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The Dragon War

The Dragon War


When your awake in a foreign prison due to an unjust opinion. When you discover a overwhelming power that could destroy the world. What will you do? It is up to you to save life as you know it. (rp began. STILL ACCEPTING)

1,117 readers have visited The Dragon War since Spootilious created it.


The world is made of many different kingdoms; many of these kingdoms are unknown to those around them. In this god forsaken place there is a war being fought. A war that will entice every being in existence. The Horox kingdom have become out of control. They travel the world imprisoning anyone who does not see the world as they do.

The Kingdom of Greyhawk is holding their own against the foreign kingdom but without allies they will fall soon. The Horox are a people who worship dragons; and look down upon anyone with an imperfection. They have imprisoned or sold thousands of people into slavery. You among your comrades are included in this group.

You have woken in a sand filled cell; another prisoner is there with you. The mesh bars of these cells have no lock on them but with a little brain power you may be able to figure out a way to escape. The room outside your cell is filled with guards and very dimly lite. How will you get past them? Will you die here in this unknown place? Is there any hope at all?

You are the only one that can answer these questions....

Note: This RP is based on a D&D campaigns; for those of you who have played some of the monsters and perhaps terms maybe familiar.

Co-Dm/Gm: 7achary

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I look forward to playing with you :)

Toggle Rules

1. No god mode please no one really enjoys it
2. Please keep ooc drama ooc
3. Attempt proper grammer... I'll admit I'm not great at it but just try.
4. There really isn't a length requirement but I would prefer longer posts... The occasional short reactions are fine... no one will be booted for length but again lets try to set a goal :)
5. Have fun ^_^

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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~As you awake; you find yourself in a dark cell. The only light, is coming through the mesh bars of what seems to be a prison door. The ground around you is soft and covered in sand. There are only three walls to the cell: One made of the bars and two of pure stone. But the wall behind you is filled with sand... as if the room was under ground and the wall had collapsed allowing pounds and pounds of sand to fill it. You are equipped with all of your belongings. The room outside your cell is brighter and has a higher ceiling. Six men can be seen in the middle at a makeshift table playing some form of a card game. The are speaking a language none of you really understand. They seem to be guards; as you continue to look around you are able to see the other cells and their occupants. You notice that the Key hole for each cell is on the same wall but about a foot out of reach. There are two hallways out of the chamber; both adjacent to your opposing positions; both leading the same way. Between them, stands a door possibly into yet another hall way. As you start taking all this in you realize you are not alone in your cell. (The grouping is as follows: Alibi and Siintahl, Aurora and Damien, and Itzhak and sam, leaving Xad in a cell to himself (sorry xad))~


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#, as written by 7achary
Sam Harlton squatted down running his hand through the sand, trying to help himself think. He glanced around at his fellow prisoners. A young woman who had the look of a fighter. A young man fidgeting with an awkwardly sized sword. Another young man with an instrument clutched in his fingers. A young elven girl. The last one he couldn't put his finger on. Sam scratched his beard thoughtfully.

One of the guards got a little loud with his protest over the game of cards, but was mollified by the guard sitting next to him. Sam quietly stood and inched his way over to the wall of sand, grunting softly with the effort as he tried to use his staff as a measuring rod to check how deep the sand was at the top. He looked to the others and brought his finger to his lips, nodding. Then he whispered quietly as he proffered his hand to the person closest to him, "My name is Sam Harlton, pleased to meetcha."

The sand was over seven feet deep, he couldn't reach open air with his staff.


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#, as written by Hells13
Itzhak still couldn't believe the situation he was in, looking out of his cell to see everyone else suffering as well. He looked as if he was going to curse himself for even being caught in this situation. Least until his cellmate started whispering to him, "My name is Sam Harlton, pleased to meetcha." as Sam stuck his hand with his introduction Itzhak was unsure whether or not he should shake it, then did weakly deciding it was better to make friends in this situation. "Itzhak, nice to make your acquatence." he whispered back, looking at the staff that just pulled off the ground seven feet covered in sand. Guess we can't dig...

Itzhak looked at his violin and then at the cell door. Maybe... He reached his hand out of the cell trying to desperatly search for the key hole on the other side and a guard quickly noticed as he made his way towards him. "Come on..." he said trying to reach the keyhole with his hand but quickly retracting it back inside the cell as the guard took out his sword and gave him the evil eye. He soon went back to playing cards with the rest of the guards. Taking a deep sigh as he held onto his violin and bow, another plan hatched as he looked over at Sam and quietly whispered. "If I manage to get this door open, can you distract the six guards?" He knew Sam proably couldn't do it and if he did it'll cost us life but if he had some hidden ability then maybe...


