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Allëna Benoch

"May Asuryan guide you to the lighted path."

0 · 518 views · located in Black Marsh

a character in “The Elder Scrolls: Keys to the Past”, originally authored by Arlathina, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Allëna Benoch
Age: 17 New Leaves (Years)
Gender: Female
Race: Altmer (High Elf)
Skills: Destruction Magic, Alteration Magic, Conjuration Magic, and Illusion Magic
Appearance: Allëna is a High Elf maiden, hailing from the Benoch family. To be frank, the Benoch family has a wonderful gene pool, with the exception of one defected gene, which causes most members to be born with snowy grey hair. Allëna heavily resembles many of her ancestors, bearing the piercing yellow eyes, and slanted features of her mother. She is usually found wearing the traditional Thalmor Mage Robes. (Such as the Thalmor Justicior Mages in Skyrim.) In her free time she likes to wear flowing white gowns, perfect for relaxing.
Picture: Image
Personality: Allëna is what most people would call a woman of emotional extremes. If she is sad, she is extremely sad, if she is angry, she is extremely angry. I am sure you can see that this applies to all other of her emotions. She is passionate, caring, and usually has good intentions. As a High Elf, she can sometimes come off as a pretentious person. She is a devout follower of The Aldmeri Dominion, as well as The Thalmor, and will often be offended when they are spoken badly of. Allena also is a very ambitious young woman, she knows what needs to be done, and how to accomplish her goals.
Weapon(s)/Spell(s): Allëna brandishes the deadly staff, Ban'dinoriel. She excells in all forms of the magics listed in her skills, but will usually only use Ice related magic, as she is primarily an Ice Mage. If her magic fails her she has her trusty Elven Dagger. (Ban'dinoriel means Gatekeeper in High Elvish.)
Bio: Allëna was born in the Sumerset Isles at the top of the social pyramid. As a member of the noble house of Benoch she was lavished with gifts as a child, and quite spoiled. Her mother was slain in battle a few years after she was born, leaving herself, her brother, and her father a broken family. As the daughter of a high ranking Thalmor commander, it was only natural that she was recruited into the The Domion's military. She rose quickly through the ranks, performing much more fluidly and avidly on the battlefield than her peers.

After only a few small skirmishes she was contacted personally by General Atalil, requesting that she join a small group of adventurers seeking to unlock the treasures hidden away by the Ayleids. Just as her life seemed to be going smoothly, disaster struck once more. Her brother, who had also recieved a place among the Thalmor, had been killed in battle. Once more she was plunged into a world of grief and despair, but instead of letting it consume her she let the anger she felt over her brother's death fester inside her. She pledged her undying loyalty to the Thalmor, and their aims to rule over all of Tamriel. This is her story.

So begins...

Allëna Benoch's Story


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Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: Allëna Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy
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I ceased my weeping for a moment and raised my head to gaze at Elevainia, who time and time again was proving to be my closest ally on this voyage. I couldn't seem understand her nature. It was strange, unfamiliar, and completely unique from any other I had experienced, with the exception of my Father's, although he now suffered from a disease that had erased all memories of me from his mind, as most other things.

My nerves worked against me for a moment, and all I could muster was a blank stare. When I finally gathered my wits and spoke my voice spilled forward in a jumble of disoriented words, lacking my usual air of conviction. "I... It seems that I have spent too many years among snakes, and false allies. I was taught to condone any ounce of emotion, for the world of politics is a harsh one. Although, yours is a friendship I cannot seem to resist. You gave me acceptance where I could find none with others." My body was bathed in warm emotion, and a joyful grin spread across my face. It was truly nice to know that there was a friend amongst the crowds who criticized me, as well as my faction. Though at the moment, they seemed to be of little significance, petty beings who ceased to exist.

"I am here because my mother, Niara, and my brother, Alyán, were murdered at the hands of the Imperials. The Dominion saw a grieving noble, but the Thalmor saw a woeful warrior, ready to avenge her family. They gave me the tools that I would need to exact my revenge when the time came. I excelled, fueled by my desire to feel the warm blood Cyrodiil upon my body. When they considered me worthy I was inducted into their ranks. After a few battles General Atalil contacted me, requesting that I take on this mission. He explained to me that these keys could reveal our path to victory, and thus cleanse Tamriel of the cancer, that is the Imperials and their allies. I am here to avenge them, as well as all others that have been lost to this war." An austere sigh escaped my mouth, as I meekly smoothed out my crinkled robe.

I noticed that Elevainia had been silently admiring my sheets as she listened to my response. It seemed that she agreed with my high opinion of the grade of the fabric. The alluring appearance of the sheet was enough to make even the most opinionated person like it, but the texture made you fall completely in love with the beautiful cloth. I silently deliberated what my stance on this woman would be.

