink was one of her own creations, which she had quite a bunch of. This one, however was nameless so far.

She turned to Velera once more. "Well, you see,I can't be here all the time... Especially because of my... Second job. When an emergency occurs, I'll need someone to serve the customers.", she explained with a small sigh.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Integra Blackheart Character Portrait: Akita Ardain Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage
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#, as written by Sepokku
Integra smiled greedily at the drink, reaching forward and grabbing it, before downing it in a thoughtless gulp. There was the burn of alcohol as it trickled down his throat, a reasonable concoction that tasted decent, though Blackheart wasn't big on mixed drinks. His headache was already starting to lighten up, and with that thought it was time to talk turkey.

He placed both elbows on the counter, leaning forward to address the bartender. "Y-Yeah, sign outside. I mean unless there were other businesses you ran that were also hiring..?" Truth be told it wasn't even the job that mattered to him, it was just a place to lay low for the time being. It's not like this dirtball had much time remaining anyways, he'd be headed to a new planet soon anyways.

Integra's shadow flickered slightly, as if cast by candlelight in the wind, even though it wasn't. A tiny voice whispered to him, telling him what little secrets it deemed him worthy to know. The bartender. Demon. I can smell it on her. The HUD that his eyepatch displayed updated information, marking Akita as a Demon.

Sea-green eyes, he locked them onto the demon girl's cat-like blue eyes, sizing her up and down for a moment before deciding she was hiding something. No matter.

"I want the job, and can start immediately. Blackheart's the name. And the name of my soon-to-be new boss?"
Confidence, in a bar, confidence is key, so he did his best to leave no room to be declined the job. Turning to Velera, and flashing her a grin, he queried, "Are you one of my new co-workers?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Integra Blackheart Character Portrait: Akita Ardain Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage
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Akita flashed a small smile. "I like how straightforward you are, really. Name's Akita Ardain. And I'm afraid this is the only kind of job I can offer. Now, let me get this straight, the pay isn't exactly the best, but it's enough to live.", she explained, rubbing the back of her neck.

"If you wanna start right away, I can explain where everything is.". Akita re-filled the cup, which she had previously placed behind her, and took a sip. With a relieved sigh, she looked around the bar, a small, almost non-existent smile making it's way to her face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Integra Blackheart Character Portrait: Akita Ardain Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage
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#, as written by Zaria
Velera saw working here as an intriguing possibility - considering what kind of unexpected things may occur from time to time.

Pay may not be great as it seems, but that hopefully wonā€™t be problem as long as it is enough for her hobbies. Beyond that question was whether Akita searched for more than one employee.

ā€œWell, Iā€™m fine with pay being not too great as long as itā€™s enough for my hobbies.ā€

ā€œSo if you agree to having us both, I guess Iā€™ll be working with fishy here.ā€

Having someone else to work with, was always a pleasant addition ā€“ though Velera didnā€™t like this Blackheart person, mostly thanks to eyes.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Integra Blackheart Character Portrait: Akita Ardain Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage
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#, as written by Sepokku
Smiling wildly, Integra vaulted over the counter to stand next to Akita. "Yes, yup, absolutely right now. Nice ta meet ya Akita! Let's get started." He hastily rubbed both of his gloved hands together, excited to start. This had been easier than he anticipated, and a tad more interesting than he would have hoped.

Working a bar for a demon that occasionally disappears to a mystery second job, it sounded just peachy. Wait... Integra stopped to register what the odd girl he'd been sitting next to had said. Fishy? I smell like fish...? He stopped to make sure he still smelled like cologne, and wasn't suddenly reeking of marine-life.

His head cocked slightly to the side, confused. "Do... I smell...?" Now that he thought about it, Integra realized there was a lot about this planet he was unfamiliar with. "Oh! I get it, Fishy is one of those pet names I've been hearing about. In that case, pleasure to be working with you Ghosty!" Her hair was white, and he wasn't particularly good at making up names on the fly, so it would have to do.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Integra Blackheart Character Portrait: Akita Ardain Character Portrait: Velera Le Strage
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Akita jumped a little when the man suddenly stood next to her. He seems... Quite energetic. She chuckled as she watched the two. "I'd gladly hire both of you! Well then, kitchen's trough that 'staff only' door to the left, breakrooms and toilets to the right. Please don't mind the elevator, it leads to my... Living space. It's secured anyway."

"As you can see, the drinks are behind me in this cabinet. As for the 'mechanics', this bar is equipped with ancient technology. It translates all kinds of languages into English, so understanding is not a problem." She looked at the two once more. "Any more questions?"