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Lathan DeGray

0 · 768 views · located in Courtmoor

a character in “The Crumbling of Courtmoor”, as played by BrokenInk


Small editing is being done.

Hurricane ✧ Broken Crown
{"If the highest aim for a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port."}
- Thomas Aquinas

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| F U L L N A M E |
Lathan Thaddeus DeGray

| N I C K N A M E |
Some try to be cute and call him β€œLathy,” which he finds fairly annoying. He usually just goes by his first name. There aren’t many ways to shorten Lathan, is there?

| A G E |
Twenty-three [23]

| G E N D E R |

| S E X U A L I T Y |

| R O L E |
The Eldest Prince of Courtmoor, soon to take the throne

| S P E C I E S |


| H E I G H T |

| W E I G H T |
184 lbs.

| E Y E C O L O R |
Crystal Blue

| H A I R C O L O R |
Unruly, jet black

| A P P E A R A N C E |
Taking after his father, although you wouldn't believe it now due to his father's feeble state, Lathan is a tall, sturdy man. He has broad shoulders and long arms that lead down to a pair of wide hands. Said hands, though some would rumor to be soft because of his noble status, are actually quite calloused and rough from his time spent outside- he is no sissy boy, claiming his younger brother stays inside enough for the both of them sometimes. Due to this, Lathan stays at the top when it comes to physical fitness, most of his weight being in lean, corded muscle. His teeth are, surprisingly, straight and fairly white. In front of those teeth he has a set of full lips which are usually drawn into a boyish grin causing large dimples to appear on his cheeks. Speaking of cheeks, Lathan's facial features are sharp, his jawline being sturdy and defined (and usually grazed with dark stubble), the only thing rounded about said facial features being his nose, although that in itself comes to a slight point.
His hair is jet black and what his mother calls "simply unruly." Unless it's shaven down to the scalp it is curly and goes it every which direction. Most of the time, he doesn't even bother with it, letting it keep the mind of its own. For attire, Lathan DeGray, sadly, has to dress formal 99.8% of the time. Unless he can sneak away to ride his horse or practice his archery in a simple pair of trousers and shirt, it is formal attire for him. The only other time he may dress freely is in his quarters.

| O D D I T I E S |
Lathan has quite a few scars, most of which he can't remember where they even came from. There's one that's prominent and runs along the left side of his jaw. He received it at the age of thirteen from a horseback riding accident and usually tries hiding it with facial hair now.


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| P E R S O N A L I T Y |

✦ Caring ✧ Gallant ✦ Stubborn ✧ Humble ✦

From a very young age up to now, Lathan has always been a caring person. One to "take one for the underdog," the guy who would defend someone whom he believed was right with his last breath. This is one of his good qualities that, though he doesn't see it, will make him an excellent King. He is kind and honest, although known to be rather sarcastic at times when put under loads of stress. The thought of having to become king sometime in the near future and also the thought of having to marry soon, not wanting to on his own accord, has put a lot of strain on the eldest DeGray. Lately, he has been known to be more tense and uptight without even realizing it.
If something goes wrong Lathan DeGray is the first to charge into battle, so to speak. He's never been one to back down from a fight (although he avoids them if possible), no matter the size or species of his opponent. He was also the kid bringing in snakes and other little creatures to the castle, only to be yelled at by his mother for it later. Bravery is one of his strongest traits, and one that usually gets him in the most trouble.
Along with bravery, however, stubbornness follows suite which in itself is not exactly a good thing. Lathan puts the term "as stubborn as a mule" to shame. If there's something the eldest DeGray doesn't want to do, you best believe he'll fight you tooth and nail. Perhaps not verbally, maybe not even by causing a big scene, but you'll see how, in the end, he doesn't end up going through with whatever it was. Living most of his life where everyone has told him what to do and how to be has finally got to the Prince. He tries playing to the beat of his own drum- which, can get a little harder than it seems. He doesn't, despite it all, want to let his father down. Living up to peoples' expectations, however, can become rather tiring.
Lathan DeGray has developed many traits that are quite foreign for a man of such nobility to have. He has a humble outlook about things. He treats a creature with the same respect he would a human, a servant with the same kindness he would his own mother. He doesn't see the point of being rude to someone because their status or species. He doesn't boast about the power his House has, nor hold it over the heads of others (unlike his father). There has been many times Lathan would travel through the many small villages and towns throughout Dracfort and give coin to those who needed it most. This, granted, would cause problems when he returned home to find his parents waiting up for him, a disapproving look smeared across their faces.
It would be safe to say Lathan is trusting and kind without fault, giving everyone benefit of the doubt unless they prove him wrong. He is also fairly laid back (although not recently) for a man who will be ruling all of Courtmoor, which is what Arlo and Evelynn worry most about.


| S T R E N G T H S |

✦ His Physical Fitness:: Due to staying in shape and always seeming to be doing some sort of physical activity, Lathan's strength is quite literally a strength.
✧ Bravery:: Lathan isn't afraid to barrel head first into danger. Unlike his younger brother, he sometimes doesn't think things through completely.
✦ Fairness :: He's always been known to be fair to everyone- human and creature alike.
✧ His Father (believe it or not):: Although his dad is pushing marriage on him, and the whole "becoming King thing," Arlo has truly shaped Lathan into the man he is today.
✦ "His People":: The people (and creatures) of Courtmoor really push Lathan and make him strive to do better. Although he's terrified of becoming King without his father there to guide him, he doesn't want to let anyone down. However, he doesn't feel Courtmoor needs a Queen necessarily.