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Aurora leaned against one of the stone wall; her head was throbbing, as she eyed her prison mate. He was human, as far as she could tell, he seemed to be wearing some form of military clothing (if this is wrong just tell me i'll be more than willing to edit). His black hair was caked with sand giving it a starry look. She couldn't tell if he was awake or still sleeping, though she didn't really care at the moment.

She tried to stand. The pain in her head exploded causing her to sway and slide back down. Her annoyance flared. She glanced outside the cell as a man's voice grew catching her attention. Guards, figures; they probably weren't to bright either. She sighed, she was so sick of cages. She continued to survey the room, from where she sat she could only see two other cells: One was occupied by what seemed like some form of mage or maybe a priest? she wasn't sure. Though, again, she didn't particularly care. The other was occupied by... by... she wasn't sure... He wasn't human she knew that.

She took a deep breath before attempting to stand once more, this time using the bars to hold her steady. She felt the familiar slap of her swords against her legs and looked down. She still had her weapons; how strange. She looked around for her bag which was half buried in the sand near her feet. This was good news, she would have been highly irate if they had disturbed her belongings.

Where was she? How did she get here? She focused on trying to remember what had happened before she passed out. It made her head hurt even worse, causing her stomach to churn, but she was determined. She had been in a city... Which one?... They all seemed so similar she couldn't place the name... A tavern?... no, a shop! There was a man... She remembered him vaguely... There was something about a tattoo... oh, yes... he had a tattoo of a dragon on the right side of his face... She was arguing with him... but about what?... goods? price?... no... it was something else... her forehead felt as if it burst in to flames; causing her to moan and lose her train of thought. She sighed.

Her eyes wondered back to the man. She nudged his leg with her foot. "Psst! Hey, you! Come on! Get up!" She whispered a bit loudly. She glanced at the guards, but there were to busy betting on their game to notice anything.


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Sand.... so coarse and strong. Glass.... strong, yet brittle. How strange, do you not think? That something coarse could ever become beautiful?

Siintahl's eyes slowly opened to find that he was laying on a small bed of broken glass. Underneath that glass, he could hear the remainder of sand scratch against the glass and itself. Mote of flame soon began to dance around his wrists, ankles, waist, and brow, signifying that he was once more awake and active. Sitting up slowly, he surveyed his surroundings with a cold glare, and found that he was imprisoned yet again. Sighing heavily, he stood up and began to dust himself off. The raining sand and broken glass shown in the light of his motes of flame, which cast a ray to brighten the hold. Stone, his mind whispered, Iron, sand, and flesh.

Flesh? Looking down, he could see a blond female elf, which laid on its side, sound asleep. This will become most annoying, he thought quietly. Noises from outside his hold made his head turn, and, upon reaching the portal to the outside, he could see a few silhouettes in the gloom of their torches. This will tire me, but I must free myself. Planting his feet squarely apart, he began to chant in a soft, but ancient, language. The motes around his brow and wrists dimmed considerably, and began to form small creatures about his chest and back. The small creatures began to take form, becoming a swarm of tiny spiders, no bigger than a human thumb. Their color became like blood, and, as he pointed at the portal, then to the silhouettes, the tiny spiders crawled down his form, and raced to the portal and creatures, anxious to do his bidding.

"This will tire me even more," Siintahl whispered, already leaning against the wall as sweat beaded against his brow. The motes around his waist began to dim, then vanished, but the ones around his ankles flared to life. He could already see that the metal on the portal had begun to glow a faint red, but felt that his spiders were taking to long. Pointing at the silhouettes, he ordered them to attack, and soon heard them crying out, as their clothing and flesh caught on fire. Roaring softly, he slammed his foot into the portal, and watched as the metal became warped, twisted, and half melted. Exhaustion took its tole, and he finally collapsed onto the ground. As his tired mind slowly closed his eyes and rested his body, he could hear the gargling of the creatures, as the spiders had rammed themselves down each of their throats. How soon... do you think...reinforcements...


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Aurora's attention was forced back to the room beyond her cell, as a large bang reverberated through the air. She couldn't see the source, but it felt as if it had come from the cell next to her. She pressed against the door trying to get a better look; though it didn't help. As the men at the table jumped up in surprise with yells of rage; thousands of tiny red spiders began to crawl out of the cell.

Aurora screamed and backed away from the door as quickly as possible. She climbed the mound of sand until she was crunched against the ceiling, and still she screamed. She watched as the eight legged monstrosities climbed on the men, and shivered. Spiders where horrid creatures that haunted her dreams and crawled into her consciousness. They were the worst being imaginable. They were hairy and poisonous and worst of all tiny. She continued to belt out her loud voice and cower in the corner. A single spider was a fearsome enemy, a being of ferocity; facing it was a terrifying challenging but she was up for it. A whole swarm? No... that was beyond her comprehension. Tears began to roll down her cheeks as her anger flared. She was a warrior. She had killed countless men in battle. She could handle her own against any being three times her size... and yet she was brought to tears before something no larger than a shilling...