I will help Elevainia in her quest... She has shown me much kindness. I will aid her in finding who she was, and hopefully remind her of who she is now. I thought to myself with a sense of finality. The expedition to Black Marsh was proving to be much more challenging than I had anticipated. I should also apologize to Do'Khaj tomorrow, I cannot risk the trust of someone I will need in the coming trials. It seemed that the days ahead would bring a whole new array of tests.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: Allëna Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy
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Elevainia smiled and turned to the Thalmor, "Your family would be proud of you."
Elevainia began to ponder how this quest was to really start off. Someone was already sent to kill them, and as she could tell that this was the first time of many. Elevainia had began to feel a friendship with this Elf, and she swore that she would protect Allena until her last breath. She began pondering on the quest itself. What would happen once they reached Black Marsh, who was the fifth person, and what was the clue to what was next?

Elevainia reached behind her and pulled her bow off her back and aimed it at a pillar in front of her. There was no arrow set but she breathed as if there was, and released the string. It was as fast as lightning, and if there were an arrow in it, she would've hit her target. With there being two mages, different on the elemental charts, one Khajiit who was a warrior, she was happy that she was the Archer. As she began to think of all her skills, she realized that she may just be where she needed to be. If they needed something they couldn't buy, she could steal it most of the time without being caught. She could pick locks, pick pocket people, and the most important, heal others. Elevainia began to feel that her skills were much needed amongst everyone. She couldn't kill a man with brute force, but she could hide in the shadows and watch his demise from afar. She smiled at Allena, "What are your skills?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: Allëna Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy
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I observed Elevainia's demonstration of her prowess as an archer with a childish fascination. "Ah, you Bosmer are very talented with the bow. In Alinor, I have heard many adventurers weave wonderful tales of the Bosmer's mastery of ranged weaponry." My statement was accompanied by a brief expression of admiration. "How many of these stories hold truth I am not sure, yet I know any would be a fool to draw upon the ire of the Bosmer, especially with your ability to call upon The Hunt."

When the end of her presentation was signaled by the, Twang of her bowstring she craned her neck until her eyes rested on me. "What are your skills?" She asked with a smile blossoming upon her face. My skills? I inquired to myself. I had never really thought about my skills, and where I fit into our small group of nomads. I knew Nirrarien was a mage, who had commited himself to the element of fire, whereas I preferred to keep things more than a few degrees below zero. I hadn't seen much of Do'Khaj, and our disagreements hadn't helped this matter.

"I suppose as an Icemage, my skills mostly pertain to magicks involving ice." I began to name a few spells that I had honed to a deadly mastery. "Ice Storm, Frostbite, Ice Spike, and Summoning Frost Atronachs to name a few. I did various expeditions to Skyrim's College of Winterhold. It blizzards constantly there, which suits me just fine. I thought of having a manor built in the mountains surrounding Winterhold, and getting away from the stress of a world at war. Although, it is just a distant dream." I said wryly, as I let out a small series of laughs.

It seemed that with my father's ailment he would never survive the blistering cold. Not to mention the fact that our family's once abundant wealth had been greatly diminished with my mother and brother's deaths. Frivolously spending money was not something that I could afford, lest I wanted to end my life a poor wench with only my mentally ill father for company.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: Allëna Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae
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“Yes, which lends more credence to -why- the Psijic Order did not undo the spell,” if they were to debate then Nirrarien would indulge, having already expressed that he does not expect them to agree. He had been trying to avoid so, if only to remove he and the Khajiit from Allena's expectations that they should bicker, but it seems that debate will occur regardless. “Yes, I am aware of the Eye of Magnus incident, and also aware that the Psijic's were alerted to the Eye by its mere revelation. Once its magic was exposed to the world, despite being situated in northern Skyrim, the Psijics of Alinor were able to detect it. Now an illusion spell large enough to conceal two moons, directly over the Psijic's heads... They would have found it, and outed the Thalmor if they could not counter the spell themselves. And I have every reason to believe...” Here the mage glances shiftily about at the deckstaff that go to and fro along the boat's prowl, and leans in closer to Do'Khaj. The volume of his voice drops, and he slips into the less-widely known high-elven tongue, “... that any magic the Thalmor can construct, the Psijics can undo. I can say no more, and you did not hear that from Nirrarien Falirae. I would rather not suffer the Lady Benoch's interrogations.”

“Still,” this is said more clearly, the Altmer retreating to resome the comfortable distance that the two men had been conversing at, “consider this, a little thought experiment. Let us both assume the Thalmor did hide the moons, then reveal them two years later. Technically, it was still the Thalmor that caused the moons to be seen once again above Nirn... So technically, they are still responsible for Masser and Secunda's return, no?” He pauses to give a little chuckle, “yes, there is a definite truth. But it is very unlikely that you and I shall come to agree on what exactly that truth is. Perhaps, in days to come, I will request to see that book. Right now I would sooner prepare for our arrival in Black Marsh. If agents of Argonia are being sent to exterminate us then I cannot envision we will be welcomed to their shores. Consequently finding our contact may prove troublesome.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: Allëna Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy
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"Yes, I am growing restless for the coming days to hasten their approach." I raised myself from the luxurious bed and walked Elevainia the short distance to the door. "Rest well Elevainia, I will see in the morn." I promised as she strode from my room, then I closed the door before she could offer a reply. As I replaced the heavy Thalmor robes with a more comfortable white nightgown my elemental counterpart crossed my mind.

