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Kathryn Xyra Dalladoss

"We are all but pawns in the game of life."

0 · 337 views · located in Fairytale

a character in “The Darkness within Ever After”, originally authored by Kura Ravengade, as played by RolePlayGateway


Image ā€Why must we fight, when life is so short?ā€

Image Full Name
Kathryn Xyra Dalladoss (her maiden name)

Kathy, Kat, Ryn, Ather


Dancing, Charming, Music, Painting, Children, Animals, Singing, Laughing, Adventure, Sword-Fighting

Hatred, Anger, Deceit, Remorse, Conflict, Murder, Betrayal

Hm, well, I happen to have a scar that travels around my throat in a perfect, pearly circle, that was caused by my stepmother and stepsisters, who attempted to hang me from a tree not too long after I married my Charming. I have what is referred to as a Henna tattoo along my right side, and one nose piercing on the right nostril. Other than that, I'm not, well, tainted. ... iniHip.jpg

Love Interests|Crushes
Why, my beloved Charming of course. Who else could I ever fall for? Heā€™s handsome and so, so caring ā€¦ I donā€™t believe I could ever love anyone more then I love him ā€¦ Heā€™s perfect, and absolutely ā€¦ Charming!


(Will be Added)

(Will be Added)


Love and Theft | Angel Eyes
She likes whiskey with her water
She starts dancing when the stars come out
She ainā€™t your typical preacherā€™s daughter
Sheā€™ll leave you dreaminā€™ yeah there ainā€™t no doubt

Thereā€™s a little bit of devil in her angel eyes
Sheā€™s a little bit of heaven with a wild side
Got a rebel heart a country mile wide
Thereā€™s a little bit of devil in her angel eyes
A little bit of devil in her angel eyes

Saturday night sheā€™s rockinā€™ out by the bonfire
Flirting from that tail gate and crankinā€™ up the dial
Come Sunday morninā€™ sheā€™ll be singing with the choir
Drivinā€™ me crazy with that kiss me smile

Thereā€™s a little bit of devil in those angel eyes
Sheā€™s a little bit of heaven with a wild side
Got a rebel heart a country mile wide
Thereā€™s a little bit of devil in her angel eyes
Thereā€™s a little bit of devil in her angel eyes

And I canā€™t stop wonderinā€™ what it would feel like, to hold her all night
Sheā€™s got that something, that sexy innocence, she must be heaven sent

Thereā€™s a little bit of devil in her angel eyes
Sheā€™s a little bit of heaven with a wild side
Got a rebel heart a country mile wide
Thereā€™s a little bit of devil in her angel eyes

Thereā€™s a little bit of devil in those angel eyes
Sheā€™s a little bit of heaven with a wild side
Got a rebel heart a country mile wide
Thereā€™s a little bit of devil in her angel eyes
Thereā€™s a little bit of devil in her
In those angel, in those angel eyes

So begins...

Kathryn Xyra Dalladoss's Story


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Character Portrait: Kathryn Xyra Dalladoss
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"Soon, honey ... Soon you will be able to meet your mommy and daddy."

Kathryn, also known as Cinderella, having had changed her name when she had married her Prince Charming, gently stroked her stomach, cooing softly to it. Although it had yet to extend in any way, she still took pleasure in rubbing her stomach and speaking softly to the small being that was slowly growing inside of her.

She moved over to one of her rosebushes, plucked up a white rose, and pressed it to her nose, inhaling slowly. The scent swept around her, engulfing her and only intensifying her serene state-of-mind, and as she broke the stem, she smiled gently. "You can't let daddy know though, not yet," she purred, slipping the white rose into her only-slightly-darker hair.

Thunder tore through the sky, successfully startling her, and she jumped, her hand clutching her chest. "Goodness! That scared ten years from my life," she breathed, rubbing at her forehead. She took in several deep breaths to slow her heartbeat, then tilted her head back to face the darkening sky. Only moments before, it had been sunny outside. The birds had been chirping, a gentle breeze had been blowing, and several animals had been scampering throughout her seemingly-endless yet beautiful garden. Now, however, the sky was quickly turning black and stormy, and thunder crashed, lightning quickly answering it with a reacting flash.

