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The Jabberwocky

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!"

0 · 215 views · located in Wonderland

a character in “The Deck”, as played by RamsesTheFirst



Name: The Jabberwocky
Gender: Female
Age: As old as Wonderland itself.
Race: Jabberwock
Side: Who ever wishes to enlist her to bring down the Hearts.
Role: Murderous creature
Location: Anywhere she feels like.
Orientation: Assumed bisexual, though she's never shown any real interest in anything.
Status: Not so much single as unattainable.
Crush: None.


The Jabberwocky looks surprisingly effeminate for such a fearsome creature. She's tall, standing at 5' 11" and weighs in a 156 lbs. Her hair is long and blond and is usually blowing freely. She never really bothers putting it up. The Jabberwocky has dark eyes that seem to pierce right through your soul. Their exact color isn't really distinguishable, but from a glance they look to be almost black. She keeps her nails long and sharp and has the tendancy to click them when she's feeling impatient. They sound, even, carries the malice that the Jabberwocky seems to exude. She has a scar going att the way around her neck, from when Alice cut off her head. It's healed and clean, but noticable none the less. The most noticable part of the Jabbywocky, however, is probably the two dragon-like wings protruding out of her back. They're black and grey and loom over her with a menacing way. She hardly ever folds them up behinde her. No, that would take away from her frightening appearance. That combined with the two horns that twist out of her head give her a menacing look and really that's what the Jabberwocky is all about. She thrives off of fear.

The Jabberwocky doesn't really have any organized clothing style. She likes what she likes. She's rather fond of boots, whether they be combat and steel-toed or thigh-high stilettos. The Jabberwocky likes really anything dramatic. Tight-fitting dresses, in paricular, are also to her liking. She doesn't bode well with the poofy, frilly things some of the other inhabitants of wonderland are so fond of. They look silly to her and much to innocent for her liking. The Jabberwocky doesn't wear any make-up, you don't really need it when you're off to go on a killing rampage to liven up your morning.



The Jabberwocky is, in short, psychotic. The ultimate sadist, she takes great pleasure in hurting and killing things. She always has. She doesn't have anyone or anything in particular that she hates, no past trauma that drove her to this. She'll kill anyone or anything just because she thinks it's fun. This doesn't mean she just goes around killing everything in her path, oh no she's smarter than that. Really, if she went around killing everything then eventually there'd be nothing left to kill! Besides, even hurting things can get so boring after a while and Wonderlandian politics are just so fun to watch! The silly little Princes and Princesses bikering over the land, they're just so funny sometimes.

Her temper is short, not that it would be much of a surprise to anyone. She's quick to anger and thinks nothing of going on a rampage. She has the impression that she can do whatever she wants and will think so unless she's challenged and beaten. The Jabberwocky will fight to the death, and sometimes past it. She's violent, of course, and may or may not try to kill you if you annoy her to much. It all depends on the mood she's in. When the Jabberwocky gets sad or mad, she gets even. Really, she only ever feels happy after a particularly satisfying killing spree, or if she's beaten something.

Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn and it is doubly so with the Jabberwocky. She holds grudges longer than it would seem to be possible and she never forgets. However, it wouldn't do justice to just kill them, no. That would be quick and they wouldn't suffer at all! When the Jabberwocky has a grudge against something then she will take it down step by step until it crumbles in chaos. She's patient, she can wait for it. That's where the Jabberwocky's creativity excells, she can think of the most interesting ways to get revenge on something.

The Jabberwocky also has the tendancy to talk in third person, as in "The Jabberwocky has arrived." or "The Jabberwocky fears no man!". It's one of her many odd quirks that point to her general insanity. Yes, the Jabberwocky is quite insane and knows it. She thinks nothing of it, however. There are many people in Wonderland who are a little off kilter, though some might not be as off as she is.

Likes: *Blood
*Boots with heels

Dislikes: *Weaklings
*The Hearts
*Being controlled
*Ballet flats
*Quick deaths

Hobbies: *Killing things
*Plotting revenge
*Flying around Wonderland



The Jabberwocky has been around since the start of Wonderland. She wasn't exactly born, per say, more of just created. She was never a child, she was just there. An adult, the only one of her kind, she's fairly certain of. No one has ever seen another Jabberwock, as far as she knows, so it is fair to assume that she is the only one. After several years, The Jabberwocky found that some people didn't really appriciate her running around and killing whatever she liked. They were starting to form groups to try and hunt her down, they were going to try to kill the Jabberwocky! She laughed at this, The Jabberwocky was untouchable! No one could kill the Jabberwocky! But the people were smart, they created a blade so powerful that it could defeat the Jabberwocky. They called it the Vorpal Sword. The Jabberwocky was actually fearful, never had there been a thing that could kill her! She was afraid, so she went to the only place that could control the people, Heart Castle. She marched up to the Queen of Hearts and threated to kill off ever person in that room if she didn't call the people away. The Queen merely raised her eyebrows and waved her off. So, The Jabberwocky did what she promised to do. She killed ever person in that room except for the Queen. The Queen was impressed, so she decided to strike a deal with her, The Jabberwocky could be free to do whatever she liked, no one would try to hunt her or hurt her. In exchange she had to work for the Queen of Hearts as her greatest weapon. Reluctantly, The Jabberwocky agreed and became a key part in the rise of the Hearts Kingdom.

She wasn't needed often after that, the citizens of Wonderland feared her and she was only ever used as last resort. The Jabberwocky could go on her merry way and be left alone for the most part. Then Alice came, oh Alice. Alice proved to be quite the fiesty one, she did. The girl befriended the Bandersnatch and stole the Vorpal Sword! The Jabberwocky did not fear her, however. That Alice girl was just a silly child, nothing more. But when the battle came the Jabberwocky was slain. It came as quite the shock. Of course, the Jabberwocky didn't stay dead. Not for long anyways. She isn't quite sure how she came back, The Jabberwocky isn't a reanimated corpse or a spirit of sorts. It's like she was never killed at all, save for the scar around her neck. All the Jabberwocky knew was that she was back, sitting in a forest somewhere in the Spades Kingdom with a new found hatred of the Kingdom of Hearts. In her mind, it was their fault she was killed and will stop at nothing to get her revenge.

So begins...

The Jabberwocky's Story