| W E A K N E S S E S |

✦ His Stubbornness:: It gets him into trouble and sometimes he just doesn't know when to quit.
✧ His Heart:: Although Lathan generally cares about people and that's not a bad thing.. It can be. During times of trial he sometimes lets emotion cloud his judgement, which isn't good in such a high position of authority.
✦ His Family:: He doesn't show it and wouldn't dare say it, but Lathan truly cares about what he family thinks about him.
✧ Thinking Things Through:: He sometimes (most of the time) doesn't think about things before he does them.
✦ Too Trusting:: He trusts just about anything a person tells him until they prove him wrong, which can lead to believing a numerous amount of lies.


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| H O B B I E S |
✦ || Horseback Riding || He's rode a horse ever since he was able to sit up in a saddle.
✧ || Practicing his Archery || It helps him relieve stress and focus on something other than his princely duties.
✦ || Helping on the Grounds || Believe it or not, the eldest Prince loves helping the staff out in the gardens and flower beds. Most of the flower beds around and behind the castle he's helped design and keep up. He prides himself in them.

| H A B I T S |
✧ Rubbing the back of his neck:: When Lathan's thinking or nervous he'll absentmindedly rub the back of his neck.
✦ Running:: He has a habit of going for a run every morning.
✧ Clearing his throat:: When Lathan is uncomfortable he'll clear his throat and look away without even thinking.

| L I K E S |
βœ” Dracfort (Courtmoor) βœ” Creatures βœ” Food βœ” Exercise βœ” His siblings βœ” Archery βœ” Women βœ” Horseback Riding
βœ” Gardening βœ” Hand to Hand combat βœ” Fencing βœ” Independence βœ” Snow βœ” Intellectual Conversation βœ” The Hunt βœ”

| D I S L I K E S |
✘ Arguments ✘ Arranged Marriage ✘ Dysfunction ✘ Creature Cruelty ✘ Becoming King ✘ Illness ✘ Disrespect ✘ The Festivities
✘ Burnt Food ✘ Extremely Hot Days ✘ Liars ✘ Cowards ✘ Cockiness ✘ Disappointing Others ✘ Rejection ✘

| H O P E S |
✦ || To Become a Good King ||
✧ || Make his Father Proud ||
✦ || To Fall in Love on His Own ||

| F E A R S |
✧ - Not Being Good Enough -
✦ - Ruining Courtmoor (somehow) -
✧ - His Father Dying -


| B I R T H P L A C E |
❧ Dracfort, Courtmoor

| H I S T O R Y |
Lathan DeGray's life has been fairly uneventful. When he was four, almost five, his father, Arlo, conquered all of Courtmoor with an army of dragons and a horde of humans dumb enough to do his bidding. Lathan doesn't remember much of it, expect his mother being fearful of the backlash and their safety. They hid in the dungeon of the palace for days, scared of what Arlo had done. That is until the newly known King Arlo finally came back and explained that everything was fine, no one would rebel, and so his reign began. The eldest DeGray always wondered how exactly he knew they wouldn't rebel, however. Time passed and things fell into an every day lull. Lathan studied daily and always ran off in the evenings, out to the woods, with a wooden sword and horse. He was an adventurous kid and nothing short of mischievous, either. Soon that wooden horse was replaced with an actual stallion and his wooden sword was exchanged for one with much more bite to it.
Along with this, Lathan gained a younger brother and two sisters. As he got older, Lathan was forced into a different kind of study. At thirteen, he began learning to fight and his father started teaching him things he needed to know to be king one day. For a while, Lathan was envious and bitter of his younger siblings whom weren't locked in their room all hours of the day (unwillingly), forced to learn things a young teen shouldn't have to.
Sooner or later, the eldest prince simply accepted his fate, and went with it to appease his parents, although he wasn't exactly what they hoped for. He still vanished in the evenings. One particular evening, as the sun was setting, Queen DeGray glanced outside and, to her horror, saw Lathan on his hands and knees, smudged with dirt, out in the flower beds with the help. They tried, numerous times, to keep him from conversing and helping their servants, but he was constant with his curiosity and adoration of them: he loved working with the servants whenever he could.
Throughout the years Lathan has always kept many creatures of Courtmoor close to him, to his parents disdain. And now, at the age of twenty three, the eldest DeGray is faced with quite a bit. His father, whom he looks to for a lot of things, has fallen ill with something not even their best healer have seen, and to top it off Arlo says he is to be married. Lathan detests the festivities his father has planned and can only hope it will be over as quickly as possible.

| F A M I L Y T I E S |
Arlo DeGray - father - alive
Evelynn DeGray - mother - alive
_____ DeGray - brother - alive
_____ DeGray - sister - alive
Sebille DeGray - youngest sister - alive


| F C |
Henry Cavill
| C O L O R |
| P R O T R A Y E D B Y |

So begins...

Lathan DeGray's Story