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Ruby Le Rouge

0 · 444 views · located in Campbellton

a character in “The Dark Claw”, as played by WittyWriter88


Ruby Alexandria Le Rouge
Everyone werewolf-wise knows Ruby by the name 'Scout.' She got this nickname at the young age of twelve years old(when she first shifted). Ruby is a complete natural with stalking her prey. Hence the quirky nickname of Scout.
Scout turned Eighteen a few weeks ago..
She's a Werewolf, but she is also a Telepath..
Ruby stands at 5'7", her height being mostly in her mile-long legs. Her build is lean, lithe, and fairly agile, in most instances. Toned legs lead up to sturdy thighs and a trimmed waist. She has gentle, womanly curves in places needed, but do not confuse her with a fairy. That she is not. If you think her delicate and "breakable" you might just be surprised when you catch a flash of lean muscle when she moves. No, she's not bulky, just fit from all the running and excercising she does. Her hair currently cascades in silky smooth, blonde waves just below her shoulders. However, in random bursts Ruby has been known to cut her hair off short when she gets tired of fooling with it, and has the notion. Sadly, her hair color is the only thing she received from her mother. The slight wave comes from her father, and so does her blue/green eyes. One day her eyes are a baby blue, the next a mint green. Sometimes they mix. It usually depends on the clothes she's wearing. All-in-all Ruby has soft facial features. A defined, smooth jawline, high cheekbones, and a gently rounded nose. Full, pouty lips, neatly arched eyebrows, and thick black eyelashes. Her skin is soft to the touch, lightly tanned, but is grazed with many little scars; childhood.
As for attire, Scout dresses for, mostly, comfort unless she must dress up. She adores graphic t-shirts, hoodies, basketball shorts, etc. Though, she knows how to clean up.
Another Pic
Ruby is a lot like her sister Serena, well, her sister is a lot like her. Scout(Ruby) is a very fiesty girl. You could say she has the temperament of a wolf; sharing her mentality with one that is. She is strong-willed(stubborn), and hates taking 'no' for an answer. She is the definition of a tomboy with all the curves of a "woman." You could say when she sets out to get something she always gets what she wants(or likes to think so that is). She is a predator. There has been more than one instance where Scout has been called "too much to handle," especially by the Elders. As a younger child she was completely rambunctious- maybe even worse than her brother. As for friends, she has more male friends than female. She finds girls too prissy and annoying.
That being said, Ruby'd rather fight than have a simple, witty conversation. Yes, the girl is full of sarcasm, able to shoot down a snake-tongue in an instant, but she's also a physical person(a lot like an animal). Not being the type to whine when she breaks a nail, she's more of a rough and tumble kind of girl. She adores sports, especially the contact kind like football. Saying this, it's no surprise that she's fiercely protective. Protective of her friends and family, extremely loyal(like a wolf).
Behind that there is a fairly down-to-earth wolf-girl. She likes those moments when she forgets she's "different," and can just be a teenager! It's great. She also enjoys a good ole' adrenaline rush. Loving to run and wrestle. It's pretty great if you ask her..
Scout is also a jokester. She loves to taunt and tease people, especially those older than her; like her trainer for instance. It's always fun pushing different buttons on Zayne to watch how he reacts. It is like she lives to mess with him. Same goes with her best guy friend, Brandon. He seems to handle it a little better though, and simply gives it back to her ten times worse. She mostly teases "Brandy-Brand" about his secret obsession with her sister. Oh it's great.
Besides that Ruby is outgoing and adventurous. She loves trying new things, and even is a bit "childish" at times. She gets extremely attached to people easily, and loves to give "cutesy" little nicknames to tease. She's even a bit of the jealous type, but would never admit it. Other than that you find Scout in a group of people, laughing the loudest and smiling. Making someone smile and have a good time is like candy to her. However, the wolf is fairly easy to please! She loves the simple things in life, like a sunset or a warm downpour of rain. She's the type that'd rather have a homemade gift than something bought.
All-in-all Ruby is something else..
+ The Rain; Spring showers, down pours, etc.
+ Running, Excercise..
+ Adrenaline Rushes
+ Sweets: Especially ice cream..
+ Animals
+ Her Wolf Form
+ Reading
+ Star Gazing
+ Video Games
+ Intelligent Conversation
+ Adventure
+ Sports
+ Training
+ Teasing, Taunting, Laughing, Having a Good Time
+ Etc.. More Revealed
- Being Told What to Do
- Rude/Judgemental People
- People Who Purposely Act Dumb
- Loud Noises
- Thunder: It creeps her out..
- Complete Silence: She doesn't like loudness, hate when it's dead silent, though.
- Intense Heat
- Arguments
- Losing a Bet/Game
- Failure in General
- Being Scolded
- Etc.. More Revealed
For Ruby shifting has always came fairly easy to her. At the age of twelve(a year younger than most werewolves), she shifted for the very first time. It surprised her father at how easily she took to it. Not long after that is how her nickname "Scout" came about, a few days after she shifted, actually, and was stalking a rabbit out through the forest. When she was six and her mother died, Ruby did not take it too hard. She cried a little, but didn't fully understand, being very young at the time. As she got older she started asking about her mother, and was simply told to look at her younger sister, Serena. Serena looks a lot like their mother.
Ruby was always close to her father, but more or so closer to her older brother, Cameron. She always went to him with questions, and still does to this day. Don't get her wrong, she loves her father, but him being the leader of the Seven Stars always kept him busy(and still does). Having such an important father has always had its advantages and disadvantages. When Ruby was younger it was hard for her to be good and respectful. She was an extremely hyper child. Her brother sometimes had to simply pin her down to keep her from frolicking about! However, she's gotten much better over the years, naturally. She hopes she makes her father proud.
At the age of ten Scout discovered besides being a werewolf, she was also a telepath. It happened at school. One evening she had got in trouble(which was not unusual) and was sitting in the principal office waiting on her father to come pick her up. The principal herself was sitting across her large, oak desk staring at Ruby. Ruby watched her back. Having an unknown, intense gaze all of a sudden the principal's own thoughts flooded into Ruby's own mind. It scared her at first! Terrified her. Loud, unneccesary words crammed themselves into her brain. The teacher was, mentally, cussing her out.
Surprisingly her father believed her when he came and got her, and she told him in the car. Her great grandfather had the same ability which her father called a "gift."
Besides that Ruby's life has been fairly normal. She is now a Senior in high school, facing things "normal teenagers" face. Feeling the pressure. However, she has her friends, and sister.. Even though they do not always get along. Plus her trainer, naturally(even though they do not see eye-to-eye every day).
One:: Being able to hear peoples thoughts literally drives Scout nuts. It's still hard for her to control what she hears after all this time. The ability sometimes keeps her up at night, in tears. It's not that great.. Knowing what people really think about you.
Two:: Ruby has never had an actual "boyfriend"(due to most seeing her just as a friend), and has never actually had her "first kiss." She would never tell a soul though! The teasing and taunts would be endless!!
To read Ruby has to wear thick, black-rimmed glasses. They're completely nerdy..
Average post length:
About one or two paragraphs for each character. Depends on the whole situation, and if my brain is mush or not that evening. :P