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#, as written by 7achary
Sam frowned deeply as the dying men screamed. He grasped the metal of the bars firmly and began singing very quietly, it could barely be heard over the screaming. In barely a moment the druid's song had made the metal a brittle wood which he snapped with ease. He turned back to his unwitting companion. "Come, Itzhak, freedom is this way."

A pressure had built in the druid's mind at his magical exertion. It passed quickly but was a sober reminder to keep himself in check. Sam could not identify the spiders, he had never seen anything like them before, but they seemed to recognize him as a druid or were just ignoring him completely. Sam ignored the screams from inside the cell next to his, the spiders would not harm the girl... intentionally. Sam stepped lightly passed the spiders looking for a jail key.

They were on the table next to the greasy limp hand of one of the deceased guards being devoured by spiders. Not willing to get any closer he stood there awkwardly for a few moments as he picked up the keys with his staff and tossed them to Itzhak. He nodded quietly at his former cell mate then stepped over to the still heated metal bars where the spiders had come from.

Cautious, the druid strode into the cell. A look of shock crossed his face, "Fire-born..."

He couldn't believe it. One of the old races, THE old race. Fate may have placed Sam here. Only time would tell.

He quickly set his staff against the wall and helped the sorcerer to his feet. Letting the sorcerer lean on him, Sam grasped his own staff and handed it to him. Sam then started shaking the girl lightly, he turned to the sorcerer and said. "I am Sam Harlton, Fire-born. Do you need assistance?"


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#, as written by Hells13
Itzhak looked dumbfounded at the image of the swarm of spiders assaulting the guards ad easily taking them out. No magic I've ever seen... Snapping back to reality as his cell mate transfused the metal bars into a pine scent wood, breaking the now weak bars apart with his hands. "Come, Itzhak, freedom is this way." I nodded walking out into the hallway taking a deep inhaling of the air outside the cell. "Smell that? It's freedom." Then a big screem echoed through the hallway of cells. The druid seems more distracted by the swarm of spiders that he treaded so lightly upon, grabbing something off one of the deceased guards before throwing it towards Itzhak. He looked at the object that was mid flight in the air and caught it in his lap still grasping his grasping his violin and bow. The Keys!

Itzhak nodded back at Sam as he went of to the melted cell to see who it was who cast magic such as this. Itzhak would have gone as well but he has a responsibily to free everyone there and fast as he grabbed his violin and bow with the left hand whilst the metal ring with keys attached was on the right hand. He had bad feelings for what was going on, Why did they leave us with our weapons? Why not kill us off? or even take our weapons away? Were they that ignorant? or strong? or did they have an ace up their sleeve? Itzhak made haste as he went to the cell where the scream came from to find a women with two swords in their sheath on her hip, back against the wall and atop a mound of sand that reached the ceiling, crying. It was a sad sight but then again if Itzhak was afraid of insects he'd jump back as well. Instead Itzhak had a mutual friendship with creepy-crawlies of the night, now if he wasn't afraid of everything else then he wouldn't be Itzhak.

He grabbed one of the keys in the ring and inserted in the lock, making a resounding click as the cell door swong open, stuffing the keys inside his pocket. The woman backed up against the wall even more so as if she feared the spiders would just come in then. Itzhak sighed at the sight of the scared women remembering how fear once gripped him when he started life on the streets of civilization, the darkness, strangers, the cold. Itzhak walked inside the cell extending his empty hand outwards toward the crying femme fatale atop the sand mound whilst still taking hold of his violin and bow his other hand. "I'm Itzhak, a-and we need to get out here, unless you want to stay with the spiders..." letting out the last part with a whisper as he said the words nervously. For a man homeless on the streets, there wasn't any sorts of women to talk to except the one's that'd happily take gold and silver for explicit services, even then they weren't worth talking to.


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"Do not over exert yourself, Siintahl," his master had once said, "Or it shall be your undoing." Sighing mentally, his mind whispered, Forgive me master, for I have over exerted myself once again. The feeling of something soft had gripped him, and stood him on his feet. What... his tired mind began, but could not finish. A palm sized mote of fire erupted in the center of his forehead, then parted down it's center. A silver eye appeared in the center of the flame, and stared at the human that held him steady. He could see the lines of energy surrounding the human, and felt the peace of the forest flow from it. Druid, his mind whispered softly, And one who is still young.