Nirarrien was an oddity indeed, being raised in the remote city of Lillandril. Their location had distanced them from the center of Thalmor influence, Dusk, and as such my order's prevalence was far less enforced in their territory. In my brief dealings with the mage, as well as what I had overheard, he seemed to exude an archaic, and aloof disposition. I hadn't heard much of him in Dusk, save that he had gained his say in the government through gold.

Regardless, I felt that I had neglected any conversation with the noble, due to my altercation with Do'Khaj. Truthfully, I had not been more than a babe at the time of the Void Nights, and felt foolish blindly supporting Nirarrien, yet I would have said anything to disprove Do'Khaj's blasphemous theories. As I pushed the heated thoughts to the back of my head I lifted the heavy silk blankets and climbed into bed.

I need rest more than anything. The events of today should not sow seeds of discord in our hearts, that would be very detrimental to how we function on the battlefield. I thought to myself, but my speculation only continued for a few minutes. Soon I was submerged in a fitful sleep, clutching to the silk threads of my blanket every time an unsavory foe flashed into my mind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: Allëna Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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Soulrest had earned it's name due to the many Argonians that came here to be buried. Which seemed ironic to me, because I could not envision a soul getting the least amount of rest in this swamp metropolis. The awkward walking pattern of the Argonians filled the area with a dissonant pats, and merchants yelling out the extent of their wares only added to the debacle. A group of Argonians sat on a multitude of barrels and crates, glaring at me with beady eyes. Regardless of my faction, I saw that High Elves were very disliked in many regions of The Empire. I hadn't thought we would be very welcome on the shores of Argonia.

Elevainia walked next to me, taking confident strides, and her presence made me feel a bit more at ease. Nirarrien and Do'Khaj's heads bobbed up and down in front of us as we proceeded to exit the vessel. As I walked past the prejudice Argonians, one had the nerve to spit in my direction. He then laughed and said something sly in his native language, assuming I hadn't already mastered his race's primitive tongue.

I felt my face turn a bit red, then I thought of something very clever. I froze the phlegmy glob which rested on the wooden boards, forming it into a smooth sphere. Next, I built up tension in the small crystalline ball, like an archer tensing his bowstring. The Argonian sat with a smug smile spread across his face, but then the small pellet sliced through the air in the Argonian's direction. Upon impact, the Argonian let out a satisfying yelp, and fled in the direction of the crowd with his friends in tow.

When I rejoined our group I heard Do'Khaj ask, "Well, how do you suppose we are to find our contact in a place like this?" Although his question was quickly proved unecessary. From the mob of busy Argonians appeared a Nordic man, wearing magnificent ebony armor. As he approached us I felt a mysterious shroud form over the man.

I could not see his eyes, as they were hidden by medium length, silver-blonde hair, but I think I saw a glimmer of blue. He seemed a bit more slender than most other Nords, but certainly had the height of one. "It seems as though we have found our fifth companion Do'Khaj." I stated quietly, and if it weren't enough that he wore impressive ebony armor, lions heralding his approach on either of his shoulders, he brandished a fine array of weapons. "He will be useful."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: Allëna Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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Kairos Black-Lion

Blue eyes peered through locks of blonde as long legs strode through the crowd of scales. The voices of the loud and haughty Argonians hushed as the Nord made his way towards the docks of Soulrest. The tall stature of the man quickly motivated the Argonians to flee from his path. The sight of a Khajiit in his periphirals caught his eyes as well as a woman of Bosmer decent and two Altmer. The man quickened his pace and approached the small group who were clearly not natives of this land. As he approached the outcasts, he noticed the young Altmer woman's face show signs of discontent. The man smirked inwardly, as he was used to the intimidation he evoked from others around him.

The Nord's feet planted firmly on the ground when reaching his destination. The Altmer woman was the first to break the uncomfortable silence. "It seems as though we have found our fifth companion Do'Khaj. He will be useful." Hmph, companion, his face held the same hard look as always as he thought to himself. To say the least, the man wasn't impressed with what he saw as he was sure these so-called companions would not herald any skills worthy of mention.

The man of few words gazed through his tousled hair as the dim light of the sun behind darkened clouds spilled over the crested lions on his broad shoulders. The man finally gazed up and spoke in his powerful, yet quiet voice. "The name is Kairos Black-Lion." He declined to offer his hand to any. "We must make our way through the city. Come forth." His turned his back to the docks and made his way through the bustling crowd of Argonians not bothering to wait for any to follow.

