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Noah Fenton

'Just your regular old Houdini'

0 · 847 views · located in Lake Meadstone

a character in “The Decider”, as played by Issa


'I'm like Houdini, only better'


Name: Noah Miles Fenton
Nickname: None
Age: 18
Birth date: December 1st
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Camp: Maydon
Cabin: Three

'My power may only have got me to Cabin Three, but I wouldn't trade it for the world'

Escape Intuition or Escape Artistry as Noah likes to term it is the power to escape any bonds, break through any fetters, or otherwise escape captivity with ease.

Noah has the ability to intuit how to avoid danger, it allows him to perceive what part of an area is least dangerous, and how to get there with the least harm. If Noah is cornered (even in a conversation), it allows him to perceive which of the foes he will be able to slip past, and how to slip past him most effectively.

Noah can silently escape from any place as long as he is under captivity. He can make stealthy getaways without interference and instinctively sense the best way to escape from a situation.

Noah's power only works in avoidable situations. If something has even a small possibility of being able to escape, he'll be able too. But if an event has been sealed as a definite future, is too big, or is too widespread, then this power will be of little use. So if the situation is unavoidable Noah's powers mean nothing.


|| Friends || Avoidance || Junk Food ||
|| Sport || Video Games ||
|| Horror Movies || Mystery Novels ||
|| Board Games || Skate Boarding ||

|| Strangers || Ghosts ||
|| Coffee || Dogs ||
|| Untrustworthy People ||
|| Country Music ||

Finding an inescapably trap 'I can escape the impossible, but one day I fear that I'll meet my match'
Large Crowds 'I can think of nothing worse than being stuck in the middle of a massive crowd.'
Losing his sisters 'They are the world to me and if I lost them... I'd be distraught'

Skateboarding 'It's more than just a means of transport'
Football 'Every Saturday morning you'll catch me playing with my team'

'Maydon is... intense. It's definitely not for those who want to slack off. I've loved being able to enhance and push my power to the limit... but I do always look across the lake and wonder what fun the Fairview kids are having.'



Noah isn't the loudest of people. Sure, around his friends he can often be found making loud, low-brow jokes and chattering like there's no tomorrow, but put him in a room of strangers are you'll rarely hear Noah say a word. He's shy when he's uncomfortable and prefers not speaking to blurting out odd sentences.

Not only that, but until someone has proved that he can trust them he views them as potential threats. He's very analytical of those he doesn't know well, it takes a lot to get Noah to relax around strangers. When he's with his friends there are times when he'll let his guard down, close his eyes and relax. Around strangers that would never happen. His power gives him the ability to escape from seemingly impossible situations and he's always ready to use it in case someone goes on the offensive.

Oddly enough, when it comes to bravery and daring, Noah has that in abundance. He might be shy and mouse-like around strangers, but when confronted with an extreme sport or dangerous activity Noah will rarely back down. This is, in part, due to the fact that he can get himself out of any situation with his power. If something goes wrong he'll manage to save himself, so in his eyes there is little risk in what he does.

Noah's powers mean that he can avoid any dangerous situations. While he'll willingly throw himself into an extreme sport, when he's confronted with a dangerous situation out of his control he'll escape.

Aside from his initial shyness and distrust, Noah is actually a pretty friendly guy. Once you've gained Noah's trust he becomes a reliable, caring guy who is quick to laugh and slow to anger. The only thing to try his patience is persistent teasing or bullying. It takes a lot to rile him up, especially since he's likely to avoid confrontation.

|| Slow to trust || Shy || Daring || Reliable ||
|| Patient || Caring || Avoider ||

Noah father, Sir Gregor Fenton, was a knighted entrepreneur with a talent for inventing. His mother was Alicia Fenton, a prize winning horse rider. The two joined forces for a project and fell in love, their mutual determination drawing them together. They married a year later and another year after that Noah, their first and only boy, was born.

It was evident from the get go that Noah was a little... odd. His nannies would often remark to his parents that they would return to his nursery to find Noah had escaped from his cot, or that he'd found his way outside when he was grounded and locked inside. Anyone that tried to contain Noah always found that it didn't stick.

When he was three his parents graced him a pair of sisters, twins. Unlike Noah they didn't seem to magically escape containment. They were adorable, sweet and grew into just as kind girls. Noah doted on his sisters and from a young age was very defensive of them. He took it as his role to protect them.

As he got older his shyness became evident. He had a set of good friends but rarely struck out from them. Still, he was never too fussed. As long as he had his friends and his sisters then he never lacked anything. Bullies often found it hard to pick on him too. They couldn't quite comprehend how he was able to avoid any physical harm all the time. If he was cornered in an alley somehow he'd manage to squeeze by. Even when being verbally bullied Noah had the skill to turn the conversation around with such a degree of subtlety that the aggressor didn't know what was going on until Noah had left.

It was until his mid-teenage years that Noah realised what he could do wasn't human, that it was in fact a power. He told his parents who obviously had some idea that Noah wasn't normal, considering his early childhood. They in turn got into contact with the director of Camp Maydon. That was how Noah began to attend the camp. He has never regretted the choice, but sometimes finds himself wondering what life at Camp Fairview would be like.

Other: Anything else you want to add.

So begins...

Noah Fenton's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daphne Evans Character Portrait: Sonya Trevino Character Portrait: Noah Fenton Character Portrait: Nona Syborn Character Portrait: Crystal Edwards Character Portrait: Adalyn Hathaway
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#, as written by Issa
Lake Meadstone
The Amphitheatre
12.30 pm


Midday has passed and the campers from each side have just finished lunch. Many slowly wonder towards the amphitheatre, the meeting place for the beginning of the game. At 1pm the camp directors will begin by explaining the rules for the capture the flag. Maydon and Fairview might not get along, but the directors have made sure to set out a variety of rules to give the impression of cooperation. If those rules are actually followed, well that's another question.
Until then each camper has an opportunity to analyse their opponents. Or, alternatively, they might just want to have as much time to prepare themselves for the coming 'game'. Whatever they decide everyone must be at the amphitheatre in time and ready to begin the Decider.