COME, his mind commanded, RETURN AND GIVE ME STRENGTH. The multitude of spiders scurried back towards him, covering his body completely, just as he pushed himself away from the Druid. As the spiders had covered his body completely, giving him the image of someone with a living red armor, they ignited, and was promptly absorbed into his being. Motes of flame soon erupted around his waist, ankles, and wrists, signifying that he was now awake. His natural eyes slowly opened, and his third silver eye began to close. He stared, blank faced, at the Druid, and nodded his thanks, just as several more motes of fire began to appear around the crown of his head. "We should go," he said slowly, as though he had trouble speaking in the common tongue. An accent was clear in his voice, one that was thick and heady, and marked him as someone who came from the south.

Moving with purpose, Siintahl stepped out of his hold, and stared down at the corpses, his face still blank of expression. Three motes of flame from his crown erupted, and launched themselves onto the ground at his feet, slowly growing, shaping themselves into dog sized cats. When he opened his mouth, a language gushed forth, one that was ancient, and heavy. The very air seemed to shimmer around his mouth as he spoke a single word, "Feast." The fire cats leaped at the corpses, and began to devour them quickly. This had caused him to grow even more weary, and he had to steady himself against the nearby wall, which began to smolder against his touch. Turning his head towards the cages, he whispered slowly, "We go now, yes?"


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Aurora stared at the man's gentle face as he reached out to her. At the thought of being left with the spiders she cowered. She was angry with herself for being such a coward, over something so small; even if it was a spider. She shivered. As she looked past the man the swarm was leaving. She flinched, thinking they may turn on her at any moment; but they continued on their way as if she didn't exist. She immediately stopped crying and cleared her throat.

She took Itzhak's hand and allowed him to pull her up before dropping it. She adjusted her clothing before speaking. "I apologize for my... outburst... I promise you I'm not normally like that...." She sighed heavily, before smiling at him. "The names Aurora!" Her eyes shifted to his violin and her smile broadened. He must be a bard. "Hope you can use that thing." She winked. "As for getting out of her... not sure how easy it will be but we can't leave my roommate her can we?" With that she walked to the sleeping man. With a grunt she picked up his heavy form and threw him over her shoulder. She may have a fitting form but she was still a barbarian. Her skills were all strength based. She was sure that any of the other male cell mates would be surprised at her strength, but for her this was almost nothing. She turned back to the bard. "Grab that pack would you please?" She nodded to her backpack that was still half buried, and held all of her belongings. "it would be a shame to loose it."


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#, as written by Hells13
Itzhak looked at the women in front of him, dumbfounded by the transformation that just occured in Aurora right in front of him. Five seconds she was just crying on the floor scared of the spiders, now she had the strengh to stand up and carry the sleeping man on the floor on her shoulder. "Grab that pack would you please?" Itzhak snapped back to reality, "Y-yeah, sure." he let out, grabbing the back with his free hand, flinching at the imense weight it had. He brought the backpack up to his back with lots of effort, "Oh Gods, this is heavy..." It felt as if leaned back he was going to fall down. "Right, one more cell left before we get to freedom." He turned around to see the cell with the... beast thing inside. He started to walk towards it's cell door out in the hallway.

As he walked towards the cell of the thing he could see another new face with small bits of fire surrounding his ankles, wrists and the crown of his head. "A fire elementist..." Itzhak has seen a couple of these guys walk through alleyways past him as he created music for money. "Hey!" he shouted to get his attention before waving but he seemed to tired to respond. "Maybe we should introduce ourselves after we get this soul out." he said to Aurora looking towards the last locked cell.

The being inside seemed as if it was meditating or sleeping as Itzhak weakly walked to the cell pulling the keys out from his pocket. He inserted one of the keys but it just made a clank as it refused to turn, waking the beast inside the cell. Itzhak flinched as it moved but moved on to the next key which turned perfectly inside the keyhole, swinging open the cell door outwards. He felt somewhat sick in his stomach regretting the decision he just made, dropping the keys on the floor, raising the violin up towards his neck with the horse hair end of the bow resting on the thinest string. Please speak something, don't be a wild beast, don't be a wild beast... "I'm Itzhak, that's Aurora-" motioning towards Aurora with a nod of his head. "-this is a prison break, are you a friend enemy?" he let out with a cracked voice, clearly nervous and shaky.


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#, as written by Anubus
Xad's consentration was broken by the noise of his cell being unlocked. It was hard trying to get his daily Meditation in with all the screaming, rustling and insects in the place. As he opened his eyes he was faced with a question."-this is a prison break, are you a friend enemy?" ."What an ackward question." Xad whispered as he slowly stood up." If i was an enemy why would i tell them." Xad thought. Clearly he looked like an agressive,savage, but his heart was much much different than his apperance. He was kind and gentle towards everyone, well atleast if they were nice to him, which they usually weren't. He was usually discriminated by his looks. Adults and children of different races usually scuried away at the sight of his actual face, that is why he wears a mask at all times. Although his face wasn't hideous, it was different, and everyone knows that different can be frightening, or weird.