The setting changes from Tamriel to Black Marsh


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: Allëna Benoch Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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#, as written by Flexar
Do'Khaj was unimpressed by the arrogance of this man, he could tell that Kairos felt that he was superior to the rest of the group due to his facial expression.
"Just because you have expensive armour and weapons doesn't mean you can use them any better than the rest of us can." Do'Khaj hissed, "Not all of us come from rich Nordic families who earn their fortunes by exploiting innocent Elves, Khajiit and Argonians."
Do'Khaj was irritated by the fact that Kairos seemed to be even worse than Allena. He hadn't yet talked to Elevainia, she just seemed to be rather shy, and not objectionable in any way. Do'Khaj continued to follow Kairos through the crowded streets, having little trouble getting through, since nobody dared do anything to him like they had to Allena, due to his giant-like stature. Ahead of the group, Do'Khaj saw two lightly armoured guards, both armed with spears. Do'Khaj was hoping not to have to pass them, but he had no such luck. As soon as they saw Allena's robes, they immediately gripped their spears with both hands and pointed them forward at Allena.
"Your Thalmor aren't welcome here." one hissed in poor Tamrielic, struggling to pronounce some words, but not speaking in Jel lest Allena be unable to understand it.
"No, you misunderstand." Do'Khaj told the guards in Jel, a language of strange hisses and guttural noises, making almost impossible for any ape to speak, "We are mercenaries in the employ of the An-Xileel, and we have been asked to retrieve documents from the Thalmor. Allena has disguised herself as a Thalmor in order to infiltrate their lines to retrieve important documents."
"May I see the aforementioned documents?" the guard asked, now speaking Jel.
"Of course." Do'Khaj nodded, pulled the Thalmor general's diary from his back and handed it to the guard.
The guard proceeded to open the diary and flick through it in confusion.
"What strange language is this?" he asked Do'Khaj.
"Falmer." Do'Khaj answered.
"I'll deliver this." the guard offered, "What is the name of your employer?"
"Alt-Lei." Do'Khaj answered, "Tell him it's from Desert Warrior and he will visit him soon."
"I will." the guard nodded and ran off with the diary.
The other guard lowered his spear, so Do'Khaj continued onwards.

The setting changes from Black Marsh to Tamriel


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: Allëna Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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Nirrarien is a patient man, but their arrival in Black Marsh and the newest addition to their motley assortment, he observes, is quickly pulling the group beyond his control. Unsurprisingly Allena's uncompromising display primes a swift reprimand to the Altmer's sharp tongue, then Kairos has the audacity to make his most insulting of introductions. Allena and Elavainia are given the very sourest of glances, and a short, sharp command, “follow closely.” The mage's tone is dark, and woe betide either elf if they decided to disobey, or talk back.

The mage's steps are hurried to catch up to Do'Khaj and Kairos, so much so that he almost walks into the Khajiit's back when he pauses to address the guards. The Altmer's teeth gnash in fury, though he is composed enough to allow the exchange of words between Do'Khaj and the guards. Then the male spots the exchange of the diary with the guards, and lays a hand firmly on the cat's shoulder. “If I detect but the slightest -whiff- of treachery,” Falirae's eyes burn a warning into those of the Khajiit, and his hand begins to warm in show of his inner rage, “I will roast you like a -chicken-! I empathise that this journey is not one of your choosing, but -I- have been entrusted with its success, and -will- see it through to fruition!”

Nirrarien's hand slips from Do'Khaj's shoulder as he breezes quickly past the armoured Khajiit to catch up to Kairos, who has undoubtedly pressed on without them. “Halt!” barks the firemage, with one hand darting from the depths of his overlong wizard's sleeve to extend a pointed finger at the ground just before where the Nord is about to step. In a flash, and a display of sizzling pavement, a large, intricate, spiralling rune sears itself into the floor – a deadly trap, to explode in a hail of fire were any to step upon it. The surrounding Argonians, distrusting display of powerful magic here in Soulrest, suddenly give the group a much wider berth. “You are in Atatil's employ!” the declaration is sharp, but not particularly loud. The General's name, Nirrarien knows, will be lost to the Argonian's amidst the throng of Jel exclamations, “and he has chosen me as his representative. So it is to me that you will answer, and you will answer this; where do you lead us, and to what end?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: Allëna Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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Kairos stared condescendingly at our group for a few moments, and then introduced himself cynically. Yes, I was angered by his arrogance, yet I held my tongue from doing any further harm. When I was a child, my father would tell me, "Never miss an opportunity to silence one's mouth." As such, his words were proven wise by yesterday's fiasco. I was hoping no one would misinterpret my statement concerning the appearance of our rather high-strung companion as some kind of snide remark.

Although on the other hand, Do'Khaj saw it fit to let a stream of blather flow from his mouth. I was disappointed, to say the least. I had been fussing over who our fifth companion would be, and I had been joyous to find we had acquired a mighty warrior, but upon observing his personality my spirits were dampened. After his initial introduction, he only turned his back to us and disappeared into the crowd, commanding us to follow. Do'Khaj set off after the man, which seemed almost comical to me considering how angry he was.

As we watched the Khajiit fade into the distance Nirarrien turned to Elevainia and I. Rage was an emotion I had never seen him don, but it was not harmonious with his handsome features. For a moment, I feared he might strike me, or Elevainia. Although the only thing he did was utter a stern command, "Follow closely." To which I responded with a silent nod. He set off at a furious pace, tearing through the crowd like an enraged animal.

When we found Do'Khaj two guards approached our group, and raised their spears, pointing them towards me. "You Thalmor aren't welcome here!" Said the larger of the two guards. For a moment, I thought I was to be dragged off and hung for being a member of The Thalmor, a faction that had been intertwined with my family's history for generations. Although Do'Khaj spoke to the guard, slipping into Jel, a language that I could only understand sparsely.