"Oh my ..." she murmured, frowning up at the dark mass above her. One droplet fell to her cheek, where it slowly trickled down and fell off towards the ground. It was followed by another, and another, and another, until the entire sky was crying. The rain poured down upon her, and she quickly pulled the hood of her light blue cloak up and over her head. I should return to the castle before I catch cold ...

With that thought in mind, she hurried back to the castle, ducking inside before it turned into a complete downpour. She was still drenched and chilled, but not tremendously so, and this would be easily fixable with a warm bath and dry clothes.

"Princess Kathryn! My goodness, what on Earth has happened to you?"

Kathryn looked up and tossed the wet hood of her cape, back from her head, her eyes traveling to one of Charming's footmen that had been assigned to protect her until he returned from his trip. She smiled at him, untied her wet cape, and placed it in the laundry bin that sat beside the door.

"I was merely caught in the sudden downpour. There was no harm done in that. However, I would like it very much if you would fetch a maid and ask of her to fill a bath for me," she requested. He snapped his fingers and a maid appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, and she laughed a little. The things this man will do in order to please Charming and myself ...

They spoke briefly, and once the maid was gone, the footman, also known as Gerald, passed a towel to her, which she accepted gratefully. She wrapped it around her body and sighed a little as warmth began to seep through her.

"Have you any idea when my husband is due to return?" she asked, nodding for Gerald to walk with her to the bedchamber she normally shared with Charming.

"We received word that he would be here later on today. The exact time is unknown, however, and seeing as this rain had just appeared out of nowhere, it may slow his return down."

Kathryn felt her lower lip go out in a slight pout. "How depressing," she sighed as they reached her bedchambers. She smiled at him and they said their farewells, and she immediately made her way into her room. She shut the door quietly behind her, and turned back around to see a bath warm and ready beside the fireplace, where a fire was crackling in a welcoming manner. She smiled in joy and quickly made her way to the tub.


Flopping back on the bed, Kathryn sighed, her boredom evident. What to do when it's raining so terribly outside?

She shot up as a thought intruded her mind. "I can finally organize the library!" she exclaimed cheerfully. She shot like a bullet from the bedroom, ever the little kid when it came to books, and made her way down the hallways to the library.

Ever since she had married Charming, he had ordered her not to clean, cook, organize, or, well, do anything really, and it was driving her absolutely insane. She couldn't help the fact that she had grown up as a maid; she actually enjoyed cleaning a lot of the time, and managed to sneak and do so every chance she got.

She made her way into the library and quietly shut the door behind her, then turned back to survey the room. Books were strewn to and fro, with papers mixed into the mess, and many of the books on the large, endless shelves, were out of order.

"Oh, what a mess!" she exclaimed, moving further into the room. She clapped her hands, and several birds swept in through the windows, where they shook off their wet feathers and chirped happily at her. She smiled down at them. "Hello everyone, it's nice to see you all again. Would you mind helping me clean and organize this room?" The chirps that followed were all the answers she needed. She went to work, the birds assisting her in doing so, and she sat down on the floor, her skirts pooling around her legs, books surrounding her in stacks.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Thomas "Charming" Jacob Character Portrait: Kathryn Xyra Dalladoss
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Prince Thomas
Prince Thomas couldn't believe his horrible timing. He had left the castle to inspect the garrison of soldiers in the village who he had sent to protect from the increasing chaos that was spreading through Ever After like wildfire. Just as he had left, practically minutes after they left, the downpour began. "Really?" he muttered to himself. "Of all the times it could have rained, it had to be now?" He called to his accompanying guardsmen, declaring jovially "Let's pick up the pace a bit. The sooner we get back, the sooner we can all warm up by the fire, and have some warm drinks." A round of agreement followed this, as they broke into a full gallop.

Finally, after being drenched about ten times over, they reached the castle gates. The gates opened promptly, as they were more vigilant for their prince when the storm broke. He walked through the main hallway, soaking wet, to be met by James, his personal servant. "Prince Thomas!" James greeted him. "You wouldn't happen to have gone swimming, would you?" Thomas laughed and replied, "I may as well have been. I probably would have been drier if that was the reason. Enough of that, though. Where is my wife?" James replied, "Last I saw, she was headed to the library. She should still be there." Thomas couldn't help but smile. Kathryn, or Cinderella, as she called herself now, certainly loved books. "Alright. I will be changing my clothes, and then will head down to meet her." As an after though, he added as he was halfway out of the room "Don't tell her I'm coming. I want to surprise her."