As he dusted the sand from his wardrobe he answered the question." I am a friend." He said in his very deep voice. Although he was a foreigner, he studied many different languages when he was younger. There was a slight, but not that noticable accent when he talked in different languages other than his own. He picked up his staff and headed towards the now unlocked cell door. He realised the man was in a fighting position, but with an instrument. Ackward to him but he did not judge." Thank you." He said as he gave a formal bow. Finnaly exiting he cell, his calmness began to fall. Questions began to pop into his head like where in the heck was he. The last thing he remebered was the ship he was on was being raided, and that he refused to fight the crusaders who then hit him in the head with a blunt object.

Recalling what had happened he rubbed his head. " That hurt." He thought as he stoof next to the group awaiting someones orders.


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Damien awoke feeling hair in his face that was not his own, then slowly noticing he was being carried, by a woman suprisingly. " ugh who are you and where am I?" he felt weak but his training had made sure he wouldnt show it. He noticed suroundings were very sandy... Then noticed the man and the beast-thing. He observed the beast and declared it an elementist, then noticed its aura was very peaceful and nice, but decided that it not be trusted until more is known. He pushed off of the girl. " I can walk on my own, now answer my questions"

He remembered he was to fight in his first war after training for half a year in the army, and training with his father and brother for most his life. the war was going well until the enemy reinforcements came and his squad were killed, tortured, or captured, he was among those captured after being tied and beaten. He also remembered seeing his brothers linux and gerard bleeding to death. Then noticed he was the only one captured from his squad. He remembered lucio, his best friend fighting gloriously until he was shot with an arrow through the heart. He remembered yelling and trying to break free as each of his friends and fellow soldiers were cut down.

He felt like laying on the ground and dying, but came back to reality, standing before an odd group.


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Aurora watched the beast step out of his change. As he began to speak she smiled. First day, and she already liked him. He was kind but she knew he could handle himself... WELL. The man on her shoulder moan. He was waking.

" ugh who are you and where am I?" Before she could answer he pushed away. " I can walk on my own, now answer my questions" She sighed. If only men had manners like their beast friend. The man was so impatient. As he stepped back, She smiled. "My name is Aurora." She strode to Itzhak and helped him remove her pack. "This is Itzhak." She looked up at the masked being. "And as for this gentleman," she winked at him. "We haven't got a name yet. Where we are? Your guess is as good as mine. I just woke up here." She tried to remember what happened once again, but the bearable pain flared and she swayed before catching her self. After a few seconds she smiled at the soldier. "You really should take some manner lessons... maybe form our new companion." She laughed, shouldering her pack easily, as if it weighed almost nothing.


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"apologies, I'm not used to waking up getting carried, my name is Damien, I'm a soldier in the army." He observed Itzhak and Aurora, they looked like good enough people, then he moved on to observing the beast, he looked like a reasonable creature so Damien decided to place his trust in him. He brushed some if the sand out his hair. "Heh I hope you guys didn't take advantage of me while I was out."


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#, as written by 7achary
Sam came out of the cell behind the sorcerer. "Is everyone alright? I have some skill with herbs and healing. I do not know what's outside that door, so it would be best to let me tend you before we leave."

With that the druid cleared off the table completely in case he needed the space. His thoughts drifted to where he'd been before he was taken prisoner.


He had been traveling on the edge of a great wyrm's domain. He was careful to never cross into her territory. He had heard rumors of late that men had been gathering in great numbers anywhere there were dragons.

The hills were steep and large in this country, making travel difficult. Unfortunately the easiest way was through this pass. Though at times it seemed less of a pass and more like many small passes. Sam panted heavily, stopping to rest at top of a particularly steep face.

A high pitched screech sounded in the air and Sam looked up at the dense canopy of pine trees. He could see nothing, but he knew what it was. A great bird of prey alighted on a branch not too far away, a tree-mouse in it's talons. The bird, a hawk-owl, screeched again, making Sam chuckle. "Being a druid is about living with nature, not abusing my abilities on selfish whim."

The bird spit part of the mouse out at Sam making him chuckle harder. "If you think you can carry me all the way to-"

Sam stopped talking, and listened to the wind. People were coming. A lot of people. A horde. Sam began to contort into a small sparrow and shot off into the sky.