I have no idea what Do'Khaj said to the Argonian guards, yet it seemed to make them much more passive. After being handed a leatherbound tome, one went running into the distance, while the other raised his spear and let us pass. He even smiled in my direction, which completely took me off guard. After we had distanced ourself from the guards Nirarrien let his wrath rain down upon Do'Khaj, who I do not think was prepared for such an onslaught. When we found the Nordic man a few minutes later, he fared even worse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: Allëna Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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Elevainia bid Allena a good night after the door had been closed. She made her way through the halls of the ship, searching for her room. She had passed Do'Khaj's room as he was just getting in. She pondered if she should start a conversation with him, to let him know that she didn't hate him. Before she could decide what to do, Do'Khaj had shut the door. She continued to the end of the hall where she had finally Found her name scribed in the door. Although she could not read, she could recognize her name as well as write it. She opened the door hesitantly, remembering the attempted assassination earlier.

Elevainia was struck with shock as she opened her door. In it lay a magnificent bed with sheets that resembled Allena's, just green and yellow in color. Elevainia sighed as she remembered the deal she struck with Atalil. He didn't want her telling anyone that they were 'close', yet he ravished her room in expensive things. A chest held itself at the foot of the bed, there was a note on it. Elevainia picked it up and looked at it, everything was nonsense to her except seeing her name and at the end seeing Atalil's. She sighed with discontent. Atalil knew she couldn't read, but supposed he either did it so she would learn how, or suppose he kept forgetting. Elevainia put the note into her satchel and opened the chest. There lined a coin purse, night gowns of fine silk, and the Elven dresses she was so fond of wearing.

She looked to the jewels that lined the dresses and admired them, she wondered how she would take them around. She picked her favorite one and stuffed it into her satchel, then her favorite circlet. She had placed her satchel down, and jumped onto my bed. The cool feel of silk made me smile, and I sighed as Atalil lived to spoil me it seemed. I sat up, and something glimmering caught my attention. I looked to the end table to see that there was a silver ring, with a flawless Emerald placed into a box. I was beautiful. Next to the box was as well a note. Elevainia recognized the same words as last time, but nothing else. She sighed and reached for her satchel, placing that in it as well, she decided that she was to learn while she was on this journey. She plopped to the bed, not bothering to change. She just took her weapons off and drifted to sleep, the rain on the deck singing a sweet lullaby to her.

When she awoke she heard yelling, she quickly packed her weapons and grabbed her satchel, placing the ring in it. Elevainia ran to the deck to see that they were docked. Argonians lined the streets, bartering and selling their merchandise. Elevainia took her place next to Allena. She watched quietly as an Argonian spit in Allena's derection. She growled, but smiled something a little evil when Allena taught him a lesson. Elevainia's mind wandered off, looking to the swamp lands of Black Marsh. She had finally noticed that there was a Nord in front of them. He had very impressive armour. As he spoke though, he sounded very arrogant, then just walked off. I followed the group, keeping quiet like usual. We were stopped by Guards, Do'Khaj talked to them in a different tongue, and quickly we were let through, only to see that a fight were to break out.

The setting changes from Tamriel to Black Marsh


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: Allëna Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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"Just because you have expensive armour and weapons doesn't mean you can use them any better than the rest of us can." A hiss came from behind him "Not all of us come from rich Nordic families who earn their fortunes by exploiting innocent Elves, Khajiit and Argonians." Kairos payed no mind to the enraged Khajiit. Perhaps he appeared to be rich to the races who were highly discriminated against, but he had gone through the hardships of working his way to where he was through a painful journey. Yet, Kairos was amused that the Khajiit still inclined to follow him regardless. Though he came off as arrogant, he was more interested in their next destination rather than making simple pleasantries. It was dangerous in the midst of town, but he had no plan of disclosing the information while surrounded by the glaring Argonians.

He pressed onwards towards the edge of town when confronted with two Arognian guards. They carried with them spears and were draped in light armour. Kairos glanced back at the young Altmer clothed with those of the Thalmor, no wonder the guards were so persistent. Kairos knew he could easily take down both guards yet he decided not to draw attention to the small group and stood down when he heard Do'Khaj's voice. He spoke in the tongue of Jel, which Kairos only knew few words. He caught the end of the conversation and watched as the native dashed off to locate find his superior. As it was clearly unsafe for the group to be knownst as agents of Thalmor, he decided he would need to have the young Altmer be protected.

Kairos' sword brushed against his armor while pursuing he destination further when suddenly the voice of the mage shouted behind him. He quickly noticed the ward in front of him and paused in front of it while drawing the massive blade from it's hilt.“You are in Atatil's employ; and he has chosen me as his representative. So it is to me that you will answer, and you will answer this; where do you lead us, and to what end?” As the firemage approached Kairos, he turned his heel and put the blade to his throat. After what seemed like a long moment, Kairos withdrew the blade and sheathed it. Kairos was slightly surprised at the mage's sudden reaction. He had assumed the Khajiit was the leader of the few companions as brash as he was, but was taken off-guard when the Altmer revealed his leadership. Kairos wonder if the two males had fought for dominance previous to their arrival in Black Marsh but it appeared they hadn't. They would struggle for dominance in the group eventually Kairos thought inwardly, he himself didn't want dominance, he had other motives.

