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"Please don't take my sunshine away."

0 · 4,202 views · located in The Eden Laboratory

a character in “The Eden Project”, as played by The_Queen




❝Keep your face towards the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#8B7B8B ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #8CDD81

|| Violet Evergarden || OST Cover ||



JJ, The Bodyguard

{☛ ⒶⒼⒺ ☚}


Jack the Ripper || Fate Grand Order

❝There's something missing, I just can't put my finger on it.❞


{☛ ⒽⒺⒾⒼⒽⓉ ☚}

{☛ ⓌⒺⒾⒼⒽⓉ ☚}
A bit heavier than the typical carbon fiber, her frame base is made out of a dense alloy, coated in steel.

Jace's hair is a mix of gray and white.

A venomous green and yellow combination.

Jace's registration number is on her wrist. She was also given two artificial scars to give her a tough looking exterior.

Jace is a very special model, put together by hand to the specifications of her buyer. She has an alloy and steel based frame, programmed with some of the fastest reflexes and recovery time. Her skin is silicone based, making it both heat resistant and hard to pierce. Her eyes are resin and hand painted with technological filament and her limbs are made of a flexible, porous material so that even when submerged, Jace will not be limited. Originally made as a combat unit, she had a hidden compartment within her thighs and arms that contain discreet blades that can pass through any security checkpoint. Her legs are more flexible, allowing her a longer stride so that she can cover more ground and gain speed despite her weight. Programmed for hand to hand and close combat, Jace typically dresses in light weight clothing that does not interfere with her work.


♙"When you can't find the sunshine, be the sunshine." ♙


❥ Protecting || Jace has been given an assignment, she likes to fulfill her purpose by working.
❥ Music|| The one advantage of working with an idol is that you meet many people in the music business.
❥ Salty Snacks || Jace's body runs off of salt, an interesting material of choice, but her makers wanted something that was widely available.
❥ Knives || A weapon aficionado at heart, Jace loves to collect sharp objects.

❝I just want to make the world smile.❞

⌦ Rushing || Rushing into battle is what leads to casualties.
⌦ Interference || Similar to an animal on a hunt, when Jace is chasing something, she becomes very single minded and does not enjoy interference.
⌦ Sky scrapers || They interfere with her view of the sky.
⌦ Change || Jace does not do well with sudden, drastic changes.


Apathetic || Jace does not understand most emotions. As a full combat unit, her programming does not allow her to experience many emotions, but she is slowly learning from her charge.
Knife Dance || There is a cute little trick Jace picked up in which she twirls a knife between her fingers rather ominously.
Lifting || If her charge does not move quickly enough, Jace will pick them up and carry them over her shoulder.


Fireworks || Perhaps due to a fear in her previous life or a design flaw, Jace can be disabled for a span of five seconds during loud, sudden explosions.
Emotions || Her emotional capacity is not the best.
Drinking || Androids cannot get drunk, the closest they can get is a system scramble, which happens when a circuit is temporarily overloaded. Therefore, Jace simply likes to go to bars and "drink" in order to scope out possible dangers to her charge.
Lita || Jace was not originally made for Lita, her unit was an outdated combat model that was living in disrepair. Grove Tech upgraded her when a buyer showed interest in her potential and assigned her to Lita, therefore, Jace knows that she must protect Lita at any and all costs.

Flexibility || PRO Models have displayed excellent skill in bending their limbs in rather unique fashions.
Durability || Made for heavy combat, Jace was built to last.
Night vision || Lita has night vision mode in order to scope out targets hiding out in the dark.
Heat Sensors || As an extra special upgrade, Jace can pick up the heat signature of a body from a mile away.

Losing Lita || It would mean game over, permanent shut down for failure.
Remembering || Jace does not want to recall her past self, she is fearful as to what she might have done.
Fireworks || Jace does not enjoy the malfunction it brings onto her system.


♙"You can be the moon and still be jealous of the stars."♙

Come over here beside me. My restraint crumbles.
Don’t fear me.

A flightless bird dreamed of the sky.
The color mixing there is a different kind of red.

I covered my ears to the sound of knocking on my door.
Is that you knocking? Or is it some other?
Will your lips taste the kiss of death?

Darling, fate runs through my veins
As this world begins to move …is it love?
I want to melt like no one has before, Darling.
So don’t fear me, just kiss me now!

I want to taste you …does that make me weird?
It’s something we’re unable to feel all alone.

❝We can see the same moon, you and I.❞




{☛ ⒻⒶⓂⒾⓁⓎ ☚}
Twin Sister

Jayme Pracer was a starry eyed child with big ambitions, but with no ability to get her there. Born into an abusive family, Jayme was the scapegoat for every bad thing that ever happened to her parents. She went to them, looking for love and was denied time and again by her Mother and Father. Her drawings were torn, her efforts squashed beneath their feet. Then, Jayme had a little brother. He was idolized by her family, treated like a fragile little doll that could never do anything wrong. Their daughter was jealous, all she had ever wanted was her parents love and approval and here came in this tiny little child who didn't deserve it, but Jayme was going to protect him with her life. As soon as he was old enough, her parents began to hit him too. Why couldn't they be better children? Why couldn't they be talented? It didn't matter that they had never enrolled either child in school or lessons, it didn't matter hat any hobby or talent they had tried to pick up was demeaned.
Then one day, Jayme's little brother came home with a box. Inside of it was a kitten, scruffy and abandoned. The children hid the little thing from their parents, feeding it from the scraps they would receive at the table. When Mom and Dad found out, they were furious, their Dad stepped on the cat, breaking it's neck and his children's hearts. Fed up with their antics, Jayme made a plan with her little brother to run away. They were tired of living on scraps, of being forced to do chores in order to sleep on a bed, or scrub toilets so that they could take a shower. Their Utopian society completely overlooked bad parents, instead it rewarded them for having children. On the first night of summer, when their parents went out drinking, Jayme and her brother ran away. They took what little belongings they had and left with the hopes of a better future.
It was there they met Dr. Grover, a woman who lured them in with the promise of a warm bed, a hot meal, and plenty of love. The children jumped at the chance and for a while, life was great.
It was around then that the experiments began, at first slowly, a test here and there, a reward for their cooperation, Jayme didn't mind, neither did her brother. They slowly became more frequent until the children were being driven to the point of exhaustion on a daily basis. Their bodies could not keep up with the demand and Jayme's little brother, at the young age of twelve, attempted to kill himself out of misery. No doubt he would have succeeded had he not been implanted with a transmitter that was watching his vitals. Miserable without her brother, Jayme too, began to deteriorate. Dr. Grover decided they needed to act quickly and so, she put the two children to sleep, uploading their consciousness into a database to save for later.
When Jayme first awoke, the last thing she could recall was her brother's suicide. She had been asleep for years, making the memory extraction an easy process. Thus, Jace was born, a fully weaponized combat unit armed to protect her charge.
{☛ ⓄⓉⒽⒺⓇ ☚}


So begins...

Jace's Story

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Character Portrait: Jace Character Portrait: Fina Character Portrait: Lita
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❝Going around in circles, just bring it all to ruin.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#B21212 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #1485CC

|| City of the Dead|| Eurielle ||

Io gnawed on her silicone lip, glowering at Jace. "I know." But her hands were tied, she couldn't just go where she pleases. "But Fina needs to stay with Minnie... or Nyx. And even moreso, Lady Reiss is my Master." She wasn't allowed to just abandon her duties, whether she was Io or Fina it didn't matter. Her eyes were fixed on Jace. "Cali is better off in your hands, Jace. I'm just a screwup that fails at everything. I couldn't even protect Minnie from her fate, so it has to be you. You have to be Cali's protector." She allowed Jace to walk off and stared at the ground in a bit of a trance. "Io." Fina's tone was like a safe haven. "You didn't fail me, you're not useless." But she was, because Fina had to experience death because Io wasn't strong enough to beat both Black Jack and Jarvis. In the end, she couldn't do anything.