Thomas changed quicklly, getting out of his soaking wet suit, and switching to more comfortable attire for everyday life at the castle. He walked down towards the library, whistling a happy tune. Of all the things he could do, he didn't know anything that made him as happy as spending time with Kathryn. Even his favorite hobby of sword fighting took a back seat to it. He walked through the doors to find her organizing the books, the birds somehow getting involved as well. He had absolutely no idea how she could do that, but the effect was certainly something. Collecting his wits after a few seconds of being dazed by this, he spoke up and said, amused, "You know, if you want the library cleaned, you just have to ask."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Thomas "Charming" Jacob Character Portrait: Kathryn Xyra Dalladoss
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Kathryn was in there for nearly an hour before she had even come close to being halfway done with her organization. The birds had taken the books and flitted them to their correct spots on the shelves as she ordered them on the floor, and she had no need to move from her spot on the floor.

It was about another hour when she heard footsteps in the hall outside the door. She continued to go about her business, completely ignoring them; that is, until the door opened. She didn't bother to look up and see who it was, figuring it to be a maid or servant that had come to check up on her.

"You know, if you want the library cleaned, you just have to ask."

Her head shot up, her face paling before going alight with pure joy. "Thomas!" she cried, scrambling up from where she sat. She straightened her skirts, looked up at him for a moment, before she took off to him. She threw her arms around his neck and clung to him, sniffling a little. "I missed you so much," she whispered, hiding her face in his shoulder.

She remained that way for several moments, refusing to allow him to push her away - not that she figured he would - but it was better not to chance it.

Finally, she pulled away and went on her toes to gently kiss him, then dropped back down to the flats of her feet. "I have something to tell you. Something that you'll love," she said, smiling brightly up at him. She took a step back and grabbed his wrist, lowered his hand, and pressed it against her flat stomach through the fabric of her dress. "I'm pregnant," she murmured, tilting her head back to look up at him. Her lips twitched in amusement. "I wasn't going to tell you yet, but I figured it would be the best decision to let you know."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Thomas "Charming" Jacob Character Portrait: Kathryn Xyra Dalladoss
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Thomas smiled as Kathryn rushed towards him and embraced him. "I missed you so much," she whispered to him. "I know." he replied. "I missed you too." To be honest, he had only been in town with the garrison for a few days, making sure the defenses and order amongst the troops was perfect, but every moment he had been away from her had pained him with longing for her presence. He wondered to himself just what made his wife so beautiful to have this kind of effect, but a gentle kiss from her answered that question rather easily.

Kathrn gently placed Thomas's hand on her stomach, saying "I have something to tell you. Something that you'll love. I'm pregnant." Thomas's breath caught in his throat. PREGNANT!? Thomas was quite surprised and caught off guard, but he was elated as well. "Thats wonderful, my dear!" he said. He was so happy that he lifted her and spun her around in the air a bit. "We're going to have a wonderful child, Kathryn. I just know it. How long have you known?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Prince Thomas "Charming" Jacob Character Portrait: Kathryn Xyra Dalladoss
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"That's wonderful, my dear!"

She let out a delighted laugh and braced her hands upon his shoulders, her delight evident in her bright smile. When he lowered her, she had to steady herself so as not to topple over from her dizzy giddiness. She held onto his arms and leaned against him, feeling like a young, teenage girl with a crush on her own husband, as she always did when she was with him.

"We're going to have a wonderful child, Kathryn. I just know it. How long have you known?"

She dropped her hands and stepped back, tapping her fingers together and looking at him through her lashes, her expression guilty. "Well ... This is the part where I'm afraid you'll become mad at me," she murmured, biting her lower lip, in the exact way that he said, in exact quotes, 'drove him crazy', in hopes that it would keep him from becoming too angry with her.

"I've known for about a month or so ... I spoke with a doctor, and he told me that I'm about a month and a half along ... Now, before you get mad," she threw up her hands to ward off anything he was going to say, "I only kept it a secret so as not to worry you. I know how you get, and at the time, when I found out, I mean, you were busy making sure all of the defense around the kingdom were up to standards, and ... I just didn't think it was a good time. Then more things began to happen, and I couldn't find a good time to tell you." She bit her lip again and looked down, before turning her gaze back up to his. "I'm sorry I kept it from you, Thomas."