Kairos looked towards the sharp tongued mage. "It's dangerous here" he stated firmly. "I will not reveal such information where there are prying eyes. I also have no intention in engaging in battle with you, or your companions here for that matter. I will explain myself when we reach safer ground." He nodded towards the group and turned to continue on, not before noticing the young Bosmer girl from the corner of his eye. She appeared young and slender with flowing hair the was blowing faintly in the wind. Why did she look like someone Kairos knew? He shook it off, but he was surprised he hadn't initially noticed the resemblance. He stepped forward, his boots clanking with every step he took. He rather not speak of the threat the Dark Brotherhood was to the group out in the open of the city.

The setting changes from Black Marsh to Tamriel


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: Allëna Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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As Nirarrien approached the belligerent Nord, the man spun his body like a top, and rested the tip of his blade against the throat of my enraged friend. I had never seen Nirarrien act so dominant, yet I had to admire his initiative. I stood, one hand clutching my staff, anticipating a short, and one-sided battle between the four of us, and this swordsman.

Although before tensions got out of hand Kairos removed his ebony blade from Nirarrien's golden skin, sheathing it. Regardless, he was not off to a good start in our group, having made a horrible impression on me, as well as everyone else I am sure. I loathed the thought of more bickering, yet it seemed that the occurence would be inevitable.

I grabbed Elevainia's hand, and removed it from her bow, which she had grasped in the heat of the previous moments. I needed at least one person to remain calm, and Elevainia was undoubtedly my best chance at retrieving some semblance of peace within our band of warriors. "It's dangerous here." Stated Kairos, maintaining a calm disposition even in this most stressful of situations. "I will not reveal such information where there are prying eyes. I have no intention of engaging in battle with you, or your companions for that matter. I will explain myself once we reach safer ground."

They were wise words indeed. Kairos could have at least introduced himself properly, but he was correct in assuming that it was not safe to talk of our ventures in the open. "Heed his words Nirarrien, we need not delay any longer." I said calmly to Nirarrien as I approached him from behind, laying a firm hand on his shoulder. I let it rest there for a moment, then retreated from the contact, waiting to see if our leader would follow the Nord, who had already pressed on.

I had hoped that our situation would not escalate to something so dire, and I was thankful that Kairos was not a man that was easily angered. If he was, then I feared that he would have layed dead at our feet, his blood on our hands. I had seen many soldiers fall in the few battles that I had witnessed when I served as a Thalmor Justiciar in Hammerfell, and I learned that the responsibility for the death of another being man, mer, or otherwise was not something that was easy to bear.

Hopefully my intervention will help diffuse this situation. If we are to travel together all of these pointless words and impudent actions must be put to an end. I thought to myself, and that was when I noticed the heavy black sleeve of my Thalmor Robes. I knew I was going to have to change my clothing, the Thalmor Robes would no longer suffice. I just hoped that I would be able to find something suitable.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: Allëna Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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Elevainia took notice to the Nord who pressed a blade to Nirarrien's throat. An instinct took over, she grabbed for her bow. She aimed deadly glares at the Nord, but as he pulled his sword back, she relaxed her hand that Allena had grabbed. He explained himself in a calm manner and instantly Elevainia felt bad for seeing his good intentions as arrogance.

As she placed her hand back to her side, she noticed the Nord's remarkable blue eyes looking at her for a long while. As he did to her, she did to him, looking at him. As Kairos Began to lead them again, Elevainia felt an odd connection with this man as if she knew him. She followed obediently, sticking close to Allena's side, but still just pondering why she felt, some sort of connection she couldn't place, for this man.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: Allëna Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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As we traveled along the busy streets of Soulrest, condensing into a tigher form, Nirarrien turned his head towards me. He beckoned for me to come closer, and as the gap between us became smaller he adressed me in the beautiful, and hypnotic Altmer tongue. "You are skilled in Illusion, are you not?" He asked, the gaze of his emerald eyes traveling up and down the length of my body. "Perhaps there is some way you can disguise those robes of yours."

"Perhaps you are right. I can cast a spell of Illusion, but it will take a significant amount of time Nirarrien. I shall carry this task out when we reach our destination. Auri-El protect us if I do not." I replied to him, my voice resembling a twinkling bell. I had never been able to stop this occurence, as my voice was already high-pitched, and when accompanied by the musical sound of my native language, it sounded even higher.

To that end, I stayed silent as I followed Nirarrien, who in turn pursued the Nord. Let us hope that Kairos is much more friendlier when away from prying eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: Allëna Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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Pleased that Nirarrien and the others decided to comply with his brief statement, Kairos continued on with the others following closely behind him. He heard the soft whispers of a strange tongue flow from the Altmer's mouth, though he payed no mind. Obviously, the firemage wanted to keep the information disclosed between the two elves. The sounds from the bustling city quieted as the Nord led the others towards a small dwelling on the outskirts of the city. A small bridge lay before them, closing the gap of a swampy creek running in their path. Kairos began over the bridge, but paused briefly to peer into the murky waters below. The swampy water bubbled beneath the bridge as a school of slaughterfish swam past.