Upstairs, Io returned to Nyx's room where Dane was watching quietly, Hymnos had her eyes closed and looked as if she were concentrating, and of course Dr. Grover was there, waiting expectantly. Nyx was in rest mode, inactive, but hopefully if by some magic a prayer could be answered then maybe Minnie could come back from beyond her reach. "Let me have control." Fina requested and Io happily handed it over. This here was Fina's job more than it was Io's. "How is she?" Fina asked, about both Hymnos and Nyx. "The upload was a success." The newly de-virused Hymnos was back in action, doing her best to provide support. "Minnie Reiss's brain is safely within me." Hymnos offered that same clinical smile of hers she was used to, her voice pleasant to the ear of any android.

"So does that mean it'll work?" Dane asked, voice full of hope. Fina looked at him with shared worry, grasping his hand in some semblance of comfort. "Will Minnie be okay?" Fina asked, voice warbling slightly. "There has been too much damage to her brain." Hymnos explained at Grover's gesture to continue explaining. "She safe within me but now dormant. I will give her a pleasant dream and slowly attempt to repair the damage. Estimated time of repairs: Indefinite." Dane's face fell and Fina grimaced, looking away. "I... I see." She took a deep breath, trying to control the grief growing in her heart. Dane squeezed her hand far too tight but she did not notice it.

"You may wake now." Dr. Grover declared and Nyx's eyes opened. There was a brief hint of recognition but it went away quickly. "Hello again. Why do you not look happy?" It was going to take time for Nyx to learn more organic methods of speech just like it did for most androids. "Let's get you home. Your... Master is waiting." Dane looked as pale as a ghost and bit his lip. "I don't want to serve Lady Reiss." Nyx complained, glowing eyes bright. "But if that is my order I will obey."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Character Portrait: Fina Character Portrait: Lita
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❝I am the one who ruined me; I did it myself.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#F54D70 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #FF7256

|| Dearly Beloved || Utada Hikaru ||

"Just think about it," Jace said quietly, "propose a reassignment." The combat unit took her leave, returning to Callisto's side. The two of them ate pudding quietly, sitting on a bench outside in the snow. "I want to see it," Callisto said suddenly, barely having touched her pudding. Jace took the cup from her, digging her spoon in happily. "See what?" She asked, finishing the pudding before it froze. "My body," Jace stiffened, then slowly, rose to her feet. "Alright, I'll take you to it." She held out a hand in offering and Callisto took it, grateful as Jace led her. Would Callisto recognize herself? Could she recall what her own features looked like? Jace held her hand, leading her back inside, safe from the cold and snow. It melted on her skin, but Callisto hardly felt the cold.

Black Jack tailed them, their shadow, trailing behind the two as Jace pushed her palm onto a reader and scanned her retina, "it's a sterile room." They stood within a second chamber, a sanitizing mist spraying them down, the door wouldn't budge until the process had ended. Callisto stepped within the threshold, it was empty now, but earlier it had been buzzing with doctors. There were machines surrounding what almost looked like a large glass cylinder. The familiar hum of IV's and drip of saline was almost comforting. Callisto walked up to the glass, pressing a hand against it. Within was a girl dusted with ice crystals, the rise and fall of her chest forced by the humming devices.

Callisto did not recognize herself. Her blonde hair was gone, her lips were pale blue, a tube snaking out of it. She was thin and fragile, as though a gust of wind that was a bit too strong could break her in two. There were no clothes, only bandages, wrapped around her bald head, decorating her abdomen almost as though it were a costume for Halloween. Someone cried out, Callisto's knees buckled, the sound had come from her. Jace stood by the door, watching the pulse of the machines that pumped life into her, circulating blood, breath, removing impurities, pushing toxic medicine to kill the cancer for good. If this fragile being died, this vessel would. Callisto would be truly and utterly dead.

Artificial tears flowed from the ducts in her eyes, dancing down her cheeks. She looked back up at her body, an odd sense of peace overcoming her. Callisto rose and wiped her cheeks with the heels of her hand. "Okay," she whispered, a shaky smile coming onto her lips. "I'm ready," Jace nodded, taking Callisto's hand once more. "Are you sure?" She asked, tucking a strand of blue hair behind Callisto's ear. Cali nodded, it would do them no good to stand here and cry. "Yes, I'm certain."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Character Portrait: Fina Character Portrait: Lita
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❝Going around in circles, just bring it all to ruin.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#B21212 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #1485CC

|| City of the Dead|| Eurielle ||

”Please be happy.” Hymnos said. “I will be watching over you.”

Back at the Flock, Fina found herself bowing in front of Lady Reiss, head lowered in apology. This was her fault, and no matter how hard it must be for her it was her duty to explain what went wrong and why. "Minnie was shot protecting Dr. Grover.” She said. Dane was keeping Nyx in the lobby just outside of Lady Reiss’s throne room so Fina could privately tell Lady Reiss the bad news. "My body was dead at the time, and my human self, Io, was unable to stop Metis from firing his gun. He was trying to kill Dr. Grover and take Callisto back.” It was thanks to Io Fina was able to maintain her composure. The truth was she felt bleak, empty, hopeless. What was she supposed to do now that Minnie was gone? Sure she was dormant, sure she was sleeping within Hymnos who was surely giving her pleasant dreams. But it still meant Fina was going to have to live without the light of her existence at her side. It made her so happy to wake up and just be by Minnie’s side.
What was she supposed to do now without her?

"I’m sorry, Lady Reiss. I truly am a failure. If you wish to scrap me, I would happily oblige.” Lady Reiss’s mouth was set in a firm downwards curve and her eyes were hidden by the sunhat she always wore. “I see.” Her voice was impossible to discern, even for Fina. "However, Dr. Grover was able to… ensure she didn’t die. She wouldn’t wake, so there was only one option left.” That was the cue for Dane to open the door. He gave a sheepish bow, clearly depressed himself at the loss. Even Jarvis looked solemn as he saw Nyx enter, eyes glowing as bright as the light left behind when Minnie disappeared.

“My name is Nyx.” Nyx bowed to Lady Reiss. “I am a new unique model, an Angel Model, to serve and protect.” Fina could almost see angel wings behind her shoulder plates. “And what is your purpose?” Lady Reiss asked severely. “What can you do?” Nyx stood upright, spreading her arms to reveal a series of canisters hidden inside. “As an Angel Unit, I can ensure humans are not harmed when in a combat situation. There are gas canisters I can spread that are mask-permeable to put humans to sleep so they cannot interfere in android affairs.” She opened her shoulder blades and some sort of jet wings revealed themselves. “I can fly to better spread the drugs. They are harmless, of course, I can assure you.” Her hands folded and turned into gamma blasters. “I have weapons to assist in combat, though these are all I have.” Not as strong as Fina’s railguns or vibroblade, but still viable.

Nyx put her blasters together and then a strange hum came. From the hum a circle formed and then turned into a front-facing barrier made of gamma energy. “And lastly, I can create a shield to fully block attacks from one direction for as long as my battery lasts.” She was Nyx, the Angel Trumpet, built to serve and protect on the battlefield. “So you can’t bring my Minnie back?” Lady Reiss’s voice was different. No – not different. But for the first time in Fina’s memory, she was emotional. Nyx shook her head. “I know she is my source human, but I cannot. My deep condolences, Master.”

“I need time. Please leave me for now.”

As they were leaving, Jarvis interrupted Fina. “I have this from Charles Palladion.” He transmitted a file into Fina’s data stores. She felt sick when she knew what it was. It was Requiem, Minnie’s first album, the final version. “What do you want to do with it? Fina knew exactly what to do. She first sent a copy to Lady Reiss as a last memory, and then to Callisto, Minnie’s chosen successor.

