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Ashton Marcx

"Death is so much worse when you see it on a daily basis with no way out of it."

0 · 925 views · located in Sleeping Willow

a character in “The Cursed Town”, originally authored by Sunflower, as played by RolePlayGateway




~Favorite Song~
Give Love A Bad Name || Bon Jovi

~Favorite Candy~

~Favorite Movie~
Miss Congeniality

~Favorite TV Show~

~Favorite Animal~

~Favorite Color~




Ashton Sabrina Marcx

Ash || Commonly Used


~Date of Birth~
October 18th





Constantly sees death: She was cursed to constantly dream of the ones she cares about dying and by her own hands. While out in public, at times when she looks at someone she sees their death.




~Hair Color~
Dark Brown and sometimes adds colored weave into her hair to give it a bit of color.

~Eye Color~


~Tattoos and Piercings~
Left eyebrow piercing





Ashton is a very outgoing sort of girl once she opens up. But at first she tends to come off as a bit of a loner. The main reason for this is because of her curse. Almost every time she looks at someone, she sees them die in numerous ways and she tends to find herself freaking out in the aftermath of it all. Everyone looks at her as if she is crazy, so she figured keeping to herself is the best thing to do. Ashton is a very sensitive girl, even though she puts on a front that nothing or no one could hurt her. That is all just to keep people from worrying about her. She feels that people have better things to worry about than what's on her mind or how she is feeling throughout the day.

❖ Rainy Days
❖ Writing
❖ Small Talk
❖ Observing
❖ Nature

❖ Death
❖ Sharing Feelings
❖ Being Alone
❖ Anything Pink
❖ Being Cursed

❖ Falling in love ❖ Being judged by her curse
❖ Seeing someone dying and believing it's all in her head




Ashton was originally born in France but later moved to Sleeping Willow when she was a baby. There weren't many days she could remember when everything was still alive, she wasn't cursed, and during the day the sun shined the way it was supposed to. Those days she misses more than anything else in the world. But around the time the curse fell over the land, she watched as her parents were brutally murdered by the witch. She can still remember the witch's words to this day, "Your curse is to see death. I'm forcing you to watch your parents die so that every time you see someone dying you think of your parents." That was seven years ago.

Now she lives in constant fear of ever looking into someone else's eyes again because she hates seeing people die, especially when it comes down to people she happened to care about. Though the main thing she hates about this curse is if she were truly watching someone die, she wouldn't be able to know if it were real or if it were all in her head. Many times she just sits there, watching in disgust, sadness, anger, and many more feelings that goes along with watching someone die. But in her case, it's over and over and over again, there is no getting away from it.

So begins...

Ashton Marcx's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashton Marcx Character Portrait: Shay Anderson Character Portrait: Ezequiel Bianchi Character Portrait: Kelly Anne Meddison Character Portrait: Oliver Daniels Character Portrait: Ashlyn Malberry
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Dialogue Color: #ff0055 || Location: Sleeping Willow

Ashton found herself walking through town, keeping her eyes upon the ground in fear that if she were to look at someone she would hallucinate their death and the thought would never leave her. It would just play in her mind over and over again like a horrible record.

She sighed, with each step kicking a rock across the ground. Ashton couldn't believe her home and everyone in it had been cursed. Many people in the town tended to keep more to themselves because they were ashamed of themselves and worried they would harm others. As for Ashton, the only person she would be harming is herself by being out in public.

As long as she hadn't looked at anyone, she would be fine. So most of the time Ashton is seen keeping her head down and minding her own business. That's all she really could do.

Upon reaching the cafe she stepped inside and took a seat at an empty table by the window and lifted the menu into her hands. The waitress made her way over towards her and spoke, "What would you like?" she heard the woman state.

Keeping all attention on the menu, she responded, "A coffee with a cheeseburger and fries please," she responded as she handed the menu over towards the waitress and immediately drew her attention down at the table with a soft sigh. It was depressing not being able to look at anyone without seeing them die but it was the only way she wouldn't' see those horrible visions while awake. In her sleep the dreams, there was no getting away from them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashton Marcx Character Portrait: Shay Anderson Character Portrait: Kelly Anne Meddison
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0.00 INK



Color Code: #FF82AB

Kelly has skipped school today. Why should she go anyway? To just listen and to some people to make fun of her speech impediment? Being a mute can be such a pain in the butt, Kelly was a person to always speak her mind, to always communicate. Now that curse really cursed the people it cursed with what hurt them the most. So this is why Kelly spend most of her morning in the library, which some of her close friends were confused because she did not spend time in the library for like never. But she was still there, reading about curses and witches and trying to find a solution to this. Most people that hit with the curse are ashamed and kept to themselves, who can blame them? She is also. But that curse might ruin her dream of being famous, to be able to sing which it is her favorite hobby, and this Kelly will try to break it if she can.