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Nona Syborn sat at the back of the amphitheatre, halfway along the row. Her legs were cross and her elbows rested behind her as she reclined on the sloped grass. A small smirk played across her face as her eyes swept across the arriving students. Nona had made her way early to the amphitheatre, all the better to sort through the gifts of the campers from Fairview. She knew that there were strong powers in the other camp and the longer she had to assess what was what, the better her ability to replicate them. Of course it also let her assess more than just each camper's power.

Her smirk turned to an expression of disdain as a power on the edge of her range indicated an approaching camper. Emmy South wondered into the amphitheatre, her expression as empty and distracted as could be expected. Nona had never liked the girl, but she had to admit that Emmy's power of gravity manipulation was one she never passed a chance to replicate. Luckily Nona would soon have a vast range of gifts to pick from. She would wait until the games actually started too, all the better to lengthen the time she could replicate each gift. She had already decided that, Markson Maydon's, Maydon's director, power was one she would use in the game. Sure, she could only create blasts of wind and balls of flame so far, but give her a chance and she'd soon be able to manipulate all the elements like he could.

Nona's eyes scanned those present and those arriving, hoping to find someone she liked. Josh was always fun to flirt with and since he was in fairview she wasn't bored with him yet. Or perhaps she would amuse herself by playing with one of Maydon's shyest. Her eyes fell upon Noah Fenton, inhabitant of cabin three and currently fidgeting nervously as he waited for everyone to arrive. As if he sensed her gaze Noah frooze and Nona felt her interest slip away.

Emmy was reading, the book currently held most of her attention and if it wasn't for the almost subconscious use of her powers she most likely would have fallen over long ago. She bit her lip as she flipped the page over and kept walking. She was aimed vaguely in the direction of the amphitheatre, it was almost time for the game to begin. But Emmy was determined to finish her book before that happened, which was why she was now walking and reading.

A set of steep stairs appeared in front of her. Instead of tripping and falling down them she simply continued walking in a straight line, her powers letting her float over the top of them. She really didn't even need to move her legs since she could basically make herself fly. She could just float to the amphitheatre if she wanted to really. A moment later she stopped, simultaneously realising that she was several feet above the stairs and coming to the end of her book. She closed the book with a satisfied thump and a moment later lowered herself to the ground. Then, leaving gravity to act naturally, she walked the rest of the way to the amphitheatre.

The area itself had once been used as the gathering place for when the camps were one, or at least that's what Augustus Axel one of the Fairview staff members had told her. Whatever it had once been, the amphitheatre was now used to stage the beginning and end of the annual grudge match between the two camps.

The stands were relatively empty at the moment. Emmy spotted Nona at the back, her eyes scanning the campers for someone to bully no doubt. Others were seated already and many were still to come. Emmy took a seat in the front row on the fairview side of the gathering. She rested her elbows on her knees and her chin in her hands and waited for the fun to begin.

Noah was nervous. He disliked the thought of going into this 'game'. It would, undoubtedly, turn violent. He knew that there were grudges, he even had some of his own. But where he differed from some of the other campers was in his powers. His powers were only good for escaping. They weren't offensive at all. Others had the type of powers that could start wars.
Extreme sports, bungy jumping and so on were things he could handle. He loved those kind of challenges, but put him face to face with another person who was threatening him and Noah became slightly less than willing. Sure, he could basically escape any situation but he liked to think that that was also because he knew when to avoid them too.

Noah sat at the front, closest to the exit that led back to camp Maydon and his safe cabin. It was his habit to make sure he had a quick getaway. He could feel eyes on the back of his neck. Perhaps it was his powers or perhaps it was instinct, but he stopped fidgeting and soon felt the pressure vanish. Feeling relieved Noah stretched out his legs and glanced up at Mr Maydon, the director of his camp. He was a hard man who believed that a regimented camp was better than what went on at Fairview. Noah had never been too sure. He thought that Fairview always looked like a lot more fun for someone like him with a less powerful ability.

He shook his head, now was hardly the time to be thinking about what camp he preferred. He was about to fight them after all. Well avoid was the better way to put it. Perhaps he would be tasked with running avoidance, or holding the far flank. Just as long as it wasn't anything too central and in the action. There was usually some discussion amongst each camp over the plan of attack. Maydon's plan was usually centered around the campers from cabin one.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noah Fenton Character Portrait: Nona Syborn Character Portrait: Emmy South Character Portrait: Bret Nukem
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Bret had started to make his way to the Amphitheater. "Let's see what this is all about..." He saw people from the other camp were there, one fidgeting, the other staring him down. He didn't know either of them, and didn't really care to either. He wasn't really paying too much attention walking there, only looking around to see who else was there.

He spotted someone he recognized. She was from another cabin, but still in the same camp. He watched her go towards the Amphitheater, reading a book. Looking closer, he saw her float in the air and softly land, finishing her book. She walked over to seat in the front row. "Holy shit.." Now Bret was interested, and ran the rest of the way. Slowing down approaching her, not wanting to run into her and knock her over.

Bret took a seat next to the girl before turning his head to talk to her. "That was pretty neat right there. Gee, I'd to something to like that, it'd be a nice running start and hope ya glide a bit. Man reading and flying... that must be like, walking and chewing bubble gum, while juggling chainsaws."