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Character Portrait: Jace Character Portrait: Fina Character Portrait: Lita
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❝I am the one who ruined me; I did it myself.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#F54D70 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #FF7256

|| Dearly Beloved || Utada Hikaru ||

The first thing to sink in was the cold. Their home had been destroyed by the Game Master. They stood in the wreckage that used to be their apartment, the penthouse window shattered, belongings scattered. An executive from the Record Company walked around the house, surveying the damage. "Thank you for retrieving Cali," he said to Jace and Black Jack, both of his hands clasping Callisto's. "I'm sorry for the trouble sir," Callisto apologized, his hands radiating heat. "It's no trouble, the Label is glad you're back. We'll be moving you of course, can't exactly stay here." She nodded in understanding, they wouldn't be able to stay in the wreckage that used to be an apartment.

An armed escort led them to their new home, another penthouse, this one with a view of both the city and the ocean. Callisto stood by the window, watching as waves lapped against the shore. "Metis always wanted to take us to the beach." Jace sidled up beside her, carrying two two cups. She pushed one into Callisto's hands, her expression gentle. "I have a feeling he's going to turn up again, sooner or later." Currently, Metis was on a bus heading back to the military base he was commissioned out of. "He's persistent, I'm sure he's going to be expecting updates from Dr. Grover all the time," updates on her real body, she meant.

"I've finished my sweep of the perimeter," Black Jack entered the room, glancing up at both of them. "What? Did I interrupt you two making out?" He smirked, cocking a hip. "Shut up!" Jace tossed the empty teacup at his head. Black Jack caught it with ease and exited, shutting the door behind him. Callisto blushed, looking down into her cup, swishing the teabag around. She drained the rest of her cup and placed it on the table. "I have an idea for a new song," Callisto sat down on the bed and picked up a holo pad, already transcribing the words. "You know, the studio comes up with the songs, you don't have to do anything, you're kind of just a figurehead."

"I know, but I think they sound better when they come from the heart." Jace sat beside her, watching as she scribbled down her ideas. "You should get some rest and recharge, they're going to work you hard tomorrow. Your schedule is pretty full," one interview after the next, all lined up neatly for her. "I'm an adult too you know," Callisto winked as Jace pulled the holo pad out from her grip. "No you're not, you're still younger than me." It was true, Callisto was really still a child. "Now, as your adult supervisor, I advise that you get some shut eye." Callisto pouted, prompting Jace to kiss her on the cheek. She rose from the bed, taking the holo pad with her.

Callisto prepared for bed, putting on a pair of pajamas and plugging her neck into the port. She felt sleepy as she powered down, preparing to update.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Character Portrait: Fina Character Portrait: Lita
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❝Going around in circles, just bring it all to ruin.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#B21212 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #1485CC

|| City of the Dead|| Eurielle ||

It was time for another ice cream run. Io was in control this day and with her was Dane. They were trying to get over old things and put their minds off of the pain of losing Minnie. Though Io was friends with her in the past, it wasn't as if she was as hurt as Fina was, who was romantically in love with her. Not that Minnie could reciprocate or anything. The snow was falling but Io could barely feel the cold. Maybe her android body just wasn't sensitive to it like human bodies were. Poor Dane was all bundled up in his brown coat, trying to protect himself from the chill. "Are you happy?" Io asked, worried. She's been neglecting him for a while with all the drama with Callisto and Jace this past two months.

"I am." Dane said with a shrug. "We're not doing things like before. We dropped out of school, so we're free from that prison! We're no longer breaking into stores or mugging people. Isn't that good?" Dane of course didn't know about Fina's assassination missions. Maybe i'd be best if he continued not knowing. "I just like being able to be myself, to hang out with the kids." He made a faint pained expression as Io scooped another spoon of her peanut butter vanilla mix ice cream. Dane's favorite of course was cherry cream. "I'm tired of failing at everything." Dane was just like Io, except perhaps worse in some ways. He failed in classes regularly no matter how hard people tried to help him. He even tried himself, he tried is hardest but in the end he just couldn't keep up. Io couldn't either, so they both got along well.

The snow was blowing around them and the hovercraft was waiting dutifully for them to enter. "Does your mother still come by?" In the beginning she kept coming to the Flock to try to take him back home. Io almost had to violently put her down before she seemed to stop coming. "No?" Dane shrugged again, licking his ice cream cone. Io could feel it, the lie detector was going off. Dane was most definitely lying. "If she comes again, tell me and I'll beat her up." Io remembered back when they were school kids, how Dane kept showing up with bruises or broken fingers but he would always refuse to admit that his mother was the culprit. It was only when Io went to their house and heard the sounds of abuse herself when she realized.

"Thank you for bringing me to the Flock." Dane said with a soft smile, clutching his wrist looking like a pathetic mewling dog. "It was what's best for you." Io muttered, shaking her head. "You're like a little helpless brother to me, Dane, so you have to not get hurt by others." He would be safe there, Jarvis would look after him. Perhaps Nyx would too, though her duties were still unknown. "I still remember when Jarvis taught me how to drive everything." Dane squirmed a little, looking anxious. "I used to be scared of him." In the beginning Dane was terrified of Jarvis's smarmy self but now he grew used to the household unit.

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Character Portrait: Jace Character Portrait: Fina Character Portrait: Lita
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❝I am the one who ruined me; I did it myself.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#F54D70 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #FF7256

|| Dearly Beloved || Utada Hikaru ||

The past few weeks had been busy for Callisto. She released her first single, then an entire album, and spent most of the time doing interviews and appearing on talk shows, doing live performances and even hosting an awards show. It was all so busy and Callisto had quickly become one of the top rising artists, her album selling out quickly. No one knew what had happened to Minnie Reiss, who had disappeared in all but name. Callisto made certain she wasn't forgotten though, on her online streaming channel, she often made tributes to the white haired girl, even asking people to ask themselves, "What would Minnie do?" The general public was impressed by this new model, believing Callisto's knowledge and empathy to be a result of good programming. They didn't know, no, they couldn't know, who the android truly was and how she came to be.

"Callisto," Jace chided, picking up a holo pad from the floor. "I told you not to leave this around." Callisto lay on the carpet, watching the snow fall, her writing materials scattered about the room. "Sorry," Callisto murmured, sitting upright. Black Jack was sitting in the living room, never far. He was always watching, but what, Callisto didn't know. Sometimes he disappeared for days at a time and it was all Callisto could do to guess what he was up to. Jace knelt down, sitting on the floor beside her, expression softening. "You're thinking about them, aren't you?" She asked quietly, "your family I mean." Callisto nodded, it was true, they sat heavily in her mind, never too far from thought.

"Carme, that's what the new baby is called." She looked down at her hand, her parents had always been fans of astrology. "So? Forget about her? They're happy, or something like that." Callisto nodded, it was probably true. Without their dying and burdensome daughters, no doubt they were thriving. They received money from the government for Metis's service, which they could use to pay for the house, the food, the car. Jace leaned over, leaving a kiss on Callisto's cheek. She smiled and turned to face the combat unit. "What's on your mind?" Jace leaned over, tucking blue hair behind Callisto's ear. "The usual, guarding patterns, the set up for security at your first concert, what you look like without clothes on."

Synthetic blush rose to her cheeks and Callisto closed her eyes. "You say that so casually!" She squealed, clearly embarrassed. Jace grinned and leaned over, her hands traveling underneath the knit sweater Callisto was wearing. It was rare that she had down time these days, but today was a rare treat. Jace grabbed onto her, lifting her onto the bed and clambering up alongside her. "Jace!" Callisto squealed as the older android trailed kisses down her neck, stopping when she reached her naval.

A knock on the door had interrupted them.

"Hate to break up the party, but someone's here to see you."

"Tell them to go away!" Jace growled as Callisto tugged her sweater back down.