Reaching the entrance of the house, Kairos raised a gloved fist and knocked on the wooden door in a strange pattern. Shuffling was heard from the dwelling as the door creaked open slightly and out appeared an elderly Argonian man. The Argonian looked at Kairos and nodded as silent greeting while opening the door allowing the five warriors inside. "Please, please, come in" the scaly man began in surprisingly good Tamrielic. "Make yourselves at home" the man said while gesturing towards empty chairs by a glowing fireplace. Kairos waitied for the others to take a seat before he made his way over to the kitchen area and began to fill six tankards with ale. Kairos brought each drink carefully over to his companions. "Please, have a drink" he said while placing a the tankards in front of the guests. "Ah, thank you Kairos" smiled the Argonian. The elder peered at his guests through bright yellow eyes "I'm sure you are all wondering who I am and why I had Kairos lead you here. My name is Jeelus-Tei, a former associate of the Thalmor." the old man stated while peering at the young Altmer women clothed in the distinctive robes. "I'm sure you have come to know the Thalmor are highly disliked in this region but I thought I may be of service to you on this journey."

Kairos returned his attention to the others before he spoke. "I must apologize for the simple pleasantries earlier, but outside these walls lies danger I'm certain isn't unbeknownst to you all. As I'm sure you are all aware, the Dark Brotherhood has been tracking the Thalmor's movements in search of the keys. I'm afraid I have come across my own share of those bloody bastards" A gloved hand pushed the locks of silver-blonde from his eyes as he ravaged his satchel and produced multiple letters and placed them on the table before them. "These are only few of the letters I have removed off the bodies of the assassins."

Jeelus-Tei ran his slender fingers through his small beard. "Ah yes, I've had my own troubles with the Dark Brotherhood, which is why I feel as though I can offer some insight on your journey. I have some journals on this key you are seeking that may prove useful. But I think the first order of business is for this young woman over here to change into something that disguises her heritage." The elderly Argonian rose from his chair and made his way over to an old bookcase near the edge of the dimly lit room. He pulled a book from the third shelf and the bookcase itself moved to reveal a small stairway leading downwards. "Please follow me" The man stated.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: Allëna Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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I found myself taken to the elder Argonian, Jeelus-Tei, I believe was his name. He was very polite and courteous, two traits that I had begun to miss during this venture. "You are correct in that assumption, Jeelus-Tei." I said with a broad smile widening over my face. As I descended the steps I was submerged into an abyss of inky darkness.

For a few moments I stood, anticipating the warm breath of some fearsome creature upon my cheek, yet I was proved childish as the room was unveiled by the glow of an orange candle. Layers of the pervasive blackness retreated to the corners of the room as I observed my new surroundings. The large basement itself was not what made my heart flutter, it was the wardrobes that occupied it's space.

Lining every wall, from floor to ceiling, were dozens of grand wardrobes filled to their brims with clothes that even I had not had the money to afford in Alinor. Set off to the side were eight shelves, on which rested fourty unique circlets. There were five to every shelf, and each was neatly arranged on delicate velvet pillows.

"In all my years... I have never seen such extravagance." I said as my eyes widened in awe of the beautiful assortment of clothes. I faltered a bit when I asked, "M-may I?" I turned my head towards the Argonian, my face contorted into a pleading expression.

Jeelus-Tei let out a hearty laugh and opened his arms wide in a gesture of welcome. "Of course you may." He was not required to speak even another word, for as he finished the last syllable of his sentence I darted in the direction of the mahogany wardrobes. Instantly, I was swept away by the beauty of each individual article of clothing, each one growing in allure until I was not sure if I would ever decide upon just one.

The dazzling red robes to my right called out to me, silver embroidery sparkling suggestively, while the amethyst gown to my left pleaded for my attention. Things continued in this manner for almost an hour if I recall correctly. Finally, I returned to the patient Argonian, holding three items affectionately in my hands.

I had chosen an Azure Mage's Robe, adorned with golden brooches that heavily resembled a vibrant field of roses. Next, I could not resist the silver circlet that was inlaid with milky blue moonstones. Lastly, I decided that my shoes should be something less glamorous and more durable. Out of the corner of my eye I had spotted a pair of clunky leather boots, which were not the most beautiful things, but as luck would have it they were almost completely hidden by the folds of my dress.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: Allëna Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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Elevainia remained silent through the venture to the wise, and old Argonian's house. She listened closely to his tale as to how he believed he could be of assistance to them. Kairos seemed close to this elder. Her mind began to trail off in wonder as if Argonian's preferred to be recognized as a man, or a lizard? As she opened her mouth to ask, she quickly closed it in fear of upsetting this kind Argonian, who took them in. Her hand mindlessly trailed to the wolf's tooth that hug on the thin, black velvet, clinging to her neck tightly. She traced every outline possible on it, it wasn't uncommon for her to do this whilst thinking or using it as a barrier in uncomfortable situations.

As her mind started to trail off once more, she began thinking of the night she had awoke after losing her memory. This was the only thing that she had on her, the only link she had to her past life. Her thoughts were interrupted when the Argonian had placed a Tankard full of Ale in front of her. She had never tried Ale, Atalil only served her with the finest wine. As she did not want to reject Jeelus-Teis kindness, she sipped it. She took a glance at the liquid in curiosity. A smile spread across her face as she whispered out loud, meaning for it to be kept in her mind, "This stuff is quite delicious!" She took a gulp and enjoyed it run down her throat.

