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Julian Bishop

Lathan's Guard

0 · 970 views · located in Courtmoor

a character in “The Crumbling of Courtmoor”, as played by CaptainHooligan


Normal Person ✧ Overcome ✦ Believe It ✧ Get Off of My Back ✦ Below My Feet ✧ Wishing Well
{"I grew from colt to stallion, as wild and as reckless as thunder over the land. Racing with the eagle, soaring with the wind."}
- Spirit

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| N A M E |
Julian Perseus Bishop; Given to him by the maid of the DeGray house that found him, and once he was older he decided to take her maiden name.
| N I C K N A M E |
He's never really understood nicknames, but some of the knights and guards tease him by calling him Jules, so he's come to the conclusion that he's not a fan of the idea.
| A G E |
Actually 24, he's quite the young creature.
| G E N D E R |
| R O L E |
Personal Guard of Lathan
| S P E C I E S |
| S E X U A L I T Y |
Gray-asexual - It's not that he has no sexual feelings at all, he just hasn't really had the chance to experience it.

{"Black Beauty - He's a dark horse."}
- Tom Vine

| H E I G H T |
Five foot ten inches - 5'10"
| W E I G H T |
One hundred and seventy-six pounds 176lbs
| E Y E C O L O R |
Dark Brown
| H A I R C O L O R |
Almost Black
| A P P E A R A N C E |
Muscularly built, he has the body fit for a knight. He's not too muscular, though, leaving him toned and firm, and his shoulders aren't as broad as most. Julian was blessed with a naturally athletic build or maybe it was the Pegasus in him.
| O D D I T I E S |
There are two jagged looking scars on his back, both starting just above his shoulder blades and ending halfway down his back - those are where his wings form.

{"You took care of your horse, and your horse took care of you."}
- Elton Gallegly

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| P E R S O N A L I T Y |
Honor ✦ Loyal ✧ Happy ✦ Curious ✧ Stable ✦ Capable
A very flexible type of person, Julian tends to be stubborn when it comes to his ideas, but he's incredibly patient when it comes to hearing out what other people have to say. He favors straight forward, occasionally blunt conversations. And yet Julian generally avoids starting up any unnecessary trouble. This combination makes him a bit of a puzzle to those around him. Thought this certainly doesn't stop people from trying to figure him out, to his annoyance. In spite of some of his misgivings - Jules is incredibly loyal and has his head in the right place. He seems to be a star at first impressions due to their lasting effect, or simply because he's inclined to do well by others. He is consistent, always there when a friend needs him, always a shoulder to lean on, and a hand to help. Julian avoids starting trouble, but is the first to offer resolve.
He's one of the Lord's favorite guards, but you wouldn't know with the way he acts. He's a favored member, though he doesn't aspire for greatness - he achieves it through a manner of compliments and adoration of his friends. He's very well liked, it's hard not to like such a gentleman. He is incredibly strong and stable, however, he's been known to hold too much inside and finds it difficult to let his stress out. This leads to Julian acting without warning, moving from one area to another in attempt to distract himself. He's very horse like when it comes to this part of him, he enjoys just getting away. He has a love for adventure that guides his more personal interactions with people - from setting out to discover a new field to getting lost in his own thoughts and dreams. Julian rarely shows any negative emotion, so some never know exactly how he's truly feeling.