"Can't, it's the boss."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Character Portrait: Fina Character Portrait: Lita
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❝Going around in circles, just bring it all to ruin.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#B21212 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #1485CC

|| City of the Dead|| Eurielle ||

"Don't worry, Dane." Io said as they returned to the Flock, the sounds of children playing tetherball as the soundtrack to the pair exiting the hovercraft, ice cream consumed and enjoyed. Dane nodded awkwardly as he locked the door, fuzzy glove blemished by the white of the snow. "You always have." He agreed nervously. Jarvis grinned as he heard them, rolling his robotic eyes, smarmy smile marking his features as he leaned against the white wall of the compound. "Welcome back." He held out his hand and Dane once again reached out to take it. And just like all the other times the electric buzzer activated, causing poor Dane to jump up in shock. "Stop." Io glowered, eyes burning furiously. "You always do this." Jarvis shrugged after he was finished his cackling session. "What? It's his own fault for falling for it all the time."

"Wait, you shouldn't pick a fight on Flock grounds, I want to see Nyx." Fina tried but Io was stronger and she stomped right up to Jarvis's face, shoving poor sheep Dane aside. "He's supposed to be here and safe, I won't put up with your bullying much longer." If it wasn't for Fina insisting not to attack a teammate - if Jarvis counted as such - Io would happily break the smug butler's face against the rocks. Jarvis looked at her, his black hair shaped in such a way that Io felt as if she were being mocked by him just for existing. His eyes seemed to twinkle. "Um? Um..." Dane twiddled his thumbs as the two androids stared each other down. "I'm okay though, it was just a little shock?"

The wind blew stronger around them as if preparing for the increased tension between Io, Fina, and Jarvis. "You know." Jarvis began, snide cruelty in his words. "You seem agitated, Io, ever since Minnie became Nyx. Almost as if you're realizing how useless you still are." Within a second Io grappled her leg against Jarvis's, flipping him over her leg headfirst into the snow behind her. She spun around and then grabbed him by the collar, lifting him back up into the air. "See? Violence is the best proof that you're not okay. Maybe you need therapy." Jarvis laughed, not phased by the violence at all. "Poor unstable Io needs a head doctor." He hooked a thumb Dane's direction, who flinched back from it, having a fear of violence. "Everyone you love is becoming an android. We both know Dane is next." His words echoed in her mind and the thump of her circuit engine grew louder in Io's head and her ocular interfaces began to glow.

"You should not fight." The voice Io and Fina both hated so much had come to interrupt. Nyx walked in with a disturbing amount of grace, pulling Jarvis away from Io and separating the two. "I'm sorry if I'm insufficient, Fina. If me being here agitates you, I can request jobs that allow me to avoid you. Would that make you happy?" Fina refused to look at her, despite earlier desperately wanting to see what became of her love. "She won't ever be happy, Nyx, don't worry about it." Jarvis still wasn't stopping his tirade of sadism. "But you and I can always be friends." Nyx nodded, helping him up. "I'm glad. Friends are nice to have."

Dane grasped at Io's hand, trying to calm her down. "I know it's sad, but we can't change it anymore. Just accept her for who she is now." Callisto would probably agree that Io and by extension, Fina's biggest problem was her inability to let go of the past. "This is stupid." Io growled, slapping Dane's hand away. "Have fun, you friends. I need a break." Maybe she would fly and go visit Callisto, not that her sister's even sent her a single private message since the Game Master fiasco three weeks ago.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Character Portrait: Fina Character Portrait: Lita
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❝I am the one who ruined me; I did it myself.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#F54D70 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #FF7256

|| Dearly Beloved || Utada Hikaru ||

"You're going international Cali," it wasn't just the boss, it was the entire circle of higher up's. The men that owned her, her life, this body. They popped open a bottle of liqueur to celebrate, the bubbles glinting in the lights of the apartment. "There'll be a tour of course, we'll start here, but you've already established yourself as a household name. The international audience has found your videos, just think of the press. The tour," Callisto wasn't sure if she could feel nerves, but surely they would be tingling. The thought of leaving her home town, the city she had grown up in, was frightening. Jace handed her a glass of the alcoholic drink, the smell invading her nose. She smiled, keeping her head up, doing her best to continue the pleasantries. "An international audience will mean a new security team, right?" Callisto asked.

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"I need Jace to come with me. I trust her the most," they nodded. "Of course, we own Jace so she'll be going along with you. Anything else?" Callisto nodded once, "I want another android, a stealth unit, her name is Fina, Project Faye, it needs to be her." Jace didn't seem surprise, or if she did, she was good at hiding it. "We'll see what we can do about that." After clinking glasses and a some discussion about contracts and outfits and whatnot. Once they left, Black Jack reappeared. Callisto breathed out in relief and leaned back in her seat. "Why do you want Fina to come? She's nothing but trouble," Black Jack scowled, outwardly upset. "Isn't it obvious?" Jace replied, sitting on the armrest of the chair Callisto was seated in. "She wants her sister to tour with her."

"I promised Io I would take her from here. That we would leave this city behind one day and build a home for ourselves somewhere else." Granted they were children and it was during one of the many fights their parents had, but Callisto had always meant to keep it. No doubt Io had forgotten it by now, but Callisto intended to follow through. "You should forget her, that bot is nothing but trouble." Black Jack scowled, no doubt upset by her choice. "Besides, she's busy with Nyx and Dane, I doubt the admins would approve bringing them along too." He crossed his arms and looked to Jace to back him up. "Every band or idol has groupies," Jace pointed out instead, taking Callisto's glass from her and downing the rest of her drink.

"Anyhow, we had some unfinished business in there." Jace scooped Callisto up, who squealed in surprise, and carried her to the bedroom. Black Jack rolled his eyes, cleaning up the glasses left on the table in order to distract himself from the noise. "For androids, you sure do it like mice!" He called, meaning to tease them. An hour later, they emerged, Callisto dressed for the cold and Jace wearing nothing but an undershirt and underwear. "You shouldn't go alone," Jace scowled, clearly unhappy. "Black Jack will go with her."

"I sent her the message saying I would go alone." Callisto replied, pinning her hair out of her face. "Io won't like it if you guys are there." Almost as soon as Callisto was out the door, Jace grabbed her jacket and Black Jack went into stealth mode, they weren't just going to let a million dollar machine leave unguarded.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Character Portrait: Fina Character Portrait: Lita
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❝Going around in circles, just bring it all to ruin.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#B21212 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #1485CC

|| City of the Dead|| Eurielle ||

Fina was perfectly content happily flying around being unhappy as she did so, not the least bit satisfied in the way things had gone. Everything just felt wrong now. Callisto should be safe and dead but instead is alive as an android to make money for others because she herself never cared for the green stuff, Minnie the angel was taken from her because she was too weak to ever protect the apple of her eye - well, of Fina's eye really, Io never cared. And like Jarvis said, Dane would have some tragedy befall him and Grover would waste no time in turning him into an android like all the rest. She landed at a familiar locale, watching over the place. "Should we be here?" Fina asked worriedly. "Let's go back and apologize, Io." No, Io didn't want to.

She wanted to be here instead, outside her old house. She remained in Stealth Mode of course, it wouldn't do to be detected around here. Mother and Father were living a perfectly happy life, she could tell from their biosignatures. Why was it like this? Why weren't they mourning their daughters? It had only been a year and they were so happy with a stupid replacement child as if Carme in her stupid toddler waddle could replace the good and brightness Callisto had given them. If Io couldn't forget her sister, then her parents didn't deserve to either. Alright, she made her decision. She was going to go and terrorize them a little, make them remember their first children, the three that actually mattered. Io disabled her Stealth Mode and went to wrench open the door. What harm could kidnapping do anyways?