The air was glorious, nothing below or above you. He moved so fast, just a twitch was needed to completely change trajectory. As he rose above the tree line Sam was swallowed in shadow. He looked up and-



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"We go now," Siintahl grumbled as the fire cats vanished into motes, which then took up positions around the crown of his head. Standing straight, he pushed himself off the wall, and began to make his way towards what he hoped were stairs. "We go," he said aloud, "Or you stay and die." Light flared from the center of his forehead, illuminating the path before him. Too bad, he thought with a smile, they cannot see the light as I can.

How strange the world seemed today. As the sun sets, and the moon rises, new life has taken hold of this world. Watching them breathe in life, and exhale death, meant nothing to those such as We. However, when they came, bringing destruction with every step, life became dull, and death became beautiful. "Master," he whispered softly in his own language, clutching the left side of his face, "what must I do here? Is there another one for me to awaken?" As though in response to his question, his magical light flickered quickly. A shadowy hand appeared in the flickering light, and pointed straight at the party behind him. "I see. So it is one of them. However, the war will take precidence over the wants of others." When the hand shook it's finger at him, he chuckled unmercilessly, "I am out, and you are all trapped on the island, or did you forget that?" It raised it's middle finger and vanished from sight.

Laughing softly, Siintahl's eyes turned back towards the group, but stopped halfway. Stairs, at last, his mind crooned with delight. Turning towards the group, he shouted aloud, "Stairs," and pointed at them.


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Aurora laughed Damien's joke. Before turning to one of men who had spoken. "Is everyone alright? I have some skill with herbs and healing. I do not know what's outside that door, so it would be best to let me tend you before we leave." Before Aurora could answer another strange man stepped next to him. Fire emitted from him giving him a foreign and otherworldly look. She surveyed him warily. "We go," he said aloud, "Or you stay and die." She lifted an eyebrow at his..... happy demeanor.

Surveying the group she took mental notes. Their group seemed a bit one sided... and not just on male to female ratio. They had the bard. She looked Itzhak up and down once more. He seemed kind and caring enough, but she wasn't sure she'd want him watching her back in a fight. Of course it was nothing personal, he just seemed... under trained when it came to fighting; but then again when it came to magic what did she know.

Next came the healer that had offered his assistance. She assumed he was a spell caster, as handy as first aid is to melee fighters, most were to busy with swords to take notice of herbs. Though he seemed like he may know his way around a blade; the staff pretty much gave him away as a spell caster.

The fire covered man came next. Something was strange about him and she didn't like it. But at this point an ally was an ally. Clearly another spell caster... She shivered as she wondered if it was this man who had summoned the swarm of... of... urgh... she couldn't even bring herself to think their name.

Beastman came next. She smiled at him. He was definitely one of her favorites so far. So savage looking, yet so well mannered. She liked how he used his wisdom with humor. As she looked him over she was a bit confused. He held a staff which screamed magic yet he seemed built for melee. She pondered for a few moments before moving on; for all she new his combat skill could be just as drastically different from what they appear as his manners.

Damien. She rolled his name in her mind. He seem probably the most normal, in appearance at least, as she. He was melee for sure. She could tell by the way he held himself. She'd seen many men like him so she could pin them easily. She smiled to herself; maybe some that weren't as cute but still they were all the same to her. Out of the group she'd probably be most comfortable with him protecting her blind spots; if only for the fact that he seemed the only other hand to hand combat trained. She sighed. Their spells out weighed their swords; which meant Damian and herself would be more than likely at the front lines.

Her head began throbbing again, this time with anxiety. She sighed, trying to release some tension, before patting the healer on the shoulder with a smile. "Besides a major hangover, I think were all fine." She swept her arm forward with a small, slightly exaggerated, bow; gesturing after the fireman. "Shall we?"


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#, as written by Hells13
"Is everyone alright? I have some skill with herbs and healing. I do not know what's outside that door, so it would be best to let me tend you before we leave." I looked at Sam and smiled putting the violin and bow on the table. "Just let me tune it." Itzhak bent forward on the table turning the pegs and plucking the strings by hand, recongnizing the sound of each string by ear. He could see the strange fire sorceror, "We go, or you stay and die." Itzhak looked at him, raised his newly tuned instrument, grabbed it by the bridge in his left hand and wedged the other end on his shoulder, next to his neck.

He took in depth of the situation he was in. The guards were just there and everyone in cells had their weapons, what made them so confident? So arrogant? So ignorant? Perhaps the guards knew this would happen or they didn't know and was told otherwise? Maybe this was suppose to happen...the whole concept made Itzhak's head twist in pain even though it couldn't help but be wondered. He decided to shift his focus elsewhere, like how would they get out and if they would have to kill anyone on the way. Hiding definitly won't help him in a situation as this, maybe running but definitly not. Only if he was by himself would they be used, remembering the group of people with him as well, most are definitly not suited to staying out of sight definitly Aurora, our beast friend, and the fire sorcerer. It's be easier for fight, even though Itzhak was afraid of fight, his light in weight black attire and nimbleness made him more or less suitable for combat even with the absence of strengh.