After a few hours of reading fairy tales of curses and psychic stuff, the only thing she got was that true love kiss thing. She suddenly felt hungry, she sigh and closed the books. Time for some food, I guess , she thought. She took her bag and stepped out of the library and quickly walked into the cafe. She noticed a few other people there and two girls already there, Kelly recognized them but she did not say anything. Mostly because she can not speak and second, one of them was doing holes with her eyes at the table to notice and the other one seems trying to stay still as to not hurt herself. Kelly just walked to the waitress, write on her notepad Fries, chicken nuggets and coke please . The waitress already knew Kelly's condition and nodded towards her. She smiled and took a seat at a table which was closer to the two girls, even though she was a mute, she was still not gonna be a loner. She waved at them with a smile and waited her food.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashton Marcx Character Portrait: Shay Anderson Character Portrait: Kelly Anne Meddison Character Portrait: Ashlyn Malberry
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Dialogue Color: #006400

Ashlyn had headed into the cafe on a whim. She'd always liked their food, even back when she was younger. And while she had eaten there just the previous day, it didn't really feel that way, so she could eat a decent meal here and not really feel guilty. One benefit of not remembering things. Sure, her journal had informed her of all the major points she needed to know about as well as an overview of what had happened the prior day, but she was pretty bare bones with her descriptions, and she had lost so many of the specifics and details overnight.

She poured over the menu, taking in the multiple options. Many of them were familiar, but based on her opinion of the establishment, she figured it wouldn't be that bad to have to try something. Still, the lure of something familiar overcame her, so she decided on something she'd had countless times before setting the menu aside and flipping through her journal, trying to see if there was anything she might need to know for the day. The cafe was semi-full, and many of the people inside seemed so familiar. Albeit, the last clear mental image she'd had of anyone was from seven years back so that wasn't exactly helpful. The curse hadn't made her life unliveable, just highly frustrating at times. 

Her attention was pulled away from the book when the waitress coughed politely, then repeated her question. "I'll have a grilled chicken sandwich please." Sure, it was rather plain, but it was just the sort of thing that she was in the mood for. "Oh, and a coke please."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashton Marcx Character Portrait: Shay Anderson Character Portrait: Kelly Anne Meddison Character Portrait: Ashlyn Malberry
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Saerith

Zeke's eyes were watering as he left the house, so he blinked rapidly to refrain from crying. When his mother was like this, it was always better to just leave her be. It wouldn't do any of them any good to stick around. He felt a bit better with every long, quick step he took. He had no real destination, actually just wanted desperately to get away, so he walked and walked for as long as he could before his legs actually started to hurt. There, he approached the curb and sat down, resting his arms on his knees with a sigh of relief. At least right there, sitting on the sidewalk in front of a nearly empty cafe, no one around seemed to be feeling particularly bad, so neither did he. As ridiculous as he felt, that's where he decided to stay, so he made himself a little more comfortable, leaning to the right to support his head on his hand and started thinking.

This is what he thought everyday. This is what everyone thought, at least once a day. No matter how much time went by, people never actually seemed to get used to the new life in the city, if this could be called life at all. So, as always, he thought of days before. Days when his mother would actually cook him meals, talk to him, console him, and he could do the same. Days when he would have gotten in that cafe, sat down next to one of those girls and had a friendly conversation. Days when his life wasn't such a complete mess.

He looked inside and wondered if he should get in. He hadn't eaten in a while, but wasn't really hungry. As of lately, he didn't really eat that much anyways. Maybe, he thought, closing his jeans jacket closer around his torso, he could get in for a cup of hot chocolate, since it was pretty cold outside, but that too seemed an awful lot of unnecessary work and a waste of money. So, for a moment longer, he remained there, sitting alone on the sidewalk, and lifted his head to look at the moon. And it made him calm and happier, almost like he always used to feel.

At least he thought we still have something bright.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ashton Marcx Character Portrait: Shay Anderson Character Portrait: Ezequiel Bianchi Character Portrait: Kelly Anne Meddison Character Portrait: Ashlyn Malberry
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: #ff0055 || Location: Sleeping Willow

As Ashton sat there at the table, she heard some others stepping inside. She had to fight with herself not to look at them, though as hard as it was she had succeeded. Instead she glanced out the window, but that was when she noticed Ezequiel, he was lying upon the sidewalk, as he always had when he thought about grabbing something to eat. But just before she was able to remove her attention from him, she was forced to see a vision of him dying.

Ashton watched as a bus driver lost control and began swerving through the road. Before Ezequiel was able to make a single move, the bus crashed straight into the male and he went flying through the air and straight into the cafe through one of the windows. His bleeding was so bad that it hadn't taken him very long to die.

Once the vision was over, she immediately returned her attention back to the table. Apparently the waitress had been standing there with her food, trying to get her attention. "Ashton...Ashton. Are you alright?" the waitress stated as she finally sat the food down.

The female nodded her head at her words and spoke, "Could I get another muffin?" she questioned as she lifted her own into her hand along with her cup of coffee and stood to her feet.

The waitress began making her way back over to the counter, Ashton followed behind her. She pulled out her debit card to pay for the food before heading on her way out the door with the two muffins and her cup of coffee. Upon reaching Ezequiel, she carefully sat down, being sure not to look at him or anyone else on the street.

"Hey, how are you holding up?" she questioned as she handed him the muffin.

Before the curse, Ezequiel and Ashton couldn't quite get along very well. Though that all changed once the curse broke out all through the town. Since then, Ashton has been trying to push her feelings aside and at least try to get along with the man. After all, with this curse, there was nothing else to do. Life was already miserable enough without having to argue and fight with someone day in and day out.