"You probably don't want to do that." Metis was here. How had he come? Io stared at him - he was the one who shot Minnie in the first place despite Io doing her very best to disarm him out of fear that he might just shoot. "Leave me alone. You just ruined everything again." With Metis here kidnapping Carme was not going to be a good idea. "Fina warned me you'd try something, so I came here as quickly as I could." Fina? She could do something without Io being aware? "It's pretty easy when you're distracted." Fina confirmed, sounding almost sheepish, sad that she had to do a trick like that. "Sis, just let them be. Let them be happy. Callisto's happy too, she's famous now. You should find something that makes you happy too." That wasn't an option for her. It never was, what did these people not get?

Io was debating smacking him for being such an idiot. "You never noticed, did you?" A sour, almost childish tone came to her voice. "I don't like admitting it... but..." She was jealous. She was jealous that Callisto could be so charming, so charismatic and grab people's attention no matter human or android. She was jealous of Metis's martial skill, his patience and discipline to excel as a soldier and protect his country. Io? She was never good at anything. The only things she cared about doing she failed and lose those important to her. "Of course we noticed. Don't let mom and dad's words control you. You have a talent, you just need to find it first." But that was so bland - didn't he have any better advice? Anyone could say that. "Whatever. You saved a useless baby, congratulations."

"You have mail! You have mail!" Fina chirped brightly as Io flew away. "Shut up, Fina." Io snapped, though she did feel bad about it after. "I was just trying to cheer you up. Um, Callisto wants to meet with you one on one." Hah, as if it would ever be one on one. "Jace is definitely gonna be there." But Jace was a combat unit, she didn't have perfect stealth like Fina did. "Black Jack will be there with her like a doting big brother." Not that Jace would ever realize it.

And there was Callisto, all happy and successful and thriving in her new life. Minnie would be thrilled but Io couldn't bring herself to be happy. Maybe she truly was an awful person. Even worse because of the plot she had in mind. "Let's talk, sis. You here to gloat?" She stepped closer, taking Callisto by the hand. "Let's talk where no one can interfere." She pulled Cali in and activated her Stealth Field so no one would be able to detect them, not even Jace's new upgrade or fellow Stealth Units. With that she opened her jet wings and flew into the air. Maybe the beach would be a nice place for a private chat.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Character Portrait: Fina Character Portrait: Lita
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❝I am the one who ruined me; I did it myself.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#F54D70 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #FF7256

|| Dearly Beloved || Utada Hikaru ||

She had set their meeting time for three. It was currently two, which meant that Callisto had plenty of time to go and pick up an old favorite, peanut butter cookies with white chocolate chips and a sprinkle of sea salt. Io had never been a big fan of sweets, but Callisto knew she was a sucker for peanut butter. She wore a large pair of sunglasses to obscure half of her features, an oversized scarf taking on the other half. No one bothered her for the most part, except the cashier who wanted an exact amount of credits. Callisto counted them out, then took the bag with the two cookies and went on her way to the meeting point. There was still a bit of time, so Callisto relished her walk. After her performance this weekend, she would be preparing for a much larger tour.

She waited outside of the toy store, checking the internal clock in the corner of her eye. At long last, Io arrived, looking angry, but when didn't she seem upset? "Gloat?" Callisto asked, confused, "I brought cookies." She held the bag out, the familiar white and pink bag nostalgic. Io suddenly grabbed Callisto by her jacket, activating stealth mode. They flew into the sky, Callisto clutching the bag to her chest. "Io? Where are we going?" Her voice rose an octave, more worried than fearful. She wanted to go where no one could bother them, but Callisto hadn't brought Jace or Black Jack along for this very reason.

"We shouldn't go too far," Callisto advised. "I don't want us to get lost," when they touched the ground at last, Callisto took in a deep breath, it was false of course, but it allowed her sensors to tell her mechanics that the air smelled salty and slightly fishy. "I brought these," Callisto held out the bag once more, slightly rumpled, but the cookies were still in tact. "Peanut butter, your favorite. Does Fina like peanut butter too? Can androids be allergic to nuts?" She found a rock to sit down on opening up the bag and taking the cookies out. She held one up in a gesture for her sister, knowing they couldn't go back to the past, but they could certainly look forward to the future.

"I wanted to let you know that I'm leaving the city," Callisto took in a deep breath, she was going to need to do a lot of explaining if she wanted to make this proposal right. "They've set up an international tour and I don't exactly have a say in whether or not I want to go," Callisto scratched the back of her head, blue hair waving in the wind. "But, I don't want to leave, not without you. I've already made the proposal to the head staff, I want you to come with me, Io." Callisto searched her sister's eyes, but other than a registration code, it was hard to tell what she was thinking.

Did Io remember that old promise? Or did she think this was out of the blue?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Character Portrait: Fina Character Portrait: Lita
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❝Going around in circles, just bring it all to ruin.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#B21212 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #1485CC

|| City of the Dead|| Eurielle ||

Grabbing Callisto, the idol wanted to know where they were going. Wasn't it obvious? "Away from your chaperones." Io muttered as the city below became a blur of concrete jungle, Io wished to get away from it and see one of the few places of nature that still existed in the vicinity, the beach that they both dreamed of seeing one day, only to see once it was too late to change anything. "You really think Jace or Black Jack would let you see me without following? It's too dangerous, especially considering how clingy that love of yours is." Io was nothing if not perceptive, of course she would've noticed the affections. And it wasn't worth trying to lie about it - all Stealth Units had a built in lie detector.

"It's the beach. I wouldn't get lost finding this place again and neither would you." Once again the comforting crashing of the cold icy waves against the rocks of the cliff face, looking at the sandy beach below, empty as either no one cared for it or it was too cold for anyone normal to enjoy such a treat, who really knew at this point. Callisto revealed she had brought something - peanut butter cookies. Io, windswept, gave Callisto a small smile, with windswept hair and ruffled jacket against the brisk winter wind. "You always knew I liked peanut butter. Fina seems to like it too." Fina at the moment was happy the sisters would get a chance to talk, and had willingly stepped aside. The two were like partners in one body, they never really fought for control like they did in the old days. "Hymnos informs me that androids can't be allergic but can be programmed to have allergic reactions if their Master pleases." But why? It seemed so pointless.

Callisto seemed to be bracing herself for something so Io quietly listened. Leaving the city? It had to be for her job as an idol, right? "If you're the idol you'd think it's your choice if you go or not." Io looked sour. While Callisto might have dreams of something more than this rotten old city, Io never knew how to hope for anything more. It felt foreign to her, strange. However, Io faintly remembered it one day after failing to convince their parents to stop hurting Io, Callisto told her something that seemed to stick in her head, a vow or promise for something different, something better. To build a new future away from home where no one would compare them.

So naturally Callisto wanted Io to go with her. Io took a deep breath, wondering if she as an android even had the right to say yes or no to this. "I'm going to need Lady Reiss's permission for the temporary reassignment." It wouldn't be too hard to convince her though, Lady Reiss liked allowing her children to do as they wished. "But, Fina..." Her voice trailed off but her intent was obvious. Would Fina be okay without being able to see Nyx for a while? And Dane, who would stay back and protect him? Who would make sure Jarvis wouldn't hurt him? Suddenly Io felt her controls being overridden. "My name is Fina." Fina declared, as if her change in body language and mannerisms didn't make it obvious. "I chose that we go! Io probably needs it and a change of pace might be good for me too." Fina hoped that after the tour it would no longer hurt looking at Nyx, she hoped that Io would go back to her somewhat caustic yet benign self as opposed to her irritable current self. "So if Io tries to make excuses, don't let her back out. The tour sounds like a great idea."

And Fina would see it for Minnie, in the hopes that one day she wake up from her slumber.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Character Portrait: Fina Character Portrait: Lita
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❝I am the one who ruined me; I did it myself.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#F54D70 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #FF7256

|| Dearly Beloved || Utada Hikaru ||

Callisto was prepared to be turned down, nothing with her sister was ever simple, and Io had every right to never want to see her again. After all, she had spent her whole life being compared to Callisto, she had been made to live in a shadow for so long that Callisto believed that Io might even harbor some sort of hatred for her. She was happy, at least, that Io took the cookie from her. Callisto returned the smile, if she had a heart, surely it would be soaring. They looked nothing like their real bodies and in some way, Callisto was glad for it. Their parents could move on, they could raise Carme in peace. Hopefully they wouldn't place any of the burdens onto the new baby that the twins had, had.