Elevainia noticed everyone sitting normal in their seats, while her slender body allowed her to sit in her seat, with her legs curled up to her body, it was also common for her to do this. She wrapped her arms around her legs, and placed her head against them as well. She began to rock out of boredom as she listened to the conversation. Her head perked up as she heard the Argonian talking to Allena about her attire. A false bookcase cleared a path to a small stairway, and Allena and the Argonian made their way down them. Out of curiosity, she followed silently. As she reached the end of the stairs, she sat amazed at the sight before her. Beautiful attire lined in wardrobes, and circlets lined shelves on velvet pillows. The Agonian allowed Allena to pick something out. She wanted to ask if she may partake as well, but quickly made her way upstairs since there was nothing defining about her attire. She looked to the Three men upstairs who looked to be in conversation, and without a word, left outside quietly.

Elevainia wasn't one to anger over something small, but seeing Allena get all the attention because of her Thalmor robes, upset her. A spoiled side of her, one that Atalil created in her, emerged. She sat at the back of the house in a large field of grass. The grass was relatively tall and for the most part, covered Elevainia's small body. She looked to the swampy earth, and spotted a deer. Instinct took over and she silently grabbed her Bow and an arrow. Since she had awoke, Atalil enjoyed watching her Archery as she practiced on training dolls, but this was the first time she had taken her skills to an actual animal. As she drew the string back, the arrow in perfect place, she inhaled quietly and deeply. She marked where the deer's heart was, and trained the point to that spot. She waited patiently for the perfect chance to strike. When the deer had stopped to graze on the grass, Elevainia found her opportunity. She exhaled sharply, Releasing the string, sending the arrow hurdling towards it. The deer's head shot up as it had heard the whistle of its demise, but before it could run away, the arrow had pierced it's heart. Elevainia ran silently to it, and once she was there, placed her bow back and instinctively recited something in a different tongue she couldn't recognize. She understood it, but could not think of which language it was. Elevainia heard footsteps behind her, she quickly looked to see who approached her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: Allëna Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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As I emerged from the small room set aside for dressing, a thought occured to me. Elevainia is always running around in those rags... I am sure she would like to have something of this value also. As I approached the stairs to ascend to the main room once more, I halted and adressed the Argonian in a warm tone, "My companion, Elevainia, would undoubtedly be thrilled to have this experience. If you would be so kind as to supply her as you have me."

Jeelus-Tei stroked his small grey beard for a moment, contemplating as to whether this was necessary I assume, then said, "All in your group are welcome to my wares. The men may be disappointed though. The majority of these clothes are made for females." Upon recieving his confirmation, a grin appeared on my face.

I hastened up the flight of stairs, emerging into the main room to find Kairos and Nirarrien conversing kindly. My heart was warmed a bit at this sight, and hopefully it would be warmed even more in the following days. I proceeded to exit the house in search of Elevainia, although the wandering was a short one.

As I stepped onto the soft grass of the yard in front of this small estate, I was greeted by the sight of Do'Khaj and Elevainia speaking with eachother. Hoisted over Do'Khaj's shoulder was a small doe, an arrow protruding from her chest. I was a bit saddened by the death of the deer, but I did not focus on the emotion for long.

"Elevainia! Come here, I have a suprise for you!" I said with glee flowing through my words.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Do'Khaj Character Portrait: Allëna Benoch Character Portrait: Nirrarien Falirae Character Portrait: Elevainia TaiMy Character Portrait: Kairos Black-Lion
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As Elevainia neared me I grabbed her hand and led her back down to the basement, where hundreds of beautiful articles of clothing awaited her arrival. Upon descending the stairs into the dimly lit room, Jeelus-Tei let out another laugh, observing the expression of joy stamped on Elevainia's face.

Her happiness also tickled my heart, and in response I let out a small giggle. I observed as the hundreds of clothes sent Elevainia spiraling into some sort of animalistic frenzy. As I stood and waited for Elevainia to decide upon her favorite garb I politely conversed with Jeelus-Tei, maintaining a comfortable distance, for even as warm as the man seemed, I did not know him entirely.

I recounted the events that had befallen us ever since our departure from Alinor, evoking a series of pitying expressions from the elder. Although, by the time we had began to talk of my time in Argonia my mood was greatly improved.

Although, my happiness had only one flaw, a profound flaw, and the longer I considered it, the more discontented I grew, until I realized I was no longer satisfied; I deeply wished that I could share the day with my father once more. It was an emotion that had took me completely by suprise, yet it hung over me like a black shroud.

I tried my best to veil my feelings, but the Argonian was very perceptive. "Ah... You have family you miss in Alinor, do you not?" He asked me very delicately.

"My father. I was never given the opportunity to say my goodbyes." I answered him in a meek voice, my glassy eyes staring downwards. The Argonian put a comforting hand on my shoulder, and must have decided it best to stay silent. Instead, he directed his gaze to Elevainia, who had finished and was ready to showcase her choices.