{"Flying? There were times I believed I could."}
- Spirit

|A B I L I T I E S // P O W E R S|
"It's said when Pegasus was born, a huge thunder with lightning pierced the sky, and that’s how his connections to the forces of skies were established. Back to the aftermath of Pegasus’s birth. Parentless, he was raised by the Muses at Mount Helicon, where he was taken by goddess Athena. In all of his excitement for being given to those women, Pegasus was striking the side of the mountain with his hooves and his marks caused springs to turn into flowing fountains of inspiration. Afterwards he would serve Zeus til the end of his days."
Julian hasn't yet discovered all of his powers. He does have the ability to fly, in his natural form or his human form - he can linger between forms leaving him a human with large black wings. Another way the Pegasus can camouflage himself is by hiding his wings, making him appear to just be a horse (Julian prefers this). In his true form, Julian is a little taller than eight feet - slightly larger than your normal horse, which leaves his wing span to be almost sixteen feet wide. Along with the wings comes a few powers, some Pegasus have the ability to control lightening and conjure earthquakes. Sadly Julian has no idea about the whole earthquake ordeal, but he has been experiencing some "shocking" abilities. He can cause a small electric current to shoot out of his fingers, but he hasn't quite mastered it and just ends up shocking himself. But, in horse form he can send shock waves through his wings making for quite the defense mechanism. Though there is one small catch, he can be captured - Roped and broke - once that happens, that person is able to ride him and Julian is practically that person's slave. But, Julian also has the ability to choose his "rider," Gwen and himself have researched this. He wanted to choose Gwen, but she thought it would be wiser to wait and choose Lathan just in case the family found out there was a Pegasus hidden within their midst.

| S T R E N G T H S |
✦Keen Hearing - Horses have naturally enhanced hearing, so Julian is able to pick up on the smallest of sounds which is very useful.
✧Fast Reaction - Throw something at him when he's not paying attention? Nine times out of ten he'll be able to catch it without flinching.
✦Imprints - He develops very strong bonds with a few people and he's willing to put his life on the line for them.
✧Assertive - But, not aggressive. It's a very good quality to have when he needs to give instructions to other guards.
✦Quick Learner - He can pick up on a task rather quickly.

| W E A K N E S S E S |
✦Limited Color - Along with keen hearing comes limited vision, so he's unable to distinguish between some colors and some just appear gray to him. So his mother sometimes has to help him pick out clothes, but he'd never let anyone know that.
✧His "Mom" - Wren is his biggest weakness, the pony would do absolutely anything for the woman. If someone messed with her, they mess with him.
✦Dominated - He can easily be over powered, he's more of a follower and less of a leader.
✧Doesn't Forget - Surprisingly, Julian is one to hold quite the grudge.
✦Body Language - Easily read, most people can tell how the guard is feeling just by how he's standing.

{"The spirited horse, which will try to win the race of its own accord, will run even faster if encouraged."}
- Ovid

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| H O B B I E S |
✦ Running - Something the horse has loved since he was a colt, and he was excited when he found a partner to run with. Though he wasn't quite as excited when Lathan decided it was best to run every morning.
✧Swordsmanship - Julian is known for his excellent use of a sword, so he enjoys practicing with his fellow guards.
✦Cooking - Something Wren taught him at a young age, he's pretty good at it but he knows he'll never be as good as his mom.
| H A B I T S |
✧Moving - The only time he's still is when he's asleep, and even then he has a habit of rolling around and kicking (usually ending up on the floor).
✦Eye Contact - Julian is capable of maintaining steady eye contact. Sometimes it's a bit too steady and he ends up intimidating someone.
✧Spooked - Much like a horse, Julian can be spooked by quick movement or loud noises. He's started to be able to control his jumping, but he has been known to accidentally punch someone who walks up without announcing themselves.
| L I K E S |

| D I S L I K E S |

| F E A R S |
✧Snakes - He cannot stand them, he's been known to screech "like a lady" according to some of his fellow guardsmen.
✦Loosing Wren - His adopted mother means the world to him, loosing her would ruin the Pegasus. He's terrified that someone will use her against him, because when it comes to Wren the boy is willing to sacrifice almost anything.
✧Being Broke - Maybe it's the wild stallion in him, or more so the fear of what being broken means. He doesn't want to become someone's slave.

{"A magnificent horse with the brain of a bird."}
- Zeus

| B I R T H P L A C E |
Right outside of Dracfort
| H I S T O R Y |
A widow who helps cook for the House of DeGray, she found Julian when he was just a foal and decided to raise him. The two have a very strong bond and Julian sees her as his real mother and owes a lot to the maid.
| F A M I L Y |
None that he knows, but he considers Wren Bishop to be his mother.

{"Sometimes a horse has got to do what a horse has got to do."}
- Spirit


| F C |
Penn Badgley

| C O L O R |

| P R O T R A Y E D B Y |

So begins...

Julian Bishop's Story