The idol unit blushed, recalling how Io had called Jace her lover. Jace was older, sure, but she was also gentle and they were together all the time anyhow. Jace had confessed to her that she and Lita once had a fling, alluding that to why it was so easy for her to fall for Callisto. They were, essentially, the same person. Even if Fina and Io acted as two separates sharing the same body, Callisto knew that somewhere inside of her, Lita was at peace. When she set down upon the rock, she knew the somehow, Lita was watching over her, guiding her on her journey down the road of being an idol. Perhaps one day the two could be reunited, although most of Callisto's memories from that time were still a bit hazy.

She shifted uncomfortably when Io spoke of having choices. "Well, you know, like any idol, you have to do what your boss thinks is best, right?" she scratched her cheek, smiling apologetically. She had made her proposition, it was up to Io now to decide whether or not she would accept it. Callisto bit her lip as she waited, listening to Io speak. Of course she would need permission, a temporary transfer of ownership would have to happen. No doubt there were other things tying Io to the city, Dane, for example, and Lady Reiss, who Io felt some strange sense of obligation to despite the fact that she was the one who had done this to them. If not for Lady Reiss, Callisto would surely already be dead and Io, who knows, maybe she was destined to become an android all along.

There was a sudden change in the stealth unit, a snap, and Callisto could tell she was no longer talking to Io. "Hello Fina," Cali smiled, wondering if Fina had once been friends with Lita. "So you'll come?" Callisto jumped to her feet, nearly kicking off her winter boots in the sand she was so excited. Her eyes glinted, alight with joy. "I'm so happy!" She clapped her hands together and then reached into the bag, taking out her cookie in a metaphorical toast and breaking off a piece, popping it into her mouth.

Meanwhile, Jace stood behind the rocks, listening. Io was an idiot if she thought they didn't know she was taking Callisto here. Was she mad? No, Jace knew to expect it when it came to the stealth unit. Black Jack watched from stealth mode, a bit closer in range in case Io tried anything, although he wasn't expecting her to. After all, he and Io were very much alike, both trying to protect what they held dearest to them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Character Portrait: Fina Character Portrait: Lita
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❝Going around in circles, just bring it all to ruin.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#B21212 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #1485CC

|| City of the Dead|| Eurielle ||

Fina gave Callisto a smile and it was clear that despite everything, Fina was distinct from Io in a way that most humans and their androids didn't get to be. It was an odd coexistence yet the duo made it work and wouldn't ask for anything else. Seeing Callisto so excited made Fina feel a little bit happier, though even she couldn't deny that these past three weeks have been very hard. "Can I tell you a secret before Io takes back control?" She smiled as best as she could for the girl she considered something like an older sister, because Io considered Fina to be a younger sister. "Io wanted to go too, she was just using me as an excuse because she didn't want to admit it."

Io got control back and she scowled. "She lied." Io's lie detector went off but she decided to ignore it. Well that was that it seemed - Io needed to get back and talk to Lady Reiss about getting permission for a temporary transfer, just for the tour. "Let's take you back before Jace has an aneurysm." Not that androids could have anything like that really. Io grabbed Callisto again, activating her Stealth Field so they could once again traverse the sky undetected. "Do you remember anything about Lita? She's not like me and Fina, is she?" Lita was already dead. Was it lonely in there without her fellow passenger? Io would hate to be without Fina, they needed each other more than ever now. Even if Fina was a meddler who kept sticking her nose into things that didn't concern her.

"I'll update you on if Reiss gives me permission or not later."

Back at the Flock, Io walked past Nyx who gave her a stare. "Do you dislike me?" Nyx asked, her eyes starting to glow as if trying to permeate the wall Io had built up for her and Fina to hide behind, though only she ever really used it. "You avoid me even if we used to always be together." Io stared daggers at the strange android who clearly preferred Jarvis and was probably doing gross naughty things with him. "We never did. I did with Minnie, but you had nothing to do with it. You weren't even born yet." It was useless trying to equate the two. "Lady Reiss wanted us to get along. Is there a way you wish to get along?" Io decided to ignore stupid Nyx and leave her tilting her head in confusion, storming into Lady Reiss's throne room.

"Callisto's going on tour and she wants me." Lady Reiss smiled, lowering her sun hat. "Then take Dane with you. His mother's trying to take him back again and has a legal team backing her this time. You should take him out of town until she gives up again." Dane was also in the room, almost as if hiding in the corner. He gave Io an awkward wave. Io, surprised at how easy this negotiation was, had her sails taken out of her, her fire for arguing gone. "Um, I guess it worked. Dane's coming too, though, Callisto." She reported in the message to her twin sister who was who knows where by now.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Character Portrait: Fina Character Portrait: Lita
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❝I am the one who ruined me; I did it myself.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#F54D70 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #FF7256

|| Dearly Beloved || Utada Hikaru ||

Delivered back home once more, Callisto strode into the apartment, happy that Fina had accepted her proposition. Even if Io had pretended that she had things tying her here, surely a break from the city life would do them both some good. Callisto couldn't wait, she was finally fulfilling the promise she had made to Io when they were children. With that in mind, Callisto kicked off her snow boots on the mat and looked around, finding Jace and Black Jack casually playing a video game on the holo screen. "Welcome back," Jace waved in passing, preoccupied as the two were racing. Callisto hung up her purse, happy that they had listened to her and stayed here after all. "I'm home," she settled down on the couch beside her combat unit, who kissed her on the cheek and went on with her game. Black Jack grit his teeth, his car going up in flames.

Jace snickered, pushing forward until she crossed the finish line. "Winner," she placed the remote down, her arm draping over Callisto's show. In the corner of her eye, Callisto spotted a message from Fina, or maybe Io, and smiled. "They can come," she giggled gleefully. "Dane will be tagging along," Black Jack nodded. "I figured as much," he rose, heading into the kitchen. "It's around dinner time, I guess I'll cook?" He slunk away, clearly sore about losing to the combat unit. "Black Jack is acting strange," Jace murmured, her presence warm beside her. "Oh? He seems fine," Callisto tilted her head in question.

"He's been hanging around here, slacking off." She scowled, "he isn't worried about security," Callisto rolled her eyes. "I'm sure he's just eager for a change of pace." Jace shook her head in response, "No, he's been clingy. Not in a good way though," Black Jack called them for dinner and Jace rose to set the table for them. They sat down to eat, spaghetti and meatballs, crispy, but still good. Once the table was cleared and the dishes were washed, Callisto retired to the bedroom while the two went at the game again, sliding out of her winter clothes in order to take a bath. Alone at last, she shot a message back to Fina. "I'm so happy you two can come!" With a smile, Callisto sunk into the warm water, her internal cooling system whirring at full blast in order to prevent her from overheating.

There was a knock on the door, startling Callisto out of her quiet reverie. "Come in!" She called, Jace entering and pulling off her clothes. She slid into the bath, pulling Callisto into her arms. "Something on your mind? Besides Black Jack I mean," Jace leaned her chin against Callisto's shoulder, her hands wrapping around her waist and slowly sliding down. "I was thinking, about this whole human mess. If I went back there, would I recognize myself? Why does everyone want to be a human again? I'm fine as an android." She had a point, Jace seemed to have no desire to return to her human body. "Smarter, faster, better, stronger, why would I trade this?"

"I don't know, some people are... sentimental."

"You wanted to go back."

"That was... before."

"Before you realized your body was... incapacitated?"