So begins...

Ruby Le Rouge's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serena Le Rouge Character Portrait: Bianca Winston Character Portrait: Ruby Le Rouge Character Portrait: Dante Lockhart Character Portrait: Rose Thorne Character Portrait: Erik Watson
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0.00 INK

It was the last few days of summer. They only had 4 days left, including the current day. Currently Serena, Bianca and Rose were sitting at one of those gross tables at the carnival. The ones that look like they were from the trash, at the food court. Well if you could call it a food court. All they sold there was cotton candy, hot dogs, and anything deep fried. The girls were all munching on some fries and sipping on their floats.

Serena - Earlier that day
This morning it started out pretty normal. Serena woke up and rubbed her eyes as usual. She turned up her radio and danced around her room a bit. Sadly, that morning she wasn't early enough to get the bathroom. "Ruby! You hog! I need that bathroom!" Serena yelled while banging on the door. She sighed and walked back to her room. An hour later she heard the bathroom door unlock. "Long enough?" She commented. She spent her morning doing her hair, make up and getting the perfect outfit together. She wasn't going to let her summer end in ugly rags.

Serena had always been proud of her style. People, younger students, looked up to her. She wasn't going to be a bad influence or role model. She was almost done brushing her hair when she heard a knock on her window. Serena lived by the Campbellton shore, it was the most beautiful place in the world, or that was her opinion. She dropped the brush into the sink and peeled open the curtains. Bianca, of coarse, was sitting there. She unlocked the latch and watched her friend climb inside. "We do have a front door" Serena joked but Bianca wasn't smiling. It had happened again. She wasn't quite sure who was doing it but she knew it was happening. "again" She sighed looking at her frazzled friend. Serenity pulled back out her make up and started to put foundation on her arms. "You know you can report whoever is doing this..." Serena tried to say, but Bianca stayed silent. Bianca was always very timid after it would happen.

After Serena had curled Bianca's hair, it always looked prettier curled, they decided to call on Rose. Rose being the fun, crazy friends they knew already had a plan. "The carnival!" Rose practically screamed through the phone. Serena grabbed the keys hanging off the rack, and as they left the house she could hear her sister yelling "Don't you dare take the keys! I have plans!" But Serena just jumped in the car and started to drive in the direction of Roses house. Bianca was calming down by this point and they started to sing to the radio. As they pulled up, Rose looked brighter than usual. Her hair, I mean. "Did you re-dye it?" Serena asked. Rose nodded and jumped in the car. They drove around for a bit then ended up at the carnival. That's how they got in their current situation.