Itzhak's ability to use magic worried him the most, mainly because his attacks wears himself out fairly easily if he were to extend it outwards but the rest of his spells would. That and the fact that he hasn't used magic in a very long time."Besides a major hangover, I think we're all fine." He nods in agreement towards Aurora meanwhile twisting the end of the bow on the table to tighten the horsehairs so the instrument can be played with precision. He looked over to Aurora as she made a polite bow to the fire sorcerer "Shall we?" Itzhak grabbed the bow off the table and let it lay on one of the strings of the violin before he swiftly broght it in a downward stroke across all the strings, letting off a small but loud melody. "Yes, in the name of the gods, lets get out of here."


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Damien noticed a man walk up and say, "Is everyone alright? I have some skill with herbs and healing. I do not know what's outside that door, so it would be best to let me tend you before we leave." He looked himself up and down, seeing nothings out of place. "yeah I'm ok" "We go, or you stay and die." He saw a new man, who seemed something of a fire sorcerer. "Just let me tune it."Itzhak said as he laid his instrument on the table. He looked to Aurora as she said, "Besides a major hangover, I think we're all fine."

Damien decided to examine everyone in their newly formed party.

First up was Itzhak, he seemed like a decent guy, but Damien had heard stories of bards betraying their companions so he decided to wait and see how this man would turn out to be. Next ws the beast man, He seemed to be more trustworthy than thought so Damien decided this man was not a threat. Since he had just met the other two men he could not tell much about them except one seemed to be an sorcerer while the other was a healer. Last was Aurora, he looked at her for a while, due to not seeing many female soldiers lately, especially none as beautiful, she seemed to be the most trustworthy, so Damien wanted, if anybody, her to protect the front with him. He examined her further, he noticed she was probably stronger than him at his currently disoriented state, so he decided not to get on her bad side.

"Yes, in the name of the gods, lets get out of here." He heard Itzhak say shortly after Damien finished his examination. " I think that would be for the best, shall we?"


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Aurora took the lead and headed for the door. Throwing it open...

*The door leads to a large room with high balconies... there is a large ladder at the far side leading to a hatch in the cieling. The room seems to be deserted.*


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Aurora had opened the door revealing a room with balconies and a ladder a to hatch at the far end. Damien looked around for any possible traps and came up with either people were hiding on the balconies or it was not a trap at all.

He sighed, then walked to the front of the group and onward, mutterring to himself, hoping his second prediction was true.


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#, as written by Hells13
Aurora opened up the doors, unveiling the large room with high balconies which could propably echo for miles on end. Itzhak was both happy and disconcerned. Worried because the whole set-up screamed of "TRAP" from the top of it's voice, with the ladder on the far side as a lure. "This is ridiculous..." he let out with a whisper. Itzhak surveyed the room one more time-keeping his violin to his left shoulder and bow on string- he observed the floor and could make out a very faint grey line curving it's way throught the other side of the room and back creating... a circle? The sudden reilization dropped on Itzhak's shoulders as he sprinted towards the front of the group shouting "Get back!"amidst shoving Damian just barely out the circle. From the six balconies above (three on each side) a low pitched "Oooom" can be heard and the faint grey outline of the circle shined a blinding light.

Itzhak attempted to jump out the circle but was immediaty stopped by a transparent wall outlining the circle on the floor. On each balcony a priest wearing a white robe were praying, probably setting up the barrier in the first place. A green fog materialized in the center of the room where Itzhak was trapped in. From where the group just escaped a squad of soldiers and archers emerged. Three spearmen, two duel weilding swordmasters, four archers behind them all and one man leading them, all of them clad in black metal armour within the exception of the man in front obviously a high ranking official as he was in white.

The white armoured man in front of the squad spoke : "I am Lieutenant Ox, surrender yourself to the Horox people so that you may join your friend in feeding thy young of the dragon." The man's english was barely understandable, but those were the words he spoke. Itzhak turned back round behind him, seeing the fog disapear to see the light green scales, red eyes of the creature and lizard wings as it looked around it's surroudings. The dragon was twice as tall the bard, but it's body was 5 horse length, including it's horned tail.
Itzhak immediatly turned back to the wall, right hand balled into a fist still clutching the bow, and started hitting the invisible wall shouting "Help me!"


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As transparent walls appeared trapping Itzhak, Damien thought of a way to save him, he began to think of his family. His father, who was the warrior trainer and a general in the army, he taught Damien everything he knew. He thought about his mother, she had died giving birth to Damien, he was told she was a mage trainer and general in the army. He thought of his two brothers who taught him all their mother had taught them.