Callisto nodded, Jace's presence warm. "I thought I wanted to return home, but now, I'm not so sure. I like it here, where there's no pressure, I can do what I want, Mom and Dad aren't here to constantly praise or beat on me. Sometimes I feel like I'm a mistake, that G-d, or whatever higher power, has been trying to get rid of me so that Io can live a good life."

"Don't say that!" Jace snapped, her grip on Callisto tightening. "You were meant to live," she murmured into Callisto's blue hair, the bubbles swishing around them. [color=#F54D70]"Jace?"

"Promise me. Promise me Callisto, you won't go."

"I promise, I'm not going anywhere."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Character Portrait: Fina Character Portrait: Lita
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❝Going around in circles, just bring it all to ruin.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#B21212 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #1485CC

|| City of the Dead|| Eurielle ||

"We have the plane tickets, so bring your passports and meet us at Akaline Airport." That was the message from Black Jack. It wouldn't be a long ride from here to the airport, and Fina already had everything she would need packed. Everything she needed was already on her person really, other than clothes and her charger and replacement parts just in case there was a malfunction. Dane had a light pack too, mostly just clothes and his Holopad would be taken along for the ride. "I hope you have fun. Don't forget to return home safe." Lady Reiss kissed Dane on the forehead and then did the same to Fina's. Nyx waved to Dane but looked awkwardly at Fina as if unsure what to do. "Don't worry." Jarvis had that evil smile on his face. "I'll have lots of fun with Nyx so she won't be lonely."

Io decided to try to ignore him but that didn't help the annoyance rising in poor Io's head. She really disliked Jarvis, there was just something about that slimy smarmy way he kept getting close to Nyx that she couldn't stand. But then again, it wasn't as if she deserved to be friends. She was the one who failed Minnie in the first place anyways. "We'll be back. I'm being paid too, so that will be okay." It was already written out as a contract, but in the end Io didn't really care. It was just that the Agency didn't feel right signing her on as extra security without some sort of consideration to give back. "Um, take care of the kids." Dane mumbled, hands twiddling together. He had already given them all their own individual hug before making his farewell.

In the hovercar, Io was mostly quiet as she looked out the window. "I don't know why you never pressed charges." Io muttered, resting her head on her hand as she watched the scenery blur by. Already they sent the message that they would be there in ten minutes. "It's not her fault." That was Dane's excuse every time Io tried to make him fight back, to break free somehow. "I know she's a good person." The worst part that both Lady Reiss and Io knew was that Dane secretly did want to go back. He believed he could change her, help her become a good mother again. But Io knew that people never change, no matter what you do they'll always be the same. "She beat you." Io murmured quietly to herself. "That's not what good people do." But it wasn't as if she was good either.

To the welcome of the large holographic sign telling them that they had arrived at the Alkaline Airport, Dane took them to parking and they entered the air station. They had agreed to meet up with the others at the VIP Lounge and so there they went, Io in a pretty greyish dress, cute but practical and easy to move in, while Dane dressed in a nice t shirt and dress pants. They were here on business, so they had to look nice. "We're here." Io waved when she saw them. Dane hung behind her, as if afraid of hanging out with so many androids as the sole human. "We got our passports." Humans needed passports, but androids needed travel permits as they weren't technically citizens yet. It was time to go on tour.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Character Portrait: Fina Character Portrait: Lita
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❝I am the one who ruined me; I did it myself.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#F54D70 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #FF7256

|| Dearly Beloved || Utada Hikaru ||

Coordinating everything for the world tour was not an easy feat. They wouldn't be going anywhere dangerous, no active war zones, or places known to hate androids, but there was a lot of pressure for the performance to be perfect. Callisto downloaded several new songs and dance routines and had to practice none stop. The day before their flight, she went to GENOS for an update and maintenance, Jace and Black Jack playing games while Callisto was fine tuned, and then finally, a day of rest to pack. They had little downtime though, considering they had to be at the airport in an hour and Callisto was still standing over her suitcase, mulling over what she needed to bring. Her charger and backup were in there, a maintenance kit, as well as a stuffed rabbit Jace had won her on the board walk. "Cali, you should probably get dressed, we're leaving soon." Jace said, hands on hips.

"I don't know what else to pack," she bit her lip in thought as Jace went to the closet, grabbing a handful of underwear and a change of clothes, throwing it into the bag. "There, you're packed, now get dressed." Black Jack laughed, standing in the doorway. "That's not packing, I'll pack it, you two get ready." Callisto nodded, taking out a pink sweater with a rabbit on it and yellow shorts. She pulled on a pair of thigh highs and her comfiest boots and hat. "There, ready!" Jace too, was dressed casually, knowing that the flight was going to be long. They would be heading to the farthest point first, which would mean several flights and connections. The drive to the airport including, they would be spending well over three days travelling.

At the airport, they were ushered through to the VIP lounge. They would be seated in business class, which had plenty of outlets to charge in. Callisto took a seat by the window, her eyes sparkling, this would be her first time on an airplane. "They're late," Black Jack scowled, already opposed to Fina and Dane joining them. "By thirty seconds," Callisto rolled her eyes and rose to meet her sister. "I'm so glad you could make it!" She threw her arms around Io, wrapping her in a tight hug. Callisto relented after a minute and turned to Dane, clasping his hand between her's. "I'm glad you could join us Dane, it's been a long time." It felt like years since Callisto had last seen him.

"We're going to have a great time together. They gave us a bit of downtime in each city, so we'll be able to see all of the sights!" Of course, they had to get there first. It was another half an hour before they boarded the actual plane, each passenger welcomed with a glass of fruit juice and a hot towel. Callisto took her seat next to the window, the person assigned to sit beside her being Fina, which Jace wasn't happy about, but begrudgingly accepted. She and Dane were in the middle row, with Black Jack on the other side.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Character Portrait: Fina Character Portrait: Lita
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❝You won't take my hand if I invited you to dance.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#B21212 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #1485CC

|| City of the Dead|| Eurielle ||

The first stop for the tour would be Greater London. Because of how things changed and how the population keeps on growing, the London has expanded and annexed much of the cities around it in the county. Now Greater London was one of the biggest cities in the world, a cultural metropolis where everyone is welcome. This was both Io and Fina's first time on a plane. Dane too had never gotten to ride a plane before and he was quite excited as he stared out the window, stared at the AI flight attendants - not true intelligence of course, they were androids without the human component that Dr. Grover was able to invent. Io was seated in the aisle next to Callisto for some reason - was Callisto the one who chose the ticket seating plan? Why wasn't it Jace and Callisto together?

"This is strange." Io admitted tersely. She knew Fina was enjoying it all but Io was on edge. She knew how to fly but being in a plane as it flew up and the unexpected burst of turbulence was odd. Still, the fruit juice wasn't bad. Androids couldn't get drunk, but they sure could simulate the feeling of being drunk if they so wished. Io chose not to - she didn't like losing control. "It's weird not having control." Io glanced to the back seats behind them with worry, but she couldn't see through the gap. It was business class so their chairs were bigger and they had much more room for their legs and things. "Make sure Jace doesn't bully Dane, he's delicate." The irritable android muttered at Callisto. "I'm sure Jace is nice." Dane replied, who only saw Jace once or twice during the first incident where Fina kidnapped Lita.

My, that felt like ages ago.

Io had a question though. Why was it only the androids here? "Aren't the rest of the staff supposed to be going with you?" Io knew a bit of the touring process from what Minnie told her when they were studying for it. "They left yesterday so they could spend more time setting things up at the first location." Black Jack answered, looking up from his book. It was old, something to do about a DaVinci Code. Black Jack sure didn't seem like a literary person. Io definitely didn't like books. "I guess so." Io looked Callisto over to make sure she wasn't getting airsick. then she remembered her sister was an android and that probably wasn't going to be a problem. She sighed, old habits dying hard.