Current time - 1:46 pm
Rose was already finished her float and was hyper. "Let's go on an easy ride... So our food can settle?" Serena said politely. She moved some hair from her face as they brought their empty food trays to the trash. They were about to go look for another ride when Serena heard her name. "Serena! Hey!" She turned and saw Erik walking with Dante. Of coarse it was Dante yelling for her, Erik was waaay "too cool". Serena used to like Erik. But then he turned bad. He just ditched her and all their friends. Taking the elastic from her wrist, she tied up her hair as they walked up. "Hey guys!" She smiled as Rose and Bianca turned around. Bianca of coarse just stood there looking to the ground. Bianca, even before it started happening, was never good with guys. Unlike Serena who was always one of the guys. "Funny seeing you here!" She laughed.

Bianca - Earlier that day
Bianca woke up to her father yelling. He was screaming something like "I can't believe you!" Of coarse she never knew what she had done. She tried to hide under her covers, but the punches still hurt. Plus she knew they would still bruise. Once he got too tired to hit her, he would just walk off and find something to drink. She slowly put on her outfit for the day, as she cringed in pain. It wasn't the worst beating she has had, but it wasn't just a pat on the back. She ran out the door, grabbing her purse on the way out. She walked to the house next door, Serena's house. She tapped the window, her heart was racing, thinking about her father finding out she left. As Serena opened the window she slipped inside. Bianca wasn't in the mood to talk. She knew that Serena didn't know it was her father, and she didn't plan on telling her.

They got ready and after an hour or so she had calmed down a bit. "Let's do something... I bet Rose will know what to do..." Bianca suggested. She really liked Rose, even though she got on her nerves sometimes. Bianca always got to try new things with her and it was exciting. Once they got off the phone with their friend they hopped in the car and drove off. The radio was playing Victoria Duffield's Shut Up and Dance. Bianca loved the 'Top 40' radio and she softly sang with the music. She laughed as the bright red head came up to the car and hopped in. They sped down the road until they got to the carnival. Bianca never really liked carnivals. The smell of dirty carni's, the dirty surroundings and loud screams. But she did like the cotton candy and balloons. She ran off to get cotton candy as the girls went on some rides. After she finished her snack, and her mouth was blue they went to the food court.

Current time - 1:50 pm
Bianca was emptying the trays in the garbage when she heard a familiar voice. Dante. Her pulse increased as she turned around to make sure it was him. Of coarse it was. She had the biggest crush on him and you would almost say she stalked him. But only a tiny bit. She walked back over to Serena and gave a half smile to both of the guys. She looked down to her sandals and couldn't seem to lift her head back up. Guys, especially Dante, always seemed to have that effect on her. She noticed there was a slight residue of blue nail polish left on her toes from a few weeks ago. She tuned back in to the conversation, "So have you guys been on any rides yet..." She spoke softly. It was almost a whisper. Her knees were shaking, you could see she was pretty nervous.

((If you aren't tagged in this post, please check the OOC for the setting, who you're with and information before you post!))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cameron (Cam) Le Rouge Character Portrait: Serena Le Rouge Character Portrait: Bianca Winston Character Portrait: Ruby Le Rouge Character Portrait: Dante Lockhart Character Portrait: Rose Thorne
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0.00 INK

Earlier in the morning

Cameron rolled over in his large bed. His hand crept over to the other side, making sure he was alone. He had been out with some friends last night and they had been drinking, he didn't remember much. He checked his phone. "11:06" He groaned and sat up, reaching for a glass of water on his nightstand, which he chugged.
He lived in the basement of his family's house, he had his own kitchen and bathroom. There was a large tv across the room from his bed, where his xbox was connected.

He stumbled to his bathroom, where he brushed his teeth and took a long shower.
After drying off he headed to his kitchen, opening the refrigerator to take out the fixings for an egg sand which. He clicked on the radio. He bobbed his head as he made his breakfast and then sat down on his bed, flipping through the channels on the tv. After he finished his breakfast he got dressed in jeans and a tshirt and went upstairs.

"Serena! Ruby!" He called for his sisters, roaming around the house. He climbed yet another flight of stairs and checked their rooms. Serena was gone. Where was she? His protective instincts kicked in. He knocked on Ruby's door. "Ruub??" He opened it slightly.