He knew what to do, Damien started chanting and touched the ground. Suddenly everything started to shake, the balconies fell and the wall disappeared as the ground beneath the men attacking Itzhak split open, engulfing all the men but lieutenant Ox and the dragon. Damien walked forward pushing Itzhak behind him and preparing to fight lieutenant Ox. Damien hadnt even drawn his weapon, he simply put his fists up. He was eyeing the spear that one of the men had dropped before falling into the pit. "i just have to get to it" he muttered to himself.


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Aurora stepped forward ready to take down the wall by force if she had to. Damien caught her attention as he kneeled. The room began to shake knocking her off balance a bit. The wall began to crumble, the balconies fell and there stood her group, a dragon, and a Horox officer. She was dumbfounded. What the hell just happened? She shook her head. It didn't matter they just needed to get out of here. Anger began to boil in the pit of her stomach.

"Itzhak!!! Get over here! Now!" She roared at the puny image of a man as the small dragon advanced. "And you!" She turned to the remaining party members. "Don't just stand there looking pretty we have work to do!" She stepped between the musician and reptile drawing her blades. "Bring it on. You pathetic overgrown worm! I'll have you for dinner!" She yelled. But the dragon didn't seem intimidated though if it were any other being that may have been different.

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Character Portrait: Aurora
Character Portrait: Xad Namric
Character Portrait: Siintahl


Character Portrait: Siintahl

I bring the Light, but will you receive it?

Character Portrait: Xad Namric
Xad Namric

" True power comes from within."


Character Portrait: Siintahl

I bring the Light, but will you receive it?

Character Portrait: Xad Namric
Xad Namric

" True power comes from within."

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Character Portrait: Siintahl

I bring the Light, but will you receive it?

Character Portrait: Xad Namric
Xad Namric

" True power comes from within."

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Re: [OOC] The Dragon War

After the eighthi wont nbe on as much so, if I'm not in for 3 says feel free to post for Damien, just dont kill him, ok, ill still go on just less.P(if youre wondering why and why the eighth, because DA2 comes out, which will leave me in madness and disarray)

Re: [OOC] The Dragon War

I'm getting/feeling sick so I might not post much but I will make my post longer, but I warn you, for every post I have even more writers block. -_- (i have mastered the faces, fear me!)

Re: [OOC] The Dragon War

i know im so excited DA2!! isn't it this week?

Re: [OOC] The Dragon War

-sigh- I'll post something later this evening. However, I need to get in the correct mood to do so. As of now, I am completely bored of all the RPs I have recently joined.

Re: [OOC] The Dragon War

... Or maybe not... Oh, yes, also I learned english and another language at the same time but more of the other language first. So, tired+impatient+desire +using second language=a VERY bad idea.

Re: [OOC] The Dragon War

My bad, i was tired... Well you see I'm a gamer and Dragon Age 2 is coming out... Which im way too excited for, so excited I couldnt sleep. Im being patient and resting now, ill rewrite my post...

Re: [OOC] The Dragon War

no worries im right here sorry it took so long i dont have internet anymore...... ok ill send pms to everyone... but first kimura... what was that? I'm not saying you cant do it... it just seems... a bit broken ^^;

Re: [OOC] The Dragon War

I think we should alert spootilous and 7achary...and anyone else.

Re: [OOC] The Dragon War

I think we should alert spootilous and 7achary...and anyone else.

Re: [OOC] The Dragon War

Nice to know I'm being recongnized. : D

Lets start posting up people!!!

Re: [OOC] The Dragon War

Someone jump started the rp.

Re: [OOC] The Dragon War

Eh? I thought the RP died o.O

Re: [OOC] The Dragon War

I would post but I would need yo tell you the rest of Damien's story, which I'm to tired to do at the moment.

Re: [OOC] The Dragon War

Time to jumpstart this Rp (again)

Memememememememmememememe, *Silence followed by an explosion."

Ok.. *gasp* alright.. I.. I posted. YEAH! XD

Re: [OOC] The Dragon War

PROJECT PM is pm'ing the people who postrd here.

Re: [OOC] The Dragon War

no... at least not yet and if i have anything to say about it it wont... POST POST POST! PLLLLLLZZZZZ

Re: [OOC] The Dragon War

No posts in 3 days... Has this died?

Re: [OOC] The Dragon War

Sorry I have been MIA. My keyboard was not working and I just got a kinda replacement.

Re: [OOC] The Dragon War

... FORGET THAT!, I'm not fixing all that, welll at least not right now, I'm tired. -_- Zzzzzzzzzzzzz...