"You better take this security detail seriously, Io." Black Jack said, scorn clear in his voice. The two Stealth Units were not on good terms, ever since the first fight when he kidnapped Minnie from her, Io had never liked him. "Don't make Jace do all the work." Knowing the relation between Jace and Black Jack, Io sneered. "Aren't you a bit creepy, always hovering over Jace? I'm sure she can handle herself." The android glowered at her. "We're friends, that's all." He sounded almost... depressed. No doubt Jace had no idea. Io felt slightly triumphant thanks to Callisto remembering her. "It's so nice to have you remember me this time." She gloated, lording over her bond with Cali to poor Black Jack.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Character Portrait: Fina Character Portrait: Lita
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❝I am the one who ruined me; I did it myself.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#F54D70 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #FF7256

|| Dearly Beloved || Utada Hikaru ||

Callisto accepted the fruit juice and raised it to her lips, the taste tart, but slightly sweet. She placed it down and kicked off her snow boots, the cabin pleasantly toasty. "This is exciting, a real adventure," Callisto leaned back so that Io could watch the takeoff, hoping that her sister was enthralled by it as she was. Sure, it was under rather strange circumstances, but Callisto was glad that she was going to be getting to spend time with Io, outside of their parent's home, where no adults could boss them around and tell them what to do. "Jace is harmless... well, relatively," Callisto giggled. "She won't bother Dane though, she's pretty quiet around people she doesn't know." Actually, Jace and Dane had greeted each other cordially and were now talking exuberantly over their juice.

"Sometimes, it's easier to let go of control." Callisto had found that out the hard way. While being sick, she had, had virtually no control over her life. Even now, she was always told what to wear, when to appear, what her cues and words were, but she didn't mind it, as long as she wasn't being subjected to debilitating medicines and spending days in the hospital, too weak to move. With this body, Callisto was free to live the way she almost wanted to. Away from overburdening friends who stabbed you behind the back, and parents who put too much pressure on their child. "I'm glad we could spend time together like this," Callisto smiled, their television flickering on to provide the safety information.

It seemed that already, Black Jack and Io were not on good terms. "Leave her alone Black Jack, we're on a plane, it's a closed cabin, and I don't think anyone would bother us up here in business class." Callisto stuck her tongue out, wanting Black Jack to know that he was being a nuisance. He was sitting on his own, but didn't seem to mind considering his nose was stuck in a book. He turned back to it, clearly insulted by Io's words. "Don't mind him, he's just salty in general." Of course, Callisto didn't know that Fina and Black Jack had a previous encounter, her memories of her time as Lita were still rather murky.

"I'm glad we remember each other," Callisto took one of Io's hands and squeezed it, her smile never fading. Dinner in business class was fancy, it wasn't the rumored airplane food Callisto had been afraid and for dessert, chocolate chip cookie ice cream sundaes. "I think the best part of this body is you can eat all you want and never get fat!" She declared happily around a mouthful of cookie and ice cream. Almost as soon as dinner was over, the cabin lights were turned off, indicating that it was time for them to rest. Callisto didn't want to sleep though, it had been forever since she had seen a movie and their televisions were loaded. "Hey, want to watch something together?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Character Portrait: Fina Character Portrait: Lita
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❝You won't take my hand if I invited you to dance.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#B21212 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #1485CC

|| City of the Dead|| Eurielle ||

Dane was like her little brother and Io was prepared to beat up Jace if it turned out the rude and mean Combat Unit was bullying - wait, why were they getting along? Why were they happily talking about their juice? It grinded her gears to think of them being friends. Thinking of how much of a failure she was, and how friendly and great Dane was, couldn't that mean Jace was going to steal him away too just like Jarvis stealing Minnie? "See, Jace is nice, she likes my card collection!" Dane had a set of holocards of famous people in his pack. Famous historical figures like Yui the Patient, or Aria the Wild. In particular he was hoping to get a holocard of Mizuki to finish the Light Bearer set. "That's because your card collection is super cool."

Deciding that she won the little spat between her and Black Jack, Io was more than fine to ignore him for now. "You should cheer up. This can be fun." Fina advised in her head and Io sure hoped that her other self was right. They were probably special, the two of them. The fact that they could exist like this was probably a miracle. "Hymnos won't take my memories of you this time." Io would fight against it. Either way, the Admin Unit probably understood now that stealing memories wasn't how to bring about happiness. The cabin lights shut off and Fina reminded her that the flight was likely now half over. "Can I pick?" The last time they watched something together was Callisto's first week in hospitalized care when Io snuck over with a selection of movies and let Callisto pick.

Browsing through their shared screen's catalogue, Io was having trouble deciding. "I remember Minnie saying she liked Magical Trickster Lenalou?" Fina suggested, trying to be helpful. Io shook her head. No, that wouldn't work, Io knew about the twist from happy to misery and Callisto wasn't the type to like tragedy like that. "How about this? Princess of Night." It was the latest Disney movie, about a princess of a Kingdom who had her father killed by her evil sister, the Princess of Day. Day lied to the world and framed the death of the good King on Night, so she had to go into hiding. She learned about the people's suffering, fell in love with the local blacksmith of a town, and once evil sister started preparing the Kingdom for war, Night stepped forth and took back her right to the crown. It was a story about patience and forgiveness, because Night gave Day a chance to make up for her wrongs by giving back to the people.

By the end of it Io had almost nodded off. Not because it was boring, no, but rather because she was so busy watching it that she didn't hear Fina's warnings to plug into the charging port. "Did you like it?" Fina asked, already knowing the answer. Io decided to echo the question to Cali's end. "How was it? My taste isn't so bad, is it?" The flight was almost over now, maybe only half an hour until landing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jace Character Portrait: Fina Character Portrait: Lita
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❝I am the one who ruined me; I did it myself.❞

ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#F54D70 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #FF7256

|| Dearly Beloved || Utada Hikaru ||

"Sure, pick whatever you like out." It would be Callisto's first movie in, well, years. She leaned back in her seat, happy that she and Io got to enjoy this time together. Callisto leaned back in her seat and pulled the blanket up, plugging in the headphones so that she could listen to the movie. It was bittersweet, but it kept Callisto on the edge of her seat as the two princess, Day and Night, confronted one another, and the movie eventually came to a conclusion. "That was..." Callisto blinked, Io wanting to know her thoughts. "It was nice," she said at last. She wasn't lying, Callisto had enjoyed the movie, "it was different, a good change of pace I think." Perhaps even metaphorical for the sister's own rocky relationship.

Callisto wished that things were different, she wished that she and her sister could be together, but just like all siblings, they had to leave the nest and take their own flight. Their circumstances were a bit skewed, but nonetheless, Callisto would cherish every moment and memory they made. Who knew how much longer her real body would last? Frozen of course, it could be years, but what happened after that? Would she continue this life as an android? Would she die in both bodies? Drift somewhere in between? It was a question Callisto never wanted answered. She looked across the aisle, at Black Jack, who was still reading with the overhead light, at Jace, who was now snoozing peacefully, and Dane who was up doing who knows what.

"I think I'm gonna head into sleep mode and charge for a little bit." Callisto plugged herself into an outlet and pushed the button for the flight attendant AI to come and make her bed. Once that was done, Callisto lay down, already feeling artificially tired. "Goodnight Io, night Fina." Callisto winked, pink eyes drifting shut. She went still, no rise and fall of breath, nor flicker of the eyelids as a normal sleeping human would have. All things considering, android bodies, when in sleep mode, looked almost dead. The only thing that could wake a sleeping android was someone interrupting their sleep or a large scale incident on the outside that alerted their senses.

When the lights rose to begin serving breakfast, Callisto stirred, unplugging her neck. She yawned and sat up, her chair moving into the upright position. Callisto wiggled the window open, her eyes widening. They were over the ocean, a glittering blue greeting them. "Wow," the android gasped, admiring the deep blue. Another nice thing about android bodies? There was no such thing as jet lag.