"Hey sis. Do you know where Serena is?" He let himself in her room and sat on her bed. He was comfortable with his sisters, besides his overly protective trait, they were like friends.
"She's not in her room and I noticed the cars gone..." He picked up a magazine that was on her bed. "What the hell are you reading this for?!" He held up the article about sex. "Ew.." He rolled it up and stuck it in his back pocket as he stood.
Ruby tried to grab the magazine from him but he swiveled. "She's at the carnival i think!" Ruby told him. "Kay thanks" He smiled and ruffled her hair before leaving.

Current Time 2:02 pm

Cam decided he would go into town to grab some coffee and swing by the carnival to check on some of the young ones. He was constantly making sure they were following the rules. Especially no romance till 20. He felt kind of bad disturbing them, but then again, it was his job. He remembered when he was their age, all he wanted to do was turn 20 so he could be intimate with a girl. He usually didn't say anything if they were on group date or being relatively appropriate with each other. After all, he liked being a cool elder. He knew what it felt like to be a young werewolf.
He rode into town on his motorcycle, it was black with slight blue fading.
He stopped at the Topaz Cafe to grab an iced vanilla coffee and saw a few people there he knew. He stopped for a quick chat and then was on his way to the carnival. He wasn't really up for shifting this morning, if he had to he would. He walked in, explaining to the ticket booth lady that he was just looking for someone. Normally, she wouldn't let anyone in without buying a ticket but there was something very charming about this guy that made her take a risk. He gave her an award winning smile and entered the park. It wasn't hard to find his sister, he could smell the young group of werewolves from the entrance.
There they stood in a group, walking towards a ride. It was Dante, Serena, Bianca, Rose and Erik. He knew his sister's friends fairly well, Bianca looked like she had a hard morning. He felt for her.

He took a seat on a bench and looked busy on his phone, keeping an eye on his sister. His thoughts drifted to the rest of his family, which included Ruby and his father. Tonight was one of the only nights everyone might be home, he made a mental note to make it family night.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cameron (Cam) Le Rouge Character Portrait: Serena Le Rouge Character Portrait: Ruby Le Rouge Character Portrait: Zayne Sterling Character Portrait: Marquis Lockhart
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0.00 INK

Cam decided things were okay, for now, with Serena. He sent a text to both his sisters and his father. "Family night, be home by 6 for dinner"
Usually it wasn't the older brother asking for a family night, but their family wasnt usual.

He got up from his seat on the bench, took one last look up at the Ferris wheel where his sister was and headed out the exit. He grabbed a popcorn on his way out to satisfy his hunger. He munched on it while walking to his motorcycle, lingering by the tree he parked by. He leaned his back against the trunk and crossed on leg over the other coolly. He figured he needed something to pass the time so maybe he would go to the woods and shift, he hadn't ran in a while and his bones were aching for it. He threw out his popcorn, threw on his black helmet and started his bike. It was quite loud and fast, he made it to the woods behind his house in no time.

He ran just into the edge of the woods before changing. It felt so good, so free. He couldn't believe he hadn't changed in almost a week. He shook his head and raced through the woods, winding between the trees. He caught the scent of a few things. Three of them were people, or rather werewolves. He followed their scent and came up behind Mark and Zayne. He changed back into his human form and smiled. "Hello boys" He patted Mark on the back. "What are you two doing out here?" Mark was Cynthia's husband, and even though he had the hots for her, he had the utmost respect for Mark. Zayne was a new elder and was still learning the ropes and he had no reason not to be friendly with him either.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eva Frost Character Portrait: Cameron (Cam) Le Rouge Character Portrait: Serena Le Rouge Character Portrait: Ruby Le Rouge
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He chuckled at her. "Yea it surely does have it's perks." He looked at his watch. "Well I should get back home. I gotta go get stuff for family night tonight. Do you want me to drive you somewhere?" He asked, politely. He had his bike at home with him, if she wasn't comfortable on that he could drive her in his jeep.

He was bored. He wanted to go see Luna or do something. He hoped his sisters would come home soon, help him make dinner or something. He didn't like them being out with guys that long, especially when he wasn't out with girls.

He started to climb down the rocks to get back in the water again, waving for her to follow, he swam back to shore.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cameron (Cam) Le Rouge Character Portrait: Serena Le Rouge Character Portrait: Ruby Le Rouge
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Cam walked back through the woods and got on his bike. He drove to the local food market and perused the aisles.
He picked up spaghetti, ground beef, sauce, and broccoli. He also picked up a bottle of wine.

He stood in line. He saw an old friend from highschool and waved, having the quick "how have you been" chat that lasted a measly 30 seconds.
He carried the stuff back out and strapped the bag to the back of his bike and sped home. No one was home yet so he started to boil the water.
While he waited he went into the closet and dug out some old games and a few movies. He prayed everyone was going to be in a good mood tonight.